Hell Week - what is it and why to arrange it. Week "On the edge What is a hell of a week

This Agreement is concluded between IE Smygin Konstantin Igorevich, hereinafter referred to as the "Service Administration" and any person who becomes a user when registering on the Service website http://website/ (hereinafter referred to as the Service), hereinafter referred to as the "User", together in the text of the Agreement referred to as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party".

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement in accordance with Art. 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Service, the User is considered to have acceded to this Agreement, accepts the terms of this offer and the provisions of the Agreement (acceptance).

1.2. Unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this offer is carried out by registering on the Service website.

1.3. This Agreement, concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1.4. The use of materials and functions of the Service is governed by the current legislation Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer by the Service Administration of non-exclusive rights to use the Service by providing access to the Service on a server owned by the Service Administration.

2.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to all subsequent updates and new versions of the Service. By agreeing to use the new version of the Service, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement for the relevant updates, new versions of the Service, unless the update and/or new version of the Service is accompanied by a different agreement.

2.3. The Service is the result of the intellectual activity of the Service Administration and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property and international law, all exclusive rights to the Service, accompanying materials and any copies of it, belong to the Service Administration. The right to use the Service is granted to the User solely on the terms and to the extent stipulated by this Agreement.

3. Terms of use of the Service

3.1. To start working with the Service, the User must go through the registration procedure by assigning a unique name (Login) and password. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the owner of the account. From the moment of logging into his account, the User is solely responsible for the security of the entered data, as well as the Login and password.

3.2. Upon completion of work with the Service, the User independently completes work under his account by pressing the "Logout" button.

3.3. From the moment of registration in the Service, the User is assigned a personal account, to which the User has the right to deposit a sum of money. The amount of money on a personal account is used to pay for a subscription for a certain calendar period (6 months, 12 months and 24 months) for paid services of the Service. Payment for paid services is carried out by non-cash transfer of funds in the form of a 100% prepayment and is debited from the User's personal account.

3.4. Free services are provided to the User without any guarantees, in the same quality, volume and with the functionality that these services have as part of the Service. This means that the User is not entitled to make claims regarding the availability, volume, quality or functionality of the received free services and uses them, assuming all risks and liability associated with the use of such free services.

3.5. Paid services are considered rendered properly and accepted by the User in full, if within 5 (Five) working days of the provision of the corresponding paid service, the Service Administration has not received motivated written claims from the User.

3.6. The Administration of the Service provides technical support to the User, including on issues related to the functionality of the Service and the services provided, as well as the features of the operation of the Service.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1.1. The User undertakes not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to a violation of the normal operation of the Service.

4.1.2. The User undertakes not to grant (transfer) in full or in part to third parties the rights he has received under this Agreement, not to sell, not to replicate, not to copy the materials of the Service in whole or in part, not to alienate in any other way, including free of charge, without receiving a preliminary written consent of the Service Administration.

4.1.3. The User undertakes not to transfer passwords and logins used to access the Service to third parties, to ensure the confidentiality of their storage. In case of unauthorized access to the login and password and / or user account, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Administration of the Service.

4.1.4. The User undertakes not to use software that provides automatic downloading and processing (parsing) of the Web pages of the Service in order to obtain the necessary data.

4.1.5. The User is responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided during registration on the Service. The User agrees to the storage and processing by the Service Administration of the User's personal data.

4.1.6. The User has the right to access the Service at any time, except during maintenance work.

4.1.7. The User has the right to use the Service within its functionality and on the terms established by this Agreement.

4.1.8. The User has the right to deposit a sum of money equal to the amount of the subscription for a particular calendar period for the subsequent use of the Paid Services of the Service. The User can familiarize himself with the tariffs for the Paid Services of the Service at: http://website/subscription/

4.1.9. The User has the right to independently change the password without notifying the Administration of the Service.

4.1.10. The User has the right to apply at any time to delete the User's account and information stored in the Service. The deletion of the User's account and information stored on the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. When deleting an account, the funds that the user spent on a subscription to the Paid Services of the Service are not subject to partial or full refund.

4.1.11. Funds transferred as payment for a subscription to the Service's services are non-refundable and can be used to pay for the paid services of the Service.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

4.2.1. The Service Administration is obliged to provide the User with access to the Service no later than 5 (Five) working days from the moment the User completes the registration procedure on the Service.

4.2.2. The Service Administration undertakes to ensure the operation of the Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, around the clock 7 (seven) days a week, including weekends and holidays, except for the time of preventive maintenance.

4.2.3. The Administration of the Service undertakes to ensure the safety of the User's data posted in the Service for 90 (ninety) calendar days from the date of the last use by the User of any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User's personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Administration of the Service has the right to suspend the operation of the Service to carry out the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Administration of the Service, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically it is possible, by posting the relevant information on the site.

4.2.6. The Administration of the Service has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the own resources of the Administration of the Service, or by the action and / or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and / or delete the User's account, including all the User's information content without notifying the User and explaining the reasons in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and the procedure for resolving disputes

5.1. The Service is provided to the User "as is" in accordance with the principle generally accepted in international practice. This means that for problems arising in the process of updating, maintaining and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistencies between the results of using the Service and the User's expectations, etc.), the Service Administration is not responsible.

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the responsibility of the Administration of the Service to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid Services paid by the User.

5.3. None of the Parties shall be liable for the full or partial failure to fulfill any of its obligations, if the failure is the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and are independent of the will of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances for more than 3 (Three) months, either Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement arises in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Service Administration is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage resulting, inter alia, from illegal actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User's computer and the Service Administration server; carrying out by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational-search activities; establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) economic activity commercial organizations on the Internet and / or the establishment by the specified entities of one-time restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to fulfill this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and / or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and / or computer equipment that existed at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement.

5.6. In the event of disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties arising from this Agreement or related to it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve the disputes and / or disagreements that have arisen between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other terms

6.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of acceptance and shall be valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as at the initiative of the Administration of the Service in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to withdraw the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In the event of withdrawal of this Agreement during the term of its validity, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the moment of withdrawal. Feedback is carried out by posting relevant information on the site.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that in the performance of this Agreement, it is allowed to use the signatures of the representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals by means of facsimile communication, mechanical or other copying, digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Service Administration has the right to unilaterally amend the terms of the Service by posting information about it on the website in public access and amending this Agreement.

6.6. The specified changes in the terms of this Agreement come into force from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after making changes and / or additions to the Agreement means the acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and / or additions.

7. Guarantees

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly specified in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Service Administration and guarantees that he:

  • concludes this agreement voluntarily;
  • read all the terms of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and the contract;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement.

Now it is fashionable to spend 100 days that change lives. How about a 7 day intensive? " hell week"is a severe test for officers armed forces Norway. Erik Bertrand Larssen - a former commando from Norway, and now a trainer-psychologist - has developed a "civilian" version of "hell week". It allows you to pump life in 7 days.

General rules

So, why is this “hell week” needed at all?

Eric calls it the prototype of the "perfect week". This is the embodiment of a fantasy on the topic: “What would happen if I used every day of my life to the maximum?” In one week you will see how your life could change if you lived consciously.

The general rules for the week are:

  1. Get up at five in the morning, go to bed at ten at night. The week starts on Monday at 5:00 am and ends on Sunday at 10:00 pm.
  2. Be concentrated throughout the week on every task.
  3. Stick to the plan strictly.
  4. Be active and energetic.
  5. Do not use social media during work hours. TV is prohibited.
  6. No empty conversations and calls to friends during working hours.
  7. Physical activity - every day.
  8. Proper nutrition - every day.

Monday: Habits

The main task of Monday is to work on your habits, and you need to do this in three steps:

  1. The first step is to make a list of the habits you already have. Remember both good and bad habits.
  2. Decide which habits you want to cut out and which ones you want to add to your life. As Ovid said, "Habits become character."
  3. Plan what you will do to change things for the better. Make a list of what you would like to change. And here are two habits you can start with right on Monday morning. First, move the alarm to a different location. This will help to partially break the automatic chain of your actions in the morning. Secondly, every morning ask yourself the question: “What event of today am I looking forward to?” This will help you understand what is truly important to you.

Tuesday: Mindfulness

Tuesday is dedicated to the development of concentration. Remember how a golfer hits a ball. At first, he aims several times, concentrates, and only then raises the club to make a hit. If a golfer ran out onto the field and immediately hit the ball, then he would hardly have been able to hit the hole.

It's all about mental preparation. It is closely related to the result that you get in the end. If before each business meeting we prepared for it and clearly chose the position that we want to take on it, then the outcome would be completely different.

In order to develop awareness and enter the right state of mind, it is enough to ask yourself the right questions during the day. It doesn't matter how much you love your job. The main thing is to do it as well as possible. This is your sacred duty. If you work as a barista in a coffee shop, ask yourself: “How well do I know all the coffees? What should be the temperature of the milk different types coffee? How can I improve my work? What else can I do to make my clients happy? How do I hold a cup of coffee while passing it to a client, and what do I say to him? Ask yourself these questions and keep the right frame of mind.

Wednesday: time management

Perhaps never in the history of mankind has it been so difficult to plan your time as it is now. Time management problems are most often associated with the fact that a person is in a dense ring of daily activities, which seems almost impossible to break out of.

And most often, our absent-mindedness and unproductiveness is due to the fact that we do not see the whole picture, we do not see what lies ahead for us, and therefore we are stalling. We understand that we have lost control over the situation, so we do not have time for anything and everything falls out of our hands.

What to do?

The military at such moments utter two words: "We must stop." Experts recognize that efficiency begins with the ability to stop in the middle of this pile of things, take a few minutes and ask yourself: “Where am I going?”

Yes, it's not easy to stop doing what you've been doing, but it's worth it. Stop all processes and evaluate the situation. Gather all the pieces of the puzzle and review the tasks. Once you have all the information organized, put it on the calendar. You must create a forward-looking vision of your affairs and projects for the near future, which will help you move faster.

Thursday: Out of your comfort zone

Thursday is the hardest day of hell week because it gives you an invaluable experience that you have not had before and literally pushes you out of your comfort zone.

The main feature of Thursday is that you spend the day without sleep. You have to work from 5 am Thursday to 5 am Friday. And then you'll take care of the program on Friday.

After such a Thursday, you will understand that you can do more. Especially when, after an intense working day, you can overcome your main fear. You can see what he is.

Friday: rest and recovery

Probably the biggest problem of modern man is that we have completely forgotten how to relax. Often we work not only during working hours, but also on vacation and on weekends. It turns out that our brain and body are always in a tense state. We cannot afford to fully rest even for one day.

But that's what we'll do on Friday. Take a hot shower at five in the morning. After that, plan to do the things you've been dreaming about for a long time: go to the movies to see a good movie, go to the theater, take a cooking class, take a salsa or banjo class, wander around the mall, sit in a coffee shop. Take care of all these things in a row. Feel like the master of the day. Feel the thrill of being free to do whatever you want throughout Friday.

Saturday: internal dialogue

We hope you get seven hours of sleep, because on Saturday you will again have to get up at five in the morning. And today, Eric offers to arrange a "happy day" for himself. This is the day when only positive thoughts should be in your head. All day you will work to create a positive internal dialogue. The task of the day is to show how the way of thinking affects everything that happens to you.

Start tracking what you think about in the morning. Every time a negative thought enters your head, block it. Every time you feel that your thoughts are poisoning you, change them to constructive ones.

A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

Winston Churchill

Sunday: think about yourself

This is the last day of hell week. Today we need to find time to write down what conclusions this week has left behind. What have you learned? What did you understand? How has your life changed? What new things have you learned about yourself? What new qualities have been discovered? What is truly important to you? What difficulties did you have?

In the middle of the day, reward yourself with a gift. And in the evening, go to dinner with friends or your significant other and share all the impressions of the “hell week”. You did it, congratulations!

And if you want to understand how to create an individual plan for your "hell week", read Larssen's book "On the Limit".

After reading smart articles about self-development and watching a dozen motivational videos, I decided it was time to change my life for the better. No, you don’t think, my life is not so bad, and in some places it is beautiful, but there are so many purposeful, inspired and furiously moving towards their goal people around. Someone is setting up a business, someone is acquiring a dream figure - so I decided to change something for the better. But where to start? The stimulating kick was an unexpected task from the editors - to live for seven days according to the book “On the Limit. A week without self-pity” by Eric Bertrand Larssen – Norwegian author, coach personal growth, in the past - a paratrooper in special forces. “Just a week? Nonsense!" And I, almost without thinking, agreed.

The writer, who is familiar with such concepts as endurance, endurance and willpower, advises everyone at least once a year to live a "hell week" - seven difficult days that will test your strength. According to Larssen, after this, the reader must certainly look at life from a different angle - begin to appreciate things that he previously took for granted, understand that he can do more.

The basic rules of the week are simple and seemingly logical: get up at 5:00, go to sleep at 22:00 (hooray, I'll get enough sleep!), Proper nutrition and daily hourly workouts (finally I'll start losing weight!), Mindfulness and concentration, refusal of personal communication at work, including on social networks, and TV at home.


The first day of Hell Week started around 5:40. I got up, of course, by the alarm clock at 5:00, but it took at least half an hour to “disperse” and recover. But at 5:40 I was already cheerfully standing on the mat, repeating the exercises for the online bodyflex trainer.

Monday I had to devote to the analysis of my habits, good and bad. It was not difficult, in contrast to the concentration on working moments. I had to forcefully ignore the conversations of colleagues in the office and not respond to friends' questions on VKontakte. And they (as if they sensed it!) fell down like from a cornucopia. I found this out in transport on the way home and mentally rejoiced at my willpower.

Proper nutrition was also easy: I did not even feel a burning desire to eat something sweet after dinner. First victory! An early rise affected my well-being in the evening, and at 21:30 I had already left for the kingdom of Morpheus. Fortunately, my husband and five-year-old son did not interfere with me.


On Tuesday, there were two tasks to be done: to develop the right attitude and develop focus. Paying attention to my emotions, as advised by Eric Bertrand Larssen, I started already at 6:00. Yes, my resting body ignored three alarms (at 4:55, 4:57 and 5:00) and slept an hour more than expected.

I added strength exercises to my morning breathing exercises, after a workout I cooked oatmeal with fruits and had a healthy breakfast with my family. Needless to say, I was able to eat right. Moreover, I, an inveterate sweet tooth, managed not to fall a slave to sweets, pieces of cake and iced cookies, which were waiting for me at every turn. Being proud of myself, I began to focus on everything that I did on Tuesday: at work I completely devoted myself to projects, at home to communication with my family. And it's not so difficult - not to be distracted. Perhaps I will develop this habit in myself!


The third day "at the limit" I had to give planning: for a year, a month, a week, a day. It turned out to be quite a difficult task: for example, I have plans for the day and almost the whole week, but for a month, a year ... I usually plan only a vacation so far away. Thoughts fled, and, scratching my head, I never came up with a plan for my life, even for a month.

But again she praised herself for the sport. According to the book, I had to make two workouts as difficult as possible. The choice fell on the Japanese interval training "Tabata". Its essence is to do the exercise intensely for twenty seconds, then rest for ten seconds. And so it's time! God, I got to work on wobbly legs and shaking hands, but I never made myself an indulgence during training (although I really wanted to!). The thought arose: if I were not so lazy in everyday life, I could have a super-sporty figure.

Photo: Neustockimages/E+/Getty Images


Insidious Thursday I waited with the least trepidation and even with apprehension. On this day, according to Larssen, they had to work around the clock without interrupting for sleep, forget about transport and arrange a “date” with their fear. The last one I dismissed immediately. Deciding that I was not afraid of anything except heights, I decided to ignore this "terrible" task: do not skydive in the middle of the working day!

I also didn’t dare to move around the city on a run, as the author of the book bequeathed - even on transport I spend an hour and a half on the road. In addition, the weather was not pleasing: all day it was snowing with rain and a nasty wind was howling. Perhaps the Norwegian commando would have considered me a weakling and would not have taken me as a “recruit”, but I could not force myself to spend half a day in the cold. It turned out to be some kind of unmotivated Thursday.

In the evening, the husband offered to give himself one more indulgence and go to sleep, contrary to the author's covenant, to work all night, and in his "report" to invent that he had not closed his eyes all night while working on the project. It would be all right if on Friday Eric Bertrand Larssen gave me a “dump”, but no: the author asked me to be concentrated on work on the fifth day, and in the evening to devote myself completely to communicating with my family. Having imagined this day in colors (and how I would want to kill), I went to bed in bewilderment. True, after 23:00. All in all, I missed Thursday.


On Friday I was supposed to rest. Well, how to relax - meditate several times in the middle of the working day. With this oriental practice, I'm still on "you", so my rest was a couple of small breaks during the day. I drove home a little puzzled: why on the weekends also get up at 5 in the morning, when you can soak up the bed at least until 9? One thing was clear - I again lacked motivation!

Saturday and Sunday

The weekend passed under the flag of relaxation. Yes, I did not wake up at 5:00 and did not fall asleep at 22:00, but some good habits of the “hell week” paid off. Playing with a child, cleaning the apartment, spending time with my husband or even reading a book, I was fully aware of what I was doing. Not automatically, as sometimes happens, but with complete immersion in the "here and now." And, you know, it was fun! I realized that I need to thank myself for any, even the smallest, victory, and my loved ones for every second of their attention. I think everyone should try to master the concentration and passion for any process.

What came easy

Eat right. I thought there would be breakdowns, but no. I began to pay more attention to the family's diet: more fresh vegetables appeared in it, instead of sweets - fruits or dried fruits. In addition, the freed morning time made it possible to cook breakfast, and not in a hurry to plan harmful sandwiches.

Don't watch TV. We simply don't have it. Don't believe? Our family hasn't had a TV for about four years, and it's great - we have so much free time! And we watch movies and cartoons on the Internet or in the cinema.

Go to bed at 22:00. Previously, as a mother of a five-year-old son, I had a problem: not falling asleep myself while you were putting the baby to bed. I think all mothers will understand me: when these sweet little hands hug you in a cozy bed, you forget about unwashed dishes or an unfinished article. Now all the pangs of conscience have disappeared.

Do sports every day. You really get involved in this business, and after that you feel a charge of vivacity all day long. And yet, the muscles hurt so pleasantly - it means they work!

Appreciate the little things in life. After concentrating on your affairs, whether it is work or communication with loved ones, you begin to do it more meaningfully, realizing that this is really great.

What did you have to sweat

Do not communicate with colleagues on non-work topics. Sometimes you just want to screw in a good comment on this or that occasion. Sometimes to rejoice, sometimes to sympathize. But no, gritting his teeth, he had to be silent.

Don't reply to friends on social media. Most of my work consists of communicating in social networks with different people. On a normal day, when I saw a “hello” from my friends, I rushed to answer, but not during the “hell week”. I steadfastly ignored letters that were not on the case and did not even feel pricks of conscience.

To wake up early. Despite the 7 hours of sleep allotted to me, at 5:00 I felt lethargic and sleepy, as befits a real owl. Plus, it's so hard to find the motivation to take a morning shower instead of staying in a warm bed.

Waiver of sleep on the night of Thursday to Friday was not that difficult m is impossible. Such a claim by the author seemed unreasonable to me. No matter how hard I tried to see the point in the work for two days, nothing came of it.

So, the book by Eric Larssen “On the limit. A week without self-pity” can really be useful, but only for those who want to change something in their lives. Of course, some of the author's advice can be considered far from reality, but the main principles - concentration, enthusiasm and gratitude - will definitely help to create a useful and

Konstantin Smygin, founder of the business literature service in summary MakeRight.ru, spoke about the key ideas of Eric Bertrand Larssen's book “On the Limit. A week without self-pity. The author of the book recommends that the reader test himself by living the "hell week" - the civilian analogue of the army practice, in which the subjects spend a week at the limit of their physical and mental abilities.

What is this book about

About testing yourself with a “hell week”. Hell Week, Hell Week - seven days that special forces live at the limit of their physical and mental abilities.

Eric Bertrand Larssen's book is about the civilian equivalent of hell week.

What is the civilian version of hell week

The rules are:

  1. Start on Monday at 5:00, finish on Sunday at 22:00.
  2. Wake up at 5:00 every day, hang up at 22:00.
  3. Stay focused, engaged and conscientious all week, work hard.
  4. Follow the plan.
  5. Analyze mood and concentration.
  6. Understand the social role at a particular moment and give it 100%.
  7. Be positive and determined, energetic and active.
  8. Rest well.
  9. Become more demanding on your appearance.
  10. All personal matters must be resolved before nightfall.
  11. Not to be used during business hours social networks, any non-working contacts are prohibited.
  12. Conversations with colleagues only on work topics.
  13. Every morning you need to start with physical activity.
  14. Sports for at least an hour a day, twice a week training should be as intense as possible.
  15. Include physical activity in everyday life- take the stairs, not the elevator, walk.
  16. All week you must eat right - no sweets and surrogates.
  17. You can't watch TV.

Do I need to follow any special schedule?

No. In hell week, you perform your usual duties, work, study, do housework, communicate. The point is not to do new things, but to do the usual things as well as you can, getting involved in the process as much as possible.

In Hell Week, each day has its own theme.

Pretty tough practice. Why all these tests?

Why do people test themselves? To learn what we are capable of, to develop, to achieve more. After a hellish week, ordinary things will no longer seem so difficult. It is quite possible that after a hellish week you will realize that you are capable of more, that you are wasting your potential. It will force you to rethink your habits and the way you live, and make you more successful in the long run.

What if I already know that I can do a lot

It's one thing when you assume you're capable of more. But it's quite different when you prove it in practice. And you feel an incomparable satisfaction. Hell Week will show that you can do everything much better than you are used to. Of course, you can not constantly live on the limit, but this is not required. You will learn the lessons of hell week. In addition, the author of the book advises to repeat Hell Week every year.

Do I need special preparation before hell week

Undoubtedly. The author says that the preparation process should take at least 21 days after reading the book. The result of a hellish week depends on the preparation. During this time, you need to get the necessary impetus and motivation, determine what exactly your week will consist of at the limit, prepare for difficulties, set goals.

What will help you prepare:

  • Take a look at your life from the outside: who you are now, who you want to be and who you wanted to be as a child. What do you need to be the person you want to be?
  • What and in what areas do you want to improve? Where do you see the greatest potential? What should you focus on the most?
  • Use feedback- ask your relatives, friends and acquaintances, colleagues and clients for opinions about your strengths and weaknesses. Do not argue with them, listen and analyze their answers.
  • Visualize the hardships of hell week. This will help you endure the test better.
  • Formulate and write down goals for a year, five years and ten. Think about how hell week will get you closer to these goals? Best Goals- those that are in harmony with your principles, and are associated with the occupation that brings the most satisfaction. Think about how you would like to see yourself in different social roles- spouse, specialist, parent.

Can the author of the book be trusted?

Eric Bertrand Larssen is one of Norway's most popular authors and motivational trainers. He served in the special forces - was an officer airborne troops, served in Afghanistan, in the Balkans. He himself went through the army hellish week twice. After the service, he went into business, later became a personal coach. His clients included Microsoft, Boston Consulting Group and Statoil, and world-class athletes - golfer Susan Petersen, world champion skier Martin Sundby, football player Joshua King, athletes of the Norwegian Olympic ski team.

What specifically needs to be done

Let's start on Monday.

On Monday, you need to focus on your habits. A habit is a repetitive unconscious pattern of behavior. Habits are important - they subtly influence our decisions and allow other people to judge us. As people have long noticed: habit is second nature.

Do on Monday:

  • Make a list of your habits. Determine which ones are useful and which are not. Which ones do you want to get rid of and which ones to develop?
  • Decide which habits you are missing. Think about how to make useful actions automatic patterns of behavior and thinking.

What to do on Tuesday

Tuesday's two tasks: developing the right attitude and developing concentration.

1. Mood. Different situations require different emotional states. Your task is to determine what mood is suitable for a particular situation and create it. This will help - internal dialogue, body language, memories, visualization. Feelings influence the result. You need the right feelings, so take the time to create the right mood.

2. Focus. This is not only concentration, it is a complete dedication to one's work. Do only one thing at a time, and when interacting with people, give them your full attention.

To do on Tuesday:

List your own emotional states. Try to get in and out of each one.

What to do on Wednesday

Wednesday is dedicated to time management, planning, priorities and goals. You have enough time, the main thing is to distribute it wisely. You can be a good specialist, and a loving spouse, and a caring parent.

Planning helps to realize the density of tasks and not to take on the next one.

To do Wednesday:

Stop, think about priorities, goals. Make a plan based on what is important to you.

What to do on Thursday

Thursday should be spent unusually - during the day to face your main fear, and not to sleep on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Everyone experiences fear: both heroes and cowards. The difference is only in the attitude to fear and in his ability to cope with it. We are afraid of failure and try to choose a safe path, avoid difficulties in every way.

But "it is impossible to become what you want while remaining who you are."

Therefore, you need to face your fear face to face.

To do Thursday:

  • Do what you are very afraid of. Confess your love, jump from a tower, make peace with those with whom you have quarreled for a long time, decide on a difficult conversation.
  • Spend the day in an unusual way - give up transport, move only by running.
  • Skip sleep and work all night. Before that, pay attention to mental preparation - visualize a sleepless night.

Will you be able to rest on Friday?

Yes, but you will also rest effectively and consciously. You will still need to work and fulfill your duties. The task for Friday is to learn mindful rest.

Do Friday:

  • after a sleepless night, take a hot or contrast shower and have a healthy breakfast.
  • be careful all day, use every opportunity to relax.
  • when you come home after work, take care of family affairs, children, housework and give yourself one hundred percent to this.
  • try meditating several times a day. Meditation is a simple and affordable tool for recuperation.

What is Saturday dedicated to?

This day is also special - it is happy. You need to concentrate on the positive and life-affirming things in the world, in people and in yourself. Praise easily, look at the world positively, be optimistic, less rational.

Most people tend to think pessimistically. In addition, most of us constantly “chew” negative thoughts inside ourselves. You will greatly improve your life by learning to hear and control the internal dialogue. You will be able to choose what and how to talk to yourself.

To do on Saturday:

  • Think positively. Thinking about your strengths, achievements, values ​​will help create a positive mood.
  • Control the internal dialogue. Ask yourself the right questions and choose the right words.

Hooray! Last hellish day. What to do on Sunday?

This day is not so hellish. The theme of the day is job satisfaction.

To do on Sunday:

  • Take time to be alone with yourself, evaluate the results.
  • Reward yourself for success.
  • Pay attention to the little things in life that you were deprived of during Hell Week. Now they will mean more to you. You will begin to appreciate, notice, feel, perceive nuances like never before.

You can not live a hellish week, but partially use its elements

Eric Bertrand Larssen's method is based on the well-known principles of personal effectiveness and self-improvement. This is the formation of positive habits, discipline, a positive attitude, time management, focus, getting out of the comfort zone, a healthy lifestyle. Of course, they can be used separately. But this will not be such a test that will allow you to evaluate your strengths and capabilities, like a hell of a week.

Is it worth reading the book

Although there are many books written on the topic of self-improvement, I recommend reading this one. It will not be suitable for cynical people and will not say anything new to those who have read a lot of motivational literature. But the big plus of the book is that its author does not just talk about the principles of self-improvement and the need to leave the comfort zone, but gives a "road map" - a clear program of actions for self-development. Understanding the principles of personal effectiveness does not guarantee action. A clear program will help you quickly take on the improvement of your life.

The only thing - if you decide on a hellish week, follow the advice of the author and devote sufficient time to preparation. After all, you will have to get up very early, physical activity will be serious, and once you even need to skip a night's sleep.

One day followed another, and I did not know that this is life.

About a month ago, I came across an article on the MYTH website about hell week at the limit of my abilities. It became interesting for me, because it allows you to expand the boundaries of your capabilities, discipline yourself and feel even more purposeful.

While I was thinking and maturing, in my life there was a sharp need to bring Hell Week to life and test all its principles on myself. And then there was the opportunity to read the book.

The book is based on the principles of special forces training, but much lighter. The key changes that you need to make in your life, the author refers to the following:

  • get up at 5 am every day, go to bed at 10 pm,
  • don't eat sweets
  • eat only healthy wholesome food,
  • exercise for at least an hour a day
  • concentrate on only one thing that you do,
  • do not watch TV (YouTube, series, etc. I also took it here, because I don’t watch TV anyway),
  • do not use social networks during work,
  • no sleep from thursday to friday.

The last one was the worst for me. And I was looking forward to Thursday. But first things first.

Why did I need a hell week?

I just had a lot to do. I'm tired of not having enough time for anything. I felt like a squirrel in a wheel that rushes between work, home, dream, gym and nothing works out 100%. I wanted to take extra hours in the day to increase my productivity.

There was a lot of work, I was preparing, I had to set aside a whole working day for shopping for the Transformation project so that work affairs would not suffer. And I firmly decided to take on and prepare for the beach season. And I wanted to play the role of a wife well - so that there would always be comfort, food and tenderness at home. I also decided to significantly expand the daily self-care procedures (old age does not sleep). And also - I really like to read and 30 minutes of a quiet breakfast with coffee and a book make me much happier and more harmonious.

And I decided that a hell of a week would free me time for everything.

The author of the book recommends carefully preparing for hell week in order to clearly understand for yourself what you want to receive. My preparation process was rather subconscious. Because as soon as I read the article about this book, I already decided that I would go through with it.

The course of my hell week

On Sunday I slept very badly. I woke up without an alarm at 4:30. Lay down until 5. Did my long facial (ice cube was very invigorating).

Made breakfast and lunch for my husband and I. I enjoyed my cup of coffee and my book and went to the gym by 7. It was a cardio day - I was running on the track, but the body was sleeping and my eyes were closing. At 9 I was at work and another cup of coffee gave me energy for the whole working day.

At work, I had a very long to-do list for the week, which I prepared on Friday, and I methodically set about completing them.

20 minutes break for lunch - and again work. At 19:00 I left work and after dinner at home I started working on my diploma in stylistics.

I needed to prepare an image book for my model. This is a presentation that contains all the information about the appearance of my model and the characteristics of wardrobe items, makeup and hairstyles that will adorn her: data on color type (which colors go, which ones do not), style type, textures, prints and cut features that she fit, shapes and sizes of accessories, as well as several sets of clothes in accordance with all the above principles.

Preparing an image book is a very pleasant job for me, but at the same time, it takes a lot of time. In total, it took me about 12 hours to prepare the image book. That evening I worked for about 2 hours and at 22-00 I went to bed.

As soon as my head felt the pillow, I immediately fell asleep.

The next 3 days went by in the same way for me - morning, gym, work, home, image book. Getting up in the morning was easy, going to bed at 22:00 was also easy. In terms of nutrition - everything was also given without effort. Even giving up sweets was very easy.

It's a scary Thursday. This day must have been very labor-intensive. in one day, my model for a stylist diploma and I had to buy all the sets of clothes for the Transformation project. I spent the whole morning refining the final slides of the image book. And now - the last block: "Recommendations for hair and makeup", ready.

I canceled the trip to the gym that day, because. countless hours of running around the shops awaited me. Shopping was successful, and very long) We got out of the shopping center already in the closing area. But all the kits were assembled and the goals set were achieved. My legs were buzzing from 8 hours of running around, and an inner voice whispered: “Go to sleep, you are already done, why do you need all this ...”

My beloved husband helped me not to give up. He didn't even consider giving up and going to bed that night. "If you give up, it won't be like you at all." - He told me. There was no exit. Tired after many hours of shopping, I sat down at my desk, turned on my laptop and started working. I took on a large amount of tedious work that did not require significant intellectual expenditure, which, at the same time, I could not start for a long time. My work plan helped a lot. I crossed out one thing and moved on to the next. Among the tasks, there was one that required editing of texts - I could not cope with it and put it aside for a fresher head. Gradually, the fatigue passed and I entered the working rhythm. At 3 am, I decided to get some sleep. On Friday, I had a lot of work to do, including preparing for my graduation photo shoot, which was supposed to take place on Saturday. At 5 am the alarm rang again.

There was no hour of sports in the morning. I really wanted to sleep. For the first time, I clearly felt the invigorating effect of coffee. Previously, I always drank it just for fun. By lunchtime, the forces returned. I made the last preparations for Saturday's photo shoot. The work proceeded at the usual pace. Frankly, I remember this day very vaguely.

Saturday was hard for me. It was the day of the photo session. At 9, make-up, at 11-30 styling, then a photo session. Phew… My head was already thinking hard, but I had to control and regulate the process: what to wear, in what order, what accessories. I was very lucky that at all stages: make-up artist, hairdresser, photographer - professionals worked with us.

At the beginning of the third it was all over. You could relax and enjoy the beautiful weather. I really wanted to go home and go to bed, but the long-awaited warmth did not allow me to waste this day in such a waste. We met with Lesha and went for a walk.

A favorite thing that rushes you gives a lot of energy. After the photo session, despite some viscous feeling in my head and everything, as if through a veil, I was not let go by a state of wild happiness and joy, and inspiration. When you see how beautiful your girlfriend is in the images that you have chosen for her. When your ideas come to life. When new pictures flash before your eyes - what else can you do. And when you feel that what you have been dreaming about for so long is becoming a reality.

Saturday should have been devoted to positive thinking - I didn’t even have to make an effort)

Sunday is the final day of hell week. There was a great temptation to sleep longer. But that would devalue everything. Wake up at 5 am. Breakfast, book. Gym. Swimming pool. Sauna. Relaxation and a feeling of satisfaction from your life.

Then we met with Lesha, had a bite to eat in a wonderful place and went to enjoy Sunday on the embankment. The day was very good and ended at 22-00)


What conclusions did I draw for myself after a hellish week. I miss that extra hour that I got by getting up at 5 in the morning. At the same time, I can’t force myself to get up in 5) Hell this week is not enough. And perhaps there are people who always live at this pace.

  • You can always find time for the gym and 4 workouts a week is quite normal.
  • You can arrange your time so that you have time for everything and everywhere. The most important thing is to have creative energy for it.
  • The work you love gives you strength, no matter how tired you are.
  • If you are very tired, do your routine.
  • Social media and Instagram are eating up time. Use them only on the road if there is no book nearby.
  • I don't need sweets, more than once a week.

That's all) And the results of everything that we did for the diploma in stylistics will be in the next post.