Stepanov that we call the motherland. Poems about the Motherland, about Russia for kids, preschoolers

“What do we call Motherland?

The house we live in"

(Class hour for students of the early aesthetic development class)

COMPILER: L.G. Anashchenko,

Theoretical teacher

Municipal educational


Children's education

"Children's School of Arts"

City district ZATO Svetly


ZATO Light

Saratov region

What do we call motherland? The house we live in!

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.


    What country were you born in?

    Which country are you a citizen of?

    Do you know the capital of Russia?

    What military town do you live in?

We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with swings, a sandbox and a wooden slide.

In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!

Small Motherland.

Small Motherland -

An island of earth.

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench -

Affectionate little

My motherland!

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that many of you have your favorite green meadow near the house or by the lake. Here, under the supervision of your mother or grandmother, you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or motley butterfly.

When you become adults, the memory will surely return you to serene days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood.

Field of childhood.

Glade of childhood! How far are you...

Only in my memory you remained:

With a winding overgrown river,

With a weeping willow that bent over her.

With a high silky spikelet

With the innocent look of a white daisy,

With a cozy house-tower of a snail.

We all have a glade of childhood.

On it, carefree crumbs frolic,

Joy hovers over her, laughter flows.

It has bright sources of our life!


    Tell us about your "meadow of childhood."

    What flowers grow on it?

    What trees and bushes surround it?

    What games do you play with your friends in this clearing?

Why do you think childhood is called “the morning of life”?

Right! Because Morning is the beginning of the day, and childhood is the beginning of life. The child has his whole life ahead of him! With its discoveries and joys, difficulties and worries. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time of life. Maybe that's why they call it "golden" ?!

"Golden Childhood"

Why do we call

Our childhood golden?

Because we are playing

We have fun and play pranks.

Because it surrounds

We care about the family,

Because they love

Us relatives and friends!


    Why is childhood called the "golden time of life"?

    Tell us about the most interesting and memorable events of your childhood.

    What poems, songs, stories about childhood do you know?

Working with pictures:

from the series “Conversations from pictures” by L.B. Fesyukova. (A set of visual aids - X. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007)

Picture #1

    How are the children dressed? What are they holding in their hands?

    Who do you think the guys are celebrating so solemnly?

    And on what river does the city of Saratov stand?

    Have you seen this river? What is she?

    What do you think, is there anything in common between the words "parents" and "Motherland"?

    What do you especially like in our town?

Fizminutka: (children show all movements with their hands)

"There is a lump on the stump

What is a small animal?

He opens the thorns

Yawns very wide

Washes the muzzle

And ruffles the bangs!

Picture #2

    How are the children in the picture similar and how are they different?

    How do children play? What?

    Can black skin color or an unusual name interfere with the friendship of children?

    What can a girl treat them goodbye to?

Exercise: "Let's save everything beautiful on the planet"

Children tell what they would save on our planet Earth.

    Fresh air

    Transparent rivers

    Blooming meadows

    eared meadows

    ancient forests

    Birds and animals

    Springs and lakes

Today we have a very important meeting with you, dear guys! We will have to discuss and accept with you"Real Citizen Rules" which will not

    Annoy people;

    Offend the house and the city;

    Jump and jump in the apartment;

    Open the door with your foot

    Play with buttons in the elevator;

    And draw on the walls;

    Throw rubbish on the street;

    Follow traffic rules.

Journey - game: "Around the world" (Exercise on the world map)

Sliding a stool against the wall

Climb onto her,

To the map of the world in colorful cells

I'm showing interest.

I'll walk through Antarctica

I will conquer the South Pole.

What for? - ask me.

I'll feed the penguins!

Goodbye, miracle - countries,

Burma, India, goodbye!

african savanna,

Meet me now!

Atlantic waters

I watch with a little breath

Past the Statue of Liberty

I'm coming to the USA soon.

Along the way, by the way

A park called Disneyland.

I really want to stay

In the world of fairy tales and legends.


Creative task: "What are you proud of?"

Draw what you are proud of in your town? Tell me, where would you like to go on vacation? Why?

Let's all sing together previously learned song:"Wider Circle"

"The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends,

Ships are friends in the sea,

Children of the whole Earth are friends ... "

FROMfamily is what we share for everyone,

A little bit of everything: both tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence seal.

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds rush, weeks, years,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

The concept of "country" for children of the younger group is as difficult as the concepts of "city", "village". Therefore, kids join the life of their country during the holidays, any social events. Work on this topic is closely connected with getting to know your family, with your native village. The first weeks of November in the structural subdivision "Solnyshko" were devoted to the theme "Me and my family. The house we live in." In the 2nd junior group "Ladushki" these weeks were interesting and eventful. The kids enjoyed talking about the people closest to them. Such conversations awakened in children the most tender and kind feelings, care for family members. During the week, the guys got acquainted with speech therapy exercises, finger games, nursery rhymes, songs on the theme “My family”. The children were happy to do "Family Exercise". The children got acquainted with the stories: L. Kvitko "Grandmother's hands", A. Yakovleva "Mother", L. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters".

They didn’t forget to prepare surprises for their loved ones: they grew a turnip (“Turnip” application), built a large castle (“We will build a big house, we will live together in it”), revived butterflies (“Warm palms” application).

Parents were not left out. With great pleasure, they responded to the call to participate in the publication of photo newspapers, crafts and drawings on the theme "My friendly family". Here one could see the family tree, photo newspapers “How we spend our weekends”, and drawings “What we do in our free time”.

The children learned a lot of interesting things about each family. The children were happy to talk about their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents. Despite their age, the children were able to use their pictures and newspapers to tell how they spend the weekend in an interesting way. From the emotional stories of the kids, it was immediately clear that the children took an active part in the development of photo newspapers and drawings.

The whole week passed in an atmosphere of creativity, interest, cognitive activity. The final event was the creative exhibition "My Friendly Family".

BUT reporter: Korytova Antonida Anatolyevna, educator of the structural unit "Solnyshko" of the MAU of the Berdyugsky district, Kindergarten "Malyshok", Berdyugye village

From the editors of the online publication "Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region"
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Your material will participate in the regional competition "Kindergarten: Day by Day" for the best coverage of the activities of a preschool educational organization on the Internet in the 2020/2021 academic year. Awarding on the Day of the Educator and Workers of Preschool Education at the regional festive Pedagogical Forum in the Department of Education and Science.

Target: To develop in children an interest in the history and traditions of their country.

Program content:

· To acquaint children with the concepts of Motherland, Fatherland, to form in children a feeling of love for their native country.

· Arouse interest in the present, past and future of Russia.

· To consolidate the knowledge of children about the state symbols of Russia.

· To consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of Russia, about Russian folk instruments, about craftsmen.

Preliminary work:

Create slides about Russia, about nesting dolls;

Learn poems: “What we call the Motherland” V. Stepanov,

"Birch" by S. A. Vasiliev and a poem about the coat of arms with children;

Applied technologies: communicative, playful, health-saving.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 9

municipal formation Goryachiy Klyuch city

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the educational field "Knowledge" in the preparatory group

Theme: "What we call the Motherland."

Completed by: Koretskaya K.A.

Educator MBDOU

Kindergarten No. 9

G. Hot Key

Target: To develop in children an interest in the history and traditions of their country.

Program content:

  • To acquaint children with the concepts of Motherland, Fatherland, to form in children a feeling of love for their native country.
  • Arouse interest in the present, past and future of Russia.
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the state symbols of Russia.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the nature of Russia, about Russian folk instruments, about craftsmen.

Preliminary work:

Create slides about Russia, about nesting dolls;

Learn poems: “What we call the Motherland” V. Stepanov,

"Birch" by S. A. Vasiliev and a poem about the coat of arms with children;

Applied technologies:communicative, playful, health-saving.

Equipment and materials:

Using a multimedia device (slide show), illustrations with views of native nature, reading material - “My first book about Russia” by T. Koti. Globe and map of Russia, flag and coat of arms of Russia; musical instruments (accordion, balalaika), recording of playing the accordion and balalaika, nesting dolls, silhouettes of nesting dolls, audio recording “You live my Russia”

Course progress.

The song "You live my Russia" sounds

Educator: Guys, what do we call the word "Motherland"? How do you understand?

(Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, we live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - "Russia"! There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland. What is Motherland? Motherland means native, like mother and father. Motherland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, where our loved ones live, where our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers lived. Homeland is not chosen, it is given to a person from birth. Listen to a poem about the Motherland.

What do we call motherland?
The house where we live
And birches along which
We are walking next to my mother.
What do we call motherland?
A field with a thin spikelet,
Our holidays and songs
Warm evening outside.
What do we call motherland?
Everything that we keep in our hearts
And under the blue sky - blue The flag of Russia over the Kremlin!
(V. Stepanov)

Educator: The place where a person was born - a city, a village, a village - is called a small homeland. Wherever life takes you, in whatever distant cities of our country you live, you will always remember with a warm feeling your small homeland, the city where you were born, where your childhood passed. Each person has another homeland. The motherland is also our huge great country Russia! The great motherland is our country - Russia. And we are all Russians. Motherland is forests, rivers, seas, mountains, steppes, proud. Russia is the biggest country in the world. Look at the map, what a vast territory our Motherland occupies.

Each country has its own history; people who glorified her; troops to protect the people; their traditions. And each country has its own president. Who is the President of the Russian Federation? (Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich).

Educator: Many proverbs and sayings were composed by the Russian people about the Motherland. Let's recall some of them.

There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

A man has one mother, one and the Motherland!

Who is behind the Motherland with a mountain - That true hero!

Educator: All these proverbs teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the desire to protect it from enemies.

caregiver : Guys, our country has its own symbols. Let's remember these symbols with you. (Children's answers). That's right, it's an anthem, a coat of arms and a flag. Can you tell me what an anthem is?

Children: This is the main song of the country.

Educator: When the Russian anthem plays, you need to get up and listen to it while standing. When we stand up during the sound of the anthem, we express our respect for our state, our country. Our anthem was written by composer Alexandrov and poet Sergei Mikhalkov. Now I invite you to listen to the anthem of Russia.

(Anthem sounds)

caregiver : And in what cases does the anthem sound when it is turned on? (in solemn occasions).

And now I want to talk to you about our other symbol - the coat of arms of Russia.

Here is the coat of arms of our country. See what you see on the coat of arms

Russia, let's look at it. (Consideration.) On our coat of arms we

we see a bird - it is an eagle, an eagle with two heads, which means that we are an independent state, that people of different nationalities live in our country. But we are all connected by one Motherland. Let's listen to a poem about the coat of arms that Yarik will tell us:

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west, to the east

He could look right away

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is the free spirit of Russia.

caregiver : In the center of the eagles is the rider George the Victorious. He sits on a white horse, with a spear in his hands. With this spear he kills the snake. This whole picture symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

Educator: Now look here, what a beautiful flag our country has. The flag is also a distinctive sign. Many years, centuries ago, a pole was used instead of a flag, a bunch of grass and a horse's tail were tied to it. Troops were drawn to this flag - and they were called banners. Then banners began to be made of fabric, most often red. And under Tsar Peter I, such a tricolor flag appeared. What do the colors on our flag mean? (Children's answers) What does white mean?

Children : WHITE - it says that our country is very peaceful.

caregiver : What does the color blue mean?

Children: BLUE is the color of fidelity, the people love their country, protect it, are faithful to it.

caregiver : What does the color red mean?

Children : RED - the color of strength, the color of the blood of people shed for the Motherland.

caregiver : Where is the flag of our country hung out? (The flag is hung out at serious State events, on buildings, at competitions).

Educator: Guys, another unofficial symbol of Russia is a birch. This is the most favorite tree among the Russian people. This tree was considered sacred by the Slavs from ancient times. Many poets wrote their poems about her. Let's listen to one of them.

Girlfriends in white dresses

From the Russian land grew.

On the edge of the forest,

The leaves are braided.

In May, a lot of earrings

Their outfit will be decorated

Many outgoing tracks

I am always glad to birch.

S.A. Vasilyeva

Physical education:

Hands raised and shook

These are birches in the forest,

Hands bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Hands to the sides, gently wave,

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show

Hands bent back.

Educator: Our country has been famous for Russian craftsmen since ancient times. Products of Russian folk craftsmen are widely known outside of Russia. This is our national pride. And I suggest you go to the fair, where they sell beautiful things made by the hands of our craftsmen.

Barker : Hey, honest gentlemen,

Please come here soon.

How are our containers - bars,

All kinds of goods...

Come on, come on

Look, look...

caregiver : Guys, today we have an unusual fair, and a fair with surprises. To find out what kind of surprises await you, you must solve riddles. And so we come to the first table. Ready to solve riddles, then listen carefully:

"You will take her in your hands,

You stretch, then you squeeze.

loud, elegant,

Cheerful, three-row.

Will play, just touch

Our Russian ... "(accordion).

Children are looking at the accordion. Listening to the recording of the accordion playing.

Educator: Previously, not a single entertainment event took place without this folk instrument. Let's hear how it sounds. Well, what did you like?

caregiver : And what is interesting at the next table? And for this, listen to the following riddle:

"Oh, it's ringing, she's ringing

Everyone in the neighborhood is happy.

But only three strings

She needs it for music.

Who is this, guess.

This is our ... ”(balalaika).

The children are looking at the balalaika. Listening to a recording of how the balalaika plays.

caregiver : And indeed, this wonderful instrument has only three strings, but listen to how it sounds. Did you like it?

Educator: A lot of guests come to our Russia from different countries: from Germany, France, England, Japan, and they always take our Russian souvenir with them. What souvenir do you think the guests take away? Listen to the riddle:

Girls are hiding in this young woman,

Each sister is

For a smaller dungeon.

Red cheeks, colorful handkerchiefs,

Funny clap their hands (matryoshkas).

Matryoshka slide show

caregiver : And what did the first Russian matryoshka look like? The largest - the first - depicted a girl in a sundress and a scarf with a black rooster in her hands. Inside was a figurine of a boy, again a figurine of a girl, and so on. All of them differed in some way from each other, and the last - the eighth - was a baby wrapped in a diaper.

Educator: Why is the toy called matryoshka? Matrena, a kind and beautiful girl, worked in the artist's house in honor of her and named the toy.

And at our fair there are also nesting dolls - for you as a gift! These are not simple nesting dolls. You will need to color them yourself.

Children are looking at nesting dolls.

Summary of the lesson : Motherland is huge and beautiful. And everyone has one, like a mother. One should be proud of one's homeland, love it deeply and tenderly, take care of it.

Hope Katsar
Summary of the lesson "What do we call the Motherland?"

Pervomaisky: the city of my soul.

What we We call home?

Target: Continue to form the concept « motherland» , consolidate knowledge about your hometown, teach you to recognize familiar places in photographs, instill love for a small homeland; develop coherent speech, logical thinking.

move lessons: What do we call Motherland? (Place, where were born, live, go to kindergarten; where our moms and dads live, friends) That's right. Word « motherland» like these words how: "relatives", "relative","native", "native", « dear» .Who are we talking about?

Children: About mom, dad, sisters, brothers.

caregiver: We pronounce these words, and they breathe warmth, comfort and tranquility. motherland is where we are were born, we live where our house stands, where our friends live, where we are warm and comfortable.

O Motherland composed many poems, songs, proverbs and sayings.

Listen to a poem about Motherland:

What we We call home?

The house where you and I grow up

And birches along the road

which we are walking

What we we call home?

Sun in the blue sky

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table

What we We call home?

The land where we live

And ruby ​​stars

Stars of the world over the Kremlin. (V. Stepanov)

The place where we are were born, and there is our motherland. not without reason says: "Everyone has his own country". “Everywhere is good, but home is better”. "Own land and in grief is sweet".

We We don't choose our country, but if we had a choice, we would choose these distances, where we live with you now.

Children, our small Motherland is our village.

Remember its name.

Children: Pervomaisky.

caregiver: Children, do you love our village, your motherland? (answers)

You can only love what you know well. The more we know about our city, the more we will love it, (Watching a film about Pervomaisky).

What buildings are there in our village? What monuments do you remember?

What modes of transport do we have? Where do the villagers work? Where do they do sports? (at the stadium)

And now I suggest you ride a carousel! The game "Carousel".

"One, two, three, take the ribbon" children run in a circle with a ribbon in their hands.

This year our village celebrates its 50th anniversary. And now do not yawn, sing a loaf!

Use, r. n. P. "Loaf"

Who will answer why

So beautiful all around

And where we don't look

Left friend and right friend!

Lots of fun today

The songs are ringing

Because the birthday

Celebrating Kindergarten!

Let's sing a song "Kindergarten!"

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.



What do we call motherland?The house we live in!

Dear Guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spread freely from the snows and ices of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located immediately in Europe and Asia.


  1. What country were you born in?
  2. Which country are you a citizen of?
  3. Do you know the capital of Russia?
  4. What military town do you live in?

We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people. But each of us has our own Little Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others it is a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide.

In a word, everyone has their own small Motherland!

Small Motherland.

Small Motherland -

An island of earth.

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench -

Affectionate little

My motherland!

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that many of you have your favorite green meadow near the house or by the lake. Here, under the supervision of your mother or grandmother, you play with friends, admire the first spring flowers, watch the leisurely flight of an important bumblebee or motley butterfly.

When you become adults, the memory will surely return you to serene days, to the sunny meadow of your childhood.

Field of childhood.

Glade of childhood! How far are you...

Only in my memory you remained:

With a winding overgrown river,

With a weeping willow that bent over her.

With a high silky spikelet

With the innocent look of a white daisy,

With a cozy house-tower of a snail.

We all have a glade of childhood.

On it, carefree crumbs frolic,

Joy hovers over her, laughter flows.

It has bright sources of our life!


  1. Tell us about your "meadow of childhood."
  2. What flowers grow on it?
  3. What trees and bushes surround it?
  4. What games do you play with your friends in this clearing?

Why do you think childhood is called “the morning of life”?

Right! Because Morning is the beginning of the day, and childhood is the beginning of life. The child has his whole life ahead of him! With its discoveries and joys, difficulties and worries. Childhood is the most carefree and happiest time of life. Maybe that's why they call it "golden" ?!

"Golden Childhood"

Why do we call

Our childhood golden?

Because we are playing

We have fun and play pranks.

Because it surrounds

We care about the family,

Because they love

Us relatives and friends!


  1. Why is childhood called the "golden time of life"?
  2. Tell us about the most interesting and memorable events of your childhood.
  3. What poems, songs, stories about childhood do you know?

Working with pictures:

from the series “Conversations from pictures” by L.B. Fesyukova. (A set of visual aids - X. Publishing house "Ranok", 2007)

Picture #1

  1. How are the children dressed? What are they holding in their hands?
  2. Who do you think the guys are celebrating so solemnly?
  3. And on what river does the city of Saratov stand?
  4. Have you seen this river? What is she?
  5. What do you think, is there anything in common between the words "parents" and "Motherland"?
  6. What do you especially like in our town?

Fizminutka: (children show all movements with their hands)

"There is a lump on the stump

What is a small animal?

He opens the thorns

Yawns very wide

Washes the muzzle

And ruffles the bangs!

Picture #2

  1. How are the children in the picture similar and how are they different?
  2. How do children play? What?
  3. Can black skin color or an unusual name interfere with the friendship of children?
  4. What can a girl treat them goodbye to?

Exercise: "Let's save everything beautiful on the planet"

Children tell what they would save on our planet Earth.

  • Fresh air
  • Transparent rivers
  • Blooming meadows
  • eared meadows
  • ancient forests
  • Birds and animals
  • Springs and lakes

Today we have a very important meeting with you, dear guys! We will have to discuss and accept with you"Real Citizen Rules"which will not:

  • Annoy people;
  • Offend the house and the city;
  • Jump and jump in the apartment;
  • shout in a loud voice;
  • Open the door with your foot
  • Play with buttons in the elevator;
  • And draw on the walls;
  • Throw rubbish on the street;
  • Follow traffic rules.

Journey - game: "Around the world" (Exercise on the world map)

Sliding a stool against the wall

Climb onto her,

To the map of the world in colorful cells

I'm showing interest.

I'll walk through Antarctica

I will conquer the South Pole.

What for? - ask me.

I'll feed the penguins!

Goodbye, miracle - countries,

Burma, India, goodbye!

african savanna,

Meet me now!

Atlantic waters

I watch with a little breath

Past the Statue of Liberty

I'm coming to the USA soon.

Along the way, by the way

A park called Disneyland.

I really want to stay

In the world of fairy tales and legends.


Creative task: "What are you proud of?"

Draw what you are proud of in your town? Tell me, where would you like to go on vacation? Why?

Let's all sing together previously learned song:"Wider Circle"

"The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends,

Ships are friends in the sea,

Children of the whole Earth are friends ... "