Urban-type settlements: description, features. What is the difference between a township and a city

Topic: "Solution of logical problems".

Lesson Objectives:


1. Formation and development of various types of memory, attention, imagination.

2. Formation and development of general educational skills and abilities.

3. Formation of a general ability to seek and find new solutions, unusual ways to achieve the desired result, new approaches to considering the proposed situation.

4. Formation of interdisciplinary communication.


1. To develop speech, thinking in the course of mastering such methods of mental activity as the ability to analyze, compare, synthesize, generalize, highlight the main thing, prove and refute.

2. Develop motor skills.

3. Develop the child's cognitive ability.

4. Development of control and self-control skills.


1. To instill in children a sense of friendship, camaraderie.

2. Cultivate love for the subject.

3. To educate a system of moral interpersonal relations.


1. Adaptation to the topic of the lesson; adaptation teacher - student; student-student adaptation.

2. To form the main groups of students' competencies at various stages of the lesson.

Lesson equipment:

Ø interactive board, multimedia projector;

Ø presentation prepared in MS Power Point;

Ø Handout.

Lesson type:

Lesson explaining and consolidating knowledge




Independent work;

Forms of organization of educational activities:

frontal, individual.

Requirements for knowledge and skills of students:

students should know:

basic methods for solving logical problems.

students should be able to:

solve logical problems in various ways.

During the classes

1. Class organization.

So, friends, pay attention!
The bell rang again
Sit comfortably
Let's start the lesson now.

The theme of our lesson is "Solving logical problems."

Without logic, it is almost impossible to introduce

into our world of ingenious finds of intuition.

Kirill Fandeev (musician, composer)

2. Actualization of knowledge, skills and abilities.

1. Train the mind! (intellectual warm-up)

1) There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an elastic band on the table. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?
Answer: Get a sheet of paper.

2) One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other - from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?
Answer: At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow

3) The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps?
Answer: Just one, because the second one is already broken, or no more than one, if you're lucky

4) How to say correctly: "9 and 7 will be 15" or "9 plus 7 equals 15"?
The answer is 9+7=16.

3. Learning a new topic

What does it mean to solve logical problems?

We will compare, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions in the lessons.

Methods for solving logical problems:

reasoning method

Table method

Graph method

Euler circle method

Algebra of logic

reasoning method.

Table method:

Solving problems in a tabular way: The tabular way of solving logical problems is simple and clear. But it can only be used when you want to establish a correspondence between two sets. It is more convenient when sets have five or six elements.

To solve the problem in a tabular way, you need to know the following rules:
1. In each row and in each column of the table, there can be only one “+” sign.
2. If in a row (or column) all “places”, except one, are occupied by “-”, then a “+” sign must be placed in the free space; if there is already a “+” sign in the row (or column), then all other places should be occupied by the “-” sign.

Thus, the solution will be completed when we manage to place one plus in each row and column.

Let's get to the tasks

1. Summary of the lesson: In mathematics, there are varioustypes of logical tasks.

2. Methods lie in logical analysisconditions, choosing the appropriate laws of mathematics and ways of optimal solution.

3. . Tasks for ingenuity help to learn to think independently, develop logic, interest in mathematics. With their help, you can feel the connection of mathematics with real life problems.

And in conclusion…

. “If two people each have one apple and they exchange them, each of them will have only one apple. But if two people each have one idea and exchange them, each will have two ideas.” B. Show

Where do you live? In the town? In a village or town? Have you ever thought about the differences between one locality and another? Most likely not. Few people pay attention to such trifles in everyday life. Therefore, we decided to reveal a little the nuances of the territorial division in Russia. Today we will consider urban-type settlements.

Types of settlements in Russia

The administrative-territorial division in our country can be represented as follows:

  • village;
  • village;
  • village;
  • urban village;
  • city.

If we talk about the types of settlements in more detail, it should be noted that a village is considered to be a settlement in which even less than ten people can live. There are no infrastructure and leisure facilities.

The expanded village, in which a school, a kindergarten and a clinic were built, becomes a settlement. Most often, settlements are located in an accessible proximity to the city and have constant transport links with it.

All the listed infrastructure facilities and a church are located in the village. Its presence is mandatory to obtain the status of this settlement. In addition, villages can be formed at a distance from cities and regional centers.

There is another type of settlement - ZATO. These settlements are closed and according to their characteristics they belong to urban-type settlements. Its inhabitants are employees of secret enterprises of strategic importance for our country. Usually the population of ZATOs is not numerous, it rarely exceeds two thousand people. Until the nineties of the last century, these settlements were strictly secret and did not even have their own names.

What is an urban-type settlement?

Urban-type settlements (abbreviated as urban-type settlements) are settlements in which at least three thousand people live. Moreover, more than 80% of the population should not be employed in the agricultural sector. We can say that the urban-type settlement is an intermediate link between the village and the city.

Urban-type settlement: the history of appearance in Russia

In pre-revolutionary Russia there was no such thing as "urban-type settlements". The administrative-territorial division did not provide for such a unit, but in the early twenties of the last century, the government of the young country decided to make major changes to the definitions and names of some territorial units. For the first time, the definition of a settlement was introduced, from which an urban-type settlement was formed after that.

Urban-type settlement: classification

Urban-type settlements in Russia do not represent a single structure. This title is generic. In fact, PGT can be divided into several subspecies:

  • resort villages;
  • holiday villages;
  • workers' settlements.

Each of these types can be safely attributed to the PGT, but they have their own characteristics and features. For example, a working settlement is located very close to a city or a large city-forming enterprise. All its inhabitants can work in one place, and the population often does not exceed two thousand people.

Resort and holiday villages are located in places where sanatoriums and health resorts have been built. The population of these urban-type settlements serves various institutions and is subject to seasonality. This is especially true of holiday villages, they retained their status only if there were at least one and a half thousand inhabitants in it throughout the year.

Urban-type settlement: description

In general terms, the urban-type settlement practically does not differ from the city. In central Russia, where many ancient cities are located, the population of urban-type settlements often exceeds the number of urban residents by several times. However, they are still referred to as PGT.

An urban-type settlement is usually quite large. The average urban settlement has a population of 15,000 people. On its territory there are clinics, schools, preschool institutions and numerous shopping centers. Quite often, several roads pass through an urban-type settlement, including those of federal significance. Often such a settlement has several parks or is crossed by a river. In this case, it occupies just a huge territory.

We can say that the urban-type settlement is the same city, but it lacks social infrastructure facilities. Children have nowhere to be creative, adults do not have the opportunity to get into a theater or a museum. This is what prevents this settlement from obtaining the status of a city. On average, the population of urban-type settlements ranges from one to two thousand people to two hundred thousand people.

City and urban-type settlement: differences

These two types of settlements are very similar to each other and, at first glance, do not have significant differences. But in fact there are some differences.

First of all, the differences are noticeable in the management of the settlement. The PGT has a head who has a staff of administrative workers. But according to the tariff scale, his position is called just that - "the head of an urban-type settlement." In the city, the head is the mayor, and in his absence, deputies deal with important issues. Next come the lower-level officials.

It is unlikely that you will find an urban-type settlement whose residential buildings have thirty floors, although this is not prohibited by law. But in reality, urban settlements are built up with houses no higher than nine floors.

A private house in an urban-type settlement is not uncommon. Quite often, residents prefer to build on their own land, thus expanding the boundaries of the settlement. This is not possible in the city. A person can acquire land for individual construction only outside the settlement. Inside the city limits, free land is always given for high-rise construction.

The most important and noticeable difference between an urban-type settlement and a city is infrastructure facilities. Usually urban-type settlements do not have a swimming pool, a circus and a theater. All other entertainment and leisure facilities in the urban-type settlement are identical to those in the city.

How are postal codes formed?

Urban-type settlements have the same index formation system as other settlements in the country. After the forties of the last century, an innovative system of postal identification was introduced, which is still in effect.

In our country, six-digit indexes are accepted. In this case, the first three digits indicate the code of the settlement, and the second three - the number of the post office. Large cities may have several codes that facilitate the delivery of correspondence to the addressee. But urban settlements usually have one code and several post offices.

The largest and sparsely populated urban settlements in Russia

At the moment, federal legislation does not regulate the status of an urban-type settlement for a settlement. This is done by local authorities. But the spread in the population of urban settlements within the country is quite large. For example, the Sunzha urban-type settlement is considered the largest; more than sixty thousand people live in it. More than a hundred urban-type settlements have a population of less than one thousand people. But the smallest is considered the urban-type settlement Kozhym. It is located in the Komi Republic, and only four people live on its territory.

Moscow region

The urban-type settlements of the Moscow region are quite numerous, at the moment there are twenty-four territorial units:

  • Nakhabino.
  • Tomilino.
  • Malakhovka.
  • Vlasikha.
  • Kraskovo.
  • Kalinets.
  • Monino.
  • Beloozersky.
  • Tuchkovo.
  • October.
  • Specific.
  • Sofrino.
  • Selyatino.
  • Dam.
  • Big Vyazemy.
  • Mikhnevo.
  • Fryanovo.
  • Ilyinsky.
  • Andreevka.
  • Bykovo.
  • Nekrasovsky.
  • Shakhovskaya.
  • Pravdinsky.
  • Obukhovo.

The most densely populated urban area is Nakhabino, with a little over forty thousand inhabitants. And the smallest was the urban-type settlement of Obukhovo, its population is ten thousand people.

It can be said that the urban settlements of the Moscow region are characterized by rapid population growth and transformation into a different status. Sociologists attribute this to the proximity of Moscow. The huge metropolis is gradually growing and approaching urban-type settlements. As a result, they merge into a single territorial unit and become part of the city. This practice is actively used all over the world, because million-plus cities tend to develop and grow not only in height, but also in width.

In conclusion, I would like to say that urban-type settlements are an intermediate administrative-territorial unit. During the period of decline in urbanization, they lose their significance and numbers, but at the time of the rapid growth of cities, it is urban settlements that become a kind of fuel for numerous urban enterprises that need workers.

Task 18, basic level.

Logic tasks.

Task 1.The school purchased a table, blackboard, tape recorder and printer. It is known that a printer is more expensive than a tape recorder, and a board is cheaper than a tape recorder and cheaper than a table. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

  1. A tape recorder is cheaper than a board.
  2. The printer is more expensive than the board.
  3. The board is the cheapest of purchases.
  4. Printer and board cost the same.

Decision.The solution might be like this. Compare the cost of items using inequalities.

P>M, M>D,


From these inequalities it is clearly seen that the board is the cheapest, the printer is more expensive than the board. Statements 1 and 4 are false.

Answer 23.

Task 2.Twenty graduates of one of the eleventh grades passed the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. The lowest score obtained in this class was 28 and the highest was 83. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

  1. Among these graduates there is a person who received 83 points for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
  2. Among these graduates there are twenty people with equal scores for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
  3. Among these graduates there is a person who received 100 points for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
  4. The points for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language of any of these twenty people are not lower than 27.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Decision.The first statement is correct, since the highest score obtained in this class is 83, which means that someone has received it.

The second statement is not true, since at least one student got 28 points and at least one got 83.

The third statement is not true, since the highest score received by the students is 83.

The fourth statement is true because the smallest score is 28.

Answer 14.

Tasks for independent solution.

Task 1.Victor is older than Denis, but younger than Yegor. Andrey is not older than Victor. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. Yegor is the eldest of the indicated four people.

2. Andrey and Yegor are the same age.

3. Victor and Denis are the same age.

4. Denis is younger than Yegor.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 2.The hostess bought a cake, pineapple, juice and cold cuts for the holiday. Cake cost more than pineapple, but cheaper than cold cuts, juice cost less than cake. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. Pineapple was cheaper than cold cuts.

2. They paid more for juice than cold cuts.

3. Cold cuts are the most expensive purchase.

4. Cake is the cheapest of purchases.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 3.The hostess bought fruit drinks, ice cream, crab sticks and fish for the holiday. Ice cream was more expensive than crab sticks, but cheaper than fish, fruit drinks were cheaper than ice cream. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. Morse was cheaper than fish.

2. They paid more for fruit drinks than for ice cream.

3. Fish is the most expensive of purchases.

4. Among these four purchases, there are three, the cost of which is the same.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 4.The company purchased a rack, a table, a projector and a photocopier. It is known that a rack is more expensive than a table, and a copier is cheaper than a table and cheaper than a projector. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. The table is cheaper than a copier.

2. The rack is more expensive than a copier.

3. Xerox is the cheapest of purchases.

4. Rack and copier cost the same.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 5.When a cat walks along the fence, the dog Sharik, who lives in a booth near the house, always barks. Select the statements that are true under the given condition.

1. If Sharik does not bark, it means that a cat is walking along the fence.

2. If Sharik is silent, it means that the cat is not walking along the fence.

3. If a black cat walks along the fence, Sharik does not bark.

4. If a white cat walks along the fence, Sharik will bark.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 6.In residential buildings with more than 5 floors, an elevator is installed. Select the statements that are true under the given condition.

If the house does not have an elevator, then this house has more than 6 floors.

If there is no elevator in the house, then this house has less than 6 floors.

If the house has more than 8 floors, then it does not have an elevator.

If the house has more than 7 floors, then it has an elevator.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 7.There are 30 students in the group, 20 of them passed the test in economics and 20 passed the test in English. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. In this group, there are 11 students who did not pass either of these two tests.

2. At least 10 students from this group passed tests in both economics and English.

3. No more than 20 students from this group passed tests in both economics and English.

4. In this group there are 20 students who did not pass the test
in English, but passed the test in economics.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 8.There are only 12 residential buildings in the urban-type settlement. The height of each house is less than 30 meters, but not less than 9 meters. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. In the village there is a residential building with a height of 30 meters.

2. The difference in height of any two residential buildings in the village is more than 3 meters.

3. There is no residential building 8 meters high in the village.

4. The height of any residential building in the village is not less than 7 meters.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 9.In a pet store, 30 fish were launched into one of the aquariums. The length of each fish is more than 2 cm, but does not exceed 8 cm. Choose the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. Seven fish in this aquarium are shorter than 2 cm.

2. There is no 9 cm long fish in this aquarium.

3. The difference in the length of any two fish is no more than 6 cm.

4. The length of each fish is more than 8 cm.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 10.In residential buildings with more than 12 floors, electric stoves are installed instead of gas ones. Select the statements that are true under the given condition.

1. If gas stoves are installed in the house, then this house has more than 13 floors.

2. If the house has gas stoves, then this house has less than 13 floors.

3. If the house has more than 17 floors, then gas stoves are installed in it.

4. If the house has gas stoves, then it has no more than 12 floors.

In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Task 11.Olya is younger than Alice, but older than Ira. Lena is not younger than Ira. Select the statements that are true under the given conditions.

1. Alice and Ira are the same age.

2. Among these four people there is no one younger than Ira.

3. Alice is older than Ira.

4. Alice and Olya are the same age.

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 14, 2010, there were 1,287 urban-type settlements in Russia. Of these, 206 with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. No. Urban-type settlement Region Population, thous. (2002) ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban planning of the USSR and Russia Documentation Urban planning code Rules for land use and development General plan Planning project Surveying project GPZU ... Wikipedia

    According to the All-Russian Population Census, as of October 9, 2002, there were 181 rural settlements in Russia with a population of more than 10 thousand inhabitants. Among the largest rural settlements are 95 villages, 56 villages, 29 villages and 1 ... ... Wikipedia

    According to the results of the 2010 census, among 1100 cities in Russia, 163 cities had a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants (as well as 2 more rounded), entering the categories of large, large, largest cities and cities of millionaires. At the same time, 1 more ... ... Wikipedia

    Urban-type settlement Chervonoe, Ukraine. Chervone Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

    Coordinates: 55°42′ s. sh. 36°58′ E  / 55.7° N sh. 36.966667° E etc. ... Wikipedia

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David Borisovich is a wonderful teacher! I was preparing in his group for the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, I passed by 85 points! although knowledge at the beginning of the year was not very good. David Borisovich knows his subject, knows the requirements of the Unified State Examination, he himself is a member of the commission for checking examination papers. I am very glad that I was able to get into his group. Thank you "Five with a plus" for this opportunity!


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