Media about mgimo. The queue for a beautiful life: a report from the MGIMO admissions committee

Information about the university

History of MGIMO

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations, founded in 1944, is considered the oldest center where international specialists were trained. By the decision of the Council of People's Commissars (October 14, 1944), it was decided to create this educational institution from the international faculty of Moscow State University. After the opening, there were only three faculties at MGIMO: economics, international and law. In the first set, there were only 200 students, but since 1946 they began to send applicants from foreign countries to study.

In 1954, there was a merger with MIV (Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies). As a result, an eastern department and a unique Lazarev library appeared in the university, which was famous for its collection of oriental literature. In 1958, the Foreign Trade Institute (established in 1934) became part of MGIMO. Due to this circumstance, the training of specialists in foreign economic activity has significantly increased, and there has been an expansion of the Faculty of Economics. In 1969, the Faculty of International Journalism and the Faculty of International Law were solemnly opened at the Institute, and in 1991 - the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration.

In 1994, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations was deservedly awarded the status of a university. In 1998, the Faculty of Political Science was opened. In 2000, for better training of specialists in international cooperation, the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy was formed at the university. In 2011, the Institute of Foreign Economic Relations was transformed into the Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce.

Education at MGIMO today

Today, this higher educational institution is considered one of the leading professional humanitarian universities in Russia, where international specialists are trained. The teaching staff of the university includes more than a thousand professors, 20 academicians, 150 doctors of science, more than 300 candidates of science and associate professors. For applicants, there is an opportunity to choose one of the faculties:

  • Faculty of International Relations;
  • International Institute for Energy Policy and Diplomacy;
  • Faculty of Political Science;
  • International Institute of Management;
  • Institute of European Law;
  • European Training Institute;
  • Faculty of International Journalism;
  • Faculty of Basic Training;
  • Institute of International Relations and Management;
  • Institute of Additional Professional Education;
  • Faculty of International Law;
  • Applied Economics and Commerce;

The institute presents the following forms of education: part-time (evening), full-time and part-time forms of education. MGIMO has already made a transition to a new, multi-level system of education, which consists of 4-year training in selected specialties of bachelors. After the bachelor's degree, it is possible to continue your studies in the magistracy, to obtain the required master's degree. The training of masters at the university began to be carried out since 1994, today there are 48 special master's programs in 13 areas. Also, after receiving a diploma of higher education, a student, if desired, can undergo postgraduate and doctoral studies, and postgraduate studies provide high-quality training of scientific personnel in 28 specialties, applicants are accepted on a competitive basis, if they have higher education or any achievements in scientific work.

Additional MGIMO opportunities for students

A hostel is provided for visiting applicants. The university has four dormitories with all the necessary amenities for living. For settlement, you should submit an appropriate application when submitting documents (at the Admissions Committee), accommodation occurs after payment for accommodation. MGIMO holds annual competitions for scholarships, in addition, students have the opportunity to receive various nominal scholarships, and grants are provided for teachers.

There is a military department at MGIMO, where hundreds of officers (military translators) were trained in their specialty. This department was founded in 1944, the qualified specialists who are graduating successfully carry out the assigned tasks during the period of military service. For those wishing to become the owner of a second higher education, the university offers special programs to obtain the necessary knowledge. Today, more and more often, career growth requires a diploma, so the university provides an opportunity to get a second higher education in the most popular areas - economics and law.

There is also an opportunity to receive vocational education for those who already have a higher education diploma. Training is conducted at the Institute of Additional Professional Education, in addition, advanced training courses are held at the European Training Institute on the topics of economics, law and politics of the European Union. Upon completion of training, students are issued a state certificate (or certificate).

The structure of the university includes 5 institutes, 8 faculties, there is also a School of Business and International Competencies, intensive training takes place at 20 language departments in 54 foreign languages. In 2013, this educational institution successfully passed the international accreditation of all available educational programs.

The rector of the university is academician, doctor of sciences, professor Torkunov Anatoly Vasilyevich, who has been performing these duties since 1992. In the BRICS ranking, MGIMO is among the top five universities in Russia. When conducting the study, the following criteria were taken into account: academic reputation, reviews and reputation among employers, the presence of an academic degree among the teaching staff, the number of foreign students, etc.

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations has made a significant contribution to the intensive development of the science of regional studies, international law and relations; many textbooks and scientific papers have been published. At the same time, MGIMO maintains partnerships with many educational institutions in the CIS and abroad. Thanks to this, specialists graduating from this university are always in demand and employment does not cause complications.

They took part in the organization and conduct of the annual national procession "Immortal Regiment". Every year, MGIMO volunteers take part in events on Red Square dedicated to the celebration of the Great Victory in World War II. This year, the guys accompanied and helped the Veterans of the Great Patriotic War on the central stand of Red Square, stands for the guests of the procession and the media. As part of their work with the media, volunteers supported the representatives of Channel One in accompanying and implementing live broadcasts at the starting point of the Immortal Regiment. Participation in this event helps to preserve the historical heritage of our country, the memory of our ancestors and their great feat!

Today, activists provided linguistic and protocol support in organizing the opening ceremony of the international art exhibition "The Ball in Art", at which the exhibition's tour around a number of countries of the world was launched. The final point of the exposition will be Doha (Qatar) on the eve of the next FIFA 2022 World Cup. The guests of honor at the opening ceremony of the art exhibition were: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Karasin G.B., Rector of MGIMO Russian Foreign Ministry Torkunov A.V. , Former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Stepashin S.V., head of Rossotrudnichestvo Mitrofanova E.V., coach of the Russian national football team Cherchesov S.S., best scorer in the history of the Spartak club Simonyan N.P., assistant to the Ambassador of the State of Qatar - host countries of the next championship, ambassadors of countries in Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Russian state, political and public figures, cultural figures, scientists and artists. The exhibition presents more than 60 works by famous Russian and foreign artists dedicated to the vibrant world of football, its phenomenon, humanistic values ​​- works by artists from Russia, Japan, Italy, France, the USA, Switzerland, India, the Netherlands, Brazil and other countries. They dedicate their creativity to all football fans, athletes, coaches, this sports game, which is loved and revered by billions of people on the planet. You can get acquainted with the expositions of the exhibition on the second floor of the MGIMO Cultural Center.

The Americans have been very careful about investing in China. But another thing is that the US was, of course, the key state that initiated China's entry into the world economy, which allowed China to rise and become the world's second economy, despite the fact that it is a communist state and seemingly similar to the Soviet Union.

Cruise missile destroyer in the Black Sea - NATO provocation The true purpose of these exercises, pursued by the British military, is to indicate their presence in the Black Sea. In recent years, NATO has increased its activity at the expense of the ships of those states that are located in the Black Sea.

What awaits Russia, Europe and the United States after the collapse of the treaty Moreover, the originally planned "zero option", in which the USSR removes its medium-range missiles from Europe beyond the Urals in exchange for the US withdrawal of its missiles from Western Europe, was replaced by a more radical one. The parties assumed the obligation to destroy all their arsenals of medium and shorter range missiles.

"Shell" will not cover India The market is huge. We really conceded some things, for example, military transport aviation, to the Americans. Our main competitors are the USA, France, Israel. But all attempts by the Americans to move us will lead nowhere. Including the S-400. Indians are pursuing an independent policy and American pressure will be rejected

Zelensky's team's video petition is a win-win move Zelensky generally has a very strong team, and this cunning PR move is quite in her spirit, he believes. - If the video gains a million views, the president will be able to say that it was a referendum and the population expressed a vote of no confidence in the Verkhovna Rada. If he doesn’t pick up, then Zelensky can refer to ignorance about the actions of the headquarters and urge not to pay attention.

Russia and Brazil will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory together Losses - approximately 450-460 people, plus 2 thousand wounded, frostbite and shell-shocked. When we call these numbers, we always have our numbers in our heads. We always remember those 27 million lives that the USSR gave on the altar of Victory, and in comparison with this, it seems that Brazil has very little

Russia may stop transporting oil to Ukraine The exit from the Ukrainian oil market is a very powerful tool, and Russia is now strong enough to afford to use it. The only question is: what is the purpose of doing it. Pressure for the sake of pressure will not justify itself.

Helme Statement - for internal use only Having made yet another formally non-binding statement and accompanied it with many reservations that should reassure voters who fear an open conflict, Mart Helme only added additional “points” to himself in the eyes of that part of the electorate for which issues of territory and the complete restoration of continuity with the pre-war are important. Republic.

Yesterday, the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) found itself at the center of a scandal. The guards refused to let an applicant in a hijab into the institute, referring to the ban on wearing headgear, prescribed in the Charter. Later, representatives of the university themselves stated that there was no such ban. Despite this situation, the number of applicants to one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the country is unlikely to decrease. Thousands of yesterday's schoolchildren try to enter the institute, which many oligarchs, foreign ministers and show business stars graduated from. Life decided to share the mental anguish of those who today apply to the most major university in the country.

Not far from the entrance to the territory of the alma mater of Russian diplomacy, there are a couple of Lexus cars and three BMWs. Even more to the right, in the colors of the Russian tricolor, the sign "Acceptance of documents". Like a rabbit hole - past the main entrance , round the corner - and "fall" into the patio.

Around eleven o'clock. Despite the fact that the acceptance of documents began at 10 am, there are no more than a dozen people in the main queue. In this stream, documents are submitted for both the "budget" and "commerce". Just yesterday, June 28, they let the whole crowd in. Today, the entrance is fenced with three desks, behind which senior students sit. Their task is simple - let no more than two people in every 20 minutes and check passports. If you are not 18, then without one of the parents you will not be allowed into the "acceptance" room.

"Who enters only on the budget, go to the next line," - a curly-haired red-haired student of about twenty shouts with all his might.

And then someone barely audibly says: "I" ... A stooped, thin boy moves to another line. For some reason he is very sad.

There are two girls in the crowd. They laugh out loud and look happy. Both are named Dashami. One, from Kaliningrad, decided to enter the international journalism, the other moved to Moscow from Samara and wants to become a lawyer. To the question "why did they choose MGIMO", they embarrassedly answer: "This is one of the best universities in the country." The girls are not afraid of difficulties: they say that everything depends on the person and his ambitions. And that big Moscow does not frighten at all.

A well-groomed man in a dark blue suit stands in front - golden cufflinks with sapphires on his cuffs, and large strokes of gray hair are visible on his head. Suren accompanies her daughter and does not hide that she is very worried:

Now the education system is not the same. What are these exams? We used to pass exams: there was more knowledge, and it was easier to understand who was better. Now you can point your finger at the sky - and act, - the man says with a sigh.

And Dmitry Kuzmin brought his daughter to Moscow from Novgorod to become an ecologist.

Initially, he offered to enter a St. Petersburg university. It's still closer to us, would be calm. But he says: "I don't want to, I don't like it." Well, she made up her mind. Let him study now. The main thing is to get in.

"Who enters only on the budget, go to the next line," - the already familiar voice is heard again.

Sitting on a bench, I noticed a woman in her 40s, a blonde with bright blue lenses (the color of my son's suit) and a voluminous short haircut. This is Evgeny G's mother. She nervously flips through her son's scanned portfolio, checking if everything is in place. In a conversation, he immediately admits that he is counting on the Crimean quota.

This is the last year. You should use it while you can. We want to enter the world economy (in 2016, only 3 preferential places were allocated for this specialty at MGIMO for applicants from the peninsula. - Approx. Life), - sighing, said the mother.

Eugene himself is intellectual in appearance, wearing glasses, with elongated sharp cheekbones.

We took a portfolio with us just in case, this year they give points for a gold medal, and for winning competitions, depending on the university, too. Submitted documents to the "Higher School" (Higher School of Economics), Moscow State University.

When asked where they want more, mother and son unanimously answer: "MGIMO".

After "passport control" all applicants are let into small offices by several people on a first come first served basis, where other graduates who have come for a ticket to a great life are already sitting at neighboring tables. Each future student is assigned an MGIMO student. He tells how, where and what to fill out, leads from one office to another. Many guys are worried, they sign with shaking hands (without looking) what the "guides" give them, and some of the forms are simply translated (the columns are confused, the data is forgotten).

Nastya, a girl from the Komi Republic, applied for several directions at once. He says that he does not want to stay in his native city and that one can get used to financial difficulties, as well as to the chuckles of majors behind one's back, because MGIMO is a "golden dream". "The dream of a lifetime."

After 12 noon, there were more people in the queue - several dozen people crowded at the doors of the selection committee. If in the morning at MGIMO there were ordinary applicants, exactly the same as in other universities, dressed in short summer dresses and shorts, then in the afternoon the “diversity” of applicants was increasingly felt.

Dolce & Gabbana bags, Armani backpacks and Lacoste polo shirts mixed with provincial - or even rural - "chic" (colorful polyester sundresses, sneakers with thinned rhinestones and glasses that girls use instead of headbands). No, "mom's shoes", which are more like galoshes than summer sandals, do not fit in with the Apple Watch on the hand of a wealthy Asian-looking dad.

“While the children fill out applications, parents talk about the latest political trends, for example, about Brexit or their own business. Some come straight with their suitcases. It seems that someone immediately flies on a trip, and someone just arrived from Saransk”

Contrasts are everywhere you look: a girl with purple hair is afraid of losing her place in line and, unlike others, does not leave the flow of applicants for a minute. Another one is afraid to let go of her mother's hand. The atmosphere is diluted by a MGIMO student flying out of the building, who, together with the teacher, divides the line in half - in a perfectly ironed suit, expensive watches ... And you feel: here it is, the image of the MGIMO student, which has settled in our heads.

"Who enters only on the budget, go to the next line," - this phrase, to be honest, is starting to get a little annoying.

Applicants who so want to become independent as soon as possible ask their parents for help at every opportunity: find out, go to the office, fill out.

Galya Korneeva came to conquer Moscow from the Rostov region. She admits that it was difficult to prepare for admission to the specialty "International Relations", but it was even more difficult to raise money for a trip to the capital, and before that - for preparatory courses.

Our conversation is interrupted by the cry of one of the students. He reads aloud the names of the "hundred-pointers" - they are accepted without a queue. One of the parents does not hide his surprise: "Wow, only Russians, it's strange."

And Muscovite Sasha followed in the footsteps of her sister, who has already entered the coveted university:

Last year, the eldest graduated from high school, and I went to universities with her. In addition to MGIMO, I really liked Pleshka - there was a lot of light, youth, new buildings were being built. RUDN University (my sister also applied there) seemed to me, on the contrary, a very dark place. The main building is a gray building, where the lights also flicker, like in horror films.

"Who enters only on the budget, go to the next queue," the red-haired guy shouts almost breaking loose.

Already at the exit from the university there is an intelligent woman from Kazakhstan. Madina is a young athletic brunette with a perfect manicure and the latest iPhone. She is wearing a set of necklaces and earrings, so reminiscent of the latest collections of jewelry houses. She came to Moscow with her daughter.

All the time that we talked, she was waiting for Svetlana from the exams.

For the second day they are taking Russian and mathematics. According to the rules, non-residents have separate entrance examinations. There are 38 people from Kazakhstan alone. Five from Tajikistan, seven from Kyrgyzstan. There are also many applicants from Azerbaijan, Moldova, Belarus, China and Korea,” says Madina. - At MGIMO we enter the paid department. Initially, they wanted to study in Europe, but they put up very large bills in the West. If here a year of study costs us 500 thousand rubles, then in the Netherlands it will cost 19 thousand euros (that is, about 1.3 million rubles. - Approx. Life). Still, it's a noticeable difference.

For several days, many parents literally live on the steps of MGIMO. These 12 steps are a place where hopes glimmer and break.

A tanned man of about 45 sits on the steps and prays with a rosary in his hands. He says that he has already erased all his hands "on the crosses".