Tests for the development of functional literacy. Reading Literacy Test

Functional literacy in questions and answers (research in NSh: CG + Logic) ANO "Center for Youth Development"
Yekaterinburg, 2016

The main reason for the current
epidemics of illiteracy
that everyone can read and write.
Peter de Vries

Block 1
functional literacy

Functional literacy - what is it?

A set of skills and abilities,
providing a person
full participation in
community life

Is it really that important to have functional literacy?

the health of the nation
is the key to successful
country, its security and

What is the relevance of today's topic?

The functional literacy of schoolchildren is devoted
international research since 2000
Many territories, including Perm, spend
2016-2017 academic year own municipal

In what areas is functional literacy considered in international studies?

Reading literacy
Mathematical Literacy
Science Literacy
financial literacy
Solution of problems
- interactive tasks
- collaborative tasks

In what areas will the municipal study of functional literacy in Perm take place?

Primary school, grades 2-3-4:
comprehension reading skills
logical skills in math

Block 2
Material features


The package consists of three blocks:
Reading literacy (text
Reading literacy (mixed
Logic skills in math


Number of tasks in the package:
12 (grade 2)
15 (grade 3)
18 (grade 4)


Estimated time
work execution:
40 minutes


1 point - done
0 points - not done
2 points - fully completed
1 point - partially completed
0 points - not done


Job types:
choose one answer from the options
choose two answers
arrange lines in a specific order
match between two
write a short answer


Block 3

16. What is reading literacy in elementary school?

Search for information and reading comprehension
Transformation and interpretation of information
Evaluation of information


first class newspaper
#5 Ingenuity
Search and understanding:
Find Trash Queen Two in the article
a synonym for the concept of "paper trash".
Answer: rubbish


first class newspaper
#5 Ingenuity
Representation and interpretation:
Zhang Yin is a Chinese woman, name by analogy
student from England Ella Kilgour and Japanese
chef Toshio Tanabe.
Answer: English, Japanese


first class newspaper
#5 Ingenuity
Give the main difference
the ingenuity of the Japanese and Russians.
Answer: Japanese: useless inventions
(inventiveness as an art),
Russians: homemade devices


Task examples


22. Task number 1

Write out two synonyms from the diagram
to the word "performance"

23. Task number 2

24. Task number 3

25. Task number 4

Kolesnichenko Natalya Georgievna - teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 11 in Karaganda

Gafiyatullina Alla Mikhailovna - teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school No. 11 in Karaganda

Tasks for the development of functional reading literacy of students in grades 8-9

Target: preparing students for the international PISA study and developing functional literacy.

Text #1. "GREEN ROOFS"

In metropolitan areas where a lot of natural space is given over to building, green roofing is an ideal solution to compensate for the damage caused to nature. This method of roof arrangement has become especially relevant given the fact that the cost per square meter of land is extremely high, and the use of free roof space made it possible to fill the deficit of green areas, arrange places for recreation and leisure on the roofs of buildings.

Roof greening is a term that refers to the roofs of buildings partially or completely planted with living plants.

Assyria and Babylon are considered the birthplace of "green roofs" (2500 years ago). But the most famous, of course, are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, known as the seventh wonder of the world.

Today, the leaders in growing green crops on rooftops are the UK, USA, Germany and Switzerland.

Creating green roofs is beneficial for several reasons:

1.Green roofs filter the air, fighting various pollutants, including CO2 (carbon dioxide).

2.Vegetation and soil provide good sound insulation.

3.Green roofs accumulate storm water, it can be cleaned and used in everyday life.

4.Green roofs filter out heavy metals and other pollutants from rainwater.

5. The presence of green roofs increases the number of wildlife in the built-up urban area.

However, despite the fact that the difficult environmental situation in Kazakhstan requires concern for the cleanliness of the environment, which directly affects the health of citizens, the idea of ​​green roofs is not being developed in the republic, referring to climatic conditions.

In our hometown of Karaganda today there are only 7 parks and 28 squares and boulevards. With a population of 453,000, each inhabitant has 6.4 square meters of public green spaces, which is only 40% of the regulatory recommendations. Where is the exit? ( The text was compiled on the basis of the research work "Green Roofs" of the teacher of geography of the school No. 37 of the city of Karaganda Rogozina T.G.)

Task number 1

Based on the text, answer why green roofs have become relevant in the modern world?

Criteria for evaluation:

This task is to search for information in the text. The correct answer is in the first sentence. If the student answers correctly (substitution of words that do not distort the meaning of the phrase is allowed), he receives 1 point for the answer.

If the answer is incorrect - 0 points.

Task number 2

Complete the table using information from the text. Put a "+" sign in the column with the correct answer.

No information

Criteria for evaluation:

Right answers

No information

The homeland of "green roofs" are Assyria and Babylon

The concepts of "green roofs" and "green lungs of the earth" are synonymous

Japan is the leader in green roofs

There is no need to introduce "green roofs" in Kazakhstan

Our country is actively promoting the introduction of "green roofs" in large cities

"Green roofs" can be used to grow vegetables, fruits and other greenery

5-6 correct answers - 1 point.

Less than 5 correct answers - 0 points.

Task number 3.

Consider these two drawings. What do they have in common and how do they differ? Write down your answer.

Answer ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Fig.1 Fig.2

Criteria for evaluation:

When evaluating the answer, attention is drawn to the student's use of the following keywords: gardens of Babylon, hanging gardens, seventh wonder of the world, Babylon, metropolis, air pollution, development, aesthetic appearance, landscaping, place for recreation, clean air.

It is allowed to replace keywords with synonymous words and expressions.

If the student drew parallels between the two drawings, was able to establish the relationship between them, and also clearly identified the differences, he receives 2 points for his answer.

If he found only similarities, but did not find differences - 1 point.

If you found differences, but did not find similarities - 1 point.

If you used 1-3 of all the proposed keywords - 1 point.

If you did not find similarities and differences - 0 points.

If you were carried away by a detailed description of the hanging gardens, but did not draw conclusions - 0 points.

Task number 4

Here are a few elements from the "Green Roof Construction" scheme. Count how many spellings are in each name, fill out the table below and draw a graph based on the data obtained.


The number of spellings in a word

Criteria for evaluation:

Right answers


The number of spellings in a word

The correct curve on the graph is 2 points.

The table is filled out correctly, but the graph is incorrectly built - 1 point.

There are 1-2 errors in the table (which means that the graph is built incorrectly) -

More than 2 errors in the table (the graph is built incorrectly) - 0 points.

Task number 5

Do you agree that "green roofs" are sometimes referred to as the "fifth façade" of a building? Justify your answer.


Criteria for evaluation:

The student agrees with this statement, and then argues his answer in 3-4 sentences. The answer must contain keywords or words synonymous with them: facade, building, front part, external side, architecture, decor, purpose, image.

If there are keywords or words synonymous with them, two or more arguments are given, the answer is concise and contains conclusions, turns of speech “I think”, “therefore”, “thus”, etc. are used. - 2 points.

If there are keywords or words synonymous with them, but there are no arguments or the arguments are unconvincing - 1 point.

If the answer does not contain the concept of "facade" or the interpretation of this word - 0 points.

If the answer does not contain any of the keywords - 0 points.

If the student does not agree with this statement - 0 points.

Option 1


At the beginning of winter, when the northern winds blew and a sharp snow fell, I decided to make a bird feeder in the country. On a bright veranda right outside the window on a wooden shelf, where we put indoor flowers on warm days, I organized a “bird dining room”. He poured seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, even put a sprig of scarlet mountain ash ... An excellent “menu” turned out. The feathered guests must arrive. Nimble tits, sedate bullfinches, noisy waxwings, nuthatchers... And other inhabitants of the garden, whom I don't remember. In general, began to wait. And a day passes, and two ... Something my guests do not show up. Migrated to another garden, or what? Where the owner is more hospitable, more friendly, probably. I was sad to look at my frozen gifts. It seems like he tried in vain ... And then suddenly the frost hit. Just like christening. You can hear the trees crackling in the garden in the middle of the night.

I wake up one morning. I go out to the veranda. I look, and behind the cloudy frosty glass a light flickered. Smoky red. Like a candle on a Christmas tree. Cautiously, he crept up to the window. He got up on tiptoe, looked out of the corner of his eye and ... was stunned. Squirrel! Came running, apparently, from a nearby grove. She climbed up the trunk of a birch, and she was nearby, at a stone's throw to the veranda, and jumped into the feeder. Hunger is not an aunt. Instantly emptied the "tablecloth". And looks out the window with currant eyes. Waiting, probably, if the compassionate owner does not put something else. I had to shell out. Fill the feeder with "squirrel treats": nuts, chopped apple, dry mushrooms - well, a bunch has remained since autumn.

Now the squirrel every morning - at least check the clock - was waiting for me near the feeder. I even gave her a name. Named Manka. And she willingly responded to him. She took a treat right from the palm of her hand.

And so my long winter flew by in friendship with the forest beauty. And in the spring, when the icicles became long and “weepy” and the sun blinded her eyes, spreading over blue snowdrifts, the wife somehow warmly, but with firmness in her voice, said:

You don't have to train the squirrel anymore. She will forget how to get food herself, become a beggar and may die ...

Although I felt sorry for Manka, I still obeyed my wife. She was a biologist. And she knew a lot about her science.

(N. Krasilnikov)

Questions and tasks:

    Determine the topic of the text.


2. Where did the narrator set up a feeder? Try to answer this question more precisely.


    Why did friendship with Manka end?


    How do you understand the meaning of words and expressions at hand, react, curranteye?


Option 2

Read the text, answer the questions, complete the tasks.


The boys ruined the heater's nest, broke her testicles. Naked, blind chicks fell out of broken shells. Only one of the six testicles I managed to take away from the boys whole.

I decided to save the nestling hidden in it.

But how to do that?

Who will bring him out of the egg?

Who will feed?

I knew nearby the nest of another bird, the chiffchaff. She just laid her fourth testicle.

But will the mockery accept a foundling? The wheatear egg is pure blue. It is larger and does not look like mocking testicles at all: they are pink with black dots. And what will happen to the wheatear chick? After all, he is about to emerge from the egg, and little chuckles will hatch out only in another twelve days.

Will mockery feed a foundling?

The mocking nest was placed on a birch so low that I could reach it with my hand.

When I approached the birch, the chuckle flew off the nest.

She fluttered along the branches of neighboring trees and whistled plaintively, as if begging not to touch her nests.

I put a blue egg to her raspberry ones, walked away and hid behind a bush. The mingling did not return to the nest for a long time. And when she finally flew up, she did not immediately sit down in it: it was clear that she was looking at someone else's blue egg with distrust.

But still, she sat in the nest. So, she took someone else's egg. The foundling became a foster child.

But what will happen tomorrow when the little wheatear hatches from the egg? When the next morning I went up to the birch, a spout stuck out on one side of the nest, and on the other, a laughing tail.

When she flew off, I looked into the nest. There were four pink testicles and next to them - a naked blind chick of a wheatear.

I hid and soon saw how a mocking caterpillar in its beak flew in and put it in the mouth of a little wheatear.

Now I was already almost sure that the mocking

feed my foundling.

Six days have passed. Every day I approached the nest and every time I saw the beak and tail of the mockingbird sticking out of the nest. I was very surprised how she keeps up and feed the heater and hatch

their eggs.

I quickly moved away so as not to interfere with her

in this important matter.

On the seventh day, neither the beak nor the tail stuck out above the nest. I thought." "It's all over! The mocking left the nest. The little wheatear died of hunger." But no - there was a living wheatear in the nest! She was sleeping and did not even pull her head up, did not open her mouth: it means she was full. these days, which covered with its little body the pink testicles that were barely visible from under it.

Then I guessed that the adopted child thanked his new mother: with the warmth of his body, he warmed her testicles - hatched her chicks.

So it was. Mocking fed the adopted child, the adopted child hatched her chicks.

He grew up and flew out of the nest in front of my eyes.

And just by this time, the chicks hatched from pink eggs. Mocking began to feed her own chicks - and fed them well.

(AT. bianchi)

Questions and tasks:

    Define the genre of the work.


    What event started this story?


    How do you understand the title of the story?


    What frightened V. Bianki on the seventh day?


    How did the foundling thank his new mother?


    What surprised you about this piece?


Sample tasks for the development of functional literacy.

Grade 8, section "Health"

1. Theme "Chemical burns"

Read the text carefully and use the information in the text to answer the questions.

Chemical burns are a common result of carelessness when working with reagents in the laboratory, in chemistry classes, at home. The mechanism of action of acids and alkalis lies mainly in their effect on cellular proteins. Under the influence of acids, dry, strictly limited scabs of a yellow-brown color and even black color appear on the skin; alkalis cause the formation of grayish weeping scabs, not sharply limited. Knowledge of the external picture of chemical burns is necessary because first aid for burns caused by acids differs from first aid for burns caused by alkalis.

First aid. First, the affected area of ​​the burn is freed from clothing. At the same time, the assisting person must ensure that he himself does not burn himself with acid or alkali. Then the places affected by acid are poured over with a strong stream of water, a 3% solution of baking soda or soapy water. After washing, the burn surfaces are covered with baking soda powder or bandaged with clean gauze or a bandage.

Acid Burn First Aid

soapy water

bicarbonate soda

Sterile gauze

cotton wool


First aid for alkali burns



Sterile gauze

cotton wool


Body surfaces affected by alkalis. Wash with acetic water or lemon juice. Then they fall asleep with citric acid powder and bandage it with a clean bandage.

Question number 1. How to distinguish an acid burn from an alkali burn? (Knowledge)


Question number 2. Why is the affected area washed with a strong jet of water during an acid burn? (Understanding)


Question number 3. Is it possible to get a chemical burn with citric acid or a soda solution? (Application)

It is possible if the solution of citric acid or soda is concentrated

Not really

It is impossible, since these substances are publicly available and are sold in grocery stores

Not really

Question number 4. Why are there different first aid measures for acid and alkali burns? (Analysis)


Question number 5. Why, with chemical burns, it is impossible to lubricate the affected area of ​​​​the skin with brilliant green or iodine? (Synthesis)


Question No. 6. Justify the use of rubber gloves when cleaning sinks and stoves with modern cleaning products. (Grade)


Grade 8, section "Health"


The Makpal school gave out a flyer that says, “The best way to fight the flu virus is to have a healthy body. Daily gymnastics and a certain diet that contains a lot of vegetables and fruits are recommended, first of all, to help the immune system fight the virus. But there is another way to deal with this dangerous enemy - vaccination. Vaccinations are free and available to everyone. Participation is voluntary. According to medical workers, timely vaccination will help to avoid the disease or get sick in a mild form. However, it can cause side effects such as fatigue, mild fever, and arm pain.

Despite the fact that millions are spent annually in the republic on the purchase of vaccines, only 10% of the population is immunized. For comparison, in European countries, 70% of the population is immunized.”

Question 1: Ways to improve immunity.

Which of the following boosts immunity?

A. Diet containing vegetables and fruits

B. Visiting crowded places

C. Drinking energy drinks

D. Change your place of residence

Question 2: Reasons for vaccination

A. Why is it necessary to vaccinate the population?

Justify your answer:


Q. What are the reasons for early annual vaccination of the population?

Justify your answer:


Question 3:

A student in a mini project compared the attendance of physical education classes and the incidence of influenza in the classroom. The results of the study are shown below:

Research results:

Attending physical education classes

% of cases


Irregular visit

Almost never visited

What is the relationship between these two indicators?

Choose the correct answer and justify:

A. Direct dependency

B. Inverse relationship

C. Indicators are independent

Question 4: Spread of the virus A/H1 N1.

Kazakhstan has 11 cases of A/H1 N1. Threshold levels were exceeded only in three regions: East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan and Zhambyl region.

Circle 'Yes' or 'No' on each line

Specify the reason that in the listed areas the incidence rate is higher than in other regions of Kazakhstan?

Yes or no

High population density in the regions

Not really

All are located in different climatic regions

Not really

Relief features

Not really

Question 5: Influenza Prevention

Suggest your own option to increase the motivation of the population to get vaccinated against the influenza virus.

Justify your answer: ____________________________________________________________________________

Grade 9, section: "Structure and composition of the cell."

3. Theme: "Cage"

I .Remembering.

Task number 1: Name the organelles of an animal cell.

II . Understanding

Task number 2: Decide if the given statement is correct (yes or no).


Answer optionsNot really

    ER is part of the Golgi complex.

    Lysosomes are formed from the vesicles of the Golgi complex.

3. Rough ER is covered with ribosomes.

4. The cytoskeleton performs a protective function.

5. Inclusions are non-permanent cell formations.

6. Only plants have a cell wall.

    Plants do not have a cell center.

III . Application Task #3 Compose a crossword puzzle on the topic “Cell”, using the key words of its main organelles.

IV . Analysis Task #4 Establish a correspondence between organelles and their functions.



1. Membrane

A. Carry out protein biosynthesis (combine amino acids into protein)

2. Centrioles or cell center

B. a “spindle of division” is formed - a specific organoid that evenly distributes chromosomes among daughter cells

3. Leukoplasts

B. Carry out cell movement

4. Lysosomes

D. Decompose harmful and or nutrients, carry out autolysis


E. Intracellular transport of substances. Synthesis of fats, biosynthesis of proteins and carbohydrates

6.EPS - endoplasmic reticulum

E. Synthesizes membrane vesicles, stores substances, intracellular transport, modification and synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates

7. Flagella, cilia.

G. Intracellular (turgor) pressure in plant cells

8. Golgi complex

H. Cell life management, ribosome formation


I. Storage and transmission of hereditary information

10. Mitochondria

K. Synthesis of ATP and some fatty acids

11. Real vacuole

L. Carry out photosynthesis

12. Ribosomes

M. Accumulate starch

13. Chromoplasts

N. accumulate nutrients or harmful substances

14. Chromosome

Protects the cell, performs selective permeability, phage - and pinocytosis

1______, 2_______,3_______, 4______, 5_______, 6_______, 7______, 8_______, 9_______,

10______, 11_______, 12_______, 13_______, 14_______.

V . Synthesis

Pair work. Pair work assignment. The student answered briskly at the blackboard, revealing the process of photosynthesis, but made mistakes. Find them.

The rate of synthesis of organic substances in the cell is constantly changing depending on the situation. In the morning and afternoon, the process of photosynthesis, as a rule, is carried out more slowly than in the evening. On a sunny day, synthesis proceeds faster than on a cloudy day. The system of self-regulation of protein biosynthesis also works in the cell. This takes into account the need of the cell in this organic compound at the moment.

VI . Evaluation Cmake a booklet about the 5 most important functions of the cell. Justify your choice.

Important macronutrient

Potassium is found in all tissues of the human body. But, unlike sodium, potassium predominates inside the cells in a predominant amount. The potassium ion plays an important role in some physiological and biochemical processes, for example, it is involved in the conduction of nerve impulses. A certain concentration of potassium in the blood is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart (3.5-5.0 mmol / l). Potassium enters the body mainly with plant foods; the daily requirement for it is 2-3 grams.

Question 1: Sergey leads a healthy lifestyle. Runs in the park in the morning. Sergey has no bad habits. He observes the diet, eats only meat, eggs, butter, and indulges himself with cheeses of different varieties. At the age of 25, he underwent a routine medical examination. The results of the analysis upset his attending physician.


biochemical blood test

Name: Sergey

Last name: Smirnov

Age: 25 years old

Potassium: 3 mmol/l

Why does Sergey have low potassium levels? What recommendations could the attending physician give him.


The results of a biochemical blood test for the year


Potassium content








Has Sergey solved his health problems? Justify your answer.



Vitamins are found in food (or in the environment) in very small quantities, and therefore are. To vitamins vitaminology .

Question 1: The patient was diagnosed with vitamin A deficiency. Why did the doctors recommend that the patient eat more red-fleshed vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, peppers), although they do not contain the vitamin?


Question 2: A patient came to the doctor with a pathology of the biliary tract and

pancreas. Avitaminosis of what vitamins can be expected in this case? Why?


Question 3: A married couple consulted for medical genetic counseling because of infertility. Examination by specialists did not reveal any deviations in health. Only during a detailed survey it was revealed that the woman adheres to a predominantly dairy diet for a long time with an almost complete absence of vegetables in the diet. What was the doctor's diagnosis? What treatment is prescribed? What is the prognosis for this family regarding childbearing?
