English alphabet is uppercase. English alphabet in detail for beginners

English spelling with letters, letter combinations, endings, prepositions, pronouns, irregular verbs, sentences and phrases. For learning to write by hand in English. All entries must be downloaded and printed.

  • Recipe alphabet

    Copybooks in English 8 sheets, A4, uppercase and lowercase letters of the English alphabet. Recipe for beginners, it contains only letters, uppercase and lowercase, three letters at the beginning of each line you need to circle the rest to write yourself. You need to start learning to write by hand with her. Download

  • Spelling, letters and two-letter combinations

    English copybook 22 sheets, A4, for teaching the correct spelling of letters and letter combinations in English. For beginners. Uppercase, lowercase and two-letter combinations. Download

  • Alphabet on A4

    Recipe on a separate sheet of A4. Lowercase and uppercase letters of the English alphabet. These recipes are suitable for group or class activities. Download

  • Scheme on A4

    A detailed diagram with arrows on how to write the written letters of the English alphabet. For printing on a standard A4 sheet, in pdf format. On one sheet of all letters, lowercase and uppercase. Download

  • Recipe:

Different recipes

  • Copybooks in English 27 sheets in the form of a notebook, pdf format, lowercase and uppercase written letters, in the line the first letter with arrows showing how to write, the second letter must be circled, the rest of the letters must be written by yourself. Each copybook sheet is divided into two parts: lowercase and uppercase letters. Download

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters

    Copybooks in English 27 sheets, pdf format, one letter on each page, half the page is lowercase, the other half of the page is capital, at the beginning of each line there is an example, there are no letters that need to be circled, on top there is a detailed diagram of how to write each letter by hand. Download

  • Uppercase and lowercase letters

    Writing in English, written letters, one letter per page, the upper half is capital, the lower half is lowercase, a copy for those who already know how to write, without diagrams and letters that need to be circled. Download

  • Recipe on A4

    Copybooks on separate sheets of A4 format. This recipe is for beginners, for those who are just learning to write by hand in English. On each sheet, one letter is lowercase or uppercase, the first letter is a diagram and five letters must be circled.

Based on Latin letters, it has an interesting and long history. Over time, the alphabet has undergone significant changes. English now presents a clearly defined system. There are printed and uppercase English alphabets, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Letters of the English alphabet

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, of which:

  • 6 transmit;
  • 21 transmits .

The name of the last letter - "Z" - is written and pronounced in two ways:

  • in the British version as “zed” (read);
  • in American as "zee" (read).

English alphabet table

Table of uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as:

capital letter Lowercase letter How to pronounce the name
A a
B b
C c
D d
E e
F f
I i
J j
K k
L l
M m
N n [ɛn]
O o [əʊ]
P p
Q q
R r [ɑː, ar]
S s
T t
U u
V v
W w [‘dʌbljuː]
X x
Y y
Z z

Pros and cons of capital letters of the English alphabet

pros Minuses
Perfectly develop motor skills, so they are used in teaching children. It takes time to learn how to write beautifully.
Increase the speed of writing, as the letters in the word are connected to each other. Sometimes it is difficult to make out what is written.
With neat handwriting, text in capital letters looks neater. They are being used less and less.
There are no strict spelling rules, so you can add something of your own.
Having mastered this type of writing, it is easier to understand handwritten sources.
Develop accuracy.

Capital letters of the English alphabet

It is impossible to imagine the alphabet of this language without capital letters. The capital alphabet is a comfortable and fast way of writing. In addition, uppercase does not imply complete copying of samples. You can create your own writing style, as long as the letters are legible.

Note that earlier the capital letter “A” in English was written in the same way as in Russian. Now the letter occurs as a lowercase “a”, only in an enlarged size.

calligraphy Considered a decorative style, it requires a lot of time, creativity and precision. It cannot be argued that it is impossible to learn this when a person has bad handwriting. Everyone can learn calligraphy. It will take time, but it will be beneficial.

Since calligraphy is becoming popular, convenient master classes and lessons on mastering it are being held. You can learn without leaving home.

You only need:

  • paper;
  • necessary accessories (pen, pen, ink);
  • patience and desire.

Prescriptions of the English alphabet

A few recipes that you can download and print:

When teaching English, it is necessary to harmoniously use all four types of speech actions. Good English will only come from a combination of speaking, daily reading, listening to live English speech and correct writing.

Modern written English does not place too much emphasis on the development of calligraphic skills in the sense that students are not loaded with the skills of combining letters into words. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we are typing more and more on the computer.

The youngest schoolchildren are taught to write letters in special copybooks, indicating with arrows the direction of hand movement when writing. When children begin to master written English letters and then combine them into words, they must be taught that the distance between letters should be less than the distance between words. As practice shows, this is not such an easy task.

Written English letters (alphabet)

The written English alphabet is not difficult to write. Much more difficult is the so-called spelling. The fact is that in English many words are spelled differently than they sound in speech. An illustrative example is the word “choir” [ˈkwaɪə]. According to linguists, it is impossible for a Russian-speaking person to write this word “by ear” without knowing it.

This is where spelling comes to the rescue, which means “pronunciation of the word by spell”. Moreover, this technique is used not only by language learners, but also by English-speaking people themselves. To write a lexical item correctly, you need to learn the following phrases asking for help:

Spell it please! Spell this word, please!

Could you spell this word please? Could you pronounce this word letter by letter, please!

Thus, it is best to learn the written letters of the English alphabet along with spelling. In the English alphabet, some letters are pronounced differently than the letters of the generally accepted Latin alphabet. They are a, c, e, g [ʤiː], h, i, j [ʤeɪ], r [ɑː], u, y. When practicing spelling, pay special attention to these letters. Another important point is that when pronouncing a word by letter, they should sound strictly the way they are pronounced in the alphabet.

The role of the written part of the English language

When learning any language, it is necessary to place emphasis on the order of development of skills. Think about how the child perceives his native language:

  • From the first minutes of his birth, he listens (auditing);
  • Begins to pronounce sounds, put them into words and phrases (speaking);
  • Begins to recognize letters, read individual words, and then texts;
  • He writes the first alphabetic scribbles, draws the letters in words and gradually reaches the texts.

We come to the conclusion that the written part of the English language requires the ability to listen, speak tolerably and read well. At each age, it is necessary to achieve the necessary balance of these skills, and not start writing, bypassing, for example, listening.

Written English lessons

With a reasonable approach to the development of written language, students develop sufficient literacy by the end of high school or by the end of language courses. After the 9th and 11th grade of the school, students can choose to take an English exam, where the last task is writing. This is the most difficult part of the exam, so take your written English lessons seriously in preparation for the final test.

It is very important to work out exercises for word order, which is quite strict in English. When writing simple texts, use simple sentences, following the rules:

  • In an affirmative sentence, the subject comes first, then the predicate, then the addition, and the circumstance (place, time, and so on) completes the construction;
  • In interrogative sentences, the word order changes or an additional auxiliary verb “do” appears;
  • In a negative sentence, “not” appears after the auxiliary verb, or pronouns or adverbs appear before the verb that carry negation in themselves (nobody, never).

Written assignments in English

When doing written tasks in English, in the future use complex sentences, each part of which, as a rule, has its own subject and predicate:

When I was a young boy, I used to wear long hair. When I was a boy, I wore long hair.

Written work in English requires the ability to rationally distribute information. To do this, you must be able to divide texts into paragraphs, use unions and special connecting words:

First(ly) - first;

Second(ly) - secondly;

Besides - besides;

moreover - more than that;

In conclusion - in conclusion;

Therefore - therefore.

Depending on the level of preparation, on the Lim English website you will learn how to write letters, make simple and complex sentences, organize texts in accordance with the plan, compose letters for various purposes, compositions and essays.

English spellings. We play and write letters. Markova D.

St. Petersburg: 2015. - 6 4 p.

Has your child started learning English? For him, professionals in the field of early learning of foreign languages ​​created interesting recipes. The notebook contains directly the spelling of the letters of the English alphabet, as well as exercises and games. Gradually performing exercises and game tasks, the child begins his acquaintance with the English language. The tasks will help him quickly learn the English alphabet and write all the letters correctly.

Format: pdf

The size: 24.9 MB

Download: drive.google

Before you is a workbook called "English copybooks." With its help, children will not only learn the English alphabet, but also learn how to write printed letters, and also learn new English words. Funny pictures and tasks will help them with this. The workbook contains various exercises and games (shading a picture, drawing patterns, coloring, tracing, etc.). These tasks will help prepare the child's hand for writing letters and numbers, and by drawing point by point, the kid learns to hold the pencil correctly and confidently draw various lines, draw patterns and geometric shapes. Also, the child will get acquainted with the flowers, their names in English, will be able to color various funny pictures right on the pages of the notebook. Coloring pages combine both entertaining and certain developmental functions: the development of fine motor skills of hands, writing and drawing skills, imagination, attention, the child learns to distinguish colors. The kid will get acquainted with the English alphabet, learn to write letters and will perform various game tasks to consolidate the material covered. The workbook is designed for preschoolers and elementary school students starting to learn English.

Here you can download and print English letters in cursive so that the child learns to write them by tracing the letters along the dotted line. After the child learns the English alphabet in words (using our cards), print out these words for him and give him to fill out. Prepare a ballpoint pen that writes clearly enough, but does not smear, so that the child learns to write neatly.

First, let the child begin to trace the printed English letters in cursive (first capital letters, then small ones). After that, you can move on to capital letters in the same order.

Printed English letters in cursive - Capital and small

Download in the attachments at the bottom of the page printed English letters in words (capital and small) and you can start studying. Try to make sure that the child traces the letters neatly, without going beyond the dotted lines and without smearing the paper. Gradually, this will develop in him the correct writing technique, which will be very useful to him at school. After all, now, as you know, teachers reduce the grade for sloppy writing and blots. It is also very important to learn how to draw letters in the right direction (the direction of each letter is indicated on the first letter of each line). The dot that you see already in the dotted letter means the beginning of the letter (that is, from this point you need to start writing the letter).

You can download "Printed Recipes" in the attachments at the bottom of the page

Sheet 1- Capsule English letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

Sheet 2 J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R

Sheet 3- English cursive block letters S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

And now you can download small English block letters in words:

Sheet 1- Printed small letters

Sheet 2- Printed small letters

Sheet 3- Printed letters - English for kids

English spelling - Uppercase and lowercase

And now you can view and download small and capital English words in cursive for teaching children English writing. Everyone knows how important it is to be able to write correctly and accurately. And most importantly, you need to learn this as early as possible. After all, ugly handwriting is very difficult to correct later. In addition, sloppy writing can lead to systematic underestimation of grades in school. And this will already cause constant grief in the child, especially if the entire task is completed correctly, and the mark is underestimated only because of blots and slurred letters.

You can print out the recipe data as much as you like, until the child learns to write letters clearly and beautifully, without going beyond the dotted lines. That is, if the child circled all the capital letters, you need to print out these sheets again for him and give him to fill out at the next lesson.

Do not forget to ask the child to say aloud the letter that he begins to write in each line.

You can download Uppercase English letters in the attachments at the bottom of the page

Sheet 1- Capital letters - for English writing

Sheet 2- English capital letters

Sheet 3- Upper case letters - for kids

And now you can also look at small caps English letters:

Sheet 1 - Capital letters of the English alphabet - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h

Sheet 2- Uppercase small English letters - i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q

Sheet 3- Writing small English letters - r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z