Final tests for service parts of speech. Test "Service Parts of Speech" test in Russian (Grade 8) on the topic

Test 21

Option 1

A1. Which sentence has no preposition? 3

1) He continued on his way despite being tired.

2) It's bad when there is no one to talk to.

3) The house opposite was built ten years ago.

4) The stop is near the school.

1) during

2) due to

3) instead

4) when

1) called (in) the continuation of half an hour

2) move (to) meet the wind

3) found out (at) the expense of the control

4) will speak (in) the place of me

A4 . In what example is the speech norm violated?

1) met upon arrival

2) thanks to care

3) according to the schedule

4) pay for the ticket

Despite the failure that befell our team in a series of matches, the goal is still achievable.

C1. Write about the meaning of prepositions in speech.

Test 21

Option 2

A1 . Which sentence has no preposition?

1) The door opened in front of me.

2) Forward, towards new adventures!

3) Dispatchers work according to the schedule.

4) It's good to have a friend nearby.

A2 . Which preposition is non-derivative?

  1. through

2) due to

3) due to

4) behind

A3 . Give an example of separate writing of a preposition.

1) canceled (in) view of frost

2) I will visit (at) within a week

3) overtook (not) despite the ban

4) an object (like) a flying saucer

A4 . In what example is the speech norm violated? P

1) headache pills

2) against all odds

3) came from school

4) confidence in victory

IN 1 . Of the published sentence, write out a derivative preposition.

A blizzard is sweeping along the street, my dear one is following the blizzard.

C1. Write about the relationship the prepositions express. Give examples.



Preposition as a part of speech

Option 1

a) different shades of meanings;

b) various feelings;

c) the attitude of the speaker to what is being expressed;

d) dependence of one word on another.

2. Find an example in which the preposition expresses a temporary meaning:

a) stood for a year; d) fell from a tree

b) the size of a nut; e) spoke from 10 o'clock in the morning.

c) came with luggage;

3. Give an example in which the preposition expresses spatial relations:

a) woke up at 5 o'clock; c) washing powder;

b) was in a state d) fought for victory; expectations;

D) turned to the side.

4. Choose an example where a mistake was made in using the case form of a noun:

a) beyond doubt e) as a result of a violation;

b) against fate; e) according to the order;

c) according to the order; g) thanks to the advice;

d) thanks to diligence; h) contrary to desire.

5. Mark the case with which prepositions are used".thanks", "according to", "contrary", "in defiance".

a) thanks to him for his help; c) thanks to the rains;

b) built near the house; d) sat in front of the stage;

d) passed by g) due to illness;

e) go forward; h) walked ahead.

7. Indicate the row in which derivative prepositions are listed:

a) contrary to, if, subsequently;

b) despite, thanks to, during;

b) tirelessly, regardless of, except;

c) about, past, reluctantly.

a) along

b) through;

c) after;

d) across;

d) before;

e) near;

g) about;

h) in view of.

9. Determine the sentences in which derivative prepositions are used.

a) We followed each other.

b) Lights rushed towards the train.

C) Thanks to the compass, tourists are well oriented!

D) Differences were resolved through negotiations.

E) Thanks for the shelter, we said goodbye to the owner,

f) Rude words followed him.

10. Choose prepositions written separately:

a) (c) consequence; b) (c) flow; c) (to) an account;

d) (c) communications; e) (by) measure; e) (c) mind.

11. Mark phrases in which there is a continuous spelling of adverbs and prepositions:

a) (c) subsequently understood;

b) looked (in) down;

c) (not) despite the joy;

d) looked (in) emphasis;

e) (c) the continuation of half an hour;

e) occurred (due to) a power outage;

g) danced (in) a squat.


Preposition as a part of speech

Option 2

1. Determine what the preposition expresses as a part of speech:

a) the attitude of the speaker to what is being said;

b) dependence of one word on another;

c) relations of equality and dependence;

d) different shades of meanings.

2. Find an example in which the preposition expresses the target relationship:

a) talked to his sister; d) came with the intention

b) spoke with resentment; marry;

c) arrived late d) studied with pleasure.

3. Mark an example where the preposition expresses causal relationships:

a) waited in the morning; d) closed last week;

b) put in a corner; d) went for a book.

c) did not come because of illness;

4. Choose an example in which a mistake was made in using the case form of a noun:

a) as directed; e) thanks to mom;

b) thanks to efforts; e) contrary to desire;

c) contrary to fate; g) contrary to advice;

d) contrary to common sense; h) according to the schedule.

5. Indicate the case with which prepositions are used"thanks to", "according to", "contrary", "against".

Named, born, dated, wine, creative, suggestion

6. Find and mark examples with derivative prepositions:

a) meet the day before; e) go along the linden;

b) live according to; e) despite the sides;

7. Indicate the row in which derivative prepositions are listed:

a) like, away, only;

b) due to, despite, without looking back;

c) in continuation, instead of, like;

d) after, in view of, until now.

8. In each of the columns, select a non-derivative preposition:

a) around d) around;

b) outside; e) before;

c) over (o); g) except;

d) by; . h) ahead.

9. Identify the sentences in which derivative prepositions are used.

a) It happens that when a tree falls, it splits along.

b) We hoped to meet this person.

c) A young man rushed towards her.

d) Contrary to common sense, we still went on an expedition.

e) The listeners left the concert, thanking the artists for their skill.

f) Thanks to the attention and care of others, he very soon got used to the new environment.

10. Choose prepositions that are written together:

a) (on) similarity; d) (c) mind;

b) (c) continued; e) (c) top;

c) (c) current; e) (c) kind.

11. Mark phrases in which there is a separate spelling of adverbs and prepositions:

a) (c) within a month;

b) (c) a consequence of rains;

c) (c) in the form of illness;

d) clean (up to) clean;

e) spoke (c) mockingly;

e) read (from) memory; g) (c) a continuation of two weeks.


TEST "Preposition" No. 1

359. How many prepositions are there in a poetic passage?

Flowed over the book of the Deep Blue nights of the Queen. And white birds flew to the princess from the dove tower(A. Blok).

1. One.

2. Two.

3. Three.

4. Four.

360. What part of a sentence is a preposition?

1. Circumstance.

2. Addition.

3. It is not an independent member of the sentence, but is included in their composition along with a significant word.

361. Determine the meanings that prepositions contribute to the transmission.

1. Because of the curtains, near the garden, under the spruce.

2. During the day, before dawn, in a minute.

3. He caught a cold from hypothermia due to rain.

4. Live for children, report for information, work for the good of others.

A. Causal meaning.

B. The meaning of the goal.

B. The meaning of space (place).

D. Temporal value.

362. Specify non-derivative prepositions.

1. In, on, over, from, under, with.

2. Thanks to, during, in spite of, according to.

363. What part of speech is the underlined word?

I walk along the path in the field along stacked gray logs(A. Akhmatova).

1. Along - an adverb that plays the role of a circumstance in a sentence.

2. Along - a preposition derived from an adverb, as it is used with a noun logs and lost its independence both syntactic and lexical.

364. Analyze the spelling of derivative prepositions.

1. (On) account, (in) place, (on) likeness.

2. (In) purposes, (in) reason, (in) continuation.

A. Continuous spelling. B. Separate spelling.

365. When formed from significant words, prepositions freeze in a certain form, different from the homonymous form of the original part of speech. Find prepositions with a final letter e, derivatives of nouns.

1. In the flow .. of the river, in the continuation., stories, concluded., Was not.

2. During .. hours, in continuation., days, in conclusion., speeches.

366. With what case forms are prepositions used?

1. The sun was going down(F. Sologub).

2. The father sits with his hands on his knees...(A. Peregudov).

3. Heart sank - and pounded from pain quickly and strongly(F. Sologub).

4. Mom is still at the hayfield, she will come soon ...(V. Belov).

5. With the cold, bird migrations have decreased(A. Yakovlev).

A. Genitive case. B. Dative case. B. Accusative case. D. Instrumental case. D. Prepositional case.

367. Which sentence has a preposition in used with a prepositional case?

1. And then we saw in the golden-woven clouds, in the jagged edges of the wild cleft, in the thick smoke such a picture...(P. Antokolsky).

2. A light frosty breeze blew in my face(F. Sologub).

3. Cheerful voices and laughter were heard in the living room.(F. Sologub).


359 - 3
360 - 3
361 - 1B, 2G, ZA, 4B
362- 1
363 - 2
364 - 1A, 2B
365 - 2
366 - 1B, 2V, ZA, 4D, 5G
367 - 1, 3


TEST "Service ch.r." #4

384. In what case is the prefix used neither-, if it is known that in pronouns and pronominal adverbs not- - shock element?

1. Before with him this n .. when it didn’t happen(V. Kataev).

2. About the king n .. what to say. The king is the king(V. Kataev).

385. Which of the following parts of speech are written with not always separate?

1. Noun.

2. The name is numeral.

3. Verb.

4. Union.

386. Expand the brackets, indicating chains of words with continuous spelling not.

1. (Not) benefit, (not) nasty, (not) sees, (not) yearning, (not) false.

2. (Not) true, but false opinion; (not) anxious, but calm.

3. (Not) seeing, (not) looking, (not) talking, (not) getting sick.

4. (Not) despite the snowfall, (not) despite the problems.

387. Determine the spelling neither or not.

Whoever he n .. was - alive(P. Antokolsky).

1. Neither.

2. Not.

388. Specify examples of separate spelling not with sacraments.

1. (Not) looking for benefits.

2. (Not) trembling, but even light.

3. (Un)discovered islands.

4. (Not) windows boarded up for the winter.


(D. Davydov).

1. My word - with index value.

2. Word let -

3. The word not is negation.


3. What a flavor! Where are you going!

A. Shade of pointing.

B. Interrogative.


1. (N. Leskov).

2. (E. Vodovozova).

3. He is not afraid of the sea(I. Bunin).

4. There is not a star (I. Bunin).

A. Negative particle. B. Amplifying particle.

392. What forms of the verb are formed with particles?

1. Her ill-fated words came to my mind again: "Let him die"(E. Vodovozova).

2. If only we could dance with them to the bagpipes and to the booming tambourine!(N. Konchalovskaya).

A. The form of the imperative mood.

B. The form of the subjunctive (conditional) mood.


384 - 1
385 - 2, 3, 4
386 - 1,4
387 - 1
388 - 1, 2,4

389 - 2, 3
390 - 1B, 2A, 3B
391 - 1B, 2B, ZA, 4A
392 - 1A, 2B

TEST "Service ch.r." #6

14. In what sentence not is a particle?

A. He (not) stepping back followed them.
B. You showed up (not) on time.
V. It was far (not) calm in the house.

17. Indicate phrases in which mistakes were made in the use of prepositions and cases of nouns:

a) discussed about work;
b) leave the factory;
c) pay for the fare;
d) feedback on the story;
e) to return from Moscow.


A. Everyone left, thanks hostess for the holiday.
B. The guys did not go to the forest
due to bad weather.
B. The earth rotates
around the sun.
G. Despite in the rain, we went camping.
ahead was the squad leader.

A) during .. holidays

and -1

B) in the course of .. days

and 2

B) in the continuation of the novel

e -3

D) in the course of .. hours

i- 4

A) contrary to expectations


B) according to the decision ..


B) to speak upon arrival ..


D) rest at the end


would written separately:

A. He was thinking about what (to) draw for him.
B. We did everything to make the holiday memorable.
B. To prevent the child from crying, they gave him a toy.

22. Indicate sentences in which the highlighted words are unions and are written together.

A. His young sons too) looked at themselves.
B. I thanked a friend
but) that he helped me.
B. It was cold
at (volume) and the clouds appeared.
D. He knew the time
because) how the sun moved.

would be a particle.

A. Whatever you do, you will remember me.
B. What could it be?
B. In order to perform the dance well, the guys rehearsed a lot.
D. Efforts were needed to reconcile them.

24. Where not, where not?

What n .. (1) say, but from n .. (2) n .. (3) it was n .. (4) hearing n .. (5) spirit.

Choose the correct answer:

a) not - 1, 2, 3; neither - 4, 5;
b) not - 2, 3; neither - 1, 4, 5;
c) not - 2, 3, 4, 5; neither - 1;
d) not - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

25. In what sentences not a particle?

26. What is that

  1. It was the same movie.
  2. Someone has come.
  3. It was tight, but cozy.
  4. Reveal the secret(s).

Choose the correct answer:

c) 1, 4 - partial, 2, 3 - suf;
d) 1, 3 - union, 2, 4 - frequent.

TEST "Service ch.r." #7

18. In which sentences are the highlighted words - prepositions?

A. Around it was quiet.
B. I passed
past schools.
B. They went out
towards friends.
G. Shel,
(not) looking under your feet.
D. Subsequently he read the novel.

19. What letter should be inserted?

during.. summer

in the course of a stream

during the lesson

20. What letter should be inserted?

21. Name the sentence in which is a particle.

A. I also wrote an essay.
B. I wrote the same essay as you.

22. Indicate the sentences in which the highlighted words - unions.

A. And so (same) the moon shone steadily.
To) should I do?
B. We are late,
but) watched a new movie.
G. We did everything
to) holiday is memorable.

23. Indicate in which sentences would be a particle.

A. In order to shorten the path, we went to the river.
B. Difficulties exist to overcome them.
Q. What should I tell my father?
G. Do it by all means.

24. Where not, where not?

What n..(1) say, he n..(2) could n..(3) know about it, but behaved like n..(4) in what n..(5) happened.Choose the correct answer:

a) in all cases - not ;
b) not - 2, 3, 5; neither – 1, 4;
c) in all cases -
neither .
d) not - 1, 3, 4, nor - 2, 5.

25. In what sentences not a particle?

A. For a minute he remained (im)movable.
B. The father (did not) have any office.
V. At the threshold stood a grandmother (not) noticed by anyone.
G. The drawing seemed to me very (not) careless.

26. Determine in which sentence that is a particle.

A. Something must happen.
B. Boats in the waves (then) will appear, (then) hide.
B. Hide behind (that) tree.
G. “And what a big (it) has grown!” Mom exclaimed.

25. In what sentences not a particle?

A. A (not) big bird looked into the (not) open windows.
B. He (not) (for) what was to come.
B. The dog howled and, (not) remembering himself, rushed across the road.
D. At the exam, it was necessary to translate the text (without) looking into the dictionary.

26. What is that in these sentences: pronoun, conjunction, particle or suffix?

  1. It was the same movie.
  2. Someone has come.
  3. It was tight, but cozy.
  4. Reveal the secret(s).

Choose the correct answer:

a) 1 - local, 2 - suf., 3 - union, 4 - partial;
b) 1, 2 - local, 3 - union, 4 - suf.;
c) 1, 4 - partial, 2, 3 - suf;
d) 1, 3 - union, 2, 4 - frequent.

Key to answers.

Test #6



































































Test #7



Union as a part of speech

Option 1

a) the same; d) and so;

b) so that; e) also;

c) what; e) the same.

a) also, while, since;

b) what if, not only ... but also;

c) then ... then, if, because.

3. Define and mark...

comparative conjunction:if, as if, bye, let;

target:for, in order to, because, as;

conditional:barely that, just only if.

4. Find matches:

a) however, butadversarial conjunctions

b) that ... that, not that ... not that, orconnecting unions

c) as ... so and, and, yes (= and)divisive unions

a) what, but, then ... then, in view;

b) times, as soon, in order to, so;

c) on the other hand, due to the fact that, in spite of, because of.

6. Parts of which sentence are connected by a subordinating conjunction?

a) The storm does not make out whose house it strikes.

b) Due to the fact that the weather has changed, it is necessary to reschedule the trip.

c) Where there is hardening, there is ingenuity.

d) Whoever is not afraid of the enemy, the bullet shuns him.

a) The polar bear wanders among the drifting ice1 _ how le-

volume _2 and in winter.___________

b) Participated in the cross-country _1 not only young men2 _ but also girls.

c) For that1 _ to be well versed in any technical

instrument _2 you need to know the basics of physics.___________

d) It was quiet and cloudy in the steppe1 _ despite2 _ that the sun has already risen.___________

d) We are late1 only because of2 that have been going for a long time.

e) He did everything1 _ as he was told._____

g) He couldn't come to the party1 _ So _2 how he caught a bad cold the day before. ___________

8. Words are written separately in sentences:

a) There were hills to the left of the road.

b) The forest is as good as it was three years ago.

c) The (same) word, but would not say so.

d) In order to see other hills, we had to walk further along the valley.

e) What would you wish us before leaving?

f) The decoration of other rooms was also not very comfortable.

g) Around everything was as (same) quiet as the day before.


Union as a part of speech

Option 2

1. In each column, indicate the union:

a) such; d) to;

b) so;

c) because;

d) because;

e) anything.

2. In each row, select a coordinating union:

a) let, or because;

b) however, while, if;

c) in order to, yes, times.

3. Define and mark...

causal union:as if, as if, due to the fact that, if;

temporal:to, bye, exactly how;

explanatory:how soon, what, as if, because.

4. Find matches:

a) either, or, then ... thenadversarial conjunctions

b) yes (=and), not only but also, also ...connecting unions

c) but, however, butdivisive unions

5. Indicate a row that lists only unions:

a) hardly, but, because, but;

b) although, if, let, times;

c) but, either, since, thanks to.

6. Parts of which sentence are connected by a coordinating union?

a) What is easily obtained is valued cheaply.

b) The boy never cried, but at times he was overcome with wild stubbornness.

c) The teacher praised the student for preparing well for the test.

d) It is necessary to leave early in order to reach the pass in time.

7. Write down the pass numbers where you need to put commas.

a) as far as1 _ how the day of our performance was approaching _2

our excitement3 intensified.___________

b) We left the house very late _1 as a result of which2 did not have time for the opening of the Olympics.___________

c) The squad stopped1 _ So _2 how there was a sheer cliff ahead.___________

d) Heard _1 then a whisper2 then a cautious rustle.___________

e) The fate of these unique animals cannot but excite _1

not only scientists2 _ but also all defenders3 _ and nature lovers. ___________

f) For that _1 to get to the lake2 _ it took a lot of time.___________

g) So _1 How did my brother not buy a ticket on time?2 _ he was unable to attend the match.___________ And if, and if to work
You are torn from the distances of incorporeal, -
Give me your hand, fellow carpenter!
I will bring you to the shipyard(P. Antokolsky).

1. One unionwhat if.

2. Two unions:what if.

3. More than two unions.

369. If a union is a function word that serves to link constructions, then indicate which constructions are connected.

1. The main and dependent word in the phrase.

2. Homogeneous members of the proposal.

3. Parts (simple sentences) as part of a complex sentence.

370. Name the type of union and determine what it connects.

1. Lev Pavlovich on the go, unbuttoning his fur coat, took out a ticket to present it to the platform controller(M. Kozakov).

2. Our bread is completely black and stale(P. Antokolsky).

3. Decayed leaves lay in a thick layer at the bottom of the lake, and snags floated in the water.(K. Paustovsky).

A. A coordinating union connecting homogeneous members. B. A coordinating union that connects parts of a compound sentence.

B. A subordinating union connecting parts of a complex sentence.

371. What category are the conjunctions?

1. Ah, but, but, however.

2. And, yes, also, also.

3. Or, either, then ... then.

A. Connecting. B. Dividing. B. Opposite.


1. Sometimes he felt like he was losing consciousness(V. Kataev).

2. He spoke Russian, although not quite correctly and with a foreign accent...(E. Vodovozova).

3. Verkhovskaya, when she was in a good mood, was kind, sweet, intelligent, even charming.(E. Vodovozova).

4. He plays the trembita loudly so that the lamb does not accidentally fall behind, so that the shepherds hear each other, calling for the echo of mountain distances.(N. Konchalovskaya).

A. Temporary. B. Causal. B. Target. D. Concessions. D. Explanatory.

373. What category are subordinating conjunctions?

1. The guns fell silent until the smoke cleared(A. Novikov-Priboy).

2. The color is due to the peat bottom of the lake - the older the peat, the darker the water(K. Paustovsky).

3. [Lady]...become angry if someone's face did not shine with pleasure...(I. Turgenev).

4. The whole next day, Gerasim did not show up, so instead of him the coachman Potap had to go for water.(I. Turgenev).

A. Comparative. B. Conditional.

B. Consequences. G. Causal.

D. Temporary.

374. Determine the type of union according to the structure.

1. Ah, and that, although, as, as if.

2. As if, since, because, until then.

A. Simple unions. B. Compound unions.are written together, they can be replaced by a synonym - the union c. Determine the spelling of homonyms by rearranging or dropping a particlesamefrom the pronounthenand adverbsso.

1. She is wearing the same dress as yesterday.

2. Same as many years ago...

3. Friends have also arrived.

4. The moon has disappeared. The stars have disappeared.

A. Consolidated spelling of the union.

B. Separate spelling of words with a particlesame.

377. Uniontowritten together, unlike a particlewouldwith the pronounwhat.In what example is it used?

1. In order not to catch a cold, you need to dress according to the weather.

2. Whatever happens, keep respect for the truth.

378. Expand the brackets, defining the continuous or separate spelling of the word.

1. That's why the pike in the sea, so that (would) the crucian does not doze off.

2. In order to teach others, you need to sharpen your mind.

3. In order to know a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.

A. Consolidated spelling of the union.

B. Separate spelling of a particlewouldand pronounswhat.

379. Indicate in the text a word that does not have its own meaning, but gives an additional shade to the meanings of other words or the whole sentence.

How meek and sweet is the radiant day...(K. Balmont).

1. First word.

2. Second word.

3. Third word.

4. The fourth word.

380. Indicate in the text a word that creates a special grammatical form, but lacks an independent grammatical meaning.

Let my life not be cut short with a saber blow!(D. Davydov).

1. Wordmy -with index value.

2. Wordlet -the formative meaning of the imperative mood.

3. Wordnot -negation.

381. What additional shades do the particles bring?

1. Really late? Didn't you know? Did you do it?

2. Here is my house. There is a mountain over there.

3. What a flavor! Where are you going!

A. Shade of pointing.

B. Interrogative.

B. Exclamatory: a shade of emotionality.

382. Determine by the additional shade introduced by the particles into the sentences, their category.

1. She asked to fulfill your desires, and only(N. Leskov).

2. Mother the next day went to her stepmother, who was waiting for her with special impatience.(E. Vodovozova).

3. He is not afraid of the sea(I. Bunin).

4. There is no star(I. Bunin).

Option 1

1. Find matches:

a) even, not, after all, after all, after all □ modal (restrictive) particles

b) what for, how □ modal (indicative) particles

c) let, let, let □ modal (exclamatory) particles

d) here, there □ shaping particles

e) only, only, exclusively □ modal (amplifying) particles

2. Specify interrogative particles:

a) exactly, exactly;

b) what for, how;

c) really, really;

d) hardly, hardly;

d) even.

a) After all, we have done this difficult job!

b) Perhaps he will be able to convince him of the wrongness of the chosen decision.

c) Even at night, birch-gems are bright.

d) Only the most necessary vegetables grew in the garden.

e) What do you need to do to go hiking with you?


a) I was not a little scared.

b) There is no cloud in the sky.

c) In the fog, no buildings, no gardens, no people were visible.

d) Whoever came in, everyone was greeted warmly.

e) What was there on the table!

f) There is not a single gap in the sky.

g) I have never been able to go to the mountains.

5. Determine the row in which"neither"usedin onefrom phrases:

a) could not __ say; how many years;

b) I don’t know anyone; nothing to look for;

c) there is no end, no edge; and_needed help;

d) I was convinced of this more than once; and __ took from whom.

6. Choose a sentence in which the particle "not" is used.

a) No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

b) The area explored so far has attracted wine


c) Nothing to boast about.

d) He was n_fish and _meat.

7. Which of the sentences uses an interjection?

a) It is a pity to part with them.

b) Let them judge for themselves.

c) What a charm these fairy tales are!

G) Chu! Whisper again.


a) Wow, how stuffy!

b) The risk, you know, is very high.

c) Sabbat, stop working.

d) All these hee-hee yes ha-ha got me rather tired.


Particle and interjection as parts of speech

Option 2

1. Find matches:

a) out, here are □ modal (limiting) particles

b) what for, how □ modal (indicative) particles

c) let's, let, yes □ modal (interrogative) particles

d) really, is it, is it □ modal (exclamatory) particles

d) just, just

exclusively □ shaping particles

2. Specify amplifying particles:

a) really, really;

b) hardly, hardly;

c) even, after all;

d) what for, how;

e) out, here.

3. Select sentences with particles.

a) Let's go now!

b) Let's sing a song.

c) Well, tell me quickly ...

d) The harvest of apples would be very good.

e) The article is very interesting.

4. Mark the sentences in which in all cases it is written"not>

a) N __ alone n __ came to me during an illness.

b) I couldn't help but laugh when I heard his story.

c) How much has he changed over the years.

d) I have visited these delightful places more than once.

e) Those who did not come were sorry.

f) H__ of what was he to blame.

g) He acted like nothing happened.

5. Determine the row in which"not"used in one of the phrases:

a) nothing to blame; nothing to be proud of;

b) not a little scared; nothing interesting;

c) saw each other more than once; n_light n_dawn woke up;

d) no one knew; didn't see anyone.

6. Choose the sentence in which the particle is used"neither".

a) The problem, unfortunately, was never solved.

b) As we were in a hurry to get to the train, we were still late.

c) Where have we not been this summer!

d) No one knew the person who entered the hall.

7. Which sentence uses an interjection?

a) I can't help you.

b) That's what I wanted to tell you.

c) “Ay” was heard in the distance.

d) It was already late.

8. Which sentence has no interjection?

b) Rewrite! Fast, well!

c) He, however, did not appear.

d) Wow! We are going on a hike.

Test on the topic "Preposition" Option-1

    What word is used with a preposition: 1) (in) went 2) (in) the yard

    What parts of speech are prepositions used with: 1) verbs, gerunds, adverbs 2) nouns, pronouns, numerals

    Which members of the sentence are prepositions: 1) circumstance 2) addition 3) are not members of the sentence

    Are prepositions a changeable part of speech: 1) change in numbers and gender 2) an invariable service part of speech

    Indicate what meaning is conveyed using the preposition in the forest, on the closet, behind the garden, by the garden 1) spatial 2) causal

    Indicate the combination of a noun with a preposition with a temporary meaning: 1) to arrive in a month 2) to get wet because of the rain 3) to appear from behind the house

    The preposition PO is used: 1) with D.V.p 2) with D, R.p

    Indicate which prepositions are derived: 1) from, behind, under, over, from, into, from 2) during, around, according to, in continuation

    What case do prepositions require thanks to, according to, contrary to, contrary to, towards: 1) D.p 2) R.p

    What role do prepositions play when used with indeclinable nouns: 1) indicate the case meaning 2) determine the gender of the noun

    At the end of derivative prepositions it is written: 1) and 2) e

    Indicate the sentence with a derivative preposition: 1) During .. last summer I traveled a lot 2) I had to drag the boat along the shore, because there were dangerous rapids in the course .. of the river.

    Indicate the continuous spelling in view of: 1) (B) due to the drought, the hopes for the harvest were poor 2) We (b) meant a new book, not an old one.

Test on the topic "Preposition" Option-2

    How many prepositions in the sentence: Golden pollen slowly settled, and ahead, through the trees, water glistened, and soon the path led to a large lake. 1) 2 2)3 3)1

    What word is used with a preposition: 1) (to) go 2) (to) the border

    Indicate a combination of a noun with a preposition with a target meaning: 1) to be in the forest 2) to go for bread 3) not to go because of the rain

    Which sentence contains the word around is a pretext: 1) A cloud covered everything around. 2) Moss was green around him.

    Which prepositions are compound: 1) due to 2) starting from 3) thanks to 4) due to

    In what combinations is the preposition used? on the : 1) work .. factory 2) work .. hospital 3) enter .. institute 4) enter .. faculty

    Indicate two correct options in the phrases: 1) warn about danger 2) warn against danger 3) warn against danger 4) warn about danger

    Indicate the derivative preposition that came from the noun: 1) around 2) by way 3) thanks

    In which row are non-derivative prepositions indicated: 1) contrary to, thanks to, in continuation 2) without, before, over, because of

    In which row are prepositions written together: 1) (c) conclusion, (c) continuation 2) (c) during, (on) count 3) (c) consequence, (on) likeness 4) (for) reason, (c) purposes

    In which sentence is the highlighted word a preposition: 1) We managed to quickly agree (about apartments. 2) He put money (about.

    What part of speech does the underlined word belong to? I wanted to get on a train and race past foreign copses. 1) noun 2) adverb 3) preposition 4) adjective

Test on the topic "Preposition" Option-3

    In which sentence is the underlined word a preposition: 1) He worked on an invention during three years 2) The field was unclear white around 3) ahead village lights flickered.

    Indicate the part of speech defined incorrectly: But, alas, nothing was visible through the dust 1) alas-interjection 2) nothing-pronoun 3) through-adverb

    In which word is only one spelling possible: 1) (in) the beginning 2) (in) the form 3) (in) the aftermath

    What ending should be written in the highlighted word: In the course of the stream, there have been slight changes. 1) and 2) e

    Indicate the combination in which the preposition is written in two words: 1) (c) a consequence of the disease 2) (c) as an exception

    Indicate the SS in which the preposition is written together: 1) (despite) despite the fatigue 2) (as) approaching

    Indicate the word at the end of which is written AND: 1) In the continuation .. of the whole season there was bad weather 2) In the continuation .. of the story, we learned about the future fate of the hero

    Indicate a preposition that is written in two words: 1) (c) connection 2) (c) mind

    Which sentence contains the word against is a pretext: 1) Several people in the class spoke out against it. 2) The boat was moving slowly against the current.

    Indicate the row with a preposition: 1) woke up (from) the striking of the clock; paid (for) the carriage of firewood 2) (From) the battle has not yet been; began (for) the transport of grain

    What offer above written separately: 1) (Above) the construction flag fluttered 2) He took up (above) the construction of the house

    Is the preposition a member of the sentence: 1) yes 2) no

    In what case should the noun be used? order in a sentence: According to the order.. I had to urgently leave. 1) in R.p 2) in D.p

Test on the topic "Union" Option-1

    Indicate the sentence in which the union is used: 1) The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest 2) Raindrops fell on the face

    What connects the union in the sentence: Prince Igor and Olga are sitting on a hill 1) homogeneous members 2) parts of a complex sentence

    Determine the type of union in the sentence: The dark thundercloud went far and took the storm with it 1) submissive 2) coordinative

    What is the meaning of the union used in the sentence: The wind howled deafly, then whistled impetuously. 1) connecting 2) separating 3) opposite

    What is the meaning of the subordinating union used in the sentence: In order for the water not to flood the fire, it was necessary to put more firewood in the fires 1) target 2) causal 3) temporary

    In which sentence is the union with a conditional meaning used: 1) If the spring is not too late, then the migratory bird begins to show up a little 2) To reach Magadan by ship, it is necessary to cut the Sea of ​​Okhotsk from south to north

    Which two of the following conjunctions are synonymous: because, since, as if, so, although? 1) because and as if 2) because and since 3) so that and although

    What offer (so spelled together 1) He spoke a lot (and) so loudly that everything was heard. 2) (And) so, it's all over, we part forever.

    Which sentence uses conjunction but 1) He hid (behind) that tree 2) He worked a lot, (for) he achieved his goal.

    In which sentence is also a union 1) Warm heavenly water for plants (the) same as love for people 2) There was little snow, snowstorms (the same).

Test on the topic "Union" Option-2

    Indicate the sentence in which there is a union 1) I got wet in the rain because I did not take an umbrella 2) We studied for an hour

    Determine the type of union in the sentence: Everyone began to look around timidly, as they heard an obscure noise 1) simple 2) compound

    Determine the type of union in the sentence: I wrote to you that we had a great weekend 1) coordinating 2) subordinating

    What is the meaning of the union used in the sentence: Small ruff, but prickly. 1) connecting 2) opposite 3) separating

    What is the meaning of the subordinating union used in the sentence: Nadya felt that she was superfluous here, and ran to the kitchen 1) causal 2) temporary 3) explanatory

    In which sentence is the union used with the meaning of the goal 1) And the heart beats in the old way, as it beat in distant days 2) In order not to get lost in the forest, you need to know the signs.

    In which sentence is the union used with the meaning of time 1) I would laugh heartily if I didn’t want to cry 2) He woke up when the sun was already high

    In which sentence (the same) is written together 1) We felt that the father did not want to talk, Galina (then) was silent 2) He repeated (the) same as we

    Indicate the correct spelling of (from) that in the sentence: (From) that building you need to turn left and go along the highway 1) together 2) separately

    What offer to) is written together 1) I wanted to guess what my parents would advise in such a situation 2) You need to read a lot in order to be educated

    Which sentences contain commas correctly: 1) Flocks of birds flew over the train and disappeared in the distance 2) When we are unhappy, we feel the misfortune of others more 3) The east was already beginning to turn pale when I fell asleep 4) The first lark rose to meet the sun and poured on the ground his golden song

Test on the topic "Union" Option-3

1. Determine the type of union in the sentence: The night was already falling on the mountains, and the fog began to wander through the gorges 1) coordinating 2) subordinating

2. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted word: We felt that my father did not want to talk, and Inna too was silent 1) also-always written together 2) also-here is a compositional union, therefore it is written together

3. Explain the correct spelling (for) that in the sentence: (Along) that bank of the river a loaded car was moving slowly 1) therefore - always written together 2) for that - always written separately 3) for that - here is a preposition on with pronoun to that so it is written separately.

4. In which sentence is the conjunction 1) What else interesting to come up with for the quiz? 2) In order to eat a fish, you need to climb into the water

5. In what example is one spelling possible: 1) (in) far 2) already (whether) 3) (from) that

6. Specify the number of the proposal with the union too: 1) She told almost the same (same) as her niece 2) The condition of the patient is the same (same) as yesterday 3) My companions also (same) examined the shore.

7. Specify a sentence with a union also: 1) It was as (same) dark in the front as it was on the stairs 2) Sheep are bred in the south of the country, as well as (same) orchards

8. Indicate a sentence with a continuous spelling of the highlighted word: 1) The furniture is rough, but ) strong 2) Grab but ) to which you have a soul.

9. Specify a sentence with continuous spelling besides: 1) The work is done, with (that) quite accurately 2) There is a magnificent garden at (that) house.

10. What role does the union play in the sentence: If the grandfather left home, the grandmother arranged the most interesting meetings in the kitchen. 1) connects homogeneous members 2) connects parts of a complex sentence.

Test on the topic "Particles" Option No. 1

1. In which sentence are particles used: 1) Where are they going, to the city or what? 2) The fog drove away the morning breeze.

2. What is the meaning of the particle used in the sentence: Somewhere from some house smoke came out of someone's chimney, or there was nothing, but it all seemed to us.

1) negative 2) shaping 3) modal

3. In what sentence is the formative particle used? 1) If it weren’t for the black grouse and partridge, I would completely get to know them. 2) There are no different roads for water, all paths sooner or later will lead it to the ocean.

4. In what sentence is a negative particle used: 1) The rain that had stopped suddenly began to pour again. 2) In those days, the horizon was clear, no haze clouded the distance.

5. In what sentence is the particle BY? 1) To know a lot, you need to work hard and hard 2) There is nothing in the world that could cover the Dnieper.

6. What particle should be written with a hyphen?

1) It's time (to) have a rest. 2) “Listen (ka), Khor,” I told him, “why don’t you pay off your master?”

7. In which sentence is the particle TAKI written with a hyphen? 1) But the novel is still (still) good!

2) Peter did not come.

8. What form of the verb is formed with a particle? Let the wind blow through us, Let the snow salt, - Fly faster skis, Stronger run!

1) imperative mood 2) conditional mood

9. In what sentence should the particle NOT be written? 1) Vasilisa did not stop talking for a minute. 2) We wander along those paths where the grass is mowed.

10. In which sentence is NOT written separately with a noun?

1) (Not) nastya lasted all autumn 2) (Not) a plowman, (not) a carpenter, (not) a blacksmith, but the first worker in the village.

11. Explain the separate spelling of the particle NOT: He was far from beautiful. 1) the presence is far from 2) the formation of a new word

12. In which sentence is NOT written separately? 1) Dawn is born in (un)ordinary silence

2) This song is (not) funny, but very sad.

13. In which sentence is NOT written separately with short adjectives? 1) The moon is (not) dull, (not) pale, (not) thoughtful, like ours, but pure, transparent, like crystal. 2) The river is (not) deep, but fast

14. In which sentence should DESPITE TO be written separately from NOT? 1) The son kissed his mother and, (not) looking at her, without turning around, left the room. 2) Having finished our work, we lay down right there, by the fire, and I, (not) looking at the unbearable mosquitoes, soon fell asleep soundly.

15. Explain why NOT is written separately with adjectives: not a cat breed, not a hunting rifle 1) not with possessive adjectives 2) not with adjectives in full form.

16. What particle should be written in the sentence: I could not smile several times while reading the letter of the kind old man. 1) not 2) neither 3) not nor 4) neither, not

17. Explain the spelling of the NI particle in the sentence: No matter how hot it was, no matter how frost cracked, work did not stop for a minute.

1) the particle is equal in value to the union and. 2) particle neither in the meaning of negation

18. Explain the spelling of the particle NOT in the sentence: What thoughts do not come to mind!

1) turnover ONLY NOT in independent exclamatory sentences 2) negative meaning of the whole sentence

19. Write down the correct combination in the sentence: All these days I have never deviated from my system 1) not once 2) not once

20. Write down the correct stable turnover in the sentence: In the forest, as n .. in what n .. it happened, spring life continued. 1) as if nothing had happened 2) as if nothing had happened.

Test on the topic "Particles" Option number 2

1. In what sentence is the particle used? 1) Do you mess with an elephant? 2) Light gray hair has already broken through

2. What particle serves to form the imperative mood? 1) would 2) come on 3) whether

3. What particle is used in the sentence in terms of meaning: Is it possible to offend the weak?

1) negative 2) modal 3) shaping

4. In which sentence is a formative particle used? 1) I would go to the pilots, let them teach me 2) I can’t answer this question 3) Did I really dream all this?

5. In which sentence is the particle WOULD used? 1) Whatever he offered, people did not believe him

2) In order to eat a fish, you need to climb into the water.

6. What particles are written with a hyphen? 1) so (same) 2) what (would) 3) let (s) 4) all (still)

7. In which sentence is TO written separately? 1) Someone called me 2) That (whether) an edible mushroom, then (whether) not

8. In which row are all words written with a hyphen? 1) some (something), (in) for, where (or) 2) (in) spring

as (as if), from (something) 3) I will go (ka), somewhere (somewhere), (in) fifth 4) that (would), for (that), because (because)

9. Which sentence uses the particle NI? 1) Wherever I go, I like it everywhere 2) I don’t.. when to do it 3) I don’t.. I will listen

10. Which sentence uses the particle NOT? 1) There is no n.. ice cream, n.. chocolate in the store

2) I will do it no matter what.. 3) I want to know well not only history, but also the Russian language.

11. What is the meaning of the particle NOT in the sentence: I will not promise you anything.

1) amplifying 2) negative

12. In what sentences is it written together with the verb: 1) You (did not) add salt to this soup 2) There wasn’t a single mushroom in the forest. 3) He was very (not) happy about this.

13. In which phrase Not with gerunds is it spelled together? 1) not..reading books 2) not...wondering about 3) not..watching a movie 4) not..learning anything

14. In place of which numbers is NI written: Due to illness, he (1) could (2) drink, (3) eat, (4) sleep.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 2.3,4 3) 1

15. In place of which numbers is NOT written: I (1) could (2) how many times (3) smile, although (4) understood (5) the words from this strange letter. 1) 1,2,3,4,5 2) 1,2,3,4 3) 1,2,4

16. In which row in all examples is NOT written separately?

1) The birds are driven south by (not) the coming cold, but the lack of food. The heat was (un)bearable

2) I (have) no one to ask for help. Yegor was known as an (un)tiring worker

3) The lamps were still (not) lit. We silently wander where the grass is (not) cut.

4) The room was (not) lit. He responded with a casual nod of his head.

17. In which sentence is Not written separately with an adjective? 1) It was (not) inclement weather

2) A (un)familiar person approached me 3) This film is (not) interesting at all 4) The letter is written in (un)accurate handwriting.

18. In which phrases is NOT written with participles separately? 1) not ... a solved problem

2) not..preparing homework 3) house not.. built 4) not..mowed field

19. What parts of speech are official? 1) noun 2) verb 3) preposition 4) union

20. In which row are all the words written separately?

1) something (or), so (same), (in) the third 2) bring (ka), (something) where, somewhere (something) 3) something (something), something (with) someone, somewhere ) side (o) side, something (at) someone, if (would)

Test on the topic "Particles" Option No. 3

1. In what sentence are particles used? 1) Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but tells 2) Bunches of dried herbs and kitchen utensils hung on the walls.

2. What is the meaning of the particle used in the sentence: And now it snowed silently, filling up all the bumps on the ground. 1) interrogative 2) exclamatory 3) indicative

3. In what sentence is the particle written with a hyphen? 1) It flies high, but sits somewhere. 2) The boy is stubborn, he (still) achieved his goal

4. Indicate the word that is spelled with NOT: What n .. say (1), but we had a great rest in the summer: n .. it was necessary (2) it was n .. hurry (3), n .. fuss (4), n ..nervous(5).

5. In what sentence is the particle BY? 1) Nothing stuck with him, no matter what he did. 2) The mother pressed her lips tightly so that they would not tremble.

6. In what sentence is the formative particle used? 1) Memory revives even the stones of the past 2) If such a storm were to come again, he would again go towards it.

7. In which sentence is a restrictive particle used?

1) According to him, the patients trusted only him, the paramedic. 2) It is unlikely that I will ever come here again.

8. In which row are non-derivative particles listed? 1) a, and, well, even, not, neither, out, here 2) almost, only, this, everything, just like

9. In which sentence is the particle WHERE used? 1) How can he cope with such a difficult task! 2) The place where the hut stood is surrounded on all sides by forest.

10. The particle TAKI is written: 1) always separately 2) always with a hyphen 3) separately and with a hyphen

11. What is the meaning of the particle NI in the sentence: There was not the slightest opportunity to cross over to the other side 1) amplifying 2) negative

12. In which word NI is a prefix: (None) where (1) a light did not flicker, (not) a sound was heard (2)

13. Explain the spelling of NOT in the sentence: (Not) despite the fact that the wind rushed freely over the sea, the clouds remained in place.

1) despite - a preposition, it is written with NOT together 2) despite - a gerund with Not written separately

14. Write correctly the words with NOT: The boy was making something out of shells, almost (not) moving (1) and (not) noticing anything (2) around.

1) 1- separate 2) 2- merged 3) 1 and 2 - separate

15. Explain the spelling of NOT: not one, not five, not twenty 1) not written with numerals separately 2) there is a contrast

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with the verb? 1) There is (not) enough money at the cash desk 2) Nowhere (did not) flicker a light, (did not) hear any sound.

17. In which sentence is NOT written separately? 1) Travelers ended up on an (un)inhabited island 2) This river is never (not) calm.

18. Indicate the phrase with separate spelling NOT: 1) (not) despite the rain 2) (not) despite the faces.

19. Indicate the phrase with continuous spelling NOT: 1) completely (not) finished manuscript

2) a completely (not) prepared for typesetting manuscript

20. Indicate the row in which words with NOT are always written separately:

1) (not) should, (not) ready, (not) intend, (not) glad, (not) obliged 2) (not) big, (not) healthy, (not) boring, (not) expensive

Test on the topic "Spelling of roots" Option number 1

1. Indicate the row in which A is written in all roots: 1) invite.

2) exercise.

2. Indicate the words with the root -VI-: 1) The child is developing well 2) The flag over the house is developing.

3. Indicate the row in which I is written in all roots: 1) dist.

2) grow..ret, bl..stet, die..ret, zap..ret.

4. Indicate the row in which A (I) _IM (IN) alternate in the roots:

1) know, remove, understand 2) compress, start, accept

5. Indicate the row in which alternation A / O is noted in all roots:

1) believe, touch, dip, tan, dawn 2) shake, creation, charm, statue

6. Indicate the root, the spelling of which depends on the meaning: 1) dip (bread in milk) 2) swimmer

3) sunbathe

7. Indicate the root, the spelling of which is determined by the exception: 1) age 2) plant 3) industry

8. Indicate the root in which A is written: 1) st.


9. Indicate the word, the root of which is written O: 1) pl..vets 2) pl..vun 3) pl..vuchy

10. Indicate the word, the spelling of which is determined by the exception: 1) comp.

11. Indicate words with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) verbal ..ny 2) circle ..chik 3) wonderful ..ny

12. Indicate the word whose spelling should be remembered: 1) in..hall 2) ser..tse 3) month..ny

13. Indicate the word in which T is written: 1) svers..nickname 2) peers..nickname

14. Indicate the word in which LJ is written: 1) 2) 3)

15. Indicate the word in the root of which E is written: 1) strongly honor .. 2) treat .. to guests.

Test on the topic "Spelling of roots" Option number 2

1. In what row is A written in all words? 1) f..nar, corner..sat, from..tank

3) control ..shut, r..sten, zag..r 4) ref..ssl, to..sat, s..rya

2. Indicate the word with the root - sed-: 1) pos..del from old age 2) pos..del on the couch

3. In what row is E written in all words? 1) try .. fight, freeze .. remove, avoid .. 2) send .. fight, op.. walkie-talkie, freeze 3) distance .. pour,, bl ..stet 4) consecration,, p..sat

4. In which row with alternating vowels in the root?

1) enjoyment, enrichment, dissatisfaction 2) collect, exposition, lake.

5. In which row is a consonant missing in all words? 1) holiday..nick, dangerous..ny 2) surroundings..ness, super..nick 3) peers..nick, pianist..ka 4) terrible..ny, furious..ny

6. In which row is SS written in all words? 1), 2) class..sny, de..sant 3) cross..word, 4) profession..siya, neighborhood..tness

7. What words spell LL? 1) a..leya 2) be..lorusian 3) ko..lega 4) ha..lerey

8. In what words is the root poppy written? 1) exchange..knout a pen 2) prom..cli in the rain 3) m..roll a pancake

4) industrial paper

9. In what roots is the root-equal-written? 1) average..attention 2) level..attention 3) sub..attention 4) charge..attention

10. What word is the exception? 1) plant 2) usurer 3) tan 4) dawn

11. In which row in all words after hissing is written O?

1) well..key, well..lud 2) sh..pot, sh..mouths 3), sh..roh 4) black..rny, kryzh..vnik

12. Indicate a word with an unpronounceable consonant: 1) be silent .. be silent 2) terrible .. 3) dangerous ..

13. Indicate the word whose spelling is checked by stress: 1) d..line 2) sk..kat 3) za..roar

14. Indicate the row in which the alternation of A \ O is noted in all roots:

1) have, touch, plant, burn out, illumined 2) reap, creation, charm, dawn

15. Indicate the word with the root - skrep-: 1) Slightly audible creaking .. the gate sang 2) Skr .. drink sheets of paper.

Option 2 Part A A1. Which sentence does not have a particle?
    But is this consistent with the rules of a reasonable upbringing and with the dignity of a just, albeit strict, uncle? How my heart sank at the sight of these boxes! But Jim, instead of obeying, lay down on the couch, put both hands under his head and smiled. Let my fate be bitter - I will be faithful to it!
    Karl Ivanovich was out of sorts; it was noticeable (BY) WHEN he threw his frock coat into the chest of drawers. (B) CONTINUED Oksana stood at the mirror for a long time and thought about the blacksmith's words. Yes, even though you are my father, but how you laugh, (BY HER) GOD, I will beat you. He (Andriy) was SO (SAME) seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it, his soul was also accessible to other feelings.
AZ. In which example is the letter I written at the place of the gap?
    worry during ... days in the course of ... a day where did he just n ... call! due to ... heavy rain
    (Not) remembering himself from fear, the dog rushed to the edge of the village and hid in the depths of the garden.

    But the light of the sun (not) penetrated there, into the depths...

    He sat (not) moving.

    There were (not) more than five hundred pounds before the plane, and they were going straight for it.

A5.Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?

    As soon as Della saw her, she knew that the chain must belong to Jim.

    The nose of the plane lifted up and they lost speed.

    His eyes rested on Della with an expression she couldn't understand, and she became frightened.

    Then she suddenly jumped up like a scalded kitten and exclaimed: “Oh, my God!”

A6.Which example does not contain a grammatical error?

    against fate 3) upon arrival home

    ask for a friend4) about two hundred days

Part B

    Turgenev's essays were enthusiastically received by the public,

but in government circles, the "Notes of a Hunter" caused sharp condemnation.

2) A special investigation was carried out as to how the censorship could have missed such a publication.

3) For many years Turgenev lives away from Russia.

4) But, despite a long stay abroad, he did not write a single, even a small work in any other language, but wrote only in his native language.

IN 1. From sentences 3, 4 write out all the prepositions.

IN 2. From the offer4 write down all the particles, indicate their value

VZ. From sentences 1, 2 write out all unions.

AT 4. From the offer4 write out the union (unions), characterize it (them).

Surname ____________________ Date ________________________


Part A"Service Parts of Speech"

A1. Which sentence has no particles?

    And you, princess, should you go like this? Get back home.

    We, Madam, all want Prince Peter, let him be autocrat over us.

    Only you can I trust this secret.

    The mighty Oleg is coming from the yard, Igor and old guests are with him.

A2. In which example is the underlined word spelled together?

    She (mother) said that (NOT) LOOKING AFTER whether or not Natalya Savishna continues to serve in the house, she will always receive a pension of three hundred rubles.

    He (father) won (IN) THE CONTINUATION of his life several million.

    SO (SAME) as in the caves of Kyiv, there were visible depressions in the walls.

    “Here, if only SUCH (THAT) fish and on Podyachskaya!” thought the general.

AZ. In which example is the letter E written in place of the gap?

    upon returning ... home

    to avoid... conflict

    after the expiration of ... term

    around n ... rustle

A4. Which sentence is NOT spelled together?

    Andrii, himself (not) knowing why, felt some stuffiness in his heart.

    Denis shifts from foot to foot, but sees (not) cloth in front of him, but the sun.

    The door opened, and a figure appeared in it, completely (un)familiar to me.

    And I'm here to tell you nothing (un)remarkable story of two people.

A5. Which sentence is punctuated incorrectly?

    Your consciousness began to manifest itself, and you began to play the role of a dying person.

    They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because in his eyes a lot of strength and living fire shone.

3) The generals went to bed again, but they could not sleep on an empty stomach.

4) Uh, but what to talk about the owners, about the peasants who have been fed from the horse all their lives.

A6. Which example does not contain a grammatical error?

    came from Moscow 3) pay for purchases

    with sixty rubles 4) make sure you are right

Part B

Read the text and do tasks B1 -B4.

    LN Tolstoy was not only a great writer, but also a talented teacher.

2) Subsequently, he opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana and wrote many short stories for them.

3) Throughout his life, Tolstoy studied the works of oral folk art.

4) The writer was sure that "everything simple and accessible will be read as long as there is a Russian language."

5) Tolstoy made sure that even his short stories would not contain anything superfluous.

IN 1. Write the number of the sentence in which there is a derivative preposition, write it out.

IN 2. From sentence 1, write out a coordinating compound union.

VZ. From sentence 5, write out all the particles, indicate their meaning.

AT 4. From sentence 4, write out the subordinating union(s).


A) Thanks to the care of his friends, he quickly got stronger

C) Despite the heavy workload, the line worked smoothly

C) During the winter, the mother was very ill

D) Some girl was standing in front of me

2. The preposition is written together

A) (c) for security purposes

B) (from) the side of friends

C) (c) a friend's place

D) (due to) failure

3. Particlewould is in the offer

A) The old woman went to the store to do some shopping.

B) Tell me what (would) you advise

C) I want you to advise me what to do

D) Check the solution to make sure the answer is correct

4. Subordinating union of investigative significance

A) only just

C) like

D) so

5. Continuous spelling of a preposition

A) (c) during the day

B) (c) a consequence of departure

C) (because of) them

D) (c) continuation of the story

6. The highlighted word is a derivative preposition

A) (Instead of, which we determined in advance, the guys came

b) (not) looking tired, we continued on our way

C) Money received (on) account Peace Foundation

D) Athletes were in a hurry (for) a meeting with the team

7. Specify a sentence with shaping particles.

A) Long live the sun, let the darkness hide

B) Already the moon was shining above and only one cloud crept behind it

C) How beautiful is the wonderful smell of Jasmine flowers

D) Here is my village, here is my home

8. Specify a sentence with a subordinating conjunction

A) The door creaked and someone walked down the corridor

C) Science saves young generations from ignorance, and art saves vulgarity and rudeness

C) The sun is shining, then it is raining

D) Lermontov is deeply convinced that secular society is to blame for the death of the great poet.

9. Service parts of speech:

A) Name actions

B) Express relationships between words

C) Name the qualities of objects

D) Name the signs of objects

10. Indicate a sentence that does not have a preposition.

A) There was an unusual silence in the forest.

B) Suddenly, a sonorous crunch of dry branches is heard underfoot. C) The forest is enchanted by the last serene days.

D) Autumn leaves with a quiet rustle fall to the ground


12. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) why (same) B) bud (then) C) such (then) D) what (well)

13. What categories are the coordinating unions divided into?

A) Connecting and subordinating

B) Connecting, adversative, dividing

C) Connective, comparative, adversative

D) Connecting, explanatory, concessive


A) The machine has stopped due to a breakdown.

B) The dictation is written without errors.

C) Mom went to the store for gifts.

D) The students wrote down a new topic in their notebooks.

15. How many service parts of speech in a sentence:When Anya was escorted home, it was already dawn and the cooks were going to the market.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

16. What a delight these stories are! In a sentence, the particle has the meaning:

A) amplification

B) doubt

C) exclamations

D) instructions

17. In the phrase there is a particle NOT:

A) (Not) a big, but a valuable package

B) (Un)beautiful, but somewhat attractive face

C) (Not) distant, but close village

D) (Not) deep, but a fish rivulet

18. Indicate the option in which the word c is not spelled together.

A) Come ... on time, and later.

B) ...careless work.

C) what...give way.

D) ... able to break away

19. NOT spelled together:

A) (not) feel

B) (Not) yearn

20.Sentence with hyphenated particles:

A) Oh, the summer is red, I would love you ...

C) If (b) it is not frost, then oats (would) have grown to the sky.

C) Do not ask the guest if he wants you to slaughter a chicken for him.,

D) Somewhere (something) creaked then rustled, and suddenly everything was silent.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option2

1. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from an adverb.

A) Due to some delay in the way the horses fell behind.

b) In continuation I managed to do two kilometers in an hour.

C) The bullet whizzed by past Gladkov's ear.

D) Thanks to mass of new impressions, the day for Kashtanka passed unnoticed.

A) Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

B) No matter how difficult, no matter how bad, do not give up, look ahead!

C) Why are you silent, friend?

D) Bold start - the same victory.

3. The preposition is written together

A) He left a note (in) a place agreed upon in advance.

B) The hunters followed the trail(s).

C) (B) The preparations for the concert continued for a month.

D) (B) The bridge collapsed as a result of the flood of the river.

4. Particlewould is in the offer

A) In order not to get lost, I returned to the path.

B) Think well so as not to make a mistake.

C) Whatever you say about it, I will not change my mind.

D) Katya threw in firewood so that the stove would not cool down by morning.

5. Point out the sentence that does not contain a preposition.

A) Full of thought, I once walked along a high road.

B) I cherish the ring given by you.

C) Feet sank deep into the snow.

D) There was a bright light in the windows.

6. Indicate the option in which the word c is not spelled together.

A) Kasim (not) knew how to swim.

B) Taras Bulba (not) could (not) stop.

C) The student read the poem (not) loudly, but quietly.

D) (Dis)satisfaction with oneself is a (necessary) condition for rational life.

A) A wise man knows and still asks, but an ignoramus does not know and does not ask.

B) I would have galloped after you on a horse (same).

C) If there was a hunt, any work would work out.

D) He walked (not) in a hurry.

8. Determine how many service parts of speech are in the sentence:May someday children read my name in a textbook.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D)4

9. Which word is NOT spelled together?

A) (Do not) cease C) (Do not) cry

B) (Not) thinking D) (Not) falling

10. The highlighted word is a derivative preposition

A) Black algae crunch under feet.

B) we need to talk about apartments.

c) In continuation novels are the same characters.

D) Olya was late to a meeting.

11. Indicate the preposition used with a noun in the genitive case:

A) Thanks to the advice… B) Contrary to the forecast…

C) Due to illness ... D) According to the order ...

12. Specify a line with coordinating unions:

A) How, a, and, if,

B) because, although, but, what

C) What, but, because, whether

D) neither ... nor, but, too, yes

13. Separate writing SAME

A) A lot of mackerels got tangled in the net, so (same) one burbot got caught.

B) It rained the same yesterday.

C) I also read the book.

D) Living and learning are one and the same.

14. Indicate the categories of unions in the sentence:I thought that masterpieces exist not only in art, but also in nature. .

A) Subordinating (explanatory), coordinating (adversative)

B) Subordinating (conditional), coordinating (adversative)

C) Coordinating (connective), subordinating (conditional)

D) Subordinating (explanatory), coordinating (connecting)

15. Determine particle discharge EVEN:

A) shaping B) index

C) amplifying D) negative

16.Choose the correct option:

A) The particle is not a member of the sentence.

B) The particle is the nominal part of the compound predicate.

C) The particle is the subject.

D) A particle is a circumstance.

17. Indicate the sentence in which there is a particle:

A) Suddenly, cutting through the darkness, a rocket soared into the sky.

B) Full of thought, I once walked along a high road.

C) Have you seen a stranger in blue snows?

D) Sad thoughts immediately flew away.

18. How many official parts of speech?

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

19. Indicate a derivative preposition with a missing letter AND

A) At the end of ... B) As a result of ...

C) Like... D) In ​​conclusion...

20. Prepositions expressing spatial relationships:

A) For, before, during, about

B) In, around, around, on

C) Thanks to, due to, in view of, by

D) For, for the sake of, through, with

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option3

1. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition that is formed from a noun:

A) According to the instructions, a break every 2 hours.

B) After a long twilight, night has come.

C) A lot of young people came to the meeting with the artists.

D) Instead of college, he entered the lyceum.

2. Indicate a sentence with a non-derivative preposition:

A) Despite the difficulties, we completed the task.

b) Everyone started to work together.

C) The boy called after his friend.

D) For many years of his life he wandered alone.

3. The preposition is written together

A) Some kind of bird, (in) the genus of a heron, flashed in the distance.

B) Students gathered (for) a meeting with a war veteran.

C) (B) It rained for an hour.

D) From (because of) the scattered clouds, the sun splashed.

4. Find a sentence with a derivative preposition:

A) The Volga was visible from the window.

B) The slacker works carelessly.

C) The girl walked through the puddles, not looking at her feet.

D) After some time, the whistle of the steamer rang out.

5. Determine how many service parts of speech are in the sentence:The bear grumbled a little, then shook himself and climbed up the cliff towards the huge pines and firs.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

6. Indicate the preposition used with a noun in the dative case:

A) Despite the obstacles...

B) Due to snowfall…

C) Like roofs...

D) Towards the sun ...

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) I walk along the path, (not) turning anywhere.

B) Let's do homework!

C) You (would) think carefully about my proposal!

D) How nice it is in the countryside in summer!


A) ... slave, ... friendship does not need a master.

B) Hunters? No… hunters. Anglers? No, ... anglers.

C) … knowing the ford, … poke your head into the water.

D) ... judge a person if you do not know him.

9. The preposition expresses object relations:

A) Applicants crowded around the consultant.

B) Assol dreamed of scarlet sails.

C) Due to the drought, the harvest is again low.

D) Sasha arrived a week later.

10 . Choose the correct statement:

A) Union is an independent part of speech that indicates the subject.

B) Union is an auxiliary part of speech, which forms the mood forms of the verb.

C) Union - a special part of speech expressing feelings

D) Union - a service part of speech that connects homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

11. Unionsare divided into:

A) derivatives and non-derivatives

B) coordinating and subordinating

C) simple and complex

D) major and minor

12. Whatis a particle?

A) This is a service part of speech, which introduces various shades of meaning into the sentence and forms the mood forms of the verb.

B) This is a service part of speech that connects homogeneous members

C) This is a service part of speech that expresses the relationship between words, the dependence of some words on others

D) This is a special part of speech that expresses various feelings.

13. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from an adverb.

A) At the end of the speech, several questions were asked.

B) During the concert, the hall burst into applause every now and then.

C) There was a tree growing opposite the window.

D) Due to the rains, the road was washed out.

14.Offerwith an opposite conjunction:

A) The spool is small, but expensive.

B) Lightning flashed and thunder roared.

C) Where there is truth, there is happiness.

D) Better late than never.

15. One piecespelling BY:

A) I (would) become a pilot, let them teach me.

B) Whatever you say, I agree.

C) In order not to get lost, I returned to the path.

D) No matter how cold it is, spring is already felt.

16. . Specify a sentence with a shaping particle.

A) He's just stupid.

B) Even dreams echo green before me.

C) In the village, everyone has already moved to the yurts.

D) May there always be sunshine!

17. Particle HOW is in the offer

A) In the silence, one could hear a fly ringing in a web.

B) Tourists thought for a long time how to get to the slope.

C) I know exactly how to succeed.

D) How delightful evenings are in Russia!

18. Particle, expressing doubt:

A) Let the sun shine and the birds sing!

B) It is unlikely that the snow will melt before April.

C) Only the leaves rustle and the branch crunches underfoot.

D) What a charm these fairy tales are!

19.Specify, Which phrase contains a derivative preposition:

A) To linger (in) as a result of ... an unprecedented blizzard

B) See (in) the continuation of ... the film

C) (To) meet an actor

D) Yearn for (for) the native side

20. The letter I is missing:

A) Due to ... a downpour, the trip was canceled.

B) At the end of ... school I will go to college.

C) In the continuation of ... months there were frosts.

D) During ... the year, classes were held on the parade ground.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option4

A) Frost walks around the house.

B) Due to heavy rains, the sowing campaign was stopped.

C) Only a year later, the construction of the station resumed.

D) Opposite our school there is a dense park.

2. Specify a sentence with shaping particles.

A) Boris never argued over trifles.

B) Tell me how my brothers and sisters live.

C) The hat was not big, but small.

D) Is there such a force that will make us turn off the path?

3. The preposition is spelled

A) (B) The inside of the box was empty.

B) (B) bushes are planted in order to strengthen the soil.

C) (B) Efficiency improved due to new services.

D) (For) the reason of a good mood, I want to sing.

4. Particlewould is in the offer

A) You need to study well in order to become a real specialist.

B) The guys rehearsed for a long time so that the matinee would be a success.

C) Mom asked me what else I would like to see.

D) How much you need to know in order to benefit people!

5. Separate spelling SAME:

A) I peacefully enjoyed my work, success, as well as the work and success of friends.

B) The strange old man spoke very drawlingly, the sound of his voice also amazed me.

C) Aset spoke in a whisper, the grandfather lowered his voice.

D) My friend got the (same) task as me.

6. Indicate the correct spelling of NE.NOR in the sentence:How (n...) I tried to drive away the memory of the (n...) acquaintance, it kept coming back.

A) Not (separately), not (mergedly)

B) Not (joint), not (separate)

C) Neither (separately) nor (mergedly)

D) Neither (separately), not (mergedly)

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) somewhere B) How

C) (not) really D) Come on (those)

8. Specify a sentence with the union TO::

B) To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water.

C) We had to wait for the horses at all costs.

D) No matter what they say, I will do the job.

9. Determine the rank of the particle:Check out my report!

A) Modal (reinforcement) B) Formative

C) Modal (softening) D) Modal (question)

10. What is a union?

A) This is an independent part of speech, which denotes a sign of an object.

B) This is a service part of speech that connects homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

C) This is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of words

D) This is an independent part of speech that indicates objects, features and quantity

11. Define a line with subordinating conjunctions:

A) When, though, whether B) A, but, yes

C) And, but, or D) Either, then ... that, not that ... not that

12. In what preposition should I insert AND:

A) Due to... B) Like...

C) During… D) At the end of…

13. How many official parts of speech?

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

14. What particles are written with a hyphen?

A) the same, then, ka, or B) the same, whether, well, or

C) perhaps, really, even, maybe D) not, nor, would, let

15. Indicate the preposition used with a noun in the dative case:

A) As directed...

B) regardless of the distance ...

C) At the end of the report…

D) Like a rectangle...

16. Sentence with an opposite union:

A) All around, wherever you look, the luxury of southern nature.

B) The dark cloud has gone far and taken the storm with it.

C) The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest.

D) The wind howled deafly, then whistled impetuously.

17. The preposition is written with a hyphen:

A) Having agreed (on) the account of tomorrow, they said goodbye.

B) (B) at nine o'clock in the afternoon they left at eleven

C) Galya pulled out a bundle (from) her bag and unfolded it.

D) (From) the cape, cutting through the waves, a steamer sailed out.

18. Separately written FOR THAT:

A) They tear a little, (for) they don’t take intoxicating things into their mouths.

B) Like the wind, his song is free, for (then), like the wind, and fruitless.

C) What thieves get away with, (for) thieves are beaten.

D) This beast has great strength, but its hearing is rather poorly developed.

19. The preposition expresses the relationship of the method and mode of action:

A) talk on the phone B) give as a keepsake

C) help for the sake of friendship D) live at the station

20. Specify a modal particle:

A) Neither B) Let C) Would D) Even

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option5

1. Indicate a derivative preposition that is formed from a noun.

A) Excluding B) Opposite

C) Across D) About

A) She was far from beautiful.

B) The snow has driven away, and the greenery has neither grass nor leaves.

C) Peter still didn’t come.

D) If only I knew!

3. The preposition is written together

A) (From) under the collar of the coat a scarf was white.

B) (At) over the Don the garden is blooming.

C) (B) due to lack of time, we will not be distracted by conversations.

D) (On) arrival in the capital, we quickly found the right address.

4. Particlewould is in the offer

A) What else to come up with?

B) Grandmother ordered Vasya to come early.

C) Carefully, so as not to wake anyone up, Lenya opened the window.

D) What (would) I invite you again!

5. Determine the rank of the particle:So our childhood is over!

A) Interrogative B) Negative

C) Amplifying D) Index

6. What is a preposition?

C) This is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others, various relationships

D) This is a service part of speech, which introduces various shades into the meaning of sentences

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Bud(to) B) What(to)

C) Hardly D) Somewhere

8. Separate writing NOT:

A) (Not) thoughtful decision

B) (Un)seeing look

C) Book (not) read

D) (Not) bad to have dinner

9. Define a string with subordinating conjunctions:

A) If, how, so that B) Also, also, but

C) Neither ... nor, or, or D) Either, ah, yes

10. Which union is missing in the sentence:The birds sat at a distance and waited ... the boy would leave.

A) If B) But

C) because D) when

11. Determine the category of the preposition AROUND:

A) Simple, derivative, expresses spatial relationships

B) Complex, non-derivative, expresses object relations

C) Composite, derivative, expresses temporal relations

D) Simple, non-derivative, expresses target relationships

12. Indicate the preposition used with a noun in the dative case:

A) Despite the bad weather…

B) Against fate ...

C) Including self…

D) Within an hour...

13. Choose the correct statement:

A) The particle is a member of the sentence.

B) The particle is always written together.

C) The particle is not a member of the sentence.

D) The particle is included in the grammatical basis of the sentence.

14. Specify a modal particle:

A) Not B) Neither C) Same D) Would

15. The preposition expresses object relations:

A) Because of good mood

B) Because of the forest

C) Due to bad weather

D) Think about relatives

Where is such a fortress, where would the bullets not fly?

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

17. Indicate the line with derivative prepositions:

A) From, because of, above B) For, for, for

C) In view of, thanks to, along D) From, under, from under

18. Offer with a connecting union:

A) By all the rules of good manners, those who meet are also obliged to bow to them.

B) Even when the raven began to fly, he did not go far from home.

C) If you find a white mushroom, look for a second one nearby.

D) Yuri woke up because he was being shaken from both sides.

19. Continuous spelling ZATO:

A) We will hide behind (that) tree!

B) Those present were thanked for their attitude to their duties, which led to the success of the case.

C) I have not been abroad, I have traveled all over the country!

D) Not for (that) they beat the wolf, that it is gray, but for (that) that he ate the sheep!

20. Indicate the row where the particle NOT is written:

A) Not… myself, not… people B) Not… fun

C) No matter what n… became D) N… to the village n… to the city

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option6

1. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition.

A) My son runs towards me.

B) The boy was almost late for a meeting with a friend.

C) The plane was flying towards the morning dawn.

D) Every now and then I came across nimble hares.

2. Specify a sentence with a shaping particle.

A) May our capital flourish day by day!

B) We are not afraid of long distances and unknown roads.

C) After all, we are people!

D) All the food here has already been destroyed.

3. The preposition is written together

A) (B)connections B) (B)purposes

C) (B) mind D) (B) flow

4. NOT written separately:

A) (Not) looking, (not) resenting

B) (Not) seeing, (not) thinking

C) (Not) enduring, (not) accepting

D) (Not) loving, (not) jealous

5. Row with coordinating unions:

A) Because, to, barely

B) When, only, while

C) Like, as if, once

D) But, too, also

6. The part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others in a phrase and sentence is

A) Verb B) Preposition

C) Particle D) Pronoun

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Come here B) (Don't) be clever

C) Same (same) as yesterday D) (Neither) light (nor) dawn

8. Specify a sentence with a subordinating union:

A) It is good to look at a beautiful person, but it is easy to live with a smart person.

B) Mind is good, but two is better than that.

C) If only he knew where to fall, he spread straws.

D) He is my brother, but he has his own mind.

9. NOT with an adverb is written together:

C) (not) (with) (whom) to consult D) I saw (not) nearby

10. NOT spelled together in a negative pronoun:

A) Tomorrow he (n ...) what will he say in his defense.

B) Do not reject the advice of (n...) anyone.

C) These books (n…) (about) (what) did not say.

D) (N...) who did not know where he fell from to our village.

11. Indicate the proposal with the ZATO union:

A) I respect you for being a strong person.

B) He is very young, for (then) hardy and mobile.

C) Gregory was punished for telling a lie.

D) I paid dearly for doubt.

12. Determine the rank of the particle:And what a tearful you have become!

A) Modal (gain)

B) Modal (doubt)

C) Modal (softening)

D) Modal (indication)

13. . Indicate the sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from the adverb.

A) The exam was successful due to his solid knowledge.

B) It snowed for half an hour.

C) A fluffy spruce grew near the road.

D) The order is executed according to the order.

And the fields are blooming, and the forests are noisy, and piles of gold lie in the ground, and in all parts of the white world there is a loud glory about you.

A) 3 B)4 C)5 D)6

15. Specify the particle categories:

A) Formative and negative

B) Negative, coordinating and subordinating

C) Formative, negative and modal

D) Modal, amplifying and clarifying

16. Which union is missing in the sentence: ...grandfather left home, grandmother arranged the most interesting meetings.

A) And B) But C) Although D) If

17. A simple, non-derivative preposition expresses temporary relationships in a sentence:

A) A woodcutter's ax was heard in the forest.

B) For the shores of a distant homeland, you left a foreign land.

C) The weather was noisy at night.

D) The estate is bounded by a river on both sides.

18.Choose the correct option:

A) He misses you. B) He misses you.

C) He misses you. D) He misses you.

19. Separate spelling SAME:

A) The enterprises were quiet, silent and empty.

B) I have the (same) gray coat that you saw me in last year.

C) He was silent for a second, his mother looked at him (same) silently.

D) The people of Pavel Ivanovich also liked the village.

20. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

The crew looked neither like a tarantass nor a carriage, but rather like a fat watermelon on wheels.

A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 9

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option7

1. Indicate a sentence with a non-derivative preposition

A) During May, northeasterly winds blew more often.

B) A song flew far from the trees.

C) According to the instructions of the headquarters, the detachment changed direction.

D) I rushed towards my brother.

2. Specify a sentence with a shaping particle.

A) Didn't you hear the thunder?

B) Not a single muscle twitched in his face.

C) Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

D) But even at the edge of heaven, there was still the same jagged forest.

3. The preposition is written together

A) On (above) the Don, the garden is blooming.

B) Who did he mean?

C) The walls are painted with some kind of blue paint, (in) a kind of gray.

D) (As) traffic increased, more and more traffic jams began to occur.

4. The particle is in the sentence

A) A year later, he himself will be surprised at what he wrote.

B) Birds fly north in spring.

C) Oil reserves were discovered under water.

D) I will come solely for the sake of curiosity.

5. Separate writing NOT:

A) (Not) why restore

B) (Not) by the way spoke

C) Absent (not) for a long time

D) Contacted (wrong) address

6. Specify a sentence with a subordinating union:

A) Night fell, and the fog thickened in the gorge.

B) Look, godfather, so as not to disgrace yourself.

C) Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth.

D) I leaned towards the river, but the stars trembled there too.

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Come (ka) B) Here (same)

C) What(would) D) Like(as if)

8. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

No matter how Manilov thought out how to be and what to do, he could not think of anything else but to let out the remaining smoke from his mouth in a very thin stream.

A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) 10

9. Choose the correct option:

A) By all means B) By all means

C) Whatever happens D) Whatever happens

10. A simple, non-derivative preposition expresses temporary relations in a sentence:

A) Alexei appeared before them gloomy and disappointed.

B) The cold has set in and the hole in the river has frozen over.

C) It has been raining heavily for an hour.

D) By morning, the indiscriminate shooting had subsided.

11. Which union is missing in the sentence:There was a small garden near the house, ... swede, lettuce and cabbage grew.

A) And B) What C) But D) Where

12. An official part of speech that connects homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of a complex one:

A) Preposition B) Union C) Particle D) Comma

13. NOT spelled together in the phrase:

A) Quite (not) far B) (Not) rainy day

C) (Un)solved student problem

D) (Not) loud, but quiet

14. Determine the rank and meaning of the particles in the sentence: There is only a moment between the past and the future, it is he who is called life.

A) Modal (amplification and exclamation)

B) Modal (doubt and indication)

C) Modal (emphasis and refinement)

D) Negative (negation and strengthening of denial)

15. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from an adverb.

A) Thrushes sometimes live near human dwellings.

B) Despite his advanced age, the old man was magnificent.

C) Ants crawled underfoot.

D) Because of the scattered clouds, the sun splashed.

16. Service parts of speech:

A) Verb, preposition, conjunction

B) Adverb, preposition, particle

C) Preposition, conjunction, particle

D) Preposition, conjunction, interjection

17. Indicate with which noun the preposition NA cannot pair:live (study)

A) Ural B) Caucasus C) Course D) Siberia

18. Indicate a phrase where there is no derivative preposition:

A) Thanks to the care of friends

B) according to the schedule

C) no one cares

D) despite being tired


A) would, would, after all, would

B) here, exactly, not, only

C) exactly, just, not, really

D) let, not, hardly

20. Indicate a sentence with a separating union:

A) Nature must be protected, as we protect human life itself.

B) The grass is also full of transparent tears, and the thunder rumbles in the distance.

C) Clubs of either mist or small spray are rushing.

D) As yesterday, today the weather is warm.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option8

1. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from an adverb.

A) Water does not flow under a lying stone.

B) Trains rushed past us with noise.

C) The money was immediately transferred to the account of the Orphanage.

D) A year later, Raisa returned from the city.

2. Specify a sentence with a shaping particle.

A) There is not a soul on the streets, everyone has disappeared.

B) The auls have already migrated to the winter quarters.

C) Only more fabulous and louder birds sing in the thicket.

D) Let it rain - do not expect past troubles from them.

3. The preposition is written together

A) (Upon) arrival at the place we set up camp.

B) (B) the result of a mistake is all the work went down the drain.

C) The meeting was postponed (to) the end of the month.

D) (B) due to excellent preparation, the matinee was held flawlessly.

4. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

The song over the house was silent, but over the pond the nightingale was already starting its own.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

5. Indicate which noun cannot be included in the phrase with the preposition B:
Come in...
A) Europe B) Siberia C) Ural D) Astana

6. Words with derived prepositions :
A) inside the tent, about working despite the illness
C) along the path, under a canopy, about him
C) with a girlfriend, through trials, from the store
D) no family, behind the garden, about you

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Hardly (probably) B) (Well) come on

C) To (someone) D) As if

8. In which row are all the words with not and neither spelled together?
A) (Not) narrowly, but widely, (no) notices anyone;
C) (not) carelessly, (not) when he wrote, (not) boldly entered;
C) absolutely (not) beautiful, (no) than (not) broken silence;
D) (not) to tell anyone, (not) to anyone (did not) doubt.

9. Choose the correct option:

A) Unions connect homogeneous members of a sentence and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

B) Unions designate a sign of an object by action.

C) Conjunctions bring different shades of meaning to a sentence.

D) Unions serve to form word forms.

10. Modal particles:
A) let, let B) don't, neither
C) would, b D) even, only

11. In this sentence, the unions are arranged in the following order:In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, mushrooms appear in moist forests, along ravines and in places of fires - morels and lines.

A) Opposite, submissive, connecting

B) subordinating, connecting, connecting

C) connecting, subordinating, subordinating

D) dividing, adversative, adversarial

12. A derivative preposition expresses spatial relationships in a sentence:

A) At the beginning of April there were warm days and frosty nights.

B) The garden, more and more thinning, descended to the river.

C) A small mill was making an angry noise near the dam.

D) It will take about a year to master everything.

13. The particle NOT is written:

A) (N...) could (n...) say B) (N...) this (n...) that

C) (N…) to the village (n…) to the city D) (N…) what I didn’t think about

14. Specify a preposition that is written separately:
A) (c) during the week B) (c) the result of an error
C) (to) the account of classes D) (to) the place of a friend

15. Determine how many service parts of speech are in the sentence:The main thing is not where we are, but in which direction we are moving.

A) 3 B) 5 C) 7 D) 4

16. Service parts of speech :
A) interjection, participle, participle
C) participles, prepositions, conjunctions
C) particles, interjections, prepositions
D) prepositions, conjunctions, particles

17. Connecting unions:
A) a, but, however B) or, either, then ... then ...
C) and, yes, also D) if, how

18. Offer with a comparative union:

A) Everything was ready when the familiar figure of the teacher appeared at the end of the corridor.

B) Nature must be protected, as we protect human life.

C) Vladimir saw with horror that he drove into an unfamiliar forest.

D) To love music, one must first of all listen to it.

19. Indicate a series with derivative prepositions.

A) Wash inside, was not near, looked around

B) Believe in strength, in the continuation of the novel, in the course of the river

C) Inside the tent, near the shore, around the axis

D) Keep in mind, put in a bank account, thanks to the hostess

20. Indicate the sentence in which the particle is written separately:

A) "Exactly so (s)," said Peter.

B) You (or) compete with him!

C) But the novel is still good!

D) In ​​recent days the weather has been rather damp.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option9

1. Indicate a sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from a gerund.

A) Thanks to the courage and self-control of the driver, the accident was prevented.

B) Like the rumble of distant thunder behind the forest, there was a dull sound of a waterfall.

C) After the bridge was completed, the students returned to their studies.

D) For a whole hour, flashes of fire blazed in the sky.

2. Service parts of speech:

A) My, hot when B) Long, early if

C) Although, except, perhaps D) according to, request, someone

3. The preposition is written together

A) (On) similarity B) (In) purposes C) (Because of) D) (From) under

4. Particle SAME is in the sentence:

A) In all of Krasnodon there were no people who were as (same) calm and at the same time solemnly as these two.

B) My companions also (same) examined the coast, but had in mind something completely different.

C) I also read this book.

D) Nadia also wanted to go with us to Astana.

5. Opposing alliances
A) or, or B) a, but, however
C) and, yes, also D) although, let

Memory revives even the stones of the past and even pours drops of honey into the poison once drunk.
A) indicative B) clarifying
C) amplifying D) exclamatory

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) What (would) B) Yes (same) C) Give (ka) D) really (whether)

8. Determine how many service parts of speech are in the sentence:They put chains under the wheels instead of brakes so that they would not roll out.

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

9. NOT spelled together in the phrase:

A) go (not) far

B) not at all (not) difficult to help

C) (not) easy, but difficult to work

D) (don't) want suffering

10. Specify the sentence with the union TO:

A) What could it be, señor hunter?

B) Whatever he said, no one listened to him.

C) There is nothing in the world that could block the Dnieper.

D) I have not heard that (would) the Indians gave such signals.

11. Shaping particles:
A) let, would B) perhaps, whether C) out, here D) even, not, same

Due to fatigue, we were forced to stop on the way and rested for two hours.

A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D)1

13. In this sentence, the unions are arranged in the following order
If from childhood you have not learned to look into your mother's eyes and see in them anxiety or peace, peace or confusion, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life.
A) connective, adversative, dividing, subordinating
B) adversative, connecting, subordinating, dividing
C) subordinating, connecting, separating, separating
D) dividing, subordinating, opposing, opposing

14. Indicate a sentence with an intensifying particle:

A) Can you hold back a tornado so that it does not boil like a whirlwind?

B) Here is the Cape of Hope.

C) This thought just now occurred to him.

D) After all, there were fighting fights, yes, they say, some more.

15.NOT with nouns is written together in a row:

A) round, and (not) the moon, yellow, and (not) the sun

B) sweet, and (not) sugar, with a tail, and (not) a mouse

C) (not) bewilderment, (not) forgetfulness

D) (not) true, but false

16. Indicate a sentence in which there are coordinating and subordinating conjunctions:

A) Love books, and they, if you want, can rebuild your whole life.

B) A person stops thinking when he stops reading.

C) It is very difficult to describe the feeling I experienced at that time.

D) The heat was such that the slightest movement was tiring.

17. Number of service parts of speech:

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D)4

18. A non-derivative preposition expressing target relations in a sentence:

A) Thanks to the help of a friend, I coped with the difficulties.

B) Through lowered eyelashes, Alexey saw a bear in front of him.

C) Buy cold medicine at the pharmacy!

D) He had a briefcase with important documents.

19. Correct definition of the preposition DURING:

A) Derived, composite, target

B) Derived, complex, spatial

C) Non-derivative, simple, temporary

D) Derived, Compound, Temporal

20. The service part of speech, which introduces various shades of meaning or serves to form word forms:

A) Preposition B) Conjunction C) Particle D) Prefix

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option10

1. Indicate the sentence with a derivative preposition, which is formed from the participle:

A) In the course of two days my affairs have advanced.

B) It is dangerous to walk down the street on ice without looking at your feet.

C) Despite the complete darkness, the bat flew calmly around the room.

D) Berries should not be eaten due to their toxicity.

2. Specify a word with a particle NOT:

A) It was (not) fun.

B) (Un)bearable pain

C) (Un)considered decision

D) Completely (not) difficult task

3. The preposition is written together:

A) Worried (c) unlike me

B) Go (in) during the day

C) Lena took time off from work (due to) health reasons.

D) (B) bright sunflowers grew along the road.

4. Particlewould is in the offer

A) Whatever happens, I will not go back on my word.

B) Grandfather made sure that (would) we do not shirk from work.

C) So that (would) the sun does not blind his eyes, Sasha curtained the window.

D) We were born to (b) make a fairy tale come true.

5. Service part of speech, which indicates various relationships between words:

A) Preposition B) Union

C) Particle D) Communion

6. Determine how many service parts of speech are in the sentence:The undisturbed silence, untouched nature attracted me to these places, and the days spent there clearly arise in my memory.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Well(c) B) Here(how) C) Well(yes) D) Start(kai)

8. Determine the rank of modal particles in a sentence : Exactlythese algae are thenand dyed the water green.

A) excretory, interrogative

B) amplifying, amplifying

C) Clarifying, excretory

D) exclamatory, excretory


A) Books save people from ignorance and emptiness.

B) The glass door to the balcony was closed to keep the heat from the garden.

C) The song sounded heartfelt, but sad at the same time.

D) I was crying, Oleg also could not sit in the britzka.

10. Non-derivative prepositions:

A) Near, through, in, in spite of

B) From, because of, from under, under

C) across, around, in order

D) For, about, thanks

11.Choose the correct option:

A) During the evening, due to drought

B) from behind the forest, over the forest

C) within an hour, around the house

D) Due to bad weather, thanks to advice

12. Indicate the number of prepositions in the sentence:Throughout the summer, he came to our village two or three times a week.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

13. NOT written separately in a word:

A) (Not) sung B) (Not) a friend

C) (Un)welling D) (Un)harmony

14. Define a number of particles:

A) Is, only, hardly

B) In connection, excluding, across

C) Because, because, why

D) But, however, although

15. Specify the shaping particle
A) even B) still
C) come on D) just

16. . The particle is written separately
a) What would you do at such a moment?
C) Tell me, uncle, is it not for nothing that Moscow, burned down by fire, was given to the French?
C) I did not notice the elephant (that)
D) And we (then) were delighted!

17. Indicate the sentence with a dividing union:

A) The day is windless, but the frost is strong, January.

B) It was already the spring month of March, but at night the trees cracked from the cold, as in December.

C) Either the rain has passed, or the sparrows have run across the roof.

D) The head hurt, but the consciousness was clear, distinct.

18. Insert the desired union: ...To be true friends, you need to be confident in each other.

A) If B) How C) To D) However

19. Indicate with which noun the preposition NA cannot pair:to live on…

A) South B) Island C) Gorge D) Caucasus

20. Continuous spelling ZATO:

A) Our ancestors fought for us to live happily.

B) My friend was praised for doing an excellent job.

C) I love the Meshchersky region because it is so beautiful.

D) The nightingale is inconspicuous, for (then) no bird will sing it.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option11

1. Indicate a sentence with a non-derivative preposition that expresses object relations.

A) The forest is over, several horsemen are leaving it for a clearing.

C) Today, every work is honorable, wherever it is.

C) Too far from the shore.

D) In ​​a cramped room there was nowhere to turn around.

2. Separate writing of particles:

A) One of us must do it.

B) If (would) not be frost, then oats (would) have grown to the sky.

C) At the top of the (not) extinguished fire, the Stozhary smoldered.

D) (Some) who still doubt the success of the case.

3. The preposition is written together

A) (B) inside the box B) (B) for security purposes

C) (In) a city holiday D) (In) a week

4. Particlewould is in the offer

B) The new bridge is designed to relieve traffic.

C) In order to answer the question in more detail, this time Vladimir Vasilievich took out his old notes.

D) What would you think? He's late again!

5. The highlighted word is a derivative preposition:

A) The musician struck the strings and they according to started talking.

B) Meeting according to make such a decision.

c) According to the ships put out to sea.

D) Most guys don't according to with itinerary.

For our summer trips, my students and I have already chosen a small but interesting island.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) “The same (same) fortress for me!” - Ivan got angry.

B) Just at this time, Chuck and Huck had a fight.

C) Only on the third day in the evening everything was finally done.

D) Is it possible to fall asleep with such noise?

8.Particle Feature ONLY:

A) Shaping

B) Excretory-restrictive

C) Clarifying

D) Index

9. Indicate the sentence in which there is a subordinating conjunction:

A) We hung the birdhouse on a high pole, and attached the pole to a birch.

B) Bim crawled out, lay down for a bit in the refreshing cold, and nevertheless got to his feet.

C) In a distant southern town, the heat is burning in the morning, and the snow on the slopes in the distance shines white.

D) When the sky in the east began to turn white, the raven suddenly woke up.

10. Service parts of speech:

A) Preposition, conjunction, verb

B) Preposition, conjunction, particle

C) Particle, union, gerund

D) Preposition, conjunction, participle

11. Choose the correct option:

A) Due to the early spring, the swimming season has already opened in May.

B) In order to prevent injuries, a safety briefing has been conducted.

C) For sleep they built a shelter like a hut.

D) The snowfall continued throughout the day.

12. Insert the desired union: The crowd was noisy, ... the sea during a storm.

A) But B) How C) When D) And

13. An official part of speech that expresses various relationships between words in a sentence:

A) Conjunction B) Particle C) Participle D) Preposition

14. Find a phrase with a derivative preposition:

A) deposit (into) a bank account

B) (B)investigation in this case

C) Believe in (in) strength

D) (During) the arrival of the cranes, the earth was already coming to life.

15. Indicate a non-derivative preposition:

A) Near B) Near C) From under D) Through

16. NOT written separately in the word:

A) (Not) noticed the catch

B) (Not) noticeably crept up

C) (Un)finished house

D) (not)attentive attitude

17. The particle NI is written:
A) n... they called you B) n... his name was
C) n... from whom to take D) n... who was not asked

18. Indicate the number of prepositions in the sentence:And the magpie with a loud chirp began to circle along the path, telling everyone about the meeting with the man.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

19.Choose the correct statement:

A) Particles connect homogeneous members of a sentence.

B) Unions are members of the proposal.

C) Prepositions are always written separately from nouns.

D) Prepositions can be used independently.

20. Define a number of shaping particles:

A) Wouldn’t it be, only B) Whether, only, yes, wouldn’t

C) Let it go, let it be, yes D) Here, there, what kind of, how

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option12

A) As an interpreter B) Inside the abyss

C) Near the village D) Including trainee

2. Specify a sentence with a shaping particle.

A) Even the birds did not sing over that clearing - it was so quiet.

B) Only soon we healed well and cheerfully.

C) Don't hurt a stray dog!

D) Let's decorate our Christmas tree with lanterns!

3. The preposition is written together

A) Along (with) the champions B) (In) the middle of the forest

C) Because of (behind) clouds D) (B) in case of failure

4. Particlewould is in the offer

A) I want so much that (would) summer never end!

B) The guys puzzled over what else to add to the script.

C) I had to take warm clothes in order not to freeze.

D) It is necessary to try very hard to fashion a beautiful toy.

5. Indicate the sentence in which there is a coordinating conjunction:

A) From a distance, by the color of the greenery, it was possible to distinguish thickets of alder from birch groves and pines.

B) It is pleasant to soak up the cool seashore, where there are no annoying, blood-sucking insects.

C) You run so much during the day that you can hardly drag yourself to bed.

D) Whoever has bile in his mouth, everything is bitter for him.

6. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

The village of Shchipachi is changing, but the moon is also sinking in a shallow river, and the keys give it the same strength, and the boys drink from a ladle of palms.

A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8

7. Hyphen spelling of a particle:

A) Where are they going?

B) This is (not) real, this is a fairy forest.

C) (Some) where there is still snow in the clearing.

D) He (not) for a second doubted his innocence.

8. Correct option:

A) as if nothing happened

B) as if nothing had happened

C) as if nothing happened

D) as if nothing had happened

9. Insert the desired union:Scientists specially came to Antarctica ... to learn more about these unusual birds.

A) But B) Like C) Although D) To

10. Modal (amplifying) particle in a sentence:

A) How amazing is our nature!

b) Do you know what happened?

C) How my heart beats!

D) Here, surrounded by its oak forest, Petrovsky Castle.

A) return from the capital

B) act according to instructions

C) work with enthusiasm

D) be inside a building

12. Service part of speech

A) always written together B) always written separately

C) may change

D) is not a member of the offer

13. Characteristics of the preposition ALONG:

A) Non-derivative, simple

B) Derived, simple, formed from an adverb

C) Derived, compound, formed from the gerund

D) Non-derivative, composite

14. The future poet fell in love with poetry early, and at the age of eleven, when he began to study at the gymnasium, he was already translating the ancient Roman poet Horace.

In this sentence, the unions are arranged in this order:

A) Submissive, submissive

B) Subordinating, writing

C) Composing, writing

D) Composing, subordinating

15. The particle NI is written:

A) The Cossack does not want to rest n ... in an open field, n ... in an oak forest, n ... at a dangerous crossing.

B) The moon is not... dim, not... pale, not... foggy, but clear, transparent, like crystal.

C) I'm not… rich, and she's not quite… par for her years.

D) N... Hearing the answer, Pechorin took a few steps towards the door.

16. The particle NOT is written:
A) n ... polite, but rude B) n ... sound
C) nowhere n... a cloud D) no n... soul


A ) ahead waiting for the unknown.

B) The kid stomped cheerfully ahead mother.

C) there ahead, shone with lights big city.

D) We didn't know that ahead ambush.

18. Service parts of speech:

A) Designate the features of the subject

B) Indicate the number of items

C) Express relationships between words

D) name objects

19. Specify a number of modal particles:

A) Not, not, something, ka B) Would, b, whether, or

C) Maybe, at least, almost, well D) Yes, let, let, not

20. The service part of speech, which introduces various shades into the meaning of words, phrases and sentences:

A) Preposition B) Conjunction C) Particle D) Interjection

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option13

1. Indicate a derivative preposition that is formed from a noun:

A) Despite the absence B) Near the school

C) As a result of an earthquake D) Excluding merit

2. Indicate a sentence in which only non-derivative prepositions:

A) The postman with the letter was going up the stairs to the third floor.

B) Only thanks to the imagination and invention of the children it was possible to turn the evening into a holiday ..

C) Because of the cyclone, the small town was cut off from the outside world for three hours.

D) Almost all summer, in front of our house in a clover field, a corncrake screamed.

3. The preposition is written with a hyphen:

A) (On) defiance of fate B) (On) over the house

C) (B) in view of the upcoming frosts

D) (To) meet my girlfriend

4. ParticleSAME is in the offer:

A) The rain stopped as (same) suddenly as it started.

B) The stars have not yet woken up, the moon did not shine either.

C) I would ride a horse for you (same)

D) There were no dogs near the yurts: they also dispersed in search of food.

5. Indicate the sentence in which there is an excretory particle:

A) Someone is missing, and the thin-lipped wind whispers about someone who has disappeared into the night.

B) As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time.

C) A friend for the time being - the same enemy.

D) The warm air still held the scent of her perfume.

6. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

Looking at a cheerful companion, at his ruddy and healthy face, even strangers involuntarily smile.

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D)6

7. The highlighted word is a derivative preposition:

BUT) In time a failed task lowered the class rating.

B) train during stop stocked up with drinking water.

C) Everyone came to the subbotnik in time.

D) make a mistake in time.

8. Correct option:

A) Not a difficult task at all

B) Far from an easy task

C) A very unclear perspective

D) Not the main goal at all

9. Insert the necessary conjunctions: was still April, ... an unusual stuffiness was felt in the air.

A) But if B) When, and

C) Although, but D) A. if

10. Modal (exclamation) particle in a sentence:

A) Let our children live better than us!

B) I wish I could be at least for a moment in the future!

C) Well, this fruit Vasily Ivanovich!

D) Go get me that vase!

11. Non-derivative preposition expressing the relationship of the mode of action:

A) look out the window B) give thanks for the help

C) exclaim with joy D) get involved

12. Service part of speech, which indicates the various relationships between words:

A) Preposition B) Conjunction C) Pronoun D) Participle

13.Characteristic of the particle BECAUSE:

A) Modal, amplifying

C) Modal, exclamatory

D) Modal, excretory

14. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:Memory and, probably, a special linguistic flair helped Shokan learn languages ​​​​with enviable ease: not to mention Russian, he did well in German, and by the end of the second year he was reading French texts without a dictionary.

A) 8 B) 9 C) 10 D) 11

15. Continuous spelling ZATO:

A) Thanks to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the fact that we live in peace and harmony!
C) Misha is not strong in the sciences, for (then) he has no equal in sports.
C) The boy was thievish, and paid for (that).
D) For (that) dress I had to pay a tidy sum.

16. It is NOT written together:
A) (Not) noticing anything around, the kids swarm in the sandbox.
C) Look around, (un)familiar passerby, your look is (un)correctly familiar to me.
C) A completely (un)successful joke led everyone to despair.
D) (Not) a bird, but flies.

17 .A number of coordinating conjunctions:

A) But, if, what B) A, then ... then, or, either

C) How, where, to, but D) Yes, but, because, whether


A) Deliver as needed

B) Worry over trifles

C) Wait for half an hour

D) Tie across the saddle

19. Specify a number of interrogative particles:

A) No, no, yes, maybe B) What the, let, only

C) Well, almost, here, out D) What, really, what, what

20. A derivative preposition expressing spatial relations in the word:

A) For the sake of the future

B) Against common sense

C) Around the thicket

D) Concluding the report

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option14

1. Indicate a complex non-derivative preposition:

A) Despite obstacles

B) Because of school

C) For a brighter future

D) According to the order

2. TOnly coordinating conjunctions:

A) Both the grove and the beautiful facade of the house were reflected in the flood lake.

B) I will now go to the Far East, where my friends live.

C) The snowstorm twists, throws snow and fills with a terrible howl, from which the blood runs cold.

D) There was a monotonous noise in the sleepy, frozen air.

3. The particle is written with a hyphen:

A) To (someone) B) (As if)

C) Really D) Really

4. ParticleSAME is in the offer:

A) We, like children, squealed and jumped for joy at the sight of the boat.

B) Kairat also (same) liked to fly on an airplane.

C) The (same) thing, but not so said.

D) Flowers are (the same) living beings, they respond to affection and care.

5. MOdal particle expressing doubt:

A) This pole does not reach the bottom of the well.

B) We will go to break the wall, we will stand with our heads for our Motherland ..

C) Could my address to you have offended you?

D) It is unlikely that spring will begin on a calendar date.

6. The number of service parts of speech in the sentence:

Now neither the mountains, nor the sky, nor the earth could be seen.

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D)6

7. The highlighted word is a derivative preposition:

BUT) Subsequently I learned that the flood was not the only reason for our delay on the way.

AT) As a consequence in the case of the hijacking of the aircraft, the testimony of two more witnesses was made.

FROM) Due to the translator's carelessness, an error crept into the article.

D) Consequence the past rainfall, huge puddles appeared on the roads.

8. Correct statement:

A) The particle changes in numbers.

B) A particle is an immutable word.

C) Conjunctions and particles are members of a sentence.

D) The particle connects sentences.

9. Insert the desired union:Wipe yourself with cold water, ... you want to be healthy!

And when B) if C) because D) but

10. Modal (clarifying) particle in a sentence:

A) Snowdrops still made their way through the thickness of the snow.

B) Here is my village, here is my home!

C) This is exactly what I dreamed about.

D) What a good fellow you are!

11. Non-derivative preposition expressing causal relationships:

A) peek around the corner

B) ask for help

C) move because of crowding

D) lie down on the edge

12. A number of subordinating unions:

A) And, too, also B) But, yes, but

C) Although, what, where D) Or, either, then ... then

13.Characteristics of the particle MORE:

A) Modal, excretory

B) Formative, forms a conditional mood

C) Modal, exclamatory

D) Modal, amplifying

14. The number of prepositions in the sentence: A herd of wild ducks whistled over us, and we heard them descend on the river not far from us.

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D)6

15. What is a union?

A) This is a service part of speech that connects homogeneous members and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

B) This is an independent part of speech, which denotes a sign of an object.

C) This is a service part of speech that expresses the dependence of some words on others, various relationships

D) This is a service part of speech that introduces various shades into the meaning of sentences

16. It is NOT written together:
And (Not) asked. B) (Not) to hate

C) (Not) a friend, but an enemy D) (Not) then snow, (not) then rain

A) In relationship with there was a crack in the neighbors..

B) Our attitude most conscientious in his duties.

c) In a relationship offenders, appropriate action was taken.

D) The girl is polite in relationship with friends.

18. A simple preposition in a phrase:

A) In connection with the upcoming anniversary

B) Like an umbrella

C) Wait for half an hour

D) From under the table

19. Service part of speech

A) used alone

B) has grammatical meaning

C) immutable word

D) is a member of the proposal

20. DO NOT spell:

A) Spoke (not) in vain B) Not at all (not) difficult

C) (not) (with) (by whom) to consult

D) I saw (not) far away

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option15

1 Which sentence has no preposition?

A) He continued on his way despite being tired.

B) It is bad when there is no one to talk to.

C) The house opposite was built ten years ago.

D) The stop is near the school.

2 In what example is the speech norm violated?

A) met upon arrival C) according to the schedule

B) thanks to care D) pay for the ticket

3 . Which preposition is non-derivative?

A) across the road C) due to a hurricane

B) because of the rain D) behind the house

4 . Determine what the preposition expresses as a part of speech:

A) different shades of meanings;

B) various feelings;

C) the attitude of the speaker to what is being said;

D) dependence of one word on another.

5. Identify a sentence that does not have a derivative preposition.

A) We followed each other.

B) Lights rushed towards the train.

C) Thanks to the compass, the tourists were well oriented!

D) Rude words followed him.

6. Which of the following parts of speech are written withnot always separate?

A) Noun. C) Verb.

B) The name is numeral. D) Union.

7 . Expand the brackets, indicating a chain of words with continuous spellingnot.

A) (Don't) listen to anyone, (don't) wipe away

C) (Not) true, but false opinion; (not) anxious, but calm.

C) (Not) seeing, (not) watching, (not) talking, (not) getting sick.

D) (In) spite of the snowfall, (in) spite of the problems.

8. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted word is a union and is written together.

A) his young sons too) looked at themselves.
c) I thanked a friend but) that he helped me.
C) It was cold after) and the clouds appeared.
D) He knew the time because) how the sun moved.

9. In which sentence is the underlined word?pretext?

BUT) Around it was quiet.
b) Subsequently he read the novel.
C) They went out towards friends.
D) Shel (despite under your feet.
10. Indicate a phrase in which a mistake was made in the use of a preposition and case of a noun:

A) return from Moscow.

B) leave home
C) pay the fare;
D) feedback on the story;
11. Name the sentence in whichwould written separately:

A) He was thinking about what else to draw for him.
C) We did everything to make the holiday memorable.
C) To prevent the child from crying, they gave him a toy.

12. Which parts of the sentence are connected by a subordinating causal conjunction?

A) The storm does not make out whose house it strikes.

B) Since the weather has changed, it is necessary to reschedule the trip.

C) Where there is hardening, there is ingenuity.

D) Whoever is not afraid of the enemy, the bullet shuns him.

13. Words are written together in sentences:

A) The brother said the same thing that the father said more than once.

B) The far horizon was as (same) clear as during the day.

C) In order for us to successfully perform at the competition, we need to prepare for a long time and carefully.

D) "What would you advise?" the doctor asked.

14. Determine the rank of the particle.

Mother the next day went to her stepmother, who was waiting for her with special impatience.

A) exclamation

B) clarifying

C) amplifying

D) excretory

15. Select the sentence without the particle.

A) After all, we have completed this difficult work!

B) Maybe he will be able to convince him of the wrong decision.

C) Even at night, birch-gems are bright.

D) Only the most necessary vegetables grew in the garden.

16. How many service parts of speech in a sentence:He plays the trembita loudly so that the lamb does not accidentally fall behind, so that the shepherds hear each other, calling for the echo of mountain distances..

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

17. Find the mismatch:

A) even, not, after all, after all, already - modal (restrictive) particles

B) what for, how - modal (exclamation) particles

C) let, let, let - shaping particles

D) here, there - modal indicating particles 18. Indicate in the text a word that does not have its own meaning, but gives an additional shade to the meanings of other words or the whole sentence.

How meek and sweet is the radiant day...(K. Balmont).

A) First word.

B) Second word.

C) Third word.

D) The fourth word.

19. What category does the subordinating conjunction in the sentence belong to:

Sometimes he felt like he was losing consciousness.

20. Indicate the sentence where the particle NOT is written:

A) No matter how hard I tried, I could not complete the task.

B) Wherever I look, joyful faces are everywhere.

C) Whatever he does, he succeeds in everything.

D) We n…may not care about the beauty of the raging sea.

Test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7 option16

1. Parts of which sentence are connected by a coordinating conjunction?

A) What is easily obtained is valued cheaply.

B) The boy never cried, but at times a wild stubbornness came over him.

C) The teacher praised the student for preparing well for the test.

D) It is necessary to leave early in order to reach the pass in time.

2. Words are written separately in sentences:

A) There were hills to the left of the road.

B) The forest is as good as it was three years ago.

C) In order to see other hills, we had to walk further down the valley.

D) The decoration of other rooms was also not very comfortable.

3. In what sentencesnot - particle?

A) He remained (immobile) for a minute.
B) The father (did not) have any position.
C) An (un)familiar grandmother was standing at the threshold.
D) The drawing seemed to me very (not) careless.

4. What additional shades do the particles bring?

Really late? Didn't you know? Did you do it?

A) A hint of indication.

B) Interrogative.

C) Exclamatory: a touch of emotionality.

D) Shade of doubt

5. What part of speech is the underlined word?

I walk along the path in the fieldalong stacked gray logs(A. Akhmatova).

BUT) Along - adverb C) particle

AT) Along - derivative preposition D) union

6. Determine the meanings that prepositions contribute to the transfer of.

Live for children, report for information, work for the good of others.

A) causation. C) Temporary value.

B) The value of the goal. D) The meaning of space

7 What part of the sentence is a preposition?

A) Circumstance. B) Addition.

C) It is not an independent member of the sentence, but is included in their composition along with a significant word.

D) Definition

8. How many official parts of speech in the sentence: To see other hills, we had to walk further along the valley.

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)5

9 . Identify the sentence in which the derivative preposition is used.

A) It happens that when a tree falls, it splits along.

B) We hoped to meet this person.

C) Contrary to common sense, we nevertheless went on an expedition.

D) The audience left the concert, thanking the artists for their skill.

10 . Indicate the phrase in which a mistake was made in the use of a preposition and case noun:

A) return to Moscow

B) talk about the meaning of life
C) miss you
D) a trip to the Urals
11. Offer with a connecting union:

A) One hears a whisper, then a cautious rustle.

B) Since my brother didn't buy a ticket in time, he couldn't attend the match.

C) Lev Pavlovich on the move, unbuttoning his fur coat, took out a ticket to present it to the platform controller

D) “Water procedures are also necessary,” the doctor said.

12. Indicate the case with which prepositions are used"thanks to", "according to", "contrary", "against".

A) Im., B) genus., C) date., E) wine.

13. Find an example in which the preposition expresses the target relationship:

A) talked to his sister; D) came with the intention

B) spoke with resentment; marry;

C) arrived late

14. Determine the particle discharge. Only the most necessary vegetables grew in the garden.

A) exclamatory C) amplifying

B) clarifying D) excretory

15. Mark the phrase in which the continuous spelling of the preposition occurs:

A) disable (for) security purposes

B) (not) despite the joy;

C) looked (at) point-blank;

D) occurred (due to) a power outage;

16 . Indicate the row in which derivative prepositions are listed:

A) contrary to if, subsequently;

B) in spite of, thanks to, during;

C) tirelessly, regardless of, in;

D) about, from, reluctantly.

17. Give an example in which the preposition expresses spatial relationships:

A) woke up at 5 o'clock; C) washing powder;

B) fought for victory; D) turned to the side

18. Which sentence has no preposition?

A) The door opened in front of me.

B) Dispatchers work according to the schedule.

C) It's good to have a friend next to me.

D) The house opposite was built ten years ago.

19. What category does the subordinating conjunction in the sentence belong to:The guns fell silent until the smoke cleared.

A) Temporal B) Causal C) Target. D) Explanatory

20. In which sentence is there no particle NOT?

A) A (not) big bird looked into the (not) open windows.
B) He (not) (who) had to ask.
C) The dog howled and, (not) remembering himself, rushed across the road.
D) At the exam, it was necessary to translate the text, (not) looking into the dictionary

The key to the test "Service Parts of Speech" Grade 7



Russian language test. Service parts of speech.

1. Indicate the correct spelling of NE-NOR in the sentence: No matter how hard the Chinese tried to keep the secrets of papermaking, they were revealed.

A) neither (merged),

B) neither (separately),

B) not (separately),

D) not (merged),

D) not (through a hyphen).

2. Indicate the sentence in which there is a negative particle NI.

A) It was impossible (n ..) to feel the harsh magnificence of the northern nature.

B) The day is boring until the evening, if you do (n ..) what.

C) Olzhas kept calm (n ..) indignant.

D) I will (n ..) give you offense (n ..) to someone.

E) How (n ..) my father tried to seem calm, I noticed his excitement.

3. Indicate the correct spelling of NE-NOR in the sentence: Dutifully, like a child, he got off his horse and stopped (n ..) alive (n ..) dead in front of Taras.

A) not (through a hyphen),

B) neither (separately),

C) neither (merged),

D) not (merged),

D) not (separately).

4. Prepositions are written together:

A) (c) continuation of classes, (c) during the day,

B) (c) the force of circumstances, (c) the conclusion of the speech,

C) work (in) during the year, (in) in order to increase productivity,

D) (c) the result of snowfall, (to) a subscription account,

E) (due to) drought, (as) necessary.

5. Determine in which of the sentences there is no shaping particle:

a) What is she laughing at?

b) It is hard to imagine what would happen to me.

C) Let the boron rage in the rain.

D) Long live knowledge!

D) Let's go to the park tomorrow.

6. Specify the variant with the spelling of the word with a hyphen:

A) didn’t (none) have (anyone),

B) to tell something (about) someone,

C) there were (same) cases,

D) (some) what product,

D) came (neither) with (what).

7. Determine the sentence in which the particle is written separately:

A) You (l) compete with him!

B) "Exactly so (c)," said Peter.

C) The weather has been rather damp in recent days.

D) Have you read the book?

D) But the novel is still good!

8. Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted word is written separately:

A) He still did not want to make peace with him.

B) It is necessary to arrive (on) time.

C) No matter what they say, I will do the job.

D) In ​​order to eat a fish, one must climb into the water.

E) Look, godfather, so that (would) not be disgraced.

9. Determine the category of modal particles in the sentence:

Memory revives even the stones of the past and even pours drops of honey into the poison once drunk.

A) index

B) interrogative

B) specifying

D) amplifying,

D) exclamatory.

10. Specify the SSP with the opposite union:

A) We were going to go out of town, our relatives, who were visiting us this summer, also wanted to go with us.

B) It was cold and windy on the river, but the fish were biting.

C) Only the Orioles scream and the cuckoos vied with each other to count down the unlived years for someone.

D) Either a bird flutters from under their feet, or a red-sided fox dives into flowering bushes.

E) There was a crack, and a groan was carried across the field.

11. Specify BSC with a divisive union:

A) More pressure and the enemy runs.

B) Either the water was cold or my hunting dog is young and stupid.

C) Window frames trembled and howled wildly in the chimneys.

D) He was not drawn to the pillow, but he rested his elbow on it.

e) The whole house seemed to be asleep despite the bright lighting.

12. Choose a sentence in which the preposition is written separately:

A) The walls were painted with some kind of blue paint (in) kind of gray.

B) (C) in view of the imminent end of the voyage, the mood of the team became cheerful and upbeat.

C) I wanted to talk to you (about) the apartment.

D) (C) the continuation of the night I did not sleep for a minute.

E) Our further journey was tiring and (c) as a result of this, of little interest.

13. What particles are written with a hyphen?

A) -would, -whether, -same, -something,

B) -would, -whether, -ka, -that,

B) -something, -ka, either-, -that,

D) -if, -ka, something, -something,

D) -same, -either, -would, -ka.

14. Specify a sentence with a derivative union:

A) The sun did not come out from behind the mountains, but its rays were already gilding the tops of the trees.

B) Cannons rust in arsenals, but shakos shine.

C) Young leaves babbled, but finches sang here and there, and turtledoves cooed.

D) Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly for the human soul.

E) Approaching the river, we stopped the horses and quickly jumped to the ground.

15. Choose an example in which separate spelling is correct.

A) Young, (for) talented.

B) Maybe a bird of some kind (in) the genus of a heron.

C) He is appreciated (for) being smart.

D) An object (in) the likeness of a cube.

D) (In) the morning I always feel better.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

b e b d a d a c d b b d c b c