Download presentation on imagination. Presentation "Imagination" (grade 11) in psychology - project, report

Lesson No. 55 Lesson No. Topic of the lesson: Topic of the lesson: Imagination as Imagination as a mental cognitive mental cognitive process process

Plan  1. Concept of imagination  2. Physiological basis of imagination  3. Functions of imagination  4. Classification of imagination

"If a person were completely deprived" If a person were completely deprived of his imagination in the whole and his imagination in the whole and the ability to dream, if he could not dream, if he could not occasionally run ahead, and contemplate occasionally run ahead, and to contemplate the finished beauty that same creation, the finished beauty the same creation that is just beginning to take shape, that is just beginning to take shape under his hands - then I definitely cannot under his hands - then I definitely cannot imagine what motivating myself Imagine what motivating cause would compel a person to cause a person to undertake and complete undertake and complete extensive and tedious work in the field of extensive and tedious work in the field of art, science and practical life "art, science and practical life" D. I. Pisarev

S. Vygotsky believes that the imagination is a priori connected with reality, and points to various forms of connection between the imagination of S.S. Vygotsky believes that imagination is a priori connected with reality, and points to various forms of connection between imagination and L.S. Vygotsky believes that imagination is a priori connected with reality, and points to various forms of connection between imagination and theoretical concepts of reality. reality. reality. Imagination: “Creative activity of the imagination Vygotsky L.S. Nemov R.S. is directly dependent on the richness and variety of a person's previous experience, because experience is the material from which the constructions of fantasy are created. The richer the experience of a person, the more material that his imagination has at his disposal. ”Imagination is the ability to represent an absent or really non-existent object, keep it in the mind and mentally manipulate it. Imagination is associated with all aspects of human life with memory, perception, thinking.

S.L. Rubinstein emphasized: “Imagination is a special form of the psyche that can only be in a person. It is continuously connected with the human ability to change the world, transform reality and “Imagination, writes S.L. to create something new.” Rubinshtein is connected with our ability and necessity to create something new”. And further “Imagination is a departure from past experience, its transformation. Imagination is the transformation of the given, carried out in a figurative form.

a special process of the human psyche, standing apart from other mental processes and at the same time occupying an intermediate position between perception, memory and thinking. The concept of imagination The concept of imagination .. Imagination is a special process of the human psyche, which stands apart from other mental processes and, at the same time, occupies an intermediate position between perception, memory and thinking. view

Physiological basis of imagination.. The physiological basis of imagination is the disintegration of nerve connections, their rearrangement and integration into new systems. The physiological basis of imagination is the emergence of new combinations between those temporary connections that were previously formed in the cerebral cortex. Physiological basis of imagination Excitation and inhibition Irradiation and concentration Positive and negative induction Analysis and synthesis

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Imagination or fantasy the process of reproducing the transformation of the images of objects and phenomena of reality stored in the memory, the creation on this basis in new combinations and connections of new images of new objects, phenomena, actions, conditions of activity, etc. is called. Imagination is peculiar only to man. It arose and developed under the conditionssocial and laborpeople's activities. Imagination is one of those new formations in the human psyche, which is associated with the satisfaction of the need to go beyond the existing present and look into the future.

Imagination in the broadest sense of the word is sometimes understood as any process that takes place in images. In this case, memory, reproducing images of what was previously perceived, seems to be "only one of the types of imagination" (F. Keira, A. Selli, P.P. Blonsky, etc.). Proceeding from this, they come to a distinction between the reproductive and creative imagination and the identification of the former with memory.

Imagination is rightly called the “royal road to the subconscious”, as well as the “central link in the creative process”, and hence it is the main object of the formation and development of creative abilities. It underlies inspiration - as a connection to one point of all abilities.

Imagination integrates the emotional and rational principles, all cognitive processes, it combines the visual-figurative perception of reality with its reproduction and transformation in memory, building a model of the required future. Imagination is necessary in all types and phases of creativity.

For artistic creativity, the products of which are aimed at awakening the imagination, thoughts and feelings of consumers of "spiritual food", knowledge of the origin and structure of this process is especially necessary.


The first function is empathic vision - empathic vision.This vision arises

when a person begins to "enter" with the help of

imagination into the state of another person, begins to empathize with him. This is especially evident in

children who are violently experiencing all events,

taking place on the stage or in the book they are reading. The same entry into the image is typical for many writers and artists. It is thanks to this ability to enter the object of the image that the merging of the individual and the universal takes place.

With the ability to enter into the states of objects, other people, to imagine oneself in their place is built

empathic vision training and creative


The second function of the imagination is to store experience in emotional-figurative form . This type of information storage in everyday life is necessary both for warning according to the “what will happen if ...” principle, and as an expectation of positive experiences. Such foresight of certain emotional experiences contributes to the "choice of the path" and serves as the basis of education. This is most clearly seen in religion, where everyone can choose their own path to "hell" or "heaven", adhering to certain standards of behavior.

All art is ultimately built on this choice between good and evil, starting with fairy tales. Due to art, a person expands the “experience of a rapidly flowing life”, so he strives for it in all options.

For the artist, images of the imagination, stored in memory as a transformed reality, are the material on the basis of which ideas are born and a creative search for their solution is carried out. The larger and more diverse this “creative field”, the more creative products can be grown on it.

The third function of the imagination is creative.All phases of creativity - preparatory, search and executive - are based on the work of the imagination. Imagination plays the role of the main tool of mental search. This also applies to the choice of a general direction and one's own function in art, and the solution of a specific idea.

"Mental experimentation", so characteristic of children, according to V.T. Kudryavtsev, it is also necessary for adults.


1. The ability to mentally change, transform concretely perceived objects and situations in the present, when the rock in the imagination turns into a monster, and the observed event is given a new meaning and emotional coloring. This imagination can be called transformative. It usually appears in people in situations that cause apprehension and fear (“fear has large eyes”), as well as under the influence of mood or intoxication (“the drunken sea is knee-deep”). For artists, it appears in a creative search and begins to be directed, consciously included in the process of perception. Imagination is in the nature of a thought experiment and the choice of the best option for the image.

2. Reproduction of specific objects, impressions, dynamics of events, etc., that took place in a person's past experience. It is called reproductive and is based on memory.

Most fully reproduced emotionally significant events or vivid impressions from what they saw. In the process of storage in memory, the imprinted images are integrated, generalized, typified and transformed at the subconscious level. Especially when the artist prefers to work on the basis of the material he has collected. Many prominent artists have worked on the basis of the reproductive imagination. For example, Aivazovsky painted all his canvases from imagination, reproductions and integration of many impressions from the sea element, the dynamic characteristics of which cannot be painted from nature. This is how images and types are born, in the search for which artists review many real human types and situations that serve as material for creativity.

Works of art, in contrast to life impressions, reflecting such vivid and non-standard events, images of people, the beauty of forms of being, have a special power of reproduction in the imagination, and hence become a kind of role model for artists and a standard for assessing reality for viewers.

3. Creative imagination, which is inherent in different versions of the content of all people, is aimed at creating new models of the desired or necessary future. The construction of such models in a person is always based on emotions that draw the desired picture for their existence. These paintings, as a rule, are aimed at satisfying or awakening the spiritual needs of a person and familiarizing the viewer with the universal.

The artist's imagination, oriented towards the future, always includes at the subconscious level the "significant other" viewer, his emotional assessment of the creative product. This assessment is very painfully perceived by the artist, therefore, as a “shield”, he puts forward a formula according to which he creates only “for himself” and “self-expression”.

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Imagination is the mental process of a person creating in his mind an image of an object (object, phenomenon) that does not exist in real life. The product of the imagination can be: an image of the final result of a real objective activity; a picture of one's own behavior in conditions of complete informational uncertainty; the image of a situation that resolves problems that are relevant to a given person, the real overcoming of which is not possible in the near future.

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Imagination is included in any creative process associated with the design of new technology, the creation of masterpieces of art, the development of theoretical foundations for the development of science. This inclusion gives the imagination an integrative role in relation to other areas of the human psyche. In the process of imagination, logic and thinking, emotionality and rationalism, mental "chaos" and reality merge together.

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Judging by the statements of world-famous people, it can be assumed that imagination is ahead of most achievements in science, engineering and technology. “Without imagination, no judgment is possible,” said Aristotle. “Imagination rules the world,” B. Napoleon said. “Imagination makes a sensitive person an artist, and a courageous person a hero,” said A. France, without exaggerating anything.

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Although the imagination is closely related to perception, representation, memory and thinking, it has significant differences from them. In perception, images appear with the direct impact of stimuli on the human senses. Moreover, the source of these irritants are objects that actually exist at the moment. The image of an object, when perceived, repeats its original with varying accuracy. In the imagination, images appear in the absence of real objects and contain elements that may never have been in the real world and never will be. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the accuracy of the image of the imagination.

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Representations generate images of currently absent objects, but these images, as in perception, must repeat (restore) their real originals. Memory helps to reproduce only what a person once remembered and saved. The images of the imagination include that which has never been reflected in the memory. Finally, the images that appear during thinking are the result of a pre-set goal (otherwise why think!).

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Imagination functions according to R.S. Nemov:

representation of reality in images and the ability to use them; regulation of emotional states; formation of an internal action plan; planning and programming activities; management of the psychophysiological state of the body.

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Types of imagination:

Types of imagination according to the degree of activity according to the degree of volitional efforts intentional unintentional active passive Dreams Recreating Creative Dream Sleep, drowsy state

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Forms of manifestation of imagination

Imagination can manifest itself in different forms. These include: dreams; dreams; hallucinations; dreams.

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A dream is a desire pushed back in time. A person dreams about what attracts him, what gives him joy, what satisfies his most secret desires and needs. Sometimes the meaning of life can be expressed in a dream. Dreams can be real or unreal. A real dream is the beginning of a forecast of important personal and social affairs. An unrealistic dream can be considered in 2 versions. The first option: a person believes in the content, and it seems to him that the dream will come true. In this case, he overestimates his abilities. The second option: from the very beginning, a person realizes the dream is not real, but still surrenders to her power. It compensates for life's failures, and sometimes becomes the main meaning of life.

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Imagination can also act as a substitute for activity, its surrogate. Then a person goes away from reality into the realm of fantasy in order to hide from seemingly insoluble tasks, from the need to act, from the hardships of life. Such fantasies are called dreams, which reflect the connection of fantasy with our needs. Dreams are fundamentally unrealizable. Dreams perform a compensatory function: a person in an illusory fictional life receives what he lacks in reality. A person can dream in a state of relaxation, in a state of transition from cheerfulness to sleep. For some people, dreams play an exaggerated role: they are substitutes for reality, a person lives in the world he created, and this gives him pleasure.

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Hallucinations are fantastic visions that have almost no connection with reality. If dreams can be considered a completely normal mental state, then hallucinations are usually the result of certain disorders of the psyche or the functioning of the body and accompany many painful conditions. Hallucinations are the most revealing manifestations of passive unintentional imagination, in which a person perceives a carrying object. These images are so vivid that a person is absolutely convinced of their reality.

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Dreams also belong to the category of passive unintentional forms of imagination. Their true role in human life has not yet been established. although known. that many vital human needs find expression and satisfaction in dreams, which, for a number of reasons, cannot be realized in life.

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