Cubes Zaitsev method of teaching tables. Zaitsev's technique - the secret of teaching children

2018-02-09 11:56:25 0 1527

Every parent wants their child to become a child prodigy (or at least just capable and smart). To organize assistance to adults, there are many methods for teaching a child to read and write, reading and mathematics. These are the systems of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman and many others. A special place here is occupied by Zaitsev's cubes - a method of teaching reading from a very early age.

Who is Nikolay Zaitsev

The parents of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev worked in a rural school. After graduating from school, Nikolai worked for 2 years at the factory, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958, he entered the Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to do an internship in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

It was this period of time, when he had to teach adults a non-native Russian language, that gave rise to the development of his most famous method of teaching reading and writing. Bringing new techniques to life, creating interesting tables on the go, he tried to "transmit the essence of the language to others."

Having developed his own teaching method, the young teacher decided to test it in the middle classes of a comprehensive school. Here, however, a huge setback awaited him. The students could only memorize the rules without trying to understand them. Accustomed to such training, they could not readjust.

Then, Nikolai Aleksandrovich decided to test his method on babies. The methodology was revised, he conducted all classes in a playful way. And here he was waiting for a huge success. Toddlers as young as 18 months old and preschoolers who had trouble learning to read needed only a few lessons to start reading. Some schools began to fully apply his teaching system, using the "ringing miracle" (as the cubes were called) in their work.

Observing the kids, the teacher came to the following conclusions:

  • In order to learn to read, crumbs do not need to know what the letters are called at all. Most often in alphabets, letters are associated with pictures. The child remembers the image of the letter and the image that he associates with it. Then it is very difficult for him to explain that CAT (letter K), SCISSORS (letter H), TOY (letter I), MUSHROOM (letter G) and STORK (letter A) add up to one word BOOK.
  • Reading by syllables is very difficult for a child. Even if the baby learns the names of the letters without pictures, it will be difficult for him to understand how the syllable MA is obtained from the letters M and A. To understand the principle of merging syllables with a crumb, teachers have to use various tricks in their work. But in Russian there are words from one syllable, in which there are many consecutive consonants (for example, VSPLESK). Reading such words will be very difficult for a child who reads by syllables.
  • It is easier for a person to learn to write first than to read. By writing, he understood the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading, the transformation of signs into sounds. It will be much easier for the baby to learn to read through writing.

General principles of the Zaitsev technique

Zaitsev's one-of-a-kind author's technique has been around for more than 20 years. However, the famous teacher does not stop constantly improving it. Now many different methods and games have already been created that complement the foundation. With the help of the technique, even very young children can be successfully taught to read and write. At the same time, for preschoolers of 6 years old, just a few lessons will be enough, and you can see that he can already start reading.

This learning method is suitable not only for children who like calm games with blocks, but also for mobile restless children. The use of this technique is suitable for working with hearing-impaired, with very poor eyesight and deviations in mental development of children. When working with them, you can get very good results. You can see a good effect when working with children with autism.

In his methodology, Zaitsev emphasized that the processes of cognition in a child must go through all types of perception: auditory, visual, motor memory, touch and thinking. The teacher in working with kids should be able to organize a fun learning game environment, be in the role of a mentor in the learning process.

With dice games:

  • the baby's vocabulary will expand;
  • writing skills will be developed;
  • the child's speech will become more intelligible;
  • a number of speech therapy problems can be corrected;
  • develop the logic and thinking of the child;
  • teach the baby to work independently.


The standard set includes:

  • 61 pcs. assembled cardboard cube
  • 6 pcs. cardboard tables with syllables, letters and other graphic signs
  • 4 things. cardboard table format B3
  • CD for listening with chants for cubes and tables
  • a teaching aid that you can use as a summary of classes.

What is a warehouse

In his methodology, Nikolai Zaitsev offers an alternative to syllables - he uses warehouses. It is the basic unit of the language. A warehouse can be one letter, a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and a hard sign, a consonant and a hard sign. This principle of reading - warehouse - is the basis of Zaitsev's methodology. This technique is very similar to the primer of Fedot Kuzmichev, XIX century, and the alphabet of L. Tolstoy. These books also used the principle of learning by warehouses.

Warehouse can be determined by placing a hand below the chin and pronouncing a word. That muscle effort that you feel with your hand will be a warehouse.

Warehouses according to his method are located on cubes and in tables. He used vision, hearing, and tactile sensations to help him learn. analytical thinking, the formation of which is required when reading, develops only by the age of 7. Arranging warehouses on cubes, Zaitsev made them differ in color, sound, size. With this, when the child takes the blocks, various channels of perception are activated.

Description of the technique

Classes should be held only in the form of a game. Children should not sit in one place, they need to move, jump, dance and sing. All movements in the lesson take place in the game with cubes.

Cubes may vary in size. Large-sized dice depict hard-sounding warehouses. On small cubes - with a soft sound. They can be single or double. On doubled cubes there are consonants that do not combine with all vowels (zha-zhu-zhi).

The soundness of the warehouse is indicated by metal, the deafness - by wood.

Gold - vowels. A hard sign is depicted on iron-wood cubes, a soft one - on wooden-gold ones. Punctuation marks are located on the white cube. The color selection for the letters is different from the school one. Here, blue is used to indicate vowels, consonants are indicated in blue, and hard and soft signs are green. Such a difference from school blue, red and green colors, according to Zaitsev, helps children begin to read fluently.

Sets can be different:

  • a layout for self-gluing cubes can be offered;
  • may already be assembled;
  • with plastic base.

In order to glue the cubes yourself, it will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of the same size. After gluing, it is better to cover it with elastic bands, this is necessary so that your cube does not fall apart while it dries. For better protection, cover each cube with a film or laminate the cube scan. If you chose this option of cubes, then it is better to make a copy of each sweep. So during the game you will definitely have enough warehouses to write words.

Tables should be hung fairly high. This contributes to the prevention of scoliosis and visual impairment. If you are engaged only with your child, then it is better to determine the height by the baby's hand raised up. It should touch the top edge of the table. It will be convenient to hang tables in the corners of the room, so it will be more convenient for the baby to look for the necessary warehouses. Tables can also be wrapped with film to increase the service life. The use of tables is just as important as dice games.

According to the method of Nikolai Alexandrovich, all the warehouses on the cubes must be sung. He believes that the effect of this is much better, and it’s more interesting for the baby to play with music, which helps to instill an interest in learning.

Give your child all the blocks to play at once. This study guide should never be taken away from him. They should always be in his field of vision. Let the kid get acquainted with them, carefully consider.

Ask him to choose the one that interests him the most. Warehouses written on its faces, you need to show singing. Ask to find a large cube, then a small one, iron, wooden, gold. The child must understand that all the cubes are different in size and sound.

After he has mastered this information, introduce him to the syllabary tables. Sing one of the columns of the table and ask the baby to bring a cube with the same warehouses. Sing artistically, showing the child what warehouses can be: voiced or deaf, small or large. You can even use appropriate movements. No need to ask the child to sing warehouses to you in response. When he is ripe for this, he will begin to sing along with you and on his own.

Teach your child to write with blocks or a pointer. Singing warehouses and showing them on the table, the baby will begin to understand how words are composed. You can teach your child to write and play outdoor games at the same time. Ask him to write the names of loved ones in different parts of the room. Now let the child run to visit relatives.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that all classes should be held only in the form of a game. The child should not sit in one place, give him complete freedom of movement. Each child is individual. He doesn't owe anything in class. Let the baby develop to the best of his ability, do not rush things. Don't make the game a forced activity. Of course, it’s better to do it every day, at least a little, but if the kid is not in the mood for classes today, then it’s better to postpone it than to force it. You can play both in the morning and in the evening. Focus on the mood of the crumbs.

Choose the games that your child will like the most. If you have a fidget, it is better to use outdoor games in class. If your child prefers quiet games, collects puzzles for a long time, then use games that do not involve activity during class.

If the baby loves to build, then invite him to build steam locomotives with names, towers with warehouses, roads, houses from cubes.

At what age can you start learning and what games to play

You can introduce your baby to cubes almost from birth. Keep in mind that at this age the child is not yet capable of classes. Up to six months, the development of the child is very fast. Don't overload it now. The cubes can be used as a rattle, only at times showing him a warehouse or a word. Do not try to see any results during this period, do not expect them from the child. Now, with their help, you will only prepare the child for the learning that lies ahead of him.

After 6 months, the child is no longer interested in playing with cubes, like with a rattle. Now you can start singing warehouses. Until reaching the age of one, continue to show cubes, warehouses, simple words. Let the baby crawl among them. You can try to ask him to give you a die with a certain storage. Leave warehouses on the items whose names you have made up and during the day, show and sing them to the baby.

The older the child becomes, the more difficult the games are offered to him. A one-year-old baby, along with those games that were before, can already increase the level of difficulty by offering new ones. Act gradually. You can use N. Zaitsev's manual “Letter. Reading. Account ”, to which a lot of entertaining games are offered, or you can come up with your own. Connect the kid's fantasy, ask him what games he wants to play.

Play Zoo. Let the kid settle various animals around the zoo, making up their names from warehouses. In the "Shop" he can put the goods on the shelves. Going on a "Journey" it is necessary to pack a suitcase. Let him stay in the role of a cook, adding the names necessary for making soup or a favorite dish, ingredients into a saucepan.

Invite the child to play the game "Who will name more." Name words that begin with a given warehouse. You can make this game themed.

Put the cubes in front of him, from the warehouses on them it should be possible to make up his name. Let the kid try to do it on his own. Complicate the task next time, he must find suitable warehouses himself. Let him add the words from the cubes, and then look for these warehouses in the table, pointing to the necessary warehouse with a pointer.

In the games that you came up with together, the child will play with great pleasure, because they are much more entertaining for him than those offered by the author. These games will be exactly the ones that he likes, designed with his interests in mind.

Pros and cons of the technique

Like every modern technique, learning to read using Zaitsev's cubes has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider in more detail.


  • Children learn to read very quickly. It takes a little time for a child to start doing this. Moreover, the older he is, the faster the learning process proceeds. According to the author himself, even children who are only 4 years old can start reading on their own after 4 lessons. Of course, this does not apply to all children. On average, babies 3-4 years old need six months to study, an older preschooler needs 10-12 lessons, a child of 6-7 years old will already have enough weeks.
  • Zaitsev's teaching method is not tied to any specific age. You can start practicing when the child is 6 months old, or you can use it for first graders.
  • Different in timbre, height and volume, the sounds made by the cubes will contribute to the development of hearing, memory, and will perfectly develop a sense of rhythm.
  • As a result of games with cubes, fine motor skills of the child's hands are actively developing, which is very important for the development of intelligence.
  • Learning takes place at a pace that allows the child's abilities. Everything is very individual. No one rushes and drives the guys, does not tell them that they owe something.
  • Mastering the technique is not difficult. It can be successfully used at home.
  • Children immediately learn to write correctly. There are no warehouses on the cubes, which are impossible in Russian (such as CHYa, ZhYY).
  • Zaitsev's teaching method contributes to the prevention, preservation and promotion of health. While playing, the child trains the eye muscles. This helps maintain vision. Its safety is facilitated by the location of large text on the tables in different places, the bright color of the cubes, which does not irritate the eyes.

Game aids, located at the proper height and in different places, taking into account the requirements of the methodology, serve as an excellent prevention of posture disorders, physical inactivity, and didactics workload during classes.

In general, such a game method of teaching reading successfully helps in the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

  • The method is built on the principles of cooperation pedagogy, which avoids conflicts between children, parents and teachers.
  • Children play by themselves. This is great for developing independence and self-organization. Even short sessions are enough for successful learning. Playing with them constantly, the invisibility of their conduct on the principle of "by the way", will give an excellent result in training.
  • The technique is very simple, systematized, visual.
  • The child does not have to learn how to merge letters into syllables, he learns ready-made warehouses, which contributes to the ability to read fluently and without hesitation.

Cubes are just an ingenious educational toy for toddlers. So what, and every child must have cubes. You can gnaw on them, you can build a house, a tower, a whole castle out of them, or you can learn to read, count, and even learn a foreign language. And if you have at home cubes designed by Nikolai Zaitsev, then you can be sure that your baby will learn to read easily and quickly, by the way, you can make Zaitsev's cubes with your own hands.

Nikolai Zaitsev has developed a simply unique method for children to learn reading with the help of cubes. Your child will not even notice that he is learning; for him, blocks with syllables are just an exciting toy. If you start studying with a child according to the Zaitsev method, then very soon the baby will be able not only to read the syllables on the cubes, but will also begin to compose words from them.

For homework, you can make Zaitsev's cubes with your own hands.

Zaitsev's cubes are special boxes on the sides of which, instead of letters, warehouses are indicated. All cubes have different sizes and inside, depending on the warehouse, a different filler is enclosed. So the gray cubes are voiced - they have glands inside them, the brown cubes are deaf, there are pieces of wood inside them, and the yellow ones - with vowels are filled with coins.

You can work with Zaitsev's cubes at home, in kindergarten, and at school. During classes, it is imperative to use musical accompaniment - singing, tables and home notebooks.

For home use, all materials according to the Zaitsev method: cube templates, tables, musical chants, notebooks, you can download on our website for free.

Read more about how to read with children in the article: Nikolai Zaitsev's teaching methodology.

Table for teaching reading according to Zaitsev's method

Zaitsev's home notebooks for studying reading

We suggest you make a set of Zaitsev's cubes of 52 pieces (7 are repeated to build simple words known to the child PA-PA, MA-MA, VO-VA, BA-BU-SH-KA, DYA-DYA, TE-TYA, KO- Sh-KA

How to make Zaitsev's cubes with your own hands.

1) When making cubes: A-O-U-S-E and Z-YU-E-I-Yo, before closing, put a few copper coins in them to make them ring.

2) Cubes with warehouses of letters from BA, BO, BU, BY, BE and also C, D, D, L, M, N, R, Z - large cubes. Put lemonade corks or pieces of copper wire in them so that they ring loudly.

3) Cube with F - big double , is filled in the same way as the previous ones. It is double because you need two cubes with warehouses F to be glued together with faces with an arrow, the arrow needs to be combined.

4) Cubes with warehouses BY, BY, BY, BY, BE, BI and similarly with C, D, D, L, M, N, R, Z, F - small cubes. Fill them with iron too, but with less

5) Cube with Y - small. but is filled with a double portion of the filler.

6) Cubes with P, PA, PO, PU, ​​PY, PE and similarly with F, K, T, C, X are large deaf. Put the wood inside.

7) Cube with Sh - big double cube - filled with pieces of wood with a diameter of 3 cm.

8) Cube with C - big double cube - filled with wood.

9) Cubes Pb, PYa, Pyo, Pyu, PI, PE, and similarly with X, K, T, S, F - small cubes are filled with pieces of wood - 2 cm in diameter

10) Cube with H - small double, filled with wood.

11) Cube with U - small double, filled with wood.

12) Cube with b - big. Place 4 iron lemonade corks and one piece of wood inside.

13) The cube "Little white" - is not filled with anything. On the cube there are exclamation and question marks, a period, a comma, a dash (hyphen) - to make words like BABA YAGA, GESE- SWANS and the like, but the most is an accent mark, it can literally be “put” on the desired warehouse of the word typed from the cubes .

The table is assembled from two sheets, hung on the wall, during classes you need to turn on musical singing and show warehouses according to the table, with a pointer or just with a pen.

Zaitsev's cubes are a qualitatively new teaching method. The basic principle is to give the child "everything at once." How? See for yourself. When learning to read, the child learns all the warehouses of the Russian language at once, and not one letter at a time, as is customary in the usual education system.

When learning to count, the baby is offered all the numbers up to a hundred, and then up to a million. Isn't such an abundance of information at once harmful? Not! Contrary to fears, the child does not get tired and does not get lost from such an abundance of information.

The child immediately establishes the necessary connections between warehouses or numbers. Zaitsev assures that children get tired just from primitive entertainment. According to the method of Zaitsev, the entire Russian language is given to the child in warehouses on cubes and wall tables.

Zaitsev's cubes are a Russian language that you can play with: you can pick it up, examine it, twirling it in your hands, and feel its weight. The author of the methodology pays special attention to tables.

The most complex rules and laws, thanks to his systematization of tables, become clear, understandable and easy to remember. In addition, the table can be called a simulator for vision and posture.

No need to sit still, you can walk and run along the tables in search of a solution. Learning is like a journey. The table is like a map on which many discoveries can be made. The table is always in front of the eyes, the information works constantly, it is repeated as many times as the child looks at the table.

Zaitsev's cubes, a method of teaching reading

To understand Zaitsev's technique, let's remember that in Russian there are consonants and vowels, together they form warehouses (do not confuse with syllables!).

What is a warehouse in the Zaitsev method?

So, there are consonants and vowels, hard and soft, voiced and deaf sounds. No, no, you don't need to explain this to the child, it's just not necessary. You need to remember these terms a little, as they will sometimes appear in the descriptions of the cubes.

Warehouses may coincide with syllables, but may differ. For example, in the word "MAMA" - two warehouses and two syllables, and in the word "ELEPHANT" - one syllable, but three warehouses - C-LO-N. Or the word "SUDDENLY" - one syllable, but four warehouses - V-D-RU-G.

As you can see, the warehouse may consist of:

  • from a consonant and a vowel (BA, VU, PE, MA, etc.);
  • from a consonant and soft or hard signs (Pb, DB, Vb, Sb, etc.);
  • only from the consonant: (N, P, S, etc.);
  • only from a vowel (A, O, U, etc.);
  • warehouses never form two consonants together or two vowels (SD, OU, VD, etc.).

Try to break the words into warehouses yourself: HE, CHILDREN, BOOK, CAT, STORK, and now check yourself: o-n, de-ti, k-ni-ha, ko-t, a-and-s-t.

Warehouses are written on the faces of Zaitsev's cubes.

Zaitsev's Cubes is a game aid for learning to read

The game set consists of:

  • cubes (or, from a cardboard scan, which must be folded into a cube);
  • fillers for cubes (metal corks "wooden sticks");
  • tables;
  • books - manuals for parents;
  • audio cassettes with songs that are used in teaching.

These original cubes differ in 46 ways, including weight. Cubes are divided into large and small, "iron" and "wooden", "golden" cubes with vowels.

  • Small - "soft" warehouses.
  • "Iron" are "voiced" warehouses.
  • "Wooden" are "deaf" warehouses.

There are five double dice separately. These are warehouses with those consonants that do not combine with all vowels (for example, “zh”, “h”)
Zaitsev's warehouses perfectly fit the melody. The author of the technique proposed to sing warehouses, and then he released an audio cassette, on which warehouses are sung to different melodies.

Having memorized the chants, over time, the child will easily find the desired warehouse, singing (pronouncing) and following the warehouses in the table with his finger or turning the edges of the cube itself.

Of course, only children of older preschool age and adults can turn the cubes correctly, but kids can look for the necessary warehouses on the table as early as two or three years old.

Warehouse reading technique

Have you ever heard from friends that a child knows all the letters, but does not read yet? Or “reads” by letter, without putting it into a word. The warehouse method avoids such problems, since the child immediately sees the warehouse and pronounces it.

For example, a baby does not read “ke-o”, but “ko” and does not ask questions why it is “be” and “yu”, but for some reason “bu” is read together. If the material is presented correctly, then the warehouse is easier to remember and recognize than a letter.

Cubes and tables are presented all at once. And they immediately show up in action. Words begin to form that can be written with a pointer on the table.

Why all at once? Zaitsev is an opponent of a phased acquaintance with letters, a long “playing out” of the same thing. All cubes at once - this is one of the basic principles of his technique.

Can children absorb this amount of information at once? This question is the most popular among parents. The author of the methodology believes that they not only can, but also learn everything with ease. As an example, he cites, oddly enough, card games.

Many children of four or five years old enjoy playing "The Fool", "The Drunkard" and other games on both 36 and 52 cards. Cards are taken and remembered by them all at once. Why can't 33 letters be learned in a few months?

The fact is, according to Zaitsev, that the cards are "an ingenious design and methodological development." The letters are small, all black. Of course, they are not similar to each other, but looking for differences in them is boring and difficult. And the cards are easy to remember, they are bright, instantly deposited in memory.

The cubes created by Zaitsev differ in 46 features. Show them to your child like cards - all at once, and not 1-2 cubes per lesson.

  • First, you will need almost all the blocks to start writing words. This can and should be done already in the first lesson.
  • Secondly, when playing with all the cubes, it is easier for a child to remember them - those same 46 signs - signals - are included in the work.

Zaitsev against!


Zaitsev opposes numerous alphabets, where the names of the letters are tied to pictures: watermelon - A, banana - B, bucket - C, goose - G, etc. Having met the word CHAIR, for example, a child will remember an owl, a tiger, a duck, a frog, which need to be recoded into a piece of furniture. Not an easy task, right?


“Letters have not yet been introduced, but the terms have already been laid out: hard, soft, voiced, deaf, vowels, consonants,” writes Zaitsev.

It turns out that learning does not go from the concrete to the abstract, but vice versa.

Methodical tales

In addition to confusion in the head, wasted time on stupid fairy tales and unnecessary terms, such "literature" does not give anything else. “ABC studies”, “A mistaken place”, “Mistake”, “Mysterious Phoneme”, “Bukvinsk”, “Skladisk”, “Chislyandiya”, etc., according to Zaitsev, should not surround the child.

Acquaintance with Zaitsev's cubes

The first acquaintance is only with the name, says Zaitsev. Write the name of the baby in cubes, show, twist the cubes - the name may change.

Wrote a name. Now you can make it out of cubes and write with a pointer according to the table MA-MA, PA-PA, BA-BU-SH-KA, KO-T, KU-K-LA, the names of mom, dad, friends.

Now the child himself chooses the word that you write to him in cubes, and then show it on the table. Everything is fast, neat, no board, no chalk, no pencils and paper is required.

And most importantly - write the cubes themselves!

Mathematics according to Zaitsev's method

The trouble with all initial mathematical programs and the manuals and textbooks that follow from them, Zaitsev believes, is their general attitude to first separate “one” and “many”, then count for a long time within 10, then 20, etc.

Zaitsev does it easier. His manual "A Thousand Plus and More ..." teaches children to count within a thousand.

This is a four-color tape made of cardboard with numbers from 0 to 99 in numbers and in the form of grouped objects - circles and squares. Even three-year-olds pretty soon from the beginning of classes begin to find any named number on the tape. Even and odd are distinguished by color. The composition of the number is also clear to everyone: the number of tens, units.

Split cards represent a number in relation to a hundred (for example, in a 10 x 10 matrix, there are 54 filled squares and 46 unfilled ones).

Children of four or five years old easily move on to addition and subtraction within a hundred.

Six cubes and the second table will help children learn to write and read three-digit numbers, create figurative ideas about their composition - the number of hundreds, tens, units.

The third table introduces children to the entry and name of multi-digit numbers.

The most important thing, Zaitsev warns, is not to bother the child with supposedly methodical approaches: what is more, what is less, by how much, the composition of the ten, the composition of the number, etc. But walk along the tape, count along it, transferring the pointer to the next right when naming the next number cell, it is absolutely necessary for children to look for the given numbers.

What is interesting about Zaitsev's technique

Zaitsev's cube training methodology is certainly interesting and unusual. The “warehouse principle” of teaching reading is interesting in itself. Indeed, the baby will not need to break the word into syllables (there are a lot of syllables, and it is not always possible to distinguish them accurately), add letters to get a syllable, wondering what will come of “p”, “a”, “p”, “a ".

Zaitsev includes all channels of perception of information in the child, and the child himself chooses the “suitable” ones for him. Visuals can examine the material, kinesthetics - touch, twist in their hands, auditory - listen and pronounce (sing).

While doing mathematics, the child quickly moves on to operations with two-digit numbers, thanks to mathematical tables from the first lessons they get acquainted with tens.

Doubts and shortcomings of Zaitsev's methodology

There is an opinion of a number of teachers that children taught to read according to the Zaitsev method subsequently experience difficulties in morphological parsing of words (by composition). It can be difficult for them to distinguish prefixes and roots, suffixes and endings.

For many, this entails a misunderstanding of spelling and illiterate writing. This fact has not been proven, however, an opinion exists and is often cited by opponents of Zaitsev's method.

The disadvantages in the performance of visual material using this technique include the fragility of the cubes. Even cubes reinforced with additional liners in the hands of a two-year-old can quickly become unusable. Hence the reluctance of many parents to give the material into the hands of the crumbs, which contradicts Zaitsev's approach of "giving everything at once."

Every parent wants their child to become a child prodigy (or at least just capable and smart). To organize assistance to adults, there are many methods for teaching a child to read and write, reading and mathematics. These are the systems of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman and many others. A special place here is occupied by Zaitsev's cubes - a method of teaching reading from a very early age.

Features of the technique

Literally every day, Zaitsev's cubes are gaining more and more followers. What is the unique feature of this technique? Why do children who are eating out of infancy begin to read on their own after just a few lessons?

The method of teaching reading by N.A. Zaitsev implies reading in warehouses. For one unit here, not a letter is taken, as is customary in conventional teaching methods, but a warehouse. It represents the natural effort that is produced in pronunciation. Because the warehouse is a natural effort, it will not be difficult for a child of almost any age to pronounce it.

On the basis of reading in warehouses, such a teaching technique as Zaitsev's cubes was developed. They are a whole teaching aid that contributes to the harmonious development of the child's personality.

Zaitsev's cubes are both learning to read, and general development, and the development of logical thinking, and speech therapy exercises. Many mothers are sure that their children, who are engaged in this technique, will achieve a lot in the future.

Great teacher Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev

Almost every adult has heard such a phrase as "Zaitsev's cubes." The method of teaching reading based on warehouses is gaining more and more followers every day. However, few people know who became the author of a unique technique.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zaitsev is a great Russian teacher-innovator. Born in a family of teachers, from early childhood he dreamed of giving knowledge to children.

The idea of ​​creating a special methodology for teaching reading was born in his student years, when the future teacher was assigned to Indonesia for undergraduate practice. There he was to teach the basics and peculiarities of the Russian language to the local population.

Nikolai Alexandrovich began to apply the basics of his developments while working at school. Gradually, he introduced his works into kindergartens.

When the effectiveness of the methods created by the teacher was confirmed by several generations of children, the famous Zaitsev cubes were born, the teaching methodology for which was fundamentally different from the generally accepted one.

The unique author's technique for more than 20 years. However, the teacher-innovator does not stand still. He improves Zaitsev's cubes. Teaching methods are constantly being improved. To date, a large number of additional techniques and game exercises have been created, which are based on classes in such unusual cubes.

What do Zaitsev's cubes look like?

What is a cube? One of the most favorite children's toys. Each of us can remember the joy with which he built castles and towers with their help in early childhood. Knowing how children love such games, the author, when creating his methodology, took the usual children's cubes as a basis.

However, they are not at all like what we are used to. Warehouses are depicted on each of their faces. What are they?

Warehouses may include:

  • from one letter.
  • Of two letters (consonant - vowel).
  • Of two letters (consonant - soft sign).
  • Of two letters (a consonant is a solid sign).

In addition, all the cubes are painted in different colors. This helps children quickly understand the principles of reading:

  • Cubes of a golden color with In Zaitsev's method, they are called "golden".
  • Gray cubes are warehouses with a sonorous sound. The so-called "iron" cubes.
  • Brown cubes - deaf warehouse, "wooden" cubes.
  • Cubes of white and green colors are punctuation marks.

Reading Zaitsev's cubes also develops children's tactile sensations, musical abilities, and contributes to the development of the hearing organs. To achieve this, specific content has been added to each view. They are not hollow, like the usual cubes. Due to their content, they have a certain sound.

Zaitsev Cubes can be filled with:

  • wooden sticks;
  • bells;
  • pebbles;
  • sand;
  • small metal objects;
  • lids;
  • traffic jams.

Due to their filling, the cubes are also distinguished by weight.

From the very beginning of classes, every child literally falls in love with Zaitsev's cubes. The teaching methodology for them is not a familiar learning activity, but a game one. During the game, children quietly move from looking through the cubes to independent reading.

To speed up the learning process, each cube has its own size.

  • Double cubes are large. They are solid warehouses.
  • The standard size cubes show soft folds.

What is the effect of Zaitsev's technique?

Due to the unique structure, color and size of the cubes, the developed method not only contributes to teaching children of any age to read, but also affects their comprehensive development.

Classes on Zaitsev's cubes affect the following areas:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile.

In addition, during classes according to the Zaitsev method, the musical, physical, and emotional development of children takes place.

How to practice according to the Zaitsev method?

During classes, children do not sit at their desks, as in school. They run, jump, dance, lie, play. Thanks to the freedom of action, the game does not bother them.

To organize the learning process, not only cubes are used. The structure of the methodical equipment also includes tables where all warehouses are displayed. During classes, the tables are in front of the eyes of the children. This helps to increase the effectiveness of training.

At what age can classes start?

The author recommends that children be introduced to their methodology as early as possible. Toddlers up to two years old can simply play with cubes, study warehouses on the edges. So the child will be prepared for the process of reading at an older age.

The optimal period for starting classes is the time when the child begins to talk on his own. This usually happens by 2 years of age. During this period, the child is ready to start learning.

If the kid begins to study according to the Zaitsev method at the age of three, then he will be able to read on his own in about six months. This period is considered the most favorable for learning to read, because. there is a simultaneous development of the child's speech apparatus and the foundations of learning to read are laid.

Classes with children 4 years old will bring positive results after 16-20 "lessons".

Children aged 5 to 6 will learn to read on their own in 5-8 lessons. This age period is also considered one of the most favorable for the beginning of learning to read, because. the level of mental development of the child is most conducive to the beginning of classes.

If a child began to study according to the Zaitsev method at the age of 6, he will need only 5-6 lessons to start independent reading.

Learning by playing

Which child enjoys learning all the time? The main activity for preschool age is the game. Therefore, dice lessons should also be built in the form of a game.

What games are there with Zaitsev's cubes? To date, many of these methods have been developed. Consider the most popular types of tasks based on gaming activities:

  1. Cheerful steam locomotive. We make a train from the cubes you like with vowel warehouses. In order for it to start “moving along the rails”, the warehouses on the faces of the cubes must be sung.
  2. Kolobok. We throw a cube - "kolobok" in any part of the room. The child catches up with the "kolobok" and reads the warehouse on its upper face.
  3. Let's find a pair. The game requires dice and tables. Choose any cube. We read the warehouse on its upper face. We find the same warehouse in the table.
  4. Animal voices. We remember what sounds domestic animals make (cat, dog, cow, etc.). The child must find cubes with warehouses corresponding to the voices of animals (meow, mu, av, etc.).

What do parents say?

The effectiveness of using Zaitsev's cubes has been proven by time. For 2 decades, the number of followers of the unique technique has been growing.

And what do parents say about Zaitsev's cubes? Reviews of adults, whose by this method:

  • During the period of study according to the Zaitsev method, children literally fall in love with the reading process.
  • Harmonious development of children in the field of education, upbringing, art.
  • Classes on Zaitsev's cubes teach children not only reading. They discipline them, develop them and force them to think critically.
  • The learning process is quite easy. During the game, children do not even notice how they move on to independent reading.

However, not all parents praise and approve Zaitsev's cubes. Feedback from adults when training did not work:

  • Many children do not grasp the essence of reading in warehouses.
  • After learning from Zaitsev's cubes, it is difficult for children to switch to syllabic reading.
  • With individual lessons according to this method, the child may have difficulty understanding the principles of reading. The collective method of teaching is more acceptable.

Reading is the basis for the harmonious development of a person in childhood. Classes with children according to Zaitsev's method are the shortest and most natural way to the world of letters. Zaitsev's cubes are a real storehouse of wisdom, accessible to everyone.


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 39 "Snow White" Card file of games and exercises on the methodology of teaching reading N. A. Zaitseva Prepared and conducted by: M. V. Ryabova, teacher of additional education, Surgut

2 Work at the level of the warehouse The game "Steam Train" to learn how to work with cubes, choosing a side with a given letter on them, to help memorize and read warehouses with the same letter, to learn to meaningfully find the right cube, to draw attention to working with cubes. Option 1 The teacher invites the children to build a locomotive. To do this, a locomotive (a toy steam locomotive) and a large golden cube with the letter A are placed on the shelf (for the first lesson). The teacher speaks. That all the cars in the train will be with the letter A and shows on the first cube (on any large one) how to find the side with the letter A. then the teacher puts the cube next to the locomotive. The children put the rest of the cubes themselves, the teacher intervenes only when the child does not understand how to look for cubes with the letter A. The teacher necessarily explains that the letter A only happens on large cubes. Thus, children work only with large cubes, gradually highlighting them visually. When the steam locomotive is built, it must send it on its way. But for this, all trailers must be read: PA-TA-NA-SA-FA-SHA-CHA, etc. The teacher asks the children to follow his movements. With the index finger of his right hand, he shows the first large golden cube and voices the warehouse, and the children repeat it in unison. Similar work is carried out with other trailers, and first the teacher's finger moves to the next cube, and then the warehouse is sounded. You can use the cube with an accent by moving it along the cubes wagons. In the following lessons, other vowels on the large and small gold cubes are taken as a sample. In the future, the children themselves decide which vowel will “ride the train”. Option 2 Team game. On the first table, the children lay out trailers with the letter O, and on the second table, E. The teams should get this: O-TO-KO-RO-VO-MO-GO and E-TE-NE-PE-RE-SE-FE Wins the team that gets the job done the fastest. Exercise "Find a song" to consolidate in children the skill of finding the desired column of the table by ear, to consolidate the ability to navigate the table. Description. The teacher invites the child to find a song in the table that he will sing. For example, M-MA-MO-MU-WE-ME. The child points to the corresponding column of the table with a pointer. This exercise is a test and helps to understand how well the child is oriented in the table. If the child copes well with this task, he is asked to show the given warehouse in the table.

3 Singing warehouses of a vertical plane in a table to teach children to follow the smaller lines of the table with their eyes and not stray, memorize warehouses based on knowledge of consonants, work out reading warehouses with soft mergers. Description. 1. The teacher shows that all large warehouses are located on the left, and all small ones are on the right. Warehouses of the main golden cubes are written on top. That is, if warehouses in a column of the table are located under the letter A, then all warehouses in this column will be with the letter A. 2. The teacher with his index finger leads down the selected column with warehouses, singing them to the motive of any children's song. 3. After the collective singing of the warehouses of the first column, the teacher tests the children: he shows any warehouse from so many sung songs and asks the children to read. 4. The same is repeated with other columns, but they are chosen by the children themselves. Consolidation of reading warehouses with a soft sign to consolidate in children the skill of reading warehouses with a soft sign and differentiate warehouses with b from warehouses with iotized letters. Description. First, all syllables with a soft sign are read from the table, then the “locomotive” game is played (cubes with a b sign). After the chain is ready and read, the teacher turns the first small golden cube up to the letter U, and the children must also turn the rest of the cubes (pu-lu-zu). After that, the entire chain is read again. In other classes, the b sign is differentiated from the letters I E Y. Practicing reading and writing problematic warehouses according to Table 2 to consolidate children's reading and writing skills with soft mergers or other problematic warehouses. Description. After the children sing songs and conduct a test for reading warehouses, each child in turn chooses any warehouse and as many as a sung column, reads it and writes on any surface of the letter. Practicing reading and writing problem warehouses using tables

4 to teach children to correlate warehouses on both tables and cubes, to consolidate the skill of reading warehouses that cause difficulty, to automate sounds delivered in individual lessons. Description. The child reads the warehouse on table 2, finds the same one on table 1 and on the cube. The selected cubes are brought to the teacher from these cubes the word is compiled and read. The game "Funny Words" to teach children to feel that the word does not have an infinite length, to learn to manipulate the cubes, to put them on the shelf correctly (from left to right, next to each other, etc.), to learn to independently compose words from warehouses on cubes to form motivation for independent work. Description. The teacher invites the children to play a new game. Each child is invited to write a funny word from the cubes, for which you just need to collect any number of cubes and put them one after the other. head." The teacher explains to the children that the shorter the word, the funnier it is. Particular attention is paid to children who want to write a word of 7-9 or more cubes. If the child does not agree to take fewer cubes. The word stays so long. Then the teacher reads each written word. Children are very amused by the resulting nonsense words. After that, the children try to choose the funniest word. Long words do not look funny, so the teacher reminds once again that the shorter the word, the funnier it is. Usually children cannot choose the funniest word, because each child thinks his word is the best. The teacher praises the children, especially highlighting those who tried to write a word, and did not automatically arrange the cubes. This game is a transitional, preparatory stage for independent and conscious writing of words from cubes. Funny words are a model that will later be used in writing words with meaning. Exercise "Read the neighbor's cube" Option 1 to teach children to work in pairs, make independent choices, consolidate the skill of reading warehouses.

5 Description. Children of the subgroup choose one cube for themselves. Then one of the children, at the direction of the teacher, shows his cube to any child. The one who was shown the cube must sing or read all the warehouses on it. Option 2 teach children to work in pairs, help each other. Description. One of the children, at the direction of the teacher, chooses any cube and warehouse on it and shows it to any other child. That, in turn, finds the corresponding warehouse on the table. Warehouse on the cube and the table is read. Exercise "What song should you sing?" to draw children's attention to cubes and tables, to help children focus simultaneously on the organs of articulation and warehouses sung on the cube, to develop visual-motor coordination, to form speech exhalation, to clarify the pronunciation of various sounds in combination with vowels, to develop the rhythmic-intonational side of speech, to learn to memorize the algorithm chanting warehouses. Description. This is one of the main exercises in the initial stages of training. The teacher tells the children that the cubes are not simple, everyone has their own song. Warehouses are sung on several cubes. Then the child is invited to choose from the total mass of the cube that he would like to listen to. In the future, such a free choice is necessary. Since the child gets the opportunity to work according to his own program, intuitively clarifying the knowledge that he needs. This exercise indirectly helps the production of sounds, since the repeated singing of warehouses prepares the child's articulatory apparatus for further work. For many children, sponges automatically begin to move; children repeat the warehouse after the teacher. Therefore, the child's gaze should be directed only at the teacher. Then the child tries to sing the warehouse facing him. The teacher helps him read any warehouse he likes on the cube. Exercise "Singing Towers", "Talking Towers" to attract the attention of children to cubes and tables, to help children focus simultaneously on the organs of articulation and warehouses sung on the cube, to develop visual-motor coordination, to form speech exhalation, to clarify the pronunciation of various sounds in combination with vowels, to develop rhythmic-intonation side of speech,

6 to learn to memorize the algorithm for singing warehouses. Note. In this game, the desire of the child to build various buildings from cubes is used. This is typical of both children with design abilities and children with low motivation for learning, young children, children with mental retardation. Description. The teacher either waits for the child to make a building out of blocks on his own, or invites the child to build a tower according to the model. At the end of the construction, the teacher informs the child that he got a tower not simple, but magical. Cubes can sing. Each cube has its own song. The tower turned out to be singing. The child chooses any cube from the tower, the teacher sings all the warehouses in the same way as in the game “which cube should you sing?”. It must be remembered that during any work with the blocks, the child's gaze is fixed on that warehouse. Which is voiced by the teacher, otherwise the whole work loses its meaning. In this game, the turrets also speak, that is, the teacher voices the warehouse on the cube that the child has chosen. The teacher does not forget to characterize each sung cube read: “Oh, it’s your big iron cube that sings: BU-BO-BA-BE-BE-B.” it is necessary to sing very slowly, so that the child has time to hear and compare the voiced warehouse and its graphic image on the cube. The game "Wonderful bag" (with cubes) to draw the child's attention to the cubes and storage tables, consolidate the skill of singing songs on the cubes, learn to correlate the cubes with the planar image of the corresponding warehouses on the table and navigate in the table, develop the skill of tracing the columns on the tables through the eyes. Description. The teacher shows the children a beautiful bag, inside of which there are 4-5 cubes, the easiest to sing (with the most frequent letters): U-O-E-S, MU-MO-MA-ME-WE-M, KU-KO-KA -KE-KY-K, etc. the child takes out a cube from the bag, tries to sing it on his own. Locates and points to the corresponding column in the table with the pointer. It is better if the children themselves find the desired column in the table. This is usually not a problem after working with the table multiple times. In subsequent lessons, the teacher adds to the bag those cubes that, in addition to consolidating the reading skill, will help: automate some sounds in children, work out deaf or soft mergers, etc. Such work allows the teacher to carry out an individual approach to each child and makes the process of teaching reading more effective. The game "Classification" to draw the child's attention to the cubes, show how to twist the cube in your hand and sing his song,

7 teaches to memorize the names of different groups of cubes, to learn in the process of manipulating the cubes to sort the cubes according to their characteristics: deaf-voiced, hard-soft. Option 1 Description. The game is played like a competition. The teacher divides the children into 2 teams and invites them to lay out all the cubes on 2 tables: the first team puts only large cubes on their table, the second only small ones. As a rule, both teams finish work at the same time. The teacher checks the work of the children, and then sings warehouses on cubes, which the children of each team serve at will. The teacher shows how to manipulate the cubes, how to hold them, twist them. Therefore, the visual control of children over the actions of the teacher is very important. In the process of learning, children by ear begin to catch the difference in the pronunciation of hard and soft fusions, they try to repeat the chanted warehouses after the teacher. Option 2 The cubes are again laid out on a common table, the children need to arrange the cubes on 2 tables according to the sign: wooden and iron. At the end of this game, gold and dice with punctuation marks should remain on the common table. The teacher again sings warehouses on all the cubes chosen by the children. Exercise "Singing according to the table" to help children remember the algorithm for singing warehouses according to the table, develop hand-eye coordination, form auditory, visual and motor connections, introduce children to the search system for the desired warehouse, develop speech breathing rhythmic intonation side of speech. Description. Children stand facing the table and the teacher. Teacher: “Look, this is a table. There are also songs on it, the same as on the cubes. I will show you warehouses and sing songs, listen and sing along to me. The teacher sings to the motive of the scale from the top note to the bottom, the pointer does not move down very quickly. It is better to hum the table in its entirety at each lesson, but in case of fatigue of children, it is better to split the table in parts. Exercise "Writing words on the table" to develop hand-eye coordination in children, to form the skill of warehouse synthesis, to learn to remember the location of warehouses and read them. Description. A child with a pointer in his hand stands in front of the table. The teacher is behind the child and wraps his hand around his hand with a pointer. Together they decide what word they will write. It is better to start with the name of the child, then move on to

8 surnames, names of loved ones, names of favorite toys, cartoons, etc. After the first spelling of the word, it must be written a second time. At a faster pace. It is desirable that the child's hand is not weak-willed, but also directed with a pointer. In subsequent lessons, the child writes himself. Exercise "Riddles" to show children how to manipulate cubes when laying out words, draw attention to working with cubes, develop thinking, memory. Description. The teacher makes riddles for the children, the children guess. The teacher writes the answer with cubes, placing them sequentially on the shelf, pronouncing his actions aloud, that is, accompanying them with speech. For example, "Mushroom. We say: “Flu”, but we write “Mushroom”, because “Mushrooms”. I need the first cube G-GA-GO-GU-GE-GE, where is it? (slowly turning over the cubes, showing how they need to be taken and twisted). We need a big iron. Here he is". He puts the cube on the shelf. The search continues. Children can also take part in writing the word, but first the teacher shows the spelling of the word from beginning to end. The game "Brothers" to teach children to differentiate soft and hard sounds, to classify cubes in more detail on the basis of "big-small", to remember the location of warehouses Description. The teacher says: “The cubes have brothers: the big ones are small, younger, and the small ones are big, older. You see, they are all mixed up with us. Let's find older and younger brothers and put them side by side." For example, (СЯ-СА). The game "Look and repeat" to consolidate the skill of working with cubes in children, develop visual memory in the process of manipulating cubes, consolidate the skill of writing first their first and last names, then other words, consolidate the skill of writing words on their own. Description. The teacher offers to write the name of one of the children. The word is written in cubes, and then the owner of the name is invited to turn away. At this time, the teacher rearranges and twists the word in the cube so that it becomes unrecognizable. The child is offered to restore the word from memory. The main rule for the teacher at the beginning of training is not to confuse the cubes too much.

9 The game "Conceived word" to teach children to independently lay out words in cubes, find a cube from the total mass, based on the table and by ear. Option 1 The teacher announces to the children that he has come up with an interesting word, and which he will not say. Children must guess it themselves, laying out the cubes corresponding to the warehouses called by the teacher. For example, the teacher conceived the word "table". He says that the first block in this word reads S. Children, already familiar with the search for blocks from the general mass, try to find the block, relying only on their memory. If the cube is not found in any way, the teacher calls its full description “This is a big wooden SA-CO-SU-SY-SE” and shows the corresponding column on the table. The cube finds, once again they specify which side to put, then they also look for warehouses TO and L. When all the cubes are exposed, the children are invited to read and guess the word that the teacher conceived. If the children have not yet guessed, the teacher, together with the children, begins to read it, pausing, giving the opportunity to guess for themselves: “FROM TO L”. This game involves a high level of individualization, since the choice of the complexity of the words to be guessed is determined depending on the level of preparation of children (from the words "poppy", "cabinet", "porridge", to "dump truck", "key", "transformer", " snowflake"). Option 2 The teacher lays out his intended word immediately in front of the children, steps aside, the children try to guess it. This option is needed to practice reading the whole word and serves as a complication to the main game. A child can also think of his own word by whispering it in the ear of the teacher. The teacher can write this word together with the child, and the rest of the children read. The game "Guess" to prepare children to work with stock pictures, stimulate them to read words on their own using the elimination method, and expand their vocabulary. Description. Children are sitting near the table with cubes opposite the teacher. There is another table next to the teacher, on which there are 4-5 different objects or toys. Children name objects, while the teacher agrees with them in advance on the name of each word: not a ball, but a ball, not a book, but a book. The teacher offers to guess which of these words he will write. The word is laid out in cubes in front of the children, and often one of the guys guesses it already from the first cube. In this case, the teacher writes this word to the end, the guesser reads it again. Then the word is read in chorus, after which the one who reads first takes

10 the appropriate object and puts it near his chair. At the end of the game, it is calculated who has the most items won. Exercise "Find a given cube" to consolidate in children the ability to navigate in the total mass of cubes, to find a given cube, teaching to use the table as a hint. Description. In the center of the office is a table with cubes. The teacher sings a "song" of any cube, and the children must find this cube on the table. Whoever finds it first shows it to all the other children and puts it in their prearranged place. This die is won. If the children cannot find the cube by ear, the teacher briefly shows the corresponding column on the table. Exercise "Where is such a warehouse?" Option 1 to consolidate in children the ability to navigate the table, find and show the named warehouse in it. Description. The teacher invites the child to find one warehouse on the table, which he will call: “where is MI?”, The child shows the desired warehouse. Option 2 to teach children to navigate in the table using the cubes, to learn to correlate the same warehouses on the cubes and in the table. Description. The child is invited to find the named warehouse in the table, based on the same warehouse on the cube. The teacher finds a cube with the named warehouse and gives it to the child. The task of the child is to find the named warehouse on the cube, and then in the table. Work at the word level to teach children to manipulate the cubes: to twist them correctly in their hands, if possible, speaking and looking at what they are reading, not randomly grab the cubes from the total mass, but choose them based on the type of cube (for example, a large double wooden one), put the cubes side by side from left to right, avoiding gaps between warehouses, but leaving gaps between words; teach how to use the basic principle of finding the right storage cube for writing words; develop visual-motor and general coordination; expand vocabulary, consolidate some grammatical categories, work out words of a complex syllabic structure, use the concepts of “capital letter” and “stress”.

11 Lunch Game Description. The teacher invites the children to “cook” lunch, that is, write words from the cubes for various dishes. Children offer any names and, together with the teacher, put the cubes on the shelf (not forgetting the accented cube). Then the lunch is "eaten", that is, each word is read in chorus and individually. The same words can be written with a pointer on the table with the child who wants “additives”. Games "Zoo", "Farm" Description. Children, together with the teacher, "go" to the zoo (to the farm). Children name those animals that they remember, these words are written in cubes on the shelf, each one is given a cube with an accent. In case of difficulties and in order to expand the vocabulary, the teacher puts the figurines of animals on the shelf. Wishing children write the same words with a pointer on the table. Words of a complex syllabic structure are spoken together, then reflected by each child. The game can be played under the theme "domestic and wild animals". Exercise "What we do in kindergarten" Description. The teacher invites the children to remember what actions they perform in the garden every day. The question sounds like this: "Let's write what you do in kindergarten every day." The teacher guides the children, gives a sample of the first word in case of difficulty. The main task, in addition to writing words, is the use of the verb dictionary in active speech, as well as the use of verbs in the 2nd person plural: we walk, eat, play, study, etc. these words can also be written in cubes and on a table. In some cases, you can enter a comma here, which depends on the level of preparedness of the children. Game "Toy Store" Description. The teacher calls the children to the toy store and offers to “buy” something they like. When the chosen words-toys are written in cubes and cubes with accents are affixed, everyone “buys”, his own, that is, he tries to read. Who read, he "bought" a toy. As a secondary task, the task of using words with diminutive suffixes (doll, ball) in active speech is being solved, as well as comparing words like “machine”: what has changed in the word, how do these toys differ, these toys (one is big, the other is small ). The game is also aimed at establishing contact between children and the teacher, the formation of motivation for classes. Game "Favorite toy" Description. Children, together with the teacher, write the name of their favorite toy (one or more). When. If the toy has a name or nickname (the doll's name is Katya, and the puppy is Bobik), the teacher introduces or reinforces what the children already know

12 the concept of "capital letter" and puts the ST cube on the first warehouse of the word. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the name of each child’s toy is written by the entire subgroup, that is, during the game, children take turns getting the opportunity to show their favorite toy to other children and name it. Game "Confectionery" Description. The teacher invites the children to go to the confectionery department of the store and choose the sweets they want. The game is held within the framework of the theme "Products" and serves to replenish the active vocabulary of children on the topic. At the end of writing each word, the product is “eaten”, that is, read. For each written word, a cube with an accent must be placed, the meaning of this sign and the way how to determine its place are explained once again. Game "Let's cook soup, compote" Description. The principle is the same as in the Lunch game, only now the names of the ingredients of the prepared dish are written: potatoes, peas, carrots, onions, apples, sugar, water, etc. words, as before, are called or chosen by the children themselves. This game helps to expand knowledge about the environment, replenish the active vocabulary of children on the topic "Vegetables". Be sure to put a cube with an accent. Game "Birthday Gift" Description. The teacher invites children to fantasize about a birthday present. Words-names of gifts are written by the whole subgroup, read. Game "Wonderful bag" (with toys) Description. Each child takes out a toy prepared by the teacher in advance from the bag and makes up its name from the cubes. For children with low motivation to study and a lack of attention, toys from kinder surprises are used, followed by a reward for the child who wrote his word (the toy is given to the child for the correct answer). The game allows you to maximize the individualization of learning to read in a subgroup, as the teacher selects for writing those words that would work out with children (of a certain syllable composition, with or without soft mergers, ioted letters, problematic sounds, etc.) Game "Trip" Description. The teacher invites the child to travel by train. Where the children can think of to go. Further, on the shelf, the names of children or the names of mothers and fathers, grandparents, whom to take on a trip are laid out in cubes, children decide, name names, actively participate in writing words. Then, when the names are written and read, the teacher says: “Here we have arrived in another city, let's take a walk.” The children disperse, and in the meantime the words are rearranged, swapped. “Guess which car Katya is riding in? Olya? Misha? Children

13 show their "trailers". The teacher also asks: “Who is riding in this car? And in this? Children try to find out the written name, and the teacher encourages them to read the words, voicing the warehouses on the cubes. Option 1 You can recognize any word: “Who knows where the fox is?” (in the Zoo game) "Who knows what it is?" (soup in the Lunch game). Option 2 The game "Plates". Description: Children are asked to write the name of what they would like to eat. Words are placed side by side, read. The teacher says that the food is laid out on plates. And offers to play. Children turn away, words change places. When the children turn around, the teacher asks: “Who knows which plate the salad is on? What's on that plate?" The change of words is repeated 2-3 times. Read the word in the picture to teach children to intuitively read different words, expand vocabulary, practice various grammatical categories, consolidate word formation skills. Description. The teacher presents one picture with the front side to the children and offers to read what is written on them (attention is drawn to the shock warehouse). 5-7 pictures are also read, then the teacher shuffles the pictures and turns them face down. The pictures are swapped. Children are trying to read the words without relying on the picture. Whoever reads gets the picture. The word is read as it is written, but not as it is heard: an eagle, not an areol, because an eagle). With the help of warehouse pictures, various grammatical constructions are worked out and introduced into active speech: diminutive pet suffixes of nouns (bird - bird), the plural form of nouns (elephant - elephants), word formation skills (cat-cat-kitten) are practiced. Make up the same word from the cubes as in the picture; teach children to correlate the printed word with warehouses on the cubes; highlight a warehouse in a written word (analysis) and make the same word from cubes (synthesis), prepare for future work on rewriting texts (work with a book), teach children to work in a team. Option 1

14 Description. If the teacher plans individual work, then the warehouse picture is given to one child. The child writes the word from the stock picture with cubes. Option 2 Description. The task is similar to the previous one, but each team puts out its word. The game "Your word" to consolidate the skill of group writing and individual reading of words. Description. One child must leave the classroom, and the rest of the children, together with the teacher, come up with and compose a word. The teacher can offer a word that, in terms of complexity, is adequate to the level of mastering the reading of the child. The discussion of the word takes place in a low voice so that the driver does not hear. After that, the word is written collectively, the teacher helps the children in case of difficulties. Then the driver is invited, who must read the word. It is necessary to make sure that the child completes this task, when the child reads the word, everyone clap and rejoice. A new driver is selected. The game is repeated. Game "Instructions" Option 1 (with dice) to consolidate the skill of reading the whole word and understanding the meaning of what is read in children. Description. The teacher invites any child to play, completing tasks that he writes from the cubes: run, sing, sit, go, jump, give (a car), etc. Option 2 (according to the table) to consolidate the skill of reading words by syllables in children, form warehouse synthesis skill. Description: The teacher writes instructions, showing warehouses with a pointer on the table. The child voices each warehouse, performs the corresponding task. The exercise "The cubes ran away" to consolidate the recognition and reading of warehouses on the cube in children, to consolidate the skill of reading their first and last names.

15 Description. The cubes are in random order. Near each cube is a sign with the name of the child. Children must find and read the tablets with their names and take their cube in their hands. Then the teacher asks each child to sing warehouses on his cubes. In the future, next to the cubes, there may be signs with the names and surnames of the children. From the collected cubes, children can make a word. This exercise will help the teacher to more thoroughly work out the reading skills of a particular group of warehouses in children. The game "Living Word" to form the skill of warehouse synthesis in children, to consolidate the skill of finding and reading the desired warehouse without relying on a table. Description. From the cubes you need to make a specific word that the teacher conceived. Each child takes one cube, and the teacher says that now the guys will make up a living word. Then he asks the child who has a cube with the first warehouse of the intended word to come up, for example, KO for the word (candy), KO come here. After all the warehouses from the word are named, the children together try to read the resulting words. Team game to teach children to work in a team, to teach children to put together a word from the given ones (2-3 cubes). Description. The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. Each team is given a certain number of cubes and is invited to compose and write their own word (porridge, soup). The one who writes the word the fastest wins. Strengthening the skills of inflection and word formation to clearly show children in practice how words change with the help of prefixes and suffixes, endings. Description. 1. The use of diminutive suffixes of nouns: the teacher invites the children to listen and see how the words change, try to change the words themselves (ball - ball, house - house). 2. The use of prefixed verbs (pour, pour, pour, pour, pour). You can get funny words, encourage children to word creation. 3. Coordination of nouns and adjectives in gender (beautiful ball. beautiful doll). You can play the game fix the mistake (beautiful doll). 4. Selection of single-root words (forest, forester, forester, copse, forest).

16 Work at the sentence level Exercise "Find a toy" to teach children to read phrases made up of blocks by an adult, navigate in space, consolidate the use of simple prepositions on, under, near, behind, and adverbs on the left, right, above, below. Description. The children close their eyes, and the teacher, meanwhile, hides any toy in the office and offers a hint written from the cubes: “on the closet”. After the toy is found, the children repeat where it was, making complete sentences: "The bear was lying on the closet behind the vase." Make up a proposal to teach children to lay out unpredictable short sentences from the beginning, then common sentences and read them, learn to use punctuation marks, the ZB sign, leave a distance between words, spread the sentence by selecting and writing homogeneous definitions in cubes, expand the dictionary, clarify the grammatical categories of words. Option 1 Description. First, the teacher recalls with the children the materials from the topics covered in the frontal lessons about the proposal (for example, it is clarified how to find out what the proposal is in front of us; what it consists of). Children give different examples. Then the teacher suggests laying out a sentence like: “Winter has come” from the cubes. Together with the children, it is discussed how many words are in this sentence, which word is the first, which is the second. The teacher introduces the children to the rules for making a sentence, with ZB cubes, a dot, the distance between glories. Next, the children themselves write the sentence on the shelf. Option 2 Description. Children come up with a sentence on a given topic, for example, "Spring". Each child makes up one word from this sentence. Then the sentence is read by all together and each separately. Find the mistakes in the sentence to consolidate the children's knowledge of the capital letter and the dot, the distance between the glories.

17 Description. A sentence is written on the shelf, for example, "They dropped the bear on the floor." But the proposal was not formalized, i.e. there is no ZB cube, a cube with a dot, some words are connected together. You can turn some more cubes or take them out of the word. The task of children is to read the sentence, find errors and make it “beautiful”. It is necessary to remind children that prepositions with other words are written separately. Spread the offer to teach children to spread a simple sentence. Description. The teacher, together with the children, writes a sentence, for example, "It snowed." Then, looking out the window, the children decide, what kind of snow is it now on the street? The selected definitions are immediately written in cubes separated by a comma before the word "snow" (white, wet, fluffy, cold). Write a sentence on the Description table. Children come up with simple sentences and write them with a pointer on the table, setting ZB, period, comma. In the future, you can enter question and exclamation marks. Writing cubes of sentences with different prepositions to consolidate in children the ability to use simple and complex prepositions in active speech, knowledge about the spelling of prepositions of sentences. Description. Children make up a sentence with a given preposition based on a picture or a representation. They analyze it (draw a diagram that shows the number of words, a dot, a capital letter, and the preposition is highlighted in some color). After that, the children lay out the sentences in cubes on the shelf. If the preposition is complex, the concept of “hyphen” is introduced (because of, from under). Draw the children's attention to the stunning voiced consonants at the end of the small words "from", "to".

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