Was there a Chelyabinsk meteorite? What exploded over Chelyabinsk five years ago? Interesting facts about the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite

Early February morning in 2013 unexpectedly became tragic for 1613 residents of Chelyabinsk and its environs. There has never been such a large number of people affected by a fallen meteorite in the history of the Earth's population. During the impact, windows were broken in many buildings, trees were broken and people were injured to varying degrees of severity, as a result of which about 1,613 people were recognized as victims, of which, according to various sources, from 50 to 100 people ended up in hospitals. People who watched the fall of the meteorite that morning were simply shocked by the events taking place. The first versions of what was happening sounded like: a plane crash, a rocket crash and even an alien attack ...

At the moment, the picture of the events of that tragic morning has been fully restored and it is reliably known when and where the meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk.

How it was

At about 9 am on February 15, this “unexpected guest” appeared high in the sky over Chelyabinsk, as a result of which a state of emergency was declared in Chelyabinsk and its surroundings. Previously, the same meteorite was observed by residents of other regions of the Russian Federation, but they were much more fortunate than the residents of Chelyabinsk, because it simply flew past them without causing absolutely no harm. For example, at 7.15 Moscow time or at 9.15 local time, residents of the Aktobe and Kostanay regions of Kazakhstan saw it, and residents of Orenburg observed this amazing phenomenon at 7.21 Moscow time. This meteorite was also clearly visible in Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen and their environs, and even 750 km from the place of impact in the village of Prosvet, Volzhsky district, Samara region.

Bright flash

According to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a meteorite weighing about 10 tons and a diameter of about 17 meters, with a speed of 17 km / s, entered the Earth's atmosphere and after 32 seconds split into many pieces. The destruction of the meteorite was accompanied by a series of explosions, the first of three explosions was the strongest and caused the destruction. It was a bright flash, it lasted about five seconds, and a minute later it came to Earth in the form of a destructive wave. According to scientists, the destruction of the meteorite led to the release of energy, which was approximately equal to 100 to 500 kilotons of TNT. The center of the explosion was not the city of Chelyabinsk itself, but its area, which is located a little to the south and is called Yemanzhelinsk - Yuzhnouralsk.

Locations of the fall of fragments

As a result of research conducted by a specially created group, four places were discovered where fragments of the meteorite are supposed to be located. The first two places are in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, the third in the Zlatoustovsky district, and the fourth in the Chebarkul lake area. The information that the meteorite is located in the lake was confirmed by the fishermen who were at the crash site. From their stories, members of the search group learned that at the moment the meteorite fell into the lake, a column of water and ice about 3-4 meters high rose from it.

Second largest after Tunguska

As a result of the work carried out in the area of ​​​​Emanzhelinsk and the village of Travniki, about a hundred fragments were found, and about 3 kg of fragments were collected in the lake area. All of them are currently being studied by scientists, according to whom, the meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk is the second largest after the Tunguska meteorite that fell on the territory of Russia on June 30, 1908.

Full cut video from the event

20 February 2013, 15:10:24
If we translate into plain language the military-bureaucratic report on the missile launch on February 15, and also taking into account other information in this topic (of course, skipping everything irrelevant like "meteorite" and "UFO wars"), the following picture is drawn.
On the eve of the event, the military is throwing a hypersonic kinetic missile into an orbit of 300-500 km, then a GKR. Since ballistic missiles do not go in such orbits, the Americans do not take retaliatory measures. But the Secretary of State is trying to get in touch with Lavrov to "scrub the issue." Lavrov, as Zhirinovsky blabbed, does not pick up the phone, is hiding "somewhere in Africa", avoids communication with the Secretary of State.
On the morning of the 15th, after a couple of circles in orbit, the GKR turns on the second stage and, having accelerated to a speed above the orbital one, it heads towards the Earth.

On the space-Chelyabinsk trajectory, everything is already ready for "interception". There is already a lot of evidence about bringing the military to combat readiness in advance in the region. Eyewitness Staryi72rus writes:
“In the morning, to be more precise, at 5-27 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome (very close) an old friend called and said, now verbatim. if you close the curtains, everything around you, presumably in the Magnitka area, will be warm. All - I call home. …. Yes, they called everyone, I’ll get tired of listing where. I'm pissed because I have something to lose."
The 2nd phase of testing begins. GKR enters the atmosphere at space speed. Its "body" is covered with a special thermal protective material, the protective properties of which create the very effect of a "burning meteorite" that everyone saw when the GKR approached the scene.
Here, telemetry "probes" are already waiting for her (they are also observed by eyewitnesses, they are viewed on the videos posted on the network), two observing fighters at a distance and air defense crews in full combat readiness. Air defense begins to intercept. Several launches of ground-to-air missiles are carried out at the target.
An eyewitness writes:
“When the hype about the meteorite had just begun, one of the news sites had infa that the air defense systems deployed near Troitsk fired at the meteorite. Then it disappeared. I live on the border with Troitsk, and the truckers with whom we spoke said, that when they walked along the highway, they saw that a few seconds before the meteorite appeared in the sky, there was a rocket launch from the ground.
Apparently, the most important stage of testing takes place here. The GKR burns the "enemy" air defense missiles with a specially organized atomic ball around itself and practically without reducing the speed and trajectory, "leaves for Kazakhstan along the glide path with a slight decrease" (according to an eyewitness), leaving behind in the sky the very plume and atomic mushroom.
This was the task of the GKR: to pass unscathed through the air defense of the "enemy".
The question remains: why were such tests carried out in a densely populated area, and not on previous routes to the same Kura? It can be assumed that for the purity of the experiment, a real protective air defense belt was required - do not create a new one in the taiga for this purpose, there is neither time nor dough for this, as usual ... And if something goes wrong, it will be possible to write off on a meteorite.
Finally, where did the dead air defense missiles go? In the atomic ball, they turned into insignificant fragments, which the military is now looking for. Moreover, the power of the GKR attack with an atomic charge was such that the remains of air defense missiles were carried away like dust for tens of kilometers in the direction of impact. In slow motion, it can be seen that these rockets, which at various forums were mistaken for "UFOs saving the Earth from a meteorite", are carried away by the GKR in the direction of its flight in a whirlwind. The same "chondrite" stones from a real meteorite were also "poured" into the rockets, so as not to offend scientists at all.
The real intended enemy, the Americans, of course, immediately understood the game of the Russians - they have their own GKR. But, in order not to complicate the socio-political situation for the Russians after such "trials", they simply waved their hand (what can you take from them, from these mysterious Russians) and began to play along. From here all this confusion with the sizes and speeds of "meteorite" given out by NASA and Russian scientists went. As for the real speed of the GKR, at the entrance to the attack zone, of course, it was already quite commensurate with the speeds of air defense missiles, at least for a frontal or side attack, which everyone watched on video (now, however, people are afraid, iPhone in addition to other personal initiatives, it will ban autoregistrators). Well, as for the speeds of the "meteorite" near the earth at several tens of km / s - this is infa for the noble public and has nothing to do with reality.

20 February 2013, 19:20:52
From the head. I looked at all these videos for a long time and tried to understand what was happening there. The picture finally took shape when I read in this thread about the principle of operation of a kenetic rocket. Some things don't add up, though. It is now that the rocket was not touched in orbit, since the exercises, we have the right. But as soon as it comes down to it, they will start to graze it. To protect it in orbit, you will need a satellite military constellation, and with this we are still seams. In general, everything is again in a circle. But that's me, "reflections on the novel", I'm not a techie.

20 February 2013, 22:09:34
Well, IMHO, the most ingenious solution here is, being in some kind of intensively burning "shell", on the approach to the air defense system, collect all the fired missiles (for heat), then burn them with an atomic flash, at the same time completely burning your own with the same flash " shell", and already "naked" to continue moving towards the goal. After all, after the explosions, eyewitnesses now saw precisely the "cylinder", "gone to Kazakhstan." Perhaps the "cylinder" then changed direction to the Kura and hit a hypothetical target there.

21 February 2013, 18:55:57
I can’t download the video (probably the format is not provided for in this forum), I just give the link:

If this video is conditionally divided into 4-5 parts (starting with the appearance of a "meteorite" in the upper left corner), then the whole "battle" is in full view. The slow entrance of the Voyevoda, or whatever it is, in its fiery shell; collecting all air defense missiles fired upon the fact of the situation; almost instantaneous destruction of all air defense missiles by an outward (ball) atomic explosion; leaving the "cylinder-Voevoda" of its outer burnt shell; instant transition to Mach 7 (Americans, as far as I know, still know how to do Mach 6); and, in fact, instantaneous dissolution in space due to the hypersonic speed that is extreme today, ON A STRICT DIRECT line beyond the horizon. Moreover, the entire "battle" lasts 20 seconds! Probably, this is the time to launch the complex already prepared for launch. But the cylinder is already bye-bye, Moscow-Voronezh ... you won’t catch up.
Am I the only one who sees how GORGEOUS this is? Or I'm just dumb, because for the first time I really started to respect the Russian defense industry. I hope that there, in fact, is still much more elegant.

21 February 2013, 20:10:50
Today, over coffee with a friend, we just raised this issue. I spoke in the sense that they are simply collecting radioactive debris from rockets that have fallen into an explosion (well, including). But, just in case, they collect everything that is left for further improvements of the improved, so to speak.
Now we read the very phrase that issues the event:
"State tests were successful, a target missile simulating advanced enemy missile defense systems was successfully destroyed at an altitude of about 20 km by a new anti-missile defense system. The ICBM itself continued to fly in normal mode and hit a combat training target at the Kura nuclear test site ..."
So what is important after all: was a "simulating target missile" hit or an "ICBM that hit a combat training target at the Kura nuclear test site"?
For example, I see, first of all, an ICBM that has gone from the place of the "battle" to the combat training target. But the “target missile imitating advanced enemy anti-missile defense systems,” which was “successfully destroyed at an altitude of about 20 km by a new anti-ballistic missile defense system,” is just the defending “enemy”, which was represented by the Ural air defense in this exercise. And which, in this case, was destroyed "at an altitude of about 20 km" (!) by the new ABM OVERCOMING complex (note, ABM, but not air defense). The ICBM destroyed and overcame "a target missile imitating promising enemy anti-missile defense systems."
This is how I understand this information about the "successful launch".

21 February 2013, 22:30:39
There are other opinions. For example, that Pu has just a very difficult relationship with the military-industrial complex (albeit lying on its hind legs with Pu), but nevertheless there are people there too.
In general, the problem is this (as I imagine): Pu owes the Family, and the Siloviki must seize the initiative. That is, Pu sits on two chairs. But Pu is a played piece. Everything is clear, it's just a matter of time.
But in the cultural confrontation between VPK-Culture, I would support the opinion of the well-known Russian national democrat Karabanov when he says that military clans should be at the head of the Russian state. But only politically. They should not interfere in the civil, cultural, economic life of people. That is, they know how to protect us, and we know how to feed them, and the parity of Russian society is built on this. The military has always been respected in Russia. Even I will never spit on the military (not to be confused with these, you know who), although I play in dub-blues-rock clubs.

22 February 2013, 19:38:33
Air defense missiles "catching up" with an aircraft are the last century. At modern speeds, it is possible to shoot down an object only by going out to "cross" it. According to eyewitnesses - truck drivers, the launches of air defense missiles were made a few seconds before the appearance of the "meteorite". That is, the object was detected by air defense before its visual observation from the ground, and the missiles did not follow, but cut across. On slow-motion footage, one "catching up" rocket was actually at an angle to the "meteorite". The rest are at a right angle from the back side relative to us, the observers. We see them in slow motion shots already struck, out of control and randomly flying in different directions "in front of the object."

22 February 2013, 21:49:08
Excuse me, I probably didn’t go to school either, so I don’t understand what Wikipedia says about the sound barrier, that is, “cotton”. Or I understand that along the entire route of a hypersonic aircraft on the ground, a train of broken glass spreads behind it.
Read the comments here to this: http://elementy.ru/email/1481540
There are "pros", but there are also "against", where people justifiably call it "nonsense".

22 February 2013, 22:47:55
I also say that "we do not hold out." As a child, I often lived in the countryside, in that area there was a military airfield, aircraft occasionally performed training flights with the transition to hypersonic. At this moment there was the same "cotton". Very softly said, super-tolerant: "cotton". Once in our house, glass really fell out of the frame from this "cotton". If what you read on Wikipedia were true, then the population within a radius of 200 km around that air regiment would hesitate to insert glass.
PS. By the way, I remember the sound features of this "clap" very well. Its character can be compared to the dense beat of a bass drum in an orchestra. There are not even "peals" from him, like from thunder. It's not to say that the microphone pickups of mobile phones transmit sound with high quality, but nevertheless ... What we hear in the recordings on a mobile phone has nothing to do with the "sound barrier" at all, it's not even close.

22 February 2013, 23:15:57
What you interpret as the passage of a shock wave is heard on the ground as a growing and then receding rumble. What we really hear at the time of the flight of the aircraft at hypersonic speed. But not cotton. Right now, I'll look for links for you.

23 February 2013, 05:49:53
It is written there: "The reason for this is the shock wave that occurs when an aircraft flies at supersonic speed. When the shock wave reaches the earth's surface, it is perceived as a ROLL OF THUNDER."
Exactly, like a roll of thunder, growing and then receding. I called it "roar". I had the pleasure of hearing enough in the city of Zhukovsky. What do you mean by this link? This has nothing to do with our beloved meteorite. The shock wave from the explosions is recorded on two videos, you can listen:

By the way, hurry up, the meteorite rollers seem to have already been removed from youtube.

23 February 2013, 06:38:26
Of course, it’s not my business to enter into someone else’s dialogue, but you, excuse me, are either a troll or you simply have nothing to do. The Strela-2M MANPADS complex is indeed designed to destroy low-flying, slow air targets. Or did you not know that not all cruise missiles fly hypersonic? But here, in fact, we are talking about modern hypersonic weapons, because it is interesting for ourselves to understand what is wrong with this "meteorite". What is the "catch-up speed" at several strokes? In order for a nuclear warhead and an interceptor missile to reach the target at the same time, the effect will be better, or what?

23 February 2013, 16:54:33
The weak link in the information support of the Meteorite project, of course, turned out to be that cameras are now everywhere. So many recordings from video recorders, surveillance cameras and mobile phones were probably the most unpleasant surprise for someone. An atomic explosion, practically, can no longer be concealed. Therefore, "Plan B" begins to be implemented. On some murky information sites, articles like "The Strategic Missile Forces will fight meteorites with the help of ICBMs with an atomic charge" have already begun to appear. If anything, it was not the aliens who saved you, but the Strategic Missile Forces, by blowing up a terrible meteorite.
All this is bad: the technologies are the latest, and the propaganda support is the most dense.

23 February 2013, 22:11:21
In order to somewhat "defuse the situation", here I give a reference - a real harsh Chelyabinsk citizen writes what he saw.
With regard to the topic of discussion, you can pay attention to the following places, for example:
“The MiG-25 was quite frankly following the Mitearit. I don’t confuse it, because I remember well how they fly at that time. and made a U-turn with a sharp descent. Apparently, it was not our Chelyabinsk pilot, he just passed the Event to his Chelyabinsk colleagues and went home :-)"
And here it is:
"Mytearite proved to be a fine fellow, for he flew sharply from east to west, along a very slightly inclined trajectory, almost parallel to the ground. Didn't fly a little; Well, nothing, next time will definitely last. ")))

23 February 2013, 22:47:52
Yes, everything is fine. When the Timurites come to blame us for disclosing a terrible bourgeois secret, we will excuse ourselves that they say they smoked something.

23 February 2013, 23:02:51
Automatically read: "By prior agreement ..."
Well, they ... Completely forgot that's what. Central Russian time left an hour before midnight. And what are we talking about? About our defense industry, which has reached such an art! I myself have served my duty faithfully. But the army is not mine. Nevertheless, I also want to honestly congratulate all the honest warriors who read this forum on their Military Holiday!

24 February 2013, 13:30:59
We are quoted in blogs:

25 February 2013, 02:28:24
If you are talking about that "picture", which is slow-motion frames, then on them the "meteorite" moves at an angle to us, the observers, namely, it moves away towards the horizon. An object that seems to be "catching up" is actually attacking from the opposite side, that is, it flies across.
But most importantly, where do all these speed figures of tens of km / s come from? They were imposed on us by the media. You can even visually see that before the explosion, the "meteorite" moves at the usual "airplane" speed, and only after that does it accelerate sharply, maybe up to Mach 7-9, i.e. 2-3 km / s, well, maybe 5 km / s, as Spasin points out, there are supposedly such air defense missiles now. But no way 30-50 km / s. These are some interplanetary speeds for traveling to Pluto. It is strange why the media did not announce 150 km / s - it would be even cooler.
Here are the tests of the American X-51A, Mach 6 - 2 km / s. Visually, the speed is quite comparable to that which we observe in our "meteorite" after the explosion, when it is already leaving.

26 February 2013, 05:37:36
More eyewitness accounts:
"I look out - a fireball swells before my eyes, a contrail stretches towards it, towards the North-West some DARK OBJECT flies away.
From here: http://aljon.livejournal.com/691243.html

26 February 2013, 14:03:12
Sergey Yazev, Director of the Astronomical Observatory of the Irkutsk State University.
Note that all estimates made in Russia give significantly lower values. I am also inclined to believe that the estimates attributed to NASA greatly exaggerated.
How the Americans estimated the speed, and how correctly they did it - (to me) is still unclear.
As for the "second Tunguska" - this is a vivid comparison, but far from the truth.
In television programs, centimeter-sized dark pebbles are shown, which seem to have magnetic properties. They are presented as fragments of a fallen meteorite. The sale of samples has already been launched.
And the last. The statements of the Minister of Emergency Situations Puchkov about the meteor shower and that it is impossible to fix such bodies in advance, unfortunately, sound very unprofessional. There are already many examples where bodies of similar size were found a day or two or three before the flight near the Earth and even before the collision(Sudanese meteorite 2008).
From here: http://www.ogirk.ru/blog/columnist/yazev/2013-02-18/28353.html

This video is the bomb! It just kills the whole meteorite legend. The glow begins much below the boundaries of the stratosphere. Obviously, not much higher in height than the "event". That is, all calculations of speeds based on the time of the descent of the "meteorite" from the beginning of the stratosphere (100 km) are invalid! This is a missile fired from an aircraft at an altitude of ~25-30 km and set on fire, then it descends to a height of ~20 km, where the "battle" with air defense missiles takes place.
Spasin, close the topic - they will come after all!


Doctor of Chemistry Viktor BARELKO, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail DROZDOV, Branch of the Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics RAS (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region), Doctor of Chemistry Maxim KUZNETSOV, All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

The fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite on February 15, 2013 became the subject of publications of many periodicals, including the journal Science in Russia (No. 4, 2013). Director of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS, Chairman of the Committee on Meteorites of the Presidium of the RAS Academician Erik Galimov summed up the preliminary results in his article

studying the chemical composition of the object, and the director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Lev Zeleny with co-authors, having gone beyond a specific event in the sky over Chelyabinsk, touched upon some aspects of the problem of asteroid-comet hazard.

However, the question of the physical mechanism of explosive catastrophic phenomena accompanying the entry of meteorites into the dense layers of the atmosphere and leading to the appearance of large-scale destruction zones on the earth's surface remained out of consideration.

The first attempts to answer this question were made more than 100 years ago by experts in various fields, after the Tunguska meteorite fell to Earth in 1908.* Various hypotheses have been proposed over the past decades. However, most of them were reduced to dispersion models.

*See: E. Galimov, M. Nazarov. Centenary of the Tunguska event. - Science in Russia, 2008, No. 3 (ed.).

of the body of the fireball due to guidance in this object moving at hypersonic speed in the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, destroying the values ​​of mechanical and thermal stresses. Unfortunately, many naturally arising and seemingly obvious questions remain with this approach without adequate answers. Let's formulate them.

Is it enough to explain the scale of the catastrophic consequences of the fall of meteorites using only the concept of a shock wave generated by a body flying in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds? What is the nature and dynamic patterns of the intensive loss of its mass in the form of a gas-vapour plume accompanying the motion of the fireball, and what can be said about the physical mechanism of this factor and its influence on the energy characteristics of this shock wave? What reason (if not an explosion!) determined the simultaneous cessation of the existence of the Chelyabinsk fireball at an altitude of 10-20 km? How to explain the negligible volume on the earth's surface of fragments of a meteorite body, which had a huge initial mass? It should be noted in this regard that no fixed presence of the substance of the Tunguska meteorite on earth was found at all, and based on the results of the analysis of the consequences of the Chelyabinsk catastrophe, it was established that from an area of ​​destruction of hundreds of square kilometers, it was possible, using modern methods of search and reconnaissance, to collect fragments with a total weight of several hundreds of kilograms with a total estimated mass of a cosmic body from 6 to 10 thousand tons!

It may seem strange, but in a large number of analysts presenting their versions of what happened in the sky over the city of Yuzhnouralsk, it is difficult to find professionals in the field of combustion, explosion and detonation processes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the event of interest to us cannot be attributed to the traditional objects of this branch of physics?

We believe that the cause of the meteorite explosion should be sought in a number of gas detonation mechanisms for the formation of a supersonic shock wave front. Since the presence in the meteorite of traditional

for explosives of chemical sources of explosive gas release in this case is excluded, it seems very reasonable to refer to the process of explosive volumetric boiling up of a body overheated to several thousand degrees. In other words, we propose to consider the role of "steam explosion" as a factor accompanying the transformation of meteorites (bolides) in dense layers of the atmosphere.

The concept of "steam explosion" has been known in science and engineering practice for more than a century and a half, since the creation of steam boilers and the invention of steam-powered engines. Superheated water in a boiler operating at high pressure, in the event of an emergency release of pressure, instantly boiled up, which led to the formation of a shock wave that destroyed the apparatus and was accompanied by tragic consequences.

A similar scheme with some approximations can also be presented to describe the dynamics of a meteorite explosion in the framework of the vapor-gas detonation concept. A solid cosmic body enters at high speeds (10-20 km/s) into the dense layers of the atmosphere, as a result of which a hot boundary layer adiabatically compressed to high pressures is formed on its surface. The object overheats much higher than the boiling point of the substance that forms it, as a result of which, as the bolide decelerates and the pressure compressing it decreases, the body mass of the bolide boils over an ultrashort period of time. Translated into a gas-vapor state and still compressed to high pressures, the substance explodes explosively, i.e. there is a "volumetric steam explosion", which forms a shock wave with catastrophic consequences.

The small mass of fragments found testifies in favor of the proposed hypothesis. The shock wave scatters the gas-vapor cloud of matter from the exploded meteorite in the atmosphere over a large area, and therefore it is not possible to collect a more or less significant volume of its transformation products from the earth's surface.

Unfortunately, the theoretical foundations that explain the phenomenon of a steam explosion have not yet been created, and its mathematical models have not yet been built. Due to this circumstance, it becomes necessary to search for objects for experimental study of the problem under consideration. We believe that the phenomenon of the so-called "exploding wires" is suitable as a laboratory model describing a meteorite explosion - at one time it was the object of numerous studies*. During the experiments, a very short high-density electric current pulse (104-106 A/mm2) was passed through a thin metal wire (0.1-1 mm in diameter) placed in the reactor. Almost instantly (10-5-10-7 s) it overheated above the boiling point of the material and then, exploding, volumetrically sublimated, scattering metal nanoparticles at supersonic speeds throughout the space and walls of the reactor. Such an electric explosion is accompanied by the appearance of a shock wave with a pressure of up to several thousand atmospheres in its front, which is provided by the mode of ultrafast heating of the wire element at a rate of over 1107 Ks-1 to temperatures exceeding 104 K. The electric explosive technique is currently used as a technological tool for obtaining metallic and non-metallic nanoscale powder

*See: V. Shpak. Fuse: a story to be continued. - Science in Russia, 2012, No. 5 (ed.).

kov materials with significant stored energy.

Of course, the picture of the explosion of a massive bolide is much more complicated than that of a thin wire. But under certain parameters of its movement in the atmosphere, overheating, albeit local, can be such that a gas-vapor phase of ultrahigh pressure is formed in a limited layer, which “detonates”. This can happen sequentially through repeated explosive acts - three of these preceded the simultaneous cessation of the existence of the Chelyabinsk fireball. The last of the recorded outbreaks before the disappearance of the object occurred at an altitude of 10-20 km.

Another version is not excluded, which explains the intensification of heat exchange processes in the volume of a cosmic body. As a result of the action of mechanical and thermal stresses, when moving in the atmosphere, it disperses into small-sized fragments. And already the movement of the “heap” of fragments provides the conditions for the implementation of a uniform regime of overheating of the fragmented mass of the object.

The formulated task of constructing the theory of a steam explosion is not limited, from our point of view, only to its application to the objects of meteoritics. We believe that this mechanism also "works" in volcanism. In particular, during the so-called "phreatic eruptions" - they occur when magma and its flows come into contact with water-containing fluid media in the earth's crust (or with ice sheets located on volcanic domes), starting with powerful emissions of water vapor, and cannot be explained by anything other than by the action of the steam explosion mechanism. Moreover, in our opinion, the very process of opening the vent of the volcano and the subsequent shock-wave ejection to a height of several kilometers of a steam-gas “fountain” with entrained magma fragments and rock fragments is a consequence of a steam explosion of an overheated magmatic mass located under the dome of the volcano. At the household level, this process clearly illustrates the “shot” of the contents from a bottle of champagne when it is opened due to the volumetric boiling of wine supersaturated with carbon dioxide.

The concept being developed is extremely important, since ideas about a steam explosion can also be used to explain the nature of such man-made disasters as explosions in nuclear power steam-generating reactors (in particular, in relation to the mechanism of the Chernobyl disaster). Moreover, one of the authors of this article

Emission of a gas-vapor cloud by the Gorely volcano (Kamchatka) to a height of 2 km in 2013 (according to Alexei Ozerov, an employee of the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

used the concept of a steam explosion in an expert opinion on the causes of the disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP in 2009.

A certain scientific groundwork in the framework of the study of this problem was laid by us in the works on the "autowave crisis of boiling" and "detonation mechanisms in the physics of boiling". On the basis of the formulated ideas, a technical

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Chelyabinsk is a large city of the Russian Federation, a scientific, industrial and cultural center of the Urals. This is a city of working people, famous for its industrial power and industrial records. But on February 15, 2013, the city became famous all over the world after a meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk.

What really happened?

At about 9:30 local time, residents of not only Chelyabinsk, but also remote areas, observed in the sky a swift flight of a brightly luminous unidentified object, behind which a powerful jet trail stretched. Then a shock wave swept, bringing a lot of destruction, from which more than 1,500 residents of the city suffered.

A state of emergency has been declared in the city, the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, soldiers, and police have been sent to the alleged site of the fall of an unknown body. Scientists and curious people also moved there. Each channel of the Russian media sent its reporters to the scene, everyone wanted to get pictures and fragments of a celestial body.

This event shocked not only local residents. NASA was worried, astronomers from the Czech Republic, Sweden, France, Great Britain, Canada, and America became interested in the Event. A whole year has passed, but the truth about the Chelyabinsk meteorite continues to disturb both the population and scientific minds.

Restoring the chronicle of events

The winter morning began as usual. People went to work, having identified children in schools and kindergartens, students went to study.

In the sky at 09:23, residents of Chelyabinsk noticed a strange flash and unusual stripes, like from a jet plane. After a couple of minutes, each person felt the trembling of the soil, the whole of Chelyabinsk shuddered. The explosion of the meteorite caused a shock wave that swept over a radius of several kilometers. Trees toppled, windows shattered in buildings, car alarms went off, and a wall near a zinc plant was blown off.

Guess and truth

Versions of the phenomenon were different, sometimes fantastic. Someone decided that these were enemy missiles, some suggested the fall of the plane, there were those who believed in an attack on the planet by aliens.

In fact, a large meteorite fell to the ground near the city of Chelyabinsk, the second largest after the Tunguska meteorite that fell in Eastern Siberia in June 1908.

February 2013 - "space guest" entered the planet's atmosphere at an acute angle of about 20°. According to experts, at an altitude of about 20-25 km, the meteorite broke into pieces. The debris hit the ground with great speed.

Physical characteristics of the "guest from space"

According to experts, including NASA specialists, the Chelyabinsk meteorite weighed 10 tons and had a diameter of at least 17 m, entered the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 18 km/h.

The flight of the meteorite after entering our atmosphere lasted no more than 40 seconds. The explosion began at an altitude of 20 kilometers. From the explosion with a capacity of about 470 kilotons (this is 30 times more than during the explosion of the bomb in Hiroshima), numerous fragments and pieces were formed, which rapidly crashed into the Chelyabinsk lands. The bright light from the fall was visible over long distances. It was observed in the Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen regions, in Kazakhstan and Bashkortostan. The farthest point where traces of the flight of a meteorite were visible was the Samara region, located 750 km from Chelyabinsk.

Consequences of a meteorite fall

When a meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk, it caused a series of shock waves. Many trees were felled in the city, about 3,000 buildings and structures were damaged. In many houses, windows were shattered by the shock wave, communication was lost for a while. The strongest blow fell on the Satka district. A zinc plant was partially destroyed there.

Many people asked where the meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk and how dangerous it is. An emergency situation was declared in the city, all units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were sent to the scene. A conversation was held with the population, panic was suppressed, and they tried to keep the situation under control.

In addition to Chelyabinsk, the following districts of the region suffered: Korkino, Yemanzhelinsk, Yuzhnouralsk, Kopeysk and the village of Etkul.

According to scientists, if the meteorite had exploded 5-6 km below, the consequences would have been much more sad.

Place of fall

Each is of great interest from a scientific point of view. To study the nature of the origin of the meteorite, its chemical composition, it was necessary to find as many fragments and pieces of a celestial body as possible. For this, it was important to establish the exact place where the meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk.

Two main parts were quickly found in the Chebarkul region. The third main fragment was found in the Zlatoust region. But the fourth had to be looked for. It was believed that he fell in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Chebarkul. The locals, who were fishing on the lake in the morning, confirmed that there was a space stone and fell into the lake itself. Eyewitnesses said that the impact caused a huge wave. The water rose by 3-4 meters.

Name choice

After the fall of the meteorite, 2 variants of its name were proposed - Chebarkulsky or Chelyabinsk. In favor of the first name, arguments were made that the main fragment fell into Lake Chebarkul near the settlement of Chebarkul. However, supporters of the name "Chelyabinsk" said that the meteorite brought the greatest destruction to the regional center. As a revenge, it should be named Chelyabinsk.

Academician E. Galimov, head of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, announced that the meteorite would be included in the International Catalog under the name "Chelyabinsk".

Collecting Meteorite Parts

Hundreds of small fragments were found at the impact sites. Special expeditions were sent out to search. Only close to collected three kilograms of meteorite stones. The search continued for more than six months. In August, news was received that a local resident had found a piece weighing 3.5 kg near the village of Timiryazevsky.

But the biggest interest was the huge piece that fell into the lake. Its weight, according to preliminary estimates, was 300-400 kg, it went deep into the bottom silt. Local authorities allocated 3 million rubles for its raising.

A huge piece in August 2013 was removed from the bottom of the lake. His weight was 600 kg. After examination by scientists and a verdict on radioactive and chemical safety, the fragment of the meteorite was transferred to the local museum of local lore.

Mineral composition

After a while, the researchers explained which meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk. The space object is an ordinary chondrite. Olivine, iron, sulfites, magnetic pyrites and other complex minerals were found in its composition. The Chelyabinsk meteorite contains traces of titanic iron ore and inclusions of native copper, which is unusual for chondrites. The cracks in the body are filled with a vitreous substance with an admixture of silicates. The thickness of the melting crust is 1 mm.

Scientists have established that the age of the parent body, from which a piece broke off, which later became the Chelyabinsk meteorite, is at least 4 billion (!) Years. "Our" piece, before falling to Earth, wandered in outer space for some time, colliding with other cosmic bodies ...

Scary? Anxious...

Scientists around the world to this day diligently study the presented material. Many knowledgeable experts have suggested that this is not just a meteorite, but a harbinger of an asteroid. Some even believed that a large asteroid would soon arrive on Earth, and then the destruction would be catastrophic. But Anatoly Zaitsev, director of the Center for Planetary Protection of the Earth from Asteroids, explained that this was just a theory. And he assured that nothing threatens the population of the planet, and the celestial bodies flying by are closely watched.

Life after the meteorite fall

The meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk attracted the attention of the masses, caused a lot of controversy and conjecture. Conversations and rumors around the event do not subside to this day. The city near Chebarkul Lake became known to the whole world. Scientists went here: geochemists, physicists, astronomers. Everyone wanted to see with their own eyes a messenger from space.

The fall of the meteorite in Chelyabinsk has become profitable in terms of tourism. The owner of a large travel agency says that shortly after the event, calls began to arrive from America and Japan. Someone wanted an individual tour, many wanted to organize a group trip to the place where the famous meteorite fell.

Demand gives rise to an invitation, which is why all the guidebooks have added to the significant places of the Chelyabinsk region and a zone called "Chebarkul meteorite". The price for a hike to the now historic lake varies from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles.

There is no silver lining: at the official level

The Chelyabinsk authorities, with the help of the event of February 15, 2013, decided to go down in the history of the Olympic Games. They created several precious metal medals with meteorite inserts. Such an award will be received by each athlete who takes a prize-winning place in competitions held on February 15th. Everything that remains unused from the fragments found will be distributed to Russian museums and private collections.

Some especially large exhibits were collected and the corresponding documentation was prepared. With this material, a tour of the museums of the Russian Federation will be made. Every inhabitant of the country should see a piece of a meteorite. In Moscow, the demonstration took place on January 17, 2014. Many materials will replenish the collection of the famous Moscow planetarium. Several thematic stands and posters were developed for this event.

Birth of brands

While the rescuers were clearing up the consequences of the catastrophe caused by the meteorite that fell in Chelyabinsk, many entrepreneurs did not waste time and actively used the fall of the celestial body for commercial purposes. Andrey Orlov, the mayor of the Chebarkul city district, distinguished himself with an excellent reaction in this area. Here, with his light hand, a competition for the most interesting brand name was organized. The winner was promised a piece of a meteorite as a prize. Under interesting names, such as "Chebarkul meteor", "Ural meteorite", "Chelyabinsk - the capital in Chelyabinsk" and "Che!", confectionery and alcoholic beverages began to be produced.

Strike while the iron is hot

Various companies began to produce clothes with the appropriate print, mugs, plates and even puzzles. First, among the locals, and then among the inhabitants of all Russia, T-shirts with a comic inscription became popular: "Nothing invigorates so much as a meteorite in the morning!" It is worth noting a very original idea of ​​the Chelyabinsk perfume company. She decided to create an unusual perfume called the Chebarkul meteorite. Perfumers say that the fragrance of this "cosmic object" will include stone and metal components.

Ordinary residents of the Urals also showed entrepreneurial spirit. The meteorite in Chelyabinsk did its job. Photos of him scattered with great speed on the Internet. Thousands of requests per minute testified to how many people there are who want to see the crash site and the celestial object itself. One resourceful resident of the Ural town sold a microwave oven on the Internet market, which burned out under the influence of a shock wave. An unknown American bought such a strange thing, but for this purchase he asked to send a couple of local newspapers with news about the meteorite fall in Chelyabinsk. Some exhibited shards of glass that exploded from the explosion when they fell. And all these things were snapped up by strange collectors. Pieces of the meteorite itself were especially prized. The lowest price for a fragment started from 10,000 rubles, the highest was 10,000,000 rubles. The police encountered real scammers who passed off ordinary stones as a celestial object.

"Healing" properties of the meteorite

Hundreds of residents came to Chebarkul Lake and dreamed of finding not only an expensive stone, but also a “healing” stone. Charlatans - magicians and sorcerers - with the help of such fragments removed damage and treated for the most terrible diseases, cast out evil spirits. Entire legends and myths were invented about the influence of the "cosmic guest" on a person, depending on the sign of the zodiac. And how many amulets with a piece of this body have already spread all over the world! The meteorite was credited with simply magical properties, although in reality it does not have any healing power.

Interesting facts about the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite

A meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk, which made a lot of noise all over the world. Scientists managed to once again study the cosmic body, and someone just made good money on this event. It is worth noting some interesting points and facts about the Chelyabinsk meteorite:

  • The largest piece of the meteorite fell to the bottom of Lake Chebarkul.
  • The Russian Emergencies Ministry claimed to have informed residents of the upcoming event via SMS, but this turned out to be a lie.
  • Many TV channels showed not a meteorite crater, but a gas crater in Turkmenistan.
  • Many residents of Chelyabinsk deliberately broke their windows, simulating the effects of a blast wave. They wanted to receive new plastic windows from the state as material assistance to the victims.
  • The diameter of the funnel from the fall of the meteorite was 6 meters.
  • 470 kilotons of energy were released during the explosion of a celestial body.
  • Scientists have calculated that a meteorite of this magnitude falls to Earth once every hundred years.
  • It is believed that the meteorite went unnoticed due to the fact that it was flying from the side of the sun. That is why the telescopes did not record the approaching celestial body.

Everyone is well aware of the video from the DVR, which shows how a certain cylindrical body catches up with a stone meteorite, and breaks it into several fragments and continues to fly further. And then the following happens: after a large fragment falls into Lake Chebarkul, the owner of a private house, N., finds strange pieces of silvery metal in his area. One of the fragments of such a piece was sent to the famous Dalnegorsk ufologist Valery DVUZHILNY for analysis. In color and structure, it was very similar to what the researcher had previously encountered. Complex analyzes carried out showed that it was iron silicide. But silicides in the types and classes of meteorites are unknown, and this sample cannot be considered a meteorite. This compound is considered artificial and has been produced by man since the 20th century.

Silicides are no longer toys

Chebarkul silicide differs from that produced by man, as it has two modifications of silicide and contains such exotic minerals as coesite, which is found in meteorite craters, cohenite - it is found in iron meteorites, as well as iron and silicon carbides, which is not found in silicides produced by man ! Therefore, it is impossible to assume that one of the children or adults dropped silicide from a local plant on this comrade's private land.

In addition to a piece weighing 2 kg, fine “sand” with inclusions of silicide was found on the ground, which clearly indicates that the meteorite was crushed by silicide. "Sand" interspersed are melted particles of quartz rock with silicide. It contains high-temperature quartz, silicon carbides, the same coesite from meteorite craters and the ringwoodite mineral, the rarest mineral of the Curara meteorite. It is possible that these meteorite compounds could be formed as a result of a strong impact and high temperatures during the collision of these 2 bodies and are not related to earth rocks. Thus, the video recording of the collision of the Chelyabinsk meteorite with a certain body is confirmed by the results of the analyzes.

About a dozen finds of various pieces of this silvery alloy are known in our region. Dvuzhilny happened to analyze the silicide from under the village. Plastun and Dalnegorsky. The most interesting, in contrast to others that simply lay on the surface of the soil, is the Dalnegorsk silicide that fell from the sky. At the beginning of 1990, a man who was in an apiary near the Krivoi River heard a noise from the fall of a body a few meters from the apiary. Believing that a meteorite fell, and taking a shovel, he went to the place of impact. There, from a small hole, he dug out a piece of 5 kg of still hot silvery metal from the ground.

“I received a fragment weighing more than 1 kg for analysis. Its surface was melted in dimples - remaglipts, characteristic of meteorites. There was no doubt that this was an alien from other, parallel, worlds! Susite, graphite, iron and nickel carbides were also found in it, and, surprisingly, iron oxides are completely absent and there is no crystalline phase of iron - a strange anomaly,” says the scientist.

Gift from another world

In connection with a strange incident in the sky over Chelyabinsk, Dvuzhilny put forward a kind of hypothesis that a number of objects from another world can penetrate our space through special energy-information portals.

Thus, a large piece of silicide that flew out from another world through an open portal and had a speed higher than the Chelyabinsk meteorite fell to the ground. At the same time, the trajectories of both bodies coincided, the object “from another world” caught up and caused the destruction of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Interestingly, a similar situation, apparently, was with the Tunguska body, since a number of eyewitnesses describe 2 more strange objects in the air along coinciding trajectories and the subsequent explosion of the main body. It is possible that someone can watch us from another world and, if threatened from space, destroy large objects in the air. Of course it looks fantastic. EINSTEIN and a number of other theoretical physicists spoke about the existence of various parallel worlds next to ours, and at present there are many different hypotheses on this topic. But so far no one has been able to prove the penetration of beings and objects from other worlds, as well as from our world into another world.

But perhaps such processes still occur and such objects exist? Something can get from our world to another, and something - to us from another. Obviously, for reasons unknown to us, “protrusion” (it can be compared with an inflated balloon) or “portal opening” occurs, and those objects that were next to the open portal fall to us. These can be fish, and stones, and animals, and some objects of technical origin, in particular, iron silicide, a “zinc” plate, and so on.

As for “technical items”, Dvuzhilny believes that developed civilizations can also exist in other worlds, by the way, from where, most likely, UFOs appear. The existence of a “mirror” (as in a mirror) reflection of our civilization, which is approximately at the same stage of development, is possible. And this means that there are the same cars, plants and factories, similar animals and the same “mirror” Ivanovs, Petrovs ... But we can’t visit each other because of the lack of knowledge of how to open the portal.

Against the laws of physics and chemistry

Dvuzhilny had a chance to analyze a large number of different samples (more than 300), of which 22 samples have very strange physical and chemical properties. Most of them were found in Primorsky Krai on the northeast coast in remote taiga places, which practically excludes their origin from human hands - he walked and dropped them.

In 1978, a group of geologists discovered a metal plate on the mountain, where the road to the drilling rig ran in the area of ​​the Kriva River near Dalnegorsk. One of the geologists, Felix POPOV, drew attention to a shiny metal plate lying 10 meters above the road. Four geologists tried to lift the slab and lower it down the slope to the car, but were unable to lift it. She weighed over a hundred pounds. And it was not clear how she got there? The slope is steep, there are no roads.

The Dalnegorsk ufologist managed to get a small piece of this plate and make tests, and as it turned out, the plate was zinc. There were very few impurities - a high degree of purification. But Dalpolimetall stated that they receive zinc from the Urals in small "pigs" and never in such plates, and besides, they have never produced metal zinc. The question arises: who laid the slab on the slope of the mountain and at the same time, when it “falls”, there is no strong destruction of the soil, trees, shrubs on the slope? ..

Under the Golden Bridge lay ...

In 2009, while drilling a well for a bridge to Cape Churkin in the Zolotoy Rog Bay, 150 m from the shore, a piece of blue glass was brought to the surface from a seabed depth of 18 meters. It was covered with thick black bark. The crust quickly began to fall off in pieces, and a beautiful blue glass was exposed. The surface was covered with dimples, regmaglipts, characteristic of tektites and meteorites. A wide variety of analyzes have been carried out.

Dvuzhilny's initial suggestion that this is tektite - space glass - was baffling due to its unusual properties. It contains tridymite, characteristic of meteorites, as well as "cosmic" ringwoodite and synoite, the latter is found both in meteorites and in lunar soil. However, there were many "buts" ... For some reason, the glass began to "sweat" with white salt, the scientist cleaned it repeatedly, but it released salt again and again. And when Dvuzhilny began to melt it with a gas burner, it spread over the substrate without bubbles, which clearly indicates that there is no water in it! And this means that no salt can stand out!

Then, by chance, the fragment was placed in ordinary fresh water, and a day later its polished surface was covered with microexplosions - none of our glass can behave like this! Analysis of the released salt showed that it does not correspond to sea salt. It has only two compounds in the form of salt - beryl, known as a precious stone, and throne salt, which is found in only 2-3 lakes on the globe. Blue glass violates all earthly laws of physics and chemistry! No falling cosmic glasses - tektites - can behave like this! It is obvious that they came from another world-space, where our laws of physics and chemistry do not work. Again the mysteries of the parallel world!

A fragment of the outer skin of a UFO that fell in 1986 to a height of 611 near Dalnegorsk consists of ultrapure molybdenum (100.00%), which turned out to be highly magnetic, and it is almost impossible to bring permanent magnetization to our terrestrial molybdenum. But, apparently, in another world this can be. Another violation of our laws of physics!

Another phenomenon is the "clay meteorite" that broke the glass of the window on the 2nd floor in the center of the village. Kavalerovo in 2003. Space minerals - ringwoodite, muasanite - were also found in it. But, according to the conclusion of geologists, such clay is not found in the Kavalerovsky district, just as there is no clay in the nearest courtyards of houses. A girl of about 8 years old was playing in the yard, who answered the question of the owners of the apartment: “Who threw it?”, - answered: “Yes, there was no one here! I also heard the sound of broken glass. It should be noted that this was in the middle of spring, when the soil was still frozen.

After carefully studying the damage to the glass and window frame caused by the fall, Dvuzhilny concluded on the basis of a ballistic examination that the flat, petrified piece of clay fell not from below, but from above, at a steep angle of 60 degrees! The nearest house is 70 meters away. But where did he come from? "Clay meteorites" do not exist in nature. Again the secrets of parallel worlds.