Dynamic visualization of harmony forever. Method of psychological visualization in the fight against extra pounds

today I prepared a surprise for all readers (and maybe readers) of the site - recommendations on how to easily lose weight using creative visualization. There are no women who are absolutely satisfied with their figure. And looking at themselves in the mirror, many of the women sigh, remembering the images of the beautiful and famous. And for many women, it includes both visual appeal and a great figure.

Creative visualization as a weight loss tool

A great tool for losing weight is creative visualization. By creating a mental image of your body the way you want it to be, you force your subconscious mind to shape your body in reality. To form it in such a way as to get as close as possible to an imaginary, mental image, as far as possible.

This does not mean that creative visualization can completely change the shape of your body. This means that if you create mental images in accordance with the rules of visualization, you will improve the appearance and reduce weight.

It is an indisputable fact that thoughts and emotions affect the body, for better or worse, depending on the prevailing thoughts and emotions. Negative thinking, fear, stress, agitation, anxiety and anger harm the body. Under these conditions, the body produces toxins in the blood, which, of course, negatively affects.

Positive thinking, happiness, love and trust heal and strengthen the body.

You can use the connection between mental images and the body to your advantage. The subconscious accepts and considers both real images and mentally represented images. This means that if you imagine yourself slim, your subconscious mind will perceive it as reality. And will act accordingly to make your body conform to your mental images.

Weight loss through creative visualization can be loosely referred to as a "mental diet". Of course, the chances of success will be greater if, in addition to visualization, you reduce the amount of food and exercise.

After the end of the visualization, do not tell yourself - all this is nonsense, I will not be able to lose weight. By saying these words, you thereby destroy all the work done. The thought of distrust prevents the subconscious mind from perceiving mental images of your ideal figure.

As with everything else in life, you will need persistence.

How exactly do you think affects your body. Think about what you want to achieve in this plan, not about what you want to get rid of. Think about how you want to look, not about how overweight you are. Visualize your ideal figure, not how you currently look.

It is very important to believe what you represent. Forget past failed attempts. Give up negative thoughts, disbelief and doubts. Imagine mentally your ideal figure, and internal resistance will gradually begin to disappear. And it will help you effectively.

Dessert today - Vera Brezhneva's video "Love will save the world":

There is an incredible power hidden in every person, which, with the right approach, can turn desires into reality. Our subconscious mind is an excellent assistant in achieving goals and overcoming problems, including in the fight against excess weight.

The main tool of the hidden possibilities of the subconscious is visualization, that is, the process of mental representation of what is desired. The subconscious mind, spurred on by regular visualization, will do everything to bring you closer to the desired weight loss.

How to visualize correctly?

Photo source: pxhere.com

Before you start visualization, you need to create a comfortable psycho-emotional background. This will help enhance its effectiveness. Turn on pleasant music, surround yourself with incense and take a comfortable body position. Imagine a new you for a few minutes. Think through everything to the smallest detail: how your hips, buttocks, legs, stomach, arms and shoulders should look. Concentrate not only on the contemplation of beauty, but also on how you feel when you are slim. Think like you're already thin.

Visualization does not take much time. The main thing is to practice every day for a few minutes. Make sure that no one distracts you during the visualization (turn off the phone, warn the family). A nice visualization bonus is a great mood after it.

It is important to listen to your intuition and unexpected desires. Under the influence of the subconscious, your eating habits may change and you will want to nibble on carrots instead of a cake. You may also want to go to the gym.



Photo source: pxhere.com

In addition to classical visualization, you can use visualization-meditation. To do this, you will need your own photo where you are in good shape, or a picture of a girl with a beautiful figure. Take a close look at the photo, take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try to relax as much as possible. Then imagine the excess weight under which the figure of your dreams is “buried”. The main task is to imagine in colors how all the imperfections gradually disappear and dissolve, and your body takes on ideal forms.

Advice! Hang on the wall or place on the table an image of your dream figure so that the desired image is always in front of your eyes.


Photo source: pxhere.com

Affirmations (positive statements) aimed at losing weight will help to supplement and strengthen the result of visualization. Choose the ones you like best and repeat them daily.

Note! You can come up with positive statements for yourself, but it is important that they are in the present tense. Also, affirmations should not contain the “not” particle.

List of sample weight loss affirmations:

“Losing weight is natural and easy for me;
– I lose weight every day;
– I love the taste of healthy food;
– I am happy with a weight of 45 (?) kilograms;
- I have a flat stomach.

It has long been proven that thoughts have a huge impact on the body and life in general. So focus on what you want and don't get hung up on problems. Lose weight easily and with pleasure!

Many bodybuilding stars, cinema and sports use visualization techniques in order to facilitate the achievement of a cherished goal. Today we will tell you about the method of programming the subconscious through visual images (from lat. visualis, "visual").

The method really works and helps to fine-tune your psycho-emotional sphere in such a way that the processes of thinking, bodily reactions and outbursts of emotions begin to work for you, become your allies, not enemies. Visualization can and should be used not only when creating a “dream body”, but also in all other aspects of life.

Step 1: A role model for success

It is important that you have a clear, vivid and as specific idea as possible in your head about how you want to look. A good assistant in this matter will be the image of a famous person whose body you would like to “try on”. For guys it might be Ronnie Coleman or Alexey Lesukov, for girls - Ekaterina Usmanova or Oksana Grishina. Look at the photo of your “hero” more often, analyze his merits, keep in mind what you like.

In his book The Education of a Bodybuilder, great Schwartz writes about the first time he saw his idol Reg Park and he came up with comparisons with a magnificent wild beast. Of course, being an Austrian boy, Arnie could only see Park in a photograph, but it was this image that inspired him for further victories.

Step 2: Focus on the look

Any mental practice requires concentration. Mindfulness is defined as “focusing attention in a certain way: on a goal, focusing on the present moment and without prejudice” (Professor of Medicine, Dr. John Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic). Slowly dive "into yourself", assess your general condition, be aware of emotions and bodily sensations. Mentally concentrate on the image of yourself that you want to achieve and concentration will help you establish contact with your body, “program” the muscles for a certain scenario.

Frank Zane, a well-known bodybuilder and visualization practitioner, had this to say about the process:

“The technique I use is simple: sit in a quiet place, in a dark place, close your eyes and concentrate your attention to the forehead. I imagine a big screen and then I see an image of what I look like. And I gradually become what I saw.”

In sports psychology, concentration is used to enter the so-called "flow state" - a feeling of complete immersion in any activity.

Step 3: Five kinds of looks

It is really possible to improve your athletic performance with the power of thought and this has been proven by many studies. For this kind of research, sports psychologists have developed a special questionnaire - "SIQ" (Sport Imagery Questionnaire), which distinguishes 5 types of images:
  • Cognitive special (images of a well-executed exercise);
  • Cognitive general (images associated with competitive strategies);
  • Motivational general-regulatory (images associated with concentration and ability to solve problems);
  • Motivational general-activating (images associated with subjective feelings that may accompany actions);
  • Motivational special (images representing specific goals and results).
Use these five types of images to mentally "draw" the maximum number of vivid images. This is especially recommended to do immediately before training.

Step 4: Down with laziness!

Visualization is a skill that will also require some effort from you to learn, it needs to be developed and improved constantly. At first, practice no more than 2-3 minutes a day, then be sure to increase the time. By practicing visualization techniques daily, you will soon gain greater control over your own mind. But when we say that the time for visualization should increase every day, we do not mean at all that we should sit like a motionless bag and do nothing else, only fantasize about our future successes.

Visualization is just another tool in your arsenal on the way to a sculpted body. And in the gym you still have to sweat. But the whole point is that with the help of visualization, you will sweat while experiencing pleasure!

On New Year's Eve, everyone strives to give advice on how to fulfill their desires. While watching a short video on this topic, I heard the statement that visualization for weight loss or for some other purpose without real action cannot bring any benefit. Of course it can't! The fact is that visualization without real action simply DOES NOT HAPPEN.

If a person visualizes his desire, i.e. concretely and in detail represents the state in which he will fall when the desire is fulfilled, then he willy-nilly begins to perform some actions to translate his aspirations into reality.

In other words, his desire turns from a dream into a goal. And this happens even when, apart from visualization, he did not plan to do anything.

What is desire?

It is a dream, sometimes a mirage, an illusion, but never a goal. It can be turned into a goal by imagining, seeing, in a different way - by visualizing.

Ask a man who wants to change a car what brand of car he wants to see his. In most cases, you will hear: “Well, some better ...” And if you also ask about color, they will simply laugh at you in response. And only a few will tell you both the brand and the color specifically. And it is they who will achieve their goal faster than the rest, because they have a goal, an intention, while the rest have only an ephemeral desire.

What does this have to do with a slim figure?

The most direct!

Let's say you want to workout. But do you see your goal - the right weight, waist or clothing size? Do you imagine yourself in this image? Or does your consciousness immediately put up an obstacle, telling you that it is impossible?

As long as your desire is abstract - i.e. you don’t see yourself as slim, it will be almost impossible for you to achieve your goal, because you simply don’t have it.

How to turn desire into a goal?

In this case, introduce yourself. For example, if you were slim and then gained weight, you need to remember yourself in that old body. By the way, this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. I would even say that this is a real job. But she's worth it.

Right now, close your eyes and imagine that the clothes you are wearing are sitting very loosely on you, as if one or two sizes are smaller. If it didn’t work out the first time, don’t jump to conclusions, try again.

There are other, easier ways, but also bringing results more distant in time. But still they work - and this fact has been verified on many real examples.

Method 1

The method is known and banal, but this does not stop it from working. Hang in a conspicuous place your (or someone else's) image in the body in which you want to see yourself.

Let this image catch your eye as often as possible. You can even put the desired image as a screensaver on your phone or computer monitor. The result appears after about 1-4 months.

Method 2

My own astrologer. That it is not so easy to imagine mentally a new image of yourself, I have already said. But it's much easier to do it in writing! So, take a sheet of paper and write yourself a horoscope for the next month (year). New Year's Eve is the perfect time to do it. For a sample, you can take what newspapers and magazines are now full of.

I warn against the main mistake of this method, let's call it "diversity". This is when you write a horoscope for yourself both about a career and about love, and don’t forget about a slender figure - i.e. Giving your subconscious too much to do. Decide what you need most and write a clear horoscope for ONE image. So your "astrological forecast" will work better.

And when you decide for yourself what you really need and present it in all colors, the matter will not stand behind the actions. Visualization for weight loss is sure to work if you yourself want it!

Here is an interesting video about visualization and its huge possibilities:

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

    The environment affects us - it's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight here and couldn’t”, “yes, we’ll still remain fat”, “there should be a lot of a good person.” Well, let there be “many” of them - but what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy dishes should be. And then you will also become graceful - it's only a matter of time.

Surely, approaching the mirror, you ask yourself the same questions again and again with sadness: “Why can’t I lose weight?”, “Where did cellulite come from?” or “How can I become slim?”. Most likely, you have already experienced a lot of ways to lose weight, starved, sat on fashionable diets and “crawled out” of fatigue from the gym many times. The result did not satisfy you. Do you want to know why? You have a fundamentally wrong approach to solving the problem.

There is a colossal power of thought hidden in every person, which, if properly handled, can work wonders and make our dreams come true. Our subconscious is the best assistant not only in the fight against extra pounds, but also in overcoming diseases. The main tool for awakening subconscious capabilities is visualization, which is a mental representation of something.

Visualization is the ability of the brain to see objects and events in pictures. Psychologists call visualization an effective self-hypnosis tool that many people successfully use to change many areas of their lives for the better.

How does the visualization method work?

Since the brain thinks in colorful images, by forcing yourself to mentally imagine a specific bright, living image that is your goal, you convince the subconscious of the reality of one or another of your thoughts.

The researchers conducted an interesting experiment in which athletes had to mentally imagine how they do those physical exercises that they often do in real life. Scientists made a grandiose discovery by recording that during visualization, the brains of athletes sent the same impulses to the muscles as if the subjects were really moving at that moment. This experiment confirms that for the human brain there is no difference between imagination and reality.

How to activate the process of losing weight with the help of visualization?

The right attitude. Before you start visualizing for weight loss, you should create a favorable atmosphere for greater effectiveness of the exercises. This can be helped by taking a comfortable position (sitting, lying), complete relaxation of the body, light meditative music, an aroma lamp. Visualization does not take much time, the main thing is to do it regularly for a few minutes a day. Make sure that no one disturbs you during the visualization (warn your family, turn off your phone).

Before the session, decide what you really want. You need to visualize correctly. It is not enough to imagine your legs or stomach as slender, focus your attention on a holistic image of the ideal "I". Remember that if losing weight and transforming are not of particular importance to you, then visualization will not help you lose those extra pounds, since the exercises themselves will soon get bored without proper perseverance and motivation.

Proper formation of a mental image of your new body. Mentally imagine a new you. Think over to the smallest detail how your waist, hips, stomach, legs, arms, shoulders, neck should look. Concentrate on each part of the body, and then mentally admire the holistic image. Focus not only on external beauty, but also on how you feel when you are thin (confidence, satisfaction, happiness, joy). Think of yourself as new not in the future, but in the present, as if you were looking at yourself in a mirror.

Make up your mental ideal image and meet with it in your thoughts daily - it is very convenient to do this at night before going to bed. Your subconscious mind will do the rest of the work for you - trust it. The power of the visual representation of the desired is that the process of weight loss will be controlled by the subconscious, which is more effective than the most modern diets. If you with due perseverance will visualize the body as you want to see it, then the subconscious mind will accept the fictional image as real and transform your body in accordance with the mental image.

Following the prompts of the subconscious. Spurred on by constant visualization, your subconscious mind itself will make you want this or that healthy food, reduce your appetite, in general, will do everything to bring you closer to your slender mental twin. Your task is to listen to intuitively arising desires. Under the guidance of the subconscious mind, your taste preferences may change, and an irresistible desire to go in for sports may arise. It is only important not to be lazy and visualize daily. It is better to devote a few minutes to this simple task every day than to do it for 1 hour, but once a week.

Visualization board - an additional method of psychocorrection of weight

A visualization board will help to supplement and strengthen your psychological work aimed at losing weight. You can make it with your own hands. Take a clean sheet of large paper, place your photo in the center, and photos of slender, beautiful, cheerful girls on the sides. Images of girls can be taken from the Internet or from your favorite magazines. Hang your finished visualization board in a prominent place so that it is constantly in front of your eyes.

If you have basic knowledge of working in the Photoshop program, then by making a collage with it, you can pave the desktop of your personal computer with it. In this case, the visualization board will be many times more effective. Staring at the visualization board is helpful for at least 10 minutes a day.


In addition to the usual visualization of yourself in an ideal body, it is useful to practice visualization meditation. For the exercise, you will need your own “slim” photo or an image of a girl with the figure of your dreams. Look at the photo in detail, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Now imagine the extra pounds under which your really beautiful figure is “buried”. Your task is to imagine in colors how all these imperfections gradually disappear, melt, evaporate, dissolve until the moment when the body acquires an impeccable shape.

Do not forget that your thoughts have a tremendous impact on your body. Focus on what you want to achieve, not what you want to avoid. Think about the fact that you are getting slimmer every day, and not that you are still overweight. Lose weight with pleasure and easily!