Specific heat capacity of a substance. Quantity of heat

Mankind knows few types of energy - mechanical energy (kinetic and potential), internal energy (thermal), field energy (gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear), chemical. Separately, it is worth highlighting the energy of the explosion, ...

Vacuum energy and still existing only in theory - dark energy. In this article, the first in the "Heat Engineering" section, I will try in a simple and accessible language, using a practical example, to talk about the most important form of energy in people's lives - about thermal energy and about giving birth to her in time thermal power.

A few words to understand the place of heat engineering as a branch of the science of obtaining, transferring and using thermal energy. Modern heat engineering has emerged from general thermodynamics, which in turn is one of the branches of physics. Thermodynamics is literally “warm” plus “power”. Thus, thermodynamics is the science of the "change in temperature" of a system.

The impact on the system from the outside, in which its internal energy changes, can be the result of heat transfer. Thermal energy, which is gained or lost by the system as a result of such interaction with the environment, is called amount of heat and is measured in the SI system in Joules.

If you are not a heat engineer and do not deal with heat engineering issues on a daily basis, then when you encounter them, sometimes without experience it can be very difficult to quickly figure them out. It is difficult to imagine even the dimensions of the desired values ​​of the amount of heat and heat power without experience. How many Joules of energy is needed to heat 1000 cubic meters of air from -37˚С to +18˚С?.. What is the power of the heat source needed to do this in 1 hour? » Not all engineers. Sometimes experts even remember the formulas, but only a few can put them into practice!

After reading this article to the end, you will be able to easily solve real production and household tasks related to heating and cooling various materials. Understanding the physical essence of heat transfer processes and knowledge of simple basic formulas are the main blocks in the foundation of knowledge in heat engineering!

The amount of heat in various physical processes.

Most known substances can be in solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma states at different temperatures and pressures. Transition from one aggregate state to another takes place at constant temperature(provided that the pressure and other environmental parameters do not change) and is accompanied by the absorption or release of thermal energy. Despite the fact that 99% of matter in the Universe is in the plasma state, we will not consider this state of aggregation in this article.

Consider the graph shown in the figure. It shows the dependence of the temperature of a substance T on the amount of heat Q, summed up to a certain closed system containing a certain mass of a particular substance.

1. A solid that has a temperature T1, heated to a temperature Tm, spending on this process an amount of heat equal to Q1 .

2. Next, the melting process begins, which occurs at a constant temperature Tpl(melting point). To melt the entire mass of a solid, it is necessary to expend thermal energy in the amount Q2 — Q1 .

3. Next, the liquid resulting from the melting of a solid is heated to the boiling point (gas formation) Tkp, spending on this amount of heat equal to Q3-Q2 .

4. Now at a constant boiling point Tkp liquid boils and evaporates, turning into a gas. For the transition of the entire mass of liquid into gas, it is necessary to expend thermal energy in the amount Q4-Q3.

5. At the last stage, the gas is heated from the temperature Tkp up to some temperature T2. In this case, the cost of the amount of heat will be Q5-Q4. (If we heat the gas to the ionization temperature, the gas will turn into plasma.)

Thus, heating the original solid from the temperature T1 up to temperature T2 we spent thermal energy in the amount Q5, translating the substance through three states of aggregation.

Moving in the opposite direction, we will remove the same amount of heat from the substance Q5, passing through the stages of condensation, crystallization and cooling from temperature T2 up to temperature T1. Of course, we are considering a closed system without energy losses to the external environment.

Note that the transition from the solid state to the gaseous state is possible, bypassing the liquid phase. This process is called sublimation, and the reverse process is called desublimation.

So, we have understood that the processes of transitions between the aggregate states of a substance are characterized by energy consumption at a constant temperature. When a substance is heated, which is in one unchanged state of aggregation, the temperature rises and thermal energy is also consumed.

The main formulas for heat transfer.

The formulas are very simple.

Quantity of heat Q in J is calculated by the formulas:

1. From the heat consumption side, i.e. from the load side:

1.1. When heating (cooling):

Q = m * c *(T2 -T1)

m mass of substance in kg

with - specific heat capacity of a substance in J / (kg * K)

1.2. When melting (freezing):

Q = m * λ

λ specific heat of melting and crystallization of a substance in J/kg

1.3. During boiling, evaporation (condensation):

Q = m * r

r specific heat of gas formation and condensation of matter in J/kg

2. From the side of heat production, that is, from the side of the source:

2.1. When burning fuel:

Q = m * q

q specific heat of combustion of fuel in J/kg

2.2. When converting electricity into thermal energy (Joule-Lenz law):

Q =t *I *U =t *R *I ^2=(t /r)*U ^2

t time in s

I current value in A

U r.m.s. voltage in V

R load resistance in ohms

We conclude that the amount of heat is directly proportional to the mass of the substance during all phase transformations and, when heated, is additionally directly proportional to the temperature difference. Proportionality coefficients ( c , λ , r , q ) for each substance have their own values ​​and are determined empirically (taken from reference books).

Thermal power N in W is the amount of heat transferred to the system in a certain time:


The faster we want to heat the body to a certain temperature, the greater the power should be the source of thermal energy - everything is logical.

Calculation in Excel applied task.

In life, it is often necessary to make a quick estimated calculation in order to understand whether it makes sense to continue studying a topic, making a project and detailed accurate labor-intensive calculations. By making a calculation in a few minutes even with an accuracy of ± 30%, you can make an important management decision that will be 100 times cheaper and 1000 times faster and, as a result, 100,000 times more efficient than performing an accurate calculation within a week, otherwise and a month, by a group of expensive specialists ...

Conditions of the problem:

In the premises of the shop for the preparation of rolled metal with dimensions of 24m x 15m x 7m, we import rolled metal from a warehouse on the street in the amount of 3 tons. Rolled metal has ice with a total mass of 20 kg. Outside -37˚С. What amount of heat is needed to heat the metal to + 18˚С; heat the ice, melt it and heat the water up to +18˚С; heat the entire volume of air in the room, assuming that the heating was completely turned off before that? What power should the heating system have if all of the above must be completed in 1 hour? (Very harsh and almost unrealistic conditions - especially regarding air!)

We will perform the calculation in the programMS Excel or in the programOo Calc.

For color formatting of cells and fonts, see the "" page.

Initial data:

1. We write the names of substances:

to cell D3: Steel

to cell E3: Ice

to cell F3: ice/water

to cell G3: Water

to cell G3: Air

2. We enter the names of the processes:

into cells D4, E4, G4, G4: heat

to cell F4: melting

3. Specific heat capacity of substances c in J / (kg * K) we write for steel, ice, water and air, respectively

to cell D5: 460

to cell E5: 2110

to cell G5: 4190

to cell H5: 1005

4. Specific heat of fusion of ice λ in J/kg enter

to cell F6: 330000

5. Mass of substances m in kg we enter, respectively, for steel and ice

to cell D7: 3000

to cell E7: 20

Since the mass does not change when ice turns into water,

in cells F7 and G7: =E7 =20

The mass of air is found by multiplying the volume of the room by the specific gravity

in cell H7: =24*15*7*1.23 =3100

6. Process time t in minutes we write only once for steel

to cell D8: 60

The time values ​​for heating ice, its melting and heating the resulting water are calculated from the condition that all these three processes must sum up in the same time as the time allotted for heating the metal. We read accordingly

in cell E8: =E12/(($E$12+$F$12+$G$12)/D8) =9,7

in cell F8: =F12/(($E$12+$F$12+$G$12)/D8) =41,0

in cell G8: =G12/(($E$12+$F$12+$G$12)/D8) =9,4

The air should also warm up in the same allotted time, we read

in cell H8: =D8 =60,0

7. The initial temperature of all substances T1 into ˚C we enter

to cell D9: -37

to cell E9: -37

to cell F9: 0

to cell G9: 0

to cell H9: -37

8. Final temperature of all substances T2 into ˚C we enter

to cell D10: 18

to cell E10: 0

to cell F10: 0

to cell G10: 18

to cell H10: 18

I think there shouldn't be any questions on items 7 and 8.

Calculation results:

9. Quantity of heat Q in KJ required for each of the processes we calculate

for steel heating in cell D12: =D7*D5*(D10-D9)/1000 =75900

for heating ice in cell E12: =E7*E5*(E10-E9)/1000 = 1561

for melting ice in cell F12: =F7*F6/1000 = 6600

for water heating in cell G12: =G7*G5*(G10-G9)/1000 = 1508

for air heating in cell H12: =H7*H5*(H10-H9)/1000 = 171330

The total amount of thermal energy required for all processes is read

in merged cell D13E13F13G13H13: =SUM(D12:H12) = 256900

In cells D14, E14, F14, G14, H14, and the combined cell D15E15F15G15H15, the amount of heat is given in an arc unit of measurement - in Gcal (in gigacalories).

10. Thermal power N in kW, required for each of the processes is calculated

for steel heating in cell D16: =D12/(D8*60) =21,083

for heating ice in cell E16: =E12/(E8*60) = 2,686

for melting ice in cell F16: =F12/(F8*60) = 2,686

for water heating in cell G16: =G12/(G8*60) = 2,686

for air heating in cell H16: =H12/(H8*60) = 47,592

The total thermal power required to perform all processes in a time t calculated

in merged cell D17E17F17G17H17: =D13/(D8*60) = 71,361

In cells D18, E18, F18, G18, H18, and the combined cell D19E19F19G19H19, the thermal power is given in an arc unit of measurement - in Gcal / h.

This completes the calculation in Excel.


Note that it takes more than twice as much energy to heat air as it does to heat the same mass of steel.

When heating water, the energy costs are twice as much as when heating ice. The melting process consumes many times more energy than the heating process (with a small temperature difference).

Heating water consumes ten times more heat energy than heating steel and four times more than heating air.

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We remembered the concepts of “amount of heat” and “thermal power”, considered the fundamental formulas for heat transfer, and analyzed a practical example. I hope that my language was simple, understandable and interesting.

I look forward to questions and comments on the article!

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By definition, a calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise one cubic centimeter of water 1 degree Celsius. A gigacalorie, used to measure thermal energy in thermal power engineering and utilities, is a billion calories. There are 100 centimeters in 1 meter, so there are 100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000,000 centimeters in one cubic meter. Thus, to heat a cube of water by
1 degree, it will take a million calories or 0.001 Gcal.

In my city, the price of heating is 1132.22 rubles / Gcal, and the price of hot water is 71.65 rubles / m3, the price of cold water is 16.77 rubles / m3.

How much Gcal is spent to heat 1 cubic meter of water?

I think so
s x 1132.22 \u003d 71.65 - 16.77 and in this way I solve the equations to find out what s (Gcal) is equal to, that is, it is equal to 0.0484711452 Gcal
I doubt something, in my opinion, I decide incorrectly

I can't find any errors in your calculation.
Naturally, the cost of wastewater (water disposal) should not be included in the given tariffs.

An approximate calculation for the city of Izhevsk according to the old norms looks like this:
0.19 Gcal per person per month (this norm has already been canceled, but there is no other, for example it will do) / 3.6 cubic meters. per person per month (hot water consumption rate) = 0.05278 Gcal per 1 cubic meter. (so much heat is needed to heat 1 cubic meter of cold water to the standard temperature of hot water, which, let me remind you, is 60 degrees C).

For a more accurate calculation of the amount of thermal energy for heating water by the direct method based on physical quantities (and not the reverse way based on the approved tariffs for hot water supply) - I recommend using hot water tariff calculation template (REC UR). The calculation formula, among other things, uses the temperature of cold water in summer and winter (heating) periods, the duration of these periods.

Tags: gigacalorie, hot water

Read also:
  • We pay for hot water services, the temperature is much lower than the standard. What to do?
  • Continuing DHW disconnection period established by the Rules is not illegal - decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (2017)
  • Fairer Tariff Initiative and Hot Water Metering Methodology
  • On the procedure for recalculating the amount of payment for heating and hot water supply during shutdowns - clarification of Rospotrebnadzor for SD
  • On accounting for the heat carrier in a closed heat supply system - letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2015 No. 9116-OD / 04
  • UR - On the reduction of payment for heating and hot water supply - letter from the Ministry of Energy of the UR of 17.08.2015 No. 11-10 / 5661
  • What is the standard period for checking a common house heating and hot water metering device?
  • Dirty hot water from the tap. Where to apply?
  • Can the water meter in the apartment wind up for the entire entrance? How to pay? Indications for the month - 42 cubic meters
  • The procedure for maintaining separate accounting of costs in the field of water supply and sanitation - order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2014 No. 22 / pr
Do you know? Can you help answer:
  • payment for water and electricity in an apartment without accommodation
  • heat calculation according to ODPU for 1/12
  • Power supply
  • Huge payments for a room in a hostel (17.3 sq.m.)

Sania wrote on 07/16/2012:
(answer highlighted in text)

I got confused in my calculations, I don’t know what formula to take and the heat loss table
I know mathematics within the framework of the school curriculum, but in my case, if

so I decide
q \u003d (71.65-17.30) / 1132.22 \u003d 0.04800304 Gcal, but for heating 1 cubic meter. cold water needs 0.001 Gcal of thermal energy, which means

0.04800304 / 0.001 \u003d 48 degrees, but if we subtract cold water, we have 9.04 degrees for 2011, so 38.96 degrees of hot water remain, but this does not correspond to SanPin

    A: Logically, here it is not necessary to subtract, but to add. 48 degrees is an additional heating to the temperature of cold water to get hot water. Those. 48+9.04=57.04 degrees.

But there is still a formula in the methodology from 2005

qload = γ c (th– tс) (l + KТ.П) l0-6
γ is the volumetric weight of water, kgf/m3; taken equal to 983.24 kgf/m3 at th = 60°С; 985.73 kgf/m3 at temperature th = 55°С; 988.07 kgf/m3 at th = 50°С;
c is the heat capacity of water, kcal/kgf °C, taken equal to 1.0 kcal/kgf °C;
th is the average temperature of hot water at the draw-off points, °С;
ts is the average temperature of cold water in the water supply network, °С;
KTP is a coefficient that takes into account heat losses from pipelines of hot water supply systems and the cost of thermal energy for heating bathrooms.
The values ​​of the coefficient KT.P, which takes into account heat losses by pipelines of hot water supply systems and the cost of thermal energy for heating bathrooms, are determined according to table 1.

with heated towel rails 0.35 and 0.3
without heated towel rails 0.25 and 0.2

But if you decide according to this formula, you get 0.06764298, but I don’t know what to do

    A: I recommend to calculate according to the REC template. It takes into account the current methods (at the time of creation). In the file with the template (xls), you can see the formulas and the values ​​of the variables used. The amount of thermal energy for water heating is displayed there in line No. 8.

Sania wrote on 07/23/2012:
Hello! I couldn’t solve the problem like that, if the temperature of hot water turned out to be 41.3 C, then how should I decide if:

    for every 3°C decrease in temperature above the permissible deviations, the amount of the fee is reduced by 0.1 percent for each hour of excess (in total for the billing period) of the permissible duration of the violation; when the temperature of hot water drops below 40°C, payment for the consumed water is made at the rate for cold water

60-41.3 \u003d 18.7 degrees is not enough if you divide by 3 you get 6.23 x 0.1 \u003d 0.623%
I just don’t know, am I thinking right? In my opinion, I’m making the wrong decision

Sania wrote on 07/25/2012:
I've been thinking about your offer for a few days.

    A: Logically, here it is not necessary to subtract, but to add. 48 degrees is an additional heating to the temperature of cold water to get hot water. Those. 48+9.04=57.04 degrees. ,

at first I agreed, but now I think that I still made the right decision, but okay, let's say that you decided right then:

57.04 x 0.001 \u003d 0.05704 Gcal, but in my case, the total heat energy spent was 0.04800304 Gcal, and not 0.05704 Gcal :))))

heating———- 1132.22 rub/Gcal
cold water - 17.30 rubles / m3, and
hot water —— 71.65 rub/cu.m.

The amount of heat energy spent by the Heat Supply Company to heat 1 m3 of cold water

q \u003d (71.65-17.30) / 1132.22 \u003d 0.04800304 Gcal,

Sometimes it becomes necessary to determine the power of the heater.
If the heater is electric, you can determine the power by measuring the current flowing or the resistance of the heater.
What to do if the heater is gas (wood, coal, kerosene, solar, geothermal, etc.)?
And in the case of an electric heater, it may not be possible to measure the current / resistance.
Therefore, I propose a method for determining the power of the heater using a thermometer, a literometer (scales) and a clock (timer, stopwatch), that is, devices that are almost certainly found in the moonshiner's arsenal.

A certain amount of water m pour into a pot and measure the initial temperature ( T1).
Set on a heated heater, note the time. After a certain time t take thermometer readings T2).
Calculate power:
P \u003d 4.1868 * m * (T 2 -T 1) / t

In this way, he determined the power of the burner of his stove in the middle position of the power switch.
Poured into a saucepan 3 liters = 3000 grams water
Set the timer to t = 10 minutes = 600 seconds
Initial water temperature T 1 = 12.5°C
Temperature when the timer is triggered T 2 \u003d 29.1 ° C

For heating 1 gram water on 1°C the amount of energy required 1 calorie or 4.1868 joule;
Energy spent on heating three liters of water E = 3000*(29.1-12.5) = 49800 calories = 208502.64 joules;
Power is the amount of energy supplied over a period of time.
P = 208502.64/600 = 347.5044 watts;

Assuming heat loss in 10% , then the true power of the burner will be about 400 watts or 0.4 kilowatt.

While expounding, I thought that the accuracy of the determination could be improved by slightly changing this method to compensate for heat loss.
Cold tap water has an initial temperature lower than the ambient temperature, so it takes energy until these temperatures are equal. With further heating, the water begins to heat the environment.
Thus, it is necessary to measure the initial water temperature ( T1) and ambient temperature ( Tav) and heating up, noting the time, to the compensation temperature
T2 \u003d Tav + (Tav - T 1) \u003d 2 * Tav - T 1

Measuring time t, for which the water is heated by a mass m to the compensation temperature, we determine the power according to the already known formula:
P \u003d 4.1868 * m * (T 2 -T 1) / t

I was interested in the issue of heating water in a high-rise apartment using an indirect heating boiler (from the central heating system). I plan to do the installation according to the law and turned to the thermal workers for permission. They calculated the cost of heating for me according to their formula and, well, very high (in my opinion). Please tell me how much Gcal is needed to heat a cube of water in an indirect heating boiler?

It takes 0.001 Gcal to heat a volume of water of one cubic meter by one degree. The calculation is simple in a cube of 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1,000,000 centimeters, which means that it will take a million calories or 0.001 Gcal to heat one degree.

When calculating, be sure to know:

what is the temperature of the water when it enters the heating:

And what is the planned heating temperature.

This is the formula used in the calculations:

The example result is:

According to the laws of thermodynamics, heating 1 m3 of cold water by 1 degree requires 0.001 Gcal.

To check the heating network calculations, you must know the following data:

  • what temperature cold water enters (for example, 5 degrees);
  • what temperature will the hot water be (according to the regulations - hot water should be 55 degrees).

Accordingly, for heating it is necessary to spend (55-5) * 0.001 = 0.05 Gcal.

When calculating, the temperature values ​​may be different, but close to 0.05 Gcal/m3.

For example, in my receipt for heating hot water it costs 0.049 Gcal/m3.

Calories are calculated (well, or calculated, calculated) the amount of heat that must be spent on heating one gram of water to a temperature of one degree Celsius.

Gigacalorie is already a billion calories.

There are a thousand liters in a cube of water.

It turns out that to heat one cube of water to one degree Celsius, it will take 0.001 Gcal.

An indirect heating boiler does not have its own heating element, it needs a boiler, although there are options for central heating.

In any case, cheaper (in operation) is a flowing gas water heater (geyser, among the people), or a storage boiler, because you are writing about an apartment.

An indirect heating boiler is an excellent option in private homes.

Or if you have an autonomous heating system in your apartment (they refused the central one), in this case a boiler (usually gas, less often electric) and an indirect heating boiler

There are certain physical calculations that say that to increase the temperature of water in the amount of 1 liter by 1 degree Celsius, 4.187 kJ must be spent.

To accurately calculate the cost of heating, you need to know some introductory figures, such as:

  • The temperature of the water in the central heating system, the so-called coolant (by the way, it cannot be accurate, since not all houses have heaters)
  • The temperature of the intake water at the supply (usually cold water, which in the water supply system also cannot be stable)

As a rule, the temperature in the central heating system is about 85-90 degrees.

The temperature of cold water in the water supply is below 20 degrees.

Comfortable temperature for washing is about 35-40 degrees.

In fact, for one cube (1000 liters) it is necessary to spend 4187 kJ for heating by 1 degree.

From 20 degrees to raise to 40 degrees, initially cold water will need 83,740 kJ (something a little more than 200,000 Gcal).

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(or heat transfer).

Specific heat capacity of a substance.

Heat capacity is the amount of heat absorbed by the body when heated by 1 degree.

The heat capacity of the body is indicated by a capital Latin letter With.

What determines the heat capacity of a body? First of all, from its mass. It is clear that heating, for example, 1 kilogram of water will require more heat than heating 200 grams.

What about the kind of substance? Let's do an experiment. Let us take two identical vessels and, pouring water weighing 400 g into one of them, and vegetable oil weighing 400 g into the other, we will begin to heat them with the help of identical burners. By observing the readings of thermometers, we will see that the oil heats up quickly. To heat water and oil to the same temperature, the water must be heated longer. But the longer we heat the water, the more heat it receives from the burner.

Thus, to heat the same mass of different substances to the same temperature, different amounts of heat are required. The amount of heat required to heat a body and, consequently, its heat capacity depend on the kind of substance of which this body is composed.

So, for example, to increase the temperature of water with a mass of 1 kg by 1 ° C, an amount of heat equal to 4200 J is required, and to heat the same mass of sunflower oil by 1 ° C, an amount of heat equal to 1700 J is required.

The physical quantity showing how much heat is required to heat 1 kg of a substance by 1 ºС is called specific heat this substance.

Each substance has its own specific heat capacity, which is denoted by the Latin letter c and is measured in joules per kilogram-degree (J / (kg ° C)).

The specific heat capacity of the same substance in different aggregate states (solid, liquid and gaseous) is different. For example, the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kg ºС), and the specific heat capacity of ice is 2100 J/(kg ºС); aluminum in the solid state has a specific heat capacity of 920 J/(kg - °C), and in the liquid state it is 1080 J/(kg - °C).

Note that water has a very high specific heat capacity. Therefore, the water in the seas and oceans, heating up in summer, absorbs a large amount of heat from the air. Due to this, in those places that are located near large bodies of water, summer is not as hot as in places far from water.

Calculation of the amount of heat required to heat the body or released by it during cooling.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the amount of heat necessary to heat the body depends on the type of substance of which the body consists (i.e., its specific heat capacity) and on the mass of the body. It is also clear that the amount of heat depends on how many degrees we are going to increase the temperature of the body.

So, to determine the amount of heat required to heat the body or released by it during cooling, you need to multiply the specific heat of the body by its mass and by the difference between its final and initial temperatures:

Q = cm (t 2 - t 1 ) ,

where Q- quantity of heat, c is the specific heat capacity, m- body mass , t 1 - initial temperature, t 2 is the final temperature.

When the body is heated t 2 > t 1 and hence Q > 0 . When the body is cooled t 2and< t 1 and hence Q< 0 .

If the heat capacity of the whole body is known With, Q is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d C (t 2 - t 1 ) .

“...- How many parrots can fit in you, such is your height.
- Really needed! I will not swallow so many parrots!…”

From m / f “38 parrots”

In accordance with international SI (International System of Units) rules, the amount of thermal energy or the amount of heat is measured in Joules [J], there are also multiple units of kiloJoule [kJ] = 1000 J., MegaJoule [MJ] = 1,000,000 J, GigaJoule [ GJ] = 1,000,000,000 J., etc. This unit of measurement of thermal energy is the main international unit and is most often used in scientific and scientific and technical calculations.

However, all of us know or at least once heard another unit for measuring the amount of heat (or just heat) is a calorie, as well as a kilocalorie, Megacalorie and Gigacalorie, which means the prefixes kilo, Giga and Mega, see the example with Joules above. In our country, it has historically developed so that when calculating tariffs for heating, whether it is heating with electricity, gas or pellet boilers, it is customary to consider the cost of exactly one Gigacalorie of thermal energy.

So what is Gigacalorie, kilowatt, kilowatt * hour or kilowatt / hour and Joules and how are they related?, you will learn in this article.

So, the basic unit of thermal energy is, as already mentioned, the Joule. But before talking about units of measurement, it is necessary, in principle, to explain at the household level what thermal energy is and how and why to measure it.

We all know from childhood that in order to warm up (get thermal energy) you need to set something on fire, so we all lit fires, the traditional fuel for a fire is firewood. Thus, obviously, during the combustion of fuel (any: firewood, coal, pellets, natural gas, diesel fuel), thermal energy (heat) is released. But in order to heat, for example, different volumes of water, a different amount of firewood (or other fuel) is required. It is clear that a few fires in a fire are enough to heat two liters of water, and to cook half a bucket of soup for the whole camp, you need to stock up on several bundles of firewood. In order not to measure such strict technical quantities as the amount of heat and the heat of combustion of fuel with bundles of firewood and buckets of soup, heat engineers decided to bring clarity and order and agreed to invent a unit for the amount of heat. For this unit to be the same everywhere, it was defined as follows: it takes 4,190 calories, or 4.19 kilocalories, to heat one kilogram of water by one degree under normal conditions (atmospheric pressure), therefore, to heat one gram of water, a thousand times less heat will be enough - 4.19 calories.

The calorie is related to the international unit of thermal energy, the Joule, as follows:

1 calorie = 4.19 Joules.

Thus, it takes 4.19 Joules of thermal energy to heat 1 gram of water by one degree, and 4,190 Joules of heat to heat one kilogram of water.

In technology, along with the unit of measurement of thermal (and any other) energy, there is a unit of power and, in accordance with the international system (SI), this is Watt. The concept of power is also applicable to heating devices. If a heating device is capable of delivering 1 Joule of thermal energy in 1 second, then its power is 1 watt. Power is the ability of a device to produce (create) a certain amount of energy (in our case, thermal energy) per unit of time. Returning to our example with water, to heat one kilogram (or one liter, in the case of water, a kilogram is equal to a liter) of water by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin, whatever), we need a power of 1 kilocalorie or 4,190 J. of thermal energy. To heat one kilogram of water in 1 second of time by 1 degree, we need a device of the following power:

4190 J./1 s. = 4 190 W. or 4.19 kW.

If we want to heat our kilogram of water by 25 degrees in the same second, then we need twenty-five times more power, i.e.

4.19 * 25 \u003d 104.75 kW.

Thus, we can conclude that a pellet boiler with a capacity of 104.75 kW. heats 1 liter of water by 25 degrees in one second.

Since we got to Watts and kilowatts, we should also put in a word about them. As already mentioned, a watt is a unit of power, including the thermal power of a boiler, but in addition to pellet boilers and gas boilers, electric boilers are also familiar to mankind, the power of which is measured, of course, in the same kilowatts and they consume neither pellets nor gas, and electricity, the amount of which is measured in kilowatt hours. The correct spelling of the unit of energy is kilowatt * hour (namely, kilowatt multiplied by an hour, not divided), writing kW / hour is a mistake!

In electric boilers, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy (the so-called Joule heat), and if the boiler consumed 1 kWh of electricity, how much heat did it generate? To answer this simple question, you need to perform a simple calculation.

Converting kilowatts to kilojoules/seconds (kilojoules per second) and hours to seconds: there are 3,600 seconds in one hour, we get:

1 kW*h =[ 1 kJ/s]*3600 s.=1,000 J *3600 s = 3,600,000 Joules or 3.6 MJ.


1 kWh = 3.6 MJ.

In turn, 3.6 MJ / 4.19 \u003d 0.859 Mcal \u003d 859 kcal \u003d 859,000 cal. Energy (thermal).

Now let's move on to Gigacalorie, the price of which for various types of fuel like to be considered by heat engineers.

1 Gcal = 1,000,000,000 cal.

1,000,000,000 cal. \u003d 4.19 * 1,000,000,000 \u003d 4,190,000,000 J. \u003d 4,190 MJ. = 4.19 GJ.

Or, knowing that 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ, we recalculate 1 Gigacalorie per kilowatt*hour:

1 Gcal = 4190 MJ/3.6 MJ = 1163 kWh!

If, after reading this article, you decide to consult with a specialist of our company on any issue related to heat supply, then you Here!

Source: heat-en.ru

730. Why is water used to cool some mechanisms?
Water has a high specific heat capacity, which contributes to good heat removal from the mechanism.

731. In what case should more energy be expended: for heating one liter of water by 1 °C or for heating one hundred grams of water by 1 °C?
To heat a liter of water, since the larger the mass, the more energy needs to be expended.

732. Cupronickel and silver forks of the same mass were dipped into hot water. Do they receive the same amount of heat from water?
A cupronickel fork will receive more heat, because the specific heat of cupronickel is greater than that of silver.

733. A piece of lead and a piece of cast iron of the same mass were hit three times with a sledgehammer. Which part got hotter?
Lead will heat up more because its specific heat capacity is less than cast iron, and less energy is needed to heat the lead.

734. One flask contains water, the other contains kerosene of the same mass and temperature. An equally heated iron cube was thrown into each flask. What will heat up to a higher temperature - water or kerosene?

735. Why are temperature fluctuations less sharp in winter and summer in cities on the seashore than in cities located inland?
Water heats up and cools down more slowly than air. In winter, it cools down and moves warm air masses on land, making the climate on the coast warmer.

736. The specific heat capacity of aluminum is 920 J/kg °C. What does this mean?
This means that it takes 920 J to heat 1 kg of aluminum by 1 °C.

737. Aluminum and copper bars of the same mass of 1 kg are cooled by 1 °C. How much will the internal energy of each block change? Which bar will change more and by how much?

738. What amount of heat is needed to heat a kilogram iron billet by 45 °C?

739. How much heat is required to heat 0.25 kg of water from 30°C to 50°C?

740. How will the internal energy of two liters of water change when heated by 5 °C?

741. How much heat is needed to heat 5 g of water from 20 °C to 30 °C?

742. What amount of heat is needed to heat an aluminum ball weighing 0.03 kg by 72 °C?

743. Calculate the amount of heat required to heat 15 kg of copper by 80 °C.

744. Calculate the amount of heat required to heat 5 kg of copper from 10 °C to 200 °C.

745. What amount of heat is required to heat 0.2 kg of water from 15 °C to 20 °C?

746. Water weighing 0.3 kg has cooled down by 20 °C. By how much is the internal energy of water reduced?

747. How much heat is needed to heat 0.4 kg of water at a temperature of 20 °C to a temperature of 30 °C?

748. How much heat is spent on heating 2.5 kg of water by 20 °C?

749. How much heat was released when 250 g of water cooled from 90 °C to 40 °C?

750. What amount of heat is required to heat 0.015 liters of water by 1 °C?

751. Calculate the amount of heat required to heat a pond with a volume of 300 m3 by 10 °C?

752. How much heat must be imparted to 1 kg of water in order to raise its temperature from 30°C to 40°C?

753. Water with a volume of 10 liters has cooled down from a temperature of 100 °C to a temperature of 40 °C. How much heat is released in this case?

754. Calculate the amount of heat required to heat 1 m3 of sand by 60 °C.

755. Air volume 60 m3, specific heat capacity 1000 J/kg °C, air density 1.29 kg/m3. How much heat is needed to raise it to 22°C?

756. Water was heated by 10 ° C, spending 4.20 103 J of heat. Determine the amount of water.

757. Water weighing 0.5 kg reported 20.95 kJ of heat. What was the temperature of the water if the initial temperature of the water was 20°C?

758. 8 kg of water at 10 °C is poured into a copper saucepan weighing 2.5 kg. How much heat is needed to bring the water to a boil in a saucepan?

759. A liter of water at a temperature of 15 °C is poured into a copper ladle weighing 300 g. How much heat is needed to heat the water in the ladle by 85 °C?

760. A piece of heated granite weighing 3 kg is placed in water. Granite transfers 12.6 kJ of heat to water, cooling by 10 °C. What is the specific heat capacity of the stone?

761. Hot water at 50°C was added to 5 kg of water at 12°C, obtaining a mixture with a temperature of 30°C. How much water was added?

762. Water at 20°C was added to 3 liters of water at 60°C to obtain water at 40°C. How much water was added?

763. What will be the temperature of the mixture if 600 g of water at 80 °C are mixed with 200 g of water at 20 °C?

764. A liter of water at 90°C was poured into water at 10°C, and the temperature of the water became 60°C. How much cold water was there?

765. Determine how much hot water heated to 60°C should be poured into a vessel if the vessel already contains 20 liters of cold water at a temperature of 15°C; the temperature of the mixture should be 40 °C.

766. Determine how much heat is required to heat 425 g of water by 20 °C.

767. How many degrees will 5 kg of water heat up if the water receives 167.2 kJ?

768. How much heat is required to heat m grams of water at a temperature t1 to a temperature t2?

769. 2 kg of water is poured into a calorimeter at a temperature of 15 °C. To what temperature will the water of the calorimeter heat up if a brass weight of 500 g heated to 100 °C is lowered into it? The specific heat capacity of brass is 0.37 kJ/(kg °C).

770. There are pieces of copper, tin and aluminum of the same volume. Which of these pieces has the largest and which the smallest heat capacity?

771. 450 g of water, the temperature of which is 20 °C, was poured into the calorimeter. When 200 g of iron filings heated to 100°C were immersed in this water, the temperature of the water became 24°C. Determine the specific heat capacity of sawdust.

772. A copper calorimeter weighing 100 g holds 738 g of water, the temperature of which is 15 °C. 200 g of copper was lowered into this calorimeter at a temperature of 100 °C, after which the temperature of the calorimeter rose to 17 °C. What is the specific heat capacity of copper?

773. A steel ball weighing 10 g is taken out of the furnace and lowered into water at a temperature of 10 °C. The water temperature rose to 25°C. What was the temperature of the ball in the oven if the mass of water is 50 g? The specific heat capacity of steel is 0.5 kJ/(kg °C).
776. Water weighing 0.95 g at a temperature of 80 °C was mixed with water weighing 0.15 g at a temperature of 15 °C. Determine the temperature of the mixture. 779. A steel chisel weighing 2 kg was heated to a temperature of 800 °C and then lowered into a vessel containing 15 liters of water at a temperature of 10 °C. To what temperature will the water in the vessel be heated?

(Indication. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create an equation in which the desired temperature of the water in the vessel after the cutter is lowered is taken as the unknown.)

780. What temperature will water get if you mix 0.02 kg of water at 15 °C, 0.03 kg of water at 25 °C, and 0.01 kg of water at 60 °C?

781. Heating a well-ventilated class requires an amount of heat of 4.19 MJ per hour. Water enters the heating radiators at 80°C and exits at 72°C. How much water should be supplied to the radiators every hour?

782. Lead weighing 0.1 kg at a temperature of 100 °C was immersed in an aluminum calorimeter weighing 0.04 kg containing 0.24 kg of water at a temperature of 15 °C. After that, the temperature of 16 °C was established in the calorimeter. What is the specific heat capacity of lead?