Valentin Porfirovich Kara Magic words-healers. Ancient formulas that pacify diseases

Evgeny Tikhonov


Witch doctor -

Evgeny Tikhonov. Healing words. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers":

AST; Moscow; 2015

ISBN 978-5-17-089460-4


From time immemorial it has been known that mighty power is hidden in words. The power of the healing word

was familiar to healers, priests, shamans.

This unique work contains information about the secret Slavic words-healers. AT

The book gives more than 70 ancient words that affect the physical condition of a person:

restore the body and heal, help develop abilities, improve mood.

Healing words will help build strong relationships, attract money into your life,

increase welfare. This ancient magic has already helped many, many. Now you have

there is this possibility.

Evgeny Tikhonov

Healing words. Big secret book of Slavic


© Tikhonov E., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

An excellent book, I managed to try one recommendation: for insomnia, -

helped effectively. I think it will soon be my reference book. And

conversation is not only about health ...

Svetlana, Kazan

parts - everything is very clear, understandable, to the point. But the theory turned out to be amazing

exciting. I had no idea that behind a simple word is such


Anna, Moscow

Someone, probably, will not believe that such strong words exist -

healers. But the practices in this book work. And there's nothing to say.

I practice the word-healer "good". And goodness - both material and spiritual - in

my life got bigger.

Pavel, Novosibirsk

help to better understand how words-healers work. A very useful book.

Tatiana, Pskov

health and solve an unpleasant problem at work. I didn't even expect. Now I

started practicing a few words and very quickly felt that the world around

is changing. I was shocked because I didn't really believe in the power of words. Now

I recommend this method to all my friends.

Tamara, St. Petersburg

Why I Decided to Write a Third Book on Healing Words

Dear reader, you have come across my third book about healing words. occasion

to write the first book was my passion for the secrets of Slavic writing and

acquaintance with a scientist of the same mind who worked on this topic. After a few

At one time, he, like me, was interested in the history of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, later

Cyrillic. According to a number of experts, this alphabet was based on the ancient runic

letter. Collaboration with ancient texts, already the first finds, one might say,

radically changed my life for the better, as happened with


It turned out that the magic of letter styles and their sound can be put on

service to modern man.

This is how the words-doctors appeared - the letters of the ancient Slavic alphabet, which carried special

energies that can heal both the body and the soul.

But I didn't stop there. Together with a group of like-minded people who have tested on

developed practices for working with words-healers, we went further and became

decipher whole words from runic texts. And new mysteries unfold before us

ancient words and new opportunities for man. And so the second book was born.

And then the reviews followed, stories about the success of my readers in mastering

developed methods. Although I myself have witnessed miraculous changes in

members of our group and their relatives, acquaintances, I am very interested and, most importantly,

It was gratifying to learn about the achievements of complete strangers. And not only about

achievements. My readers have proven to be skilled researchers. They experimented

creating new opportunities for working with words-healers.

This is how the third book was created, in which I want to talk not only about words-

healers, give the rituals necessary for their proper use, but also lead

real examples of working with these magical sounds. Shared examples with me

You are my dear readers!

Your stories are an important part of my book

I systematized the feedback, corresponding with my now students, in detail

dealt with every life story. As a result, I noticed a clear pattern: not always

immediately, but still with a positive result, use the restored technique

our ancestors succeed, as a rule, in people who clearly follow the rituals and recommendations,

stated in my books. The same people who want to solve their problems in one fell swoop

usually don't get results. But here's the paradox - I'm most interested in them

communicate, by joint efforts finding mistakes to untie life's "knots". I

I try so that "not exemplary students" after our joint "debriefing"

found their mistakes and corrected the situation. Boris recently contacted me. He

earned money by driving his own car and had long wanted to change the old one

"Zhigulenok" for a foreign car, and the money was only enough to support the family, and vacation once a year.

Boris was sure that only a miracle would help realize his old dream. Acquainted with

words-healers, he chose the word "shta" (working with him involved getting the desired

result - unplanned luck). Boris bought a lottery ticket, performed the ritual and

waited for the draw. At the same time, he worked with the letter "good" to get rid of

extra pounds. A little time passed: the result was neither there nor there. What

Boris made a mistake, we found out together. You will also know about it when you get to the letter

"shta". But he found his own mistake. And he fixed it, eventually getting both a new car and

beautiful figure.

Why am I telling this: it was not by chance that I selected for this book not only

positive, but also problematic stories, although I could leave only the first ones, so that

the reader has seen how well our method works. But I think it's better to learn

on other people's mistakes, so as not to waste time looking for your own. In addition, acquaintance with a stranger

experience helps to determine the choice of their goals and objectives. For example, if a person wanted

get rid of the boss's nagging and would work on it, but in fact he needs

it would be better to start with oneself: to “ask” the words-doctors for perseverance, gaining leadership

qualities, etc.

I found it necessary and useful to include in the book the stories of real people also

because I remember very well how I myself rejoiced when the words-doctors helped me and

my loved ones, how luck filled me with energy, faith, and they, in turn, attracted

even more luck. May these stories fill you with the energy you need to

Healing words. 22 ancient witch words that will give you what you want. A book to help you Tikhonov Evgeny

Shta: unplanned luck

Shta: unplanned luck

This word healer will help you:

In a risky venture

In a bluff, a gamble

Apply it:

When you need something more

When you need unexpected luck, winnings, unplanned income

The best time to perform a ritual with this healer word is in the morning, when you are already full of energy.

Contemplation Look closely at the drawing for 3 minutes.

Repetition Repeat the word healer 9 times.


Lie on your back on a soft surface, place your hands freely along the body with palms facing you.

Consider a situation in which you need help.

Mentally go for a walk in the spring forest. Feel your merging with the awakening nature, the hidden seething of its powerful energy is transmitted to you.

You are strong and successful. You succeed, you always get what you need. Focus on feeling completely satisfied with life.

Suddenly, something sparkles near the road - bend down and pick up a gem of amazing beauty. Now you have everything and even more. Your sense of success is doubled. It fills you to the brim and pours out into the world in a powerful wave of gratitude.

Take a deep breath. Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Exhale slowly.

Say clearly: "Shta is an unexpected gift."

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Luck is at your fingertips! Hello, my dears! Recently, I thought how great it would be if I could put in my purse (along with a wallet and a cosmetic bag) another small piece of luck. Here you hurry to work: oh, the right bus left right from under your nose! What to do?

Healing words. Big secret book of Slavic healers Evgeny Tikhonov

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Title: Words-doctors. Big secret book of Slavic healers

About the book “Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers Evgeny Tikhonov

Have you ever wondered what will happen to people
From time immemorial it has been known that mighty power is hidden in words. The power of the healing word was familiar to healers, priests, shamans.

This unique work contains information about the secret Slavic words-healers. The book contains more than 70 ancient words that affect the physical condition of a person: they restore the body and heal, help develop abilities, improve mood. Healing words will help build strong relationships, attract money into your life, and increase well-being. This ancient magic has already helped many, many. Now you have this opportunity too.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book “Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers" Evgeny Tikhonov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book “Words-healers. The Big Secret Book of Slavic Healers Evgeny Tikhonov

EARTH - gain strength and resilience.

ABUNDANCE - to feel the fullness of life.

LIVE - get a boost of energy.

SORRY - to receive the support of higher powers.

BOGO - correction of a crisis situation.

© Tikhonov E., 2015

© LLC AST Publishing House, 2015

An excellent book, I managed to try one recommendation: for insomnia, it helped effectively. I think it will soon be my reference book. And the conversation is not only about health ...

Svetlana, Kazan

It was very interesting to read this book. I'm not even talking about the practical part - everything is very clear, understandable, to the point. But the theory turned out to be surprisingly exciting. I had no idea there was such power behind a simple word.

Anna, Moscow

Someone, probably, will not believe that such strong words-healers exist. But the practices in this book work. And there's nothing to say. I practice the word-healer "good". And there is more goodness – both material and spiritual – in my life.

Pavel, Novosibirsk

Tatiana, Pskov

This book needs to be worked on. Read and do everything as the author writes. Don't be lazy. It won't take much time. This book helped me improve my health and solve an unpleasant problem at work. I didn't even expect. Now I began to practice a few words and very quickly felt that the world around me was changing. I was shocked because I didn't really believe in the power of words. Now I recommend this method to all my friends.

Tamara, St. Petersburg

Why I Decided to Write a Third Book on Healing Words

Dear reader, you have come across my third book about healing words. The reason for writing the first book was my fascination with the mysteries of Slavic writing and my acquaintance with a scientist of the same mind who worked on this topic. After a few years, I dare to consider myself his student, so in the book I will call him Master.

At one time, he, like me, was interested in the history of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet, later Cyrillic. According to a number of experts, this alphabet was based on an ancient runic script. Joint work with ancient texts, already the first finds, one might say, radically changed my life for the better, as it happened with the Teacher in his time.

It turned out that the magic of letter styles and their sound can be put at the service of modern man.

This is how words-healers appeared - the letters of the ancient Slavic alphabet, which carried special energies capable of healing both the body and the soul.

But I didn't stop there. Together with a group of like-minded people who have tested the developed practices of working with words-healers, we went further and began to decipher whole words from runic texts. And new secrets of ancient words and new opportunities for man have opened before us. And so the second book was born.

And then followed by reviews, stories about the success of my readers in mastering the developed methods. Although I myself witnessed the miraculous changes that took place with the members of our group and their relatives, acquaintances, it was very interesting and, most importantly, gratifying for me to learn about the achievements of complete strangers. And not only about achievements. My readers have proven to be skilled researchers. They experimented, creating new possibilities for working with words-healers.

This is how the third book was created, in which I want to talk not only about healing words, give the rituals necessary for their proper use, but also give real examples of working with these magical sounds. And you, my dear readers, shared examples with me!

Your stories are an important part of my book

I systematized the reviews, corresponding with my now students, I dealt with each life story in detail. As a result, I noticed a clear pattern: not always immediately, but still with a positive result, it is possible, as a rule, to use the restored technique of our ancestors by people who clearly follow the rituals and recommendations set forth in my books. The same people who want to solve their problems in one fell swoop, usually do not achieve results. But here's the paradox - it's most interesting for me to communicate with them, by joint efforts finding mistakes to untie life's "knots". I try to make "not exemplary students" after our joint "debriefing" themselves find their mistakes and correct the situation. Boris recently contacted me. He earned money by driving his own car and had long wanted to change the old "Zhiguli" for a foreign car, and the money was only enough to support his family, and take a vacation once a year. Boris was sure that only a miracle would help realize his old dream. Having become acquainted with the words-healers, he chose the word "shta" (working with him meant getting the desired result - unplanned luck). Boris bought a lottery ticket, performed the ritual and waited for the draw. At the same time, I worked with the letter "good" to get rid of extra pounds. A little time passed: the result was neither there nor there. What Boris made a mistake, we found out together with him. You will also know about this when you get to the letter “shta”. But he found his own mistake. And he fixed it, and as a result, he got both a new car and a beautiful figure.

Why I'm telling you this: it was not by chance that I selected not only positive, but also problematic stories for this book, although I could leave only the first ones, so that the reader is convinced of how well our method works. But I think that it is better to learn from the mistakes of others, so as not to waste time looking for your own. In addition, familiarity with other people's experience helps to determine the choice of their goals and objectives. For example, a person wanted to get rid of the boss’s nagging and would work on it, but in fact he would need to start with himself: “ask” the words-healers for perseverance, gaining leadership qualities, etc.

I considered it necessary and useful to include the stories of real people in the book also because I remember very well how I myself rejoiced when the words-healers helped me and my loved ones, how luck filled me with energy, faith, and they, in turn, attracted even more good luck. Let these stories fill you with the energy that is necessary for the realization of your desires.

They say that in real life there are about two dozen stories, everything else is fiction. There are about as many stories in my book. Not so much to deal with each story, and enough to find something close and necessary for yourself. I hope that people who have read the first books will no longer need to contact me and ask questions, although I am always glad to receive feedback and questions from readers.

I am sure that I will be able to convey the acquired knowledge to everyone who is looking for ways to change their lives: manage their own destiny, surround themselves with nice people, make a successful career, get sick less, love, keep the family in harmony. My confidence is based on the acquired ability to work with one of the words-healers - “verbs”, the vibrations of which help to open my ideas to the world. I am sure that it was the word-healer that helped write and publish this book, which is not so easy in our time.

Chapter one

The secret of Slavic writing

Acquaintance with the Teacher

It all started with meeting the Teacher. Correspondence acquaintances - his scientific article fell into my hands. The subject of his research - Old Slavonic writing - interested me very much. At that time, I was closely engaged in research on runes, I constantly traveled to where the oldest runic drawings were located.

Evgeny Tikhonov

Healing words. 22 ancient witch words that will give you what you want. Book to help you

How I Learned About Healing Words

A few years ago, fate brought me to an amazing person, one of those thanks to whom the saying "the Russian land is rich in talents" was formed. My unusual acquaintance, for a number of reasons, including his inherent modesty, convincingly asked not to publish his name in this book. Therefore, we will call him Alexei Dmitrievich. We met by chance, I read his article on Slavic writing in a small samizdat magazine. An e-mail address was also indicated next to the author's name. I wrote to discuss some of the questions that interested me. A lively correspondence ensued, and then we almost simultaneously had a desire to talk in person.

And here the first surprise awaited me. I knew from the correspondence that Aleksey Dmitrievich had already crossed the sixty-year mark long ago, and I was preparing to see an elderly person at the meeting. But what was my amazement when a youthful, energetic man came out to meet me - you can’t give more than forty in appearance, fit, strong. My first thought was: “Here it is, the miracle of plastic surgery!” But looking closer, I realized that I was mistaken: Alexei Dmitrievich looked completely natural.

We started talking - at first we talked about the problems that were of interest to us, and then smoothly moved on to personal questions. And then I was convinced once again: nature generously rewarded Alexei Dmitrievich with everything one could dream of: intelligence, wisdom, youth, attractiveness, great charm, a desire to do something, to try, not to stand still, as if life had just begun and ahead at least another hundred or even two hundred years for the implementation of all plans. I was convinced that Alexey Dmitrievich succeeded in all spheres of life. I can say with confidence that I have never met another such person. As a rule, if we are already successful, then in one thing. But my new acquaintance was a respected scientist, at the same time he had his own small but profitable business, and besides, he had a talent for painting - he painted good watercolors. If we add to this a huge house outside the city, a beautiful wife and four glorious smart kids, then the picture is simply fantastic. And meanwhile, after re-reading these lines, I already doubt whether I missed something else in my list.

Did I envy him? Not! And perhaps this circumstance surprised me the most. Man is arranged in such a way that he does not really love and welcomes those who bypassed him on the path of life. But Aleksey Dmitrievich inspired completely different feelings - respect, admiration and, to be honest, keen curiosity. Therefore, I could not resist and once started a conversation with Alexei Dmitrievich about how he manages to get everything his heart desires, and at the same time avoid envy and enemy machinations. “Not otherwise than you have a gift from above!” I exclaimed sincerely.

When I need something, I just ask for it out loud,” he replied.

I thought that this answer was just a motto, an aphorism: "Ask, and it will be given to you." But everything turned out to be simpler and more difficult at the same time. Aleksei Dmitrievich really only uttered his request aloud, and spent on this not twenty or thirty ordinary words, but only one, but special.

The secret of Slavic writing

We are accustomed to thinking that writing came to Russia along with Christianity, when the first alphabet, the Glagolitic alphabet, was created. But some researchers (including my new acquaintance) believe that the situation was different. In their opinion, this alphabet was not created from scratch: it was based not only on the Greek alphabet, close to the compiler of the Glagolitic alphabet, Cyril, but also on the ancient Slavic runic script, which was used before the adoption of Christianity. In other words, hundreds of years before the appearance of Cyril in Russia, there were already special Slavic runes that the Russians actively used.

However, not all members of the tribe owned these runes, but only a select few. And not because it was difficult to learn the runes. According to an ancient legend, the runes were sent down to help people by the Higher powers. Each rune is a container of power: it is enough to draw it or say it, and the power will break free, begin to fulfill your desires, protect you or help you foresee the future.

If it seems to you that these are just the beliefs of our uneducated, wild ancestors, then let's remember not a mystical book, but a school textbook on physics. It says in black and white that sound is a wave. Each sound has its own strength, each sound produces certain vibrations of space. Unfortunately, a person does not see, does not feel these changes, but this does not mean that they do not exist. After all, there are phone and radio based on the wave nature of sound!

And now back to the Slavs. They did not know about the physical side of the sound, but they did not need this information, because they observed the result. They uttered a special sound (and besides, they contemplated the necessary written image), and they saw with their own eyes that this sound, its vibration, changes the world: it helps, protects, gives all the benefits that you ask for.

Alexei Dmitrievich told me that even in his youth he became interested in the question of the origin of writing and found evidence that Slavic runes lie at the heart of the Glagolitic alphabet. And it's not just icons. Cyril, who was called Constantine the Philosopher in the world, received such a nickname for a reason. He deeply penetrated the essence of the runes, and thanks to him, not only the most important elements of their inscription have come down to us, but also the sound - that very necessary vibration that can change everything around. Each letter of the Cyrillic alphabet has its own name. We still remember some of these names: az, beeches, lead, verb, good ... Listen! Even this short phrase already carries a huge creative charge. Try to pronounce it several times: you will feel a surge of vitality!

I will not give here the proofs that Alexey Dmitrievich provided me with, telling the story of the creation of the Glagolitic alphabet. Firstly, because I would not want to overload you with special scientific knowledge that is of interest only to historians of the language. I have another task: to give you a lifesaver, a method that will help you live with dignity, be happy, be strong and healthy. Scientific information is useless here, the main thing is that you catch the essence. And secondly, my friend urged me not to disclose all the data received. His research is not yet completed, careful processing is required so that everything said turns into a coherent well-founded theory. I am sure that the work of Alexei Dmitrievich will still make a fuss in scientific circles! And in no way do I want to take away his well-deserved fame and fame.

We are also interested in finding and learning how to use the very ancient sounds of the Slavic runes that our sorcerer ancestors used.

Those who conveyed the secret of the runes to Cyril set themselves certain goals: they wanted the power of the Slavs to go to their descendants, so that no rulers, reformers who want to give the country a more modern, Western look, would eradicate this magic. Indeed, along with Christianity, persecutors of ancient culture also came to Russia, bonfires blazed in which Slavic deities died, and Christianity took their place. But the power given to our people has remained in writing, in that without which no nation, no state can live. Writing has proven to be the most reliable repository of knowledge.

The alphabet that Cyril created has been used for many centuries (unlike the modern one, which is only a hundred years old). In place of the Glagolitic alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet arose, which lasted until the 1917 revolution. The basis of the alphabet has always remained unchanged - the ancient Slavic runes, ancient magic, aimed at ensuring that Russia flourished, that its inhabitants were healthy and hardy, which they demonstrated for two thousand years, resisting the invasions of the most ferocious conquerors.

Few people knew about the power hidden in the alphabet. Our ancestors simply memorized it, repeatedly repeating the words that stand for letters. And these words worked! Not all Russians were literate, so life was not easy for the common man. But our land had enough strength of those who repeated the ancient runes - monks, commanders, rulers, merchants. Unfortunately, when the era of widespread literacy came, the alphabet changed. Instead of the ancient “az”, “beeches”, “lead”, bringing healing and fulfillment of desires, “a”, “be”, “ve” came, which can only convey certain sounds in writing. By the way, the old way of teaching literacy always involved memorizing the full sound of a letter, and this, as you understand, is not at all accidental. For example, let's take at least the name of the letter "d" - it was called "good". And the letter "p" continued to bear the ancient name "peace". It is clear that repeated repetition of such words when memorizing the alphabet had a positive effect!