Inclusive - what is it? What does an inclusive school or inclusive theater mean? The concept of development of inclusive education in the Central Administrative District Table inclusive educational vertical and horizontal.

One of the system-forming technologies of the activity of the territorial resource center is the activity of the PMPK of the district resource center - the so-called "big" PMPK. This is a field for the direct implementation of interdisciplinary interaction of all specialists and the development of specific recommendations on the technology of supporting an inclusive educational process.

Technology of activity of the PMPK of the territorial (district) resource center in the city of Moscow

Main tasks activities of the PMPK resource center:

    Assessment of the characteristics and level of development of the child;

    Assessment of the possibility of being included in an educational institution that implements inclusive education;

    Determining the conditions, including environmental conditions, for the inclusion of a particular child in the environment of ordinary peers;

    The choice of an educational institution (structural unit) that implements inclusive practice;

    The choice of the optimal volume of inclusion in the environment of ordinary peers (partial integration, full integration, inclusive education and upbringing, integration within the framework of additional education, etc.);

    Determination of the period, including diagnostic, of the child's stay at one or another "level" of inclusion in a given educational institution.

Thus, the PMPK of the district resource center, in the process and based on the results of work with the child and his parents (persons replacing them), determines:

For preschool children



    Early Intervention Service (ESA)

    Lekoteka (with flexible integration into the environment of ordinary children)

    Short stay group "Special child" (with flexible integration into the environment of ordinary children)

    Group for children with a complex structure of the defect (with flexible integration into the environment of ordinary children)

    Inclusive group (group of combined type)

    Additional help from escort specialists

    Optional equipment

    The term for re-applying to the PMPK resource center

For school children



    Secondary School, GOU Education Center with Inclusive Classes

    GOU School of Health with inclusive classes

    GOU School of Home Education

    SKOSH (diagnostic class)

    SKOSH (Integrated class)

    Institutions of additional education

    Need for special equipment

    Need for accompaniment (tutor)

    Orientation of correctional work (speech therapist, psychologist, defectologist, special teacher, exercise therapy, doctor, etc.)

    Additional help from specialists

    The term for re-applying to PMPK specialists and / or discussion at the PMPK of an educational institution

All the activities of the PMPK can be viewed as a number of technologies that generally determine the effective support of the child by the specialists of the resource center.

Let us give an example of one of them - the technology of primary examination of a child at the PMPK.

Each stage of this PMPK activity can be technologically represented as a sequence of steps.

Step 1. The initiators of the appeal are recorded for a specific date of the PMPK by phone or in person and receive information about the necessary documents. If the child is sent by the specialists of the educational institution, then the list of documents must include the conclusions of the specialists of the PMPc of the educational institution.

Step 2 At the appointed time, parents with the child come to the consultation. Specialists get acquainted with parents (persons replacing them), find out the nature of the child's problems or the nature of his difficulties or complaints and difficulties on the part of parents or OS specialists, find out the parents' point of view on the problems or situation that have arisen. Parents are explained the tasks of the PMPK and the responsibilities of the parties. At the same time, the child's behavior in a free situation is monitored and the available documents are reviewed.

Step 3 As the child masters the room, specialists begin to interact with the child, the purpose of which is to assess the characteristics of the child's development. The specialist who has established contact with the child begins his examination. The rest of the specialists monitor the course of the examination of their colleagues, and, if necessary, are connected to the examination.

Step 4 After the PMPK specialists have conducted examinations (individually or collectively) and are ready to discuss the results, the parents and the child, at the request of the secretary, leave the office. There is an interdisciplinary discussion and assessment of the characteristics and level of development of the child, on the basis of which a general conclusion is made about the variant of deviant development. This allows you to evaluate fundamentalopportunity for a child to visit educational institution implementing inclusive education and its type. A decision is made about conditions, necessary for the development of the child and for successful adaptation in the children's environment.

Step 5 A decision is made (in accordance with the educational institution database) in which type of educational institution the child can be and the number of the educational institution where the child will be sent.

Step 7 Parents are explained in an accessible form to which educational institution the child can be sent, the need to visit the educational institution, what conditions must be met for the successful adaptation of the child. The training program, remedial classes of specialists, and other conditions are agreed with the parents.

Step 8. About one of the parents (a person replacing him) puts his signature in the PMPK protocol that he is familiar with and agrees (disagrees) with the decision of the PMPK and its recommendations.

Step 9 Each specialist fills out his part of the PMPK protocol, puts his signature. If there is a dissenting opinion of one of the specialists, he writes it down in the protocol. Parents are issued a certificate stating that the child has passed PMPK, on ​​such and such a date and sent to the appropriate educational institution. A ticket is issued.

Step 10 A copy of the protocol and a voucher (with all signatures and a seal) is transferred to the coordinator for inclusive education in the corresponding educational institution, as evidenced by the signature of the coordinator for inclusion in the educational institution in a separate journal.

Step 11 In case of disagreement of the parents with the decision of the PMPK and / or its recommendations, the child's documents are returned to the parents, and the case, including a copy of the PMPK protocol, is transferred to the PMPK of a higher level for analysis of this conflict case.

In the organizational model for the development of inclusive education through the creation of a territorial resource center, the activities of the PMPK are not the only component of resource activities and interdisciplinary interaction. In this model, the activities of "small" psychological, medical and pedagogical councils - councils (PMPC) of educational institutions included in the resource network of inclusive education acquire a qualitatively different role.

The activity of such a council has its own special goals, objectives and algorithm of activity. The practice of innovative work of councils in inclusive educational institutions in Moscow has shown its high efficiency in organizing inclusive educational processes at the level of a specific educational institution - a kindergarten or school.

Technology of activity of the medical-psychological-pedagogical council of an educational institution (PMPC)

The council of an educational institution is a permanent, coordinated team of specialists united by common goals that implements one or another strategy for supporting both an included child and an inclusive educational environment as a whole.

The composition of the council of an educational institution includes, as a rule, teachers, psychologists, a speech therapist teacher, a defectologist teacher, a doctor, representatives of the administration of the school or preschool institution.

Main tasks activities of the "small" council - the council of an educational institution:

    Identification of children in need of additional specialized assistance from specialists;

    Development and individualization of the educational route (curriculum) "within" the standard programs of education and training;

    Implementation of correctional and developmental activities and comprehensive support for a child with disabilities by the specialists of the council;

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of additional specialized assistance to "special" children, coordination of interaction between specialists in its provision.

Stages of activity of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of an educational institution (PMPC):

Preliminary stage. Grade initial information about the child and his family, which "lay on the table" to the specialist who conducts the examination first.

First stage. Primary examination of the child by different specialists of the consultation team: the stage ends with the preparation individual conclusions of the experts of the council.

Second phase. Collegial discussion by specialists of the results obtained, development of a unified idea about the problems of the child, the characteristics of the child's development, determination of the general forecast for his further development and a set of developmental and corrective measures. In the case of discussing the problems of adaptation of a “special” child, it is determined not only the support strategy, which specialists and where (in the educational institution, or in the Resource Center) can help the child, but also by what forces the individual curriculum will be drawn up.

The final part of this stage of the work of the council is the development of a decision to determine the educational route "inside" the school or kindergarten in accordance with the characteristics and capabilities of the child, as well as the determination of the psychological correctional and developmental programs necessary for his development. It also discusses the coordination and sequence of further interaction of specialists with each other.

Third stage. Implementation of the decisions of the council of the educational institution in terms of developmental and corrective measures by the specialists of the interdisciplinary team of the institution. The final part of the stage is a dynamic (final) examination (assessment of the child's condition after the end of the cycle of developmental and correctional work and comprehensive support) and a decision on the child's further educational route.

Main result of activity The “small” council is to develop a strategy and tactics for accompanying a child with disabilities and an inclusive educational environment in general in the context of individualizing the child’s educational route in this institution, as well as the transition from the principle of work "The more experts, the better" + "all at once together" to the principle "the right specialist at the right time."

The stages of activity of the OU council can be presented in the form of the following scheme:


In accordance with the dynamics of the development and learning of the child, the requests of teachers and / or parents, “small” consultations are planned or unscheduled.

Planned consultation

Unscheduled consultation

    Clarification of the strategy and determination of the tactics of psychological, medical and pedagogical support for children with disabilities.

    Development of coordinated decisions on the definition of an educational correctional and developmental route and additional programs of developmental or correctional and habilitation work.

    Dynamic assessment of the child's condition and correction of the previously planned program.

    Decision on the issue of taking the necessary emergency measures due to the circumstances that have come to light.

    Changing the direction of previously carried out corrective and developmental work in a changed situation or in case of its inefficiency.

    Resolving the issue of changing the educational route either within the framework of the activities of this educational institution, or another type of educational institution (direction to re-pass the district PMPK).

The "small" council works in close cooperation with the specialists of the district resource center and the district PMPK. If necessary, joint meetings or other events are held to resolve "hot" issues of inclusive practice in a particular educational institution.

Test for final certification (test) for the course "Inclusive Education"

1. Choose the correct answer: Joint education and upbringing of children with disabilities with their normally developing peers implies:

    inclusion B) interaction


2. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion is:

A) the form of cooperation;

B) a special case of integration;

B) style of behavior.

3. Choose the correct answer: There are two types of integration:

    internal and external,

B) passive and creative,

    educational and social.

4. Choose the correct answer: Inclusion, that is, “inclusive education”, which includes

a child with disabilities in the same educational environment with normally developing peers is:

A) group integration,

B) educational integration,

B) communication.

5. Choose the correct answer: Social inclusion must be ensured:

A) to all children without exception with developmental disabilities,

B) only for children with developmental disorders at primary school age,

B) children studying only in special institutions.

6. Choose the correct answer: For the first time, the theoretical justification for integrated learning was a

works of a domestic scientist:

    A.N., Leontieva, B) S.L. Rubinshtein,

    L.S. Vygotsky.

7. Choose the correct answer: The first country in the field of introducing Inte (inclusive) education into pedagogical practice was:

    Great Britain, B) Russia,


8. Choose the correct answer: In the 70s. 20th century in the countries of and Eastern Europe, the first prece, closures of correctional institutions are observed, due to:

A) the absence of children with disabilities,

B) transfer of children with disabilities to kindergartens and general schools,

B) teaching children with disabilities at home.

9. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, the first experimental experience of co-education of children with developmental disorders appears in:

    60s 20th century B) 90sXX .,

    70s XX century..

10. Choose the correct answer: In Russia, in the first experimental experience of joint education for children with normal and impaired development, preschool children with a violation took part:

    visual analyzer,

B) intellect

    auditory analyzer.

11. Choose the correct answer: In the context of “inclusive education”, a child with disabilities is faced with the need to master the state. educational standard on a par with normally developing therefore:

A) inclusion cannot be massive,

B) inclusion should be massive,

12. Choose the correct answer: In accordance with the principles of the domestic concept of integrated (learning, it can be argued that inclusive education is most appropriate for:

    children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system,

B) children with intellectual disabilities,

    children with disabilities, with whom correctional and pedagogical work was started early.

13. Choose the correct answer: Which of the following principles does not apply to the principles of domestic (inclusive) education:

A) integration through early correction;

B) integration through mandatory correctional assistance to each integrated child;

B) integration through reasonable selection of children for integrated learning;

D) diagnostic information should be presented visually, in the form of graphs, figures.

13. Choose the correct answer: building between educational institutions of different levels, types and in interaction, which ensures the choice and predictability of an individual educational route for a child with disabilities, builds a complementary system of psychological and pedagogical
accompanying the education of the child and his family is called:

    inclusive educational vertical,

B) inclusive educational horizontal,

    inclusive educational parallel.


14. Choose the correct answer: At the second stage of the inclusive vertical, the upbringing and socialization of the child
disabilities are carried out within the framework of:

    general secondary school,

B ) preschool institutions,


15. Choose the correct answer: The final level of the inclusive vertical is the stage:

A)career guidance for graduates of schools with disabilities health in the field of the emergence of professional interests and elections,

B) support with complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and correctional assistance for adaptation in an environment of healthy peers,

B) early integration of children with developmental disabilities in preschool institutions.

16. Choose the correct answer: Creating a system of polysubjective interaction involves the creation of:

A) inclusive horizontal,

B) inclusive vertical.

17. Choose the correct answer: The period becomes the initial level of the inclusive vertical:

A) youth

B) early childhood

B) primary school age.

18. Choose the correct answer: The continuous vertical of inclusive education is implemented under the following conditions: a child who enters an integrative environment at an early age should not be deprived of the society of ordinary peers at any stage of his growing up. Choose a condition name:

    complexity continuity,

B) walking distance

    unity, goals.

19. Choose the correct answer: Determine what condition the continuous vertical of inclusive education is about: all inclusive institutions must be open to cooperation and exchange of experience, both within their vertical and across species diversity; information about the development of the child at each level of educational
verticals will be fixed in his individual map (“development map”).

A) succession,

B) professional competence,

B) walking distance.

20. Choose the correct answer: The approach that assumes that students with disabilities communicate with their peers on holidays, in various leisure programs, is called:

    expanding access to education;

B) integration;


21. Choose the correct answer: According to the concept of SFES, which of the components is considered in the structure of education of students with disabilities as the accumulation of potential opportunities for their active implementation! present and future.

A) the component of "life competence",

B) "academic" component.

22. Choose the correct answer: educational areas:

B) 4

23. Choose the correct answer: Determine which of the educational areas of the SFES we are talking about: knowledge about a person in society and the practice of understanding what is happening with the child himself and other people, interacting with close and distant social environment:

A) natural science

B) art


Raisa Tkachenko
Essay "Special Education and Inclusive Education - Stages of Equal Opportunities"

Working in the Achinsk correctional general education boarding school of the 1st type for 19 years, I concluded that special education and inclusive education are not equal opportunity steps. First, we need to define what special education, and what inclusive.

Special Education - Preschool, general and professional education, for which persons with special educational needs create special conditions.

- the process of joint upbringing and education of all children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual and any other characteristics in the common system education together with their peers at the place of residence in the mass general education school, where their special educational needs, conditions are created in accordance with special needs and the necessary special support.

Based on the experience already gained, I want to note that before introducing any innovations in the joint education of children with disabilities and healthy children, it is necessary to create a solid legal and material base. You can build ramps and rebuild toilets, train teachers to be more flexible, put in the heart of every adult the concept inclusions, but if normative documents are not adopted, tomorrow there will be nothing to do with this model.

In my opinion, when implementing the model inclusive education should be created educational vertical: kindergarten - school - institution of additional education- vocational training institution. The question immediately arises of the need for a law that would regulate the conditions for the joint education of disabled children and ordinary children at all levels of education. How many people should be in the group and how many of them with disabilities? Children with what diagnoses will be trained in mixed groups? And what again to do for those who cannot leave the walls of the apartment. Informative sources report that the number of children with disabilities in inclusive school will be limited - no more than 10% for the whole school and no more than three people - in one class. AT inclusive school cannot have 50% of children with disabilities health opportunities because then it won't inclusive school, a specialized, 10% is the indicator recommended by psychologists.

There is the question of funding. Inclusive the school will be funded as usual general education? But after all, the costs of the school, which has taken on the mission of educating special children, will not fit into this standard. There is also the issue of remuneration of teachers in groups where different categories of children study together.

To date, the most important task is to identify all stakeholders with their interests and needs. All difficulties, doubts, fears, perplexities, misunderstandings, a sense of confusion of all concerned (as well as uninterested) individuals need to be identified and identified. And there will be many fears and doubts, and so that the process inclusion became successful, they all need to be resolved.

For my part, I would like to add that without specially trained specialist, teacher of the deaf (for deaf children) inclusive school can't do it. A deaf educator can provide information and advice on many issues, such as how to use hearing aids and cochlear implants. A deaf educator can help create a child development program, provide family support, and play a liaison role between home and educational institution.

And, in conclusion, I would like to point out following: Of course, it is wonderful that today the question of inclusive education, which will give possibility with the development of the integration of children in school, to change the attitude of adults towards the problem of children with disabilities in the society where they should be equal among equals not on paper and in slogans, but in the real world.

Related publications:

Business game "Inclusive Education" Purpose: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers on the problem of inclusive education. Equipment: Board, chalk, sheets of paper,.

Activities with such children are very long and painstaking. but at the same time, we must not forget that, under the new laws of the Federal State Educational Standard, they can arrive on equal terms.

Inclusive education as an innovative project in the system of preschool education


Inclusive education and children with disabilities. Hello, dear colleagues! I would like to talk with you about inclusive education for preschoolers and about children with disabilities. What do you think is correct.

Inclusive education - problems and ways of implementation. Inclusive education currently solves a very wide range of issues. Working, according to new educational standards pedagogical.

For a long time, in the domestic education system, children were divided into ordinary and those with disabilities. Therefore, the second group could not fully integrate into society. Not because the children themselves were not ready for society, on the contrary, it was he who was not prepared for them. Now, when everyone is striving to include people with disabilities as much as possible in the life of society, there is more and more talk about the new system. This is an inclusive education, which will be discussed in the article.

What does it mean?

Most often, the term, which is still unusual for us, is used in pedagogy. Inclusive is an education strategy that includes both children with special needs and ordinary ones. This approach allows everyone, regardless of their social status, mental abilities and physical abilities, to learn together with everyone. What is meant by inclusion anyway?

Firstly, the introduction of all children into the educational process with the help of a program that is created individually for each child.

Secondly, the creation of conditions for learning and meeting the individual needs of the individual.

Inclusion in preschool

A new approach to education starts from its very first stage: kindergarten. In order to provide children with equal opportunities, the premises and equipment of a preschool institution must meet certain requirements. And we should not forget that the teaching staff must have the appropriate qualifications to work with children. It is also mandatory to have the following employees on the staff:

Inclusive is an opportunity from a very early age to educate in children a respectful attitude towards all peers, regardless of their abilities. In this period of time, there are the following types of inclusion in preschool education:

  • DOW of a compensating type. It is attended by children with certain forms of dysontogenesis. Training is organized according to their needs.
  • Preschool educational institution of a combined type, where along with children who do not have restrictions, children with other needs are also brought up. In such an institution, a subject-developing environment is created that takes into account the individual capabilities of all children.
  • DOW, on the basis of which additional services are created. For example, early intervention services or counseling centers.
  • Mass preschool educational institutions with a group of short-term stay "Special Child".

But inclusion is introduced not only in kindergartens, it affects all levels of education.

School inclusion

Now let's talk about secondary education. An inclusive school involves following the same principles as a preschool educational institution. This is the creation of suitable conditions and the construction of the learning process, taking into account the individual capabilities of the student. It is very important that special students participate in all aspects of school life just like other students.

Teachers must be competent in inclusive issues, they must understand the needs of all children, ensuring the accessibility of the educational process. Other specialists (speech therapist, defectologist, psychologist) should also be involved in the school process.

Also, the teacher should actively interact with the family of a special student. One of the primary tasks of the teacher is to educate the entire class of a tolerant attitude towards children whose abilities may differ from those generally accepted.

In the theatre

It turns out that the field is inclusive - not only for teachers, but also for people of other professions. For example, theater. This would create an inclusive theater.

It is played not by ordinary actors, but by people with various forms of dysontogenesis (problems with hearing, vision, cerebral palsy, etc.). Professional theater teachers work with them. Spectators can watch how actors perform in famous plays, how they try to please them. It is noteworthy that their emotions are distinguished by the real sincerity that is characteristic of children.

The founders of such theaters not only help such people find themselves in society, but also prove that they have great potential. Of course, staging "special" performances is not easy, but the emotions and feelings that all participants in a theatrical performance receive add confidence to them.

Problems of inclusion

Despite the fact that inclusive principles are correct and necessary in modern society, the implementation of such a program is not an easy task. And there are several reasons for this:

  • unsuitable infrastructure of kindergartens and schools built at a time when this approach was not practiced;
  • children with special abilities may be considered unteachable;
  • insufficient qualifications of teaching staff to work with such children;
  • Not all parents are ready to introduce a child into a normal society.

An inclusive approach is an opportunity to create the right conditions for all members of society, regardless of their mental and physical characteristics. But in order to fully realize all the possibilities of an innovative approach, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for its successful implementation. Russia is now only at the beginning of an inclusive path, so it is necessary to prepare not only the material, but also the educational base for the implementation of this educational process.