Analysis of the study of the problem of organizing independent work of students of primary vocational education in informatics lessons. Sozaev K.G.


LEUSHIN Igor Olegovich - Doctor of Engineering. sciences, prof., head. Department "Metallurgical technologies and equipment", deputy. General Director for Innovative Technologies of JSC NNIIMM "Prometey". Email: [email protected]

LEUSHINA Irina Vladimirovna - Dr. ped. Sciences, associate professor, prof. department "Foreign languages". Email: [email protected]

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva Address: 603155, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Minina, 24

Annotation. The article discusses and outlines ways to solve some of the problems of organizing independent work of students in a technical university. Among them: the existing inconsistencies between the traditional understanding of the term "independent work" by the university community and its interpretation by the Ministry of Education and Science, low motivation of students for independent work, the lack of a clear algorithm for choosing known forms and methods of independent work that have already proven their effectiveness and are understandable to practicing teachers. , insufficient attention on the part of universities to differences in the level of readiness of students for independent work. A variant approach to compiling the balance of study time is proposed, which provides the optimal ratio of the volume of contact and independent work of students.

Keywords: independent work of students, independent work of students, contact work of students with a teacher, self-education, educational process, educational trajectory, balance of study time

For citation: Aeushin I.O., Aeushina I.V. Some problems of organizing independent work of students in a technical university // Higher education in Russia. No. 6 (213). pp. 51-56.

Solving the problems of forming a creative personality of a graduate capable of self-development, self-education, independent innovative activity is impossible through a simple transfer of ready-made knowledge from a teacher to a student. It is necessary to transfer the student from the position of a passive consumer of knowledge to the position of an active subject of the educational process, participating in the formation of their competencies, able to formulate a problem, analyze ways to solve it, find the optimal result and prove their case. In this context, it becomes obvious that the independent work of students (SIW) in the modern educational process fundamentally changes its status. It's not just about

increasing the number of hours for independent work, but their rational distribution throughout the educational trajectory. Strengthening the role of SIW means a fundamental revision of the organization of the educational process at the university, which should be built in such a way as to develop the ability to learn, form the student's ability for self-development, creative application of the acquired knowledge, and various ways of adapting to future professional activities.

A lot of works are devoted to the issues of organizing the IWS of universities, in which for the most part the forms and methods of its implementation and control are presented. Nevertheless, a number of problems in the organization of the SRS still remain without due attention. Among these

We will single out those problems that require a priority solution, namely:

1) existing inconsistencies between the traditional interpretation of the term "independent work" by the university community and its interpretation by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - the founder of most Russian universities;

2) the remaining low motivation of students to implement the SIW;

3) the lack of a clear algorithm for choosing already developed and proven effective forms and methods of SIW, understandable to practitioners;

4) ignoring a number of universities of different levels of students' readiness for the implementation of the SIW;

5) questions of the rational volume of the SIW and its distribution at various stages of the educational process.

Let's consider them sequentially.

1. In the teaching environment, independent work is traditionally understood as an activity related to the education of the student's thinking as a future professional. Any type of classes that creates conditions for the emergence of independent thought, cognitive activity of the student is associated with independent work. That is why the majority of the university community understands SIW in a broad sense as an independent activity of the student as a whole - both in the classroom and outside it, in contact with the teacher and in his absence. Independent work of students is implemented:

1) in contact with the teacher in the process of classroom studies (at lectures, practical and seminar classes, when performing laboratory work);

2) in contact with the teacher outside the classroom (at consultations on educational issues, during group and individual consultations, during the passage of industrial practices, performing individual tasks, eliminating debts);

3) out of contact with the teacher (in the library, at home, in the hostel, at the department

when a student performs educational and creative tasks).

When considering issues of IWS, teachers usually have in mind extracurricular work, i.e. points (b) and (c). Meanwhile, the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2013 No. 1367 "On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities in Educational Programs of Higher Education - Bachelor's Programs, Specialist's Programs, Master's Programs", currently considered by Russian universities as a program for organization of the educational process, does not use the term IWS, but regulates the allocation in the curriculum of the amount of work of students in interaction with the teacher (contact work of students with the teacher) and independent work of students (SRO).

According to this document, the contact work of students with a teacher includes lecture and / or seminar-type classes, and / or group consultations, and / or individual work of students with a teacher, as well as attestation tests for intermediate attestation of students and final (state final) attestation of students. If necessary, the contact work of students with the teacher includes other types of educational activities that provide for group or individual work of students with the teacher. The order notes that the contact work of students with a teacher can be both classroom and extracurricular. As a result, SRO turns out to be one of the types of training sessions that does not provide for the direct participation of the teacher in the educational process, and its content remains unclear. It is only clear that within the framework of the SRO, the student is called upon to demonstrate his ability to study independently: to collect, analyze and systematize diverse information.

The boundaries between types of work are blurred, and the types of independent work themselves are often

intersect. Hence a number of difficulties both in the development of educational programs and in their further implementation, which, accordingly, requires the speedy updating of the terminological apparatus, and in a broad sense, the formation of a single glossary in the field of organizing the educational process, which has the status of a mandatory for all universities in Russia.

2. Effective independent work of students is possible only if there is a stable motivation. One of the most powerful motivating factors is high-quality preparation for future professional activity, which ensures competitiveness in the labor market. This is especially true for technical universities. To increase motivation and, as a result, activate independent work, it is necessary to use other important factors, such as the desire of students for self-realization in combination with the creation of psychological conditions for the success of their future profession; the desire of students to participate in the implementation of innovative forms of educational activities; encouragement of quality CPC and / or CRO.

The effectiveness of the SIW and / or SIW will be the higher, the greater the student's interest in the learning process in the field of his future professional activity. This, in turn, depends on the relationship between teachers and students, the level of complexity of tasks for independent work, on the inclusion of students in activities of the type that should be formed. In senior undergraduate and graduate courses, the experience of including students in complex creative teams seems to be useful, which ensures the formation and development of skills in future specialists to master the methodology of rational and effective development and use of knowledge, the basics of scientific, research and scientific and technical activities.

The labor efficiency of a graduate of a technical university depends not only on the

the ability to create new equipment and technologies and freely interact with representatives of related professions, but also from a common culture. Successful mastering of the humanities will help him expand his horizons, increase the possibility of making unconventional decisions. In this regard, it is impossible to give priority to any block of disciplines to the detriment of others, the principle of complementarity should be used in the work programs and funds of evaluation tools of all disciplines of the curriculum. Each discipline studied should be perceived by the student as an integral and in-demand component of a unified educational program aimed at the sound preparation of a professional capable of solving the most complex problems.

Indicators of high-quality independent work can be considered, for example, participation in olympiads in academic disciplines, competitions of scientific research or applied works, excellent and good results of current and intermediate certification in individual academic disciplines (cumulative grades, rating, tests, non-standard examination procedures). Under certain conditions, they cause a desire for competitiveness, which in itself is a strong motivational factor for student self-improvement.

Providing sustainable motivation for independent work is also possible on the basis of the individualization of tasks performed both in the classroom and outside it. In this regard, the personality of the teacher plays an important role in motivating independent work. A teacher can be an example for a student as a professional, as a creative person.

3. In the arsenal of the teacher at the moment there are many forms and methods of SIW, which have proven their effectiveness in the educational process of a number of technical universities. However, the problem of the lack of a reasonable algorithm for their selection from among the known ones when constructing an individual educational trajectory for a particular student

still has not lost its relevance and requires further development by representatives of pedagogical science. In our opinion, the key to solving this problem will be the definition and clear description of a comprehensive selection criterion that takes into account both the specifics of the educational program and the conditions for its implementation in a particular university, and the personal characteristics of the future graduate.

4. The analysis of the available information carried out by the authors showed that if the contact work of students with the teacher mainly has methodological support, then in relation to SRO, for the reasons stated above, there is a failure. It turns out that, despite the proclaimed goal of teaching students how to study, the university does nothing to do this in practice, limiting itself only to monitoring the result of the SRO, and even then not always. This is especially worrisome, given the varying degrees of students' readiness for independent work.

Obviously, before making any demands on the quality of independent work performed by a student without the participation of a teacher, he must actually be taught how to conduct such work. In this regard, it seems appropriate to include in the block of elective disciplines of the existing curricula special introductory courses focused on the study by students of modern effective educational technologies, as well as on the collection, analysis and systematization of diverse information that can be useful to them within the framework of the SRO and, of course, take into account the focus of a specific educational program. Such courses could be, for example, "Fundamentals of Information Culture", "Working with Foreign Language Sources of Technical Information", etc.

5. Another question that arises before the developers of educational programs: what should be the amount of independent work in the balance of study time?

Let's turn to international experience. The classroom load of undergraduate and graduate students in various universities around the world, as a rule, ranges from 18 to 22 hours per week (4-5 subjects per semester). The minimum classroom load in the considered programs was recorded during the first trimester of study at the New Zealand Queen Victoria University, where it is only 15-16 hours a week. The maximum classroom load is observed in US universities (19 hours a week at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, not counting the actually mandatory consultations; up to 23 hours at the University of Pennsylvania, etc.). In those educational programs that indicate the expected amount of time that students should spend on independent work, it is about one and a half times more than the classroom. So, at Queen Victoria University, the curriculum is calculated based on a standard workload of 40 hours per week: thus, students are expected to spend 15-16 hours a week on lectures and about 25 hours (60% of the time spent) - to repeat what has been learned, reading additional materials, homework, work on term papers, essays, practice, etc. The same ratio (40% for classroom work and 60% for independent work) is also observed in the master's program at the University of Mainz (Germany).

Now let's look at domestic practice. The FGOS VPO, which was in force until recently, regarded extracurricular and independent educational work as one and the same. For example, for a full-time bachelor's degree in Metallurgy, the volume of SIW was determined as the difference between the maximum volume of a student's weekly study load - 54 academic hours (including all types of classroom and extracurricular study loads) and the maximum volume of classroom studies per week, equal to 27 academic hours . (This volume does not include mandatory

classroom physical education classes.) Thus, the ratio was obtained: 50% for the classroom load and 50% for independent work. For the magistracy of the same direction, the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education established the ratio: 26% for classroom work and 74% for independent work.

The current Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education do not regulate the amount of independent work at all, leaving it at the mercy of universities. Perhaps this is not bad, since it provides freedom of action for the developers of educational programs, but it is fraught with gross miscalculations, as they say, “on the ground”. So, for example, the desire to unlimitedly maximize the amount of independent work is inevitably associated with the loss of control over the course of the educational process by the teacher and, ultimately, with the degeneration of the educational program.

Some developers of educational programs, on the contrary, try to minimize the amount of independent work. In their opinion, this ensures the rhythm of the educational process and keeping the student in good shape in relation to all disciplines. However, the resulting overload of the teacher and student in a limited time budget is dangerous and unacceptable, since it will lead to the formalization of compliance with labor and educational discipline.

Obviously, neither the first nor the second options for organizing students' independent work will in any way contribute to improving the quality of graduate training. In addition, an additional question arises about the rational distribution of the amount of independent work at various stages of the educational process.

According to the deep conviction of the authors of this article, who, however, do not claim to be absolutely right, the graduating department and the teacher must have a “controlling stake” in the conduct of the educational process. Consequently, the proportion of contact work between a student and a teacher, regardless of the level, course of study

and the status of a particular academic discipline (whether it belongs to the basic or optional part of the curriculum, is mandatory for study, elective or optional) should always be at least 50% of the balance of study time (total labor intensity). At the same time, the exclusive right to regulate the infrastructure of contact work, establishing the scope of lectures, seminars, laboratory classes and its “independent part” in the form of group consultations, individual work of students with a teacher in each specific discipline, certification tests, etc., should belong to the methodological commission of the graduating department, acting in accordance with the letter of the current Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education and the recommendations of the FUMO.

As for the remaining 50% of the balance, formally attributable to the SRO, it is advisable to transfer the right to dispose of them to the lead teacher, who, like no one else, will be able to do this reasonably, depending on the degree of readiness of specific students for independent work, if necessary, reducing the share of the SRO and, accordingly, increasing the "independent part" of the contact work. Alternatively, the teacher will be able to solve the difficult issue of organizing independent work, taking into account the opinion of students of a particular group and a particular stream, which will make students real participants in the educational process, influencing the formation of their own learning trajectory.

Thus, for graduates of lyceums and gymnasiums who have studied individual subjects in depth, the shares of SRO and contact work with a teacher will be 50% each; for the rest of the students, the share of SRO is less than 50%, and contact work with a teacher is more than 50% of the total labor intensity. These ratios can be adjusted by the teacher based on the results of current and intermediate monitoring. As a result, in fact, a rational distribution of the volume of independent work on

various stages of the educational process and reducing the likelihood of errors by developers of educational programs.


1. Leushin I.O., Leushina I.V. Some issues of development and implementation of educational programs in a technical university // Higher education in Russia. 2016. No. 4(200). pp. 49-54.

2. Gugina E.V., Kuzenkov O.A. Organization of independent work of students at the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky: guidelines. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house of UNN, 2012. 47 p.

The article was received by the editors on 12/12/16.

Since revision 03/21/17.

Accepted for publication on April 25, 2017.


Igor O. LEUSHIN - Dr. sci. (Engineering), Prof., Head of the Department of metallurgical technologies and equipment, Deputy General Director on innovation technologies OAO NNIIMM PROMETEI, e-mail: [email protected]

Irina V. LEUSHINA- Dr. sci. (Pedagogy), Assoc. Prof., Prof. of the Department of Foreign Languages, e-mail: [email protected]

Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Address: 24, Minina str., Nizhniy Novgorod, 603155, Russian Federation

abstract. The paper addresses some problems ofstudents" individual work organization at technical university. Among them the authors mark out the discrepancy between the traditional interpretation of a term "student individual work" by the academic community and its treatment by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the low students" motivation to individual work, the lack of a clear selection algorithm of certain forms and methods of individual work that have already proved their efficiency and understandable for lecturers, university teachers" disregard to different levels ofstudents" preparedness to self -dependent work. The authors propose a variable approach to the formation ofstudy time balance ensuring an optimal ratio offace-to-face learning and students" individual work.

Keywords: student individual work, learner individual work, self-dependent work, face-to-face work of students and teachers, self-education, educational process, educational trajectory, balance ofstudy time

Cite as: Leushin, I.O., Leushina, I.V. (2017). . Vysshee obrazovanie v Russia = Higher Education in Russia. no. 6 (213), pp. 51-56. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

1. Leushin, I.O., Leushina, I.V. (2016). . Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii =Higher Education in Russia. no. 4 (200), pp. 49-54. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

2. Gugina, E.V., Kuzenkov, O.A. (2012). Organizatsiya samostoyatel "noi raboty studentsov v Nizhegorod-skom gosudarstvennom universitete im. N.I. Lobachevskogo: metodicheskie rekomendatsii. N. Novgorod Publ., 47 p. (In Russ.)

This article is devoted to the problems of organizing students' independent activity, which is covered in the literature. The article analyzes the main materials related to this problem.



Related article:

The problem of organizing students' independent work in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature.

Made by a teacher of history and social studies

GBOU secondary school No. 447 Kurortny district of St. Petersburg

Korogodina E.A.

The problems of independent work of students have been raised in the pedagogical literature for a long time. It is known from the history of pedagogy that the ancient Greek scientists dealt with this problem (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle). They deeply and comprehensively substantiated the importance of the voluntary, active and independent acquisition of knowledge by the child. Their research is further developed in the statements of Francois Rabelais, Michel Montaigne, Thomas More, who demand to teach the child independence, to educate in him a thoughtful, critically thinking person. The same thoughts are developed on the pages of the pedagogical works of Ya.A. Kamensky, Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi, K.D. Ushinsky and others.In the works of Ya.A. Comenius were the first to develop organizational and practical issues of involving schoolchildren in independent activities.

At the level of scientific research, this topic in domestic science begins to be actively developed in the Soviet period.

The basis for the research was the general psychological theory of A.N. Leontiev. Its initial idea is that the formation of all the basic mental processes and functions of the personality occurs in and through the activity . Therefore, the learning process should also be considered as the organization of the process of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, the most important condition for the effectiveness of which is the development of the ability of students to work independently.

Soviet scientists developed questions about the essence of independent activity, its types, structure, description, conditions of organization.

Didactic scientist P.I. Pidkastyy singled out several directions for studying the problems of independent work in psychological and pedagogical research. One direction is developing general approaches to the problem. These studies were aimed at identifying the essence of independent activity as a didactic category, its elements - the subject and purpose of activity. In particular, B.P. Esipov (60s of the 20th century) substantiated the role, place, tasks of independent work in the educational process. The scientist noted that the role of independent work of schoolchildren is increasing due to a change in the purpose of education, its focus on the formation of the ability for creative activity, as well as in connection with computerization. .

Another direction is connected with the research of types of independent work and methods of its organization. Within the framework of this direction, the problem of the correlation between pedagogical guidance and student independence in educational cognition is posed and largely solved. .

The term "independent work" has been and is interpreted differently in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The most common is the interpretation of the concept of "independence" as a characteristic of the student's activity, given by V.N. Orlov: "Independence - as a characteristic of a student's activity in a specific learning situation, is a constantly manifested ability to achieve the goal of activity without outside help" .

It seems that in this study, the most acceptable approaches to the concept of independent work of schoolchildren A.I. Zimnyaya, as they make it possible to better trace the problem of organizing independent work by means of teaching materials.

According to the definition of the scientist, independent work is a purposeful, internally motivated activity structured by the student himself. Its "fulfillment requires a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness, reflectivity, self-discipline, personal responsibility, gives the student satisfaction as a process of self-improvement and self-knowledge" .

This approach takes into account the unity of the following components of independent activity: self-regulation, self-activation, self-organization, self-control, etc.

Under the most "independent activity" is understood as a subjective, actually individual self-managed activity. Its components - the goal, the leading need, motivation and ways of implementation are personally conditioned.

“Self-activation” refers to the intrinsic motivation of activity.

By “self-organization” is meant the property of a person to mobilize himself, purposefully, actively use all his abilities to achieve intermediate and final goals, rationally using time, effort, and means.

The author also considers “self-control” to be a necessary component of activity, without which the effectiveness of independent work is impossible.

A.I. Zimnyaya focuses on the fact that independent work is associated with the learning process and is a consequence of the correct organization of educational and cognitive activities at school. A.I. Zimnyaya emphasizes that the student’s independent work is a consequence of his properly organized learning activities at school. lesson . This motivates its independent expansion, deepening and continuation in free time.

In a similar way, he approaches the understanding of the essence of P.I. Piggy. The scientist writes: “Independent work is not a form of organizing training sessions and not a teaching method. It is legitimate to consider it rather as a means of involving students in independent cognitive activity, a means of its logical and psychological organization. .

Consequently, the effectiveness of problem solving, the formation of students' ability to work independently is largely determined by the quality of the organization of management of students' independent cognitive activity. And an important place in this process is given to such methodological support for the activities of the teacher and students, which will maximize the development of the ability of students to work independently.

In the methodological literature, the problem of students' independent work in teaching history is considered in general works and individual publications.

The first scientist who startedspecial research in the field of independent work of students in teaching history,was N.G. Dairy. He was also the first to introduce the concept of problem-based learning. The author set the task of his research to develop "appropriate forms and content of independent work that increase the activity of cognitive processes and the effectiveness of learning" . The scientist interpreted independence in the broad sense of the word - as properties of character, thinking, motivation, of a person as a whole. .

N.G. Dairy proceeded from the fact that the essence of independent work is determined not by the structure of the lesson, but by the nature of the tasks performed by students. At the same time, the most valuable are those that are put by the students themselves. .

N.G. Dairy, first of all, considered independent activity in a broad sense, as the independence of thinking of schoolchildren in solving problems. He saw the way of development of mental independence in the problematic level of education. These ideas were further developed by I. Ya Lerner, who classified the methods according to the stages of students' mental activity: explanatory - illustrative method, reproductive method, partial search method, method of problem presentation, research method .

The problems of independent work in the process of lessons are reflected in general works, for example, in the textbook "Methods of teaching history in secondary school" . Its authors point to the possibility of organizing independent activities of students during training while working with the text of a textbook, a historical or state document, visual aids, materials from periodicals, etc. They note that thanks to such an organization of learning, students form and consolidate the ability to analyze and highlight the main thing, generalize and compare, draw a conclusion, develop the ability to extract information from textual and non-textual components of the textbook and other sources. .

The problems of independent work were also considered in the manual "Methods of teaching history at school." The author poses there the problem of managing the independent work of students in the classroom by setting appropriate tasks for schoolchildren. , and also sets the task of introducing questions and tasks into the methodological apparatus of the textbook, which would be aimed at independent mental activity of students .

Studenikin M.T. proposed the following concept of independence: "an activity that has a goal, a specific task, with a clear definition of the form of expression and verification of the result, which is mandatory for each student who receives the task." Independent work, according to the author, is possible only in the case of a collective organization of labor, it is necessary to introduce differentiation of training. “This is a grouping of students based on similar individual characteristics such as abilities, interests, etc.” . Here, too, one cannot do without taking into account the existing skills of students, without taking into account their historical knowledge and cognitive capabilities.

In the last decade, the problems of using the activity approach in historical education began to be considered in the methodological literature. N.N. Lazukova gives a brief definition of the activity approach in the area under study. The author notes that "the activity approach involves such an organization of learning in which the student masters the educational content in the process of his direct work with various sources of knowledge about the past" .

The transition to this model of learning involves fundamental changes in the selection of subject content; in planning the educational process; in the forms and methods of teaching; in teaching aids; in ways of assessing student achievement" . The task is to create methodological support for the activities of the teacher and students in the educational process.

When studying the methodological literature, we found out what questions on the organization of students' independent activities can serve as the basis for this study:

Development of forms and content of independent work to increase the activity of the cognitive process and the effectiveness of training. This is achieved by developing certain questions and tasks;

To organize effective independent activity of students, it is necessary to organize work with the text of the textbook, historical and state documents, visual aids;

For the proper organization of independent work, it is necessary to pose questions and tasks to students that will help manage independent activities;

For the development of independent activity of students, it is necessary to involve artistic creativity, research work of students;

The concept of an activity approach is the development of educational content in the process of students working with sources.

In parallel with the development of general approaches to the problem of organizing independent activities of students, the question of the types of lessons and the types of their activities was developed. The following is a classification of lessons by type of activity:

A laboratory lesson is a type of lesson that involves students mastering a specific educational topic in the process of independent practical (research) work with historical sources.

The laboratory lesson pursues as the main goal the development of students' ability to work independently with various sources of historical knowledge. This type of lesson contains significant potential for expanding knowledge about the sources of historical information and how to work with them, for developing the skills of analyzing historical sources, their criticism, evaluation, as well as extracting and processing information, its systematization, generalization, fixation and reproduction.

In modern practice, various types of laboratory lessons have developed. This lesson may differ in the degree of differentiation of independent work (work of the whole class, in groups, pairs, individually), by types of sources for organizing cognitive activity (textual primary and secondary sources of knowledge, visual sources - video (cinema) - photo, phono - materials, including Internet databanks, etc.).

A school laboratory lesson involves not so much the use of ready-made methods of educational work with sources during the lesson, but the process of gradually mastering the skills to work with them. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about the creation by the teacher of a system of lessons that allow gradually mastering the necessary methods of working with historical sources.

Conducting laboratory lessons, based entirely on the independent cognitive activity of students, should be preceded by classes in which students master the general methods of working with historical sources, the specifics of acquiring information from different types of sources, etc.

The laboratory lesson is effective under the following conditions:

The studied material should be available for self-study by students;

Sources of information should be adapted to the work of students both in terms of volume (they can be studied within a single lesson) and the complexity of the content;

Students should have the necessary skills to work with sources;

The lesson should be provided with the necessary teaching aids (availability of handouts for workbooks, readers, memos, etc.);

The teacher manages the process of independent activity of schoolchildren, corrects the assimilation of reliable information and the methods of work of students, organizes the allocation of basic knowledge of the studied topic, their consolidation, discusses the results of work with students, leads them to the formulation of new knowledge about how to work with sources.

A seminar is a type of history lesson that involves mastering a given topic by students, based on a preliminary individual study of it, as a rule, with the involvement of additional sources of information, followed by presentation and discussion of the results of independent work in the lesson.

Unlike the conference lesson for the seminar, each student independently studies all the questions of a given topic and determines his attitude towards them.

The seminar type of lesson contains significant potential for an in-depth study of history, for the realization of the individual abilities of students in its independent development. The seminar can stimulate cognitive interest in reading additional historical literature, the formation of students' own position on the issues under consideration. The seminar is an effective tool for diagnosing by the teacher and the students themselves the readiness for independent activities to study the past.

The seminar can be held to master new material, or it can be devoted to summarizing the materials of an already studied section. Seminars that are built on an integrative basis with courses in social science, geography, literature, etc. are effective.

The seminar is one of the most difficult forms of conducting a lesson, it implies the greatest degree of readiness of students for independent knowledge of history in the process of educational activity. A seminar can be conducted effectively under the following conditions.

The topic of the lesson should be of interest to schoolchildren and be possible for independent development by each student. The first seminars are recommended to be held on topics that require mainly the reproduction of independently mastered educational content. In the future, topics of problematic content can be introduced, suggesting the ability of students to critically perceive alternative assessments of the past.

Students should have a certain amount of knowledge that allows them to navigate the problems of the seminar.

Students should have at least the skills of analysis, comparison, systematization of summarizing several sources and classroom presentation of their content, reviewing the answers of classmates. It is most effective to conduct s., when students already have multiple experience of collective and group work with sources, in laboratory lessons.

Sources of information for the seminar should be easily accessible to purchase, according to the complexity of the information contained in them, they should correspond to the cognitive abilities of students, in terms of their volume they should not lead to overloading students. Reference literature, primary sources (including periodicals), scientific and popular science literature (including local history), museum materials, results of independent (including sociological) studies of schoolchildren can be involved in seminars.

A conference is a type of history lesson and a form of extracurricular activity. The conference, as a type of history lesson, involves the study of the program theme of the school course in the process of listening to student reports with their discussion. The presentations at the conference may be based on student reports based on the results of abstract research of students. Unlike the seminar lesson, it requires only individual in-depth independent research of a fairly narrow problem studied in the school course from the student-speakers, while necessarily on the basis of additional historical sources.

The main goal of the conference is to promote the development of students' interest in independent scientific research, to expand the historical outlook of schoolchildren on the topic under study, to ensure the realization of the individual creative research potential of students in teaching history.

The topic of the conference should be interesting for voluntary participation of students in it, accessible both for the preparation of reports by the students, and for mastering the content of the lesson by the rest of the students based on the perception of the speeches of classmates.

Preparation for the conference lesson involves:

Early (not less than a month) definition of its topic, distribution of reports;

Intermediate control over the preparation of reports, consultations for speakers;

Preparation of reviewers of speakers (opponents, co-speakers), a group of developers of problematic issues for speakers, a group of designers;

Development of cognitive tasks for listeners of reports.

During the conference, the teacher makes an introduction, sets cognitive tasks for the class, manages the process of presentations of speakers and their discussion, organizes the activities of the class to fix the main material of the conference, to consolidate the basic knowledge of the lesson, to sum up the conference.

There are also game technologies for the development of students' independence - source games:

A method of organizing the educational process by creating conditional situations in which students gain experience in cognitive activity in the study of historical sources.

This type of games aims to stimulate the interest and value attitude of students to the very process of studying the past on the basis of written historical sources, the formation of the skills of their critical analysis.

The game "Preparing for an expedition to the past" is intended for students in grades 5-6. It pursues the goal of developing skills to work with material sources. Game conditions: students divided into groups are invited to take part in the qualifying competition for teams to travel in a time machine into the past. They must prepare for the journey in such a way that, once in the past, the locals could not distinguish them from their contemporaries. Sets the time and place where the trip is planned. The winner is the team that best provided everything necessary to fit into the lives of the people of the past.

The game "Archivarius" pursues the goal of developing skills in the text to attribute the source. It is recommended to conduct it starting from grades 7-9, when students of skills will have the ability to determine the type of source and the time of its creation. The conditions of the game in the archive of the move "dropped out" of the folders documents without a date and the author's name. Empty folders indicating the authors and titles of documents are arranged according to the type of source and the time of their creation. Students need to help in groups to sort the documents into folders. The group that completes the task best and faster than others receives the Archivist's prize.

Students are given texts of (two or more) sources and are asked to determine their type (memoirs, government documents, laws, fiction, reports, etc.), with the correct definition of the type of source, the number of folders that can suit students is reduced. Next, students are asked to select folders related to the estimated time of creation of the text. With the correct definition of the time of the source, the students are left with only a few folders, one of which certainly refers to their text. Documents offered to students should be close in appearance, have keywords that will allow students to complete all tasks (for example, fragments of the programs of the Decembrists, Petrashevists, Narodnaya Volya).

The game "Vote of Confidence in the Source" can be played in a competitive form in groups. It pursues the goal of consolidating the ability to carry out internal criticism of the source. The students are given the texts of the sources.

In grades 5-6 - this is a text with errors, in grades 7-8 it can be mutually exclusive texts, one of which is correct (for example, one of them contains mythological facts).

In high school, this can be two texts in which correct and erroneous information alternate.

The texts may be authentic historical documents or composed by a teacher.

The game "Historical commentary" pursues the goal of developing the skills of updating historical knowledge, analyzing works of art of the historical genre. Students in a competitive form give a historical commentary on fiction or on a work of fine art of the historical genre.

For work, students are offered sources that contain information known to students (or acquired during the game). This information can be confirmed by reliable sources, or works of the historical genre are based on versioned, mythological facts or works invented by the author.

When creating a commentary on a work of the historical genre, students must recreate its plot, determine the essence of the interpretation of historical facts by the author, and evaluate the historical accuracy of what is depicted in the picture.

The game "Round Table of Historians" aims to consolidate the skills of analyzing alternative approaches to the study of historical material. It is intended for high school students. Pupils present alternative positions of scientists on debatable problems of history, reproduce their main ideas and arguments, as well as their arguments in defense of their preferred authors. Experimental studies show that when teaching history at a basic level, students can independently consider alternative versions and assessments of specific historical facts, assessments of historical figures, but find it difficult to independently analyze alternative assessments of historical processes, theories.

In the methodological literature, the question was developed about the very types of independent activities of students, such as artistic creativity (drawings, poems on history, etc.) and research work, which was reflected in messages, reports, abstracts, etc.

The literature defines the types of independent work and sets out the requirements for their organization. Information about these types of independent work can be found in the reference dictionary "Theory and Practice of Teaching History" edited by V.V. Barabanova and N.N. Lazukova.

A message is an oral short presentation of a student prepared independently on a given (or chosen by a student) topic related to the content of the lesson. The message is the simplest type of individual independent work, which can be used already in the main school. The message involves the presentation of historical information from additional historical sources. It contributes to the formation of the student's ability to independently extract information from historical sources on a given topic, group the selected material in a certain sequence and present it to the audience. The students of the listeners of the message develop the ability to perceive historical information presented by a classmate.

The topic of the message should be feasible for students to master independently.

The report is a detailed presentation of the student to the audience on a specific issue, studied independently, using a wide range of additional sources, with his own judgments and conclusions. Mainly used in high school. The topic of the report should correspond to the content of the lesson, reveal or deepen the material being studied in the optimal size, without overloading the volume of the lesson with secondary information. It should be feasible for self-development by the student-speaker and for assimilation by other students upon presentation of its content in the form of a classmate's report. The topic of the report should correspond to the individual cognitive interests of the student in the field of history or stimulate their development. The report should be based on historical sources available to the student. The topics of the reports are planned by the teacher in advance and are offered to students in advance of studying the entire history course or before studying its sections.

An essay is a type of individual independent work of students, involving a written sequential disclosure of a specific historical topic based on the content of historical sources.

Abstracting is a type of educational activity that is complex in its structure. It includes the ability to: plan and independently organize their research activities; to search for the necessary literature; analyze historical sources, evaluate their informational significance; select, systematize and summarize material on the topic; present the topic in writing in accordance with the logic and stele accepted in historical knowledge, with references to sources of historical information; express their opinions about the interpretation and evaluation of historical facts by scientists; carry out self-analysis of the results of summarizing.

An essay is a prose work of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue and obviously does not claim to be a defining or exhaustive interpretation of the subject. As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something and may have a philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular-science or purely fictional character. .

Having studied the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problems of independent work of students at school, we can draw the following conclusions.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, scientists tried to identify the essence, goals and objectives, the subject of independent work of students.

One of the main problems in the psychological and pedagogical literature, scientists call the problem of the correlation between pedagogical guidance and independent activity of the student.

In the methodological literature, scientists also tried to reveal the essence of independent activity.

The main problem in the methodological literatureis the correct formulation of tasks and questions; for independent activity of students, their constant work with the text of the textbook, the text of documents, and visual aids is necessary.

The methodological literature also talks about the use of an activity approach, that is, the direct work of schoolchildren with various sources.

Based on the above, it is necessary to change the selection of the subject content of lessons, the forms and methods of teaching, teaching aids.


1. Esipov B.P. Independent work of students in the classroom - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1961

Theory and practice of teaching history / Edited by V.V. Barabanova and N.N. Lazukova -M.: Higher School, 2007, pp. 150-315.

Reference to the source: Kudryavtseva, T.A.Problems of organizing independent work of students in the conditionsimplementation of federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education of the third generation / T.A. Kudryavtseva, T.I. Purtova, M.G. Sokolova / Innovative development of software, 2015.- No. 2. -p.39-43.

T.A. Kudryavtseva , Methodist of Chebarkulsky

Chebarkul, e - mail :

T.I. Purtova , prep. Chebarkul professional

college, Chelyabinsk region,

Chebarkul, e - mail : Chptt [email protected]

M.G. Sokolova , deputy director of the Chebarkulsky

professional technical school, Chelyabinsk region,

Chebarkul, e - mail : Sokolovamargen [email protected] rambler . en


The article shows the problems of organizing independent work of students in VET SVE that arise in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of SVE - 3, and suggests ways to solve them using the example of the Chebarkul Vocational College.

Keywords : independent work of students , problems, steps conditions organizations independent work of students.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Vocational Education of the Third Generation (hereinafter referred to as GEF SPO-3), the study program for each of the disciplines included in the curriculum provides, in addition to the mandatory hours of classroom work, also certain amounts of student independent work. Thus, in the concept of FSES SPO - 3, independent work of students is gradually turning into the leading form of organizing the educational process., whereinmost of all, the student's motivation, his purposefulness, as well as self-organization, independence, self-control and other personal qualities can be manifested. We agree with the opinion of I.A. Winter, that the independent work of the student can serve as the basis for the restructuring of his positions in the educational process .

To review the processorganization of independent work in a professional educational organization of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - VET SVE)it is necessary to define the content of the concept of "independent work".Researchers dealing with this problem in vocational education (S.I. Arkhangelsky, M.G. Garunov, I.I. Ilyasov, B.G. Ioganzen, V.Ya. Lyaudis, A.G. Molibog, P.I. Pidkasisty etc.), put different content into the term "independent work", defining it as:

Finding the necessary information, acquiring knowledge, using this knowledge to solve educational, scientific and professional problems;

A multifaceted activity that consists of many elements: creative perception and understanding of educational material during a lecture, preparation for classes, exams, tests, completion of term papers, theses, etc. ;

- "performing various tasks of an educational, industrial, research and self-educational nature, acting as a means of assimilating a system of professional knowledge, methods of cognitive and professional activity, developing skills and abilities of creative activity and professional excellence";

The system of organizing pedagogical conditions that ensure the management of educational activities that take place in the absence of a teacher;

work,organized by the person himself due to his internal cognitive motives and carried out by him at the most convenient time, controlled by him in the process and by the result, the activity that is carried out on the basis of external mediated system management by the teacher or the training program, computer”.

The variety of approaches to the definition of independent work speaks not only of its many aspects, but also of the growing role of this type of work in learning.

However,the plurality of interpretations of this concept and the presence of different approaches to the choice of basic criteria for assessing the effectiveness of its organizationcause difficulties in conducting both on the part of teachers and students. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature and our pedagogical experience made it possible to identify a number of common problems and some reasonsinefficiency of existing technologies for organization and control of independent work of students,faced by the teachers of the Chebarkul vocational technical school in the implementation of GEF SPO 3. These are such as:

1. lack of development of suitable forms and methods for organizing students' individual work in order to achieve an optimal result;

2. the absence of a direct connection between the content of independent work, implemented by different teachers within the framework of the courses taught, and new goals - the formation of competencies;

3. insufficient number of teaching and methodological aids for organizing independent work;

4. the lack of assignments that would be interesting in content and at the same time would allow students to work independently.

In turn, students experienced difficulties, which include:

1. inability to plan independent work;

2. lack of formation of their psychological readiness to perform independent work;

3. low awareness, independence and activity in the process of solving tasks,absencepersonal meaning;

4. lack of formed skills for independent work: they do not know how (and often do not want) to work independently, because they were not taught this at school;

5. inability to independently organize the distribution of educational activities in time and control their implementation;

6. insufficient level of cognitive interest in a number of academic disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.;

7. poor skills in the design of independent work (students do not know how tobriefly and rationally draw up extracts, abstracts, plan, synopsis, annotation, review, abstract, etc.) andsearching for information (working with catalogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, network resources).

In addition, in the organization of independent work of students, as a rather complex and time-consuming work,the problems associated with insufficient preparedness for its implementation by the teaching staff themselves were revealed, namely:

1. insufficient knowledge of technologies that contribute to the development of student independence,activating self-development of the personality;

2. the use of types of independent work that are not formulated diagnostically, are not associated with any educational result that can be assessed when the types of these works indicate processes and not results, for example: preparation for laboratory and practical work, study of class notes , educational and special literature, etc.;

4. inability to clearly design educational, cognitive and practical tasks for organizing independent work, when tasks are not of an activity nature and students are asked to simply read and retell the educational material as tasks;

5. superficial knowledge of assessment tools, accounting for the products of independent activity of students, the timing of its provision.

The main way to overcome these difficulties iscompetent organization of independent work of students, creation of conditions for the successful organization of independent work in PEO SVE.

To implement the regulatory requirements for building classroom and extracurricular work in the Chebarkul College, a system of effective organization has been introducedindependent work of college students, which we divided into stages:

1. preparatory - drawing up a work program with the allocation of topics and tasks for independent work, determining the level of students' preparation and developing educational and methodological materials;

2. organizational - determining the goals of individual and group work of students, conducting individual and group installation consultations, setting deadlines and forms for presenting intermediate results;

3. motivational-activity - the creation by the teacher of positive motivation for the activities of students, the control of intermediate results, the organization of self-control and self-correction, mutual exchange and mutual verification in accordance with the chosen goal;

4. control and evaluation - reports of students in individual or group forms and their assessment, written tests, colloquia, intermediate and final tests conducted in the classroom, etc.

The system developed by us for organizing independent work of students of a technical school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education - 3 allows us to increase the success of students' education and their motivation.

An analysis of the scientific literature and pedagogical experience also allowed us to determine the conditionscontributing to a more rational organization of independent work both in the educational and extracurricular activities of the technical school, to which we attributed: normative,organizational, material and technical, educational, methodological and informational,personnel,meaningful, technological.

1. Normative, regulating the independent work of students. To implement these conditions, along with the use of documents of the federal level in the technical school, local acts of the educational organization have been developed that regulate the implementation of independent work of students, namely:"Regulations on the independent work of students", which determines the essence of their independent work, its purpose, planning, forms of organization and types of control; "Regulations on the journal of students' independent work", which determines the procedure for registration and maintenance of journals of this work.

2. Organizational - all those pedagogical conditions that contribute to self-development, self-education, self-determination of students. These are institutionstutors,curators, psychological support services for students of the technical school.The task of tutors is to create conditions for the construction and implementation of individualstudents, the implementation of their psychological and pedagogical support and support in the formation of a subject position. From the first day of study at the technical school, the activities of each student are under the control of the teacher: together they draw up an individual plan for classroom and extracurricular independent work, prepare and implement educational and social projects, solve educational and social problems, and engage in educational and research work. The tutor helps a novice student to adapt to the conditions of a technical school, explains the features of independent work in an open educational environment of an educational organization, reveals the possibility of obtaining additionaletc.

The primary goal of the service of psychologists of the technical school is the psychological support of participants in the educational process, promoting their personal growth, professional development and self-improvement, as well as creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the mental health of all participants in the educational process.

3. Logistical, assuming the availability of the necessary classroom fund, including specialized classrooms, reading rooms, a high level of equipment of classrooms with multimedia equipment,organizing a free day to work in the library. For independent work of college students, there is the necessary material base: an office for diploma and course design, a library with a reading room, which hasaccess to electronic resources on the Internet, office of socio-economic disciplines.Students of the technical school are allowed to use the premises free from classroom studies for independent work during working hours. Computer classes for self-study are allocated in accordance with a separate schedule.

4. Educational and methodological and informational, including the required amount of educational literature, educational and methodological complexes, educational materials on electronic media, a large set of options for tasks and guidelines for their implementation in the mode of individual independent work, the availability of periodicals.

For methodological support and guidance of independent work, the technical school has the necessary educational and methodological materials and literature that fully reflect the content of the programs in the disciplines, as well as teaching aids for the studied disciplines, guidelines for independent preparation for various types of classes (seminars, practical, laboratory and etc.) taking into account the specialty, characteristics of the contingent of the group, the volume and content of independent work, forms of control, etc.In the library and on the website of the organization there are educational, educational and methodological materials that introduce students to the rules for preparing lesson notes, control, term papers and theses according to current standards. Thematic exhibitions constantly operate in the library and the teaching and methodological office.

5. Personnel, expressed in the presence of highly qualified teachers, as well as inorganization of advanced training courses for teaching staff in various forms, including in the form of "round tables", seminars on the organization of independent work of students. When designing independent work, each teacher of the technical school has the opportunity to use the methodological recommendations for organizing independent work of students, which are developed by the methodological service of the technical school. The recommendations contain questions of planning, organizing independent work, monitoring the quality of its implementation, a constructor of educational and cognitive tasks, material on the classification of types of independent work and approximate time limits for the implementation of these types. The technical school holds "round tables", seminars - discussions, seminars - debates, training seminars for teachers,aimed at studying positive work experience, quality improvementorganization of independent work, for example: “Technology for organizing independent work”, “Typology of pedagogical conditions for ensuring independent work of students in VET”, “Planning, organizing and monitoring independent work of students in a system of managed independent learning”, etc.

6. Content-based, involving the development of courses and consultation programs for students. The technical school conducts courses that help students organize their academic and extracurricular independent work aimed at the professional development of the individual, for example: “Methods of independent work of a student”, “Fundamentals of educational and research activities of students”, etc. The teachers of the technical school provide consultations:group, individual, written, oral, interactive.

7. Technological, expressed in the use of innovative technologies, interactive forms of learning: business games,telecommunications projects involving work in thematic Internet forums and the exchange of information by e-mail. Among modern technologies in the context of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education - 3 teachers of a technical school, when organizing independent work of students, primarily use technologies for the development of critical thinking, a case method, a project method, a portfolio technology, etc. Modern pedagogical technologies make it possible to radically reform the motivational, activity and evaluation components of independent work.

Thus, the experience of organizing independent work of students in our technical school showed that well-organized independent work of students, subject to the specified conditions, contributes to an increase in the level of independence in the educational and cognitive activities of students and the quality of independent work, which entails an increase in the quality of education.

Bibliographic list

1. Zimnyaya, I.A. Pedagogical psychology / I.A. Winter / - M .: Logos, 2003.

2. Arkhangelsky, S.I. Educational process in higher school / S.I. Arkhangelsky / - M., 1980.

3. Molibog, A. G. Questions of the scientific organization of pedagogical work in higher education [Text] / A. G. Molibog / - Minsk: Higher School, 1975.

4. Garunov, M. G. Problems of activating students' independent work [Text] / M. G. Garunov / Materials of the All-Union Conference-Seminar. - Perm: Publishing House of PGU, 1979.

5. Ioganzen, B. G. Control as a means of managing the educational and cognitive activity of students in training [Text] / B. G. Ioganzen / - M., 2005.

6. Ananyina, N. V. Organization of independent work of students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard[Text] / N. V. Ananyina / Education. Career. Society. - 2014. No. 4-1(40). - P.51 - 55.

7. Zateeva, T. G. - Typology of pedagogical conditions for ensuring independent work of students at the university[Text] / T. G. Zateeva / Discussion - 2014. No. 2. - From 85 - 89.

8. Sokolova, M. G.Extracurricular independent work in chemistry as an important element in the formation of professional competence of a future forestry specialist in a secondary school[Text]/ M. G. Sokolova, S. V. Mitrofanov / Innovative development of vocational education. - 2012. No. 1. - P. 97 - 101.

Karshi State University (Uzbekistan)


self-organization and self-verification, Kognitivnyy component of mathematical, logical and intellectual development

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Annotation to the article

The improvement of the educational process at the present stage puts forward the problem of organizing and managing the independent work of students in one of the first places. For its effective solution, it is important to trace the development of the doctrine of independent activity and continuity in the implementation of its main provisions. Assimilation of educational material, as evidenced by numerous psychological studies and the data of our experimental work, occurs most effectively when it is included in the structure of students' independent learning activities in the form of interrelated learning tasks.

Scientific article text

The improvement of the educational process at the present stage puts forward the problem of organizing and managing students' independent work (SIW) to one of the first places. For its effective solution, it is important to trace the development of the doctrine of independent activity and continuity in the implementation of its main provisions. If we consider this problem a little more broadly - in relation not only to students, but to students in general - then we can say with confidence that it has a rich history. To ensure an adequate understanding of our study, it is advisable to consider the evolution of the concepts of SR, as well as to determine the initial positions and content of the terms that we will operate with in the future. In modern philosophical, psychological, didactic and methodological literature, various aspects of the SR of pupils and students are considered. However, there are certain difficulties in resolving some issues. In our opinion, this definition also applies to traditional education, since it implies a decisive role in the organization of this activity of the teacher. In the system of developmental education, however, SR should imply the possibility of managing a book, communicating with fellow students, and, if possible, with specialists - in our case, mathematicians. Educational and creative work performed by a student does not lose the status of independence because the author consults with his supervisor, talks with friends, that is, takes part in expedient communication, which is creative not only in the creative process, but also in the educational process. Considering all this, in this study, SR is understood as an educational process aimed at developing the abilities of students to consciously set certain goals, tasks, plan their educational and creative activities, implement them and objectively evaluate them. The versatility of the educational and creative independent activity of a student in the process of teaching geometry is manifested in two aspects: 1) in the assimilation by the student of ready-made knowledge, theoretical provisions of creative literacy, methods and techniques of geometry in order to be involved in solving creative problems on their basis; 2) in the formation of creative activity and independence, expressed in the independent solution of creative tasks by the student, in finding new methods for solving them, etc. In our understanding, the concept of "independent work" has a double meaning. On the one hand, SR is the work that the student performs independently, it is the object of his activity. It is offered to the student by a teacher or a self-study program. On the other hand, SR is a form of manifestation of the corresponding activity of thinking, memory, creative imagination, fantasy when a student performs an educational and creative task, which ultimately leads him to obtain new, previously unknown knowledge or to deepen and expand the scope already acquired knowledge. In both cases, SR contributes to the development of the student's intellectual and creative powers. Since there is independence in any educational process: students themselves listen to the teacher's explanations, observe nature themselves, write sketches themselves, this is also SR, we specifically note that in the future we will talk about extracurricular or home SIW. Currently, the most common idea is that independent activity includes motivational, cognitive, emotional-volitional and reflexive components. A motive is a form of manifestation of a need, a stimulus to activity. The totality of goals, motives, interests, attitudes and attitudes of students towards SR represent their motivational readiness for this activity. The motives that encourage independence in learning are an important factor in the effectiveness of SIW. Practice and observation show a strong correlation between the degree of motivational readiness of students and the success of their SR. Researchers note that each student has a specific system of regulated motives, hierarchically organized, with the allocation of dominant and subordinate motives. Most often, the main motive for creativity is the desire of a person to realize himself, to show his abilities. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, observations and conversations conducted in the course of the study, we can imagine the following motives for performing SR inherent in FMF students: - cognitive (desire for new knowledge and skills); - motives for self-development (the desire for continuous self-improvement); - debt (awareness of the need); - ambition (increased prestige); - social identification (the desire to earn the respect of other people: friends, parents, teachers); - emotional (the need to express emotional experiences); - egoism (the predominance of material interests). The motives of self-realization and cognitive motives are the most significant for the IWS in geometry. Homework has the intended impact only when students do it properly. Thus, an important task is to create the conditions necessary for this, to motivate students to persistent independent homework. The rules for motivating classroom work and homework are the same and equally valid both for teaching geometry and for any other subject. 1. If we are talking about creative tasks, an interesting statement of the problem is necessary. 2. With regard to training exercises, the motivating factor may be the desire of students to improve their professional skills. Few students do not want to know as much as possible. 3. Announcement of grades, collective discussion of works, holding student exhibitions perform a certain motivating function. It uses the desire of each student to recognize his success. The motivating factors are the personal qualities of students: curiosity and creative interest, emotionality, enthusiasm, striving for creative achievements, striving for leadership, a sense of duty and responsibility, personal significance of creative activity, striving for self-education and self-education of creative abilities. The degree of development of these qualities characterizes the motivational and creative activity and independence of students. In addition, for effective SR it is necessary to develop self-management abilities in students: purposefulness, the ability to plan and rationally use time, diligence, self-control and self-assessment of abilities and achievements. Although the named motives do not exhaust their diversity, they stimulate the cognitive and creative activity and independence of students more than others, awaken their desire to work, improve their knowledge and skills. The cognitive component represents relatively stable individual characteristics of the student's cognitive processes: features of memory, thinking, level of creativity, etc. In its purest and most pronounced form, thinking appears in the independent activity of the student precisely where it itself reaches new knowledge, opens them, where the process of cumulation of knowledge is observed. This occurs when the student's use of knowledge and skills is accompanied by an awareness of not only the purpose of the activity and its constituent actions, but also the motives for their choice and ways to achieve it. It is in this case that the student's thinking is productive, involves the discovery of new knowledge. In such independent activity, the assimilation of knowledge and the very process of their application become a source of development of creative thinking. The formation of a student's knowledge originates in a problem situation, in a creative cognitive search. The emotional-volitional component represents the conscious organization and self-regulation by the student of his activity and behavior, aimed at overcoming difficulties in achieving the goal. It contains emotional and volitional components, namely: - purposefulness; - patience, perseverance, diligence, the ability to refine, remake and improve the acquired or known capabilities and abilities; - the ability to self-organize, that is, the ability of a person to mobilize himself, purposefully, actively use his capabilities to achieve his goals; - the ability to self-education, self-expression and self-realization. The basis for the formation of abilities for self-development, self-determination, self-realization, self-organization of the individual is physical and mental health, self-awareness, volitional qualities of the individual and abilities. The reflective component includes: - emotional reaction; - the adequacy of self-esteem; - the ability to introspection. Self-organization and self-control, that is, conscious work on oneself in order to improve one's skills, play a special role. The most important components of self-organization are a responsible attitude to business, high interest in the chosen specialty, developed self-awareness, and creative thinking. Based on the analysis of various approaches to the definition of the concept of "independent work" in relation to teaching geometry, we identified the most significant features of this process: the presence of motivation, goals, tasks, the lack of direct assistance from the teacher during the performance of the work, the presence of indirect control of the SIW. The basis of SR is the connection "goal - means - control". Its success is determined by the student's ability to regulate his actions by a conscious goal. These actions aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities cause a certain process in the student's behavior, motivated by a particular need, which acts both as an incentive and as a goal. Thus, CPC in geometry, like any other activity, has the following structure: motive, execution and control. In a generalized form, in the structure of the SIW, we can distinguish: 1) the content side (knowledge expressed in concepts or images of perceptions and ideas); 2) the operational side (various actions, operating with skills, methods and techniques); 3) the productive side (new knowledge, skills, solutions; new visual experience, ideas, views, abilities and personality traits). All of them are interconnected and should be taken into account in the process of organization and implementation of the CDS. For the effective organization of SR, it is important to study its structure. The structure is understood as the structure and internal form of organization of the system, which is a set of orderly interconnected elements that make up a certain integral unity. Consequently, the essence of the structural approach to the problem of organization of extracurricular educational and creative activities of students consists in a holistic study of its structure and functioning.


Relevance of the research topic. Domestic education is aimed at creating a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system in accordance with the requirements of the 21st century, the social and economic needs of society, and the demands of the individual.

Fundamental changes in society dictate new requirements for primary vocational education. A modern specialist must be proficient in modern information technologies, have communication skills, be able to transform acquired knowledge into innovative technologies and work in a team, have the skills of self-acquisition of knowledge and advanced training. In this regard, the assimilation by students of a certain system of knowledge and professional skills is insufficient, there is a need to turn to learning, taking into account the individual psychological capabilities of each student. The implementation of this goal assumes that in a modern educational institution of primary vocational education, the educational process should acquire the character of independent work of students, outside of independent work it is impossible to prepare an active person, a specialist necessary for modern society and production.

The more independently we study, the more actively we engage in self-education, the more we need help, always businesslike and concrete, but becoming more and more subtle and delicate over time. And it begins with recommendations on how to study in order to succeed in this most difficult business, so that it brings satisfaction, encourages further knowledge.

Such assistance can be provided either by those students who have already had a positive experience of self-mastery of knowledge, or teachers who have the richest practice of mastering science themselves and introducing more than one generation of students to it.

The purpose of the study: to identify the pedagogical conditions for organizing independent work of students of primary vocational education.

Object of study: learning process

Subject of study: organization of independent work of students of primary vocational education.

Research objectives:

)study and analyze psychological and pedagogical literature;

)to consider the basic concepts: independent work, independent cognitive activity, independence;

)to explore the practical application of instruction cards in the organization of independent work of students.

The work is structured as follows: introduction, two chapters, conclusions to the chapters, conclusion, list of references, applications. The main part, in turn, consists of two chapters. The first chapter deals with theoretical issues of organizing independent work of students of primary vocational education. In the second chapter, research is carried out on the organization of independent work in computer science lessons using instruction cards.

Chapter 1. Theoretical prerequisites for studying the problem of organizing independent work of students of NGOs

1.1 Analysis of Psychological and Pedagogical Literature on the Problem of Organizing Independent Work in the NGO System

The study of the issue of independence began in antiquity. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle deeply and comprehensively substantiated in their works the importance of the child's voluntary, active and independent acquisition of knowledge. At the same time, they proceeded from the fact that the development of human thinking can proceed successfully only in the process of independent activity, and the improvement of the personality and the development of its ability - through self-knowledge. Such activity gives the child joy and satisfaction and thereby eliminates passivity on his part in acquiring new knowledge. The idea of ​​independence in learning is further developed in the statements of Francois Rabelais, Michel Montaigne, Thomas More, who, in the era of the dark Middle Ages, at the height of prosperity in the practice of the school of scholasticism, dogmatism and cramming, demand that a child be taught independence to educate in him a thoughtful, critically thinking person. The same thoughts are developed on the pages of the pedagogical works of Ya.A. Kamensky, Zh.Zh. Russo, I.G. Pestalozzi and others.

In pedagogical literature, the independence of students as one of the leading principles of education has been considered since the end of the 18th century. The question of the development of independence and activity of students is central in the pedagogical system of K. D. Ushinsky, who substantiated the ways and means of organizing independent work of students, taking into account the age periods of study.

In the 1920s, a certain role in the development of the theory of student independence was played by comprehensive education and other forms of individualization of education.

One of the leading teachers Pidkasisty P. I. in his work “Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in learning”, he considers the following definition: “independent work is not a form of organizing training sessions and not a teaching method. It is legitimate to consider it rather as a means of involving students in independent cognitive activity, a means of its logical and psychological organization.

The pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definition: "Independent work of students, individual or collective learning activities carried out without the direct guidance of a teacher." In our opinion, this definition is not complete enough. It does not reveal the essential characteristics of this concept and requires significant clarification.

Teacher-psychologist Zimnyaya I.A. determines that students' independent work is a consequence of their properly organized learning activities in the classroom, which motivates their independent expansion, deepening and continuation in their free time. For the teacher, this means a clear awareness not only of his plan of educational actions, but also its conscious formation among students as a certain scheme for mastering a subject in the course of solving new educational tasks. But in general, this is a parallel existing employment of students according to a program they have chosen from ready-made programs or they themselves have developed a program for mastering any material. At the same time, independent work is the highest form of learning activity of students, a form of self-education associated with their work in the classroom.

Such various aspects of the problem of independent work of students were studied by B.P. Esipov, M.A. Danilov, M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner, N.A. Poloenkova, A.V. Usova and others. However, the opinions of scientists about the essence of independent work differ. Some define it through the concept of "teaching method", others - through a system of teaching methods.

So, independent work is such work that is performed without the direct participation of the teacher, but on his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while students consciously strive to achieve their goals, using their efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical (or both) actions.

It is independent work that develops a high culture of mental work, which involves not only the technique of reading, studying a book, keeping records, but, above all, the need for independent activity, the desire to delve into the essence of the issue, to go deep into problems that have not yet been solved. In the process of such work, the individual abilities of students, their inclinations and interests are most fully revealed, which contribute to the development of the ability to analyze facts and phenomena, teach independent thinking, which leads to creative development and the creation of their own opinions, their views, ideas, their position.

Some scientists consider independent work as a means of developing generalized skills, cognitive independence, creative activity and socialization of the individual, and associate it with the ability to self-organize (G.N. Alova, Z.A. Vologodskaya, A.A. Dikaya, M.E. Duranov, V. M. Zhelezyako, V. A. Kozakov, V. Ya. Lyaudis, V. P. Chikhachev, etc.).

In our opinion, the most complete definition of independent work is given by V.I. Andreev. His point of view is determined by the fact that in the process of independent work of students a wide variety of teaching methods and techniques can be applied, and therefore, in his opinion, it is incorrect to sum up independent work under the concept of "method" as a generic concept. He also believes that the concept of "means" is not the main, but only an auxiliary, particular feature and cannot be taken as a generic concept.

Thus, independent work of students is a form of organization of their educational activities, carried out under the direct or indirect guidance of a teacher, during which students mainly or completely independently perform various types of buildings in order to develop knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities.

1.2 Types of organization of independent work of students of primary vocational education

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, the importance of independent work increases significantly. The need for its training is due to the fact that the development of the subject of professional activity is impossible outside the activity in which its goal is independently set, actions and operations are planned and implemented, the result obtained is correlated with the goal, the methods of activity are adjusted, etc. The subjective position of the student in training becomes the main condition for the formation of experience in practical activities and, on its basis, the acquisition of competencies.

This, in turn, requires an appropriate reorganization of the educational process in terms of the educational component, improvement of educational and methodological documentation, the introduction of new information and educational technologies, updating the hardware and software for independent work, new technologies for self-control and current control of knowledge, skills and possessions. In this regard, part of the work of teachers is qualitatively changing, which is reflected in their individual plans in terms of educational and educational-methodical work.

In the context of the growing importance of extracurricular work of students, the activity of the teacher and the student is filled with new content.

The role of the teacher is to organize independent work with the aim of acquiring a student of OK and PC, allowing the student to form the ability for self-development, self-education and innovation;

The role of the student is to become a creative person in the process of independent work under the guidance of a teacher, able to independently acquire knowledge, skills and possessions, formulate a problem and find the best way to solve it.

Independent work is the activity of students planned within the framework of the curriculum to master the content of the OBEP of the NGO / SPO, which is carried out on assignment, with the methodological guidance and control of the teacher, but without his direct participation.

The tasks of organizing independent work are to:

· motivate students to master the curriculum;

· increase the responsibility of students for their learning;

· promote the development of general and professional competencies of students;

· create conditions for the formation of students' ability to self-education, self-government and self-development.

Analysis and generalization of modern practices of organizing independent work testifies to the variety of types and types of independent activity of students, various methods of pedagogical management of independent educational and cognitive activity by teachers.

Classroom independent work

1.Lecture work. Drawing up or monitoring the plan for reading a lecture, working out the lecture notes, supplementing the notes with recommended literature. In lectures - questions for independent work of students, indications of the source of the answer in the literature.

.The most important means of activating the desire for independent activity are active learning technologies. In this regard, problem lectures are an effective form of teaching. The main task of the lecturer in this case is not so much to convey information as to familiarize listeners with objective contradictions in the development of scientific knowledge and ways to resolve them. The function of a student is not only to process information, but also to actively engage in the discovery of knowledge unknown to him.

.Work in practical classes. The seminar-discussion is formed as a process of dialogical communication of the participants, during which the practical experience of joint participation in the discussion and resolution of theoretical and practical problems is formed. The student learns to express his thoughts in reports and speeches, to actively defend his point of view, to object with reason, to refute the erroneous position of a fellow student. This form of work allows you to increase the level of intellectual and personal activity, involvement in the process of educational cognition. "Brain attack".

.The game form of the lesson ("What? Where? When?"). The students were divided into three groups in advance, homework was distributed, team numbers were prepared, record sheets with the names of the players for the captains.

.Business games. Such a lesson is more convenient to carry out when repeating and generalizing the topic. The group is divided into teams (2-3). Each team receives a task and then announces their decision. Tasks are exchanged.

.Round table. A characteristic feature of the round table is the combination of a thematic discussion with a group consultation. A leader and 5-6 commentators on the problems of the topic are selected. The main directions of the topic are selected, and the teacher offers students questions on the solution of which the solution of the whole problem depends. The facilitator continues the lesson, he gives the floor to the commentators, attracts the whole group to the discussion. Collective discussion accustoms to independence, activity, a sense of belonging to events. At the same time, the information obtained as a result of listening to lectures and independent work with additional material is consolidated, as well as the identification of problems and issues for discussion.

.Analysis of specific situations is one of the most effective and widespread methods of organizing active cognitive activity of students. The method of analysis of specific situations develops the ability to analyze life and professional tasks. Faced with a specific situation, the student must determine whether there is a problem in it, what it consists of, determine their attitude to the situation, and offer options for solving the problem.

.project method. To implement this method, it is important to choose a topic taken from real life, significant for the student, for the solution of which it is necessary to apply his knowledge and new knowledge that has yet to be obtained.

.The technology of creating a cheat sheet. This technology is non-traditional and causes an increased interest of the student audience in the opportunity to participate in the creation of such a "creative product". It allows the student to develop and form a number of important skills, such as:

· think outside the box, original;

· generalize information into microblocks;

· study the material in depth, focusing on

· basic, main, core information;

· select and systematize key concepts, terms,


Extracurricular independent work

1.Literature review. Abstracting reflects, identifies not the content of the corresponding work (document, publication) in general, but only new, valuable and useful content (increment of science, knowledge).

.Annotation of books, articles. This is an extremely concise presentation of the main content of the text. Suitable especially for superficial preparation for colloquia and seminars, for which it is assigned to work through certain literature. It is also suitable for preliminary bibliographic notes “to oneself”.

.Report, abstract, test. The report is a type of independent work, used in educational and extracurricular activities, contributes to the formation of research skills, expands cognitive interests, and teaches practical thinking.

In educational institutions, reports are practically no different in content from abstracts and are a test work. Abstract - a summary in writing or in the form of a public report of the content of a scientific work or works, a review of the literature on the topic. This is an independent research work of a student, which reveals the essence of the problem under study. The presentation of the material is of a problem-thematic nature, shows different points of view, as well as their own views on the problem. At the discretion of the teacher, abstracts can be presented at seminars in the form of speeches.

.Control work is one of the forms of testing and evaluating the acquired knowledge, obtaining information about the nature of cognitive activity, the level of independence and activity of students in the educational process, the effectiveness of methods, forms and methods of educational activity. A distinctive feature of a written test is a greater degree of objectivity compared to an oral survey. For written tests, it is important that the system of tasks provides for both the identification of knowledge on a particular topic (section), and an understanding of the essence of the objects and phenomena being studied, their patterns, the ability to independently draw conclusions and generalizations, and creatively use knowledge and skills.

.Independent work on the Internet. New information technologies (NITs) can be used to:

· search for information on the network - the use of web browsers, databases,

· use of information retrieval and information reference systems,

· automated library systems, electronic journals;

· organization of dialogue in the network - the use of e-mail, synchronous and delayed teleconferencing;

· creating thematic web pages and web quests using html editors, web browsers, graphic editors;

· creating web-quests for work on the topic and posting them on the course website. A web-quest is a specially organized type of research activity, for which students search for information on the network at specified addresses. They are created in order to make better use of students' time, to use the information received for practical purposes and to develop the skills of critical thinking, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of information.

Independent work as a form of organization of learning is possible and necessary to obtain any educational result. However, its types for obtaining different educational results will be different:

-for mastering knowledge: work with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; educational and research work; work with lecture notes; work on educational material (textbook, primary source, article, additional literature, including materials obtained via the Internet); note-taking of texts; answers to control questions; preparation of abstracts for presentation at a seminar, conference; preparation of abstracts, etc.;

-for the formation of skills and possessions: solving typical problems and exercises; solution of variable tasks and exercises; execution of drawings, diagrams; performance of settlement and graphic works; solution of production situational (professional) tasks;

-design and modeling of different types and components of professional activity; performance of course and final qualifying works;

-experimental and design work; exercises on a PC and a simulator, etc.

In accordance with the levels of mastering the educational material, the following types of independent work are distinguished:

· introductory - note-taking of literature;

· reproductive - writing a test

· productive - essay preparation

According to the coverage of students, the forms of independent activity can be divided into differentiated (individual or in small groups) and frontal forms.

Independent work in an educational institution can be organized individually with each student, with several students (for example, project teams) and for the study group (lecture flow), in general

To a large extent, the choice of specific forms of organizing students' independent activities depends on the profile of training, the discipline being studied, and the level of professional education.

1.3 Features of the organization of independent work of students of primary vocational education

The competence-based approach to learning is the leading idea of ​​modernizing education and involves updating the content of all its levels. The mechanism for implementing the competency-based approach in the structure of primary vocational education is presented in the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary and Secondary Vocational Education.

“Achieving professional education of a student is ensured by the integration of professional and general competencies.”

From the entire field of competencies, key or basic competencies that are of a general oversubject nature are singled out into a special group. Key competencies are characterized by the presence of relevant personality traits and the ability to implement them in professional activities.

Informatics contributes to the formation of a content-logical and operational-algorithmic type of thinking. This allows within the framework of the academic discipline to form a system of competence-oriented approaches aimed at the formation of key competencies based on research, educational and communication skills:

-the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing in solving a problem;

-the ability to carry out planning and self-control of their activities;

-ability to work in a team, listen and take into account different points of view, argue your position.

One of the conditions for the formation of a student's key competencies is the search for and development of such forms of education, in which the emphasis is on independent learning activities. In the course of independent work, not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out, but also the assimilation of the methods of educational activity by students is ensured.

However, in order for independent work to be effective and contribute to the formation of the student's key competencies, the following requirements must be met:

-ensuring the optimal combination of the volume of classroom and extracurricular work;

-the use of methodological techniques that contribute to the activation of mental activity;

-availability of educational and methodological support.

As an independent extracurricular work in computer science, you can use mandatory home tests focused on developing the skills to solve information problems in accordance with known algorithms and formulas. These works provide a level of basic training in the subject, contribute to the development of the ability to plan one's activities, exercise self-control, and, if necessary, work with additional sources of information (reference books, guidelines). The advantage of home tests is that they are focused on the individual pace of the student's learning activities. The disadvantage of such works is their reproductive nature, the lack of elements of creativity. This shortcoming can be filled in the process of extracurricular independent work of an applied nature.

These works include group research projects in special disciplines, the implementation of which requires not only informational skills in processing research data, but also a creative, original way of presenting this data (creating diagrams, pivot tables, charts, graphs). Such work contributes to the development of the ability to carry out the transfer of knowledge to a new learning situation, is aimed at the formation of communicative skills to work in a team, forms a sense of responsibility for one's work.

The next form of independent activity is aimed at studying special educational, reference, scientific literature and involves writing essays, reports on various topics.

Abstract work is characterized by the maximum degree of independence and contributes to the formation of research and design skills, the development of public speaking skills, which form the basis of key competencies. In addition, in the process of independent work, the student learns to determine the nature of his difficulties and formulate them, turning to the teacher for help.

The quality of solving educational problems in the process of independent work depends on the individual capabilities of students, their level of preparation. In this regard, the formation of the skill of independent learning activities goes through several stages in its development and begins with short-term tasks performed during the training session. The productivity of such work largely depends on methodological techniques that contribute to the activation of mental activity. This can be work on restoring a deformed text, compiling an outline in accordance with a given plan, designing diagrams, filling in tables, working with a training program, creating logical chains. Of great interest to students is the "reception of collisions", which involves the search and justification of a mistake specially made by the teacher in the text or task. This approach allows you to change the relationship between the teacher and the student, creating the basis for an educational dialogue.

Thus, the main task of studying informatics in the system of primary and secondary vocational education is the formation and development of the key competencies of the student, which requires a shift in emphasis from the one-sided activity of the teacher to independent learning activities and the activity of the students themselves.

Conclusion on the first chapter

An analysis of the literature showed that the methodology for conducting independent work in the process of teaching computer science based on the characteristics of cognitive tasks is in its infancy. It is necessary to optimize the student's mental activity, create favorable conditions for the development of independence and creative activity of students, turning their educational activity (teaching) into a kind of elementary scientific knowledge process within the framework of education. There is a variety of pedagogical conditions for organizing students' independent activities, and each work in this direction enriches the teacher in his abilities. In the new social conditions, students choose the most appropriate forms and methods of work for them in accordance with their personal needs and the requirements of society when mastering new information technologies.

The effectiveness of students performing independent work in the learning process largely depends on its organization, the content and nature of knowledge, the relationship between available and offered knowledge in the content of this type of independent work, the quality of the results achieved by the student in the course of this work. The nature of the task in the student's independent work and the degree of its complexity at different levels of informatics education should change. The degree of change in the complexity of the task is due to the need for such an organization of independent work in the modern educational process, in which the student not only learns the system of knowledge, skills and abilities provided for by the program, but also develop their creative abilities, form a worldview and prepare for continuous self-education. The traditional approach does not pay enough attention to the organization of students' learning activities with a focus on their own intellectual activity aimed at mastering, generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

In this paper, didactic and methodological support for conducting independent work in academic and out-of-class time has been developed.

Independent work of students can take place as an integral part of the lesson. A more fundamental type of self-study is special lessons, or part of the lessons, entirely devoted to the independent work of students. These can be lessons to consolidate knowledge: solving problems, doing exercises, conducting laboratory practical work with multi-level tasks. Outside of school hours, for example, the possibilities of telecommunications are used, work with a problem book, the implementation of a course project, which allow the use of a variety of methods and forms of independent cognitive and practical, creative work. In addition, the psychological and didactic aspect of the process of teaching informatics is considered.

All of the above determines the relevance of the study, which is associated with the organization of independent work to enhance the cognitive activity of students in order to improve the quality of training of future professionals.

Chapter 2

.1 Organization of independent work of students in computer science lessons using instruction cards

The fundamental requirement of society for a modern school is the formation of a person who would be able to independently creatively solve scientific, industrial, social problems, think critically, develop and defend his point of view, his convictions, systematically and continuously replenish and update his knowledge through self-education, improve skills, apply them creatively.

The most important priority of primary vocational education in the context of the formation of a global information society is the formation of schoolchildren's ideas about human information activity and information ethics as the foundations of the modern information society.

The task of modern primary education is to ensure the entry of students into the information society, to teach each student to use new mass ICT (text editor, graphics editor, spreadsheets, e-mail, etc.). The formation of user skills for introducing a computer into learning activities should be supported by independent work that is personally significant for the student. This is achieved through an information-subject workshop, the essence of which is to fill the problems in informatics with relevant subject content. Only in this case, the individuality, the intellectual potential of the student is fully revealed, the knowledge, skills and abilities gained in the classroom are manifested, the skills of independent practical work are consolidated.

Independent work involves active mental actions of students associated with the search for the most rational ways to perform the tasks proposed by the teacher, with an analysis of the results of the work.

In the learning process, various types of independent work of students are used, with the help of which they independently acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. All types of independent work used in the educational process can be classified according to various criteria: by didactic purpose, by the nature of the students' learning activities, by content, by the degree of independence and the element of students' creativity, etc.

All types of independent work for didactic purposes can be divided into five groups:

) mastering the ability to independently acquire knowledge;

) consolidation and clarification of knowledge;

) development of the ability to apply knowledge in solving educational and practical problems;

) formation of practical skills and abilities;

) the formation of the ability to apply knowledge in a complicated situation.

These groups are closely related. This connection is due to the fact that the same types of work can be used to solve various didactic problems. Thus, based on the specifics of the subject, the most effective type of independent activity is the work that forms the skills and abilities of a practical nature. With the help of such practical work, not only the acquisition of skills and abilities is achieved, but also the acquisition of new knowledge and the development of the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge.

independent student educational methodology

2.2 Methodology for organizing independent work in computer science lessons using instruction cards

In an experimental study of the problem of organizing independent work of students of primary vocational education in computer science lessons, we will consider the possibility of using instruction cards. The use of instruction cards in computer science lessons allows you to increase the activity of students in the educational process, develop the desire to analyze and evaluate their work, move forward in the implementation of practical work, and significantly reduce the loss of working time.

Instructional cards are used in the study of training operations. They reveal the typical sequence, rules, means, ways of performing control and self-control of mastered labor techniques of the operation being studied.

Instructional cards are a means of organizing and activating the educational and practical activities of students. The presence of such documentation as a written briefing allows each student in the process of performing educational and practical work to repeatedly refer to the instructions contained in it, which makes it possible to constantly exercise self-control.

Lesson plan.

Location of the lesson: computer class.

Lesson topic: "Editing and formatting text."

Lesson Objectives:

Educational: help students get a feel for the Microsoft office suite office, get acquainted with the capabilities of the Word program, teach the basic operations of editing and formatting text in Word, be able to work independently according to the instruction card,

Developing: development of cognitive interests, computer skills, self-control.

Educational: education of the information culture of students, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance.

Form of education: group.

Material and technical equipment: personal computer, Microsoft Word application.

I. Organizational moment.

Greeting, checking those present. Explanation of the lesson.

II. Knowledge update.

Professionals who have been familiar with Word for a long time know how to get the job done with a minimum amount of manipulation. Their actions are not just skillful, but effective, especially when performing repetitive tasks. Having mastered several ways to select, replace ... text, you can speed up your preparation of documents.

Remind me about editing and formatting documents...

In this lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the Microsoft Word application.

III. Theoretical part. Open the file "Editing and Formatting Text". Find answers to questions in the text. Write answers and questions in a notebook

Typing in the document window starts from where the cursor expands. When the right margin is reached, the text automatically wraps to a new line within the paragraph. Clicking creates a new paragraph or an empty line. To move to a new line within a paragraph, use the + key combination.

The paragraph end character and a number of other characters (spaces, conditional hyphens, tabulation characters) are called special or non-printing characters. You can see them on the screen by clicking the Nonprinting Characters button on the Standard Bar.

Text input can be carried out in two modes: insert and replace. When you enter new text in insert mode, the text contained in the document moves to the right of the cursor. In replace mode, old text is removed and replaced with new text. The key is used to switch between these two modes. You can determine which mode is currently in use by looking at the status of the ZAM indicator in the Word status bar at the bottom of the screen. If the indicator is displayed in black, then the replace mode is on, if it is gray, inserts. Double-clicking on this indicator also switches modes.

You already know how to copy and move text using menus and toolbar buttons. For short distances, it is very easy to copy or move text using the Drag and Drop method. To do this, you first need to select the text. To move, drag the selected text with the left mouse button. To copy, you must either drag the text with the left mouse button while holding down the key, or drag the text with the right mouse button and then select the desired command.

When it comes to the design of text documents, the use of various fonts is primarily implied, in particular, highlighting headings and key concepts with their help.

A font is a complete set of characters of a particular style. Each font has its own name, for example Times New Roman, Arial, Comic Sans MS. The font unit is point (1 pt = 0.367 mm) ( point size - font size in points). Font sizes can be changed to a large extent. In addition to the normal (usual) character style, bold, italic, bold italic are usually used.

You can also set additional character formatting options: underlining characters with different line types, changing the appearance of characters, changing the spacing between characters.

If you plan to print your document in color, you can specify different colors for different character groups.

Symbols are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, special characters. Symbols can be formatted (changed their appearance). Among the main properties of symbols, the following can be distinguished: font, size (size), style and color.

Simple text styling (for example, if double underlining is not used) is done primarily using the format bar. The panel contains buttons and drop-down lists that allow you to select the font, its size, style, underline, color. If you need to assign parameters that cannot be accessed using the panel, use the Format? Font command - the Font dialog box will open. The Font dialog box has three tabs: Font, Spacing, and Animation.

A paragraph from a literary point of view is a part of the text, which is a fragment of a work that is complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

In computer documents, a paragraph is any text that ends with an end-of-paragraph control character. Entering the end of a paragraph is provided by pressing the [ENTER]() key.

The main paragraph formatting parameters are set using the Paragraph dialog box, which is called by the Format? Paragraph command. If the format of only one paragraph changes, then there is no need to select it entirely, it is enough to place the input cursor in it or select only a fragment of the paragraph. If the format of several paragraphs changes, then there is also no need to select them completely: it is enough that the selected fragment partially covers the changed paragraphs. The Paragraph dialog box contains two tabs: Indents and Spacing and Page Position.

Another way to set indents is with a ruler. There are four markers on the ruler:

First line indent.

Ledge. Shifts subsequent lines of a paragraph to the right of the first line indent if it is itself to the right of the first line indent marker.

Indentation on the left. Sets the border of a paragraph by offsetting all of its lines from the left margin, independent of the rest of the text.

Indentation on the right. Specifies the text offset from the right margin and is usually used in conjunction with left indentation to create a double indent. Most often used when entering quotes.

If you forget the purpose of the marker, hover over it and a tooltip will appear after a while.

The ruler also has left and right margin indicators and tabs.

The formatting bar allows you to quickly and visually manage formatting options and get information about them. The disadvantage of using the ruler is that it does not allow you to specify the position with such precision as the dialog boxes allow you to do.

What is editing, text formatting?

What needs to be done with the text in order to format it?

How can you highlight text in Word?

What are the formatting methods? (menu, panel, keyboard shortcuts)

What is a paragraph? How to move to a new line without starting a new paragraph?

III. Practical part.

The practical part of our lesson will take place using instruction cards (Appendix 1),

Task 1. You have a “Sample” on your tables - what should work. Moreover, it is not necessary to get an exact copy, you can draw up a document to your liking, but taking into account aesthetic standards, using mandatory elements.

Task 2. (Appendix 2, 3)

Students complete the task.

IV. D / s

Know what Microsoft Word is and its purpose, be able to work with text using this program. Additional task: find information about alternative office suites.

V. Students' questions.

Answers to students' questions.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

Summing up the lesson. Grading.

At the lesson, we got acquainted with the Microsoft Office package, learned how to work with the Microsoft Word application.

2.3 Analysis of the study of the problem of organizing independent work of students of primary vocational education in informatics lessons

An analysis of the study of the problem of organizing students' independent work in computer science lessons using instruction cards showed that when performing practical work on their own, the student has questions:

How to do it?

Where can I get any button (command)?

How to make it faster?

It is not rational to give answers to these questions, having previously predicted them, before doing independent work. Since students have not yet encountered this problem, they perceive this information with less attention, and during work they can ask the question again. And also all the execution algorithms, having viewed them visually, are difficult to keep in mind. And recording them will take a lot of time from the lesson. It is better to perform these steps several times already in practical work.

Thus, when performing a practical task, and faced with a problem, the student can refer to the “Instructions” that contain answers to questions with pictures.

Independent work of students must be systematically and systematically included in the educational process. Only under this condition will they develop solid skills and abilities.

Benefits of using instruction cards. Having a map in front of him, the student independently achieves the result of the practical part of the lesson with less time. What does it have to do with:

· Learners are not distracted;

· Do not ask again;

· The presence of instructions allows you to navigate the terminology of the program.

· allows you to work out the basic level;

· allows each student to move at their own pace of mastering knowledge;

· allows for individualization of learning;

· helps to systematize previously acquired knowledge;

· allows you to achieve a thoughtful attitude to practical independent work, to form students' skills of self-esteem and a responsible attitude to their own work;

· allows students to "read" and independently build diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams and other information models, use them as a tool for systematizing educational material, freely move from one form of presentation to another.

It should be noted that the neuro-emotional stress that occurs in schoolchildren while working at a computer is removed by achieving a positive result, and, on the contrary, the inefficiency of a student's actions leads to an increase in such stress.

The efficiency of the work is confirmed by the following results.

Without instructionsWith instructionsCorrect execution23%79%Number of completed tasks26Number of practiced methods of activity47

Conclusions on the second chapter

In conclusion, it should be noted that the undoubted advantage of using instructional cards in computer science lessons is the formation of professional skills, as well as the provision of the possibility of continuous self-control.

Conducting a lesson in this form helps to enhance the cognitive activity of students and increase interest in discipline "Informatics".

One of the promising results of this lesson is the formation of students' knowledge and skills for research and practical activities.

Self-fulfillment of individual tasks on a PC allows solving the problem of preparing a future specialist who meets modern requirements.

To improve the organization of the quality of independent work, it is necessary to determine the motive for doing the latter. It is necessary to apply a wide repertoire of pedagogical influences, activating the activity of students. The work should be calculated taking into account the base of actual scientific psychological and pedagogical problems. The student must feel that the result of his work will be the development of the skills of systemic thinking, which he needs in his further practice.

It is necessary to take care of the sanitary and hygienic conditions for organizing independent work.

The teacher is required to have the ability to create psychologically comfortable conditions in which students will express new ideas of various directions.

Finally, in order to stimulate, it is necessary to emphasize the professional significance of the psychological and pedagogical problems and tasks being solved.


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Appendix 1

instruction card

Subject: Creating Text Information Objects

Go to folder My documents ? Folder Students ? Open your folder (If your folder does not exist, then create it and call it “Last name First name (literal class)”)? Create Microsoft Office Word Document and name it "Numbered List".

Open the Numbered List file.

.Create a plan for the text according to the model "Plan: The Labors of Hercules."

.Choose a font size equal to 14 points, line spacing - one and a half, and page orientation - portrait.

.Turn on automatic pagination as indicated in the sample.

.Create a header. Make it so that on the odd pages there is your last name and class, and on the even pages - The heading "Plan: The Labors of Hercules."

.Save your work!

Appendix 2


Create a numbered list

To create such a list, you must first use the button Multilevel list, it is on the tape home. To create elements of different levels in this list, place the cursor at the beginning of the line and press the Tab key. This will take the list items to the next level. And each press of the Tab key will move the list item to the next level. In order to go up one level, you must press the Enter key once.

Text formatting options

Lines within a paragraph can be spaced at different distances from each other. This distance is called line spacing. The intervals are measured in points (here, a point is not a section of text, but a special unit of length used in publishing: 1 point = 0.376 mm). The interval can be single (i.e. equal in size to the size of capital letters used), one and a half (i.e. 1.5 times more than single) and generally any. Line spacing can be changed by opening the dialog box Paragraphby selecting it on the ribbon home.

Kegelis the font size, it is measured in points.

Page Orientationmay be bookstore(vertical) or landscape(horizontal). It can be configured on the ribbon Page layout, using the button Orientation.


Automatic page number completion can be configured on the ribbon Insert, In chapter Headers and footersby clicking on the button Page number.

Creating a Header

Running titlecan be created using ribbon Insert, chapter Headers and footers, and any of the two buttons Page headeror footer. To split pages into even and odd, you must check the box Options(on tape Constructor) in line Different headers and footers for odd and even pages . When you finish working with the header, you need to exit the editing mode by clicking on the button - Close header and footer windowon tape Constructor(it only appears on the screen while editing the footer).

Annex 3

Labors of Hercules

1. The first feat. Nemean lion.

1. Receiving the first order

1.1. King Eurystheus instructed the hero to kill the Nemean lion

2. Chance meeting with a farmer

2.1. Hercules went to the light in the hut

2.2. The joy of the farmer

2.3. Wishes of the hero

3. Performing a feat

3.1. Search for the lion's dwelling and preparation of the ambush

3.2. Meeting of Hercules with the Nemean lion

3.3. Victory over the lion

4.Second meeting with the farmer

4.1. Farmer waited 30 days

4.2 Tribute to the gods and appointment of the day Nemean games

5. Report on the completed task

5.1 Bringing the slain lion to Mycenae

5.2.Creating a new constellation Leo

Second feat. Lernaean Hydra.

1. Getting the second task

1.1 Eurystheus sent Hercules to kill the Lernean Hydra

1.2. The story of who the Lernaean Hydra is

2. Performing a feat

2.1.Preparing for battle and searching for the home of the hydra

2.2. Meeting with the hydra

2.3. Starting the battle with the hydra

2.4. Increase in the number of participants in the battle

2.5. Victory over the hydra

3. The results of the perfect feat

3.1. Creation of a new zodiac sign: Cancer

3.2 Return to Tiryns

The third move. Birds of Stymphalian Lake

Fourth move. Kerinian deer.

Fifth move. Erymanthian boar and the battle with the centaurs

The sixth feat. Animal farm of king Avgiy.

The seventh feat. Cretan bull.

Eighth feat. Horses of Diomedes.

The ninth move. Belt of Hippolyta.

Tenth move. Cows of Geryon.

Eleventh move. Cerberus kidnapping.

The twelfth feat. Golden apples of the Hesperides.


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