Ahnenerbe: Secret Institute of Occult Sciences, super soldiers and zombies of the Third Reich. The terrible occultism of fascism Nazi occultists in the USSR

Eric Kurlander), following P. Staudenmaier (Eng. Peter Staudenmaier) believes that the truth lies in the middle: without a doubt, the occultists played an important role in the early stages of the creation of the NSDAP, "but it is just as obvious" that the party leaders subsequently actively persecuted them. In Mein Kampf, Hitler openly attacks the occultists Nauhaus (eng. Walter Nauhaus) and Sebottendorf, "wandering racist German scientists ... admiring the dark prehistoric era and stone axes."

The Thule Society and the NSDAP

The Thule Society dealt with the mystical aspects of the origins of the Germanic peoples. In the words of Sebottendorff, said in 1933, "it was to the members of Thule that Hitler came at the very beginning, it was the people from Thule who first joined him."

The details of the membership of leading Nazis in the Thule Society are a matter of dispute among historians; positions vary from assertions that virtually every future leader of the NSDAP was in society, to the opinion that only a few of them came to meetings, and then as guests. The scholarly consensus is that, like Sebottendorff, Rudolf Hess, Hans Frank, Alfred Rosenberg, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Harrer were either members of the society or often took part in meetings as guests.

Society, according to Sebottendorf, declared itself to be apolitical. Kurlander considers this a tactical move made to avoid the wrath of the authorities (first imperial, then Weimar): the meetings included both lectures on ancient Germanic dowsing, and calls for the overthrow of the republican government. The most notable of the plots was an attempt to overthrow the government of the Bavarian Soviet Republic in April 1919, which was exposed; Walter Nauhaus with six other participants was shot.

The split between the Nazis and the Thule Society in 1920 had several causes:

The split took shape in July 1920 when Hitler demanded - and achieved - that the Völkischer Beobachter newspaper (first purchased by Sebottendorff for Thule) stop supporting other conservative parties. By the end of the year, Sebottendorff had to leave and the paper was bought out by the NSDAP with a loan from von Epp.

Despite the gap, Thule played an important role in the development of the Nazis: almost all of Hitler's early associates were associated with this society. The German Workers' Party and its newspaper were initially dominated by people with an active interest in the occult (which did not prevent the Nazis from further persecuting esotericists).

Hitler's occult


The main goal of Nazism was declared [ ] theurgical reconstruction of a new race of demigods based on racially pure Aryans, whose historical enemies were considered the southern race - people from Gondwana. An important role in occult Nazism was played by legends about the disappeared countries (Thule, Agharti, Shambhala).

The Heritage of Ancestors (Ahnenerbe) organization served as the center for the development of various occult theories, the founders of which had contacts with future Nazi leaders. One of the shrines of Nazism was considered Spear of Longinus, and one of the symbols - "Black Sun". Occult Nazism was supposed to become the official religion of Germany.

"Higher Unknowns"

"Higher Unknowns" in occult circles close to the Nazi elite, called those forces that spiritually stood behind the power of Adolf Hitler. The mystics of the "Thule Society" attributed this name also to the devil [ ] .

Conspirology. "Order of the Green Dragon"

This topic in the history of the occultism of Nazi Germany was actively developed by the modern French esoteric and conspiracy theorist Jean Robin (fr. Jean Robin), who, in turn, adopted these ideas from Rene Guenon, which, however, were recognized even by the followers of this mystic as very specific and controversial. The author also relies on the writings of Rene Alleau (fr. René Alleau), who in his book "Hitler and the Secret Societies" for the first time drew attention to the importance of using green in the ritualism of the occult practices of the SS. The color was associated with the Muslim world, symbolized growth and productivity. Hallo even points out that the color of Himmler's favorite writing pen was green. According to another mystic, a representative of Masonic traditionalism Jean Tournac, two secret societies are constantly at war in the world - the "Order of the Seventy-Two" and the Order of the Green Dragon. The green color was allegedly chosen by Himmler to symbolically identify the connection between the path of the SS and the path of the Order of the Green Dragon.

The hypothetical order was characterized by extremely anti-Semitic and nationalist views. According to Robin, the mythical order considered its main goal to be the destruction of the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and the humane branch of Islam.


The occult roots of Nazism

Occultism and Nazism

German occultists had a noticeable influence on the Nazi and related movements. A striking example is Armanism, the teaching created by Guido von List, the ideas presented in the magazine "Ostara" Lanz von Liebenfels, and the text of the Ura-Lind Chronicle, studied by many Nazi ideologists. Popular among the Nazis "Teaching about world ice" (Welteislehre), formulated by Hans Görbiger, which may well have inspired the Nazis to create Nazi racial policies and even the Holocaust. With all this, there are suggestions that the Nazi movement was fully formed from the occult societies of the time and / or came to power with the help of them.

Nazi support for the occult

Despite the fact that after the NSDAP came to power, many occult societies were banned, and people involved in or somehow connected with the occult were arrested, the Nazis still continued to have an interest in occult teachings and used them for their own purposes, helping the activities of some occultists who were close to Nazi ideology, as well as creating entire organizations and projects dedicated to this topic. Thus, Otto Rahn's projects to study the Cathar movement and search for the Holy Grail were supported, but the largest Nazi action in this area was the creation of the Ahnenerbe organization by Hermann Wirth, the most mysterious of all that existed in the Third Reich. Later, an expedition was organized to Tibet, in search of Shambhala [ ] .

Occultism in SS Astrology

Many Nazis were passionate about astrology, for them it was of great importance. But this hobby played a special role for Adolf Hitler, who relied on astrological forecasts in making important decisions, and especially in planning military operations.
Less well known are the facts of the use of the pendulum for planning military operations.
It is also worth noting that Rudolf Hess went to Great Britain for the purpose of peace negotiations under the influence of a horoscope in which there was a special arrangement of the planets, and after his friend told him a dream in which he saw Hess walking through a Scottish castle and bringing peace with Great Britain . After this incident, in the Third Reich, arrests of all those who practice astrology began, except for the personal astrologers of Hitler and Himmler.


The mystical side of Nazism inspired members of the Church of Satan and personally Anton Szandor LaVey. Donning an SS uniform for one of his rituals, he commented on the use of Nazi symbols:

In art

Encyclopedia of delusions. Third Reich Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

Occultism in the Third Reich. What did the Nazis worship?

Remember, son of Earth, that the light of the mysteries is a formidable fluid, placed by nature at the service of the will. It illuminates those who know how to control it, but like lightning strikes those who are unfamiliar with its power or those who abuse this power.

Papus. Interpretation of the Arcana Tarot

Leave your aplomb, leave your arrogance.

Today you are rich and famous

And tomorrow on the moon - bam! - an eclipse occurs

And you are reminded of the loan.

Everything is driven by heaven: war, the collapse of empires,

"Jewish question", sexual question.

Like this: you will not please any Venus -

Go then, treat trichomoniasis.

Timur Shaov "Astrological Song"

In the public mind, the German Nazis appear as practical and prudent people. It would seem that those who put the murder on the conveyor and learned to use the ashes and bones of concentration camp prisoners with maximum benefit should be far from all sorts of subtle matters and secret knowledge. In fact, the occult was very popular in the Third Reich.

Paradoxical as it may seem, but one of the organizations of fascist Germany that was most susceptible to mysticism was ... the main punitive structure of the Reich - the SS. The fashion for the occult was introduced into its ranks by Heinrich Himmler. He was not indifferent to mysticism, believed in black magic and the transmigration of souls, freely "communicated by rumors", consulted with fortune-tellers and astrologers. In addition, the Reichsfuehrer SS identified himself either with the mythical King of the Britons Arthur, or with King Henry, whose spirit allegedly appeared to him and gave various valuable instructions. "Relations" with this spirit, according to Himmler himself, were very warm, almost kindred. On July 2, 1936, 1000 years after the death of Henry I, the Reichsfuehrer SS swore in Quedlinburg Cathedral to his namesake that he would “finish his work of enslaving the Slavs.” In 1937, the remains of the German ruler were transferred there, and the chief SS man declared that this cathedral should become a place of pilgrimage for his subordinates. Himmler himself for several years in a row, on the anniversary of the death of Henry I, at exactly midnight, visited the crypt located under the altar, where he talked with the spirit of the king.

Of course, the mystical hobbies of the Reichsführer SS had little to do with ordinary SS men. Real mysticism began in the highest echelons of the main punitive body of the Nazi state. Himmler saw in this organization an analogue of the medieval knightly order, so he tried to give it an appropriate look. Considering himself the legendary King Arthur, the head of the SS created his own "round table". At meetings at his table (really round) sat 12 Ober-Gruppenführer, who were considered the highest hierarchs of the “order”. After the death of one of the dozen chosen, his place for the preservation of the mystical number 12 was taken by someone of lower rank. Each "knight of the round table" had its own emblem, which was developed, as in the old days, taking into account the canons of heraldry, astrology and Kabbalah. Thus, the brainchild of Himmler was created in the image and likeness of the Teutonic Order of the XIII century in order to reproduce the feudal system that had developed in the era of German Catholic expansion, where the SS would be a new German aristocracy, the bearer of the qualities of a new rational being - a superman.

Like any self-respecting order, this organization had its own "family castle" - Wewelsburg Castle, located in Westphalia. It was a massive triangular structure built in the 17th century on the site of an old fortress and named after the robber knight Wewel von Buren, one of its early owners. The place was chosen on the recommendation of the personal adviser of the Reichsfuehrer SS in occult affairs, who believes that it is here that the magical stronghold of the German race should be located, capable of helping the "true Aryans" to resist the invasion of the "hordes from the East." Himmler's occult "nest" cost the Reich treasury no less than 14 million German marks. But the construction of "new Avalon" was completed in less than a year.

The creators of the castle have fully worked out their astronomical budget. Each room was furnished and decorated in the spirit of the times of the existence of the Teutonic Order. There were authentic items of this era: swords, shields, armor, even clothes and jewelry that belonged to various historical figures. Himmler constantly updated his "inventory fund". To search for new exhibits, the Reichsfuehrer SS sent "messengers" to the occupied states with the task of robbing museums and private collections, choosing the most valuable items. The higher ranks of the SS, who came repeatedly to participate in ritual meetings, were assigned different rooms each time, so that they were more and more “saturated” with the spirit of the era. Only Himmler always retained the same apartments, where no one had the right to enter in his absence. The room of the head of the SS was decorated in honor of Henry I Ptitselov.

Over time, the "chief occultist of the Reich" planned to build a whole city around the castle in the form of a spear with a point pointing north. This should have happened after the conquest of Russia, when, according to the Reichsfuehrer, a knightly state would be formed, headed by Grand Master Himmler. The cultural and occult capital of the "SS empire" would be the sprawling Wewelsburg, where the main scientific institutions of the "thousand-year Reich" - the institutes of astronomy, astrology and mythology - would be located.

However, the city in the form of a spear was never created, in contrast to the fortress, which served the mystics of the SS faithfully for more than ten years. The main "sanctuary" of the Order of the SS proclaimed by Himmler, in accordance with the concepts of the superiority of the Nordic race, was located in the north tower. At its base, Himmler ordered the construction of a crypt - a Temple to the glory of the deceased leaders of the SS. 12 pedestals were erected along the perimeter of this tomb, on which it was supposed to install urns with the ashes of the deceased generals of the main punitive body of the Reich.

A mystical aura enveloped not only the Wswelsberg castle, but also the daily life of the SS. Like their medieval "colleagues" - the crusaders, neophytes from the SS took vows. The first of these was the oath, the ceremony of taking which was carried out similarly to knighting. This is how eyewitnesses and direct participants describe this procedure: “Beautiful young people with serious faces, exemplary posture and bearing, the chosen ones. Tears come to the eyes as a thousand-voiced choir repeats the oath by the light of torches. It's like a prayer." The “prayer” itself read: “I swear to you, Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer and Chancellor of the German Reich, to be faithful and courageous. I swear to you and the chiefs appointed by you to obey implicitly until my death. God help me!"

Some other events in the life of an SS man also had a mystical connotation. The main ones were the wedding and the birth of a child. The chosen one of a soldier or an SS officer was supposed to undergo a thorough medical examination, bring a lot of information about her Aryan origin and receive a blessing. The church wedding to the SS was replaced by a special procedure with the participation of the commander of the local branch of the SS. The rite of baptism of a newborn was a ceremony of naming an infant in front of a portrait of Hitler with the book Mein Kampf and the sign of the swastika. Sometimes there were quite exotic options: the baby was given a dagger or sword in his hand, and in the font instead of water they used the blood of concentration camp prisoners.

The higher the SS man rose through the ranks, the more mysticism appeared in his activities. Anyone who proved their devotion was supposed to wear a silver ring in the form of a “dead head”. Initially, this ring was intended only for the "old guard", but by 1939 almost every Nazi who had served as an SS officer for more than 3 years had it. Another symbol of the SS elite was such a traditional attribute of black magic as a dagger. The most distinguished received from the hands of the Reichsfuehrer also an honorary sword. At the same time, Himmler traditionally used the attributes of ancient German cults and the traditions of the medieval knightly orders of the Templars and Teutons.

Every year, young SS cadres came to Braunschweig, to the coffin of the Duke of Maclenburg, to undergo the so-called dense air ceremony (apparently a hint of the extreme stress experienced by anyone who takes a vow). There, no one remembered the “thousand-year Reich” or the National Socialist state - it was only a magical preparation for the arrival of the “man-god”, whom the secret rulers would send to earth when the balance of spiritual forces changed.

Under the auspices of the SS, there was also the most mysterious organization of Nazi Germany - "Ahnenerbe" ("German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Heritage of Ancestors"). It was created in 1934, almost immediately after the Nazis came to power. Initially, the task of the organization with such a pretentious name was to study everything related to the spirit, deeds, traditions, distinctive features and heritage of the “Indo-Germanic Nordic race”. Naturally, these studies were conducted not out of idle curiosity, but in order to confirm the superiority of the Aryan race within the framework of the racial doctrine of Nazi Germany.

Initially, Anenerbe existed with the support of the head of the Central Directorate for Agricultural Policy of the NSDAP, Richard-Walter Darre. He was a down-to-earth and rational person, therefore he believed that the organization entrusted to him should really deal with the “ancestral heritage” - archeology and ethnography. But Heinrich Himmler had a different opinion: in 1937, he integrated Ahnenerbe into the SS, subordinating this organization as a department to the Directorate of Concentration Camps. On January 1, 1939, this society received a new status and engaged in scientific research: the search for Shambhala, the sunken Atlantis, the Holy Grail ... But about everything - in order.

From the very beginning of the war, the head of the SS was trying to find SOMETHING that would help the Nazis win World War II. Various ancient legendary items claimed the role of the victorious artifact. Himmler's cherished dream was to discover the Sacred Chalice. In the opinion of the Reichsführer, the possession of this source of esoteric power would ensure Germany an easy victory in the war. The head of the SS even had a special "Grail adviser" - the archaeologist Otto Rahn. He suggested that the Sacred Cup should be sought in the caves in the south of France, and after the occupation of this territory, he persuaded Himmler to finance a series of search expeditions in the area of ​​the Montsegur fortress. The ruins of the once powerful fortress of the Albigensians, members of a heretical sect accused of worshiping the devil and destroyed in the 13th century, have been preserved here. According to legend, on the eve of the fall of this fortress, three Albigensian warriors managed to escape, taking with them something very valuable. Otto Rahn suggested that we are talking about the Grail. However, the search was unsuccessful, and two months later the archaeologist died under mysterious circumstances. The cause of death was not established, but many contemporaries believed that the order to eliminate the unfortunate Indiana Jones was given by Heinrich Himmler himself, who finally realized that the scientist was leading him by the nose.

In parallel with the Grail, the Nazis were looking for another legendary little thing, called by the fascist ideologists the Spear of Omnipotence. This artifact was kept in the Hofburg Museum in Vienna and was known simply as the spear of Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor. However, Hitler and Himmler had their own opinion regarding this museum exhibit. They believed that the ancient thing had some kind of mystical power that could help them win the war. They say that once the Fuhrer, together with his colleague - the main racial ideologist of the Reich Rosenberg - held a seance, and the spirit of some German prince they recognized prophesied that the one who took possession of the Spear would become the new leader of Germany! Hitler took the information received through table-turning very seriously and firmly decided to get the weapons of Otto the Third.

The dream of the head of the Third Reich came true after the Anschluss of Austria in 1938. When Vienna came under the control of German troops, Hitler personally came to the museum to pick up the mystical relic. Otto's spear was sent with pomp and honors to the Nuremberg church, and then to a specially created underground storage. Just in case, Hitler and his subordinates grabbed several other souvenirs from the Hofburg Museum, which, in their opinion, could have magical powers: a piece of tablecloth that covered the table during the Last Supper, St. Etienne's purse and John the Baptist's tooth. By the way, by a curious coincidence, the spear of omnipotence began its centuries-old history ... in ancient Judea, being made by order of the third high priest Phinehas, known for his abilities in the field of magic and cabalistics. Then, according to legend, the spear was in the hands of other sons of the Jewish people who left their mark on the history - Joshua Nun and King Herod. However, Hitler and his relatives preferred not to remember the non-Aryan origin of the artifact. Apparently, they were captivated by his later history. It was in the hands of the already mentioned Otto III the Great - Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and Henry I the Fowler - the founder of the Saxon royal dynasty (and at the same time - the idol of Heinrich Himmler), and the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. Charlemagne, Frederick Barbarossa, Napoleon Bonaparte and almost all the masters of the Teutonic Order, so beloved in the Third Reich, declared themselves the owners of the sacred relic.

But the spear of the expected omnipotence and world domination did not bring Adolf Hitler. But the "post-Hitler" fate of the ancient artifact was very unusual. In the last weeks of the war, when it was clear even to the most inveterate optimists that the days of the Nazi regime were numbered, the Fuhrer tried with all his might to save his beloved relic. He ordered her and other ritual items to be secretly taken out and hidden in a specially equipped rock cave. The spear was listed under one of its lesser-known names, "The Spear of Saint Mauritius". So to speak, for conspiracy. But the ordinary SS men who were engaged in the "burial" of historical values ​​turned out to be not very knowledgeable in matters of the occult and accidentally confused Hitler's favorite relic with the sword of St. Mauritius. As a result, it was he who turned out to be forever immured in a nameless rock, and the precious spear was left lying among the ordinary exhibits of the Nuremberg repository. It was there that the American troops who occupied the city found him. The victorious soldiers showed no interest in the discovered piece of rusty iron. From oblivion, the spear was returned by the American General Pagton, known for his love of history and mythology. He came to Nuremberg and identified an ancient artifact in an inconspicuous exhibit. After that, Otto's spear was restored to its highest status, and a few months later, the American side solemnly handed over the find to the mayor of liberated Vienna, where it is kept to this day.

But back to Anenerbe. In addition to the search for legendary rarities, the most mysterious organization of the Reich was engaged in another, no less "scientific" problem - the establishment of the ancient homeland of the "true Aryans", that is, the Germans. Among the first contenders was Tibet, or rather, the legendary Shambhala. In the prewar years, the SS repeatedly sent research expeditions there. It is curious that they had as their goal not only to find Shambhala, but also to enlist the support of local priests, whom the Nazis considered their ancestors. And the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, continued the "genealogy" of the German race even further and suggested that all his compatriots, led by Hitler, are descendants of ... the indigenous inhabitants of Atlantis. By the way, the “scientists” of the Anenerbe also repeatedly tried to find the lost mainland.

With the outbreak of World War II, this institution, like all other organizations, switched to a "military footing". The spectrum of his near-scientific interests shifted towards anthropology, and concentration camps became the place of "scientific research". Employees of Anenerbe gladly took part in experiments on people conducted by Rascher, Mengele and other Nazi fanatic doctors. At the same time, the brutal murders of innocent people "for experimental purposes" were surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism and were presented not only as ritual sacrifices, not just as a search for hidden "superhuman" abilities in the bodies of unfortunate people.

Some time later, when the Germans suffered their first serious defeats at the front, the restless Himmler found another extraordinary use for the Anenerbe: he decided to put otherworldly forces into military service for the benefit of the Third Reich. Under the auspices of this society, the Reichsführer created a top-secret institute that studied dowsing and the ancient ritual of the pendulum location. The “work” of this institution looked like this: Nazi clairvoyants swung a ring on a chain or another kind of pendulum over maps of the North Atlantic, trying to determine the location of the enemy’s navy. German submarines received combat missions on their recommendation.

Joseph Goebbels also tried to use mysticism in his work. His favorite skate was the Centuries. The Minister of Propaganda suggested that such a popular source of mystical knowledge could be used to manipulate public opinion. And he turned out to be right: with the proper interpretation of the Nostradamus centuries, they began to prophesy the arrival of a new messiah - Hitler, and the eternal domination of the "thousand-year Reich". Goebbels suggested using these “prophecies” as a kind of psychotropic weapon: “The Americans and the British easily fall for such tricks. We intend to actively draw on the testimony of the most authoritative clairvoyants. Quote Nostradamus should be in the first place. A couple of times such “black PR” was used: Germany scattered leaflets all over France, allegedly with the predictions of the great soothsayer, saying that the state would perish if it did not capitulate. History is silent about the effectiveness of this "psychological attack" ...

Nazi bosses used occult knowledge for personal purposes as well. The most popular magical practices in the upper echelons of the Third Reich were considered predictions by the stars and divination by tarot cards. The biggest fans of such things were Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess. Both had personal astrologers who, according to the position of the heavenly bodies, compiled horoscopes for their superiors.

By the way, astrology is also involved in one of the most mysterious episodes of the Second World War - the flight of Hitler's deputy in the party, Rudolf Hess, to England. Recall that on May 10, 1941, Nazi No. 2, unexpectedly for everyone, got into a Messerschmitt and flew across the English Channel with an unusual diplomatic mission - to persuade Churchill to go over to the side of the Germans. According to one version, this step was prompted by ... his own horoscope, compiled by the "court" astrologer of the Reich, Ernst Schulte Strauss. According to the latter's research, "May 10, 6 planets are located in the constellation of Taurus, and the Moon in the full moon phase is exactly in opposition to them, in the constellation of Scorpio." According to all astrological interpreters, such an arrangement of stars clearly promised cardinal changes in world politics. Following this incident, the Nazi Propaganda Office issued the Aktion Hess decree, which banned the public practice of the occult and divination by the stars. All famous astrologers were arrested and interrogated. The only exceptions were those who served the Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler - they were released and even allowed to work "in their specialty."

So do not be mistaken: for all their seeming seriousness and gravity, the leaders of the Third Reich were greedy for all sorts of esoteric tricks, superstitious and extremely susceptible to the charms of magic and witchcraft. Don't go to a fortune teller...

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What to be prepared for

According to some reports, religious buildings could be located in the dungeons of the Third Reich. Interest in the occult was generally characteristic of representatives of the National Socialist elite, and not only. The German romantics of the Second World War were fond of ancient mythology, Aryan mysticism and esotericism. Therefore, mysticism and the occult in the Third Reich were very common.

Origins of the occult in the Third Reich

During the capture of Hitler's headquarters by the liberators, it turned out that there were many Tibetans in the form of SS men in his personal guard. The monks, who initially professed the religion of non-violence, Buddhism, found themselves under the banner of the left-handed swastika for a reason.

In his youth, Adolf Hitler, like other future spiritual and political leaders of Nazi Germany, was fond of Eastern occultism. Esotericism and mysticism in the Third Reich were rooted in mediumistic seances popular at the end of the 19th century and German romanticism fascinated by the East. Hitler himself considered himself a man with clairvoyant abilities, the reincarnation of one of the Sicilian satanic magicians of the 11th century and, in a sense, the message of divine forces.

The occult history of the Third Reich assumed a complete rejection of the Jewish Old Testament heritage (Jesus was declared an Aryan martyr). The ancient Aryans are supposed to have lived for a long time isolated from the Jewish Christian course of history in the legendary mysterious Shambhala high in the mountains of Tibet. In the thirties, the Nazis equipped several expeditions there. And if at first the Tibetan monks greeted the German guests rather coldly, before the Second World War in the Tibetan highlands, Hitler was received with honor as an exponent of "Aryan wisdom" in the West.

Occultism in the Third Reich also took its origins in the bowels of the Thule organization, which, through several stages of initiation, introduced its followers to the processed and rethought teachings of Eastern spiritual leaders. This community appeared back in 1911, but its vigorous activity dates back to the period after the end of the First World War. when Germany, disappointed by its defeat, was carried away by revanchist ideas ....

Are members of the Thule Society bearers of the truth or provocateurs?

One of the main ideological pillars of the Thule society was the idea of ​​​​the existence in the far north (somewhere in the region of Scandinavia) in prehistoric times of the legendary Hyperborea, Thule - a country of morally and physically perfect Aryans. Knowledge about this country was lost later in history, but supporters of the society believed that through magic, one could join the spirit of the ancestors and awaken the necessary qualities in modern Germans related to the Scandinavian peoples. Complemented by eugenics (the politics of racial purity), these ideas became the moral justification for a whole series of tragic events, the consequences of which affected the entire history of the world.

It is not known for certain whether Hitler was in the Thule society. But a historically proven fact is the membership in this organization of Karl Haushofer, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, who had a significant influence on Hitler. It is believed that members of the Thule Society taught Hitler the art of public speaking and inspired him with confidence in his own "superpowers". Some researchers believe that perhaps the less charismatic and more cautious German occultists simply wanted to use the person of Hitler as a political guide to their ideas. But the mysticism of the Third Reich at some point got out of control and became entirely dependent on the will of the suspicious, domineering and, importantly, beloved by the people "leader", who brutally suppressed any dissent in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

Occult practices in the service of Nazism

Since Thule was a long gone country, the connection with the ancestors had to be restored in special ways. In search of the best "contact" in Munich in the twenties and thirties, a number of practicing "mediums" appeared. Both in city apartments and in castles, satanic rituals of astrological Arabic magic were practiced. . Later, already during the war years, the Nazis often resorted to sacrifices and burnings. And Dietrich Eckart, who had influence on Hitler, developed in his “astral body” centers for exiting into the macrocosm and interaction with the forces of darkness.

include various mystical teachings, ancient "secret knowledge" about the supernatural. Occultism rose to an unprecedented height during the coming to power in Germany Nazis. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were a lot of adherents occult beliefs.

Book cover of the Thule Society, which included Hitler and other Nazi leaders

Hitler from childhood was fond of reading books on mythology and occultism and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants reached out.

Among the superstitious associates of Hitler were also Adolf Rosenberg, the ideologue of Nazism;

Rudolf Hess - whose fixed idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of the revival of the German nation.

Not far from the city of Externsteine ​​in the Teutoburg Forest in 1934, Heinrich Himmler rented an ancient castle, the prisoners of a concentration camp located nearby were engaged in its restoration.

This castle housed an archaeological museum, a library occult, Institute of Ancient History and "Nordic Academy" SS. Himmler made it his residence, where in the North Tower, the most majestic, a "sanctuary" was arranged Nazi"new religion" created within the SS, which was a symbiosis of ancient Germanic paganism, early Christianity and modern occult.

A crypt was built at the base of the tower - “Temple to the glory of the deceased leaders of the SS”, twelve pedestal bases were built along its edges, where it was supposed to install urns with the ashes of great SS generals who would die in future battles. Directly above the crypt was the Hall of the SS Leaders, where Himmler intended to meet with the twelve highest officers of his service.

Thus, a parallel was drawn with the Celtic traditions of the Knights of the Round Table during the time of King Arthur. Himmler, creating the SS according to the type of the Teutonic Order of the XIII century (you can read more about the Order of the Templars), dreamed of creating a new German aristocracy supermen, which, like the knights mentioned, will exterminate and enslave the peoples of the lands they conquered, by the way, in the enslaved lands, SS officers were promised feudal allotments with working, but in reality slave, power.

The source of esoteric power to the Nazis was the Mysterious chalice of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that having this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, prosperity and power, Third Reich secure an easy victory in the war.

According to the archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this issue, the Chalice was hidden in a cave in southern France from time immemorial. By order of Himmler, expeditions were equipped, including to the fortress of Montsegur, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

It was a heretical sect that was destroyed in the 13th century because of the accusation of worshiping the devil. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the rout, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was precisely the Grail.

From the stories of the expedition members, it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of mountain caves along an underground passage known only to Ran. Tired people returned, confirming that they found two walled caves, where only swords and armor were found, eaten away by rust. But Ran was pleased - these findings corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days.

Otto Rahn during an archaeological dig

When he returned, he did not tell anyone, but he had a happy smile on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in him. No one ever found out what he found or did not find ... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case !!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unspecified circumstances. It is believed that it was on the orders of Himmler that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for Nazis he didn't need them...

One of the most mysterious organizations Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and speculation was " Ahnenerbe”, which literally means “ancestral heritage” in German. It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

Origins Ahnenerbe” are served by the Germanenorden, Thule and Vril societies. It was these mystical organizations that became the "three pillars" of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grandiose catastrophe. Having miraculously saved some of the people, having mixed with the Aryans, it gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans.

People interested in history Nazi Germany superficially, title Ahnenerbe' says little. But the very fact that Heinrich Himmler was the president of this society and he charged his subordinates with a total search for all the archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance that was given the work of this society.

A special expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Ahnenerbe". The main areas of research were the study of the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human capabilities in terms of pain thresholds. And besides, great interest was shown in the mass psychological and psychotropic effects, work was underway to create a superweapon. For scientific research Ahnenerbe”attracted well-known scientists from around the world.

« Ahnenerbe”in German, he meticulously clearly delimited the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices.

For research " Ahnenerbe» Nazi Germany spent a lot of money. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory was one of the main areas of activity " Ahnenerbe' since its inception. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus.

And that it is they who, with the help of the so-called vril forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - the vril was written in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book The Coming Race) will be able to become a race of superhumans and rule the world. It was assumed that in the heirs of the Aryans, “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study the runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists serving in the "Ahnenerbe" wrote educational programs for the SS and shot "scientific propaganda" films.

SS members were taught to read runes. The Society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the consecration of newborn babies and, of course, the ceremony of initiation and delivery of weapons to recruits.

Nazi the top believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans with the help of selection. The tribal fund became part of the SS, where they selected the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the genus was supposed to be monitored since 1750.

Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with "producing" as many offspring as possible. In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as the Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and life support of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and strongly encouraged the fact that girls could and should enter into relations with the SS.

Children born in such relationships were not at all considered dishonorable if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11,000 such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken out of the occupied countries and placed in orphanages “ ” in Germany.

ruling elite Nazi Reich was obsessed occultism and racial theories of superiority and actively imposed the ideas of super-race on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned performances by the Fuhrer, theatrically furnished with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

« Ahnenerbe» and Tibet

Scientists from the SS determined the birthplace of the Aryan civilization in Central Asia, the region of the Gobi desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting from the 30s, numerous expeditions began to equip in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation Nazi Germany and, secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agharti (it was believed that these hidden underground cities were under the Himalayas), and to restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there.

The sent expeditions had to ask for help, and, of course, get it from local initiates, who allegedly owned secret occult powers, such as the previously mentioned Vril power, possessed arcane knowledge that could hold the key to the Aryan master race's absolute dominion over the world. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

« Ahnenerbe"organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 led by Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members managed to visit not only the closed city of Lhasa, but also visited the sacred place of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rites were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study.

The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report personally submitted to Hitler, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of a superweapon, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission.

The bodies of these Tibetans, for some reason in the form of the SS, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. All their secrets they voluntarily took with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only in search of mystical knowledge and documents. In the laboratory " Ahnenerbe” dozens of manuscripts were delivered both in Sanskrit and in ancient Chinese.

Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first V-1 and V-2 rocket aircraft, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things in these documents. Recently, incredible evidence has appeared that the Nazis received knowledge on the development of space technology and non-standard weapons from some kind of alien civilization, contact with which took place (in detail about the theory of palecontact) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica.

In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later Byrd admitted that he was indeed at the base " Ahnenerbe”and saw there extraordinary disc-shaped aircraft capable of covering huge distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories "" they worked actively on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans went the wrong way in research and would never have been able to get positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the bomb was Third Reich was! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. Experienced "material" in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion.

Their bodies burned down without a trace or were badly damaged by radiation and high-temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the tests of the Germans in just a few days. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was more likely not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German armaments minister said that "there is an explosive the size of a matchbox, the amount of which is enough to destroy the whole of New York." Analysts say that the Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, they did not have enough time to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence agencies of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the organization "", but the constant control of the German security services reduced all efforts to penetrate this society.

Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work " Ahnenerbe' has not been disclosed by anyone. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the United States and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for archives " Ahnenerbe”, all kinds of materials and developments, as well as its employees. Everything that was found was taken away in complete secrecy. Scientists continued their work in the new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries.

It was not in vain that the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, Secretary General "" was abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials and why a simple SS colonel was so hastily shot among the most important war criminals " Third Reich"? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA Blue Bird project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in Nuremberg in vain as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of " Ahnenerbe».

And the significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocket science, space research, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons in the post-war years of the USSR and the USA suggest the seized secret archives " Third Reich". Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were especially active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Prior to this, the Nazis successfully carried out in the death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared the Ahnenerbe a criminal organization. But comments claiming that the Ahnenerbe archives did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to scrutiny. Belief in astrology and prophecy did a disservice to the top of the Nazi Reich.

The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who is under arrest, made a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Fuhrer's private bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children.

Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and during the detention by an English patrol, he chewed on a cyanide capsule. Being in the Nurnerg prison accepted Hermann Göring's poison capsule. In November 1945, the survivors appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Nazi ringleaders.

Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, ideologue Nazism and philosopher of racism was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. Lasted only 12 years Third Reich, and not the millennium expected by its creators.

History passed its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of the Hitlerite "superior race", which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

Occult Hitler

Modern researchers who are seriously involved in the history of the Third Reich deny any influence of the occult and occult doctrines on the worldview of Adolf Hitler. They believe that the Nazi Fuhrer was primarily concerned with political and economic problems, and he never allowed himself to be carried away by metaphysics to the detriment of pragmatic calculations.

Thus, the German historian Joachim Fest writes:

“The idea of ​​Hitler as a man of instinct, walking his own path with the confidence of a clairvoyant, or, as he himself used the expression, “like a somnambulist”, loses sight of the rationality and composure that underlay all his behavior and which ensured his ascent in no less degree than all his powers as a medium. So, we must take into account his extraordinary ability to learn "..." He learned more than from his idols and associates from his opponents "..." He learned the most important thing from Marxism.

Following him, the St. Petersburg professor Oleg Yuryevich Plenkov states:

“It should be pointed out that it was not the intoxication of mass rituals, not the notorious Nazi mysticism and occultism (which arouse such considerable interest among the public to this day), not various Nazi propaganda tricks, which have not become so odious in our time, and therefore shocking, the symbolism of the Nazis created popularity for the Hitler regime but its indisputable economic and foreign policy successes.

“The vast majority of the legends associated with the topic “Occult and mystical secrets of the Third Reich” goes back to the book by French journalists Jacques Bergier and Louis Povel “Morning of the Magicians”, first published in Paris in 1964. They argued, in particular, that “the magical spirit of fascism armed itself with all the levers of the material world. Lenin said that Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country is socialism. Nazism in its own way is magic plus tank divisions.” This thesis is supported by the following facts. As the authors of The Morning of the Magicians emphasize, “Nazism noisily and openly declared itself the enemy of intellectualism. The Nazis burned books, giving this violence against thought, unheard of in modern Europe, the character of a gloomy, oppressive ceremonial. The Nazis threw the greatest scientists into the ranks of their "Judeo-Marxist" and "Jewish-liberal" enemies. Everyone knows this. Far less well known are the cosmogonies, in the name of which Nazism rejected official Western science. And even less known or completely unknown are the religious concepts on which Nazism relied, or rather, some of its leaders. But only the knowledge of this hidden essence of Nazism allows us to consider the Second World War as a genuine great spiritual conflict. „…“

But the attempts of Bergier and Povel to connect Hitler and other leaders of the Third Reich with some kind of secret occult societies cannot cause anything but a smile. Thus, they point out, with reference to the German rocket scientist Wilhelm Ley, who fled the Reich in 1933, that there was a secret society in Berlin of admirers of the novel by the English writer Bulwer-Lytton, The Race That Will Surpass Us. It describes people whose psyche has reached the highest stage of evolution: "they will have power over the world and over themselves, which will make them equal to the gods, and now supermen lurk underground in deep caves and will soon appear to rule mankind." Members of the society, in the words of Dr. Lay, “possess some secret methods of changing race, which can be used to become like subterranean supermen. For this kind of transformation, members of society have a system of mental exercises. Start by fixing your eyes on an apple cut in half.” Hitler, on the assurance of the authors of The Morning of the Magicians, “we will find the idea of ​​the mutation of the nation”, and he allegedly shared the belief in the existence of “Higher Unknowns”, and, “moreover, Hitler believed that he had personal contacts with "Highest". But what if Hitler simply read Bulwer-Lytton's novel, or some other similar one, for example, "Food of the Gods" by HG Wells? And in general, the motive of racial mutations, damage or improvement of blood is a common place in almost all racial theories, as well as the idea of ​​higher beings, which is generally quite common in world philosophy and literature, and Hitler is no exception here. But on this basis, it is possible to rank the Fuhrer in any secret society only in science fiction novels. The book of Bergier and Povel is actually such a novel, where the fantasy of the authors builds historical facts and rumors about various kinds of events ... "

By and large, the above researchers are right. Against the background of other Nazi leaders, Hitler stood out for his exceptional sanity. Moreover, when it came to mysticism or the occult, he defiantly distanced himself from any esoteric. For example, in his famous "speech on culture" on September 6, 1938, Hitler sharply condemned the fascination with mysticism of individual members of the NSDAP.

Hitler represented his own worldview as a rational, almost materialistic, theory based on contemporary science. He said that for National Socialism there is nothing more alien than to fill the hearts of the Germans with mysticism, "completely alien to the Nazi movement."

“At the origin of our program requirements,” Hitler said, “are not mysterious and mystical forces, but a clear consciousness and open rationality. Our goal is the cultivation of the natural, natural, that is, pleasing to God. Our humility is due to the admiration for the laws established by God and their respect. We rely only on the consistent performance of these traditional duties. Worship is the responsibility of the church, not the party.”

However, Hitler's denial of the irrational basis of National Socialism should not at all mislead us, as if such a basis did not exist at all. In the last chapter, we analyzed the main doctrines of the Nazi ideology and made sure that they are myths that grew out of pseudoscientific theories and everyday prejudices. Hitler believed in these myths, defended them, made them part of state propaganda, which means that he nevertheless contributed to the spread of a metaphysical irrational worldview.

If we try to penetrate even deeper into Hitler's convictions, we will find that in himself he was a mystic in no less degree than Rosenberg or Hess.

It is known that for some time Hitler was interested in mysticism. As a young man, he regularly read the occult magazine Ostara published by Lanz von Liebenfels. In Vienna, this magazine could be bought at any tobacconist and thus be aware of the details of the "eternal" struggle of the Aryans with subhumans. On the pages of the magazine, Lanz von Liebensfels suggested that the full-fledged race of the Aryans did not arise through natural selection, but was created, as it is said in the "ancient books", by some higher beings, the Heldings, who once inhabited the earth. Some of these higher beings once fell into sin. The lower races originated from the fallen individuals. Then the Aryan females entered into intercourse with the males of inferior races, and the male Aryans, along with racial purity, lost their power. Now the task is to restore the original racial purity.

Despite the obvious absurdity of these arguments, they have one important advantage for the Nazis - they quite accurately correspond to the pathological ideology of Hitler's myth of race.

A probable source of Hitler's fascination with Aryan mythology could also be Freemasonry - the Thule Society, in which the DAP originally took shape, was, in fact, a "Masonic" organization - in it, under the influence of Joseph Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stuart Chamberlain, they preached racial doctrine in the most extreme forms. . The center of the mentioned organization was at first in northern Germany; its members moved to Munich only in 1918. Hitler, as we remember, through Rudolf Hess was familiar with the grand master of the Thule Society and the founder of German geopolitics, Professor Haushofer. According to some recollections, Hitler appreciated the ability of Freemasons and "Masons" in the right direction to influence the people and amaze the public's imagination with the help of symbols of a magical cult. In addition, Hitler several times attended séances arranged by the Viennese Freemasons.

On the other hand, having come to power, Hitler decisively broke with Masonic metaphysics - both mystics and Freemasons became undesirable in the Third Reich; all occult organizations, including Masonic lodges, have been banned since 1935. However, here an enlightened esotericist will say that the Fuhrer simply eliminated “competitors” - not a single ambitious political leader, knowledgeable in the history of secret occult societies, will tolerate the existence of a parallel “power structure” next to him, claiming universal and comprehensive control over the citizens of his country .

So, Hitler publicly demonstrated his contempt for any mysticism and metaphysics, but he himself held special views on this issue. Of great value for clarifying Hitler's true attitude to esoteric and occult doctrines are his "table talks" (actually monologues), in which he touched on the widest range of issues and often let it slip, involuntarily giving out to listeners his deeply hidden convictions.

For example, here is what Hitler said about superstitions:

“In maritime histories,” writes Henry Picker, who transcribed Hitler’s table conversations during 1941-1942, “one thing always struck him: how much attention is paid to all sorts of signs in them. Sailors are obviously a lot like actors. So many times they get into situations, the outcome of which they are not given to foresee and which develop against their will. A sailor does not know when a storm or even a hurricane will hit his ship, just as an actor, going to the theater in the evening, does not know how the audience will behave: what if it suddenly whistles and hoots with such force that it seems to him that a storm has risen . That is why they are so superstitious.

However, for him, superstition is a factor to be reckoned with if you want to lead people along, even if you yourself are above all prejudices and only laugh at them. He therefore, on one occasion, convinced the Duce not to start a military operation - as planned - on the thirteenth. He also advises against going to sea on Friday, as experienced sailors find it very dangerous. In general, they don’t joke with such things, because the consequences can be unpredictable. After all, people who believe in all this, at the slightest crisis, immediately arrange riots.

And, when the situation on the Eastern Front was extremely difficult this winter, some idiot put forward the thesis that Napoleon, like us, also went on a campaign against Russia on June 22. But thank God, he - the boss - immediately managed to refute it, opposing this chatter with the opinion of authoritative experts who proved that Napoleon only moved his troops against Russia on June 23.

The approach is curious: superstitions are nonsense, but they must be reckoned with in order to lead people along. Perhaps, while publicly denying the irrational part of the Nazi ideology, Hitler nevertheless continued to believe in many of its provisions - just in case? After all, even militant materialist atheists, when a black cat crosses their path, superstitiously spit over their shoulders.

Be that as it may, the lack of a systematic natural science education affected the formation of Hitler's worldview. Not really knowing what ideas about the past of the Earth and mankind have developed in scientific circles, the Fuhrer of the German people grabbed the theories that grew straight from the theosophy of Helena Blavatsky and the Ariasophy of Guido von List. This can be confirmed not only by amateurish arguments about the origin of races, but also by the fascination with the theory of the extravagant Austrian inventor Hans Görbiger, who challenged contemporary science and common sense. Read the words of Hitler, which I quote below, and you will see for yourself how far Hitler's personal ideas were from what is called rationalism. The Fuhrer of the NSDAP was a mystic - terry, ossified in his delusions, unusually close to those metaphysical figures whom he banned and expelled from Germany.

“When I think about more ancient peoples,” Hitler said, “about the Egyptians who lived in the previous era, I understand that they were no less worthy people. Only 40 generations separate us from the birth of Christ. But our knowledge is limited to an epoch covering several millennia before the beginning of a new era.

The saga couldn't have come out of nothing. The phenomenon always precedes the concept. We are not connected in any way, I even think we did the right thing in assuming that mythological images are generated by memories of real events of the past.

At the same time, in all ancient legends, we find a story about how the vault of heaven collapsed to the earth. But the biblical stories about this did not mature at all on Jewish soil; the plots were undoubtedly borrowed from the Babylonians and Assyrians. Nordic myth tells of a struggle between gods and giants. I can only explain this by the fact that as a result of a natural disaster in Scandinavia, the human race, which was the bearer of the highest culture, perished. What we find today on earth are, in all likelihood, the traces of those who survived and, following the call of memory, began to revive culture. Who said that the stone ax that can be found in our area was invented by the same people who used it? In my opinion, it would be much more correct to assume that just stone products were previously made from other materials. It is not known whether metal tools also existed along with stone tools. However, copper and bronze are short-lived. And so it may happen that many more stone tools will be found in some layers of the earth's crust.

Nothing is said anywhere about the fact that the cultural life of the peoples in our area on the eve of the catastrophe dried up. The earth is three-quarters covered with water. Only one eighth of the earth's surface is accessible to our researchers. Who knows what discoveries await us when we are able to fully explore the soil flooded with water.

I tend to believe Horbiger's theory of world ice. Perhaps sometime, 10,000 years before our era, there was a collision with the moon. It is possible that the Earth then forced the Moon to rotate in its current orbit. Perhaps our Earth took away its atmosphere from the Moon and this completely changed the living conditions of people on Earth. I admit that creatures lived here then, which could live at any height and depth, because there was no atmospheric pressure. I also admit that the Earth opened up and the water pouring into the craters caused terrible eruptions and torrents of rain. Only two people were able to escape, as they took refuge high in the mountains in a cave. I believe that the answer to these questions will be given only when a person intuitively feels the inner interconnection and thereby paves the way for exact science. Otherwise, the Ancient World that existed before the catastrophe will forever be hidden from our eyes.

If you look at the history of our religion from its origins, it will seem more human. In my opinion, religions have come about because memories have faded into bare outlines, become abstract, and merged with the notions that the church used to stay in power. In general, the time from the 3rd to the 17th centuries was certainly distinguished by unthinkable cruelty and the extreme degree of degradation of mankind. Bloodlust, meanness and lies - that was characteristic of this era.

I do not believe that everything should remain as it was. Providence gave man reason to act wisely. It is reason that tells me that the power of lies should end. But he also suggests that at the moment it is impossible to do this. Not wanting to contribute to the spread of lies, I did not let the priests into the party. And I will not be afraid to join the fight and will immediately act if the test shows that the time has come ... "

This was the whole of Hitler - he was ready to believe any extravagant concept (namely, such extravagance is the theory of the cyclical fall of the moons and Horbiger's "world ice"), which seemed to him more in line with reality than any facts and evidence. Therefore, we should not pay attention to how Hitler condemned mysticism and mystics among the members of the National Socialist Party. The mere fact that he tolerated the presence of people like Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg next to him and even entrusted them with responsible work speaks volumes. But the most odious in this sense was the all-round support that the Fuhrer provided to one of the most famous mystics of the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler.

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Chapter 20 Carl Jung, the occult Internet and the world of dead life across the ocean So, the tangled traces left by the organizers of the attack on America in the labyrinths of politics and the occult led us to a huge, poorly lit cave, above the entrance to which the inscription "MYTH" was carved. And

From the book MAYA. Reality is an Illusion by Serrano Miguel

Chapter 12 The Occult Symbolism of Multiple Numbers, with Examples Now I would like to present to the reader's judgment one of the most amazing systems, consisting in the occult calculation of names and numbers, which I was fortunate enough to identify. This system has never

From the book Book 3. Ways. Roads. Meetings author Sidorov Georgy Alekseevich

Hitler It was in Italy of the Mussolini era that the Archetype of the Emperor was embodied in our time, which, in turn, manifested itself earlier in the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, the Maharajas of India, the German Warrior-Heroes, the Hyperborean Siddhas, the Great Incas, the Atumuruns, the Roman Emperors

From the Mahatma Letters author Kovaleva Natalia Evgenievna

From the book Sacred Geometry. Energy codes of harmony author Prokopenko Iolanta

[On Sinnett's forthcoming book The Occult World] Your forthcoming book is a small gem; although it is small, the day may come when it will rise above your hills of Simla like Mount Everest. Between all other combinations of this kind in the wild jungle

From the book "Plates" over the Kremlin author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

Hexagram as an occult and alchemical symbol The hexagram is a union of opposites (consists of oppositely directed triangles). Therefore, with the advent of alchemy, the hexagram became a symbol of the philosopher's stone. often met

From the book World Astrology author Baigent Michael

The Occult Department of the NKVD Oddly enough, in Soviet Russia, whose ideology, it would seem, did not leave room for mysticism and sensations, there were people who held high positions and at the same time believed that occultism could help strengthen

From the book Predictions of Nostradamus. New reading. How the prophecies of the great seer come true the author Reutov Sergey

From the author's book

Hitler in power (9–5, 9–17) The third toe / base / will be similar to the first, Like a new monarch rising from the bottom to the top, Who, like a tyrant, will capture Pisa and Lucca, Correcting the mistake