"project activity of students in the extended day group". Design technology in GPD Design work of the educator GPD ready-made projects

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 9"



for 2018 - 2019 academic year

Goals and objectives of educational work

Target: creation of an integral system that provides optimal conditions for primary school students with their age and individual abilities, level of development, state of somatic and neuropsychic health.

The implementation of the goal will be carried out by solving the following tasks:

  • organization of self-training classes for younger students;
  • organization of events aimed at preserving the health of students;
  • organization of leisure;
  • creation of optimal conditions for organizing the development of the child's creative abilities when it is impossible to organize control by the parents of students;
  • development of the interests of the abilities and talents of schoolchildren, raising their interest in knowledge, curiosity, initiative and independence

The main directions of educational activities

  1. 1. "I am human" (corresponds to moral, spiritual, family and intellectual education and involves the education and upbringing of the personality of students, the development of their individual, intellectual qualities, the inculcation of skills of a culture of behavior, a culture of speech, a culture of communication, legal culture, organizing work with families, studying family traditions, educating respect for family values, relationships, organization of joint activities of teachers and parents, acts of mercy, the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities)
  2. "My motherland" (corresponds to patriotic, civic and labor education and involves organizing activities to study national traditions, ethnic cultures, activities of children's public organizations, fostering love for the native land, patriotic and civic feelings, fostering industriousness, labor culture).
  3. "For a healthy lifestyle" (corresponds to the physical and environmental education of students and involves the organization of environmentally friendly activities, the formation of students' value attitudes towards nature, people and their own health, the preservation and strengthening of moral, mental and physical health,).
  4. "World of beauty" (corresponds to aesthetic education and involves the organization of activities for the development of aesthetic taste, creative abilities and inclinations on the basis of familiarization with the outstanding artistic values ​​​​of domestic and world culture, the formation of the ability to perceive and understand beauty, enrich the spiritual world of children through art and direct participation in creative activity).

Principles of educational activity

  1. Development principle
  2. The principle of individuality
  3. The principle of creativity and success
  4. Principle of support and trust
  5. The principle of responsibility

Regime moments

I. Reception of children.

II. Dinner.

  • Conduct a conversation about behavior in the dining room.

III. Extracurricular activities (circles)

  • Regulates student attendance

IV. Walk.

  • Supervise children's dressing and clothing.
  • Monitor the health of the children.
  • Conduct group and individual interviews.
  • Oversee the return of children to school.

V. Indoor activities.

  • Monitor children's participation in activities and direct their activity.

VI. Completion of the GPA.

  • Remove games, jobs.
  • Have a conversation about traffic rules.
  1. All classes are collaborative.
  2. Classes solve not only health-improving tasks, but also a certain range of educational tasks.
  3. Each lesson requires the active participation of all pupils without exception, and for this it is necessary to determine its role for each.
  4. The purpose of the lesson is communicated to all students. It must be understandable to everyone.
  5. During the day, not a single lesson in the chosen type of activity should be repeated. Variety and novelty should be inherent in all activities.
  6. When choosing the motor content of classes, it is necessary to take into account the physical data of children.
  7. It is necessary to saturate the classes with feasible activities as much as possible. Spend your time economically and profitably.
  8. The teacher should not lose control of the lesson, you need to see and catch changes in the behavior and moods of children.
  9. When conducting classes, it is necessary to encourage the initiative and activity of schoolchildren.
  10. Summarize the lesson at the end of the lesson.

Employment in the GPA







Collection of students in the GPA

Collection of students in the GPA

Collection of students in the GPA

Collection of students in the GPA

Collection of students in the GPA

Recreation (games by interests)

Extracurricular activities






Extracurricular activities (circle "Outdoor games")

Extracurricular activities (conversations, quizzes, competitions, competitions, reading books, board games, etc. (according to plan)

Conversation on traffic rules, going home

Planning work in the GPA

the date


indoor activities

Conversation on traffic rules


Competition of drawings on asphalt "How beautiful the world"

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Safe way home.

Learning the game "Geese-swans".

"My free time"

(conversation - dialogue)

What is a traffic light?

Attention game "What has changed?"

Street and its parts.

Walk - search.

(search for a hidden object in advance)

What is a zebra?

Game walk. Learning new games: "Above the legs from the ground."

Reading and discussion of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky

Cohesion game "Dragon"

The game "What's wrong?"

Study of the pedestrian memo.

Outdoor outdoor games "Jumping over bumps".

The development of observation "Scattered artist".

"The traffic light is our best friend

P / and "Wolf in the ditch"

Board games

Learning p / and "Hawks and ducks."

Hour of riddles "How riddles grew in our garden."

Visiting geometric shapes.

P / and "Butterflies"

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

Why can't you cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light?

Relay "Running over bumps"

Application "Cones"

Types of transport.

Game for the development of coordination of movements: "Hunters"

Reading and discussing stories about animals

Insect observation.

The development of visual memory: "Who will remember more."

Ball games "Sharpshooter".

houseplant care

Development of the imagination: "Draw the subject."

(auction of sports words starting with the letter "C")

KVN "Fairy tales lead a round dance".

You are a passenger.


Reading and discussing stories about birds

Walking tour: "Autumn attire of nature."

Good manners rules. Theme: "About a caring attitude towards people."

(conversation - reflection)

How should you walk from the sidewalk to the carriageway?

"Golden colors of autumn" Drawing competition


Collection of natural material. Familiarization with the methods of drying leaves.

Memory development Game "Words"

Protecting the safety of your route home.

P / and "At the bear in the forest"

Board games - puzzles.

How is pedestrian traffic regulated?

Walk - search.

Club hour "I am a Russian"

Cohesion game "Web"

Crafts from natural material

What if a pedestrian has to step onto the road because of trees, bushes, etc.?

outdoor games

Writing incredible stories: “What would happen if…”


Reading books followed by discussion

Where and why are metal fences installed?

P / and "Wolf and hares"

houseplant care

Riddles of "Lesovichka"

outdoor games

About good and evil "Over the right and left shoulder"

Where should you wait for the bus?

Unity game "Chipmunks"

Drawing an illustration on the theme: "My family."

Relay "Centipede Run"

Development of attention game "Find differences"

Where should a pedestrian stop who has not managed to complete the crossing of the carriageway?

Walk - search.

Reading books by Nikolai Nosov.

Why do you need to know the rules of the road?

outdoor games

Conversation "Respect for elders" Discussion of the story "Secret check"

Observation "Signs of autumn"

Modeling from plasticine on a free theme.

How to bypass vehicles?

Game walk "Pathfinders"

Club hour "Healthy sleep"

Car turn signal.

Unity game "Steam Train"

The development of mental operations. Game "What is the similarity, what is the difference?"

You are a passenger.

outdoor games

Quiz "Fabulous Animals"

Road signs

P / and "Cat and Mice"

OBJ "Home Alone"

What is traffic police.

Relay "Pass the flag"

Paper work.

"Fish in the Aquarium"

On a country road

Healthy lifestyle "Caution, noise!" Healing effect of sounds: listening to music

Assignment of license plates and inscriptions on vehicles


Environmental operation "Clean Yard"

Bird Conversation "Did You Know?" Quiz.

Driver labor

outdoor games

Ahead of the holidays: the game and the road.

outdoor games

Conversation "How I spent my holidays"

Safe way home.

The game "Guess the object" (according to the given signs)

outdoor games

"Friendship starts with a smile."

Games minutes about friendship.

Behavior in an accident

Observation "What is under our feet?"

Drawing on the theme "Non-existent animal"

Rescue Service 01

outdoor games

Music therapy.

You are a cyclist.

P / and "Hares and the wolf"

Didactic game: "Fishermen".

Target. Formation of computing skills.

Crossing the street on a rainy day.

Walk - search.

Board games

What is an intersection?

Cohesion game "Square"

The development of memory, speech, attention. The game "Retelling in a circle."

How to cross a one-way road (street)?

Sculpting "Forest Animals"

How to cross a two-way street?

outdoor games

Club hour "Counting and teasing"

What is a sidewalk?

Mathematical game "Journey point"

What traffic rules are violated?

(according to the illustration)

outdoor games

Reading and discussion of stories by Leo Tolstoy

Stopping path of transport

Outdoor games: "Hide and Seek", "Sly Fox"

The game "Tell me a word."

Accident facts involving children.

Unity game "Santiki"

Games with the designer "Lego"

Outdoor games: "Fish, animal, bird"

Health lesson. Eyes are the main helpers of a person.

Game walk - search for a package with tasks

Game "Cryphers"

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."


outdoor games

The game "Choosing Friends in the Land of Words" (association)

Analysis of the situation: "What is the danger?"

Relay "Merry Starts"

Lotto game "Do you know the trees?"

The work of a traffic police officer.

Unity game "Civil Defense"

Conversation "Professions of parents"

Do you need traffic rules?

P / and "Hawks and ducks", "Hit the target"

Game "Color the picture"

What is the danger of rushing on the street?


Games with the designer "Lego"

You are a passenger.

Outdoor games: "Don't go to the mountain", "Live targets"

Game "Cryphers"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Game walk - search for a package with tasks

Tell your favorite story.

How dangerous situations on the road are born?

outdoor games

Conversation "The Word heals"

Accident facts involving children.

Cohesion game "Web"

Quiz "The world around us"

Stopping path of transport

Passing the route according to the signs

Modeling "Snow Maiden", "Santa Claus"

Which cars are allowed to run red lights?

outdoor games

Games with the designer "Lego"

Rules for using transport

Excursion "Seasonal changes in nature"

Quiz "Mysteries of winter"

Attention: ice!

Sculpting a snowman.

Club hour "Symbols of Russia"

Competition of reciters of poems about winter.

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Snow watching.

Learning round dances, songs

Why can't you walk on the road?

Unity game "Kind Animal"

Workshop work

Santa Claus.

Types of transport.

P / and "Snipers"


Street and its parts.

outdoor games

New Year's travel around the world

Crossing the street in ice.

Relay "Fast and Accurate"

How I Spent My winter holidays.

Your route home

Outdoor games "Two frosts"

Traditions, customs and holidays of the Russian people (Christmas, Baptism, Divination in Russia.)

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?


Games with snow "We roll com"

Board and word games

What is the danger of going out onto the road because of a parked car?

Walk - search.

OBJ "Home Alone"

Crossing the street in frosty weather.

Competition for the best snowman.

Drawing "The beauty of Russian nature is winter"

Why can't you walk on the road?

P / and "Labyrinth"

We play fairy tales.

Types of transport.

Outdoor games: "Stick in the snow"

Houseplant care.

Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than a crossing with a traffic light?

Passing the route according to the signs

Club hour "Cats and dogs are our four-legged friends"

What is the danger of crossing when one car overtakes another?

Game "Protect the snowmen"

Application (breaking) - "Winter"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Game walk "Pathfinders"

Board games.

Why is it dangerous to play next to the road?

Labor landing "Let's clear the path"

Cartoons, riddle jokes.

Crossing the street in frosty weather.

Snowball games "Snipers"

Game lesson "Visiting geometric shapes"

What should be remembered by a person getting off the bus?

Observation "Seasonal changes in nature"

Game "Color the picture"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Health Lesson "Why Teeth Hurt"

Why can't you cling to transport?

Sculpting snow figures.

Game "Color the picture"

Ahead of the holidays - where you can go sledding.

Outdoor Games: "Empty Place"

Labor landing "Clean desks"

What are sidewalks for, how should you move along them?

Unity game "Civil Defense"

Board, word games

Crossing the street in frosty weather.

Relay games - with sleds.

health lesson

"Eyes are the main helpers"

Traffic lights.


Outdoor games.

Origami "Dog"

Crossing the street in ice

Walk - search.

Games for attention and memory development "What has changed?"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Outdoor games: "Empty Place", "Two Frosts"

Club Hour "Great Inventions"

Car turn signal.


OBJ "Fire: friend or foe"

Braking distance of the car.

Relay "Fast and Accurate"

You are a passenger.

Houseplant care.

Crossing the street in ice

P / and "Day and night"

Competition "Come on, boys!"

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

Unity game "Kind Animal"

Russian folk customs and holidays - Shrovetide


Outdoor games.

Quiz "On the riddle - there is a clue"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Excursion "Looking for signs of spring"

Reading and discussion of V. Oseeva's stories.

Child seat in the car.


Oral magazine "It's interesting"

Where should you wait for the bus?

Outdoor games: "At the bear in the forest", "Salki"

Let's talk about women's professions

Game "True or False"

Mobile games "Burn, burn clearly"

What does a crosswalk sign look like?

Unity game "Steam Train"

OBZh Behavior at the reservoir in the spring.

Yellow, red, green.


Walk - search.

Poems about mothers: A. Barto, R. Davydova, M. Sadovsky, O. Vysotskaya and others.

You have to be able to walk.

Relay "Centipede Run"

Application "Cranes"

Sidewalk and footpath.

P / and "Homeless Hare"

Board games, puzzles

Sign "Attention: children"

P / and "At the bear in the forest", "Traffic light"

Health lesson.

Posture - slender back.

Road user.

Cohesion game "Square"

Game "Color the picture"

Why is the rush dangerous?

Outdoor games.

The development of mental operations. Game "Similarity - difference"

Road crossing in spring.

P / and "Butterflies", "Above the earth"

Children's reading: Russian folk tales

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Excursion "Nature in March".

Game "Journey point"

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

Ball games "Edible - inedible", "Flies - does not fly"

Children's songs "Multi-pulti"

Accident facts involving children.

Passing the route according to the signs

Houseplant care.

Is a bicycle a vehicle?

P / and "Bubble", "Cat and Mice"

Drawing competition "Spring in my city"

At what age are children allowed to bike outside?

Recreation of children in the fresh air.

(auction of sports words starting with the letter "K")

Game "Cryphers"

Road crossing in spring.

Walk - search.

Club hour "Children's rights are your rights"

Where can you ride a bike?

Ball games, jump ropes.

Class cleaning.

Ahead of the holidays: traffic rules for cyclists.

Outdoor games.

OBJ "To make the computer a friend"

Why should you be careful?

Outdoor games.

Laughter Day - leisure.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?

Operation Clean Yard

Modeling from salt dough "Rose Bush"

You are a passenger.


Ball games "Name five, fruits, berries, etc."

The development of speech. The game "Guess the object" (according to the description), "Guess the object"

Car turn signal.

Tree watching.

Riddles about the seasons.

Video "Where is it dangerous to play?"

Passing the route according to the signs

Easter is a Russian Orthodox holiday.

The work of a traffic police officer.

Unity game "Chipmunks"

The development of memory, attention. Game "What has changed?"

Game "True or False"

P / and "Wolf and hares"

Drawing competition "My Russia"

Where should you wait for the bus?

Walk - search

Children's reading: the works of S.Ya Marshak

Rules for passengers.

Outdoor games.

Rebuses and crosswords

What is the danger of going out onto the road because of a parked car?

Observation "Primroses"

Club hour "First Cosmonauts"

How many meters will the car go under braking if the driver wants to stop?

Relay "Pass the flag"

Game "Cryphers"

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

Russian folk outdoor games.

Children's reading: works by K. Chukovsky

Vehicle license plates.

P / and "Hawks and ducks"

Health lesson "Sport and health"

Analysis of the situation "What is the danger?"

Walk - search

Board games, constructor

Street and its parts.

Cohesion game "Dragon"

Application "Spring flowers"

How dangerous situations on the road are born?


The development of speech. Games "Call in one word", "Say the opposite"

behavior in case of an accident.

Outdoor games.

Fairy tale dramatization - Cat's house.

Rescue service number 01.

Bubble games.

Game "Color the picture"

Types of transport.

Operation Clean Yard

Houseplant care.

What is an intersection?

Cohesion game "Web"

Children's reading: G. Oster

My friend is a traffic light.

Passing the route according to the signs

Club hour “If you are kind…”

Accident facts involving children.

Walk - search.

Fabric appliqué "Landscape"

Why is it necessary to cross the road at pedestrian crossings?


Mobile games "Third extra"

Children's reading: works by A.L. Barto

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?

Unity game "Civil Defense"

Game "What? Where? When?"

(about animals)

Why is it dangerous to play next to the road?

P / and "Geese-swans"

Operation Caring (postcard to veterans)

Why can't you walk on the road?

Mobile games "Chains"

Club hour "Victory Day"

Video "Crosswalk"

R.n. p / and "Brook", "Burn, burn clearly"

The development of speech. Game of analogies

At what age are children allowed to bike outside?

OBJ "Attention: ticks!"

Game: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."

Insect observation.

Houseplant care.

Why can't you cling to transport?

Ball games.

Conversation "Smile and laughter are pleasant for everyone"

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated?

Ecological operation "Let's plant flowers"

From the cycle - I want to know everything (plants are predators)

What does the rush lead to?

Outdoor games.

Tasks with a smile.

Accident facts involving children.

Games of the competition "Who will catch up more", "Who will throw farther"

Children's reading: works by E. Uspensky

Game "True or False"

Walk - search.

Crafts from waste material.

Video "Traffic light"

sports fun

Crafts from natural materials.

Rules for cyclists.

Competition of drawings on asphalt "Colorful summer"

OBZH “Beware, ticks! KGL", "Rules of conduct at the reservoir"

Where can you play.

outdoor games

Children's reading: poems and riddles about summer

Rules of conduct on a country road

sports fun

Class cleaning.

Compliance with traffic rules

Attachment 1

Conversations on traffic rules

Target : Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

Safety talks are held before children leave school. Discuss one issue, be sure to remind the children of the need to comply with the Rules of the Road, about discipline and caution. Questions can be diversified, citing the facts of specific traffic accidents involving children.

Game: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

  • Which of you goes forward, only where is the transition?
  • Who flies forward so fast that they don't see a traffic light?
  • Which of you, going home, keeps his way along the pavement?
  • Does anyone know what a red light means - there is no move?
  • Which one of you is ready to go, how did the green light come on?

Game "True or False"

  • Walking is allowed on the road.
  • You have to cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.
  • You can only cross the street at a yellow traffic light.
  • You can ride where cars drive.
  • Getting into and out of the car must be on the sidewalk.

Analysis of the situation: what traffic rules are violated? (by pictures)

Crossing the street on a rainy day.

It's raining outside today. The road is slippery. Car windows are covered with water. Visibility is deteriorating. In such conditions, it is difficult for the driver to drive. The distance needed to stop the car increases on wet roads. Therefore, when returning from school, do not cross the street. Look carefully around you, skip the approaching transport and, only after making sure that it is completely safe, start the transition.

Remember: even the most experienced driver will not be able to stop the car instantly.

Street crossing in the fog.

It's foggy outside today. Visibility is very poor. Therefore, before crossing the road, make sure that no car is driving on it. And if there is a baby nearby, take him by the hand and move him across the road. In the fog you have to be especially careful.

Crossing the street in frosty weather.

It's cold outside today. Car windows are covered with frost. and it is very difficult for the driver to observe the road. Crossing the street in front of nearby traffic is always very dangerous, and now even more so. And so that trouble does not happen - do not rush, wait until all the transport has passed. Only then can you cross the street. Do not forget that pedestrian traffic may be difficult due to ice on the roadway.

Crossing the street in ice.

The road was covered with ice crust, became slippery. In these conditions, appearing in front of nearby vehicles is very dangerous: it is difficult to stop the car on a slippery road. Therefore, on the way home, be especially careful. Do not rush, as you can suddenly fall and be under the wheels.

Crossing the street in spring.

We must not forget that in the spring days the traffic on the streets becomes more intense: those drivers who usually do not drive in winter also leave. These are the owners of individual vehicles. motorcycles, scooters. In addition, in dry sunny weather, drivers drive their vehicles faster than usual. Therefore, before crossing the road, carefully look around and if you see an approaching vehicle, skip it. Ride a bike only in yards and on designated areas.

Why is it necessary to cross the road at pedestrian crossings?

  • The driver knows that pedestrians are allowed in these places, he slows down, is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses the road in the wrong place may himself suffer and interfere with traffic.

Why can't you cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light?

  • When red is on for pedestrians, green is on for drivers. Seeing a green signal, the driver drives fast, without waiting for pedestrians to appear.

Why is it dangerous to cross the road?

  • When a person is running, it is difficult for him to observe, to see the roadway, the approaching car.

What is the danger of going out onto the road because of a parked car?

  • When the car is stopped, it closes the view of the road, the pedestrian cannot see another car that is driving behind the standing one. We must remember: if the car is standing, danger may be hidden behind it.

Why can't you walk on the road?

  • It is dangerous to walk even on the edge of the carriageway, a car can hit you. You must only walk on the sidewalk.

Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than a crossing with a traffic light?

Crossing without a traffic light is more dangerous, because you need to be able to determine whether the car is far away, whether it is going fast or slow. At the same time, because of a slowly moving car, can an oncoming one leave?

What is the danger of crossing when one car overtakes another?

  • At the moment when one car overtakes another, the speed of the overtaking car is much greater. A pedestrian may not notice an overtaking car. The driver of the overtaking car may also not notice the pedestrian.

How many meters will the car go under braking if the driver wants to stop?

  • Depending on the speed, it can move 36-46 meters. Much more on ice. In addition, while the driver applies the brakes, the car will travel several meters without braking.

Why is it dangerous to play next to the road?

  • During the game, you can forget about the danger, run out onto the road and fall under the wheels of a car.

What should be remembered by a person getting off the bus?

  • The fact that the standing bus makes it difficult to notice the approaching transport. You have to wait for the bus to leave the stop.

How should you walk from the sidewalk to the carriageway?

  • You always have to stop to look around, tune in to the transition.

What is the danger of rushing on the street?

  • When a person is in a hurry, he is not so attentive, in such a state it is easy not to notice a moving car.

What if a pedestrian has to step onto the road because of trees, bushes, etc.?

Stop and examine the part of the road that was hidden behind the object.

Why can't you cling to transport?

  • Because you can break loose and fall under the wheels of the car to which you have attached yourself, or the car that is driving behind.

How is pedestrian traffic regulated?

  • Traffic lights, road marking lines, signs, road signs, traffic controllers.

Where and why are metal fences installed?

  • They are installed in places of heavy traffic of pedestrians and vehicles, limit the possibility of crossing the carriageway in the wrong place.

At what age are children allowed to bike outside?

  • From the age of 14.

Where should you wait for the bus?

  • You need to wait for the bus at a stop on the sidewalk or at a specially marked area.

This place is a stop

People here are waiting for the bus.

And when the bus comes

He will stop here.

Well, there is a sign next to it.

This sign tells everyone:

“If you want to go, come on!

Not? Then go on foot!"

Which cars are allowed to run red lights?

  • Ambulance, police, fire, gorgaz.

What are sidewalks for, how should you move along them?

  • Sidewalks are used for pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians must move towards each other, keeping to the right side in each direction. You can't play or push on the sidewalks.

Where should a pedestrian stop who has not managed to complete the crossing of the carriageway?

  • On a "safety island" or at the intersection of the center line with the pedestrian crossing line.

Car turn signal.

If on the side of the car

The light will start flashing

This means that the machine

Will turn this way!

You are a passenger.

And for passengers too.

There are a lot of rules.

Everyone must follow them

And do not drive anyhow!

Gotta go ahead

Don't hold up the people

Do not stand near the door

Do not interfere with those leaving.

And hold on to the railings

stand straight, do not grimace,

Give way to seniors

Elders must be respected!

Annex 2

Bonding games

Target: physical and emotional warm-up, activation of participants, development of coordination of joint actions, group cohesion, removal of psychological tension, awkwardness in interpersonal relationships.


Participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the signal of the host, each player finds a “handshake partner”. Then all participants extend their left hand and also find a “handshake partner” for themselves (it is very important that this is not the same person, and not the person who is standing nearby). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, that is, to line up in a circle again without separating their hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all verbal communication.

"The Chipmunks"

The facilitator calls each participant an animal in his ear. Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands bent at the elbows. The facilitator calls the animal and the corresponding person must jump out to the middle, and the group must not let him in. The climax of the game is reached when the facilitator names the animal that most of the group members are named.


All players stand in a square (so that all the space inside the square is occupied) as closely as possible, you can even pre-outline the square in which they should fit. Then the host gives commands, and the square executes them, trying not to increase the area it occupies, for example:

  • The square went to the left - the square went to the left.
  • The square sits down - the square tries to sit down with screams and cries.
  • The square is jumping - the square is jumping with no less intense noise.

"Civil defense"

All participants walk around the room, the leader shouts out a phrase indicating danger. For example: "Attention!". Cave lions attacked you (hooligans, Roman legions, flu viruses, little green men, remorse, yawns, etc.) After the danger signal, the participants in the game must gather in a close group, holding each other, and then say the phrase: “We will give rebuff ... (cave lions, etc.). The counselor, playing the role of this danger, tries to pull any child out of the group. The task of the guys is to hold on very tightly. Then the group again disperses around the room and the game continues.


Everyone stands in a column with their hands on each other's shoulders. Everyone's eyes are closed, except for the first one, who leads the group through various obstacles. If the obstacle is serious, then it is better to warn the group about them. Option: only the last one has his eyes open and he tells the first and the whole group where to go.

"Good Animal"

The host says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! On the inhale we take a step forward, on the exhale we take a step back. And now on the inhale we take 2 steps forward, on the exhale - 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhale - 2 steps back. So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and the beating of the heart of this animal for ourselves.”

"The Dragon"

Course of the game: A lot of free space is needed for the game (for a group of 10 people - at least 5 x 5 m), there should not be sharp corners and other objects around that can cause injury. The game is repeated 3-4 times, while the order of building the participants is changed so that everyone is in different positions: at the beginning of the column, in the middle, at the tail. If there are many participants, two columns can be made. Alternatively, the "head" preys on its own "tail" or on the "tail" of another dragon.

Instructions: The group stands in a column, each participant holds the belt of the person in front. The beginning of the column is the "head" and the end is the "tail" of the dragon. The "head" is trying to grab the "tail", and he, of course, is trying to dodge. The whole column moves, but the participants do not open their hands.

Discussion: The participants exchange their impressions that arose during the game, as well as those who were more comfortable in what position: at the beginning, in the middle, at the tail of the column.


For this game, you need to organize at least three teams. Teams line up in columns located on the same line, having previously taken off their shoes. After the teams line up, the counselor collects the children's shoes, dumps them in a pile and mixes them up. The guides are offered the instruction: “This is a small fun relay race. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who can quickly put on shoes win.

Annex 3

Outdoor games.

bumpy running

In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn (in a straight or winding line). At the signal of the leader, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the end line, after which they return back along the shortest path and pass the baton to the next players. Having handed over the baton to the next number, each player stands at the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Centipede running

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are evenly placed on both sides of the rope, which they hold on to with their right or left hand respectively. On a signal, the teams run to the finish line (a distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding on to the rope. The team that runs to the finish line first wins, provided that none of its participants threw the ropes.

This game can be played in another way. Each team lines up one by one. Everyone raises their right hand and holds on to the cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returns first wins.

At the bear in the forest

A bear is selected from the children (for the first time it is better to choose an adult who will show how to play), all the rest are children. On one side of the site, a house for children is marked, on the opposite side is a house for a bear. The bear sits in the house and pretends to be asleep.

Children leave their houses and slowly approach the bear with the words:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries,
The bear doesn't sleep
And looks at us.

While the children are reading the text, they depict how they pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket.
As soon as the words "looks at us," the bear wakes up and runs to catch up with the children. The children run away to their house, where the bear can already catch them.

Cat and mice.

The "cat" is sleeping in the center of the room, squatting down, the "mice" are walking around.

A cat is napping on a couch,

Mice dance.

Hush, mice, don't make noise!

Don't wake cat Vaska

Here Vaska wakes up - a cat,

Will break your round dance!

The "cat" wakes up and catches the "mice", which run into the house.


Circles are drawn on the asphalt or on the sand (you can draw flowers) - these are houses for butterflies.
Butterflies sit in their houses (sleep), and the adult says:

Morning has come, the sun has risen.
Butterflies woke up - stretched (children stretch).
And they flew (children depict butterflies, wave their wings, fly around the flowers).

Suddenly a bird appears, which flew in to eat butterflies, and the butterflies hide in their houses and the bird cannot catch them there.

Hares and wolf

The players portray hares, one of the children is a wolf. On one side of the site for hares, houses or one common house are marked. The wolf is hiding on the opposite side - in the ravine.
Adult says:

Bunnies jump hop, hop, hop
To the green meadow
Grass pinching, listening,
Is the wolf coming?

In accordance with the text, the hares jump out of the houses, scatter around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble on the grass. As soon as an adult utters the word "wolf", the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught animals to his ravine. The game is restarted. Depending on the preliminary agreement, after the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another child is chosen to play the role of the wolf. The game is repeated.

Relevance of project activity. stages of the project.

Identification, support, development and socialization of children are becoming one of the priority tasks of modern education in Russia, since the intellectual and economic potential of the state ultimately depends on its solution. I believe that one of the most effective forms of work with children is the organization of design and research activities. The research activity of younger schoolchildren is a creative activity aimed at comprehending the world around them, discovering new knowledge for them by children. It provides conditions for the productive development of their value, intellectual and creative potential, is a means of activating students, forming their interest in the material being studied, and can significantly expand the scope of what is being studied.

Project activity in elementary school is widely used not only in educational activities, but also in extracurricular time, in particular, in the extended day group. Students work best in forming scientific beliefs in a group. Group work allows you not to be afraid to make the wrong conclusion, creates conditions for wider contacts, has a positive effect on improving the psychological microclimate, thereby laying the foundations for democratic principles in the education of the individual.

When starting work on a project, adults should not impose a topic. Students should be allowed to make their own choices. The question arises: how to teach them to work on a project, especially if we are talking about a whole team, without explaining anything to them? How to explain what a project is? We ourselves, teachers, must be enthusiastic people, know and love something so that students see it and love it the way we love it. The introduction of elements of research activity of students into pedagogical technologies allows the teacher not only to teach, but to help the child learn, to direct his cognitive activity. The main conditions for applying the project method are as follows:

The existence of a significant problem that needs to be solved through research (creative) search and application of integrated knowledge;

The significance of the expected results (practical, theoretical cognitive);

Application of research, creative methods in design;

Structuring the stages of project implementation;

Independent activity of students in a situation of choice.

Projects in elementary grades are problematic as children are too young to design. But still it is possible. It brings children, teachers and parents very close.

The pedagogical value of a student project is determined by:

The possibility of implementation by the forces of this student or team;

The skills that work on this project develops in the student;

The interest of the student in the work.

Three moments are necessarily present: choice, planning, criticism of the project.

The simplicity of elementary school projects ensures the success of their implementation and is an incentive that inspires the student to complete other more complex and independent projects. An example is the project that was in the extended day group, "Prickly friend hedgehog".

When organizing this type of activity, various types of projects are developed, for example, educational, informational, research and others. Initially, students are engaged in the development of information projects that are aimed at studying information about an object or phenomenon. Their activity consists in the analysis of information received from various sources, its generalization. Often, when studying a topic in a lesson, problematic questions appear, and students who show an increased interest in the subject are so addicted to this problem that this allows them to proceed to the implementation of individual projects that are of a research nature.

The order of work on the project

You should always start with choosing a project topic, its type, and the number of participants.
-Next, the teacher needs to think over possible options for problems that are important to explore within the framework of the intended topic. The problems themselves are put forward by students at the suggestion of the teacher (leading questions, situations that contribute to the definition of problems, a video sequence with the same purpose, etc.). The teacher can suggest sources of information, or can simply direct the students' thoughts in the right direction for independent search. But as a result, students must solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge, and get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem, thus, acquires the contours of project activity.
-. Distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, creative solutions.
- Independent work of the project participants on their individual or group research, creative tasks.
- Intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups
-. Project protection.
- Collective discussion, expertise, results of external evaluation, conclusions.
There are the following types of projects:
1. Research. 2. Informational. 3. Creative. 4. Game. 5. Practical.
By duration, projects can be:
short-term; average duration; long-term.
The project is "five P"
Problem - Design (planning) - Search for information - Product - Presentation.
The sixth "P" of the project is its Portfolio, i.e. a folder that contains all the working materials of the project, including drafts, plans, reports, research and analysis results, diagrams, drawings, photographs, an electronic version of the educational project for presentation; list of references in alphabetical order, etc.
Instructional Project Requirements—All topics must be within the student's grasp. The smaller the child, the easier the project. Young children are only capable of doing simple projects.
To work on the project, the following memo was developed.

Note to the novice researcher:
- Choose a research topic.
- Think about what questions you would like to find answers to on this topic.
- Think about your answers to the questions.
- Decide where you will look for answers to the questions posed.
- Work with sources of information, find answers to your questions.
- Draw conclusions.
- Present the results of your work.
Prepare a short presentation to present your research.

Project and research activities of students in the extended day group

Korzhova N.N.

GPA educator,

MBOU "Sergievskaya secondary school"

Identification, support, development and socialization of gifted children are becoming one of the priority tasks of modern education in Russia, since the intellectual and economic potential of the state ultimately depends on its solution. I believe that one of the effective forms of work with gifted children is the organization of project-research activities. The research activity of younger schoolchildren is a creative activity aimed at comprehending the world around them, discovering new knowledge for them by children. 1 It provides conditions for the productive development of their value, intellectual and creative potential, is a means of activating students, forming their interest in the material being studied, and can significantly expand the scope of what is being studied.

Project activity in elementary school is widely used not only in educational activities, but also in extracurricular time, in particular, in the extended day group. Students work best in forming scientific beliefs in a group. Group work allows you not to be afraid to make the wrong conclusion, creates conditions for wider contacts, has a positive effect on improving the psychological microclimate, thereby laying the foundations for democratic principles in the education of the individual.

When starting work on a project, adults should not impose a topic. Students should be allowed to make their own choices. The question arises: how to teach them to work on a project, especially if we are talking about a whole team, without explaining anything to them? How to explain what a project is? We ourselves, teachers, must be enthusiastic people, know and love something so that students see it and love it the way we love it. The introduction of elements of research activity of students into pedagogical technologies allows the teacher not only to teach, but to help the child learn, to direct his cognitive activity. The main conditions for applying the project method are as follows:

The existence of a significant problem that needs to be solved through research (creative) search and application of integrated knowledge;

The significance of the expected results (practical, theoretical cognitive);

Application of research, creative methods in design;

Structuring the stages of project implementation;

Independent activity of students in a situation of choice.

Projects in elementary grades are problematic as children are still too young to design. But still it is possible. It brings children, teachers and parents very close.

The pedagogical value of a student project is determined by:

The possibility of implementation by the forces of this student or team;

The skills that work on this project develops in the student;

The interest of the student in the work.

Three moments are necessarily present: choice, planning, criticism of the project.

The simplicity of projects for elementary school ensures the success of their implementation and is an incentive that inspires the student to complete other more complex and independent projects. An example is the project that was in the extended day group, “Christmas Tree, Live”.

When organizing this type of activity, various types of projects are developed, for example, educational, informational, research and others. Initially, students are engaged in the development of information projects that are aimed at studying information about an object or phenomenon. Their activity consists in the analysis of information received from various sources, its generalization. Often, when studying a topic in a lesson, problematic questions appear, and students who show an increased interest in the subject are so addicted to this problem that this allows them to proceed to the implementation of individual projects that are of a research nature.

For example, the Native Ore Land project. This is a long term project. The children were very interested in the history of our city, the sights of the city and its environs, the beauty of our unique region. The children were so carried away by this project that they began to expand it, develop it, discover something new, previously unknown. The continuation of this work was the project “I love my native land” . This project can be classified collective, creative. The idea of ​​the project arose when doing homework to get acquainted with the outside world. The guys were interested in the following questions:

    The history of the village.

    Why was the village named Sergievka?

The following stages of work were planned:

    The study of special literature.

    Tour of the village.

    Excursion to the Gubkinsky Museum of Local Lore.

    Conversations with villagers.

After getting acquainted with the books “Front roads of the Sergievites” and “All stays with people” Yu. Alekseeva heated discussions took place, which resulted in the conclusion: the village was named after Count Sergei Orlov - Davydov, whose estate was located in our village.

One of the stages of the project included excursions around the village and a visit to the Gubkin Museum of Local Lore, where the children got acquainted with the memories of Gorovets Kapitolina Dmitrievna. From the memories they learned that Gorovets K.D. lived in the village in 1910 and worked as a teacher in a zemstvo school. The continuation of the research work was conversations with the villagers. All the working materials of the project, including drafts, the children placed in a portfolio folder.

The use of computer technology allows students to create presentations that are amazing in content, which reflect the ways of solving the tasks, the results of the work, and the conclusions.

The topics of children's work are selected from any content area (subject, inter-subject, non-subject), problems are close to understanding and exciting teenagers on a personal level, social, collective and personal relationships. The result obtained becomes socially and practically significant.

Protection of individual or group projects is carried out during scientific and practical conferences of various levels. Students of the extended day group take part in the school conference, present their projects at regional scientific and practical conferences, regional conferences.

The organization of design and research activities for our students creates positive results: they form scientific thinking, and not a simple accumulation of knowledge. An analysis of the design and research work of students testifies to the development of the cognitive functions of schoolchildren, their ability to critically evaluate various approaches to solving research problems.


    Savenkov A.I. Games that start research activities. // Director of the school, 2004, No. 1, p. 46-50.

    Savenkov A.I. Research at home. Methodological recommendations // Research work of schoolchildren, 2002, No. 1 pp. 34-45, No. 2 pp. 73-78.

    Savenkov A.I. Types of research of schoolchildren// Gifted child.-2005.-№2. - p.84-106.

    Savenkov A.I. The origins of the practice of research teaching// Research work of schoolchildren.-2005.-№4. - p.29-39.

    Savenkov A.I. Children's research in home schooling // Research work of schoolchildren. - 2002. No. 1. - With. 34-45.

    Savenkov A.I. Little explorer. How to teach a preschooler to acquire knowledge. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2002. - p. 160

1 Savenkov A.I. Methods of research education for younger students - Samara, Fedorov, 2006,

The main goal of the GPA – creation of conditions for the full development of the personality of younger students: the development of emotions, creativity, speech skills, strong-willed qualities, aesthetic attitude to the world around, cognitive abilities, abilities for self-expression. As well as creating a favorable environment for preparing homework, educating children in independence, self-discipline, self-respect, and the child’s confidence in success.



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EXTENDED DAY GROUP AT SCHOOL (Methodological recommendations) GPA teacher Komarova Viktoria Vladimirovna

Relevance: Comprehensive development of creative abilities, acquisition of independent learning skills, harmoniously planned leisure, health-saving regimen, active socialization and the formation of socially significant skills, and, corny communication with peers is what many modern children are deprived of. This gap is effectively filled by extended day school groups. The work of a modern extended day group is based on the principles of democracy, humanism, and the creative development of the individual.

Goals of the GPA The main goal of the GPA is to create conditions for the full development of the personality of younger students: the development of emotions, creativity, speech skills, strong-willed qualities, an aesthetic attitude to the world around them, cognitive abilities, and abilities for self-expression. As well as creating a favorable environment for preparing homework, educating children in independence, self-discipline, self-respect, and the child’s confidence in success.

The tasks of the GPA are 1. to create the most comfortable and healthy conditions for children to stay in a group 2. to promote the development of self-education skills and increase the interest of schoolchildren in learning 3. to develop the moral qualities of a person 4. to create conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of children.

The main forms of education in the GPA: Cognitive forms (reading, thematic conversations, studying graphic materials, excursions) Creative forms (thematic and on a free topic: drawing, modeling, application) Leisure forms (walks, educational games, finger exercises, physical education minutes).

The main educational tasks and areas of activity Individual work with attendants Rest and outdoor activities Lunch Switching to mental activity Self-preparation Classes of interest, creative activities Summing up the day

Brief theoretical justification of the GPA Compliance with the regime of the day and diet. Doing homework under the supervision of a teacher. Formation of personal qualities. Communication with peers. Outdoor and outdoor games. Limitation of TV viewing and computer games. Creative development. Protection from the influence of street companies at the time of the formation of the child's personality. Here is just a short list of what GPA can give a child, in the presence of a competent, interested educator. Therefore, the GPA is relevant and necessary in the modern school. Well, how much it really works, we can see from the analysis of the work of the GPA.

The educator should: Check the attendance of students in the GPA journal. Find out the opinion of teachers about the well-being, behavior, academic performance of children. Learn about homework assignments. Attend teachers' classes as needed. If necessary, make adjustments to the plan for the day

When catering, the educator needs to: Organize duty in the dining room. Check the cleanliness of hands and towels. Conduct a two-minute ethical discussion. Supervise the behavior of children in the dining room. Make a payment in the dining room. Follow the organized departure of schoolchildren from the dining room.

When organizing outdoor recreation, the educator is obliged to: Organize cleaning and ventilation of the room. Supervise the dressing of children and their clothes. Submit your holiday plan. Give assignments and assign responsibilities. Monitor the health of the children. Conduct individual and group interviews. Summarize your holiday. Oversee the return of children to school.

Responsibilities of the educator when conducting classes in the room Organize the preliminary preparation of the event. Submit work plan. Monitor the participation of children in the event and direct their activity. Summarize the lesson

During self-training it is necessary: ​​To conduct a briefing. Determine the time for each item. Select consultants (trust group). Check diary entries. Organize student work. Supervise the underachievers, help them in a timely manner. Checking student homework. Summarize your self-study. Timely inform teachers about the progress and results of self-training.

Upon completion of the work of the GPA, the educator must: Appoint duty officers for the next day. Keep the class clean. Tidy up the play area. Have a conversation with your parents. Summarize the work.

The educator should engage in self-education: Constantly work on the topic of self-education. Expand your knowledge of modern pedagogy and psychology. Work on expanding the general educational horizons. Regularly get acquainted with the latest pedagogical literature. Be familiar with legal documents in a timely manner. Periodically take coursework.

Documentation of the educator of the extended day group Regulations on the extended day group of a general educational institution. Job description of the educator of the extended day group. The mode of the extended day group, approved by the head of the educational institution. Prospective work plan of the educator for the academic year. Calendar thematic work plan for a quarter with the allocation of each academic week. Daily work plan. Plan of work with the legal representatives of students. Journal of the extended day group.

References: 1. Leontyeva V. B. Planning of educational work with younger schoolchildren in the extended day group: guidelines / V.V. B.Leonteva.-Minsk: MOIPK i PRR i SO, 2001. 2. L.I. Gaydin, A.V. Kochergina "Extended day group" Grade 3-4 3. Educator and children: Textbook for preschool teachers, students of pedagogical colleges and universities, parents of preschoolers Ed. 3rd, revised, add. - 176 p.


"Health in elementary school" - Physical education group of elementary school students. Research Institute of Hygiene and Health of Children and Adolescents Negative trends: Factors affecting the health of a student at school. Group 1 - healthy children; Group 2 - with minimal deviations in health status; Group 3 - chronic diseases in the compensation stage; Group 4 - disabled people.

"Educator of the GPA" - Documentation of the educator of the extended day group. Requirements for an extended day group office. School worker. Requirements for the calendar-thematic work plan of the GPA educator. Afterschool group. Responsibilities of the educator when conducting classes in the room. Calendar-thematic plan.

"Primary school" - Basic educational plan. Extracurricular work. Task for checking the formation of the UUD. Organizational skills. Elementary school today. Test on literary reading and speech development. Intellectual skills. The ideology of the new educational standard. Personal qualities. Primary general education.

"Extended day group" - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Of course, they love to eat here And love to listen to fairy tales. All the guys are craftsmen, They love to glue and sculpt. Everyone needs to be an artist when they grow up, To speak monologues. We walk, We play, We live a lot of fun! Let the Olympics ahead, But everyone knows what “foul” means.

"Primary School Graduate Model" - Communicative qualities. Portrait of an elementary school graduate. cognitive qualities. regulatory qualities. Build reasoning. Personal qualities. The correctness of the action. Primary school graduate. Opinions. Focus on understanding the reasons for success. Build statements that are understandable to the partner.

"ICT in primary school" - There are also developing crossword puzzles for understanding the world around. Relationship between addition and subtraction Lesson 19. Syllable, word, sentence, text. Lesson 2. Voiced and deaf consonants. Tasks: Sentence structure. Lesson 4. Hard and soft consonants. As many. Simple tasks of different types Lesson 20. Addition and subtraction of number 4 Lesson 15.