The whole truth about Spice or what is a smoking mixture? How to understand if a person smokes weed: symptoms in adults and adolescents

Salt or in another way is also called "speed". Looks like coarse salt crystals. Salts can be inhaled, crystals are placed on the foil and the foil is set on fire with a lighter from the bottom of the foil, salts, when heated, give a cloud of smoke, which the salt-addicted addict inhales into the lungs through a tube. Therefore, if you find a piece of foil with a dark spot in the middle at home, sound the alarm. Salts can be smoked through a tin such as gas, water or beer. If you find such a tin slightly crumpled with holes on the sides, know that your loved one is addicted to drugs. In more rare cases, salts can be pricked, then you will see punctures on the hands of a drug addict.

Synthetic drug (Salts) When using synthetic drugs (salt), a person mainly suffers from the brain.

With not very long-term use, people quickly become mentally retarded. For example, in a conversation they cannot finish the started phrases and sayings, they stop writing, confusion appears in the mind.

People who use salts are emotionally unstable, hallucinate, often show aggression, are fussy, cannot sit in one place, they always want to run somewhere, they can not sleep for three to ten days. They have profuse sweating, persecution mania, they can search for hours without knowing what they are looking for, they can turn the whole apartment over, they can dismantle a sofa or wardrobe.

It is dangerous to be near such people - it is not known what they may perceive in your image. Salts act on two types of cannabinoid receptors, the first type is located in the brain and spinal cord - it leads to movement and memory disorders, intelligence is impaired, and there is no pain threshold. The second type is immune cells and the reproductive system, there are stomatitis, ulcers in the oral cavity.

Treating a salt addict is difficult and a lengthy process. In addition to removing intoxication (extensive cleansing of the body), which is aimed at removing heavy metals, restorative treatment is necessary. Salts are practically not excreted from the body (more precisely, they are partially and very slowly excreted), but basically some consequences of the intake are eliminated. The longer a person uses narcotic salts, the more clogged his body, so it is necessary to treat a salt addict, the sooner the better.

Detoxification of such patients lasts from seven to ten days, then rehabilitation is recommended, which lasts approximately eight months. People often ask the question “Why detox and then rehab?”. Look, for example, you wash your linen, first you wash the linen with powder, then rinse it, then dry it, iron it, and then dress it. So in the treatment of a drug addict, there should be a phased approach to treatment methods in order to achieve the most positive effect.

Synthetic drug (chocolate)
Roughly speaking, this is an analogue of hashish, only the difference is that hashish is a plant species, and chocolate is a synthetic material based on one of the varieties of "JWH" and its effects are much more deplorable.

It is called chocolate because it uses a consistency similar to chocolate, which is mixed with JWH. It is usually smoked through a can of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc. During the initial intake, a person experiences a surge of vivid emotions, he likes everything, he loves everyone, he is in no hurry, in a conversation with such a person, a semblance of a chewed tape appears in his speech , pronounces words in pulling mode. His inner world can be compared to a jellyfish (everything is fine, I swim slowly, I enjoy life). He wants to repeat these sensations, so getting used to such a drug occurs quickly, however, with repeated use, he does not get the same effect as the first time and begins to increase the dosage in use, but he still does not exist.

When using the drug "Chocolate", the oral mucosa, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract suffer. This drug acts on opioid receptors like heroin, and given that “JWH” is a psychoactive substance, in addition to internal organs, it destroys the brain, dementia develops, and schizophrenia-like symptoms appear. With frequent use, repeated vomiting is often noted, which lasts up to several days, diarrhea with water is also repeated. There are cases of death. Intoxication of the body from such a drug occurs very quickly. The treatment of drug addicts addicted to "Chocolate" has a phased approach, it is one thing to treat drug addiction, another to treat the consequences, such as stomatitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, dementia and others.

Synthetic drugs (spice).
It contains the same ill-fated "JWH" psychoactive substance. It is dissolved on a water basis and chamomile is sprayed through a spray bottle, then allowed to dry. Then from this a smoking mixture called "Spice" is obtained.

Of course, there can be no question of any herbal usefulness, a very harmful substance. Spice-addicted people experience loss of consciousness, memory loss, hallucinations, expectoration of blood or sputum, vomiting, frequent runny nose, lethargy, absent-mindedness, apathy, sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance, hands tremble, teeth ache, no pain threshold.

There was a case when three smoked spice, one of them began to scream that he had worms in his eyes, the other two gouged out his eyes, and he, in turn, sang and danced. An ambulance arrived and took him to a drug treatment clinic, and only the next day did he realize what had happened to him.

Usually "Spice" is smoked through a plastic bottle, or a tin can, like from beer or gas.water.

If you find a plastic bottle in your house or country house with a characteristic hole burned on the side, or a tin crumpled on the side and with small knife cuts, you should know that you have a person who is addicted to drugs, do not put off time, drugs are dangerous. Contact a drug treatment clinic. For the advice of a narcologist. In our clinic, a consultation with a narcologist is free.

For several hours on October 25, drug police officers searched a private house in Berdsk. The 32-year-old owner made a synthetic drug - "chamomile" and sold it in sachets. "Chemical laboratory" he organized right in the kitchen of his one-room house.

In a deep pan, Vitaly dried the smoking mixture

The detainee himself indicated where and what he had, explained the technology of creation. The chemical reagent, however, says he found it on the street. He lived in a single-family house with two girls and a small child. In the kitchen, where he cooked the synthetic drug, the inhabitants of the house were preparing dinner.

During a search of a 32-year-old Berd resident, a bag with a smoking mixture and 4,750 rubles were seized from a jacket pocket. The young man received part of this money illegally by selling synthetics, he said. However, he could not name the exact amount.

During searches in a residential building, several people came to the owner - buyers. A smoking pipe and a bag of smoking mixture were confiscated from one of them. By the way, one of the clients of a 32-year-old resident of Berdsk is the driver of one Berdsk taxi. He also stopped by today for a "dose".

Smoking mixture can sometimes cause an unpredictable reaction of the body. In May, a resident of Berdsk turned to the Investigative Committee, who stated that his. The “victim” explained that on that day they smoked a narcotic substance, he lost consciousness from the drugs. And he woke up, according to him, from the fact that he felt “penetration into the anus of an object resembling a sexual organ.”

As part of the pre-investigation check, biological substances were examined in the laboratory for three weeks. Experts came to the conclusion that there was no sexual contact between the two men - the victim simply imagined it. The young man, reporting on possible sexual violence, referred only to his feelings. He denied the fact that someone leaned on him, took off his clothes. So the smoking mixture had an effect on him.

At the end of September, a 22-year-old resident of Berdsk died after drinking a synthetic mixture. His body lay under a pile of garbage for 10 days at the house of a friend who also smoked that evening. For a long time he did not understand that his friend had died, and after the investigators discovered the body of the deceased, he went crazy.

Alcohol is sold directly from the garage

In recent years, an unceasing flow of new drugs has been coming from China to Russia, dispersed throughout the country by mail, and direct trade is carried out via the Internet. The slang names for these drugs are spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them, because they are included in the list of banned drugs belatedly, and also because the distribution takes place via the Internet, and the organizers do not touch the drugs themselves. The main consumers are young people born in 1989 - 1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous, as they are available, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche. The state is not able to protect our children, so we must protect them ourselves. No one will do it except us.

Do not be careless, do not think that this can affect anyone, but not you. Remember - drugs are not chosen, the son of a teacher or the daughter of a general. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, the testing carried out today in educational institutions does not at all reflect the real state of affairs.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, lyapka, plop, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours and is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

    Cough (burns mucous)

    Dry mouth (requires constant fluid intake)

    Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes (important sign! drug addicts know, so they carry Vizin and other eye drops with them)

    Impaired coordination

    Speech defect (lethargy, stretched tape effect)

    thought retardation (stupid)

    Immobility, freezing in one position with complete silence (if heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


    Rapid pulse

    Fits of laughter

Due to the fact that the dose cannot be calculated (different sellers, formulations, formulas, concentrations), overdoses are possible, which are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, severe pallor, to the point of loss of consciousness, and can lead to death.

After consumption, for several days and longer observed:

    Decline in general physical condition

    Disconcentration of attention

    Apathy (especially towards work and study)

    Sleep disturbance

    Mood swings (from extreme to extreme)

From experience

The main sign is that a teenager starts skipping classes, academic performance drops, and generally stops going to school. Lies all the time. Friends appear that he does not talk about. When talking with them on the phone, he goes to another room, or says that he will dial later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, avoids any serious conversations, avoids contact with parents, turns off the phones. With constant use, degradation becomes apparent. He thinks for a long time, is untidy, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses sense of reality, develops paranoia.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in porches and computer clubs in winter.

The use of smoking mixtures is a common cause of teenage suicides. As a rule, they leave the windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to take his own life, maybe he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, smoking mixtures are started by those who already smoke cigarettes.

They buy these drugs either through the Internet or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known sites that sell drugs by typing a few keywords in a search engine, get a contact, write off via Skype or ICQ, place an order, they immediately tell the account number, they pay through terminals, and they tell them where to pick up hidden drugs .

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, classmates, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kureha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - a phone number.

For teenagers, this all seems like an interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence, they usually do not erase it.

Peers, classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have other phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. They are approached by the elders. They become negative leaders, and as a rule, positive-minded children lack the arguments to reverse this situation.

From experience

A teenager who has started dealing drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here as a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder, similar to ordinary soda. It is bred in different ways, and applied (sprayed) to the "base". Most often, the "base" is the usual pharmacy chamomile. Maybe a mother and stepmother, and in general any pharmacy herb. Sometimes, for viscosity, they are mixed in a mixer with prunes or tobacco for hookahs. But, young users tend to take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the surest sign that drugs are being used at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They are usually kept to themselves, and they stink terribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).

Important: alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the effect of the drug. A person becomes silly, the vestibular apparatus turns off, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely knocks off memory. It is common in teenagers.

From experience

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves a drug addict. He completely lacks self-criticism, they have a difficult thought process, they communicate only with their own kind, therefore they are convinced that everyone smokes.

First, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this point on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They come to their senses for a very long time. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We happened to observe the irreversible consequences of the use of smoking mixtures.

Popular among the youth and even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salt, legal, speed, whistle, etc.).

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they sniff, smoke less often, dilute in any liquid and drink, and the worst thing is they inject into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose and with overdoses of salts, the percentage of death is much higher than with overdoses of opiates. And, perhaps, the worst thing is that these drugs act on the psyche and destroy the personality. When using salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

If smoking mixtures can be used imperceptibly for some time, then one who has begun to use salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and within a few hours after consumption:

    wild look


    Anxiety (feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

    Speech defects (convulsive movements of the lower jaw, grimaces)

    Lack of appetite

    Hallucinations (usually auditory)

    Gesticulation (involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

    Complete lack of sleep

    Incredible surge of energy (desire to move, do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

    The desire to do some painstaking work (as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into components).

    Crazy ideas arise (for example, to rule the world)

All this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and a complete lack of self-criticism. Later - a sharp weight loss (up to 10 kg in a week). Outside of taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days). Severe depression, depression, suicidal ideation. Untidy appearance. A "side effect" comes out - the face is covered with acne and pimples. The limbs and face often swell. A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists. During 2010 - 2012 we are witnessing a rapid increase in the number of acute poisonings with synthetic psychoactive drugs. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and violations of vital functions, including cardiac disorders (a sharp increase, then a drop in blood pressure, heart palpitations, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal failure develops. However, the most severe manifestation of this poisoning is uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. With an increase in body temperature of more than 40-41ºС, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, the patient dies in a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. Lethality is very high. Sometimes intensive care is required in intensive care, patients need hemodialysis. An acute psychotic state can be removed within 24-48 hours, but some patients do not get out of it, and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric department.

When is it necessary to call an ambulance in case of poisoning with psychoactive drugs? One of the following is sufficient:

    Consciousness: responds only to pain stimuli or consciousness is absent

    Chest pain of the type of angina pectoris (pressing, squeezing)

    Seizures similar to epileptic, even single

    Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

    Heart rate more than 140 in 1 min for more than 15 minutes

    Blood pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 in two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

    Confusion, severe agitation, or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

They buy these drugs in the same way as JWH (see above).

What does this drug look like?

Like a crystalline powder. Looks like powdered sugar. Color from bright white to dark.

They are usually stored in the house in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on their floor. Everyone has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything you need to use are stored.

From experience

Adolescents begin to use, behavior changes. They ask for time off to nightclubs, they are constantly not at home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later there is suspicion, sound and visual hallucinations. When there are several people in the hangout, paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

By using longer, disappear from the house for a long time. They don't answer calls. Aggression increases. They are not aware of what is happening. They communicate haughtily, with arrogance.

Hallucinations become stronger, and can push for bullying and murder. In this state, weapons are kept at hand. They can even throw themselves at their mother.

Nobody from the salts ever knows today's date.

Often they keep eye drops "Tropikamid", "Metriocil", "Cyclomed" with them. Added to the solution, used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

For rehabilitation

Salts are the most difficult position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they do not know what to do. As long as they are just digging.

From experience

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They come to their senses for a very long time. It clears up in the eyes of the month on the third, fourth, climbs out all the diseases. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some dream in a dream that he is under the influence.

Leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring it back in a day or two, everyone sees how rapidly the person has degraded. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the salt comes to us from mental hospitals, many are already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with saline. So far, I see the only thing - a closed room, and the lack of access to drugs. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as the use of MDPV. But! Recently, in JWH, at the preparation stage, MDPV components are added. This dramatically changes the impact when used, and there is an instant addiction. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH, and tests showed MDPV!

Smoking mixtures appeared not so long ago and gained wild popularity. According to experts, this happened due to the fact that many of them have a psychotropic effect. For a short period of time they were distributed completely legally and their purchase was not difficult. Today, the sale of spice and most of its analogues is prohibited and punishable by law. What are smoking mixtures and their effect on the human body will be discussed below.

A smoking mixture is a kind of mix of herbs and plants that have a certain effect on a person. As a result of studies of popular products in this category, scientists have found that most of them contain psychotropic ingredients. In this regard, in most countries of the world, such substances are banned.

Due to the fact that legal smoking mixtures are banned, manufacturers have to constantly improve their products. New production technologies are invented and chemicals are synthesized, the purpose of which is to hide the presence in the composition of ingredients that affect the change in the perception of the surrounding space.

The fact that smoking mixtures were allowed for quite a long time, became the reason for the myth about the safety of their use. But it is important to understand that each of the ingredients of these mixes can cause some harm to the body.

Passion for smoking mixtures prevails among the youth

About the composition

Let's look at what smoking mixtures are and what is included in their composition. Usually this product is presented to the consumer as a substance comparable to incense. That is, they do not harm human health. Each of these mixtures contains substances of plant origin. The composition includes such parts of plants as:

  • seeds;
  • hoods;
  • roots;
  • flowers;
  • leaves.

Mixes are sold in colored packages. The composition of the mixture is indicated on the packaging, and most of their ingredients are medicinal herbs. According to the manufacturers, everyone who consumes this mixture is waiting for the start of body cleansing processes, increased immunity and tone. According to them, the use of the mix promotes relaxation, relaxation and allows you to calm your nerves.

Such words evoke faith, especially since the presence of sage, chamomile, motherwort and other herbs in the mixture confirms these words in a peculiar way. However, Rospotrebnadzor provided documents that say otherwise. They consider the harm of smoking mixtures and the consequences of their use.

It is very important that due to the fact that this product is not fully understood, scientists cannot classify it. This is also hampered by the fact that manufacturing technology is constantly being improved. This leads to the fact that there are certain problems with the study of this phenomenon.

According to the impact on the body and the duration of the effect of use, smoking mixtures can be divided into three categories, with a weak effect, medium and strong.


Types of smoking mixtures are conventionally divided into two categories. The first category includes products that contain only herbal ingredients. The second group includes mixtures where various chemical additives are added.

The composition of smoking mixtures includes ingredients such as lily of the valley, rose, clover and motherwort. All these plants grow in Russia. In addition to them, there are more exotic components such as a blue lotus or an Indian warrior. In civilized countries, these plants are recognized as narcotic.

Analysis of the components of products such as solid smoking mixes showed that the content of sage in them causes a hallucinogenic effect. Hawaiian rose has an effect on the body several times stronger than LSD. The use of the seeds of this plant disrupts the perception of the surrounding world and causes mental problems.

Prolonged use of such seeds can cause depression.

Often, mixtures are sold under the guise of incense or Feng Shui talismans.

Flowers and leaves of the blue lotus are no less dangerous for humans. They contain a certain substance, the narcotic effect of which resembles the action of many psychotropic substances.
All smoking mixes, which include these components, are prohibited for sale at the legislative level.

The use of mixtures with a chemical composition must be approached with even greater caution. Each of them contains a huge amount of cannabinoid, a substance extracted from marijuana. These substances are found in the leaves of the plant, and have a powerful psychotropic effect on the body. A synthetic analogue of the plant component was invented by Professor D. Hoffman from America.

According to experts, the effect of synthetic psychotropic substances is several times stronger than natural ones. This is the reason why dependence on their use develops more rapidly.

Spice and analogues, which include at least one synthetic component, are also prohibited for sale.

The particular danger of these products is due to the fact that the main audience of the market is young people. Being at a young age, a person does not think about the consequences that await the body as a result of the use of such herbs. You need to know that synthetic mixes are addictive from the first use and deal a huge blow to health. Many of the spices are much more dangerous than marijuana, since the concentration of narcotic substances is several times higher than the amount of the same products in the "grass". According to statistics, just a few weeks of regular use of the mixture is enough for a stable addiction to appear.

Smoking mixtures, or "spice" are available even to a 13-year-old teenager - they are cheap, they are sold via the Internet

Effect on the body

The smoking mixture is a dangerous mix of medicinal herbs and chemical components. The harm from its use lies in the occurrence of dependence and a strong psychotropic effect. Each ingredient has a huge impact on both individual organs and the entire system of internal organs.

First of all, smoking such products affects the condition of the mucous membrane. Annoyed, it causes coughing, tearing and changes in the timbre of the voice. Regular exposure to smoke leads to the appearance of various respiratory diseases ranging from inflammation to chronic bronchitis.

Prolonged use of spice can cause cancer.
The nervous system also falls under the harmful influence of the components of smoking mixtures. In this matter, the composition of the ingredients is of great importance. There may be symptoms such as hysteria, baseless laughter, euphoria or panic attacks.

It is very important that being under the influence of such products, a person is unable to control his behavior. Long-term use of psychotropic substances can cause mental impairment, memory problems and concentration problems.

The impact of such products on the human body is difficult to predict. Overdose symptoms usually include nausea and vomiting. At such moments, there are strong jumps in blood pressure, increased heart rate and loss of consciousness. Severe intoxication of the body can lead to coma and even death.

A little about the consequences

The popularity of smoking mixes is due to the fact that for a long time they were in general availability. The legal drug quickly attracted the attention of young people and people who are dependent on psychotropic substances. The effect of the use is accompanied by the appearance of hallucinations and a change in the mental perception of reality. Because of this, spice was banned.

The most common JWH smoking blends among young people are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger

The consequences of smoking mixtures for the body of a man are expressed in a decrease in potency. In women, under the influence of spice, menstruation is disturbed. According to recent data, the use of this drug leads to the appearance of suicidal tendencies. The action of the mixture turns a person into a real "vegetable" who does not control his behavior.

Compared to soft drugs, the effect of spice on the body is ten times greater. Literally in the first minutes after drinking the mixture, hallucinations appear, which can end very tragically. The narcotic effect lasts several times longer than when using cannabis. The use of mixtures leads to changes in the physiological and psychological nature.

Overdose and poisoning

Since smoking blends are especially popular with young people, every parent needs to know what smoking blends look like. According to narcologists, all patients of narcological clinics who are addicted to mixes experience panic horror associated with constant thoughts of death. Such patients have problems with coordination, work of the heart muscle and constant weakness of the body.

Poisoning with such substances greatly affects the psyche. Patients can talk for a long time with invisible interlocutors, asking them for help. Some of the patients cease to recognize their loved ones. Everyone who has ever used such substances is at risk associated with such a phenomenon as psychosis, against the background of intoxication of the body.

Passion for smoking mixtures is a real problem of modern society. The complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to predict which components were part of the smoking mixture. This greatly complicates the diagnosis of intoxication, and the implementation of appropriate measures.

In order to diagnose poisoning and its severity, treatment should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. It is very important that young people realize that an hour of pleasure is not worth several months of rehabilitation.

Today, many online stores have a new herbal mixture called spice. Initially, this mixture was related to incense. Some time later, people began to smoke it, without even realizing what spice is and what harm it does to the body. In Europe, this mixture appeared in 2004-06. Then it was absolutely legally sold not only via the Internet, but also in ordinary stores. The ban on it in most European countries came into force only by 2009. At the same time, it was forbidden to sell this smoking mixture in Russia, but online stores still continue to sell it.

First, let's find out what kind of smoking mixtures. The composition of spice is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. Convincing buyers of the harmlessness of the mix, sellers focus on its herbal composition. We used to think that in nature there are no herbs harmful to humans, but the plants that make up the mixture are by no means useful yarrow or chamomile. The mix contains lion's tail, pink and blue lotus, babybin, dwarf skullcap and other plants. Buying for beautiful and sonorous names, people do not suspect that all these plants contain very strong hallucinogenic substances. In Asia and where these herbs come from, they have long been used by the locals as soft drugs, like marijuana. Together, they have a much more detrimental effect on the human body.

Unaware of what spice is, people rejoiced at its relaxing effect, similar to that of cannabis. Since the poison penetrates from the lungs directly into the blood, the blow falls on the whole organism as a whole. The liver absorbs most of the poison like a sponge. The capillaries of the brain narrow sharply, trying not to let the drug pass to the "central processor", as a result of which the brain is poorly supplied with oxygen and begins to die. This process is accompanied by a feeling of lightness, which teenagers like so much.

Talking about what spice is, it should be mentioned that this drug has the most terrible effect not on the brain, but on the reproductive system. Young men who have been using a smoking mixture for several years in a row become hopelessly impotent. It's even worse for girls. With prolonged smoking of the mix, their hormonal balance is completely disturbed and the menstrual cycle is lost. Most often this leads to incurable infertility.

This list of negative mixes is by no means complete. A lot has already been said about what spice is, but do not forget about the harmful effects of the mix on the cardiovascular system. Often, lovers of a smoking mixture increase blood pressure. This happens so abruptly and suddenly that it can be fatal. Even the appearance of a person suffers. Regular use of spice leads to rapid hair loss, and this applies not only to boys, but also to girls. Hair falls out very abundantly - in a few months, an absolutely bald skull remains in place of luxurious hair.

The mixture also affects the psyche. A person who has been using it for several months develops obsessive hallucinations accompanied by hallucinations. Just as the abuse of beer often leads to alcoholism, so smoking spice sooner or later will cause a desire to try a stronger drug.

Do not forget, speaking of such a mixture as spice, that this is not tobacco, but first of all a drug. This mixture has many varieties. To achieve a brighter effect, the ingredients of some varieties of the mixture are impregnated with the synthetic cannabinoid JWH-081. This substance causes additional harm to the body, exacerbating the effects of the mixture. Often, not exotic herbs of South America are impregnated with cannabinoid, but ordinary hay. In this case, there is no question of any benefit at all. After seeing the beautiful packaging of the mixture on the monitor screen and reading about the exotic composition, young people should think before trying what is inside.