About us. Borjomi mineral water manufacturer Where is Borjomi produced

If you work without holidays, you will not receive compensation for work without holidays. If you need to get honey. book or extend it, you do it at your own expense. Again, you won't get a refund. The supervisor is busy with anything but his job responsibilities. Because of this, the organization of work suffers. The route is written crookedly, you wait for months to correct the route, since the supervisor is always very busy with something. The salary is credited from the bulldozer because the supervisor cannot properly calculate the salary, as a rule, you always get less than expected from this. Plans are drawn up from the bulldozer, also corrected by eye. The supervisor at first gives the impression of a smart and loyal person, but in fact, behind this loyalty lies laziness and irresponsibility. Then the mind disappears somewhere, because after each audit you hear nit-picking that we are badly standing, the supervisor wants us to constantly expand and expand. If there are only 10 bottles on the shelf, then you need to take all 10 and simply take the other water to the warehouse. We don’t pay for anything, but we want to be the best, we are trying to compete with Coca Cola and Pepsi, which is essentially ridiculous. In general, after each check, everything is always consistently bad and you constantly hear that you are bad. Mister Supervisor likes to often throw off his work on subordinates, as he himself does not want to do anything. When the intervention of the supervisor himself in the work is required, as a rule, you wait for months for what can be done in an hour. Most often, the supervisor starts moving, and generally showing signs of life when the check arrives soon.
When applying for a job in this company, you should immediately keep in mind that you will be on your own, no one will help or come to the rescue. The salary is black, there are delays. You never know how much you'll get. The supervisor of course will not tell you how much your salary will be.
Outcome: There is no social package. There is no career growth (by whom he got a job, he quit). The team is constantly changing, there are practically no good people left. The supervisor basically hires suckers. So if you are hired, it is not because you are an experienced sales representative or a responsible merchandiser. They took you because they saw a sucker in you. The leader does not have the necessary qualities to be a leader (it is immediately clear that someone is a friend or relative). You can put a cat in his place and nothing will change. The working conditions are such that the entire work process is controlled by an application that sometimes works unstably. Your salary depends on this application, as it displays the hours worked and the number of goods sold. If there was a failure and something was not calculated for you, the supervisor will naturally not correct anything.

The first source of natural mineral water of volcanic origin was discovered in the Borjomi valley in 1816. The legend says that it was the deer that brought the Kherson Grenadier Regiment to him. Therefore, he is a symbol of Borjomi. In 1890, the first factory started operating in Borjomi: water was bottled before, but not by the factory method. From this date, the brand counts its history: this year Borjomi turned 125 years old.

In 1900, the production of Borjomi mineral water for the first time exceeded one million bottles per year. And in 2005 it reached 200 million bottles. Today, natural mineral water under the Borjomi trademark is produced by IDS Borjomi Georgia, which is part of IDS Borjomi International. Export water from Georgia to 40 countries of the world.

There are two IDS Borjomi Georgia bottling plants in Borjomi: the first one bottles only Borjomi, the second - products for the local market (water under the brands "Likani", "Springs of Borjomi" and "Bakuriani"). Borjomi is mined from nine wells, the water from which is immediately supplied to the plant. From receipt from the source to bottling, 48 hours pass.

IDS Borjomi International

Production of water under the brands Borjomi, Likani, Borjomi Springs, Morshinskaya, Bakuriani, Holy Spring, Edelweiss, Edelweiss Fresh, Edelweiss Naturelle , "Mirgorodskaya", "Old Mirgorod", "Mirgorodskaya Lagidna", "Aqua Nanny", "Truskavetskaya", "Sorochinsky" and "Sportik"

STAFF IDS Borjomi Georgia: 1,000 people

about 40 o C- Borjomi water temperature at the surface of the earth


Before we get to the plant, we inspect well number 25: its depth is 1,500 meters. This is one of the most productive wells that has been operating for decades. All wells (whose depth is from 140 to
1,500 meters) operate in the self-spill mode, that is, exactly the amount of water that is renewed naturally is extracted. Carbon dioxide pushes water to the surface of the earth. Then the water passes pressure normalizers, meters and distributors. From here, water is supplied to the first plant through stainless pipes with the help of pumps.

We are poured to taste the water from the well itself. It is hot - 38-39 degrees - and smells like liquid Chinese "thousand-year-old eggs." The reason for this is iron and bicarbonate in the water that comes to the surface. When asked what happens to the water later, because it does not smell in the bottle, Temuri Koroshinadze, the plant’s chief hydrologist, replies: “Wait until it cools down.” Cooling down, the water loses its strong smell.


From the wells, mineral water is supplied to the plant through a 25-kilometer pipeline. The bottling process is fully automated, the plant is modern: in recent years it has undergone a complete re-equipment. The Borjomi quality control system complies with the principles of ISO 22000.

The plant not only bottles and packs water, but also blows plastic bottles from a bluish-green material called Georgian Green. Buy glass containers. The company worked on the design of the current Borjomi bottles for a year and a half, and they began to use them in 2010. When asked who the designer is, Zaza Kikvadze, CEO of IDS Borjomi, answers: “This is folk art, in a sense, all the employees of the company worked on the creation of the bottle design.”

On automated production lines, water is additionally enriched with carbon dioxide - it is already saturated with it, but the plant says that this is not enough. After bottling, clog caps, stick labels and pack in boxes for transportation. The plant produces 44 thousand bottles per hour. People are responsible for product quality control, bottled water level, labeling and so on. At the same time, IDS Borjomi Georgia employs 1,000 people: this number includes everything from the director of the plant to a cleaner and employees of a geological company that monitors wells.

Factory "Borjomi", Georgia.
The infamous Borjomi mineral water, which is banned for sale in Russia. I visited the factory and got acquainted with the history and production process. It was very interesting to find out that the potential and reserves of the springs are inexhaustible, that you can drink Borjomi all the time, and one of the main questions was "which is better - plastic or glass?". In general, Georgia is a country with amazingly positive people, I'm coming for the second time and I can recommend it to everyone.

The Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park covers an area of ​​over 700 square kilometers and is considered the largest national park in Europe. Located at an altitude of 850 to 2500 meters above sea level.

The composition of Borjomi mineral water has remained unchanged for over 100 years, which is confirmed by regular examinations and tests, which have been officially carried out since 1890. And today the Borjomi mineral water is identical to the one that was first bottled at the first factory of Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov at the end of the 19th century.

The entrance to the factory begins with the history...

In the 19th century, Borjomi was chosen as the Caucasian residence of the Romanov imperial family, who actively developed the resort. Borjomi as a resort arose with the aim of creating in Russia its own "spa" resort like Baden-Baden, etc. In 1850, the Mineral Water Park already existed in Borjomi, and in 1890 the first bottling plant began to operate. In 2010, Borjomi celebrated the 120th anniversary of the start of production.

In 1904, it was possible to partially mechanize the production of Borjomi. In 1854, only 1350 bottles were exported from Borjomi, then in 1905, after the establishment of production, the export reached already 320 thousand bottles, and in 1913 it completely exceeded 9 million.

The Sovietization of Georgia did not diminish the popularity of Borjomi. Only the elite and the status of vacationers have changed: Romanov was replaced by Stalin, who also loved this water very much. The Kremlin did not hold a single event without Borjomi.

The thaw of the 1960s gave Borjomi another chance to acquire a name abroad. In 1961, 423,000 bottles of Borjomi were exported to 15 countries, including the USA, France, and Austria. In the 1980s, the sale of Borjomi reached 400 million bottles, and this water was the most popular in the USSR.

In 1990-1995 production was severely reduced due to internal economic difficulties in Georgia. But since 1995, when Georgian Glass & Mineral Water Co. N.V." resumed the production of Borjomi at two bottling plants, water production increased 40 times.

These are the original color photographs of Proskudin-Gorsky:

Borjomi starts here:

There are two factories in the Borjomi valley: "Borjomi-1" and "Borjomi-2", I visited both factories. But let's start with the second. Bakuriani mineral water is produced here, it is non-carbonated water poured into plastic containers.

Plastic bottles arrive at the factory in the form of iPhone-sized blanks called PET preforms:

Then a bottle is blown out of them:

And filling with water:

Everything's under control:

Sorting bottles into blocks of 8:

Plant outside:

And now we are moving to the Borjomi-1 plant, which produces Borjomi mineral water.

Borjomi was one of the candidate cities for the 2014 Olympics:

The Borjomi mineral water deposit is located in the central part of the Ajaro-Imereti Range of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, at an absolute height of 760-920 m above sea level. Mineral water "Borjomi" is extracted for bottling from nine wells located on the territory of the Borjomi Reserve. The depth of the wells is from 140 to 1500 m, but the birth of "Borjomi" occurs at a much greater depth - more than 8000 m. Due to its volcanic origin, Borjomi mineral water, saturated with natural carbon dioxide, is able to rise to the surface without the help of any pumps from a depth of 8-10 km in a warm stream (t 38-41C). "Borjomi" gets to the surface of the earth, along the way enriching itself with a composition of more than 60 different minerals present in the volcanic rocks of the Caucasus Mountains. All wells operate in the self-draining mode, that is, exactly the amount of water is produced that is renewed in a natural way.

One of the wells is open for visitors, where you can taste the water. It is warm and stinks of hydrogen sulfide, but it tastes absolutely identical to bottled water.
Water rises to the surface enriched with carbon dioxide, however, according to the recipe, it is enriched with additional CO2.
What for? CO2 is a natural preservative and flavor enhancer. CO2 at the Borjomi plant is natural, which is extracted from a neighboring plant in the mountains. The amount of CO2 in Borjomi is average and this amount is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. That is why there are no variations of Borjomi - "with gas" or "without gas". The recipe is the same from the very beginning of production.

One of the protective properties of the bottle against counterfeiting is deer engraving. The factory does not use reverse glass, i.e. recycled glass containers. Only new bottles. Preparing glass for reuse is not cheap.

The stickers are placed strictly in the center of the bottle and deer, this is monitored by a special mechanism with several cameras worth more than $ 200,000. On an industrial scale, it is simply unprofitable to produce a fake. The characteristic bluish-green color of the Borjomi bottle is patented and even has its own name - "Georgian Green".

In numbers:

Export is carried out in 40 countries of the world
- 2/3 of production is export
- in total, 180 million liters are produced per year, 130 liters of which are Borjomi. The remaining 50 liters are Bakuriani and Borjomi Springs.
- in Soviet times, up to 400 million liters were produced per year
- about 600 employees work at the factories
- sources are inexhaustible, according to geologists, the water supply is more than 800 million liters a year
- in total there are 22 wells with a depth of 140 m to 1.5 km, 9 of which are actively used. The rest are observation wells.
- change of wells occurs every 30-50 years.
- during the period of peak loads, the plants work around the clock, in the normal mode in 2-3 shifts a day.

In general, the production process looks like this:

Passive outflow of water from wells that are within a radius of 25 km from the plants
- active transport by pumps of water to factories
- hydrogen sulfide extraction, sedimentation, water cooling
- enrichment with natural CO2
- bottling

- Additional preservatives are not added.
- Enrichment with additional minerals is not performed.

In May 2006, the Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection imposed a ban on the sale in the Russian Federation of all products produced in Georgia, including Borjomi. The formal reason is the non-compliance of products with the technical standards of the Russian Federation. Against the background of the disappearance of Georgian water from the market, sales of the Nagutskaya-26 mineral water bottled in the Stavropol Territory under the name Russian Borjom began, but in 2007 the court banned the sale of water under such a similar name at the suit of the Georgian manufacturer of the original Borjomi

And loading into wagons and trailers takes place in the old fashioned way in manual mode:


During 2009-2011, according to the official data of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and the State Consumer Standards of Ukraine, no facts of fakes and/or falsifications of Borjomi mineral water were revealed.

Plastic or glass: the water in any container is the same, as it is extracted from the same sources. Shelf life in glass 2 years, in plastic 1 year. The reason for the difference in terms is the ability of plastic to pass gas, which, over time, lowers the degree of water aeration, but even after a year, water aeration in plastic is within the acceptable norm for consumption. According to the plant employees, they are very careful in choosing food plastic suppliers and maintaining their reputation.

Ways of export to Ukraine: "Borjomi" is bottled from the same source as in 1890, in the city of "Borjomi", in Georgia. In order to get to Ukraine, Borjomi enters containers directly from the lines and is sent from the factory to Ukraine. On the way to the Ukrainian consumer, "Borjomi" covers a distance of 2000 km - from the city of "Borjomi", through the Georgian port of Poti by sea to the city of Ilyichevsk, after which it is distributed throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Is it possible to drink Borjomi constantly? The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters is their versatility: they can be used as a table drink, for prevention and systematically for treatment. One of the reasons that raises questions about the regular consumption of Borjomi is the presence of calcium in the water. But in Borjomi, the amount of calcium is 100 mg / l, which is acceptable for daily use, since the risk of salt deposits occurs only if the calcium content exceeds 200 mg / l.

Who imports water to Ukraine? IDS Borjomi International, as an international company that unites enterprises for the production of bottled mineral water in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia and occupies a leading position in the markets of the CIS and Baltic countries, dates back to 2002. Today it is an international group formed as a result of interaction and well-coordinated work of IDS Borjomi Georgia (Georgia), IDS Group (Ukraine), IDS Borjomi Russia (Russia) and IDS Borjomi Europe (Lithuania). The companies of the group produce and market world famous brands of mineral waters - Borjomi, Likani, Mirgorodskaya, Morshinskaya, Truskavets Aqua-Eco, Truskavets Krishtaleva, Holy Spring, Edelweiss and other.

This is David, who introduced us to Georgian traditions and Leo:

The main Georgian tradition is a feast and wine ... in absolutely illogical quantities:

Wine must be drunk approximately as in this photo. After such a thermonuclear strike, only Borjomi can help, whose slogan is "cleanses from excess":

Nearby is a very soulful Borjomi park, which I will talk about in the following report:

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This article belongs to the category of production reports. If you can show an interesting production and it will be interesting to me (!) - I will make a report for free. Particularly interested in: Coca-Cola, yogurt, McDonald's, cars, appliances, etc.
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Georgia is one of the countries with a large number of balneological resorts. The potential for the development of medical tourism is practically unlimited. Borjomi, Sairme, Bakhmaro, Nabeglavi, Abastumani, Tskhaltubo are a small fraction of the country's active, popular and open balneological resorts. In recent years, government agencies have begun to seriously invest in the development of this area of ​​tourism, and we hope that very soon medical tourism in Georgia will not yield to Israel.

For more than two centuries, Borjomi mineral water from the Borjomi Gorge has been a brand and symbol of Georgia. A small but beautiful and cozy resort town of the same name appeared around the mineral water sources. Wonderful nature, healthy water, clean air and a peaceful environment charge the body with the necessary energy for a long time.

The history of the medical resort of Borjomi

Judging by the archaeological excavations that were carried out in the Borjomi Gorge, the beneficial properties of Borjomi water were known as early as 2000 years ago. Archaeologists discovered stone baths, which led to the conclusion that the water was used for bathing, and not for drinking.

Until the 15th century, the gorge was part of Samtskhe-Saatabago and the patrimony of the princes Avalishvili, until about the same time, water was used for treatment. After the Ottoman invasion, the gorge was devastated, people left these parts.

After the Russian-Turkish war, in 1829 the devastated Borjomi Gorge was settled by people who lived in the highlands of Kartli and Imereti. A little later, Ukrainians and Greeks were resettled there.

Since 1871, the Borjomi Gorge has become the estate of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov.

Under the USSR, Borjomi was an all-Union health resort, where members of the government and ordinary workers rested.

Borjomi water and features of the balneological resort

Since Borjomi is located in a deep gorge, it is surrounded by high wooded mountains on both sides. They protect the city from sudden changes in temperature, strong winds. The presence of coniferous forests in the highlands creates an atmosphere beneficial for human health and a mild climate.

Georgia is not accidentally called a year-round resort. If July and August are the peak season on the coast, and in winter the ski resorts of Georgia are filled, May-June is the best time to relax in Borjomi.

Comfortable air temperature, many flowering trees that fill the whole city with aroma, the famous mineral water from the source, peace, quiet and peace await vacationers in Borjomi. In addition to flowering plants, hospitable residents of the region also expect tourists.

People go to Borjomi to rest and be treated because of the mineral water. The main source of Borjomi is located in the central park and the water is free to drink. Since the health resort has more than a century of history, there are a lot of sanatoriums, rest houses, health centers and hotels in Borjomi.

The area around the city is a reserved national park. There are wild animals in the forest, mushrooms and berries grow.

The mineral water of Borjomi, together with the excellent climate and fresh air, contributes to the treatment of many diseases and rehabilitation after injuries and operations. Tourists can count on the help of the staff of the Information Center. They will tell you where which popular tourist routes pass.

Medicinal properties of Borjomi - indications for use

The mineral water of the Borjomi Gorge is formed deep in the ground and is pushed out by carbon dioxide. It does not have time to cool, it comes to the surface warm, enriched with minerals and their compounds. Borjomi water has indications for use:

  • cardiovascular system, as it contains potassium;
  • the endocrine system due to the large number of mineral ions that accelerate metabolism and other processes in the body;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract due to minerals stabilizing the water-salt and acid-base balance;
  • functions of the pancreas, since water promotes the synthesis of insulin.

Borjomi is an excellent remedy for people experiencing maximum physical exertion, as it quickly replenishes the balance of minerals lost by them. Those experiencing a hangover drink Borjomi because they know that this water will quickly bring the body to a “normal state”.

Borjomi water contraindications

Borjomi mineral water is contraindicated in the acute stage of gastrointestinal diseases. It is harmful if drunk in unlimited quantities. The alkaline reaction that Borjom causes corrodes the walls of the stomach or intestines. This leads to the appearance of an ulcer or gastritis.

Water is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but its intake should be strictly limited. Mineral water neutralizes such processes as heartburn and nausea.

For treatment and as a prophylactic, children are also prescribed Borzhom, but strictly according to the doctor's prescription and in very limited quantities. In case of overdose, children develop constipation and symptoms of food poisoning.

Borjomi water also has a beneficial effect on the body if you take baths.

  • "Borjomi" - natural mineral bicarbonate-sodium water, with natural mineralization, is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the digestive system, metabolism, and is also used as table water. However, its systematic use (like any other highly mineralized carbonated water) has some contraindications.


    Glass bottle with a capacity of 0.33 l and 0.5 l. The shelf life of "Borjomi" in glass bottles is 2 years from the date of bottling. PET bottle with a capacity of 1 l, 0.75 l and 0.5 l. The shelf life of "Borjomi" in PET packaging is 1 year from the date of bottling.

    Mineralization 5.0-7.5 g/dm³.

    Nutrients, vitamins, trace elements per 100 g:

    • chronic gastritis
    • colitis and enterocolitis
    • pancreatitis
    • metabolic diseases
    • Borjomi waters began to be systematically used for treatment from the 1830s-1840s, at the same time Borjomi grew as a resort town. M. S. Vorontsov wrote to A. P. Yermolov: “It was as if General Golovin was the first to raise the Borjomi waters to some fame; after that they were abandoned before my arrival. Having visited them on my way to Akhaltsy in 1845, I ordered to build a gallery there; last year and this year I stayed there for six weeks. Both the waters and the countryside are wonderful; a whole city is being built there, and from all sides they are asking for places for building and places for farms on the opposite bank of the Kura ... "
    • At the end of the 19th century, the industrial production of Borjomi mineral water began. During this period, the cousin of Nicholas II, the famous historian, Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, was the owner of the Borjomi estate.
    • In 2002, the company was transformed into an international company "IDS Borjomi International" by merging several mineral water companies: Georgian - IDS Borjomi Georgia; Ukrainian - IDS Group; Russian - IDS Borjomi Russia;
    • In May 2006, the Russian federal agency for consumer protection imposed [ source unspecified 470 days] a ban on sales in the Russian Federation of all products produced in Georgia, including Borjomi. The formal reason is the non-compliance of products with the technical standards of the Russian Federation;
    • In 2007, the company released a new brand - water of relatively low salinity "Likani". For 4 years of existence in Georgia, this brand has occupied 30% of the mineral water market;

    On May 4, 2006, after the order of the chief sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko and the Federal Agency for the Protection of Consumer Rights, the import of Borjomi into Russia was prohibited, which the Georgian side considers a politically motivated decision.

    Against the background of the disappearance of Georgian water from the market, sales of the Nagutskaya-26 mineral water bottled in the Stavropol Territory under the name Russian Borjom began, but in 2007 the court banned the sale of water under such a similar name at the suit of the Georgian manufacturer of the original Borjomi.

    How Borjomi water is produced and packaged

    The first source of natural mineral water of volcanic origin was discovered in the Borjomi valley in 1816. The legend says that it was the deer that brought the Kherson Grenadier Regiment to him. Therefore, he is a symbol of Borjomi. In 1890, the first factory started operating in Borjomi: water was bottled before, but not by the factory method. From this date, the brand counts its history: this year Borjomi turned 125 years old.

    In 1900, the production of Borjomi mineral water for the first time exceeded one million bottles per year. And in 2005 it reached 200 million bottles. Today, natural mineral water under the Borjomi trademark is produced by IDS Borjomi Georgia, which is part of IDS Borjomi International. Export water from Georgia to 40 countries of the world.

    There are two IDS Borjomi Georgia bottling plants in Borjomi: the first one bottles only Borjomi, the second - products for the local market (water under the brands "Likani", "Springs of Borjomi" and "Bakuriani"). Borjomi is mined from nine wells, the water from which is immediately supplied to the plant. From receipt from the source to bottling, 48 hours pass.

    IDS Borjomi International

    Production of water under the brands Borjomi, Likani, Borjomi Springs, Morshinskaya, Bakuriani, Holy Spring, Edelweiss, Edelweiss Fresh, Edelweiss Naturelle, Mirgorodskaya, Stary Mirgorod , "Mirgorodskaya Lagidna", "Aqua Nanny", "Truskavetskaya", "Sorochinsky" and "Sportik"

    STAFF IDS Borjomi Georgia: people

    about 40 ° C - Borjomi water temperature at the exit to the surface of the earth


    Before we get to the plant, we inspect well number 25: its depth is meters. This is one of the most productive wells that has been operating for decades. All wells (whose depth is from 140 to

    1,500 meters) operate in the self-spill mode, that is, exactly the amount of water that is renewed naturally is extracted. Carbon dioxide pushes water to the surface of the earth. Then the water passes pressure normalizers, meters and distributors. From here, water is supplied to the first plant through stainless pipes with the help of pumps.

    We are poured to taste the water from the well itself. It is hot - 38-39 degrees - and smells like liquid Chinese "thousand-year-old eggs." The reason for this is iron and bicarbonate in the water that comes to the surface. When asked what happens to the water later, because it does not smell in the bottle, Temuri Koroshinadze, the plant’s chief hydrologist, replies: “Wait until it cools down.” Cooling down, the water loses its strong smell.


    From the wells, mineral water is supplied to the plant through a 25-kilometer pipeline. The bottling process is fully automated, the plant is modern: in recent years it has undergone a complete re-equipment. The Borjomi quality control system complies with the principles of ISO 22000.

    The plant not only bottles and packs water, but also blows plastic bottles from a bluish-green material called Georgian Green. Buy glass containers. The company worked on the design of the current Borjomi bottles for a year and a half, and they began to use them in 2010. When asked who the designer is, Zaza Kikvadze, CEO of IDS Borjomi, answers: “This is folk art, in a sense, all the employees of the company worked on the creation of the bottle design.”

    On automated production lines, water is additionally enriched with carbon dioxide - it is already saturated with it, but the plant says that this is not enough. After bottling, clog caps, stick labels and pack in boxes for transportation. The plant produces 44 thousand bottles per hour. People are responsible for product quality control, bottled water level, labeling and so on. At the same time, IDS Borjomi Georgia employs a person: this number includes everyone - from the director of the plant to the cleaner and employees of the geological company that monitors wells.

    Photographer: Giorgi Bostoganashvili


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    Borjomi (mineral water)

    "Borjomi" ("Borjomi", Georgian. ბორჯომი) is a mineral water widely known in the former USSR and beyond its borders from the city of the same name Borjomi in Georgia.

    On May 4, 2006, by order of the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, the import of Borjomi into Russia was prohibited, which the Georgian side considers a politically motivated decision. Against the background of the disappearance of Georgian water from the market, sales of the Nagutskaya-26 mineral water bottled in the Stavropol Territory under the name Russian Borjom began, but in 2007 the court banned the sale of water under such a similar name at the suit of the Georgian manufacturer of the original Borjomi. Currently, the only producer of Borjomi mineral water is Georgian Glass & Mineral Water Co.


    "Borjomi" - natural mineral bicarbonate-sodium water, with natural mineralization, is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the digestive system, metabolism, and is also used as table water. However, its systematic use (like any other mineralized carbonated water) has some contraindications.

    "Borjomi" is mined from 9 production wells with a depth of 200 to 1500 m on the territory of the Borjomi Reserve, at a natural temperature for thermal water of 38-40 ° C. The mineral composition of Borjomi has not changed since 1830, since the beginning of constant laboratory observations.

    The history of development

    • 120 years ago, the industrial production of the famous mineral water "Borjomi" began - a brand that is now the flagship in the portfolio of IDS Borjomi Georgia;
    • In 1997, the company became the winner of the tender, which was attended by 15 applicants, including the world leader in the mineral water market, Nestlé. Having won, the company received a license for the production and bottling of Borjomi mineral water for 10 years;
    • In the same 1997, the company managed to attract a group of major reputable investors, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Finance Corporation, which is part of the World Bank Group, and the Dutch ING-Barings Fund;
    • In 2002, the company was transformed into an international company "IDS Borjomi International" by merging several mineral water companies: Georgian - IDS Borjomi Georgia; Ukrainka - IDS Group; Russian - IDS Borjomi Russia;
    • In 2005, the brand of IDS Borjomi Georgia - "Borjomi" - became the leader in the Russian market in terms of market share in monetary terms, and entered the top three in terms of sales;
    • In May 2006, the Russian Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection imposed a ban on the sale in the Russian Federation of all products produced in Georgia, including Borjomi. The formal reason is the non-compliance of products with the technical standards of the Russian Federation;
    • Due to the Russian ban, the company lost 60% of its export sales;
    • From 2006 to the present day, the priority direction of the company's work has been the diversification of sales markets. Since 2006, the company has been expanding its sales geography and entering such new markets as the countries of Central Asia and the European Union;
    • On June 15, 2007, IDS Borjomi Georgia received a certificate of the international product safety standard ISO 22000. At that time, Borjomi was the first mineral water in the CIS and Baltic countries that complies with international ISO 22000 standards;
    • In 2007, the company released a new brand - water of relatively low salinity "Likani". For 4 years of existence in Georgia, this brand has occupied 30% of the mineral water market;
    • In 2009, within the framework of the auction announced by the government of Georgia, IDS Borjomi Georgia became the winner and received a license for the production and bottling of Borjomi mineral water. The term of the license is 25 years.


    Glass bottle with a capacity of 0.33 l and 0.5 l. The shelf life of "Borjomi" in glass bottles is 2 years from the date of bottling. PET bottle with a capacity of 1 l and 0.5 l. The shelf life of "Borjomi" in PET packaging is 1 year from the date of bottling.

    Chemical composition

    You can help by writing this section.

    Mineralization 5.0-7.5 g/dm³.

    Indications for therapeutic use

    • chronic gastritis
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
    • colitis and enterocolitis
    • diseases of the liver and biliary tract
    • pancreatitis
    • metabolic diseases

    In culture

    • In Russian, there is an expression "It's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have failed (an option is when the liver has fallen off)."
    • Nikolai Zabolotsky - "New Life":

    But friends came, the Plant sang: “Hurrah! Hooray!" And the New Life, bestowing mercy, Holds a sturgeon in a plate. Jam, carried with a spoon, Hisses and falls into Borjomi. The groom, unbearably nimble, Clings to the bride like a snake.


    1. Russia was left without Moldovan and Georgian wines on the website Lenta.ru
    2. Borjomi Ban Called Political Decision - BBC, May 5, 2006
    3. The court upheld the manufacturer "Borjomi" in a dispute with the company "Russian Borjom" - Interfax, July 19, 2007

    see also


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    See what "Borjomi (mineral water)" is in other dictionaries:

    Mineral water - Mineral waters of water containing dissolved salts, microelements, as well as some biologically active components. Among mineral waters, mineral natural drinking waters are distinguished, mineral waters for outdoor ... ... Wikipedia

    Nabeglavi (mineral water) - Mineral water Nabeglavi Nabeglavi mineral water, the source is located in a balneological resort near the village of Nabeglavi, Chokhatauri municipality of Georgia ... Wikipedia

    Borjomi - non-cl., s., colloquial. borzhom, a, pl. no, m. (according to the name of the city in Georgia where this source is located). Mineral water used for medicinal purposes. Borjomi bottle. The doctor prescribed him to drink borzhom. Borjomi related to Borjomi (Borjomi). ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Borjomi and Borjomi - cf. non-cl. m. 1. Therapeutic table mineral water Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    Borjomi (city) - This term has other meanings, see Borjomi. City of Borjomi cargo. ბორჯომი Flag Coat of arms ... Wikipedia

    Borjomi - unchanged; m. and Wed; (colloquial). BORJOM a (y); m. Therapeutic table mineral water. Open b. Pour Borjomi (Borjomi). Take milk with Borjomi. □ in func. def. Borjomi water. ● By the name of the city of Borjomi in Georgia, where the sources of such ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    borjomi - borjo / m; unchanged; m. and Wed; (colloquial) see also. borjomi a) Therapeutic table mineral water. Open borjo/mi. Pour Borjomi (Borjomi). Take milk with Borjomi. b) lex., in func. def ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Borjomi - (Georgian ბორჯომი Bordzhomi): Borjomi is a well-known mineral water in the former USSR and beyond. Borjomi is a city in Georgia ... Wikipedia

    borjomi - non-cl. cf.; = borzhom Medicinal table mineral water. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    BORJOMI. - From cargo. lang. Healing mineral water got its name from the resort in which its sources are located ... Sitnikov's Etymological Dictionary


    • Borjomi (mineral water), Jesse Russell. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! "Borzho?mi" ("Borzhom", cargo. .) is a well-known ... Read moreBuy for 1125 rubles

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    Mineral water Borjomi

    BORJOMI (BORJOMI) carbonated can 0.33 liters

    BORJOMI (BORJOMI) carbonated glass 0.5 liters

    BORJOMI (BORJOMI) carbonated 0.5 liters

    BORJOMI (BORJOMI) carbonated 0.75 liters

    Mineral medicinal table water Borjomi (Borjomi) with home and office delivery

    Borjomi (Borjomi) is a natural mineral bicarbonate - sodium water, with natural mineralization and is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the digestive system, metabolism, and is also used as table water.

    Borjomi mineral water springs were discovered over a thousand years ago. This is evidenced by 7 stone baths found at the beginning of the 20th century, dating from the beginning of the first millennium of our era.

    Apparently, in those days, this water was used specifically for bathing, and not for drinking. Then the springs were again forgotten for a long time, and the places where they are located were abandoned. Surprisingly, the military gave a second life to the sources: in 1829, the Kherson Grenadier Regiment was quartered in Borjomi. Once the soldiers found a source of mineral water in the forest on the right bank of the Borjomka River. Colonel P. Popov became interested, ordered to clear it and carry bottled water to the regiment.

    Suffering from a stomach ailment, he was the first to experience the effect of mineral water on himself, which turned out to be so beneficial that he ordered the source to be surrounded by stones and a bathhouse and a small house built nearby for himself. In the years production was severely reduced due to internal economic difficulties in Georgia. But since 1995, when Georgian Glass & Mineral Water Co. N.V." resumed the production of Borjomi at two bottling plants, water production increased 40 times, and now this rich gift of Georgian nature is known in 30 countries of the world.

    The distinctive features of the new modern Borjomi bottle are as follows:

    • The cap of the plastic bottle "Borjomi" is closed with a transparent - white plastic cap. The glass bottle has a European-style aluminum cap, with a white plastic ring at the bottom, which splits into three equal parts when opened. On top of the lid in the center is the word Borjomi, and along the edge of the lid Georgian Natural Mineral Water is in English.
    • The front top label contains the inscription Borjomi in English, located on a white background. The label is made of special metallized paper.
    • The relief image of a deer is an invariable symbol of Borjomi. Its relief image is located in the center of the bottle, between two front labels (upper and lower), it can be either right- or left-sided, which, in turn, is due to the production process.
    • The color of the bottle is a special patented bluish-green shade Georgian Green - Georgian Green.
    • The lower front label contains the inscription Borjomi in Georgian, located against the background of an artistic illustration of the Borjomi valley.
    • Bottling date, expiration date and lot number can be printed on the right or left side of the bottom label, which, in turn, is due to the peculiarities of the production process.
    • The barcode is indicated on the front bottom label on the right. Leading digits of the barcode indicating Georgia as the country of manufacture
    • The mineral composition of water in glass and PET packages is identical.

    You can buy Borjomi mineral water through the website or by calling. Delivery of mineral water Borjomi (Borjomi) is carried out the next day after the order or on another day you choose, except for the current one.

    Dear customers, we are pleased to inform you that from April 24, 2017, Sacred Baikal water 10 liters (bag-in-box) is back on sale.

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    Medical-table water "Borjomi" (Borjomi) carbonated

    Medical-table water "Borjomi" (Borjomi) carbonated: Test results


    • Safe
    • Rich in calcium and magnesium
    • natural


    • Missing

    Mineral natural drinking medical-table hydrocarbonate water "Borjomi" is made in Georgia.

    According to the verified physicochemical, oranoleptic and microbiological indicators, the sample meets the requirements of the "Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)". Complies with NRB-099/2010 radiation safety requirements.

    The sample corresponds to the name "Mineral natural drinking water, medical-table hydrocarbonate sodium" and the information indicated in the labeling, with the exception of the potassium content, the actual content of which turned out to be lower than the declared one.

    Water contains a fairly large number of useful elements: calcium and magnesium, according to these indicators, it meets the standards of physiological usefulness. The sample has a rather high level of mineralization, corresponding to medicinal table mineral waters (as stated in the name). However, it is impossible to recommend water for daily consumption as ordinary drinking water (the recommended level of drinking water consumption is about 2 liters per day), due to high mineralization.

    Mineral water "Borjomi" has good organoleptic properties, has no smell.

    Test reports

    * Test results are only valid for tested samples.

    Quality assurance

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    At the moment there is no information about the price of goods in stores

    where did you get this bottle?! bought in the basement? everywhere is sold with Russian markings. could buy from the supermarket. now I don’t know what to do.

    Nice heavily carbonated drink

    I like this water, during pregnancy it was the only thing that helped with heartburn

    The price is constantly rising

    We constantly buy in Lenta, all information is in Russian.

    I grew up on this water, then if someone buys labels in Georgian, then counterfeit has always been and will be, we just have to give an objective assessment.

    Price bites (constantly growing)

    Great water, I drink it all the time.

    Product Main Features

    Production Information

    The brand of mineral water is the main one in the portfolio of IDS Borjomi Georgia, it is exported to many countries of the world. The mineral composition has not changed since 1830.

    I take it in a supermarket in glass. I like water, the stomach rejoices))