Children's research project “Why does a person need letters? Project “Everybody needs to know the alphabet Chapter II. Description of the practical part of the work

Lesson type: combined.

Conduct form: conversation lesson.

Type of lesson: illustrative and explanatory.

Technology: on a dialogue basis with elements of the game.

The purpose of the lesson: to give knowledge about the features of the Russian alphabet.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • ensure that students learn the features of the Russian alphabet;
    • to achieve the assimilation of knowledge about the history of writing;
    • generalize and systematize knowledge on the topic of the lesson;
    • work out the skills of using the alphabet, soft sign functions;
    • eliminate gaps in knowledge on the topic "Syntax", "Morphology", the ability to conduct a conversation.
  • Educational:
    • develop the ability to apply knowledge in practice;
    • to form the ability to highlight the main thing;
    • to develop skills in partly - search cognitive activity;
    • develop the ability to creatively approach problem solving;
    • develop the ability to work at a given pace: write, read, use educational and reference literature;
    • develop initiative, self-confidence.
  • Educational:
    • cultivate a conscientious attitude to work;
    • cultivate discipline;
    • develop a sense of beauty.


  • table "Alphabet";
  • multimedia technologies;
  • textbook; dictionaries; history of Russian writing;
  • "Cyrillic";
  • task cards;
  • linguistic simulator - circle.


I. Organizational moment

Check readiness for the lesson. Greetings. Creating an emotional state.
Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

(Appendix 1 , slides 1, 2).

II. Repetition of previously acquired knowledge. Commented letter.

Exercise 1. Write down proverbs, comment on spellings and punctograms that are found in these sentences; parse the first sentence.

(Appendix 1 , slides 3, 4).

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Az yes beeches relieve flour.
If you want to know the truth, start with the alphabet.

How do you understand these proverbs?

Task 2. Make a morphological analysis of nouns in 1 sentence using a linguistic simulator.

Technology: the student talks about the noun on a specific example, showing on the device clearly.

Task 3. Write down the transcription of the word alphabet.

Task 4. Pay attention to the word (from) flour. Put the stress on another syllable. What are such words called?

- Homophones.

III. Explanation of new material

1. Teacher's message with elements of heuristic conversation

What are the names of all the letters put together?
- Correctly, alphabet.
- What is it also called?
- Right, ABC.
- Who knows how these words - the alphabet and the alphabet, got their name?
- These words, guys, are formed in the same way: from the names of the first two letters, but the word alphabet- from the first two letters of the Greek language (alpha and vita), and ABC- from the letters of the Old Russian language ( az and beeches).

2. (Appendix 1 , slide 5).

vocabulary work(alphabet, alphabet).

3. Show an excerpt from the lesson of the virtual school "Cyril and Methodius"

4. Continuing the conversation

- Guys, what do you think, letters used to be read and written in the same way as now?
– Of course not, a lot has changed in their writing. And before each letter was taught by name.

(Appendix 1 , slide 6). Slavic alphabet.

- The Russian alphabet came from the Slavic, created in 863. two learned monks - brothers Cyril and Methodius on the basis of Greek. Both of them knew the language of the southern Slavs well and were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Moravia to teach the local Slavs how to worship in their native language. To translate the sacred books, a new alphabet was needed. This is how the first Slavic alphabets were born - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The verb quickly fell into disuse.

- You can see that it was very difficult to remember such an alphabet. Therefore, at the beginning of the 18th century, Peter I reformed the alphabet. Difficult to write letters were replaced by the so-called civil script. We use this type of letters with minor changes now.
“Under Peter the Great,” M.V. Lomonosov jokingly wrote, “not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters threw off their wide fur coats (Slavic script) and dressed up in summer clothes (meaning the civil alphabet).”
In 1917-18, the following reform was carried out and “i”, “yat”, “izhitsa”, “fita” and “er” at the end of the word were excluded from the alphabet.
After eliminating the extra Cyrillic letters, they should have remained in the Russian alphabet 31. But it turned out to be 33. Where did they come from?
- They were invented in the 18th century for sounds that did not exist in Old Church Slavonic: й - in 1735, and ё - in 1797. The letter ё was first used by the writer N.M. Karamzin, the author of the History of the Russian State.
These 33 letters are enough for us now.
- Let's open the veil of history and, after listening to an excerpt from N. Konchalovskaya's poem "Our Ancient Capital", we will find out how literacy was taught in Russia in the old days.
(This part of the lesson can be formatted as a "Historical note".)

5. Expressive reading of a poem pre-trained student.

(Appendix 1 , slide 7).

"Our ancient capital".
In the old days, children learned
They were taught by a church clerk -
Came at dawn
And they repeated the letters like this:
A yes B - Az yes Buki,
V - as Vedi, G - verb.
And a teacher for science
I beat them on Saturdays.
That's how wonderful at first
Our letter was!
This is what pen wrote -
From the goose wing!
This knife is not without a reason.
It was called "pencil";
They sharpened their pen,
If it wasn't spicy.
It was difficult to get a diploma
Our ancestors in the old days,
And the girls were supposed to
Don't learn anything.
Only boys were taught.
Deacon with a pointer in his hand
In a singsong voice I read books to them
In Slavonic.

- How and who taught children to read and write in the old days?
What are those goose wing feathers?
- Why is the knife called "pencil"?
- Who was not supposed to study in the old days?

(Appendix 1 , slide 8).

vocabulary work(clerk, penny).

6. Work with the textbook

- Guys, do you know that there are rules for pronouncing the letters of the Russian alphabet? Some of the letters denoting consonant sounds are pronounced with the sound [a], some with the sound [e] at the beginning, and some with the sound [e] at the end. Carefully read the theoretical material of the textbook.

- How many vowels?
- How many consonants?
- What is the peculiarity of the letters b and b?
- Name the letters in the pronunciation of which we pronounce the sound [a].
- Name the letters in the pronunciation of which we pronounce the sound [e].

IV. Consolidation of the studied material

1. Expressive reading of a poem B. Zakhoder in order to consolidate the correct pronunciation of letters (slide 9 is projected on the screen and distributed to each table).

Exercise: determine which letters are missing from the poem and put them in their place.

Thirty-three native sisters,
Beauties are written
Live on the same page
And they are famous everywhere.

They are on their way to you now.
nice sisters,
All the guys are asked
Befriend them!

Five sisters were late -
They played hide and seek.
And now all the letters are up
In alphabetical order.

A, Be, Ve, Ge, De, E, Zhe, -
Rolled on a hedgehog.
Ze, I, Ka, eL, em, eN, O -
Together they climbed out the window.
Pe, er, eS, Te, U, eF, Ha -
They saddled the rooster.
Tse, Che, Sha, Scha, E, Yu, I, -
Everyone is my friend now!

Get to know them kids.
Here they stand side by side
It's very bad to live in the world
For those who are not familiar with them.

2. Conversation:

- What is the practical value of knowing the alphabet?
- In what areas of activity does a person need knowledge of the alphabet?
- Indeed, the alphabet saves time, helps to systematize various material: using the alphabet, you can easily and quickly find the right word in any dictionary, the name of institutions and the names of residents in the telephone directory, the names of authors in the library card file.
For today's lesson, some children received a task. Guys, tell me what did you find out?
How is the alphabet used in the library?
– How does the alphabet help medical professionals?
- Assistant teacher.

3. Creative cheating

Exercise: write the words in alphabetical order, check the spelling if necessary using a spelling dictionary.

Correspondent, d…journal, architect…tektura, r…log, initiative, k…manda, r…neral, sp…sibo, r…daction, inst…here, exp…distion, b…bl… edema, to ... t ... log, b ...ography, s ... natorium, a ... car, broch ... ra.
(Car, architecture, library, biography, brochure, general, geologist, duty officer, initiative, institute, catalogue, team, correspondent, editorial board, sanatorium, thank you, expedition).

4. The game "Who is faster?"

Exercise: mentally arrange the words alphabetically, determine their order and connect them with arrows with the desired number. Each student fills out an individual card, which he returns after completing the task. The winner is determined by two criteria: the correctness of the work and the speed of filling the card.

Knowledge 1
Khoroshist 2
Purity 3
Compass 4
Pencil 5
Speed ​​6
School 7
Outfit 8
Penal 9
Life 10

5. Work on the culture of speech

- Look, guys, at the modern alphabet.
A letter is said to represent a sound. Distinguish between sound and letter. Do not pronounce the name of the letter instead of the sound.

(Appendix 1 , slides 10, 11). "Help the Dunno."

- Guys, help Dunno. See how he got the job done. Find the mistakes, write down the names of the letters in the corrected form.
- In the word sheet 4 letters: "l", "i", "se", "te".
- In the word line 7 letters: "es", "te", "re", "o", "che", "ka", "a".

One of the mysteries of the Russian language is a soft sign. A letter that does not represent a sound. How is b related to orthography?
A soft sign is always an orthogram (an erroneous place).

(Appendix 1 , slides 14-17).

Exercise: Divide the words into three groups.

(Appendix 1 , slides 18, 19).

Boy, luxury, notebook, you tell, curls, swim, Sophia, appoint, take.

– Explain your choice.

6. Commented letter

What letters do not represent sound? (b, b)

Exercise: determine the gender of nouns and explain the placement of ь or its absence at the end of nouns using a circle simulator.
Technology: three students work at the blackboard, the rest are written in a notebook. One student reads an example, the second one determines the gender and declension of a noun on a circle simulator, the third one explains the spelling b at the end of nouns using a circle simulator.

Death raged on the sea h; the boy was given me h and toy me h; those were found in the hold whose; we ran sh; help arrived in time shch; naughty little w; ne whose heated all the rooms; aside well guarded the house; next to the house was a gara well; gua sh and that sh needed by artists; around you sh yes smooth surface; forest deep sh; landes blossomed w; kamy makes noise w; buy me bro sh; brave youth zh.

7. Distributive dictation

(Appendix 1 , slides 20, 21).

Arrange the names of sections of the science of language in alphabetical order: phonetics, morphology, graphics, spelling, punctuation, syntax, vocabulary, grammar.

Technology: words are projected on the screen and written on cards, going to the board, the student must attach a cardboard card with the name of the section of language science using a magnet to the board in alphabetical order.

8. The game "Cryptor".

(Appendix 1 , slides 22, 23).

Exercise: read and write the encrypted words.

9, 1, 4, 1, 5, 12, 1.
1, 13, 22, 1, 3, 10, 20.
9, 3, 21, 12, 10.
22, 16, 15, 6, 20, 10, 12, 1.
19, 10, 15, 20, 1, 12, 19, 10, 19.
2, 21, 12, 3, 29

Answers: riddle, alphabet, sounds, phonetics, syntax, letters.

Technology: each student has a card with the alphabet, numbers are placed above the letters. The guys get the task in rows (two words each, if there is time left in the lesson, they encrypt all the words). Who quickly.

V. Summing up the lesson

- What is the alphabet?
How did this word come about?
Why do you need to know the alphabet?
What did you learn from the history of the alphabet?
How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?
What letters represent vowel sounds? How many?
What letters represent consonants? How many?
What letters do not represent sounds?
- If the first letters of the words are the same, how to arrange the words correctly?

VI. Grading

VII. Homework Information

- Learn the alphabet.
- Perform exercise number 289.

Additional task on request. The children choose their own cards.

Individual task on cards:

1. In these words, insert the missing letters, place the stress. Sort the words into the following thematic groups: "School", "Library", "Theater" in alphabetical order.

R…pertoire, v..stibule, k…talog, illustration…stration, d..rector, k..ntselaria,, r..p..ticia, sp..ktakl, br. .sh..ra, ab..n..ment, b..lleten, p..r..odic editions, Dec. .walkie-talkie, d..but, b..letristics, l. .ureat, k. .ridor, examiner, att..stat of maturity, l..boratory work, applause, p…personage, n..wella, m..nuscript, enc. .clopedia, g..rbarium, b..lety,, literary g..roy, g..zeta, g..rderob, b..nokl, p..rter, f.. stival, art. crap, consultation, copy, k..r..ndash.

2. In these words, insert the missing vowels and consonants, place the stress. Write out the words for the following thematic groups: "Physical culture and sports", "Science and technology" in alphabetical order.

Art..lerist, b..talion, training..rovka, s..m..for, tr..leibus, k..meta, pl..neta, ex..vator, diesel..l, city. .mnastic,, r..n..ral, k..r..bin, mouth..print, esc..lator, st..dion, b..ssein, tr..mplin, r ..ketchik, k..nveyer, sh..nel, int..ndant, k..n..nada, bl..kada, r..portazh, f..nal, k..mputer, g.. potenuse, k..rrosia, m..lecula, h..mpion, p..l..gon, k..zarma, p..l..tka, k..mpaniya, p..tit, man. .ken, r..ntgen, d..agnos, p..cient, b..cteria, bl..ndage, b..s..ktrisa, m..diana, s..licata, b..sketball , tr..nsheya.

What is the alphabet and the alphabet, each of us knows from childhood, well, or learns about it in the first grade of school. For the forgetful, let's give a definition of what an alphabet is: an alphabet is a collection of letters or other signs of a given writing system, given in the order of the alphabet. Such a definition gives us the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl. So, we figured out the definition, but a new question appears, the answer to which I really want to know: why do you need to know the alphabet? It can be said with almost absolute certainty that this question torments many elementary school students who have to deal with learning the alphabet. Let's try to answer this sentimental question.

Why do you need to know the alphabet?

Let's start with the first thing that comes to mind, and, accordingly, with the most important thing. The alphabet is the basis for learning any language. Of course, you can learn to speak without knowing the alphabet, as evidenced by children who learn to speak without having the slightest idea what kind of beast this is - the alphabet. But learning to speak is only one of the steps in learning a language, because in addition to this, you also need to learn how to read and write. But it is hardly possible to master these classes without knowing the alphabet. After all, in order to learn to understand the letters and read them, for a start you just need to learn them. The situation is similar with writing - to write a letter, you need to know how it looks and what sound it means. Thus, one can come to an extremely logical conclusion - without the alphabet it is impossible to master the language. And this applies not only to the native language, which we, in fact, learn from birth, but also to any other language that you decide to study.

In addition, the alphabet can be called an integral part of the development of civilization and culture, because it is thanks to the development of the language that a person can begin to master other sciences, as well as transfer his knowledge to other people. So progress without language would be impossible, since knowledge would be lost over time, and since the language cannot be learned without the alphabet, one more conclusion can be drawn - the alphabet is an important part of progress.

Where to start learning the alphabet?

Some parents believe that since there is a school, it is there that the child needs to study, it is there that his head will be stuffed with knowledge and the letters of the alphabet in order. But this is not an entirely correct opinion, because it will be much easier for a child to study at school if he has time to get some knowledge at home, at least the most basic ones. For example, start.

If you are confused by the fact that you do not know where exactly to start this educational process, then do not be afraid and just start everything with the game. Now in stores there are a wide variety of toys that will help your child learn the alphabet. For example, cubes with the image of letters (for example,), magnetic alphabets and other interesting toys that can attract the attention of a child and interest him first with his bright color, and then with knowledge.

To begin with, it does not matter at all in what order you learn the letters. If the child liked the letter “U” more, then why not learn it first instead of the letter “A”? For the first time, it’s enough that you just start learning letters with your child and he will gradually learn to distinguish them, and he will be able to learn the alphabetical order of letters even at school, if you have not yet had time to teach him this.

The alphabet is the most important part of any language. Without knowing the alphabet, people would not be able to read books, orient themselves in catalogs, write down their knowledge ... But what is there - without knowing the alphabet, you would not even be able to read this article. So you need to know the alphabet and it is no less important to teach a child the alphabet than to learn to count.

Kryukov Nikita Sergeevich Komarovsky Fedor Nikolaevich Bogachev Artem Vitalievich

We have been friends with the book for a long time. At first, mom and dad read for us, and now we ourselves can sit down and read some fairy tale or poem at any time. All words are made up of letters, without which reading itself could not exist. At each literacy lesson, the authors of the project got acquainted with a new letter and a new sound, and they were very interested: where did the letters come from, who invented them, how they changed over time, why people need the alphabet, who are its creators, where it is used. Hence the theme of the project Everyone needs to know the alphabet! So purpose work was an acquaintance with the history of the creation of the alphabet. The authors of the project believe that: the alphabet was created a long time ago and it has creators; the words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing; knowledge of the alphabet is essential in our lives; classmates do not know the history of the development of the alphabet. As a result of the study, the goal was achieved: by selecting information from various sources. This work had an educational and practical focus: the authors conducted a survey among classmates, interviewed the librarian of the children's city library No. 19. The work was summarized in the form of creating a class library, and an alphabetical catalog was compiled. They shared their findings with the students of their class at the classroom hour “The Alphabet is around us!”.



City competition of projects for younger students


section: Russian language; native speech; literary creativity

Job title:

Everyone needs to know the alphabet!

Kryukov Nikita Sergeevich

Komarovsky Fedor Nikolaevich

Bogachev Artem Vitalievich


Makarenko Natalya Alexandrovna -

primary school teacher MBU school No. 1

Togliatti 2013

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………… 3-4


1.1. What is the alphabet and the alphabet……………………………………………….5-6

12 . Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet ………………..6-8

1. 3. Further development of the Russian alphabet ..………………………….…..9


2.1. Why do we need an alphabet? ……………………………………………......10-11

2.2. Study of the results of a survey of classmates……………..........12

2.3. Creating a classroom library .......................................................... .............13-14

CONCLUSION ……………………………..……………………………....15

List of used literature ………………………..16

APPENDIX................................................. ..............................17-18


In the old days children learned

they were taught by a church clerk,

came at dawn

and repeat the letters like this:

A and B - Az and Buki,

In as Vedi, G - Verb.

And a teacher for science

flogged them on Saturdays.

That's how wonderful at first

our diploma was

Here's what pen wrote -

from goose feather.

We have been friends with the book for a long time. At first, mom and dad read for us, and now we ourselves can sit down and read some fairy tale or poem at any time. Since we learned to read, we began to feel independent and adults. But after all, all words consist of letters, without which reading itself could not exist. At each literacy lesson, we got acquainted with a new letter and a new sound, and we were very interested: where did the letters come from, who invented them, how they changed over time, why people need an alphabet, who are its creators, where it is used. Hence the theme of our projectEveryone needs to know the alphabet! Therefore, the goal our work was an acquaintance with the history of the creation of the alphabet.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks:

  • learn what the alphabet and alphabet are;
  • find out who and when invented the alphabet;
  • get acquainted with the further development of the alphabet;
  • find out why the alphabet is needed;
  • conduct a small survey among first grade students;
  • create a cool library.

Object of study:Russian alphabet.

Subject of study:history of the creation of the Russian alphabet.

Research hypothesis:

We believe that:

  • the alphabet was created a long time ago and it has creators;
  • the words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing;
  • knowledge of the alphabet is essential in our lives;
  • our classmates do not know the history of the development of the alphabet.

To solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, the followingresearch methodsKeywords: search and study of information, observation, comparative analysis, generalization, questioning, interviews.

1. The history of the creation of the alphabet

  1. . What is the alphabet and alphabet

The history of the alphabet goes back centuries. The first attempt to stop and save the word was a picture. It took hundreds of years for it to become a sign - a conditional combination of dashes, wedges and lines. But what had to be done to be understood? Draw every item? Every word? Is part of a word a syllable?

Three and a half thousand years ago, a letter was born. Sign for sound. Just one sound. But now with these signs it was possible to enter any word, thought, story. It is enough to pronounce two letters of the old Russian alphabet: "az", "beeches", to get the "alphabet" - the name of all the letters together, arranged in order. The word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first letters of the Greek alphabet."alpha" + "beta"(more correctly vita) in the 16th century. Alphabet or alphabet are letters arranged in a certain order.

The word "alphabet" derived from the names of the first letters of the Russian alphabet:ABC \u003d az + beeches.The word "alphabet" came to us in the XIII century.

In essence, the word "alphabet" can be considered a "translation" of the word "alphabet", which came from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha and beta. Writing did not remain something once and for all information. Each nation adapted it to your language, to its features and traditions. At the same time, the number of letters could increase or decrease. Some had to be invented, others had to be abandoned or remade. Gradually, the letters changed their appearance. They lay on their side, turned from right to left and left to right, moreover, they stood on their heads. Starting their life with a drawing - a hieroglyph, many of them changed in such a way that only a specialist can catch the connection between them.

The alphabet we use now looks like this:


1.2. Cyril and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet

The encyclopedia "I Know the World" (2) says that the English alphabet consists of only 26 letters, the Greeks have 24, and the Russians have as many as 33 letters! But 33 letters in the Russian alphabet not so long ago, since 1918, but earlier ...

The Russian alphabet originated from the Slavic, created in 863 by two learned monks - the brothers Cyril and Methodius, based on the Greek. Both of them knew the language of the southern Slavs well and were sent by the Byzantine emperor to Moravia to teach the local Slavs how to worship in their native language. To translate the sacred books, a new alphabet was needed. So the first Slavic alphabets were born - Glagolitic (from the word "verb" - in Old Slavonic "word") and Cyrillic. Cyrillic - the alphabet, compiled at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century by Cyril and Methodius, brothers from Thessalonica (now Thessaloniki in Greece), based on the Greek alphabet. There were 43 letters in it, each with its own name -az, beeches, lead, verb, good, eat, live, green, earth, like, what, people, think, ours, he, peace, rtsy, word, firmly, uk, fert, etc.

Fig.2 She looked like this:

For ease of memorization, writers composed whole sentences from these words, for example, az-a, bee-letters, I know-I know. I say, I say, good, good, eat, live ... Or rtsy, say the word firmly. Poems were composed, there was even an alphabetic prayer. Learning to read in those days took 2-3 years. First, the teacher made the children memorize the names of the letters, then put them into syllables, then words.

A student sits, spells: “Think-az-think-az.” What happened? It turns out - "mom". I did not accidentally choose such an incomprehensible word. After all, in those days there were no special stories for children. And the children learned to read texts of prayers that were completely incomprehensible to them. Can you imagine how difficult it was then to learn to read? Only the most assiduous and persistent children mastered reading.

Most people in antiquity could not read and write. Therefore, the best, most intelligent people began to think about how to make it easier for children to memorize incomprehensible letters. How to make this activity more interesting and entertaining. The alphabets began to be decorated with carefully executed beautiful drawings. The names of the letters were simplified and an alphabet was invented, in which there were images of objects whose names began with one or another letter of the alphabet. This way of remembering letters is still used today. Of course, the spelling of the letters has changed a lot, some letters have disappeared, but the basics remain. Cyril and Methodius believed that the Slavic people must have their own written language. They said: doesn’t the sun shine for everyone, doesn’t it rain for everyone, doesn’t the earth feed everyone? All people are equal, all people are brothers, all are equal before the Lord, and everyone needs literacy. The one we are studying.

Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it to the sounds of the Slavic language. So our alphabet is the “daughter” of the Greek alphabet.

Many of our letters are taken from Greek, which is why they look like them.

In memory of the great feat of Cyril and Methodius, on May 24, the Day of Slavic Literature is celebrated all over the world.

1.3. Further development of the Russian alphabet

The alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius is very different from the one we use now. How has she changed over time? The year 1708 came, Peter Ị changed the alphabet: he made it easier to write some letters, introduced the so-called"civil font".

Still, the spelling remained difficult. Try to remember when to write “like” and when “and with a dot”. Yes, and "er" is a solid sign. It was placed in every word ending in a solid consonant. These difficulties persisted until 1918, when another spelling reform was carried out.

The number of letters was reduced to 33, the names of the letters were simplified (instead of “az”, “beeches”, “lead” - “a”, “be”, “ve”, etc.), they stopped writing “b” at the end of the word. Learning to read has become much easier.

And sayings remained from the Cyrillic alphabet in our speech. For example, they say about an illiterate person who writes with errors: “He writes“ cow ”through“ yat ”. That is, he writes a letter that is not in this word.

Russian alphabet (Russian alphabet) - the alphabet of the Russian language, in its current form with 33 letters, has actually existed since 1918 (officially only since 1942: it was previously believed that there were 32 letters in the Russian alphabet, since E and Yo were considered as variants of the same letters).

2. Practical part of the study

2.1. Why do we need an alphabet?

There is no need to clarify the meaning of the alphabet in our lives. Everyone at least once held a reference book in their hands, turned to dictionaries. Working with literature of this kind is very difficult and even impossible without fluency in the alphabet. Everyone has a phone book where everything is written in alphabetical order. Coming to the library or compiling your own library at home, you also cannot do without it. This list can be continued indefinitely.

The alphabet is a system, an order. And what gives such a system? First of all, saving time. And this is not enough in our fleeting age.

The invention of the alphabet is a huge step forward in the development of culture, thanks to which writing became accessible to many people.

Great-great-grandfather's times were the letters in a clear order.

Everything is in place right there, they call it “Russian alphabet”.

In another way, "Alphabet" became famous everywhere.

As a result of our research (where and by whom the alphabet is used), we came to the following conclusions:

1) In the city children's library No. 19. There, books on the shelves are arranged not only by topic, but also in alphabetical order, by the names of the authors, there is also a file cabinet in the library. Index cards with titles of books and names of authors are also in alphabetical order.

In our library

On the shelf, together in a row,

For schoolchildren countless

Treasures are worth.

2) In the spelling dictionary, we can find out the correct spelling of various words. The words are arranged alphabetically. Alphabetical order is set not only for the letter with which the word begins, but also for all subsequent ones. Each spelling dictionary has a list of names. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to look into the dictionary more often.

3) There is a strict order in the class magazine. All last names are in alphabetical order.

4) At the polling station during elections. Tablets with letters in alphabetical order indicated the first letter of the voters' last name.

5) In the reception of the polyclinic, the visitor's cards are arranged by sections in alphabetical order.

6) In the telephone directory. Phones of enterprises, various services and institutions are arranged in alphabetical order. Home phone numbers are also in alphabetical order.

7) In encyclopedias, there is an index at the end, the concepts are arranged here in alphabetical order and page numbers are written next to them.

There are such verses about the benefits of knowing the alphabet:

"The Alphabet Around Us"

So that in the mass of information I could not dig,

The alphabet is my helper, I must confess to you.

So as not to drown in the flow of information in the night,

Remember the alphabetical order, memorize!

Any concept will be found in the book,

We just have to open the pointer.

And look next, page number!

Our search was very economical!

Now we won't get lost in the thickest dictionary!

And you don't have to flip through the pages for three hours!

In alphabetical order, the words are listed here.

Read, educate yourself, and increase your knowledge.

I can easily name all the letters in order.

After all, we meet the alphabet at any step:

School, hospital, kindergarten, pharmacy,

Institute, police, museum, library.

Train timetable,

Codes of regions and cities.

Internet search pages

The alphabet was used in the answer.

Cool magazine, phone book,

Everything we need will be found in an instant.

2.2. Study of the results of a survey of classmates

At the end of the study, we conducted a survey among classmates. The following questions were asked:

  • Do you like to read?
  • Do you know what the alphabet is?
  • Who Invented the Alphabet?
  • Why do we need an alphabet?
  • Do you use the alphabet in your life?

29 people took part in the survey. The poll results are as follows:

2. Know what the alphabet is - 20 people

3. Know who invented the alphabet - 0

4. They know why the alphabet is needed - 21 people

5. Use the alphabet in life - 22 people

We were pleased that our classmates also love to read and most of them know why the alphabet is needed and apply it in life. This means that we can not only exchange books, but also discuss what we have read.

As we expected, none of them knows who and when invented the alphabet.

2.3. Creating a classroom library

In order to create a cool library, we interviewed the librarian of Children's Library No. 19. “How to make a card file for a classroom library?” we asked.

Librarian: “A person is not able to read all the books, even if he really wants to. You need to read the most interesting, necessary books for you. How to find the book you need in the vast sea of ​​books? Here we will be helped by library catalogs and file cabinets. According to the catalogs, without approaching the bookshelves, you can get acquainted in absentia with all the book riches of the library.

The card index contains a rich stock of various information. They are compiled based on the requests of readers.

Alphabetical file cabinetis designed to provide a search for literature on the basis most often known to the reader - the title and name of the author. The cards of this card index contain a minimum of information - the title of the work, its genre, the name of the author. This file cabinet is easy to create and use. The material is arranged alphabetically.

In our classroom library, cards are arranged alphabetically by author or book title. We offered classmates to disassemble the books, glue them, put them in alphabetical order, and choose a class librarian.


Now we know that the alphabet was created a very long time ago, and it has creators: Cyril and Methodius. Now there are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet, it has become more understandable and not difficult to remember. The words alphabet and alphabet mean the same thing. The alphabet is needed everywhere to restore order. And so it is necessary to learn it by heart. Without knowing the alphabetical order, it is difficult for us to use a dictionary, it is difficult to find information in encyclopedias and reference books, we will not be able to study well at school and work when we become adults.

Knowledge is power!

And for this ALPHABET: "Thank you!"

List of used literature

  1. Barkhudarova S.G., Protchenko I.F., Skvortsova L.I., Spelling dictionary of the Russian language. Publishing house "Russian language", 1974.
  2. Grannik G.G., Bondarenko S.M., Kontsevaya L.A. Spelling Secrets - M., "Enlightenment", 1991
  3. Leontiev A. A. The world of man and the world of language. M.: Det. lit., 1984.
  4. Material from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Site
  5. "Russian alphabet": textbook for grade 1 / V.G. Goretsky, V.A. Kiryushkin. M.: Enlightenment, 2000, p.214
  6. Site
  7. Saplin E.V., Saplin A.I. Introduction to history.
  8. "I know the world": Children's encyclopedia: Culture / N.V. Chudakova. M.: AST, 1996.- p. nineteen.

Alphabetis a system of sacred symbols that allows you to consciously control the Rays of Light that form events in the Hologram of the manifested world. The symbols of the alphabet are known to us as Letters, so we will immediately give a definition of the word letter.

Lettersare plasma volumetric forms that affect the direction of movement of a ray of Light passing through them.

Each letter in its pronunciation has its own sound vibrations that determine its color and smell, as well as the reaction of genes within human DNA. Letters have the ability to change the direction of light and its qualitative characteristics when a beam of light passes through them.

Knowledge of the Alphabetcarry the basis of the “All Light Letter” about the structure, human life and the entire Universe. By studying the constituent parts of the Alphabet - letters, a person receives partial knowledge about the construction of speech, about managing his states, the events of his life in creating new constructions of thought for its materialization.

All sounds on the plane are formed by symbols, that is, notes, letters, numbers and drawings with different semantic content of the images they create.

Letter combinations are called words. Those of the letter combinations that the Lord introduced into the human genes make up the correct words.

The letters of the planetary Alphabet, which are used to write human genes, compiled in a certain sequence, form the human gene ethics, from which the word genetics originated.

Words that correspond to gene ethics evoke various images during their pronunciation and reading, with which he operates in his life. Initially, there were 9 million of them in a person. 600 thousand and they form the root basis of the first language of mankind on the planet, from which, after the Babylonian pandemonium in Mesopotamia, all the existing languages ​​​​of the world and dialects originated. The Alphabet of planetary humanity is based on about 1600 letters. They create the root basis of a single language, the sound palette of the planet.

When a person learns all the letters, their meaning, learns the correct pronunciation of letters and words, then he will be able to immediately materialize his thoughts.

Such knowledge is called "All Light Diploma". The ill-wishers of mankind know this, and therefore, through the efforts of insane politicians, peoples are divided.

Meaning of "insane" means without the ability to think correctly, since he does not know the rules for constructing thoughts, and he does not know the consequences of his actions either for himself or for his children and grandchildren.

Words that do not have a root base in the genes are false and, in their sound, lead the cells of the body to internal discord, since the genes do not understand their sound and cannot create an image corresponding to them.

The sounds of the words, which have vibrations similar to the created images, help to connect the mental image with the Primary Matter of the planet's honeycomb screen, contributing to its materialization. Therefore, letters and words are tools of creation and destruction!

All letters and words composed of them must be considered from the position of Ray, light and energy interactions in the Hologram of the living river of Time.

Almost all the existing Alphabets for writing and communication between people on planet Earth are made up of images of letters that indicate the movement of energies with certain frequencies of sound and have their own color. Many letters are distorted and do not fulfill their function of forming directed energy flows for the materialization of things and events. The correct sound of the letters and the words made up of them make a person God, as they make it possible to materialize the image of thought with the sounding words of their speech.

That is the only reason why the meaning of words, their pronunciation, is deliberately distorted or forgotten.

From the letters of the ALPHABET, enclosed in spheres, a crystal-cube is formed on Earth, containing the symbols of the Universal Alphabet according to the law of similarity.

A person contains the same crystal, but the letters in it do not glow, because a person does not use most of the correct words in his speech, thereby narrowing his creative possibilities.

Now this set of letters is fragmented into different languages ​​and the fullness of sounds for the materialization of mental images created by the human Mind is not in any of the existing alphabets of the peoples of the planet.

The simpler the alphabet of the language used, that is, the less alphabetic characters it contains, the less sound phonemes it has that allow a person to influence his reality in the form of a state of the body and ongoing events. ATThe English language has only 22 letters, so it is being diligently introduced for general use by the efforts of human robotics, making a biorobot out of a person.

Today, the correct pronunciation of most words is deliberately distorted or forgotten.

The most complete and correct letters are presented in the surviving Russian alphabet and Sanskrit, but the Russian alphabet, after the emasculation of 11 vowels from it in 1917 by decree of Vladimir Blank - Ulyanov - Lenin, lost its former strength.

A person who correctly uses a large number of correctly composed words from the letters of the Alphabet of All Light Literacy when forming words in his speech will always be harmonious and healthy. This is the best way to prevent your health. For this reason alone, prayers in churches are read in the ancient Slavic Russian language, not distorted by the simplification of 1917.

Experience shows that in any Orthodox prayer that retains the correct spelling and construction of phrases, there is a “healing component” that helps, by combining sounds in its pronunciation, to restore harmony in a person, and hence his health.

Comparing the statistics of schoolchildren’s diseases during the time of obligatory reading of prayers before classes at school and before meals with what is happening now, during rampant violence against the MIND from TV screens and computer games showing violence, one can understand the severity of the crime committed by adults in front of children. Previously, under the tsarist regime, 96% of healthy children were born, and today, in rampant democracy, only 2% of healthy children are born.

Such figures can make even a stupid person think, and only people without a mind can continue to persist in satanic reforms of Russian and other alphabets, languages, since they are deprived of the ability to think correctly. I really don't want to think that society is run only by the insane.

Then this power is not from the Father, and they will be deprived of it if the epiphany does not come! The legitimacy of any power lies in the honor of its bearers!

To preserve the health of the population, it is necessary to instill in him at any age respect for his parents, the Motherland and his native language, and whoever does not accept this does not serve the Father Almighty, no matter what verbal and other clothes he wears.

The return of the Rus to their native language will significantly reduce the cost of medical care for the population and reduce crime in society.

A person has records in his genes made by the Father Almighty, it is written there about how he must be. We must not allow the egg to become square, and the square round. This absurdity is equal in importance of meaning to what is done with the divine language.

Initially, apparently, the Bible was written in a general planetary language, but we will not see this text, since then we will have to cross out the false story about Russia and its illiterate people.

Many texts, even reprinted from the primary sources of knowledge for mankind, have intentional and unintentional changes during translation, forming anagrams.

Anagram . Text in which words are rearranged and distort the meaning embedded in the text. There may be a great many of them.The Bible in today's edition and many textbooks for schools and universities are examples of this.

Words incomprehensible to genes destroy a person, his cosmic Essence from within, depriving him of divine qualities. We need to return to the basics of our language and the ALPHABET, cross out the false story about Russia and its people.

The whole power of a person is in the correct sound design of his thoughts through speech. Human speech is the most powerful tool of creation and destruction.

Understanding this, pay attention to what and how you say, if you do not know the meaning of words, free your speech from them, since they do not always contribute to your well-being.

If now you start speaking correctly, from the standpoint of the laws governing the movement of information and energies in the surrounding Space, then follow the commandment: "Read and speak the language your genes are written in, and for this, learn your alphabet!".

Subject: « How do we use the alphabet?

Type : a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge in the framework of the activity approach.

Technology: on a situational (game) basis

Target : To form the ability of students to a new mode of action;repeat the order of the letters in the alphabet, the names of the letters.


    Systematize students' knowledge of the alphabet.

    To develop in students the ability to highlight the main, essential in the material being studied, to compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.

    Contribute to the education of love for the Russian language, a culture of communication, attentiveness, accuracy, perseverance, aesthetic feelings, love and respect for the world around.

Planned results

Subject. The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    accept and savelearning task during the lesson;

    realizesolving a learning problem under the guidance of a teacher;

    name the letters correctly

    write words in alphabetical order;

    determine the position of a given letter in the alphabet: closer to the end, to the middle, to the beginning;

    explain where knowledge of the alphabet can come in handy.


Regulatory UUD:

    organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher;

    exercise control in the form of comparing their work with a given standard;

    be able to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

    evaluate yourself and your classmates.

Cognitive UUD:

    navigate in the textbook;

    understand information presented in the form of text, drawings, diagrams;

    the ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions (analysis, comparison).

Communicative UUD:

    observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette;

    planning educational cooperation with a teacher and peers, ways of interaction;

    formation of the ability to explain one's choice, build phrases, answer the question posed, argue;

    participate in a collective discussion of an educational problem;


    take the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the school;

    show respect for your classmates during the discussion on the topic of the lesson;

    to form the ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of the success of educational activities;

    educational and cognitive interest in new educational material;

    orientation to understanding the reasons for success in learning activities: introspectionand self-control of the result;

Interdisciplinary connections: the world

Lesson Plan

    Implementation of the constructed project.


    Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

    Reflection. Evaluation.


During the classes:

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Guys, guests came to us today, turn around, say hello, now you can sit back comfortably.

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

Every day, always everywhere

In the classroom in the game,

We speak boldly

And we sit quietly.

The teacher will ask you to stand up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer, don't make noise

But just raise your hand.

Guys, today we have an unusual guest. And who he is, you will find out when you complete a difficult task. You have an envelope on the edge of the table that contains the elements of the letters. You must collect the letter and stick it to the landscape sheet.

Now lift up the piece of paper with the letter. Let's read together what words we got.(ABC and Alphabet).

Who is our guest guys, you will find out if you guess the riddle. Slide #2

    On the alphabet page
    33 heroes.
    Wise men of heroes
    Every literate knows.

Slide #3

2. Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.

Guys, what do you think these words mean and where did they come from? Slide #4

And who is the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?

Ekaterina Ogarkova will tell us about this.


At the end of 862, the prince of Great Moravia (the state of the Western Slavs) Rostislav turned to the Byzantine emperor Michael with a request to send preachers to Moravia who could spread Christianity in the Slavic language (sermons in those parts were read in Latin, unfamiliar and incomprehensible to the people).

863 is considered the year of birth of the Slavic alphabet.
The creators of the Slavic alphabet were the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

Emperor Michael sent the Greeks to Moravia - the scientist Constantine the Philosopher (the name Cyril Constantine received when he became a monk in 869, and with this name he went down in history) and his older brother Methodius.
The choice was not random. The brothers Constantine and Methodius were born in Thessalonica (in Greek, Thessaloniki) in the family of a military commander, received a good education. Cyril studied in Constantinople at the court of the Byzantine emperor Michael III, knew Greek, Slavic, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic languages ​​well, taught philosophy, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. Methodius was in military service, then for several years he ruled one of the regions inhabited by the Slavs; subsequently retired to a monastery.
In 860, the brothers had already made a trip to the Khazars for missionary and diplomatic purposes.
In order to be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to make a translation of the Holy Scripture into the Slavic language; however, the alphabet capable of conveying Slavic speech did not exist at that moment.
Constantine set about creating the Slavic alphabet. Methodius, who also knew the Slavic language well, helped him in his work, since a lot of Slavs lived in Thessalonica (the city was considered half-Greek, half-Slavic). In 863, the Slavic alphabet was created (the Slavic alphabet existed in two versions:Glagolitic - fromverb - "speech" andCyrillic ; Until now, scientists do not have a consensus which of these two options was created by Cyril). With the help of Methodius, a number of liturgical books were translated from Greek into Slavonic. The Slavs got the opportunity to read and write in their own language. The Slavs not only had their own, Slavic, alphabet, but also the first Slavic literary language was born, many of whose words still live in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages.
The Bulgarian Church established the day of memory of Cyril and Methodius - May 11, according to the old style (May 24, according to the new style). Bulgaria also established the Order of Cyril and Methodius.

3. Building a project to get out of difficulty (goal, topic)

Look, guys, how Cyrillic and Glagolitic looked like and compare with the Russian alphabet. Slides #5-9

Conclusion of the topic of the lesson (problems of the lesson).

Open the textbook p. 81 and check if the topic was displayed correctly.

    get to know the correct name of the letters

    learn how to put words in alphabetical order

    learn how to use the alphabet

4. Implementation of the constructed project.

Now let's take a minute to clean up. To do this, we will perform exercise 122 on p. 82.


    What letters are missing?

    Name these bows.

    Write down the missing letters.

Slide number 11.

- Write off. Explain the meaning of the proverb. Slide #12

Az yes beeches, and there are sciences.

(Students explain the meaning of the proverb, draw conclusions)

Game "Know the alphabet - guess the word"

    The first letter of this word is the last letter in the alphabet,

    the second - after the letter w,

    the third between the letters b and b,

    fourth - before the letter l. (language)

    The first letter of this word is in the alphabet after h,

    the second is before l,

    third-fifth vowel,

    fourth - after k,

    the last is the first letter of the alphabet. (school)

Write down the words, count how many letters and sounds they contain. How are letters and sounds different? (children's answers)

Blitz Poll

    Read all the vowels in alphabetical order. (boys answer)

    Read all the consonants in alphabetical order. (girls answer)

Let's remember how to arrange the words in alphabetical order?

Slide #16

5. Primary consolidation with pronunciation of external speech.

- Now choose a taskyour favorite level of difficulty

1. Continue the alphabet:K ... ... Ch.

2. Write down the words, arranging them in alphabetical order:

duty, watermelon, butterfly, class, lion, car, mountain, plate, apple.

3. Write letters in words in alphabetical order:smot. ushd, nybti, svoa, onet, kizhyo, sher.

6. Fizkultminutka. Slide #19

We learned the alphabet

We wrote, we read.

We'll get some rest

And let's start writing again.

The task "Show the printed letter with your body"

1) N, M, L (work in pairs)

2) P, X, O (individual work)

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

Fill in the missing letters and arrange the words alphabetically. slide number 20

T ... tradition, p ... cash, k ... r ... ndash, teaches ... l, p ... portfolio, girl ... chka, boy ... k, r ... bot.

Slide number 21 Peer review.

Guys, is it possible to check these words? What do we call these words? And how can you check their spelling.(Children conclude that vocabulary words can be found in the spelling dictionary)

Slide number 22 Work with a dictionary.

- What do you think can help us find the word.

Indeed, all words in the dictionary are in alphabetical order. How can we use the alphabet?

Working with dictionaries, introducing children to dictionaries in the textbook. The teacher shows the dictionaries that are in the school library.

An orthoepic dictionary will help you pronounce words correctly.

And now I'll check how you know the letters. I'll give you some riddles.

slide number 23

Letter by letter marvels

As if looking in a mirror:

There are similarities, for sure.

Only there is no language. (S and E)

slide number 25

Friends holding hands

And they said: "You and I -

This is us!" Meanwhile

Got the letter ... (M)

slide number 27

Look at the wheel

And you will see the letter ... (Oh)

slide number 29

So that "O" does not roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened

The letter turned out ... (Yu)

8. Reflection. Evaluation.

slide number 31

Lesson summary

What problem was solved in the lesson? How do we use the alphabet?

How do we use the alphabet? To work with dictionaries.

Complete the sentences with

I learned in class ……………..

I like it……………..

I learned in class...


Self-assessment of students by each other and by the teacher. Posters for self-esteem.

For whom is the problem of the lesson completely solved? (smiling smiley - YELLOW)

Who was in trouble? (smile without a smile - RED)

Who needs my help? (smiley sad - BLUE)

9 . Homework. slide number 32

    Run exercise 125 on p. 83 (write the words in alphabetical order and check their location in the spelling dictionary on p. 136);