Alighieri quotes. Dante Alighieri - aphorisms, quotes, sayings

Prepared by: Dmitry Sirotkin

Compiled a selection quotes by the Italian poet and thinker Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321).

He is known as creator of the Divine Comedy and one of the founders of the literary Italian language.

Quotes summarized by topic: love, life ethics, good and evil, human manifestations, divine, man, life, death, hell, mind, soul, knowledge, fame, money.

About love

Love moves the Sun and other stars.

Love moves the soul to action.

Whoever is not loved, loving, experiences the most terrible torment.

Inspired by love, I say what it tells me.

Always the fire of good love will ignite another, Flashing at least in the form of a slave trail.

Do not act against the deity of lovers: whatever means you use, you will lose the battle, be sure.

I often thought, weary of grief, That I was gloomy through no fault of my own. He felt sorry for himself, blazing as if on fire; He repeated: “A lover has not suffered so much yet!”

You are worthy of the treasures of any - Your voice has always sounded so pure, But whoever took infidelity as guides, Treasures will not find any.

Only dead love in hell is alive!

By the way, quotes about love

About life ethics

Follow your path and let other people say whatever they want.

No matter how life beats us, we will stand.

Don't be afraid of the dark, even though it looks terrible.

It is impossible for fear to command the mind; Otherwise, we deviate from accomplishments.

Think that this day will never come again.

Everyone should take on his shoulders the work that is commensurate with his strength, because if the severity of it turns out to be accidentally excessive, then he may involuntarily fall into the mud.

When the desire is just, Then one must silently follow it.

How you look depends on what you see.

Most a wise man the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

About good and evil

The closer to perfection everyone becomes, The brighter in him is good and evil evil.

Not an excuse when another does good for us.

Believe me - when there are no vile thoughts in us, We should not be afraid of anything. Evil neighbor - that's where the source of troubles, It will throw into the abyss, it may happen.

Valor has disappeared in the human camp, As you said, there is no good at all in it, Insidiousness crushes the world in its trap.

We are the truth, similar to a lie, Must keep with closed mouths, Otherwise shamelessly accrue.

Not everything is false, which is incredible.

Deception and force are the tools of the evil ones.

About human manifestations

There is no greater torment than remembering happy days in misfortune.

Compassion is not a feeling; rather, it is a noble disposition of the soul, ready to receive love, mercy, and other virtuous feelings.

Memory does not change only the one who sensitively listened to everyone he met.

Deception, which is familiar to all hearts, Brings harm to those who trust, And to those who did not trust in anything.

O insane anger, O blind self-interest, You torment our short earthly age. And languish in eternity, torturing!

The hottest corners in hell are reserved for those who, at the time of the greatest moral upheavals, remained neutral.

About divine

It is worth turning your back on the devil, and you will see the path to God.

O God's power, what a righteous avenger you are, When you fight like this, not sparing!

The personification of the ideal, something divine, who appeared from heaven to give the earth a ray of heavenly bliss, the queen of virtue, clothed in modesty, shining with beauty, she walks among praises, like an angel who descended to earth to show the world the spectacle of her perfections. Her presence gives bliss, pours joy into the hearts. Whoever has not seen her cannot understand all the sweetness of her presence.

About a human

Every person is a friend to every other person by nature.

A person takes away the goal from himself, Changing his thoughts every moment.

Often people go with the flow of time! Meanwhile, our fragile shuttle is equipped with a rudder; why does a person rush along the waves, and not obey his own aspirations?

And if the whole world became vicious, That was the only reason for it Man Himself: only he is the source of troubles, He is the only creator of His sorrows.

About life

Having passed half of my earthly life, I found myself in a gloomy forest, Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

Slipping out into the world, the soul flies loving, Like a girl that cries and laughs, Childish, ruining life with the first comer.

I was not dead, and I was not alive either; And you can judge alone; Neither to be nor to be - with what it is similar.

About death

We do not live in the world for this, For death to find us in blissful laziness!

Who can leave the world in tears, Be sure that the eternal image sculpts, What in the memory for many years to come Will his longing and trembling remain?

About hell

Abandon hope, ye who enter here.

Hell is a void, a dismal grave. Should alive dead to help.

About the mind

There is a force that is called reason. And you are capable of weighing good and evil on the scales.

Oh, wise ones, do not regret the powers of the mind given to you, penetrating into the essence.

About the soul

The human soul is the greatest miracle in the world.

The souls of people, as in mirrors, are reflected in each other.

About knowledge

He who hesitates cannot gain knowledge.

Doubt gives me as much pleasure as knowledge.

About fame

But fame is like green tops: It is instantly devoured by slugs!

Oh glory! You are fragrant, but also transient, like a flower!

About money

All the gold and all the wealth of the world does not relieve people from worries.

Greed is artificial poverty.

About Miscellaneous

I am praised, then scolded, then extolled, then blasphemed.

The purpose of every virtue is to make our life more joyful.

A millennium compared to eternity is a shorter period than the twinkling of an eye compared to the movement of the slowest celestial body, rotating in infinite space.

As often happens, according to the citations it is not so easy understand what exactly was genius Dante, as well as to appreciate how he stood out among his contemporaries. Perhaps the following quotes about Dante not very capable of helping us with this .

Quotes about Dante

  • J. Boccaccio: Dante loved to retire, to live as a hermit, so that nothing interrupted his thoughts, and if an entertaining thought occurred to him, then, no matter what society our poet was in and no matter what he was asked, he would answer, only having thought this thought through to the end. , accepting it or rejecting it, and so it happened during the hours of crowded meals, and during travels, and generally at any time.
  • Voltaire: Dante's glory will be eternal because no one ever reads him. (by the way, quotes from Voltaire)
  • F. Schelling: Dante takes revenge with prophetic power in his "Hell" on behalf of the Last Judgment as a recognized punishing judge, takes revenge not because of personal hatred, but with a pious soul, outraged by the abomination of the time being experienced. He softens the horror of the torments of the doomed with his own feeling of them; in the midst of so many lamentations, it darkens his vision so much that he is ready to weep.
  • K. Batyushkov: Dante is a great poet, he speaks to memory, ear, eyes, reason, imagination, heart.
  • A. Pushkin: The unified plan of Dante's "Hell" is already the fruit of a lofty genius. (By the way, quotes from Pushkin)
  • V. Belinsky: Dante was not especially lucky in Russia, no one translated him and everyone talked about him less.
  • V. Bryusov: Dante! Dante! Why, this is one of my most beloved, if not the most beloved poet - among all! .. for the sake of translating Dante, I am ready to give up all business, even from Libra. (by the way, Bryusov's quotes

Deception and force are the tools of the evil ones.


The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by wasting time.


There is no greater torment than remembering a happy time.


Doubt gives me as much pleasure as knowledge.


Compassion is not a feeling; rather, it is a noble disposition of the soul, ready to receive love, mercy, and other virtuous feelings.

on other topics

The waters I step into have never been crossed by anyone.

Do not act against the deity of lovers: whatever means you use, you will lose the battle, be sure.

The hottest corners in hell are reserved for those who, at the time of the greatest moral upheavals, remained neutral.

Follow your path and let people say whatever they want.

He suffers from the highest torment who remembers joyful times in misfortune.

Often people go with the flow of time! Meanwhile, our fragile shuttle is equipped with a rudder; why does a person rush along the waves, and not obey his own aspirations?

Dante Alighieri, the great poet and thinker, a harbinger of the Renaissance, was born in Florence in 1265. He came from a noble Roman family who participated in the founding of Florence. AT hometown Dante received a basic education, and then continued his studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna. In Bologna, Dante met many poets of that time, Guido Gvinicelli, the founder of the so-called "sweet style" in poetry, had a strong influence on him. The new style assumed the free expression of the poet's feelings and experiences, the breadth of the use of words, and the general accessibility of the language of the new poetry.
Dante Alighieri was a poet, literary critic, theologian and politician. He entered the history of world literature as the author of a monumental epic work - "La divina commedia" (" The Divine Comedy"), reflecting a view from the point of view of Christian morality on the mortal and short human life.

Having passed half of earthly life,
I found myself in a dark forest...

The souls of people, as in mirrors, are reflected in each other.

Follow your path and let other people say whatever they want.

Pride, greed, envy -
Here are three burning sparks in the hearts that do not sleep forever.

Believe me - when there are no vile thoughts in us,
We should not be afraid of anything.
Evil to neighbor - that's where the source of troubles,
It will throw you into the abyss, maybe.

A deceit that is familiar to all hearts,
Brings harm to those who trust
And those who did not trust in anything.

It's time for you to know
What, when rising, seems at first
Every mountain is always steep.

Whoever does not give up, is invincible.

And if the whole world has become vicious,
That was the only reason
The man himself: - only he is the source of troubles,
He is the only creator of his sorrows.

After all, very often the haste of thoughts
Leads to the wrong path recklessly;
And there addictions bind the mind.

All before the mind became weak,
That people believe every lie
And on any promise the crowd would come.

We were not born for this
To drag out a miserable existence,
But to the end for the truth must
We strive for goodness and the light of knowledge!

The Divine Comedy, which is really just a Comedy, and which no one has read, but everyone knows what hell is about. Alas, the fate of the titans of the Renaissance in post-post modernity is unenviable! Everyone remembers only the name. But Dante Alighieri is indeed a titan! He created Italian literature and some of the greatest works, painted heaven and hell for all mankind. He led a political struggle for power in his native Florence, and then lived in exile for a long time.
Dante in exile. Frederic Leighton. 1864

Created one of the most romantic love stories in human history.

Henry Holiday. Meeting Dante and Beatrice.

Rosetti. Meeting Dante and Beatrice in Paradise

This is one of the main embodiments of the images of the Creator and the Exile in world culture. The person who is most often depicted wearing a laurel wreath.

Fresco by Luca Signorelli, 1499-1502, San Brizio Chapel

Amazing memory of Dante

As an example of the amazing memory that Dante allegedly possessed, the following legend is told.
When Dante lived in Florence, he used to go in the evening to the square, then called Santa Reparata, and today Santa Maria del Fiore, to get some fresh air there.
One evening, a stranger comes up to him and asks him a question:
- My lord, I am obliged to give an answer and I do not know how to do it.
I have to answer the following question: - What is the most delicious food?
Dante answered immediately: - An egg.
A year later, when Dante was sitting on the same mound, the same stranger again approached him and asked him:
- With what?
And Dante: - With salt.

Monument to Dante in Piazza Croce, Florence.