System methodology of modern pedagogical research. Actual directions of pedagogical research Theoretical foundations and problems of modern psychological and pedagogical research

  • 2.2. The object of science.
  • 2.3. The subject of science.
  • 4) Not a single pedagogical research is possible without taking into account the psychological characteristics of students (pupils) of a certain age category.
  • 2.4. The categorical apparatus of science.
  • 2.5. Research methods.
  • 2.5. Regularities as a subject of scientific research.
  • 2.6. Appointment of psychological and pedagogical sciences
  • 3. Correlation between theory and practice of education
  • 3.1 The influence of science on the practice of education.
  • 3.2. Knowledge as a way of linking science and practice.
  • 3.3. Gap between theory and practice of education.
  • Topic 2. Psychological and pedagogical research
  • 1. General characteristics of psychological and pedagogical research
  • 1.1. Modern strategy for the renewal and development of education
  • 1.2. The concept of psychological and pedagogical research
  • 1.3. The Nature and Functions of Educational Innovation
  • 1.4. Theoretical Foundations and Problems of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Research
  • 3. Best practices of the past and present, including innovative ones.
  • 5. Creative potential of a professional teacher.
  • 2. Scientific research in education
  • 2.1. Levels of scientific research in education.
  • 2.2 Principles of scientific research.
  • 2.3. The main characteristics of scientific research.
  • 2.4. Subjectivity in scientific activity.
  • 2.5. Types of scientific research in education
  • 2.6. Choice of scientific specialty.
  • 3. Organization of experimental and research work in educational institutions
  • 3.1. Experience and experiment in research work.
  • 3.2. Experimental work of an educational institution.
  • 3.3. Research in educational institutions.
  • 3.3. The specifics of studying various aspects of education
  • 1. Didactic research.
  • 2. Research in education.
  • 3.4. Research in the system of continuous education.
  • Topic 3. The concept of the methodology of pedagogical science
  • 1. The concept of "educational methodology"
  • 2. Philosophical level of education methodology
  • 3. General scientific level of education methodology
  • 4. Specific scientific level of education methodology.
  • Topic 4. Methodological apparatus of scientific research and the logic of its construction
  • 1. Relevance of the topic
  • 2. Controversy
  • 3. Problem
  • 4. Object
  • 5. Subject
  • 6. Purpose
  • 7. Hypothesis
  • 8. Tasks
  • 9. Research methods
  • 10. Criteria for the quality of pedagogical research
  • 11. System of scientific concepts and educational concept
  • Topic 5. Methodological, ethical and legal culture of the researcher
  • 1. Methodological culture of the researcher
  • 2. Ethical standards in research activities.
  • 3. Legal restrictions in research activities.
  • 4. Stereotypes in research activities.
  • Topic 6. Organization of the study.
  • 1. Research process
  • 1.1. Research principles and rules
  • 1.2. Content aspects of the study.
  • 2. The logic of psychological and pedagogical research
  • 3. Modeling in psychological and pedagogical research
  • 4.3.1. The concept of modeling.
  • 3.2. The role of modeling in research.
  • 3.3. The system of models in psychological and pedagogical research.
  • 1) Identify external conditions that significantly affect the process of the formation of the phenomenon,
  • 2) Select pedagogically controlled conditions from among them.
  • 4. Pedagogical design as a research method in education
  • 4.1. The role of design in psychological and pedagogical research.
  • 4.2. Design logic.
  • 5. Criteria for the success of the research search and monitoring of the research process and results
  • Topic 7. Methods of social - pedagogical research.
  • 1. The concept of a method.
  • 2. Humanitarian relationship between the subject and method of research.
  • 3. Classification of research methods.
  • 4. Theoretical research methods
  • 1) Interpretation as a method of psychological and pedagogical research.
  • 3) Analysis and synthesis.
  • 5) Other methods of theoretical research.
  • Topic 8. Empirical research methods
  • 1. Requirements for empirical methods.
  • 2. Observation.
  • 3. Survey methods.
  • 3.1 Diagnostic conversation.
  • 3.2. Interview in the diagnostic system.
  • 3.3. Questioning.
  • 4. Content analysis.
  • 5. Sociometric research methods.
  • 6. Rating.
  • 7. Tests in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics
  • 1. General Provisions
  • 2) Types of tests in psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.
  • 3) Test development
  • 8. Control work in diagnostics.
  • 9. Psychological and pedagogical examination
  • 10. Learning and using best practices
  • 1.4. Theoretical Foundations and Problems of Modern Psychological and Pedagogical Research

    The originality, specifics of solving pedagogical problems, depending on the stage, form, regional characteristics of education, cannot be fully identified and used without knowledge and consideration of the general. Therefore, we will try to start by clarifying the provisions that make up the core of modern psychological and pedagogical concepts.

    Among the provisions that undoubtedly have a general pedagogical meaning, and therefore form the core of the conceptual platform of any educational programs, apparently, are the followingthe most important provisions and the corresponding laws and principles .

      Social conditionality and continuous updating of the goals, content and methods of upbringing and education in accordance with the requirements of society. This involves preparing the individual for entry into modern society, taking into account and implementing the changing, both officially formalized in policy documents, and unofficial, closer to the true needs of a person and human communities, the social order, creating conditions for a decent development and existence of each person.

      The integrity of the educational process that forms the personality of a person both in an officially structured and in an informal, specially unorganized, open environment. In this environment, the influence of the family and the immediate social environment is the most significant, so there is a need to identify and use its pedagogical potential.

      Unity, prospects and continuity of goals, content and methods of upbringing and education, providing a single educational space and the integrity of the educational system.

    A major role in achieving the unity of education in accordance with the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation is called upon to play uniform standards of education and educational qualifications established and controlled by the state.

    4. Pedagogical multidimensionality, reflection of all the most important aspects of the pedagogical process: any one-dimensional assessments in pedagogical theory and practice are unacceptable and flawed. One-sided orientations toward the collective, toward social values, toward "tomorrow's" rather than today's joy have brought us a lot of harm. However, oblivion, ignoring collective ties, public interests, as well as the prospects for the development of society, the team and the individual, are detrimental to the pedagogical process. To a large extent, pedagogy is the science of achieving a measure, of ways to harmonize opposing forces and tendencies of the pedagogical process: centralization and decentralization, personal and social, management and self-government, performance and initiative, algorithmic actions and creativity, normativity and freedom, stability and dynamism of the individual.

    5. The unity of socialization and individualization, the obligatory consideration of the individual orientation of education and its social essence as undoubted priorities of a democratic society and its educational subsystem. The degree of satisfaction of needs, the realization of a person's capabilities, his right to self-realization, originality, autonomy, free development is the main criterion for success in education and upbringing.

      Variability and freedom of choice of ways, methods and forms of implementation of strategic educational ideas for both the teacher and pupils. Of course, both variability and freedom of choice are actually limited to one degree or another by social norms, the compulsory volume of education, the minimum acceptable standards of its quality, and the real possibilities of society.

      Activity approach : it consists in recognizing that the development of the individual occurs in the process of its interaction with the social environment, as well as training and education as ways of appropriating socially developed ways of performing an action and reproducing them, i.e., in the creative activity of the students themselves. The implementation of the developmental functions of training and education is due to the nature of the cognitive and practical tasks solved in this process, as well as the peculiarities of the pedagogical management of this process (including the method of presenting information and its structuring - the sequence of presenting blocks and models of actions that are holistic in meaning, reflective comprehension and evaluation performance). At the same time, it is important that the activities of students be carried out in the form of cooperation both with the teacher and with peers, contribute to the realization of the possibilities of each, be in the "zone of proximal development" of the student (L. S. Vygotsky), in which the student has the basis for further advancement and development, responsive to pedagogical assistance and support.

      The Formative Role of Relations in the Moral and Emotional Development of a Personality . Emotional coloring, richness, novelty of diverse relationships to the subject of activity, moral values, other people (including parents, teachers, friends, classmates, neighbors, colleagues), oneself (self-awareness, self-esteem, character and level of claims) - all these attributes of relationships are appropriated by a person and become the personal qualities of an emerging person. In this regard, the social microenvironment (microgroup, collective) serves as a means, a factor in the creation and functioning of personality-forming relationships.

      The complexity and integrity of the functioning of educational structures are due to the versatility of pedagogical tasks, the internal interconnection of personality spheres and the limited time for training and education.. Hence the need arises to solve in the process of one activity a whole "fan" of educational and educational tasks (Yu. K. Babansky), to integrate for these purposes the educational opportunities of the family, school and microsociety (for example, community and municipal self-government bodies, youth and children's associations, clubs , sections, institutions of culture, sports, law enforcement, etc.).

    10. Unity of optimization and creative approaches to the content and organization of the pedagogical process . Optimization approach provides for the development and use of algorithms to select the most economical and efficient methods of activity, creativity - going beyond algorithms, rules, instructions, constant search using hypotheses, non-standard ideas and designs, mental anticipation of the desired result. Creative ideas and plans, being implemented, worked out, reach the stage of algorithmic technology, which makes it possible to widely use them.

    On the basis of these approaches, the above provisions, it is necessary in each specific case to develop appropriate recommendations and requirements for the organization of the educational process.

    Let us now designate an approximate problem of possible psychological and pedagogical research related to the educational process. Although we are still talking about the problem and the topic of research, let us pay attention to the fact that any problem is based on some kind of contradiction, disagreement that requires finding a solution, most often harmonious, and the problem itself must be relevant and true (i.e., really not yet resolved).

    To the number methodological and theoretical research problems may include the following:

    the correlation of philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical patterns and approaches in determining the theoretical foundations (concepts) and solving the leading problems of pedagogical activity, choosing directions and principles for the development of educational institutions;

    methods of selection and integration in the psychological and pedagogical study of approaches and methods of specific sciences (sociology, ethics, valueology, etc.);

    the specificity of psychological and pedagogical systems: educational, educational, correctional, preventive, medical and recreational, etc.;

    the ratio of global, all-Russian, regional, local (local) interests and conditions in the design of psychological and pedagogical systems and the design of their development;

    the doctrine of harmony and measure in the pedagogical process and practical ways to achieve them;

    the correlation and interconnection of the processes of socialization and individualization, innovation and traditions in education;

    criteria for the success of educational work, the development of the personality of pupils in certain types of educational institutions;

    methodology and technology of pedagogical design (at the level of the subject, educational institution, pedagogical system of the city, district, region, etc.);

    ways of correct construction and effective implementation of all stages of research search.

    Among applied (practical) problems the following can be named:

    developing possibilities of modern methodological systems;

    humanitarian education and spiritual world of the teacher;

    ways and conditions for the integration of humanitarian and natural science education in secondary school;

    health-saving technologies in the educational process;

    developing possibilities of new information technologies;

    comparative effectiveness of modern education systems for different categories of students;

    traditions of education and upbringing in Russia and other states and their use in modern conditions;

    formation of the educational system of the school (or other educational institution):

    school in the system of social education and training;

    pedagogical possibilities of the "open" school;

    family in the system of social education;

    teenage (youth) club as a base for the development of extracurricular interests and abilities;

    traditions of folk pedagogy in education;

    the role of informal structures in the socialization of youth, ways of interaction between teachers and informal structures.

    Of course, the above list is far from complete, it assumes the existence of other serious and urgent problems, and in particular those related to the management of education, the improvement of its infrastructure and its individual components, the problems of vocational education, the problems associated with the implementation of the idea of ​​lifelong education, etc. d.


    In modern science, great attention is paid to research in the field of pedagogy and psychology on the problems of personality development in terms of education and society. The methodology of psychological and pedagogical research should be well mastered by undergraduates of the relevant specialties of the university, as well as students involved in the search for effective solutions to the problems under study.

    In KSU them. Sh. Ualikhanov students and undergraduates are actively engaged in research work. Young researchers led by d.p.s., prof. Stukalenko N.M. and other experienced teachers of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work cover a wide range of research, based on the criteria of relevance, theoretical and practical significance. This work is carried out with the support of undergraduates of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" (Koptelova S.S., Lavrika R.A., Burdyga I.V., Gruzdeva K.V., etc.), as well as the head of the department, Ph.D. D., Associate Professor Murzina S.A. and practical psychologist of the department, master Zhantemirova M.B.

    So, a 4th year student of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" Tulegenova A., working on the topic "Correction of anxiety in younger schoolchildren by means of art therapy", explores art therapy as a method of psychotherapy with fine art, aimed at influencing the psycho-emotional state of the individual. Visual activity is an internal human need, because. the most important thoughts and experiences of a person are manifested in the form of images, and a child's drawing can serve as a kind of analogue of speech. Younger schoolchildren often experience anxiety, a state of increased anxiety, experience fear and anxiety in situations related to the crisis of 7 years and the adoption of new social roles during the transition to school. In this case, a psychologist using art therapy can provide the necessary professional assistance.

    A 4th year student of the specialty "Psychology" Mamyrbayeva M., conducting a study "The influence of music on the emotional state of the individual", revealed that not always the musical impact has a positive effect on our emotions. Aggressive music can negatively affect the human psyche, especially for children. Classical music has a special beneficial effect on the emotional state of a person. A block of works, when listening to which the psyche comes to a calm state, has been studied: Vivaldi, Mozart, Albinoni, Slavonic chants, Vangelis, Khan Michel Jarre, Space recordings, Paul Mauriat's orchestra, variety arrangements of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, For Elise and etc. These works are recommended for listening to pregnant women, which subsequently has a very positive effect on the child. Of particular note is the violin, which calms the psyche, helps to enter the path of self-knowledge.

    Bigarina D. on the topic “Studying the syndrome of emotional burnout among employees of legal organizations, taking into account gender roles” revealed that today, with great competition in the labor market, the requirements for professionalism, especially personal qualities and emotional state, are increasing. Important qualities of a professional are emotional stability and the ability to get along with people. The study of gender views on "emotional burnout" is associated with the emergence in our environment of a new social group of "business women". Gender research is a new direction not only in domestic psychology, but also abroad. Differences in social status between a woman and a man are not caused by their biological sex, but by a complex social idea of ​​female and male roles, rules of behavior and emotional state. The study showed that there are features of emotional burnout of men and women in legal organizations associated with individual personality characteristics.

    Ushakova T. (4th year student of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" under the guidance of the senior teacher of the department, master Voronova R.M.), conducting a study "Correction of aggressiveness in younger students by the method of psychological training", revealed that aggressiveness in most cases is the main source difficulties in relationships between people, and in the children's team this causes even more difficulties. This is due to the crisis of family education, the propaganda of the cult of violence in the media. An aggressive state undermines the mental health of children, leading them to arousal that is difficult to control. In addition, aggressiveness, becoming a stable personality trait, negatively affects the development of the child's personality and his socialization in subsequent age periods. The study showed that timely diagnosis and correction through the method of psychological training help to reduce the level of aggressiveness in children of primary school age, because. psychological training is a method of developing a person's ability to learn, master new skills, increase resistance to stressful situations.

    Bibliographic link

    Stukalenko N.M., Koptelova S.S., Tulegenova A., Ushakova T., Bigarina D., Mamyrbayeva M. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCH AND THE WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION IN THE CONDITIONS OF SRW // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - No. 12-4. – P. 532-533;
    URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

    Skorik Oksana Vladimirovna
    Job title: teacher
    Educational institution: GBPOU KK NKRP
    Locality: city ​​of Novorossiysk
    Material name: Article
    Topic:"Actual directions of modern scientific and pedagogical research of the teacher of secondary vocational education"
    Publication date: 10.01.2018
    Chapter: secondary vocational







    "Actual directions of modern scientific and pedagogical

    SPO teacher research"

    Done by: Lecturer




    last thing








    psychological and pedagogical,

















    personality, the conditions for its healthy mental and physical development. At

    In this case, pedagogical research always retains its specificity:




    education, organization and management of the process, in which it is necessary



    are functioning


    pedagogical relations, pedagogical tasks are solved.

    Pedagogical practice is an effective criterion of truth

    scientific knowledge, provisions that are developed by theory and partially






    fundamental problems of education.




    solutions, but global problems, tasks that arise in the educational






    Main part

    Types of scientific and pedagogical research.

    Scientific research is classified on various grounds.

    So, for example, in the Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and



    stand out




    Basic Research -

    research carried out at

    help of a special scientific theoretical apparatus. This is a kind of scientific

    work, which consists in identifying patterns by abstract





    methodological problems of pedagogy.

    Applied scientific research is defined as research,




    achieving practical goals and solving specific problems.






    express research.





    organization of knowledge. The theoretical level of scientific knowledge presupposes





    theoretical laws created for the purpose of an idealized description and






    phenomena. Their goal is to expand the knowledge of society and help in a more profound way.




    further development of new theoretical studies that can

    be long-term, budgetary, etc. Elements of empirical knowledge

    are facts obtained by observation and experiment, and

    ascertaining the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects and







    having a probabilistic character.




    directions of development of psychological research in the field of education





    the following



    psychological and pedagogical


    notes that in pedagogy and psychology there are still insufficient

    in theory

    worked out




    vital activity


    characteristics, forms of change, mechanisms and driving forces of development

    person. Therefore, despite the scope of ongoing research

    there is an urgent need to organize scientific research on a number of new,

    priority areas. We can briefly outline some of them.

    The first direction is connected with the fact that the change of human development and

    society, the role of technology, technology, science as a productive force,

    came as a leader

    man's problem,

    and as creatures













    tasks of accumulation and mobilization of all knowledge about a person in a special

    studying, understanding the features of its functioning today.







    about features




    For example,










    childhood. It is important that scientists: psychologists and teachers are didactic, methodologists

    are required not to accompany, as is customary to write in some departmental




    grounds that serve as a necessary basis for its implementation.

    The third direction is to organize an intensive search for new

    criteria for the "growing up" of growing people, determining the degree, nature of their


    is isolated




    forming such maturation:







    Determining the nature and characteristics of the impact of the social environment

    and systems of educational influences as conditions for personal development;

    personality and as a subject of action;





    individualization and socialization in the modern world.

    The fourth direction is to identify the optimal

    terms of training, establishing what and how to teach children, we clearly defined,

    what should be the essence, the structure of the educational activities of junior

    schoolchildren, how does it differ in adolescents, and than in high school students,

    students in SPO.

    At the same time, it is necessary

    discover new ways

    assimilation, appropriation of knowledge, and establish what a young person should be



    skills, but also what personal qualities he should possess.



















    rethinking both the pedagogical and psychological foundations of education.

    Here the tasks come to the fore:



    information flow, including those not controlled by the education system

    the impact of the media, the video market, the Internet;

    psychological and pedagogical


















    selective attitude to information, the ability to rank it in the process

    self-acquisition of knowledge.













    psychological and pedagogical


    self-development, self-realization of a growing person.

    The seventh direction is to, based on research







    emotional and volitional stability of young people, on the one hand, and on the other





    communities, which, as you understand, is extremely important and

    delicate task.

    The eighth direction is connected with the actualization of the development of psychological






    multilevel forms of unfolding relations of interaction between adults and







    have matured significantly, on the one hand, on the other, in a number of parameters





    grow up




    behavior. The study of this problem is necessary to establish




    there is a growing danger of destruction of the entire system of cultural and cultural

    historical heritage.






    comes to light





    psychological and pedagogical characteristics of changing relationships






    The tenth direction is related to the need for a broader

    determine the theoretical foundations and structure the provision of psychological

    pedagogical assistance to people - growing and adults in connection with growth




    particularly actualizes the development of psychotherapy and the creation of a system

    effective psychological and socio-pedagogical rehabilitation.






    psychological and didactic

    building textbooks and educational books of a new generation, their relationship, with

    the latest information technologies, including the Internet.

    Of course






    multidimensional space of new tasks, new topics that require deep

    te o r e t i c h

    about the meaning

    sig nificant

    a s s w i r e n y

    experimental work.

    The well-known methodologist of pedagogy V.V. Kraevsky,

    summarizing the achievements

    about the methods of scientific and pedagogical research of a teacher indicates that

    it is a system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory, and

    also a system of activities to obtain such knowledge and substantiate



    special scientific

    pedagogical research.





    the predominance of logical methods of cognition. At this level, received







    objects are mentally analyzed, generalized, their essence is comprehended,

    internal communications, laws of development. At this level, knowledge through













    theoretical research problems in pedagogical research

    may include the following:





    pedagogical patterns and approaches in determining theoretical



    activities, the choice of directions and principles for the development of educational



    psychological and pedagogical

    study of approaches and methods of specific sciences (sociology, ethics

    The ratio of global, all-Russian, regional, local





    pedagogical systems and designing their development;

    The doctrine of harmony and measure in the pedagogical process and practical

    ways to achieve them;





    individualization, innovation and traditions in education;









    city, district, region, etc.);




    implementation of all stages of exploratory search.

    Among the applied (practical) problems are the following:

    Developing capabilities of modern methodological systems;

    Ways and conditions for the integration of the humanities and natural sciences

    education in SPO;

    Health-saving technologies in the educational process;

    Developing possibilities of new information technologies;

    Traditions of education and upbringing in Russia and other states and their

    use in modern conditions;

    youth club,

    as a basis for the development of extracurricular interests and


    the role of informal structures in the socialization of youth, ways

    interaction of teachers with informal structures.

    activity approach,

    in the education and upbringing of the student,










    L.S. Vygotsky,


    L.S. Rubinshtein,

    is that activity is the main means

    human development. According to N.A. Menchinskaya (“Problems of teaching and

    mental development of a schoolchild"), "personality is both a prerequisite and

    the result of activity, similarly, activity can be considered

    as the basis of personality, and as its result.

    In the variety of activities in which a person is involved, and


    the most important


    activity, independence, interest in the world, creativity.


    1. Zagvyazinsky V.I., Atakhov R.A. Methodology and methodology of psychological

    pedagogical research. – M.: Academy, 2001.

    2. Korzhuev A.V., Popkov V.A. Scientific research in pedagogy:

    Theory, methodology, practice: Textbook. - M .: Triksta Publishing House, 2008.





    SPbGUP, 2001, 304.





    psychological research in the field of education and self-education

    modern man / D. I. Feldstein // Questions of psychology. - 2003. -

    5. Bezrukova



    Yekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Teacher, 2001.

    Appointment of a person, his potential
    What can a person do? How to intensify it
    activities to transform the natural world
    (in its new understanding and agreement with it) and according to
    transformation of social relations
    strengthen its humanistic orientation,
    human responsibility? And how to identify
    expand opportunities for self-development
    human? Despite the diversity and
    multidimensionality of this set of issues
    the pivotal problem is the definition
    place of a person, his position in the system
    social ties, revealing, speaking in words
    Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev, "for the sake of which and
    how a man uses what is born to him and
    acquired by him."

    Study of the features of modern
    child, psychological, social and psychological changes.
    Differentiated Consideration
    certain periods of childhood. comprehension,
    comparison of the structure, content of different
    stages of child development, building them
    comparative characteristics. "Child"
    described by Ushinsky and other great
    teachers. Child of the 60s and 70s
    twentieth century in the same detail
    characterized. At the same time, the child became
    worse or better than your peer
    thirty years ago, he just became
    others! Patterns of Childhood Development,
    direction, dynamics, intensity
    changes leading to new
    characteristics. Periodization adjustment
    modern childhood as a scientific basis
    development, modernization of the system

    Intensive search for new criteria
    "growing up" growing people, definitions
    degree, nature of their action.
    The need to study several
    forming such maturation:
    disclosure of the prerequisites for the formation of man
    as individuals;
    definition of character and features
    the impact of the social environment and system
    educational influences as conditions
    personal development;
    analysis of content and patterns
    the process of human development as a person and
    as the subject of action;
    identification of conditions, specifics and mechanisms
    individualization and
    socialization in the modern world.

    Revealing Organic Prerequisites
    the formation of a person as a person;
    Definition of character and features
    the impact of the social environment and
    systems of educational influences
    as a condition of personal development;
    Analysis of content and patterns
    process of human development
    personality and as a subject of action;
    4. Identification of conditions, specifics and
    implementation mechanisms
    individualization and socialization
    the modern world.

    optimal timing
    New ways of assimilation, appropriation
    knowledge. What should be young
    a person on the way to adulthood. On the
    the basis of what and what exactly is needed today
    form, develop in a 6, 7, 12, 15 year old child, so that in a number of years he
    became a subject of the human community?
    Identification of educational opportunities in
    growing people personality traits,
    cumulative (accumulating,
    combining) in unity the best features
    a particular ethnic group, the Russian people and
    universal human values.





    14. Fifth direction

    direction. Problem
    rapid shifts in
    development of society
    due to "information
    explosion", the growth of communications,
    which led to dramatic
    changes in the living space
    which is formed
    modern child, and
    radical rethinking and
    pedagogical and psychological
    foundations of education.

    15. Fifth direction

    radical rethinking and
    pedagogical, and psychological foundations
    identifying and taking into account the impact on growing
    people of a powerful information flow,
    including those not controlled by the system
    education media exposure
    information, video market, Internet;
    search for psychological and pedagogical foundations
    the process of teaching children, adolescents,
    youth in modern conditions,
    requiring disclosure of ways, opportunities
    not only stimulate interest in
    cognition, the formation of cognitive
    needs, but also production
    selective attitude to information,
    the ability to rank it in the process
    self-acquisition of knowledge.


    impacts of new youth
    subcultures, new social
    child's ties at disclosure
    channeling their influence and
    actualization of the development of spiritual
    began, including the psychological and pedagogical
    growing person.





    21. Seventh direction

    for research
    progress in development
    personality, determine
    amplification possibilities
    stability of young
    people, recovery
    moral criteria
    within the children's community.


    Eight direction. Development
    psychological and pedagogical foundations and
    principles for building multifaceted
    and multi-level deployment forms
    relationship between adults and
    The problem is exacerbated by alienation
    between adults and children, deepening
    social infantilism of children.
    Study of this problem
    needed to establish a path
    strengthening the continuity of generations.
    The problem of fathers and children. objective,
    actual position
    relations of the World of Adults to Childhood as to
    the subject of the interaction.



    situation of sharp
    exacerbation of the situation in all
    the world. Versatility and
    extreme complexity and
    little knowledge of psychological and pedagogical characteristics
    ethnic relations,
    issues of prevention of ethno- and
    xenophobia, education


    26. Tenth Direction

    The need for a wider
    plan to define theoretical
    grounds and structure
    providing psychological and pedagogical
    helping people - growing and
    adults due to the growth of neuropsychic, including
    disorders, which is especially
    updates development issues
    psychotherapy and the creation of a system
    effective psychological and

    Due to the complexity, versatility of the pedagogical process in education, very different ones are needed - both in their subject matter and in the subject direction of research. Psychological research is very important. In psychological research, a search is being made for the most effective mechanisms of mental development for a particular situation, the psychological rehabilitation of pupils, the multiplication of their creative potential, the conditions for self-realization, and the starting positions for the individual are determined.

    Research in the field of pedagogy is understood as the process and result of scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the laws of education, its structure and mechanisms, content, principles and technologies. Pedagogical research explains and predicts facts and phenomena (V.M. Polonsky).

    Let us now designate an approximate problematic of possible psychological and pedagogical research related to the educational process. Although we are still talking about the problem and the topic of research, let us pay attention to the fact that any problem is based on some kind of contradiction, disagreement that requires finding a solution, most often harmonious, and the problem itself must be relevant and true (i.e., really not yet resolved).

    Methodological and theoretical research problems include the following:

    • 1. The ratio of philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical patterns and approaches in determining the theoretical foundations (concepts) and solving the leading problems of pedagogical activity, choosing directions and principles for the development of educational institutions;
    • 2. Methods of selection and integration in the psychological and pedagogical study of approaches and methods of specific sciences (sociology, ethics, valueology, etc.);
    • 3. The specificity of psychological and pedagogical systems: educational, educational, correctional, preventive, health-improving, etc.;
    • 4. The ratio of global, regional, local (local) interests and conditions in the design of psychological and pedagogical systems and the design of their development;
    • 5. The doctrine of harmony and measure in the pedagogical process and practical ways to achieve them;
    • 6. Correlation and interconnection of the processes of socialization and individualization, innovation and traditions in education;
    • 7. Criteria for the success of educational work, the development of the personality of pupils in certain types of educational institutions;
    • 8. Methodology and technology of pedagogical design (at the level of the subject, educational institution, pedagogical system of the city, district, region, etc.);
    • 9. Methods for the correct design and effective implementation of all stages of the research search.

    Among the applied (practical) problems are the following:

    • 1. Developing capabilities of modern methodological systems;
    • 2. Humanitarian education and spiritual world of the teacher;
    • 3. Ways and conditions for the integration of humanitarian and natural science education in secondary school;
    • 4. Health-saving technologies in the educational process;
    • 5. Developing possibilities of new information technologies;
    • 6. Comparative effectiveness of modern teaching systems for different categories of students;
    • 7. Traditions of education and upbringing in Russia and other countries and their use in modern conditions;
    • 8. Formation of the educational system of the school (or other educational institution):
    • 9. School in the system of social education and training;
    • 10. Pedagogical possibilities of the "open" school;
    • 11. Family in the system of social education;
    • 12. Teenage (youth) club as a base for the development of extracurricular interests and abilities;
    • 13. Traditions of folk pedagogy in education;
    • 14. The role of informal structures in the socialization of youth, ways of interaction between teachers and informal structures.

    Of course, the above list is far from complete, it assumes the existence of other serious and urgent problems, and in particular, those related to the management of education, the improvement of its infrastructure and its individual components, the problems of vocational education, the problems associated with the implementation of the idea of ​​lifelong education, etc. .d.

    Determination of the topic of the report, drawing up a plan, selection of literature, preparation of annotations for the literature intended for use.

    The preparation of a scientific report includes several stages of work:

    • -Choose the topic of a scientific report.
    • -Selection of materials.
    • - Drawing up a plan for the report, work on the text.
    • - Preparing presentation materials.
    • -Preparation for performance.

    Let's take a closer look at each of these stages.

    I. Choosing a topic for a scientific report. Preparation for a scientific report begins with the choice of a topic for a future presentation. Practice shows that choosing the right topic means half ensuring a successful presentation. Of course, the determining role in this matter is played by the interests, hobbies and personal inclinations of the student, the direct connection of the topic of the report with the future or present practical work (if these are students of the evening department). Some assistance in choosing a topic can be provided by the leader of a scientific circle, a teacher leading a seminar or a lecture course. When choosing a topic and its formulation, the following requirements must be taken into account:

    • 1. The topic of the speech should correspond to your knowledge and interests. Here the mental attitude is very important. Interest generates enthusiasm that arises in the course of work on a future report. A topic that has become close and exciting to you is able to capture and captivate an audience of listeners.
    • 2. You should not choose a too broad topic for a scientific report. This is due to the speaker's limited time. The student report should be 10-15 minutes long. During such a period of time, the speaker is able to fully and deeply consider no more than one or two issues.
    • 3. The scientific report should arouse the interest of the audience. It may contain some new information for them or a statement of controversial points of view of various authors on the problem being covered.

    A student starting to prepare a scientific report must clearly define the purpose of the future presentation. It is clear that before studying the literature on the chosen topic, it is quite difficult to formulate the specific goal of your research. In this case, it is necessary to designate a common goal or target setting. A specific target setting gives the direction in which the speaker will work, helps to consciously and purposefully select the necessary material. Let us explain this idea with a specific example. The student chose the following topic: "The role of large enterprises in a market economy." It is possible, as a general goal, to set ourselves the task of determining the true place of large companies in the modern economy.

    It is known that the criterion for a successful performance is the presence of contact between the speaker and the audience. Any contact presupposes the involvement of both parties - both the speaker and the audience - in mental activity. To arouse interest, it is necessary to formulate the purpose of the scientific report at the beginning of the speech. Having defined and outlined the purpose of the report, in the future it is necessary to proceed with the selection of materials. And this is the second stage of preparatory work.

    II. Selection of materials

    The work on the selection of materials for the report is associated with the study of literature.

    It is advisable to start studying the literature on the chosen topic by viewing several textbooks on the discipline under study. This will provide a general idea of ​​the research questions. Further search for the necessary information involves familiarity with three groups of sources. The first group is the official documents of the Republic of Belarus. The second group includes monographs, scientific collections, reference books. The third group includes periodicals - magazine and newspaper articles. It is this group that mainly contains new information and facts, and the latest figures are given.

    III. Drafting a report plan

    Work on the text. After the selection of sources is completed and there is a certain idea about the chosen topic, a preliminary plan can be drawn up. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the previously drawn up plan will be changed and adjusted in the process of further study of the topic. And although this plan does not have specific boundaries, its preparation will form the basis of the report being created and, already at this stage, outline the contours of the future speech. In the future, as you master the material being studied, the initial plan can be supplemented, improved and specified. Work on the text of a future speech can be attributed to the most difficult and responsible stage in the preparation of a scientific report. It is at this stage that it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the collected material, to formulate the final plan. When starting to work on the text of the report, one should take into account the structure of its construction.

    A scientific report should include three main parts: introduction, main part, conclusion.

    The introduction is a brief introduction of the audience to the problem discussed in the report. “The most difficult task during a business conversation is to win over at its beginning and achieve success at its end,” the opinion of the famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie.

    Indeed, although the introduction is short in time (only 2-3 minutes), it is necessary to arouse interest in the audience and set the stage for the report. The introduction is like an overture, as it defines not only the topic of the forthcoming report, but also gives the leitmotif of the entire speech. The introduction is able to interest listeners, create a favorable mood for future perception. You need to start with the main idea, which then takes center stage. Successfully formulated in the introduction, a few phrases can ensure the success of the entire report. You need to start the report by addressing the audience.

    The main part is a logical continuation of the issues identified by the author in the introduction. It is in this part of the report that the topic of the speech will be revealed, the necessary evidence and arguments will be given. The choice of arguments and their arrangement depend on the characteristics of the audience.

    Arguments are statements that are given in support of the thesis and testify to its truth, justice.

    The thesis is the main statement of the speaker, which he tries to substantiate and prove.

    Requirements for the main thesis of the speech:

    The phrase should state the main idea and correspond to the purpose of the speech;

    The judgment should be short, clear, easily retained in short-term memory;

    Thought should be understood unambiguously, not contain contradictions.

    Some options for systematic construction of argumentation:

    Problem presentation (identification and analysis of contradictions, ways to resolve them);

    Chronological presentation;

    Presentation from causes to effects (from particular to general);

    Inductive presentation (from general to particular).

    Various aspects are considered that contribute to a better understanding of the idea by the audience. At the same time, it is very important to think over the length so that during the presentation of the main part of the speech, do not overspend time and leave it for the conclusion.

    Arguments can be strong or weak. Strong arguments usually include scientific axioms, references to the law, expert opinions, references to authorities, eyewitness accounts, and statistical data.

    The presentation must contain at least three arguments. A distinction is made between descending argumentation of arguments - the arrangement of arguments from strong to weak - and ascending argumentation - the arrangement of arguments from weak to strong. The use of ascending argumentation is effective in a prepared, interested, benevolent audience, descending - in an unprepared audience. Proving his main thesis, the speaker can only give arguments in defense of his point of view. Such an argument would be considered one-sided. It is advisable to use it to convince people who have not completely consolidated their point of view or who are poorly versed in the problem. But for a prepared audience that understands the essence of the issue well, and also if the speaker wants to convince the audience, such an argument is unsuitable. In such a situation, two-sided argumentation is effective, when different (not necessarily opposite) points of view are presented to the listeners, which they can compare.

    Two-sided argumentation can be rebuttal, when the speaker builds his speech based on real or possible arguments of the opponent, or supportive, when the speaker's goal is to support someone's point of view. Refuting arguments are usually intended for an audience that can be further pressured by opponents. Supporting - to speak to their supporters.

    There are also methods of argumentation according to the type of logical proof. Argumentation based on deductive presentation is built from conclusion to arguments, argumentation based on inductive presentation - on the contrary, from arguments to conclusion. Deductive reasoning is more effective in a male audience, by education - natural science, over 23 years old, critical. Inductive reasoning is more effective for female, youth, friendly and unprepared audiences.

    In order to correctly build the main part of your report, you need to draw up its detailed plan. The importance of drawing up such a plan is related to the main task of the author. He must, within 10 minutes allotted for the main part, be able to present and state the author's point of view on the problem identified in the topic of the report.

    The presence of a detailed plan allows you to complete this task, allows the author to convey his ideas to the audience in a concise form and meet the established regulations. How should the material be presented in the main part of the report?

    The plan for the development of the main part should be clear. The subject of the speech should be revealed specifically and harmoniously. As many factual materials and necessary examples as possible should be selected.

    The text of a scientific work differs from any other in its logic. Therefore, the selection of issues in the main part should correspond to the logic of the problem identified in the report. It is necessary to rely on the above most general principles for presenting material:

    1. From particular to general. This principle of presentation of the material involves the following presentation. At the beginning of the report, examples are given on the basis of which a generalization is made. The examples given in the report should be colorful, memorable, carefully selected. The author should not use random facts in the report and draw far-reaching conclusions based on them.

    When presenting the material, it is also necessary to take into account that in order to analyze the problem, it is necessary to use a larger amount of information and facts than is directly required to write the text of the speech. The back-up material makes the report more vivid and convincing. “A good report is one that has a lot of reserve material behind it, much more than the speaker had the opportunity to use” (D. Carnegie). Backup material can also be used to answer possible questions from the audience.

    • 2. From general to particular. This principle involves the presentation of general theoretical provisions, which are then concretized and explained. Here is one possible use of this principle. “Currently, the central place in the economy of any state belongs to a large company. It holds key positions in all spheres of the economy. Thus, for example, the US industry accounts for 40% of the country's GDP for the two hundred largest companies. In most manufacturing industries in America, the largest companies have concentrated from 25 to 100% of industry production. Domestic big business provides more than 50% of industrial output. The situation is similar in most countries of the world.”
    • 3. The principle of historicism. Typically, this principle of presenting the material is used in the analysis of the history of the problem being presented. Often, individual points of the report are presented according to the principle from the general to the particular, others - using the principle of historicism, or ascending from particular examples to a general conclusion.

    When working on the main part, the author should be aware that the general rule for any scientific report is the evidence of the statements made. Each thesis (recall once again that the thesis is a concentrated expression of a separate thought of the report), cited in the report, must be substantiated, cited as evidence by several figures, facts or quotations. At the same time, it is important to observe the “golden mean” and not overload the report with an abundance of numbers. They must be given with great limitation. Human consciousness cannot simultaneously perceive more than 7 (+ - 2) digits. A simple enumeration of numbers should be avoided. It is better to group them, classify and present them in the form of a graph or diagram. Do not abuse sayings, proverbs or funny stories. Any proverb should organically fit into the content of the report. The imagery of a speech is created by the logic of its construction and its persuasiveness.

    The conclusion aims to summarize the main thoughts and ideas of the presentation. It, like the entire report, must be prepared in advance in a calm and unhurried atmosphere. Impromptu should not be counted on. “The end of the speech is indeed the strategically most important section of the speech. What the speaker says at the end, his last words continue to resound in the ears of the listeners when he has already finished his speech, and apparently they will be remembered for the longest time. How to develop self-confidence and influence people by speaking in public).

    In conclusion, we can briefly repeat the main conclusions and statements made in the main part of the report. The conclusion can also be entrusted with the function of summarizing all the material presented by the speaker.

    IV. Preparation of presentation materials. The report prepared by you and your future presentation in the audience is aimed at its auditory perception. Oral speech provides the speaker with additional means of influencing listeners: voice, intonation, facial expressions, gestures. However, at the same time, the ability of the listeners to see must be used successfully. The author of a scientific report can perfectly complement his presentation using diagrams, illustrations, graphs, images on the board, drawings, posters. However, for the use of visual aids to have the intended effect, the following rules must be considered:

    • 1. It is advisable to use visual material. If there is no need to demonstrate it, the application will only distract the attention of listeners.
    • 2. Graphs, posters and diagrams are prepared in advance.
    • 3. Images must be visible to everyone. Complex statistical tables should be given an accessible form of charts or graphs.
    • 4. Visual materials should be shown to the audience, not to oneself.
    • 5. Abstracts of the report should be closely related to the image of visual materials.
    • 6. In order not to distract the attention of the audience, you need to remove them in a timely manner and move on to the demonstration of other materials.
    • 7. It is necessary to pause in your presentation if the audience is busy looking at visual materials.

    V. Preparing for the speech

    When preparing for a speech, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of oral speech. Oral speech is created directly, does not tolerate delay, delay. This forces the speaker (responder) to express their thoughts in relatively simple sentences and limit the length of phrases, otherwise the listener will forget its beginning by the end of the phrase.

    Oral speech is designed for auditory (and often visual) perception and is characterized by the presence of such elements as stress, intonation, pause, rhythm, tempo, facial expressions, and gestures. Written speech is designed only for visual perception (reading), there is no direct communication here.

    Compared to oral, written speech is slower: in the same time, a person will say much more (about 5-6 times) than he will write. When a person expresses thoughts in writing, he has more opportunities to concentrate, think; you can read what has already been written before, correct, improve, even rewrite the work. Written work is the result of reflection. In addition, the limitations of human memory require in oral speech to control the length of phrases. It has been found that short phrases are easier to hear than long ones.

    Only half of adults are able to understand a phrase containing more than thirteen words. And a third of all people, listening to the fourteenth and subsequent words of one sentence, generally forget its beginning. It is necessary to avoid complex sentences, participles and participles. When presenting a complex question, one should try to convey information in parts.

    Written speech allows you to build more complex grammatical structures, express yourself in more common sentences.

    Having prepared the material for the report, you should decide on the notes for the speech: prepare the full text of the report, draw up detailed abstracts of the speech, or prepare short working notes.