Test tasks. Test work on the poetry of the Silver Age

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Republic of Crimea "Crimean Multidisciplinary College"


teacher of Russian language and literature

Kobylkin Andrey Olegovich


Related quiz:

"Silver Age" of Russian poetry

1. What period of development of Russian literature is usually called the "Silver Age"?

a) 1917 - 1921; b) 1890 - 1917; c) 1900 - 1910; d) 1860 - 1905.

2. Define the literary movement of the “Silver Age” by its characteristic features: “the avant-garde movement in European and Russian art of the early 20th century, which denied the artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art in order to merge it with an accelerated life process”:

a) futurism; b) acmeism; c) symbolism; d) imaginism.

3. Indicate the correspondences (number - letter), with which of the directions the work of each of the following poets corresponds:

1. Anna Akhmatova;

a) symbolism.

2. Vladimir Mayakovsky;

b) acmeism.

3. Sergei Yesenin;

c) futurism.

4. Alexander Blok;

d) imaginism.

4. Which of the following manifestos refers to the work of the Symbolists?

a) "A slap in the face of public taste";

b) "Keys of Mary";

c) "Declaration of abstruse language";

d) "Keys of secrets".

5. Define the literary movement of the "Silver Age" by its characteristic features: "a literary and artistic movement that set the goal of art as a subconscious-intuitive contemplation of secret meanings, characterized by musicality, loftiness of themes, ambiguity of images, mystical mood": a) futurism; b) acmeism; c) symbolism.

6. The manifesto of what literary trend of modernism was "Slap in the face of public taste": a) symbolism; b) acmeism; c) futurism;

a) the theme of love; b) the theme of loneliness; c) the theme of revolution; d) the theme of the motherland.

8. Which work does not belong to Anna Akhmatova?

a) "Requiem";

b) "A poem without a hero";

c) "Poem of the Mountain";

d) "The song of the last meeting."

9. Determine the means of artistic representation used in Anna Akhmatova’s poem: “Tearful autumn, like a widow / In black clothes, all hearts are clouded ...”:

10. Determine the means of artistic expression used in Sergei Yesenin's poem: “All of us, all of us in this world are perishable, / Copper quietly pours from maple leaves ...”:

a) comparison; b) metaphor; c) personification; d) antithesis.

11. Determine the means of artistic expression used in Alexander Blok's poem "The Twelve": "Black Evening. / White snow. / Wind, wind! / A person does not stand on his feet ":

a) comparison; b) metaphor; c) personification; d) antithesis.

12. What is the artistic technique used in the poem by Sergei Yesenin: "The flood licked the silt with smoke, / The moon dropped the yellow reins ...".

a) comparison; b) metaphor; c) personification; d) antithesis.

13. Determine the means of artistic representation used in the poem by Alexander Blok: “And Nepryadva hid away with fog, / Like a princess with a veil.”

a) comparison; b) metaphor; c) personification; d) antithesis.

a) Marina Tsvetaeva;

b) Zinaida Gippius;

c) Anna Akhmatova;

d) Andrei Bely.

15. Which poet is called "the last poet of the village"?

a) Sergei Yesenin;

b) Vyacheslav Ivanov;

c) Konstantin Balmont.

16. Which of the poets does not belong to the "Silver Age" of Russian poetry?

a) Nikolai Gumilyov; b) Igor Severyanin; c) Fedor Tyutchev; d) Alexander Pushkin.

a) "Anna Snegina"; b) "A poem without a hero"; c) "Twelve"; d) Dead Souls.

18. Which of the following poets was awarded the Nobel Prize, but later refused it:

a) Alexander Blok;

b) Vladimir Mayakovsky;

c) Sergei Yesenin;

d) Boris Pasternak.

19. What is the name of Boris Pasternak's poem:

a) "Evening bells";

b) "Tonight";

c) "Winter evening";

d) Winter night.

20. Which of the works does not belong to the pen of Vladimir Mayakovsky:

a) "Cloud in pants";

b) "That's how I became a dog";

c) "Doctor Zhivago";

d) "Flute-spine".

On the topic "Poetry of the Silver Age".
I option.
Determine the direction by characteristic features:
A direction that considered the goal of art to be an intuitive comprehension of world unity; art was seen as the unifying principle of such unity. Characterized by "secret writing of the unexplored", understatement.
Which of the following properties is not characteristic of acmeism
Romantic motifs, geographical and historical exoticism
Affirmation of the beauty of life in its concrete - sensual manifestations
Attitude to the word as a constructive material
The revival of the traditions of the "golden age"?
Which of the poets belonged to the ego-futurists:
I. Severyanin
D. Burliuk
V. Khlebnikov
B. Pasternak?
What was the title of the lecture by D. Merezhkovsky, in which he outlined the theoretical foundations of symbolism:
"The Legacy of Acmeism and Symbolism"
"Keys of Secrets"
"On the Causes of the Decline and New Trends in Modern Russian Literature"
"A slap in the face of public taste"?
What is the real name of I. Severyanin.
Who, together with Gumilyov, led the "Workshop of Poets"?
Futurism is associated with the ideas of what philosophers?
Determine the landscape in the lyrics of which poet is talking about:
Approaches the natural phenomenon as a sculptor. In nature, he loves stones, rocks, granite. He illuminates his landscapes with an inanimate but bright electric light. His nature is impassive and balanced, majestic and calm; pictures of "rebellious nature" are rare. He is attracted by the landscapes of the Crimea, the borders of the Baltic coasts, the northern seas.
What poet of the Silver Age are we talking about:
A. This poet gained fame as a salon poet, who glorifies the “beautifulness” and “delicacy” of bohemian life. His "poetry concerts" were especially popular. He was accused of egocentrism, vulgarity, narcissism. Few people noticed the irony, the parody of his poems?
B. The real name of this poet is Bugaev. The pseudonym arose under the influence of the Solovyov family. In 1903 he organized the "Argonauts" circle. This is a man of rare talent: a poet-lyricist, prose writer, researcher of Russian and world culture, literary theorist, critic and publicist, memoirist. In his first collection of poems and lyrical prose, Gold in Azure, the conquest of rocky mountain peaks or a flight to the sun symbolized a breakthrough from everyday life to eternity, to a mystical ideal. In the Ashes collection, was the jubilant worldview supplanted by the influx of “mystical horrors” that the poet saw in contemporary Russia?
To the poets of which trends of the Silver Age do these passages belong? Justify your answer.
A. The world is spacious and polyphonic,
And he is more colorful than rainbows,
And so the world is entrusted to Adam,
Name Inventor.
Name, recognize, rip off the covers
And idle secrets, and decrepit haze -
Here is the first feat. New feat -
Sing praises to the living earth.
B. In a noisy moire dress, in a noisy moire dress,
Along the lunar alley you pass the sea
Your dress is exquisite, your talma is azure,
And the path is sandy from the foliage of lazuzoren

II option.

The direction that proclaimed the "intrinsic value" of the phenomena of life, the cult of art as a skill; rejection of the mystical nebula; creating a visible, concrete image.
2. Which of the following properties is not characteristic of futurism:
a) The pathos of the denial of "old art"
b) Set to update the poetic language, active word creation
c) New functions of art as an expression of the creativity of the masses
d) Active use of mythological images in poetry?
3. What direction did the poets belong to: V. Bryusov, D. Merezhkovsky, A. Bely?
4. What was the name of the first declaration of the futurists:

b) "Keys of Secrets"

5. Poets of what direction were inspired by the philosophy of V. S. Solovyov?

For this poet, nature is a “mosaic of flowers”, a multicolored and polyphonic world. This world is unstable, unstable, not frozen still. The key principle of Impressionist painting was reflected in his landscape lyrics: "color is everything, drawing is nothing." Through image - trembling, trembling?

A) In the early lyrics of this poet, one can see the intention to shock, to puzzle the reader. Art, according to the poet, is valuable in itself. He worships the artistic gift, creativity as a deity.
worship art,
Only to him, undividedly, aimlessly.
Is this a poet of an intellectual nature, is there a lot of rationality in his work, coming from the mind, and not from feeling?
B) The main features of his poetic world are an emphasized alienation from the vulgar modernity, an attraction to romantic exoticism, bright decorative colors, intense and sonorous verse. Did he proclaim the "intrinsic value" of the phenomena of life, the cult of art as a skill?

A) I stare, powerlessly greedy,
Everywhere around damp haze.
Which way the thread of Ariadne
Did you drive me to hell?
B) Wings in gold writing
thinnest veins,
Grasshopper put in the body of the belly
There are many coastal herbs and vera.
"Kick, kick, kick!" - tararahnulzinziver.
Oh swan!
Oh shine!

III option.
1. Determine the direction by characteristic features:
A direction that denied the artistic and moral heritage, preaching the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with an accelerated life process.
2. Which of the following properties is not characteristic of symbolism:
a) Treating poetry as a skill
b) Discovering the polysemy of a word
c) Religious-philosophical searches, mystical ideals
d) Attitude towards self-worth, autonomy of art?
3. Which of the poets did not belong to acmeism:
a) Z. Gippius
b) N. Gumilyov
c) O. Mandelstam
d) S. Gorodetsky?
4. What was the title of Gumilyov's article in which he accuses symbolism of being "abstract and cold":
a) "The Legacy of Acmeism and Symbolism"
b) "Keys of Secrets"
c) "On the Causes of the Decline and New Trends in Modern Russian Literature"
d) "A slap in the face of public taste"?
5. What is the real name of A. Bely.
6. What group of futurists was the most influential in this current?
7. Who, according to Gumilyov, could serve as guidelines for acmeism?
8. Determine the landscape in the lyrics of which poet is talking about:
His landscapes are predominantly theatrical, decorative, they are dominated not by specific geographical or natural realities, but by intentionally spectacular, beautiful, exotic details. Against the backdrop of many landscapes, he has a person - as a rule, a strong and courageous conqueror of natural elements. Does the poet gravitate toward pure figurativeness, preferring simply to tell a story?
9. What poet of the Silver Age are we talking about:
A) G. Adamovich wrote about him: "he did not write poetry, he sang songs, and all of Russia listened to him." His addictive, "spontaneous" nature is close to the "philosophy of the moment." For him, poetry is an exponent of the “talk of the elements,” did he understand poetry as magic, was everything rational alien to him?
B) Fame as a poet brought him his second book of poems "Cypress Casket". The Symbolists tried to “make him their own”, the Acmeists called him their mentor. In his worldview and poetic style, he is a symbolist. But symbols for him are images that can convey the psychological state of a person. V. Ivanov called his symbolism "earthly". Modern researchers speak of the poetic style of this master as a psychological symbolism?
10. To the poets of what trends of the Silver Age do these passages belong? Justify your answer.
A) I am a free wind, I always blow,
I wave the waves, I caress the willows,
In the branches I sigh, sighing, dumb,
I cherish the grass, I cherish the fields.
B) At her feet are two black panthers,
With a metallic sheen on the skin.
Taking off from the roses of the mysterious cave,
Her flamingo swims in the blue.

1 option
S. Gorodetsky
A. Bergson,
A. Schopenhauer
F. Nietzsche
V. Bryusov
I. Severyanin
A. Bely

Option 2

K. Balmont
V. Bryusov
N. Gumilyov

3 option

Cubofuturists (poets of "Gilea")
Shakespeare, Rabelais, Villon,
N. Gumilyov
K. Balmont
I. Annensky

03.10.2017 5313 191 Terekhova Irina Vasilievna

Poetry of the Silver Age

Exercise 1

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, three main modernist currents of “new literature” were formed in literature. By characteristic features, identify these areas in the literature:

1. An avant-garde movement that was formed on the principles of rebelliousness, anarchic worldview, expressing the mass mood of the crowd, denying cultural traditions, making attempts to create art directed towards the future.
2. Modernist trend, which affirms individualism, subjectivism, interest in the problem of personality. The main principle of aesthetics is "art for art's sake", "cryptoscript of the inexpressible, understatement, replacement of the image.
3. Modernist movement, formed on the principles of rejection of the mystical nebula; the creation of a visible, concrete image, the sharpness of details, the echo with past literary eras.


Task 2

To what literary direction were the following writers and poets close:
1. D. Burliuk, V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, V. Kamensky.
2. D.Merezhkovsky, Z.Gippius, K.Balmont, V.Bryusov, A.Blok, A.Bely.
3.A.Akhmatova, M.Kuzmin, N.Gumilyov, O.Mandelstam, S.Gorodetsky.

1. symbolism
2. acmeism
3. futurism

Task 3

Having become acquainted with the samples of the lyrics of K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, M. Kuzmin, correlate the above features of creativity with the lyrical heroes of the named poets:

1. Inconstancy, changeability of moods, thirst for merging with the world's elements.
2. Stability of attitude, poetization of solid qualities of character, desire for systematization, strict logic.
3. Significance, game beginning, pathos, musicality.

1. Bryusov
2. Kuzmin
3. Balmont

Task 4

What associations with related arts does poetry cause:

1. M. Kuzmina.
2. K. Balmont.
3. V. Bryusova.

1. music
2. sculpture
3. theater

Task 5

What is the rhythm of a poem?

1. A method of organizing artistic speech, when a prose text is divided into rhythmic segments that create the effect of internal melody.
2. Dimensional repetition of similar elements of poetic speech: syllables, lines, intonational melody and pauses.
3. The sound match of the last syllables at the end of the poem.

Task 6
Name the three-syllable meter with the stress on the first syllable:

1. iambic
2. anapaest
3. dactyl
4. amphibrach

Task 7

Determine the poetic size of the given passage from K. Balmont's poem "New Moon":

"The crescent of the moon is young
Together with a magnificent star,
In the blue sky
I see clearly."

1. Dactyl.
2. Amphibrach.
3. Anapaest.

Task 8
To which group of symbolists did the poets V. Bryusov and K. Balmont belong:

1. "Senior Symbolists".
2. "Junior Symbolists".

Task 9

A symbol is a trope, a poetic image that expresses the essence of a phenomenon, there is always a hidden comparison in the symbol (find the extra one):

1. allegorical
2. innuendo
3. inexhaustibility
4. Calculation on the susceptibility of the reader

Task 10

Highlight lexical repetitions in V. Bryusov's poem "Mother tongue":

"My faithful friend! My friend is wicked!
My king! My slave! Native language!
My poems are like altar smoke!
How fierce is my cry!”

Task 11

What literary direction was A. Blok an adherent of:

1. acmeism
2. symbolism
3. Futurism

Task 12

Find the correspondence of A. Blok's poems to the main motives of his lyrics.
1. motive of gloomy disappointment.
2. motive for the appointment of the poet and poetry.
3. motif of the "terrible world"
4. Motherland motif

1. "Factory"
2. "To the Muse"
3. "Autumn will"
4. "I'm old at heart"

Task 13

To what motive of A. Blok's creativity can the following passage be attributed:
“But the poet is moving towards the goal,
Strives, attracted by the truth,
And suddenly sees a new light
Beyond the distance, previously unfamiliar"

1. The theme of the Motherland.
2. Intimate lyrics.
3. The theme of the poet and poetry.

Task 14

Who is dedicated to the poetic cycle of A. Blok "Poems about the Beautiful Lady":

1. N. Volokhova.
2. L. Mendeleeva.
3. L. Delmas.
4. Another woman.

Task 15

A. Blok combined his poetry into a "trilogy of incarnation." To what stage of creativity did the poet refer the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady":

1. Teza
2. Antithesis
3. "Synthesis"

Task 16

In A. Blok's poem "Autumn Will", the traditions of 19th century literature, the poet, the author of the poem "Motherland" are clearly visible. Name this poet:
1. A. Pushkin
2. F. Tyutchev
3. M. Lermontov
4. A. Nekrasov

Task 17

The lyrical hero is:

1. A conditional image in lyrical and lyrical-epic works, whose attitude (lyrical assessment) to the depicted, the poet seeks to convey.
2. Emotional perception by the narrator or lyrical hero of what is described, expressed in literature by artistic means.
3. The author's reflections not related to the plot narrative, which he included in the work of art.

Task 18

The artistic feature of the composition of A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" is its construction on the basis of:
1. juxtaposition of two worlds
2. opposition of two worlds
3. eventfulness of time

Task 19

The image of Christ in A. Blok's poem "The Twelve" was interpreted in different ways. What is the symbolist idea of ​​the poet:
1. Jesus Christ as a symbol of the revolution.
2. Jesus Christ as a symbol of the future, "pagan" Christ.
3. Jesus Christ as Superman.
4. Jesus Christ as a symbol of Supreme justice.

Task 20

Determine the poetic size of A. Blok's poem "The Stranger":
And every evening at the appointed hour
(Is it just my dream?)
Maiden's camp, seized by silks,
In the foggy window moves.
1. iambic
2. trochee
3. dactyl
4. anapaest

Task 21

The cycle of poems by A. Blok “On the Kulikovo Field” is a work of:
1. on a historical topic
2. about modernity
3. about the inseparable connection of the past, present and future.

Answers to the test "Poetry of the Silver Age"
1. 1-futurism

2. 1-futurism

3. 1-Balmont

4. 1-theatre
3 sculpture

12. 1st old soul
2- to the muse
4 - autumn will

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Test work on the topic

I option.

    Define the modernist direction according to its characteristic features: the direction that considered the goal of art to be an intuitive comprehension of world unity; art was seen as the unifying principle of such unity. Characterized by "secret writing of the inexpressible", understatement, replacement of the image.

A. Symbolism.

B. Acmeism.

B. Futurism.

2. Whose years of life are these: 1886-1921?

BUT . Akhmatova.

B. Gumilyov.

V. Balmont.

Z. What was the name of the Futurist poetic manifesto?

A. Poetry as magic.

B. "On Beautiful Clarity"

V. "A slap in the face of public taste."

I came into this world to see the sun

And if the day is gone

I will sing..I will sing about the sun

At the hour of death!

A. Balmont.

B. Bryusov.

V. Gumilyov.

5. Name the literary pseudonym of Lotarev.

A. Gorky.

B. Severyanin.

V. Bely.

6. Which of the three lines of nouns is “Acmeist”?

A. Abyss, night, spirit, worlds, love, atom, fire, flame, bosom.

unbelievable choir,

Test work on the topic

"The Silver Age of Russian Literature"

II option.

    Define the modernist trend according to its characteristic features: a direction that denied the artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art in order to merge it with an accelerated life process.

A. Symbolism.

B. Acmeism.

B. Futurism.

2. Whose years of life are these: 1867-1942?

A. Akhmatova.

B. Gumilyov.

V. Balmont.

3. What was the name of the poetic manifesto of the acmeists?

A. "Some currents in modern Russian poetry."

B. "A slap in the face of public taste"

V. "On the causes of the decline and new trends in modern

Russian Literature"

Shadow of Uncreated Creatures

Swaying in a dream

Like the blades of creatures

On the enamel wall.

A. Balmont.

B. Bryusov.

V. Gumilyov.

5. Name the literary pseudonym Gorenko.

A. Tsvetaeva.

B Gippius.

V. Akhmatova.

6. Which of the three lines of nouns is “symbolist”?

A. Abyss, night, spirit, worlds, love, atom, fire, flame.

B. Sky, corpse, stars, worms, fog, pain, croup, grip, rash.

B. Skiing, sky, meadow, moon, windows, silence, path, willow.

7. Which poets of the Silver Age are listed in the following verses by G. Shengeli?

He knew them all and saw almost all of them: Valery, Andrey, Konstantin, Maximilian, Osip, Boris, Ivan, Igor, Sergey, Anna, Vladimir, Marina, Vyacheslav, And Alexander- unbelievable choir,

Fourteen star constellation!


1st option 2nd option

1 A 1B

2 B 2 C

3 V 3 A

4 A 4 B

5 B 5 C

6V 6A

7 Valery Bryusov

Andrey Bely

Konstantin Balmont

Maximilian Voloshin

Osip Mandelstam

Boris Pasternak

Ivan Bunin

Igor Severyanin

Anna Akhmatova

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Sergey Yesenin

Marina Tsvetaeva

Vyacheslav Ivanov

Alexander Blok