Scenario of the game-quiz "Zimushka-Winter" for children of the middle group. Interesting facts about winter for kids Quizzes about winter

Name: Intellectual quiz "What do we know about winter"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, quizzes, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten "Yolochka"
Location: Kudymkar, Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug, Perm Territory

Quiz "What do we know about winter" in the preparatory group.

Target: To form the ability of children to contribute and cooperate in a team game.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, natural phenomena, folk signs.

Develop thinking, attention, memory.

Activate vocabulary, form a culture of speech.

To cultivate interest in the world around us, respect for nature.

preliminary work: observation of nature, guessing riddles about winter natural phenomena, acquaintance with proverbs and folk signs, listening to musical works “Snowstorm”, “December”, “January”, “On the Troika”.

Lesson progress:

The participants of the quiz, the children of the preparatory group, are divided into teams in advance and choose a captain. By lot, the team chooses a topic from 3 proposed - "Signs of winter", "Animals and birds", "Fairytale winter". The jury evaluates the answers of the teams and awards 1 point for each correct answer. The team that came up with more adjectives for the word “winter” (snowy, angry, blizzard, etc.) starts first.

Theme "Signs of Winter"

1. What month does the year end and winter begin? (December)

2. Name the winter months in calendar order (December, January, February)

3. What old flies appear in winter in nature? (snow)

4. How many rays does a snowflake have? (6)

5. Which ruler invented the celebration of the New Year in Russia in winter? (Peter 1)

6. What month did the people call “jelly”, “cut” and “prosinets”? (January)

7. Finish the saying “In December, the day died, and in January ...” (resurrected)

8. Finish the saying "A lot of snow - a lot of ..." (bread)

9. What month are they talking about: it sows, blows, stirs, twists, tears and sweeps? (February)

10. What holidays are celebrated in winter? (New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Theme "Animals and Birds"

  1. How does a bear look like a hedgehog in winter? (both go into hibernation)
  2. What does a brown bear stock up for the winter? (subcutaneous fat)
  3. Which forest animal sheds its horns every winter? (Elk)
  4. Which bird hatches chicks in February? (crossbill)
  5. What does a hare eat in winter? (twigs and tree bark)
  6. Which of the forest dwellers knows how to wind? (hare)
  7. Which of the forest dwellers is a mouse? (A fox)
  8. What reserves does protein make for the winter? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)
  9. What animals change color for the winter? (hare)
  10. Which bird swallows pebbles to grind coarse food? (grouse)

Theme "Winter in fairy tales"

  1. Name the author of the poem "White Birch" (S. Yesenin)
  2. Which work by G. H. Andersen describes the mistress of snow and ice who kidnapped the boy? (The Snow Queen)
  3. In which fairy tale does the action take place in winter: Teremok, By the command of the pike, Geese-swans? (By the command of the pike)
  4. In which fairy tale was the wolf catching fish in the hole with its tail? (Fox and wolf)
  5. What animals made a winter hut? (Bull, ram, pig, goose, rooster)
  6. Who had an ice hut? (a fox)
  7. Which girl during the Russian folk fun turned into a cloud? (Snow Maiden)
  8. What is the homeland of Santa Claus? (Great Ustyug)
  9. With whom does K. Choliev compare winter trees in the verse “Trees sleep” (trees sleep just like people)
  10. Name the author of the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"? (Vladimir Odoevsky)

Outcome: The number of points for each team is calculated and the winner is determined. Pre-prepared certificates and sweet prizes are awarded.

Quiz for children "Winter"

1. The name of the month that starts the new calendar year. (January)

2. What is longer night or day in winter? (night)

3. What is the name of winter precipitation. (Snow)

4. Continue the proverb: "Two friends - ...". (blizzard and blizzard)

5. What color is hard ice? (greenish)

6. What is the name of the housing made of ice among the Eskimos? (igloo)

7. What is crust? (dense snow crust)

8. How to make life easier for wintering birds? (hang out feeders)

9. What will happen to the birds if you stop pouring food into the feeder?

10. Do birds hibernate? (No)

11. What happens to the hair of a squirrel, fox and hare with the advent of winter? (becomes thicker and changes color)

12. Guess: a white lump hid in a haystack. (hare)

13. What tree is superfluous and why: pine, larch, spruce? (larch, shedding needles)

14. At what air temperature does snow begin to melt? (at 0)

15. Which of the phenomena does not apply to winter: a blizzard, thunderstorm, blizzard, snowfall, ice? (Thunderstorm)

16. What time of year is the cleanest air? (winter)

17. What is unusual about February? (different number of days)

18. Can you make a snowman out of fluffy snow? (No)

19. What plant is a symbol of the New Year holidays? (spruce)

20. What magical item does Santa Claus always carry with him? (staff)

Answers: 1. January. 2. Night. 3. Snow. 4. Snowstorm and blizzard. 5. Greenish. 6. Needle. 7. Dense snow crust. 8. Hang out the feeders. 9. They will die waiting for food. 10. No. 11. It becomes thicker and changes color. 12. Hare. 13. Larch. Drops needles. 14. At 0. 15. Thunderstorm. 16. In winter. 17. Different number of days. 18. No. 19. Spruce. 20. Staff....

Quiz "Nature in winter"

1. Is it possible to say that winter air is the cleanest? (can)

2. For what reason does the soil in the forest freeze through not as deep as in the field? (It is covered with a layer of fallen leaves and a thick layer of snow.)

3. Name the date of the winter solstice. (December 22)

4. Continue: "A lot of snow ...". (a lot of bread)

5. With what subject is the origin of the word "blizzard" associated? (broom)

6. Why do hares hide under fir trees in winter? (It's warmer and safer there)

7. Does the cold or hunger of the approaching winter scare migratory birds? (hunger)

8. How many months do hedgehogs, badgers and bears sleep? (about 6 months)

9. In summer, snakes like to lie under the sun, and in winter they ... (They are in a daze)

10. Which trees provide the most food for birds in winter? (pines and firs)

11. Where do newts winter? (on the land)

12. Why do crossbills breed chicks not in spring, but in winter? (in winter there is food)

13. Is a snowflake “born” from a drop of water or a crystal ice? (From an ice crystal)

14. What does an elk lose every winter? (horns)

15. Do beavers hibernate in winter? (No)

Answers: 1. You can. 2. It is covered with a layer of fallen leaves and thick snow cover. 3. December 22nd. 4. Lots of bread. 5. Broom. 6. It's warmer and safer there. 7. Hunger. 8. About 6. 9. Are in a daze. 10. Pines and firs. 11. On land. 12. In winter, eat food. 13. From an ice-crystal. 14. Rogov. 15. No....

Developing tasks on the topic "Winter"

1. What happens in winter?

a) Snowing.

b) The birds are coming.

in ) Crossbills are born.

d) Bear looking for a lair

e) Trees creak while sleeping

e) Collect mushrooms.

g) Snowdrops appear.

h) Puddles freeze.

i) The squirrel stocks up on nuts.

j) Ice drift.

l) insects sleep.

2. Which of the holidays are winter?

a) International Women's Day.

b) Defender of the Fatherland Day.

c) Children's Day.

d) New Year.

d) April fool's day.

e) Christmas

G) Easter.

h) Maslenitsa.

i) Cosmonautics Day.

j) Knowledge Day.

l) Valentine's Day.

3. "Yes-No" Does the leaf fall begin in winter?

Does the mole sleep in winter?

Is the ice crust cracking on the water?

Do birds build nests?

Is everything covered in snow?

Are the insects waking up?

February is the second winter month?

Does the sun shine less often?

Are the nights long in winter?

Nast is a crust on the snow cover?

taken from http://klub-drug. ru/victorina/zima-1-3-class. html

Riddles instill in children a love for their native language, the poetry of Russian folk art. However, their main purpose is the knowledge of the surrounding world, nature and its phenomena. The group of riddles on the winter theme is very extensive, because any person has many associations with this time of year. Riddles about winter with answers are puzzle questions about typical winter sports, snowball fights and other fun, fun holidays, long-awaited gifts.


Winter is an extraordinarily beautiful time of the year. Everything around: trees, houses, earth - is covered with fluffy white snow, sparkling in the sun during the day, sparkling from the light of the moon and stars at night. From time immemorial, people have called winter a sorceress, an enchantress, a beauty. This love can be traced in Russian art, poetry and riddles. Here, for example, riddles about winter with answers:

1. Who is, guess, the hostess in a white dress?

She shook her feather beds - snowflakes are spinning in the sky ... (Winter)

2. The white tablecloth covered the whole earth. (Winter)

3. She covered the paths and decorated the windows,

She gave joy to the children: she drove everyone on a sled. (Winter)

4. I flew into a cold blizzard,

Trees dressed in white

It's cold weather.

What time of year is this? (Winter)

snow secrets

A walk in the forest and park during a snowfall becomes not only exciting, but also healthy and educational for children. Snow cleanses the atmosphere of harmful impurities, it is very beneficial to breathe such fresh and clean air, especially for residents of large cities and industrial areas. While walking with children, you can study the shape of snowflakes and make riddles about winter with answers. How and from what snow is formed, where ice is born, or why icicles hang on the roof - these and other questions affect Russian riddles:

1. White, but not sugar,

Legless, but walking. (Snow)

2. In the yard with a mountain, in the house with water. (Snow)

3. He lay all winter, in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow)

4. White flock of midges

Spinning since morning.

Doesn't buzz or bite

Quietly flies in the air. (Snowflakes, snow)

5. Falls from the sky in winter,

Quietly circling the earth

Light fluff

White ... (Snowflake)

6. She hangs upside down,

Not in summer, but in snowy winter.

As soon as spring comes to the world,

Cry and fall into the snow. (Icicle)

7. Like plain glass, it is transparent,

But not for windows. (Ice)

Winter time - blizzard and blizzard

Winter brings with it many different surprises. Frost not only dresses up trees and bushes in white lace clothes, it also decorates the windows of houses with mysterious patterns, and these patterns look fabulous. A snowstorm, suddenly starting, can bring all the roads so that you can get lost even in a familiar area. These phenomena seem dangerous to some, while others, on the contrary, inspire so much that they are drawn to compose poems and fairy tales about winter magic. Riddles about weather phenomena will help the baby get a complete picture of the nature of the winter season and its features in Russia:

1. Our cat decided to lie down on a heated stove,

He covered his nose with a tail - soon in the yard ... (Frost)

2. Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing)

3. Village in white lace -

Roofs, windows and trees

If the wind attacks

This lace will fall off. (Frost)

4. Having worked until the morning,

A blizzard swept the hill.

What's a mound? What's the name?

You will have to give an answer. (Snowdrift)

5. I fly in the field with the wind at will.

I'll spin it, wrap it up and run as I please,

And I fly along the houses,

I sweep a lot of snowdrifts. (Blizzard)

December, January and February

Riddles about winter for children, which mention the months of this frosty season, will help little "why" to remember their names faster. Knowledge of the seasons of the year and their constituent months should be given to a child from the age of four.

1. The year is over, winter has come,

Covered houses with fluffy snow,

Blizzard, frost and snowdrift in the yard,

Winter will come to us again in ... (December)

2. Opens the calendar

The month named ... (January)

3. We spent the whole month resting,

Walked during the holidays

Soon again for the primer,

And so it will end ... (January)

4. After brother January

My turn has come.

And with me are two snowy friends:

Winter blizzard and blizzard. (February)

warm clothes

When the cold comes and the thermometer outside the window shows negative values, people take out fur coats, hats and gloves from the closets. All this warm clothes are an inconspicuous attribute of the season, to which many riddles about winter for children are devoted:

1. Put them on the legs,

Not galoshes, not boots.

Run to school and home

They will be warm in winter. (Felt boots)

2. In the cold and frost in winter

I always carry them with me

My little sisters warm my hands

Small ... (mittens)

3. What will I put on my neck and not get sick?

Wrapped in it to the nose, now I am not afraid of frost. (Scarf)

4. In order not to freeze in the cold winter,

We will buy warm clothes with you.

What do factories sew from warm fur?

Why is frost in January not a hindrance to us? (Fur coat)

funny fun

Our people love winter! In good weather, you can have a lot of fun: go sledding and skiing, make a snowman or leave snowballs with friends. And on long winter evenings, under the howl of a blizzard, it is so interesting to tell fairy tales, read poetry or make riddles to friends. Russian riddles about winter say that the population of our country is not afraid of frost, does not hide from it, sitting in warm apartments, but, on the contrary, has fun with might and main during the entire long snowy period:

1. They rested in the summer: they were waiting for the snowy season,

And they waited for winter - they rolled down the mountain. (Sled)

2. Didn't feed, didn't raise,

Made from cold snow.

Instead of a nose, a carrot

The kids squeezed smartly.

Embers instead of eyes

And at the top of the copper basin.

White and very large

Tell me who is she? (Snowwoman)

3. Difficult and always long

Climb up there

But then it's so nice

Roll back. (Snow Hill)

New Year holidays

With the first days of December, people begin to prepare for the meeting of the main New Year, they look forward to it, and then adults and children celebrate it widely and joyfully. Long or short riddles about winter and New Year's carnival, charades about Christmas tree decorations and long-awaited gifts will help diversify holiday quizzes. And of course, the most popular characters these days are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden:

1. A middle-aged man

In a hat, fur coat, with a beard

Leads by hand

Smiling granddaughter.

Who will answer the question?

That came ... (Santa Claus)

2. He comes on a winter evening

Light candles on the tree.

And in a bag of gifts the sea,

He will give them all away soon,

Beard and red nose

Who is this? .. (Santa Claus)

3. What is dressed up once a year? (Christmas tree)

4. Santa Claus! By our Christmas tree

I'll tell you a poem.

Do not languish for a very long time

Open quickly ... (Bag)

5. Dressy toy

Shoots like a cannon. (Clapperboard)

Children's riddles about winter and sports

Is your child friendly with a spatula? If he likes to build castles out of snow in snowdrifts, happily flops down on the ice, trying to keep his balance on the rink, and stretches his arms with interest to skis and other sports equipment in the store, then the kid will definitely be interested in riddles about winter with answers:

1. On my shoes

wooden friends,

Sticks in hand and arrow

I ride them in the winter. (Skis)

2. Wooden horses rush along snowy paths, do not get stuck in the snow. (Skis)

3. In our yard in the morning,

The kids played.

Heard: “Puck! Puck!”, “Beat!”,

And they play there in ... (Hockey)

4. Children on skates

Practice jumping

And they dance like artists.

Those athletes - ... (Skaters)

5. The river is flowing - let's lie down,

Ice on the river - let's run. (Skates)

Whether you are guessing riddles about winter, difficult or not, it is best for a baby to choose those of them whose rhymed lines can be easily and quickly learned by heart. Riddles-verses and quatrains should not require a long time to memorize. Older children can offer themselves. Whether they get rhymed quatrains or not does not matter, the main thing is that they will have to show ingenuity and imagination. Children are naturally very creative and are likely to surprise their parents with a sense of humor and a talent for coming up with unexpected puzzles.

Winter quiz with answers about a snowman for younger students

Author Lyapina Vera Valerievna primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 47 Samara city district
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers and class teachers to conduct extra-curricular activities dedicated to the winter season.
Target Checking children's knowledge on the topic "winter fun"
-systematize and summarize students' knowledge on the topic "Winter fun"
-expand understanding of Russian traditions, rituals and other peoples associated with the winter season;
- to develop individual creative abilities of students, imagination;
- instill interest in the traditions and values ​​​​of their people.


Making a snowman
Sculpts since the morning
Snowman kids.
Snow balls rolls
And laughing, connects.

Below is the largest lump,
A little less lump on it.
Even less - the head,
We barely made it.

The eyes are bumps, the nose is a carrot.
The hat was well put on.
A bright scarf, in the hands of a broom.
And happy kids.
1. Who made a snowman for the first time?
(Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buanarroti)

2. What people coined the word "snowman"?
(Invented by the Germans)

3. What were the first snowmen and why?
(They were ferocious monsters of enormous size, since winters used to be fierce, frosty)

4. What was the belief about snowmen?
(That snowmen pose a real danger to people)
5. In what century did snow figures become kind?
(In the 19th century, they became an attribute of Christmas and New Year)

6. Who were the snowmen according to Christian legend?
(They considered it an angel. After all, snow is a gift from heaven. They made a snowman from freshly fallen snow and quietly whispered their desire. When the snow melted, the desire should come true)

7. What does the snowman's carrot symbolize?
(In the old days they asked for mercy from the spirit that sends the harvest, fertility)

8. What was the inverted bucket on the snowman's head a symbol of?
(Symbol of wealth)

9.Where in Europe did they make a snowman?
(Near the house, generously decorated it with garlands)
Big Foot

A. Shlygin

Why look for it in the mountains?
You will find it in the yards.
Year after year, century after century
Bigfoot lives here.

He is on the yard heel
Stands holding a broom in his hand.
He amuses the guys all day,
Bucket pulled on one side ...

10. Why did they decorate a snowman with garlic beads in Romania?
(So ​​that the snowman gives people health, protects them from dark forces)

11. Name the author of the fairy tale "Snowman"
(G.H. Andersen)

12. How were snowmen treated in Russia?
(As to the spirit of winter, with respect)

13. Where were the Snow Woman and the Snow Maiden invented?
(In Russia)

snow woman

A. Brodsky

We made a snowman to the glory.
For fame, for fame, for fun.
She looks at us with black eyes,
As if laughing with two coals.
Although our woman with a broom is standing,
But don't let her seem evil to you.
We put a bucket instead of a hat on her ...
With a snowman, the game is more fun.

14. In which Russian city is the Snowmen Parade held annually?
(In Moscow)

15. Name International Snowman Day
(January 18)
16. Why January 18?
(Many countries already have snow in January, and the number 18 looks like a snowman holding a broom)

17. When is Snowman Day celebrated in Russia?
(28th of February)

Snowman from a children's fairy tale
Blushed kids -
Rolled three balls!
They stacked them on top of each other
And they piled up the bucket.

Nose - carrot, coal - eyes,
Snowman from a children's fairy tale!
Hands - branches, mouth - candy ...
Let it stand now until the summer

Game - quiz: with answers for older and preparatory children on the topic: "Do we know winter?"


Efimova Alla Ivanovna
Place of work: GBDOU No. 43 Kolpino St. Petersburg.

Material Description: The material will be of interest to educators, methodologists, primary school teachers, after-school teachers and organizers of extracurricular activities. The quiz game can be used in working with children of preschool and primary school age.
In my case, 22 children played.

Target: organization of children's leisure.
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination
Materials and equipment: spinning top, hourglass, envelopes with questions. Prizes for teams: refreshments - 22 tangerines.
Preliminary work: reading literature on a given topic, solving riddles ...

Quiz progress

Leading: Good afternoon dear players. We are glad to welcome you to our game. You are ready? Begin. Good luck.
1. What is the shortest winter month? (February)
2. Who knows which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (Squirrel)
3. What are the signs of winter weather? (cold, water turns to ice, days are short, nights are long)
4. And what winter fun do you like? (sledding, skating, skiing, playing snowballs, making a snowman, going downhill…)
5. What are the winter holidays? (New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)
6. What do you think winter smells like? (New Year, Christmas tree, tangerines)
7. And in what weather, does the snow crunch underfoot? (in frosty)
8. Name the bird that breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
9. On what winter holiday do people swim in the hole? (baptism)
10. Do you know which tree is the symbol of the New Year? (spruce)
11. What does a bear do in winter? (asleep)
12. What are the winter months? (December January February)
13. And what is snow? (frozen water)
14. When is Father Frost's birthday? (November 18th)
15 Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)
16. What is the name of the berries that bullfinches eat in winter? (Rowan).
17. Think and answer: white, but not sugar, no legs, but is it walking? (snow)
18. Who winds in the forest, confuses the tracks? (hare)
19. What is the name of the holiday when they cook and eat a lot of pancakes? (Maslenitsa)
20. Santa Claus comes to the holiday, and in his hands, what ...? (staff)
21. What do you think, who invented, or rather, who introduced the New Year holiday in our country? (Peter 1)
22. What does Santa Claus put on his feet? (felt boots)
23. Christmas tree decoration round? (ball)
24 New Year's winter ball, we call ... (carnival)
25. What is the very first month of the year? (January)
26. Winter coat of a hare, what color? (white)
27. The most famous New Year's, round dance song? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…)
28. Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard walks, when does it happen? (winter)
29. Name the most daring birds that are not afraid of frost? (sparrows, doves, crows)
30. What happened to the weather in winter? (it became cold, the trees fell asleep under the snow, frosty)
31. Where do we skate in winter? (on the rink)
32. Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)
33. Without whom, the New Year holiday cannot take place? (without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)
34. Decorates the New Year's table, orange, round? (mandarin)
35. What date is the New Year celebrated in our country? (1st of January)
36. What is the name of the birds that fly to warmer climes for the whole winter? (migratory)
37. We blinded three lumps, and we got it, the kids rejoice, it turned out with a bang! (snowman)
38. Tell me, is it possible to see the same snowflakes? (no, they are all different)
39. Homeland of Santa Claus? (Great Ustyug)
40. What is the name of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden).
Leading: Well done boys. Well, we coped with the task, answered the questions correctly, and Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, as a reward for you, left these gifts - gifts. Distribute treats to the children. Thank you all very much, you are all great fellows and smarties