Engineering education in Russia. Three projects


The quality of engineering education in post-industrial Russia in the context of a decline in production and the transition to a resource-based economy, the transfer of the system of higher professional education to the Bologna system is considered. At the same time, the influence of such factors as the introduction of USE testing of secondary school graduates, the implementation of infrastructural changes in universities associated with the merger of individual universities, the reduction in the teaching staff of universities associated with an increase in the volume of classroom load of teachers, the emergence of a large number of private universities, a decrease in the number of high school graduates. Systematic measures are proposed to revive university science and improve the quality of engineering education based on the interaction of universities with employers and state targeted support for university research centers. Proposed measures to improve the budgetary financing of universities.

engineering education

graduate of a technical university

system of higher professional education

Unified State Exam

Bologna education system

educational standard

training program

cooperation between universities and employers

1. Arefiev A.L., Arefiev M.A. On engineering and technical education in Russia. - URL: http://www/ (date of access: 07/18/2014).

2. Restoring the prestige of engineering professions: based on the materials of the round table “Engineering is the basis for the development of Russia”, Federation Council of the Russian Federation, 04/14/2014 // Labor safety in industry. - 2014. - No. 5. - P. 78.

3. The shortage of personnel in the mining complex of Russia hinders the development of the economy // Safety of labor in industry. - 2014. - No. 4. - P. 85-86.

4. Leonov V. Stankoprom sparks // Arguments of the week. - 2014. - No. 23 (415). – P. 4.

5. Lukyanchenko M.V., Polezhaev O.A., Churlyaeva N.P. One Hundred Years of Democratization of Russian Engineering Education: Origins and Results // Historical and Social Educational Thought. - 2012. - No. 3 (13). - URL: (date of access: 09/11/2014).

6. Modernization of engineering education and the quality of training of technical specialists: meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education, June 23, 2014 in the Kremlin, chaired by the President of Russia V.V. Putin. - URL: (date of access: 09/11/2014).

7. On education in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (as amended on May 27, 2014).

8. Pavlikhin G.P. The first experience of training masters in the field of environmental protection at MSTU. N.E. Bauman // Life safety. - 2014. - No. 1. - S. 41-44.

9. Press conference on the results of the USE-2014, July 16, 2014. - URL: (date of access: 09/11/2014).

10. USE statistics. The results of USE participants in the context of general education subjects in 2013 / Official information portal of the unified state exam (USE-2014). - URL: (date of access: 09/11/2014).

In 2003, Russia joined the Bologna Process. The integration of the higher education system should serve as the basis for building a high-quality European education system in Russia.

Today's stage is aimed at creating such an education system in Russia that will ensure the training of comprehensively developed and qualified engineering personnel in technical universities. In the conditions of market relations, it is important to determine not only the strategy, but also the tactics of implementing the program for the development of technical universities.

The level of higher education in Russia is characterized, on the one hand, by a high percentage of coverage of the population, on the other hand, by the depreciation of the status of a Russian university diploma in the world ranking. And this is happening against the backdrop of the introduction of the Bologna system in a resource-based economy. Scientific work has dwindled in universities, because, on the one hand, the previously created reserves in science have been exhausted, and, on the other hand, a high classroom load does not allow teachers to engage in scientific work, which is typical for private universities.

A particularly alarming situation has developed around engineering education. The decline in industrial production and the transition of the economy to raw materials led to a decrease in the need for engineering personnel, as a result of which graduates of technical universities cannot find employment in their specialty. In the vast majority of Russian universities (except for military and some unique universities), the specialty will cease to exist in a year. Today's graduate of a technical university (bachelor's or master's) cannot be called the usual word "engineer". And this is not only because such qualifications no longer exist, but primarily due to poor engineering training, as employers say, according to which, about 40 percent of the 2013 graduates of technical universities who came to work need additional training. Obviously, the Bologna process in the educational system of Russia led to fundamental changes in it and, like any revolutionary process, could not but lead to a decrease in the quality of education at the initial stage. A legitimate question arises as to whether the strong and proven sides of the Russian education system were hastily removed, taking into account the new realities of the introduction of the Bologna system, and what steps should be taken to change the negative trend in engineering education.

Engineering education in the era of post-industrial Russia has lost its quality and former popularity. Today, there is a problem of employment of graduates of technical universities, and secondary school graduates are not motivated to pass the Unified State Examination in physics, as a result of which the level of knowledge of students selected for training in technical universities is significantly inferior to the corresponding level of an applicant of the pre-Soviet and Soviet periods.

The role of an engineer in the creation of new technologies and components

With the emergence of new enterprises in the nuclear, machine-building and aviation industries, as well as the emergence of enterprises for the production of equipment and apparatus that replace the corresponding imported components, there has been a trend towards an increase in demand for highly qualified engineering personnel.

With the expansion of production volumes, the head of the enterprise is more interested in the profit of the enterprise, and not at all what technologies (and components) have been used to achieve it. Obviously, the creation of new technologies and equipment is a costly and risky business, and engineering knowledge is required for this. And management positions in the technical industries today are mainly occupied by economists and lawyers. For example, out of 80 managers of the Stankoprom holding, only 4 people have a higher technical education.

Of course, it would be better for the country's economy if enterprises sought to master technology. And in this regard, the system of cooperation between Russian enterprises and foreign companies in the long term should be aimed at mastering and replacing imported technologies with the release of Russian analogues. However, in practice, the matter does not come to substitution, instead, enterprises carry out “screwdriver assembly” of equipment from imported components. Computer programs "wired in black boxes" allow the importer to remotely monitor the status of equipment and change the parameters of software products.

Such cooperation between enterprises and foreign companies leads to the degradation of technical industries, which is completely unacceptable for defense enterprises, since, if necessary, a foreign supplier can disrupt production through remote intervention in the program (reduce the quality of parts processing, turn off the machine, etc.).

Naturally, joint work aimed at mastering technologies and equipment, and not just at making a profit, requires additional time and material costs. Such work is connected with the need to involve engineers in the work, create engineering centers, attract scientists and specialists, including qualified emigrants of Russian origin. These costs for the creation of technological equipment could be covered, at least in part, by the state.

Today, in the context of sanctions (due to the events in Ukraine) related to the ban on the supply of high-tech equipment to Russia, it has come to an understanding that the economic independence of Russia is closely related to the need to improve the level of engineering education and technological transformations in Russia. The deployment in Russia of production facilities for the replacement of imported components has become topical. It is important that this happens with targeted support from the state.

June 23, 2014 in the Kremlin under the chairmanship of V.V. Putin hosted a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education, dedicated to the quality of engineering education. V.V. Putin noted that “today the leaders of global development are those countries that are able to create breakthrough technologies and, on their basis, form their own powerful production base. The quality of engineering personnel is becoming one of the key factors in the competitiveness of the state and, what is of fundamental importance, the basis for its technological and economic independence.

Engineering education in an industrial homeland

In 1913, Russia was one of the five leading countries in the world in terms of engineering education. This was due to the rapid pace of development of its economy (9% per year). At that time, domestic enterprises (defense and shipbuilding plants, mining facilities, metallurgical industry, etc.) experienced a great need for engineering personnel. Therefore, the profession of an engineer was prestigious, highly paid and had a high social status. Mining engineers and communications engineers had a military rank, wore uniforms, and supervisors had the status of a general. This attracted noble youth and the most gifted young men of the lower class to study engineering professions.

In Soviet times, the status of a teacher of a technical university in society was quoted very highly, this was also evidenced by the level of the monthly salary of a graduated teacher, which was more than 500 rubles, while the average salary in the country was about 110 rubles. The salary of a university professor was compared with the salary of a minister. The PhD degree was the longed-for dream of many university graduates who aspired to enter graduate school. At the same time, high requirements were imposed on the candidate for graduate school. He had to have good and excellent grades in the certificate of secondary education and diploma of graduation from the university, in addition, in the vast majority of cases, he needed work experience and proof of ability to scientific work. The selection for graduate school has always been carried out on a competitive basis, applicants have worked for years as engineers in departments, proving their right to enter graduate school with creative success. This position made it possible to keep the bar high for a candidate of sciences. The position of the head of the department, which was held by a doctor of technical sciences, was extremely prestigious, and the head of the profile department combined the position of dean of the faculty.

In Soviet times, each department had its own specialized educational and laboratory base, a research laboratory, and the university had its own pilot enterprise for the profile of the university (workshops, factory).

Highly qualified personnel who had production experience and passed pedagogical courses were involved in the training, all graduates of technical universities as young specialists were subject to state distribution to enterprises for a period of 3 years. Industrial enterprises worked steadily, the initial salary of an engineer in the 70s was 100 rubles. All students who successfully passed the exams received a scholarship of 35 rubles, and students who studied in defense and priority specialties for the state received a supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 10 rubles. The amount of the scholarship provided a decent standard of living and accommodation in the hostel of the university. Enterprises of branch ministries and departments sent their employees for training at the expense of their scholarship (more than 40 rubles), which exceeded the level of university scholarships. Upon graduation, a young specialist sent to study was obliged to return to work at the enterprise that paid him a scholarship.

At the same time, specialized enterprises helped universities in equipping the educational and laboratory facilities, ordered contractual research works for specialized departments, and provided students with the opportunity to undergo industrial practices (three or four during their studies). In the departments of the university, successful students could perform paid scientific work (contractual research work) in their free time. That is, the student had a "part-time job" at the department.

The selection of the contingent for training in technical universities was carried out carefully and in several stages. The first stage is the enrollment of applicants who have passed the competition. Each faculty had its own competition - one for all those entering the faculty. Based on the results of studying in three semesters, on the 2nd year, the second stage of the competition was held - selection for prestigious groups in specialties corresponding to the profiles of the departments. The annual screening of students based on the results of examination sessions made it possible not to reduce the level of training of students who remained at the university. By graduation, as a rule, only half of the students accepted for the first year remained. At the same time, the ministry did not blame universities for the large dropout of students during their studies. There was an understanding that the tightening of requirements for graduates maintained a high level of university education.

The system of vocational guidance for young people that existed in the Soviet period (homes for young technicians, circles of scientific and technical creativity, houses for young pioneers, all kinds of preparatory courses at institutes, in addition, technical magazines "Technology of Youth", "Inventor and Rationalizer", "Science and Life" , "Young Naturalist", "Young Technician", "Radio", etc.) very effectively involved the younger generation in technical universities.

The share of engineering students in the Soviet years exceeded 40%, and together with students focused on agricultural and forestry production, it was more than 50%. Since 1981, the proportion of engineering students began to gradually decline.

The structure of trained technical students is indicative. In the 1986-1987 academic year, 25% of technical students were engineering students, 17.3% - construction specialties, 23.7% - in the field of radio electronic equipment and communications, automation and instrumentation, 8.1% - transport specialties, 5, 1% - energy. Abroad, an engineer's diploma from a Soviet university was considered prestigious. This is evidenced by the fact that in the 1989/1990 academic year, 53% of all foreign students of Soviet universities were studying engineering.

Education during the transition of the economy to market relations

Over the past 20 years, the level of education of Russian university graduates has noticeably decreased, as evidenced by world university rankings. In the structure of university graduates, the share of graduates of the humanitarian and socio-economic areas of training has increased many times over. The latter is connected not only with the decline in industrial production in the country and the growing need for humanities, but also with the fact that training in non-engineering areas requires much lower costs for training and educational and material resources. In addition, the contingent of applicants who are able to enter and study in these areas is much wider. During this period, the professions of bank employees, managers, entrepreneurs, as well as work as officials in administrative structures at various levels, became more popular. This is also confirmed by the admission companies to universities - for humanitarian and economic specialties, the competition for one state-funded place is 15-30 applications, while for engineering specialties - as a rule, it does not exceed 5. This explains the interest in non-technical areas of education on the part of non-state universities. If in 2000 about 11 thousand people (1% of all graduates of the country) graduated from non-state universities in the humanitarian, social and economic areas, then in 2013 - already more than 110 thousand people (more than 20%). State universities also saw a significant increase in the number of graduates in the humanities, socio-economics (from 164,000 in 2000 to 380,000 in 2013). Today there is an overproduction of economists, lawyers and sociologists in the country; there are about 1100 universities, of which half (more than 500) are private universities with an age of up to 20 years and a humanitarian profile of training (economics and law).

It should be noted that private universities are characterized by a small number of students (200-1000 people), they practically lack an educational and material base and qualified teachers in the field of training. For this reason, they cannot give a good education to their students. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation allowed private universities to issue state diplomas to their graduates.

At the same time, there was a "drawdown" in the level of education of graduates of engineering universities, this is evidenced by Russia's lag in innovative areas, including those industries in which Russia has always been at the forefront. Graduates of engineering universities today do not have sufficient knowledge and skills of innovation, including the implementation and commercialization of ideas. In this regard, the current level of engineering education does not meet the interests of Russia's national security.

What happened in the education system in 20-25 years?

First, in the early 1990s, during the period of "rampant democracy" in the country and the underfunding of the educational sector, universities were placed in difficult conditions for survival. In order to improve their status and the salaries of their employees, most of the educational institutions were transferred to the rank of a university in a short time. In order to survive in technical universities, part of the training space began to be rented out, part of their own educational and material base (pilot plants, educational and research laboratories, and student design bureaus) was repurposed or ceased to exist for various reasons, including due to fires and physical wear and tear. At the same time, in 15-20 years, the number of universities doubled due to the opening of private universities in the humanities.

If back in 2007 there were 1.5 million people graduating from secondary schools in the country, then since 2014, 600,000 graduates have graduated from schools every year. Of this number, more than 400 thousand people enter universities, that is, almost everyone who passed the USE at a level above the minimum mark. However, preparation for passing the exam does not stimulate students to analytical work, it is aimed at instantly fixing a certain set of information. This has led to the fact that the contingent of applicants does not have the necessary education and does not have sufficient motivation for serious studies at the university. Drop-out testing for underperforming students should have continued in exam sessions after each semester for at least the first three semesters, but this is not happening today. The reason for this is the “per capita” budget financing of the educational activities of universities.

Secondly, as already noted, the transfer of the Russian economy to raw materials led to the fact that in the 90s many industrial facilities ceased to function or sharply reduced their production. The decline in industrial production caused a sharp reduction in the number of jobs in industrial enterprises, and, consequently, places for employment of engineering graduates and places for students' work experience. The machine-building branch of the economy was practically paralyzed, the textile industry practically ceased to exist. Only enterprises of export raw material industries became in demand. At present, enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, space, nuclear and some other industries operate in the country, which today can provide support to universities in their field.

Today there is an intellectual famine due to the "brain drain" to the West. Moreover, the conditions for leakage are created in Russia. A striking example of this is the internationally established Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech). The most talented Russian bachelors who graduated from the country's leading universities in the most prestigious areas of study are selected for the Skoltech master's program. Then they are sent for internships at Western universities, from where they are unlikely to return to Russia. Unfortunately, there are no mechanisms for a civilized limitation (or material) compensation for such emigration. If there were such compensation, then perhaps it would be enough to create jobs for talented engineers and scientists in Russia.

Thirdly, in market conditions, business leaders hide their "know-how" and production shortcomings from the prying eyes of visitors, including students. In this regard, even functioning enterprises have closed places for industrial practices of technical students.

Fourthly, many universities in Russia turned out to be unprepared for the process of introducing the Bologna system, the transition process took place hastily, without taking into account the peculiarities and ongoing structural transformations of universities, as well as in the absence of many educational and methodological documents related to the direction and quality of training of the accepted contingent for various the levels of education and the quality of the respective curricula. Today there is a significant heterogeneity in the basic education of bachelors studying in the master's program. In this regard, graduates of the master's program, compared with graduates of the specialist's degree, are still inferior in the quality of training in technical disciplines. The quality of undergraduate training may improve after the end of the transition period. In the educational standards of the third generation, universities are given considerable freedom both in the formation of curricula and in the organization of independent work of the student. In order to adequately respond to this challenge, graduating departments are forced to adjust their curricula every year. However, the aforementioned freedom granted to universities in the formation of curricula and plans has led to the fact that, due to the large difference in curricula, a student will not always be able to transfer to another university without losing the course.

Fifth, the increase in salaries for university teachers was accompanied by an increase in the teacher's workload. Compared with the Soviet period, today the annual “throat” (classroom) workload of a teacher in a number of universities has been increased to 800-900 hours. In many universities, a significant number of teachers are internal part-time teachers, occupying 1.5 positions, and deans and vice-rectors simultaneously hold the positions of the head of the department and the dean of the faculty. In addition, in some universities, many of the teaching and research workload of the teacher (management of coursework and diploma design, etc.) are removed from the main teaching workload and introduced into the additional one. All this is aimed at reducing and rejuvenating the teaching staff and implementing the requirements to increase the salaries of teachers to the level planned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Massive reductions in the teaching staff have led to the fact that universities have eliminated small departments (physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, heat engineering, etc.), instead of them, “prefabricated” departments have been created, which include 1-2 teachers each, providing the entire cycle disciplines that existed in previous departments. For this reason, many teachers are forced to conduct classes in 5-10 different academic disciplines. At the same time, the leadership of universities, creating "prefabricated" departments, motivates this by the transition to a multidisciplinary (cluster) approach in scientific and educational activities, not taking into account the fact that with the existing teaching load, the disunity of teachers of the department increases, their volume of scientific work decreases and their professional level.

A multidisciplinary approach to educational activities involves the participation of students in the development of a complex technical device, while special requirements are imposed on the leader of such a project. The project manager should not only be a teacher (professor), but also have experience in developing a similar engineering project. He must have interdisciplinary knowledge and be able to develop a course curriculum based on a multidisciplinary approach. Thus, the introduction of a multidisciplinary approach is primarily associated with the presence of a professor with experience in developing an engineering project.

However, a university professor today has an educational "throat" workload of up to 900 hours a year, and this does not leave him time for work with graduate students and scientific work. The specified "throat" load is approximately three times higher than similar foreign standards. The number of students per teacher in our universities is 10, and it is 3 times higher than that of a foreign university.

The overload of teachers with educational work has led to the fact that universities today are not able to conduct scientific work, failing many indicators of the effectiveness of the university.

In these conditions, the heads of departments are forced to go to the "cunning". Firstly, when developing curricula, they include different in name, but identical in content (duplicating each other) academic disciplines. In addition, the new curricula introduce all sorts of “near-scientific” academic disciplines (“dummy” and lightweight social review plan), which, due to general accessibility and simplicity, can be taught by yesterday’s student. Such disciplines are often replaced by special academic disciplines. The process of “duplicating and emasculating the content” of academic disciplines, at first glance, does not violate the requirements of GEF-3, since universities are given a large degree of freedom. In addition, in humanitarian universities, within the limits of permitted freedom, technical disciplines can be reduced in volume or replaced by disciplines of a humanitarian or economic profile. Thus, the training profile of a graduate of the technical faculty is blurred. In this regard, it is necessary to introduce an external examination of curricula by independent bodies for assessing compliance with the requirements of the relevant education standard.

In conditions of overload of teachers, the department is practically unable to carry out the entire range of organizational work necessary to maintain the quality of the educational process. Due to the small number of teachers in individual disciplines, they cannot create full-fledged subject-methodical commissions, are not able to conduct instructor-methodical, demonstrative, trial and open classes, and periodically check the quality of classes conducted by teachers.

A modern teacher should be aware of the latest achievements in his field, maintain scientific contacts with the professional international community, and in the case of applied developments, interact with consumers of scientific developments. However, chronic overload with teaching hours, especially in regional universities, forces teachers with a workload of 800-900 hours, and young teachers with a workload of up to 1000 hours, sometimes become repeaters, that is, retellers of textbook materials and manuals themselves.

Sixth, young people in universities are poorly motivated to engage in scientific and technical creativity. In technical universities, inventions created at the university, as well as scientific discoveries and inventions that have changed the world around, are not promoted. Classes in the basics of invention are often taught by teachers who are not inventors. Patent departments of universities practically do not work. Universities have not created a venture capital fund to finance grants for the introduction of inventions by young authors.

The decline in the status of "engineer" led to a decrease in the motivation of schoolchildren to enter a technical university. This is facilitated by the position of the school administration, which motivates students to pass social studies and to enter universities in the humanities and socio-economic profile. The number of applicants entering technical universities, in the first approximation, is determined by the number of high school graduates who took the exam in physics. The statistics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation show that from 2009 to 2014 the percentage of secondary school graduates who chose physics for the Unified State Examination ranged from 20 to 26%, while in 2014 the average USE score in physics decreased to 45.8 points (Table 1).

Table 1

Number of USE participants in physics in 2009-2014 (according to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

The name of indicators

Number of USE participants in physics, pers.

The same, % of the total number of USE participants

Average test score in physics (on a 100-point scale)

It should be borne in mind that approximately 15% of the number of applicants who took the exam in physics and mathematics may be eliminated due to the fact that they do not score the minimum test score in one or more disciplines. For example, based on the results of the USE-2013, it can be predicted that the percentage of USE participants who simultaneously scored a test score below the minimum number of points in two subjects is in the range from 11 to 17.2% (Table 2).

table 2

The results of USE participants in the context of four general education subjects in 2013

Item name

Number of USE participants

Percentage of USE participants who scored below the minimum test score

Average test score

Number of hundred points

Russian language


Perhaps these figures do not objectively reflect today's attitude of the student to technical education, since the decision of the graduating student to choose the direction of training was made by him and his parents much earlier (5-6 years ago).

One thing is clear, that only the results of engineering activities can radically change the world around us, affect the competitiveness of enterprises' products. In this regard, it is important to improve the quality of engineering education. How to raise it?

Obviously, we need a systematic approach that takes into account the current state of all factors affecting the level of higher education in the country. First of all, we need to help technical universities that prepare graduates for the most successful sectors of industry. Such sectors of industry today include nuclear and space research, aircraft engineering, energy, mining, oil and gas industry, information technology, and biomedicine.

It is the enterprises of these sectors of industry, together with the specialized departments of universities, that can successfully work on the creation of innovative technologies. However, this work is hampered by the existing tax policy of investment in innovative technologies. Today in Russia the development and implementation of innovations is carried out by less than 10% of domestic companies, which is 6-7 times less than in Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Estonia. This situation is explained by the complete lack of tax incentives and support for innovation in Russia. As a result, Russia's technological backwardness and the raw material dependence of its economy continue to intensify. This is the reason for the deterioration in the quality of engineering education in Russia and the decrease in the degree of its compliance with the modern world scientific and technical level.

In the Western world, universities are built according to the scheme of campuses - on a separate territory with an area of ​​at least 2 km 2, educational and laboratory buildings, mini-factories, dormitories and other infrastructure of the university are located. In our country, university campuses include the Novosibirsk Academic City, MEPhI, Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman, MPEI, etc. At present, the consolidation of state universities has been carried out. However, the merger of universities located in different parts of the city is of a formal nature, it brings a lot of difficulties for the university staff. Often it is associated with distant commercial purposes. It is more expedient to create campuses in towns near factories far from Moscow. In this case, university graduates will definitely be employed in their specialty.


1. Private HEIs should be given the right to issue their own graduation diploma to their graduates. The right to issue a state-recognised diploma should be earned by private universities based on the results of the quality of education of the first graduates.

2. It is advisable to replace the normative per capita quotas for financing the educational activities of the university with the amount of annual funding for universities, which is established in advance for each year of educational activity.

3. The time has come to introduce a minimum normative quota for dropping out students in examination sessions and competitive selection into priority groups (assignment by graduating departments) - based on the results of passing the third examination session at the university. If dropouts do not exceed the specified quota, the amount of funding for the university should remain unchanged.

4. The creation of "prefabricated" departments, including 1-2 teachers of each of the areas of education, is not a sufficient condition for the application of a multidisciplinary (cluster) approach in scientific and educational activities.

The basis of the interdisciplinary (multidisciplinary) approach in the educational activities of the university is an engineering project to create a device, developed under the guidance of a recognized master (scientist, engineer, inventor). Financing of this project should be carried out both through external and internal grants, which will allow successful students to engage in scientific work at the university.

A university can create a venture capital fund, which can be spent on grants to stimulate innovative technological developments, patent and implement inventions, industrial designs and utility models.

5. Introduce monitoring of the selection of talented bachelors from prestigious Russian universities for international master's programs, which act as platforms for preparing graduates for emigration (“brain drain”). Obviously, it is necessary to provide mechanisms for material compensation for such emigration, as well as the creation of jobs for this contingent in Russia.

6. In technical universities, to resume the training of engineers in the most popular areas in a limited amount (10-20% of the total student body) with a training period of 5-6 years, selection for such groups is carried out on a competitive basis in the middle of the 2nd year of study. On the basis of students of this category in universities, to create scientific and educational centers as links between science and industry. Involve students of engineering groups to work in scientific and educational centers, participate in inventive activities and student competitions, exhibitions, conferences.

7. To work on the creation of innovative technological developments, including the replacement of imported components, to involve scientific and educational centers, emigrants of Russian origin. In this work, the state should provide some preferences for the participants in the process.

The state and investors could finance interdisciplinary projects of students and graduate students of scientific and educational centers based on fundamental physical and mathematical education, participate in the creation of basic departments and innovative technology centers.

8. It is advisable to limit the classroom load of the professorial staff involved in the educational process to 300 hours per year, creating conditions for doing scientific work. To make wider use of the demonstration of computer recordings of professors' lectures and distance forms of educational activities.

9. Develop a unified module of basic disciplines in the curriculum for all universities (for each area of ​​study). Introduce an external examination (conformity assessment bodies) of the variable part of the curricula for compliance with their engineering requirements and GEF standards.

10. With regard to the quality of training programs, the provision of opportunities for internships, the employment of university graduates, the equipping of the educational and laboratory facilities of universities, the conduct of joint research, the introduction of inventions, universities should be assisted by specialized enterprises and business structures.

11. State universities should get rid of non-core graduating departments.

12. In order to awaken interest in the engineering profession, it is necessary to involve leading scientists, specialists and general designers in reading individual lectures. In different years, lectures at universities were given by N.E. Zhukovsky, P.L. Kapitsa, L.D. Landau, N.N. Semenov, A.N. Tupolev, S.P. Korolev.

To involve the authors of introduced inventions in lectures on the basics of invention.


Zubkova V.M., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Social Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Social University" (RGSU), Moscow.

Yakovleva T.P., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Art. researcher, head Department of Social Ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Social University" (RGSU), Moscow.

Bibliographic link

Akatiev V.A., Akatiev V.A., Volkova L.V. ENGINEERING EDUCATION IN POST-INDUSTRIAL RUSSIA // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 5.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

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Global Engineering Trends Automation of Traditional Engineering Functions and Routine Intelligent Operations Systems Engineering Life Cycle Management Economic Efficiency and Cost Reduction Globalization of Markets and Hypercompetition Supercomplex and Hypercomplex Problems Modern Engineering Rapid and Intensive Development of Information and Communication Technologies Blurring of Industry Boundaries Global Conditions:

Problems of engineering education in Russia Causes: On the industrial side: a large number of full-cycle enterprises (“Soviet legacy”), focus on creating regional (domestic) industrial clusters, focus on competition with world industry leaders, rather than global cooperation, significant impact of the defense industry on development engineering On the education side: lack of work with students to form an understanding of the structure of engineering activity and installation of a global context in it orientation to the Russian labor market narrow specialization of graduates lack of managerial and cross-communication training lack of international cooperation practice at the training stage The main problem of engineering and engineering education in Russia – lack of readiness and competencies to integrate into global technological chains and the system of the global division of labor in the context of global systems and technical solutions

Problems of engineering graduates in Russia Lack of knowledge of a foreign language Inability to work in a team Lack of respect for intellectual work and intellectual property Poor resistance to information overload Lack of understanding of customer needs Lack of ability to communicate effectively Fear of taking the lead in launching and initiating projects

Main Challenges Reducing the need for personnel and increasing the requirements for specialists: with the mass production of engineers, the structure of training and competence of specialists do not meet the needs of the high-tech industry. The need for continuous professional development of personnel across the entire line: modern Russian universities are poorly adapted to the task of ensuring continuous professional development of specialists 7

THREE TYPES OF SPECIALISTS IN DEMAND A skilled technician is one who is able to work with complex machinery. Must know the basics of programming (for working with CNC equipment), the basics of electronics, rapid prototyping technologies. A "line engineer" is someone who performs routine intellectual work and creates individual elements of complex systems. Works with complex systems, therefore, must master the basics of systems engineering, a set of non-technical skills (softskills: teamwork, international communication, English, knowledge of international standards), PLM systems, digital design packages. “Innovative engineer” (“design engineer”) is a systems engineer whose main competence is to conceive and design large systems of an interdisciplinary nature (including “smart” systems), manage the process of their creation in a full life cycle. Skills in demand: possession of systems engineering, the ability to conceive a complex system, a set of non-technical skills (softskills: project management, team management, work in a hypercompetitive environment). eight

The structure of engineering personnel training (HPE) The problem is not the quantity, but the structure and quality of engineering personnel training The total number of engineering universities is 392 The contingent of students studying in engineering areas of training and specialties is 1.7 million (34% of the total number of students) Share school graduates enrolled in engineering specialties in 2012 - 49%. Support for the infrastructure of engineering education for years. – 440.2 billion rubles 9

Basic competencies of a modern engineer Possession of modern methods and tools for developing systems and implementing integrated system solutions Possession of methods and tools for analyzing systems (including modeling, reliability analysis, risk analysis, analysis of technical and economic characteristics, etc.) Possession of digital design skills Possession of a process approach , production management skills The ability to manage changes The ability to manage the life cycle of a product (including life cycle economics) The ability to establish effective interaction, teamwork Possession of effective communication skills (including in English) 10

Key decisions Creation of professional and educational standards, improvement of educational programs and technologies Development of practice-oriented training in the workplace Training of top-level engineers Organization of retraining of personnel at the expense of state programs 11

Measures of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the development of engineering education 1. Formation of a cohort of leading universities from among the universities whose development programs are supported from the federal budget (FU, NRU, RPS) 2. Improving the content and structure of vocational education (updated Federal State Educational Standards, applied bachelor's degree) 3. New the procedure for the formation of control figures for the admission of citizens, taking into account the needs of the military-industrial complex and industries of the regions. 4. Implementation of the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for

Educational programs for engineers BACHELOR STUDIES English language Basic engineering training Development of personal qualities Extended practice Formation of the foundations of professional culture and basic activity competencies (communication skills, information search and analysis, self-education, teamwork, etc.) practice Development of systems thinking Setting life cycle management technologies Managerial training Entrepreneurial training Training of specialists (researchers, system integrators, technology entrepreneurs) capable of solving the most complex professional problems, organizing new areas of activity, project engineering, research and management RETRAINING PROGRAMS Managerial training Entrepreneurial training Training of senior management engineers and technology entrepreneurs

This is an educational qualification awarded to a graduate who has completed the main educational program of higher education at the bachelor's level, who has the competence to solve technological problems in various areas of socio-economic activity, and who is ready to start professional activities immediately after graduation. The main distinguishing features of applied bachelor's programs are related to the focus on a specific employer, who: is directly involved in the design and implementation of educational programs, organizes internships, the volume of which is increased by one and a half to two times in comparison with academic bachelor's programs. Dual training is built into the applied bachelor's programs: it provides for the assignment of qualifications for a worker or an employee's position according to the profile of training; the structure of the programs includes elements of interfacing with professional programs of the corresponding profile (SPO programs) 14 List of measures 1. The Government of the Russian Federation, when forming and adjusting the State programs of the Russian Federation for the development of industry, should provide for sections relating to the staffing of the relevant sectors of the economy, as well as its financial support. 2. The Government of the Russian Federation, in order to increase the efficiency of spending federal budget funds, ensure that the priorities of economic modernization are taken into account when allocating budget places to universities for engineering areas of training and specialties, providing for increased financial support standards and special requirements for universities. 3. The Government of the Russian Federation, in order to increase the practice orientation of engineering education, to ensure the modernization of the Federal State Educational Standards, providing for the combination of theoretical training with practical training at the enterprise. The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, companies with state participation, in which the Russian Federation owns more than 50% of the shares, to consider the possibility of creating educational structures that implement innovative educational programs for higher education in engineering. sixteen


D.L. SAPRYKIN, Head of the Center for Research in Scientific and Educational Policy, IIET RAS. S.I. Vavilov

Engineering education in Russia: history, concept, prospects

The article discusses the three-century history of engineering education in Ros! Here, its key turning points are highlighted. The results of sys! dark comparative analysis of the parameters, structure and concept of engineering education in Russia and the leading countries of Europe and the USA. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of a "physical! technical" model of education in Russia. Consider separately! ren question about the prospects for engineering and physics and technology education in today's world! changing situation.

Key words: engineering education, physical!technical education, history! riya of education in Russia, technical universities, engineer, national fashion! whether education.

The birth of engineering education in Russia

The tradition of state engineering education in Russia was established more than three centuries ago. In 1701, on the initiative of Peter the Great, the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences was created in Moscow, which became the ideological predecessor of the Nikolaev Naval Academy (now the N.G. Kuznetsov Naval Academy) and the Naval Engineering School of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Nicholas I (now the Naval Engineering Institute). In 1773, the Mining Institute imp. Catherine II. But the most remarkable date in the history of Russian engineering education is, perhaps, November 20, 1809, when Emperor Alexander I signed the Manifesto establishing the Corps and the Institute of Railway Engineers.

The creation of the Institute and the Corps of Engineers was directly related to the key economic task of the Russian government - the formation of a grandiose transport infrastructure, which until now forms the basis for the development of Russia as one of the largest states in the world.

Russian engineers in the 19th century. A unique system of communications for the empire was built, which included several water systems (Mariinsky, Tikhvinskaya, Vyshnevo-Lotskaya, the system of the Duke of Wurtenburg), and systems of railways and highways.

The Ministry of Railways, right up to the revolution of 1917, was the most generously funded department of the empire. In second place (and during the wars and in the first place) after the Ministry of Railways was the Ministry of War. Accordingly, no less attention was paid to the training of personnel for the military and maritime industry.

The Institute of Railway Engineers was under the direct patronage of the tsar. The example of Alexander I inspired his august brothers - Nikolai Pavlovich (the future emperor) and Mikhail Pavlovich. Since 1819, they led the organization of two other outstanding educational institutions - the Nikolaev Engineering School and the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. From their officer classes, the Mikhailovskaya Artillery Academy, the main forge of personnel for the Russian military industry, and

Nikolaev Engineering Academy, alma

economic education and biological

mater of many prominent military engineers

some sciences.

uneven These three schools, like

Between 1870 and 1900 there was a demon

created a little later by the Institute of Citizens

a breakthrough in the industry

Russian engineers of Emperor Nicholas I and

two countries, Germany and the USA. Exactly at

Emperor Institute of Technology

this period on the basis of the already existing

Nicholas I, as well as special classes

formerly mining and mining industry

Marine Corps, in the first half

laziness in Germany developed powerfully not

19th century formed the basis for the preparation of those

only chemical, engineering and

professional staff with a systematic higher

electrical industry, but also ship

education in Russia.

building that was previously considered

The position of Russian engineering

the horn of the British Empire. Paral

institutes, in the first half of the XIX century. benefit

Lelno overseas post-civil howl

under the personal patronage of the impe

In the 1960s, an ear was observed in the USA

ators and senior officials of the impe

greasy industrial growth, do not violate

rii, was unique in Europe. Perhaps,

washed by wars, by weak competition

only in France engineering education

from fairly distant European countries

nie enjoyed the same prestige.

some countries.

Until the 60s of the XIX century. neither in number nor

The Russian government, however,

the quality of the training of Russian engineers

turned out to be sufficiently far-sighted that

skyEmpire was not inferior to any country

to assess this situation in time and

world (except, perhaps, the same France).

take measures without which our country, according to

This statement, like the remark of S.P.

apparently would not have survived either in the First or

Timoshenko that "engineering schools

in the Second World Wars and did not save

ly developed in Russia much earlier than

would have its status as a world power, conquered

in America, and that the role of Russian engineers

new in the 19th century In the second half of the 80s

in the development of engineering sciences is very essential

19th century under direct supervision

stvenna ”, today it seems surprising

outstanding Russian engineer, one

positive,betweenthemonogood confirmation

of the founders of the national scientific

waiting for statistics and documents. AND,

schools in the field of machine design

Undoubtedly, this circumstance is

and subsequently Minister of Finance I.A.

one of the reasons for the fantastic economy

Vyshnegradsky was developed and started

mic and infrastructural breakthrough

la reform of the middle and low

Russia in the 19th century and in the first half of the twentieth century.

our technical education. At the same

In the 60-80s of the XIX century. Russia in terms

period were opened Electrotechnical

training engineers skipped ahead

Institute of Alexander III in St. Peter

not only France but also Germany. One

burge (now - St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" named after V.I.

to the era of the Great Reforms of Alexander II

Lenin) and Kharkov Technological

was not at all "lost" for development

Institute of Alexander III. Electrotechnical

engineering education. Enough ska

cue institute was originally located in

say that at that time Riga was established

post office and was created in many

Polytechnic Institute and Impera

gom to ensure communication

Torsk Moscow Technical School

infrastructure of the empire (later

(now - MSTU named after N.E. Bauman). Besides

some "lag" in the field of those

technology and energy).

education during this period

With the accession to the throne of Nicholas II

sti was offset by the development of agriculture

the second one began (after the 10–20s

History pages

XIX century) the era of mass creation of engineering

universities until 1917 (cumulative total

energy universities in Russia. Between 1894 and

1917 were established: St. Peter

From the data in Table. 1–2 shows that for 20

burg polytechnic institute pet

years before the revolution of 1917,

Ra the Great, Kyiv Polytechnic

in the Russian Empire there was a very

Institute of imp. Alexandra II, Technologists

significant growth as a natural science

chesky institute imp. Nicholas II in Volume

foot, engineering and agriculture

ske, Warsaw University of Technology

natural education. To the beginning of the First

here imp. Nicholas II (during the war of evacuation

worldwar russiansystem higher

moved to Nizhny Novgorod), Alex

State Special Technical and Agricultural

Evsk Donskoy Polytechnic Institute

economic education across the parameters

here, Moscow Institute of Engineers

ram was noticeably superior to the German one.

means of communication, Yekaterinoslavsky

This was achieved primarily through

Mining Institute imp. Peter I, Ural

purposeful state policy

Mining Institute imp. Nicholas II. Elect

tics and significant investment in this

Rotechnical Institute received the status

sphere starting from the middle of the 90s of the XIX century.

higher educational institution and was more

Taking into account the retirement of old personnel to

significantly expanded. It is clear that releases

1917 Russia had something like this

of new universities began after 1904, and

the same engineering potential as Germa

radically the situation has changed

nia, and surpassed France. the only one

but after 1908

naya country, demonstrating in this

Relevant population data

riod a significantly higher dynamic

students in natural science and technology

ku than the Russian Empire is the USA,

technical universities in Russia and Germany

where is the system of technical and agricultural

data in the table. one .

public education began to grow “as

In table. 2 shows release data

by leaps and bounds” since the 60s–70s. 19th century

engineers who completed the course in Russian,

It should be noted that until almost

German, French and American

end of the 19th century highly qualified training

Table 1





scientific disciplines

Universities and


higher female


Agriculture and

Fizmat V.Zh.K.




Academy and



venous and forestry





and technical

technical and technical


sky institutes

Data for Germany and pre-revolutionary Russia have been supplemented according to reports from departments and universities. Among the Russian "polytechnic and technical institutes" are taken into account, including the Mikhailovskaya Artillery, Nikolaev Marine and Engineering Academy, the Marine Engineering School, as well as the commercial and technical departments of the Commercial Institutes in Moscow and Kyiv, the Moscow and Petrograd Higher Women's Polytechnic Courses.

Higher education in Russia No. 1, 2012

table 2


Data for Germany, France and the United States are taken from . Release data

of Russian engineering universities after 1900 were taken from the works, and before 1900 they were re-checked by the author according to reports, anniversary collections and lists of engineering universities of the Russian Empire who graduated from the course.

trained engineers in Russia, almost half

the role of parents in education. As a result

was concentrated in infrastructure

those, for example, a huge letter appeared

tourism industries (transport, construction

tour for parents, which includes

stvo, military and shipbuilding industry

classic manuals Perelman and Ign

laziness), and the engineer, as a rule,

tyeva. Largely due to the consciousness

found himself in the military or state

solid position of many Russian families,

noah service. Even chemical engineering

who continued to transmit the scientific culture

metallurgy and mining developed in

tour and form an "educational"

largely due to requests

installation of their children and in the hardest

military industry. Exception

years of the revolution, and during the Civil

were textile and food, including

wars, and in the post-war period of devastation,

including beet sugar and alcohol from

industries operating in

Russian scientific and engineering school.

other (private economic) principles.

"Russian" and "Soviet"

During the reign of Alexander III and especially

Nicholas II, the task turned out to be wider

S.P. Timoshenko put forward

coy. Now there is a need for engineering personnel

reasoned thesis that in ten years

not only state organizations

revolutionary reforms after 1917

tions and educational institutions, but also large and

“Education in Russia was completely

small businesses in booming

destroyed, and when they later took up wuxi

industries (electrical engineering, oil refinery

the development of industry, then

botka and chemical industry, ma

it seemed that there was no business for this in Russia before

tire building, materials industry, me

sufficient number of engineers. Stalin

tallo and woodworking, etc.), as well as

then acted decisively - abolished

self-government bodies. Therefore, development

all sorts of innovations and returned the school to dora

technical education was the result

revolutionary orders"; "tra

volume of a complex state public

the old school disciplines turned out to be very strong

but private interaction. At that time

ny, and with the help of the remnants of old pre

appeared private and public higher

serving staff was possible

educational institutions that trained engineers.

tidy up engineering education

Another trend that has taken place in

nie, destroyed during the revolution ".

reign of Nicholas II, there was a noticeable

USSR inherited from Russia

the strengthening of the "family" tradition is natural

empire strong and balanced

but scientific education. After the start

a new, well-funded system

school reforms in 1899–1902

mu technical education. In the RSFSR to

much more attention has been paid

1925 there was only one brand new

History pages

technical university (Moscow Mining Institute

From the ETSH programs of the 1920s, in fact,

institute), not counting technical faculties

just excluded the last two or three years

comrade of the new Central Asian University

classes in mathematics and other general

that. All other universities arose directly

educational subjects, assuming

transformation of already existing

esyav pre-revolutionary gymnasiumhi real

call or were organized on the basis of evacuation

ny schools. That is, graduates

institutions from Poland and the Baltic states

got enough” of two or three years of intensive

mullets. In other cases, the new Soviet

notions compared to Gym graduates

universities (MAMI, MKhTI, LITMO, Moscow

Naziy of the pre-war period. But they

Textile and Kazan Polytechnic

accounted for only 60% of applicants with

chesky) were created on the basis of the largest

Veterinary universities of the 20s - the rest are not

rich and rich secondary technical education

even had that level of knowledge!

nyh institutions that had at the beginning of the twentieth century. before

Simultaneously during the years of the revolution and

sufficient logistical and

Civil War, during the repressions about

personnel base.

among the most educated strata of the population

At the same time, the thesis that the “revolution

niya, the country has lost from 50 to 80% of its most

tion completely destroyed "the system of technology

more qualified scientists and lecturers

academic education hardly falls under

giving staff.

statement: by 1925 the number of students

The Soviet government banned access to

Xiang Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

introduce higher education to children

and in engineering universities even a little pre

lei of the "class of exploiters", that is, the most

rose to pre-revolutionary levels.

more educated segments of the population. od

The system of engineering education (from

at the same time, the influence of the

difference from legal and historical philosophy

my on education. Royal ruler

logical, which really was

stvo, at least in the last two decades

completely destroyed) still save

decade, strongly encouraged the participation

evolved and continued to develop. Dorevolu

parents in the educational process,

the system of technical universities is preserved

rapprochement between family and school. Soviet

nilas actually before the reform of 1930,

power, removed for political reasons

when, on the basis of the Decree of the Supreme Council of National Economy

parents from raising their children and

USSR the old institutions were disbanded

rovany, and on the basis of their faculties, departments

we were not only forced to endow

and schools educated by numerous industries

school with colossal disciplinary

leftist educational institutions located in

functions, but also dealt a strong blow to

management of economic people's commissariats and wasps

"family" mechanisms of reproduction

mass production of narrow special

education (including in scientific and technical

socialists on a shortened program.


At the same time, revolutionary experiments

In the 1930s, the Soviet government

the cops led to a catastrophic pada

fully aware of the danger of falling levels

level of general (secondary) education

no training in general education

and, consequently, to a drop in quality under

items. Already in the Decree of the Central Committee

preparation of students. Since 1918

all types of post-primary and secondary schools

the beginning of the revival of teaching general

were merged into "unified labor schools" II

educational subjects in the domestic

steps. At the same time, not only was it a violation

noah school, it was recognized that "indigenous

on the integrity of the gymnasium education

the disadvantage of the school is currently concluding

niya - the requirements themselves have fallen significantly.

is that education at school does not give

Higher education in Russia No. 1, 2012

sufficient volume of general education

we were in Russia L.I. Mandelstam and N.D.

knowledge and unsatisfactory resolution

Papaleksi), Munich technical

solves the problem of training for technical schools and

school (A. Feppl and

high school quite literate people,

L. Prandtl) and, first of all, Göttin

well versed in the basics of science (physics

gene university where the group worked

ka, chemistry, mathematics, native language, geo

outstanding scientists (including F. Klein,

graphics, etc.)”. Then were restored

W. Voigt and L. Prandtl) and acted from

exams and canceled class restrictions

renowned mechanical laboratory. names

for admission to higher educational institutions

but the great German mathematician Felix

reference. Without much effort, you can

Klein organized a number of seminars,

know that real (and non-propaganda)

aimed at bringing mathematics and

achievements of the Soviet government in the region


education were associated with a non-revolutionary

In Russia, work centers are closer

onny experiments, and with the restoration

fundamental science and engineering

old educational traditions

practices were Petersburg Polytechnic

(first of all - in the region of course on

Institute of Electrical Engineering

scientific and engineering education) at

Institute, Institute of Railway Engineers

a certain extension of the "social

(in St. Petersburg), Mikhailovskaya

bases" of education.

Artillery Academy, Nikolaevskaya

"Intellectual breakthrough"

maritime academy and marine engineering

college, Institutes of Technology in

early twentieth century

St. Petersburg and Kharkov, Polytechnic

A decisive breakthrough in the field of engineering

ski institute in Kyiv and, of course, Impera

education in Russia, however, was

Torsk Moscow Technical School,

lan in the first two decades of the twentieth century. These

where powerful laboratories were created for

years were the heyday of the Russian ma

fur research

thematic, natural science

nicks, materials sciences, electrical engineering

nical education. It was then in

ki, shipbuilding. Laboratories located

Russia has formed a unique model

lagged with their own buildings and

and the concept of physical and technical image

brilliantly equipped with various

eastend machines. These scientifically

Application of complex mathematical

educational centers, as well as in action

methods and achievements in the field of theoretical

institutes that were at that time under the leading

cal physics, mechanics, chemistry, biol

universities, research laboratories

gies to solve important practical problems

offices of the military and naval departments in

dachas, the formation of a professional

first twenty years of the twentieth century. taught

applied science, the creation of

or studied the largest scientists and engineers

existing infrastructure in the form of an institution

ry, who later created (on the pre-revolutionary

mulberries and laboratories - these trends

nom backlog) Soviet scientific research

formed in a number of leading countries

body institutions or who have hurt

states, primarily in Germany, the USA

What impact on world science and engineer

and Russia, even before the start of World War I

education in immigration.

The condition for the emergence of this "intel

At the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany, centers fi

lectual outburst" was followed by

zico technical studies were, on

state policy led by

example, the University of Strasbourg, where

Nicholas II: from the mid-90s of the XIX century.

worked professor F. Brown (his student

the state not only actively stimulates

History pages

the creation of new educational in

Society of Mechanical Engineers

institutes, but also put before scientists and

adjoined by scientific shipbuilders A.N.

engineers new serious tasks in

Krylov, I.G. Bubnov and K.P. Boklevsky,

the authorities for creating a transport infrastructure

brought up at the shipbuilding

tours, new types of ships and aviation, military

division of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic

noah and chemical industry, electrical

Institute, in the Nikolaev Marine Academy

tro and radio engineering, energy and communications.

demi and the Marine Engineering School

Similar requests began to appear and

a whole generation of Russian shipbuilders

side of the booming private

lei. Similar groups existed in Ki


Eve (for example, E.O. Paton and

In ideological terms, to the "forerunners" of this

S.P. Timoshenko) and Moscow (N.E. Zhukov

movements, except for D.I. Mendeleev, it is possible

sky and S.A. Chaplygin).

attributed to V.L. Kirpichev - an outstanding Russian

Similar processes took place in

Russian physicist and mechanical engineer, co

field of organic chemistry in the field of

who founded engineering schools in Kharkov and

cooking Russian chemical engineers. Pro

Kyiv, which had a strong influence on

professor and general V.N. Ipatiev, for example,

applied research and engineering education

created in the Mikhailovskaya Artillery

ditch mechanics in St. Petersburg. He was you

academy with a well-equipped laboratory

given by the organizer of science and teaching

riyu and raised a whole school of engineers,

giver, who possessed an extremely wide

without which it would be impossible to

Kim scientific and cultural outlook. To

development of fundamentally new industries

In addition, he was the representative of the

medical and pharmaceutical industry

emerging engineering family: six of his sconces

news during World War I

tiev were major military engineer

mi, son - Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, he himself,

The most important areas of development

as a graduate of the Mikhailovsky Artillery

applied science and industry hundred

Academy, was closely acquainted with the practical

whether electrical engineering and radio engineering, different

tic applications of the then scientific

new areas of heat engineering

achievements. Designed by V.L. Cyrus

ki, optics and, finally, physical chemistry and

Pichev methods of teaching mechanics,

materials science.

his teaching aids had the strongest

In the development of domestic scientific and

impact on the training of engineers and scientists

engineering schools in these areas pain

mechanics all over the world.

a group of scientists contributed to the WTO

rum decade of the twentieth century. who were teachers

burg mechanical engineers and mathematicians

givers of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic

ticks headed by the rector of the Petersburg

Institute of Electrical Engineering

Polytechnic Institute I.V. Meshcher

Institute and Physical Institute Peter

skim. They managed to achieve not only

burg University. Although these three

scientific results, but also developed

institutions were subordinated to three different

develop new teaching methods and composition

departments, scientists students in them are

twist textbooks and problem books aimed at

were in very close contact and, in fact,

to bring teaching closer

represented a single community. Its organ

mechanics to the requirements of engineers" and poses

nizational leader, apparently, was

but (thanks to S.P. Timoshenko)

V.V. Skobeltsyn, father of the outstanding council

the basis of the educational process, not only

Russian physicist D.V. Skobeltsyn. After I.V.

ko in Russian engineering schools, but also

Meshchersky, he served two terms

in US engineering schools. K petersburg

News of the Director of the Petrograd Polytech

Higher education in Russia No. 1, 2012

no one and at the same time was a professor

Imperial porcelain and glass

Electrotechnical Institute. In mentioning

factories in 1914–1918. . Others

a certain group of scientists included V.V. Sko

measures: creation of an independent (independent

Beltsyn, A.A. Radzig, M.A. Chatelain, V.F.

Simoy from German technology) electrical engineering

Mitkevich, V.E. Groom Grzhimailo, N.S. Chur

scientific and radio engineering industry

nakov, D.S. Rozhdestvensky, I.V. Greben

and power industry, development

shchikov, A.F. Ioffe. They formed

activities in the field of energy,

a number of scientific and engineering schools (in

committed to solving the fuel crisis and

pre-revolutionary years, for example, D.V.

creation of a unified transport and energy

Skobeltsyn, N.N. Semenov, P.L. Kapitsa,

which system of the country.

A.V. Winter and G.O. Graftio were younger

date of finalization, but

by teachers and students of these

model of the "physicotechnical"

three institutions).

A characteristic feature of their work was

Petersburg Polytechnic Institute

once the "physico-technical approach", that is

those professors A.F. Ioffe and S.P. Tee

application of modern mathematical

Moshenko drafted a new fi

and physical methods for solving complex

zico technical (physico-mechanical

engineering and technical problems

th) faculty and at the same time began

mouth, application of engineering, industrial

to attend the seminar from which they left, in

ny methods in setting up a scientific experiment

in particular, P.L. Kapitsa and N.N. Semenov.

rimenta. It was this approach that allowed

This "physicotechnical" approach in

for example, P.L. Kapitsa, graduate Peter

The 1920s was the basis for the work

burg polytechnic institute

new Faculty of Physics and Mechanics

play an important role in the translation of scientific

Leningrad Polytechnic Institute

research in Rutherford's lab

mulberries and Physico-Technical Institute (Jav

Cambridge for a new technological

originally a branch of Guo

state radiological and ra

It is important to note that all teachers

Diological Institute) associated with

Russian technical universities, in addition to purely

named after A.F. Ioffe. Later the same model

theoretical research, conducted practical

contributed to the emergence of the so-called

cal work both for public

“Phystech systems.” It is remarkable that

needs, as well as for industry. For example

most of the prominent scientists who stood at

Mer, A.N. Krylov, I.G. Bubnov and K.P. Side

Levskiy contributed to the construction

we appealed to I.V. Stalin and members of

(after 1906) of the new Russian fleet. NOT.

Veteran government (primarily P.L.

Zhukovsky was rightly considered the "father of

Kapitsa, but also A.F. Ioffe, A.N. Kry

Russian aviation. During the First World

lov, A.I. Alikhanov, N.N. Semenov), were

S.P. wars Timoshenko carried out the work

are directly related to the "physics of

you according to the strength calculations of aircraft (in

nicheskoy" tradition of the Petrograd

including I.I. Sikorsky), and together with

Institute of TechnologyEmperor Pet

N.P. Petrov developed methods for

Ra the Great.

solutions for the permissible load of transport

"Physico-technical approach" provided

ways (which was important for resolving

certain impact on the European

transport crisis). D.S. Christmas

and American science and education (in

sky, I.V. Grebenshchikov directly

in particular, thanks to the activities of V.N.

led the development of technology and

Ipatiev, S.P. Timoshenko, P.L. Kapitsa,

launch of optical glass production at

A.E. Chichibabina and B.A. Bakhmetiev).

History pages

Education concept

AT In conclusion, we will try to answer the question: what are the main features of the “classical concept” of engineering education, what is the “ideal image” of an engineer

and engineer physicist is embedded in this concept?

According to the notion that has dominated us so far, the engineer is only a "specialist" who performs in a highly differentiated modern economy a completely defined function entrusted to him. In practice, however, especially in small high-tech companies, which in our time are “the main generator of innovations in the modern economy”, the engineer turns out to be both a researcher, an organizer of the work of the “team”, and a leader at the same time. Universities, as a rule, do not prepare for this.

AT 19th and early 20th centuries the situation was different. The European tradition of training an engineer was based on the combination of two principles– the scientific and technical approach is spiritually based on the idea of ​​a holistic education of a person.

Education through the acquisition of the gifts of the Holy Spirit ( spiritus sapientiae et intellectus, spiritus consilii et fortitudinis, spiritus scientiae et pietatis- “the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of advice and strength, the spirit of knowledge

and piety") to achieve the "royal dignity of man" in the image of the Divine King - Christ was the leitmotif of a powerful movement towards the revival of "True Christianity", which affected both European countries and Russia in XVIII–XIX centuries We are talking about the internal and external "gathering" of a holistic personality, the cultivation of its intellect, will, moral and aesthetic principles. At the same time, the formation of a personality was understood at the same time as a path to the formation of a state (Staatbildung).

The word "engineer" itself goes back to the Latin ingenium, in the classical

some literature (for example, in Cicero and Petronius) meaning not only ingenuity, but also ability, talent, sharpness of mind, cultivation of the mind and education in general. The German concept Bildung, as well as the Russian "education", comes from Bild - "image". It presupposes the holistic creation of the individual, the family and the state, revealing the divine “image” in man, and is conceived as a continuation of the divine process of creation in history (as understood by German philosophers from Herder to Schleiermacher and Hegel). The transformed German gymnasiums and universities became a concrete empirical embodiment of this lofty concept. Initially, eminent German thinkers included both natural science and engineering education in the Wissenschaftliche Bildung circle. This is demonstrated by Goethe's "educational" novels - "Wilhelm Meister's Vocation" and "Wilhelm Meister's Years of Wanderings", the two main characters of which (Meister and Jarno Montand) at the highest point of their education choose the vocation of doctor researcher and mining engineer, respectively.

Speaking about the integrity of education, first of all, they recall the idea of ​​“humanization” of a technical school. It was assumed that, like a university graduate, an engineer, along with deep scientific and technical knowledge, must have a solid humanitarian culture. It is no coincidence that you are a prominent Russian shipbuilder, Academician A.N. Krylov professionally translated Newton from Latin, aircraft builder I.I. Sikorsky wrote theological treatises, and "the father of the American school of mechanical engineers" S.P. Timoshenko was seriously engaged in the history of science. In the profession of architect and civil engineer, the unity of technical and artistic education in general forms the basis of professional competence.

Higher education in Russia No. 1, 2012

Even more important is the combination of science and practice

childhood taught their children to use

tics. A feature of the Russian (like the German

theoretical training in practical

Coy and French) engineering tradition

life. S.P. Timoshenko in "Memories

from the very beginning there was a reliance on very strong

yah" as its most important image

nobasic math andnatural

good experience describes what kind of father

scientific education. Engineering activity

(surveyor and later owner of an estate in Key

nera is at the junction of creative scientific

Evskoy province) invited him, then

noiwork and technical practice. In that

nickname of a real school, to participate in the village

fundamental difference of training engineer

agricultural work, and then before

nerov in French, Russian, and then

I invite him to apply his knowledge to

German style, from traditional preparation

designing and building a new house.

forging "masters" and "technicians", repulses

A significant number of prominent engineers

only from practice, the leader of

infrastructural structures (e.g. bridges and

the other was England. Long time master

locks) in the 19th century. were performed by students

the practical technician walked ahead of the engineer, but

under the guidance of teachers. On the

the situation changed dramatically when

summer practice students took teaching

mental science began to play in the field

sity in real work on the organization

technology plays an important role.

construction of buildings and structures. To Peter

The Engineer should now have a way

the Burg Polytechnic, for example,

ness (and possibility) to creative development

shipbuilding departmentone

development of their field of activity. His wasp

summer spent practice in ports, I follow

creativity based on science must go

more - at the machine-building plant

not behind, but ahead of practical experience

tie - in navigation on a large ship. Well

craftsmen and technicians. It is this betrayal

theoretical, laboratory classes and

ing that occurred at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries,

projects was structured in such a way that

gave rise to a long-term trend towards

train students to practice the best

development of applied "industrial organi

at once. Note that a significant part

called "science and physicotechnical

textbooks were compiled and published


by the students themselves.

Another feature of the preparation

It is also important that Russians (as well as French

traditional engineering schools

tsuzskie and german) engineering universities go

las in the fact that graduates are oriented

prepared students not only for technical

Lina practical implementation is finished

activities, but also to professional

projects, bringing them "to the end".

performing the functions of the head of

So, in the course of studying at the Institute of Engineering

acceptance, to the role of state and military

ditch of the communications of the emperor Alexan

non-employee. A typical example is a professional

dra I student had to prepare three

sional fate of D.I. Mendeleev, V.N.

project (e.g. bridge, lock and steam

Ipatiev, A.N. Krylova or I.A. Above

engine), and during practice

gradsky, who were not only extradited

he gained experience in the implementation of these or

among scientists and engineers, but also

good projects. It is important that this

industry, education

the educational process at the institute was

and statesmen. Engineer

quite agree with the best traditions

with higher education should have been

mainstream education. Parents (whether

both scientific and technical

professors, officials, engineers or

specialist and organizer of industrial

even self-managed

linen production. Specialist, field

subsistence peasants) in many cases with

giving technical knowledge, but not

3.1. Designing educational programs

3.1.1. Content and structure of the educational program

The educational program (EP) includes:

academic plan;

programs of academic disciplines and practices included in this plan and revealing the content, forms and methods of educational activities;

programs that determine the content and plan for all other, extracurricular activities aimed at creating conditions at the university to meet the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development.

Thus, the educational program of a particular university, as established by law, is developed, adopted and implemented by the university independently and covers the entire set of university activities aimed at training highly educated people and highly qualified specialists.

Educational programs are structured by levels of education and levels of qualification requirements.

Levels: primary vocational education (NVE), secondary vocational education (SVE), higher vocational education (HPE).

The structure of the content of the EP

EN-0.00 General mathematical and natural science disciplines EN-1.00 Federal component EN-1.00 DB Basic disciplines of the cycle EN-1.00 Vocational-oriented disciplines A specific list is established by the university depending on the type of educational program EN-2.00 Regional component

GPD-0.00 General professional disciplines GPD-1.00 Federal component GPD-1.00 DB Basic disciplines of the cycle GPD-1.00 Vocational-oriented disciplines GPD-2.00 Regional component

SD-0.00 Special disciplines of vocational training SD-0.00 OD Special branch disciplines. A specific list is established by the university depending on the type of educational program SD-00 DV Disciplines at the student's choice

3.1.2. Types of educational programs

OP HPE in world practice are divided into three types:

traditional aimed at a specific engineering profession (direction, specialty) of varying degrees of breadth and profile of training;

integrated programs that involve joint activities of a higher educational institution or its structural subdivision with an enterprise or research organization due to the wide combination of the educational process with the production or research activities of students;

interdisciplinary which have a larger number of disciplines studied from various fields of knowledge compared to traditional programs with joint or dual content of this area of ​​professional engineering activity.

a) Traditional OP

Most modern WTO systems provide for the following in traditional OPs: preparation components:

GSE - a cycle of fundamental humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EN - a cycle of fundamental mathematical and natural science disciplines;

GPD - a cycle of fundamental general professional disciplines;

SD - a cycle of professional (special) disciplines;

The cycle of scientific research and / or production practices;

Qualification final (diploma or certification) work.

The first three cycles are fundamental, but in different countries and depending on the areas of training, the shares of disciplines are not the same.

The general criteria for the formation of the WTO OP in foreign countries are as follows:

- 1 year of studying mathematics and basic natural sciences;

- 1 year of studying fundamental GPD;

- 1 semester of studying engineering design (construction);

- 1-2 semesters of studying the humanities and socio-economic sciences;

- integrated development of the humanities and socio-economic sciences on the basis of fundamental training.

In the Russian Federation, bachelor's degree programs have the following proportions of various cycles of disciplines:

GSE - 24.5%; EN - 30-34%; OPD - 22-28%; SD - 8-22%.

Engineering programs are characterized by the following distribution of cycles of disciplines:

GSE - 17-20%; EN - 22-29%; OPD - 22-27%; SD - 29-33%.

In Russian EPs, the maximum load on a student is 54 hours a week, including 50-65% of the time - classroom and laboratory classes and 35-50% - SWS.

In foreign systems, as a rule, time for SWS is not planned, and the classroom load varies from 14 to 41 hours per week. At the same time, the complexity of studying disciplines is estimated in credits, the systems can be different even in universities of the same country, as a result of which, for example, a unified transfer system of loans was developed to increase the academic mobility of students in Europe.

The traditional structure of foreign WTO EPs consists in the consistent development of general humanitarian, mathematical, natural science disciplines at the 1st stage of education, then fundamental technological sciences and, finally, disciplines of specializations.

There are also changes. If earlier in European countries engineering schools contained only elective and optional humanities courses, then at present, for example, in the German system of engineering education, the humanitarian component is growing and has reached 11%. Moreover, in addition to the traditional disciplines of the socio-economic cycle (management, marketing, professional psychology, etc.), courses in the history of arts, world and national cultural history, etc. have been introduced, and training in foreign languages ​​has also noticeably expanded.

New domestic EPs are also becoming more flexible and dynamic, receptive to innovation.

Based on a set of analytical data on the ways of developing higher technical education, the following are formulated: recommendations for the development of EP:

focus on broader educational programs;

reduction of the excessive proportion of disciplines at the choice of students in order to concentrate efforts on the main components of specialist training:

individualization of programs through the development of their extended and in-depth options designed for students with a higher level of training and intentions in their chosen field of professional activity;

mastering effective teaching methods;

individualization of education.

Some stand out general development trends OP:

- the evolutionary process of convergence of the structure and content of national EPs of various levels or levels of training of specialists;

- many national EPs of engineering education have acquired the form adopted in our country corresponding to the four-cycle structure, and also began to contain blocks of disciplines of various specializations;

- typical EPs are increasingly acquiring the features of interdisciplinary programs focused on several related areas of the technosphere, they more often provide for close interaction between higher education and the corresponding areas of science and production;

- in the higher technical school, a methodology is being formed for combining and mastering individual disciplines and disciplinary cycles with interdisciplinary integrative modules for training specialists;

- in modern engineering education, there is a transition from informative and factual to problem-based learning, conceptual mastering of the principles of engineering, connections between phenomena, processes and mechanisms, orientation towards systemic vocational training;

– self-improvement and development of a specialist throughout his further professional activity.

b) interdisciplinary EP

The term "interdisciplinary" in foreign education systems refers to a comprehensive course or diploma project, carried out after studying several disciplines or to an educational module in which two or more disciplines are considered as a single macro-unit.

In the current Russian list of areas and specialties of higher professional education, only in the section "Engineering and Technology" a group (07) of interdisciplinary natural and technical specialties is singled out, in which sections of two adjacent fields of knowledge are combined (for example, "Engineering and physics of low temperatures"), as a result, these specialties have an integrated (fundamental + engineering and technical basis).

Thus, there is a fundamental difference in the foreign and domestic interpretation of the concept of "interdisciplinary". In the first case, we are talking about an interdisciplinary approach to the organization of the educational process, and in the second, to the formation of educational standards and training programs for engineering personnel.

The Russian Federation has accumulated a wealth of experience in the development and implementation of such programs in practice, which ensure the acquisition of a specialty dual in nature and content.

Example – dual competence (engineer-translator).

c) integrated programs

In different countries, the practice of using integrated engineering education programs has its own specifics. In European countries, where an engineering diploma is issued, as a rule, not after completing 4-5 years of study at a higher technical school, but only after acquiring two or three years of practical experience, the problem of balancing theoretical and practical training is relevant.

Leading Western universities have rich experience in organizing training coupled with real production or scientific and technical research and development.

Example 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

At MIT, in 1980, a material processing center was created to carry out a long-term scientific and technical project of MIT - Harvard - a program for modeling new materials, in the implementation of which up to 80% of students studying at the institute took part.

MIT's general education programs for bachelors include industrial training - a 15-month period. During which students spend 50% of their time at the institute and the same amount of internships in production. During the internship, students take part in the work of multidisciplinary groups, the composition of which changes periodically, thereby simulating the real conditions of future professional activity.

Example 2 Sandwich programs. This is an integrated model of higher technical education, which includes 7 stages:

– introduction to engineering;

– introduction to informatics and modeling;

- engineering Communication;

– engineering and society;

– engineering management;

– professional panoramic training;

– professional projects.

This model also provides for 90 weeks combined with training in industrial experiments.

The integration of OP is implemented in various directions. On their basis, specialists are trained in the field of materials science, environmental engineering, industrial management, information technology and many other specialties. Engineering educational-scientific and educational-industrial EPs are one of the most promising models for the development of engineering education, as they allow you to quickly respond to the dynamically changing needs of society, the scientific and technical sphere, production and the intellectual labor market.

The Public Chamber of the KBR held a round table on the topic "" Engineering education in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic: problems and prospects". It was organized by the Commission on Education and Science of the KBR OP.

Representatives of relevant ministries and departments, heads of leading enterprises of the republic, scientists of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov and Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V. M. Kokov.

Opening the meeting, Chairman of the Commission Askhat Zumakulov noted that as the industrial society developed in our country, vocational education was formed, within which engineering education represented a significant component, which later became a promising direction for the development of vocational education. The Corps of Engineers provided a practical solution to the numerous complex tasks facing the state. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the economy found itself in a state of deep crisis and stagnation, engineering education also underwent changes that were negative in nature and consequences. Among the reasons for such changes, Zumakulov named a decrease in the quality of basic training of school graduates in the subjects of the natural science cycle. “As you know, the essence of engineering activity is expressed in the fact that an engineer knows how to materialize ideas in the form of a prototype. This is based on the skills of designing, working with drawings, graphs, calculations, models, etc., which the student must master to perfection in the process of studying at the university. The success of mastering the technical disciplines of the Faculty of Engineering largely depends on the availability of deep knowledge in mathematics, physics and, of course, drafting skills are required.

What do we have in practice? The results of the Unified State Examination in the republic in exact disciplines in 2016 are still not high: the average score in mathematics was 44.1, in physics - 44.9. The subject of "drawing" has disappeared from school curricula for a long time. In general educational institutions that implement specialized training programs, drawing is taught as an elective course, i.e. at the choice of students,” summed up Askhat Zumakulov.

The social activist also cited an assessment by experts from the Association for Engineering Education in Russia, according to which the state of engineering in the country is in a systemic crisis. 28% of experts think so, 30% regarded it as critical, 27% of experts noted the state of stagnation, and only 15% considered it possible to give a satisfactory assessment. “This situation objectively leads to the impossibility or difficulties to find a job in a particular specialty after graduation and explains the fact that engineering professions as a personal future are chosen by applicants much less often than others. A pragmatic approach to solving the issue of professional self-determination is working. Meanwhile, today there is a real need for such specialists, but almost all employers, especially large firms, require at least three years of experience when hiring engineers. How can a student get the necessary experience, which would also be recorded in the work book? The question still remains unanswered,” Zumakulov concluded.

Head of the Department for Work with Industrial Enterprises of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the KBR Leonid Gerber in his speech, he noted that the dynamics of the needs of enterprises in engineering personnel is declining due to the fall in industrial production. The demand for engineers, in his opinion, will begin with the implementation of the Etana and Hydrometallurg investment projects in the KBR and, in general, with the further development of the economy. So, for example, to assist Etana LLC in solving personnel issues, it is planned to involve KBSU named after. HM. Berbekov, creating on its basis the Center for Sustainable Development of the Industrial Complex "Etana". The center will conduct expert and analytical support for the activities of the industrial complex, fundamental, exploratory and applied research. It is planned to create a department of KBSU on the basis of the industrial complex " Etana» and a joint research and production association in the field of smart polymers and new materials.

After the approval of the technological conversion projects, work will also begin on training personnel for the construction of a new hydrometallurgical plant and the resumption of mining and processing of tungsten-molybdenum ores of the Tyrnyauz deposit.

Hussein Timizhev- Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the KBR drew the attention of those present to the fact that the republic has always been labor surplus, today unemployment is 10.3%, the number of able-bodied population, due to various reasons not employed in the economy, exceeds 200 thousand people. This is due to the decline in the index of industrial production. Given the significant scale and severity of the problem of labor surplus in the republic, the Government of the KBR is taking measures to accelerate the development of economic potential and the creation of new jobs, including for engineering and technical personnel. This is reflected in the Development Strategy of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic until 2030 and the Forecast of Social and Economic Development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic for 2017 and for the planned period of 2018 and 2019.

Member of the OP KBR Hasanbi Mashukov, executive director of the republican public organization " Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the KBR”, focused the attention of those present on the need to form and approve at the government level a list of in-demand specialties for industry and agriculture of the KBR.

Some of the problems associated with the training of engineering personnel for the agro-industrial enterprises of the republic were outlined Yuri Shekikhachev, Professor of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokov, among them: the relatively low quality of knowledge of applicants entering engineering faculties not on the basis of content, but in terms of ease and accessibility of admission; low level of professional demand, low level of remuneration of an engineer, lack of prospects for professional and personal growth; outdated material and technical base of engineering faculties; aging of scientific and teaching staff; lack of sufficient sources of funding for the activities of scientific schools.

To solve these problems, according to Professor Shekikhachev, it is necessary to strengthen and modernize the material and technical base of the engineering faculties of universities, attracting funds from employers, form and develop innovative educational, scientific and industrial structures, technological parks and demonstration sites of new equipment and technologies, develop targeted training specialists and improve the organization of students' practice.

He was supported by the director of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design of the KBSU Irina Kaufova, who emphasized that the development of the economy at the present stage requires innovative solutions in the field of training specialists for the construction industry of the republic. However, this requires the modernization of the institute's material base, "personnel rejuvenation", the organization of students' practice requires the creation of a modern training ground for construction laboratories.

Tatiana Shvachiy- Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities and Roads of the KBR drew the attention of the round table participants to the emerging trends in cooperation between the Ministry and the universities of the republic. At the same time, the fact of stagnation in recent years of the economy as a whole, and, accordingly, of the industry, did not allow enterprises to modernize production facilities in accordance with modern requirements. In this regard, there are practically no construction organizations in the republic that provide students with practical training in professional competencies. The issue of staffing the enterprises of housing and communal services with engineers has not been resolved either. “The ministry is working on these problems and will take all measures to make engineering work more attractive,” the deputy minister concluded.

According to the head of the Gostekhnadzor Department in the KBR Ruslana Asanova, to solve the identified problems, it is necessary to solve three tasks: targeted training of specialists, organization of work experience and retention of graduates in production. It is also necessary to solve the problems of restoring the engineering and technical services of farms and service enterprises, as well as to form a vertical relationship between engineering services in the agro-industrial complex. Without the restoration of the engineering service and the system of its coordination, it is impossible to ensure a breakthrough in the technical and technological re-equipment of the agro-industrial complex.

In the context of the implementation of the state program for import substitution, the modernization of the agro-industrial complex has acquired the status of a national project, which requires continuous improvement of equipment and technological processes, which provides for increased requirements for the design of a professional training system for engineers for the industry. The implementation of plans for the modernization of the agro-industrial complex should be accompanied by scientific and personnel support. Asanov also expressed the opinion that the currently used federal educational standards for the training of engineering personnel for the needs of the agro-industrial complex do not fully meet the requirements of large and medium-sized agricultural producers. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of internships at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and agricultural engineering.

About the role of the children's technopark "Quantorium" told Murat Aripshev, Deputy Director - Head of the Center for Additional Education of the Children's Academy of Creativity "Sunny City". The purpose of the technopark is to involve as many schoolchildren as possible in engineering and research activities, to give them high-level initial professional skills in technical disciplines.

Professor of the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokova Zamir Lamerdonov, continuing the idea of ​​children's technical creativity as a step towards an engineering specialty, invited those present to come up with an initiative to the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Affairs of the KBR to create a lyceum in the republic focused on the technical training of gifted schoolchildren.

Summing up the results of the round table meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the KBR Ludmila Fedchenko thanked the meeting participants for their work and, noting the positive trends in the training of engineering personnel, expressed the opinion of those present that it is necessary to create a coordinating body for the training of engineering personnel in the republic, improve the interaction between universities and enterprises for the training of specialists, and take the necessary measures to employ young specialists.

The participants of the round table adopted relevant recommendations, which will be sent to all interested parties.

Press Service of the Public Chamber of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Projects of the Public Chamber of the KBR

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

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