What does illuminati mean. Secret societies

Illuminati is...

The Illuminati or "enlightened ones" - they have always been hidden by a veil of secrecy and therefore gave rise to a lot of legends. Before them experienced mystical fear. at different times the name of various associations (orders, brotherhoods, sects, societies) of an occult-philosophical and mystical nature, to varying degrees permitted or secret, often in opposition to political and religious authorities. According to some historians, a person who was an Illuminati in one of his life manifestations, in all his subsequent lives, must atone for sins for crimes committed while being an Illuminati. Historians claim that this secret organization existed for 2,000 years. Acting in various countries and changing their guises, they kept only their name unchanged - "Illuminati".

According to one version, the mention of them, relating to the second century, and they are filled with nightmares. The Illuminati sect appeared in Greece among the adherents of the dark and cruel cult of the goddess Cybele. Its high priest, Montanus, first coined the name. About what the rituals associated with the worship of the goddess were, it is clear from the description of the rite of admission of new members of the sect. Documents that have survived to our time tell how temple priests in a wild frenzy inflict wounds on themselves with a dagger, and the neophyte himself (a new member of a secret society), as a sign of renunciation of the world and complete departure into the bosom of the goddess Cybele, castrates himself. Their other rituals are also filled with blood and mystical horror...

Only the seven Illuminati had the highest degree of initiation. Even before birth, a woman was selected for them, who was to become their mother. In the Illuminati with a lesser degree of dedication, especially gifted children with well-developed mental activity and an absolute absence of such a quality as conscience were selected.

The members of this secret society know what they are supposed to do and clearly fulfill the task assigned to them. For refusal to comply with the order - death. Each Illuminati was convinced of his chosenness and exclusivity. They make rules for the people, secretly run the governments of many countries. Their orders cause crises and armed world conflicts. For the Illuminati, a sense of respect, compassion is alien, they want to dominate other people, they do not trust anyone, they are smart, prudent, insensitive and heartless. They use talented people in the field of activity they need, creating good material conditions and providing various benefits.

There are scientists among those who are sure that the Illuminati order was created 6,000 years ago. Such beliefs are based on the Masonic legend, according to which, around those ancient times, either otherworldly forces or alien beings gave the Sumerian civilization the so-called Book of Power, which was written on stone. Subsequently, the Egyptians copied it on papyri, and strictly guarded it from the uninitiated.

There is also a legend according to which the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages. In those days, the order was a secret educational society of scientists who fought against the persecution of the Inquisition. According to this legend, this secret society included such world-famous scientists as Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Issac Newton. In particular, this is stated in the book of the French journalist Etienne Cassé "A Falsified History". It also says that a similar secret order of scientists who kept secret knowledge from the common people existed in ancient times, and among its participants were famous ancient Greek scientists.

Historians also say that there was another society that was close in its functions to the Illuminati. This is the so-called Philadelphian Society. There are references to it from the beginning of the 14th century. It was organized in France, and Guillard de Cressonessart became the head of the Philadelphia, who proclaimed himself the angel of the Philadelphia church. 1310 - Cressonessar was declared a heretic and imprisoned. In the XVII century, Philadelphia reappeared on the territory of England, they soon moved to France, where one of the Masonic lodges located there appropriated the name Philadelphia.

There is also a version that the secret society of the Illuminati was organized in the second half of the 18th century by a scientist from the University of Ingolstadt (Bavaria), Professor Adam Weishaupt. At the very least, it was at that time, in May 1776, that the Illuminati came out into the open. Then the first neophytes were accepted into the order. At first, the society included only 5 people, but after a few years it already had four branches in different Bavarian cities. 1782 - the number of the order was 300 people, and a few years later - reached 650 people. By that time, the Order had offices not only in Bavaria, but also in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Poland, Holland, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Russia.

It should be noted that the management preferred to work with a different contingent of people. So, if the founder of the order chose talented people from among the students as members of the society, then the other wanted to see the most famous, noble and learned people in the society. The society of the Bavarian Illuminati, thus, included the dukes Karl August of Weimar, Ernest II of Gotha, Ferdinand of Brunswick, many Goettingen professors, including Pestalozzi, Prince Neuvid.

So the number of the Order of the Illuminati reached 2,000 people. The Bavarian Illuminati existed until 1784-1786, after which the order was defeated. Then the decree of the elector appeared, which prohibited the activities of all secret societies and organizations. The Illuminati and Freemasons were forced to close their temples. In the meantime, the police began to conduct searches in the houses of the leadership of these societies, and found many interesting documents. In particular, it was established that the order was secretly financed by the Rothschild clan.

According to some scientists, the top of the Illuminati society did not consist of people at all, but reptilian aliens who were able to take on the appearance of people ...

If we turn to the meaning of the word "Illuminati", then in Latin it means "enlightened". The Illuminati, judging by some reports, exist in our time. And this secret society is hiding under the guise of an elite club of oligarchs, secretly woven together by financial ties. All these oligarchs are distributed along a clear hierarchical ladder and control power, being, in fact, puppeteers in all significant areas of political and economic life. Members of this club occupy the highest positions. Lately, they've been calling their organization none other than the Victorious Wind of Moraya.

Most of them are among the wealthiest families in the world, and it is they who rule the world from the shadows. This is the so-called "black nobility", the people who make decisions dictate the rules for rulers and governments. Their genealogy goes far back centuries and even millennia. At the same time, it is especially important for them to preserve the purity of blood from generation to generation. The power of these people is based not only on economic power, but also on secret knowledge. The Illuminati are the owners of the world banks, the oil business, they own the largest trading organizations and industries.

In the list of the 13 most powerful Illuminati of our time, the Bundy families, Astor, Collins, Freeman, Du Pont, Lee, Kennedy, Onassis, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Van Duyne, Russell and Merovingian (this name means all the royal European families). Several other families have close ties with these people, in particular, Disney, Reynolds, Mac Donald and Croup.

The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to create a one world order and one. This goal brings the Illuminati very close to the influential US/British secret society The Committee of 300, which is likely part of the larger Illuminati system.

In the end, we should not forget that the Illuminati over the centuries created subsidiaries and, in addition, political currents. In them, perhaps, were Freemasons, and Philadelphia, and fascists, and communists, and the Illuminati itself. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have repeatedly managed to change power in different states of the world, play people off in wars, extracting incredible profits from everything ...

While you mockingly read notes about "conspiracy theories", secret societies and the management of world processes, the chosen ones of this world silently change the course of history in their favor ...

The Illuminati are members of a secret society of the elect, eager to establish a new World Order, led by their own government and a single currency.

To this day, conspiracy theorists argue about the time frame of the origin of society - starting from antediluvian times, the period of antiquity, the Middle Ages, or even the intervention of extraterrestrial otherworldly forces. Meanwhile, evidence of the existence of the Illuminati is present in each of the listed historical milestones, not to mention the present. The basis of their worldview of society is the occult and service to Lucifer. Yes, yes, the one who was expelled from Heaven and became Satan!

Given that the Illuminati society (although it changed its name many times) is secret, and all the rules and goals have always been kept in the bitterest secret, the frantic struggle against God affected their activities.

Even the "New Testament of Satan" - the ideological document of the Illuminati, first received publicity only in 1875 after the courier delivering it from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning!

Carefully! Even a few theses from this covenant can shock you:

  1. In the matter of managing people, mastering public opinion, sowing discord and planting conflicting views, soulless music and literature.
  2. Put people's weaknesses and bad habits at the forefront until they no longer understand each other, make people chase after pleasures, etc.
  3. Through envy, wars, hunger and artificially created diseases, bring people to a situation, the only way out of which will be to surrender to the Illuminati!

The ranks of the Illuminati were replenished with the best members after special selection and training. Their level was determined by the degree of initiation into the secrets. Only seven were admitted to the highest degree! Each Illuminati knows about his chosenness and exclusivity, he clearly fulfills the task, because for its failure - death.

All spheres of life are subordinated to a secret society - political, financial, scientific, sociological. And here are the most common symbols:

  1. The pyramid is like an abyss between the "enlightened" elite and the rest.
  2. All-Seeing Eye (Eye of Osiris, Eye of Horus).
  3. Inscription in Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ("New World Order").
  4. Head of Baphomet (horns).

Well, let's check how the modern chosen ones of this world change the course of history in their favor, and once again make sure of their existence?

Is there an even more coveted banknote in the world?

2. 13 Obama Candles

The list of the thirteen most powerful Illuminati of our time includes such families as Astor, Freeman, Kennedy, Rothschild, Rockefeller, or rather, all those who own world banks, the oil business, and write rules for rulers in their spare time!

From the first steps in her career, the singer realized what was happening. And the second pop queen never appeared! Do you think by accident?

4. Show business stars

In the entertainment industry, there are names that do not hide their belonging to the Illuminati society at all. They carry their symbolism and gestures not only through their work, but also in everyday life. And agree, aren't they the most popular?

Well, take a closer look, are you and your parents worshiping these Illuminati? And do not deny that Lego is not your child's favorite toy.

Although the main "childish" intrigue will be revealed to you a little later ...

You will know them by their fruits!

“Listen to me and do everything, as it is sung in this song “smoke weed ... kill and get drunk” - is this really just a line from his song ???

7. Keshi tattoo

And this is just the beginning...

9. Rihanna is an Illuminati princess!

This is a still from Rihanna's music video for "Umbrella".

In the Western press, Riri has long been called, none other than the "Princess of the Illuminati." However, she does not deny it.

What was the name of one of her albums? Isn't "Good Girl Gone Bad" - "Good Girl Gone Bad"? And we still haven't mentioned a word about her producer Jay-Z!

10. Beyoncé

Hey, our puzzle is coming together soon. Be careful!

Well? What couple in the world of show business can be called the most popular and richest? And who gave them the opportunity to be so? Or maybe you remember at least one performance by a rapper without the symbols of the Illuminati - the All-seeing eye in a triangle, the "eye of Horus" and the "head of Baphomet"? And by the way, Jay-Z is never photographed near the cross!

And this inscription on your own clothing line where was it borrowed from?

Looks like the little girl didn't have a choice...

13. Fancy Cans of Pepsi

"You are the Pepsi generation." And how many generations since 1989?

14. Quote from the 41st US President George W. Bush

15. ...and his pyramid

16. MTV Canada Office

Yes, this is the temple of the Masons!

Get ready, the symbols of the secret society of the Illuminati, consisting entirely of the most successful and influential people on the planet, you will meet more and more often!

22. Advertisement for Nickelodeon children's channel

Are you still wondering why this channel has the highest ratings?

23. Cartoon characters SpongeBob

The fact that the Illuminati secretly manage the entire historical process, we have already guessed. But why is SpongeBob the new childhood idol???

Scientists from the University of Virginia have been sounding the alarm for a long time, having found in fans of a strange cartoon character a decrease in concentration and mental abilities, unconscious and chaotic actions, but the goal has been achieved ... And isn't this necessary for absolute power?

By the way, have you noticed that the seven main characters have to embody one of the seven deadly sins? Let's check?

And if that evidence wasn't enough, get ready to see...

Yes, yes, this is Squidward in the Masonic Lodge, the All-Seeing Eye and the pyramid, and it seems that from this moment on, everything secret will become even more obvious to you!



There are very few references to the Illuminati, historically documented and confirmed. And most likely that is why various conspiracy theories are attributed to the Illuminati, many consider them Masons, although this fact is only partly true, while others consider the Illuminati to be Reptilians or Anunnaki [which is also quite understandable why] , but we will talk about them later. For example, the first mention of the three orders / communities of the Illuminati, as well as a brief mention of the Bavarian Illuminati, is reported encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron, here is a quote from him:

"... AT 575 oznik Spain mystical-fanatic union under the name Alombrados.
AT 623 g similar union Guerients fuss in France, also soon suppressed by the Inquisition. Both communities ceased to exist due to persecution by the Inquisition.
AT 722 south of France an alliance was formed with the mystical-theosophical direction, which ceased to exist only with the onset of the revolution ...
Predominantly, the Illuminati are called members of a society founded in ae 1776 Lady Weishaupt. In 1785 decisive action was taken against the Illuminati ..."

"Society of the Bavarian Illuminati" founded May 1, 1776 University of Ingolstadt as a young German professor Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) originally consisted of only five members [they were students and close friends] the main core of the order included nine members, who were mostly officials.

Weishaupt was educated from the age of eight under the guidance of a Jesuit [The Jesuit Order, officially the Society of Jesus, is a male monastic order of the Roman Catholic Church, founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola.] was a fan of their tactics and external techniques. After 15 years of studying at the gymnasium, where his educators and teachers paid main attention to the fact that the students devoted all their time to worship and only one day a week was devoted to classes, and even those consisted of pointless cramming of textbooks without any explanation, Weishaupt enters the university, in which the same scholasticism *.

Diligently engaged in ethics and carried away by the idea of ​​moral perfection, he gradually comes to the idea of ​​joining a secret society. At first, the Thracian-Masonic lodges attracted his attention, about which he had a high opinion in advance, but after he studied the Masonic writings, he was greatly disappointed: he was struck by the lack of conspiracy among the Masons, as well as the emptiness of the inner content of the Masonic degrees. And little by little, Adam Weishaupt began to have a desire to found a new secret society that would set itself the goal of improving people and creating human happiness.

Weishaupt was a sworn enemy of the Jesuits, but he borrowed the organization of his society from them. It was based on a strict hierarchical order, the subordination of members of society to the will of its head, and the principle of justifying means by ends. Weishaupt was a prominent supporter deism* intended to use his organization to spread and popularize this teaching, as well as the liberal ideas of enlightenment. The goals were: the fight against ignorance and the spread of morality. The official goal of the Illuminati was declared to be the improvement and ennoblement of mankind through the "building of a new Jerusalem" [which in my opinion is not surprising, what is the name of the founder, and cramming and daily worship in the Jesuit college did their job]

At first, the Illuminati order was concentrated in the south of Germany, in Bavaria. [hence the Bavarian Order] , but from the end of 1779, the zealous Illuminati, the Marquis of Constanzo, begins an agitational trip around Germany and meets a young Baron Freemason in Frankfurt am Main Adolf von Knigge (1752-1796), who at one time wanted to reform Freemasonry.

Like Freemasons, they were divided into various categories, and only the highest category of initiates revealed the secret goal of society: the replacement of the Christian religion with deism and the monarchical form of government - republican. In 1780, the Order of the Illuminati had up to 2 thousand members. [most of whom, by the way, were former Freemasons] many dignitaries belonged to him.

In 1784 Discord arose between Weishaupt and Knigge, due to the fact that they had different views on religious and political ideals - this served as a reason von Knigge's exit from the order luminates.

But at that time, the expanding order was already harboring the germs of decay within itself. Jesuit tactics compromised the moral goals that the founders set themselves. Mutual espionage introduced distrust and suspicion, and the pursuit of new members of the order was the reason that many suspicious people came to the order. By that time, the order already had quite a few enemies: the Bavarian clergy hated the Illuminati, especially the secret and former Jesuits, lodges of strict obedience and the Rosicrucian [Order of the Rose and Cross] looked at the order with ill will and envy. The attacks on the order themselves began already in 1783.

The soul of the conspiracy against the Illuminati was the court confessor, the secret Jesuit Frank, who happily reported in his letters to like-minded people:

"the last hour of the Illuminati has struck... with all my strength I am working on the destruction of the Illuminati in the name of the religion of Christ, for the glory of the fatherland, for the glory of youth"

The result of these intri [Charles Theodore heard rumors that the Illuminati were dissatisfied with his political plans and that the order was contributing to the plans of the Austrian emperor Joseph II to subjugate Bovaria] yl uka Elector Karl Theodor * t July 22, 1784, which ordered the closure of most Masonic and Illuminati lodges.

Following that May 2, 1785, Elector of Bavaria Carl Theodor, issues a new decree that already completely closes all secret societies without exception, after which the persecution of the Illuminati immediately began - this became end of the order.

Weishaupt was expelled from Ingolstadt, after which he secretly hurried to leave the city. [fled like the last rat from a sinking ship, leaving friends and a seriously ill wife] left for Regensburg, where he found the patronage of the secret Illuminati Ernest of Saxe-Gotha, who granted the exile the title of gofrat.
[meaning of the title: court adviser, the first council at court, the title was created in the country in 1498]

In the period from 1784 to 1787, as a result of intrigues, conspiracies, four decrees were created against the Illuminati. Pope Pius VI also condemned the Illuminato [and it is not surprising, given what goals they pursued: the substitution of religious teachings, moral self-improvement, humanity and sociability, the craving for knowledge, which the church really did not want, it was contrary to the goals of the church: fooling the population and threatening to lose authority and power] , and in 1787 membership in the Bavarian Illuminati society was declared criminal and punishable by death. The order was outlawed and presumably disbanded.

But what is surprising is how in the time of the beginnings Great French Revolution *(1879-1899) supporters and enemies remembered the order of the Illuminati, and under their pen the order again acquires the formidable character of an obviously political secret society pursuing revolutionary goals.

In the times of the RSFSR and the USSR, for the people it was a symbol of creation and labor. This is how we accepted it. At that time it was also said that this was a mystical symbol that had a secret meaning for the implementation of vile plans, many attributed it to the Freemasons.

From the appeal of E. Chuiko to the Russians:

"Even if the Masons put something “of their own” into this emblem, if the nomenklatura defiled it, then our grandfathers and fathers consecrated this sign with their own sweat and we have no right to just throw it out of use "

Some believe, again from NOT reliable sources, that, and I quote, "maybe about [hammer and sickle] Koro will be a symbol of the cleansing of the land of our Ancestors from filth", perhaps it will be so.

By the way, the sickle, as a lunar symbol, was used in pagan pantheons by many lunar gods, and in particular by gods, one way or another connected with death or with the other world. Here are illustrative examples of this:

The incomplete Moon in the radiance of the rays means mourning, the apotheosis of death. In the medieval emblems of the Western world, and especially when associated with a star, the crescent moon is a symbolic image of paradise, as shown in the first picture, in the second picture the goddess of death and winter is Morana.

Dark goddess Kali, wife of Shiva. Note that the all-seeing eye is depicted on the sickle-shaped blade, in this case it is depicted as the Eye of Ra [Egyptian sun god]

And there are plenty of such examples, inquisitive minds can independently trace this symbolism, but we will not deviate from the topic and continue the conversation directly about secret societies.

Now, when everything became clear with the Illuminati, the points on the "i" are dotted, you can move on to a no less secret organization, namely the order of the Rosicrucians.


In the initial period of its existence, the society attracted new members from among the professors of the University of Ingolstadt. Soon this resource was exhausted: all the professors joined the Order, with the exception of two. Weishaupt switches to external sources. However, the Order grew slowly.

The departed broke the secrecy and published a number of pamphlets about the Illuminati. Naturally, in Bavaria, known at that time for its religious and state conservatism, harsh sanctions followed. After conducting a series of searches and seizing samples of ideological literature, the Illuminati, like secret societies in general, were banned first by the authorities, and then by the church. Nevertheless, the Illuminati continued to exist for some time, despite the fact that in 1787 recruitment into the Order was declared a crime punishable by beheading. Until now, there is no convincing evidence that during that period the Order finally disintegrated, and did not go deeper into the underground.

Weishaupt lived in exile until his death in 1830, all the while arguing for the Illuminati.

The structure of the Order of the Illuminati included the following stages of initiation:

The Illuminati did not openly recruit into their ranks. On the contrary, the Order preferred to select and recruit members itself, sometimes for quite a long time gradually preparing and assessing the candidate's future loyalty to the Order. The initiation procedure included special rituals, solemn oaths, and the determination of a pseudonym by which the Illuminati would be known to their comrades. Weishaupt himself was known as Spartacus. Other examples of pseudonyms: Philo, Socrates, Augustus, Tiberius, Demoked.

After the initiation, the newly converted Illuminati began to participate in circles dedicated to the study of the philosophers of the Enlightenment. At this stage, the true goals and methods of the Order were not revealed, and the study of the attitude of the new convert to the institutions of the church and government, adherence to the ideas of the Enlightenment, continued. With each new level of initiation, a member of the Order revealed more and more truth regarding the true goals and means of the Order. At the same time, the Illuminati constantly watched each other, trying to identify possible traitors.

The Order of the Illuminati had representation in almost all countries of Europe. However, the number probably never exceeded two thousand people. After entering the Order of Baron von Knigge in 1778, it became possible to recruit enlightened people from high society. The Order included, for example, the poet Goethe, the Dukes of Weimar and Gotha, and influential members of the clergy.

conspiracy theories

Many conspiracy theories have been associated with the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies in general. Most often, the motivation of secret societies is the thirst for world domination, total control over human, scientific and financial resources.

Illuminati in media production (films and computer games)

The Illuminati organization plays a key role in the computer game Deus Ex and its sequels. The game takes place in the middle of the XXI century. In the movie "Lara Croft. Tomb Raider" (Lara Croft. Tomb Raider) there is a secret society of the Illuminati.


  • John Robinson. "Evidence of a secret conspiracy against all religions and governments of Europe"
  • Illuminati conspiracy theory

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The Illuminati (lat. illuminati - enlightened) is the common name for several secret groups, modern and historical, real and fictitious, disclosed or alleged.

However, the "Illuminati" is usually understood to mean the Bavarian Illuminati, the least secret of all the secret societies in the world.
In ancient times, the Church Fathers called the pagans who converted to Christianity the Illuminati.
Usually, the use of this term suggests the presence of a sinister organization of conspirators that seeks to control world affairs behind the scenes, changing the existing order to the exact opposite.
The Order of the Illuminati is an association revitalized to implement two principles: equality and justice. All manifestations of the Illuminati are based on these two initial positions, which give Light to humanity.

The history of the creation of the order and its further development.
In the history of secret alliances of the 18th century, the Order
Illuminati. It arose in backward Bavaria, where religious
obscurantism. Although the Jesuit Order was disbanded by the pope in 1773, the former members of the Society of Jesus still held tenacious control over the entire education system, especially university education. To counteract this onerous tutelage, a professor of canon law. Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1830) of Ingolstadt University began to nurture from 1776 the idea of ​​​​founding a secret order, which in its tactics would borrow a lot from the Jesuits themselves. Weishaupt was a well-known supporter of deism, and the Order, under his leadership, actively contributed to the spread and popularization of deism. Deism (from Latin deus - god) is a religious and philosophical trend that recognizes the existence of God and the creation of the world by him, but denies most supernatural and mystical phenomena, divine revelation and religious dogmatism. Most deists believe that God, after the creation of the world, does not intervene in the course of events; other deists believe that God still influences events, but does not control them completely. There are many currents within deism. The scope of deism cannot be precisely defined, since the very concept of deism does not imply rigid canons. At the same time, deism suggests that reason, logic, and observation of nature are the only means for knowing God and his will. Deism highly values ​​human reason and freedom. Deism seeks to harmonize science and the idea of ​​the existence of God, and not to oppose science and God. The goal of the Illuminati was officially declared to be the improvement and ennoblement of humanity. Weishaupt argued that natural man is not inherently bad. The environment makes it bad: religion, state, external influences. The natural rights to equality and freedom given to everyone from birth were taken away. Thus, when a person is freed from the pressure of social institutions and begins to be guided in his life by exclusively cold reason and knowledge, moral problems will disappear by themselves. To achieve a state of enlightenment, Weishaupt suggested using any methods, arguing that the end justifies the means. Coming from a family of a scientist, Weishaupt studied at a Jesuit college, but he only took out of him contempt for the ideas that guided the "Society of Jesus". At the same time, he highly appreciated the structure of the order, the discipline of its members, their ability to use the most diverse set of means to achieve their goals. Everything known about the views of the young Weishaupt in the 70s depicts him as an admirer of the philosophical materialism of the Encyclopedists, the elitist views of Rousseau, and even the utopian communism of Mably and Morelli. In many ways, his passion for advanced ideas was of a theoretical, abstract nature. But there is something else to be noted. Even then, Weishaupt's character showed such traits as a passion for intrigue, quarrelsomeness, as a result of which he made a lot of enemies in academic circles, extreme negligence in means, borrowed from his Jesuit teachers and elevated even to the principle of behavior, the desire to dominate, sometimes bordering on with empty vanity. Weishaupt considered the ways of improving the social structure to be the spread of enlightenment, correct ideas about human nature and the moral revival of mankind. This enlightenment must be filled with anti-clerical and anti-feudal content. The secret order was intended to become a means of gradually realizing the dream of the Enlighteners to create a harmonious social order of freedom and equality, a world
republic, which will put an end to all class distinctions, religious
oppression, monarchical despotism, wars, national enmity, will establish principles that are in accordance with human nature. The Order of the Illuminati was, in a sense, the exact opposite of the "strict obedience" lodges, busy seeking "divine wisdom."
The secret society was founded by Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. It originally included only five people. In the initial period of its existence, the society attracted new members from among the professors of the University of Ingolstadt. Soon this resource was exhausted: all the professors joined the Order, with the exception of two. Weishaupt switches to external sources. By 1779, it already had four branches (“colonies”) in Bavarian cities. The charter of the order demanded from its members the observance of strict secrecy, unconditional obedience to elders, constant self-examination by means of written answers to special questionnaires. In addition, the Illuminati hid under pseudonyms, usually borrowed from the Bible and ancient history (Weishaupt himself was called Spartacus), as well as from prominent statesmen, scientists and thinkers of the Middle Ages and modern times (including Erasmus, More, Campanella, Grotius, etc.)
One of Weishaupt's first associates was the 20-year-old student Franz Xavier Zwak (Cato). Soon a number of other professors and students joined them. Initially, the order consisted only of Bavarians, but then its new adept was the writer Baron Adolf von Knig-e (Philo), the Hamburg publisher of Christ Bode, the Göttingen professor of philosophy
M. Feder and others, starting around 1780, began to assist in
the creation of branches of the union in other parts of Germany. In Weimar, they entered the order
most influential members of the Amalia Masonic lodge, including Goethe, Harder and
Duke Charles August. The members of the order, according to some information, were
Mozart, Schiller, Wieland.
By the middle of 1782, the order numbered approximately 300, and two more
year - over 650 people. It was a relatively small group of bourgeois
intelligentsia and liberal nobles, the vanguard of the German bourgeoisie, weakly
associated with its main layers. The Illuminati were principled
opponents of involving the "unenlightened" masses of the people in their movement.
At first, Weishaupt had a dictatorial power in society, but later
other members began to claim equal participation in the leadership
Areopagus - the supreme body of the order. Their demands were accepted by Weishaupt and formalized by a special decision of the Areopagus in July 1781. By this time, the Illuminati had their branches not only in various German states, in Austria and Hungary, but also in Poland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Switzerland (where the famous teacher Pestalozzi became one of the initiators of the branch of the order) and especially in France - in cities
Strasbourg, Grenoble, Lyon. In Paris, prominent lawyers, scientists, and writers joined the Illuminati.
Order organization.
The Illuminati adhered to strict secrecy combined with a hierarchical structure. This, and many other traditions and rituals, were borrowed from Freemasons. The core of the group was the Areopagus of the twelve closest Illuminati to Weishaupt. The number twelve is no coincidence; the members of this inner circle were also known as apostles.
The structure of the Order of the Illuminati included the following stages of initiation:
lat. areopagites

Lat. Illuminatus dirigens
lat. Illuminatus major

Lat. Illuminatus minor

Lat. Insinuat

Lat. Minervals

The Illuminati did not openly recruit into their ranks. On the contrary, the Order preferred to select and recruit members itself, sometimes for quite a long time gradually preparing and assessing the candidate's future loyalty to the Order. The initiation procedure included special rituals, solemn oaths, and the identification of a pseudonym by which the Illuminati would be known to their comrades. Weishaupt himself was known as Spartacus. Other examples of pseudonyms: Philo, Socrates, Augustus, Tiberius, Demokes.
After the initiation, the newly converted Illuminati began to participate in circles dedicated to the study of the philosophers of the Enlightenment. At this stage, the true goals and methods of the Order were not revealed, and the study of the attitude of the new convert to the institutions of the church and government, adherence to the ideas of the Enlightenment, continued. With each new level of initiation, a member of the Order revealed more and more truth regarding the true goals and means of the Order. At the same time, the Illuminati constantly watched each other, trying to identify possible traitors.

conspiracy theories.
Background of the conspiracy.
Back in 1774, before the creation of the Order of the Illuminati, Weishaupt briefly
became a member of the Masonic lodge, but became disillusioned with Freemasonry and its
illusory secrets. Pretty soon, Weishaupt (and then other members of the Areopagus) had the idea of ​​​​infiltrating the lodges and subordinating them to their own goals, as well as hiding the very existence of the Order of the Illuminati with a Masonic shell. The observance of secrecy by the Masonic lodges was supposed to contribute to the implementation of the intentions of the Illuminati.
They really succeeded in subduing the lodge in Munich, with the help of
which it was possible to create subsidiary lodges. The Illuminati, however, without much success, tried to recruit all those dissatisfied with the decisions of the congress in
Wilhelmsbad. Weishaupt and his like-minded people hoped, using the chaotic state of German Freemasonry, to create an association of lodges under the auspices of some “ancient leaders” that actually existed. This plan failed. Similar efforts were made by the Illuminati in Poland, as well as
(unsuccessfully) in France.
As the Order of the Illuminati grew in numbers, tensions arose and intensified.
between the bottom and top of the hierarchy. Some Conservative Freemasonry began to warn against the "anti-Christian" and "destructive" tendencies of Weishaupt's followers. Joining the ranks of the Illuminati in 1779, Knigge soon acquired an authority among them that was not inferior to that of Weishaupt. Knigge played a particularly active role in the infiltration of the Illuminati into the ranks.
freemasonry. Meanwhile, in his views, Knigge clearly disagreed with Weishaupt, rejecting both his educational plans and anti-clerical tendencies, expressed sympathy for the occult and mystical elements in the views
Masons of "strict obedience".
Unlike Weishaupt, Knigge sought not to hasten the downfall of this
directions in Freemasonry, and to attract its leaders to the side of the Illuminati, up to Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick as a like-minded person. Knigge's attempts to borrow from Catholicism the symbolic procedure that he proposed to introduce for raising the Illuminati to the highest degrees served as a reason for the break. In July 1784 he left the order.
In Bavaria itself, leaked information about the activities of the Illuminati
abounded in ludicrous rumours. Favor of Emperor Joseph II to
the Illuminati was regarded as part of the persistent attempts of the Habsburgs to annex
Bavaria to their possessions, if only due to the rejection of located
in the distance the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium). Meanwhile, one of the members of the order reported to the authorities, about which the Bavarian himself was immediately informed.
Elector Karl Theodor.
June 22, 1784 was followed by a decree on the dissolution of societies not allowed
government as suspicious and fearful. After that, many articles appeared in the press containing denunciations of the Illuminati. Weishaupt fled from
Bavaria. A new decree of the elector of March 2, 1785 was sent specifically
against the Illuminati, whose activities were strictly prohibited in the territory
Bavaria. Before the secret commission that carried out the investigation, they appeared (for
the absence of the main leaders of the order) three: Count Savioli, Marquis de
Constanzo and Canon Hertal. The sentence was not harsh - all three defendants
were removed from their posts and expelled from Bavaria.
In 1786, during a search in Zwak's apartment, the authorities fell into the hands of
a significant part of the Illuminati archive, which was published in the following years and caused a sensation. Weishaupt, Knigge and other Illuminati tried to defend the reputation of the order in print. Their opponents responded with dozens of accusatory pamphlets that were published in Germany, England, France and other countries.
Thus, the legend of the "conspiracy of the Illuminati", which arose on the eve of
1789, perhaps even contributed to the decline in the pre-revolutionary years
the influence of Freemasonry in a number of countries, in particular, in France.
In Bavaria, since 1787, a real campaign began, not only against
Illuminati, but also against all those suspected of sympathizing with the ideas of the Enlightenment.
The Illuminati were deprived of the pulpit, dismissed from public service, sometimes even
were arrested and imprisoned.
Claim that the Order of the Illuminati existed or was restored
after 1785, is not supported by any evidence. He was
so thoroughly uprooted in Bavaria that when later, in 1796,
in Paris, the government of the Directory remembered Germany, it turned out that
there are even traces of this organization. All projects for its utilization,
apparently remained on paper.
It should be added that some of the prominent Illuminati, including Zwak,
a few years later they began to make an administrative and court career. it
shows how shallow the opposition of the order was. A. Weishaupt himself
became court adviser to the Duke of Saxe-Gotha.
Weishaupt lived in exile until his death in 1830, all the while arguing for the Illuminati.
In 1896 the Order was officially re-established in Dresden. Now there are several organizations that claim that they are the spiritual and ideological heirs of Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati (including in Russia). The activities of the Bavarian Illuminati have also found their reflection in pop culture.

Many conspiracy theories have been associated with the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies in general. Most often, the motivation of secret societies is the thirst for world domination, total control over human, scientific and financial resources.
In 1797, the priest Augustine de Baruel published Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire du Jacobinisme (Mémoires pour servir à l'Histoire du Jacobinisme), a book describing a global conspiracy involving many secret groups (coordinated by the Illuminati) that resulted in the French Revolution. The further goal of de Baruel assumed the destruction of Christianity, the state and society as such. Rosicrucians, Templars and Jacobins were named among the groups involved. De Baruel described Weishaupt as "an abominable whim of nature" and placed all responsibility for the activities of secret societies on him.
Almost simultaneously, but independently, the former Scottish Freemason and Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, John Robison, began publishing Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe. ). After reading de Baruel's book, he begins to quote him in his treatise. Robison argued for the existence of a conspiracy to replace all religions with humanism and create a one world government.

Conspiracy theorists also point to the involvement of the Illuminati in the 1917 revolution in Russia. They also point to the coincidence of the dates of the widely celebrated May Day holiday and the date of the founding of the Order.
There is also a version that many of the founding fathers of the United States, being Freemasons, were also Illuminati. On the back of the US government seal, there is an image of an unfinished pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye, the symbol of the Illuminati, above it. The pyramid is surrounded by inscriptions in Latin. Annuit Coeptis (he promoted our undertakings, or the time of beginning) and Novus Ordo Seclorum (the new order of the ages). The date underlying the pyramid on the Great Seal of the United States is written in Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI - 1776 - the year of the United States Declaration of Independence. There is a similar image on the one-dollar bill. But according to this version, they immortalized May 1, 1776 - the date of the founding of the Illuminati society. At the same time, they usually forget that the first printing project was proposed as early as July 4, 1776, immediately after the thirteen states declared independence from England. It is unlikely that in just two months a new conspiracy could gain so much influence over such a long distance.

The activity of the Order of the Illuminati is aimed at, together with the driving forces of society, ultimately leading the world to the New Order of the Illuminati, independent of ideologies and religions.

Order of the Illuminati today

In continuation from the end of the second half of the 20th century, the Illuminati, as an Order, was revived by the master Paolo Bortel (Mason/Rosicrucian). The order was organized according to the old millenarian guidelines, equaling Hassan Sabbath, Bayezid Ansari and Adam Weishaupt.

Traditions of the initiation of the Order of the Illuminati

The invisible government of mankind chose in former times the master Hassan ibn Sabbath as the supreme head of the Illuminati. Four hundred years later, another leader, Master Bayezid Ansari, was appointed for the new Illuminati dynasty. Two hundred years later, Master Adam Weishaupt was appointed to administer the Western Order. In 1999, two hundred years after this great chapter, the invisible management selects Master Paolo Bortel to establish a new Illuminati dynasty. Under the jurisdiction of the almighty God, the current master runs the Order, recruiting sympathizers in all countries, regardless of race or creed.

Fundamentals of the Order of the Illuminati

The existence of God as the Great Architect of the Universe.

Religions / Beliefs

All religions and creeds deserve respect, regardless of the time of their existence.

Created for God. He sleeps in a stone, sleeps in a vegetable, wakes up in an animal, lives in a man and shines in angels.

Against any form of elimination of intrauterine life.


Against both passive and active euthanasia.


For research using embryos.

Imperialism and colonialism

Being equal, no country, no matter what the reason, ideological, religious, political, can use force, deceit or threats against another to the detriment of the interests of this country and its population. The wealth of one country should not be the result of the impoverishment of another.

Every country has international rights and cannot be oppressed by the unilateral decisions of a group of countries, especially those with greater economic or military power.

All wars are disgusting. Mostly they are carried out for suspicious reasons - economic or territorial conquest - under the guise of false virtues and fascist ideologies.

For other Orders

We are a great family. We maintain respectful relationships with everyone. Thus, we regard the Templars as our brothers, with whom we have much in common. Rosicrucians, Theosophists, and Freemasons we regard as close cousins ​​to us.


Absolute, independent equality of races, colors, creeds, religions, social statuses, financial status, marital status, sexual choice, behavior, manifestations, traditions, in the end, differences will cease to exist.

Politics, politicians and parties

Respect is worthy if a politician is really focused on the needs of the population, and if he keeps his promises while in power.

Government and power

The analysis of the government or the ruling elite should be made on the following points:

1. freedom of expression

2. freedom of the press

3. basic sanitary conditions, level of health care

4. support for children, adolescents and adults

5. free education