Baby funeral: rituals and customs, features, expert advice. How to organize a child's funeral? A dead child was born how to bury

Remember the classic - "here the master comes, the master will judge us!"
PalLekseich, not knowing rest and time, wanders around the country and saves the kids, which is every minute
narrates on his Twitter. Oh, he does not protect himself, our soul, oh, he does not spare himself!
but he will help everyone, he will judge everyone, caress everyone, he will not forget about anyone, he will be photographed with everyone.
But behind all this flickering of messages on Twitter and a white-toothed smile from the screen, one small detail escapes, quite insignificant against the general background - but what exactly did he do? where exactly in Russia has it become good for children to live?

These photos were taken by Vera Drobinskaya. She is also a well-known person to many of you - of course, she did not do as much as PalLekseich, she only adopted eight disabled children, one of whom was recently taken away from her by her biological parents because of the apartment.
In addition to the photo, Vera wrote a letter to the gene. prosecutor's office.
Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!
Visiting a pupil of an orphanage for mentally retarded children of the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region in the village. Raznochinovka Vasily M, I could not resist, and drove to the village cemetery, where they also bury children who died in this DDI.
I was shocked by what I saw. Lots of small bumps, not even signed. In some places, the monuments, apparently, were erected by relatives of deceased children, where the inscriptions have almost disappeared. One monument attracts attention, it says: "From my mother - I'm sorry." The name of the child is Vasily F. He died, as follows from the entry on the monument - November 6, 2007. However, Galina S., the chief volunteer of this child from the Invisible Children community, assures with all responsibility that in March 2008 this child was still alive. At least that's what her teachers told her. Some graves give the impression of "fraternal". I could not find where the children I personally knew were buried, namely: Aliya, who died in January 2003 at the age of 14 from a spinal hernia, and Vanya P, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome, celiac disease, who died in the summer of 2002. The moral aspect of this picture is monstrous.
I ask the Attorney General's Office to check:
- Why did these children die in an orphanage and not in hospitals?
- Was the necessary treatment and autopsy carried out after the death of the child?
- Why does the official date of Vasya Fedorov's death not coincide with that known to his boss? (I can provide contact details of the chef if necessary).
- Are those children buried in this cemetery who are considered dead?
- And also what happened to the property of the deceased children, which, according to the law, must be written off to the state by act?
The disorder and almost complete depersonalization, namelessness in the burial place of the pupils of the Raznochinovsky children's children's home inspire suspicion that this was done intentionally in order to hide violations of the rights of children who are seriously ill and dying in this orphanage, and also, possibly, to hide the misappropriation of their property.
I also ask the prosecutor's office to check how the guardianship and guardianship authorities control this section of work in the DDI and whether they control it at all.
It seems that the guardianship and guardianship authorities, which are also subordinate to the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region, as well as the specified DDI, completely ignore the issues of protecting the rights of children in this DDI.
Do you know why officials are not touched by these nameless mounds? because most of us for them during our lifetime are just such mounds ...

When such a misfortune happens in a family, the parents are lost and do not know how to properly organize the burial according to human and divine laws. This article is intended to help with this.

If the baby is stillborn or dies shortly after delivery

    A stillborn child before the 197th day of development, or a child who died immediately after birth at a gestational age of less than 28 weeks, is considered a fetus, in which case, medical institutions should deal with the disposal of the body;

    If the child was born dead at a later date, or died in a maternity hospital, he will be buried like any Russian citizen, while parents are provided with a funeral allowance. Relatives have the right to take the body of the baby from the maternity hospital and organize the burial on their own. This is best done within two days of the opening. But, sometimes, except for the mother, there is no one to bury the child. In such cases, the body will be in the morgue until the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital. Parents in the maternity hospital are issued a certificate of death of the newborn, which will be needed for submission to the registry office, and the subsequent application for state aid.

    If parents are unable or unwilling to bury a stillborn or deceased child in the first days of life, they will be buried at the expense of a medical institution. These bodies are buried either in the ground or in an urn after cremation. If within a year the urn with ashes is not taken away for burial by relatives, it will be buried together with other unclaimed urns with ashes in a common grave.

Since these children are not baptized, there is no need to commemorate them. The Orthodox Church believes that they "will not be glorified and will not be punished by the righteous Judge", that is, their souls will dwell in some kind of "intermediate spheres".

When the child died with the mother

In this case, they are usually buried in the same grave. A mother is buried if she is baptized, but the child is not. It is believed that such a joint burial makes it easier for the soul of an unbaptized baby to enter the afterlife.

When the baby was baptized

In this case, the child must be buried according to Christian custom, buried and commemorated. In prayers, a request is made to help the soul of a young creature in the world of the dead.

Superstitions related to the burial of children

    Some peoples believe that unbaptized children turn into butterflies, fairies, flowers, or, conversely, into various evil spirits;

    Sometimes it is believed that a child buried with one of the relatives will help an adult "pass" to heaven;

    There is a belief that it is better to bury unbaptized children .. at night, so as not to get sick.

All these absurdities are categorically condemned by the church, as well as attempts to baptize a child after death in the church, or in various "folk ways" such as distributing crosses or eggs painted in a special way.

The funeral of children is a difficult psychological test for parents, relatives and friends. For those who mourn, it is important to worthily see them off on their last journey, showing love and pain at the same time. The organization of a mournful event has nuances, requires attention to detail and the solution of bureaucratic difficulties with paperwork.

Death does not choose the time and place, it can take the baby, plunging the parents into eternal grief and suffering. After the news of the loss, the family has 2 days to prepare for the mourning event. The burial of younger and older children is no different from the burial of an adult. All sorts of paraphernalia are used to emphasize a young age: blue ribbons are attached to the wreaths of boys, and pink ribbons are decorated for girls. Along the circumference of the wreaths, angels and toys can be fixed.

Parents choose light-colored coffins to emphasize the purity and innocence of the deceased.

Many nuances arise during the funeral of stillborn children. Parents are taught that a baby who died in the womb or during childbirth does not require burial. The legislation of the Russian Federation states that from the 197th day from the moment of conception, the baby is recognized as a full citizen of the country.

Funeral organization

Children are a valuable gift in life, it is difficult to convey the pain that parents experience when losing a son or daughter. In such a situation, it is recommended to find a person with organizational qualities to prepare the farewell ceremony.

He is responsible for paperwork, choosing a coffin and thinking through the details of the farewell ceremony. The organization of the funeral depends on the age of the child.


On the issue of the funeral of those born dead, you should know the main thing: before 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is not considered fully developed, does not have civil rights. His body is not released to his parents, the hospital is in charge of the burial process.

If children are born dead after 28 weeks, they are sent for autopsy, after determining the cause of death, they are given to relatives.

The stillborn are included in the privileged category, which gives them the right to receive a free place in the cemetery and funeral services. After receiving a death certificate in the maternity hospital, an allowance is issued.

Things and attributes for the funeral are chosen in accordance with the size of the body. The coffin must comply with the wishes of the parents. To create an original model, it is better to contact specialized companies. Masters can create a coffin with four, six or eight corners, in the form of a cradle, bed. The color can be beige, white, pastel shades. It is allowed to put things in the coffin: a toy, a pacifier.

Children who died during childbirth or in the womb are buried, without a funeral service. The priest at the funeral will not perform the ceremony if the baby did not have time to be baptized during his lifetime. It is impossible to forbid parents to pray for the soul of the deceased.

It is recommended to choose a grave in the place of a family burial. If the mother died during childbirth with the baby, they are placed side by side. At the funeral, only the mother is buried if she was baptized. This helps the souls of children find peace in the afterlife.

newborn baby

When a living child is born and his subsequent death, the funeral is carried out according to the same rules as in the case of any citizen of the country. An autopsy is required. After determining the cause of death, relatives can take the body for burial.

The funeral of the baby is carried out no later than 2-3 days after the onset of death. The law provides for the next of kin to take the body and take over the burial procedure if the mother is not discharged from the maternity ward due to poor physical or psychological health. The mourning event can be held without parents. To complete legal formalities, a death certificate is issued from the registry office.

In the absence of relatives and the serious condition of the woman, the law requires the hospital to store the body until the mother is discharged and buried.

Children can be dressed in things prepared for discharge, or in those that have had time to vilify. Funeral parlors sell special envelopes. Caps and hats are put on the head.

The coffin is usually chosen a small, light shade. There are no restrictions and rules on the choice of color and shape. You can choose with bows, ruffles, other decorations.

Those who have passed the baptismal ritual are buried at the funeral. This can be done in a church or invite a priest to the house. According to the law of Orthodoxy, those who are not baptized are buried without a funeral service.


There are no special rules for organizing a funeral. Everything passes, as in the burial of adults. The process follows the same steps.

For the legal registration of the deceased, a death certificate is required, which is issued after an autopsy in the mortuary. With this document, you can go to the cemetery to purchase a place for the grave. Then paraphernalia is acquired: a coffin, wreaths, dressing.

For the funeral of children, coffins are chosen in different shapes and colors. For girls, they can be embroidered with bows, for boys - with embroidery, ruffles. The type of coffin matters only for parents and relatives, the church does not attach importance to this issue. You can put personal items, favorite toys, icons in the coffin.

If the baby was baptized during his lifetime, according to the rules of the Orthodox faith, a funeral service is held on the 3rd day. During the ceremony, those present stand with lighted candles, the clergyman says prayers. A note with the text of a permissive prayer is inserted into the hand. After the end of the procession, a farewell is held and a funeral is held.

How to bury a newborn baby

Medicine is constantly evolving, but there are still children born who die immediately after childbirth or within a short period. Organizing a funeral according to the law of the Russian Federation is allowed if the baby was born later than 28 weeks from the moment of conception and weighed more than a kilogram.

The law provides for two scenarios. In the first case, the relatives take the body after the autopsy.

It is allowed to store the dead in the morgue for up to 7 days free of charge. The funeral is carried out at their own expense, after receiving the necessary documents, an application for reimbursement of expenses is submitted.

If relatives cannot independently organize the burial, the matter can be entrusted to a ritual agency. Specialists will take into account all the details and organize the process. Often, people who have lost children are not able to make decisions due to a difficult emotional state.
If the death occurred during childbirth, and the parents refuse to take the body, the funeral is carried out by a medical institution. In this case, babies are buried from the maternity hospital, the organization is handled by a special bureau.

The financial side is handled by government agencies. Written permission is obtained from the parents for the autopsy. Abandoned dead children, orphans can be cremated. Then the ashes are stored for up to 1 year, after which they are buried with other unclaimed remains.

The religious aspect of the funeral

A family that has lost a child should have the opportunity to hold a funeral in accordance with all the rules and traditions. This is a tribute to great memory and love. But one should take into account aspects related to the Orthodox faith.

The church does not have the right to hold a funeral for an unbaptized person. Those who died in the womb or during childbirth, who did not have time to go through the rite of baptism, are buried without the participation of clergy. After the funeral, parents are allowed to say prayers for the repose of their souls at home. The Holy Scripture says that an indispensable condition for entering the Kingdom of Heaven is baptism.

The unbaptized do not go to hell, they remain in an intermediate state.

The organization of the funeral of an infant who has managed to undergo the rite of baptism is carried out with a mandatory funeral service. All Christian customs are observed in the ceremony. In this case, the souls of children are mentioned in all rituals performed on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day.

It is forbidden to secretly carry out the baptism of the dead, this is a violation of the laws of the church. You can not put someone else's cross in the coffin, this will not help the soul enter the gates of paradise.

The loss of a child is a tragedy. It brings unbearable pain and despair to parents. The organization of the funeral should be carried out by a third-party person, preferably from a ritual organization, who will take care of the proper preparation of the grave, coffin, draw up documents without involving parents. This will protect the mother from unnecessary shocks, give time to say goodbye to the baby.

Funerals are always scary. It's especially scary when children die. It's even scarier when they die suddenly.

Do not read this article if you are pregnant.

Today is such beautiful weather. Spring is in full swing... The sun, young leaves, warmth... And today they will bury the child. A small child who turned only 1 year old on May 3 ...

I want to talk about this not to ruin everyone's life. Not so that you stop enjoying life, spring, the bright sun ... Not so that you tremble over every scratch of your baby. And in order to once again thanked God for the fact that your loved ones are alive. Because the children are healthy. In order for you to forgive the playful kid for porridge smeared on the table ... And painted wallpaper in the hallway. After all, it is never superfluous, right?

Nobody is immune from this. Nobody. There are things we cannot influence. There are situations in which we cannot help. When grief happens in someone's family, we can only thank God that it didn't happen to us. And the best thing to do in such a situation is not to shed tears and grieve with the unfortunate mother, but to learn to love more. Appreciate more. Forgive more. And enjoy every day spent with our children. So capricious, so stubborn and so dear.

Last week a girl died with my husband's relatives. He held her in his arms even before the birth of our baby. This girl was an absolutely healthy child, did not hang around in hospitals, did not cause fears of doctors. In general, no one could have guessed ... She just got chicken pox. One evening she had a high temperature, they called an ambulance ... And the next day the girl died in the hospital. An autopsy showed that all the internal organs were affected by chickenpox. Rare complication.

Almost all people have been ill with chickenpox. And I - including. Almost all people know that chickenpox is a completely harmless disease ... However, people die from the flu, and from chickenpox, and just out of the blue. Fate?

So what's now? Panic at every child's sneeze? Lock the child in a sterile chamber? Call an ambulance every night?

No. Just live and be glad that our children are healthy. After all, such cases are almost impossible to prevent. This is not in our power. And this is not our fault. We must learn to understand that our task is to protect the child from obvious dangers. Learn to cross the road. Put on a fur coat when going for a walk in the cold (or harden it so that you can walk without a fur coat). Feed healthy food... All this is our duty, our zone of influence. But we must also understand that we cannot foresee everything. We cannot and must not. Children die every day. It is especially hard when those with whom we were well acquainted die... But we have only one choice - to suffer, grieve, resent the injustice of the world and tremble over our own child... Or love, appreciate and give thanks for what we have. For the fact that our children are healthy, for the fact that our loved ones are alive. After all, if we do not rejoice, what remains for those with whom great grief really happened?

May the baby be well in heaven... Lord, give strength and faith to her mother.

Parents can only pray for the peace of their souls

From a human point of view, a woman who was expecting and carrying a child should have the right to bury him if he was born stillborn. At the same time, his funeral is impossible. This is how the head of the press service of the Pyatigorsk and Circassian diocese Evgeny Bronsky commented to a REGNUM correspondent on the situation with the discovery of a mass burial of stillborn children.

“The funeral service, like any other liturgical action, is possible only over a baptized person. After all, baptism does not happen mechanically. The child has spiritual parents and is expected to be raised as a Christian. In a situation with stillborn children, this is obviously impossible, ”he said.

“Therefore, parents can only bury the child and pray,” added the representative of the church.

One of the activists of Stavropol came up with a proposal to hold a funeral service for stillborn babies for 40 days.

According to church canons, published on one of the sites of ritual services, “it is impossible to sing in the temple of a stillborn and killed in the womb of a baby. For the calming of the souls of unbaptized people, only their relatives at home (privately) can turn prayers to God.

In a discussion of this topic on one of the forums dedicated to motherhood and childhood, one of the women writes: “Until the age of 7, holy and pure! I learned this recently, it is necessary to bury, it is impossible to bury. But there is a prayer for the stillborn and the dead in the womb. You can and should be buried."

Another woman advises to turn to a clergyman to receive a prayer: “Turn to the priest, he will give you a prayer that you will have to read as a mother. It is possible and even necessary to bury - after all, a person’s soul is not formed from weeks of pregnancy development, but from the very conception, so he was a full-fledged person and he has the right to a decent funeral.

At the same time, according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, if a child was born stillborn before 22 weeks of pregnancy, then a certificate of perinatal death is not issued to local registry offices, on the basis of which the registry office draws up a death certificate and issues it to the child's parents.

Within three days of death, parents have the right to claim the body and bury the body themselves. The mortuary is obliged to issue the body for burial within two days from the moment the parents apply. The order of burial of a stillborn child after 196 days of pregnancy does not differ from other burials.

If within seven days none of the parents went to the morgue to pick up the body, the state automatically assumes obligations for burial. There are no paperwork from the parents. The hospital must enter into an agreement with the contractor who handles the burial.

Recall that the Ministry of Health and the TFR are investigating the circumstances of the mass burial at the Resurrection Cemetery in the city of Stavropol of 13 children born dead in 2014-2015. The names of the children are marked on the graves, different dates of birth are indicated, and one “date of death” is October 2, 2015.

According to the head of the regional Ministry of Health Viktor Mazharov, on October 2, 2015, the funeral services enterprise buried 13 bodies of stillborn children who were not claimed by their parents. The bodies were received from the pathoanatomical departments of medical institutions after an autopsy and histological examination.

According to the minister, in the documentation of the enterprise of funeral services and medical institutions, the dates of birth and death of stillborns coincide. However, on the cemetery tablets, instead of the date of death, the date of burial is erroneously indicated. An official investigation is underway on this fact.

This event caused a serious public outcry. Regional public activists and deputies had many questions related to possible violations of the law during the burial of stillborn children. Federal deputies and senators also demanded a serious investigation.
