Louise Hay's Handbook. Louise L

Louise Hay is a well-known author of popular psychology books. Her famous table, where the author lists common diseases and explores their root causes, has gained wide popularity. This table was first published in the book Heal Your Body in 1982.

The intent of all of Louise's work is to assert that the human body is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs, and that all disease essentially stems from our psyche.

Disease False thought pattern New formulation of thought
AllergyLack of faith in one's abilities.Nothing threatens me, I live in harmony with life.
AnginaRestraint of harsh words, inability to fulfill oneself.I go beyond prohibitions and enjoy freedom.
Anemia (anemia)Fear of living, lack of joy.I go through life with a feeling of constant joy.
Alzheimer's diseaseInability to see the world around as it really is, lack of will, malice.I always have a resource for enjoying life. I strive for happiness, I am freed from the past.
InfertilityFear of existence or doubt about the need to have offspring.I trust my life, I am always present where it should be.
BronchitisNervous atmosphere around, scandals, quarrels.I am in a state of peace and balance. Everything is perfect in my space.
VaginitisAnnoyance with a partner, thoughts of guilt on the basis of sex, self-flagellation.My self-respect and understanding of myself cause sympathy for me around.
PhlebeurysmWorkload, being in an unpleasant position.I love life, I am constantly developing, I am in an inspired state.
GastritisPerception of existence as hopelessness, uncertainty.I love and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
HaemorrhoidsAnger, fear of being late with something important, fear of separation.I get rid of negativity and stay with love. I can do everything in my time.
HepatitisThe liver is the seat of irritability and anger. Refusal to change something, hatred.My outlook is boundless, I aspire to the future.
Herpes simplexA deliberate desire to do everything just the way it is. Unexpressed sadness.My thoughts are pure and full of light. I act the way I should.
Eye diseases: astigmatismRejection of one's own "I". Fear of seeing yourself in an unsightly light.I see my perfection, I realize it.
DeafnessRefusal to accept anything, self-isolation, intransigence.I listen to the sounds of the world and admire what I hear.
HeadachesLow self-esteem, criticality, phobias.I respect and accept myself, I have nothing to fear.
FluExcessive reaction to a negative assessment of people, destructive attitudes.I am above social clichés. I am independent of external influences.
Breasts: cyst, sealsOverprotection, overprotection. Suppression of individuality.I allow any person the freedom to express themselves.
Herniated discLack of life support.Divine forces help me, I love and respect myself.
DepressionAnger and shame for it, hopelessness.I am above fears and prohibitions. I build my original life.
DiabetesLonging for the unfulfilled, the need to be in control.This moment is filled with happiness. I feel the joy of today.
DysmenorrheaAnger at oneself, antipathy towards the female sex.I feel positive about myself and my body.
CholelithiasisHeavy thoughts. Vanity. Swearing.I confidently renounce the past. Life is amazing.
ConstipationRefusal to say goodbye to outdated thought patterns, binding to the past. Excessive sarcasm.A renewed stream of life flows into me, I experience it.
dental diseasesInability to make decisions. Inability to analyze fresh ideasI quickly and simply decide everything, the necessary events occur in my destiny.
ItchingAspirations incompatible with character, a dream to escape from a bad situation.I am where it is safe. I know all my dreams will come true.
ImpotenceTension, guilt. Sexual depression, anger at a loved one. Mother's fear.I confidently and joyfully perceive my sexuality, my state is relaxed, pleasant.
InfectionResentment, annoyance, irritation.Since then, I have been a peaceful and balanced person.
CystEternal playing in thinking of old grievances.I'm sure my business is going great. I love and respect myself.
Intestine: problemsFear of getting rid of everything superfluous.I easily renounce the old and plunge into the new with delight.
Skin: diseasesDepression, a long-standing burden in the soul, the expectation of a threat.The flow of my thoughts is bright and joyful. The past is erased from memory, I feel my independence.
Knees: diseasesVanity. The inability to compromise. intransigence. inflexibilityI am happy to forgive, I can understand and sympathize. I am willing to give in to others.
ColitisUncertainty. The inability to let go.I am part of the life movement. Everything moves according to divine providence.
Bone marrowIdentified with deep principles concerning oneself.Spirituality is the foundation of my worldview. I have nothing to fear, love and complicity are always with me.
Bone diseasesCrushed psyche and tension, slowness, muscle inelasticity.I breathe deeply into myself the air of life, I trust the flow of life.
Blood: high blood pressureOutdated difficulties on an emotional level.I confidently renounce the past. In my mind, peace and harmony.
Blood: low blood pressureLack of tenderness in childhood. Decay mood.At the moment I am enjoying myself. My fate is very happy.
Left side of the bodyDenotes sensitivity, female energy.My female energy is well balanced.
Pulmonary diseasesSadness, fear to live. Confidence in your failure.I perceive the process of life with delight and gratitude.
Lymph: diseasesA signal of the need for a reassessment of values.Life brings me pleasure. I am confidently striving for a new future.
Spinal meningitisAnger at fate, negative moods.I forget all insults and plunge into harmony and pleasure from life.
MigraineIntolerance to coercion. The desire to change their fate, sexual phobias.I walk through life relaxed and confident, and it gives me everything I need.
Brain: tumorFalse principles. Stubbornness. Unwillingness to revise old clichés.I easily reprogram my thinking, my consciousness is always updated.
MononucleosisAnger due to a lack of love and an underestimation of one's personality. Indifferent perception of oneself.I respect and value myself, I take good care of myself.
Urinary tract: infectionIrritability. Viciousness. Partner dissatisfaction. Throwing blame on loved ones.I remove the old way of thinking, I change myself.

I respect myself, accept and love.

muscular dystrophyReluctance to become an adult.I'm out of the circle of parental restrictions. I am confident in my wonderful qualities.
Adrenal glands: diseasesDecay mood. Lack of attention to yourself. Anxious premonitions.I respect myself and approve of my actions.
NarcolepsyInability to cope with problems, deep phobias, self-isolation.I hope for God's providence, this is my reliable protection.
NeuralgiaThinking about your sinfulness. Heaviness in contact with people.I readily forgive myself. I enjoy communication.
NervousnessChaos in thoughts, phobias, distrust of life.I confidently go through life, I have a lot of time. I am open to communication.
NephritisOverreacting to misses.I do everything the right way. I renounce the past and surrender to everything new.
Legs: diseasesMarking time, fear of the future.I boldly move forward with confidence, all the best awaits me.
BaldnessTension. The habit of being in control. distrust of life.I trust the process of life, I have nothing to fear. I respect myself and approve.
ObesityStrong sensitivity, phobias and needs to be protected. Perhaps hidden anger.Love sustains me. I accept responsibility for shaping my life. I give forgiveness and build a new life.
TumorsThe accumulation of outdated grievances and sorrows in oneself, the conscience is restless.I confidently renounce the past and rush into a new day.
Osteomyelitis, OsteoporosisAnger, frustration, lack of support.I live without conflicts with the surrounding reality. I feel supported.
OtitisMalice. Refusal to hear, strife with loved ones.I am in a state of harmony. Everything I hear gives me pleasure.
PancreatitisAnger and hopelessness, a feeling of the unattractiveness of life.I bring happiness into my life on my own. I love and approve of myself.
ParalysisPhobias up to horror, avoidance of a terrible situation or a specific person. Fight.I am part of life energy. My behavior is bold, adequate.
Liver: diseasesFrequent complaints. Justifying your irritability, self-deception.From that moment on, my consciousness is open, I see and feel love everywhere.
Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)Frustration, fatigue. Psycho-emotional wounds that do not heal.I breathe new ideas full of oxygen of life. This is a new beginning for me.
GoutThe desire to put pressure on others. Irritability, lack of tolerance.I am in harmony with all people.
PolioStrong jealousy. The desire to keep a loved one.With my thoughts I create kindness, I recognize the free choice of each person.
Kidneys: diseasesDisappointment, bad luck. Feeling of shame. Children's reactions.My life is determined by divine providence. And it always brings the desired results.
kidney stonesUnrefined malice.I easily dismiss the past. I keep goodness in my soul.
Right side of the bodyDenotes male energy, paternal origin, compliance.I can easily balance my male energy. I'm always ready to give in.
AsphyxiationPhobias. Dissatisfaction with life. Infantilism.I am ready to grow up, I have nothing to fear.
Prostate: diseasesDisbelief in yourself. Sexual tension and feelings of guilt.I firmly believe in myself and in my abilities, I approve of my actions.
ColdChaos, a mess in thinking. Petty grievances. Too much is happening in one moment.My mind is relaxed. My mind is balanced.
PsoriasisFear of being offended. Loss of sense of self. Unwillingness to take responsibility for your feelings.I open myself to all the charms of life, I hold the answer for my feelings.
PsychosisHiding from life. Deepening into yourself.My thinking is the creative expression of the creator.
Sciatica (sciatica)Fear of the future, fear of poverty. Deception.I speak the truth with a light heart. From everywhere I draw good, I have nothing to fear.
CancerAn old strong resentment. Some secret or bitter thoughts torment. The experience of hate.I forget about the past and forgive everyone with a light heart, I fill my world with happiness.
Multiple sclerosisCruelty, strong will, absolute inflexibility.My thoughts are bright, I am building a new world.
RheumatismLack of love. Vulnerability. Outlived experiences.I know how to respect myself and others, my life is constantly changing for the better.
Respiratory diseasesFear of breathing in the air of new life.I breathe in the renewed air of life into my lungs with delight. I have nothing to fear.
Heart: attack, heart attackWork only because of earnings or career, no other goals.Joy returns to my soul. I set myself new goals.
Heart: diseasesConstant tension, psycho-emotional disorders. Lack of happiness.I direct rays of happiness into my thinking and body.
SinusitisAnger at loved ones.The world around me makes me happy. I am in harmony with myself and my loved ones.
sclerodermaIsolate yourself from the environment. Reluctance to help yourself.The world around me pleases me, I have nothing to fear.
SpasmsAnxious thoughts born of fears.I remove all the negativity and completely relax. I have nothing to fear.
AIDSBelief in one's worthlessness. Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness. Self-dislike.I am an element of the universe, I feel its support. I have enough strength and ability.
Back: lower partAnxiety about money. Lack of moral support.I accept the natural course of life and it brings me what I need.
Back: topLack of moral support. Feeling of worthlessness. Containment, not showing one's feelings.I am a part of the cosmos, I feel its support. I have enough strength and ability.
Joints: diseasesThey mean the ease of changing mental orientations.I am excited about change. In my life I choose the best paths.
TuberculosisRevenge, selfishness, cruelty.I create a world filled with happiness. I love myself and those around me.
AcneInternal disagreements. Disrespect for one's own individuality.I am a reflection of God's providence. I readily accept myself in my current state.
FatigueYearning. Occupation is not your own business.I am full of energy and strength, I am looking for my occupation in life with interest.
Fibroma and cystThe memory of the grievances caused by the partner. Insulted dignity.I cross out unnecessary memories. I exist right now and do good.
PhlebitisAnger and disappointment. Blaming others for their difficulties.I fill myself with happiness and exist in harmony with those around me.
FrigidityNegative perception of sex. Denial of pleasure. Father's fear.I love my body, I like to enjoy it.
CholesterolDenying yourself happiness.I know how to live happily. I soak up the joy. I know I'm out of danger.
chronic diseasesFear of novelty, feeling of constant danger.I am growing and changing. I am building a new wonderful future for myself.
CystitisAnxiety. Clinging to old thoughts. Fear of freedom, anger.I willingly leave the past and welcome my new life.
Neck: diseasesRefusal to see things differently. Stubbornness. Intransigence.I study life with interest from different angles. There are many ways to reach the goal.
Thyroid gland: diseasesSelf-abasement, self-denial.I transcend boundaries and show myself as an independent and creative person.
EpilepsyDenial of the joys of life. Persecution mania.I am completely free, my life is long-lasting and filled with happiness.
Gastric or duodenal ulcer

noah gut

Inferiority complexes. Phobias.I respect and love myself, I have nothing to fear.

How should you work with the Louise Hay table?

The Louise Hay table - diseases and their root causes - is very easy to use. The first column of the table contains the names of diseases, the second - the possible causes of their occurrence, and the third contains textual moods for healing or affirmations. That is, a person suffering from some kind of illness finds it in the table and immediately sees why this could happen and how it can be corrected.

Affirmations need to be spoken many times, while it is important not only to pronounce the phrases, but to visualize them, draw in your imagination pictures of what is happening at the moment and the desired recovery.

The role of illness in life according to Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, people don't get sick by accident. Illness is a signal of the body about the presence of some deep internal problems. It is a message for comprehending one's psycho-emotional character.

In this situation, a person must first of all know himself: look into his inner world, analyze his entire life orbit, all his ups and downs. It is necessary to recognize the presence of unresolved personal conflicts in one's psyche, to realize the causes of these conflicts and eliminate them.

Thus, the disease plays the role of a trigger for the start of deep and thorough work on oneself. The main idea of ​​the teachings of Louise Hay is determined by the following concept: you can improve your health and improve the quality of your life, simply by changing the way you think. The old negative formulations of thought must be changed to new positive ones.

Affirmations from Louise Hay

The Louise Hay table (diseases and their root causes) was compiled to help people reprogram their consciousness. The author suggests doing this using affirmations.

The word "affirmation" is translated from Latin as confirmation. This is a short phrase containing a verbal formulation with a positive statement that must be repeated many times. At the same time, this attitude is fixed at the subconscious level, which has a positive effect on the human psyche, changes his way of thinking and, thus, produces changes in his life.

In the arsenal of this psychologist there are suggestion phrases not only for healing, but also for improving life:

  • to attract happiness (“Every moment of my life I feel joy and happiness”);
  • to improve self-esteem (“I feel unique. I love myself and appreciate all my abilities”);
  • to improve relations with a partner (“My partner and I experience true and mutual love for each other”);
  • to attract success (“I am striving for the goal that I have set for myself, and I feel full of energy and strength to achieve it”).

Healing Light Meditation

You need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes, start counting from 1 to 30, or just concentrate on the process of breathing, noting the inhalations and exhalations. When the current of your thoughts subsides, you need to focus on your heart and imagine that a warm white light is emerging in its center.

Repeat to yourself: “In the center of my heart is an inexhaustible source of divine love.” After that, imagine how the light begins to increase, goes beyond the boundaries of your heart, saturates your entire body from the center of the head to the tips of the arms and legs.

This light is your love and life-giving energy. Let your body vibrate in time with its vibrations. Now it is very important to feel how this energy eliminates all diseases from your body and returns you to health.

To do this, you need to say, preferably out loud: "Healing divine light conquers all obstacles on the way, fills my body with the power and energy of health."

After that, you need to imagine how the glow goes beyond the edges of your body, fills the room, where you are, goes out the window and begins to spread throughout the space around. Let your life-giving energy touch everyone who is currently in need of it.

First of all, you can touch your relatives and friends with your light. Let it penetrate into every house where pain and suffering live, let it penetrate into hospitals, hospitals, shelters, into those places where people live who need it so much and give their strength to their inhabitants.

You can visualize any point on the planet, send your rays of light there and watch how gradually everything in this place comes to a state of happiness and balance, and then how this huge clot of love and health returns back to you, only multiplied many times over.

You need to convince yourself:“I am the whole world. What I give, I get back, only in a larger volume” and complete the meditation with the words: “I am the source of divine love, I am love itself.”

Methods for getting rid of any disease

The author does not deny the huge role of official medicine in healing. But she believes that the most important thing is to find the source of the disease in your mind, that is, to work out the problems at the level of psychological and spiritual plans.

Louise Hay's table, diseases and their root causes, listed in it, as well as ready-made affirmations - all this can be attributed to methods called "auto-training" or "self-hypnosis".

In this way, a person can change their mental habits in a positive direction and reprogram their thinking even at a subconscious level. But first, for this you need to believe in yourself and your strengths, want to change your reality.

Any person in itself is an energy that is in constant contact with the energy of our Universe. And when a person's biofield radiates positive vibes, he will receive vibrations of a positive frequency as a feedback.

It is necessary to apply affirmations in order, according to the law of attraction, to attract into your destiny what the mind and thinking focuses on.

Let go of health problems

According to Louise Hay, real healing is not only about the physical shell, it must also cover the spirit and mentality. And if you engage in therapy only at the physical level with the help of medicines, but do not work out mental and emotional conflicts at the same time, then the disease will definitely manifest itself again.

Louise insists that the main thing is to let go of the need that gave rise to the disease.

To change an existing disease state, you must initially perform one exercise. You need to go to the mirror and, looking at yourself, say: “I am ready (a) to let go of my need, which became the source of this state.” It is recommended to repeat this sentence whenever thoughts of bad self-feeling come to mind. This is the first step leading to change.

Scenario of disease treatment

The diseases listed in the Louise Hay table, or rather their root causes, can be eradicated with one unique affirmation that is suitable for eliminating any kind of ailment:

“I accept health as a completely natural state of my body. I consciously let go of all mental stereotypes that can be expressed as unhealthy. I love and approve of myself and my body.

I eat healthy food and drinks. I train my body in ways that bring me satisfaction. I perceive my body as an amazing and unique structure and consider it a great happiness to exist in it. I like to feel a lot of energy in me. Everything is wonderful in my world."

Louise Hay's method for getting rid of addictions (drugs, smoking, alcohol)

For these purposes, Louise Hay proposes to create a new image of your future, and gradually eliminate those attitudes that contradict it.

Despite the absence of alcoholism in the table of diseases of Louise Hay, there are affirmations that will help get rid of this addiction.

Exercise "Release your addiction"

To begin with, a person closes his eyes and begins to breathe deeply and calmly. When relaxation occurs, one must call up in the mind the image of the object on which there is dependence and deeply realize all the madness behind it.

It is necessary to understand that the power of deliverance is precisely at this moment in time and everything can be changed already now.

Get ready to let go of unnecessary cravings and say the words, “I am ready to let go of the need for (alcohol/smoking/drugs) from my life. I release it now and trust that the process of life will meet my needs.” The author recommends verbalizing this every day in your meditation.

You can write down for yourself some unpleasant moments associated with addiction, which you may be ashamed to remember. At the same time, you need to be extremely honest with yourself.

Having worked through these moments, you must try to throw them out of memory. When past memories are erased from the mind, then all spiritual power can be used to enjoy the present and create a beautiful future.

You also need to stop blaming yourself for the past. It is known that when a person suffers from addiction, he almost always hates himself.

To get rid of this feeling, Louise Hay suggests repeating a simple affirmation for several weeks: "I approve of myself." This phrase should be repeated like a mantra 100 times throughout the day. Because when a person is anxious, he remembers his trouble much more often.

The Louise Hay table (diseases and their root causes) contains many other affirmations that can also be used to eliminate addictions. Naturally, during repetition, such contradictions will arise in thinking: “How can I approve myself, I again ate too much”?

Such thought forms are a trap that seeks to drive the brain into old stereotypes of thinking and return it to the past. It is at this moment that you need to seize the mental regulator and not pay any attention to this thought. You just need to stop believing in her.

So, with the help of the methods of Louise Hay and her table, you can really overcome many diseases and severe addictions by eradicating their root causes.

Various affirmations and meditations written by the author have been helping people to work through the problem at a deep subconscious level for many years.

Naturally, in the presence of a serious illness, in no case should the help of official medicine and the intake of medications be rejected. But you can only eliminate the roots of the disease on your own - through careful work on yourself and your thinking.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video: Louise Hay Affirmations

How to start healing yourself:

The books of the famous Louise Hay not only become world bestsellers, but also really help a large number of people to change themselves and their lives. Health Affirmation Table and the causes of diseases and illnesses, which the writer compiled and published, are an ideal instruction for those who want to harmonize themselves and the world around them, who want to be happy and healthy!

The famous writer turned the minds of many, showing by her own example that physical and mental health depend on the person himself. The Louise Hay Table of Diseases is now the number one book recommended by conventional medical practitioners for severe patients.

Even skeptics, who have always been biased towards various spiritual practices, began to read and study the Louise Hay Table of Diseases. The essence of bioenergetic theory is simple and known to many: by changing consciousness and thoughts, removing ossified stereotypes, you can get rid of many ailments.

The first was the word. Louise Hay was well aware of this when she created the famous health affirmations. The word both heals and can kill. In the Louise Hay health table, each person can find the right phrase that will help cure any ailment.

In addition to bodily health, such phrases have a great effect on the mental field of a person, improving all other factors of everyday life: study, work and personal life. If you want to open a new page in your life, full of happiness and health, positive emotions and love, Louise Hay's table will help you.

If you want to download the table, then click on the like button, click on the link and it will be downloaded to your device. If you do not need to download, just see the table below:

Click on this link to download the table:



The theory that any thoughts have a material basis, are embodied in our deeds and how we build relationships with others, is not new for a long time. Thoughts shape our reality, affect our well-being and cause the development of various diseases. Such statements were put forward by ancient doctors and philosophers.
Since ancient times, the doctrine of the psychological causes of diseases has come to its modern form, turning into the science of psychosomatics, the founder of which is Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics is at the intersection of medicine and psychology. It is based on the position of the relationship between the soul and the body of a person, the violation of which is the mental cause of diseases. For a more accurate understanding of this theory, the author has developed a summary table of diseases, which has been successfully used in their practice by doctors and psychologists for more than a year.

The biography of Louise Hay cannot be called completely happy, however, it was precisely the difficulties experienced on her life path that allowed the author to fully describe the mental significance of diseases, which became the most important discovery for modern psychology. The fact is that the author was diagnosed with a terrible disease, uterine cancer. But, no matter how surprising it may sound, the founder of psychosomatics was able to recover herself in just a few months, simply by analyzing the mechanisms for the development of her disease. Long reflection and constructive analysis of her life led Louise Hay to develop a table in which she presented the spiritual causes of almost all existing diseases. Using the full table of Louise Hay, it is possible to visually see the negative impact of problems unresolved by a person (for example, hidden grievances, anger, anger, conflicts) on any organism, even those with good health.

However, the most valuable thing that the founder of the psychosomatic approach presented to the world of psychology and medicine is the idea that knowing the mental causes of diseases, it is possible to heal from them in a short time. Healing occurs with the help of affirmations - beliefs that are made in accordance with special rules. Knowing the emotional cause of a particular disease, and using the proposed settings for its treatment, healing is quite achievable - this is what the author says and therefore considers it his task to help people through informing about his experience.

The Psychological Causes of Disease According to Louise Hay: 101 Powerful Thoughts

The main position on which Louise Hay's psychosomatic science is based is that the stereotypes of a person's thinking are formed as a result of experiencing a certain negative experience. On the same position, if you characterize it briefly, the table of Louise Hay is based. Knowing the possible psychological causes of diseases according to Louise Hay, which everyone can easily determine for themselves, having carefully studied the table of diseases and emotions, you can almost completely get rid of most of them.

What is the famous table of diseases and their psychological causes according to Louise Hay?
- the first column presents various diseases;
- in the second - the emotions that cause them;
- the third column of the table contains a list of affirmations, the pronunciation of which will help set your thinking in a positive direction, helping to get rid of the disease.

Having studied the table of illnesses of Louise Hay, the understanding comes that in fact any non-constructive attitudes in thinking lead to the development of a certain disease. So, for example, cancer is provoked by hidden grievances, the development of thrush in most cases contributes to the rejection of your partner. The cause of cystitis may be the containment of negative emotions, and such a common, seemingly intractable disease as an allergy is the result of a person’s unwillingness to accept anyone or anything (perhaps even himself) into his life.

Even illnesses such as diseased kidneys, eczema, bleeding, swelling and burns are considered by Louise Hay to be associated with destructive thoughts.

Thus, in the table of mental causes of diseases and affirmations by Louise Hay, the metaphysical foundations of almost all diseases are fully disclosed. This table is of high value for psychology, as it allows you to analyze the causes of diseases from the point of view of possible mental disorders.

Table of psychological causes of diseases according to Louise Hay

Here is the very famous full health table of Louise Hay, which can be read for free online:




Abscess (abscess) Disturbing thoughts of hurt, neglect, and revenge. I give freedom to my thoughts. The past is over. I have peace of mind.
Adenoids Friction in the family, disputes. A child who feels unwanted. This child is needed, he is desired and adored.
Alcoholism "Who needs it?" Feelings of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Rejection of self. I live in today. Every moment brings something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and approve of my actions.
Allergy (See also: "Hay Fever") Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power. The world is not dangerous, he is a friend. I'm not in any danger. I have no disagreement with life.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for 6 months or more) (See also: "Women's Disorders" and "Menstruation") Reluctance to be a woman. Self-hatred. I am glad that I am who I am. I am the perfect expression of life and menstruation always runs smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Escapism. Inability to take care of oneself. I always have intelligence, courage and a high appreciation of my own personality. Living is safe.
Angina (See also: Throat, Tonsillitis) You refrain from harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself. I drop all limitations and gain the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Relationships like "Yes, but ..." Deficit of joy. Fear of life. Poor health. I am not harmed by the feeling of joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
sickle cell anemia Belief in one's own inferiority deprives one of the joys of life. The child inside you lives, breathing the joy of life, and feeds on love. The Lord works miracles every day.
Anorectal bleeding (presence of blood in stools) Anger and disappointment. I trust the process of life. Only the right and the beautiful happen in my life.
Anus (anus) (See also: "Hemorrhoids") Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, resentments and emotions. It is easy and pleasant for me to get rid of everything that is no longer needed in life.
Anus: abscess (abscess) Anger at something you want to get rid of. The release is completely safe. My body leaves only what I no longer need in life.
Anus: fistula Incomplete waste disposal. Unwillingness to part with the garbage of the past. I am happy to let go of the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: itching Feeling guilty about the past. I gladly forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
anus: pain Guilt. Desire for punishment. The past is over. I choose love and approve of myself and everything I do now.
Apathy Feeling resistance. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Feel safe. I'm walking towards life. I strive to go through the trials of life.
Appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking everything good. I'm safe. I relax and let the flow of life happily flow on.
Appetite (loss) (See also: "Lack of Appetite") Fear. Self-defense. distrust of life. I love and approve of myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (excessive) Fear. The need for protection. Condemnation of emotions. I'm safe. There is no threat to my feelings.
arteries The joy of life flows through the arteries. Problems with arteries - inability to enjoy life. I am filled with joy. It spreads in me with every beat of my heart.
Arthritis of fingers Desire for punishment. Self condemnation. It feels like you're a victim. I look at everything with love and understanding. I view all the events of my life through the prism of love.
Arthritis (See also: "Joints") The feeling that you are not loved. Criticism, resentment. I am the love. Now I will love myself and approve of my actions. I look at other people with love.
Asthma Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling overwhelmed. Suppression of sobs. Now you can safely take your life into your own hands. I choose freedom.
Asthma in infants and older children Fear of life. Reluctance to be here. This child is completely safe and loved.
Atherosclerosis Resistance. Tension. Unwavering stupidity. Refusal to see the good. I am completely open to life and joy. Now I look at everything with love.
Hips (top) Stable body support. The main mechanism for moving forward. Long live the hips! Every day is filled with joy. I stand firmly on my feet and use. freedom.
Hips: diseases Fear of moving forward in the implementation of major decisions. Lack of purpose. My stability is absolute. I easily and joyfully go forward in life at any age.
Beli (See also: "Women's diseases", "Vaginitis") The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex. Anger at a partner. I create the situations I find myself in. The power over me is myself. My femininity pleases me. I am free.
Whiteheads The desire to hide an ugly appearance. I consider myself beautiful and loved.
Infertility Fear and resistance to the life process or lack of need for parenting experience. I believe in life. By doing the right thing at the right time, I am always where I need to be. I love and approve of myself.
Insomnia Fear. distrust of the life process. Guilt. With love, I leave this day and give myself up to a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.
Rabies Malice. The certainty that the only answer is violence. The world settled in me and around me.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease; Russian term: Charcot's disease) Lack of desire to recognize their own worth. Failure to recognize success. I know that I am a standing person. Achieving success is safe for me. Life loves me.
Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency) (See also: Adrenal Diseases) Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger. I lovingly take care of my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (a type of presenile dementia) (See also: "Dementia" and "Old Age") Unwillingness to accept the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger. There is always a newer, better way to enjoy life. I forgive and commit the past to oblivion. I

I surrender to joy.

Books by Louise Hay are popular with both doctors and psychologists, as well as ordinary readers who want to find detailed information about diseases and their possible causes. The works of the author and her followers (for example, “Your body says: love yourself!”, which supplemented the teachings of the founder of psychosomatics, expanding the list of affirmations for healing from them based on the description of the metaphysics of diseases) have long become bestsellers.

Thus, in the book “Heal Your Body,” Louise Hay describes in detail the mechanisms of how a person creates his own disease with the help of wrong thinking. The author also claims that a person has the ability to self-heal - one has only to correctly "tune" the process of thinking, which is precisely possible with the help of the texts proposed by the author - affirmations.

An interesting and also quite popular addition to this book was the creative album "Heal Your Life", published by Louise Hay a little later. In it, the author has collected special techniques that will become a kind of training for the reader, allowing you to find positive changes in all areas of life.
Thus, the Louise Hay Table of Diseases itself and the books detailing the information presented in it allow the reader to look at diseases in a completely new way, establishing their psychological root causes, and find a path to healing. In fact, this is an ideal instruction for those who want to live in harmony with the outside world and with themselves, to find happiness and health.

Instead of a conclusion

The psychosomatic theory of Louise Hay has successfully proved its effectiveness in practice, turning the minds of many people in a positive direction. Its significance for modern psychology is evidenced by the fact that it is the books of Louise Hay that even doctors who are adherents of traditional medicine recommend to their patients. Thus, psychosomatic science is so amazing and real that even the most ardent skeptics have become convinced of its effectiveness.

35 353 0 Hello! In the article, you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. It also contains affirmations that will help you heal from these physical and psychological problems.

Psychosomatics of diseases by Louise Hay

The table of psychosomatic diseases of Louise Hay is based on many years of observation of the relationship between the human body and its mental state. According to the psychologist, all negative emotional shocks, neurosis, internal insults and experiences directly lead to illness.

The table fully describes their root causes, as well as ways to deal with them with help. The table became the basis of the book "Heal Yourself" by Louise Hay, which helps people change the course of their lives, make it more joyful and successful.

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

Disease Cause of illness Formula
Abscess(abscess)Resentment, vindictiveness, feeling underestimatedI release mine. I stop thinking about the past. My soul is at peace.
Abscess perianal Anger at something you can't get rid of.I can get rid of everything safely. I release what I don't need from my body.
Adenoiditis Misunderstanding in the family, skirmishes. Lack of feelings of self-love from loved ones in a child.This kid is the whole universe for his parents. He was very much expected and grateful to fate for him.
Alcohol addiction Lost, feeling that you are to blame, disrespect for your person.The present is my reality. Every new moment brings renewed emotions. I'm starting to realize why I'm important to this world. All my actions are correct and justified.
allergic reactions Rejection of someone. Rejection of oneself as a strong personality.There is no danger for me in the world, for we are friends with him. There are no dangers around me. The universe and I live in harmony.
Amenorrhea(absence of a menstrual cycle for six months or more)Rejection of oneself as a woman. Self-dislike.I'm glad to be a woman. I am a perfect creation of nature with timely menstruation.
Amnesia(memory loss)A permanent state of fear. Trying to escape from real life. The inability to defend yourself.I am intelligent, courageous and highly esteem myself as a person. Everything around me is absolutely safe.
Angina(affirmations should be said after treating the throat with herbs)You want to be rude to everyone around you. It seems to you that you are not able to convey the idea in a different way.I take off my shackles and become a free person, able to be the way nature created me.
Anemia The absence of joyful excitement in the soul, regardless of the situation. Unreasonable fears of any minor problem. Feeling unwell.Joyful feelings help me move forward and make my life brighter. My gratitude to the Universe is boundless.
sickle cell anemia


Treatment of any disease, according to Louise Hay, occurs at the level of psychological impact. For a complete healing, it is important to combine the main treatment with the regular pronunciation of affirmations, sincerely believing in your healing, and the result will not be long in coming.

101 thoughts that carry power

Useful articles:


Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of the disease once and for all

If you are a little fond of psychology, or, at least, have just begun to study the power of thought, then you have come across such a word - psychosomatics. To highlight the question of what psychosomatics is, Louise Hay wrote a whole book.

In each article of this blog, I tell you that everything that surrounds you now - you have attracted to yourself. With your thoughts you create your reality in which you live.

From this article, you will learn that your thoughts not only create your life, but also you. The diseases that are in your body - you also attracted to yourself.

Attention! Whether you attract the desired benefits or a loved one, get rid of illnesses or failures, it is important to remember that working with the subconscious, the power of thought is a very powerful tool. With it, you can achieve incredible results, but sometimes they may differ from what

Did you know that all human diseases arise due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders that occur in soul, subconscious, thoughts human? Of course it is.

Being convinced that cancer is caused by resentment that a person keeps in the soul for so long that it literally begins to devour his own body, I understood what I had to do. great mental work.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

What is psychosomatics?

In scientific terms, psychosomatics is a direction in medicine and psychology studying the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases.

Remember the saying "In a healthy body healthy mind"?
I'm sure everyone knows her. But in order for you to understand what psychosomatics is, I will rearrange this saying a little: "Healthy mind = healthy body."

Thus, if your head is filled with kind and positive thoughts, then your body is in order. But if you have a lot of negative attitudes, evil thoughts, resentments and blocks, then this will affect your body.

The ability to live happily and measuredly, controlling your thoughts and emotions, being in harmony with yourself, has the most favorable effect on the general state of a person’s physical health.

Like everything good, everything bad in our life is a consequence of our way of thinking, which affects what happens to us. We all have many thoughts-stereotypes, thanks to which everything good and positive appears in life. And this pleases us. And stereotypes of negative thinking lead to unpleasant, harmful results, and they disturb us. Our goal is to change the life get rid of everything painful and uncomfortable and become completely healthy.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics now is a scientific system in which knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology is put.

Many experts and doctors of science have proven that in case of certain diseases, a person needs the help of not only a doctor, but also a professional psychologist or even a psychotherapist.

It’s good when a doctor understands this and instead of a kilometer-long list of medicines, he writes out a referral to a highly qualified specialist in the field of psychology for the patient. Pills can help, of course, but only the effect of them will be temporary. After a while, the problem will return if you do not work it out from the inside.

I understood that if I let the doctors rid me of a cancerous tumor, and I myself do not get rid of thoughts that gave rise to illness, then the doctors will then have to cut pieces from Louise over and over again until there is absolutely nothing left of her.

If I am operated on and, moreover, if I myself get rid of the cause that gave rise to a cancerous tumor, then the disease will be done away with forever.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

The relationship of the state of the human body with its emotional and psychological component is officially recognized today. This relationship is considered within the framework of such a direction of medical psychology as psychosomatics.

How psychosomatics appeared: Louise Hay and the ancient healers

Although the book of Louise Hay "Heal Yourself" gained immense popularity in the treatment of diseases, psychosomatics has been discussed since ancient times.

Even in Greek philosophy and medicine, there was a widespread idea about the influence of the soul and spirit on the body. The same idea is present in the description chakra system.

Socrates stated the following: “You cannot treat eyes without a head, a head without a body, and a body without a soul”. And Hippocrates wrote that the healing of the body must begin with the elimination of the causes that prevent the soul of the patient from performing its Divine work.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study the topic of psychosomatics. He singled out several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraine. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not recognized.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first scientific observations were systematized. Scientists Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the "Chicago Seven", which includes seven basic psychophysical terms

A little later, in the middle of the 20th century, a magazine began to be published that told about psychosomatic ailments.

Nowadays, there are books in stores that were written by a wonderful author about what psychosomatics is - Louise Hay.

Louise Hay had no special education. Louise Hay is a person of many years of experience, both in working with herself and in helping other people. She was motivated to study the impact of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma.

A few years ago, doctors examined me and diagnosed me with uterine cancer.

Considering that I was raped at the age of five and often beaten as a child, there is nothing surprising in the fact that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

By this time I myself had been practicing medicine for several years, and it was clear that now I had the opportunity to heal myself and, thereby, confirm the truth of everything that I taught other people.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics: Louise Hay and her secrets of recovery

To get rid of an illness forever, we must first get rid of its psychological cause. I realized that in any of our ailments there is a need. Otherwise, we wouldn't have it. Symptoms are purely external manifestations of the disease.. We should go deep and destroy its psychological cause. That is why will and discipline are powerless here - they fight only with the external manifestations of the disease.

This is the same as picking a weed without uprooting it. That's why before you start working with new thinking affirmations, you should strengthen the desire to get rid of the need for smoking, headaches, excess weight and other such things. If the need disappears, then the external manifestation also disappears. Without a root, the plant dies.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

With these words, Louise explains to us that it is necessary to exterminate the disease not only from the outside (drugs, treatment, traditional medicine), but it is also important to work out your thoughts, your attitudes. By getting rid of wrong thoughts, you are most likely to get rid of the disease.

The psychological causes that cause most bodily ailments are nagging, anger, resentment, and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism long enough, then he often develops diseases such as arthritis. Anger causes ailments, from which the body seems to boil, burn, become infected.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In order to warn yourself against the diseases mentioned above, you need to work with your emotions and thoughts.

Getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Below, in this article, you will see a list of diseases, their causes and affirmations compiled by Louise Hay, which will help get rid of the disease.

But I believe that it is not enough just to start saying affirmations. It is also necessary to identify and eliminate all our negative attitudes that create an unnecessary reality for us.

These are the same “weeds” that Louise Hay spoke about.

After all, if you start saying new affirmations, the old settings will not go anywhere. Do you agree?
First, you need to get rid of them. Then the effect of affirmations will be 100%.

I wrote about how to identify all my blocks, negative attitudes and replace them with new positive thoughts in the article.

Another “poisonous” emotion that kills us from the inside, which does not allow us to fulfill our desires, which destroys our health, is resentment.

Long-held resentment decomposes, devours the body and, ultimately, leads to the formation of tumors and the development of cancerous diseases. Feelings of guilt always make you look for punishment and lead to pain. It is much easier to get rid of these negative thoughts-stereotypes even when we are healthy than to try to eradicate them after the onset of the disease, when you are in a panic and there is already a threat to fall under the surgeon's knife.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Someone offended you, disappointed you, or you are in a quarrel with someone, all this leaves a residue inside you that destroys your positive attitude. You need to get rid of resentment.
There are several methods for how to do this. I wrote about them in articles:

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

So, having worked through your past grievances and negative attitudes, you need to introduce new thoughts and affirmations into your consciousness.

In his book "Heal Yourself" Louise Hay gives a huge table of diseases, in which she indicates their causes and a new approach to her thoughts in order to avoid illness or cure an existing illness.

This list of psychological equivalents, compiled by me as a result of many years of research, as a result of my work with patients, on the basis of my lectures and seminars. The list is useful as an indication of the likely patterns of thought causing the ailment.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In this article, I want to analyze the 10 most common, in my opinion, ailments. Below is a list of diseases and their likely causes. That is, your thoughts, feelings and emotions that led to this disease. And also painted "new" thoughts that you need to introduce into your mind in order to heal.

And when you understand the reasons, I will help you get rid of diseases with the help of the power of thought.

1. Throat, sore throat

The throat is a channel for expressiveness and creativity.

Possible causes of sore throat:

  • Inability to take care of yourself
  • Swallowed anger
  • Crisis of creativity
  • Unwillingness to change
  • You hold back from harsh words
  • Feeling unable to express yourself

New approach to the problem: replace existing installations with new ones.

I drop all limitations and gain the freedom to be myself
Noise is not allowed
My expression is free and joyful
I can easily take care of myself
I demonstrate my creativity
I want to change
I open my heart and sing about the joy of love

2. Runny nose

Likely cause:

  • Request for help
  • inner crying

New Approach:
I love and console myself in the way that pleases me
I love me

3. Headache

Likely cause:

  • Underestimating yourself
  • self-criticism
  • Fear

New Approach:
I love and approve of myself
Looking at myself with love
I am completely safe

4. Poor eyesight

Eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, future.

Likely cause:

  • Don't like what you see in your own life
  • Myopia is the fear of the future
  • With farsightedness - a feeling of being out of this world

New Approach:
Here and now, nothing threatens me
I see it clearly
I accept Divine guidance and I am always safe
I watch with love and joy

5. Women's diseases

Likely cause:

  • Self rejection
  • Rejection of femininity
  • Rejection of the principle of femininity
  • Resentment against men

New Approach:
I am glad that I am a woman
I love being a woman
I love my body

II forgive all men, I accept their love

6. Injuries

Likely causes:

  • Anger directed at self
  • Guilt
  • Punishment for breaking one's own rules

New Approach:
I turn my anger for good
I love myself and appreciate
I create a life full of rewards

7. Burns

Likely causes:

  • Anger
  • internal boiling
  • inflamedness

New Approach:
In myself and my environment, I create only peace and harmony
I deserve to feel good

8. The appearance of gray hair

Likely causes:

  • Stress
  • Belief in the need for pressure and tension

New Approach:
My soul is calm in all areas of my life
I have enough of my strengths and abilities

9. Problems with the intestines

Symbolizes getting rid of the unnecessary.

Likely causes:

  • Fear of getting rid of everything obsolete and unnecessary

New Approach:
I easily assimilate and absorb everything I need to know, and happily part with the past
Letting go is so easy!
I easily and freely discard the old and gladly welcome the arrival of the new.

10. Back pain

The back is a symbol of the support of life.

Likely causes:

  • Fear of money
  • Lack of financial support
  • Lack of moral support
  • Feeling unloved
  • Holding back feelings of love

New Approach:

I trust the life process
I always get what I need
I'm all right
I love myself and approve
loves me and keeps me alive

Most importantly, love yourself.

Love is the strongest remedy against all ailments and diseases. I open myself to love. I want to love and be loved. I see myself happy and joyful. I see myself healed. I see my dreams come true. I am completely safe.

Send words of comfort and encouragement, support and love to everyone you know. Understand that when you wish other people happiness, they respond to you in the same way.

Let your love embrace the entire planet. Let your heart open to unconditional love. Look, everyone in this world lives with their heads held high and welcomes what lies ahead for them. You are worthy of love. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are ready to accept all the good things that should happen to you.

Feel your own strength. Feel the power of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel the power of your love. Feel the power of your forgiveness. Feel the power of your desire to change. Feel it. You are beautiful. You are a majestic, Divine creation.

You deserve only the best, and not some part of it, but all the best. Feel your strength. Live with her in harmony, you are safe. Greet each new day with open arms and words of love.

Let it be so!

Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay is very useful information to better understand yourself and allow yourself to be healthy. Now you have revised your attitude towards diseases? Have you realized what could be the cause of your illness? And if you are interested in learning more about the power of thought, how to fulfill what you want, come to my master class, where I share the most intimate - my personal experience. You can register