Life Without Limits nick vujicic read online. Nick Vuychich - Life without limits: the path to an amazingly happy life

The path to an amazingly happy life

Nick Vuychich was born without arms, but he is quite independent and lives a full and eventful life: he received two higher educations, independently types on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfs, enjoys fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. Nick candidly talks about his physical problems and experiences, about how it was not easy for him to come to terms with his condition - there was a moment when he wanted to commit suicide. It took him many years to learn to see his problems not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for growth, set big goals for himself and always achieve what he wanted. Without arms and legs, he learned to climb in every sense of the word. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Thoth family of San Diego, California, and I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil has planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism was the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old.

I was born without arms and legs, but not singing to fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I urge everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling dreams. In this book, I will tell you about my journey. Of course, some obstacles were only in front of me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find your own purpose in life. Your life must be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that a man like me had no hope and no future. It seemed to them that I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life exceeds what we could not even dream of. Every day I communicate with many people by phone, email, text messages and Twitter. People approach me at airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say that I changed their lives. This is the true grace of the Lord. I am incredibly happy.

My parents and I could not have imagined that my disability - my "burden" - could become a blessing, and disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with other people, support them, understand their pain and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives. The Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after going through very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was seized by despair. It seemed like I could never be "normal". And pretending that my body is the same as that of my peers is impossible.

I tried to do the usual boyish things like swimming or skateboarding, but once again I was convinced that there are so many things in the world that I simply cannot do.

Nick Vuychich was born without arms and legs, but he is quite independent and lives a full and eventful life: he received two higher educations, independently types on a computer at a speed of 43 words per minute, surfs, enjoys fishing, swims and even dives from a springboard into the water. His book is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. Nick candidly talks about his physical problems and experiences, about how it was not easy for him to come to terms with his condition - there was a moment when he wanted to commit suicide. It took him many years to learn to see his problems not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity for growth, set big goals for himself and always achieve what he wanted. Without arms and legs, he learned to climb in every sense of the word. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

Legendary person! A man who travels to many countries and talks about a miracle that happened to him. Real happiness, which is possible even when you have no arms and legs. We are talking about Nick Vuychich, who managed to break human stereotypes and prove to everyone that a disabled person can live a full life, love God and people and, of course, be loved.

This unique person is a talented author of several autobiographical books. The first one is Life Without Limits. She tells how to overcome seemingly incredible difficulties with the Lord, overcome despair, and by all means, regardless of circumstances, strive to do something according to God's will.

“This is how God created him in accordance with His will” - this statement helped Nick overcome depression, despair and become what he is now - a world famous, rich, prosperous person.

But in order to reach such an understanding and receive an incredible blessing, a lot had to be overcome.

The beginning of the way

In the hospital, the first cry of a baby was heard. "Is the baby okay?" Mom asked the doctors. But the answer was silence. Finally, after persistent questions, one of the doctors told the truth, using the medical term "Phocomelia" (lack of limbs). So the life of Nick's parents was divided into "before" and "after".
At thirteen, the boy began asking his mom and dad how they reacted to the fact that he was born without arms and without legs. It was hard for him, especially at school, where curious classmates constantly annoyed him with questions. Mom had to tell the truth that at that time she was afraid to take her son in her arms. However, despite the despair caused by her words, Nick already clearly understood that his parents loved him. Mom and dad firmly believed that God created their boy like this for the sake of some purpose ...

You can be happy in any circumstances if you only believe in God

Nick is sure that as many trials fall on the lot of a person as he is able to endure. The Lord endowed him with many gifts, among which perseverance occupies a special place. Thanks to this, Nick can skateboard on his stomach, swim, write and even use a computer. He brushes his teeth, shaves, combs and talks on his cell phone.

“My parents and I could not even imagine that my disability - my “burden” - could become a blessing, and disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with other people, support them, understand their pain and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul,” he shares in the book Life Without Limits.

Now Nick is happy. Happy because he has a big loving family, because God has made him an instrument for Himself so that this unique person can comfort people in schools, conference halls, orphanages, hospitals, stadiums. Nick is happy to share how precious they are to the Lord, that He has a plan for everyone.

But it wasn't always like that.

Through Despair to Blessing

"Freak!" classmates called Nick names, and he became desperate. After all, you can’t become normal by pretending that you have the same body as others. The boy tried at all costs to achieve the goal: he learned to ride a skateboard, swim, or was engaged in ordinary boyish affairs, but he clearly understood that he could not do much. Nick wanted to have friends, but, alas, this did not happen. Contrary to the desire, it was not possible to be like peers.

Then Nick, in despair, banged his head against the wall, was depressed and unhappy, suffered from the fact that he was a burden for his parents and loved ones. He was lonely even at a time when his family was nearby, and once he even decided to commit suicide by drowning himself in a bathtub. Fortunately, the boy changed his mind in time and realized that he could not leave his loving parents with a sense of loss and guilt.

At night, Nick often prayed that his arms and legs would grow, but, alas, this did not happen. No girl will ever love me, thought Nick. I don't even have arms to hug her. If I have children, I will not be able to take them in my arms ... "

The child's physical problems affected him on an emotional level.

However, later he found a way to reach his goal, trying to catch up with his peers and even surpass them to some extent. Nick put in the effort and achieved amazing results by talking to his classmates about how he lives in a world that is adapted for people with arms and legs. “Through these conversations, I was invited to speak to student groups, church youth groups, and other youth organizations. It was important for people to know about it…” he says.

Once Nick spoke to an audience of three hundred teenagers, shared his faith and feelings. At that moment, one girl sitting in the hall literally burst into tears. At first it was not clear what had happened, but she plucked up courage and spoke. Nick invited her up on stage. The girl wiped away her tears, and then hugged him and said wonderful words in his ear: “No one has ever told me that I am beautiful on my own. Nobody said they love me. You have changed my life and you are beautiful too.”

Since then, Nick's perception of life has changed. He realized his value, realized that, despite his disability, he could benefit the people around him.

When Nick was 15 years old, he repented before God, asked Him to show the meaning of life, to light the way. Four years later he was baptized and began to talk about his faith with others. Since then, his career as an orator and preacher began to develop.

Throughout his life, Nick realized another important truth: despite his physical problem, he did not experience much of what other people had to endure: neither the pain of violence, nor despair due to betrayal, nor the hardships of a broken family ... “I am sure that my life is a thousand times easier than the lives of many people,” says Nick Vujicic.

We bring to your attention the book "Unstoppable" - an incredibly positive work, thanks to which the hopeless can get hope. In every chapter there is a call to faith working through love.

Contribute to this life - no matter the circumstances!

Reading a book about Nick Vuychich, trying to figure out how he, as a person with disabilities, was able to achieve amazing results, you can clearly understand what should not be allowed in your life:

You can’t spoil your life by complaining about the injustice of trials, but it’s better to look ahead. You can't look for happiness in material things, because you'll never find it that way. The opinion that, having received material goods, we will receive happiness, is a massive delusion!

And vice versa, regardless of life circumstances, it is simply necessary, while we breathe, to contribute to this life. After all, there is always hope. And the fate of Nick Vuychich is a clear example of this.

Nick Vujicic

Life without borders. The path to an amazingly happy life

© 2010 by Nicholas James Vujicic

© Novikova T.O., translation into Russian, 2012

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2012

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (

Series “Psychology. Crossroads of fate"

"Wild. Dangerous journey as a way to find yourself

For connoisseurs of quality prose, lovers of thoughtful reading. The story of a woman walking alone through the wild wilderness of the Pacific Ridge Route that amazed the world. The book is an award-winning bestseller!

“God never blinks. 50 lessons that will change your life

The book where Regina Brett turned her famous 50 Lessons into deeply personal, sometimes funny and often touching essays. This emotional book will make readers think about their lives and help make it a little better.

"The Last Lecture"

Randy Pausch wrote The Last Lecture when he learned that he had only a few months to live. This is a story about how to live. How to appreciate every moment. How to treat children's dreams with reverence. How to live so as not to lose a single second of precious time. This is a chance for each of us, who has many, many years ahead, to understand now: what should I do?

“Life without limits. The Path to an Amazingly Happy Life"

A book by Nick Vuychich, who was born without arms and legs. This is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and become happy. In his book, Nick formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.

“Unstoppable. The Incredible Power of Faith in Action"

The second book of the famous speaker, author of the bestselling Life Without Borders, Nick Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs. In the book, Nick talks about the challenges and challenges we face on a daily basis and explains how to overcome those challenges and become unstoppable.

God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I would also like to dedicate this book to the Thoth family of San Diego, California, and I am grateful to them for the cornerstone of faith that Phil has planted in my life. His amazing commitment to Evangelism was the beginning of my new life.


My name is Nick Vujicic. I am twenty seven years old. I was born without arms and legs, but I do not blame fate. I travel the world to inspire millions of people. I urge everyone to arm themselves with faith, hope, love, courage and overcome all obstacles that stand in the way of fulfilling dreams. In this book, I will tell you about my journey. Of course, some obstacles were only in front of me, but most of them are familiar to everyone. I want to inspire you to overcome your own problems and difficulties. I want you to find own the purpose of life. Your life must be wonderful.

My parents are true Christians. But when I was born to them, a child who had neither arms nor legs, they doubted God: why did He create me? At first they thought that a man like me had no hope and no future. It seemed to them that I would never be able to live a normal, productive life.

But today my life exceeds what we could not even dream of. Every day I communicate with many people by phone, email, text messages and Twitter. People approach me at airports, hotels and restaurants. They hug me and say that I changed their lives. This is the true grace of the Lord. I incredible happy.

My parents and I could not have imagined that my handicap - my "burden" - could be a blessing, and disability would open up incredible opportunities for me, allowing me to connect with other people, support them, understand their pain and bring them comfort. Yes, my life is not easy, but I have loving relatives, the Lord gave me a sharp mind and instilled deep and true faith in my soul. I will honestly tell you about how, after going through very difficult times, faith and a sense of the meaning of life came to me.

When I was a teenager (and during this period we all think about our future), I was seized by despair. It seemed like I could never be "normal". And pretending that my body is the same as that of my peers is impossible. I tried to do the usual boyish things like swimming or skateboarding, but once again I was convinced that there are so many things in the world that I simply cannot do.

Cruel children called me a freak and did not want to communicate with me. I felt like an ordinary boy and wanted to be like everyone else. But it was not in my power. I wanted to be friends with me, but this did not happen. I wanted to be ordinary, but it didn't work out.

I banged my head against the wall. My heart ached. I was depressed, unhappy, did not see the point in living, I suffered from the fact that I was doomed to be forever a burden for loved ones, I was overcome by black thoughts. I was lonely even in those moments when my relatives were next to me. But I was gravely mistaken. What I did not know in the dark days of my childhood could fill a book. The one you are holding in your hands right now. I want to light the way for you to the other side of grief, where you will become stronger, more persistent, filled with the desire to change your life in a way that you never even dreamed of.

If you have the desire and desire to do something and that "something" is in God's will, you will definitely achieve your goal. It is very important! To be honest, I didn't always believe in it myself. If you have seen any of my conversations on the Internet, you must have felt that the happiness that overwhelms me is the result of a long journey. At first I didn't have what I needed. And what I lacked, I found along the way. So, to live without limits, I need:

- A powerful sense of the meaning of life.

– Hope, strong to steadfastness.

– Faith in God and in His infinite mercy.

- Love and self-acceptance.

- The right attitude to life.

- Strength of mind.

- Willingness to change.

- Strong heart.

- Willingness to seek opportunities.

– The ability to assess risks and laugh at life.

- Desire to serve people.

If you are one of those who fight hard every day, remember that my life was not only a struggle. And also a sense of the meaning and purpose of life, thanks to which my life has become what I could not even dream of.

Difficult moments happen in everyone's life. He falls, and it seems that there is no strength to rise. I know this feeling. It is familiar to all of us. Life is not an easy thing. But, overcoming difficulties, we become stronger and should be grateful for the new opportunities that open before us. What matters is the impact a person has on others, and how he ends his journey.

I love my life just like yours. Amazing opportunities are opening up before us.

Well, what do you say, buddy? Shall we walk this path together?

Chapter 1

On YouTube you will find videos of me skateboarding, surfing, playing music, hitting a golf ball, falling, getting up, talking to people around me. And the most pleasant thing is - you will see - how well-known and famous people hug me.

All this is quite normal for any person, isn't it? Why did people watch my video millions once? I think because, despite the physical limitations, I live as if there were no limitations at all.

It often seems to people that disabled people are inactive and weak, moreover, perhaps even embittered and withdrawn. I like to surprise them with the fact that I lead a very active and sometimes even extreme lifestyle.

Among the hundreds of comments on my video, there is the most typical: “Seeing how happy such a guy can be, I wondered why I myself sometimes begin to feel sorry for myself ... to think that I am not beautiful enough, not attractive enough, etc., etc. How can thoughts like this come into my head when this guy who has no arms or legs is HAPPY?!”

People often ask me: “Nick, how do you manage to be happy?” You may have to deal with some problems of your own, so I will give you the most general answer first.

I found happiness when I realized that, despite my imperfections, I can still be the perfect Nick Vujicic. God created me according to his own plans for me personally. I don't want to say that I don't need to cultivate. On the contrary, I am constantly trying to improve myself so that I can serve the Lord and the world more successfully!

I believe that there are no limits in my life. And I want you to treat your life in the same way, no matter what problems oppress you. As you begin our journey together, please consider the limitations you have created for yourself or have allowed other people to create. Now think about what it would be like if these restrictions suddenly disappeared? How would your life be if it was possible for you anything?

I'm real disabled person, but at the same time I live absolutely complete life. The unique condition opened up a unique opportunity for me - the opportunity to communicate with those who are not easy. Just imagine what opportunities will open before you!

Too often we tell ourselves that we are not smart enough, beautiful enough, or talented enough to make our dreams come true. We trust the opinions of other people, limiting our own possibilities. What could be worse! In the meantime, by thinking like this, you limit the possibilities God that He has prepared for you! After all, you are His creation. He created you for a specific purpose.

By giving up on your own dreams, you are limiting the power of God. You cannot limit your life by depriving yourself of His love!

I have a choice. You have a choice. We can live in disappointment and deprivation, experience bitterness, anger and longing. However, when faced with life's difficulties and unpleasant people, we can learn from our own experience, move forward and take responsibility for our own happiness.

Like any creation of God, you are beautiful and precious. You deserve all the diamonds in the world and more. We are created to be who we are meant to be! Our constant goal is to strive to become a better person, expand our boundaries and dream big. Your path will not always be strewn with roses, and you should not move along it like a tank. But life is still wonderful. I want to tell you that whatever your life circumstances, as long as you breathe, you can contribute to this life.

I can't put my hand on your shoulder, but I can talk to you sincerely. No matter how terrible life may seem to you, there is always hope. No matter how sad the circumstances are, something good is ahead of you. No matter how powerful the barriers in your path, you can rise above them. The desire to change does not mean to change in reality. Only the decision to act immediately can change your whole life!

Everything that is done is for the best. I am sure of this, because my life is proof of this. What can be good in the life of an armless and legless disabled person? Looking at me, people understand what I faced, what difficulties and obstacles I overcame. They want to talk to me, draw inspiration from my example. They allow me to share my faith with them, to give them hope, to inspire that they are loved.

This is my contribution to this life. It is very important to realize your own value. Know that you too can contribute. If you are upset and depressed right now, this is nothing special. Depression is a sign that you want more out of life than you have right now. And this is good. Very often, life's difficulties tell us what we should really be.

The value of life

I did not immediately understand what good it was that I was born just like that. When my mother became pregnant, she was twenty-five years old. A midwife by profession, she worked as a nurse in a maternity hospital and cared for hundreds of mothers and babies. And, having become pregnant, she immediately began to monitor her diet, treated medicines with caution, did not drink alcohol, did not take aspirin and other painkillers. She went to the best doctors and they assured her that the pregnancy was proceeding normally.

Yet something was bothering her. As the birth approached, my mother shared her anxiety with her husband several times. She constantly repeated: “I hope everything will be fine with the child.”

During two ultrasound examinations, doctors did not notice anything unusual. They told my parents that they were having a boy, but never said a word about the fact that the child had no limbs! I was born on December 4, 1982. At first, they didn’t show me to my mother, but she immediately asked the doctors: “Is everything okay with the child?” Silence was her answer. Seconds passed, and the baby was still not shown to the mother. She felt uneasy. The doctors were in no hurry to give her the child: they called the pediatrician, went to the far corner of the room and began to examine me and confer with each other. When my mother heard my loud crying, she calmed down. But my father, who noticed during the birth that I had no arm, felt dizzy and was taken out of the room.

The sisters and doctors were shocked by my appearance. They quickly wrapped me in diapers. Mom saw how upset the doctors were. "What happened? she asked. “Tell me, what about my child?” The doctor did not answer, but my mother insisted. And then he limited himself to the medical term: “Phocomelia”.

Mom understood everything, she could not believe it. Phocomelia is the deformity or absence of limbs.

Meanwhile, my father was in the corridor, tormented by terrible thoughts about what happened to his child. When the pediatrician came out to talk to him, he burst into tears: “My son, what is wrong with him? Does he really not have a hand?

“No,” the pediatrician answered as gently as possible. “Your son has neither arms nor legs.”

My father's legs buckled. He collapsed into a chair and could not speak. But then the instinct of her husband and father took over. He rushed to the ward to tell his wife about it before she saw the baby. However, my mother already knew everything and sobbed bitterly. The doctors suggested that she take me in her arms, but she refused and ordered me to be carried away.

The sisters were crying, the midwife was crying. And, of course, I cried too! Finally, they still wrapped me in diapers and showed my mother. Mom could not bear this sight: her child had no limbs.

“Take him away,” she said. “I don’t want to touch him and see him.”

The father still regrets that the doctors did not give him the opportunity to properly prepare his wife. When she fell asleep, he came to me in the nursery, and then returned to his wife and told her: "He is so beautiful." My father asked if my mother would like to see me, but she was too shocked. He understood her feelings and treated them with respect.

My birth was not a holiday for my parents and our parish, but a great grief. “If God is a loving God,” people said, “then why does he allow this to happen?”

My mother's grief

The birth of the first child is a great occasion for family unity. But when I was born, no one sent flowers to my mother. This stung her and increased her despair.

All in tears, she asked my father: “Do I really not deserve flowers?” “Forgive me,” he replied. “Of course you deserve them!” He went to the flower shop and returned with a beautiful bouquet.

I learned all this when I was thirteen years old. Then I began to ask my parents about my birth and about their reaction to the fact that I was born without arms and legs. I had a hard time at school that day. I told my mom about it and she cried with me. I told her how much I was suffering because I had no arms and legs. She wiped away my tears and said that she and her father believe that the Lord has a plan for me and very soon He will reveal it. I kept asking my parents, sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both. My questions were dictated by ordinary curiosity. In addition, curious classmates constantly pestered me with questions.

At first, I was afraid of what my parents might tell me. Indeed, it was difficult for them to tell everything. I didn't want to subject them to interrogation. At first, my mother and father were very careful and tried to protect me in every possible way. But as I got older, I questioned them more and more insistently. And then, realizing that I was not able to cope with this, they told me about their feelings and fears. Hearing that my mother did not want to take me, a newborn, in her arms, I was very sad (and this is putting it mildly). How does it feel to know that even my own mother neglected me ... Naturally, I suffered. Imagine yourself in my place: it is very painful to feel rejected ... But then I thought about what my parents had done for me during this time. They have proven their love to me many times. By the time of this conversation, I was already old enough to put myself in the place of my mother. Her pregnancy proceeded normally, and only intuition prompted: something was wrong. She was shocked and scared. How would I behave in her place? I'm not sure I could deal with this grief the way they did. I shared my thoughts with them, and we again plunged into memories.

It's good that we waited with this conversation. By this time, I already knew for sure that my parents loved me. We continued to share our feelings and fears. My parents helped me to understand: they firmly believed that God created me this way for the sake of some purpose. I was a very stubborn and persistent child.

My teachers, parents of other children, and strangers often told my parents that my attitude towards life inspires them. And I realized that no matter how hard it was for me, many have it even harder.

Today I travel the world a lot and see terrible suffering. And I'm grateful that everything worked out for me this way, and not otherwise. I don't focus on what I lack. I have seen orphans suffering from terrible diseases, I have seen young women forced into sex slavery, I have seen men in prison because they were too poor to pay their debts.

Suffering is ubiquitous and sometimes incredibly cruel. But even in the most terrible slums, in the heart of the most terrible tragedies, there are people who managed not only to survive, but also to remain happy. In the slums of the "Garbage City" on the outskirts of the capital of Egypt, Cairo, I did not expect to see joy. The Manshit Nasser quarter nestled on a sheer cliff. The name of the quarter very accurately corresponds to the fetid smell that spreads through its streets. Most of the fifty thousand inhabitants of the "Trash City" scurry around the streets of Cairo all day long, collect garbage, bring it to themselves and then take it apart. Every day they dig through the mountains of garbage left behind by the eighteen million inhabitants of the capital, hoping to find something that can be sold, recycled or somehow used.

On the streets I saw heaps of rubbish and stinking garbage. It would seem that people living here should be seized with despair... Yes, their life is hard. But those I met cared for each other, were happy and full of faith. Egypt is 90 percent Muslim country. Garbage City is Cairo's only predominantly Christian quarter. Almost 98 percent of the local population are Coptic Christians.

I have seen many slums in different parts of the world. Cairo slums seemed the most terrible and repulsive. But in this little world there was an amazingly warm and friendly atmosphere. About 150 people gathered in a small concrete church to listen to me. When I spoke, I was struck by the joy and happiness that these people radiated. I rarely felt so happy and literally bathed in their love. I asked people about how life in the area has changed due to the will of God. Faith lifted them above life's difficulties. Their hopes were connected not with earthly life, but with eternal life. They believed in miracles and thanked God for what He is and what He is doing for them. And I told them how Jesus changed my life too. Before we left, we left rice, tea, and a small amount of money for several families to buy food for several weeks. We brought with us sports equipment, soccer balls and jump ropes for the children. We were immediately invited to play with the local children. We had fun and enjoyed life, although we were in absolute slums. I will never forget these children and their smiles. Once again I was convinced that you can be happy in any circumstances - you just need to believe in God.

How can poor children laugh? How can prisoners rejoice? These people rose above circumstances that were beyond their control and understanding. And then we focused on what could understand and control. My parents did the same: they relied on the word of the Lord. Everything in this life is done according to His plan and purpose.

Family of Faith

My parents are from Serbia (the territory of the former Yugoslavia), both came from purely Christian families who emigrated to Australia when they were still children. This had to be done because the faith did not allow them to take up arms, and the communist regime oppressed and persecuted them. They could only practice their faith in secret. In addition, they suffered financially because they refused to join the Communist Party, which controlled all aspects of life in the country. As a child, my father was often hungry.

After World War II, my grandparents, along with thousands of Serbian Christians, went to Australia, the United States, and Canada. Our families ended up in Australia, where no one interfered with the practice of their faith. Other relatives settled in the US and Canada.

My parents met in a church in Melbourne. Dushka, my mother, trained as a nurse at the Royal Victorian Children's Hospital. Boris, my father, worked as an accountant. Later, he began to combine work with pastoral duties. When I was about seven years old, my parents decided to move to the USA, where it was easier to cope with my disability.

My uncle, Bata Vujicic, was in the construction business in Agoura Hills, 35 miles from Los Angeles. Bata always persuaded my father to get a work visa in the United States, and he would provide him with a job. There were many Serb Christians living in the Los Angeles area and there were several churches, which attracted my parents. My father learned that getting a work visa is not easy. He decided to apply anyway, but in the meantime we moved a thousand miles north to Brisbane, Queensland, where the climate was more favorable for me (in addition to being disabled, I also suffered from severe allergies).

When we decided to move to the United States, I was about ten years old and in the fourth grade. My parents thought that I, my brother Aron, and my sister Michelle were at an age where it would be easy for us to adapt to the American educational system. Dad waited a year and a half for a three-year work visa in the USA. Finally, in 1994, we moved.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, the move to California was unsuccessful. When we left Australia, I was already in the sixth grade. The school in Agoura Hills was overcrowded. They could only accept me in a large class. It was difficult to study, and the program was seriously different from the Australian one. I always studied well, but here I had to really fight. Because of the difference in programs, I had to catch up with my peers. In addition, lessons in different subjects took place in different classrooms (in Australia we studied in the same class), and this made my life even more difficult.

We lived with my uncle's family - with his wife Rita and their six children. Although the house was quite spacious for Agoura Hills, it was still a bit cramped for us. We were going to move to our own house as soon as possible, but housing prices turned out to be much higher than in Australia. My father worked for his brother. Mom could not work as a nurse, because she had to devote a lot of time to children and their education. She didn't even apply for a license in California.

After living with the Bata family for three months, my parents decided that moving to the US was a bad idea. It was hard for me to study, my parents experienced difficulties in obtaining medical insurance for me. And life in California turned out to be quite expensive. In addition, it seemed to parents that it would not be possible to obtain a residence permit in the United States. The lawyer told them that my disability could complicate the situation, since the authorities would doubt that the family would be able to pay for the medical and other expenses associated with this.

After weighing everything and having lived in the USA for only four months, the parents decided to return to Brisbane. They found a home almost in the same place where they lived before leaving, and we all returned to the old school with our friends. My father began teaching computer science at a technical college, and my mother devoted her life to children and mainly to me.

Complex child

Recently, my parents spoke frankly to me about their fears and nightmares that tormented them after my birth. While I was growing up, they, of course, did not let me know that I was not the child they had always dreamed of. After giving birth, my mother was afraid that she would not be able to look at me at all. My father was also not sure of my happy and cloudless future. If I were helpless and unable to cope with life's difficulties, then, as it seemed to him, I would be better off dead. The parents discussed different possibilities. They even thought of giving me away: my grandparents were ready to take care of me. But in the end they rejected these thoughts, decided that they should raise and educate me on their own. They managed to overcome their grief and decided to make their handicapped son as "normal" as possible. My parents were deeply religious people. They continued to think that since God created me this way, there were reasons for this.

Some injuries heal faster if the person is moving. The same can be said about life's difficulties. Let's say you lost your job. Or personal relationships don't work out. Maybe there are unpaid bills. Do not spoil your life by complaining about the injustice of the trials that have fallen to your lot. Better look ahead. Maybe a new, more interesting and well-paid job awaits you. And your relationship needs a shake-up, or, as you know, there will be a meeting with a wonderful person. It is possible that financial difficulties will inspire you to discover new ways to save and save, and you will become a wealthy person.

We can't always control life's circumstances. A lot of things happen through no fault of ours.

There are many things you cannot stop. You can either give up or keep fighting for a better life. I advise you to understand: everything happens for a reason. Everything that is done is for the best.

As a child, I was convinced that I was a wonderful child, as charming and loved as all children on Earth. I did not realize that I was different from others, did not realize that there would be many problems in my life. And this happy ignorance was my blessing.

We face as many trials as we can overcome. Trust me, there is more grace for every difficulty and problem you have than you can imagine. And with her help, you can overcome everything in the world.

The Lord has given me amazing perseverance. I received many gifts from him. And very soon I was convinced that even without limbs I have physical strength and good coordination. I was clumsy, but at my age all children are. I was a prankster, like all my peers.

My parents did a lot of work with me, trying to teach me a more comfortable way to get up, but I insisted on my own. Mom tried to help me by laying out pillows on the floor so I could use them to get up. And I learned to climb, resting my forehead against the wall and climbing it. For some reason, it seemed to me that it was much better to rest my forehead against the wall and climb it. I always did everything my way, even if it was difficult!

In early childhood, I could only use my head, which is probably why my intelligence developed so quickly and strongly (just kidding!). In addition, the neck became stronger, like a bull, and the forehead became so strong that even a bullet would not have taken it. Of course, my parents were constantly worried about me. How can he feed himself? How will he do in school? Who will take care of him if something happens to us? How will he live on his own?

Parenthood in general is not easy, even with healthy children. Young parents often joke that firstborns should be given out with a user manual. But even Dr. Spock has nothing written about children like me. There were more problems with me than with healthy children. And yet I stubbornly became stronger and healthier.

Common sense is both a blessing and a curse to us. Like my parents, you must fear and worry about the future. But often the scary thing you expect turns out to be not so terrible at all. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead and planning for the future. But know that your biggest fears can turn into a pleasant surprise. Very often life turns around for the better.

One of the best surprises of my childhood was the control of my tiny left foot. I instinctively used it to push, kick, push, and pull. Parents and doctors believed that this tiny limb could be used even more actively, since it had two fingers, but at birth they fused together. The doctors suggested surgery to separate my fingers so that I could use them to hold a pen, turn pages, and perform other functions.

Then we lived in Melbourne, where medical care is at the highest level. I have been treated by the best professionals. While the doctors were preparing me for the operation, my mother told them that my temperature was almost constantly elevated. They had to keep a close eye on me so that I didn't overheat. She already knew the story of another limbless child who overheated during surgery. His brain was seriously damaged.

The peculiarity of my body served as the subject of constant jokes in the family. Parents said: "When Nikki is cold, the ducks just freeze." But, joking aside, if I worked out a lot, got upset, or stayed in bright light for a long time, my temperature jumped sharply. In order not to overheat, I had to constantly monitor myself.

“Please keep a close eye on his temperature,” the mother told the surgeons. Although the doctors knew that my mother was a nurse, they still took her request lightly. They successfully performed the operation to separate the fingers, but they forgot what she told them. I was taken out of the operating room wet because the doctors had not taken care of my temperature, and then they began to lower it by putting wet sheets on me, applying ice packs to my body to avoid danger to the brain.

Mom was furious. The doctors experienced the Slavic wrath of Dushka!

And yet, when I cooled down (literally), my life became much better. The acquired fingers have become a great help. They didn't work the way the doctors hoped, but I adjusted. It's amazing what you can do with a tiny foot and a pair of fingers in the absence of arms and legs! The operation and new technologies helped me master a special electronic wheelchair, a computer and a mobile phone.

I don't know what problem you are struggling with. I'm not trying to pretend that I experienced something like that. But just think what my parents had to go through after I was born. Imagine how they felt how bleak the future looked to them.

You may not see the light at the end of your own dark tunnel right now, but know that my parents did not imagine that their life could be happy. I know it. They did not imagine that their son could not only live independently and make a career, but also become a happy and cheerful person!

Most of the fears that plagued my parents never came true. Raising me was not easy, but I think they will tell you that, in addition to difficulties, there was a lot of laughter and joy in our life. Looking back, I can say that I had a surprisingly normal childhood, in which I tortured my younger brother and sister just like any older brother!

Maybe today life turns to you not in its most beautiful side. You doubt that it will ever get better. I tell you, you cannot imagine what happiness awaits you if you do not give up! Focus on your dream! Do your best. You have the power to change your life circumstances. Feel free to go to the fulfillment of your dreams, whatever it may be.

My life is a novel that is still being written. Your life is your novel. Start writing its first chapter right now! Fill your book with adventure, love and happiness. Live the story that you intend for yourself!

Search for meaning

For a long time I did not believe that I could control my own destiny and build my life. It was not easy for me to understand how I can influence this world and which way I can go. From childhood I was convinced that there was nothing good in my mutilated body. But I have never been kicked out from the table for not washing my hands. I was unfamiliar with the pain of a bruised finger. True, such advantages were not particularly comforting.

My siblings and cousins ​​did not give me any opportunity to feel sorry for myself. They never lisped with me, they accepted me for who I was. Their teasing and antics were hardening. Instead of bitterness and longing, I learned fun and humor.

“Look at this guy in a wheelchair! It's an alien!" shouted my brothers in the mall, pointing at me. The reaction of those around us caused us hysterical laughter. People just didn't realize that children who molest a disabled child are actually his best friends.

The older I got, the more I realized that such love is a huge gift. Even if you feel lonely at times, you should know that you loved. Believe that God created you in the name of love. Which means you are not alone. His love for you is endless and selfless. He loves you not for something ... He always loves you in moments of loneliness and despair, remind yourself of this. Remember that loneliness and despair are just feelings, they are not real. The love of God is so real that He even created you to prove this love.

It is very important to keep the love of the Lord in your heart, because sometimes there are moments when you feel miserable. My extended family was not always able to protect me. For example, at school it became clear that I was not like everyone else. My father assured me that God doesn't make mistakes, but sometimes I couldn't shake the feeling that I was the exception to that rule.

“Why couldn’t You give me at least one hand? I asked God. “Just think what I could do with one hand!”

I'm sure there have been moments in your life when you prayed or simply wished that your life would change radically. There is no need to panic if the desired miracle did not happen, your desire did not come true this very minute. Remember: God helps those who help themselves. You must continue to strive to achieve the highest goal and the realization of your own dreams.

For a long time I thought that if my body were more "normal" then life would be different. I did not understand that I did not need to be normal - it was enough to be myself, to be the son of my father and to fulfill the providence of God. The main problem is not in my body, but in the boundaries that I set for myself, not seeing what opportunities life gives me.

If you could not become what you wanted, did not achieve what you wanted, the reason is most likely not in the circumstances, but in yourself. Accept your responsibility and take action. First, believe in yourself and your own worth. Don't wait for others to realize this. Don't wait for a miracle or "opportunity." You are the axis and this world revolves around you. So live.

As a child, at night I often prayed that God would give me arms and legs, fell asleep in tears, dreaming that, when I woke up in the morning, I would find my arms and legs in myself, did not accept myself as I was. I went to school, and there I was not accepted by those around me.

Like most children, I was very vulnerable. During these years, children are trying to understand what they are, what their future will be. Those who hurt me as a child most often did not seek to be cruel. They were ordinary children and did not understand much.

"Why don't you have arms and legs?" they asked.

I wanted to be just like my classmates. On good days, I managed to win their sympathy with my wit, willingness to laugh at myself and certain successes on the playground. On the worst days, I hid in the bushes or in empty classrooms so that I would not be tormented or teased. I always spent more time with adults than with peers, so I matured too early and my seriousness sometimes caused mental anguish.

No girl will ever love me. I don't even have arms to hug her. If I have children, I will not be able to take them in my arms. What kind of work could I do? And who will hire me? In any class I will need an assistant. Who needs a worker who himself needs an assistant?

My problems were mostly physical, but they also affected me on an emotional level. As a child, I went through a terrible period of severe depression. However, as a teenager, to my own surprise and joy, I learned to accept myself, and then earned acceptance from other people.

Everyone goes through periods of loneliness, alienation, dislike. Each of us has our own problems and fears. Most children are afraid of being teased for having a too big nose or too curly hair. Adults fear they won't be able to pay bills or live up to their own expectations.

We all know moments of doubt and fear. Everyone without exception. It `s naturally. This is part of human life. Such feelings are dangerous only for those who allow negative thoughts to take over instead of fighting them.

Frankly speaking

I found a way to realize my goal by trying to equal and outperform my peers. If you have ever been a beginner who has to eat his breakfast alone in a corner, you will understand me. Being such a beginner, and even in a wheelchair, is doubly difficult. Our moves from Melbourne to Brisbane to the US and back to Brisbane further exacerbated my problems and difficulties.

New classmates suspected that I was disabled not only physically but also mentally. They preferred to keep their distance from me, unless I mustered up the courage myself and started talking in the dining room or in the corridors. The more often I talked, the more they understood that I was not a stranger at all.

Sometimes the Lord expects us to help ourselves in a difficult situation. You may wish. You can dream. You can hope. But you must also act to realize these desires, dreams and hopes. You have to transcend yourself and become who you want to be.

I wanted my classmates to know that, deep down, I was just like them, but to do that, I had to step outside my comfort zone. I made an effort and achieved amazing results. I talked with classmates about how I live in a world adapted for people with arms and legs. And through these conversations, I was invited to speak to student groups, church youth groups, and other youth organizations. It was important for people to know about it. I wonder why this is not taught in schools. The truth is this: each of us has a gift - a talent, a skill, a craft - that gives us pleasure and inspires us. The path to happiness lies in the use of this gift.

If you are still looking for your path, trying to understand the meaning of your life, I suggest that you evaluate yourself. Grab a pen and paper, or sit down at your computer and make a list of your favorite activities. What do you want to do? What activity do you lose your sense of time and space? What do you want to do again and again? What do people around you see? Do they praise your organizational or analytical skills? If you don't know what it is about you that attracts others, ask your relatives and friends. Let them name your virtues.

This is the best way to discover your life path, the path that only you know. We come into this world naked and full of expectations. We are a gift yet to be opened. Finding something that truly captivates you, what you are ready to do every day, you will discover your life path. And finding those who will be willing to pay you for it, you will make a career.

At first, my informal conversations with other young people were a way to reach out to them, to show that I am just like them. I am grateful that I had the chance to speak about my world and connect with others, because I was oriented inward. I knew speaking was good for me. But only after a certain time did I begin to understand that my words could have an impact on others.

Finding a path

I once performed in front of three hundred teenagers. This was my largest audience. I shared my feelings and my faith. And then something amazing happened. During my performances, many in the audience wipe away tears. But at that moment, one girl in the hall burst into loud tears. I did not understand what had happened - perhaps I had awakened some painful memories in her. She plucked up courage, raised her hand, and spoke through tears that were choking her. She even asked if she could come over and hug me. I was just shocked!

He invited her up to the stage. She was still wiping her tears as she walked across the hall. And then she hugged me wholeheartedly. It was the best moment of my life - tears came from everyone, including me. But most of all I was shocked by the words that the girl whispered in my ear: “No one has ever told me that I am beautiful on my own. Nobody said they love me. You have changed my life and you are beautiful too.”

Up to this point, I still doubted my own worth, believed that I was just talking to groups of teenagers. But, firstly, the girl called me "beautiful" (and it was nice). And secondly, for the first time I realized that my speeches can be useful for other people. This girl has changed my perception of life. “Maybe I can really make a certain contribution to the world around me?” I thought.

Experiences like these helped me understand that despite my disability, I can do something very important for this world, and people are ready to listen to me. They believed me. They instinctively felt that my words could help them solve their own problems. For it is enough to look at me to understand what I had to overcome and what to face.

God has used me to reach out to people in countless schools, churches, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, stadiums, and conference halls. I have been able to hug thousands of people and tell them how precious they are to the world. It was my happiness to explain to these people that God has a plan for them. The Lord took my unusual body and endowed me with the ability to inspire and inspire people. God has plans for people, plans that give people hope and a future.

Let it happen

Sometimes life seems cruel to us. Sometimes all the bad things accumulate and it seems that there is no way out. Maybe this has never happened in your life. Or maybe you are still not sure that this can happen to you.

But you and I are ordinary mortals, and our understanding of the world is very limited. We are unable to predict the future. This is both good and bad at the same time. I want to tell you that the future may turn out to be much better than you imagined. But you must achieve it! Get up and go!

It doesn't matter if your life is good and you just want to make it even better, or if it's so bad that you don't want to get out of bed. The fact remains that what happens to you here and now depends entirely on you and your Creator. Yes, of course, we can not control everything. Very often terrible things happen to people, even the most wonderful ones. Perhaps life's difficulties seem unfair to you. But as soon as it all happened, fight and try to improve the situation.

Maybe it's hard for you or other people interfere. When I decided to make public speaking my life's work, even my parents doubted the correctness of my decision.

“Don't you think that you could become an ordinary accountant and have a private practice? the father asked. “That would suit you better.”

Yes, from a career point of view, accounting would have been more suitable, because I always excelled in mathematics. But since early childhood, I have been madly wanting to share my faith and hope for the best. When a person determines his true goal, passion awakens in him. And then you begin to live for this purpose.

If you are still looking for a path in life, do not be afraid of difficulties and depression. This is a marathon, not a sprint. The search for the meaning of life is a sign of growth, maturation, going beyond the boundaries of developing one's own talents. It is natural to evaluate your achievements from time to time. You need to understand whether your actions and priorities really serve a higher purpose.

light on the way

At the age of fifteen, I reconciled with God, asked him for forgiveness and guidance. I asked Him to light my path and give meaning to my life. Four years later, I was baptized and began to talk about my faith with other people. And I realized that I had found my calling. My career as an orator and preacher developed very successfully. A few years later, something unexpected happened, once again convincing me of the correctness of the choice.

There was nothing special that Sunday. I arrived at a regular California church where I was to speak. Unlike most of my performances, which took place in the most remote corners of the Earth, this time I had to speak close to home. The Christian church in Anaheim is located a little away from my house.

In a wheelchair, I drove into the church, the choir sang, the service began. I positioned myself in front of the congregation, who filled the huge church, and began to mentally prepare for the speech. This was my first time speaking at this church, so I didn't think anyone here knew me. And suddenly I was surprised to hear that someone was calling me: “Nick! Nick!"

"Nick! Look here! the man shouted again.

Noticing that he had succeeded in getting my attention, he pointed to a young man standing next to him in the crowded church. He was holding a child in his arms. There were so many people in the church that I noticed only the twinkle of the baby's eyes, his shiny dark blond hair and open, toothless smile.

The man held the baby up high so I could see him. And at that moment I experienced the strongest feelings. If I had knees, they would certainly buckle.

The kid was one and a half years old exactly the same, like me. No arms, no legs! He didn't even have the tiny foot that I had. I understood why these men were so eager for me to see him. Later I found out that the baby's name is Daniel Martinez, and his parents are Chris and Patty.

I had to prepare for the performance, but when I saw Daniel, or rather myself in this child, I felt a surge of feelings that had no way out. I was filled with deep sympathy for the child and his parents. But then I was overwhelmed by bitter memories and repressed emotions. I mentally returned to the past and realized that this kid would have to repeat my path.

"I understand his feelings, I thought. - I have already experienced what he has yet to". Looking at Daniel, I felt a deep connection with him. Forgotten feelings of insecurity, depression and loneliness swept over me. I could hardly breathe, sweating under the bright lights. My head was spinning. It wasn't a panic attack. Just a child woke up in my soul.

And then I had a revelation that filled me with a sense of peace. As a child, I did not know anyone in a similar position who could guide me and help me. But Daniel has me. I can help him. My parents can help his parents. He won't have to go through the same thing as me. Maybe I can spare him the pain I experienced myself. I was already convinced that it is difficult to live without arms and legs, but I managed to overcome it. Nothing could stop me from finding my path in life.

I enjoy inspiring and encouraging other people. Even if I do not change the planet the way I would like, I still know that my life will not be wasted. And you must believe that it is within your power to do the same.

Life without meaning gives no hope. Life without hope does not give faith. If you find a way to fill your life with meaning, you will find both hope and faith. Both hope and faith will lead you forward into the future.

I came to church to inspire and encourage others. When people saw a boy who looked exactly like me, they gave him a standing ovation. It served as compelling evidence of how I have changed the lives of many people, especially those who are facing serious problems, such as Daniel and his parents.

“There are no coincidences in life,” I said. Every step is planned by God. The fact that the same child, without arms and legs, ended up in our church is not a coincidence.”

At these words, Daniel gave the parishioners a dazzling smile. When the father lifted the baby high into the air, everyone fell silent. Seeing a young man and a baby with the same injury, people began to cry. There was a rustle of handkerchiefs and a soft sob.

I rarely cry. But when everyone around began to sob, I also could not hold back my tears. In the evening at home, he did not say a word, he continued to think about the child and about what he himself felt at his age. About how he will feel growing up, what trials and cruelty he will face. I understood that he would suffer, and I felt sorry for him. But I also understood that my parents and I could lighten the burden on the shoulders of the baby and his parents. I knew that I would meet this child and give him hope. My parents went the same way, but no one helped them. And I was sure that they would be grateful for the opportunity to help this family.

moment of truth

It was a surreal, amazing moment. I lost the power of speech, which happens to me very rarely. When Daniel looked at me, my heart melted. I still remember my own childhood. I haven't seen anyone who looks like me. I terribly wanted to know that I was not alone, not different from any other person on this earth. I felt like no one understood what I was going through. No one could truly understand my pain and my loneliness.

Remembering my own childhood, I was struck by the intensity of the pain that my dissimilarity to other people caused me. When I was teased or tormented, the pain became unbearable. But next to Daniel, she seemed insignificant. I felt the boundless mercy and power of God.

I never wished for anyone to be so crippled. I felt sorry for little Daniel. But God brought this child to me so that I could lighten his load. It seemed to me that God winked at me and said: "Well, now you see that I have a plan for you?"

Gather your strength

Of course, I don't know all the answers. I can't imagine the pain and problems you have to face. I came into this world crippled physically, but I do not know the pain of violence or neglect. I have never experienced the pain of a broken family. I have never lost a father, mother, brother or sister. There are many problems in the world that have not touched me. I am sure that my life is a thousand times easier than the life of many people.

The moment I looked back and saw Daniel above the crowd, I knew that the miracle that I had been praying for all my life had happened. God did not perform a miracle for me. But he made me a miracle for little Daniel.

When we met, I was twenty-four years old. In the evening, the boy's mother, Patty, hugged me and said that our meeting was a step into the future for her. It seemed to her that she was hugging her own grown son.

“You have no idea,” she said. – I prayed that God would send me a sign that He did not forget me and my son. You are a miracle. You - our miracle!"

The great thing is that on that Sunday my parents flew from Australia to visit me for the first time in the year that I lived in the United States. A couple of days later, my mom and dad met with Daniel and his parents. Believe me, they had something to talk about!

Chris and Patty considered me a blessing to Daniel, but my parents were a real blessing to them. Who better than my father and mother could tell them about how to raise and educate a child without arms and legs? We could give these people not only hope, but also real evidence that Daniel could live an almost normal life and still discover the talents that he would share with people. We were able to share our experience, inspire and support them. We proved to them that life without limbs can be absolutely happy.

But Daniel was also a blessing to me. He gave me much more than I gave him, because he was full of strength and joy. And this was another completely unexpected reward for me.

Helen Keller lost her sight and hearing due to illness at the age of two, but she managed to become a world-famous writer, public speaker and activist. This great woman said that true happiness comes from "loyalty to a worthy goal."

What do her words mean? I believe that a person should be faithful to the gifts received, develop them, share them and find joy in them. A person must go beyond complacency and seek the deepest meaning of life and his existence.

You get the greatest reward when you give yourself away, when you make the lives of others better, when you become part of something bigger, when you make the whole world around you better. And you don't have to be Mother Teresa to do it. Even a disabled person can change the world. Here is what a young girl wrote to me on the Life Without Limbs website:

Dear Nick,

I do not even know where to start. Perhaps I'll introduce myself first. I am 16 years old. I am writing to you because I saw your CD "No arms, no legs, no problems." This disc made a deep impression on me and contributed to my recovery. The fact is that I suffer from an eating disorder - I have anorexia. Over the past year, I have been in hospital several times, and this was the most difficult year of my life. I was recently admitted to a hospital in California. That's where I saw your CD. I have never felt so inspired and energized. You hit me. You are an absolutely amazing and positive person. Every word of yours made a deep impression on me. I have never been so grateful to anyone. There were moments in my life when I felt like I was already on the edge. But now I see that every person has their own purpose in life. People should respect themselves for what they are. Seriously! I can't express my gratitude for your amazing CD. Hope we see each other sometime. I really want to see you before I die. You are the best person on Earth, you made me really laugh (and in a psychiatric hospital this is not so easy). Thank you for making me strong and brave. I understand myself. I no longer care what other people think of me. I will no longer allow myself to be humiliated. You turned my negative thoughts into positive ones. Thank you for saving my life and changing it once and for all. I don't have enough words to express my gratitude. You are my hero!

Take advantage of my experience

I have been fortunate to receive many such letters. Now I am surprised that as a child I did not know how to enjoy my own life, nor to enrich the lives of other people. Perhaps you are just looking for the meaning of life. But I don't think you can get it without serving others. Each of us hopes to put our talents and knowledge to good use, and not just to pay current bills.

Although we understand that material achievements do not bring spiritual wealth, in today's world we still need to be reminded that self-realization is not the accumulation of wealth. Very often people try to achieve self-realization in strange ways. Some drink a whole pack of beer. Others try drugs. Some people get plastic surgery to meet dubious beauty standards. People devote their whole lives to achieving success, but in the blink of an eye they are thrown off Olympus. And yet, the most sensitive understand that there are no easy paths to long and lasting happiness. If you devote your life to receiving short-term pleasures, then satisfaction will also be short-term. You always get what you pay for - today it's here, tomorrow it's gone.

Life is not possession, but being. You can surround yourself with everything that money can buy and still be miserable in the human sense of the word. I knew people with magnificent bodies who never dreamed of the happiness that I experienced. During my travels, I have seen absolutely happy people in the slums of Mumbai and African orphanages. And I have met unfortunate people in rich cities and estates worth millions.

Why is this happening?

True satisfaction can only be obtained when your talents and passion are used to the fullest. Only then will you feel like a real person. Resist the temptation to aspire to the material. Dreams should not be associated with the ideal house, the most fashionable clothes or the most modern car. The idea that getting something material will bring happiness is a mass delusion. If you look for happiness in material things, you will never find it.

Look around. Look into yourself.

As a child, I thought that if God gave me arms and legs, then I would be happy until the end of my days. And this dream can hardly be considered selfishness, since almost everyone has arms and legs. Now, as you already know, I have learned to be happy and needed by people without the help of additional "devices". And Daniel helped me with that. Communication with him and his family reminded me why I was sent to this earth.

As soon as the parents arrived in California, we met with Daniel's family. It was something special. We talked for several hours, compared our experiences, discussed how to solve the problems awaiting this child. From the very first day, we developed the closest relationship that continues to this day.

About a year after our first meeting, we met again. Daniel's parents said the doctors didn't think he would be able to use a special wheelchair like mine. "Why? I was surprised. “I started using a wheelchair at the same age as him.”

To prove my point, I got out of my wheelchair and invited Daniel to take my place. He did a great job with the joystick control. And he liked it! He handled the wheelchair very well. Thanks to the fact that we came, Daniel proved to his parents that he could handle the stroller. And this was one of the many advantages of our acquaintance. I knew that I was sent to this earth for the sake of the boy. I was destined to light his path by sharing my own experience. I can't tell you the delight I felt in becoming Daniel's mentor.

That day we gave him a rare gift, but he gave me an even better one - I felt my own need and deepest satisfaction. Nothing compares to this feeling - neither the purchase of a modern car, nor the acquisition of a luxurious mansion. Nothing compares to the feeling of the fulfillment of God's providence.

The most important thing in life is to give. Talking to Daniel and his parents, my parents said that they were very afraid that I would drown in the bath - because I had no arms or legs to keep afloat. They were very careful when bathing me as an infant. When I got older, my father began to carefully support me in the water, showing that I could swim. Over time, I gained confidence in my own abilities and realized that I could float on the water as long as there was air in my lungs. I even learned to use my tiny foot to move in the water. Imagine how afraid my parents were when they immersed me in water. Imagine their amazement when I turned out to be a passionate bather and began to rush into any body of water.

We told Daniel's parents about this, and later we learned with pleasure that one of the boy's first words was: "I want to swim like Nick!" Daniel is a great swimmer today. I cannot convey to you the delight that seized me when I found out about it. The thought that my experience helps Daniel gives meaning to my life. Even if my story didn't touch anyone else, Daniel's desire to "swim like Nick" alone would be enough to make my life and the hardships I've had to overcome make sense.

Understanding the meaning of life is the main thing! You too can contribute. You may not understand this today. But if it were not so, you would not be on this planet. I know for sure that the Lord does not make mistakes. He does miracles. And I am one of those miracles. You too.

Chapter 2

In my life and travels, I have witnessed again and again the amazing power of the human spirit. I know for sure that miracles do happen, but they happen only to those who do not lose hope. What is hope? This is where dreams begin. This is the voice of your highest purpose, which convinces you that whatever happens to you, it does not happen inside. You cannot control what happens to you. But you are quite capable of controlling your attitude and reaction.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Everything that is done in this world is done in the name of hope." I know for sure that as long as a person breathes, he has hope. We are people. We cannot foresee the future, but only imagine what it might be. Only God knows what our life will be like. Hope is His gift to us, a window to the future. We cannot know what He has planned for us. Trust the Lord, keep hope in your heart, and even in the most difficult circumstances, try to do what you can to achieve the best!

Yes, sometimes our prayers go unanswered, real tragedies happen. Even the best people with the purest hearts experience great loss and misfortune. The recent earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Mexico and China are an example of how terrible misfortunes and tragedies happen all the time. Thousands of people die in natural disasters. Their hopes and dreams die with them. Many mothers lose children. Children lose their mothers...

How can we maintain hope in the face of such suffering? When I hear about such catastrophes, my only consolation is that these events awaken sympathy and compassion in thousands of other people. When it seems to you that in the face of senseless suffering, a person cannot maintain hope, hundreds of selfless volunteers flock to these regions. Students, doctors, engineers, rescuers and builders give all their talents and strength to help the survivors.

Hope is preserved even in the most difficult times. It proves to us the existence of God. My suffering pales in comparison to what many of those I have met have endured. But I also experienced the loss of a loved one. My cousin Roy died of cancer at the age of twenty-seven, despite all the prayers of our family, ward, and community. The loss of such a loved one is very painful and incomprehensible. That's why hope is so important to me. It extends beyond earthly existence. Absolute hope lives in heaven. My family didn't mourn Roy. We believe that he is now in heaven with Jesus Christ, where there is no more suffering.

Even in the most difficult situations, which, it would seem, surpass human strength, God knows what a person can endure. I am convinced that our earthly life is only a small fragment of eternal life. For better or worse, heaven is waiting for us, I hope that the trials that the Lord put me through have given me strength. The best is waiting for me - if not on earth, then certainly in heaven.

When it seems to me that my prayers are not answered, I turn to people. If your suffering is unbearable, try to make the other person's life easier and give them hope. Raise him above the vanity so that he feels that he is not alone in his suffering. Offer sympathy when you need it yourself. Become a friend when you need friends. Give hope when you yourself need it.

I'm young and I'm not trying to show that I know all the answers. But more and more often I understand that in moments of helplessness and hopelessness, when prayers go unanswered, and fears come true, our salvation is relationships with others. And for me and all Christians - a relationship with God and faith in His love and wisdom.

priceless gift

My faith in the power of hope was strengthened during my first trip to China in 2008. I saw the Great Wall of China and marveled at the grandeur of this incredible wonder of the world. But the most amazing thing was ahead of me. I saw a radiance of joy in the eyes of a little Chinese girl. Together with other children, she showed us an art worthy of the Olympic Games. She literally shone with hope, and I could not take my eyes off her. Surrounded by other children, she danced, at the same time holding a pole with a rotating plate on her forehead, she was completely concentrated, and yet her whole appearance shone with such happiness that tears welled up in my eyes.

This girl and other children (more than 4,000 in all) were orphaned in the massive earthquake that shook the region a few months earlier. My assistant, our coordinator and I brought gifts to the orphanage, and then I asked permission to talk to the children to lift their spirits.

We arrived at the orphanage and I was shocked by the monstrous destruction and suffering caused by the earthquake. In the face of such a catastrophe, it was difficult to find the right words. The earth opened up and swallowed everything they loved and knew. I have never experienced anything like this. What could I tell them? We brought warm clothes with us, but could we give them hope?

At the orphanage, the children immediately surrounded me. One by one they hugged me. I didn't speak their language, but it didn't matter. Our faces spoke for us. Despite the suffering, the guys shone with happiness. I no longer thought about what to say to help them. They didn't need to be inspired. It was they who lost their parents, at home, in a word, everything that they had, inspired me with their amazing performance. They radiated joy.

I said that I admired their courage and fortitude, urged them to look to the future, strive for the best and make their dreams come true.

keep on dreaming

Have the courage to go to your goal and never doubt your own ability to cope with any problems. I have seen people rise above the worst of circumstances, not only in the orphanages of China, but also in the slums of Mumbai and prisons in Romania. I recently visited a social center in South Korea. Some of its inhabitants were disabled, others were single mothers. The strength of the spirit of these people just amazed me. I visited a South African prison with concrete walls and rusty bars. The most hardened criminals were not allowed to serve in the prison chapel. But I heard them sing psalms in their cells. It seemed that the Holy Spirit descended on the prison and filled the hearts of all its inhabitants with joy. Yes, these people were imprisoned, but in the depths of their souls there were freedoms, because faith and hope lived in them. They were freer than many of those who were outside the prison. And hope should live in your heart too.

Yes, sadness also serves a purpose. This is a perfectly natural emotion, but you must not allow it to dominate your thoughts day and night. You can control your reactions by turning to positive thinking. Behave in such a way that your own actions inspire and inspire you.

Since I am a deeply religious person, I turn to faith in the saddest moments. True, my accounting training allows me to practice a pragmatic approach. If you say that you have no hope, it means that the probability of anything good in your life seems to be zero to you.

Zero? Sounds pretty extreme, don't you think? The power of faith in the coming of better times is undeniable, and I personally think it is most likely that your life will change for the better. Hope, along with faith and love, is one of the pillars of spirituality. Whatever your beliefs, it is impossible to do without hope - all good things in life begin with hope. How, for example, to start a family without her? Learn something new? Hope is the springboard for the next steps. In writing this book, I hoped that my readers would find a way to a better life, to a life without boundaries.

The Bible says: “... those who hope in the Lord will be renewed in strength: they will lift up their wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not be weary ...” When I first read these words, I realized that I did not need either hands or legs. Never forget that the Lord has faith in you. Keep moving forward because movement creates momentum, which in turn creates limitless possibilities.

Ripples in the water become the tide

In 2009, Haiti was hit by a terrible earthquake, the victims of which were mourned around the world. This catastrophe is a real tragedy, but terrible circumstances have awakened their best qualities in people. Those who survived the disaster did not give up, despite all the difficulties that awaited them.

Mary's son, Emmanuel, was considered dead under the rubble. During the earthquake, the young tailor was with his mother in her apartment. She ran out, but could not find her son, and the house turned into a pile of rubble. Maria looked for her son in a rescue camp set up for people who lost their homes, but he was not there. She waited, hoping that he would still be found.

A few days later she returned to the house to look for her son. Heavy equipment was working on the site, and nothing could be heard. But in one place it seemed to Mary that she heard the voice of her son.

“At that moment,” she told reporters, “I realized that I could save him.”

Maria told everyone that her son was calling her from under the rubble, but no one could help her. When foreign rescuers arrived, she managed to find professional engineers. Mary convinced them that her son was still alive. With the help of special equipment, they made their way to the place where Maria heard her son's voice. They had to dismantle the blockages of concrete, construction debris and iron fittings.

They continued to dig - and suddenly Emmanuel's hand appeared. He reached out to his saviors. Gradually managed to free the shoulder, and then pull it out. He was under the rubble for ten days. His body was dehydrated, he was tormented by hunger. But he was alive!

Sometimes the belief that everything is possible and miracles happen is the only thing we have. So in the life of Mary: chaos reigned around her, but she did not despair. Believe that the Lord will give you everything you need! This belief spurred Mary to action. She began to act and ended up where she heard the voice of her son. Isn't it obvious that Emmanuel was saved by Mary's hope?

Life may not be very kind to you right now, but as you live on this Earth and move forward, remember: everything is possible!

Living with hope in your heart

You may not believe that everything is possible, and you just need to rely on hope. Or you are at the very bottom and do not believe that you can get out of the abyss of despair. There was a time when I myself felt similar, I was absolutely convinced that my life was meaningless and I was a heavy burden for loved ones and loved ones.

Of course, when I was born, my parents were not ready to raise a child without limbs. They were in despair. And who can blame them for this? All parents on Earth are trying to make the future of their children the best. It was hard for my parents to imagine what future awaits me. And as an adult, I didn't even imagine it.

Our dreams and ideas about our own lives are often shattered by harsh reality, like a car rushing at high speed against a brick wall. Your situation may be unique, but despair is familiar to all people. Teenagers often e-mail me stories of violence and abuse in their families. Adults share their troubles, their stories are often related to drugs, alcohol or pornography. Sometimes it seems that half of all people on Earth have cancer or other deadly diseases.

How to maintain hope in such situations? Believe in God, remember that He brought you into this world for a reason. Dedicate your life to the fulfillment of God's purpose. Whatever problems you face, you have grace to help you find a way out. In difficult moments, remember my parents and the hopelessness that gripped them after my birth.

Believe in the best

Stay positive and motivated even when the load seems overwhelming. Yes, it's very hard. When I was old enough to understand what difficulties awaited me, I was often overcome by despair. I did not imagine anything good in my life. I'm sure you know self-doubt too. We all want to succeed, but sometimes we feel like failures.

My doubts and insecurities stemmed from physical problems. I don't know what's troubling you, but hope helped me. And here is another example of what happened in my world.

I was still very young when the doctors recommended that my parents send me to a play group for disabled children. Some of them had no limbs, some suffered from fibrosis, and some had serious mental disorders. My parents had a lot of love and sympathy for disabled children and their parents, but they did not want me to associate with only one group of peers. They were convinced that my life should be as normal as possible, and they fought to make this dream come true.

My mother, God bless her, made a very important decision right away. “Nicholas,” she said, “you have to play with normal kids because you are normal. Yes, you're missing something, but it's nothing." So my mother set the tone for my whole life. She didn't want me to feel like an inferior disabled person, so that I would grow up to be a shy introvert, insecure about myself.

Only now I understand that my parents instilled in me the belief that I have every right to live without labels and restrictions. And you also have this right. You must free yourself from any categories and labels that others will try to hang on you. Because of my disability, I understand that many people are too careful about what others say about them, and begin to unconsciously limit themselves. Sometimes I was tired, I felt bad and tried to convince my parents that I needed to rest, and not study or go to the doctor. But my parents never let me hide behind such excuses.

Hiding behind a label is very tempting. Some people use them as excuses. Others rise above them. Many of those labeled as disabled lead active lives and achieve great success. I urge you to rise above any attempt to limit your freedom and opportunity.

I am a child of God. I know that He is always with me. I am glad to know that He understands what burden I am able to bear. When other people tell me about their difficulties and problems, tears come to my eyes. I remind those who suffer and mourn that the hand of the Lord will not fail. He is able to reach anyone.

May this thought give you strength. Be inspired by it and move forward and upward as far as your imagination takes you. Of course, there will be difficulties along the way. Treat them calmly - difficulties build character. Learn from them and rise above them. Perhaps you have a wonderful dream. But be open to understanding that God may have a different plan for you than the one you dreamed about. You can achieve your goal in a variety of ways. Don't be discouraged if your path doesn't turn out the way you expected.

bionic boy

Hope is the catalyst. She overcomes seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Keep working, don't give up, and you'll build momentum. Hope provides opportunities you never thought possible. Those who can help you will reach out to you. The doors will swing open. The road will clear up.

Remember: action causes a reaction. When you feel like betraying your dream, push yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, one more year. You will be amazed at what happens if you don't give up.

When it came time to enter elementary school, my parents wanted me to study like all normal children. As a result of their tireless efforts, I became one of the first disabled children in Australia to attend a regular school. I was doing so well that the local newspaper even ran an article with the headline: "Integration Enables Disabled Boy to Succeed." The article featured a large photo of my sister Michelle pushing my wheelchair. The article aroused great interest, and even government officials came to our school. I received a lot of postcards, letters, gifts and invitations from all over the country.

After that article, we received a lot of donations, thanks to which my parents were able to make prostheses for me. As soon as I was one and a half years old, they tried to find artificial limbs for me. At first it was one arm that didn't work very well. The arm and hand were controlled mechanically with the help of cables and levers. This device weighed twice as much as myself!

It was difficult for me to even just keep my balance with this design. But after some time, although without enthusiasm, I learned to manage it. And since I already knew how to pick up objects with my small foot, chin and teeth, the bionic hand only made my daily existence more difficult.

My parents were disappointed, but my confidence grew because I was doing great on my own. I thanked my parents for everything they did for me and looked forward with courage.

Perseverance pays off. Our first experiment with prostheses failed, but I continued to believe that my life would change for the better. My optimism and fighting spirit inspired the Lions Club charity organization. They raised over $200,000 for my treatment and a new wheelchair. With these funds, we were able to come to Toronto, where more advanced prostheses were being developed at a children's clinic. In the end, the doctors decided that it was much easier for me to cope with most tasks on my own, without the help of prostheses.

The desire of scientists and inventors to provide me with prostheses inspired me. But I was filled with the desire to learn how to do everything on my own, not waiting for someone to invent something that would improve my life. Although even today I gratefully accept any help - an open door or supplied water - I believe that we must ourselves be responsible for our happiness and success. Friends and family can come to your aid in difficult times. Be grateful for the effort and desire to help, but rely only on yourself. The more effort you put in, the more opportunities will open up for you.

Sometimes it will seem to you that your goal is unattainable. But this is not a reason to give up. Defeat awaits only those who do not make new attempts. I believe that one day I will be able to walk and use different tools like a normal person. It will be a miracle that will surely happen due to the will of the Lord or His helpers on this earth. The technology of robotic limbs is developing very quickly. Someday I will be able to get effective prostheses, but for now I am happy in my current state.

Often the problems that we think are holding us back in the past actually make us stronger. Believe that today's problem will be your advantage tomorrow. I learned to see the positives in the absence of arms and legs. Men, women and children who do not speak my language immediately understand that I have overcome many difficulties. They understand that my lessons are not empty words.

Wisdom comes from experience

When I encourage my listeners to hope for the best, I draw on my own experience. You can rely on my words, because they are tested by life itself. There was a moment in my life when I lost hope. It happened in my mostly happy childhood, around the age of ten. No matter how optimistic, persistent and resourceful I tried to become, there was still something that I could not do, and negative thoughts flooded me. And most often it was about very simple, everyday things. I was tormented by the fact that, for example, I can’t get ice cream from the refrigerator, like any normal child, I can’t eat myself and I have to ask other people to feed me. And they, accordingly, had to tear themselves away from the meal to help me.

Then for the first time I thought about a more serious problem: can I ever find a wife who would love me? How can I provide for her and our children? How can I protect them in a moment of danger?

Similar thoughts occur to most people. Surely you, too, have wondered if you can start a family, find a secure job or a safe place to live. This is completely normal and natural. We all think about the future and imagine what our life will be like. But sometimes negative thoughts block our vision of the future and cloud our minds. I remind myself of God in the most difficult moments. At such moments I pray and remind myself of His words. And this helps to understand that He is always with me, will never leave me and will not forget about me. With His help, all the worst will become the best. I know he is kind. If he allowed something bad to happen, it means that he had a plan that I cannot comprehend. I always rely on God.

Follow your thoughts

My eleventh birthday was approaching. A difficult transitional period has begun in my life, when the brain begins to work differently and hormones are released. Other boys and girls had already started dating, and this added to the sense of alienation. Would any girl want to date a guy who can neither dance with her nor take her hand?

Without realizing it, I allowed these dark thoughts and negative feelings to weigh down my spirit. This happened more and more often. Thoughts crept into my mind at night when I couldn't sleep or when I was exhausted from a long day of school. You probably know this feeling. At such moments, it seems that all the burdens of the world are on your shoulders. We all feel sad, especially when we can't sleep, in moments of illness and severe trials.

There are no absolutely happy people - happy one hundred percent of the time. Sadness and longing are natural human emotions.

They also have their own purpose. As psychological studies have shown, a gloomy mood allows you to more critically analyze your work. This approach is useful when you are balancing, calculating taxes, or editing an article. As long as you are aware and in control of your emotions, negative thoughts can have positive consequences. It is only when you allow your emotions to control your actions that you are more likely to slide into depression and destructive behavior.

The main thing is not to succumb to negative emotions and depression. Fortunately, a person is able to control his mood. Feeling that negative thoughts take over your mind, you can always “block” their flow. You must be aware of them and understand their source, but the focus should be on solutions, not problems. I remember being taught in Sunday school about the "armor of God": the breastplate of righteousness, the girdle of truth, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, and the helmet of salvation. I realized that this is exactly what a Christian child needs. The Word of God is a sword that cuts down negative thoughts. The sword is the Bible. Arm yourself with this sword and shield of faith and you will always be able to protect yourself.

spiral of despair

During a difficult transition period, when self-esteem and self-perception are relevant, I allowed my anxieties to take over. Everything bad in my life outweighed everything good.

I pulled out a short straw. How can I lead a normal life? How will I find a job? Will I have a wife and children? I will always be a heavy burden for my loved ones.

I never complained until I lost hope. Believe me, the loss of hope is much worse than the loss of limbs. If you have ever experienced grief and depression, then you know how painful despair can be. I was constantly angry, suffering and tormented, asking God why He did not give me what He gives to everyone else. Did I do something wrong? Is that why You don't answer my prayers and requests for arms and legs? Why don't you help me? Why are you making me suffer?

Neither God nor my doctors could explain why I was born this way. The lack of explanations, even scientific ones, made me suffer even more. I continued to think that if there were some reasons - spiritual, medical or otherwise - after all, then it would become easier for me. The pain wouldn't be that strong.

Very often I felt so bad that I refused to go to school. Before, I never felt sorry for myself, constantly struggled with my disability, strove to live a normal life, play with other children. My perseverance and perseverance impressed my parents, teachers and classmates. Although deep down I suffered severely.

I have always been a believing child, went to church and believed in the power of prayer and the healing power of God. I was so absorbed in Jesus that I always smiled during dinner, thinking that He was now sitting next to us at the table. In my prayers, I asked Him to give me arms and legs. I was even ready to be content with one arm or one leg. But they didn't show up, and I got mad at God.

It seemed to me that I comprehended God's providence. I thought He created me to perform a miracle so that the world would understand that there is a God. I prayed, “Lord, if You give me arms and legs, I will travel the world, go on television and tell everyone about this miracle. And the world will see the power of God." I said that I was ready to follow God's way for the rest of my life. I remember my prayer: “Lord, I know that You created me in such a way that You would then give me arms and legs, so that this miracle would prove to people Your strength and love.”

As a child, I realized that the Lord speaks to us in different languages. I felt that He could respond by instilling a certain feeling in my heart. But there was silence around me. I didn't feel anything.

My parents told me: "Only God knows why you were born like this." I asked God, but He did not answer me. Constant prayers and unanswered questions severely tormented me - after all, I used to feel an inseparable connection with Him.

I had other problems too. We moved a thousand miles north to Queensland where we had no relatives. I lost my aunts, uncles, and twenty-six cousins ​​all at once. The move was not easy for the parents either. Despite their support and love, I couldn't shake the feeling that taking care of me was a heavy burden on their shoulders.

Black blinders seemed to fall over my eyes, which prevented me from seeing the light. I did not understand how I could be useful to at least someone, I considered myself a mistake of nature, abandoned by the creation of the Lord. My parents tried their best to convince me otherwise. They read the Bible to me, took me to church. Sunday school teachers told us that God loves us all. But I couldn't get rid of my pain and anger.

However, there were more pleasant moments in my life. In Sunday School, I happily sang with my classmates, “Jesus loves little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are all equally dear to him. Jesus loves the children of the world." Surrounded by those who supported and loved me, I sang from the bottom of my heart. And such hymns consoled me.

I wanted to believe that He loves and cares for me, but when I got tired and felt bad, black thoughts again crept into my soul. I sat in my wheelchair on the playground and thought: “If God really loves me like all other children, then why didn’t He give me arms and legs? Why did He make me different from the rest of His children?”

These thoughts appeared even during the day and in the most ordinary circumstances. I struggled with feelings of desperation and the feeling that my life would always be difficult. And God did not answer my prayers.

One day I was sitting on a high kitchen counter and watching my mother cook dinner. I've always liked it. But at that moment, black thoughts came over me. I didn't want to be a heavy burden for my mother. The thought crossed my mind to throw myself down from the bar. I looked down and thought how I would have to fall to break my neck and die.

But I talked myself out of doing that. After all, if I fail to kill myself, I will have to explain my despair. Thoughts of suicide scared me. I should have told my mom how I felt, but I was embarrassed. I didn't want to scare her.

I was young, and although I was constantly surrounded by loving people, I could not tell them about my innermost feelings. I had resources but didn't use them and that was a mistake.

If you are overcome by black thoughts and feelings, do not fight them alone. Those who love you will gladly come to your aid. They are want help you. If you feel like you can't trust them, see a professional psychologist - at school, at work, in church. You are not alone. I'm not alone. Now I understand this, so I do not want you to come close to making a fatal mistake just like me.

But at the time, I was overcome with hopelessness. I decided that in order to end the pain, you need to end life itself.

hard moment

Once after school, I asked my mother to pour a bath for me. When she was leaving, I asked her to close the door. Then he plunged into the water with his head. In the silence, black thoughts flashed through my head. I had to plan ahead.

If God doesn't take the pain out of me... if my life has no meaning... if I'm only here to be rejected and alone... I'm a heavy burden to those around me... I have no future... I have to end it all.

As I said, when I learned to swim, I lay on my back, and my lungs were filled with air. Now I tried to force all the air out of my lungs and sink to the bottom. Will I be able to hold my breath until I die? Should I exhale completely or only half? Or do you need to completely lose air?

Finally I rolled over and plunged my face into the water. He instinctively held his breath. I had good lungs, so I was able to stay underwater for quite some time.

But when the air ran out, I surfaced.

I can not do it.

But the dark thoughts did not recede. I want to leave this world. I want to disappear.

He exhaled again and plunged back into the water. I knew I could hold my breath for at least 10 seconds. So I started counting:


While counting, the following picture appeared to me: mom and dad are crying at my grave. My seven-year-old brother Aaron is crying. Everyone was crying and saying it was their fault, that they should have done more for me.

I could not bear the thought that they would be responsible for my death for the rest of their lives. I could not leave my family with a sense of loss and guilt.

I am an egoist!

I popped up and took a deep breath. Couldn't do it.

But the suffering was unbearable. That night I told Aaron, "When I'm twenty-one years old, I'm going to kill myself."

I thought that by this time I would have finished school and, possibly, university, but I did not know what would happen next. I didn't think I could get a job or get married like other men. What woman would want to marry me? Therefore, twenty-one years seemed to me the end of my life. Then it seemed that this was still very far away.

"I'll tell dad about you," the younger brother replied. I told him not to say anything to anyone, closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up because my father sat on my bed.

"Who's talking about suicide here?" - he asked.

In a warm and soothing tone, he told me about all the good things that lay ahead of me. He ran his fingers through my hair, which I always liked.

“We will always be with you,” said the father. - Everything will be fine. I promise we will always be with you. You'll be fine, son."

A gentle touch and a warm look is what any upset and confused child needs. The father's words at that moment were enough. He convinced me that we could find the right path. Every son wants to trust his father. That night, my father gave me something to lean on. For a child, there is no person more important than the father. My father was generous with such acts. He always knew how to show love and support. I still did not understand how my life would turn out, but my father said that everything would be fine, so it should be so.

After this conversation, I fell asleep soundly. I still had bad days and nights, but I trusted my parents. They gave me hope long before I began to imagine the development of my own life. There have been periods of doubt and fear in my life, but, fortunately, all this has already passed. I still feel sad today, like any person, but thoughts of suicide no longer visit me. When I look back and remember my life, I can only thank God for saving me from despair.

Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker, a Christian preacher born without arms or legs. By the age of 35, this charming and cheerful man managed to get two higher educations, start a family and gain extraordinary popularity all over the world. In 2005, he was awarded the prestigious Young Australian of the Year award. Nick became world famous in 2010 with his first book, Life Without Borders, which today is an international bestseller. It has been followed by four more books by the author. Vujicic enjoys fishing and surfing, and is active in networking, making videos, blogging and Instagram, and today has over 5 million followers. He has been married to Filipino Kanae Miyahara since 2012 and the couple has two children. Nick is sure that his external imperfection is fully compensated by faith, stamina and strength of his spirit.

Complexity of presentation

The target audience

Figuratively speaking, the book is for those who have sails, and they continue to hold on to the anchors. For those who are subject to stereotypes and have ceased to believe in their own abilities. For those who believe in God and in a higher mind.

This light book is a valuable motivator for overcoming life's difficulties. The fact that it was written by a person without limbs makes one wonder how frivolous and far-fetched our problems can be - the problems of healthy people. The road to happiness lies through effort, as well as patience and self-love. If a disabled person without arms and legs managed to find his destiny and learned to be content with life, then much more about harmony should be revealed to us.

Best Quotes

"The search for the meaning of life is a sign of growth, maturation, going beyond the boundaries of developing one's own talents."

“I don’t know what problem you are struggling with. I'm not trying to pretend that I experienced something like that. But just think what my parents had to go through after I was born. You may not see the light at the end of your own dark tunnel right now, but know this: my parents had no idea that their life could be happy. I know it".

Reading together

Vujicic's book is about how the physical experiences of a young child affected his emotional manifestations, this is a book about growing up. An undeniably important role in the boy's life was played by his parents, who once said that their son is a completely normal child and can play with the same normal children. This is what allowed Nick to believe that he has an earthly right to live without any restrictions and stereotypes. The boy began to talk with his classmates about what it is like for a disabled person to live in a world of healthy people. Subsequently, he began to be invited to speak in student audiences, for church and other youth organizations. At the age of 19, he was baptized and began to talk to people about faith. From that moment began his oratorical career.

Nick admits that he is disabled, but living life to the fullest. This gives him the opportunity to easily communicate with those for whom life is not easy. Once meeting in a church a boy born, like Nick, without limbs, Vuychich was imbued with the understanding that he could help such people overcome pain and learn to live without suffering. Nick talks a lot about faith and love, and, as a Christian, he believes that fellowship with God gives us happiness. It is he who helps to keep hope and with his trials gives people strength, helps those who have the strength to help themselves.

What does the book teach

Every person's life is a novel in the process of being written, and only we can fill it with love, adventure, happiness.

A person must believe that by nature he has talents, love and knowledge that need to be generously shared with others.

People will never realize your worth until you yourself believe in it.

Hope is the springboard to a better life, it provides the momentum that opens up the limitless human possibilities.

It is important to give sympathy to another, even if you yourself need it, because salvation from helplessness is communication with people around you.

You can be sad and mope, but do not let these feelings dominate you. Only the right actions should inspire further actions.

Real pleasure can only be experienced when talents and passion are fully revealed in a person.

You can’t betray a dream, it’s better to work even more time on its implementation than to give up.

We must always remember that life is given to us not to own it, but to be people in it. You can buy any good for money, but at the same time remain unhappy in the spiritual sense.