Work practice report completed. How to write a field trip report

When the time comes for an internship, the department of the university assigns each student a place where he will do this internship. This usually happens two weeks before the start of the process. The student can choose an enterprise, in addition, some organizations themselves apply to universities. Also, before going to the enterprise, the student receives a task and a schedule of practice.

How to write a practice testimonial How to write a practice diary

Scientific guidance is provided by a university specialist who controls the implementation of the plan and adherence to the schedule.

The work of the student is directly supervised by the head of practice appointed at the enterprise. This is the person who will introduce the intern to the duties, take notes in the diary, and ultimately sign the report on the internship. The student will write this report himself. During the internship, it is imperative to follow the plan, which is developed individually for each. It is necessary to fulfill all the tasks received from the leaders of the practice, to observe the internal structure of the enterprise. If any assigned work causes difficulties, it is imperative to inform the curator from the department about this, because the student does not have the right to refuse the task.

So, the practice has come to an end, the student has mastered the technique of performing a certain work, analyzed its connection with other activities of the enterprise, acquired practical skills in his specialty. Now he is required to do one more important thing: write a report and submit it to the department. Writing a report is important for a student because it is a kind of method of collecting information for the final qualifying work. The material that was obtained as a result of introductory practice is far from complete, and work in production gives a completely different picture, more complete and of high quality.

As experience shows, it is better to sit down to write a report not after the practice has come to an end, but to prepare for this during the entire period of being in production, making appropriate daily notes. Then it will only be necessary to put everything together, make a review, indicate the sources.

Types of reports:

Study practice report Field Practice Report Report on undergraduate practice

According to the specifics of practice:

Economist practice Lawyer practice Teacher practice

Practice report structure

(!) It is welcomed and it will be correct if the results of the internship can be used when writing

Studying in higher educational institutions necessarily includes several practices: educational, industrial and pre-diploma. Sometimes students have several field trips.

Already during the internship, each student must remember that he will have another important part of the process - writing a report.

How to make a practice report, a sample and practical advice is needed for anyone who encounters this task for the first time.

A student is sent to practice from a university or college, while setting certain tasks. Sometimes students are given the opportunity to choose the place of internship, but this does not relieve him of the need to perform certain work and report on it.

A practice report is not just a summary of facts, it should be an analytical work. In it, you analyze the knowledge gained, their application in practical work, as well as how much the knowledge gained in the educational institution helped you.

Before the student goes to production, he is given a task. Most often, the requirements for an internship and a report are collected in the methodological manuals of your department. It is very important to have these manuals, because they will greatly facilitate your work on the report.

It is also important to keep a practice diary - it helps to systematize actions and not to miss anything, summing up.

Each practice report should contain the following parts:

  • Title page. It is issued as any title page of scientific works. It indicates the name of the educational institution and the student's department, the student's data, and sometimes the data of the head of practice.
  • Content. Listing of all work items with pagination.
  • Introduction. In this part, you describe the enterprise where you had an internship, the period of internship, the goals set for you.
  • Main part. You describe the enterprise in detail: its scope of work, production volumes, specifics of work, etc. Then move on to the duties that you performed, practical tasks. It is desirable to support all this with copies of documents, graphs and tables.
  • It is also important to indicate what problems arose during the work period, how you solved them and possible ways to solve them.

  • Findings. Summing up, you should indicate what new things you have learned, what knowledge and practical skills you have acquired. You also indicate proposals for improving the work of the unit in which you had an internship or the enterprise as a whole.
  • Bibliography
  • Applications(tables, graphs, copies of documents that you used in the main part).

In addition to the report itself, the student must submit characteristics and feedback on the student's work during practice, the student's diary.

Preparation of a practice report

The report can consist of 10 to 50 A4 pages.

Font - Times New Roman, point size - 14.

Line spacing - 1-1.5pt (depending on the requirements of the educational institution)

The text is justified.

If you have no idea how to do a practice report, a sample can be found online.

Be careful - each specialty has its own specifics of internship and preparation of reporting documents! Schools tend to be very demanding about practice reporting, so it's best to take this matter seriously.

While studying at a university, each student undergoes an internship, during which he gets acquainted with the work of the enterprise and with his future profession. Usually, the practice is led by a specialist from the department in which the student is supposed to work after graduation. Future economists do practical work in planning and economic or financial and analytical departments and write a report on the collected material.

Report on industrial practice at the enterprise of an economist

Practice at the enterprise is one of the stages of training at the university, after which each student must write and submit a report, first to the head of production, and then to the department. Subsequently, the main provisions of the work can be applied when writing a diploma.

There are certain content requirements for the report. It should consist of the following main sections:

  • title page;
  • introductions;
  • main part;
  • conclusions;
  • applications.

Each section contains relevant information.

The first sheet of the report contains information about the student:

  • the name of the university where he is studying;
  • name of the department;
  • the title of the work is “Report on industrial practice”;
  • place of internship;
  • Full name of the student, course, group and specialty;
  • position and head of practice in the organization;
  • rank, position and full name of the head of the department.

Industrial practice is one of the stages of training specialists

In the introductory section, the goals and main tasks of the internship are described. What skills and knowledge a student should acquire in production, the terms of its implementation and the name of the department that trains the trainee are indicated.

The introduction includes an individual plan containing tasks to be completed by the student.

The main part is the most voluminous and consists of sections:

  1. The theoretical part is an important section of the report. It includes the following subsections:
    • General characteristics of the enterprise. This subsection describes the economic activity of the organization, from what year it exists, who is its leader, the legal form of management. The report specifies the main activities of the enterprise: what products it produces, what services it provides. For the future economist, the main economic and financial indicators are important. It is better if data for several reporting periods are presented in the work in order to show the dynamics of the development of production in general and for a specific type of product or service separately. Based on these metrics:
        • an analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise is carried out;
        • profitability and profit are calculated;
        • the indicator of competitiveness is determined;
        • the main factors influencing production activity are established.

      The reporting work contains an organizational structure indicating the main services, divisions, departments. The links between them must be fixed. At the end of the presented structure, a brief description of each service is given: the main areas of activity, official and professional composition, and the functions performed.

  2. Characteristics of the unit or department where the practice of the future economist took place:
    • the subordination of this department is indicated;
    • main information and documentary flows;
    • fixed functions for the department;
    • numerical composition. The report includes all programs and applications used by employees of the economic service to analyze the activities of the enterprise.
  3. Practical part. It includes the knowledge, experience and skills that the student received during the practice. This part of the work indicates what the future economist was directly involved in in practice. The practical part should contain a list of documents that are formed on the basis of production activities: financial documents, estimates, reporting forms. The student must indicate what tools he used when compiling them: MS Office Excel, MS Office Power Point, 1C Enterprise, special economic programs.
  4. Calculation part. Usually, a specialist in the economic service makes calculations of individual indicators or the activities of the entire enterprise. In the work, it is required to draw up calculations in the form of formulas, after which it is necessary to describe in detail each of its components. The results obtained should be analyzed, on the basis of which the future economist should draw appropriate conclusions. Economists calculate the following indicators:
    • the cost of manufactured products or services rendered;
    • proceeds from the sale of products or from the provision of services;
    • balance sheet profit, net, undistributed;
    • the number of employees of the enterprise;
    • average salary;
    • taxes and fees;
    • calculation of economic efficiency;
    • definition of profitability.

In the final part, the results of the work done during the practice are summed up, conclusions are drawn on all the main goals and objectives mentioned in the introduction.

The appendix contains all the documents that were mentioned in the text of the report and to which links were given. Printouts of documents or their photocopies can be submitted to the application. In the presence of this section, the work is rated higher.

During the internship, each student keeps a daily diary. This is the main document by which the manager can evaluate the work performed, leave comments.

Like any document, the diary contains a title page. It indicates the name of the university, department, specialty, course number and full name of the student, the name of the enterprise and the head of the practice. The document itself should have the title "Diary of industrial practice."

All types of work carried out by the student are entered in the production diary, indicating the beginning of their implementation and completion. It also contains notes and comments of the head of the practice. An example diary header looks like this:

In the column “Types of work”, the operations performed in practice are usually entered:

  • passing a safety briefing;
  • acquaintance with the history of the creation and development of the organization;
  • tour of the main services of the enterprise;
  • study of the Charter, organizational structure;
  • familiarization with the work of the economic department;
  • collection, study and analysis of the main financial and economic indicators;
  • preparation of reporting documents and settlements;
  • student's signature;
  • signature of the head of practice.

In the "Result" column, the manager puts down the degree of completion of the task. If it was done partially, the reason is indicated.

After completing the practice, the diary must be signed by the head of the department. The seal of the company should be affixed.

You can first issue a report and a diary in electronic form

Scope of work and rules of registration

A report on the completion of an internship is drawn up in accordance with the requirements established by GOST 2.105–95 ESKD.

The volume of the report should be at least 30–35 sheets of A4 format, of which the following number of pages should be spent on each section:

  • title page (1 page);
  • content (1–2 pages);
  • introduction (1-2 pages);
  • the main part (20–25 pages);
  • conclusion (1-2 pages);
  • application (about 5 pages).

Margins are required on each page: the top and bottom margins are 20 mm, the left margin is 30 mm, and the right margin is 10 mm. The text should be divided into paragraphs, each of which begins with a red line with an indent of 1.25 mm.

Work is performed in a specific font:

  • body text: regular Times New Roman, 14 pt. with single line spacing.
  • section headings: bold Times New Roman, 16 pt.;
  • subheadings: bold Times New Roman, 14 pt.

All pages are numbered, starting with the title page, but the number itself is not put on it. Application pages are included in the overall numbering.

The report should not contain any abbreviations other than generally accepted ones.

All documents that are given as examples must be drawn up in accordance with the established GOSTs.

The purpose of the internship is to obtain the initial professional skills of a future economist. This part of the learning process is carried out at a specialized enterprise in the economic service, usually in the penultimate year. Each student receives an individual schedule and follows its implementation. At the end, a report is written, which must be approved by both the head of the production practice and the assigned researcher at the department. All collected materials are included in the reporting work, their analysis is carried out.

For many students, the word "internship" causes excitement - after all, this is the first attempt to gain real experience in their specialty, consolidate theoretical knowledge and show themselves as an expert in their field. Plus, you need to fill out some incomprehensible diary. As a result, the student needs to prepare a full-fledged report on industrial practice and successfully defend it in front of the head of the department. How to write it - we tell in the article.

Internship- part of the educational process, which consists in the unpaid work of the student after the end of the academic year. The place of practical training is an organization cooperating with an educational institution or chosen by the student himself.

Intern opportunities:

  • Applying the theoretical knowledge gained during training and obtaining practical professional skills.
  • Acquaintance with the technologies of work in the chosen industry.
  • Adaptation to work activities, the first steps in the profession.

Industrial practice begins with familiarization with the regulatory framework. Students study internal documents that define the rules for the functioning of the organization. After that, interns participate in the work process along with staff members and gain professional experience. In most cases, students are tasked with duplicating other masters. Sometimes students are provided with a full-fledged workplace with all the rights and obligations of an employee, including wages.

These are exemplary conditions for internships in the organization. In reality, many companies trust students with simple, monotonous paperwork or distribution duties. To obtain useful practical skills, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a place of practice.

The duration of the work experience depends on the specialty and the specific educational institution. It can last a couple of weeks or several months. At the end of practical classes, the student is required to write a report, which is then subject to protection at the department. Reporting written work should demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired by the student while working in the organization.

What can be useful industrial practice

Some students do not see much point in industrial practice. This is an erroneous opinion.

After working in the organization, the student:

  • Gets an idea of ​​the demand for the chosen specialty in the job market.
  • Has a chance to identify and fill gaps in professional knowledge in time.
  • He sees the pros and cons of working in a state or commercial firm and can decide on the future scope of his work.
  • Can establish itself as a valuable worker. A successful internship in an organization is sometimes a step towards a successful career in that company.
  • Accumulates communication experience in the professional field and the skills to build a competent dialogue. They will come in handy when looking for a job and in interaction with future bosses.

To get the most out of the internship, the student should clear up any difficult points in consultation with the class leader.

Industrial practice is a source of valuable experience and an important step towards professional activity.

A well-written report is an indicator of a successful practice. When writing this work, you need to soberly assess your abilities and, if necessary, take the help of specialists. They will help you create a report project as competently as possible.

Rules for writing a report on practice in production

The trainee's report demonstrates the professional skills acquired while working in the organization. The report is submitted in printed form and has an average of 20-25 pages. On the title page, the signature of the head of the company and the official seal of the organization where the internship was completed are required.

Structure of the field trip report

The report on production practice can be divided into two parts - introductory and main.

The introductory part gives a description of the goals and objectives of the practice, an overview of the official documentation and legislative acts on which the author of the work relies, listing the main aspects of the activity while working in the organization.

The main part has two subsections:

  • Theoretical - characterizes the company where the trainee worked. The purpose of the organization, the direction of its activities, the functions performed by the trainee are indicated.
  • Analytical - practical research part, which consists in the construction of graphs, calculations and drawings. The results of this work are presented in the form of tables, which serve as a mandatory annex to the report.

Accompanying documents

  • Trainee characteristics. Contains information about how the student showed himself during work.
  • Diary of practice. It has the form of a table that is filled in by the student. Contains information about tasks, deadlines and results. The document is endorsed by the signature of the head of practice from the enterprise.
  • Conclusion - here the student draws conclusions, expresses an opinion on the possibilities of optimizing the organization's activities, reports on the acquired skills. It is recommended to focus on the positive result of the work (information and skills obtained), although it is possible to point out what remains beyond understanding. When writing the conclusion, the questions posed in the introductory part are taken into account. The conclusion provides answers to them.
  • Applications - independent materials that record the process of scientific and practical work of the trainee: calculations, graphs, etc. Each document is on a separate sheet.
  • List of used literature. It is compiled on the basis of the rules for the design of works that are relevant for a particular educational institution. Standard approach: first in the list are documentary sources and regulations, then educational, scientific and periodical literature, at the end are Internet resources and so on.

Practice goals - can be formulated by the educational institution or by the trainee himself. These are answers to questions that can be obtained as a result of practical work.

Tasks - formulated by each trainee individually. Tasks are difficult problem areas that are supposed to be resolved in the process of working in an organization.

Reporting is subject to a number of rules. Detailed requirements are developed by the department, which introduces them to trainees.

Typical Design Requirements

  • The text of the work is typed in type 14 on a sheet of A4 format
  • Line spacing - 1.5
  • Indents from the edge: on the left - 25 mm, on the other sides 20 mm
  • Recommended alignment method - widthwise
  • No breaks between paragraphs of text
  • Gross numbering is applied to all sections. Only Arabic numerals are used
  • The numbering is counted from the title page. It doesn't have a number on it.
  • Applications are not subject to numbering
  • Topics and section titles are indicated on one line. No dot at the end
  • Word wraps are not allowed
  • Spacing between two sections - 1 line
  • Enumerations are given as lists
  • Each structural part of the reporting work begins on a new sheet
  • The abbreviations adopted in the text must be accompanied by a decoding and justification.
  • If the word has a generally accepted abbreviation-abbreviation, it cannot be abbreviated otherwise.
  • Writing style -
  • One term must correspond to a single concept
  • The heading for the table is given from the top center or to the left next to its number: "Table 1 - heading"
  • All tables are linked from the main part of the report
  • The contents of the table cells are printed without indents
  • The spacing between the table and the text following it is 1 line
  • Information indicated on the title page: place of study, name of the specialty and reporting work, names of the student and practical work mentor, city and year of graduation.

Proper writing of a report in compliance with all the subtleties of design is a serious and difficult task.

To save time, you can pre-configure a Word document. You can read how to do this.

Guidelines for working on a field trip report

Important aspects of practice that are often overlooked by students:

  • The task of the practice is endorsed by the head
  • Reporting work contains a numbered table of contents, where all sections are indicated
  • It makes sense to provide basic information about the company and highlight the current areas of its activities. They can become the subject of discussion of teachers at the department.
  • The position of the trainee and the production issues entrusted to him are indicated
  • A work practice diary must be attached to the reporting project.
  • When writing the final part, you need to use the experience gained. It is necessary to express a personal point of view.

Meeting these requirements will help you write a quality field trip report.

Making a diary for industrial practice

Practice diary- a document that records the professional steps of the trainee during work: specific duties, the subject of development in the work. Depending on the specialty and educational institution, diary entries are made daily or hourly.

Usually the diary is not subject to strict verification, but is an integral part of the reporting work and is submitted along with it.

What you need to do to create a competent diary for the report:

  • Calculate the duration of the internship in days
  • Record work dates. Next to each, indicate the production tasks solved that day. Usually about 4 points are indicated. If the working day is missed, a creative approach to the problem comes to the aid of the student
  • The practice leader reviews the diary and assigns an appropriate grade.
  • The diary is endorsed by the official seal of the organization.

Schools often provide interns with a ready-made diary form that you just need to fill out.

Intern characteristics

Characteristic- this is a review of the organization's management on the quality of the trainee's work and is another mandatory appendix to the reporting work on industrial practice. It serves as a subject of special interest for teachers during the defense of the report.

The characteristic is written by the head of practical classes from the organization. The review of the head of the practice is formed at the end of the work of the students. The characteristic contains an assessment of the quality of work, initiative, learnability of the trainee, the ability to join the work process, etc. The full information indicated in the review depends on the curator himself.

The final stage of a student's studies is the acquisition of skills and the consolidation of acquired knowledge in pre-diploma practice. This stage always takes place before writing a diploma, because it is in practice that one can obtain empirical data for the practical section of a graduation project.

The main advantage of undergraduate practice is the opportunity to gain real work experience. If a student has already decided on a future place of work after graduation, he seeks to get an internship at this enterprise or firm. In this case, it is also an internship, i.e. probation.

It is extremely important to be able to properly allocate your time and energy, because in order to prove yourself well in front of a potential employer, you will have to give all your best and show all your positive aspects. This will have to combine study and work!

If a student gets an internship in an organization in which he does not plan to work in the future, at least he tries to get a positive mark for the internship.

Also, some students use the internship to write a practical chapter of their thesis project, which is very correct.

Undergraduate practice - its goals and objectives

This stage of the educational process has many purposes:

  • Conducting research for the thesis;
  • Collection of information and documentation for the creation of a diploma;
  • Acquisition of skills of work in the organization;
  • Participation in production activities.

During the practice, it is imperative to choose the topic of the graduation project, decide on the supervisor, set the goals and objectives of the practice, draw up its plan and start collecting materials for the diploma.

The implementation of the plan is controlled not only by the student himself, but also by the curator from the university, and the curator directly from the place of practice. All this is recorded in special forms, which are issued by the curator from the university, as well as in the practice diary, which is kept by the student himself. At the end of the practice, a report is written.

Please note that without an approved thesis topic, a student is not allowed to take pre-diploma practice! One of the main tasks of the curator is comprehensive assistance to the trainee, providing him with the necessary information and materials that may be useful when writing a diploma.

The tasks and goals set for the practice are achieved in the following ways:

  • Monitoring the activities of the organization;
  • Reading and researching company documents, incl. normative-legal acts, under which the activity of the organization falls;
  • Listening to instructions and attending excursions of the leading specialists of the enterprise;
  • Consultations with employees of the company and curators of the practice;
  • Direct participation in the production process.

The practice report should contain the student's observations in terms of the weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as recommendations and ways to eliminate them.

The range of duties of a trainee depends on his specialization and the topic of the diploma.

What is included in the report on the practice before the diploma?

Obtaining admission to the defense of the diploma project depends on the successful delivery of the practice report, and a good grade significantly affects the grade for the diploma. But for this it is important to correctly and competently draw up a report on undergraduate practice.

It should include:

  • Information about the organization;
  • Organizational structure of the company and work schedule;
  • Conclusions and conclusions of the student to improve the activities of the enterprise;
  • Tables, graphs, drawings, regulations and other documents as attachments.

When submitting the report, both curators put their signatures, and the seal of the organization must also be present. When the report is accepted, the student is allowed to defend.

What is the structure of the practice report?

The main difference of this document is that it does not allow errors and shortcomings, which are sometimes allowed in other student papers. It is important to follow all the rules for its preparation.

The structure of the report is as follows:

1. Introductory part, which briefly describes the relevance of the topic, objectives and goals of practical research, the position of the trainee, the name of the organization and university, what materials were used to write the report.

2. The main part, which indicates information about the type of activity of the company, organizational structure, analyzes the factors affecting the work of the enterprise (staff, suppliers, customers, partner companies, environmental situation). It is necessary to provide a personal analysis of the financial activities of the company.

3. The final part, where the student sums up the practice and draws conclusions. This section should contain information about the goals achieved, what problems and how to solve, what skills the trainee has received, recommendations for improving the work of the organization.

4. A list of references, which must be drawn up according to the following requirements: first, regulatory documents, then textbooks, books and Internet sites that were used during the preparation of the report.

5. Applications - all kinds of calculations and statistical information in the form of tables and graphs used in the work.

6. Annotation (a brief description of the report), a diary of practice and a review of the curator from production are also included in the list of mandatory documents attached to the report.

The rules for preparing a practice report, as a rule, are indicated in the training manual, which can be taken from your department at the university.

Despite the fact that each university has the right to independently determine these requirements, they are practically the same:

  • The report is drawn up in font 14, one and a half line spacing, on sheets of A4 paper, text alignment - in width;
  • If a paragraph is being made, no additional indentation or spacing is allowed;
  • Numbering starts from the first sheet, continuous, in Arabic numerals. The title page is not numbered, but it is the first one by default;
  • Sections (chapters) are numbered, but applications are not numbered;
  • Headings are not followed by a dot;
  • Each section starts on a new page, and there should be one blank sheet between sections;
  • All listings in the report must be bulleted or numbered;
  • Only generally accepted abbreviations in the text, or abbreviations with mandatory decoding, are allowed;
  • Writing style - business or scientific;
  • The same concepts and processes must be called the same throughout the text, i.e. do not use synonyms;
  • All tables need links in the text, the title of the table is placed in the upper right corner or in the middle, there should be an interval of one line between the table and the text;
  • On the title page, it is necessary to indicate the full name. trainee student, name of the university, department, subject, full name curator, city, year of writing.

What is a practice diary?

The internship diary is a description of the student's daily activities during the internship, what he achieved and learned, in which activities he participated. As a rule, the diary is a special form that must be filled out by hand and which is issued by the curator from the university.

The date, goal, progress of achieving this goal, and conclusions are recorded daily.

Diary of practice - an official document on which the seal of the company is put and the curator is drunk. The diary along with the characteristics of the student is attached to the report.

If a student for some reason missed the practice or several days of it, they will have to come up with something and negotiate with the curators.

What is the characteristics of a trainee student?

The characteristic is an assessment of the trainee from various angles, in particular as an employee of the enterprise, diligence and responsibility during the internship. It is certified by the seal and signature of the curator from the place of internship.

The characteristics of the trainee are influenced by the following factors:

  • Attendance (absence or presence of absenteeism);
  • Student involvement in the research topic;
  • Participation in various events of the organization;
  • The degree of fulfillment of their direct duties as an employee of the company;
  • Learnability and the ability to acquire skills.

Problems and nuances of writing a practice report

In addition to the difficulties that a student encounters when completing an internship and writing a report, he has to comply with an additional number of requirements, without which he will not receive admission to the defense of the report on undergraduate practice, and therefore the diploma itself. These requirements include:

  • High uniqueness of the text in the practice report, i.e. the trainee's own thoughts should be formulated and displayed;
  • Finding the necessary documentation, which can be quite difficult to find;
  • Regular attendance at practice and absence only for a good reason. The fact is that if the curator makes a good reference to the student, and the thesis turns out to be a failure, this will have a bad effect on the reputation of the head and the entire enterprise;
  • The absence of any even the smallest deviations from the rules for writing and formatting a report. Otherwise, the report will not be accepted, which means that the student will not be allowed to defend the thesis.

So, try to prove yourself in the best possible way during the internship at the enterprise and show that you are worthy to work there. Writing a report is also not an easy task, but if you think that you can’t cope with this task, turn to professionals for help!