The role of speech in human life essay. Speech about speech

Which he carries is a very important aspect of the existence of society. He keeps in himself spiritual and people. People express their thoughts and emotions through language. The words of outstanding people are quoted and transformed from personal property into human property, creating the spiritual wealth of society.

Language can be expressed in direct or indirect form. Direct - directly in contact with a person, people in real time, and indirect - this is communication with a time gap, the so-called space-time communication, when the values ​​of society are passed on from generation to generation. Thus, the spiritual heritage of mankind is formed - the saturation of the inner world of people with ideals.

The role of language in the life of society is truly great. It performs the function of transmitting social heredity. With the help of language, people can represent the world, describe various processes, receive, store and reproduce information, their thoughts.

Speech is a visiting card of a person, as well as the most reliable recommendation in his professional activity. In the labor sphere, language began to help in management (give orders, evaluate), and also became an effective motivator.

The significance of language in the life of society is enormous: with the help of it, the development of science, art, technology, etc. takes place. The peoples speak different languages, but one goal is pursued - to achieve mutual understanding.

But in order for society not to degrade, everyone must observe the rules of good manners - the so-called culture of speech. It helps people to communicate competently and correctly. And here the significant role of language in the life of society is reflected.

There are 3 normative, communicative and ethical. Normative includes various rules and norms of human speech: how people should speak. Communicative is the correct interaction with other people - participants in communication. And ethical is the observance of certain rules: "Where, with whom and how you can talk."

Over time, the role of language in the life of society only intensifies. More and more needs to be transferred, saved. Also, the language has become a kind of science that needs to be comprehended. There are certain rules, systems of concepts, signs and symbols, theories and terms. This complicates the language. Therefore, the "seeds" of the degradation of society appear. More and more people want to “freebie” and not pay due attention to the language.

Therefore, in recent years there has been an increased vulgarization of speech practice. Society goes beyond the literary language, more and more people use jargon, thieves, profanity.

This is an urgent problem today, because without the posed one it is impossible to solve general social, cultural and economic issues.

There is a criminalization of humanity, which is expressed in speech. The role of language in the life of society is usually underestimated - it is not considered the highest good that we have. But you need to be aware of the following: as a person speaks, so he acts and thinks.


1. Language. Its functions. Communication

2. Speech culture. Culture of communication. Speech etiquette




Why is the prestige of education falling so irresistibly? Why are the spiritual needs and demands of citizens so frighteningly flawed? What will help stop the disastrously fading interest in knowledge and books? How to revive the traditions of respect for the word, purity, richness of speech?

All the above questions are connected with the problem of the spiritual state of society, with the speech culture of its members, the culture of their communication. It so happened that living in words and words, and not reality, accustomed to semantic unambiguity, people lost the ability to understand the different meanings of words, to see the degree of their correspondence to reality.

The most urgent problem today is the moral character, the culture of the individual, since in solving economic, general social and cultural issues, the efforts of not only the team, but also each person are important.

The increased interest in moral issues in recent times is also caused by the awareness of a rather low culture in the field of communication.

Modern speech reflects the unstable cultural and linguistic state of society, balancing on the verge of the literary language and jargon. The question arose of preserving the literary language, of the ways of its further development in connection with the change in the contingent of speakers.

A high level of speech culture is an integral feature of a cultured person. To improve our speech is the task of each of us. To do this, you need to monitor your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of word forms, in the construction of a sentence. You need to constantly enrich your vocabulary, learn to feel your interlocutor, be able to select the most suitable words and constructions for each case.

The significance of language in people's lives is enormous, but people must learn to use appropriately all the numerous and undoubtedly vital functions of language.

1. Language. Its functions. Communication

The language of any nation is its historical memory, embodied in the word. The thousand-year-old spiritual culture, the life of the people are reflected in the language, in its oral and written forms, in the monuments of various genres in a peculiar and unique way. And, therefore, the culture of the language, the culture of the word appears as an inseparable bond of many, many generations.

The native language is the soul of the nation, its primary and most obvious sign. In the language and through the language, such important features and traits as national psychology, the character of the people, the way of thinking, the original uniqueness of artistic creativity, the moral state and spirituality are revealed.

Language can be defined as a system of communication carried out with the help of sounds and symbols, the meanings of which are conditional, but have a certain structure.

Language is a social phenomenon. It cannot be mastered outside of social interaction, i.e. without interacting with other people. Although the process of socialization is largely based on the imitation of gestures - nodding, smiling and frowning - language is the main means of transmitting culture. Another important feature is that it is almost impossible to unlearn how to speak a native language if its basic vocabulary, rules of speech and structure are learned at the age of eight or ten, although many other aspects of a person's experience can be completely forgotten. This indicates a high degree of adaptability of the language to human needs; without it, communication between people would be much more primitive.

Language includes rules. There is right and wrong speech. The language has many implied and formal rules that determine how words can be combined to express the desired meaning. At the same time, deviations from grammatical rules are often observed, associated with the peculiarities of various dialects and life situations.

When using a language, it is necessary to follow its basic grammatical rules. Language organizes the experience of people. Therefore, like the whole culture as a whole, it develops generally accepted meanings. Communication is possible only if there are meanings that are accepted, used by its participants and understood by them. Indeed, our communication with each other in everyday life is largely due to our confidence that we understand each other.

The main functions of the language are realized by its native speakers on an intuitive level. Speech experience, language practice provide knowledge about the language, the rules of its use, the laws of its functioning in speech.

The basic functions of language are communication, cognition and influence. Language is always good, it can be bad speech or a native speaker who creates bad speech out of good language. Any language, accumulating the experience of people's life in all its fullness and diversity, is also its real consciousness. Each new generation, each representative of a particular ethnic group, mastering the language, joins through it to the collective experience, collective knowledge about the surrounding reality, generally accepted norms of behavior, assessments rejected or accepted by the people, social values. It follows from this that language cannot but influence the experience of a particular individual, his behavior, culture. Under the explicit or implicit influence of the literary language, its institutions, traditions are all spheres of human life, and its success largely depends on the language environment in which a person lives, how he mastered his native language.

The unconscious need of the individual for literacy, imposed from above, democratizing speech behavior, has become the basis of speech permissiveness, has led to the fact that the modern language life of society is marked by the loss of value language guidelines. The language ability of a person is considered in psycholinguistics as a mechanism that provides speech activity. Speech activity associated with the use of language is one of the most important in human life - a thinking, thinking, knowing, communicating, reasoning, explaining, arguing, persuading being.

Speech communication in all its forms, types, genres, types allows a person to receive ready-made social experience, meaningful and systematized by previous generations. Communication, like any human activity, has a number of incentives. Among them - the knowledge of the surrounding world, the knowledge of oneself and as a result of knowledge - the adjustment of one's behavior.

The power of the impact of the word, as it turns out, does not depend directly on the power of its sound. The effectiveness and efficiency of the word are determined by expediency, which implies that the speaker takes into account the conditions and place of communication, the addressee. Speech communication skills that provide an expedient, communicatively-motivated choice of words are correlated, as analysis shows, with a life position, interconnected with a form of behavior.

The disunity of people, misunderstanding of each other, inevitable in the conditions of antagonism, leave their mark on their speech behavior, linguistic consciousness, deforming the personality. Moral forms of behavior, the general cultural level of the environment determine speech behavior, due to a certain set of communicative skills.

If a person speaks briefly and impressively, quietly and sincerely, dryly and businesslike, people like it, as well as even, simple, clear, weighty speech, when the speaker has distinct thoughts. A distinct thought, clothed in a clear and simple form, is not often found.

Speech has a socio-historical nature. People have always lived and live collectively, in society. Public life and the collective work of people make it necessary to constantly communicate, establish contact with each other, influence each other. This communication is done through speech. Thanks to speech, people exchange thoughts and knowledge, talk about their feelings, experiences, intentions.

Communicating with each other, people use words and use the grammatical rules of a particular language. Language is a system of verbal signs, a means by which communication is carried out between people. Speech is the process of using language to communicate with people. Language and speech are inextricably linked, they represent a unity, which is expressed in the fact that historically the language of any nation was created and developed in the process of speech communication between people. The connection between language and speech is also expressed in the fact that language as an instrument of communication exists historically as long as people speak it. As soon as people stop using this or that language in speech communication, it becomes a dead language. Such a dead language has become, for example, Latin.

Cognition of the laws of the surrounding world, the mental development of a person is accomplished through the assimilation of knowledge developed by mankind in the process of socio-historical development and fixed with the help of language, with the help of written speech. Language in this sense is a means of consolidating and transmitting from generation to generation the achievements of human culture, science and art. Each person in the learning process assimilates the knowledge acquired by all mankind and accumulated historically.

2. Speech culture. Culture of communication. Speech etiquette

Speech culture is a relatively young area of ​​the science of language. As an independent section of this science, it took shape under the influence of the fundamental social changes that took place in our country. The involvement of the broad masses in active social activities required increased attention to raising the level of their speech culture.

In the section "Speech culture" speech is studied. The culture of speech deals with the qualitative assessment of statements. It, as a section of linguistics, considers the following questions: How does a person use speech for the purpose of communication? What is his speech - right or wrong? How to improve speech?

In modern linguistics, two levels of human speech culture are distinguished - the lower and the higher. For the lower level, for the first stage of mastering the literary language, it is enough to have correct speech, adherence to the norms of the Russian literary language: lexical, orthoepic, grammatical, derivational, morphological, syntactic.

If a person does not make mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of word forms, in their formation, in the construction of a sentence, we call his speech correct. However, this is not enough. Speech can be correct, but bad, that is, not consistent with the goals and conditions of communication. The concept of good speech includes at least three features: richness, accuracy and expressiveness. Indicators of rich speech are a large volume of active vocabulary, a variety of morphological forms and syntactic constructions used. The accuracy of speech is the choice of such language means that best express the content of the statement, reveal its topic and main idea. Expressiveness is created through the selection of language means that are most appropriate for the conditions and tasks of communication.

If a person has a correct and good speech, he reaches the highest level of speech culture. This means that he not only does not make mistakes, but also knows how to build statements in the best way in accordance with the purpose of communication, select the most suitable words and constructions in each case, taking into account who and under what circumstances he is addressing.

Our society has already felt the need for a culture of behavior and communication. Every now and then there are announcements, advertising messages that electives with the names “Etiquette”, “Business Etiquette”, “Diplomatic Etiquette”, “Business Communication Etiquette”, etc. are opening in lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums, schools. This is connected with the need for people to learn how to behave in a given situation, how to correctly establish and maintain speech, and through it business, friendly, etc. contact.

The broad concept of culture certainly includes what is called the culture of communication, the culture of speech behavior. To own it, it is important to understand the essence of speech etiquette.

In communication, people convey this or that information, certain meanings to each other, communicate something, encourage something, ask about something, perform certain speech actions. However, before proceeding to the exchange of logical and meaningful information, it is necessary to enter into speech contact, and this is done according to certain rules. We hardly notice them, because they are familiar. It is just the violation of unwritten rules that becomes noticeable: the seller addressed the buyer with “you”, the acquaintance did not say hello at the meeting, they did not thank someone for the service, they did not apologize for the misconduct. As a rule, such non-fulfillment of the norms of speech behavior turns into an insult, and even a quarrel, a conflict in the team. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the rules for entering into verbal contact, maintaining such contact - after all, business relations are impossible without this. It is clear that awareness of the norms of communication and speech behavior is useful to everyone, and especially to people of those professions that are associated with speech. These are teachers, and doctors, and lawyers, and service workers and businessmen, and just parents.

The rules of speech behavior are regulated by speech etiquette, which has developed in the language and speech by a system of set expressions used in situations of establishing and maintaining contact. These are situations of address, greetings, farewell, apologies, gratitude, congratulations, wishes, sympathy and condolences, approval and compliments, invitations, suggestions, requests for advice, etc. Speech etiquette covers everything that expresses a benevolent attitude towards the interlocutor that can create the benefit of a pleasant climate of communication. A rich set of language tools makes it possible to choose appropriate for the speech situation and favorable for the addressee. you- or in s shape communication, to establish a friendly, relaxed or, conversely, the official tone of the conversation.

It is important to emphasize that speech etiquette conveys social information about the speaker and his addressee, about whether they know each other or not, about the relationship of equality / inequality by age, official position, about their personal relationships (if they are familiar), about how setting (formal or informal) communication takes place, etc.

Thus, the choice of the most appropriate expression of speech etiquette constitutes the rules for entering into communication. It is clear that any society at any moment of its existence is heterogeneous, many-sided, and that for each layer and layer there is both its own set of etiquette means and neutral expressions common to all. And there is an awareness that in contacts with a different environment, it is necessary to choose either stylistically neutral or means of communication characteristic of this environment. Using the expressions of speech etiquette, we perform relatively simple speech actions, address, greet, thank ... But why are there so many ways to do this in the language? And the thing is that we choose each expression taking into account who - to whom - where - when - why - why is he talking. So it turns out that complex linguistic social information is embedded just in speech etiquette to the greatest extent.

Let's ask ourselves why the expressions of speech etiquette have "magic power", why their correct use brings satisfaction to people, and failure to perform in the right situation leads to resentment? It seems that it is possible to single out several essential features of speech etiquette that explain its social sharpness.

The first sign is associated with the unwritten requirement of society for the use of signs of etiquette. If you want to be "one's own" in a given group - large or small, national, social - perform the appropriate rituals of behavior and communication. The social purpose of ritual signs of etiquette is brought up in people from early childhood.

The second sign is related to the fact that the performance of signs of etiquette is perceived by the addressee as social “stroking”. Psychologists, teachers know how important it is to approve, stroke a child, and even an adult, in time. Linguists thought about this and found that the language responded to such a need and created a system of verbal “strokes”.

The third important feature of speech etiquette is that the pronunciation of an etiquette expression is a speech action, or a speech act, that is, the performance of a specific task with the help of speech. It is known that for the implementation of many actions, states, speech is not needed. You sew, or cut, or saw, or walk - and for the "production" of this you do not need to say anything. But there are some actions that can be performed only with the help of one tool - language, speech. Studies have revealed that there are up to a thousand names of speech actions recorded in dictionaries, while there are a great many ways of direct expression.

The fourth feature is related to the third and concerns the very structure of statements in which “I” and “you” are open: Thank you; Excuse me. This is an open, explicit representation of the communicants in the grammar of the sentence, but there may also be a hidden representation of them, as in gratitude. Thanks or an apology guilty which, due to functional equivalence with those presented earlier, contain in the deep structure the “I” of the speaker and the “you” of the addressee (I tell you) thank you. Since the communicants are open in the structure of the expressions of speech etiquette, the power of its influence is clearly manifested.

The fifth important feature of speech etiquette can be considered its connection with the category of politeness. On the one hand, politeness is a moral quality that characterizes a person for whom showing respect for people has become a familiar way of communicating with others as a daily norm of behavior. On the other hand, it is an ethical category abstracted from specific people, which is also reflected in the language, which, of course, should be studied by linguistics. Politeness needs to be expressed, demonstrated in communication (like love), because if I respect someone in my soul, but I don’t show it in any way, respect for the person will be clearly unrealized. This is especially important in an official speech situation or when communicating with strangers. Coming into contact with relatives, friends, acquaintances, we, knowing in advance the “measure” of love and respect for each other, have many ways to emphasize this, but with strangers, the measure of a good relationship is politeness, and here speech etiquette is indispensable. Polite people in different situations and in relation to different partners behave correctly, courteously, gallantly. But inept and inappropriate politeness is perceived as mannerism, ceremony. At the same time, one must understand that there is politeness sincerity coming from a pure heart, and there is politeness a mask that hides other relationships behind an external manifestation.

The manifestations of rudeness are manifold. This is arrogance, and arrogance, and arrogance, this is an insult, an offense. It is impolite to fail to comply with the rules of speech etiquette (they pushed and did not apologize), the wrong choice of expression in this situation and for this partner, hurting the partner with the help of words that have a negative connotation. You need to learn that rudeness cannot be answered with rudeness - this gives rise to a whole stream of rudeness and can involve others in a scandal. A correct, and under an hour emphatically polite answer, as a rule, puts a rude person in his place. Speech etiquette serves as an effective means of removing speech aggression.

The sixth sign is related to the fact that speech etiquette is an important element of the culture of the people, a product of human cultural activity and an instrument of such activity. Speech etiquette, as can be seen from the foregoing, is an integral part of the culture of human behavior and communication. In the expressions of speech etiquette, social relations of a particular era are fixed. The formulas of speech etiquette are fixed in proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions. Being an element of national culture, speech etiquette is distinguished by bright national specifics.


Such is the miraculous power of the word. It is especially important and valid in difficult communication situations. The word can be the strongest weapon not only in the hands of unscrupulous, self-serving demagogues. It can be an even more powerful weapon in the hands of wrestlers. And although they use it, they are far from always aware of the power of the word - both destructive and constructive.

They are far from always, especially in difficult communicative conditions, how to neutralize, expose the false and malicious "anti-word" and how to give real power to the word. And even knowing, they do not always find in themselves the courage, responsibility and perseverance necessary to solve such problems. And even when they find it, they do not always master the art of such a subtle and effective word.

One of the most important tasks of educating a modern functional culture of speech is to master the skills and abilities of analyzing complex situations of communication, primarily in relation to practically immediately relevant areas and situations. On this basis, the corresponding productive skills and abilities can be acquired by self-education in natural speech practice.

The possibilities of the language are endless. Thus, a common language supports the cohesion of society. It helps people coordinate their actions by persuading or judging each other. In addition, between people who speak the same language, mutual understanding and sympathy almost automatically arise. The language reflects the general knowledge of people about the traditions that have developed in society and current events. In short, it contributes to the formation of a sense of group unity, group identity. The leaders of developing countries where tribal dialects exist are striving to ensure that a single national language is adopted, so that it spreads among groups that do not speak it, understanding the importance of this factor for uniting the whole nation and combating tribal disunity.

Although language is a powerful unifying force, at the same time it is capable of dividing people. The group using this language considers everyone who speaks it as their own, and people who speak other languages ​​or dialects as strangers.

To know the expressive means of the language, to be able to use its stylistic and semantic riches in all their structural diversity - every native speaker should strive for this.

The protection and protection of natural resources and the health of the people are now recognized as an important national matter. Protected and restored monuments of material culture - part of the spiritual historical heritage. Our language needs the same careful approach. The Russian literary language must be protected from being clogged with vulgarisms and jargon, from stylistic “decrease” and stylistic “averaging”, i.e., leveling or stamping. It must be protected from unnecessary foreign borrowings, from all sorts of inaccuracies, and even more so from mistakes and inaccuracies, in a word, from everything that leads to its impoverishment, and consequently, to the impoverishment or death of thought.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture and art of speech. Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

2. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. M., 1980.

3. Sokolova V.V. A culture of speech. Culture of communication. M., 1989.

4. Soper P.A. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1999.

Research of creative thinking (Ya.A. Ponomarev), ways of activation and development of creative thinking.

J. Gilfor divides thinking into convergent and divergent. Convergent thinking can be reproductive and creative. Divergent thinking is creativity.

Creativity is a type of creative thinking. It can have different degrees of development: creative learning abilities, creativity proper, giftedness, talent, genius.

Creative thinking includes:

§ Craft aspect: fluency, elaboration, compilation.

§ The creative aspect is originality. Originality can be both for oneself and for others. Originality for others, types:

i. Crazy (deviant originality) + arbitrariness

ii. Aesthetic sense (sense of harmony)

iii. Sensitivity to shortcomings, intellectual initiative

iv. Meaningful originality: redefinition (interpretation) and insight (depth of penetration)

The mechanism of creative thinking is the use of indirect, by-products, including those from past experience.

Ya.A. Ponomarev, in the study of creative thinking, used the hint method: a person was given a task that could not be solved by traditional methods. He came to a dead end, and at that moment he was given a very indirect hint, with the help of which he could find a new, creative solution.

In this regard, the stages of creative problem solving were identified:

1. a conscious process of solving a problem that does not lead to a result.

2. incubation period

3. "Illumination" based on the use of past unconscious experience or side objects.

The mechanisms of creative thinking have been actively studied in Gestalt psychology.

Speech is a form of communication mediated by language. Speech is the means by which other mental processes are mediated. Speech is individual, while language is common to all its speakers. The unit of speech thinking is the word.

The physiological basis of speech is the left hemisphere of the brain. In the temporal lobes is Wernicke's center, the center of speech recognition. In the frontal lobe - Broca's center, the center of speech reproduction.

Speech properties:

2. expressiveness

3. connectivity

4. situational

Speech functions:

1. communication, impact on another person

2. generalization. The word acts as a banishment, a concept, a pointer to an object

3. influence on oneself, regulation of one's mental activity: arbitrariness of attention, memory, imagination.

Theories of speech:

1. egocentric (Piaget, Vygotsky)

2. learning theory. Humans have an innate need to imitate.

3. Chomsky's theory: there are structures in the brain that determine the innate ability of each person to master speech.

4. cognitive theory. The development of speech depends on the ability inherent in the child from birth to perceive and intellectually process information.

The word is a unit of speech thinking. It includes 2 components:

semantics (content). This includes:

¾ meaning of the word. It opens in the word objectively. Meanings are stable and defined by the language.

¾ Individual meaning of the word. It differs for different people. Formed and changed throughout life.

material carrier

¾ material carrier: speech-motor vocal apparatus / hand movements when writing + brain activity

¾ graphic media

Speech disorder - aphasia. Aphasia can be either mental (impaired understanding and reproduction of speech), or physical, or motor (impaired articulation of speech).


Snezhana Ivanova

Speech occupies an essential position in human life: it determines the possibility of any interaction and accompanies it in any activity...

It is difficult to imagine the conditions of modern reality without speech. Any action that requires contact with other people, we accompany with words. Every day we are bombarded with a huge flow of information, from which everyone chooses for himself what suits him personally. Speech occupies a significant position in human life: it determines the possibility of any interaction and accompanies it in any activity. How poor our lives would be without the ability to verbalize thought! The evolution of human speech occurred gradually: from antiquity to the present, it has developed, new meanings have appeared, and vocabulary has been enriched. If in the old days it was possible to replace speech with gestures, images, just a look, now almost any profession requires a person to speak the language at the highest level. In the 21st century, it is necessary to be able not only to correctly and accurately express your thoughts, but also to formulate intentions aimed at achieving better results. All this is impossible without speech activity.

Speech structure

Speech, like any other type of activity, consists of several elements.

Motivation- an important structural component, without which no interaction between people would take place. Before performing any action related to communication, a person must feel the need for interaction. Motivation can concern both the personal (internal) needs of an individual, and go beyond his needs.

Planning- the second element in the structure of speech. Here, the ability to predict and the expected result come to the fore. The personal interests of a person are involved in the process of distributing their resources and capabilities. Good planning necessarily includes introspection and reflection. A person must know why he is going to spend his resource, what he wants to achieve.

Implementation is a process aimed at achieving a goal. When the task is formulated, the person is highly motivated and takes a competent approach to step-by-step actions. Speech conveys information from one person to another.

The control is an integral part of any successful activity, and speech is no exception. To understand whether the problem is solved correctly, it is necessary to periodically monitor the result. We can hold a voluminous seminar on some issue, give people interesting information, but this is not enough if there is a desire for great achievements. It is extremely important to get feedback from the participants, to hear their opinion, to be convinced of its usefulness.

Speech functions

Modern psychological science defines speech as the highest mental function, an essential mechanism in the formation of intellectual activity, the process of transmission and exchange of information. Like any activity, it performs a number of important tasks.

Nominative function consists in the need to name, designate an object with a word. Thanks to this, everyone is able to understand their opponent and not get confused in terms. Communication between people is based on a pre-created model, which greatly simplifies the process of understanding.

Generalizing function serves to identify common features, properties of objects for further classification into groups. The word no longer denotes one object, but names a whole group of properties or phenomena. Here the strongest connection between speech and thinking is manifested, since such operations require intense mental activity.

Communicative function is the transfer of information from one person to another. This function can be manifested both orally and in writing.

Types of speech

In psychological science, there are two ways of expressing speech: external (conversation when two or more people come into contact with each other) and internal.

inner speech is a special form of expression. Unlike the external one, it is characterized by fragmentation and fragmentation, often chaotic and inconsistent. Such an internal dialogue takes place in the mind of a person, often it does not go beyond it. If desired, they can be controlled and controlled. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that inner speech is very strongly connected with the emotions and feelings of a person.

Features of human speech

Expression of the emotional component

The way a person speaks has a significant impact on the perception of his words by interlocutors. The timbre of the voice, intonation, pauses during pronunciation, speed give the sounding speech a peculiar coloring, individuality and originality. Agree, it is much more pleasant to listen to a person with a soft timbre of voice, smooth intonation and, in addition, an interesting topic. In this case, there is a great interest in the material that is presented.

Speech will help the individual to defend his position in the dispute, show sympathy for the person he likes, and reveal the emotional component. For example, if the topic is sufficiently to the liking of the individual, then, no doubt, she will strive to continue communication.

Transfer of accumulated experience

The child learns the surrounding reality with the help of sounding speech. First, the parent shows him the objects and names them. Then the baby grows, begins to interact with other people, learns from them a lot of interesting and important things for himself. Without words, it would be impossible for a child to acquire new information, nor for an adult to convey it. Much here, of course, depends on the quality of the presentation of the material itself, but the meaning of speech is the determining factor.

The transfer of knowledge and skills, the achievements of modern science is an integral part in the use of speech. Without it, teaching would be impossible. The work of a writer, thinker, researcher could not find its application. Only thanks to living language, written and oral speech, we read books, listen to lectures, have the opportunity to share our own experience with others.

The value of speech in human life

Ability to learn

By reading books, a person improves, expands his understanding of the world and of himself. By studying any subject, he also accumulates knowledge. At the same time, speech is of decisive importance: after all, without knowing the language, without being able to communicate, assimilate material, a person would not have the opportunity to reach a new level of development and education. Without speech, it is impossible to imagine a single work, a single researcher, psychologist, teacher or politician. Even those who consider themselves to have mastered their native language and speech to a sufficient degree must constantly study in order to achieve high results.

The ability to learn is an important component of any activity if it is to succeed. Only constantly learning new things, improving existing skills can lead to successful promotion. Speech is used everywhere, in all spheres of life. Wherever a person goes, with whomever he comes into contact, he will need knowledge of the language as a tool of interaction.

Self improvement

Sometimes a person has a desire to correct the mistakes of the past, gain new experience, significantly change his life. Such impulses are usually dictated by the desire for self-realization. In this case, speech can be useful to him as a reliable aid. Studying the necessary material, reading books, conducting seminars or trainings - all this requires a certain preparation and moral strength. The extent to which a person is ready to make certain efforts to realize his intention is the extent to which speech is fully involved in this difficult task. Oral, written, turned outward and inward - it leads a person to new achievements, helps him achieve his goal.

Thus, the role of speech in human life is enormous, it is of paramount importance. Speech activity is applicable everywhere: in communication with friends and relatives, in education, teaching, trade, in any profession that requires contact with people. Language culture is closely connected with modern psychological science. If a person wants to acquire the skill of effective communication, to be known in his circles as an intellectual, a cultured and educated person, he must work hard on himself, devote enough time to the development of speech, the correct pronunciation of words and the construction of complex semantic structures.

Talking without thinking - weight is the same as shooting without aiming.

M. Cervantes

General characteristics of speech. Basic types of speech. Functions of speech and its connection with thinking. Speech development

One of the main differences between humans and animals is speech. It is the process of communication between people through language. In order to be able to speak and understand someone else's speech, you need to know the language and be able to use it.

Language- this is a system of conditional symbols, with the help of which combinations of sounds are transmitted that have certain meanings and meaning for people. It is developed by society, and one of its phenomena is that each person finds a ready-made language spoken by others, and in the process of his development he assimilates it.

Why does a person need a language? Why is articulate speech necessary?

Language is needed so that people can:

  • - exchange thoughts during joint activities, i.e. it is needed as a means of communication;
  • - to consolidate and preserve the collective experience of mankind;
  • - Use it to express your feelings and emotions.

Without language, there would be no man himself, because everything that is human in him is connected with language, expressed and fixed in him.

L. Uspensky writes in the remarkable book “A Word about Words”: “From early childhood to old age, a person’s entire life is inextricably linked with language. The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his clear ear already catches the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales ... The teenager goes to school. A young man walks to an institute or university. A whole sea of ​​words, a noisy ocean of speech, picks him up there, behind the wide doors. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, for the first time he sees the immensely complex Universe reflected in the word ... The new man was born with ancient thoughts, with those that had developed in the minds of people millennia before his birth. He himself gains the opportunity to address great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And it's all thanks to the language.

The language is the same for all people using it, and reflects the psychology of the people. Speech is individual, and it expresses the psychology of a single person.

The meaning of a word is its content. Each time we use a word to refer to a real object, we thereby indicate to our interlocutor or ourselves what class this object belongs to, what properties it has, what action can be performed with it. But at the same time, we associate with it some features of individual experience. For example, the word “brush” will be perceived differently by an artist, a doctor, and a gardener, associating different ideas with it. It happens that the "language" of a representative of a particular profession, class, group is so peculiar that it becomes incomprehensible to people who do not belong to this profession or social group.

We also distinguish people not only by as they say but how many.

For example, there is an opinion that women are "the most talkative people in the world." Czech scientists have questioned this widely held belief. As a result of the study, it turned out that the palm belongs to children aged 5 to 10 years. They speak at least 14,000 words a day. Sometimes the child even talks to himself. The second place is occupied by ... foreign sailors, who talk about their impressions after returning from long voyages. In third place - young people aged 18 to 25 years. They speak about 10,000 words a day.

But even the speech of one person cannot always be the same: speaking from the podium, he will speak more slowly and more legibly, use words and expressions that he never uses in a simple conversation. Depending on the circumstances, on the conditions in which a person speaks, stylistic differences.

Often we hear that this or that word or expression “cannot” be used, “they don’t say that”, “it’s not literary”.

Language, as well as clothing, is different in the same person depending on time and place. Therefore, when we are taught in school that we “should” speak in a certain way, then this is not violence against the person. The school should teach, in particular, under what circumstances how to speak. Since we learn ordinary colloquial speech without school, in the family and on the street, the main task of the school is to form our speech skills, to teach literary language, those. such a form of the national language, which is used in fiction and scientific literature, in newspapers, magazines, etc. No one obliges us to use only it in all cases of life - this could lead to comic situations, but where it is customary - we must speak it.

It is this set of rules of the literary language, according to which it is customary to build one's speech in certain specific conditions of communication, and it is customary to call language norm.

Of course, each of us speaks Russian, uses its vocabulary, builds phrases according to the rules of Russian grammar. But that, what and as we speak is not always provided by grammar and vocabulary.

Let's turn to examples.

Here is an excerpt from a poem by S. Yesenin:

Cold gold of the moon

The smell of oleander and levkoy.

It is good to wander among the peace of the Blue and gentle country...

And here is an excerpt from the book of Professor M. A. Sapozhkov “Speech Signal in Cybernetics and Communications”: “Comparison of the width of the frequency range of three-layer and single-layer transmissions (with equivalent intelligibility of the band) shows that three-layer transmission narrows the frequency range by about 1.5 times ".

Any student understands that in both examples the language is Russian. But in the first case, we are dealing with poetry, with poetic speech, and in the second, with scientific speech. Thus, we can conclude that speech is divided into types.

There are the following types of speech: oral, internal, written.

Oral speech is communication by means of linguistic means perceived by ear. It is divided into monologue and dialogic. monologue speech - extended speech of a person addressed to other people. This is the speech of a speaker, lecturer, speaker. Dialogic or colloquial speech is an exchange of remarks between two or more people.

Written speech - a kind of monologue speech, but unlike the latter, it is built using written signs. If in oral speech, intonation is used to meaningfully express attitudes towards what they are talking about, then in written speech, vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation marks perform the same functions.

Inner speech - silent speech about oneself and for oneself, arising in the process of thinking. It is specially adapted to perform mental operations and actions in the mind, encodes images of the real world and acts as a means of thinking.

It is the speech we speak to ourselves. Let's say you're not prepared for class. The teacher takes the magazine and looks for someone to call him. You say to yourself mentally: “If only they didn’t ask me.” This is inner speech. And even a very typical case for her - when the sentence does not have a subject. It is usually not necessary for inner speech. After all, what we think about, in such cases, is before our eyes, or at least appears to us quite clearly.

Any kind of speech, including oral and written speech, has its own purpose, i.e. performs certain functions (see Fig. 12).

Function expressions It consists in the fact that with the help of speech a person expresses an attitude towards a certain object, phenomenon or himself. When expressing our attitude to something, speech has a certain emotional coloring, which contributes to the understanding of others about this attitude.

Function impact lies in the fact that with the help of speech we are trying to encourage another person or group

Rice. 12.

Function messages is the exchange of thoughts and information between people with the help of words. It provides contacts between people.

Function designations is the ability to give names to objects and phenomena. She is supreme.

Usually, four periods of speech development in a child are distinguished.

The first period, from birth to a year, is preparatory to verbal speech. The second period lasts up to about three years and is characterized by the initial acquisition of the language. The third period is the preschool age, from sin to six or seven years. This is the period of development of the child's language in the process of speech practice and generalization of linguistic facts. The fourth period is associated with the mastery of written language. These are school years.

It is possible to single out the fifth period, which is associated with the improvement of speech after the end of the school period. However, this stage is strictly individual and is not typical for all people. For most people, the development of speech ends with the end of school, and the subsequent increase in vocabulary is extremely insignificant.

For example, studies conducted at the University Clinic for Speech Problems in Mainz (Germany) found that every fourth child of preschool age has a speech disorder. Speech disorders were found in children of three to four years old, and they amounted to 18-34%. In 1982 this number was only 4%. What is the reason? The conclusion is that families watch too much TV and talk too little. It seems that in families the role of parents is played by videos, television and computer games. Researchers have noticed that many children have difficulty speaking but react very quickly when it comes to computer games. Moreover, the situation is deteriorating due to scientific and technological progress.

In conclusion, I would like to give some interesting statistics. Gerontologists have concluded that silent, laconic people live longer. After all, conversation is a significant waste of energy, and we already spend it ruthlessly.

For example, it is known that the writer Marietta Shaginyan (she lived to be 99 years old) regularly, once a week, arranged for herself a “day of silence”. According to her, this helped her regain strength for further work.

Buddhist monks who have taken a vow of silence are distinguished by their longevity. Pyotr Kalnishevsky, a prisoner of the Solovetsky Monastery, who lived in solitary confinement for a quarter of a century, lived to 112 years old, retaining his mind and interest in life.

And those who, by the nature of their activities, have to talk a lot (lecturers, teachers, actors, guides, radio and television workers), often complain of complete emptiness, exhaustion after work. They are advised to look for an opportunity to be silent as a recovery. People around should treat such people with understanding. It must be remembered that human energy resources are not unlimited.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

  • 1. What role does memory play in human life?
  • 2. Give a description of the main memory processes.
  • 3. What is common between perception and memory, what are the differences?
  • 4. What methods of memorization do you know and do you use them in practice?
  • 5. List and describe the laws of memory.
  • 6. Give examples of rational memorization techniques.
  • 7. What is common and different between thinking and perception as cognitive processes?
  • 8. How are thinking and speech related?
  • 9. Why is thinking called generalized knowledge of the world?
  • 10. In your opinion, what qualities of the mind are needed to solve non-standard problems?