Forms and methods of preparing and conducting practical classes. The main tasks of practical classes Types of methods for conducting practical classes

The purpose of practical classes is to comprehend the theory, to acquire the skills to consciously apply it in educational and professional activities, to develop the ability to convincingly formulate one's own point of view.

1.2.1. Seminar

The seminar is a lesson to consolidate the theoretical material under the guidance of a teacher. The main purpose of the seminars is to discuss the most complex theoretical issues of the course, their methodological and methodological study. During the seminar, the knowledge gained as a result of independent extracurricular work on primary sources, documents, additional literature is deepened, systematized and controlled.

Seminars involve active work of students - presentations with abstracts or reports, oral answers to questions from the teacher, collective discussion of course problems. The topic of the seminar is common to the entire group of students, and everyone must prepare answers to all questions, if the teacher has not distributed questions for preparation personally. Messages or reports made at the seminar are discussed, students make additions and comments. Thus, the seminars teach students the ability to clearly express their thoughts, argue their judgments, conduct scientific debate, and take into account the point of view of opponents. In addition, during the seminar, insufficiently understood and assimilated questions and provisions are revealed.

Preparation for seminars requires a high level of independent activity from the student. The answer must be complete and accurate, while it is necessary to correctly express and substantiate your point of view, freely operating with the concepts and categories of this discipline. How to achieve this?

1. When preparing a seminar, you must carefully read its plan. Next, you need to study the relevant lecture notes and chapters from textbooks and manuals, familiarize yourself with additional literature recommended for this lesson.

Each question must be answered. This does not mean taking the first available text on a given topic and reading it in front of an audience. It is necessary to look through as many sources as possible, try to see the common and divergences in the interpretations of various authors, and note them. Perhaps this is a good reason for the discussion at the seminar, as a result of which, as you know, the truth is born.

It is advisable, at a minimum, to draw up an answer plan, even better - abstracts or abstracts. Methods of note-taking of literature are very diverse. They will be considered in a special paragraph "The work of a student with educational and scientific literature."

2. One of the most important rules for the assimilation of knowledge, which helps to obtain a careful acquaintance with new literature, is not to leave incomprehensible words unattended. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books are the first assistants in preparing for any topic. They should always be nearby. Finding the meaning of the right word today is not difficult: the student has dictionaries and encyclopedias in libraries, as well as on the Internet.

3. The volume of the speech must meet the requirements of the teacher. If this was not agreed in advance, then prepare your report for 5-10 minutes, no more.

4. Try to get the audience to listen to you. This is possible when the speaker owns the material, thought through the logic of his speech, speaks without burying himself in the text, but looking at the faces of the audience.

It would be great if every presentation at the seminar became a step in mastering the art of oratory, which is necessary for every person whose professional activity involves communicating with people.

1.2.2. Practical lesson

Practical lesson- this is a form of organization of the educational process, involving the implementation by students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher of one or more practical work. And if at the lecture the main attention of students is focused on explaining the theory of a particular academic discipline, then practical exercises serve to teach the methods of its application. As a rule, practical classes are conducted in parallel with the reading of the main courses. Their main goal is to master the method of using theory, the acquisition of practical skills necessary for the study of subsequent disciplines.

R a kind of practical training is training, which is a system of exercises aimed at developing and improving certain skills necessary for the error-free performance of specific types of practical activities.

1.2.3.Laboratory workshop

is a lesson during which students master specific methods of studying the discipline, learn experimental ways of analyzing reality, and the ability to work with modern equipment.

As a rule, p raktikum provides for the solution of complex educational problems that require the student to apply both scientific and theoretical knowledge obtained in the study of various training courses, and practical skills. The workshop is often held in conditions close to the conditions of future professional activity.

This type of lesson includes laboratory work on the main topics of the course with recommendations for their implementation, which include: the purpose and objectives of the work, the formulation of the task, the laboratory work algorithm, a glossary (if required by the topic of the work), a list of references that will help in the performance of the work

Work in the conditions of a laboratory workshop may involve both individual student learning activities and the work of research groups, observatory groups, which allow for larger-scale and targeted research. The research group is an independent association of students (3-5 people), which is based on the principle of taking into account the individual preferences of students and the ability to perform a particular activity. These associations are permanent and stable throughout the laboratory workshop. An observatory group (English observer - observer) involves an operational association in order to perform one functional research task. Such groups are formed in the course of a laboratory workshop and are a mobile, unfixed formation. They rely on the initiative of students and assume the consulting role of the teacher. However, they can also be long-term if the observatory function is in demand in the process of performing several jobs.

Lecture- a systematic, consistent, monologue presentation by the teacher of educational material, as a rule, of a theoretical nature. The lecture is not only a form of presentation of the main content of a particular topic, but also the leading type of educational work.

The lecture, unlike the textbook, is relevant, reflects the latest changes in legal regulation, contains information explaining the provisions of family law, explains the possibilities of applying civil law in the legal profession. Lectures allow you to respond in a timely manner to changes in life and scientific discoveries, have an unlimited possibility of continuous updating.

The methodological significance of the lecture lies in the fact that it reveals the fundamental theoretical foundations of the subject and the scientific methods by which life phenomena are analyzed.

In the educational process, the lecture performs several functions:

- informational and educational - presentation of educational material on the program, filling the gap between the textbook and life, orientation to the new in the legal literature;

- worldview - the formation of a scientific worldview, more precisely - the definition of its general ideological and theoretical direction;

- logical and methodological - the formation of students' creative thinking, equipping them with the methodology of scientific research;

- educational - the development of attitudes towards the life of a person and society, an objective assessment of events and phenomena in the life of the country and abroad;

Based on the goals that determine the required level of assimilation of the program material, the methodology and format of the lecture changes.

Types of lectures and features of their use in the training of specialists for the judiciary: introductory, educational and program, installation, overview, final.

Introductory Lecture is given traditionally at the beginning of the study of the academic discipline. It reveals the goals and objectives of studying the subject, its structure and place in the system of higher education. The basic requirements and initial theoretical concepts, terms that are to be familiarized are outlined, the place of the subject under study in the general system of legal knowledge is determined. The main method of presentation is a popular lecture, oriented towards solving upcoming problems, learning new things, broadening one's horizons. In this lecture, all the material to be studied is displayed schematically, in blocks, so that students can imagine what they will study, what knowledge and skills they will be enriched with.

Orientation lecture gives general, and on individual topics - specific guidelines for the independent study of certain issues, problems posed.

Lecture-conversation implies the presence of emotional feedback, confidential communication in order to involve students in joint reasoning, search for solutions to the questions raised, which allows you to consciously assimilate the educational material. To invite to a dialogue, to give the opportunity to reason and speak out is the goal of the teacher in this lecture. The widespread use of illustrative material in order to give students support for evidence-based reasoning, substantiation of conclusions is a necessity in such lectures. The dialogue process is preceded by the teacher's story, the problem statement, the placement of guidelines for its solution.

Academic ("basic") lecture has a tradition. It is characterized by a fairly high scientific level, theoretical premises and abstractions, strict scientific validity and evidence, clear planning in terms of points and time, logic and brevity of presentation (“under the abstract”), illustration of what is stated and giving examples as such are typical for such a lecture. Its purpose is to provide basic, fundamental knowledge of the theory and practice in the field of tax law.

Overview lecture (lecture-consultation) is usually carried out before exams, tests. It highlights the most important topics, topics that cause the greatest difficulty in studying or reproducing students, analyzes typical mistakes and shortcomings, draws conclusions from the practical results obtained when studying this topic (topics, section, course, subject) in practical classes.

Final (final) lecture takes place in terms of studying the subject at the end of its study, or the study of a large section. Its purpose is to summarize the studied material, to focus on the basic, basic, fundamental concepts, topics, issues; to give a “vision” of what has been studied not “from the inside”, but “from above”, in the system of other topics studied, in the system of scientific knowledge on tax law.

Practical (seminar) lesson- one of the most complex and at the same time fruitful types (forms) of university education and upbringing. In the conditions of higher education, this form of classes, conducted under the guidance of a teacher, provides a high-quality study of the discipline and mastering the skills of its application in practical activities in the rule-making, law enforcement, law enforcement, expert-consulting and pedagogical fields.

The practical lesson is intended for an in-depth study of the discipline and mastery of the methodology in relation to the characteristics of the studied branch of science.

A practical lesson is a type of training session in which, as a result of preliminary work on the program material, both the teacher and the students, in an environment of their direct and active communication, in the process of students' speeches on the topic, the discussion that arises between them and the teacher's generalizations, the tasks of cognitive and educational nature, a worldview is formed, the methodological and practical skills necessary for the formation of qualified specialists are instilled, which meets the requirements of the standard of higher professional education.

Subject to the requirements of the methodology for their implementation, practical exercises perform a multifaceted role:

- stimulate the regular study of primary sources and other literature by students, as well as an attentive attitude to the lecture course;

- consolidate the knowledge gained by students while listening to lectures and independent work on literature;

- expand the circle of knowledge thanks to the speeches of comrades and the teacher in the classroom;

- allow students to check the correctness of previously acquired knowledge, to isolate the most important, essential in them;

- contribute to the transformation of knowledge into firm personal convictions, dispel doubts that could arise in lectures and in the study of literature, which is especially well achieved as a result of a clash of opinions, discussions;

- instill the skills of independent thinking, oral presentation on theoretical issues, hone their thoughts, teach students to freely operate with terminology, legal concepts and categories;

- provide an opportunity for the teacher to systematically control the level of independent work of students on primary sources, other educational material, the degree of their attentiveness in lectures;

- allow you to study the opinions, interests of students, serve as a means of monitoring the teacher not only for the work of students, but also for his own as a lecturer and seminar leader, consultant, etc.

The leading function of the practical lesson is cognitive.

In the process of discussing specific legal problems in class, their new aspects are outlined, their justification is deepened, provisions are put forward that have not previously attracted the attention of students. Even the very deepening of knowledge, the movement of thought from the essence of the first order to the essence of the second order imparts a more meaningful and solid content to the knowledge of students, raises them to a higher level.

The educational function of a practical lesson follows from its cognitive function, which is characteristic of the entire educational process. Deep comprehension of the greatest theoretical wealth, the formation of a legal worldview are necessarily associated with the establishment of humanistic morality, modern aesthetic criteria.

The control function inherent in a practical lesson is manifested in checking the content, depth and systematic nature of students' independent work. It is auxiliary to the above functions.

Types of seminars: a traditional seminar, a seminar-discussion, a colloquium, a seminar-research, trainings, etc. The choice of the form of conducting depends on the educational goals, the tasks of a particular topic, the individual teaching style, and the experience of the students.

Proseminar- a lesson preparing for the seminar, in order to acquaint students with the specifics of independent work, with literature, primary sources, methods of working on them:

- special attention should be paid to the development of skills in working with literature and creative processing of the material, to warn against compilation and a compilative approach to solving scientific problems that develop precisely with improper preparation for the seminar);

- preparation of abstracts on certain topics, reading and discussing them with the participants of the pro-seminar with the conclusion of the leader.

Actually seminar:

- a detailed conversation according to a previously known plan;

- small reports of master's students.

In seminars, it is preferable to discuss:

- the key topics of the course, the assimilation of which determines the quality of professional training;

- questions that are most difficult to understand and assimilate. Their discussion should be carried out in a collaborative environment that ensures the active participation of each student.

More serious tasks are special seminars which form students' research approach to the material. The senior seminar gradually prepares students for a special seminar, which is a school of communication for novice researchers on a specific scientific problem.

Special Seminar:

- acquires the character of a scientific school;

– accustoms students to collective thinking and creativity, involves the mastery of special means of professional activity in the field of science or practice chosen for specialization;

- an important role is played by the appropriate orientation of students to group work and its assessment, the use of special techniques (for example, modeling situations);

- at the final lesson, the teacher, as a rule, makes a complete review of seminars and student research papers, revealing the horizons for further research on the issues raised and the possibility of students participating in them.

Academic Seminar involves the interaction of the teacher with the group as a whole (the teaching function is implemented in relation to all students);

Disadvantages of an academic seminar:

- students demonstrate individual knowledge, so there is practically no communication;

- there is no cooperation and mutual assistance; an attempt to help the speaker is regarded as a hint, a prohibited technique, a violation of discipline;

- there is no personal inclusion of students in educational activities;

- the intellectual activity of students is shackled;

- students have the opportunity not to speak, to do other work during the seminar. The very form of organization of the seminar puts students in a passive position, their speech activity is reduced to a minimum. There is no opportunity to develop the professional communication and interaction skills required by the professional community.

Thus, the group form of communication in the classroom is not an adequate model of people's relations in a team, in production, and today does not meet the requirements of training specialists.

Interdisciplinary Seminar:

- a topic is presented that needs to be considered in various aspects: political, economic, legal, moral;

- specialists of the relevant professions and teachers of these disciplines can be invited;

– assignments are distributed among students for the preparation of reports on the topic;

- the method of an interdisciplinary seminar allows you to expand the horizons of students, accustoms to a comprehensive assessment of problems, to see interdisciplinary connections.

Problem Seminar:

- the teacher proposes to discuss problems related to the content of this section, topics;

- the day before, students are given the task to select, formulate and explain problems;

– during the seminar, in the conditions of a group discussion, a discussion of problems is held;

- allows you to identify the level of knowledge of students in this area and form a strong interest in the studied section of the course.

Thematic seminar:

- is prepared and conducted with the aim of focusing the attention of students on any topical topic or on its most important and significant aspects;

- students are given the task - to highlight the essential aspects of the topic, or the teacher can do it himself in the case when students find it difficult to trace their connection with the practice of social or labor activity;

- the seminar deepens the knowledge of students, orients them to an active search for ways and means of solving the problem.

Orientation Seminar:

– the subject of these seminars are new aspects of known topics or methods for solving already posed and studied problems, officially published materials, decrees, directives, etc.;

- students are invited to express their views, opinions, point of view on this topic, possible options for execution;

- the method of oriented seminars helps to prepare for the active and productive study of new material, aspect or problem.

Seminar-training(use practicum)

- goal: the acquisition of new experience and the understanding of theoretical material by solving incidents taken from forensic and investigative practice;

– tasks: development of a methodology for qualifying acts, determining the signs of a specific corpus delicti, determining the signs of an act that affect the type and size of the punishment imposed;

- is an important methodological technique that allows you to build relationships between the teacher and students in a constructive mode;

- we are talking about the construction of ideal models, in accordance with which the future professional could find adequate ways to solve a particular problem, taking into account the rapidly changing situation.


– dialogical communication of participants;

- on the eve of the seminar, the teacher leading the seminar should clearly define the range of such problems, name the main literary sources. It is quite acceptable to divide individual large problems into several smaller ones, entrusting their consideration to the most prepared students;

- each of the participants in the discussion must learn to accurately express their thoughts in a report or speech on an issue, actively defend their point of view, object with reason, refute an erroneous position;

- it is necessary to distinguish between "dialogue-like" communication, when everyone leads their own "party", and the actual dialogue, when there is a joint development of the topic of discussion;

- inclusion of elements of "brainstorming", "business game". In the first case, the participants of the seminar try to put forward as many ideas as possible without criticizing them, and then the main, most noteworthy ones are singled out from them, which are discussed and developed. In the second case, the seminar receives role-playing "instrumentation". You can enter the roles of host, opponent, reviewer, logician, psychologist, expert, etc. (depending on what material is being discussed);

- the leader receives the authority of the teacher to lead the discussion, monitors the reasoning and correctness of statements, regulations, etc.;

- a special role in such a seminar belongs to the teacher.

The teacher must:

- identify the range of problems and issues to be discussed.

- to select basic and additional literature on the topic of the seminar for speakers and speakers.

- to distribute the forms of participation and functions of students in collective work.

- to prepare students for the chosen role participation.

- Lead the workshop.

- Summarize the discussion.

"Round table":

- reflects the features of modern professional communication;

- involves cooperation and mutual assistance;

- each student has the right to intellectual activity, is interested in achieving the common goal of the seminars, takes part in the collective development of conclusions and decisions;

- the student takes an active position.


- at the suggestion of the teacher, students form small groups of 7-9 people who receive a list of problematic issues on the topic of the lesson;

- within 5-15 minutes, students exchange opinions, prepare a speech;

- the subgroup selects a speaker, and the rest of the students of the subgroup answer questions asked by the teacher or students and other subgroups;

- at the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up and evaluates the work of students.

Business game:

- is a form of recreating the subject and social content of the future professional activity of a specialist, modeling such systems of relations that are characteristic of this activity as a whole;

- a professional environment is reproduced, similar in basic essential characteristics to the real one;

- only typical, generalized situations are reproduced on a compressed time scale;

- the student performs quasi-professional activities: knowledge and skills are acquired by him not in the abstract, but in the context of the profession, superimposed on the canvas of professional work;

The variety of types of seminars is, of course, not an end in itself, but only a means of ensuring the most effective solution of the main tasks of the seminar.

System of reports and abstracts to practical classes, round tables and mini-conferences, which are prepared by students on a pre-proposed topic, in addition to the general goals of the educational process, the task is to instill in students the skills of scientific, creative work, to form public speaking techniques, to cultivate independent thinking, a taste for finding new ideas and facts, examples .

Despite the weaknesses of this technique (often, except for speakers, co-speakers and opponents, no one seriously prepares for the lesson, and the speakers themselves study only one issue), such practical exercises arouse a certain interest among students. In practical exercises of this type, the students are ready to ensure that each of them is ready to act as a co-speaker or opponent.

The topics of the reports are varied: it may coincide with the wording of the question in the lesson plan or reflect only one side of it, related to the practical significance of the problem, especially in the professional sphere.

In practical classes, the preparation of abstracts and their discussion are practiced. An abstract is a written work devoted to any legal problem, analysis of a work or several of them, conducted by a student under the guidance of a teacher. Its content, as a rule, implies a greater depth of research than in the preparation of a report of the usual type, the presence of creative searches, independence of thinking and conclusions. The student prepares a presentation on his abstract, which can be submitted for preliminary review by students.

Work on the preparation of an abstract requires a long time: two to four weeks or more. Abstract reports are prepared for the end of a major topic, when its main issues have already been discussed earlier.

Dispute in a group or on a stream, as a method of a practical lesson, it is convenient for developing the skills of oral controversy. The dispute can be both an independent form of practical training, and an element of other forms of practical training. In the first case, as a rule, the classes of two or more groups of students are combined, when the students of one group make presentations, and the opponents of the other group, which is agreed upon in advance. Questions submitted to such classes always have theoretical and practical significance. A dispute as an element of a practical lesson within the same group can be called by the teacher during the lesson or planned in advance by him. In the course of the controversy, students develop resourcefulness, quickness of mental reaction, personal position and worldview.

The practical lesson consists of three structural parts: preliminary (preparation for the lesson), the actual practical lesson itself (discussion of the topic in the group) and the final part (the work of students after the practical lesson to eliminate the revealed knowledge gaps).

Not only the practical lesson itself, but also the preliminary and concluding parts of it are necessary links in a holistic system for mastering the topic brought up for discussion.

Practical classes help students to better understand the educational material, to acquire the skills of creative work on documents and primary sources.

In order to increase the efficiency of the educational process, in creating comfortable learning conditions in practical and equal classes, interactive forms of learning are used, in which students feel their success, their intellectual viability, which makes the learning process itself productive.

The concept of interactive learning provides for several forms/models of learning:

passive - the student acts as an "object" of learning (listens and looks);

active - the student acts as the "subject" of learning (independent work, creative assignments, term papers / projects, etc.);

interactive - interaction, equal partnership.

The use of an interactive learning model involves modeling life (service) situations, the use of role-playing (business) games, and joint problem solving. The dominance of any participant in the educational process or any idea is excluded. From the object of influence, the student becomes the subject of interaction, he actively participates in the learning process, following his own individual route.

The educational process, based on the use of interactive methods and forms of education, is organized taking into account the inclusion in the process of cognition of all students of the group, without exception. Joint creative activity means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution, in the course of active work there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways, methods of activity. Individual, pair and group work is organized, project work, role-playing (situational) games are used, work is carried out with regulatory documents and various sources of information. Interactive methods are based on the principles of interaction, activity of students, reliance on individual (group) experience, mandatory feedback. An environment of educational communication is being created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulation of joint knowledge, skills, opportunities for mutual evaluation and control.

An important factor in the effectiveness of this type of training, its high efficiency is the preparation process. The speeches of even the most conscientious students without the guiding role of the teacher will not be able to sound at the practical lesson itself.

First of all, students must understand the proposed lesson plan, comprehend the questions submitted for discussion, the place of each of the questions in the disclosure of the topic of the practical lesson. And the teacher plays a big role in this.

Preparation for a practical lesson activates the student's work with a book, requires an appeal to literature, and teaches to reason. In the process of preparing for a practical lesson, already known categories are consolidated and refined and new categories are mastered, the student's "language" becomes richer. Faced in the course of preparation with insufficiently clear points of the topic, students find answers on their own or fix their questions for posing and clarifying them at the practical lesson itself.

The teacher can invite students to think about posing such questions on the topic of the practical lesson that will arouse interest in their ambiguity, inconsistency, and divide the participants in the practical lesson into opposing groups. And this is just what is needed for the discussion, for the activation of practical training, for students to search for the truth, which, as you know, is born in a dispute. It goes without saying that questions should be prepared in the teacher's arsenal to create problem situations, if they are not created by students' performances, by the very logic of the development of a practical lesson.

In the process of preparation, working through the proposed questions, the student determines for himself one or two of them (of course, more are possible), in which he feels most confident and, as a consultant or opponent, intends to set the tone for a practical lesson.

Does the teacher need to specially prepare individual well-performing students for a practical lesson, giving them individual, advanced tasks? Think it should. Tasks may be given to prepare fragments of primary sources, tests on the topic. The teacher should also have “homework” that will be useful in various options for the development of a practical lesson. "Extra" developments will not interfere, even if not all of the plans can be used. The practical lesson, as already noted, has “its own logic”, which can subjugate the teacher to some extent. After all, the practical lesson is, so to speak, "live" - ​​clarifications, amendments to the work plan, its correction has to be done "on the go", i.e., as a result of unexpected speeches, remarks, questions from students.

At a practical lesson, each student has the opportunity to critically assess their knowledge, compare it with the knowledge and skills of their presentation of other students, draw conclusions about the need for more in-depth and responsible work on the issues under discussion.

During the practical lesson, each student relies on his lecture notes, his own extracts from textbooks, primary sources, articles, other philosophical literature, on a dictionary on this topic. The practical lesson stimulates the desire to improve the abstract, the desire to make it more informative, of high quality. From a practical lesson to a practical lesson, at all its stages and their correction, the student rises to a higher level of his own maturity, his opinion, to work more effectively on problems directly related to his future profession.

At the practical lesson and after it, the psychological factor "turns on" the motivation of readiness for learning.

A practical lesson as a developing, active form of the educational process contributes to the development of independent thinking of the student, the formation of an information culture. This is largely helped by problem situations that are created spontaneously or created by the teacher and individual students in the course of a practical lesson. It is known that a problem situation is an intellectual-emotional experience that arises when judgments are inconsistent and prompts one to seek an answer to a question that has arisen, to seek a solution to a contradiction. Get students to act; difficult tasks must be given to strong students, and accessible tasks to weak ones, i.e., to apply leveled education (reproductive, constructive and creative levels). Finding an answer during the discussion, solving the problem becomes the student's own "discovery". Naturally, the result of this discovery is a deeper, firmly remembered knowledge. In training, another, albeit small, but important and solid step forward is being taken. The main thing is not to forget that serious tasks give rise to a serious attitude towards them.

Finding an independent way out of a problem situation gives a good not only educational, but also an educational effect.

The process of thinking, independently found arguments that appeared as a result of resolving problematic situations, circumstances contribute to the search and approval of guidelines, professional values, and awareness of the connection with the future profession.

A practical lesson is an effective form of consolidating the knowledge gained on the problem under discussion, seeing this problem as a whole, realizing its correlation with other topics within the framework of a holistic philosophical concept.

From the point of view of the method of conducting, a practical lesson is a combined, integrative form of a training session. It suggests the possibility of using abstracts, fragments of primary sources, oral and written conceptual dictations, tests, tasks like “finish the sentence”, etc., “your own logic”, which can to some extent subordinate the teacher. If the vast majority of students and the teacher himself come to the practical lesson well prepared, the practical lesson will be successful and will give the expected result.

At the second stage of the practical lesson, students carry out a very voluminous work on in-depth insight into the essence of the problem submitted for discussion. During the practical lesson, the student learns to speak publicly, to see the reaction of the audience, to express his thoughts logically, clearly, clearly, in competent literary language, to draw arguments, to formulate arguments in defense of his position. This is important for everyone, but especially for law students who view a person as a “subject

To stimulate independent thinking, the teacher used various active teaching methods: problem situations, “finish the sentence” tasks, tests, and even an interactive survey.

At the preparatory stage of the practical lesson, a number of students may receive a task - to prepare abstracts and present their theses, and then the teacher determines the questions to be posed to the group.

The revival of a practical lesson, and therefore its activation, the increase in cognitive and educational potential, is facilitated not only by problem situations, but also by the introduction of game techniques into its macrostructure. For this purpose, it is legitimate to use tests in the practical lesson.

With the help of tests, you can go to the announcement of future topics of the course of the discipline.

An analysis of errors in a practical lesson gives the teacher material for further improvement of both the content and methodological parts of the practical lesson, and the development of their own topics.

A practical lesson allows you to use all the variety of available methodological means to enhance the study of the discipline.

In an interactive way

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education (FGOS HPE) on the basis of a competency-based approach has actualized the importance of using interactive methods in the learning process.

The proposed methodological manual contains instructions for studying the discipline based on interactive learning methods, the technological process and recommendations for the practical application of methods in the structure of the lesson.

Interactive learning- this is a special form of organization of cognitive activity, a way of cognition, carried out in the form of joint activities of students. All participants interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, simulate situations, evaluate the actions of others and their own behavior, immerse themselves in a real atmosphere of business cooperation to resolve the problem.

During interactive learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on the analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, communicate with other people. To do this, pair and group work is organized in the classroom, research projects are used, work is underway with documents and various sources of information, and creative work is used.

In the course of studying the discipline, it is supposed to use a number of interactive approaches, among which the following can be distinguished:

· creative tasks;

work in small groups;




· Feedback;

At the lecture session, any student should be ready to participate in mini-discussions, ask questions to the lecturer and answer his questions on the topic of the lecture. Thus, there is an activation of work at lectures, which cease to be exclusively a teacher's monologue.

Self-preparation for seminars consists in the obligatory fulfillment by the student of all types of tasks on the topic of each lesson. The student must be prepared to answer questions according to the lesson plan, reliably master the basic concepts and categories, answer questions for self-examination and complete problematic assignments in writing.

When using interactive methods, the teacher regulates the process and deals with its general organization, prepares the necessary tasks in advance and formulates questions or topics for discussion in groups, gives advice, controls the time and order of the planned plan.

The use of interactive forms and teaching methods in the process of studying at a university will allow you to acquire:

· specific student:

Experience in actively mastering the content of future professional activity in conjunction with practice;

Development of personal reflection as a future professional in his profession;

Mastering new experience of professional interaction with practitioners in this field;

· study group:

Development of communication and interaction skills in a small group;

Formation of the value-oriented unity of the group;

Encouragement to change social roles flexibly depending on the situation;

Adoption of moral norms and rules of joint activity;

Development of skills of analysis and introspection in the process of group reflection;

Development of the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to compromise;

· system teacher - group

Non-standard attitude to the organization of the educational process;

Formation of motivational readiness for interpersonal interaction not only in educational, but also in professional situations.

Technology of conducting a practical lesson

in an interactive way

Practical classes in the discipline are held in the form of seminars and creative tasks.

Plan for the practical lesson:


2. work in small groups;



1. Warm up

Target: updating the issues discussed and the actions performed in the practical lesson.


Formation of a general idea of ​​the level of knowledge proficiency among students that is relevant for the lesson;

development of communication skills (communication skills);

Removal of psychological and physical stress in the classroom.

Implementation methodology

Questions for the warm-up are formulated on the topic of the lesson. The warm-up is carried out in practical classes before dividing into subgroups.

The warm-up schedule depends on the topic of the lesson and in practical classes it can be 10-15 minutes, i.e. 2 - 3 questions, 10 - 15 seconds for each answer, discussion 5 minutes.

During the warm-up in practical classes, the degree of students' readiness for the announced topic is revealed. The important point is that students should know that everyone will have to answer the question with a brief justification. At the same time, the answers “I agree with the previous answer”, “I think so”, “This is how we solved a similar problem in the previous lesson”, etc. not accepted. The difficulty encountered here consists in repeating, after two, three, maximum four original answers, what has already been said. Anyway, the correct answer will be finally formulated at the stage of debriefing.

1. Work in small groups

Small group work- this is one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy ones) the opportunity to participate in the work, practice the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication (in particular, the ability to actively listen, develop a common opinion, resolve disagreements).

Target: demonstrate the similarities or differences of certain phenomena, develop a strategy or develop a plan, find out the attitude of different groups of participants to the same issue.


· Development of communication and interaction skills in a group.

· Formation of value-oriented unity of the group.

· Encouragement to change social roles flexibly depending on the situation.

Implementation methodology

The group of students is divided into several small groups. The number of groups is determined by the number of creative tasks that will be discussed

in the course of the lesson. Small groups are formed either at the request of students, or on related topics for discussion.

Small groups occupy a certain space, convenient for discussion at the group level. The group determines the speaker, opponents, experts.

Each small group works on a creative task within the allotted time and prepares a presentation using visual material (diagrams, tables, drawings) presented in the form of a presentation.

The speeches offered by each small group on a creative assignment are heard.

2. Discussion

After each judgment, the opponents ask questions, listen to the answers of the authors of the proposed positions.

A discussion involves discussing an issue or a group of related issues with the intention of reaching a mutually acceptable solution. A discussion is a kind of dispute, close to a polemic, and is a series of statements that are made in turn by the participants. The statements of the latter should refer to the same subject or topic, which gives the discussion the necessary coherence.

Discussion is one of the most important forms of communication, a fruitful method of solving controversial issues and, at the same time, a peculiar way of cognition. It allows you to better understand what is not fully clear and has not yet found a convincing justification. In the discussion, the moment of subjectivity is removed, the beliefs of one person or group of people receive the support of others and thus a certain validity.

At the end, a general opinion is formulated, expressing a joint position on the creative task.

3. Summing up

The teacher gives a value judgment about the work of small groups, in solving creative tasks, and the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.



Issues for discussion:

1. Economic interest of enterprises and entrepreneurs in the creation of safe technologies and means of production.

3. Analysis and assessment of hazards in the world of work.

4. Social and economic efficiency of labor protection.

5. Formation of social and economic effect.


Exercise 1. Determination of depreciation and residual value by the proportional method.

The residual value of the machines in this case is calculated according to the method in which wear is determined in proportion to the service life of the machine or part.

The calculation is carried out according to the formulas

where is the initial cost of the machine;

If - economic assessment of the physical wear of the machine or loss of value, c.u.;

t- the actual period of use of the machine at the time of determining wear, years, ha, km, motor-hours;

T- depreciation (normative) service life in the same units;

SI f - degree of wear, %;

C l - liquidation cost of the machine.

Determination of the residual value of parts and machines is carried out according to the formula:

C oc \u003d C mon - I F,

where С os - residual value, c.u.

Task execution order

1. Select a task option from tables 1, 2.

2. Determine the wear and residual value of the part.

3. Determine the wear and tear and residual value of the machine.

4. Plot wear and residual value versus service life.

5. Analyze the results of calculations, draw conclusions.

Initial data (A): Determine the wear and residual value of the part after 150, 250, 350 and 400 thousand. km. The initial cost of the part Spn c.u., full resource - 450 thousand km; salvage value is zero.

Table 1 - Task options

Initial data (B): A tractor with an initial cost of SPN thousand c.u. served n years and worked out t thousand moto-hours during this time; at the time of rejection, the cost of all materials suitable for further use is 15% of the initial cost, and the cost of delivery is 4%; full tractor life before decommissioning - 11 thousand motor-hours. Determine the wear and tear and residual value of the tractor.

Table 2 - Task options

Indicators Options

Task 2. Comparative evaluation of depreciation methods

(Lectures by Solomatina + answers from past years in gray from the Internet)


Seminar functions:

current control of the results of independent work of students;

· students mastering the skills of independent presentation with oral presentations, substantiation and defense of their own point of view;

teaching students the rules of discussion and the ability to listen to a partner;

Identification of individual learning difficulties in individual students, possible shortcomings in their thinking or some mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, etc.);

· identification of personal characteristics of students that can positively or negatively affect the entire learning process and therefore require consideration or even correction.

3 types of seminars:

· Seminar (1st year) The goal is to familiarize students with the specifics of independent work, with literature, primary sources, and methods of working on them.

· Actually a seminar (2-4 courses). The goal is to form students' research approach to the material.

· Special seminar (5 course). The goal is to teach students to work in groups within the framework of a scientific school

Forms of seminars:

question-answer system;

a detailed conversation based on what was previously reported to students
seminar plan;

· Oral reports of students with their subsequent discussion;

Discussion of written abstracts prepared in advance by individual students;

· theoretical conference in a group or on a stream;


· Seminar press conference;


commented reading of primary sources; solving problems and exercises;

solving test problems and exercises, sociological crossword puzzles;

· a seminar on the materials of sociological research conducted by students under the guidance of a teacher;

Seminar-video surveillance of real practices;

· control (written) work on separate questions, subjects with the subsequent discussion;


Criteria for assessing the quality of a seminar(S. Kiselgof)

3) organization of the seminar;

4) student activity;

5) the style of the seminar;

6) preparedness of the teacher and his skill;

7) the attitude of the teacher to students;

8) the attitude of students to the teacher and to the subject being studied.

Brainstorming method (A.F. Osborne)- a thought-technical method of social engineering, aimed at stimulating creative activity and uniting the group.

Educational game - a kind of unproductive activity, the main motive of which is not the result, but the process itself.

Sociological Tournament - a form of classes that gives the educational process a competitive character, excites students with additional energy and contributes to the development of skills of intellectual collective activity and public speaking.

Laboratory workshop - a practical lesson using technology, special equipment, conducting an experiment, experience, research.

Lesson to consolidate knowledge and improve skills and abilities conducted in the form of a seminar, workshop, excursion, independent work and laboratory workshop. A significant part of the time is occupied by the repetition and consolidation of knowledge, practical work on the application, expansion and deepening of knowledge, on the formation of skills and the consolidation of skills.

(You can also say that Bordovskaya, Rean in their book Pedagogy give different examples of tasks and the method of "situations" for students with the aim of their spiritual, intellectual development)

A practical lesson is a form of organization of the educational process, which involves the implementation by students on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher of one or more practical work. If the lecture focuses on explaining the theory of a particular academic discipline, then practical exercises serve to teach the methods of its application. As a rule, practical classes are conducted in parallel with reading all the main courses. The main goal of practical exercises is to master the method of using theory, to acquire professional skills, as well as practical skills necessary for studying subsequent disciplines.

According to the didactic purpose, practical works are distinguished, illustrative and research; by the nature of the student's activity - quantitative, qualitative, complex; by the nature of the organization of the conduct - frontal and link; in terms of content, practical work may include various types of technological and labor operations.

Forms of practical training:

Laboratory works

Seminars (however, seminars can be aimed at predominantly theoretical training)


A laboratory lesson is a form of organization of training, when students, on assignment and under the guidance of a teacher, perform one or more laboratory work. The main didactic goals of laboratory work are experimental confirmation of the studied theoretical positions, verification of formulas, familiarization with the methodology for conducting experiments and research. At the same time, students develop professional skills in handling instruments, equipment and other technical means for conducting experiments. In accordance with the didactic goals, the content of laboratory work is determined: the study of the properties of substances, their qualitative characteristics, quantitative indicators, the study of the design and operation of devices, equipment, their testing, characterization, etc. Unlike laboratory work, seminars are not aimed at independent work. In addition, in order to conduct a seminar practical lesson, most often, the ability to handle special technical means is not required.

Methods for conducting laboratory work:


Measurement and calculation



Seminar lesson - a lesson that is conducted with the aim of deepening and consolidating the knowledge gained at the lecture and in the process of working on educational and scientific literature. The organization of the seminar (if it is aimed primarily at practical training) should provide an exchange of views, a lively, creative discussion of the educational material, discussions on the issues under consideration, maximum mental activity of the students throughout the lesson.

Methodology for conducting seminar practical classes:

Solution of practical problems

Seminar on research materials conducted by students under the guidance of a teacher, or other real research and materials

Seminar-video surveillance of real practices

Conducting cases

Practicum is a type of training session that provides for the solution of complex educational tasks that require the student to apply both scientific and theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of various training courses, and practical skills acquired in seminar practical classes and laboratory work. The workshop is usually held in conditions close to the conditions of future professional activity. Thus, the main difference between the workshop and other forms of training is its interdisciplinary and complex nature. In addition, the workshop is carried out by students on the instructions of the teacher (not under the teacher's control, like laboratory work), but without his direct participation in it, at a time specially provided for this. At the same time, students consciously strive to achieve the goal, using their mental efforts and expressing in one form or another (oral answer, graphic construction, description of experiments, calculations, etc.) the result of mental and physical actions.

All types of workshops depending on the didactic purpose and the corresponding methods:

Acquiring new knowledge, mastering the ability to independently acquire knowledge (working with textbooks, performing observations and experiments, analytical and computational work)

Consolidation and clarification of knowledge (a system of exercises to clarify the features of concepts, limit them, separate essential features from non-essential ones)

Development of the ability to apply knowledge in solving educational and practical problems (solving problems of various types, solving problems in a general form, experimental work, etc.)

Formation of a creative character, the ability to apply knowledge in a complicated situation (writing essays, essays, preparing reports, tasks when looking for new ways to solve problems, new options for experience, etc.)

Thus, all types of practical exercises have a common goal - mastering the method of using theory, acquiring professional skills, etc. They differ from each other, mainly, only in the form of conducting and the degree of participation of the teacher in them.