How to write a field trip report sample. Preparation and defense of a report on production practice at the enterprise

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .... 3

1. Brief description of the enterprise ............................................... ...... four

2. Strategic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise .................................... 6

2.1 Market analysis and determination of its development prospects .............................. 6

2.2 Market Profile and Key Success Factors .................................................................. 8

2.3 Analysis of the firm's strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness ............................. 10

2.4 Analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise .................................... 12

2.5 Mission and strategic goals of the enterprise............................................... 16

3. Development of ways to solve the problem that exists in the unit or at a particular workplace.................................................................. ..................................... 19

Conclusion................................................. ............................................... twenty

References................................................ ................... 21


Work practice is one of the integral parts of the training of qualified specialists of all specialties, including "Personnel Management". During the internship, the results of theoretical training are consolidated and concretized, students acquire the skills and abilities of practical work in their chosen specialty and the qualifications assigned.

The main goal of work practice is the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during training. The main result of this work is a report on the internship, which contains all the results of the student's activities for the period of internship and an analysis of the main indicators of personnel management in the organization.

The objectives of the practice are as follows:

Studying and participation in the development of organizational, methodological and regulatory and technical documents for solving individual tasks of personnel management of the organization at the place of internship;

Development of proposals for improving the personnel management subsystem of the organization's management system;

Collection of the necessary materials and documents for the implementation of course projects in the disciplines "Personnel Management of the organization" and "Motivation of labor activity" in accordance with the chosen topic.

This report consists of an introduction, conclusion, list of references and the main part, which, in turn, consists of a list of production and introductory issues on which the main analytical work was carried out.

1. Brief description of the enterprise.

The Limited Liability Partnership "Diagnostics" was established on the basis of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in accordance with the Constituent Agreement of the participants of the Partnership dated January 11, 1999.

Full corporate name of the Partnership: Limited Liability Partnership "Diagnosis" .

The purpose of the Partnership is to make profit by combining the intellectual, scientific, production, financial and other capabilities of the founders to achieve maximum efficiency of economic and commercial activities, highly profitable work based on the use of advanced methods of organizing production and modern technology.

According to the Charter of the enterprise, the main activities of the Partnership are:

1. Development, production and sale of consumer and industrial electronics products.

2. Collection and processing of secondary raw materials, including ferrous and non-ferrous scrap.

3. Trade-purchasing and procurement operations on a contractual basis with enterprises, organizations and individuals.

4. Repair and construction, restoration and artistic and design work.

5. Provision of intermediary services.

6. Provision of technical and personal services to the population and enterprises.

7. Scientific and technical developments, implementation of new and improvement of existing technologies.

8. Metalworking and woodworking.

9. Organization of production and placement of orders for the manufacture of raw materials and products.

10. Production and sale of food products.

Organizational and legal structure of the enterprise.

The supreme governing body of the Partnership is the general meeting of its Participants. It consists of the Participants or their representatives duly appointed by the Participants. Representatives of Participants may be permanent or appointed for a fixed term. The participant has the right to replace his representative in the general meeting at any time, informing other participants about it. A participant in the Partnership has the right to transfer his powers in the general meeting to another Participant or a representative of another Participant in the Partnership. The General Meeting of Participants of the Partnership has the right to resolve all issues related to the activities of the Partnership.

The management structure of Diagnostics LLP: director, deputy director, who is also the head of the raw materials group, chief accountant.

The director and his deputy are directly involved in organizing production and placing orders for the manufacture of raw materials and materials, as well as supplying plants with rolled metal and chemical raw materials. Maintaining the current and reporting financial documentation is carried out by the chief accountant with some participation of the director of the enterprise.

Diagnostics LLP, it is a multifunctional enterprise producing goods and services.

Below are the areas of activity of Diagnostics LLP (given in descending order of profitability for the company):

Table 1.

Directions of activity of Diagnostics LLP.

Direction of activity Product or service
1 2 3
1 Assembly and sale of mobile phone components, sale of mobile phones from leading manufacturers. mob. tel. from component companies Erickson, Nokia
branded mobile phones
installation and maintenance of lines

Manufacture of industrial products


Equipment set for diagnostics of machine tools and other equipment
electr. FSU analogue

On-board computer

For domestic cars

Other, incl.

Power electrical equipment

3 Service works Servicing plants for the production of electroceramics
4 Oxides of lanthanum, yttrium, tantalum, zirconium, zinc
Powders of nickel, copper, brass, bronze, iron
Components For power electrical engineering. equipment
Cast alloy scrap

2. Strategic analysis of the external environment of the enterprise.

2.1 Market analysis and determination of its development prospects

Strategic analysis of the external environment consists of several stages. The first- determination of economic characteristics dominating in the industry.

Usually they include:

Market size;

Areas of competitive rivalry (local, regional, national, global);

Market growth rate and industry life cycle stage;

The number of buyers and their relative sizes;

Is the degree of capacity utilization critical in achieving low cost production efficiency;

Is there a strong dependence of the cost of a unit of output on the cumulative value of the volume of production in the industry;

capital requirements;

Profitability in the industry is above or below the average in the economy.

It is advisable to draw up a "portrait" of the industry according to these characteristics and then analyze it. To do this, Table 2 provides data on the strategic importance of individual economic characteristics.

table 2

The importance of key economic characteristics of the industry.

Characteristic strategic importance
Market size Small markets tend not to attract big/new competitors; large often attract the interests of corporations who want to acquire companies in order to strengthen their competitive positions in attractive industries
Growth in market size Rapid growth causes new entries; slower growth increases rivalry and cut-off of weak competitors
Excess or shortage of production capacity Excess increases costs and reduces profits, lack leads to the opposite trend in costs
Profitability in the industry Highly profitable industries attract new entries, depression conditions encourage exit
Entry/exit barriers High barriers protect the positions and profits of existing firms, while low barriers make them vulnerable to entry by new firms.
Goods are expensive for buyers Most buyers will buy at the lowest price
Standardized goods Buyers can easily switch from seller to seller
Rapid technology changes The risk is increasing: investments in technology and equipment may not pay off due to obsolescence of the latter
capital requirements Greater demands make investment decisions critical, the moment of investment becomes important, barriers to entry and exit grow
Vertical integration Capital requirements are rising, competitive differentiation and cost differentiation between firms of varying degrees of integration is often on the rise
Economies of scale Increases the volume and size of the market needed for price competition
Quick product update Reducing the life cycle of the product, increasing risk due to the possibility of "leapfrog products"

Analysis of the cellular communication market.

In 2009, the main events in the telecommunications market took place in the cellular communications market. The number of subscribers in Ust-Kamenogorsk reached almost 220 thousand, and in Kazakhstan as a whole - almost 650 thousand. The market developed rapidly, despite the absence of any major technological innovations.

An important result of 2009 was the final formation of three major players in the cellular communications market with ambitious plans to create a national cellular communications network - Beeline and " Assets ".

Table 3

The main production indicators of Euroset and Aktiva.

Given the scale of Kazakhstan and comparing them with China or the United States and the costs of deploying networks there, we can safely say that in the coming years, mobile operators will need at least 60 million rubles. dollars for expansion into the regions. Thus, in the next year or two, the deployment of national networks will be only in large cities, followed by a gradual increase in full coverage. In the meantime, regional plans should rather be seen as promising investment projects of the future, in the short term only allowing to improve the attractiveness of the network in the markets of the "two capitals" due to a large coverage area.

Despite the fact that Beeline and other mobile operators receive the main income in the capitals, their development trends are interesting in many regions, since mobile communications are beginning to develop rapidly throughout the country.

If you look at the policy documents of all three companies, then everywhere they talk about improving customer service, network development, regional policy and the introduction of new technologies. Moreover, heightened competition in the cellular market makes companies somewhat similar to each other - as soon as one of them introduces a new tariff plan, the other announces a similar initiative.

2.2 Market Profile and Key Success Factors .

Based on the above information, we will compile a profile of the cellular communications market in Kazakhstan (the second stage of the analysis of the external environment) (see Table 4).

Table 4

Profile of the mobile communication market of Kazakhstan

Index State Attractiveness rating
Very unattractive Unattractive Neutral Attractive Very attractive
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Consumers and the market
Market size big *
Market growth rate and potential big *
Cyclical demand minor *
Seasonality of demand minor *
Price sensitivity big *
Product Profitability high *
Product differentiation high *
Competition factors
Existence of equal competitors a lot of *
Intensity of competition high *
Degree of specialization of competitors minor *
Difficulties entering the industry high *
Difficulties exiting the industry medium *
Change in the market situation average *
Integration level high *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Capacity utilization average *
Barriers to entry into the industry
scale effect big *
Required investment large *
Propensity of consumers to operators low *
State protection weak *
Sociocultural resistance weak *
Barriers to exit the industry.
State and social restrictions few *
Asset specialization high *
Asset convertibility average *
Dependence on strategic relationships big *
Costs of switching to another industry large *
Intensity of competition among operators high *
Formation of strategic alliances few *
Level of technical innovations high *
The complexity of the technical process for providing services high *
Patents and intellectual property a lot of *
Science intensity of services high *

The third stage of the analysis of the external environment- Identification of key success factors. Key success factors determine financial and competitive success in a given area. They highlight what all firms in the marketplace need to look at closely - the specific decisive outcomes for achieving success in production and in the market that have the most direct impact on a company's profitability. Key Success Factors in the cellular communication market are: the presence of an extensive network that provides cellular coverage, the provision of cellular communication tools at an affordable price, the presence in the region of a sufficient number of solvent customers.

Determining the key success factors is the main task of strategic analysis. Only at the very end, if management knows the state of the market well enough, can it be concluded which factors are more important for competitive success, and which are less. By and large, key factors can serve as the foundation of a business strategy - often a company can achieve competitive advantage by focusing its efforts on one or more key success factors for a given area.

Key success factors change from one area to another, and over time within the same area, as the nature of the driving forces and conditions of competition change. At any given point in time, any field is typically characterized by 3-4 success factors. And even among these three or four, one or two, of course, is more important than the others. Therefore, strategists should not get carried away by assigning a large number of factors to the number of key ones. The purpose of identifying key success factors is to highlight the key factors that are critical to competitive success from those of lesser importance.

2.3 Analysis of the company's strategy and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Strategy - the image of organizational actions and management approaches used to achieve the organizational objectives and goals of the organization.

Determination of the scope of business, goal setting, definition of short-term and long-term tasks (programs), definition of a strategy for achieving the goal forms a strategic plan. The main components of the company's strategy are shown in Figure 1.

Diagnostics LLP is a diversified company, as it operates in various areas. There are four important aspects of the corporate strategy of a diversified company that should be noted:

1. Actions to complete the diversification.

Part of this strategy is deciding whether diversification will be narrow (in a small number of industries) or broad (in many industries), and how the company will be positioned in the selected industries.

2. Management of a diversified company.

Decisions must be made to strengthen long-term competitive positions and thus profitability. A complete portfolio management plan usually includes a strategy of rapid growth in the most favorable strategic business areas (SBAs), supporting other SBAs, organizing restructuring in weak SBAs with potential, and stripping SBAs that are not long-term viable.

3. Finding ways to increase synergy among relatively unrelated SBAs and turn it into a competitive advantage.

In linked diversification, some SBAs use similar or complementary technologies, a similar mode of operation, the same distribution channels, the same consumers, or other measures of synergy. This creates favorable opportunities for technology transfer, broad expertise on ways to reduce costs, enhance competitive status and is a significant source of competitive advantage.

4. Establishing investment priorities and directing the company's resources to the most attractive SBAs.

There are certain factors that determine the strategy of the company. There are a lot of these factors. A simple model of the primary factors that must be taken into account and essentially determine the strategy is shown in Figure 2. The interaction of these factors is usually complex and has specific differences for the industry and the company.

As a rule, the strategy does not ensure success if the boundary between the internal and external situation is not drawn, the acquisition of significant competitive advantages is not ensured, and the company's performance is not improved.

The main strategy of Diagnostics LLP is to consolidate its position in the cellular market by concluding general agreements on cooperation in the maintenance of communication lines with leading operators in the market.

It is also important for the company to develop other business areas in which it also operates (manufacturing of industrial electronics, service work, trade and procurement activities), but activity in the cellular market has an advantage, as the most promising and highly profitable.

2.4 Competitiveness analysis and SWOT analysis.

The next step in the analysis of the internal environment of the firm is firm analysis. The following technique is proposed for analysis.

Quantitative indicators are used for calculations. In addition, a system of indicators of business activity and the effectiveness of the company is used.

Let's apply the principles of these two approaches to the calculation of the analysis of the company's activities.

In view of the foregoing, the following system of indicators is proposed, with the help of which we will calculate the competitiveness of Diagnostics LLP.

The balance sheet of the company for 2009 amounted to 21,147 thousand. Non-current assets - 16,762 thousand. Current assets - 4,385 thousand.

Major sales include:

Mobile communication facilities and maintenance of communication lines - 22,024 thousand or 67%;

Manufacture of products of industrial electronics - 5753 thousand or 17%;

Service work - 2853 thousand or 9%;

Trade and purchasing activities - 2271 thousand or 7%.

To prepare the calculation for the proposed coefficients, an economic analysis of its activities for the reporting period is first carried out based on the calculation of the balance sheet, appendices to it, an itemized analysis of total costs and market analysis.

By product (service) - maintenance of lines and sales of mobile communications .

Market share ratio:

Presale Coefficient:

Sales volume change ratio:

By price.

Price level coefficient:

Bringing the product (service) to the consumer.

The coefficient of bringing the product (service) to the consumer:

To promote a product (service) to the market.

Personal Selling Utilization Rate:

The coefficient of use of ties with camaraderie:

Summing up the above coefficients and finding the arithmetic mean, we determine the final indicator of the competitiveness of marketing activities:

Let's enter the calculation data in table 1.5

In exactly the same way, calculations were made for other products and services - the production of industrial electronics, service work, trade and procurement activities. The data is also included in table 5

Table 5

Analysis of the activities of Diagnostics LLP by products and services.

Indicators mobile connection Industrial electronics Service works Trade and purchasing activities
1. KRD 0,4 0,11 0,02 0,01
2. Checkpoint 0,31 0,55 0,19 0,08
3. KIOP 0,98 2,52 0,88 0,66
4. KUTs 0,95 3,78 0,76 0,57
5. KSb 1,07 1,35 0,83 0,73
6. KrekD 0,94 1,59 0,75 0,67
7. KIPP 1,09 1,83 0,89 0,77
8. KISO 1,12 2,91 1,01 0,99
Total KMTK 0,81 1,83 0,67 0,56

Next, we will calculate an indicator that characterizes the activities of the company in terms of all products (services) of the company:

We will calculate general financial ratios based on an analysis of the company's balance sheet for the reporting period.

Current liquidity ratio (KTL):

Equity ratio (CORR):

Let's do the final calculation:

The indicator has a negative value and indicates a low competitiveness of the company based on the results of 2009.

With the calculated value of CF = -3.38, Diagnostics LLP according to the results of 2009. occupies the sector of the matrix corresponding to the market niche. The company is characterized by close interaction with customers, striving to satisfy their needs as much as possible. However, the firm must be prepared to take measures to prevent bankruptcy.

When conducting an analysis of the internal environment of the organization, it is also necessary to make a SWOT analysis of the company.

Situational, or "SWOT-analysis" (first letters of English words: strengths- strengths; Weaknesses- weak sides; Opportunities- capabilities; Threats- dangers, threats), can be carried out both for the organization as a whole and for certain types of business. Its results are further used in the development of strategic plans and marketing plans.

Analysis of strengths and weaknesses characterizes the study of the internal environment of the organization.

Table 6

SWOT - analysis of Diagnostics LLP.

Strengths Weak sides
Availability of qualified personnel with experience in the field Difficulties in marketing a large volume of industrial products
Accumulated many years of experience in the market Intermittent difficulties with placing orders
Good business relations with consumers of products and suppliers of materials and components Inflexible policy of working with clients (complicated procedure for granting loans, etc.)
Low labor intensity of production No opportunities for extended reproduction
High quality products corresponding to the European level
External Opportunities External threats to the enterprise
Cellular market growth has a steady upward trend Decrease in the overall solvency of enterprises
Positive growth trend in demand for industrial electronics Delay in the growth of investment activity
The established image of Diagnostics LLP among consumers of products Unstable political situation
A small number of fairly strong competitors of Diagnostics LLP in the region. Imperfect legislation

2.5 Mission and strategic goals of the enterprise.

Mission- a clear reason for the existence of the organization. The mission should be formally formulated and communicated to the employees of the organization. The mission is the reference point to which all the goals of the enterprise are tuned.

Typically, the definition of the mission of the organization pursues the solution of the following tasks:

1. Identify the area of ​​active actions of the organization and cut off the development paths that lead nowhere.

2. Determine the basic principles of competition.

3. Develop a common framework for developing the goals of the organization.

4. Develop a concept of activity that inspires the employees of the organization.

When developing a mission, the following groups of factors are taken into account:

1. The history of the emergence and development of the organization, its traditions, achievements and failures, the current image.

2. The existing style of behavior and the way of action of the owners and managers.

3. Resources, i.e. everything that an organization can manage: cash, recognized product brands, unique technologies, employee talent, etc.

4. Environment, representing the totality of all factors that affect the organization's ability to achieve its goals with the help of selected strategies.

5. Distinctive advantages that the organization has.

The mission of the organization should be motivating. Maximizing profits, increasing the value of shares, increasing output do not play a strong motivating role for the employees of the organization - they are rather the result of the implementation of certain strategies (more on this will be discussed later in this chapter). Such a motivating role is played to a greater extent by a clear understanding of the employees about the social importance of their work. Thus, if an enterprise producing mineral fertilizers formulates its mission in terms of providing leadership in the production of certain types of fertilizer, this prosaic mission is unlikely to inspire employees to creative work. Another effect can be expected if the mission is formulated as making a feasible contribution to solving the problem of combating hunger on the globe.

Let's formulate a mission for Diagnostics LLP:

"Our goal is to maintain a high level of development, create new jobs and a production culture that preserves and protects the environment."

The mission does not contain specific instructions on what, how and in what time frame the organization should do. Such information is obtained when formulating the goals of the organization.

Strategic planning also involves the setting of strategic goals for a certain period of time, which must be sufficiently specific and measurable using certain criteria. If the mission statement involves fairly broad statements such as "to be the best in the world," then the strategic goals should clearly define what that means.

There are six types of goals:

1. Achieving certain values ​​of the market share indicator.

2. Innovation goals. Without the development of new products and the provision of new services, an organization can very quickly be beaten out by competitors in their struggle. An example of this type of goal would be: 50% of sales should come from products and services introduced in the last five years.

3. Resource goals characterize the organization's desire to attract the most valuable resources: qualified employees, capital, modern equipment. These goals are marketing in nature. Thus, organizations compete to attract the most capable university graduates, retailers compete for the best location of outlets. Obviously, the achievement of these goals creates preconditions for the fulfillment of other goals.

4. Goals to improve performance. It is obvious that if personnel, capital and production and technical potential are not used efficiently enough, then either the needs of consumers will be satisfied unsatisfactorily, or this will be achieved at the expense of excessive expenditure of resources.

5. Social goals are aimed at reducing the negative impact on the natural environment, at helping the partnership in solving employment problems, in the field of education, etc.

6. Targets for obtaining certain profits can be set only after the formulation of previous targets. Profit is the necessary "bait" that can help attract capital and stimulate the desire of owners to share the risk. Profit is therefore better seen as more of a limiting goal. The minimum profitability is necessary for the survival and development of the business.

Strategic goals of Diagnostics LLP.

1. Introduce innovative technologies

2. Conduct a personnel policy aimed at attracting highly qualified personnel.

3. Achieve a certain level of financial stability and profitability by the business plan.

4. Look for ways to reduce the cost of products and services.

5. Improve organizational culture.

An enterprise, having received long-awaited financial resources, spends them on needs that seem to be of priority, concludes contracts without reading their text, not seeing ambiguities and grammatical errors in them. All managers are sure that it is practically impossible to solve the problems that have arisen in the arbitration court, they complain about the difficulty of collecting debts from non-payers, about the dishonesty of partners, without thinking that the enterprise itself can also do something to reduce the number of non-payments, to increase the timeliness of payments.

In order to guarantee the quality level of the manufactured equipment that meets the application and satisfaction of all customer requirements, as well as the rules and requirements of environmental friendliness and safety in force in the countries with which our company has business relations in particular, the company has developed an effective equipment quality management system, practically production independent.


In conclusion, we can say that the entire period of internship was full of analytical work on various points of the company's activities. These areas of activity included not only the personnel management system, but also the economic and financial issues of the company's functioning in the market.

In the course of writing this internship report, the author analyzed and explored the main issues related to the management system. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that Diagnostics LLP is a successfully operating company that has high competitive advantages.

The essence of the strategic plan of the enterprise, for the creation of which it is necessary to analyze the internal and external environment of the enterprise:

Sets the direction for the activity of the enterprise.

Allows you to better understand the structure of marketing research, the processes of studying Consumers, product planning, its promotion to the market and pricing planning.

Provides each structural unit in the enterprise with clear goals that are linked to the overall objectives of the enterprise.

Stimulates the coordination of efforts of departments in various directions.

Forces the enterprise to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses in terms of competitors, opportunities and threats in the environment.

Identifies alternative actions, or a combination of them, that the organization should take.

Creates a basis for resource allocation.

1. Gradov A.P. The economic strategy of the firm. SPb. - 1999. - S. 54-129.

2. Golubkov E.P. Management. - M.: Finpress, 2000. - S. 417-437.

3. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Finpress, 1999. - S. 248-250.

4. Efremov V.S. Business strategy. - M.: Finpress, 1998. - S. 56 - 109.

5. Maksimova I.V. Assessment of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise // Management. - 1996. - No. 3. - S. 33-39.

6. Glukhov A.N. Evaluation of the competitiveness of goods and ways to ensure it // Management. - 1999. - No. 2. - S. 56-64.

7. F. Kotler, G. Armstrong, D. Saunders, V. Wong. Fundamentals of Management. - M.: Williams Publishing House, 1999. - S. 397.

8. Titova N., Gurkov I. Trends in the competitiveness of domestic products // Management. - 1997. - No. 1. - S. 30.

Federal Agency for Education

Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - "NINH"

Department of Management


on production practice

on the Vedex plus LLP

(name of company)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky"

Faculty of training regional personnel

Specialty 030501 "Jurisprudence"

Practice Report

students of the 6th year of correspondence education (gr. 5-26 Yu/13)

Nuzhdina Alena Andreevna

_____________ (Nuzhdina A.A.)

Practice leader from the organization


Inspector of the personnel department Shmakova O.A. _____________


Practice leader from

UNN them. Lobachevsky

Art. teacher Popkova Zhanna Georgievna _____________


Nizhny Novgorod

2014 Study Practice Report

in MUP MP Balakhna PAP MO BIS NO _______________________________

located at: 606400 Nizhny Novgorod region, Balakhna, st. Chelyuskintsev d. 5.

Students 6 course 5-26 Ju/13 groups

Practice leader at work

(position, surname, name, patronymic) (signature)


    Internship Report…………………………………………………………………5


    Practice Diary…………………………………………………………..12


During the internship, there is a deepening and consolidation of knowledge and professional skills acquired in the learning process based on the study of practical situations. Practical skills play a decisive role in the professional activity of any specialist. The more experience a person has accumulated in the practical use of his theoretical knowledge, the more effective the work of such an employee.

During my internship, I have the following tasks:

Familiarization with the activities of MUP MP Balakhna PAP MO BIS NO

    with the normative acts of the enterprise, its internal structure, organization of the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise;

    Improvement of previously acquired knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the work of enterprises, as well as the legislation regulating the activities of the personnel department;

    Consolidation of skills in the practical application of the law.

An obligatory element of training is the passage of industrial practice (usually this event is held in the 3-4 course). As a result, students should prepare a review, a description of the results. This causes difficulty for students who do not know how to write a field trip report if they are not provided with a sample.

How to write an internship report

Each student is assigned two leaders - one from the educational institution, the second - from the organization. The report on the student's work experience at the enterprise is checked by both managers, and both put their signature (and the employee of the company - most often also the seal). Theoretically, any of the leaders can be contacted for help and advice. However, the questions they can help with are very different.

The personnel department of the company may have a sample of filling out a report on the student's work experience, if interns are regularly accepted there (there is an agreement with the university) - but the requirements change every year, so you should not rely too much on the works of predecessors. Reporting requirements in 2019 may be very different than they were in 2017 or even 2018. In a small company where the student got a job himself, most likely no one will know how to fill out a report; There is nowhere to take a sample from such a company. Therefore, it is better to take the current form at the department or from the head of the educational institution. The manager from the organization can help with collecting material in the company, explaining how everything works, what the structure of the company looks like (all this is needed for the field trip report).

Structure of the field trip report

The structure of the practice report is similar to any scientific paper (an example of which is a term paper).

Example 1

Indicative plan:

  1. Title page.
  2. Table of contents.
  3. Introduction.
  4. The first section is a general description of the organization (field of activity, market position).
  5. The second section is the disclosure of issues related to an individual topic.
  6. The third section - recommendations for improving the organization of business processes from the standpoint of the direction of study (technical, legal, economic or other aspect).
  7. Conclusion.
  8. List of used sources.
  9. Applications.

If in other educational work applications are optional (their role depends on the topic), then the sample report from the enterprise will certainly include this item.

Example 2

Examples of applications: constituent documents, accounting financial statements, primary documentation, extracts from orders, management reporting.

For protection, you need to prepare a brief report on the passage of industrial practice - the most important thing made during your work in the company.

Introduction of the report

The report should begin with an introductory text, the content of which is regulated by the requirements of the university.

Writing an introduction does not require creativity. It is enough for the trainee to formulate the tasks for the solution of which he will undergo an internship.

Example 3

In the text of the introduction, you can use constructions like: "The main goal of the internship is to collect and analyze data about ... at LLC ...".

Depending on the characteristics of the professional activity, the design may differ from the above, but the Internet allows you to find a separate example of an internship report within your specialty.

Example 4

Another example of writing a report suggests that the relevance of the topic of an individual assignment and the connection with the selected organization are first justified: “The average number of employees of Korovushka LLC is more than 100 people, so the issues of accounting for personnel settlements are relevant.”

Body of the report

Most of the time is required to compile the main part, it is it that reveals the content of the practice report.

The main part is divided into several chapters. Its general structure might look like this:

  • Chapter 1.<Наименование главы>
  • Chapter 2<Наименование главы>
  • 2.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
  • 2.2 <Подзаголовок 2>
  • 2.3 <Подзаголовок 3>
  • Chapter 3<Наименование главы>
  • 3.1 <Подзаголовок 1>
  • 3.2 <Подзаголовок 2>

You may be required to report on a different plan. The number of chapters may be smaller, and they should be devoted to specific aspects of the activities of the parent company. Most often, students are guided by the reports on industrial practice issued at the department (examples or samples) and repeat their structure in their report.

We will indicate what each of the chapters should contain. The first part is devoted to a general description of the activities of the organization visited by the student, consideration of its position in the market, the external environment (legal regulations, the economic situation in the field of activity).

The second chapter should cover the organization's methods of operation (i.e., how tasks are performed or problems are solved), especially those that the student has used during his or her tenure.

The third part is analytical in nature and is devoted to a narrow issue due to an individual task. This chapter necessarily uses actual illustrations (graphs, tables), calculations, comparisons. Often in the third chapter it is required to formulate proposals for improving any aspect of the enterprise.

Writing the first chapter of a field trip report

Most often, the first section is a brief description of the company. This report on industrial practice differs from other student works: an example of a term paper that begins with a consideration of theoretical positions is not applicable here. The differences are due to the specifics of practice as a type of educational activity: the student does not comprehensively study a certain scientific issue (theoretical aspects and practical application), but gets acquainted with the activities of a real company in one way or another.

On the first day of internship, the student is introduced to the workplace, tells the history of the company, describes the areas of activity, organizational structure. This information can be included in the first chapter. Such a description would be appropriate regardless of the student's specialty, but still, it is better to focus on your field of study, to consider in more detail the unit to which the student was assigned.

Figure 1. An example of a company's organizational structure for a field trip report

As a rule, the company's website is useful to make the first chapter. Basic information can be gleaned from the constituent documents, and from conversations with employees.

Writing the second chapter

The second chapter of the report deals with issues related to the topic of practice. The topic can be given to a student individually (and subsequently become the topic of a thesis) or be common to a group of students. The internship report should cover this topic.

Example 5

Examples of economic topics:

  • Analysis of the use of the authorized capital.
  • Accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors.
  • Analysis of income, expenses and financial results.
  • Audit of settlements with buyers and customers.
  • Analysis of the formation of production costs.
  • Methods for estimating production costs.

Example 6

Examples of legal topics:

  • Types of employment contract.
  • Features of the legal regulation of women's labor.
  • Legal aspects of employee motivation.

When choosing a topic, it is extremely important to assess whether the practice base will allow sufficient coverage of this topic.

Example 7

If a student is attached to a store that does not have its own workshops, it is unlikely that it will be possible to write something about estimating the costs of production. If the company does not have hired employees (an individual entrepreneur works alone, or only the founders themselves work in a limited liability company), disclosure of issues related to employment contracts will also be inappropriate.

Example 8

This chapter may consider the legal basis for the organization of processes (current legislation and local acts), methodology, methods and tools, distribution of responsibilities between employees.

Writing the third chapter

A report on the completion of an internship at an enterprise may be limited to two sections, but more often it is supplemented by a third chapter - recommendations, or at least the identification of problems and optimization reserves. A report on the completion of an industrial pre-diploma practice can become the basis of a diploma, so the third chapter should be given close attention in order to facilitate your work in the future. Identification of problems should be accompanied by an analysis of performance indicators, illustrating the non-optimality of the current state of affairs.

The internship leader can suggest what innovations are planned for implementation in the enterprise - their projects can be used as suggestions for improvement.

Conclusion of the report on production practice

When the learner has given details of his activities, his last task is to confirm that the set goals have been successfully achieved.

Example 9

At the end of the report, the following points can be included:

  • Description of achievements and acquired experience.
  • Difficulties that had to be overcome.
  • The relevance of their professional activities and its social, scientific or economic importance.
  • Wishes and comments on organizational issues.
  • General impressions and plans for the future.

The conclusion summarizes the entire note on the results of the internship. Here you need to tell how this internship was useful, what you learned during its time, what you did useful for the organization that accepted you.

Preparation of a report on production practice

The correct execution of the report on production practice is a necessary condition for obtaining a high mark. The order of registration corresponds to the list of sections of the document:

  • Title page. The sample is provided at the department, the differences from the title page of the course work are insignificant (another type of work and two supervisors are indicated).
  • The next page is a table of contents (table of contents). The layout is the same as the layout of the content in other works: the name of the section and the page on which it begins are indicated.
  • The rules for the design of the text also do not differ from the requirements for the design of other types of work. The text is printed on white A4 sheets on one side, in Times New Roman size 12 or 14, with one and a half (rarely single) spacing.
  • The list of references of the report on production practice is drawn up in accordance with GOST.

Additionally, a diary is filled in - a report on the practice by day.

Example 10

An example of filling out this document for an economics student:

  • 02/05/2019 - Acquaintance with the workplace. Induction training.
  • 02/06/2019 - Studying the structure of the enterprise.
  • 02/08/2019 - Study of accounting policies.

Figure 2. Diary view as part of a field trip report

The diary can be printed in the form of a table with dates and completed tasks, or fit manually into a special notebook. The firm assures the completed diary - that the trainee really worked these days, completed the tasks assigned to him within the specified time frame.

At the final stage of preparation, it is useful to use a sample of filling out a report on production practice as an example of the correct design. This is due to the fact that the requirements in universities vary, different departments approach the issues of the appearance of documents differently.

Students usually do practice three times during the entire course of study. The internship ends with writing a report according to the internship program issued by the university. This article will tell you what should be included in the report.

  1. Introductory practice. Often it is carried out in the first or second year, when the student has received general information about his specialty, and now he must supplement theoretical knowledge with his own experience. The report here covers the principle of operation of the enterprise visited by the student and the conclusions about whether the standards of its work correspond to the studied norms.
  2. Internship. This type is carried out in the third or fourth year, when the student does not just get acquainted with the work of a particular enterprise, but becomes an intern, that is, a full-fledged employee who is directly involved in its activities. The report analyzes the work of the company in more depth, describes the actions and achievements of the student, confirms them with the attached documents, calculations and drawings made by him independently.
  3. Undergraduate practice. This is the most important stage followed by state examinations. The report should describe the application of the acquired knowledge and skills. Undergraduate practice becomes part of the thesis.

How to write a report

Compiling a report is a lengthy process that is divided into three stages.

  1. Data collection. Every day during your practice, make notes in a notebook or in a specially created MS Word document. Write down memorable moments, share observations, record the words of your mentors.
  2. Analysis of the collected information. At the end of the practice, review the notes and weed out the less important. Divide snippets of data into report items so that you don’t miss a single significant thought.
  3. Direct reporting. Depending on your employment, the process will take from one to several hours. Try not to leave this work for later, and before printing, go over the report with a fresh look.

Report plan

Often, universities provide students with plans and sample reports, and sometimes even a brochure that you just need to fill out. In other cases, you need to arrange everything yourself. A standard report consists of the following sections:

Title page

The cover of the report should contain the following elements:

  • Full name of the educational institution;
  • Information about the department and faculty;
  • Title of the report;
  • Full name of the student, data on his training (course and group);
  • the name of the enterprise that provided the internship;
  • Full name of the teacher supervising the practice.

Explanatory note

In this section, you talk about what you did during the practice. It is important to clearly and competently state your duties and actions, fitting them into one page. Use a scientific style to make a positive impression on the curator, because it is the explanatory note that will attract his close attention.


I, Velimudr Ratiborovich Starzhinsky, a 3rd year student of the department of "Administrative Law" of the Moscow State University of Law, did an internship at Cosma LLC as a legal assistant.

During the passage I got acquainted with the following materials:

  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • History of the company's development;
  • The nature of its activities;
  • Job description of a lawyer;
  • Standard forms of accepted documents.

My responsibilities included the following:

  • Preparation and execution of documentation;
  • Entering data into the database;
  • Interpretation of legal documents;
  • Searching for the necessary information.

During the practice, he collected materials for a term paper on the topic: "Peculiarities of the functioning of a Russian family enterprise."

I have made the following suggestions:

  • Regular updating of the company's website;
  • Optimization of the composition of employees;
  • Improving legal literacy in the enterprise.


Ideally, the characteristic should be written by your mentor at the enterprise, however, he may be too busy, so the maximum that he will be able to do is sign the text you have prepared. Self-assessment is not an easy task. Here it is important to show objectivity and reliability, not to ascribe non-existent merits to yourself and not to exaggerate the value of your actions. Try to add a small flaw among the sea of ​​​​positive reviews, which you will work on in the future.

First, ask the mentor and find out his opinion about your work so that he, at least in words, expresses his point of view. Let this form the basis of your characterization.



It was given to Velimudr Ratiborovich Starzhinsky, a 3rd year student of the Department of Administrative Law of the Moscow State University of Law, for completing an introductory practice at Kosma LLC from 01/14/2018 to 05/31/2018.

During the internship Starzhinsky V.R. did the following:

  • Familiarize yourself with the organizational structure of the company;
  • Studied all the statutory documents of the enterprise;
  • Prepared an analysis of the economic activities of the organization;

Performed the duties of a legal assistant, including the following:

  • Work as a legal assistant;
  • Communication with customers;
  • Making report;
  • Search for the necessary information;
  • Interpretation of relevant legal acts.

All instructions given to V.R. Starzhinsky were carried out by him in a timely manner, efficiently and in full. The legal assistant proved himself to be a competent and valuable specialist, ready both to listen to the recommendations of the mentor and to make his own proposals.

Grade for practice: "Excellent".

Date: 05/31/2018.

Practice leader: Steven-Steingel S.Sh.

Head of the enterprise: Smirnov V.D.

Practice Diary

In this section, you list your activities in tabular form, complete with a date and a brief description. The volume of this section: 2-3 pages.


In the third column, your mentor, whose instructions you are performing, should sign. At the end of the diary, the final signature and seal of the organization are required.

The harsh reality is that student interns do not always have the opportunity to regularly visit the enterprise, but the diary should be written every day. Discuss in advance the frequency of visits and a rough plan of your actions. Present these data in a table, relying on fantasy and trying to maintain authenticity. Write one to three activities on each line, distribute them evenly, choose diverse responsibilities and place them in a logical and chronological order.

As in term paper and thesis, you will do the content after you write all sections of the report. Be sure to insert continuous numbering into the document and design all headings and subheadings in the appropriate style. Then hover over the page after the title page, click on "LINKS", on "TABLE OF CONTENTS" and, finally, on the first line of the pop-up menu called "Auto-collected table of contents". The content will appear immediately.


In this section, you reflect the main goal of your practice and list the tasks that should lead you to the intended result.

Sample goal: consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge and supplementing it with practical skills in an existing enterprise.

Sample tasks:

Studying the statutory documents of the organization;

Analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise;

Acquisition of office work skills.

Main part

The main part of the report must be written in accordance with the guidelines and the practice program. Depending on the specialty received, practice reports are written in different ways. Consider an example of how the main part of the report on the practice of economics is written.

The main part is divided into two chapters, the first of which displays theoretical knowledge about the enterprise, and the second tells about practice, that is, about your actions and the skills you have acquired. The chapters are divided into paragraphs, the first, which reveals the organizational structure of the company, in paragraph 1.1 refers to its legal status, and in paragraph 1.2 describes its economic activities. The second chapter displays your personal analysis of this activity (section 2.1) and your suggestions for improving it (section 2.2).

When preparing the main part, rely on the studied statutory documents of the company, conversations with employees and your own observations. Try to dilute the text with graphs, charts and tables, teachers especially appreciate this.

To write a second, practical chapter, use the SWOT rule to describe the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This method of analysis will demonstrate your competence and foresight.

Even if you are a student who has looked into the long run of a large enterprise for a limited time, you can take a fresh look at the problems that hinder its development and reduce profits. Think about how you can eliminate these difficulties. State your thoughts in the appropriate subchapter. For example, you might think that a company would function much faster if it used the latest computer technology more intensively or if the employee motivation system improved.


As in the term paper, and in the thesis, the conclusion is a reflection of the introduction. In this section, you evaluate how much you managed to get to the stated goal. Share the lessons learned from your internship. Let the conclusion plan coincide with the tasks. For example, if the task sounds like “Studying the statutory documents of the company”, then in the conclusion you write: “The statutory documentation of the organization was studied and analyzed.”

Do not forget to reflect your attitude to the practice, evaluate how useful it was for you. For example, you can write that the internship provided you with an excellent opportunity to acquire useful skills in organizing office work, to get acquainted with the rules of workflow. Next, you need to express confidence that in the future you will definitely be able to implement the acquired skills in professional activities.


The presence of several applications will be an additional plus for your report. You can supplement it with regulatory documents obtained during the internship, including excerpts from the charter, your employment contract, job description, samples of some documents.

Report design

The appearance of the report is no less important than its content. As a rule, teachers clearly reveal every nuance, including font size and style, but some points are common to all universities.

The printed report should be stitched or stitched, the pages should be numbered through the method, starting from the 2nd sheet.

Sections must be numbered, and their constituent parts (subsections) have numbers within the main section.

Jun 25, 2018 Maria Zhukova

Everyone knows that students encounter practice many times during their studies. Usually practice is held several times in the summer and once before the final qualifying work. After each passage, most universities require you to prepare an internship report. Such work may differ depending on what kind of practice you did - undergraduate, industrial, or summer introductory

Any type of practice has its own differences and some nuances that you should pay attention to. For example, an educational or familiarization practice must be completed before the last year and at least twice during the entire period of study. Usually, during an internship, a student does not participate in the work of an enterprise, but is more engaged in observation and note-taking.

Industrial practice or, in other words, technological practice is already more difficult. Here the student is already required to participate in the activities of the enterprise, although minimal. Of course, no one will load the trainee with responsible work. Usually they give a job that does not imply great responsibility and, of course, someone will definitely look after the student.

Undergraduate practice is probably the most serious type of practice. Everything is grown-up here. Undergraduate practice implies that the student is already ready to professionally perform the assigned duties. And at least there is still an opportunity to find a job, unless, of course, the student is satisfied with the place of internship. In addition, all the information material that will be collected and expressed in the undergraduate report will be used already when writing the final work.

Despite the apparent differences in general, the pursued goals of the practice are all approximately equal:

  • Evaluation of knowledge gained as a result of internship;
  • Learn to apply the received theory;
  • Application of practical knowledge in real work;
  • Understanding what you will have to face in practice in real conditions;
  • Analysis of the activities of the organization in the course of activities in practice.

The end result should definitely be a report on the practice. Those. the result of the internship is always expressed in a text document where the knowledge gained by the student will be reflected and, in fact, what exactly the student learned as a result of the internship at the enterprise. To what extent did the student's studies contribute to professional growth and whether he can independently work for enterprises in a given specialization.

The most frequent variant of the practice is implemented in the student's immersion in real conditions, familiar to people who have already completed their studies, but unusual for a typical student who has never worked. Well, accordingly, to write "beautiful" i.e. an understandable report will have to fully taste all the features of the enterprise's activities, on which regulatory framework the features of the organizational structure and workflow are based.

We will have to describe what exactly the student was doing during the internship, and even if, as usual, he was not allowed anywhere, then he would have to peep what he could hypothetically do there and describe it all correctly.

How to start writing an internship report (industrial, undergraduate)

Writing a practice report is not at all difficult; the main thing is to know where to start. And the beginning is very straightforward - you need to take an assignment for practice at an educational institution, get methodological instructions and it is advisable to peep, unless of course there is an opportunity to write reports before you at your university.

Manuals usually live in the departments or with fellow students who have already managed to get confused. In this super-important reading matter, there will be all the requirements for what to write and how to arrange.

The plan (content) will be the basis for the preparation of the practice report. The plan will display all the questions and tasks that must be disclosed by the student. The plan usually includes 3 to 5 base points.

A good, high-quality report, which teachers usually like, includes not only bare water, but also analytics, any virtual recommendations regarding business processes in the enterprise. Of course, you can not visit and think of everything, it is unlikely that anyone will check your visit to practice. But if everything is done in the right way, then at least you need to visit the place of undergraduate or industrial practice and see what is there and how.

Let's consider the case when you are going through practice for real, i.e. We decided to take it seriously and thought - let it come in handy. First you need to outline everything that you had to face, but exactly as much as necessary - and you don’t need to describe each step in production. It is better to approach the head of the practice and clarify what information is better to keep for the report, and what may be superfluous.

As soon as you have all the necessary information for the enterprise, and at least the organizational form, organizational structure, any reporting and analytics, you can start processing and studying.

After you complete the study of the information available about the enterprise, you can safely begin to create a report base. Scatter the entire text into logical chapters and slowly bring your report into a readable structural form.

The structure of the practice report may differ, but there is always a structural and familiar format, similar to any publication. Preamble, ambulance and conclusion. Or scientifically, a logical sequence. Those. standards for structuring information to which everyone is accustomed.

Practice report structure and content

Usually, in a typical non-Harvard university, the practice report structure looks like this:

  1. Title page, . Usually, the following information is indicated on the title page: the name of the educational institution and specialty, the topic and type of the practice report, the surname and initials of the teacher who checks the report and the student who completes it, the name of the group in which the student studies, the name of the enterprise where practical classes are held , the city in which the educational institution is located and the year of writing the practice report.
  2. Report plan (contents) with all chapters and subsections.
  3. Introduction, which indicates the goals and objectives of passing practical classes. They, as a rule, are already given in the guidelines for writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the expected result of the internship.
  4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical parts. In addition, the theoretical part should be divided into sections, and the practical part, as the educational institution sees fit. In this part, all calculations are made, the activities of the enterprise are described, all the necessary information about the organizational structure is told, analysis and comparative characteristics are carried out.
  5. The conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all the conclusions made by the student during the practical training. Immediately, an assessment of one's own work is given, and the efforts made are adequately assessed. In addition, in conclusion, it is imperative to give your recommendations on how to improve the professional activities of the enterprise.
  6. Attachments - not always, but sometimes especially viedle teachers will forgive you to attach something. If the report was written in the field of accounting, then attach the balance sheets of the enterprise, and so on, depending on the specialization.

Different types of reports on practice in writing may have some differences, but usually not significant.

Types and types of practice reports

Practice Report

As we already wrote, the educational practice is not particularly laborious and one can not expect that the work should have deep analytics and a detailed practical part.

In general, to put it simply, in educational practice, you just need to pour a lot of water and all sorts of “blah blah blah” about the process and place of the practice. There is no need to detail how things are going on at the enterprise. In the introduction we write that we are going through an educational practice in order to consolidate knowledge and study the subject area in practice, well, a plus about the very place of working out. In conclusion, we state that we have passed the practice and consolidated knowledge.

Field Practice Report - Key Differences

Industrial practice - what is it and conceptual differences? Yes, in fact, it is no different, just earlier, back in the USSR, this name was applied to almost all reports, since almost students of that time were in production. Sometimes the concept is rarely used and the design of such a report is no different from a typical one.

The main thing to remember is that the production practice is still designed for independent work and the trainee's own thoughts, hence at least your ideas and value judgments about the place of passage should be present in the report.

Report on undergraduate practice - accents and nuances

Pre-graduation practice is not just some kind of writing, it is already a possible foundation for your graduation project. Usually, the basis of the thesis work can be based on information and analytics prepared as part of the report on undergraduate practice. However, in order for the report to go further into the basis of the diploma, it is necessary that the topic correspond, i.e. for example, they had an internship in accounting, the report included elements of accounting at the enterprise, but the topic of the diploma should also be related to this.

Ostuda very useful advice! When you already have the topic of your graduation project in your hands, write a report within the framework of this topic, i.e. start writing a diploma and submit two chapters of this work as a report.

Also, before writing a report, look for samples (examples) on this site, we have a lot of free reports and there is something to download. Well, if it’s already completely unclear or there is no desire to mess around, it’s easier to order!

Certain documents must be attached to each type of report. This is a mandatory rule for every educational institution. The role of documents is usually an internship diary, a description from the place of internship and an explanatory note.

How to prepare an explanatory note for a practice report

In essence, an explanatory note is an abbreviated summary of the practice report prepared by the trainee. The note usually describes the student's workdays step by step and the general content of the internship.

An explanatory note is rarely required and only in the most confused universities. All the same, the report is not a graduation project and it is not entirely clear what exactly needs to be explained in the framework of the written report.

But if required, the explanatory note is usually written on one sheet and includes a summary of the report plus some terms and definitions that are found in the report.

I almost always require a reference to the practice report

Characteristics for the practice report are requested to be provided from the place of internship. A characteristic is usually needed only for a report on undergraduate or industrial practice

In your characterizations, your practice leader is exceptionally good at describing your wasted time at the time of your internship. And usually, the less you dangled under your feet at the enterprise, the better they will write a characteristic. But the text about how good you are, you will most likely be asked to prepare on your own, which will then be signed by the head of the practice.

To be honest, no one reads a testimonial in an educational institution, at least because most students do internships at enterprises by acquaintance and they will write anything they want there, but no one has canceled this bureaucracy.

Very Important - Internship Diary

Without a diary, the report will definitely not be accepted. In the diary, as a rule, a record of visits to the practice by the student is kept. The diary form is provided in the university manual or I suggest writing it in any form.