The most important qualities of a leader. Leadership skills

Possessing this quality is equally important for both the leader and his subordinates. If you are true to the idea, then the team will adopt a similar attitude. Then effective cooperation is guaranteed to you.

2. Simplicity

Professional ignorance often hides behind arrogant behavior and confused ideas. However, high performance in the performance of tasks is achieved precisely thanks to clearly formulated solutions that are understandable to both the leader and his team.

3. Self-control

You can't manage people when you can't manage yourself. If the leader often loses his temper and turns to screaming in communication with his subordinates, the team is unlikely to be cohesive and cooperation productive.

4. Sense of tact

The ability to choose the appropriate words and actions is the basis of relationships and leadership. Empathy, kindness, generosity and, most importantly, respect for the rights and opinions of others are the basis for the formation of tact.

5. Energy and enthusiasm

Inaction leads to failure. Even in case of failure, a true leader must be able to encourage the team, inspire faith in success and motivate employees to move forward.

6. Insight

A leader who clearly knows the actions of subordinates in various situations quickly makes the right decisions. He distributes the necessary instructions, competently delegates duties and is respected in the team.

7. Honesty and openness

Hypocrisy and bluff are easy to recognize. A real leader needs to be honest, because he is the guarantor of trust for his subordinates. Do not be silent about the problems of the company and form a false image of yourself. Sooner or later, the truth will come out - you can find yourself in a very delicate situation and lose credibility.

8. Fairness and impartiality

The ability to treat everyone equally is an important quality for someone who leads people. The degree or even admiration of colleagues is determined by the presence of it in the leader. The selection of favorites, the encouragement of incompetent team members only because of friendly relations with them are signs of professional failure that destroys the team.

9. Willingness to take responsibility

It is better to do it and try again if it fails than not to do it at all. Inaction and shifting responsibility for decisions made is worse than taking a wrong step and admitting a mistake. However, taking responsibility does not mean neglecting the ideas of subordinates and doing all the work alone.

These qualities always go together: it is not enough just to take the initiative, it is also important to calculate the consequences. The success of the entire team depends on the leader, therefore, by taking the initiative, he motivates the others and sets an excellent example of how to work. With this approach, the company develops and reaches new heights. It is better to propose a crude idea and then refine it than to silently search for the ideal.

11. Reliability

This quality does not interfere with any person. It is important for the team to feel that the leader can be relied upon and turn to him for help. The leader, on the other hand, needs to be confident in his colleagues and know that his instructions are being carried out in accordance with the requirements.

12. Tenacity and Endurance

The ability to relentlessly pursue a goal and cope with difficulties on the way to the desired result distinguishes the good from the mediocre. Willpower, firmness and courage to stick to the chosen course help to achieve the goal. Endurance allows you to fight fatigue and discomfort.

13. Moral Courage

This quality helps to overcome the fear of failure and condemnation. Develop it in yourself in order to boldly face the unknown and endure hardships in the professional field. By staying calm in unexpected situations, you manage panic and prevent it from spreading across the team.

14. The ability to look decent

Appearance for a leader is as important as character traits. Arrogance and ostentation - no, dignity and confidence - yes. The external image of the leader should correspond to the position held and form a positive opinion about him.

15. Awareness and Mindfulness

A good leader should be aware of all the affairs of the company. This allows you to quickly respond in non-standard situations and take the right ones. Mindfulness, on the other hand, helps to stay one step ahead, thereby setting the right tone for the entire team.

16. Sense of humor

Humor can save a situation that is spiraling out of control. Sometimes one joke is enough to lighten the mood.

17. Clarity of action

People need to know what to expect from a team leader. If there is uncertainty and the purpose of his actions is blurred, then subordinates may become irritable, and the instructions of the leader will be perceived as whims.

18. Ability to set a good example

Be the person that subordinates want to look up to. Show how to work, personally set the bar that you need to meet. Demonstrate those qualities and skills that you want to see in the team.

19. Professionalism

Constantly improve your existing knowledge and skills in order to always stay in your field. Get relevant knowledge, apply it in practice, develop and improve your level.

20. Ability to share experience

It is important not only to have knowledge and rich professional experience, but also to share it with the team. Explain to subordinates familiar to you, but new to them methods. Advise them, if possible, help both with advice and deed - they will thank you with quality work.

The development of leadership qualities contributes to the development of a strong inner core of a person. The term "leadership" is found in various sciences dealing with the study of man and society. For any group consisting of more than two people, this problem is relevant. Some of its members begin to behave more actively, they begin to listen to him, his opinion is put above others. Group members in the process of team formation are conditionally divided into two camps: leaders and followers.

This phenomenon has been studied for many years. The concept of "leadership" is devoted to a huge number of scientific works.

Why is it so important? The definition of the concept and criteria of leadership contributes to the improvement of the methods of effective management, which is important in modern society.

Disputes about whether they become leaders or are born are still going on. Some psychologists adhere to the first version, others tend to the theory of the presence of inclinations from nature. But both of them agree that with due perseverance and desire, any person can, which will lead him to success in his career and personal life.

  • Such a person stands out from the crowd with a special charisma.
  • Energy and determination are always characteristic of a leader.
  • These people are not afraid to take responsibility and initiative.
  • Control over your own emotions allows you to remain calm and composure in any situation, to look for the best way out of the circumstances.
  • The ability to “ignite” others, captivate them with ideas, make them your associates.

Leader and leader: differences and similarities

The success of any business depends on who manages it. The first person of any company is its leader, who is responsible for the results and responsible for everything that happens. At the same time, the director or boss is not always the leader.

There were very good leaders in the USSR. But not all of them were able to rebuild and become leaders in modern conditions. Effective management depends on whether a person can combine both roles. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?


The leader does not strive to achieve any goals. For him, tasks are usually set by someone standing higher, so there is no personal interest. As a result, the manager has a passive position in relation to the result of work and low efficiency of employees.

The manager controls employees, and punishments for misconduct are much more common than rewards for success. Shortcomings in the work are brought up for discussion, in contrast to achievements, which are practically not noted.

The leader demands respect.


The leader clearly sees the ultimate goal and plans the steps to achieve it. He seeks to captivate subordinates, to interest them in the result, in activity.

The leader motivates and inspires the group. Work on the bugs is carried out jointly, the team is looking for ways to solve them. Rewards take precedence over punishments.

The leader treats employees as colleagues, welcomes the initiative from subordinates.


In order to effectively manage a company and build a career, it is not enough to be a good leader. The modern reality is such that the boss must have the makings of a leader, the only way to talk about achieving any results and developing the organization.

List of personality traits of a leader

There are several main qualities that a leader needs:

  1. Responsibility.
  2. adequate self-esteem.
  3. Emotional intelligence.
  4. High concentration of attention.
  5. Empathy.
  6. Perseverance and patience.
  7. Charm and charisma.
  8. Planning for self-development.

The development of leadership qualities requires constant work on oneself. Planning at this stage is of great importance. To do this, you should follow a few important recommendations:

  • Not everyone can set the right goal. The end result seems to many to be weak and very blurry. This is one of the main obstacles to success. The more clearly the goal is set, the more likely it is to achieve it.
  • Don't miss the opportunity! The ability to recognize and use them is the hallmark of any leader. Passive waiting for the right opportunity is not for those who really strive for success.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks! We should not forget about such a concept in psychology as a “comfort zone”. In it, a person feels familiar and comfortable, he feels good in everything. But often it is the “comfort zone” that is an obstacle to development, since it is easy to “get stuck” in it. No need to be afraid of new situations, unexpected turns and events. Without them, personal growth and development of leadership qualities is impossible.
  • You must always be open to learning. Do not think that with a diploma of higher education, you will no longer have to open textbooks. Never neglect the theoretical part of any question. The fact that knowledge is power was said long ago by one of the classics.
  • Observe others and learn from their positive experiences. From childhood, before the eyes of a person, there are people who are more successful and more successful than him in business. You should not envy them, since the adoption of their experience and professional qualities will bring much more benefit.

Leadership is one of the oldest phenomena, the psychology of which people would like to know. After all, it is leadership that is most often associated with key pieces on the chessboard of life. And it is on these figures, first of all, that the outcome of any game depends, since they are the centers of the entire system. Many people have a desire to become leaders and manage the system themselves, because becoming a leader opens up much more opportunities and prospects for us, we get access to more resources and bonuses. Becoming a leader, we make certain investments: first we work for the image of the leader, and then the image of the leader works for us.

How to become a leader

One of the questions most researchers have asked themselves is: Are leaders born or made? How will you answer this question? My opinion is that leaders become. Anyone can become anyone. But not at once! In support of this, there are a large number of examples of people who molded themselves with their own hands and became leaders in many areas. Yes, a certain percentage of people may have leadership potential, but the potential itself is not yet a guarantee that a person will become a real leader in life.

The concept of leadership is quite broad and ambiguous. Therefore, I will not bring it. Better read this quote.

A leader has two important traits; firstly, he himself goes somewhere, and secondly, he can lead people.

- Maximilian Robespierre, one of the leaders of the French Revolution

More important is understanding how to develop in order to become a leader. And for this it is necessary to go through certain stages of development of the personality of a successful leader. And there are only 4 of them.

Your own leader. This is the zero level, which is a prerequisite for becoming a leader. Here you need to understand yourself, take responsibility for your life, be able to motivate and discipline yourself, set goals and achieve them.

leader in the situation. This is the first level - leadership at the micro level, when a person takes responsibility for the actions of an entire group in any situation. We see such leadership most of all in childhood or adolescence, when a leader appears among friends in the company.

Leader in the team. This is the second level - leadership is already at a higher level. Such leadership involves the solution of more important and complex goals. As a rule, leadership qualities begin to manifest themselves sharply precisely at this level from 20 to 30 years old, when a person gets a job.

Team leader. This is the third level - leadership at the macro level. A person has an ambitious goal in life and he assembles a team to achieve it. Successful leadership at this level requires the development of certain leadership skills.

WATCH A VIDEO! 3 Effective Techniques for Developing Leadership Skills!

Naturally, I think you want to reach the last level! Therefore, now let's talk about what qualities you need to develop in order to become a leader.

12 Essential Leadership Qualities

According to a number of studies, about 70 leadership qualities have been identified. But the development of such a large number of tasks is almost impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to choose according to the Pareto principle 20%, which will influence 80% of the formation of you as a leader. As a result, I chose 12 main leadership qualities. For convenience, they were also divided into 3 groups: system skills, communication skills and internal qualities.

System Skills: vision, vision , purposefulness or perseverance, flexibility.

Communication skills: communication skills, the ability to motivate and inspire, organization, support.

Personal traits: inner integrity, confidence, proactivity, self-control.

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Now let's look at each of the qualities in more detail.


This skill is where leadership begins. At the core of a leader's vision should be the idea of ​​creating or reforming something. Vision allows you to create an image of the new and helps to paint pictures of the future, building perspectives. Thanks to this leadership quality, a leader can set a global and audacious goal. The ability to create a vision will help him rally and inspire people, making them want to follow him. Unlike a fantasist or a science fiction writer, the leader constantly asks himself one very important question: “How to make this a reality?”. And here you can already move on to the next leadership quality - the ability to set goals.


Goal setting allows the leader to articulate their vision into a very specific, tangible outcome. This leadership skill allows you to see the goal clearly, not just distant prospects. When the result of the activity is formulated, the goal becomes clear, understandable, clear. The goal of a leader must always be ambitious, it must contain a challenge! This approach gives a certain state - the state of passion. That is why the leader achieves much more than many other people.


A leadership quality that allows, when faced with difficulties, not to stop, but to find solutions to the problem and move on. There are no barriers, there are not enough resources at the moment. It is enough to be persistent and collect them, moving on until the result is achieved. Jumping over the abyss at 98% and at 100% is not the same thing. Do not confuse purposefulness with stubbornness and obstinacy. To develop perseverance, remember that there are no defeats, but only feedback that helps you gain experience and draw the necessary conclusions on the way to achieving your goal.


In the process of moving towards the goal, the leader must be flexible. This is the possibility of having a large number of strategies and choices. This allows you to act most effectively in each specific situation. One of the varieties of flexibility of the mind and actions is the ability to go beyond the system. As recommendations for the development of this leadership quality, setting a goal, it is necessary to present at least 3 ways to achieve it and try to determine the best one. Remember that the most direct route is not always the shortest! Find an interesting path of achievement that no one has yet walked.


In the modern world, the value of this leadership quality is very high. Being sociable is important not only as a leader, but also in any other situations. The ability to communicate effectively with the people you need is the key to success. Let's highlight a few important elements. This is the ability to quickly establish contact, win over an interlocutor, listen and hear, the ability to ask questions and receive information. Sociability will allow you to create the right connections at the right time to more effectively achieve the goal. In the modern world, this is called networking.


The ability to motivate is to create an impulse of action that stimulates both oneself and others. Usually there are 2 types of motivation: "From" and "To". From fear or towards love. From minus or To plus. Different situations require different motivations. Alternating them will be more effective. Inspiration is a special way of motivation that allows you not only to create a short-term impulse, but sustainable and long-term motivation. The future should be so colorful and attractive that you want to get into it faster and dive there with your head. A leader with good vision can inspire people with great ease.


It is very important for a leader to be able to assemble a team of first-class professionals in their field and organize the process of activity itself. This includes qualities such as planning, delegation, sweeping away unnecessary actions, and so on. The whole team should work together with the leader to improve key performance in a friendly environment. This is facilitated by the creation of group work, when the result depends on the common efforts. This brings the team members closer together and allows them to more effectively cope with the tasks.


This leadership quality as a creator and team member includes the ability to provide support to like-minded people and followers in a difficult situation. People will support just such a leader who cares not only about his own interests, but about them too. Without this quality, it will be difficult for a leader to maintain his authority. Moving towards a goal is not only a difficult task, but also a strong relationship.


Inner integrity is a leadership skill that integrates all of the above qualities. This is the creation of a balance of all parts and manifestations of a person. A person is integral when the whole essence of a person is directed like a stream in one direction, as if subject to a single plan. You want to follow the leader when he not only knows where to go, but also broadcasts it with his whole being. A step towards finding integrity is the leader's awareness of his mission or his own uniqueness. A person who has an understanding of his mission knows or feels what needs to be done, while enjoying the very process of his own activity and life in general.


Confidence is defined as the basic state that a leader must have. The state of confidence is associated with reliability, it seems that you can rely on such a person, you can trust him, you want to follow him. A confident person can be identified by the body: straightened shoulders, slender posture, even breathing, slow and intelligible speech, keeping a look at the interlocutor. It all comes down to personal confidence. And there is also a spiritual faith in the positive outcome of the plan. This confidence is an order of magnitude higher than the first. And not everyone manages to develop it.


The leader must be active in all respects. He tries to go half a step ahead of time. He needs to have the latest information and be at the center of the flow of events in order to act first. In the modern world of high speeds, delay threatens to lose both morally and financially, which ultimately turns into lost profits. As soon as the goal is set, the movement begins, and then it is necessary to control the entire system based on key parameters along the way.


A leadership quality that every leader should possess. The concept of self-control includes a number of such qualities as stress resistance, the ability to take a punch, endurance, which are associated with critical situations and the manifestation of negative emotions. External pressure can cause ill health, apathy, irritability, and even anger. There will always be a temptation to suppress your emotions. But this is absolutely not necessary. What to do? Try not to hit them from the very beginning. But what if stress is inevitable? In a state of stress, it is necessary to apply breathing practice: deep breath, holding the breath, deep exhalation, smile. And so "by the square" to the necessary relaxed or controlled emotional state.

See also:

50 signs of a leader

1. A leader is, first of all, a strong character.
2. The leader does not wait for orders - the leader acts himself.
3. The leader is distinguished from all others by the courage of actions.
4. A leader is usually a leader in everything.
5. A leader is capable of leading thousands.
6. The leader has many advisers.
7. Leaders are not born - leaders are made.
8. All people are leaders from birth.
9. Leadership is rooted in optimism.
10. The main rival of the leader is himself.
11. A leader is distinguished by a good mood and a sober mind.
12. The leader always knows what he wants.
13. A leader loves life.
14. The departure of a leader can lead to the collapse of the organization.
15. A leader is not afraid to destroy in order to build again.
16. The leader, as a rule, is developed not only physically.
17. The leader has those qualities that those who surround him do not have.
18. They try to imitate the leader.
19. The leader knows why he wakes up.
20. The leader's claims are undeniable.
21. A leader can only be understood by another leader.
22. Leaders do not fight each other, but cooperate.
23. The leader does not strive to be someone, he always remains himself.
24. The leader is comfortable and alone.
25. Crises and changes for the leader time - active actions.
26. The main authority for the leader is himself.
27. The leader does not deny the opinions of others, at the expense of them he substantiates his point of view.
28. There are no difficulties for a leader - there are tasks.
29. The leader manages everything.
30. Even the most ardent loser feels successful next to the leader.
31. The leader always goes only forward.
32. Wanting to be a leader and doing something for this are two different things.
33. Leadership is, first of all, strong-willed decisions.
34. A leader is a person with non-standard views.
35. The leader does not fight - he wins.
36. The whole team cannot suppress the will of the leader.
37. The mood of a leader creates a mood for everyone around.
38. A leader inspires people to accomplish feats.
39. The motto of the leader: "One warrior in the field."
40. No one and nothing will make the leader deviate from the path without his desire.
41. Only death can leave a leader.
42. The leader is the standard of faith.
43. The leader laughs at difficulties.
44. Obstacles in the leader awaken excitement and interest.
45. Even in peace, a leader remains a leader.
46. ​​The leader does not strain - he lives.
47. The life of a leader is always impressive.
48. A leader cannot be created from a template.
49. Leadership periodically wakes up in everyone.
50. Leaders are legendary.

To become a leader, you must possess or develop a certain set of qualities and character traits. Leadership skills affect the process of development and formation of the leader's personality in different ways. But it is impossible to single out one or two qualities that have the main impact.

In the life of any leader, sooner or later, situations arise when any of the leadership qualities presented below may be needed.

In addition, the leader is faced with diverse problems and tasks, and in order to solve them, a wide range of leadership qualities is needed, which will eventually achieve the desired result.

Therefore, I offer a list that contains 21 points and will reveal the main leadership qualities, the development of which will allow you to become a real leader.

1. Being a Leader in Your Life - Knowing how to manage your life, motivate yourself, set goals for yourself and take action to achieve them - this is the first step to leadership. It is this leadership quality that will serve as the foundation for your future success.

2. Perspective vision - this leadership quality requires constant development and training. The more knowledge and experience you have, the better and more reliable you will be able to imagine future events.

3. Openness - The development of a leader is ongoing. Every day he receives new information, communicates with people, makes decisions - openness is simply necessary for effective implementation. If we compare all leadership qualities, then openness is one of the most important.

4. Courage - This is perhaps the second most important leadership quality. The ability to control your fear and act in spite of fear is what the courage of a leader is. Everyone is afraid, but those who continue to go towards their goal achieve success.

5. Decisiveness - the life of any person is limited. Therefore, leaders do not waste time on empty talk. If there is not enough information to make a decision, they will do everything to obtain it and continue to act.

6. Energy is one of the fundamental leadership qualities. The life of a leader takes a huge emotional and physical toll. And in order to withstand this, strong energy is simply necessary.

7. Positive outlook on things - Problems arise for everyone and always. Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Positivity helps the leader focus on finding a solution rather than finding blame.

8. Ability to listen to others - no one can be an expert in all areas at once. And the leader understands this. The strength of a leader lies in the ability to find experts and organize them for the good of a common cause. This point can also be added to the most important leadership qualities.

9. Mindfulness and Criticality - Leaders gather facts carefully and verify all information. Any business can be ruined by one small detail.

10. Confidence and calmness - composure helps the leader to focus on finding a solution. It controls emotions and prevents them from influencing the decision-making process.

11. Flexibility and sensitivity - Our world is changing. And the pace of change is accelerating every year. What worked 5 years ago is no longer effective today. For continuous growth, it is necessary to constantly make adjustments and develop leadership skills.

12. Result Oriented - Greater success is achieved by those who achieve greater results. What matters is not how you did it, but what you achieved. And it is your results that will drive you to success.

13. Admit your mistakes - Leaders make mistakes too. But they know how to admit it to other people. That allows you to keep moving forward. If we take all leadership qualities, then in importance this is in the first place.

14. The ability to constantly learn - The volatility of the world has led to the fact that knowledge becomes obsolete at an amazing rate. Gaining new knowledge and skills will allow you to increase your competitiveness. New knowledge will help develop new leadership qualities.

15. Proper self-esteem - The leader is clearly aware of what he can and cannot do. And he focuses his efforts on what he does best. This increases its efficiency, which allows you to achieve better results.

16 Passion for work - A leader loves what he does. This passion allows him to maintain interest in what he does, increases his efficiency and effectiveness. This item allows you to develop all other leadership qualities.

17. Knows how to ignite people - A leader without associates is not a leader. Having learned to motivate himself, the leader acquires the ability to ignite the fire of desire and action in people, motivating them to fulfill their goals and objectives. And thanks to this leadership quality, you can achieve a lot, a lot.

18. Charisma - helps to attract the right people. Great achievements require an effective team. And the leader knows how to create it.

19. Focus - this leadership quality allows you to isolate the most important thing among the things and focus all your attention on it.

20. Competence - the ability of a leader to articulate what is needed, plan what is needed, and do what is needed, and in such a way that it is clear to others that you know how to act and it is clear to them that they want to follow. you. In terms of importance of leadership qualities, this is in second place.

21. Generosity - The measure of a leader's greatness is not the number of people who serve him, but the number of people he serves. Generosity requires putting other people first, not yourself. The leader knows how to share and in return receives even more.

The phenomenon of leadership has existed for a long time, because a person has always wanted to look strong and self-sufficient in the eyes of others, to have influence and power. It is the leader who is the main character in the scenario of life, endowed with exceptional perspectives and access to something more. Most people associate the concept of a leader with certain innate characteristics that help to achieve success, but in reality each person is capable of developing the basic qualities of a leader.

To comprehend the nature of leadership, you need to study its structure and features. In modern psychology, a leader is a person who has a number of qualities and skills that help him "lead" people to a specific goal.

Leadership levels

The concept of leadership is quite broad and ambiguous. For its correct understanding, it is necessary to single out specific stages in the development of the personality of a successful leader:

  1. Your own leader. This is the basic first stage, which is a prerequisite for becoming a leader. You should learn to discipline and motivate yourself, be responsible for your own actions, form the skills to set and achieve goals.
  2. leader in the situation. This is leadership at the micro level, when a person takes on leadership functions in a certain extreme situation, where the context of necessity forced him to take responsibility.
  3. Team leader. This is the concept of macro leadership, where a person forms his team and motivates its members to achieve goals. Here situationality disappears, replaced by constant initiative and responsibility for the quality of the work of your own team.
  4. leader in the system. Metal leadership involves the leadership of an entire system, where a person becomes a leader among leaders. Goals are becoming more serious and global; successful leadership at this level requires the presence of many personal and professional qualities.

So what should be the leader? A successful leader must master the basic leadership skills and master the corresponding key qualities of a leader, without which productive functioning at any stage of development will become impossible. Key leadership skills can be divided into three groups: basic skills, communication skills and personal qualities at the level of personality development.

Basic skills of a successful leader

Perspective vision

It is with this concept that leadership begins, a vision of prospects and a developed ability to predict allows you to be more flexible, change your strategy and direction of movement, focusing on a possible situation. The ability to create a bright future in the team's view serves as an element of inspiration and turns the activity in a positive direction.

Goal setting

Goal-setting serves as the foundation for a successful vision of prospects and allows you to create conditions for the gradual, thoughtful movement of the team towards a big goal, achieving results gradually, in small steps. At the same time, final and bright, so that the team feels an urgent need to achieve it.

Successful adaptation

In our changing world, where endless streams of information pass through the human mind every day, it is necessary to be able to notice the slightest environmental changes. Of the gigabytes of information, only the one that concerns the company's activities should be taken into account. Such adaptation is possible with a broad general outlook of the leader, who will be able to notice and highlight the most important trends and development strategies.


The leader must always have in stock various strategies and methods in order to be able to choose the most suitable option in each specific situation. The lack of options makes him predictable and weak in the eyes of not only the team, but also competitors. Sometimes this quality works well on the basis of some kind of opposition to the system, which can lead to original, extraordinary solutions.


This quality of a leader is interconnected with the strength of the individual, when a person does not stop in the face of unpleasant and dangers, and also takes justified risks. It is important not to confuse perseverance with stubbornness, when a person is able to go towards his goal at any cost. Such behavior borders on arrogance and turns the team away from the leader.

Communication skills

  • The ability to convince. This concept means to effectively use your verbal intelligence, leadership emotions, to achieve the goals of the team. The moment of truth comes when a person moves from his position or point of view to the opponent's position. The nature of persuasion consists of weighty arguments, because only in this way can an intelligent person listen and accept the point of view of the interlocutor.
  • Sociability. Nowadays, this quality is of key importance for a person who wants to interact productively in society. A modern leader must be able to find a common language with different categories of people in different situations and circumstances of communication. An effective way to establish communication is to master the techniques of quickly establishing contact. Now there are many trainings where everyone can learn effective communication styles, improving their own;
  • Confidence. In order for the interlocutor to quickly take the right side, non-verbal skills should be included in the communication process. These include posture, gestures, intonation of voice, rate of speech, and others. Their nature acts on the unconscious sphere of the human psyche and will help to establish a trusting contact.
  • The ability not only to listen, but also to hear. This concept means that the leader can not only speak, but also listen carefully, including all channels of perception in actions. It is important to be able to choose an appropriate topic of conversation, win over the interlocutor, and then give him the opportunity to speak. At this time, you should use the active listening strategy, nodding your head and inserting short lines in the right places. The ability to ask logical and accurate questions will help to obtain the necessary information tactfully and unobtrusively.

Personal qualities of a successful leader

  • Self-confidence. A confident leader is able to inspire confidence and give a sense of security to his team. Its nature distinguishes a person from the crowd even by physical signs: even posture, straightened shoulders, calm look, measured breathing. Speech is smooth and clear, without hesitation and long pauses.
  • Proactivity. This quality differs from ordinary activity by the ability to independently initiate a situation. Such a person knows how to get ahead of someone else's initiative and acts on the basis of his own motives;
  • The integrity of the individual. The ability to "control oneself", to show emotional calmness in extreme situations belongs to people with a holistic inner world. The mental processes of such a leader are balanced, he is able to control his personal feelings and behavior even at unexpected moments when most people start to get nervous or give up.

Video: irreplaceable important qualities of a leader.