• Virtual divination online according to the Book of Changes (Yijing). “You have to love life more than the meaning of life” - F

The first signs of this situation were indicated in the previous symbol, because a decrease in negative aspects leads to an increase in positive qualities.

Hexagram 42 is an interpretation of the active opposition of good and evil, as a result of which a person is taken for major changes, while maintaining truthfulness. According to the book of changes, a change begins in the inner world, leading to a refinement of the environment, but not acting as absolutely favorable.

Hexagram 42, And, Multiplication (Increase).


It is favorable to go somewhere, it is favorable to ford a large river.

Only an insignificant individual can consider changes as positive. This is due to the fact that the absolute begins to manifest itself in the world much more often. But the pictogram tells the noble person that his actions will be very predictable, and this is already dangerous.

The current situation should be understood in terms of the need for development and growth. Energy must be invested in various external affairs and in the implementation of one's plans. Hexagram 42, I, Multiplication compares a person with a rising luminary that illuminates the entire valley and gives itself without a trace. At such a time, it is useful to establish new enterprises and get involved in large projects.

According to the book of fate, now you can inspire other people and show them where they made a mistake. However, do not turn into a vicious critic. You should get rid of old judgments and open up to everything new.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine at the beginning. Supreme luck without guilt. A person's wisdom increases with age. Now you can successfully work on the manager's project and get benefits.
  • Second six. Wealth grows. If there is a confusing problem, it must be urgently solved, showing the rigidity and speed of steps. The results of your work on an interesting social project exceed all expectations.
  • Six third. Show sincerity and do not be afraid of unsuccessful events, because they are beneficial. Effort and determination remove even unexpected difficulties on the way to the goal. Use your savings effectively to help not only yourself but also others.
  • Fourth six. It's time to change your place of work. The successful side of the world is the southeast. If you are transferred to another job, you will cope there very quickly.
  • Nine fifth. A good heart is not accustomed to asking questions. Just help those in need, and then people will treat you even better. The current plan is divine in nature and promises success. Do not slow down the speed of work and soon you will become influential and wealthy.
  • Top nine. Favorable conditions are coming to an end. If you show pride, you can face losses. Show more attention to people, otherwise you will suffer.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. The first feature refers us to a previous stage of life. Now more than ever it is necessary to perform great actions that will allow you to increase the number of your own advantages, as well as the number of advantages in others. Then a favorable outcome is possible in all endeavors.
  2. The multidimensional study of the hexagram again refers to the image of a turtle, which accidentally fell into the description of the previous sign. There is also a mention of sacrifice, which speaks of the need to get rid of the superfluous and increase the most important. Fate favors creative impulses and spiritual quests. It is useful to find influential comrades.
  3. A person in the current situation will be benefited not only by support, but also by opposition, which will help to accumulate and strengthen strength, temper character, and work out virtues. Of course, such an outcome is possible only if there is internal stamina, the ability to do the right thing. There is no need to hide your energy, even if it is a little. Use as an example a positive guiding pattern that will inspire you on the way to the goal.
  4. The Chinese Book of Changes reduces the meaning of this line to the realization of major events, those great actions that were mentioned at the beginning. Only support is needed, because actions will affect not only the individual, but also his environment. So the king transfers the capital with the permission of the vassals.
  5. Multiplication cannot concern only the personality itself, because the external trigram also requires attention. Hence the need to direct one's actions towards people below, to ennoble them. However, here external assistance may seem distorted, mercenary, so you need to behave competently and accurately. True great actions are done noblely, and this also increases the moral character of the person himself.
  6. The Book of Changes the interpretation of hexagram 42 in this feature reduces to a kind of help and benefit to others. We are talking about the need to erect obstacles to the actions of people, and not just increase their dignity. True, the desire to constantly cause difficulties and a certain inertia are detrimental features, because the environment perceives such a person as very harsh and cruel. Therefore, it is very important to educate hearts with sincerity and objectivity.

Extended interpretation of the sign

Now a person is expected to do great things, coupled with great luck. In the streak of success, you should not pay attention to trifles, it is better to concentrate on grandiose plans and bold ideas. Be open to the suggestions of others, because profit and prosperity are coming in almost every area. The hexagram predicts good luck in financial matters, career advancement, the emergence of influential acquaintances.

A complete study of the symbol also speaks of the revival of business communication. All the necessary forces and means have already been accumulated, barriers have been overcome. Therefore, see if there are allies and patrons around you, and then move on to doing things.

In the current situation, it is important to understand that such a time favors only truly outstanding people as much as possible. Realizing your importance, do not show arrogance, but continue to help people and accept support from the outside with a smile. This is the only way to accelerate the fulfillment of cherished desires. The coming scale of change may be too great.

Moving to other countries and cities is likely, a serious promotion, the transformation of a person into a spiritual guru and mentor. These are real twists of fate that require courage, determination and passion from a person.

Particular success and recognition will come to those who have previously tried to realize themselves as an extraordinary person, creator or scientist. According to a Chinese book, right now you can gather your audience, speak to the public, write fiction or scientific literature. But when you have real power, do not forget that you once had a hard time. Be a spiritual philanthropist and a sincere patron, not arrogant and not expecting praise for help.

Current living conditions may contribute to the development of a gold rush in a person, and then all happiness will end. The task of the individual is to get closer to world harmony, and not to accumulate material wealth. Only in earthly affairs does critical thinking develop and bad habits are eliminated.

Any manifestations of greed and greed will be punished by fate at the same moment. In addition, such a situation is also possible that a person did not begin to put things in order at the previous stage. Therefore, now he is not prepared for the difficulties and cannot decide on goals for the future.

Multiply your skills and qualities to accomplish meaningful tasks, Yijing says. The Book of Changes interprets this symbol along with specific recommendations for the accumulation of useful traits.

It is necessary to decide on the direction of activity, free up energy and time for the coming work, put aside everything secondary and find helpers. If a person is interested in interpersonal relationships, then you should talk with all colleagues and friends, outlining plans to them only in general.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • Metal money and a deer are a good sign associated with a career and physical well-being. Doubts about actions can be brushed aside.
  • The official holds a small box in his palm. The decoding of this plot refers to the understanding of human unity: those who have the same principles can work together.
  • A wooden carriage is pushed forward by a person. Reflection of the need to take advantage of the chance of fate.
  • The central symbol is frequent drops of water filling the pond.
  • The main image is a snow goose with a cry overcomes powerful gusts of a headwind in flight.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. According to the Yijing book, the July hexagram is unfavorable in the autumn-spring period.
  2. There are several categories of comrades: understanding, intelligent and sincere.
  3. If you acted correctly, now everything helps to achieve your goals. Waste no time as long as fate favors you.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • Love relationships are amazing. The girls are expecting pregnancy. General contacts with the outside world are successful and beneficial in various areas. There is a chance for a large overseas inheritance.
  • The Yijing book is optimistic in its interpretation of social status and political affairs. Good luck and profits are coming. Any election campaigns, negotiations will be successful. There is hope for a leadership position.
  • Human health is flourishing. Now all diseases and ailments fade into the background. You need to continue to lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to succumb to the temptations of bad habits.
  • The sphere of business bears fruit even in relation to forgotten ideas. Any undertaking will be successful.

Hexagram 42 is the interpretation of the right actions of a person who has decided on the exact direction of work and life. Now fate brings stable happiness, and luck accompanies any plan. You need to take advantage of this situation, and not just enjoy the pleasures, but improve yourself, accumulate virtues. As a result, you can be ready for any surprise surrounded by loyal friends.

The symbol is very good and symbolizes an auspicious time for all people. Favorable for bright outstanding personalities, but also for others it is fruitful.

What is planned will come true, what has been done will be paid. You have the strength to help others. From some business entrusted by the authorities, you will receive personal benefit and will benefit.

An attractive offer awaits you. Someone intends to offer you a profitable project.

Your wish will be fulfilled with the help of a high-ranking person. Unexpectedly, in the near future there will be an opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 42. Increase (Multiplication)

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question - And - Increase (Multiplication).

The hieroglyph depicts a vessel filled to the brim with spiritual and material goods.

add, increase, approach; support, strengthen, benevolent. Excess, abundance, excess. Abundant, tonic, fertile; profitable, favorable, beneficial.

Semantic connections of hexagram 42. And

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of development and growth. Increase your participation in external affairs, persistently invest your energy in the implementation of your plans. This is an auspicious time to start a new business or start a major project. Illuminate everything around, be like the rays of the rising sun. Give your all and inspire people. During this period, the world is saturated with new energy. Get rid of old concepts, but do not go to extremes by correcting mistakes. The Earth gives birth to all beings, covers the entire existing Sky. Together they support and increase a myriad of things. Realizing this, you will comprehend the very essence of multiplication.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the forty-second hexagram.

[It is auspicious to have a place to go; auspicious is the ford across the great river]

I. Nine at the beginning.

Favors the need to do great things.

Primal happiness.

- There will be no bullshit!

II. Six second.

It is possible to multiply that [what is the disadvantage.]

The tortoise is an oracle [worth] ten bundles of coins. [His instructions] cannot be deviated from.

Eternal stamina - fortunately.

The king must [penetrate] with sacrifices to the gods.

- Happiness!

III. Six third.

If you increase this, then you will inevitably [call] misfortune to the cause.

But if, having the truth, you go the right way, if you declare this to the prince

and act at his command, then there will be no blasphemy.

IV. Six fourth.

If, following the right path, you declare this to the prince, then they will follow [you].

Favors the need by creating yourself support to move the capital.

V. Nine fifth.

Possessing the truth, you will benefit the hearts [of people], but do not ask [them about it].

- Primal happiness!

Possession of the truth will benefit [and] your own virtues.

VI. Top nine.

Nothing will increase it, but, perhaps, it will break it!

In educating hearts, do not be inert. [Otherwise] - misfortune!

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

in the manifested world.
A tree threw up its thin branches into the very sky, its roots penetrated deep into the bowels of the earth. A harmonious picture of a green tree, symbolizes the beauty of worldly fuss, refinement of the spirit and deep penetration, rooting in the material plane.
The wind shakes the huge crown. There is a rich, eventful life.
In the roots of the tree, a liana begins to grow quickly, like lightning. One life serves as the basis for the rapid growth of another life.
Liana braids the trunk, branches, fills everything with herself. The new life mercilessly replaces the old.
Where a powerful tree used to grow, tomorrow a huge liana will turn green. One life, characterized by refinement and penetration, will be replaced by another, very dynamic, full of events and emotions.

A beautiful mountain rises on the endless plain. There is a calm, established, secure life.
It rains, the wind blows, the plain swallows the mountain. Over time, all individual differences from the surrounding majority are erased.
And soon it will not be possible to determine where the mountain once was here! Everywhere is a wide, free plain! Common values ​​will completely take over the subconscious. This is a complete formatting by society. There will be practically nothing left of the individual subconscious.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 42

Both in the manifested reality and on the subtle plane, everything remains basically the same, but becomes much more powerful. LIFE ABOUNDS. In the manifested world, refinement, calm penetration will lead to the discovery of new facets of reality. The wind of habitual bustle subsides when the new abruptly, like thunder, fills everything with itself. LIFE ABOUNDS.

On the subconscious, one strong support is replaced by another, much more powerful support. In this case, all individual qualities are erased. LIFE IS BURSHING UP transforms the individual subconscious in accordance with generally accepted norms.

This hexagram promises a successful resolution of any life situation. In this case, everything will be multiplied! The development will go simultaneously in the direction of increasing the intensity of various manifestations of events and at the same time inner confidence and calmness will be strengthened. Favorably contribute to new changes in life, while maintaining confidence in a good end result. Emotional involvement in what is happening here is highly undesirable. It will not only slow down the favorable course of events, but will also contribute to the destruction of individuality on a subtle subconscious plane.




STAGGER - life without any major changes. A stormy, eventful life causes a desire to take a breath, to stop. When LIFE is in full swing, it gives rise to STAGGER. Life without exciting events is not only boring, but unbearable. STAGGER leads to a search for a LIFE THAT IS FLASHING.


"Leaves are not burned,
Branches are not broken...
The day is washed out like glass.
Only this is not enough ... "

A. Tarkovsky


This is a great celebration of life.

Positions for awareness:

1. LIFE BURNS, in fact, is no different from STAGGER. One party after another, one car after another, new love is the same as it was before, that is, none. There is no real novelty in this at all.

2. When LIFE is in full swing, it is easiest to completely miss your life behind the whirlwind of events. It is like thoughts jumping from object to object. It seemed like he didn’t think about anything, but really didn’t think about anything! “The biggest mistake in a person’s life is to lose oneself,” Gautama Buddha.

3. There is no better pleasure than dancing in a colorful carnival. There is nothing better than enjoying the fireworks of life when it is in full swing.

4. If you are not afraid to live, are joyful and relaxed, then life brings real pleasure, especially when it is in full swing.

5. “While you say something completely different from what you think, you listen to something completely different from what you believe inif you are doing something completely different from what you are disposed to, then all this time you are not living at all, ”- Xiang Tzu.

6. "Knowing when to stop, you will protect yourself and live happily ever after" - Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching".

7. "You have no other goal than joy and gratitude" - Buddha.

8. "If you don't like what you get, change what you give" - ​​Don Juan.

9. “The main hindrance of most people is internal dialogue. When a person learns to stop it, everything becomes possible. The most improbable projects become feasible.” – Don Juan

10. “People, as a rule, do not realize that at any moment they can throw anything out of their lives. Anytime. Instantly.” - Don Juan.

11. “You need to run as fast just to stay in place, and to get somewhere, you need to run at least twice as fast!” - Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”.

12. “Do you know, honey, what is shit? So it is in comparison with my life - jam, ”- Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

13. “A woman has to look so smart that her stupidity is a pleasant surprise.” – Karl Kraus

14. "They judge in order not to be judged" - Karl Kraus.

15. “Death, in essence, is the same as life, for only time, insignificant, serves as a difference for them,” - Arthur Schopenhauer.

16. "The world is a hospital for terminally ill patients" - Arthur Schopenhauer.

17. “To lead an idle life is a short cut to death; work is life itself; foolish people idle, wise people work.” - Buddha.

18. “When you realize how perfect everything is around you, you will look up at the sky and laugh.” - Buddha.

19. “True religion is real life; live it with all your heart, with all kindness and righteousness.” – Albert Einstein

20. “When virtue is lost, benevolence appears; when benevolence is lost, right behavior appears; when right behavior is lost, expediency appears. Expediency is just a shadow of rights and truth; this is the beginning of the disorder,” Lao Tzu.

21. The meaning of life in life.

22. “I think that calmness is undesirable in any situation in life. I believe that man was created for action and for fuss.” – Abigail Adams

23. “Life is a song. Sing it. Life is a game. Play it. Life is a challenge, accept it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a sacrifice, offer it. Life is love! Enjoy it.” - Sathya Sai Baba

24. “You rarely feel regret about doing something. It's what you didn't do that torments you. The conclusion is clear. Do this!" — Wayne Dyer.

25. “Look back!!! Love is everywhere… And we manage to see only evil and vanity,” Konstantin Pi.

26. "Life is too short to drink bad wine" - Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

27. “Personal growth is the path to happiness, getting rid of all diseases and problems. Life is easy. If it’s difficult, then you’re living the wrong way, ”- Mikhail Litvak.

28. "All life depends on the toss of a coin" - Futurama

29. “Everything that is beautiful in this life is either immoral, or illegal, or leads to obesity,” Oscar Wilde.

30. “Life is too short to spend it on diets, greedy men and a bad mood,” Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

31. “If you want to live, it means that there is something that you love,” Erich Maria Remarque. Three comrades.

32. “If you could live forever, what would you live for?” Twilight (Twilight).

33. "Life doesn't stop being funny when we die, and it doesn't stop being serious when we laugh" - George Bernard Shaw.

34. “The meaning of life is not to wait for the storm to end, but to learn to dance in the rain.” - Vivian Green.

35. "Color my life with a chaos of problems." 500 days.

36. “The main thing is to live a living life, and not to fumble through the nooks and crannies of memory,” - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

37. “To be afraid of love is to be afraid of life, and whoever is afraid of life is three-quarters dead,” Bertrand Russell.

38. “In the end, if you don’t allow yourself to be a naive jerk sometimes, life will lose a good half of the pleasures,” Max Frei. Big cart.

39. "If there is a Why to live, you can endure almost any How" - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

40. “Does everyone have a destiny or do we fly through life like a feather in the wind?” - Forrest Gump.

41. “Have the courage to live. Anyone can die." Highway 60 (Interstate 60).

42. “Life shows the absurdity of the word “never” - Renata Litvinova.

43. "Millions of people dream of immortality, not knowing how to spend today" - Swami Satyananda Saraswati.

44. “I was smart enough to live my life stupidly,” Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

45. "One must love life more than the meaning of life" - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

46. ​​"Don't waste your life playing the role that others have chosen for you" - Paulo Coelho. Book of the Warrior of Light.

47. “One must yearn for death in order to understand how good life is,” Alexandre Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo.

48. "I obscenely love life" - Salvador Dali.

49. “I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He never loved anyone. And never did anything. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers. And from morning to night he repeats one thing: “I am a serious person! I am a serious person! - just like you. And straight up puffed up with pride. In fact, he is not human. He's a mushroom." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The little Prince.

50. "We have the right to fly where we want, and be what we are created" - Richard Bach. A seagull named Jonathan Livingston.

51. “Life cannot be against you, because you are life itself. If life goes against your ego concepts, it is only because they are rarely true.” – Mooji

52. “If you can dream, then you can make your dreams come true.” – Walt Disney

53. “I always surprise myself. It is the only thing worth living for.” – Oscar Wilde A woman who doesn't deserve attention.

54. “Those who have suffered a lot laugh most of all in life,” - Evgeny Petrosyan.

55. "Sometimes you have to die to start living" - Paulo Coelho. Veronica decides to die.

56. “To live is harmful. People die from it.” – George Bernard Shaw

57. "I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler" - Albert Einstein.

58. "Life without a goal is tantamount to a slow death" - Code Geass (Code Geass).

59. “There is nothing difficult in life. We are complex. Life is a simple thing, and the simpler it is, the more correct.” – Oscar Wilde

60. “A light attitude to life makes it difficult,” - Emil Krotkiy (Emmanuil Yakovlevich German).

61. “The secret of life is to treat everything as lightly as possible,” Oscar Wilde. A woman who doesn't deserve attention.

62. “Be happy this moment. This moment is your life,” Omar Khayyam.

63. “There are moments in everyone’s life when you have to throw yourself into the abyss in order to finally make sure that you have always been able to fly,” Max Frei. Echo labyrinths.

64. “If you repeat every morning that you are satisfied with your life, there is no doubt: you will not only believe yourself, but also make everyone around you believe in it,” Paulo Coelho. Zaire.

65. “Actually, very few people live for today. Most prepare to live later.” - Jonathan Swift.

66. “To get what you want out of life, you must first determine what you want,” Keanu Reeves.

67. “Life without trials is not life,” Socrates.

68. “One must love life more than the meaning of life”, - F. M. Dostoevsky.

69. “In life, everything is temporary. If everything goes well - enjoy it, it won't last forever. Well, if everything is lousy - do not be sour, this is also not forever, ”- F. M. Dostoevsky.

70. “The world is beautiful in its imperfection,” Oksana Malitskaya.

71. “We live in a world where a funeral is more important than a dead person, where a wedding is more important than love, where looks are more important than intelligence. We live in a packaging culture that despises the contents.” – Eduardo Galeano

Multiplication. Increase

It is favorable to go somewhere, it is favorable to ford a large river.


1. Initial nine.

Good for big things. Primal happiness. There will be no trouble.

2. Six second.

Someone presented a wonderful tortoise worth ten stringed values. Can't be accepted. In the case of divination about the eternal - happiness. Van (ruler) will make a sacrifice. Lord of happiness!

3. Six third.

If you increase it for use in unfortunate affairs, then there will be no trouble. Perseverance. Halfway through, report to the prince about the use of the scepter.

4. Six fourth.

Halfway you will report to the prince about your affairs. Favorable in order to move the family to another state.

5. Nine fifth.

A stubborn and merciful heart. You shouldn't ask. Primal happiness. Respect and mercy for my virtue.

6. Top nine.

Do not increase (stock) - someone will strike at him. If the goals are fickle, expect misfortune.


1. Initial nine.

The line predicts good luck in all endeavors.

2. Six second.

Read about the turtle symbol in the explanation of the fifth line of the previous hexagram. If your question relates to the spiritual search for yourself, the implementation of creative ideas, then expect good luck and satisfaction. For promotion, you need to enlist the support of influential friends, spend money on gifts.

3. Six third.

This line has translations in different sources with a completely opposite meaning. But it's good to remember: if you have problems right now, don't be afraid to spend money on solving them. Contact influential officials and their associates.

4. Six fourth.

5. Nine fifth.

It is about your manifestation of the best qualities of human communication: kindness, mercy, forgiveness, love for your neighbor, generosity. Do not expect gratitude in return, do not praise yourself, be modest. People will believe in your sincerity and honesty of words, over time your participation will return to you with support from those whom you have now helped.

6. Top nine.

The top line is always a warning about satiety, overflow, exaggeration of the qualities and actions described in the hexagram. And here there is a danger of recklessly going into hoarding, greed, acquisitions, endless rushing about in search of satisfying and rich habitats. Expect destruction, loss, a sad awakening from the hustle and bustle.


The time has come for the revival of the business sphere, communication. It's time to start implementing your plans, you have waited enough for the right moment, saved up funds, strength, overcame internal and external barriers. Once again, check for the presence of patrons who will really help if you need it. Make the necessary "sacrifices" and get down to business.

The hexagram predicts very large scale changes. It is possible to be promoted with the corresponding new responsibilities and hardships, moving to another city or country, you can become a spiritual leader, a teacher for a certain circle of people. Such changes do not occur every day, these are turns in fate that require courage, determination, the mobilization of all the positive qualities of character, energy, passion.

If the goal of your life is not hoarding and acquiring certain earthly goods, but you strive to realize yourself as a creative, extraordinary, talented person, are engaged in spiritual searches, scientific research, you will also be successful and recognized. Feel free to take up a pen, write books, speak to the public, gather like-minded people, travel.

Having gained power, material success, you yourself will become a patron and patron of the less successful. Remembering your past difficulties and sorrows, you can help, but do not do it theatrically, expecting applause and praise. Do not teach the weak, do not be conceited. Most recently, you yourself were in this position and the last thing you needed was someone's instructions about life. If you want to do good deeds, then do them from the heart.

The hexagram warns of a sad ending to your happy activity if you are seized by a "gold rush". Such a diagnosis will lead to the loss of all that has been achieved. Heaven will once again remind you that happiness is not in money and not in their quantity, but in the maximum proximity of your personality to the general harmony of the world. For this, your character, habits, and thinking are "combed" through earthly affairs. Deviation towards greed and avarice will be punished.

Substantial progress and growing prosperity is exciting and good if you go with the flow and consider the interests of others. Like river rapids of water, periods of increase can be short-lived. This is another way to ride the rapids when the waves of opportunity are high.

Leadership in times of growing opportunity involves commitment to the needs of cohorts or dependents. By remembering that leadership must serve, the leader strengthens his ability to achieve lasting growth in wealth. During the overall growth, those who contribute the most to the common good will receive the largest and longest-term rewards.

When opportunities for growth arise, luck comes to those who act quickly and boldly, avoiding the trap of allowing their actions to be merely selfish. If you're aiming for a position of prominence, the most sustainable strategy is to work towards raising the wave of your entire community, company, or relationship, rather than going swimming upstream on your own.

When the times are favorable for prosperity, and when the leadership is in the hands of broad thought, the highest fortune is the result.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

When you are the recipient of what might be considered "blind luck", realize that luck has found you because you let it in. Luck most attracts selflessness. When this manifests itself—in the form of new wealth, power, or energy—it is best preserved and strengthened by sharing your increase with others—perhaps by donating some of your time to worthy and selfless pursuits. Self-absorbed people whose goal is the personal accumulation of wealth or power, on the other hand, soon become prisoners of their own desires.

Sometimes sudden happiness is just as devastating to its recipient as disaster. The surest way to stay on course when luck hits your life is to increase your love for the good. Act from a sincere desire to extend the power of your integrity and loyalty to the outside world. When you stay true to your higher self, luck becomes lasting and small obstacles are easily overcome. If you have an instinctive desire to help others at a time like this, listen to it. Don't be afraid to follow your heart when it wants to do good.

Oddly enough, even a miscalculation or seemingly unfortunate event can lead to good luck during the overall increase. One contemporary image may be a picture of a baseball player on a hot streak being deceived by an inside step; the ball accidentally hits him, flies, with a swing and we see the impact, while he was actually trying to get out of the way. Sometimes it's better to be happy than good. When things are going well, you need to step up and get ready to swing in order to hit.

Be careful to maintain a high level of reliability. You may be called upon to act as an intermediary. Whatever the circumstance, it is important that you maintain fairness and a sense of balance. If you do your best for your highest priority, your advice will be followed and you will be respected. Whatever you do, don't use your position when luck smiles on you.

A good heart makes no demands or requires recognition. Genuine kindness and consideration flow naturally and spontaneously. Supreme luck!

Line 6 (top line)

This line refers to someone who isolated themselves by abusing power or was insensitive to the needs of others, especially those in dependent positions. The greed and power of hunger makes you lose touch with time, it takes a wide vision to see the whole picture, including what is happening. The easiest way to lose happiness is to take it for granted or abuse privileges.