A couple of quotes from Mein Kampf. Just a few quotes

The reason for this examination was the widespread opinion about the anti-Russian orientation of A. Hitler's main work, My Struggle. To test this thesis, I conducted a contextual analysis of the electronic version of "My Struggle" using the search command for the words "Russian", "Russia". All places where these words occur and where exactly these concepts are discussed are given below.

From Chapter V. The Russo-Japanese War found me already a more mature person. I followed these events even more closely. In this war, I took a certain side and, moreover, for national reasons. In discussions related to the Russo-Japanese War, I immediately took the side of the Japanese. In the defeat of Russia, I began to see also the defeat of the Austrian Slavs. (Since Hitler had Austrian citizenship, his negative attitude towards the Austrian Slavs is quite understandable - Russia used pan-Slavist propaganda to decompose the Austro-Hungarian army, which had its indirect confirmation in the successes of the Russian army against it - ed.)

From chapter VI. ... We all know that the French Revolution was by no means the result of philosophical theories. This revolution would not have happened if the grand style demagogues had not created a whole army of people who persecuted the monarchy, systematically fanned the passions of a suffering people - until at last a monstrous explosion broke out that made the whole of Europe tremble. The same must be said about the greatest revolutionary upheaval of modern times. It was not Lenin's writings that made the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. The main role was played by the oratorical activity of great and small apostles of hatred, who kindled the passions of the people in incredible proportions.

The people, consisting of illiterate people, were drawn into the communist revolution not by reading the theoretical writings of Karl Marx, but by the pictures of those heavenly blessings that thousands and thousands of agitators painted for them, guided, of course, by only one definite idea. So it was, so it will always be. (Here, of course, we mean the Russian-language Jewish press, as well as the army of socialist propagandists - ed.)

From chapter IX. The population of Russia was completely illiterate, which, of course, could not be said either about Germany or about other Western European peoples. In Russia, the intelligentsia itself, for the most part, belongs to non-Russian nationalities and, in any case, to non-Slavic races. It was easy to deal with a thin layer of the intelligentsia in Russia, because there were almost no intermediate links between it and the broad masses of the people, and the mental and moral level of the broad masses of the people in Russia was terribly low.

(A good third of all Russian noble families are of Turkic, Tatar origin. For example, Aksakov is “lame” in Turkic, Gogol is “drake”, Bulgakov is from Tatar “proud”, Karamzin is “black prince”, Kutuzov is from Turkic “ furious", Turgenev - from the Tatar "turgen", i.e. "fast", "fast", Chaadaev - on behalf of the second son of Genghis Khan - Chagatai, Ogarev - from the nickname of the Tatar prince Kutlamamet "ogar", "high", Timiryazev - on behalf of his own "iron warrior", Berdyaev - "birdy", "he gave", Saltykov - "sold", etc. However, this is not a complete list of Tatar surnames that gave "Russian" writers and scientists. ed.)

Little was enough in Russia. All that was needed was to incite the masses of the uneducated, who could neither read nor write, against the upper stratum of the intelligentsia, who already had almost no connection with the people. This was enough to decide the whole fate of the country and to consider the revolution a success. The entire illiterate mass of the Russian people fell into complete slavery to the Jewish dictators, who, of course, had the sense to drape their dictatorship in the toga of the “dictatorship of the people.”

From chapter XI. Having seized political power, the Jews believe that now they can completely throw off the mask. From the "people's Jew" hatches a bloody Jew - a Jew who has become a tyrant of peoples. Within a short time, he tries to completely eradicate the intelligentsia, the bearer of the national idea. Having deprived the people of their ideological leaders, he wants to finally turn them into slaves and enslave them forever.

From chapter XIII. The Jews already hold the modern European states in their hands. They turn these states into their weak-willed tools, using either the method of so-called Western democracy or the method of direct oppression in the form of Russian Bolshevism. (The method of Western democracy proved to be effective only in non-Aryan state formations with authoritarian rule - kingdoms, kingdoms and empires. That is, where there was no traditional culture of local self-government - veche republics - ed.)

From chapter XIV. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we can, of course, have in mind primarily only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it.

Fate itself points to us with a finger. By delivering Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate has deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence has up to now rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - a most excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen peoples of lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, grow into powerful states and then stand firmly on their feet as long as the racial nucleus of the Germans remains. For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German core in its upper strata of the population. Now this nucleus has been completely and completely exterminated. The place of the Germans was taken by the Jews. But just as the Russians cannot throw off the yoke of the Jews on their own, so the Jews alone are not able to keep this vast state in their subordination for a long time. The Jews themselves are by no means an element of organization, but rather an enzyme of disorganization. This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already matured. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will definitely confirm the correctness of our racial theory.

(Hitler proceeds in his constructions about the role of German elements in the creation of Russian statehood, primarily from the official doctrine of Tsarist Russia about the Norman origin of Rurik and other Russian princes. Today, the “Norman theory” is criticized as unpatriotic and anti-Russian. But the fact is that the self-name of these the Normans-Varangians were "Rus" and they spoke, respectively, in Russian.Already during the Second World War, German scientists engaged in excavations in the Crimea on the territory of the former Ost-Goth kingdom came to the conclusion that the Russian Cossacks are the descendants of those most ready, from which all European nobility and the Gothic style in architecture originate.The famous Norwegian traveler and explorer Thor Heyerdahl, shortly before his death, carried out an archaeological expedition to the Northern Black Sea region and came to the conclusion that the Norwegians are a kindred people with the Goths, the ancestors of the Cossacks. - ed.)

... Russian Bolshevism is only a new attempt, characteristic of the 20th century, of the Jews to achieve world domination. In other historical periods, the same aspiration of the Jews was clothed only in a different form ...

Let's not talk about the true intentions of the new rulers of Russia. It suffices for us that Russia, having lost its upper German stratum, has thereby ceased to have any significance whatsoever as a possible ally of the German nation in the struggle for liberation. From a purely military point of view, a war between Germany and Russia against Western Europe (or rather, in this case, against the rest of the world) would be a real disaster for us. After all, the whole struggle would have played out not on Russian, but on German territory, and Germany could not even count on any serious support from Russia ...

... I do not forget all the impudent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia dared systematically shower on Germany. I do not forget the repeated trial mobilizations that Russia resorted to for the sole purpose of infringing on Germany. I cannot forget the mood that prevailed in Russia already before the war, and those fierce attacks on our people, in which the Russian big press, which was enthusiastic about France, excelled. (Most of the press at that time was already “Russian-speaking, i.e. Jewish. Recall that during the American bombings in Yugoslavia, NTV and other Jewish media were the loudest inflaming anti-American sentiments - ed.)

However, just before the start of the war, we still had a second road: we could rely on Russia against England ...

1. The modern rulers (Jewish - ed.) of Russia do not at all think about concluding an honest alliance with Germany, and even more so about its implementation, if they had concluded it.


Among the stories about how he missed the chance to win the world war, a special place is occupied by the story of the Fuhrer's irrationally negative attitude towards the Slavs. This is what allegedly caused the reciprocal hatred of the Russians, who were tired of the Stalinist terror and initially greeted the German troops with flowers and songs as liberators. The result was the rallying of the Russian people around Stalin, whom they hated, and the defeat of the Third Reich. If he had initially treated the Russians humanely, many would have taken his side, and the Soviet regime would have quickly been defeated.

If the tale of "Hitler the Liberator" circulates only in the most marginal neo-Nazi circles and in the press of the small and proud Baltic states, then the myth of "Hitler's mistake in dealing with the Slavs" is found all the time - starting with the memoirs of Wehrmacht generals and ending with the newspaper " Washington Post," who in one of her articles in 2005 wrote in a tone that did not allow for objections: "Hitler considered the Russian people an enemy who should be treated accordingly. The brutality of the Nazis turned the Russian hatred of Stalin against the occupiers.” The article, by the way, was called "Learning from Hitler's Mistakes."

In this chapter, I deliberately sidestep the question of whether the more "soft handling" of the German troops could lead to massive collaborationism. In my opinion, the attitude of the Russian people towards the invaders has been repeatedly demonstrated by its history, and traitors collaborating with the enemy are found in any country and at any time. Since my book is devoted to the myths about Hitler, other questions seem to be more relevant: was Hitler's attitude towards the Slavs something irrational, atypical for the Germans? And was there a significant difference in attitude towards the population of the Soviet Union between Hitler and his army?

So, let's begin. The first thesis, which may surprise some of my readers, is that I did not feel such a fierce hatred for the Slavs as, for example, for the Jews. The Jews were for him the focus of world evil, the most terrible threat to the German people, purposefully seeking to destroy the Aryan race. Slavs, and Russians in particular, are just one of many inferior peoples, no worse and no better than the Chinese or Negroes. This is evidenced, for example, by Mein Kampf: if there are many pages devoted to Jews, then relatively little is said about Russia and Russians. The main idea is this:

“When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can have in mind, first of all, only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it ... Fate itself points to us with a finger. By delivering Russia into the hands of Bolshevism, fate has deprived the Russian people of that intelligentsia on which its state existence has up to now rested and which alone served as a guarantee of a certain stability of the state. It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - a most excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are capable of playing, acting within a lower race. This is how many powerful states on earth were created. More than once in history we have seen peoples of lower culture, led by the Germans as organizers, grow into powerful states and then stand firmly on their feet as long as the racial nucleus of the Germans remains. For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of precisely the German core in its upper strata of the population ... The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate has destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will confirm unconditionally the correctness of our racial theory ... Our task, our mission should be, first of all, to convince our people: our future goals are not to repeat what - either an effective campaign of Alexander, but in discovering the possibilities of diligent work in the new lands that the German sword will conquer for us.

As the Americans say, nothing personal, just business. Germany needs living space. The Germans need new lands. They need to be cleared of excess population. Is this extra population - Slavs? Well, so much the worse for them.

And one more important point: what he writes about the “enormous state role of German elements” and the “lower culture” of Russians is not his personal invention. Entire generations of Germans were brought up on this belief long before Hitler. The attitude towards the Slavs - and Russians in particular - as barbarians has its origins in the early Middle Ages, when the Germans moved east, clearing the territories of present-day eastern Germany and western Poland from the Slavic tribes. The tribes of the Western Slavs - for example, the Prussians - were destroyed to the root. Later, spiritual and knightly orders - the most famous of which, of course, the Teutonic - undertook crusades in the Slavic lands in order to convert the pagans to the true faith with fire and sword, or at least send them to the next world. There were, of course, unfortunate misunderstandings, as in 1242 from the Nativity of Christ, when a certain Slavic prince defeated representatives of the spiritual chivalry on the ice of the lake ... But the defeat was quite insignificant, and in general, this is not considered ...

The idea of ​​Russia - Muscovy - as a backward country inhabited by barbarians, passes through the centuries. Even Peter's reforms do not change anything in this. The rise of the Russian Empire is attributed solely to the influence of foreigners invited to Russian service. The status of indisputable scientific truth is used in European science by the so-called Norman theory, which says that the Slavs are completely incapable of creating their own state and therefore were forced to invite the Scandinavian princes, led by. Since then, the entire Russian ruling elite has been Western European in its blood. It is only because of this that Russia still exists as a state.

The 19th century has arrived. It would seem that the Enlightenment should contribute to the elimination of national prejudices. But no: the Russian troops who come to Germany to liberate it from Napoleon are treated like wild Cossacks, who the sooner they get out of civilized Europe, the better. Two decades later, the Germans read the work of de Custine, who does not hide his contemptuous attitude towards the Russian barbarians. Found in one of the caves in the valley of the Neander River, the skull of an ancient man - a Neanderthal, significantly inferior in terms of the volume of the skull to a modern person, skeptics immediately declare it to be the "skull of a Russian Cossack."

But after all, Russian students, nobles, cultural figures - Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and many others - lived and worked in Germany! - the reader may object to me. Yes it is. And the attitude towards them was quite normal - because the Germans, I repeat, considered the ruling and intellectual elite of the Russian Empire as representatives of a different race than the one to which the bulk of the population belonged. But what can I say - other Russian nobles were of the same opinion.

1871. Founding of the German Empire. One of the few issues on which there is a broad public consensus is the attitude towards Russia. One of the pillars of European social democracy, Friedrich Engels, wrote: the Slavs "are not vital and will never be able to gain any kind of independence." They "never had their own history ... and only from the moment they reached the first, lowest stage of civilization did they already fall under foreign power, or only with the help of a foreign yoke were they forcibly raised to the first stage of civilization." Any German liberal could subscribe to these words. All political forces, except for conservatives, viewed Russia as a barbarian country, a stronghold of slavery and oppression. The attitude of the conservatives, however, was not much better - the difference was that they promoted monarchical solidarity with the Romanov dynasty, which was almost already German by blood.

At the end of the 1870s, Germany faced the question: whom to choose as the main ally - Austria or Russia? The "Iron Chancellor" Bismarck sees all the weakness of Austria-Hungary and opposes a close alliance with it ... but nevertheless he is forced to conclude such an alliance. The reason is the negative attitude of German society towards Russia already mentioned above. While Bismarck was in power, he tried not to completely spoil good relations with his eastern neighbor, realizing that their break would entail a speedy rapprochement between Russia and France - an alliance that would take the German Empire in pincers. The successors of the "Iron Chancellor" arrogantly ignored this fact, as a result of which they had to fight on two fronts in the First World War.

“Cousin, in your country there is a monstrous beastliness. We are coming to cultivate you and finally disinfect you well ”- such words on behalf of the German Emperor Wilhelm II addressed to his cousin Nicholas II were printed on satirical postcards in 1914. According to the recollections of Russian officers who entered East Prussia at the beginning of the war, the local population fled in horror - before the war they were told that the Russians were letting forward wild humanoid Cossacks who feed on human flesh. And they believed it in all seriousness! And how could it be otherwise, if the idea of ​​Russians as subhuman was brought up from the school bench? Don't believe? Here are quotes from German school textbooks from the early 20th century:

1908: “Russians are semi-Asian tribes. Their spirit is not independent, the sense of justice and reality is replaced by blind faith, they lack the passion for research. Subservience, venality and uncleanliness are purely Asian character traits.

1925: “The Russian spirit as such, apparently, is not adapted to creative creative activity; almost everything that Russia has created in external and internal affairs, it owes to the Germans who were in the Russian service, or to the Baltic Germans.

On July 8, 1915, at the height of the First World War, almost fifteen hundred leading representatives of the German intellectual elite signed a memorandum to Reich Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg. In this memorandum, the existence of Russia is called "the greatest danger to Germany and Europe." Therefore, the western Russian lands must be settled by Germans, and the Slavic population must be evicted somewhere. Here you can already directly hear the intonations of Hitler's General Plan "Ost".

The question is: why, in fact, should he have reasoned in any other way than millions of his compatriots? His attitude towards the Slavs as subhuman is quite understandable. And yet it was significantly different from the hatred that he felt for the Jews. Suffice it to recall that in the early 1920s he was very actively communicating with representatives of the white emigration; subsequently, emigrants live in clover in the Third Reich, without fear of any persecution. In Germany, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is actively operating - and even receives some encouragement from the NSDAP. Which, by the way, does not remain in debt, praising the Fuhrer through the lips of its hierarchs. Which did not prevent her from subsequently loudly demanding repentance from the Russian Orthodox Church for collaborating with Stalin. Of course, ROCOR faced several restrictions in its activities - and yet the Orthodox churches were in incomparably more favorable conditions than the synagogues. Ultimately, even after significant hesitation, he went to the formation of military units from Russian collaborators ... Jewish SS battalions exist only in anecdotes.

Hitler's attitude towards the Slavs was purely pragmatic. Their land must belong to the Germans. For this, some of them must be destroyed, and some must be in the position of slaves. It makes no sense to pity subhumans. “This year, 20 to 30 million people will die of starvation in Russia. It may even be good that this will happen: after all, some peoples need to be reduced, ”Goering will say in a conversation with Ciano in November 1941, no doubt repeating the thought of the adored Fuhrer. In total, no more than 15-30 million people should remain on the European territory of Russia. The rest, let them move to the east or die - as they please. The rest also await an unenviable fate.

“Note to yourself, gentlemen, that with the help of democracy it is impossible to keep what was once taken by force. The peoples conquered by us must first of all serve our economic interests. The Slavs were created to work for the Germans, and for nothing else. Our goal is to settle one hundred million Germans in the places where they currently live. The German authorities should be housed in the best buildings, and the governors should live in palaces. Around provincial centers within a radius of 30-40 kilometers will be located belts of beautiful German villages connected to the center by good roads. On the other side of this belt there will be another world. Let the Russians live there, as they are used to. We will take only the best of their lands. Let the Slavic aborigines tinker in the swamps. It would be best for us if they could be explained on the fingers at all. But, unfortunately, this is not possible. Therefore, limit everything as much as possible! No print publications. The simplest radio broadcasts. We must teach them to think. No compulsory schooling. We must understand that the literacy of Russians, Ukrainians and all sorts of others only harm. There will always be a couple of bright minds who will find ways to study their history, then come to political conclusions that in the end will be directed against us. Therefore, gentlemen, do not try to organize any kind of radio broadcasts on historical topics in the occupied regions. Not! In every village, in the square, there is a pole with a loudspeaker to report the news and entertain listeners. Yes, to entertain and distract from attempts to acquire political, scientific, and generally any knowledge. The radio should broadcast as much simple, rhythmic and cheerful music as possible. It invigorates and increases working capacity.”

So he said in one of his drinking monologues. Maybe it was all the fantasies of a crazy madman, which were not at all shared by his entourage? First of all, the enormous work done on the General Plan "Ost" and related documents speaks against this. As Yu. Kvitsinsky rightly notes, “it would be wrong to consider this plan, like hundreds of other German documents similar to it, to be schizophrenic products of a crazed Fuhrer and his immediate entourage. The deep, scrupulous scientific study of both the general concept and the details of this cannibalistic program is striking, which undoubtedly required serious collective efforts of a large detachment of specialists - political scientists, ethnographers, geographers, historians, philosophers, economists, agrarians, doctors, etc. It is known that the first version of this plan was drafted in April-May 1940 by Dr. Konrad Mayer, a 39-year-old world-famous scientist, director of the Institute for Agriculture and Agrarian Policy of the University of Berlin, SS Standartenführer, head of the Imperial Research Council, and so on. and so on. Dozens and hundreds of his colleagues worked in the company with him, as well as representatives of the army, security agencies, industry, banks, trade unions and public associations.

Here is how, for example, the prospects of the Russian economy were regarded in the memorandum of the Institute of Labor of the German Labor Front in November 1941: structural adjustment, so that, based on quite obvious political considerations, the peoples of Russia will never step over a certain standard of living. In Russia, only such enterprises should be allowed to operate whose products require only low and medium qualifications for their production. Close industrial enterprises that make high demands on the teams working for them, such as factories for the production of optics, aircraft, locomotives. It is not necessary to require skilled labor from Russians in order to keep their well-being on this basis at the lowest level. Russians should be used only in the extraction of raw materials, in agriculture and forestry, in repair and construction enterprises, and in no case - in machine-tool factories and shipyards, in the production of instruments and aircraft. The vast natural wealth of Russia makes it possible to preserve the natural wealth of Germany and Europe untouched. The vast expanses of Russia also make it possible to unload our country from harmful industries. We will be able, in particular, to close part of the German metallurgical plants, shifting the burden of metallurgical production to the East. The same applies to curtailing coal mining by importing cheap coal from the former USSR.”

I admit that I somewhat tired the reader with long quotations. But without them, in this case, alas, absolutely nothing. Let's move on to the next question: perhaps the officers of the Wehrmacht - as they will talk about it after the war - flatly refused to obey orders to ill-treat the local population and, in their free time from their main work, dug wells in Russian villages, took birth from Russian women and fed with spoons of semolina porridge for Russian wounded? Alas, the facts say otherwise. The behavior of the Wehrmacht in the east was such that a significant part of German society still refuses to believe in it. The traveling exhibition organized in the mid-1990s by the Hamburg Institute for Social Research "War of annihilation - the crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941-1944", convincingly demonstrating the responsibility of the German army for war crimes, caused a whole storm of emotions in Germany, sometimes very negative towards the organizers of the event. For those who wish to learn more about the behavior of the Wehrmacht on Soviet soil, I strongly recommend reading the recently translated book by G. Knopp "The Wehrmacht: Results" and the work of A. Dyukov "For what the Soviet people fought." Here I will allow myself to confine myself to excerpts from the orders of the German military leaders regarding the war in the east.

E. Hoepner, May 1941: “The war against Russia is the most important part of the struggle for the existence of the German people. This is the long-standing struggle of the Germans against the Slavs, the defense of European culture from the Muscovite-Asian invasion, the rebuff to Bolshevism. This struggle must have the aim of turning today's Russia into ruins, and therefore it must be waged with unheard-of cruelty.

G. Goth, November 1941: “The Eastern campaign must be ended differently than, for example, the war with the French. This summer it has become even clearer to us that here in the East, two internally incompatible views are fighting: the German sense of honor and race of the centuries-old German soldier class against the Asiatic way of thinking and its primitive instincts, hammered in by a small number of Jewish intellectuals: fear of the whip , disregard for moral values, general leveling, discarding one's own worthless life ... This struggle can only end with the destruction of one of the opponents. Reconciliation is impossible."

W. Reichenau, December 1941: “The supply of food to local residents and prisoners of war is unnecessary humanity. Everything that the fatherland denies itself and the leadership sends to the front with great difficulty, the soldier should not distribute to the enemy, even if it is trophies. They are an essential part of our supply. The troops are only interested in extinguishing fires in those buildings that should be used for parking of military units. Everything else, which is a symbol of the former domination of the Bolsheviks, including buildings, must be destroyed. No historical or artistic value in the East matters."

But maybe junior officers and privates behaved differently? Diary of Private Emil Goltz, June 28, 1941: “At dawn we passed Baranovichi. The city is destroyed. But not everything is done yet. On the way from Mir to Stolbtsy, we spoke to the population in the language of machine guns. Screams, moans, blood and many corpses. We didn't feel any compassion. In every place, in every village, the sight of people makes my hands itch. I want to shoot from a pistol at the crowd. Private Walter Trave, letter home: “The hour of reckoning has come, which we have long been waiting for. The Bolsheviks will soon be defeated and the Jews destroyed. We shoot them wherever we find them, regardless of gender and age... The Germans in the East must be genuine Vikings, and all inferior races must be destroyed. We have no right to gentleness and cowardice.”

There are hundreds and thousands of such documents. There are so many of them that it might seem that all Wehrmacht soldiers were sadists and murderers. Of course, this is not true. Both among the generals and among the rank and file there were many people who did not approve of the cruelties against the civilian population. Yet such atrocities were committed everywhere - both on the orders of the high command and on the initiative of the units. The will of one person could not be the only cause. The centuries-old tradition of treating the Slavs as savages, barbarians, who are not much better than animals, had an effect.

Neither the Wehrmacht nor its commander-in-chief changed their attitude towards the Russians until the very end of the war. Of course, when the chain of failures and defeats began, the Germans had to grit their teeth to endure formations in the ranks of the Wehrmacht and the SS, staffed by Russians and representatives of other "inferior" peoples. Well, in this case, a sober practical calculation prevailed - if subhumans are ready to kill each other, why not give them such an opportunity? This did not mean any cardinal change in Hitler's "Slavic policy".

For those who "read many times" "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler (who does not trust the translation, you can read in the original :)

"It was not the state gifts of the Slavs that gave strength and strength to the Russian state. Russia owed all this to the German elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are able to play, acting within the LOWER RACE"

Hello to the Aryan monkeys from the boa constrictor Kaa (Hitler). And what did Kaa do with the monkeys? Think with convolutions, representatives of the "lower race" ...

"This gigantic eastern state is inevitably doomed to destruction. All the prerequisites for this have already ripened. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state. Fate destined us to witness such a catastrophe, which, better than anything else, will definitely confirm the correctness our racial theory."

As always, it could not have done without ZOG, but, interestingly, it turns out that in Hitler’s understanding, the Slavs are even worse than the Jews, we can only live under someone’s domination and still exist in a primitive communal system, respectively, we simply cannot its narrowness to mature to Russian statehood. The Jews are at least people, but the Slavs, consider, in general, are on the same evolutionary stage of development with monkeys, subhuman.

Some of our comrades will now begin to say: “How is it? After all, there were Russians who served on the side of Nazi Germany in the ROA (Russian Liberation Army) and in parts of the SS,” I want to remind you that their comrades in arms were Chechens with Ingush, Latvian “forest brothers", Ukrainian "Banderites" and some of the former White Guards and White Cossacks, who. Hitler, after the collapsed Blitzkrieg in the East, did not disdain any help, any improvised "genetic garbage" went into action. Why waste precious German blood in the fight against "subhuman"? To this end, Hitler began to attract to his side all the opponents of Russia, according to the principle "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." He promised the Chechens the Caucasus without Russians, the Cossacks - the creation of the state of Cossacks without "Muscovites", the faithful - jihad against the infidels, the White Guards - the overthrow of the Bolsheviks they hated. I don’t think anyone needs to be told how much one could trust these fabulous promises of Hitler, it’s enough to recall the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact”. Having knocked down the giant Russia with the help of his tame dogs, he would quickly deal with his yesterday's allies and their dwarf nationalist armies.

Another quote from Mein Kampf:

"When we talk about CONQUERING new lands in Europe, we, of course, can have in mind, first of all, only Russia and those border states that are subordinate to it."

As you can see, Hitler did not go to liberate anyone, but simply to conquer a new living space for his people. Everything else is either the speculation of narrow-minded people, or outright lies!

German soldiers are photographed against the background of the inscription: "Russians must die so that we can live."

In connection with the incessant attempts to "rehabilitate" all sorts of scum and trash - traitors who, with weapons in their hands, fought against their own people on the side of one of the most terrible (if not the most terrible) enemy in its entire history (a la Vlasov, Krasnov, Bandera and like them), as well as attempts to present the matter in such a way that Hitler was almost like a brother to the Russians and only wanted to free them from the "yoke of the Jews and commissars", I decided to cite in this post a number of poignant statements by Hitler and his relatives about Russia and its people. For everyone to understand clearly how treated us Hitler and Co. and what brought us fascism. So that now you can always not explain common truths every time, but simply refer to this post.

No other role than the role of slaves was planned to be assigned to Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other peoples of the Soviet Union in the Nazi Reich. More precisely, the remnants of these peoples ... And the position of some modern "Russian nationalists" who write down Hitler almost as their allies looks completely absurd. A "nationalist" who honors a man who hated his people and dreamed of enslaving and exterminating him is something. Hitler treated the "Russian nationalists" in exactly the opposite way than some of them now treat him. If used, then for purely tactical purposes. He had one strategic goal - the extermination, suppression and enslavement of the Russian people, and Russian nationalism - the worst enemy.

Attempts to present the traitors as "a third force that fought against Stalin and Hitler" are completely nonsense. They were all under complete German control and "famous" mainly for their participation in the massacres of civilians (moreover, often on the territory not of the Soviet Union, but of other countries occupied by Germany). Yes, and we must understand that war is not a polygon. There are only two sides, not three or ten.

Here are some revealing statements by Hitler and his associates about Russia and its people:

From the appendix to the OST plan of April 27, 1942: " It is not only about the destruction of the state... Achieving this historical goal would never mean a complete solution of the problem... The point is to defeat the Russians as a people... "(" Top secret! Only for command "The strategy of Nazi Germany in the war against the USSR. M., 1967. S. 117).

On June 20, 1941, A. Rosenberg declared that the coming war in no way has a goal " free "poor Russians" for all time from Bolshevism". In fact, the war is intended "in order to carry out the German world policy. We want to solve not only the temporary Bolshevik problem, but also those problems that go beyond this temporary phenomenon as the original essence of European historical forces. funds, Documents on the occupation policy of Nazi Germany on the territory of the USSR (1941-1944), M., 1968, p. 45).

Hitler on July 16, 1941: "The gigantic space, of course, should be pacified as soon as possible. This can best be achieved by shooting everyone who casts even a sidelong glance" (Criminal chains are criminal means. Documents on occupation policy Nazi Germany on the territory of the USSR (1941-1945), M, 1968, p. 56).

Hitler in September 1941: "The border between Europe and Asia does not run along the Urals, but at the place where the settlements of real Germans end ... Our task is to move this border as far as possible to the East, if necessary - beyond the Urals... The poisonous nest of St. Petersburg, from which Asian poison exuded into the Baltic Sea for so long, must disappear from the face of the earth... Asians and Bolsheviks will be expelled from Europe, the episode of 250 years of Asiaticism is over... The East will be for Western Europe market and source of raw materials "(Proektor D.-M. Fascism; the path of aggression and death. M., 1985. S. 303).

From Keitel's order of September 16, 1941: "It should be borne in mind that in these territories [in the USSR] human life is worth nothing, and a frightening effect can only be achieved by extraordinary cruelty." "As atonement for the life of one German soldier," 50-100 people were ordered to be executed ("Top Secret!...", p. 369).

Thousands of similar statements by fascist leaders and documents that eloquently testify to what these nonhumans wanted to do with us can be cited.

And the one who is looking for "justification" for the executioners of his people and their accomplices, for those who wanted to destroy and enslave him, in my eyes ceases to be Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian. And when those who call themselves "Russian nationalists" defend all sorts of scum and trash like Krasnov-Vlasov (and even Hitler himself) - then I can only twist my finger at my temple, because the disease is incurable.

A day before Hitler's suicide, Swiss journalist Kurt Speidel interviewed him for the last time.

At the end of April 1945, party manager Martin Bormann was given the task of establishing contact with a journalist from one of the neutral countries and delivering him to the bunker of the Reich Chancellery ...
A day before Hitler's suicide, Swiss journalist Kurt Speidel interviewed him for the last time. But Speidel himself was killed during the storming of the Reich Chancellery, and a notebook with a transcript of the conversation, along with many other documents, was delivered to Moscow, where until recently it lay in the archives of the Museum of the Armed Forces. A few months ago, one of the employees of the archive took the trouble to decipher the shorthand record and was struck by the uniqueness of this historical document. He turned to the editors of our newspaper, and today we offer just a few questions from this interview that may be of interest to the modern Russian reader.

27 years ago, when entering the political struggle, did you imagine that such a final awaits you?

Yes, even then we knew perfectly well what we were getting into. We entered into a decisive struggle (Endkampf), in which the life and existence of the white race was at stake. Everything was at stake, and there could be only two outcomes: either we will win, or we will finally perish.

Today is April 29, 1945. Do you realize that you have failed?

I don't think we lost. Germany - yes, she lost the war, the Wehrmacht was defeated. But we gave impetus to the most powerful idea. National Socialism clearly proved its absolute superiority. Remember 1918, remember the 1920s - where was Germany then? In the few years that we have been in power, we have managed to create the greatest state in the history of mankind. We have built the economy, brought up healthy youth - healthy spiritually and physically. In the end, only the great remains in history. Who now remembers the thousands of slaves who died building the pyramids in Egypt? In history, only the bulk of the pyramids remained. Yes, we have fallen in the struggle, but this is a fall upwards (der Fall nach oben). The future belongs to National Socialism, I am not afraid to say that it will be the 21st century. I wouldn't be surprised if National Socialism wins in Russia in the 21st century. During the years of this war, I was forced to reconsider my racial outlook. I'll tell you what, no one here in Europe knows Russia and has never known it. I do not idealize Russians at all, not at all, there is still too much Asian in Russians. But the fact remains, the Russian nation proved to be stronger and more resilient in this crazy war, and I would not be surprised if salvation for the white race comes from the East. It will be logical.

You said you won the idea but lost the war. A logical question is: was this war necessary?

You talk as if it depended on me alone in the whole world to start this war or not to start it. I know that after our death, all the dogs will be set on us. We will be called aggressors and warmongers. But it is not true that I or anyone else in Germany wanted this war. The new generation of Germans was building a great state, and it is not their fault that they often put spokes in their wheels. The British, Americans and Jews of the whole world did everything to start this war, to stifle the germs of the young National Socialist movement. Only an idiot would think that this war was the design of our strategists. Look, in 1939 we immediately found ourselves in the ring of enemies who outnumbered us and technically. But even in such conditions, the German spirit showed the world miracles of heroism ...