One of the most famous and unknown to us clones. The clones in Star Wars All the clones star wars the clone wars

Briefly about the article: In our reality, cloning is developing quite slowly, but for fantasy worlds, clones are a matter of course. Somewhere they are no different from people, somewhere they are raised, like animals, for slaughter. What's the deal with cloning in Star Wars? Let's try to figure it out together with Dmitry Zlotnitsky.

All as one

Clones in Star Wars

These clones started the war.

Master Yoda

Cloning is a popular topic in science fiction, but most books and films tend to deal with only one of the many facets of this technology. Another thing is the large-scale universe of Star Wars, created by the many years of work of hundreds of writers, artists, filmmakers. What kind of clones can not be found here ...

We first heard about them from the wise Obi-Wan Kenobi back in A New Hope. However, his parsimonious account of the Clone Wars is the only mention of a subject of interest to us in the entire Original Trilogy. For the decade and a half between the release of Episode 6 and the start of the Expanded Universe, clones and everything connected with them remained the subject of speculation and fierce debate for Star Wars fans. Meanwhile, in our world, cloning has achieved notable success - and in the late nineties, the authors of books and comics on "Star Wars" were already able to rely on scientific research, telling us about clones.

Grand Army

The most famous Star Wars clones, of course, were featured in the prequels. clone army commissioned by Sifo-Dyas, who foresaw war, changed the face of the galaxy forever.

Technopark, more precisely, technopond Camino.

The second episode reveals to us the secret of Camino - the planet where the recognized masters of biotechnology live. Cloning became a vital necessity for them and a part of their culture: it was it that allowed the Kaminoans, breaking through the boundaries of natural selection, to adapt to the harsh climatic conditions of their home world. Over time, clone makers have turned their art into a lucrative business. Sifo-Dyas' order was paid for by Count Dooku, who also chose a donor for the clones, although the Kaminoans offered to use the genetic material of the Jedi. The late Mandalore mercenary Jango Fett, who became the prototype for the Republican army, met Dooku before he left the Jedi Order and made a great impression on the Count.

The first fight is the hardest one.

However, being an excellent warrior, Fett would hardly have become a good soldier - he had too much a sense of individualism. Because of this, the first two years of the Kaminoans' work on a grandiose project went down the drain: the first six clones inherited the character of the original and almost did not lend themselves to army training. That is why changes were made to the Jango genotype, which made most of the clones disciplined and selflessly devoted to the Republic. The few clones who escaped this procedure later became officers and fighters of the "special forces".

To speed up the process of building an army, the Kaminoans used technology that allowed clones to mature at twice the rate of normal people. A stronger acceleration of development threatened the clones with psychological instability and even insanity.

The training of future soldiers was carried out by Jango's former comrades in arms, so some of the clones adopted the habits of the sergeants who trained them and even joined the culture of the Mandalorians. Thus, contrary to popular belief, the Jango clones were not biological killing machines, but real people, albeit with a crippled learning and accelerated maturation life. Even the execution of the fatal "Order 66" was not dictated by the program laid down in the genetic code, but solely by loyalty to the Supreme Commander. Moreover, some of the clones considered this order a possible ploy by the enemy and allowed their Jedi commanders to escape. Another example of defiance is impressive: a clone named Spar, obsessed with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brecreating a clan of militant Mandalorians, defected to the side of the Confederacy.

Each of the clones had not only a personal number by which officers knew them, but also a name known to their brethren. Although to an outside observer there is no difference between the clones, they themselves easily distinguished each other. Over time, this ability was mastered by many Jedi, who learned to see their subordinates as people. The fighters paid their commanders with reciprocal affection: just remember the clones of Cody and Bligh, who were friends with their generals Obi-Wan and Aela Secura. And at least two soldiers of the Republican army learned what love is, and even left offspring.

After the end of the war, the army became one of the main pillars of the Empire. One of the first victims of the clones were the Kaminoans, who were trying to create another batch of soldiers to fight the tyranny of Palpatine. Accelerated in development, the clones quickly grew old and gradually gave way to white armor to stormtroopers recruited from ordinary people. However, some copies of Jango Fett lived for quite a long time: already during the time of the Rebellion, a young Luke Skywalker encountered an aged clone on an uninhabited planet.

The Clone Grand Army is the least moral variant of cloning, an example of how living and thinking beings can be turned into tools of war. Moreover, some clones went to "spare parts" for their comrades-in-arms - after all, their organs had perfect genetic compatibility.

The Grand Army of the Republic was divided into two parts: regular and special units. At the head of the regular army, numbering up to three million clones, was the Supreme Chancellor. His orders took precedence over the orders of the Jedi, who were in charge "in the field." The Knights of the Order led the fighting units - ranging from armies of star systems to regiments. And the smallest unit of the Grand Army was a detachment of eight regular clones and a sergeant.

The special units led by Master Zey were much smaller. Only a few thousand clones were engaged in such responsible matters as intelligence, counterintelligence and the fight against terrorism. These "special purpose" clones were the most independent of their superiors, and sometimes even acted autonomously.

Already from the films it is clear that the uniforms of the clones were not the same. The design of the armor was highly dependent on the type of troops and the conditions of the planet on which the unit had to fight. And the coloring of the armor not only and not so much served for disguise, but rather indicated the title of the clone.

A cynic from the high road

Only one clone of Jango escaped any genetic changes and got a chance to live a full life. Boba Fett was, though accurate, without the slightest change, but still a copy of Jango, but the latter treated him like a son.

Despite the identical initial data, Boba grew up not just a copy of the "father", but a full-fledged original personality. Although the formation of both Fetts was determined by the same qualities, apparently laid down by Mother Nature: perseverance, individualism and predatory instincts. Both lost their parents early, but if Jango immediately found himself surrounded by mandalorians and grew up among faithful brothers in arms, always ready to support, then the orphaned Boba found himself face to face with the entire criminal world of the galaxy. If you multiply this by a vendetta directed against the Jedi, then it becomes clear what fate awaited the young Fett. By the end of the Clone Wars, when he was thirteen, the age of majority for the Mandalorians, Boba had already become a professional bounty hunter with more than one kill to his credit.

And at work.

Over the following years, his reputation grew and his accomplishments increased, and even falling into the maw of the sarlacc did not put an end to his brilliant career. Against all odds, he got out of the womb of a terrible creature, survived and was able to return to his "work". Subsequently, the paths of Boba, Han Solo and the Jedi intersected more than once, and the case usually ended in mutual gunfights. However, during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the famous bounty hunter saved the life of the captain of the Millennium Falcon. But his adventures didn't end there...

Boba Fett is a perfect example of the fact that the genes laid down in a clone at creation can only serve as start-up capital, and the formation of his personality depends largely on upbringing and living conditions. But can't clones be the key to eternal life even in a distant galaxy? They can - but it requires more than biotechnology.

Vader's Fist

The 501st Legion is a legendary fighting unit that rose to prominence during the Clone Wars. It included clones grown on Coruscant - an elite that was sent to the most responsible tasks. Legion fighters were part of the armies that fought in the most important battles of the Clone Wars.

It was they, led by Anakin Skywalker, who went to the Jedi Temple to destroy all the knights and students. A little later, the legionnaires rescued Darth Vader from a trap on Bespin and have since been considered the personal guard of the new apprentice of the Emperor.

The Legion earned a grim reputation for pacifying uprisings (Wookiees were the first casualties) and destroying the enemies of the Emperor. The level of military training in the unit has always remained at the highest level. Largely due to this, the legionnaires survived the death of Palpatine and the Civil War. They continued to serve the ideals of the Empire for many years after that, although the legion began to accept not only people, but also representatives of other races.


One of the most pressing questions of cloning in our world is this: if Hitler is cloned, will a new, equally bloody dictator appear on Earth? Replace Hitler with Emperor Palpatine- and you get the central theme of the comic trilogy " dark empire”, one of the first works of the Expanded Universe.

Reborn Emperor.

Already from the Senate speech of Palpatine in "Revenge of the Sith" it can be concluded that he created the Empire in the hope of ruling it for more than one hundred years. But how was the elderly Sith, whose health was undermined by the fight with Mace Windu, going to live so long? The authors of the "Dark Empire" answered this question long before the Third episode: Palpatine prepared a whole bunch of his own clones in advance, and when his "current" body wore out, with the help of the Dark Side of the Force, the Sith "moved" into a new, fresh body.

This is how the Emperor came back to life a few years after his death in the reactor of the second Death Star. In an attempt to retake control of the galaxy, he even managed to temporarily drag Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side. In one of the conversations with a new student, Palpatine admitted that even before Endor he happened to die - and be reborn.

Unfortunately for the Emperor, the power of the dark side very quickly turned the cloned bodies into old ruins, and he had to find new containers for his spirit. Therefore, for most of all three volumes of The Dark Empire, the main characters are engaged in the consistent shooting and cutting out of Palpatine's clones. The last of them is tritely shot by Han while trying to move into the body of the newborn son of Solo and Princess Leia.

The emperor was generally a big fan of cloning and used it in a very original way - for example, for punishment. An unenviable fate fell on the evil genius Bevela Lemeliska, author of several Imperial superweapons, including the Death Star. After each failure, an agonizing death awaited the engineer, "pumping" the priceless mind into a cloned body - and further research. Lemelisk was finally executed only after he fell into the hands of the New Republic.

The authors of the "Expanded Universe" tried to revive other heroes with the help of cloning - and only negative ones. Outstanding Imperial General Admiral Thrawn prepared a clone to return ten years after death in case of sudden death. But shortly before the appointed time, the Thrawn clone cylinder was destroyed by Luke and Mara Jade. In addition, Thrawn used clones in his troops, reasonably suggesting that they are much easier to control than ordinary soldiers.

Imperial official Ysanne Isard also cloned herself - but was eventually forced to team up with the Rebels to destroy her own recalcitrant copy. Both almost went mad and, fortunately for the entire galaxy, died.

In general, a clone unaware of its origin is a terrible thing. Take, for example, the story of a Jedi. Yorus C'Baoth, during the Old Republic, went on an expedition to other galaxies - and died. However, Palpatine cloned C'Baoth, and the clone sincerely believed that he was the missing Jedi. Yoruus(as the clone pronounced his name) became a member of the Dark Side and joined Admiral Thrawn a few years after the Battle of Endor. He controlled the minds of the Thrawn soldiers (who also included many clones) and even tried to turn Luke, Mara, and Leia to evil. Skywalker, by the way, also got it from biotechnologists: his clone Luyuk, grown from a severed hand in Episode 5, defected to the Dark Side, but was destroyed along with C'Baoth. Curiously, according to the original idea Timothy Zana, the author of the Thrawn books, Yoruus was a clone of Obi-Wan - but this idea did not please the high authorities.

We can say that in a distant galaxy, the art of full-fledged copying of the personality died with Palpatine. All the clones created for the “consciousness transplant” without the intervention of this most powerful adept of the Dark Side of the Force went crazy very quickly and died tragically.

Place in the galaxy

However, there were also relatively peaceful uses for clones in Star Wars. Known race of humanoid natives from the planet Khom, which "frozen" its own development and reproduced exclusively by cloning. Each Khomite played the same social role as dozens of its counterparts. But even in such a society, evolution was able to pave its way: copies of the Khomite named Dorsk, starting with the eighty-first bearer of this name, became susceptible to the Force.

Recently, the creators of Star Wars seem to have given up on the idea of ​​resurrecting a famous hero in the form of a clone. And this is good: the "forgotten" cylinders for cloning have already become a kind of "pianos in the bushes" of a distant galaxy. New writers, and first of all Karen Traviss, demonstrate a new approach to clones. Traviss's novels are dedicated to the combat everyday life of simple, at first glance, faceless clones who have dedicated their lives to protecting the Republic. However, anyone who has read these books - or played a computer game Republic Commando- knows: behind the outer similarity of the clones lies an inner individuality.

But outside of the Clone Wars, these creatures no longer appear. With one exception: we continue to delight with new details about the adventures of Boba Fett. It is likely that cloning will also be affected by the comic book series “ Heritage”, because in it the authors promised to return to many topics from the history of the galaxy. And the clones managed to leave a very noticeable mark on her.

Jedi Temple

Episode III: Sky Walker - 2003, No. 3(3)

Star Wars fandom in Russia - 2003, No. 3(3)

Episode III: The saga ends, the circle closes - 2003, No. 4 (4)

Dilogy "Dark Tide" - 2003, No. 4 (4)

Intelligent races of "Star Wars" - 2003, No. 4 (4)

The Clone Wars Project - 2004, No. 1(5)

Episode III: More machine than man - 2004, No. 1(5)

Computer games in the Star Wars universe - 2004, No. 1(5)

Episode III: Size Doesn't Matter - 2004, #2(6)

Episode III: Birth of Evil - 2004, #3(7)

The New Jedi Order: A Literary Cycle - 2004, No. 3(7)

Episode III: General Kenobi - 2004, #4(8)

Episode III: Star Wars Beauties - 2004, #5(9)

Lightsaber - 2004, No. 5 (9)

Episode III: General Grievous - 2004, #6(10)

Star Wars Technologies - 2004, No. 6(10)

Episode III: Jedi and Sith Face Death - 2004, #7(11)

Strength is a powerful ally - 2004, No. 9 (13)

Episode III: Between the second and fourth - 2004, No. 9(13)

StarCon 2004 - 2004, #10(14)

Star Wars Planets - 2005, No. 3(19)

Episode III: All About "Revenge of the Sith" - 2005, No. 5(21)

The Clone Wars - 2005, #5(21)

StarCon 2005 - 2005, #9(25)

History of Star Wars - 2006, No. 3(31)

* * *

It is unlikely that there will be another fantastic universe in which such a detail and variety would be revealed. interesting topic cloning. The future will bring us many more interesting stories about the clones - because both the new animated series about the Clone Wars and the game show about the events between "Revenge of the Sith" and "A New Hope" are unlikely to be able to do without their participation.

Order 66 in the third episode "Star Wars" turned the clone army against the Jedi, and the new comic confirms that the former loyal soldiers had absolutely no choice. In fact, the words that directed them at the Jedi remained just as effective even after Cleansing.

Order 66 was first shown in "Episode II: Attack of the Clones" and not without reason. George Lucas seems to have approved of the idea that the Emperor's plan did not rely on "mind control" or "programming" but simply that the soldiers were completely loyal to the Republic and not to the Jedi commanders.

New explanation introduced in the series "The Clone Wars", added a literal microchip to the brains of every soldier, however in the comic Darth Vader #17 the actual function of the "Execute Order 66" command has become even clearer...but less satisfying.

As you might expect in the prequels "Star Wars" Not without drama and passion, the Sith's masterful strike destroyed longtime enemies, the Jedi Order. Secretly capturing creation great army Republic, using Darth Tyranus, Emperor Palpatine convinced the Jedi to use clones.

Comic Darth Vader #17 seems to confirm that the clones are machines rather than thinking people. The story features Jedi survivor Ferren Barr, who rounded up a handful of Force-sensitives and took refuge on Mon Calais. After being discovered by Darth Vader's servants, Ferren Barr escapes...using Order 66 in doing so.

The Soldier Inquisitors were apparently commissioned after the Jedi purge. But they were nonetheless embedded with the same control chips as their brothers who had betrayed the Jedi.

As Ferren Barr utters the same phrase, "Perform Order 66", the soldiers open fire on their officers, allowing Ferren Barr and his apprentice to escape.

Clones are just machines. Nothing better than droids.

The comic confirms that any clone has a chip and is ready to open fire on the Jedi and their commanders, having heard just one phrase. Apparently, they are all programmed to attack the one who is higher in rank.

Hello, dear stopgeymovtsy, I present the continuation of the story about games in the Star Wars universe. This episode will tell the story of Darth Vader's apprentice. About the adventures of the Clone Wars and another portable part of the Battlefront.
Episode 8 Forgotten Heroes

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Developed by LucasArts (PS3, X360),Krome Studios (PS2, PSP,Wii),n-Space (DS)
Universomo (iPod Touch, iPhone, Mobile Phones, N-Gage) Aspyr Media (Win, Mac) released September 2008, PC November 2009.
Darth Vader travels to Kashyyyk to put down a Wookiee rebellion, and at the same time kill the hiding Jedi. The Dark Lord could only be stopped by a small boy with great potential strength. Without thinking twice, he takes him in as a student. After completing the training, Vader gives the task to find and kill the Jedi Ram Kotu, Kazdan Parathas, Shaak Ti, and then overthrow the emperor together. But, something did not go according to plan and poor Galen Marek, nicknamed Starkiller, will have to get out. The Proxy droid and Imperial pilot Juno Eclipse will help us in this difficult task. The first is designed for training and is able to modulate the appearance, to convey messages or for fun. And in the second, our Sith will fall in love and will be ready for anything to save her.

It is noteworthy that the plot was written by George Lucas himself. It is worth noting that the story is interesting and could well fit into the canon.
The gameplay of the game is pure slasher, there was no question of any revival of the Jedi Academy. Long chains of combos, pumping sword and strength. A huge number of costumes and characters can be tried on. Well, not small locations with a bunch of secrets. By the way, it was not without QTE either. But the promised physics shows all its beauty, even though they won’t let you enjoy your madness for a long time. Despite the small variety, the developers approached the matter responsibly, which is why each version turned out to be special. For example, the version for PS3, X360 is more technologically advanced and beautiful, while the old PS2 had additional levels, and for the Wii a whole additional duel mode (and clones instead of stormtroopers on Kashyyyk). PC boyars received as many as 3 levels in which we will visit the Jedi temple and cross swords with Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker.
As conceived by LucasArts, the game was supposed to be the best game in a distant galaxy. A significant role in this was played by advertising, which talked about the incredible abilities of the protagonist's strength. Especially the moment of attraction of the cruiser promising something grandiose and colorful. Really boring and lengthy.

Some interesting facts
The game shows the beginning of the rebel alliance, despite the fact that it was originally believed to have appeared during the Clone Wars. In "Revenge of the Sith" there was even a scene of this happening. After being bought by Disney, the animated series Rebels once again showed this time the canonical version of the origin.

The protagonist's nickname Starkiller was originally intended for Luke, but for some unknown reason became Skywalker. And in The Force Awakens, that was the name of another mega-deadly station.

On one of the levels you can meet the most disliked character in the saga, Jar Jar Binks. Frozen in carbonite. In the canon, he has a different fate, he became a clown on Naboo. Entertains children, adults do not approach him, and the Gungans banished him.

The appearance and voice of Galen Marek was given by the American actor Sam Witwer, who also voiced Darth Maul in the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, in the latter he also voiced Darth Sidious. He is currently involved in the development of the PS4 Days Gone exclusive.

Darth Vader in the PlayStation 3 version, Yoda in the Xbox 360 version, and Galen Marek in both versions entered Soulcalibur IV.

It turned out to be a good game in which to have a good time. The game received good reviews and sales, which of course led to the announcement of the sequel.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels

Developed by Krome Studios for the Wii, it was released on November 11, 2008.
The game repeats the battles of the first season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
They took the duel mode from the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and made a full-fledged game in the entourage of the animated series. Graphically, the game looks good, you can see the efforts of the creators. And not very long only 7 levels. But what's the problem is with the management. It was, to put it mildly, uncomfortable, and the scarcity of movements also did not please, although the developers announced the similarity of Wii controllers with a lightsaber.
In addition to the campaign, there is a combat mode, in which we select a character and the difficulty level of the enemy, opponents are randomly selected. Victory is guaranteed if you defeat your opponent in two rounds.
The game received mixed reviews, which did not stop Krome Studios from continuing to make games based on the animated series.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars—Jedi Alliance

Developed by LucasArts for the Nintendo DS, it was released on November 11, 2008.
Another game for the Nintendo console and again on the Clone Wars.
The clone wars are in full swing and at this time a transport ship flying with a cargo of kyber crystals (used for lightsabers) is attacked, communication with the ship is lost. The Jedi Council decides to look into this incident.
You can send Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka Tan, Mace Windu, Plo Klun, Kitt Fisto to play for R2-D2 and C-3PO sometimes. The choice of heroes will affect the dialogues, QTE and the search for secrets.
As part of the gameplay, we walk through the levels, look for items, play mini-games, hacking control panels, opening doors with a lightsaber, and fighting the KNS droids. Or complete quests that have nothing to do with the plot. But the combat system is the weakest part of the game. To defeat enemies, you need to plug them with the stylus. And so constantly, over time you get used to it, but the sediment, as you know, remains.
Some interesting facts
The original title of the game, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Day of the Nightsisters, was intended to be a reference to the famous computer game Day of the Tentacle, also developed by LucasArts.
The game was received mixed. Praising the story, visuals, sound, but the simplistic gameplay and combat system did not sit well with critics. But LucasArts still continued to support the cartoon with new games.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Republic Heroes

Developed by Krome Studios for PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2, PC, Nintendo DS.
The events unfold between seasons 1 and 2 of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A 3rd person action game with a “wonderful” camera. The game is primarily aimed at children for the sake of it and the co-op is made.
In the role of famous (and not so heroes) you will have to clear the galaxy from the forces of droids. Alas, the gameplay is monotonous; battles with one boss are repeated almost one on one. Humor also does not shine with originality, with the exception of droids (they are always shown as fools). Of course, the game turned out for a couple of evenings if not for a couple, but. A disgusting camera, always taking such angles that it is absolutely incomprehensible why you need to follow and not convenient control, as a result of which it is very difficult to jump to the right place, this also applies to battles. In addition to these charms, the PC version featured the beloved Games For Windows Live. Even after the transition under the leadership of Disney, they did not get rid of him. But the Russian version was voiced by the same actors who voiced the animated series and the prequel trilogy.
Quite a good game could turn out both for adults and for children. But problems with the camera did not allow this to happen. The animated series has no luck with games.

Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron

Developed by Rebellion Developments for PSP and N-Space for DS, released November 3, 2009.
The story tells about two clone brothers X1 and X2 they are force sensitive. They served calmly during the Clone Wars when order 66 suddenly arrives. After the murder of his Jedi commander Ferrod, X2 was very upset by his act. And yes, to atone for his guilt, he takes the side of the rebels.
The campaign is divided into three stages 1) Clone War 2) Civil War 3) After the death of the emperor.
In addition to the old battle modes, the capture of the galaxy, the campaign, there is a new one (well, almost). Heroes vs. Villains in which famous characters are happy to cut. The DS version received an Instant Action mode in which four 4 players playing for different factions perform a joint shooting of opponents on levels.
Customization remained even slightly improved, plus the classes were returned. Unlike the rest of the game, during the battle you can just take and fly on the ship into orbit.
Some interesting facts
The local storyline is more likely to be based on Free Radical Design's full-fledged Battlefront 3, as evidenced by leaked character footage, videos, and the Xbox 360 build.
The game features the character from Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Ram Kota.

But the graphics, small levels and a weak plot (although not when it was not a strong point in the series) spoiled the impression of players and critics. As a result, the game received mixed reviews, and Rebellion no longer made Star Wars games.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures

Developed by Sony Online Entertainment for PC, it was released on September 15, 2010.
Sony once again decided to make a Star Wars mmo only aimed at children. Unlike browser Galaxies.
Like any MMO game, it starts with the choice of races and class. There is a person, a clone or a Twi" Lek. We choose one of four classes: a soldier, a Jedi, a Sith and a mercenary (you need to buy them before playing for the last two). After creating your protégé and meeting familiar faces, we set off to seek adventure in mini-games
The game consists of many mini-games: battle on planets, battles in space, duels, races, puzzles, a shooting range and even a strategy like Tower Defense. When you get tired of doing all this, you can equip your house or buy a droid.
Although the project was quite unusual, but the focus is on children who most likely do not have money for in-mountain games and the appearance of a more serious competitor of the purchase ruined the game. March 31, 2014 Sony closed the game servers.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Developed by LucasArts for PS3, X360, PC and Red Fly Studio Wii was released October 26, 2010.
The game was announced at the Spike Video Game Awards on December 12, 2009 by Samuel L. Jackson himself.
The game continues the story of the first part. Clones continue to be created on Kamino, though only clones of Galen Marek. And one day one of them rebelled because of the desire to save his beloved Juno Eclipse.
For 5-6 hours we will punish the Imperials in every possible way. Of course, it's exciting to do it, especially with better graphics, but no interesting history like in the first part. Also, compared to the original, the adventure will unfold on just a few planets. Of the abilities they gave a deception of the mind, this is certainly good, but you often don’t have to use it, there are much faster and more effective methods. And well, the main innovation is two lightsabers, though you absolutely don’t feel the difference from the first part where there was only one sword. And to be honest, the game is practically not memorable except for the battle with Gorog and the delusional endings. And if the first part is quite possible to enter into the canon, then this one is categorically impossible.

The Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II - Battle Of Endor expansion has been released on consoles, continuing the dark ending. We leave for Endor in order to prevent the rebels from turning off the shields of the Second Death Star. In addition to destroying the rebellion units and the Ewoks, the smuggling duo Han and Chewie must be killed. And deal with the Jedi Leia Organa. In addition to this DLC, there were also minor givers to play as Luke Skywalker in Dagob training equipment, Obi-Wan Kenobi in battle armor from the Clone Wars, Darth Malak, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian and Admiral Ackbara.

Some interesting facts
Han Sol's death in The Force Awakens looks the same as in the Battle for Endor DLC.

In general, the game is more like a big undead DLS full-fledged second part. There is a feeling that they developed without any desire (well, except for making an easy profit). And the story of Galen Marek ends here and becomes a legend.

This concludes the eighth episode. The following will focus on the war between the Republic and the Sith Empire, the latest games of the independent LucasArts

Thematic positivity