Conflicts in our life presentation to the lesson on the topic. Conflicts in a person's life Avoiding a conflict situation

Class hour - training

"Conflicts in our lives".


class teacher 11th grade

Paramonova A.A.


Class hour training

"Conflicts in our lives".

Class objectives:


    Students should learn the essence of the concept of "conflict" and "conflict situation", develop conflict prevention skills.


    Development of skills of moral self-knowledge, introspection, self-assessment.


    Solving the problem of conflicts in the classroom, increasing cohesion in the classroom.

    To identify the degree of satisfaction of students with various aspects of the life of the team

Equipment: sheets of paper for testing, squares (red, green, black), multifor on the board. On the board: the title of the topic and the concept of "conflict".


We once again met to talk together on the topic: "Conflicts in our lives." Why did we choose this topic? This choice, of course, is not accidental. A questionnaire conducted among high school students showed that 90% of students believe that they are subjected to violence. What is violence?

1. psychological (personal violence).

2. physical (causing harm to health).

3. economic (extortion of money).

4. sexy.

Conflict is at the root of all violence.

With the help of a test, conversation, game and, if possible, frank statements, decisions, we will try to understand what a conflict is, how and why it happens, how to behave in a similar situation, how to be wiser, above conflicts.

    Conversation: students sit around the table facing each other.


1. Conflict is……

2. I am afraid of conflict because……

3. I am not afraid of conflict because …….

What is conflict?

Conflict - 1. clash, serious disagreement, dispute.

2. clash of opposite sides, opinions, forces, serious


When and why does conflict occur?

Let's continue talking about our own behavior in a conflict situation.

Please answer the test questions.

“How do you usually behave in a conflict situation?”

If you tend to this or that behavior, put a certain number of points after each answer number that characterizes the style of behavior. If you act like this

often - 3 points

case by case - 2 points

rarely - 1 point

Question 1 . How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?

    I threaten or fight

    I try to accept the opponent's point of view, I consider it as my own.

    Looking for compromises.

    I admit that I'm wrong, even if I can't believe it completely.

    I avoid the enemy.

    I want to achieve my goal no matter what.

    I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I categorically disagree with.

    I'm going to compromise.

    I give up

    I'm changing the subject.

    I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

    I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

    I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

    I offer peace.

    I'm trying to turn everything into a joke.

On the desk:

Calculate the number of points under the numbers ...

Find out the number of points by type.

Define Your Style (Most Spell Points)

A. is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, strive to win. This is the type of person, I'm always right.

B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

V. - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

D. - "outgoing" style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

Draw conclusions from testing.

Having received the results of the test, perhaps one of you has discovered something new in yourself. But don't take it as something permanent. This is an occasion to reflect and further change your point of view, yourself.

It is gratifying that there are basically no conflicting people in the class.

Practice game.

There are different ways to get out of the conflict.

In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict.

    Let's split into groups.

    Distribute tasks (the most typical conflict situations are selected).

    Discuss the conflict situation, offer to find a way out of this situation.

Situation #1

The class is conventionally divided into two micro-groups (groups), in which, both there and there, there are strong leaders, activists, and excellent students. Throughout the academic year, there is competition between them for grades, for teacher respect, for authority in front of the class, for superiority. All this is expressed in lessons in sharp jokes, in ridicule at each other. During the breaks there were “skirmishes”, quarrels and even there were cases of fights. This situation stresses the whole class. How can children constructively resolve this situation?

Situation #2

There is a new girl in the class. He has a very good appearance, dresses well, studies well, is distinguished by eccentricity and originality. The girl immediately took a leading position in front of teachers and classmates - boys. Notes rained down, calls with offers to meet, go to the cinema, etc. Naturally, the girls in the class do not like this situation. At first, the “new girl” was warned that if such a “song” continued, then she would not study at this school. But nothing has changed. She was met on the street, and a substantive conversation took place. She, in response, stated that she was not interested in the opinion of girls. And in general, with whom he wants, he will meet with him. How to achieve understanding?

Situation #3

At recess, you gave your friend your brand new, newly bought mobile phone. He went with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was collecting the broken case of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running past, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not to blame for anything. You know your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to spoil the relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

To study friendship, solidarity or, conversely, conflict:

1. Our class is very friendly and close-knit

2. Our class is friendly

3. There are no quarrels in our class, our class cannot be called conflict.

4. There are sometimes quarrels in our class, but our class cannot be called conflict.

5. Our class is unfriendly. Often there are quarrels

6. Our class is very unfriendly. It's hard to study in such a class.

Draw conclusions from the training (does a psychologist).

So, there are many ways to resolve the conflict situation that has arisen: students

    Before entering into an argument, calm down, think it over, weigh everything.





Arbitration court




tenderness - "recognition of dignity."

Respect for each other decreases, the measure of tension increases.


    How do you get out of conflict, your universal way?

    What method that you learned about today will you use in a conflict situation?

And finally: Each of you has 3 colored squares. Do you find the discussion of this topic useful, will it change your behavior in a conflict situation.

"YES" - red.

"NO" - black

"DOUBT" - green

Put the squares in the envelopes on the board.

  • Volume: 770 pages 50 illustrations
  • Genre: practical psychology, social psychology
  • Tags: conflictology, psychology of conflict, psychology of relations

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2014

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Author to reader: How did I get into this “story”

The reader is always eager to learn something about the author.

To look into the world of danger means, to a certain extent, to stop being afraid of it.

This book is written by a practicing conflictologist with a PhD in conflict management.

Initially, I spoke about my practical experience in preventing and resolving conflicts in the book Conflicts in Our Lives and Their Resolution. In it, I described the mechanism for the emergence of “random” conflicts, proposed formulas for non-random conflicts and an algorithm for finding their root causes, as well as the conflict resolution technique that had been developed by that time, and demonstrated its effectiveness on 200 conflicts from my conflictologist practice.

I had to look for my own approach not from a good life, since there was nowhere to take something useful: conflictology did not develop in the USSR (conflicts were considered the brainchild of capitalism, but we were building a conflict-free society), and foreign publications were practically inaccessible.

Later, having access to them, I learned a lot of interesting things (and I tried to reflect this in this book). Fortunately, this not only did not cross out my own developments, but also allowed some of them to be theoretically supported. Thus, the regularity of the escalation of conflictogens that I discovered empirically (see section 3.2) received its theoretical justification thanks to the results of foreign psychologists on the spontaneous increase in tension in relationships (presented in section 2.2).

Over the course of the 20th century, foreign conflictology has been actively developing, and many fundamental results have been obtained. Unfortunately, they are poorly represented (with rare exceptions) in the books of domestic conflictologists. The author has tried to the best of his ability to fill this gap in the part that corresponds to the content of the book.

If we talk about the author's position, then I am a supporter, first of all, of conflict prevention, their timely detection and resolution at an early stage. Therefore, I am proud when colleagues present me as "the most conflict-free conflictologist."

The book also builds a practice-tested technology for managing conflicts at all stages of their development.

The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is illustrated by an analysis of more than 120 real conflicts, in the resolution of which the author happened to be directly involved.

I express my gratitude to the staff of the Piter Publishing House for their interest in this book.

I would be grateful to readers who wished to express their opinions, comments and suggestions about the book.

Chapter 1
Essence of the conflict

1.1. Definition of "conflict"

The study of any concept, phenomenon naturally begins with an attempt to define it. First, in order to get an idea of ​​what will be discussed. Secondly, to outline the range of accompanying phenomena. And thirdly, to use this definition in practice. The latter circumstance is of great importance for the author, since the goal is to write not a purely theoretical work, but something that will help each reader (and in particular, a conflictologist) resolve real conflicts.

The word "conflict" comes from the Latin conflictus - clash and almost unchanged enters other languages ​​(conflict - English, konflikt - German, conflit - French).

The task of giving a meaningful definition of the concept of "conflict" turned out to be quite difficult. A. Ya. Antsupov and AI Shipilov, in their review of works on conflict issues, compared various definitions of conflict proposed by Russian psychologists and came to the conclusion that there is no generally accepted understanding of conflict.

These authors analyzed 52 conflict definitions. It turned out that all definitions intrapersonal conflict based on two key concepts: in some definitions, the conflict is interpreted as a contradiction between different sides of the personality, in others - as a clash, a struggle of personal tendencies. Definition Analysis interpersonal conflict allowed these authors to highlight the following main properties:

1) the presence of contradictions between the interests, values, goals, motives of the parties as the basis of the conflict;

2) opposition of the subjects of the conflict;

3) the desire by any means to cause maximum damage to the opponent, his interests;

4) negative emotions and feelings towards each other.

However, following the desire to cover all 52 opinions of the authors in one definition, it is possible to introduce into it factors that are not the main ones, but derivatives of others, the root causes. Thus, the desire to harm the opponent is not inherent in any conflict - in many of them, opponents only seek their own benefit (for example, in the struggle to take a vacant position); at the same time, causing damage is not the goal at all, it is a possible consequence: if I received something, therefore, something else did not get, and this is his damage. Negative emotions also do not always accompany conflict: for example, parties who feel superior, who have stronger positions, experience satisfaction rather than negative emotions. Negative emotions arise as a result of defeats on the way to the intended goal or as a result of the aggressive actions of the other side.

Generally speaking, the more features of a concept are included in its definition, the more its subject field narrows and there is a danger of losing many objects related to this concept. So, conflicts in which there are no negative emotions or the parties do not aim to harm the opponent, the goal of each is only to take possession of some desired object (position, bonus, favor of the object of love or sexual desire, etc.), will no longer be considered as such, - which is illegal. There is another heuristic consideration that justifies the expediency of discarding the third and fourth properties in the definition of interpersonal conflict. An attempt to give some kind of “averaged” definition of a concept that best meets the views of many authors on it is akin to calculating the estimate of the mathematical expectation of a certain random variable based on its empirical values. In mathematical statistics, for this case, there is a rule for rejecting "pop-up" values: those that deviate more than "three sigma" from the average value are discarded, and the estimate of the mathematical expectation is given without taking into account these values.

In the case of "averaging" the views of studies with such a large number of opinions (52), the possibility of erroneous ones is not ruled out. All these arguments, I hope, justify the proposal to consider only the first and second properties in the definition of conflict.

Perhaps, based on this, A. Ya. Antsupov and A. I. Shipilov proposed the following definition: “Conflict is understood as the most acute way to resolve significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction, which consists in counteracting the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions” .

We have already talked about negative emotions. But the interpretation of the conflict as a way to resolve contradictions also raises doubts. I agree with N. V. Grishina on this, who writes: “It is also unclear whether it should be considered that conflict as a way of resolving contradictions necessarily implies their resolution or, at least, a focus on resolution” .

Indeed, each of the parties to the conflict is concerned only with achieving its own goal - to seize the object, which is also claimed by the other side. The achievement of this goal by one side can only intensify the conflict, since the other side will seek revenge, and this is possible only through the expansion and deepening of the conflict.

However, it turns out that for the emergence of a conflict it is not at all necessary (this will be shown in Section 2.2) that there are significant contradictions! Therefore, to talk about them in the definition means to lose sight of a large class of real (“random”) conflicts (they are discussed in Section 3.2).

As I said, my goal is to help the reader resolve conflicts. Hence the task is to give such a definition of the conflict, which will allow to establish whether its specific situation is a conflict or not.

Collision - conflictus - implies the open nature of the actions of the parties.

This circumstance is also noted by B. I. Khasan: “Any conflict is an actualized contradiction, that is, opposing values, attitudes, and motives embodied in interaction. It can be considered quite obvious that, in order to be resolved, a contradiction must necessarily be embodied in actions, in their collision. It is only through the clash of actions that the contradiction, literal or conceivable, reveals itself.

At the same time, the values, motives, interests and true goals of one side of the conflict may not be known to the other side. Only the actions of the parties that are perceived as a threat are known. Exactly perceived because, firstly, we evaluate events through our own perception. And secondly, the inner world of another person is inaccessible to us.

This circumstance is reflected in the definition given by D. Myers: "Conflict is the perceived incompatibility of actions or goals."

Summarizing the previous considerations, we can propose the following definition:

A conflict is a confrontation, a confrontation between the parties, in which at least one side perceives the actions of the other as a threat to its interests.

It is important to note that this definition of conflict covers all its varieties - intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup. In the latter case, the parties to the conflict are groups, in an interpersonal conflict, its parties are individuals, and in an intrapersonal conflict, the parties are personal formations, structures, personality tendencies. That is, there is a complete coverage of the properties of the conflict, presented in the above-cited analysis of 52 definitions of the conflict, conducted by A. Ya. Antsupov and A. I. Shipilov. The fact that in one definition it was possible to cover all types of conflicts is extremely important, since different types of conflicts are not isolated from each other, there are connections between them, including through the transition from one type of conflict to another.

1.2. Structural components of conflict

The structural components of the conflict include:

1) parties to the conflict;

2) the conditions of the conflict;

3) the subject of the conflict;

4) actions of the participants in the conflict;

5) the outcome (result) of the conflict.

Parties to the conflict

Many authors instead of the "side" of the conflict talk about its participants. This is true in the case of interpersonal and intragroup conflicts. But in the case of intrapersonal and intergroup conflicts, it is more correct to speak of the “sides” of the conflict.

For the emergence, development and resolution of the conflict, the interests of the participants in the conflict, the goals they pursue, their sociocultural and individual psychological characteristics are of paramount importance.

Conflict interaction begins with the actions of one of the parties, the one that takes the initiative (at the beginning of the struggle for the subject of the conflict, in an attempt to sort things out, or simply to create tension) and, at least at the initial stage of the conflict, can be considered as its initiator. If at other stages of the conflict the initiative of action more often remains with one side, then it can be considered as an attacking side, and the other as a defending one.

In addition to the direct participants in the conflict, other persons indirectly participate in it, whose interests are to some extent affected by the conflict situation and whose position may have an impact on the course and resolution of the conflict. Therefore, they can be considered as passive participants in the conflict.

For example, a certain employee is in conflict with management about his small, in his opinion, salary. His colleagues do not participate in this conflict, but they are waiting with interest how the matter will end. If an employee achieves an increase in his salary, then it is possible that several people will immediately demand the same increase for themselves, especially if the new salary exceeds the salary of one of the colleagues. The leader, as one of the parties to the conflict, is forced to take into account the positions and interests of these (passive) participants.

Terms of conflict

The conditions for the emergence and course of a conflict are understood as the objective features of the external situation that are essential for the emergence, development and resolution of the conflict, internal and subjective factors inherent in its parties. The interaction of the parties is characterized either as positive interdependence (cooperation) or as negative (competition). It has been established that competitive relations are one of the conditions that contribute to the development of conflicts.

Close contacts between people (for example, official and marital relations) contain both cooperation and certain contradictions in the goals, interests and means of achieving them. These contradictions will act as factors contributing to the emergence of conflicts.

The beginning of the conflict is associated with certain specific actions of the parties or with the circumstances that have arisen.

The conditions for the course of the conflict are characterized by the following factors: the sociocultural context (including the norms of behavior accepted in a given environment), the immediate situational background (which can act as a factor in deepening the conflict), the presence of third forces interested in a certain outcome.

The subject of the conflict

The subject of the conflict is what has become the object of conflicting or incompatible claims of the parties. The subject of the conflict can be either a specific object (for example, a certain material object - one for several who want to receive it), or a certain opportunity (one position for which several people apply), or some evaluative statement disputed by others, or compliance / non-compliance with some then he rules, etc. The subject of the conflict is precisely what is causing the confrontation, what becomes the object of the struggle of the parties. The subject of the conflict, as a rule, is associated with the mutually exclusive goals of the conflicting parties (or at least with the goals of one of them).

Actions of the parties to the conflict

The actions of the parties to the conflict in the aggregate form a conflict interaction. Since the actions of each side are largely determined by the actions of the other, it is necessary to consider not so much the individual actions of the participants as their interaction. Conflict interaction is precisely the main content of the conflict.

The main stimulus for the actions of the parties to the conflict is their needs. These are the states of the subject, created by his need for objects necessary for his existence and development, acting as a source of his activity. Needs are inherent in every person and any social community. Needs are manifested through interests, values, inclinations, desires, drives, beliefs, ideals, feelings, emotions, etc.

Inducements to enter into a conflict, related to the satisfaction of the needs of the parties and their manifestations, constitute motives conflict behavior. The true motives of the parties to the conflict in most cases are hidden from others, and it is rather difficult to reveal them, since the declared positions and goals of the parties may have nothing to do with the true ones: they are either not realized, or the party is ashamed to admit them.

For example, envy is often the cause of conflict. But I don’t want to admit it (I’m ashamed), and therefore some invented “objective reason” is given (bad attitude to work, violation of the routine, disrespectful attitude towards others, creating difficulties for others, etc.).

The motives of the opposing parties are specified in their goals. The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result, the achievement of which is directed by the corresponding actions. The goal of the party to the conflict is its idea of ​​the final result of the conflict, its anticipated useful, from its point of view, result. As the conflict escalates, this main goal can be supplemented by another one (causing maximum damage to the opponent - material, moral, psychological), which was not planned at the beginning of the conflict.

The visible part of the aspirations of the parties to the conflict is the position. It is formed under the influence of needs, their manifestations and goals and represents, as it were, the tip of the iceberg. It is the positions of the parties that are visible in the conflict, they are realized by the opponents. But the invisible, underwater parts of this iceberg (true motives) remain unclear. This is one of the main difficulties in conflict resolution.

Outcome of the conflict

The participants in the conflict pursue goals related to the subject of the conflict, influencing each other, "saving face", etc. The regulator of the specific actions of each of the parties is the image of the desired outcome of the conflict for it. The side that has reached it considers itself the winner in the conflict, the side that has not reached it considers itself the loser. This is a reflection of the confrontational approach to conflict resolution: either win or lose. But gains and losses in conflict are not absolute and lasting. Therefore, it is more constructive to resolve the conflict, which involves consideration of the interests of the parties and the search for mutually acceptable ways to satisfy them. The means to achieve this are described in the final chapter of the book.

On the stages of development of the conflict

1) the emergence of an objective conflict (or pre-conflict) situation;

2) awareness of the situation as a conflict;

3) conflict interaction (or conflict itself);

4) conflict resolution.

However, this scheme is in conflict with the practice of conflict resolution. Practicing conflictologists (including the author himself) often encounter conflicts in which the first of these stages is missing - an objective (pre) conflict situation, and the conflict arises immediately from the conflict interaction of the parties. In reality, such conflicts are up to 80%. Due to the peculiarities of their occurrence, depending on a random combination of factors, circumstances and the absence of contradictions significant for the parties, I called them “random”. In discussing such conflicts, Chapter 3 will provide relevant examples and explain why the name was born.

1.3. The social significance of conflicts

Information about respondents

To assess the social significance of the issues studied in this work, a questionnaire survey of experts was conducted.

Taking into account the complexity and versatility of conflict processes, the versatility of their influence on each person in many areas of life, as well as the many causes of conflicts, the author chose top, middle and lower managers of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership as experts. At the same time, it was taken into account that the work of leaders, to a greater extent than the work of specialists, is connected with people and that conflicts play a significant role in the work of leaders. The decisive factor in the choice of experts on the problem under study was the fact that it is the leaders who need to manage conflicts in the team.

460 heads of different levels of management acted as such experts: directors, chief engineers, heads of services and departments of enterprises of the Ministry of Industry of Belarus and the Bellesbumprom concern (145 people), heads of workshops and their deputies (65 people), heads of personnel departments and their deputies (50 people), mid-level managers of communal services (95 people) and non-state firms (105 people). The study was conducted by the author in 2000.

Analysis of the responses received

To the question of the questionnaire What is the role of conflict in work? half of the experts thought it was “big” or even “very big” (31% and 19%, respectively). At the same time, another quarter assess the impact of conflicts as average. Thus, 75% of respondents recognize the significant impact of conflicts in labor relations.

Women recognize the greater role of conflicts at work (37% - "great importance" and 23% - "very large") than men (20% and 14%, respectively). Apparently, this ratio (60% versus 34%) is explained by the greater emotionality of women and their greater attention to what men consider “little things”. In addition, female employees attach more importance to relationships with managers and colleagues than male employees, and therefore they have much more reasons to worry. As we will see in section 2.2, any experience can lead to increased tension in the relationship and further to conflict. Even if there are no significant contradictions.

Managers with higher education rate the importance of conflicts somewhat higher than all experts in general: 34% as “big” and 21% as “very big” (in total, 5% more than in the main sample). The probable reason for this is the breadth of outlook, which contributes to a deeper insight into the essence of phenomena and, accordingly, an understanding of the impact of conflict interactions on various aspects of labor activity.

Younger experts (under 40 years of age) recognize a greater impact of conflicts: 56% - "big" and "very big" versus 46% for older respondents.

It seems to the author that the reasons for this are as follows: the period of the formation of young people is characterized by greater activity with the inherent maximalism of youth, the desire to establish themselves, to fulfill themselves, and, combined with a lack of experience, this leads to greater involvement in conflict relations, a more acute perception of the impact of conflicts. Their senior colleagues already have experience of avoiding conflicts, many of them realize that they have reached the ceiling in career growth, and therefore are content with what they have.

Answering a survey question about the role of conflicts in the family, 24% of experts rated it as "big" and 17% as "very big". At the same time, women rate the impact of conflicts on family life much higher than men: 39% vs. 20% as “big” and 24% vs. 14% as “very big” (63% vs. 34% in total). The explanation (apart from the well-known emotionality of women) for this is seen in the fact that the family, children play a greater role in the life of women than in the life of men. In addition, experts on family and marriage found that wives rate the quality of their marriages on average lower than their husbands. This seems to be reflected in the fact that approximately 70% of divorce cases are filed by women.

Three factors are mentioned most often by women: the husband does not provide financial support for the family, often drinks and does not help around the house. As you can see, all reasons are social in nature. The first is a consequence of the fall in living standards and real incomes of the population in a crisis; At the same time, the public mind is traditionally dominated by the attitude that it is the husband who should be the “breadwinner” of the family.

Everyone knows that drunkenness in our society is a social evil. The traditional views of many men, that housework is “women's” work, are in conflict with the increased self-awareness of many representatives of the “weaker” sex and with the desire to be equal in rights with men. This question is especially acute when the wife earns no less, or even more than her husband, which is now not uncommon. Managers with higher education note the greater role of conflicts in the family (29% - "big", 22% - "very big") than all experts in general (in total - 51% vs. 41%). The reasons, apparently, lie in the fact that with the growth of education, the requirements for a life partner increase. Together with the level of education - and the understanding that conflicts do not contribute to the preservation of marriage and the quality of life.

Younger experts (under 40 years of age) assess the role of conflicts in the family as higher than their older colleagues: as “big” – 27% (vs. 21%) and as “very big” – 20% (vs. 14%) . Family storms cause more trouble for the young than for those who have mostly had their storms and whose lives are settled.

Interplay of conflicts at work and conflicts in the family considers “high” 37% and “very high” 4% of respondents. At the same time, managers with higher education estimate this connection a little higher - 39% and 6%, respectively. Women recognize this mutual influence as more tangible than men: 49% of women consider this relationship strong or very strong (men - 37%). Younger experts rate this connection higher than those over forty: 46% - as "large" and "very large" (versus 37%). The reasons for all these discrepancies, it seems to us, are the same as in the answers to the previous questions.

The next group of questions related to the impact of conflicts on the labor process and the personality of workers.

The impact of conflicts in the team on the quality of products 45% of experts in general and 47% of those with higher education, 48% of women and 43% of men, 42% of younger managers and 48% of those over 40 . Thus, the influence of this factor is considered significantly more significant by female and older experts, regardless of gender.

The impact of conflicts on the quality of management 63% of experts, 66% of respondents with higher education, 64% of men and 57% of women, 66% of older and 59% of young managers mark “big” and “very big” on average. This factor is highly significant for all groups of experts, but it seems to be more important for male experts and older managers.

The impact of conflicts on relationships in the team 63% of respondents, 67% of those who have higher education, 69% of women and 59% of men, 67% of young managers and 60% of older managers were recognized as highly significant (“very large” and “large”) in general.

Impact of conflicts on job satisfaction rated as highly significant in general by 67% of experts, 69% with higher education, 79% of women and 59% of men, 71% of young and 63% of older managers. The trends that emerged in the answers to this and the previous question repeat those that appeared when answering the question, what place do conflicts have in work. The reasons are the same as those indicated in the analysis of the answers to this question.

Impact of conflicts on employee turnover In general, 43% of experts, 48% of those with higher education, 47% of women and 41% of men, 48% of young managers and 39% of older managers recognized it as highly significant. The greater importance of good relationships at work for women than for men has already been discussed. Therefore, it is natural that when a woman decides to change jobs, this is one of the most compelling reasons. Older people are more likely to hold on to a job: they know from experience that a new job may not be better than the old one.

The impact of conflicts on health is considered highly significant on average 67% of experts, 70% of those with higher education, 73% of women and 64% of men, 62% of young and 72% of senior managers.

These results are quite understandable. As interviews with respondents showed, highly educated people (on average) are more attentive to their health, read more, know what such concepts as “stress” and “distress” mean, understand their impact on health and are aware of the direct relationship between increased conflict in a stressful state. In conversations with female respondents, the position was confirmed that women monitor their health more than men. As a result, according to medical statistics, women, on average, get sick less than men.

For older experts, the issue of health is incomparably more important than for younger ones, and both observations and personal experience convince them of the harmful effects of conflicts on health.

59% of experts indicate that there are conflicts that positively affect the labor process, 31% of informants do not agree with them. A slightly larger number of respondents with higher education - 63%, men - 62%, young managers - 61% have a positive opinion on this issue. Women are less optimistic - 53% of positive judgments - and those who are over forty (57%). Thus, more than half of the leaders are aware of the existence of constructive, constructive production conflicts. Differences in the answers of representatives of various social communities, although quite explainable by their social roles, should be considered only as certain trends, since they do not go beyond the limits of random error.

Slightly less than half (47%) of experts believe that there are conflicts that positively affect the personality of a person, 34% deny it. Managers with higher education share a slightly more optimistic point of view - 49% of respondents, 43% of women, 49% of men, 50% of young and 45% of older leaders.

Thus, this study showed that conflicts have the strongest impact on such socio-economic factors as job satisfaction and health(on average - 67% of answers each) and relationships in the team and the quality of management (63% each). It is gratifying that most leaders, regardless of their gender, age and education, show an understanding that not all conflicts are undesirable, that there are constructive conflicts. This means that conflict prevention should not be limited to the prevention of any conflict as such. This testifies to the managerial maturity of the experts.

The final group of questions concerned the causes of conflicts in organizations. The following results are obtained.

The great and very great importance of the lack of knowledge about conflicts and ways to resolve them was noted by an average of 86% of all experts, and those of them who have higher education, 88% of men and 82% of women, 90% of young and 82% of senior leaders.

Such a high degree of understanding of the importance of knowledge about the emergence, development and resolution of conflicts is confirmed, in particular, by the experience of the author and his colleagues who are working to improve the skills and psychological competence of the management personnel of enterprises. Among the topics offered to managers and specialists in a large number of topics for classes, the topic "Conflict Management" is almost always chosen by customers among the mandatory ones for study.

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A presentation on the topic "Conflicts in our lives and ways to solve them" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Social science. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 21 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

Conflicts in our lives and how to resolve them.

Portal of ready-made presentations

slide 2

slide 3

Conflict is usually regarded as such a quality of interaction between people (or elements of the personality itself), which is expressed in the confrontation of the parties in order to achieve their interests and goals.

Conflicts are inevitable in real life!

Conflicts can be avoided only by stopping communication with people.

Conflict is okay!

slide 4


plays a positive role

Seen as a negative

The negative consequences of the conflict are the consequences of the inability of the participants in the conflict to resolve the contradiction that caused it.

slide 5


Between people or groups

Inside the person himself (I want, I need to)

A contradiction becomes a conflict if:

It will become meaningful to both of us and will be conscious ("I'm tired of waiting for you every time")

Further communication becomes impossible or difficult (“I want to continue our communication, but…”)

We begin to take action to resolve this contradiction ("Let's make a deal...")

slide 6

Signs of a conflict Presence of significant contradictions for the parties; The need to resolve them for effective interaction between the parties; The actions of the parties aimed at overcoming the contradictions that have arisen, the realization of their own interests; etc.

Structure of the conflict

The subject of the conflict is the contradictions that arise between the interacting parties and which they are trying to resolve.

The participants in the conflict are individuals and groups that can be divided into direct and indirect participants.

Slide 7

Interpersonal conflicts

Status-role (for example, a conflict between a teacher and a student who, according to the teacher, behaves defiantly, not respecting his status)

Material (for example, a conflict over an office in which several teachers would like to teach a lesson)

Spiritual (arise as a result of a mismatch of life values ​​and meanings)

Orientation of conflicts

Horizontal, arising between persons of equal social status (for example, work colleagues)

Vertical, arising between persons who are not equal in social status (for example, a teacher - a student)

Mixed (for example, teacher - parent)

Slide 8

Types of pedagogical conflicts

Conflicts of activity arising from the student's performance of educational tasks, academic performance, extracurricular activities.

Conflicts of behavior, actions arising from the student's violation of the rules of conduct at school, in the classroom, outside the classroom.

Relationship conflicts that arise in the sphere of emotional personal relations between students and teachers, in the sphere of their communication in the process of pedagogical activity.

Understanding is the beginning of agreement. Benedict Spinoza

Slide 9

Describing pedagogical conflicts, M. M. Rybakova notes the following features:

The professional responsibility of the teacher for the pedagogically correct resolution of the situation, because the school is a model of society where students learn the social norms of relations between people;

Participants in conflicts have different social status (teacher - student), which determines different behavior in the conflict;

The difference in the age and life experience of the participants breeds their positions in the conflict, gives rise to a different degree of responsibility for mistakes in its resolution;

Different understanding of events and their causes by the participants (the conflict “through the eyes of the teacher” and “the eyes of the student” is seen differently), so it is not easy for the teacher to understand the depth of the child’s experiences, and for the student to cope with his emotions, to subordinate to reason;

Slide 10

The presence of other students in the conflict makes witnesses participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning for them too, the teacher always has to remember this;

The professional position of the teacher in the conflict obliges him to take the initiative in resolving it and to be able to put the interests of the student as a developing personality in the first place;

Any teacher's mistake in resolving the conflict gives rise to new situations and conflicts in which other students are included;

Conflict in pedagogical activity is easier to prevent than to successfully resolve.

A good example is the best sermon. German proverb

slide 11

Ways of behavior in conflict situations.


Orientation to others

Conflict Resolution Styles

cooperation avoiding compromise

dominance (confrontation)

compliance (smoothing)

slide 12

Ways of behavior in conflict situations

Distortion of perceptions and predilections

Competition procedures

The most difficult thing in a dispute is not only to defend one's point of view, but to have a clear idea about it. André Maurois

The one who once violated the trust - loses it forever. Arthur Schopenhauer

slide 13


Decrease in communications

No matter how unpleasant anger is for others, it is more difficult for the one who experiences it. What begins in anger ends in shame. L. N. Tolstoy.

If you say the right word at the right time - a great art, then keep silent at the right time - an even greater art. François de La Rochefoucauld

Deterioration of understanding of the main issue of the conflict;

Hard preferences (fixation on positions);

Exaggeration of differences, motivation of similarities.

Slide 14

Stages of conflict interaction

Pre-conflict stage (latent period)

Post-conflict stage

Stage of open conflict

Negotiations and agreements regarding the degree of danger of the pre-conflict situation and the possibility of a conflict in the future; Gathering as complete information as possible about the nature and causes of the emerging situation; Finding out the degree of probability and the possibility of a conflict-free and painless solution to the detected samples; Development of specific actions to resolve the pre-conflict situation.

Within the open period, one can single out their own internal stages, which characterize various degrees of tension: INCIDENT is a case that initiates an open confrontation between the parties; ESCOLATION OF THE CONFLICT - This is the most intense stage at which there is an aggravation of all contradictions between its participants and all opportunities are used to win the confrontation. The main task is to cause as much damage as possible to the enemy at any cost.

END OF THE CONFLICT is the last stage of the open period. Often the end of the conflict is characterized by the fact that both sides realized the futility of continuing the conflict.

The war has been won, but not the peace. Albert Einstein

slide 16

Technique of effective behavior in conflict.

The opposite attitude to the conflict is the recognition of personal responsibility for what is happening, which boils down to the adoption of the following PRINCIPLES:

You alone are responsible for the results of your relationships with other people;

If the strategy of behavior that you adhere to does not give the desired result, then there is no basis for accusations on the other side;

Do not ask the question: “Who is to blame for the fact that I feel bad?”

Don't expect others to change or become different;

Only you yourself know your needs and are responsible for their satisfaction;

Slide 17

Concretization of reasoning facilitates understanding. Unknown author

Active reactions

Specify your own needs: What exactly does not suit me? - I'm worried ... What do I need in this situation? - It is necessary ... What would I like? - Want…

Report what you need: CORRECT MESSAGE: I need to hear the answer to the question in order to assess the level of knowledge; Please tell me the criteria for assessing the quality of my work.

Start negotiations. The main goal of negotiations is to involve the opponent in solving the problem. At this stage, it is important to follow the rules of listening: Listen more, talk less yourself; Demonstrate interest in the opinion of the opponent; Pause; (1. Emphasizes an attentive attitude to the opinions of others; 2. An opportunity to understand one's own feelings, to assess how the proposed solution takes into account the interests of both parties;) Ultimatum. (the goal is to make it clear: if your proposals for a joint solution of the problem do not find understanding, you will solve it yourself, guided only by your own interests).

Slide 19

Rules of conduct for a teacher in a "difficult" situation

Learn to focus on the actions (behavior), and not on the personality of the student. When characterizing a student's behavior, use a specific description of the act that he did, instead of evaluative remarks addressed to him.

Don't heighten the tension of the situation. The following actions of the teacher can lead to increased tension: Excessive generalization, labeling; Sharp criticism; Repetitive accusations; Decisively setting the boundaries of the conversation; Reproaches.

Discuss the action later.

Demonstrate models of non-aggressive behavior.

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.


  • “Is mercy practiced in our lives?” , 45.56kb.
  • Political conflicts and crises, 185.05kb.
  • Classroom theme: "Conflicts in our lives"

    Class hour "Conflicts in our life".

    Class hour is devoted to ways of effective communication. Many children at this age are simply not taught how to resolve conflicts peacefully. The causes of conflicts between adolescents are their nervousness, inability to withstand stress for a long time, and the habit of aggression.

    Clarification of the concept of "conflict", "conflict situation", understanding the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.

    to acquaint children with the concept of "conflict" and "conflict situation", with ways to prevent conflicts;

    to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master the skills of communication and social interaction;

    encourage children to cooperate and mutual understanding.

    Form of event: hour of communication.

    Design: An epigraph on the board "Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge", tablets with an unfinished sentence: "The cause of the conflict was that ...... ..", "Ways to prevent conflicts: mild confrontation, constructive proposal."

    Organizing time

    Motivation: at the beginning of the lesson, the teacher sets a situation-provocation. 2 students come to the board. They are given a game task: quickly and beautifully draw a building. The students begin to draw. The teacher stops the game and asks to start over because the students made a mistake. So he stops the game several times, interrupts the students and puts forward more and more new claims: the building should be voluminous, not flat, the roof should be modern, etc. The teacher then gives the student the opportunity to complete the drawing. After that, he reports that all the same, the artists did the task incorrectly, for example, they painted a residential building, but it was necessary to have a school. Therefore, there are no winners in the game.

    Did you like this game?

    The students are upset after completing the assignment.


    What happened in this situation? (conflict)

    Why didn't the drawing work? (student comments: poorly explained, not understood, etc.)

    What was not done before work began? (did not discuss the rules for the execution of the drawing)

    Could the conflict have been avoided? (can)

    How? (student answers)

    Today in the lesson we will talk about the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them. Classroom theme: "Conflicts in our lives"

    Topic conversation.

    Cl. hands Guys, have you ever had to "brew porridge"? What was it?

    Sample answers of children: I messed up something, quarreled with everyone; got into a difficult situation, etc.

    Class hands And there is another saying with the word porridge: "You can't cook porridge with you." Who are they talking about?

    Children: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.

    Class hands Read the epigraph for the class hour. How would you explain its meaning?

    Those who are not capable of communication and understanding find themselves in confusing situations.

    Those who cannot get along with people are constantly creating difficulties for themselves and others.

    If they cannot work together in a team, any business there turns into a mess.

    Class hands If a team cannot work together, relationships are constantly sorted out in this team, grievances accumulate, clashes occur.

    How to avoid them? How to stop "disentangling" the mess that was made during such clashes? We will talk about this during the class hour.

    Now raise your hands, who has ever been involved in a conflict situation?

    Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of the particular conflict?

    To do this, I suggest that you complete the sentence written on the board: "The cause of the conflict was that ......"

    Children's answers:

    My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company. We have completely different personalities. I didn't like his behavior. We started rooting for different football teams. Etc.

    Cl. hands As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for all are similar: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

    But what is conflict?

    Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people.

    Group work: discussion

    Mom decided to check her daughter's school diary. When she took the diary in her hands, a piece of paper folded several times fell out of it. Mom unfolded the sheet and saw that it was a note. Reading the note, she was caught by her daughter, who had returned from her friend. The girl snatched the note from her mother's hand. She screamed at her daughter. The girl slammed the door and closed herself in the room.

    Answer the questions:

    Who is involved in the conflict?

    Who is to blame for the conflict?

    What are the positions of the parties to the conflict?

    Two 9th graders decided to hold a football match between themselves. At the appointed time, the guys gathered at the school stadium. There was only a goalkeeper 9 "A" class. Nobody knew why he was missing. His classmates asked him not to start the game and wait for a while. But the players of 9 "B" began to demand to start immediately. It was clear that without a goalkeeper, the 9 "A" team would definitely lose. A dispute ensued. Passions ran high. One of the guys accidentally stepped on the foot of the captain of the opposing team. He could not restrain himself and, swinging, hit the offender in the face. The blow was so strong that the guy fell. Comrades rushed to his defense. A fight started. The fight was stopped by a teacher passing by. As a result, the game never took place, the mood was spoiled. The next day there was an unpleasant conversation in the director's office.

    Answer the questions:

    What is conflict?

    Why did the conflict arise?

    What could be the ways of development of this conflict and its consequences?

    A group of teenagers gathered to listen to music. Opinions were divided: some wanted to listen to pop music, while others were fans of "metal". An argument ensued that could escalate into a major quarrel. Suddenly, one of the teenagers, remembering the cartoon about the cat Leopold, loudly shouted: “Guys, let's live together!” Everyone was laughing and having fun. We quickly agreed to listen to our favorite music in turn: first pop music, then metal. Everyone was very pleased.

    Answer the question:

    How did you manage to avoid conflict?

    Let's talk about our own behavior in a conflict situation.

    Ask the children to answer the test questions.

    “How do you usually behave in a conflict situation (when you quarrel)?”

    If you are characterized by this or that behavior, put a certain number of points after each answer number that characterizes your behavior. If you act like this

    often - 3 points

    case by case - 2 points

    rarely - 1 point

    Question 1. How do you usually behave in a dispute or conflict situation?

    1. I threaten or fight

    2. I try to accept the enemy's point of view, I consider it as my own.

    3. Looking for compromises.

    4. I admit that I am wrong, even if I cannot believe it completely.

    5. I avoid the enemy.

    6. I wish you to achieve your goal no matter what.

    7. I'm trying to figure out what I agree with and what I categorically disagree with.

    8. I'm going to compromise.

    10. Change the subject.

    11. I persistently repeat one thought until I achieve my goal.

    12. I'm trying to find the source of the conflict, to understand how it all began.

    13. I will give in a little, and thereby push the other side to make concessions.

    14 / I offer peace.

    15/ I try to turn everything into a joke.

    On the desk:





















    Calculate the number of points under the numbers ...

    Find out the number of points by type.

    Define Your Style (Most Spell Points)

    A. is a "hard type of conflict and dispute resolution." You stand your ground to the last, defending your position. By all means, strive to win. This is the type of person, I'm always right.

    B. is a "democratic" style. You are of the opinion that you can always agree. During a dispute, you always try to offer an alternative, looking for a solution that would satisfy both parties.

    V. - "compromise" style. From the very beginning, you agree to a compromise.

    G. - "soft" style. You "destroy" your opponent with your kindness. You willingly take the opponent's point of view, giving up your own.

    D. - "outgoing" style. Your motto is "leave on time". You try not to aggravate the situation, not to bring the conflict to an open clash.

    We draw conclusions from testing.

    Having received the results of the test, perhaps one of you has discovered something new in yourself. But don't take it as something permanent. This is an occasion to reflect and further change your point of view, yourself.

    Practice game.

    There are different ways to get out of the conflict.

    In the course of this game, we will look at some of the ways out of the conflict.

    Let's split into groups.

    Distribute tasks (the most typical conflict situations are selected).

    Discuss the conflict situation, offer to find a way out of this situation.

    Situation #1

    The class is conventionally divided into two micro-groups (groups), in which, both there and there, there are strong leaders, activists, and excellent students. Throughout the academic year, there is competition between them for grades, for teacher respect, for authority in front of the class, for superiority. All this is expressed in lessons in sharp jokes, in ridicule at each other. During the breaks there were “skirmishes”, quarrels and even there were cases of fights. This situation stresses the whole class. How can children constructively resolve this situation?

    Situation #2

    There is a new girl in the class. He has a very good appearance, dresses well, studies well, is distinguished by eccentricity and originality. The girl immediately took a leading position in front of her classmates - boys. Naturally, the girls in the class do not like this situation. At first, the “new girl” was warned that if she imagined this way, then she would not study in this class. But nothing has changed. She was met on the street, and a substantive conversation took place. She, in response, stated that she was not interested in the opinion of girls. How to achieve understanding?

    Situation #3

    At recess, you gave your friend your brand new, newly bought mobile phone. He went with him into the corridor, and you stayed in the classroom. When you went out into the corridor, you saw that a friend was collecting the broken case of your phone from the floor. It turns out that he was pushed by the guys running past, and he dropped the phone, and he himself is not to blame for anything. You know your parents will scold you. What to do? How not to spoil the relationship with a friend? How to explain everything to parents?

    There are many ways to resolve a conflict situation:

    Before entering into an argument, calm down, think it over, weigh everything.

    Count to ten in your mind.

    Be wiser.

    Find out the cause of the quarrel, try to explain about possible moral injuries.

    Class time course: Hello guys, guests of our class hour.

    Today we will have a conversation on a very interesting topic ... but a small crossword puzzle will help you find it out. I will call you the qualities of a person, and you try to combine them in one word.

      A harsh, merciless, ruthless man. (Cruel)

      A man full of malice. (Evil)

      Cheeky person. (Impudent)

      Man, unreal, unnatural, unfaithful. (False)

      A person who does not want to study or work. (Lazy)

      The person who cheats. (False)

      Rude, a person who can offend easily, disrespectful. (Bold)

      A person with no conscience. (Unscrupulous)

    -What do you think we are going to talk about? ( about conflicts)-Do you think this topic is relevant for our class? ? A preliminary survey showed that you all behave differently in conflict situations, and among us there are representatives of all conflict groups.- Can everyone have the same interests, beliefs, views on the same event.- All people are different. We can be different not only in age, gender, appearance, height., but also different interests. Therefore, it is not surprising that we differently perceive the same things, phenomena, actions of people. The whole history of mankind is a history of endless disputes, wars and conflicts. They have always existed and will always exist. They are, unfortunately, an integral part of human relationships. And it is impossible to say for sure whether disputes and conflicts are useless or whether they are a normal phenomenon in our life.Today we will try to understand what “conflicts” are., their causes and solutions, we will learn to get out of conflict situations, we will get acquainted with the concept of compromise.- What is a dispute? (This is a verbal discussion of something in which everyone defends their opinion). Unfortunately, disputes often escalate into conflicts.- Tell me, guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word "CONFLICT »?
    (Children's answers are heard)- I am clarifying: Conflict this is a dispute, a quarrel, a scandal in which the parties do not skimp on mutual reproaches and insults.Conflict in psychology ( collision) is a perceived contradiction between people that needs to be resolved.What do you think is the most common cause of conflict? (with an offensive word).EXERCISE 1. The sun is attached to the board, a symbol of friendship, joy, good mood. I suggest that you write on the clouds the offensive words that you most often hear and pronounce. These words ruin the lives of many. The guys stick them in the sun.

    For a conflict to arise, at least two points of view must be present (the so-called internal conflict) and the subject of the dispute.

    At the heart of every conflict is always a conflict situation. The components of a conflict situation are:

    Participants in the conflict (opponents);

    subject of the conflict.

    What do you think could be the cause of the conflict? - And what do you think what character traits are inherent in a person for the emergence of a conflict? ( Stubbornness, Envy, Jealousy, Leadership (primacy), Affirmation of one's "I", Misunderstanding, Superiority of strength, Rudeness, Rudeness, Deception, Bullying, A cruel joke, Distrust)Scientists conducted a psychological experiment, which made it possible to identifyWHAT people want to educate in themselves and see in others. And here is the data that was received.People wanted to develop the following qualities: - confidence, determination - 46%, endurance, poise - 30% - purposefulness, willpower - 30% - tolerance - 12% - benevolence - 10% But everyone would like to add to the people around them: - kindness, humanity - 50% - honesty, decency - 30% - mutual understanding, sympathy - 22% - tolerance - 16% - generosity - 12%So, people want more firmness for themselves, and more softness for those around them. But after all, those around us expect mutual understanding, kindness, decency from us, and we are moving firmly in a different direction. As a result, mutual dissatisfaction, tension, conflict arise. As we can see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons for all are similar: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

    Scientists have identified several types of conflicts.

    The most common is unmanaged conflict.

    Here, on the bus, someone stepped on your foot, and you were indignant: "Here, the impudent one did not even apologize!" Now he is forced to attack: "I don't like it, you need to take a taxi!" As a result, things can come to a fight.

    Another type of conflict is cold tension (internal conflict).

    It can occur in people standing in line when someone, using his right, tries to bypass everyone. For example, when showing a certificate of a social worker, people are silent, but everything is in full swing inside them. But here someone does not stand up and protests, the queue supports him and a scandal flares up.

    There is a third type - avoidance, when a person clearly shows that he does not want to maintain communication.

    Guys, the consequences of conflict can be both positive and negative.Positive consequences: 1. The issue has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.

      A joint decision is implemented faster and better.

    1. The experience of cooperation is gained, which can be used in the future.

      Relationships between people are improving. Disagreements are seen as evil, leading to bad consequences.
    Negative consequences:
    1. Competitive relations between people are aggravated.

      There is no desire for good relations. The idea of ​​the opposite side as an enemy. The belief that the problem is more important than the solution. Feelings of resentment, bad mood.
    Raise your hands if you're in conflict.-What feelings did you experience? What do conflicts bring to a person's life? Benefit or harm? -What is the harm of conflicts? First, human dignity suffers from conflict.Secondly, for every minute of the conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when the work does not go well, and in general everything falls out of hand.Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected.Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to prevent such conflicts. Correct behavior during conflict will keep you healthy, make you calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others. For different people, conflict is different situations. For some, the conflict is just a showdown, for others it is a “slanting” look, and for others it is a fight. The world is very complex and contradictory. Contradictions very often lead to conflicts from which people suffer. All conflicts come from the fact that people do not know how to get out of them.A conflict, like a disease, is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later.To do this, you need to know how to get out of it.Task 2. Now we will try to give a solution to everyday conflict situations. Each table receives a description of the conflict and the task of finding a solution that takes into account the interests of the parties as much as possible.Turn on music.1. You pushed a boy at recess. His older brother approached you and indignantly expresses his displeasure. On this basis, a conflict arises. What will you do to fix the situation?2. At one of the breaks, a high school student approached you, asked you to look at the phone and started calling from it without permission. What are your steps to avoid conflict?3. You joked with a classmate by calling him names, but the joke turned out to be offensive. At any moment there will be a conflict. Your actions?Let's summarize. It turns out that most everyday conflicts can be resolved on the basis of a compromise, i. such a solution, when each side makes partial concessions for the sake of common convenience.Is it easy to find a way out of the conflict on the basis of mutually beneficial concessions and agreements?- And if you do not follow these rules, what problems can conflict lead to? Task 3. Board work. (Choose the characteristics inherent in the compromise). Insolence, compliance, indifference, peacefulness, cowardice, stubbornness, trust, appeasement, respectfulness, tolerance, arrogance.

    Today, guys, you realized that everyone can avoid conflict and in any situation it is possible. Unwillingness to yield, aggressiveness in behavior leads to Sanctions, i.e. punishment for bad behavior. You are already entering the age when you must bear legal and criminal responsibility for your actions.

    Let's take a closer look at this parable .

    - So what traces were discussed in the parable? (About the traces left in the soul by the actions and words of a person).

    Life cannot be lived without conflicts, but a reasonable, cultured person will always be able to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements, flexibly using various strategies: in some cases, he will firmly insist on his own, in others, he will give in, in others, he will find a compromise. And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a strategy of behavior, life experience, wisdom and knowledge are needed. I hope that you received this knowledge during our today's communication.

    Each of you has three colored squares: red, green, black. You should now think and answer my question with the help of these squares.

    Do you find discussion of this topic useful, and will it change your behavior in conflict situations?

    1. Red - YES 2. Black - NO 3. Green - I DOUBT.

    Red color prevails. I am glad that today's class hour was not in vain, that you realized that everyone can avoid conflict, and in any situation it is possible.

    Task 4. Students pass the ball in a circle, promising each other not to conflict (I will try to be more tolerant, I will be kinder, I will not say hurtful words ... etc.) Final exercise "Gift" Here, on the board, there is a small gift for each of you. And remember: nothing is accidental. What your gift will say is meant for you. At the end of the class hour, each student receives a reminder on how to behave in order not to get into a conflict situation.