Test in Russian on the topic "Complex sentences" (Grade 9). Test in Russian on the topic "Complex sentences" (Grade 9) Tests for a complex sentence


(SyntaxPhrase Simple and compound sentencesPunctuation)

    Specify the phrase with the type of connection management:

a) walk together b) write to a friend; c) thatched roof; d) read in Russian.

2. The main word in the phrase "walk through the forest" is

a) a noun b) a pretext; c) adverb; d) a verb.

    Specify the phrase with the adjacency relationship:

a) sow rye; b) a magic wand; c) turn left d) a glass of milk.

    What word should be chosen so that the phrase contains the connection management?


a) slowly b) not in a hurry; c) at night; d) in a notebook.

5. Specify a two-part sentence.

a) Love and protect your native language!

b) There was a breath of freshness from the distant mountains.

c) The morning greets us with coolness.

d) They were taught a lot at the sports camp.

6. Enter an impersonal offer.

a) Do not catch up with you crazy three!

b) No one will be forgotten on the great Victory Day.

c) The house was built in the spring.

d) I love these endless plains with their mysterious silence.

7. Indicate the sentence with a compound verb predicate.

a) It was a cloudy day.

b) Snow covered all the roads.

c) Gradually, we began to worry.

d) We will believe in his decency.

8. Indicate a complex sentence (punctuation marks are not placed).

a) Leaves fell from the trees and covered the ground with a motley carpet.

b) Dust rushed along the road in a whirlwind and a gray cloud covered the entire horizon.

c) Failures upset the son but could not take away his faith in success.

d) People jumped up from their seats and enthusiastically applauded.

9. Write a simple sentence (no punctuation marks).

a) She was pleased with everything and her son's success at school and the gentle warmth of the May sun and the songs sounding outside the window.

b) There was no one at home and a disturbing feeling stirred in my heart.

c) He immediately understood what a difficult situation the group was in.

d) Mom looked around the room with her son’s eyes and was not there.

10. Indicate a compound sentence (punctuation marks are not placed).

a) When the rain stopped we decided to make a fire again.

b) The father shook his head negatively and sank into a chair without strength.

c) Only touch beauty with a careless hand, it will disappear forever.

d) At night, everyone dispersed and immediately a formidable silence reigned.

11. Indicate a complex sentence (punctuation marks are not placed)

a) We liked to relax in the forest, but it was not often possible to get out into nature.

b) For days on end it rained tediously, then poured fine prickly snow.

c) If you go straight all the time, you will see the lake.

d) I escaped from forced idleness as soon as I could read old magazines wandered through the forest.

    Indicate the non-union complex sentence (punctuation marks are not placed).

a) Where there is agreement, there is victory.

b) The door opened heavily with a nasty creak, as if reluctantly letting a visitor into the room.

c) Nobody wants war; everyone wants to live in peace.

d) Everything is taken away, both happiness and love.

13. Indicate a complex sentence with an attributive clause.

a) The early bird will bite the worm, and the late bird will not find the grain.

b) To eat a fish, you need to get into the water.

c) In those days when the heat was unbearable, I began to write my first story.

d) And the mosquito will knock down the horse if the wolf helps.

14. Specify the sentence with parallel subordination of subordinate clauses.

a) When the road rounded the hill, the village where our grandmother lived appeared.

b) We have seen how much energy he spends on aimless searches, how he is gradually taken over by an obsessive idea.

c) It is bad if a person does not have something for which he is ready to die.

d) It is difficult to enumerate everything that I have learned and learned at the university.

15. Indicate a sentence with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses.

a) It is surprising that fiery faith flared up most clearly in those of his poems that were written in the days of a serious illness.

b) I envy those who spent their lives in battle, who defended a great idea.

c) Whoever says that it is not scary in war knows nothing about war.

d) He met his friend when he returned from the city where he went to visit his sick father.

16. Indicate a complex sentence consisting of three simple sentences (no punctuation marks).

a) Anyone who catches that the meaning of human life lies in anxiety and anxiety will already cease to be an inhabitant.

b) In the evening, the storm broke out so that it was impossible to hear whether the wind was buzzing or the thunder was rumbling.

c) If every person on a piece of his land did everything possible for its prosperity, how beautiful our land would be.

d) The atlas was very large and did not fit into a knapsack, and it was inconvenient to carry it under the arm.

17. Indicate a complex sentence in which the subordinate clause is attached to the main one with the help of an allied word.

a) A poet, in order to touch the hearts of readers, must be sincere.

b) Now it was clear to me what to do in such a situation.

c) When the sun rose, a golden light flooded the whole room.

d) We had to stop because there was no further way.

18. Which offer matches this description:

“The sentence is simple, narrative, non-exclamatory, two-part, widespread, complete. Complicated by homogeneous predicates?

a) At the station, I ran into the buffet to drink beer and did not hear the third call.

b) Despite the late hour, they did not put out the fire in the village and did not sleep.

c) The moon was above the roof, but its light did not outshine the stars.

d) The house, covered with straw, stood on the very edge of the village, which was buried in greenery.


19. Which judgment about a sentence is wrong?

I stopped worrying because the temperature of the sick girl dropped a little.

a) Compound, consists of two simple ones.

b) Complicated, with a subordinate goal.

c) The grammatical basis of the main part is “I stopped worrying”.

d) The word "a little" - the circumstance of the measure, is expressed by an adverb.


1 - b 5 - in 9 - a 13 - in 17 - b

2 - d 6 - a 10 - d 14 - a 18 - a

3 - at 7 - at 11 - at 15 - b 19 - b

4-d 8-b 12-c 16-a

Test on the topic "Complex sentences in grade 9"

Question #1

a sentence consisting of 2 or more simple sentences.
sentence with direct speech.

Question #2

Lilies of the valley bloomed. drunk with streams running down the mountain .

Question #3

Question #4

A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions
A complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by intonation.

Question #5

A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions
A complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by intonation.
A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions

Question #6

Yes, a comma is needed.
No, a comma is not needed.

Question #7

Yes, a comma is needed.
No, a comma is not needed.

Question #8


Question #9

Question № 10

main and subsidiary

Question #11 and notconnects parts of a complex sentence (punctuation marks are not placed).

Question #12 In which sentence are the parts of a complex sentence connected by an allied word?

My brother decided what to do.
My brother decided that he would go to study.

Question #13
I went into that forest, which from afar seemed like a dark wall.


Question #14 Determine the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.

To live honestly, you need to be a strong person.

circumstantial reasons
Circumstantial course of action
circumstantial purpose

Question #15 Determine the type of subordinating relationship in the sentence:
We know what is now on the scales and what is happening now.

Homogeneous submission
Sequential submission

Homogeneous submission
Sequential submission

Question #17
I am calm () my friends are with me.



Question #18 What sign is needed between simple sentences in a complex one:
The night will come () let's go on the road.



Question #19 What sign is needed between simple sentences in a complex one:
The train left () its lights disappeared.



Question№ 20 What type of connection is missing in this sentence:
lane was the whole in gardens and fences lindens grew, now throwing wide shadows in the moonlight, so that fences and gates completely on the same side drowned in the dark.

Allied writing
allied subordinating


Answers to the Test "Complex sentences in grade 9"

Question #1 A difficult proposition is...

a sentence complicated by homogeneous members.
a sentence consisting of 2 or more simple sentences .
sentence with direct speech.

Question #2 Which of the following sentences is difficult?

Streams ran away, lilies of the valley bloomed.
The streams running down the mountain rang.
Lilies of the valley bloomed, drunk with streams running down the mountain .

Question #3 What is a compound sentence?

A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions.
A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions
A complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by intonation.

Question #4 What is a complex sentence?

A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions
A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions
A complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by intonation.

Question #5 Which proposal is called non-union?

A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions
A complex sentence in which simple sentences are connected by intonation.
A compound sentence in which simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions

Question #6 Do I need to put a comma in the following sentence?
After lunch, the fog lifted and the sun came out.

Yes, a comma is needed.
No, a comma is not needed.

Question #7 Do I need to put a comma in the following sentence in place of the brackets?
Vera said that (if he did not tell everything in detail, she would not be able to sleep.

Yes, a comma is needed.
No, a comma is not needed.

Question #8 What union connects the parts of a compound sentence?
In some places small bushes turned green, and the trunks of Karelian birches turned white.


Question #9 Which of the following sentences is a complex one?
Everyone was already at home by my return.
Everyone was already at home when I returned.
Everyone was already at home, and I returned.

Question № 10 A complex sentence consists of:

main and subsidiary
two equal proposals

Question #11Indicate in which examples the union and not connects parts of a complex sentence (punctuation marks are not placed).

Letters came regularly from home and we were calm. My brother refused my help and wanted to do everything himself.Abysses of love of maternal depth and it is not in vain that they value it.

1 option.

I. Union connecting parts of a complex sentenceIt was already the spring month of March, but at night the trees cracked from the cold, is…

A. submissive

B. connective

V. dividing

G. adversarial

2. What unions connect parts of a compound sentence, which indicates the alternation of phenomena, the possibility of one phenomenon out of two or several?

B) or, either, something, not that - not that

B. a, but, yes (in the meaning of and), however, but, the same

3 . Determine the type of offer. From the linden alley, spinning and overtaking each other, yellow leaves flew and, getting wet, lay down on the wet grass.

BUT . simple

B. compound

B. complex

G. unionless

A. I was completely at a loss, not understanding what was happening, and, standing in one place, looked senselessly towards the departing person.

B. I don’t want to think about anything, or thoughts and memories wander, muddy, unclear, like a dream.

B. Gathering the last remnants of our strength, we dragged ourselves to the station, but before reaching it about two hundred paces, we sat down to rest on the sleepers.

5. Find a sentence with a punctuation error.

A. The smile was weak, barely noticeable, and, despite the smile, the stern expression of the eyes did not

has changed.

B. In September, the forest is rarer and lighter, and bird voices are quieter.

AT. There were people ahead and, therefore, I had nothing to fear.

6. Offer The trees have shed their leaves, and no bird calls can be heard. insert

common minor member and write down the resulting sentence.(FALL)

7. Read the sentence It snowed and... Continue it twice by adding:

  1. homogeneous predicate;
  2. simple sentence.

8. Indicate the sentence, the structure of which corresponds to the scheme (punctuation marks

not placed):

[Impersonal], [two-part].

And, On earth in the sky and everywhere around it was calm, nothing foreshadowed bad weather.++

B. Each flower looked like a familiar poppy and they smelled like spring.

Q. A kiosk was opened on the square and newspapers and magazines are now sold there.

A. I did not make him wait for a minute, I immediately got on the horse,and we drove out the gates of the fortress.

B. It was getting dark, and from the side it carried the cold of the river.

B. From the forest the cry of an unsleeping bird is heard or an indefinite sound is heard, similar to someone's voice.

D. Trees shedding their clothes , clouds floating low above the earth, rain, drizzling, cold - the usual pictures of late autumn, and they are dear to my heart.

10. Complete the offerpointing to a consequence.

Final test on the topic "Complex sentence"

Option 2.

1. Read the sentenceThe head ached, the consciousness was clear, distinct.Simple sentences are combined in it into a complex one with the help of ...

A. subordinating union

B. allied word

B. coordinating union

G. intonation

2. What unions connect parts of a compound sentence in which one phenomenon is opposed to another?

A. and, yes (meaning and), no, no, too

B. or, either, this, not that - not that

B. a, but, yes (meaning but), however, but, the same

3. Determine the type of offerSqueezed by black thickets and lit up ahead by a locomotive, the road looks like an endless tunnel.

A. simple

B. compound

B. complex

G. unionless

4. Find a compound among these sentences.

A. It's ridiculous to say that we got lost in the familiar forest for more than an hour and returned, as they say, empty-handed.

B. There were no more arguments, but on the contrary, after dinner everyone was in a good mood.

Q. Polar bears seem to have disappeared soon if there was no ban on hunting them.

A. In the hut, singing, the maiden spins, and, winter friend of the nights, a torch crackles in front of her.

B. But then the first wave ran through the rye and across the main field, the wind blew and dust swirled in the air.

V. Nightingales sing their spring songs, dandelions are still preserved in quiet places and, perhaps, a lily of the valley is whitening somewhere.

6. Offered During the day a light breeze blew and snow fellomit the common minor term and write down the resulting sentence.

7 . Read the sentenceDad filled up the car with gas and... Continue it twice by adding:

  1. homogeneous predicate;
  2. simple sentence.

8. Indicate the sentence, the structure of which corresponds to the scheme (punctuation marks are not placed):

[Impersonal] and [Impersonal].

A. The sky is overcast with clouds and there is no end in sight to the rain.

B. They announced the end of the lunch break and started weeding beets.

V. It was getting dark and we wandered through the forest for a long time.

9. Write sentences using punctuation marks.

A. The boys were sitting at the table with their heads bowed, and, uttering words in a whisper, apparently doing some kind of work, and I tried not to disturb them.

B. The wind tore the leaves from the trees and strewn the paths of the garden with a multi-colored carpet.

V. It was already evening, and the people were returning from the fields.

D. His kind eyes shone with a clear light, and his thin face seemed beautiful.

10. Complete the offerClouds covered the sky, and from this ...,pointing to the consequence. …

Topic quiz "Complex sentences"

Option 1

1. Point out the sentence in which the punctuation mark is mistaken.

A. The snow rustles underfoot and it no longer turns white on the pavement.

B. They opened the door to the garden, and from there a thin and viscous smell wafted.

V. The forest breathes quietly, sensing the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.

D. It is quiet in the forest and smells of pine and grass.

3. Find a sentence with a common minor member.

A. The snow rustles underfoot and it no longer turns white on the pavement.

B. They opened the door to the garden, and from there a thin and viscous smell wafted.

V. The forest breathes quietly, sensing the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.

D. It is quiet in the forest and smells of pine and grass.

[indefinitely personal], and [impersonal] ?

A. The snow rustles underfoot and it no longer turns white on the pavement.

B. They opened the door to the garden, and from there a thin and viscous smell wafted.

V. The forest breathes quietly, sensing the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.

D. It is quiet in the forest and smells of pine and grass.

Then suddenly a nightingale will trill, then a duck will quack?

A. simultaneity of phenomena

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition

6. Find a sentence with the union however (punctuation marks are not affixed)

A. There was a rustle in the bushes, but it soon died down.

B. There was a rustle in the bushes, but soon it died down.

Topic quiz "Complex sentences"

Option 2

1. Look for sentences with punctuation errors.

2. Specify compound sentences.

A. Stand facing the waves and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.

B. The end of winter and jackdaws scream incessantly in the trees.

V. In the forest, the air smells solemnly and quietly and spring-like.

D. I went to the seashore, sinking deeper and deeper into my thoughts and suddenly I saw a ship.

3. Find a compound sentence with a common minor member.

A. Stand facing the waves and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.

B. The end of winter and jackdaws scream incessantly in the trees.

V. In the forest, the air smells solemnly and quietly and spring-like.

D. I went to the seashore, sinking deeper and deeper into my thoughts and suddenly I saw a ship.

4. The structure of which sentence corresponds to the scheme:

[definitely personal], and [two-state] ?

A. Stand facing the waves and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.

B. The end of winter and jackdaws scream incessantly in the trees.

V. In the forest, the air smells solemnly and quietly and spring-like.

D. I went to the seashore, sinking deeper and deeper into my thoughts and suddenly I saw a ship.

5. What is the meaning of the union in a compound sentence

The first steam locomotives shook my imagination, and I wanted to create these smart machines?

A. simultaneity of actions

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition

6. Find a sentence with a union too.

A. We hardly reached the forest, it took a long time to get to the forester's hut.

B. Ten days later, already finishing the campaign, we again ended up in (the) same village.

1. Indicate the correct statement.

1) The subordinate clause can be placed after the main clause, in the middle of it, or before it.
2) The subordinate clause always comes after the main clause.
3) The subordinate clause cannot be in the middle of the main clause.

2. In which sentence WHAT is a union word?

1) Thank you for not forgetting the old man.

2) I know that thickets do not bloom there, rye does not ring with a swan's neck.
3) Petya turned out to be shorter than everyone else and did not see what was happening ahead.

From the very beginning, you must put things in such a way that the children themselves tell you about their affairs, so that they want to tell you, so that they are interested in your knowledge.

4. Indicate a complex sentence with a clause of time.

1) We found out when the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
2) I will return when our white garden spreads its branches in spring.
3) I remember the day when I went to the theater for the first time.

4) And there are times when a book lying peacefully on your shelf gradually loses its charm.

5. Indicate a complex sentence with a clause of place.

1) Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw.

2) The captain did not accept them, although the soldiers wanted to see him.

3) He makes such grievances that it is impossible to describe.

4) They named the bay where we were standing after a famous commander.

1) I'll tell you a fairy tale that an old Kalmyk woman told me as a child.

2) He is a windy person who cannot be relied upon.

3) Where there is luxury, there is no trade.

4) Although I will open the dungeon, I still cannot unchain your chains.

1) At that moment, when I was preparing to set off on the road, Zurin entered.

2) In the evening, the guests left, because there was nowhere to fit in the house.

3) I will sit down to study so as not to waste time.

4) I know that he is joking.

1) When the chaise was already at the edge of the village, Chichikov called the first peasant to him.

2) He was also somewhat embarrassed, although he tried not to show it.

3) The enemy was four times stronger, if you count the accumulation of his reserves.

4) You will understand this when you live here for some more time.

1) I felt that my health improved.

2) If you want to be happy, be happy.

3) A river flows near the village, the source of which is in the forest foothills.

4) Dasha forgot why she came.

1) What was, will no longer be.

2) I must not love him, for I am married.

3) And in the evening, when it got dark and the driver had already gone to harness the horse, the old man himself sang a few songs for us at parting.

4) Under the floor, in the place where he was sitting, something softly clicked.

1) Everyone was crowding, fussing, leisurely asking when and where the trains would go.

2) The ice had already broken, so it was impossible to cross to the other side.

3) As soon as I entered, I managed to notice Yerofei's gloomy disposition.

4) As the sun rose, the day grew warmer and more cheerful.

1) And although it is equal for an insensible body to rot everywhere, but closer to the sweet limit, I would still like to rest.

2) There is almost never sun in the room where I live.

3) The student turned the details so diligently that he did not make a marriage.

4) My hat was almost full of nuts, when suddenly I heard a rustle.

2) Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, as an actor speaks the part of an old play.

3) I don't know if I want to go with them.

4) It was clear to me right away that he would not come.

1) But now a wide and dull sound flew from the ocean, as if a bubble had burst in the sky.

2) Time passed more slowly than the clouds crawled across the sky.

3) Here horror seized Berlioz to such an extent that he closed his eyes.

4) Gaston only clenched his jaw, but behaved as it was necessary.

1) I have invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you of the most unpleasant news.

2) Since we are all as one for technology and for its exposure, we will ask Mr. Woland!

3) It started to rain, so we had to leave.

4) As soon as you stop, he starts a long tirade.

1) And through the force the horse gallops to where the fire shines.
2) My home is wherever there is a vault of heaven, where only the sounds of songs are heard.
3) The admission committee asked me where I work now.

4) We were standing where our grandmother lived.

On the ground, he showed young soldiers how to crawl, how to wrap felt around boots so that the step was noiseless, how to determine the cardinal directions by moss growths on a tree, by annual rings on stumps, how to climb the highest bare pine trees with a waist belt, how to knock dogs off the trail as if in snow. hide from the cold.

1)8 2) 7 3) 4 4) 6

18. What characteristic corresponds to this proposal?

As soon as the heat dropped, it began to get cold and dark in the forest so quickly that I did not want to stay in it.

2) compound sentence

1) It is clear that when I went into the forest, I kept coming across traces of mushrooms.

2) He wanted to do it like no one else had tried.

3) We knew that tomorrow would not be done.

4) We approached the house where the accounting department was located.

1) I understood that he could only believe me at that moment.

2) In the barracks where Sergey squeezed in for the night, a yellow-white circle of ice and snow stretched out.

3) Although it was drizzling with cold rain, the harvesting of potatoes continued.

4) Despite the fact that the wind swept freely over the sea, the clouds were motionless.


Option II

1. Specify an incorrect statement.

1) Allied words only attach the subordinate clause to the main (or other subordinate clause), but are not members of the subordinate clause.
2) Adverbial clauses answer questions about circumstances.
3) Additional clauses answer questions of indirect cases.

2. In which sentence is WHEN a union word?

1) When work is pleasure, life is good.
2) When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go smoothly.
3) I will do it when the holiday starts.

3. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses.

1) Uniform. 2) Heterogeneous. 3) Consistent.

When the first warmth came, there was not a day since my early childhood that I did not go to play in the nearby garden of the medical academy.

4. Indicate a complex sentence with a clause of time.

1) We looked into a long wooden shed where criminals live.

2) I would be in despair if you did not agree.

3) This Englishman, whom I mentioned, is looking for adventure.

4) When evening came, it became even harder for him.

5. Indicate a complex sentence with a clause of place.

1) I know where you have been. 2) We love the house where we are loved.
3) Where the forest ended, lively, perky bushes of thorns and buckthorn stood like a bright green fence.

4) Occasionally in autumn there are such days when thick fog spreads over the river.

6. Indicate a complex sentence with a concession clause.

1) Despite the fact that it showers me with raindrops, I tear the wet branches of the blossoming bird cherry.

2) It was so cold for several days that classes were cancelled.

3) Flowers, because they had just been watered, emitted a damp, irritating smell.

4) In order not to give himself away by the careless knock of the oar, the fisherman carefully raised it.

7. Indicate a complex sentence with an explanatory clause.

1) If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, there is no need to be sad about them.

2) It's bad that they call ahead of time. 3) Where the needle goes, the thread goes there.

4) He spoke as suddenly as he entered.

8. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.

1) If the weather is the same tomorrow, I will take the morning train to the city.

2) The wildebeest accepted the subdued brute and drove on, swaying like a funeral chariot.

3) And what an operation when a person is over sixty!

4) It happened at a time when no one was there.

9. Indicate a complex sentence with an attributive clause.

1) Wherever there was a place, sunflowers and dill grew.

2) Only braids, so as not to interfere, are selected at the back of the head.

3) The moat and the wall where the peddlers trade face the city.

4) Now that everything is decided, you decided to be capricious.

10. Indicate a complex sentence with a clause of reason.

1) I will not leave you until you give me an answer.

2) When the smoke cleared, Grushnitsky was not on the site.

3) If not for him, there would certainly have been a fight.

4) Speak quickly, because I don't like suspense.

11. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate clause.

1) Tell him that there is no one at home.

2) The snow kept getting whiter, brighter, so that it hurt my eyes.

3) The rider returned faster than we expected.

4) No matter how small the rivers of the Moscow region are, they feed the surrounding meadows with moisture.

12. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate degree.

1) Wherever there was no pavement, the grass suddenly turned green.

2) Russia has white birch trees, cedars that have forgotten how old they are.

3) What is the hello, such is the answer.

4) The shout seemed to Aksinya so loud that she fell face down on the ground.

13. Indicate a complex sentence with a comparative clause.

1) It was dirty almost everywhere on the street, although it had rained last night.

2) Serve the people so that for him through fire and into water.

3) He laughed so merrily, as if he had heard the most witty joke in his life.

4) I did everything as Evseich indicated.

14. Indicate a complex sentence with an adverbial modus operandi.

1) They put chains under the wheels instead of brakes so that they would not roll, took the horses by the bridle and began to descend.

2) Such a ringing and singing stood on the main street, as if a driver in a fishing canvas overall was carrying not a rail, but a deafening musical note.

3) He immediately fell asleep, so that in response to my question I heard only his even breathing.

4) It is necessary to write in such a way that the reader sees the image in words.

15. Indicate a complex sentence with a subordinate clause of purpose.

1) And the brighter the colors became in his imagination, the more difficult it was for him to sit down at a typewriter.

2) I had to stop to put things in order.

3) I was upset as much as it was possible.

4) As soon as I put on my cloak, it began to snow.

16. Find an extra sentence.

1) The grass along the shore of the lake grew thick, as there was a lot of moisture here.

2) To feel the charm of Moscow, you need to wander through its old lanes.
3) The lilacs bloomed early because the weather was warm.

4) And then he did not guard the thief that he was going to bake bread.

17. How many parts are there in a complex sentence (signs are not placed)?But then Chichikov saw that it was more of a housekeeper than a housekeeper, that at least he didn’t shave his beard, while this one, on the contrary, shaved, and it seemed quite rare because his whole chin with the lower part of the cheek fit on his comb of iron wire, which is used to clean horses in the stables.

1)4 2) 3 3) 5 4) 6

18. What characteristic corresponds to this proposal (signs are not placed)?

The host invited the guests to finish their whist after breakfast, and they all went into the room from which the wafting smell had long begun to pleasantly tickle the nostrils of the guests, and where Sobakevich had long been peeking through the door.

1) a complex sentence with a coordinating and subordinating connection

2) complex sentence

3) a complex sentence with an allied and subordinating connection

4) a complex sentence with a subordinating connection

19. Find a sentence whose parts are connected by a union (the signs are not placed).

1) And then it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once.

2) He already knew what and how to do with himself in the event of a new shelling.

3) The expanse into which I went out was eerily wide.

4) They have just returned from where a new bridge across the river was being built.

20. Find a sentence whose parts are connected by a union word (the signs are not placed).

1) He threatened to come to the village himself if she did not come to him.

2) Every business must be done well if it is taken up.

3) From the mountain height, the bridge was clearly visible through which columns of retreating soldiers were still walking.

4) He could save himself and run away even if those three raised a belated alarm.

Test on the topic "Complex sentences"

1. Find a complex sentence.

A. Rooks have been pacing around the yard for a long time, starlings and larks have also arrived.

B. There are no riches in the Meshchera region, except for forests, meadows and clear air.

C. Levitan's painting, according to art critics, reflects the discreet beauty of central Russia.

D. In whom there is no goodness, there is little truth in that.

2. Read the sentence Never forget that the theater lives not on the brilliance of lights, the luxury of scenery and costumes, spectacular mise-en-scenes, but on the ideas of the playwright. The adverbial clause in it is ...

3. Make a synonymous replacement of a simple sentence with participial turnover by a complex sentence.

On the river floodplain, flooded during the flood, there are rich harvests of corn.

The evening glow has faded. We have returned from the forest.

The north has a harsh climate, but many rare plants grow there.

6. Determine the type of adverbial clause in a complex sentence It is necessary to catch the hour when oblique rays begin to penetrate the forest.

A. adventitious time

B. attributive clause

B. conditional clause

A. I told where I spent my childhood.

B. I went to where I spent my childhood.

Q. I visited the city where I spent my childhood.

8. Which sentence corresponds to the scheme: (),, ()?

A. If you study the Russian language, love it passionately, then a world of boundless joys will open up to you, for the treasures of the Russian language are boundless.

B. It is easy to work when you know that your work is appreciated.

A. In order to truly play any role, you first need to find the grain of the artistic image.

B. I especially like the nightingale's singing, when the stars shine overhead and everything in the forest falls silent.

Q. When asked questions, Dersu explained that if the fog rises in calm weather, one must definitely expect a lingering rain.

11. Write a sentence, put punctuation marks.

The ability to say exactly what is needed and just so that we are listened to and understood is without a doubt a great skill that is given to very few and which no one has the right to neglect.

Ah… as if he wanted to tell me something.

B. ... that they listened without saying a word.

A. Please find out…

B. Since we settled by the lake, ...

B. The girl smiled so sweetly, ...

G. I like songs…

I I option

1. Find a complex sentence.

A. Truth is necessary for a person just like a blind guide.

B. The bridge was demolished during the flood, and we had to make a big detour.

V. The stork, as popular belief says, guards happiness, keeping out trouble.

D. Whoever is not lazy to plow will give birth to bread.

2. Read the sentence Only by exploring some piece of our land, you can understand how our hearts are attached to each of its paths, springs and even the timid squeaking of a forest bird. The adverbial clause in it is ...

A. before the main sentence

B. after the main clause

V. in the middle of the main sentence

3. Make a synonymous replacement of a simple sentence with isolated members by a complex sentence.

When I entered the room, I saw my brother coming from the city.

4. Make two simple sentences complex with a clause of time.

I studied at school. My brother was already working at the factory.

5. Make a synonymous replacement of a compound sentence with a compound one with a concessive clause.

Kulibin did not receive a special education, but he was a gifted mechanic.

6. Determine the type of adverbial clause in a complex sentence When the commander is not shy, the soldiers will follow him into the fire and into the water.

A. comparative clause

B. subordinate clause

B. adnexal time

7. Find among these sentences a complex subordinate with a subordinate place.

A. That was the school where I was sent.

B. I knew where I was being sent.

Q. I arrived where I was sent.

8. Which sentence corresponds to the scheme: (), , ()?

A. The more a person knows, the more he sees the poetry of the earth where a person with meager knowledge will never find it.

B. Labor is the strongest and most reliable link between the person who works and the society for whose benefit this work is directed.

9. What scheme corresponds to the proposal After carefully reading everything written by Prishvin, you are convinced that he did not have time to tell us even a hundredth of what he perfectly saw and knew?

BUT. , (), (). B. , (), (). AT. , , (), ().

10. Which sentence has a punctuation error?

A. While we were preparing the expedition materials, the head of the detachment was negotiating with the guides.

B. A lark was singing over the field, and a cuckoo was calling in the distance.

Q. I was waiting for her story and was silent, afraid that if I ask her about something, she will again be distracted.

11. Write down the sentence, put punctuation marks.

I threw an overcoat over my shoulders because, despite the warm day, I was chilled from cold and fatigue and went to look for a car.

12. Come up with beginnings and write down the suggestions received.

A. ... that almost fell into the water.

B. ... as if she had lived in England for a long time.

13. Complete a complex sentence. Specify the type of adjective.

A. I looked out the window and saw ..., and it seemed to me ...

B. As soon as the first grass appeared, ...

Q. I have not received letters from my friend for so long, ...

G. I will talk about the book, ...

14. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) denoting a comma between parts of a compound sentence.

On the forest roads, when the enemy approached, trees were felled with their tops towards the enemy, (1) and the cavalry of the nomads bogged down in the forests. Tsar Peter, (2) planning to acquire a fleet, (3) was looking for a suitable place to start construction. Many forests were examined, (4) but only here, (5) near Voronezh, (6) the tsar found what (7) he was looking for.

15. Write down the grammatical foundations of the sentence

1 ) I carried these notebooks, this pantry of fireproof words, with me everywhere, and more than once they rescued me from an even greater trouble than a fire.

2) Saws rang, axes rattled near Voronezh, nails and anchors were forged in hundreds of forges, and the ships went down Voronezh.

3) Forests stood in the way of the Polovtsy, Nogai and Crimean Tatars.

Test work in Russian

Compound sentence Grade 11

Option 2

1. The statement is true :

1) A comma is not placed before single conjunctions and, or, or, yes (and), if parts of a compound sentence have a common minor member.

2) If parts of a compound sentence are interrogative, motivating or exclamatory sentences, then a comma is placed between them.

3) If the second part of the compound sentence contains information about a quick change of events, then a semicolon is placed before the composing union.

4) Parts of the SSP are separated by a dash if they are not very closely related in meaning or are widely distributed and have components separated by commas within themselves.

5) If the second part of the SSP contains a sharp opposition, then a dash is placed before the coordinating union.

2. Punctuation marks are arranged according to the scheme below in sentences (note that punctuation marks are not placed), and:

1) Murzik was a country dog ​​and in Moscow among the rumble and asphalt it would be difficult for him to live.

2) The old man sat down at a table covered with oilcloth in patterns and looked into Ostap's very eyes.

3) It was freezing hard and the Big Dipper hung like diamonds across the sky over a snowy meadow.

4) But already long shadows lay down from the gardens and the dachas dozed off in a peaceful afternoon sleep after a long summer day.

5) They began to sing again in the house and from a distance the violin gave the impression of a human voice.

3. A comma in place of all gaps is placed in sentences:

1) Lermontov looked around_ and at the same instant a dull fire flashed from a pistol muzzle_ and a bullet, howling, passed near his shoulder_ and hit the wall of the hut.

2) And outside the window it’s either rain or snow_ and it’s time to sleep_ and you can’t fall asleep at all.

3) The road was not visible_ but on the sides of it a swamp was felt_ and from it rose the smell of rotten algae and raw mushrooms.

4) Then there was a pop somewhere, then suddenly a howl was heard _ then it was as if someone had walked along the corridor, then some kind of breath flew through the room and hurt my face.

5) It was too early to get up_ and I didn’t want to get out of the cozy tightness of the sleeping bag heated during the night __ and he lay with his eyes closed.

4) Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1)Where were you last night and who allowed you to enter my house today without prior arrangement?

2) The first meeting is vague anxiety, and the first timid declaration of love.

3) How I want to rest, and how tired I am of everything!

4) At night, the sea roared sadly and widely and it was cold.

5) Of course, everything has been decided long ago and you can safely go on the road.

5) A dash at the place of the pass is placed in the sentence:

1) Rostov did not believe his eyes _ and this doubt lasted more than a second.

2) A moment _ and the audience froze again.

3) The moment missed _ and the plane departed.

4) You came quickly and unexpectedly beautiful _ and everything around changed instantly.

5) Then it was the same spring __ and the ocean rustled all the same furiously and severely.

6) The statements are true:

1) A comma at the junction of subordinating conjunctions is not put if the second part of the union follows after the second subordinate clause (then, so, but etc.)

2) Between homogeneous main parts connected by a non-repeating connecting or dividing union (and, or, or, yes (= and)), a comma is placed.

3) Commas highlight the subordinate part of a complex sentence on both sides, if it is located inside the main part.

4) If there is an intensifying or restrictive particle before the compound union, then the compound union is not divided.

5) If there is an introductory word before the compound union, then the compound union is dismembered.

7) Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) Alexey Fedorovich left an excellent review of my new essay, which I devoted to the problem of fathers and children, and recommended that the work be published in the next issue of the journal.

2) We all often think about how many secrets of nature have not yet been revealed and how many unknown corners on our planet, constantly surprising those living on it with their mysteries.

3) Sergei Vladimirovich understood perfectly well that if he did not acquire this rare dictionary right now, then he might not have such a second opportunity.

4) Perhaps I will change my mind, because I have a lot of free time and many of my affairs have already been successfully completed.

5) He looked into the distance for a long time and intently, hoping that her car would appear from around the corner, and he was sad about the failed happiness.

8) Conditions for the division of compound unions are in sentences (note that punctuation marks are not placed):

1) It was boring in the garden, despite the fact that treasures were undoubtedly hidden somewhere under the jasmine or silvery poplar.

2) Since he came to this city and entered the service, he began to hate his youthfulness.

3) He came, apparently, because that evening at home he had nothing to do.

4) I am crying from a sudden surge of happiness from the unexpectedness of the offer and because I cannot help but cry.

5) This happened quite unexpectedly precisely after Raechka had already despaired of getting permission to participate in a variety and circus performance.

9) Commas in place of all gaps are placed in sentences:

1) Sometimes it begins to seem to the teacher_ that he_ has never left Kurshi since he can remember himself_ that winter has never stopped_ and will never stop_ and that he only heard about another life in a forgotten fairy tale or in a dream.

2) Baklagin knew that when it was fresh or he had to storm, the cowardly or unresourceful captain always unquestioningly ordered what the senior officer ordered under the guise of respectful advice.

3) The captain was lying on his back, looking_ how the blue lights were running across in the dying fireplace_ and feeling_ how slowly creeps up to him, fogging his head and relaxing his body, the usual attack of malaria.

4) Who is he_ where is he from_ whose son_ how did he get into the number of Shumikhinsky subjects_ how did he get the mukhoyar caftan, worn by him from time immemorial_ where he lives_ what he lives_ about this, absolutely no one had the slightest idea ...

5) It is characteristic_ that no matter_ what kind of rain_ it_ as soon as it starts_ is always called very affectionately rain.

10) The sentences below correspond to the sentences (note that punctuation marks are not placed):

(), , ().

1) The pattern of the stars burns so brightly, the Milky Way flows so clearly that the snow-covered courtyard is all shiny and phosphorescent.

2) The more I think about you, the more I love everything that is connected with our meetings and separations, gains and losses.

3) One could hear the Neva splashing uneasily nearby and a wet flag humming somewhere over the rooftops.

4) There was something in their feeling that drained their hearts and destroyed the bottomless abyss that separates man from man.

5) No matter how I fight off the fees, they cannot be got rid of because people do not believe in the effectiveness of advice given free of charge.

11) The statements are true:

1) A semicolon is placed with enumerative relations in an allied complex sentence, the parts of which are distant from each other in meaning or are significantly common.

2) A dash is placed between the parts of the union-free complex sentence, if the second part explains, the content of the first part is revealed (an explanatory union can be inserted between the partsnamely ).

3) If the second part of the non-union complex sentence is a direct question, then a colon is placed between the parts.

4) If the second part of the non-union complex sentence expresses an unexpected action, phenomenon or a quick change of events, then a dash is placed between the parts.

5) At the junction of the coordinating and subordinating unions in a complex sentence with different types of connection, a comma is placed if the second part of the union follows the subordinate part, and is not put if the second part of the union is absent.

12) The colon at the place of the pass is placed in the sentences:

1) He asked to be left at home for the holiday_ they did not leave him.

2) And sometimes it seems to me, who has known so much grief, that everything is still ahead.

3) When you come to my birthday, I will tell you everything in detail.

4) What a wilderness around_ what milkiness!

5) Varvara listened—the noise of the evening train was heard.

13) A dash at the place of the pass is placed in the sentences:

1) Do you love this young man_ tell him the whole truth about yourself.

3) I am interested in something completely different_ who will give the correct answer to my wonderful question?

4) Be afraid of grief - you can’t see happiness.

5) The rank followed him_ he suddenly left the service.

14) Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) Judas is ready for anything with aphorisms: he himself is confused - and unravel it himself, you like to ride - love to carry sleds, you yourself brewed porridge - yourself and disentangle.

2) Ask don't ask_ it's too late: don't change anything.

3) And now, at the end of June, it was especially good in the forest - the grass was beautifully full of blooming flowers, there was a wonderful aroma of fragrant herbs in the air, a gentle summer sun looked from the sky, pouring bright light on both the forest, and the grass, and the river murmuring in the pine forest and distant mountains.

4) October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off the last leaves from its naked branches; breathed autumn cold - the road freezes through.

5) The rainy day went out; rainy night darkness spreads across the sky like lead clothes; like a ghost, behind the pine grove the foggy moon has risen...

15) Indicate the numbers of passes, in place of which you need to put a comma:

The new guide to the Russian language talked about the systemic nature of linguistic phenomena_(1) and new areas of linguistics, about the complexity of syntactic constructions_(2) and how to convey someone else's speech, and_(3) when Vasilina read about all this, she understood_(4) the Russian language , indeed, and surprisingly systematic_(5) and very beautiful.

___, ___, ___ ,____, ___

Complex sentences with different types of connection

16) The statements are true:

1) A sentence with different types of connection is a kind of complex sentences.

2) Parts of an asyndetic complex sentence are connected in meaning and intonation.

3) Enumerative relations always develop between parts of union-free complex sentences.

4) The writing connection cannot be leading.

5) A block can be either a simple or a complex sentence.

17) Define the types of offers and establish a correspondence between the columns of the table:

1. A simple complicated sentence

B. The gap was narrow, but the desire for freedom was so great that Shirokoloby fell out, bringing down the boards driven between the nearest pillars (F. Iskander).

2. A complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

V. It is not known how the fate of Howler would have been if two days later a helicopter had not flown to the geologists.

D. The geologists did not begin to cook food for dinner, they brought all the food left in the kitchenette into the tent, carefully lacing the flaps of the canopy.

3. A complex sentence with different types of communication

D. I really want to take a closer look at this woman and, remembering the conditions of the game, my dear reader, quietly observe her.

A B C D E___

18) Define the types of offers and establish a correspondence between the columns of the table:

BUT.Ahead, about twenty meters away, a fence of oak boards could be seen, and Shirokoloby realized that he had to break through it.

1. SPP with sequential submission

B. Stopping in the middle of the paddock, he sniffed the air to determine where the smell of the sea was stronger, and it was in this place that he would break through the fence.

2.SPP with homogeneous subordination

AT. Slava hurried on, and Igor turned back home to rest a bit and change clothes.

3.SPP with parallel subordination

G . The house she lives in looks like an old mansion, although it is built of wood and has never been renovated.

4. A complex sentence with different types of communication

A B C D E__

19) Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences:

1) The weigher decided that if the buffalo was returned first to the corridor, order would be easily restored.

2) We learned that the New Year should be celebrated in blue clothes and that when the clock strikes twelve, you should not clink glasses, but turn your face to the east.

3) Yezhelev decorated each tooth with a gold crown, and therefore, when he spoke or smiled, our cloudy service room seemed to be illuminated by the sun.

4) Konstantinov sat safely in his office on the third floor, and since the general director appeared in the building, employees also came.

5) Everyone saw, and if no one stopped in amazement, it was only because everyone was busy with themselves.

20) Determine the leading link in complex sentences and establish a correspondence between the columns of the table:

BUT.I told the forester that I had come to hunt on the advice of a friend who had been in the area the previous summer.

1. Leading connection subordinating

B. One thing is bad in alpine meadows: after a strong hail, grasses and bushes become so cold that the tongue ceases to feel the poisonousness of plants.

AT. Her voice sounds young on the phone, confusing subscribers, who sometimes even get lost.

2. Leading connection is coordinative

G. The water in the lake is dark from the overhanging forest, and water lilies sway on long waves, frightening with the underwater kingdom in the depths of which they were born.

3.Leading connection is allied

D. It is not known how it would all have ended if the Antonovs had not come to the court.

A B C D E__

Answers option number 2:

1) 1,3,4,5
















17) A2,B 3,V 2,D 1,D 1

18) A 4, B 1, C 4, D 3, D 2


20) A 1, B 3, C 2, D 2, D 1.

Russian language test The concept of a complex sentence. Allied and non-union proposals. Dividing and highlighting punctuation grade 9 with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 3 parts. In part A - 5 tasks, in part B - 2 tasks, in part C - 1 task.

Option 1

A1. Specify a compound sentence.

1) A heavy cloud, hanging low in the east, alone struggled with the shining triumph of a smart summer morning.
2) The young birch forest was shrouded, as if in a thin muslin, with a light cover of fog.
3) The sun, leaning toward sunset, took on a reddish light.
4) The sun had not yet risen, but half of the sky was already filled with a pale pink light.


1) For three days the storm did not stop, and both masts and all sails were torn off from us.
2) Kashtanka stretched herself, yawned, and, angry, sullen, walked up and down the room.
3) The narrow road broke off into sandy pits, then into impenetrable swamps.
4) The guy stood and stood, as if aloof from the turmoil.


1) The house that stood on the shore belonged to an old buoy keeper.
2) I want the pen to be equated with the bayonet.
3) When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go smoothly.
4) The coachman whistled, and the horses galloped.


1) It is known that elephants are a curiosity with us.
2) Night fell, and silence came in the camp.
3) Grandfather was right: in the evening a thunderstorm came.
4) The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still.


I eagerly (1) read Turgenev (2) and wonder (3) how everything is clear (4) simple (5) and transparent in autumn.

1) 1, 2, 5
2) 3, 4
3) 2, 3, 5
4) 1, 4

IN 1.

Understand that next to you a person develops.

IN 2.

The earth seemed to increase its gravity many times over.


Option 2

A1. Specify a compound sentence.

1) A snowball was slowly falling outside the window, and a snowy, clear light lay on the walls of the room.
2) The goal of creativity is dedication, not hype, not success.
3) Bewitched by the unusual sounds of the forest, he opened his eyes.
4) My room was filled with the smell of flowers growing in a modest front garden.

A2. Specify a complex union sentence.

1) Despite all the hardships and difficulties, he retained something childish in himself.
2) The gloom of the arbor, steps on the sand, quiet laughter - everything suddenly seemed to him.
3) Sing me a song, how the tit lived quietly across the sea.
4) The mountains, illuminated by the still timid rays of the sun, were foggy in a gentle haze.

A3. Specify a sentence with a separating punctuation mark.

1) Suddenly there was a voice of some bird, sharp and shrill.
2) The sun, shining brightly over the steppe, gradually set below the horizon.
3) Every day, at nine o'clock in the evening, guests come to us.
4) It was so quiet that the crackling of the earth breaking from the frost was heard from afar.

A4. Specify a sentence with a highlight punctuation mark.

1) I don’t know what happened to me, my soul is full of sadness.
2) If you didn’t learn anything new in a day, the day was wasted.
3) I hoped that this story would soon be forgotten.
4) Green's stories were intoxicating like fragrant air.

A5. Which digits should be replaced by commas in a sentence?

He was unwell (1) however (2) he nevertheless came (3) to say goodbye (4) to his friends.

1) 1, 3
2) 1, 2
3) 2, 3
4) 1, 4

IN 1. Write out the grammatical bases from the sentence.

Tell me, sorcerer, favorite of the gods, what will come true in my life?

IN 2. What signs are used in the sentence - emphasizing or dividing? Write down the answer.

The sunlight that fell on the foliage next to the wild rose bushes seemed cold and pale.

C1. Discuss highlighting and separating punctuation marks.

Answers to the test in Russian The concept of a complex sentence. Allied and non-union proposals. Dividing and highlighting punctuation grade 9
Option 1
IN 1. understand that a person develops
IN 2. excretory
Option 2
IN 1. tell me what will come true
IN 2. excretory