Amazons prefer. The Dahomey Amazons are formidable women who terrified the European colonialists

Dahomey Amazons were considered the elite troops in the Kingdom of Dahomey (modern Republic of Benin). N "Nonmiton defended their king during the bloodiest battles and were considered untouchables. And their special "trick" was the decapitation of victims.

Amazons are not mythical characters at all. The last surviving Dahomean Amazon died relatively recently, in 1979 at the age of 100 years. It was a woman named Navi, who the researchers found in a remote village. And in the 19th century, 6,000 female soldiers served in the Amazon corps (there were 25,000 people in the army, i.e., the Amazons made up about a third of the entire Dahomey army).

Their history began in the 17th century. Scientists suggest that the Amazon Corps was originally formed as elephant hunters. But they managed to impress the king of Dahomey so much with their skills that the king wanted to see them as his bodyguards. Another theory suggests that since women were the only people allowed in the king's palace after dark, it is not surprising that it was women who became the king's bodyguards.

The strongest, healthiest and most courageous women were selected in N "Nonmiton. They then underwent rigorous training, during which they turned into real killing machines, which were feared throughout Africa for more than two centuries.

The Amazons were armed with Dutch muskets and machetes. By the beginning of the 19th century, their corps had become a full-fledged military unit, completely devoted to their king. Girls in N "Nonmiton were recruited (and given weapons) starting at just eight years old. Some women in society became soldiers voluntarily, while others were given to bodyguards by husbands who complained about undisciplined wives whom they could not control.

From the beginning, Amazons have been taught to be strong, fast, ruthless, and capable of withstanding great pain. The exercises, which resembled some form of gymnastics, included jumping over walls covered in thorny acacia branches. Also, the preparation included expeditions to the jungle without equipment, with one machete, which lasted for 10 days. No wonder the Dahomean Amazons fought to the death in combat... theirs or theirs.

N "Nonmiton women were not allowed to marry or have children while serving as soldiers. Moreover, it was believed that they were officially married to the king, but even the king did not dare to break their vow of chastity. And if the Amazons touched any other a man and not a king, it meant certain death for him.

In the spring of 1863, British explorer Richard Burton arrived in western Africa to establish a British mission in coastal Dahomey and also to try to make peace with the Dahomeans.

The Dahomeans were a warring nation that actively used slaves, in which they basically turned captured enemies. But most of all, Barton was struck by the elite Dahomean warriors: “These women had such a well-developed skeleton and muscles that sex could be determined only by the presence of a breast.”

The main weapons were Dutch guns, and the Dahomey Amazons used machetes to decapitate and dismember their victims. Among the Dahomeans it was then customary to return home with the heads and genitals of their opponents.

Despite the brutal preparation, for many women it was a chance to escape the boring life that women in Dahomean society were doomed to. When entering N "Nonmiton, women got the opportunity to climb the social ladder of the local society, take command posts and gain influence. They could even get rich, but this rarely happened.

Stanley Alpern, author of the only full-length treatise in English on the study of the Amazons, wrote: “When the Amazons left the palace, a slave girl with a bell always walked in front of them. The ringing of the bell told every man that he needed to turn off his path, go some distance and look in the other direction.

Even after the French, with the support of the Foreign Legion, conquered Dahomey in the 1890s, the fear of the Amazons did not stop. French soldiers who stayed overnight with the Dahomean women were often found dead in the morning with their throats cut. The underestimation of female opponents very often led to an increase in the number of victims among the French invaders.

By the end of the Second Franco-Dahomean War, the French began to win only after the support of the Foreign Legion. The last forces of the king surrendered, most of the Amazons were killed in 23 battles during the Second War. Legionnaires later wrote of the "incredible bravery and audacity" of the Amazons. They also stated that the most terrible women on Earth live in this place.

Have you ever wondered, "Who are the Amazons: women - myth or truth?"

There is no consensus among historians. It is not known what contributed to the birth of female warriors.

Self-sufficient, fearless, strong and independent. Maybe the excessive oppression of men caused hatred for them? Willingness to fight and kill?

These women left a noticeable mark in the history of mankind, full of secrets, myths and mysteries.

There are different versions about their habitat.

According to one, this is a nomadic tribe. According to another version, they owned a kingdom on the shores of the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas. But one thing is known for certain: this tribe consisted only of female representatives.

They lived separately. Men were used only for procreation, for conception. Born girls were left, boys were rarely given to their father, and more often they were killed.

They were magnificent riders, excellently wielding a sword, bow, spear and a short battle ax (labrys).

Girls were taught from childhood

Girls were taught this from childhood: to fight and kill mercilessly. War was the meaning of their lives.
Any commander considered it an honor to participate in hostilities in alliance with them. Not many have received this honor. The Amazons agreed to joint actions only if their tribe was in danger.

They were famous for their militancy and steadfastness, they fought on a par with men.

Alexander the Great wrote:

“…that they are taller than ordinary women. They are distinguished by beauty, health and ingenuity ... "

Legends of the Amazons

Legends about women warriors were also among the Indian tribes of South America.

they lived on the banks of the river and possessed untold riches. This aroused the interest of the greedy Spanish conquistadors. And in 1544 they went in search of this mysterious tribe. Francisco de Orellana led the voyage. Subsequently, he described military clashes with the Amazons. These are white-skinned, tall, stately women.

Despite the presence of firearms, the Spaniards failed to capture any of them. This confirms that they possessed invincible courage and excellent combat training.

First historical references

The first mentions of them are found in ancient Roman and ancient Greek literature of the 4th BC. Their existence is confirmed by archaeological excavations on all continents. They find female remains with traces of stabbing and chopping blows, with arrowheads sticking out of the bones and buried like warriors, along with weapons.

Ancient mosaics, bas-reliefs, vessels and ancient vases depicting battles involving women are kept all over the world.

Modern Amazons live with men. Do not wage wars (arms) with them! However, more and more smart, self-sufficient, independent women appear in men's professions, who can easily cope with men's affairs. This is especially clear in European society. And it is observed even in Muslim countries.

Women's military units are now being created.

Men or women?

Science has proven that the representatives of the "weaker sex" compared to the "stronger sex"

  • easier to endure stressful and critical situations,
  • learn new information faster and longer
  • better tolerate pain and less sensitive to it,
  • adapt to everything new and change faster.

The indomitable spirit of the Amazons lives in almost everyone. Is this good or bad? Could the fair sex be the future?

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The Amazon Basin is not without reason considered one of the most dangerous places in the world, home to a huge number of predators. I invite you to find out what is found in the waters of the Amazon, and why this place is considered so life-threatening.

black caiman

We can say that this is an alligator on steroids, their muscles are much larger, and they can grow up to six meters in length. These are undoubtedly the top predators of the Amazon River, local kings who indiscriminately eat anyone who comes across their path.



Another giant monster of the Amazon is the well-known anaconda, the largest snake in the world. The weight of a female anaconda can reach 250 kilograms, and this is with a length of 9 meters and a diameter of 30 centimeters. These predators prefer shallow water, so most often they can be found not in the river itself, but in its branches.



The huge arapaima predator is equipped with armored scales, so it fearlessly swims among piranhas, eating fish and birds. The length of these terrible fish is almost three meters, and the weight is 90 kilograms.

brazilian otter


Brazilian otters grow up to 2 meters in length and feed mainly on fish and crabs. However, the fact that they always hunt in large groups allows them to successfully get more serious prey: there were cases when these harmless-looking creatures killed and ate adult anacondas and even caimans. No wonder they are called "river wolves".

Common vandellia or candiru


bull shark


Most often, bull sharks live in the salty waters of the ocean, but they feel just as great in fresh water. There were cases when these bloodthirsty predators swam so far along the Amazon that they reached the city of Iquitos (Peru), located almost 4 thousand kilometers from the sea. Considering that sharp teeth and powerful jaws provide these 3-meter-long creatures with a bite force of 589 kilograms, you definitely would not want to meet them, but they are not averse to feasting on a person!

electric eels


We would not advise you to approach them in any case: two-meter creatures are capable of generating electrical discharges with a voltage of up to 600 volts. And this is 5 times the current in an American outlet and enough to easily knock a horse down. Repeated strikes by these creatures can lead to heart or respiratory failure, causing people to lose consciousness and simply drown in the water.

common piranha


It is difficult to imagine more terrible and ferocious creatures, this is the real quintessence of the horror of the Amazon River. We all know that the sharp teeth of these fish have repeatedly inspired Hollywood directors to create creepy films. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that piranhas are primarily scavengers. But, unfortunately, this does not mean at all that they do not attack healthy creatures. Their incredibly sharp teeth, located on the upper and lower jaws, close very tightly, which makes them an ideal tool for tearing flesh.

Mackerel hydrolic


These meter-long underwater inhabitants were also called vampire fish. On the lower jaw they have two sharp fangs that can grow up to 15 centimeters. They use these devices to literally impale the victim on them after they rush at it. The fangs of these fish are so large that nature had to take care of the safety of the hydrolics themselves. So that they do not pierce themselves with them, they have special holes in the upper jaw.

brown pacu


A fish with human teeth, the brown pacu is a larger relative of the piranha. True, unlike the latter, these freshwater prefer fruits and nuts, although they are generally considered omnivores. The problem is that "stupid" Pacu can't tell the difference between tree nuts and male genitalia, which has left some male swimmers without testicles.

It is not for nothing that the most violent and dangerous river in South America was called the Amazon, because it fully corresponds to the lifestyle of warrior maidens. There were many rumors and myths around this tribe. It was believed that Amazons distinguished by a warlike and impudent character, were first-class warriors and archers, and for the convenience of archery, they cut off their right breasts, killed their husbands and born boys. But were the Amazons so bloodthirsty and cruel? Or is it just a myth?

Once they inhabited the banks of the river, but the arrival of the Spanish colonizers forced them to retreat from the mainland to the islands. To this day, the ancestors of the legendary maidens live on the San Blas Islands, which are located north of the Amazon - Kuna tribe.

Of course, over time, their way of life changed, but the very thing that distinguished the Amazons from most peoples remained - a matriarchal society. Traditions on the islands have remained harsh and unshakable. Like hundreds of years ago, the main thing here is a woman.

According to Kuna traditions, at the age of 14, girls reach puberty and she must choose a groom for herself. The chosen one cannot refuse, otherwise he will be considered a moral monster, no matter how rude it may sound. Sometimes two brides can choose one young man at once, and according to local customs, he will have two wives at once. After marriage, the newly-made husband collects all his belongings and moves into his wife's house. Marriages here are for life and divorce is not provided. From newborn children, girls are preferred, boys are treated with indifference.

This is what real modern Amazons look like

After fleeing from the mainland, the Amazons decided to stay on the fertile, lush green islands of San Blas. True, the only drawback of these places is the insufficient amount of drinking water, so from time to time you have to return to the continent to replenish water supplies. In addition to fishing, the Kuna are engaged in crop production and gathering. The main income of the tribe is the export of coconuts to the countries of South America. About 25 million nuts are harvested annually, the entire population of the islands, both old and young, is engaged in this business. Bananas, oranges, cocoa, sugar cane are mainly grown. Among the islanders there are neither poor nor rich, everyone is equal. Everyone has everything that is necessary for existence - a hut, a boat and a piece of land.

It is in such thatched huts that the Amazons of Kuma live.

Responsibilities between men and women are clearly divided. Men are earners. They provide their family with food and shelter, work on banana, coconut and cocoa plantations, go hunting and fishing, and harvest wood for firewood.

If matriarchy rules here, this does not mean that women carelessly relax and enjoy life. They also have a lot of household chores. They also work on plantations, process coconuts and cocoa beans, evaporate sugar from cane, raise children and take care of the household. In addition, the women of San Blas are engaged in weaving - their beautiful painted scarves with a golden pattern are known throughout South America. For the sake of them, many tourists visit these places.

The handkerchief trade is one of the main sources of income for modern Amazons.

By the way, earlier there was a strict attitude towards tourists. They were wary of them and were not allowed to spend the night on the island, because there is a "mainland" for this. And if a girl had a child that was different from the appearance of a kun, he was killed, since communication was allowed only between fellow tribesmen. But over time, the Kuna realized that foreigners do not come empty-handed, but with money, and moved away from strict regulations.

Many years ago, legends and myths were composed about these women. Amazons have always been the embodiment of strength and courage in a woman's face. Their cruel customs and traditions were shocking. But today only the matriarchal way of their small society reminds of their ruling past, and otherwise the once warlike Amazons have turned into housewives.