Direct like. Direct people are, first of all, sincere people

Quite often in life we ​​hear the words: “Oh, how sweet and spontaneous she is!”. Let's understand what people mean by this concept.

Let's start with a real life example

Men often do not take women seriously, and sometimes frankly ironic about the enthusiastic stories of their soulmate that, say, Marinka's husband almost every day brings home a bouquet of flowers, and Katyusha the other day presented a new fur coat. They are firmly convinced that those husbands are banal henpecked.

And it is unaware of these self-confident machos that most of the actions that they perform “on their own” are wholly and completely directed and accumulated by the ladies present next to them.

Direct - what kind of girl is this?

As a rule, we do not make much difference between such concepts as stupidity and spontaneity, and yet female nature is contradictory and infinitely diverse in its manifestations, no matter what the fair sex does - work, housework, children, communication with friends. One of the facets of the female character is this sweetest spontaneity. This behavior is often compared to that of a child. And it, as you know, captivates with its ingenuity and straightforwardness.

The immediate is, first of all, a woman who can sincerely express her feelings. Taking the position of a little unintelligent girl, an adult girl gives the man who is next to her a chance to show herself as an extraordinary, independent person who is able to take the initiative and make independent decisions. A young lady who owns this weapon can easily achieve many goals and correctly play on male pride, while relieving herself of any responsibility for what is happening. The direct is a person who performs acts completely devoid of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. By “turning on” the behavior a la a little girl, it is much easier for a woman to achieve any absolution and receive forgiveness for her misdeeds.

Special representative of the fair sex

A direct girl is a person who owns some kind of absolute weapon. She has some psychological tricks unknown to men that give her the opportunity to hide from problems and always keep the emergency exit ajar, so that if something happens, she can safely escape into it.

The reaction of a woman to the events taking place around her is absolutely ambiguous and unpredictable. A flower blooming in a flower bed can cause a storm of joyful and bright emotions, and five minutes later she is already crying over a homeless kitten, her whole being at that moment is filled with sadness because of the injustice of this world. Immediate is a girl who is able to sincerely be surprised and express sympathy, not hiding behind a mask of indifference and insensitivity. All this helps her to get rid of negativity and cope with stressful situations. Of course, such a discharge has the most positive effect on the psyche and improves the general condition of a woman, has a beneficial effect on her character. The direct is a person who follows his inner impulses without looking back.

Is it good or bad?

But with all the seemingly indisputable advantages of such ingenuity, there is one single dangerous minus. Directness with irrepressible and inept use of it can develop into infantilism. And this is already an indicator of a certain immaturity and even psychological ill health. It is important not to cross this line, and then a woman will always be for those around her a girl in need of protection and help. After all, the immediate is not stupid, but rather speaking and acting impulsively, without much thought, a person capable of sincere sympathy and good deeds. Her whole world is in the power of only one of her driven inner drives and instincts.

Now you know the meaning of the word "immediate". We hope you find this information useful.



adj., use comp. often

Morphology: immediate and directly, directly, directly, immediate; more directly; nar. directly

1. You use the word direct when you want to talk about someone's personal presence, participation, involvement in something.

I was introduced to my immediate supervisor. | Misha was a direct participant in the festival.

2. Action is called direct if it is carried out directly, without intermediaries.

Usually, one or more employees directly work with the consumer of banking services. | They exercise direct control over the actions of all their units. |


The duties of the promoter are to directly participate in various activities to promote goods on the market.

3. direct they call a person who behaves openly, naturally, does not hide his feelings, thoughts, etc.

Children are direct in expressing their desires. | There are situations when a viewer who is direct and open to art is more likely to perceive something new than a hardened theatergoer. |


Conduct yourself directly.

immediacy noun, and.

Children's immediacy.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .



See what "immediate" is in other dictionaries:

    In the process of formation and development of Russian scientific and philosophical terminology and abstract literary vocabulary, in addition to the Old Slavonic and folk "primordially Russian", common Slavic and East Slavic beginnings, played a very significant role ... ... The history of words

    See directly ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. direct personal, direct, closest; blood, laid-back, natural, child of nature, simple, cramped, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    DIRECT, immediate, immediate; immediate, direct, directly. 1. Following immediately after someone with something, without the intermediate participation of someone with something, without intermediate links. Immediate supervisor. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    DIRECT, oh, oh; vein, vein. 1. full Directly following someone after something, without intermediate links, participants. N. result. N. culprit. N. chief. 2. Frank and laid-back. direct nature. Behave… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (but only together in the meaning of laid-back) ... Spelling Dictionary

    direct- immediate, brief f. direct and less often direct, direct, directly, direct ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    direct- nearest — Topics oil and gas industry Synonyms nearest EN immediate … Technical Translator's Handbook

    direct- oh, oh; en, enna 1) Deprived of intermediate links, without intermediaries; straight. Provide direct guidance. The direct culprit of the accident. The immediate result of the study. Immediate impression. The veneration of saints ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    direct- ▲ related (as) directly directly related directly. straight. neighborhood. neighbor. neighboring. adjacent (adjacent faces of the polyhedron). tight (# connection). full-time (face-to-face) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I adj. Following immediately after someone or something, without the intermediate participation of someone or something. II adj. Without hesitation and doubt following his inner attraction; alien to introspection. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


  • All Adventures of Dunno in one book, Nikolai Nosov. "All the adventures of Dunno in one book" is a collection of wonderful fairy tale stories about the adventures of little kids from the Flower City, created by Nikolai Nosov and his grandson ...

sentences with the word IMMEDIACY

  • strength and immediacy present tense attract the object of desire to you.
  • But the main feature of his speech was immediacy and controversy.
  • Economic laws govern us, as it were, with greater immediacy than ecological ones.
  • He finally lost his former cheerful immediacy.
  • From the former immediacy there was no trace left.
  • Ernestina was upset from the whole immediacy his eighteen years.
  • Habit dulls immediacy feelings even when it comes to the great phenomena of nature.
  • All this confirms the general rule about preparedness, thoughtfulness of secondary genres and spontaneity, immediacy primary.
  • We, the people of the twentieth century, perceive it with the same novelty and immediacy as perceived by our ancestors.
  • Nelya is an expansive girl, you can understand her immediacy the feeling that flared up in her.
  • I did not know that, unlike primitives, its roots lie in the rough immediacy moral sense.
  • Her immediacy, rejecting all the tricks of her sex, allowed her to be on excellent terms with the whole world.
DIRECT DIRECT DIRECT, direct, immediate; immediate, direct, directly. 1. Following immediately after someone, without intermediate participation of someone, without intermediate links. Direct boss. immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Send a letter directly (adv.) to the addressee. In immediate neighborhood. 2. trans. Following without hesitation and doubt to the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is a natural being. Children are spontaneous. || Directly, without hindrance, flowing from an inner impulse, instinct. Immediate feeling.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

Direct - what is it? What is immediacy

Quite often in life we ​​hear the words: “Oh, how sweet and spontaneous she is!”. Let's understand what people mean by this concept.

Let's start with a real life example

Men often do not take women seriously, and sometimes frankly ironic about the enthusiastic stories of their soulmate that, say, Marinka's husband almost every day brings home a bouquet of flowers, and Katyusha the other day presented a new fur coat. They are firmly convinced that those husbands are banal henpecked.

And it is unaware of these self-confident machos that most of the actions that they perform “on their own” are wholly and completely directed and accumulated by the ladies present next to them.

Direct - what kind of girl is this?

As a rule, we do not make much difference between such concepts as stupidity and spontaneity, and yet female nature is contradictory and infinitely diverse in its manifestations, no matter what the fair sex does - work, housework, children, communication with friends. One of the facets of the female character is this sweetest spontaneity. This behavior is often compared to that of a child. And it, as you know, captivates with its ingenuity and straightforwardness.

The immediate is, first of all, a woman who can sincerely express her feelings. Taking the position of a little unintelligent girl, an adult girl gives the man who is next to her a chance to show herself as an extraordinary, independent person who is able to take the initiative and make independent decisions. A young lady who owns this weapon can easily achieve many goals and correctly play on male pride, while relieving herself of any responsibility for what is happening. The direct is a person who performs acts completely devoid of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. By “turning on” the behavior a la a little girl, it is much easier for a woman to achieve any absolution and receive forgiveness for her misdeeds.

Special representative of the fair sex

A direct girl is a person who owns some kind of absolute weapon. She has some psychological tricks unknown to men that give her the opportunity to hide from problems and always keep the emergency exit ajar, so that if something happens, she can safely escape into it.

The reaction of a woman to the events taking place around her is absolutely ambiguous and unpredictable. A flower blooming in a flower bed can cause a storm of joyful and bright emotions, and five minutes later she is already crying over a homeless kitten, her whole being at that moment is filled with sadness because of the injustice of this world. Immediate is a girl who is able to sincerely be surprised and express sympathy, not hiding behind a mask of indifference and insensitivity. All this helps her to get rid of negativity and cope with stressful situations. Of course, such a discharge has the most positive effect on the psyche and improves the general condition of a woman, has a beneficial effect on her character. The direct is a person who follows his inner impulses without looking back.

Is it good or bad?

But with all the seemingly indisputable advantages of such ingenuity, there is one single dangerous minus. Directness with irrepressible and inept use of it can develop into infantilism. And this is already an indicator of a certain immaturity and even psychological ill health. It is important not to cross this line, and then a woman will always be for those around her a girl in need of protection and help. After all, the immediate is not stupid, but rather speaking and acting impulsively, without much thought, a person capable of sincere sympathy and good deeds. Her whole world is in the power of only one of her driven inner drives and instincts.

Now you know the meaning of the word "immediate". We hope you find this information useful.




In the process of formation and development of Russian scientific and philosophical terminology and abstract literary vocabulary, in addition to the Old Slavonic and folk "primordially Russian", common Slavic and East Slavic beginnings, the semantic influence of ancient languages ​​- Greek and Latin - played a very significant role. This influence could be immediate, direct, but it could be carried out and deepened through the Western European languages. Thus, the Latin language as an international language of European medieval science had a tremendous impact on scientific, philosophical and technical, socio-political international terminology.

The history of Russian scientific and abstract vocabulary, for all its national identity, also reflects the general processes of the semantic development of the languages ​​of the European system. Word direct originated in the Russian book language of the early 18th century. under the influence of the Latin immediatus and was supported by the influence of the German unmittelbar (cf. French immédiat). In the XVIII century. it was used in a meaning close to German. unmittelbar. So, in Adelung's "Complete Lexicon" cited above (part 2, p. 740) we read: "Unmittelbar, adj. and adv., -er, -ste, direct ... Der unmittelbare Verstand einer Rede - the direct meaning of speech. UnmittelbareReichsstände Rede independent, independent, direct imperial members, subject to one emperor of the empire. Die Unmittelbarkeit (plural does not have) - immediacy, independence, independence.

Genetic and semantic connection of the word direct with unmittelbar explains the lack of semantic parallelism in Russian between words direct and mediocre(cf. in the words of AR: “ Mediocre... Medium between good and bad, between great and small. Mediocre opinion. Mediocre growth, mediocre success» - 1822, part 5, p. 45); but cf. meanings of the German mittelbar (Adelung, Poln. lex., 2, p. 68).

There is reason to believe that the adverb first appeared directly. Directly originally opposed to the word mediocre, but the word means. So, in the "Register of memorable sayings", attached to the Russian translation (Gavr. Buzhinsky) of the book Sam. Puffendorf "On the position of a man and a citizen" (De officiis hominis et civis), the words are placed: means or directly - mediate vel immediate. Adjective direct formed a little later in the 30-40s of the XVIII century. In Weismann's lexicon: Unmittelbar, immediate - directly (p. 711); cf. Polish bezpośredni, bezpośrednio, bezpośredniość. Unlike mediocre adjective direct enters into a close relationship with those new meanings and new words that are formed from the noun through in the Russian literary language of the early 19th century. with words middleman, mediate, intermediary etc.

In the lexicon of 1731, as already indicated, the adjective name has not yet been noted direct. Here the German unmittelbar (lat. immediate) is translated through "immediately" (p. 711). Meanwhile, the word mediocre already in this dictionary. It is considered as one of the synonyms of the word average. Here is all the relevant material:

“Mittel, medium - middle, medium. Sich ins Mittel legen, ins Mittel Kommen intercedere - being a mediator, mediate, what business to enter into, quarreling, welding to reconcile. Das Mittel treffen, servare modum - keep the middle, keep the means, get into the middle. Mittelbar, mediate - directly, indirectly. Mässig, mediocris, mediocriter - medium, dimensional, mediocre. Mässigkeit, mediocritas - mediocrity, dimensionality. Mittel, intercessor, conciliator - mediator, conciliator, conciliator, intercessor, intercessor" (p. 419-420). But cf. in “Knowledge relating to philosophy in general” (collected and explained by Gr. Teplov. Book 1, 1751, p. 4): “Sciences must first produce benefits, and from that glory itself directly follow has". Wed also in Radishchev's Journey: "But if we immediate we don’t find any offspring from Lomonosov’s oratory, the effect of his benevolence and ringing punctuation of unstoppable speech was, however, universal.

In the dictionary of 1847 the word direct is also defined according to its use in the language of the 18th - early 19th centuries: “ Direct... Not dependent on mediation, direct. Immediate power"(vol. 2, p. 445). Thus, this meaning: `direct, without intermediate links, without the intermediate participation of someone.', is the most original, oldest meaning of the word direct. In the 19th century only the circle of its use has changed, especially since this meaning has gone far beyond the limits of the business language (cf. expressions: immediate superiors; transmit a letter directly addressee; direct the reason direct a consequence of something. It was..; in immediate neighborhood etc.).

But already in the 20-30s of the XIX century. in the word direct a new meaning develops: `directly arising from the internal nature of things, not mediated by abstract-rational cognition.' For example, direct knowledge, direct feeling. This meaning is formed in the philosophical language of the Russian Schellingians.

I. Panov, in his study “Slavophilism as a Philosophical Doctrine”, wrote, quoting Khomyakov’s reasoning about living knowledge (op., 1, p. 279): “It does not embrace the entire area of ​​​​our understanding - this is not a whole mind, because the mind, in all its integrity, embraces or contains within itself the realm of reason; this is only one of the sides of our mind, one of the gradations of knowledge, beyond which German philosophy adopts the not entirely accurate name of knowledge immediate(das unmittelbare Wissen)..." (ZhMNP, 1880, No. 11, p. 53).

V. G. Belinsky in the article "Russian literature in 1840" mentions a word direct, immediacy among the neologisms of the philosophical and journalistic language of the 30s. "Beyond the words mentioned ( endless, final, absolute, subjective, objective, individual, individual. - AT. AT.), “Domestic notes” also use the following, before them used by no one (in the sense in which they accept them) and unheard of words: direct, immediacy, immanent, special, isolation, self-enclosed, isolation, contemplation, moment, definition, negation, abstract, abstractness, reflection, specific, concreteness etc. In Germany, for example, these words are used even in conversations between educated people, and a new word expressing a new thought is revered as an acquisition, a success, a step forward” (cf. also Belinsky, 1900-1910, vol. 8, p. 353 and vol. 9, p. 479).

So, Belinsky connects this new meaning of the word direct, as well as other expressions given by him, with the influence of German philosophy. Even more interesting is Belinsky’s statement in the footnote to this reasoning: “... these “incomprehensible” words are becoming understandable to everyone from day to day” (see the article by L. A. Bulakhovsky “Abstract vocabulary in the Russian literary language of the first half of the 19th in. "// Sat. Dnepropetr. University, pp. 7-8; the same in the book: Bulakhovsky, Russian lit. yaz., 1, p. 334). Wed N. I. Pirogov in the “Diary of an old doctor”: “And those pure empiricists who, dwelling on the facts, do not go beyond their own direct(direct or immediate) inferences from these facts are absolutely right in my eyes...” (2, p. 41).

Based on the expansion and modification of the same philosophical meaning in the 30-40s, it is outlined in the word direct a new shade of meaning. Immediate - when applied to a person, it is conceived as the antithesis of the concept of `reasonable, subject to reflection. Nature is direct. Thus, the meaning of `alien to reflection, introspection, following without hesitation and doubt to the inner attraction or instinct' is formed" (cf. Ushakov, 2, p. 533).

I. S. Turgenev in a review of “Goethe's Faust in the lane. M. Vronchenko" (1845): "... immediate, undoubted universally understandable beauty is a necessary attribute of any artistic creation. In A. I. Herzen's "Past and Thoughts" - when characterizing the Hegelians of the 30-40s: "Everything is really immediate, every simple feeling was elevated to abstract categories and returned from there without a drop of living blood, a pale algebraic shadow.

F. M. Dostoevsky in a letter to N. N. Strakhov (1863): “I take nature immediate, a man, however, highly developed, but incomplete in everything, who has lost faith and does not dare not to believe, who rebels against authorities and is afraid of them ”(Dostoevsky, Letters, p. 333). In "Notes from the Underground": "... All immediate people and activists are active because they are stupid and narrow-minded.

In the article Ap. Grigoriev “The Great Tragedian”: “My memory drew before me all this disgrace - both Hamlet ... and Ophelia, who was taken out on purpose - they were looking, you see, for the purest simplicity and ” immediacy- and which meowed some English folk tunes...” (Grigoriev Ap., p. 250). He, in "My literary and moral wanderings": "... but hardly her [Radcliffe's] relationship was no more immediate; her taste and contemplation were almost more organically formed in her... Walter Scott somehow became, Anna Radcliffe was born” (ibid., p. 138). Wed in a letter from A. A. Grigoriev to N. N. Strakhov (dated January 19, 1862): “Oh, my old “Moskvityanin” is green, - “Moscow-Tyanin”, in which we were then firmly, communally united, so boldly put up the banner of identity and immediacy(ibid., p. 492). K. S. Stanislavsky in the book “My Life in Art” (1933): “Naked immediacy and intuition, without the help of technology, will break the soul and body of the artist while conveying to them the enormous passions and experiences of the modern soul” (p. 696).

In the modern Russian literary language, the word direct expresses in a more profound and logically refined form all those meanings that have developed in this word since the middle of the 18th century: 1. Following immediately after someone-something, without the intermediate participation of someone-something, without intermediate links. H. Chief. immediate cause. Immediate consequence. Send mail directly(adv.) addressee. In the immediate vicinity. 2. transfer. Following without hesitation and doubt to the inner attraction, instinct, alien to introspection. He is natural. Children are spontaneous. // Directly, without hindrance, flowing from an inner impulse, instinct. immediate feeling(Ushakov, 2, p. 533).

Article published in Cercetari de Lingvistica, an. III (1958) and is included in a series of articles under the general title "From the History of Russian Literary Vocabulary", under No. 4: 1. Rectilinear, straightforwardness. 2. One-sided. 3. Feeling good. 4. Immediate. In the manuscript, the heading is somewhat different - "On the history of the meanings of the word."

It is printed from an impression, verified and supplemented according to the author's manuscript, with a number of necessary amendments and additions. - E. X.

V. V. Vinogradov. History of words, 2010

What does the word directly mean?


immediate -th, -th; -en, -enna 1) Deprived of intermediate links, without intermediaries; straight. Provide direct guidance. The direct culprit of the accident. The immediate result of the study. Immediate impression. The veneration of saints obscured direct communion with God (Berdyaev). Antonyms: mediated, mediated 2) Located, located very close, near someone. or something. Direct contact. Immediate threat. The first volley of our artillery fell in close proximity to the dugout (Berezko). Synonyms: close 3) Following without reflection to inner motivation, attraction. immediate child. direct nature. Isn't it a coincidence that she was so direct at the first performance? (Yuriev). Synonyms: natural 4) Freely manifested, without tension, awkwardness; devoid of restraint. direct behavior. direct manner of communication. Immediate smile. The mother was clever and therefore managed to overcome in herself the immediate impulse that made her rush headlong at every plaintive cry of the child (Korolenko). Synonyms: natural, natural, unconstrained, simple, uninhibited, free Related words: direct, directly, immediacy Etymology: Historically, it is derived from means (means).

Smart tell me, that is, explain!

I want to understand the meaning of the words: mediocre and direct, please use your own words so that I remember it once and for all!

The man with the ax explained correctly about spontaneity, but about mediocrity - completely crooked. How can it be that a word with the same root means completely different things that are not related to each other? If "mediocre" is bad, then "directly" must mean "good." But "immediately" does not mean "good," and therefore "mediocre" does not mean "bad," but something completely different.
Mediocre means "through the medium". That is, to see things not as they really are, to meet the world not as it comes to you, but to perceive everything through some beliefs, views, complexes. "Mediation" is the barrier that you put between yourself and the phenomenon, it is the glass through which you look at things, it is the barrier through which you communicate with life. Accordingly, a "mediocre person" is a person who communicates with life through some kind of prejudice. It’s much easier this way (it’s more convenient to eat cabbage soup with a spoon than to slurp them right with your mouth), but simpler doesn’t mean more correct. When you live mediocrely, the darkness does not hurt so much (your shields and barriers interfere with it), but you will never see real light either - only reflections and refractions.

Looking to no

Mediocre. "He knew English rather mediocrely." That eats for three. Somewhere in between. not good and not bad. Average, in general. But closer to bad.
Directly. "The wind flies in directly into the same window" (Yu. Vizbor.). This means - without an intermediary, directly. Immediate supervisor, connected directly to the kitchen, mailing directly to system administrators... . etc.
Like this. Similar words but completely different meanings