1 the role of teaching potential in the development of education. Activities of the laboratory "development of pedagogical potential"

slide 1 "Development of pedagogical potential

as a factor in updating the quality of education"

Chegodaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna, director of MBOU secondary school No. 2 r.p. choir

Dear colleagues, participants of the conference.

The school from the moment of its creation and at all times is the object of close attention of the society.slide 2successful school - This a system in which conditions are created for the effective self-development of all participants in education. One of the main components in it is the teacher.The more satisfied the teacher is with his work, the more he is interested in improving his skills.In this regard, one of the most important tasks of modern education is the development of professionalism of teachers as a factor in updating the quality of education.

slide 3Our school has the necessary and sufficient pedagogical potential for the implementation of the educational process.76.2% of teachers have higher education, 23.8% - specialized secondary education. 77.8% of teachers have the highest and first categories.slide 4The system of tutor support of the teacher during the period of preparation for certification helped to achieve such high performance. She is is aimed at developing the individual style of the teacher and improving his methodological, psychological, research, technological culture.

slide 5Over the past three years, 8 young teachers have come to our school. All of them are entrenched in our school. Classes in the "School of a young teacher" help them to master the pedagogical science, teachers-mentors, custodians of accumulative experience. They are the ones who are involved in mentoring.

slide 6Young teachers over the past three years have been participating in the municipal competition of pedagogical skills "Pedagogical Debut" and become its winners and laureates. In 2016, Dzhulyak Natalya Sergeevna, a teacher of physical education, was awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree of the regional competition "Pedagogical Debut".

Slide 7For the development of personnel potential, it is necessary to have a comfortable educational environment of the institution, which is a kind of launching pad.

Slide 8Today the school is equipped with computers and interactive technology. The Internet is connected and working, there is a school site, live and active. The school has created a comfortable information and educational environment that ensures effective cooperation between the student and the teacher.Slide 9And as a result of this, the bank of sites of school teachers is replenished, scientific and methodological publications are regularly posted in magazines and electronic media.

Our teachers are permanent participants of all-Russian, regional and regional competitions.

Slide 10The school team of children and teachers annually takes part in the regional training seminar-competition "Digital Holidays". In 2015, PRISHELTSY.RU became the winner of this competition.

slide 11The teaching staff of the school is the winner of the districtcontest for the best designweb- a page dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the municipal district named after Lazo among educational organizations of the municipal district.

slide 12Maslova F.A. and Minaeva T.A. - laureates of the district competition for the best organization of work on the prevention of juvenile delinquency and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills among students in an educational institution in the nomination "The best system of work of a class teacher".

slide 13Four teachers of our school took part in the district competition "Teacher of the Year - 2015": Kochetova E.G., Koroleva E.V., Minaeva T.A., Hortova O.V. Koroleva E.V. became the winner of the competition.

Slide 14 Our school became a participant in the open all-Russian competition-workshop with international participation "The best website of an educational organization - 2016".

slide 15The school team represented the municipal district named after Lazo at the fifth inter-district pedagogical festival "Step to Success" in the city of Vyazemsky.

slide 16In 2016, three teachers of the school were awarded the medal of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement “To the Teacher. For fidelity to the profession ”for merits in teaching and many years of conscientious work in the field of education: Krasilnikova Irina Sergeevna, Ushakova Anna Anatolyevna, Chegodaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

Slide 17A teacher is a teacher only when he feels that the experience he has accumulated, his knowledge, allow him to lead his students.

Students of our school take part in competitions, olympiads, scientific and practical conferences of various levels and win prizes.

Slide 18Teachers understand that in order to achieve professional success, it is not enough to graduate from a university once. In order to be a professional and confirm this high status of a teacher, it is necessary to study continuously. Today there are many opportunities for a teacher: face-to-face courses at the HC IRO, remote advanced training courses and retraining courses that give the right to conduct a new type of professional activity. During the 2015-2016 academic year, 18 out of 38 teaching staff took such courses at our school, having received an additional profession.

Slide 19Today, a teacher is in demand who can independently search for new technologies, analyze his own activities, build a strategy for the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the time, effectively implement his plans, solve non-standard tasks, consciously change and develop his professional activities.

Slide 20A new school year is ahead.

May it become the year of fulfillment of the set tasks, creative achievements and victories, the year of purposeful work in accordance with the chosen priorities!

I congratulate you on the upcoming Day of Knowledge! Health, professional growth, success!


Simonova Alevtina Alexandrovna

Ural State Pedagogical University, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Organization Management, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, [email protected], Yekaterinburg


Simonova Alevtina Aleksandrovna

Ural State University teacher education, pro-rector for academic affairs, chair of theory and practice of organization management, Ph.D., associate professor, for teaching uchny head readings, [email protected], Ekaterinburg


Successful professional activity of a teacher is impossible without continuous updating of knowledge, improvement of professional competence. An analysis of the theory and practice of education shows that significant opportunities for improving educational activities lie in creating conditions for the growth of pedagogical potential. The concept of "pedagogical potential" is very often used in characterizing the activities of both teachers and the education system as a whole. The issue of developing pedagogical potential arises whenever the problem of developing professional skills and pedagogical competence of a teacher is touched upon, which determines the search for new educational technologies aimed at developing one of the components of professional excellence - pedagogical potential. Meanwhile, the management of the development of the potential of teaching staff is not an object of intra-school planning. When working with teaching staff, school leaders, as a rule, do not attach much importance to studying and determining the conditions for developing their potential. This actualizes the problem of finding and creating organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of the pedagogical potential of both teachers and the education system as a whole.

We consider the task of this article to be the consideration of approaches to the definition of the concept of "pedagogical potential", the concept of "pedagogical potential of the municipal educational system", its structure and organizational and pedagogical conditions for development within the framework of the municipal education system. Under the organizational and pedagogical conditions we understand the totality of content, subjective, structural and procedural components of the educational environment, influencing the dynamics of the pedagogical potential.

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature revealed several basic interpretations of the concept of "pedagogical potential".

The concept of "potential" is considered as a means, reserves, sources that are available and can be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve certain goals, implement plans, solve any problems: as the capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain areas.

T. L. Bozhinskaya considers the pedagogical potential as an integral education with a pronounced prognostic orientation, which creates an opportunity for a specialist to transmit cultural experience and contribute to its appropriation by the subjects of culture and education, assimilation and development of their personality in culture. The pedagogical potential, according to this author, accumulates the necessary resources of regional culture and ensures the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity. The pedagogical potential also characterizes the necessary resources of the teacher and ensures the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity. B. A. Vyatkin, E. A. Silina, based on the provisions of the theory of integral individuality of V. Merlin, consider the pedagogical potential as a structure that includes psychodynamic, instrumental and motivational characteristics. The intellectual characteristics of the pedagogical potential are represented by the teacher's professional experience and some personal qualities. Instrumental characteristics of pedagogical potential are pedagogical abilities. They play a special role in the structure of pedagogical potential, they are its core. L. D. Kudryashova, who owns the original psychological theory of abilities, specifically draws attention to this fact.

An analysis of scientific and practice-oriented research shows that the pedagogical potential is realized in solving the problems of professional pedagogical activity, as a result of the mobilization of physiological, adaptive, information resources around cultural and value orientations, which are peculiar centers of polarization of significant components of experience.

N. G. Zakrevskaya in her study proves that the professionalization of pedagogical potential, its transformation into a professional pedagogical one, go through the stages of formation and accumulation in the process of professional university training, develops as a stable system.

a system of connections that creates conditions for the transfer of experience in the process of professional activity and additional professional education. The criteria for the development of professional and pedagogical potential are: the degree of professional subjectivity, the level of professional self-awareness, the ratio of professional capabilities and claims, the degree of actualization of the pedagogical potential of the individual.

The main conditions for the development of professional and pedagogical potential are: ensuring in the process of education the movement in development from the accumulation of opportunities to their implementation; implementation of harmonization of the processes of education and personal development of a person; ensuring the continuity and integration of educational and professional activities, the plurality and variability of the conditions of education in the area of ​​realization of professional pedagogical potential.

N. G. Zakrevskaya, researching the problem of the development of pedagogical potential in a university, singled out the aspect of scientific and pedagogical potential as the unity of scientific schools, scientific and pedagogical personnel at all levels of reproduction of socio-cultural patterns that contribute to the preservation of scientific traditions and the development of scientific research; scientific and pedagogical potential of the individual, which is considered as the relationship of intellectual, moral, physical improvement and is the basis of social health.

This author emphasizes that the scientific and pedagogical potential of the scientific community develops if the necessary conditions for its formation and development are created: assimilation of the subculture of the reference group; development of cognitive abilities; social environment factors; transmission and production of knowledge as a function of the scientific community involves scientific and pedagogical activities and the creation of scientific schools in the field of education. In the conditions of the municipal education system, the prototype of the scientific community is the associations of teachers and leaders, created in order to intensify the scientific and methodological work of school methodological associations, departments and individual teachers.

Thus, the pedagogical potential of the municipal education system is the integration of the pedagogical potential of the subjects of educational activity, the pedagogical potential of professional and scientific communities, the potential of regional culture in its municipal context, and the organizational and managerial conditions of their mutual influence.

Analysis of the above and not mentioned in this article scientific approaches allows us to determine the main indicators that can be taken as criteria for the development of the pedagogical potential of the municipal educational system:

Pedagogical potential is a set of valuable, meaningful and scientific and methodological means that allow to provide pedagogical (educational) impact on people;

Integral education with a pronounced prognostic orientation, using the necessary resources of regional (territorial, including municipal) culture and ensuring the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity;

The development of pedagogical potential is considered in relation to the personality of the subjects of pedagogical reality (teachers, students, researchers, interested population), as well as in relation to the phenomena of culture and social reality, educational systems and institutions, scientific communities;

Ensuring the effectiveness of the formation and development of pedagogical potential requires the identification of theoretical and methodological foundations, the development of a practice-oriented concept (model), technology for implementation and maintenance (organizational and managerial model), a description of the necessary conditions (resources).

All of the above allows us to draw conclusions about the possibilities and conditions for the development of the pedagogical potential of the municipal education system. The model of the national educational initiative "Our New School" can serve as a model containing normative bases. A necessary condition for the effective functioning of the municipal education system for the development of pedagogical potential is to take into account the characteristics of the educational space, traditions and prospects for the development of the educational environment, the teacher in the context of his professional and personal formation and development. A real manifestation of the level of development of pedagogical potential in the practice of educational activities is the professional mobility of teachers, for the formation of which, as B. M. Igoshev points out in his study, it is necessary to create an integration educational environment at the managerial, organizational and resource levels.

In our opinion, the basis for designing the development of the pedagogical potential of the municipal education system in accordance with modern trends in the development of education can be the Strategic Project “City School Standard Five Stars”, implemented since 2003, developed by decision of the Collegium of the Mayor of Yekaterinburg for the period up to 2015 . .

The main criteria for evaluating the project as the basis for the development of pedagogical potential can be: the ratio of goal - results (quality of wording, reality, correspondence to each other, reliance on the specifics of today's Yekaterinburg and taking into account the provisions of the strategic development plan, taking into account educational trends external to Yekaterinburg); ways of moving from the goal to the result; coverage of subjects of the educational system; resource support opportunities (personnel, organizational, material, financial, etc.); the continuity of this project with the previous program documents of Yekaterinburg.

The main task of the city educational complex is the qualitative implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens to education, which

involves increasing the professional orientation of the education received, ensuring the readiness of the younger generation to realize their personal potential, interests and needs. Setting the objectives and results of the program through the development of the potential of the subjects of the educational system puts forward requirements for the development of the pedagogical potential of the professional pedagogical community, resource support for educational activities.

The project in its approaches and directions corresponds to federal trends, takes into account federal programs for the development of education.

An analysis of the needs and interests of the urban community, a study of the opinions of residents of Yekaterinburg, carried out during the work of the Department of Education on the Strategic Plan for the Development of Yekaterinburg for the period up to 2015, made it possible to identify the main "components" of the city's social order for the general education system today are:

The need of citizens for the sustainable development and reliable functioning of educational institutions of all types and types;

The need for reliable provision of legal guarantees in the field of education for all social strata of the city's population, all subjects of educational activities;

Public request for the provision of high quality services for children and adolescents in Yekaterinburg in all general education disciplines in any general education institution in the city;

Particular attention, in the opinion of the townspeople, should be paid to achieving a modern level of general education sufficient for the real self-determination of all graduates of the general education system in life;

Request for the optimal renewal of the content and methods of modern general education in accordance with the progress of society, science, culture in full compliance with the requirements of compliance with the age capabilities of students and the absence of physical, neuropsychic overload of students and teachers, undermining their health;

An order to conduct effective preventive work in the educational institution aimed at educating sustainable social and spiritual resistance of children to the effects of drug addiction, alcoholism, a criminogenic environment, and reactionary teachings;

The need for the development of a system of general education that can not only more fully utilize the total cultural potential of the city of Yekaterinburg, but also ensure its further enrichment and growth.

In the process of preparing the project, a discrepancy was revealed between the trends in the strategic development of the city as a modern multifunctional center with elements of a world city and the level of development of children's education, which today does not meet international quality standards, which leads to a low starting level of development of the labor potential of citizens. The data obtained as a result of the analysis indicate that in the city there is a real problem of maintaining a discrepancy between

the quality of education received at school and the needs of the real life of a modern metropolis, which is Yekaterinburg. The consequences of the problem are an increase in the number of citizens who do not have the opportunity to successfully adapt to the living conditions of the modern largest city, a decrease in the overall intellectual potential of citizens and, as a result, a decrease in labor potential, mobility of personnel reserves.

The project is aimed at all categories of citizens. As a result of the project implementation, it is planned to increase the level of development of the labor potential of the city in the future, to ensure the quality of general education of children in accordance with international standards, aimed at ensuring the prospects for the development of the labor potential of the city by means of increasing the professional and personal potential of citizens.

In the Project, indicators are declared, ensuring the territorial accessibility of a full range of high-quality educational services for all categories of residents of Yekaterinburg; ensuring international standards for the quality of education in accordance with the modern concept of quality; ensuring the professional orientation of young citizens, fostering readiness for active adaptation in the labor market of the largest city.

The results of solving problems are clearly defined, transparent, measurable, which is not often found in such large, fairly long-term projects, for example, the development of a dynamic variable general education system that meets the educational needs of Yekaterinburg residents and provides equal access to quality education for citizens, regardless of place of residence and level family income, etc.

In the structural plan, all components of the educational system are covered: children, teachers, managers, families, the public, providing conditions, processes of education, upbringing, protection and correction of children's health (physical, mental, social).

The technology of the project involves its implementation through a system of medium-term programs for the development of the "Education" sphere for 3-4 years and strategic subprojects for the long term, in priority areas for the development of the city's education system. Such a modular principle of constructing programs has already justified itself in the practice of education.

Higher education institutions of the city, educational institutions, educational authorities, as well as scientists of the city are involved in the development and implementation of the project, which increases the guarantee of consideration and consideration of all problems.

An organizational plan was developed in detail, including activities, project stages, and the cost of each event. The financial plan of the project is presented, and the costs of individual activities and major events are determined in stages. This testifies to the reality of the developers' ideas about the possibilities of developing the city's education system, including the development of pedagogical potential.

The next, more specific level is city target programs for 2-3 years. For example, the city target development program

system of education MO "city of Yekaterinburg" for 2011-2013. An analysis of the results of the implementation of the previous development program, a comparison of the requirements of the “Our New School” model with the real indicators of educational institutions made it possible to formulate the main tasks of the educational system:

1. Creation of an accessible, health-saving, technologically equipped educational environment for all categories of the child population of the city of Yekaterinburg, including by optimizing the infrastructure of educational institutions.

2. Providing access to general education for children with disabilities, children in difficult life situations, by creating a barrier-free environment.

3. Improving the system of work with talented children and providing conditions for the development of individual abilities, personal qualities, and the creative potential of gifted children.

4. Transition to new educational standards in the system of general education in Yekaterinburg.

5. Providing the system of general education with highly qualified personnel, their support by local governments and the public.

6. Creation of conditions for the development by students and teachers of modern information technologies for teaching and organizing the life of educational institutions.

7. Development of experimental and innovative activities, including through interaction with universities and other institutions of professional education.

8. Creation of conditions for the management and organization of monitoring the quality of education (the quality of conditions, the quality of the educational process and the quality of the result of education) in each educational institution.

The positive dynamics of the pedagogical potential of the educational system is ensured primarily by the development of the potential of the teaching staff of educational institutions. Therefore, in the program for the development of the education system in Yekaterinburg, special attention is paid to the section "Providing the education system with highly qualified personnel."

Today in Yekaterinburg there are enough conditions for the development of the educational system: there is an extensive infrastructure of educational institutions, provided with personnel, experience has been gained in mobile content change, a layer of professional developers of content, technologies, programs has been formed, a network of manufacturers of teaching aids is developing, at the level of an educational institution and at the municipal level. level there is experience in updating the content and technologies, the use of non-traditional methods; in the external environment, interest in education and demand for educational services increased. As the next organizational level, we will give an example of the City Pedagogical

readings that have been held in Yekaterinburg over the past sixteen years.

An analysis of the experience of scientific management of pedagogical readings allows us to draw some conclusions and generalizations on the organization of such long-lived events. A study of the composition of the participants showed that most of them regularly participate in pedagogical readings. Thus, a pedagogical community has been formed (a kind of public organization), which functions and develops according to the laws and rules of the theory and practice of organizational development. Currently, Pedagogical Readings are an almost year-round project. In March, the Innovation Forum is held, which is attended by leaders and teachers - winners of the PNP "Education", other innovation competitions, participants in network innovation platforms. At this Forum, an analysis and discussion of innovative ideas, undertakings and projects in educational institutions of Yekaterinburg takes place, an exhibition of innovative projects is organized. The result of the work of the round tables are proposals for the development and implementation of innovative ideas, and the theme of the pedagogical readings of the year is determined. And then the technology described above is implemented. Also, the time interval for conducting pedagogical workshops, master classes for the period from October to February of the next year has been extended.

Taking into account a wide range of scientific, intellectual, educational, professional and other factors that affect the change in the educational system of the city, allows to some extent to foresee the main features, properties, directions of these changes, to influence the development of pedagogical potential.

In connection with the need to ensure the continuity of professional pedagogical education in order to develop pedagogical potential, the relevance of the interaction of institutions (faculties) of additional professional education that implement advanced training and professional retraining programs with municipal information and pedagogical centers is increasing. An important place in the organization of advanced training for managers and teachers is occupied by resource centers: the introduction of information technologies in the educational process, the organization of distance learning, the work of virtual methodological associations of teachers, and videoconferences on the innovative activities of teachers. Such forms as the presentation of pedagogical experience at the regional and all-Russian level, monitoring the effectiveness of advanced training and professional retraining of pedagogical and managerial personnel, the use of the potential of teachers and leading schools in the emerging mobile system of advanced training of pedagogical and managerial personnel, in the organization of a network, project interaction with institutions of higher and professional education.

Bibliographic list

1. Bozhinskaya, T. L. Prospects for improving the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education [Text] / T. L. Bozhinskaya // Teacher, educate a personality: scientific method. allowance. - Rostov n / a, 2010. - 0.4 p.

2. Vyatkin, B. A. On the contribution of V. S. Merlin to the development of domestic psychological science [Text] / B. A. Vyatkin, E. A. Silina // Bulletin of the Perm State Pedagogical University. Series: Psychology. - 1998. - No. 1. - S. 60-68.

3. Gusinsky, E. N., Turchaninova Yu. I. Introduction to the philosophy of education. - [Text] / E. N. / Gusinsky - M., 2000.

4. Zakrevskaya, N. G. Sociology of Education and Scientific Communities: A Reader. [Text] / N. G. Zakrevskaya, - St. Petersburg: [b. and.], 2009. - 176 p.

5. Igoshev, B. M. Organizational and pedagogical system of training professionally mobile specialists at the Pedagogical University: Monograph. [Text] / B. M. Igoshev - M.: VLADOS, 2008. - 201 p.

6. Kudryashova, L. D. Psychology and personality assessment. [Text] / L. D. Kudryashova, - M., 2007.

7. Rybakovsky, L. L. Migration potential: concept and evaluation criteria [Text] / L. L. Rybakovsky// Sociological research. - 2009. - No. 2.

8. Strategic project "City school - standard" Five stars "". [Text] - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House of the Ural State University, 2004.

Lopapova Elena Valentinovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Omsk State Medical Academy, [email protected], Omsk


Lopanova Elena Valentinovna

Professor Associate, Head of Department for pedagogy and psychology, [email protected] mail.ru, Omsk


Among the problems of transition to a new educational standard, the following stand out: the transfer of a set of key competencies into a list of educational

Municipal educational institution of the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea "Secondary school No. 7"

Developed by:

Tkalenko Anna Igorevna

Physical education teacher

Dzhankoy, 2016


Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ........... 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of development of innovative pedagogical potential ................................... 6

1.1. Development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education as a psychological and pedagogical problem.............................................................................................................. 6

1.2. Pedagogicalteacherin the process of professionaleducation ................................. 8

Chapter 2

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… 14

References…………………………………………………………... 19

Appendix.…………………………………………………………...…….. 21


In the most general view, the pedagogical potential of a teacher means the totality of the capabilities of a person engaged in pedagogical activities.

The pedagogical potential of the individual is a complex concept, which is usually understood as the ability and synthesis of certain qualities and properties of a person.

The concept of "pedagogical potential" allows us to consider the teacher's capabilities not only as they are now, but also from the standpoint of their formation and development prospects. The pedagogical potential of a teacher concentrates three aspects:

    past - a set of qualities and properties accumulated by a person in the process of personal and professional development;

    the present – actualization of opportunities and their application in professional and pedagogical activity;

    future – trends of future professional and personal development.

Pedagogical potential is a biosocial system that develops in the process of “turning” inclinations into pedagogical abilities. This process, depending on the conditions, can be more or less successful.

The basis of such formation is vocational training, which can maximize the disclosure of inclinations and the formation of abilities and professionally important qualities associated with them and a professionally pedagogical orientation.

The relevance of the project. Representing a continuous stream of changes, modern pedagogical activity puts forward quite definite requirements for the personality of teachers - to be able to change both in activity and in their personality, since the teaching staff is tasked with creating conditions for development and transition to a new quality of education that meets the needs of the individual, society and the state.

At the same time, the educational process, the purpose of which is the development of the student's personality, determines the teachers' own activity in the search and implementation of internal resources for changing themselves.

The potential of teaching staff is such a resource. After all, no matter what changes take place in education, the teacher still remains one of the main carriers of social progress, the main strategic and technological resource. Not only the quality of education, but also our future depends on his professionalism, moral values ​​and intelligence. Awareness of its priority role in the transformation of society requires increased attention to the development of pedagogical potential so that the teaching staff meets the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow.

Project object : the process of vocational education.

Project subject: pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education.

Objective of the project : to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the development of the innovative potential of a teacher in vocational education.

Project objectives:

    Consider the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education as a psychological and pedagogical problem;

    To reveal the essence of vocational education as a factor in the development of the teacher's innovative potential;

    To develop the provision of pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education;

    Organize experimental - experimental work on the implementation of the identified pedagogical conditions;

    Experimentally check the effectiveness of the developed provision of pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential.

To solve the tasks set, the following research methods can be selected: analysis of socio-philosophical, psychological-pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature, scientific periodicals on the subject of research; pedagogical experiment; experimental methods: survey (questionnaire, conversation, testing); pedagogical supervision; analysis of the products of pedagogical and educational activities of teachers; methods of self-research, self-assessment of the personal and professional qualities of a teacher.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Substantiation of the Problem of Development of Innovative Pedagogical Potential

1.1. Development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education as a psychological and pedagogical problem

An analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature in terms of the theme of my project allows us to conclude that the pedagogical conditions that affect the development of the teacher's innovative potential have not been holistically studied. In scientific papers on the problem under study, more attention is paid to the search for patterns in the process of introducing innovations, general and specific features of innovative pedagogical activity, etc., but the substantive and technological aspects of the development of innovative potential in the process of vocational education are not sufficiently covered. The existing need for practice is provided with theoretical support: the pedagogical content of the concepts of "innovative pedagogical potential", "development of innovative pedagogical potential" requires clarification, it is necessary to determine the criteria for the development of the teacher's innovative potential.

But in the conditions of the general education institution where I work (Dzhankoy secondary school I - III levels No. 5), our teaching staff has to face a number of contradictions between:

The realization by the majority of teachers of the need to activate the creative forces of the individual and the lack of proper pedagogical conditions for initiating the process of the value of comprehension by teachers of their own professional experience;

The requirements of society for the active creative position of a specialist and the lack of mechanisms for including teachers in a purposeful, practically oriented innovation activity;

Constantly increasing in volume and more complex in content scientific and practical information in the field of pedagogical innovation and insufficient mobility of forms of scientific and methodological support for the development of the teacher's innovative potential.

The comprehension of these contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem, which consists in creating effective pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the conditions of vocational education.

The social relevance, theoretical and practical significance of this problem determined the choice of the research topic "Development of innovative pedagogical potential".

1.2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of innovative potential teacher in the process of professional education

Development of innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education is difficultintegrativethe process of problem-oriented educational search for the creation, development, development, use of innovations. The development of innovative pedagogical potential will be carried out more efficiently if a special program of professional education of teachers is implemented, which provides for the creation of the following pedagogical conditions:

Initiation of the process of value reflectionteachersown professional experience;

Inclusion of educators inpurposefulpractical - indicative search based on research, modeling, analysis and correction of real innovative activities of participants in the educational process;

Scientific and methodological support for the development of innovative pedagogical potential.

As a result of the creation of these conditions, the development of innovative pedagogical potential is found in his desire for an active reflective and creative position in professional activities.

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

    the position on the conscious and purposeful development of the innovative potential of the teacher in the process of continuous professional education is substantiated, according to which the process under study unfolds in a direct connection under the influence of the desire of the teacher's personality to take a reflexive-creative position in professional activity, and in the feedback is the initiating mechanism of this activitysubject to continuity of education;

    development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of continuous professional education has been developed, represented by a theoretical model consisting of three components:meaningful, operational - activity (a set of pedagogical conditions of the process under study), evaluative - regulatory (definition of the main - cognitive, emotive - axiological andactivitycriteria), and experimentally proved the effectiveness of this software in the context of the research problem;

    It has been proved that the pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of innovative potential in the process of continuous professional education are: initiation of the process of value judgment by teachers of their own professional experience; inclusion of teachers in a targeted practice-oriented search based on research, modeling, analysis and correction of the real innovative activities of the school; scientific and methodological support for the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of continuous professional education;

    a special program for the professional education of teachers should be developed, the essence of which is to use the resources of the reflexive-analytical and creative activities of each teacher and the creative innovative activity of the entire team through the implementation (passage)activitystages that ensure continuous self-motivatedcommunionpersonality to innovative processes and the development of the corresponding potential.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the enrichment of the theory and methodology of vocational education in the field of developing the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education due to the fact that: the pedagogical content of the concepts "», « development of innovative pedagogical potential»; philosophical and psychological approaches to the essence of vocational education as a factor in the development of innovative pedagogical potential are summarized, which can later serve as the basis for the development of theoretical provisions for the training and retraining of a teacher. A set of provisions has been built to ensure the development of innovative pedagogical potential.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that a special program for the professional education of teachers has been developed and implemented, which can be used in the mass practice of scientific and methodological support for the professional development of teachers in the context of professional education, as well as in the process of professional development of teachers.

The connection between the developed theoretical base and the practical part of the work should be providedphasedthe course of work.

Chapter 2. Experimental - experimental work on the development of innovative pedagogical potential in the process of professional education of teachers

Diagnostic stage (indicative).

At this stage, it is necessary to diagnose the innovative pedagogical potential and determine the conditions for their work, the readiness of teams for innovation. To carry out such diagnostics, it is supposed to use several questionnaires for teachers.(Appendix 1)

    The receptivity of teachers to the new.

    Information readiness of the teaching staff.

    Motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations.

    Anti-innovation barriers of teachers preventing the development of innovations.

    The level of innovation of teachers in the school community.

Also, at the indicative stage, a diagnosis of the satisfactory conditions for the development of innovative potential is carried out. When analyzing the result, special attention is paid to the following problems:

    lack of teaching experience;

    weak motivation of teachers for their professional growth;

    lack of technical means for training;

    the problem of independence and creativity of teachers.

main stage

Implementation of the following key conditions.

    The school should be well technically equipped for the creative self-realization of teachers - interactive whiteboards, computers, educational videos, projectors, sports equipment, etc. Good equipment helps to create an innovative environment, and also reduces the coefficient of "resistance" of teachers to innovation, and they feel more confident when they know that all the necessary equipment is at their fingertips.

    It is possible to open a master class for teachers and increase the independence of the teacher. For example, to give him the opportunity to choose a program of work, develop various new methods and share experience with colleagues.

    It is advisable to send teachers for internships, and at the same time pay for scientific and methodological literature, as well as give time for independent methodological work.

    The moment of competition will be useful: for outstanding achievements, give material incentives and letters.

The main means of developing the innovative potential of the teaching staff of the school is the innovative activity of teachers. The main stages of introducing innovations in the work of teachers:

    studying the potential of teachers;

    motivation of teachers for work and creativity;

    direct introduction of innovations;

    result control.

Final stage (control and evaluation)

The task of the stage is to identify the results of work aimed at developing the innovative potential of the teaching staff of the school. To do this, the compliance of the result indicators is determined according to the following criteria:

    the criterion of "the ability to positively - critically perceive new information" - using questionnaires with questions, where teachers could put "" "" or "", which would clearly show their attitude to innovation;

    the criterion "the ability to increase general and professional knowledge" - by testing the knowledge of teachers;

    criterion "ability to put forward new competitive ideas" - to estimate the number of ideas put forward by each teacher during the school year;

    the criterion "the ability to find solutions to non-standard problems and new methods for solving traditional problems" - to assess whether teachers use new methods or use old ones, whether they show flexibility of mind;

    the criterion "the ability to use knowledge for the practical implementation of innovations" - it is established whether teachers develop their own methods, whether they are engaged in some kind of creative projects.

The effectiveness of the activities of the teaching staff in capacity development will be achieved if it is designed as a dynamic process. This process is characterized by the continuity of its stages in accordance with the content, forms and methods of work aimed at developing the potential of teachers of the institution. This will consistently develop the susceptibility of teachers to innovations; ensure they are prepared for capacity development; to increase the level of innovation and creative activity of teachers in the team; provide psychological-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical conditions for the development of the potential of the institution as a whole.


The nature of the provision of innovative processes in education is determined by three interrelated components:valuablecomprehension by teachers of their own professional experience, the innovative potential of the teacher and the environment, and the quality of scientific and methodological support for innovative activities.

The project is based on the concept of "educationthroughout life”, where the strategic goal of adult education is defined not simply as enabling the individual to adapt to changing circumstances, but as a requirement for education - to take a proactive position in order to equip each individual with the ability to overcome obstacles encountered, to enable him to cope with numerous uncertain situations.

Accordingly, the project highlights the characteristic features that make it possible to get an idea of ​​vocational education as a factor in the development of innovative pedagogical potential:

a)stages: the stages of educational activity become developing to the extent that, on the one hand, they expand the scope of possible choice, and on the other hand, they retain some uncertainty of the situation that awaits the teacher in professional activity;

b)choice: teacherbecomes the creator of his educational situation only in a situation of choice and readiness for it, then various sources of information become means of educational activity, and the process itselfcommunionperson to various sources of knowledge determines the processself-education;

in)subjectivity: the teacher becomes the subject of educational activity when he realizes the need to replenish knowledge,when communicatingtowards an innovative culture. This isawarenessdue primarily to its needs, which are based on several groups of contradictions;

G)motivation: the richer the motivation of a teacher's education, the deeper the awareness of its value and the more effective the process of developing the teacher's innovative potential;

The level of development of innovative pedagogical potential depends on its professional and personal qualities. Innovative potential can be manifested, developed and updated when creatingappropriate pedagogical conditions in the process of vocational education, of which the fundamental condition is the initiation of value comprehensionteachers

The content of the concept "development of innovative pedagogical potential» in the context of the study is characterized as a complexintegrativethe process of problem-oriented search for the creation, development, development, use of innovations. The development of innovative potential is found in the teacher's desire for an active reflective and creative position in professional activities. The development of innovative potential contributes to: a)awarenessa teacher of value orientations in the process of finding the meaning of innovative activity; b) active involvement of teachers in innovation activities; c) improving the quality of innovative solutions.

Under the pedagogical essence of the concept "innovative pedagogical potential» I understand a complex of professionally significantpersonalqualities of a teacher, renewable arbitrarily, i.e. directed by the person himself in accordance with the goals of innovation activity. The innovativeness of the potential is determined by the teacher's focus on solvingnon-standardprofessional tasks. The structure of innovation potential includes two components:operationalassociated with the specifics of innovation activity, andpersonal, which allows the teacher to effectively participate in innovative activities through the manifestation of his professionally significant personal qualities.

The identified criteria helped me to discover the main patterns of the process of developing innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education: the higher the degree of involvement of a teacher in the real innovative process of the school, the more effective the process of developing innovative pedagogical potential; the more active the reflexive - creative position of the teacher in professional activities, the higher the level of development of innovative pedagogical potential; the higher the level of comprehensionteacherown professional activity, the more intensive is the process of development of innovative pedagogical potential.

The above patterns and principles can serve as a basis for drawing up a program for vocational education:

a) focus on the unique personality of each teacher; providing a differentiated and individually creative approach;

b) providing a space for professional interaction, cultivationreflections, constructively - activity style of discussion of professional problems;

c) research, modeling, analysis and correction of the real innovative activity of participants in the educational process of the school;

d) creation of an information resonating space;

e) provision of multivariate content, forms and methods of the process and free choice of methods and forms of entry into it.

Psychological and pedagogical understanding of the concept "teacher as a subject of innovation”and criteria for the development of innovative pedagogical potential in continuing professional education formed the basis for the conclusion that the level of development of innovative pedagogical potential depends on its professional and personal qualities. The innovative potential can be manifested, developed and updated by creating appropriate pedagogical conditions in the process of vocational education, of which the fundamental condition is the initiation of value comprehensionteachersown professional experience.

The process of developing innovative professional potential in vocational education is based on the analysis and solution by teachers of their own practical problems in collective innovation activities in close connection with real life practice through the systemic organization of problem-oriented educational search.personalcomponent of the program determined the development of innovative pedagogical potential, itsoperationalthe component contains the technology of mastering new educational technologies in the conditions of a real innovation process. The essence of the program lies in the use of resources of reflexive-analytical and creative activities of each teacher and creative innovative activities of the entire team.

The real meaning of the development of the teacher's innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education lies not so much in the amount of knowledge from the field of alternativepedagogyhow much in their correlation with the individual integrity of the teacher, which each has its own and has its own set of characteristic properties, qualities and methods of work. Consequently, the creation of conditions for the development of innovative pedagogical potential is associated with the use of fine tools and flexibleheuristictechnologies: the teacher should have a real opportunity to choose those methods and methods of pedagogical activity, the content of innovations that contribute to this as much as possible. The process of developing innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education must necessarily be based on the analysis and solution by teachers of their own practical problems in collective innovative activity in close connection with real life practice through the systemic organization of problem-oriented educational search.

Regular connections that appear in the process of developing the teacher's innovative potential determine the purposeful and systematic nature of interpersonal interaction. The need for activesubjectivethe positions of the teacher, the increase in his potential in personal and professional activities determine the relationship between the nature of a person's activity and the result of the development of his innovative potential.

The problem of developing innovative pedagogical potential in the system of vocational education has not been adequately posed and solved. Thus, the chosen research topic is relevant.

The general theoretical and didactic-methodological provisions of the study suggest further development. We have identified the main pedagogical opportunities for the development of innovative pedagogical potential in the context of vocational education through itsself-motivatedinvolvement in the innovative activities of the school. Prospects for further work consist in considering the impact of the development of innovative pedagogical potential on solving the problem of ensuring the information and psychological safety of the teacher in the innovative process of the school.


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Appendix 1

Questionnaire No. 1: Educators' receptivity to new

    Do you constantly follow the advanced pedagogical experience in your activities, strive to implement it, taking into account the changing educational needs of society, the individual style of your pedagogical activity?

    Are you constantly educating yourself?

    Do you adhere to certain pedagogical ideas, develop them in the process of pedagogical activity?

    Do you work with academic advisors?

    Do you see the prospect of your activity, do you predict it?

    Are you open to new things?

Determine your receptivity to the new, using the following rating scale: always - 3 points, sometimes - 2 points, never - 1 point.

The level of susceptibility of the teaching staff to innovations is determined by the formula: K = Kfact: Kmax, where K is the level of susceptibility of the teaching staff to innovations; Kfact - the actual number of points received by all teachers; Kmax - the maximum possible number of points.

The following indicators are used to assess the level of CCPP:

    critical level - K< 0,45;

    low level - 0.45< К < 0,65;

    acceptable level - 0.65< К < 0,85;

    the optimal level is K > 0.85.

Questionnaire No. 2: Information readiness of the teaching staff

1. From what sources do you get information about innovations:

    at meetings and seminars;

    from the media;

    from books on innovation;

    at school meetings

    from communicating with colleagues at school;

    from communication with colleagues from other schools.

The qualification readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations is determined by the formula: K = Kfact: Kmax, where K is the level of qualification readiness of the teaching staff for innovations, Kfact is the number of teachers with the highest, 1st and 2nd qualification categories, Kmax is the number of members teaching team.

The following indicators are used for evaluation:

    critical level - K< 0,45;

    low level - 0.45< К < 0,65;

    acceptable level - 0.65< К < 0,85;

    the optimal level is K > 0.85.

Questionnaire No. 3: Motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations

If you are interested in innovation, innovate, what motivates you
to that? Choose up to three answers.

    Awareness of the insufficiency of the results achieved and the desire to improve them.

    High level of professional aspirations, strong need to achieve high results.

    The need for contacts with interesting, creative people.

    The desire to create a good, effective school for children.

    The need for novelty, renewal, a change of scenery, overcoming the routine.

    The need for leadership.

    The need for search, research, a better understanding of patterns.

    The need for self-expression, self-improvement.

    Feeling of own readiness to participate in innovative processes, self-confidence.

    Desire to put into practice the acquired knowledge about innovations.

    The need for risk, overcoming the routine.

    Material reasons: salary increase, the opportunity to pass certification, etc.

    The desire to be noticed and appreciated.

Note. The stronger the motives associated with the possibility of self-realization of the individual prevail among teachers, the higher the level of innovative potential of the teaching staff.

Questionnaire No. 4: Anti-innovation barriers of teachers hindering the development of innovations

If you are not interested in innovation and do not innovate, then what are the reasons for this:

    Poor awareness in the team about possible innovations.

    The belief that you can teach effectively the old way.

    Poor health, other personal reasons.

    A small experience of work, in which the traditional does not work either.

    Lack of financial incentives.

    Feelings of fear of negative results.

    Lack of help.

    Disagreements, conflicts in the team.

Note. The fewer innovation barriers teachers have, the higher the level of CCPP.

Questionnaire No. 5: The level of innovation of teachers in the school community

Which group of teachers do you think you belong to? Choose one of the answer options.

Group A. You are absorbed in innovations, constantly interested in them, always perceive them first, boldly implement them, take risks.

Group B. You are interested in innovations, but do not follow them blindly, you calculate the expediency of innovation. You think that innovations should be introduced immediately after they appear in conditions close to yours.

Group C. You perceive innovation moderately. Do not strive to be among the first, but do not want to be among the last. As soon as the new is accepted by most of your teaching staff, you will also accept it.

Group D. You doubt more than you believe in the new. Prefer the old one. You perceive the new only when it is perceived by the majority of schools and teachers.

Group E. You are the last to innovate. You doubt innovators and initiators of innovations.

Note. The smaller groups D and E, the higher the level of CCPP.
The IPPK development program is a mechanism that ensures the effectiveness of management functions. The results of its implementation in the practice of the school are:

at the preparatory stage - the motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations;

    at the organizational stage - theoretical readiness;

    at the practical stage - practical readiness;

    at the control and evaluation stage - achieving agreement between the desired and actual levels of CCPP.

I bring to the attention of the pedagogical community a speech at a pedagogical conference. This material presents the experience of working on the formation of a creative position of a teacher in the system of methodological work of the school. I think the presented material will be of interest to school administrations. I will be grateful for the responses. Author.



Development of the pedagogical potential of the school as a factor in updating the quality of education


Deputy director of the school for methodological work

(speech at the traditional August conference of pedagogical workers)

The issue of improving the quality of education is relevant both for Russian education in general and for each particular school in particular.

The system for assessing the quality of education at school sets certain targets, which are the planned result:

  • if we are talking about the material and technical base, then it must be sufficient and perfect,
  • if personnel, then they are highly qualified and mobile, with the ability to find such ways of influencing their students that a difficult modern student can lead to an understanding of the importance of the learning process.

To what extent does MKOU secondary school No. 20 of the city of Plast correspond to the selected criteria for the quality of educational conditions?

The effective organization of the educational process is based on a solid material and technical base. The conditions that are created in our school for the implementation of the educational process allow organizing the educational process at a modern level.

We love our school and try not only to buy new, but also to keep the existing furniture and equipment,

Great A. Diesterweg said: "The most important phenomenon in the school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself."

What is the collective portrait of a teacher in our institution?

The school is fully staffed with teaching staff.There are 51 teachers in the team. The average age is 40.5 years, this is the age of responsible, mature, serious decisions.

The educational qualification is high: 48 teachers have higher pedagogical education (94%)

The level of qualification is quite high: 76% of teachers are certified for qualification categories.

It should be noted that the number of teachers wishing to improve their qualification category is increasing.

Pedagogical workers who have undergone advanced training in the last 5 years - 98%

Teachers have awards and titles:

  • Honorary workers of public education - 1
  • Excellence in public education -1
  • Awarded with the Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - 5
  • Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Chelyabinsk region - 13
  • Gratitude of the ZSO of the Chelyabinsk region - 2
  • Award ZSO Chelyabinsk region - 1
  • Acknowledgment of the Political Council of the ChRO EFP "United Russia" - 5
  • Diploma of the Department of Education -32

The professional level of the team allows for active innovative work in the content of education, in the organization of the educational process, in pedagogical technologies

However, as in any large team, there are problems.

14% of teachers are young specialists with up to 5 years of work experience, therefore, a priori, they cannot be certified, which affects this indicator.

32% of teachers under the age of 35, that is, at reproductive age, this is correct, this is happiness, but the teacher simply withdraws from work for a certain period of time, then again undergoes adaptation at the workplace.

The most important meansdevelopment of pedagogical potential, which unites the entire system of school work into a single whole, is methodical work, which solves the problems of the entire teaching staff and each individual teacher.

Tasks of methodical work:

  • formation of value attitudes and creative creative pedagogical environment;
  • creation of an innovative field and motivational environment for teachers;
  • deepening and expanding the knowledge of the teacher, his professional competencies;
  • development of creative thinking of the teacher, his professional values

At school, every teacher goes through a system of methodological measures. Traditional forms are used: self-education, advanced training courses, distance learning, methodological seminars, teachers' councils, work in methodological associations.

Each teacher for 5 years independently works on his own problematic topic, which is consonant with the theme of the School of International Relations and the school. The result of this work is creative reports, generalization of experience before certification. All materials are included in the portfolio and presented at the school and municipal competition "The best teacher's portfolio".

Today, the teacher needs to fill the lesson with new approaches to organizing the activities of students at each stage. And we cannot do without pedagogical technologies. Teachers widely use design, research, developing teaching technologies, problematic creative tasks, teaching and research activities in all subjects. The result of this work is the presentation of open lessons during the annual methodical marathon "I invite you to a lesson", in which all subject teachers take part. During the academic year, there is also a competition of lesson notes, as practice shows that today a teacher should not only conduct a lesson, but also be able to describe how he owns the elements of a particular pedagogical technology.

The restructuring of the content of education introduces rather serious changes in the teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren, which in turn requires changes in the teacher's activity.

This is facilitated by the filling of the school curriculum with optional and elective courses. In recent years, Russian Literature courses have been introduced into the curriculum, this is due to the availability of qualified personnel, the recommendations of instructive and methodological letters from the Ministry of Education. Based on the results of systematic monitoring of the need for educational services, we ensured the study of the Russian language, literature, social science at the profile level while receiving secondary general education. There are all the prerequisites for this: personnel, information environment, material resources. The curriculum of secondary general education will make it possible to deepen the study of the above subjects and complete the basic training of students in non-core areas of education. The results of educational achievements of high school students are evaluated on the basis of the provisions of the Concept of the regional system for assessing the quality of education in the Chelyabinsk region. We consider it necessary to introduce a procedure for intermediate final certification of students, in other words, an independent examination of the 8th and 10th grades within the framework of the intra-school system for assessing the quality of education.

We are confident that this procedure will improve the results of the exam. They are stable in our school, we give certificates to all students every year, but the USE results can be higher.

Young teachers who find support from the administration and colleagues actively participate in the methodological work.

Experienced teachers provide assistance to the young, the mentoring system that operates at the school is yielding results. We are convinced that a teacher of any age can be competitive.

The opportunity to present the results of their work is given by the contests "Teacher of the Year", "Pedagogical Debut", "The Coolest Classroom". Teachers of our school necessarily participate in municipal competitions and become prize-winners.

An important condition for improving the efficiency of teachers' work iscooperation with pedagogical teams of other schools.

We carry out some methodological activities with the invitation of teachers from other schools in the district. These are large interschool seminars for school leaders and teachers on the topics: "Organization of design and research work with students as one of the methods for forming the cognitive creative potential of students" and "Modern lesson".

Now each teacher of the network community, on the one hand, is a unique resource of the network, on the other hand, has the opportunity to develop his professional competence at the expense of common resources.

The implementation of the school interaction model opens up new opportunities for improving the quality of education. Such an educational environment will significantly expand the contacts of teachers, otherwise build their own individual routes of self-education. Moreover, there is experience of network communication: 70% of teachers are registered in various pedagogical Internet communities.

A large number of changes taking place in education urgently require the teacher to be ready to effectively use their capabilities in the new conditions. Scientists believe that in order to adequately respond to changes, you need your own creative potential, develop in yourself such qualities as creativity.

One leading international consulting company conducted a study, the essence of which was to identify what factors directly affect the success of the education system. It turns out that successful education systems have teachers who can do more than teach children. It is an additional passion or hobby (tourism, diving, floriculture, fish, etc.) that makes the teacher a specialist in another area, and this, in turn, causes additional interest in the personality of the teacher. In preparation for the district seminar for school leaders, the administration invited teachers to prepare an exhibition of products that they made in their spare time. There were so many exhibits that the whole class had to be released for the exhibition. The teacher can do everything!

And the participation of teachers in the amateur art show helps to identify talented performers. Thus, the words were confirmed that we cannot count the talents of teachers. Therefore, I advise us all to find time for our hobbies in order to more easily endure all the difficult moments of everyday life.

One philosopher said: "To find yourself, you have to remake yourself." In a rapidly changing world, a teacher must change, only then will he form an active, active, creative person. Creativity, creativity is the most important factor in updating the quality of education. Teachers who decide to develop their creative potential will not be broken by any standards, USE, or experiments.

Konopleva Ludmila Vasilievna
Position: teacher
Educational institution: Volodarsk branch of SBEI JSC SPO "Astrakhan State Polytechnic College"
Location: Astrakhan Region Volodarsky District Volodarsky Settlement
Name of material: Methodical project
Subject: "Development of pedagogical potential"
Publication date: 11/17/2015

Text part of the publication

Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan Region GBOU JSC SPO "Astrakhan State Polytechnic College"
Pedagogical project

"Development of pedagogical potential"
Completed by: Konopleva Lyudmila Vasilievna, teacher, Astrakhan, 2015
Pedagogical project “Development of Pedagogical Potential” This project represents materials from the experience of work on the development of professional and pedagogical potential. Implementation of the project into work makes it possible to make the process of managing the development of professional and pedagogical potential more productive, contributes to the development of educational institutions, team building, and the development of the potential of each teacher. In the context of the modernization of education, there is a need to create a new model of the school methodological service. This is also due to the state policy of modernization of education and the problems and contradictions that arise: - between the existing system of methodological work and the school's need for innovation; - between the existing organizational structure, forms of work and the need to create conditions that contribute to the professional and personal development of the teacher. The resolution of these problems in the context of the development of the methodological service is associated, first of all, with the quality of pedagogical resources and the management of this quality. The transition to the new federal standards of primary general and basic general education provides for a new level of teacher training, which is provided through the meta-subject direction of the content of methodological work. It is necessary to create such an educational environment in which some teachers would receive the advanced pedagogical experience they need, while others would receive the opportunity for self-expression, revealing their professional and creative potential.
Objective of the project:
create conditions for the development of the professional and pedagogical potential of the teacher and its implementation in the context of the modernization of education
To study the scientific and methodological literature on the topic; Determine the content and structure of the pedagogical potential, as well as the mechanisms of its functioning; Develop a model for the development of professional and pedagogical potential; To identify the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model and experimentally test the effectiveness of its functioning. The project of the national educational initiative "Our New School" defines ways to modernize Russian education. One of the directions of the initiative is “Development of teacher's potential. A system of incentives for the best teachers, continuous improvement of their qualifications, replenishment with a new generation of teachers. This is due to the fact that the modern Russian education system is undergoing a number of changes today: both in the use of new programs and manuals, and in the content of education, and in the application of new pedagogical technologies. In such conditions, the teacher must possess a number of qualities that allow solving professional problems. Therefore, we need a professional teacher. The concept of "Pedagogical potential" is interpreted as "the means available, as well as the means that can be mobilized, used to achieve a specific goal, solve a problem." After all, no matter what changes take place in education, the teacher still remains one of the main carriers of social progress, the main strategic and technological resource. Not only the quality of education, but also our future depends on his professionalism, moral values ​​and intelligence. Awareness of its priority role in the transformation of society requires increased attention to the development of pedagogical potential so that the teaching staff meets the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow. Studying this issue, we can conclude that the professional and pedagogical potential can be represented as follows:
Professional-pedagogical potential Professional knowledge, abilities, skills Professional competence Considering the professional-pedagogical potential as a system of work of the methodological service, it is possible to manage its development. The school has created a comfortable educational environment, which is a kind of launching pad for the development of human resources. Vatinskaya secondary school is 100% equipped with computers, interactive technology, there is Internet access, the library and media funds are systematically replenished. Most teachers work in specialized classrooms. A new innovative school model also needs a new teacher. Teachers understand that in order to achieve professional success, it is necessary to develop professionally. We strive to ensure that the improvement of the qualifications of teachers is primarily reflected in the improvement of the quality of education of students. One of the important indicators characterizing the qualitative composition of teaching staff is their educational and qualification level. The main part of the teaching staff is made up of experienced teachers with extensive work experience, with high professional skills, with the highest and first qualification categories. Capacity development management is based on the following provisions: - the leading role belongs to the teacher himself; -development occurs in the joint professional activities of teachers, administration, colleagues of other educational institutions. Potential management consists of: - the possibility of manifestation of professional and personal creativity of teachers; - in the implementation of a free choice of ways to develop the educational space; - in sanctioning activity and "initiatives from below", involving more teachers in management activities; - in creating conditions for strengthening and developing the ability to social adaptation when the conditions of education, work, life change; stimulation of creative productivity and self-development of teachers. One of the main factors in managing the quality of education in our institution is the democratic style of management (head + teachers), which allows us to make managerial decisions aimed at developing the potential of teachers. To maximize the development of pedagogical potential, we pay great attention to such factors of teachers' activity as:
- the prestige of mastering a new pedagogical technology, focusing on the creative nature of the work, the possibility of professional growth and self-improvement;
- creation of a comfortable socio-psychological climate, the establishment of favorable relations in the areas of teacher - student, teacher - teacher, teacher - leader; Activity Social competence Personal competence Individual

- mutual informing of teachers, participation of each in the planning of work and the implementation of joint decisions;
self-development and career advancement -
providing teachers with conditions for intellectual and professional growth;
- providing opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas, the manifestation of their abilities to develop innovative ideas. Management functions
contributing to the implementation of the project:
diagnostic-analytical function
associated with the knowledge and self-knowledge of the individual and professional and pedagogical activity, its results, the socio-psychological climate in the teaching staff in order to optimize it and realize the creative potential, individual style of teachers, etc.;
design and constructive function
manifests itself in planning the work of a preschool institution, designing the development of the teaching staff, determining its close, medium, long-term prospects, ways to overcome difficulties, increase professional potential, the skills of teachers, self-improvement;
research and innovation function
associated with the selection, search for new progressive psychological and pedagogical ideas, management technologies, effective methods and techniques for developing the potential of teachers;
organizational and regulatory function
manifests itself in the organization of the activities of the teaching staff, its rallying, in the regulation of the system of relations in the teaching staff and the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in it; finding the best practical application of the ability and potential of each member of the teaching staff; in the organization and self-regulation of the professional activities of a teacher;
stimulating function
expressed in the activation, stimulation of the development of the potential of teachers, its improvement; formation of the need for professional self-realization;
information and normative function
manifests itself in promptly informing the teaching staff about new achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy of school education, best practices in public and family education; about documents related to changes in the functional duties of teachers, etc.
Stages of project implementation
№ p / p Name of events Terms Responsible
Stage I (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Diagnostics of the teacher’s professional training September Methodist 2 Diagnostics of the level of teacher’s professional competence October Heads of the ME 3 Diagnostics of pedagogical difficulties in the teacher’s work September Methodist 4 Analysis of the professional field: filling out maps of the teacher’s professional difficulties November Methodist 5 Creation of temporary problem groups, development of a plan for identified problems November Methodist , leaders of the AGPC 6 Drawing up a map of an individual educational route December Teachers of special disciplines 7 Group and individual During the year Methodist
consultations 8 Fair of methodological ideas February Educators 9 Diagnostics of professional success and difficulties April Methodist
Stage II (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Participation of teachers in the work of the permanent seminar "Pedagogical Excellence" October, December, February, April Methodist 2 Development of work programs for academic subjects, optional and elective courses September teachers - subject teachers 3 Development of programs for educational work September Class teachers 4 Development of control - measuring materials for knowledge control September, December, May Heads of branches 5 Participation of teachers in the work of a creative laboratory on the topic "Problem learning technology", "ICT as a way to improve the quality of students' knowledge" October, November, January, February, March Head of a branch 6 Increase qualifications through coursework on identified problems During the year Methodist 7 Advanced training through attestation During the year Methodist 8 Days of excellence in the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies December, February, March Methodist, school teachers 9 Holding a day of diagnosis of regulation and co lectures on the problem of "Developing the creative potential of a teacher" April Leaders of the VPG 10 "Round table" on the exchange of experience May Methodist
Stage III (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Participation in the competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year" November Khasanova A. N., Safuanova G. Kh. 2 Participation in the competition of pedagogical initiatives on the use of ICT December Zemlyanushina A. Yu. O. A., Shamionova S. V., Karpenko E. A.
During the project implementation:
- improving the quality of students' knowledge; - subject and key competencies are formed; - increased cognitive interest in subjects; - the rating of the school among the educational institutions of the district is increasing; - the level of professional, pedagogical, methodical, technological, informational, didactic training is increasing. Competition of pedagogical initiatives on the use of information and communication technologies: 2010-2011 - I place (Shamionova S. V.), 2011-2012 - III place (Zemlyanushina A. Yu.),
2012-2013 - III place (Zemlyanushina A. Yu). Competition "Elite of Russian education" 2011-2012. - Diploma of the second degree in the nomination "Health-saving technologies in education" 2008-2009. - Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for high professionalism, creative initiative (Shamionova S.V.) 2007-2008. - grant of the Head of the Volodarsky district in the nomination "Education and Society" (100,000 rubles), "The Best Parents' Committee" (30,000). Participation in the competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year". 2008-2009 - victory in the nomination "Teacher - professional" (Shamionova S. V.), 2009-2010 - victory in the nomination "Best competitive lesson" (Nikiforova A. G.), 2011-2012 - audience award (Safuanova G. Kh) . Participation in the regional methodological exhibition 2009-2010 - certificate for participation 2012-2013 - III place. 2012-2013 - grant of the award of the Head of the Nizhnevartovsk region in the nomination "The best social teacher of an educational institution" (Baktimirova K.K.). 2013-2014 - grant of the award of the Head of the Nizhnevartovsk region in the nomination "The best teacher" (Nikiforova A. G.). 2012-2013 - All-Russian competition "Elite of Russian Education" in the nomination "The Best Lesson" (Ilyina L.I.). Participation in regional methodical competitions, festivals. 2009-2010 - III place for participation in the competition - festival "Methodological service - a new school." Publications: - Gamza O. A. “School Management in the Conditions of Modernization of Education”, “Science Today: Theoretical Aspects and Practice of Application”, Tambov, 2011; - Karpenko E. A. "Problems of environmental education", "Science today: theoretical aspects and practice of application", Tambov, 2011; - Gamza O. A. “Problem learning in literature lessons”, “Theoretical and applied problems of science and education in the 21st century”, Tambov, 2012; - Shamionova S. V. "The use of ICT in physics lessons", Theoretical and applied problems of science and education in the 21st century, Tambov, 2012; - "Rural school: experience, problems, prospects" (Nizhnevartovsk, 2011).

academic performance and quality of student learning
Academic years Progress Quality of education 2010-2011 100% 44.25% 2011-2012 100% 47% 2012-2013 100% 48% 2013-2014 100% 50%
Prospects for further development of the project
In the future, it is planned to develop a program “Improving the qualifications of teachers in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard”. The relevance of this program lies in the fact that in 2015 educational institutions will switch to the new Federal State Educational Standards LLC.