What is the conscience of the people. Conscience - what is it and why is it needed

1) Conscience- - a category of ethics expressing the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to determine from the standpoint of good and evil the attitude to one's own and other people's actions, lines of behavior. S. makes his assessments, as it were, regardless of the practical. interest, however, in reality, in various manifestations, S. of a person reflects the impact on him of concret. historical, social class conditions of life and education. S. does not generate, but only consolidates and reproduces those values ​​and assessments that have been developed in societies. practice, and therefore, ultimately depends on the class. and societies, belonging to man. Scientific atheism is opposed to nihilistic. attitude to S., considering her beings, a feature of the spiritual appearance of the individual, and against the attitude towards her as an unchanging and infallible judge given to us by God. With the progress of social and cultural progress intellect. honesty as one of the requirements of S. more and more urgently requires the rejection of relit, faith, as having no logical. and actual justification, as well as moral justification.

2) Conscience- (Greek syneidesis, lat. conscientia) - usually interpreted as a person's ability to distinguish between good and evil, as an inner voice that tells us about moral truth, about higher values, about our dignity. A person not only "has a conscience", but "he himself has a conscience" (S. Fagin). Conscience acts superrationally as moral intuition: "the existence of conscience is not compatible with consistent rationalism, because its spiritual reality limits the claims of reason to absolutism, and rationalism - to the right to be an exhaustive philosophical position" (Yu. Schreider). In Christianity: conscience is God's gift for witnessing the Higher Truth: "Conscience is the most secret and holy of saints of a person, where he is alone with God, Whose voice sounds in the depths of his soul. Through conscience, the law is miraculously fulfilled, which is fulfilled in love for God and neighbor" (Vat.-II. RN, 16). It is often said that she is not mistaken, and her action is limited or perverted by errors of the mind, the wrong direction of the will, ignorance, inattention to higher values, addictions to the earthly, self-affirmation or disorder of the human psyche. There are distortions, but something else is also true: the conscience is not without sin and needs to be cleansed and developed in the spirit of humility and openness to God, to the Church, to the Gospel. A person must always act according to conscience, being aware of its possibility of making mistakes, and must work so that the voice from above sounds more and more clearly in the voice of conscience. Conscience can become dead if a person has repeatedly rejected it and acted contrary to it. The voice of conscience can also come into conflict with the demands proclaimed in the name of the Church. In this case, the duty of a Christian is to follow the voice of conscience, and not church authority. In the lives of the saints, this ultimately served the good of the Church.

3) Conscience- - an ethical category that expresses the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to determine from the position of good and evil the attitude towards one's own and other people's actions. Conscience makes its assessments, as it were, regardless of practical interests, however, in various manifestations, a person's conscience reflects the impact on him of specific social and historical conditions of life and upbringing. Conscience does not generate, but only reinforces and reproduces those values ​​and assessments that have been developed in social practice. Unlike motive (sense of duty), conscience also includes self-assessment of already committed actions based on a person's understanding of his responsibility to other people and society.

4) Conscience- - one of the qualities of the human personality (properties of the human intellect), which ensures the preservation of homeostasis (the state of the environment and its position in it) and is due to the ability of the intellect to model its future state and the behavior of other people in relation to the "carrier" of conscience. Conscience is one of the products of education. According to conscience - a category of ethics that characterizes the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand their fulfillment from himself and make a self-assessment of the actions performed; one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of a person (in many European languages, the word "conscience" etymologically means "joint knowledge"; in Russian it comes from the word "know" - "know"). association block. Due to the fact that conscience is a property of a person, its "content and quality" essentially depend on the culture that a person possesses (both ethnic and individual).

5) Conscience - (joint knowledge, know, know): the ability of a person to realize his duty and responsibility to other people, to independently evaluate and control his behavior, to be a judge of his own thoughts and actions. “The cause of conscience is the cause of man, which he wages against himself” (I. Kant). Conscience is a moral sense that allows you to determine the value of your own actions. Through conscience, a person learns ethical values ​​in their actual form. In a narrow sense, conscience is defined as a moral feeling, and in a broad sense, as a barometer of wisdom, as a sophianic consciousness that orients a person in the space of actions. The ability to evaluate actions in terms of good and evil is the main feature of a person, which, although changeable, is nevertheless, without a doubt, characteristic of people. However, in reality, it can become dull or extremely weakened. Christian ethics compares the conscience to a window through which the divine will enters. Conscience can be expressed in a sense of shame, repentance, regret for what has been done, in a feeling of discord with oneself, which indicates the presence of self-criticism in a person. evil, moral ideal. Conscience requires a person to self-esteem, self-condemnation in terms of the interests, hopes, aspirations of others. Sensitivity, openness to the world, its problems and prospects lead to a change in the view of oneself, allow one to rise above one's own convictions and passions, to become their master, not a slave. The feeling of conscience reflects not only the dissatisfaction of a person with himself, but also the conflict between what exists and what, in his opinion, should be (between what is and what should be). The inconsistency of the surrounding reality, its imperfection create an impulse to change oneself and the world, make a person live according to his conscience. Thus, conscience is the ability of the human spirit to recognize ethical values ​​in their reality and to act in accordance with the requirements put forward by them, the way in which a sense of value becomes significant for a person. In a narrower sense, moral consciousness, a feeling or knowledge of what is good and what is bad, just or unjust, what is wise and what is stupid; subjective consciousness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral values. Conscience as the original ontological moral impulse is innate, but due to external influence it can develop or die out. Christian ethics regards the conscience as a window through which the divine will enters. In Heidegger's fundamental ontology, conscience is a call for care. She calls a person and returns him from being lost, lost in the world, to freedom on the basis of nothingness. The views of the Kazakh thinker Shakarim, a student of Abai, on the problem of conscience are very interesting and relevant. He believes that conscience has an ontological status of existence. In order to correct the nature of man and save him from vices, it is necessary to create a science of conscience and teach this science to everyone “from an early age”. For a mature cultured person, there is not only a moral, but also a logical and aesthetic conscience, he knows the obligations both for his will and behavior, and for his thinking and feelings, and at the same time knows, feels with pain and shame how often a naturally necessary move his life violates these duties.

6) Conscience- - the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to independently form moral duties for himself, to demand from himself their fulfillment and to make a self-assessment of the actions performed. S. can manifest itself not only in the form of a reasonable awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, but also in the form of emotional experiences, for example, in S.'s feeling of remorse or in positive emotions of "calm S."

7) Conscience- - the concept of moral consciousness, inner conviction of what is good and evil, consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior; an expression of the individual's ability to exercise moral self-control on the basis of the norms and rules of behavior formulated in a given society, independently formulate high moral duties for himself, demand their fulfillment from himself and make a self-assessment of the actions performed from the heights of morality and morality.

8) Conscience- – “The call of conscience has the character of calling the presence to its most own ability to be itself, and in the mode of appealing to its most own being-guilty. The call of conscience, appealing to the ability to be, does not put forward an empty ideal, but calls into the situation.

9) Conscience - - a category of ethics that characterizes the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to independently formulate moral obligations for himself, to demand from himself their fulfillment and to make a self-assessment of the actions performed; one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of a person (in many European languages, the word "S." etymologically means " joint knowledge"; in Russian, the language it comes from the word "know" - "know"), S. can manifest itself not only in the form of reasonable awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, but also in the form of emotional experiences, for example. in S.'s remorse or in positive emotions of "calm S.". T. arr., S. is a subjective awareness by the individual of his duty and responsibility to the society. But the form of this awareness is such that they act as a duty and responsibility of a person to himself. Guided by personal S., a person judges his actions as if on his own behalf. This subjective form of manifestation of S. served as a source of many idealistic mystifications of this concept in the history of ethical thought. S. was interpreted as the voice of the “inner self”, a manifestation of a feeling innate in a person (the moral sense of the theory), as the only basis of moral duty (Kant, Fichte). It was often opposed not only to obedience to external authorities, but also to the requirements imposed on a person by society (Existentialism). Marxist ethics proves that S. has a social origin, is determined by the conditions of a person's social existence and upbringing, and depends on his class and social affiliation. “A republican has a different conscience than a royalist, a possessor has a different conscience than a have-not, a thinking person has a different conscience than one who is incapable of thinking,” wrote K. Marx (vol. 6, p. 140). And if the S. of a person, his inner convictions come into conflict with commands coming from outside, then this happens because objective reality is reflected in different ways in the minds of various social groups, in the official settings of state and public institutions and the beliefs of individuals. The source of these clashes is social contradictions and social injustice, conflicts of class interests. In a socialist society, S.'s requirements for a moral person cannot mean anything other than serving the interests of other people, the collective. Therefore, the conflicts that sometimes arise between personal S. and the demands made from outside are only the result of a misunderstanding by this person or others. people of a person's duty to the Society. The principle of collectivism in communist morality in no way detracts from the importance of the individual S. of each. On the contrary, in the course of construction of communist about-va the role of consciousness of each person more and more increases. S. increasingly manifests itself in irreconcilability with one's own shortcomings, in moral self-criticism, which in the conditions of developed socialism acts as a moral requirement (see also Self-activity and creativity, Moral freedom).

10) Conscience- - the ability of the human spirit to cognize ethical values ​​in their reality and together with the requirements put forward by them; the way in which a sense of value becomes meaningful to a person; in a narrower sense, moral consciousness, the feeling or knowledge of what is good and what is bad, just or unjust; subjective consciousness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral values. Conscience as the original moral impulse is innate, but due to external influence it can develop or die out. Christ. ethics considers conscience as a window through which the divine will penetrates (Wunsch). For Kant, the authoritarian judge of conscience is an ideal person who creates his own mind. In Heidegger's fundamental ontology, conscience is a call for care. She calls a man and returns him from being lost, lost in Man to freedom based on nothingness. This call makes possible the movement of one's own self-becoming. The desire to have a conscience constitutes the true existential possibility of existence (Brecht). For a mature cultured person, there is not only a moral, but also a logical and aesthetic conscience, he knows the obligations both for his will and behavior, and for his thinking and feelings, and at the same time knows, feels with pain and shame, how often it is natural the necessary course of his life violates these duties (Windelband).

11) Conscience- - an ethical category that expresses the highest form of a person's ability to moral self-control, the side of her self-consciousness. Unlike motive (sense of duty), S. also includes a self-assessment of already committed actions on the basis of a person's understanding of his responsibility to the community. S. obliges a person by his actions not only to earn respect for himself (not to humiliate himself), as, say, a sense of honor and personal dignity, but to fully devote himself to the service of the society, the advanced class, humanity. S., in addition, implies the ability of an individual to be critical of their own and other people's opinions equally in accordance with the objective needs of society, as well as the responsibility of a person not only for his own actions, but also for everything that happens around him. S. is a socially educated ability of a person. It is determined by the measure of his historical development, as well as his social position in those objective conditions in which he is placed. As an active response of a person to the requirements of society and its progressive development, S. is not only an internal engine of moral self-improvement of the individual, but also a stimulus for her active and practical attitude to reality. S. can manifest itself both in a rational form of awareness of the moral significance of one’s actions, and in a complex of emotional experiences (“remorse of S.”). S.'s upbringing in each person is one of the most important aspects of personality formation.


A category of ethics that expresses the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to determine from the standpoint of good and evil the attitude towards one's own and other people's actions, lines of behavior. S. makes his assessments, as it were, regardless of the practical. interest, however, in reality, in various manifestations, S. of a person reflects the impact on him of concret. historical, social class conditions of life and education. S. does not generate, but only consolidates and reproduces those values ​​and assessments that have been developed in societies. practice, and therefore, ultimately depends on the class. and societies, belonging to man. Scientific atheism is opposed to nihilistic. attitude to S., considering her beings, a feature of the spiritual appearance of the individual, and against the attitude towards her as an unchanging and infallible judge given to us by God. With the progress of social and cultural progress intellect. honesty as one of the requirements of S. more and more urgently requires the rejection of relit, faith, as having no logical. and actual justification, as well as moral justification.

(Greek syneidesis, lat. conscientia) - usually interpreted as a person's ability to distinguish between good and evil, as an inner voice that tells us about moral truth, about higher values, about our dignity. A person not only "has a conscience", but "he himself has a conscience" (S. Fagin). Conscience acts superrationally as moral intuition: "the existence of conscience is not compatible with consistent rationalism, because its spiritual reality limits the claims of reason to absolutism, and rationalism - to the right to be an exhaustive philosophical position" (Yu. Schreider). In Christianity: conscience is God's gift for witnessing the Higher Truth: "Conscience is the most secret and holy of saints of a person, where he is alone with God, Whose voice sounds in the depths of his soul. Through conscience, the law is miraculously fulfilled, which is fulfilled in love for God and neighbor" (Vat.-II. RN, 16). It is often said that she is not mistaken, and her action is limited or perverted by errors of the mind, the wrong direction of the will, ignorance, inattention to higher values, addictions to the earthly, self-affirmation or disorder of the human psyche. There are distortions, but something else is also true: the conscience is not without sin and needs to be cleansed and developed in the spirit of humility and openness to God, to the Church, to the Gospel. A person must always act according to conscience, being aware of its possibility of making mistakes, and must work so that the voice from above sounds more and more clearly in the voice of conscience. Conscience can become dead if a person has repeatedly rejected it and acted contrary to it. The voice of conscience can also come into conflict with the demands proclaimed in the name of the Church. In this case, the duty of a Christian is to follow the voice of conscience, and not church authority. In the lives of the saints, this ultimately served the good of the Church.

An ethical category that expresses the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to determine from the position of good and evil the attitude towards one's own and other people's actions. Conscience makes its assessments, as it were, regardless of practical interests, however, in various manifestations, a person's conscience reflects the impact on him of specific social and historical conditions of life and upbringing. Conscience does not generate, but only reinforces and reproduces those values ​​and assessments that have been developed in social practice. Unlike motive (sense of duty), conscience also includes self-assessment of already committed actions based on a person's understanding of his responsibility to other people and society.

One of the qualities of the human personality (properties of the human intellect), which ensures the preservation of homeostasis (the state of the environment and its position in it) and is due to the ability of the intellect to model its future state and the behavior of other people in relation to the "bearer" of conscience. Conscience is one of the products of education. According to conscience - a category of ethics that characterizes the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand their fulfillment from himself and make a self-assessment of the actions performed; one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of a person (in many European languages, the word "conscience" etymologically means "joint knowledge"; in Russian it comes from the word "know" - "know"). association block. Due to the fact that conscience is a property of a person, its "content and quality" essentially depend on the culture that a person possesses (both ethnic and individual).

(joint knowledge, to know, to know): the ability of a person to realize his duty and responsibility to other people, to independently evaluate and control his behavior, to be a judge of his own thoughts and actions. “The cause of conscience is the cause of man, which he wages against himself” (I. Kant). Conscience is a moral sense that allows you to determine the value of your own actions. Through conscience, a person learns ethical values ​​in their actual form. In a narrow sense, conscience is defined as a moral feeling, and in a broad sense, as a barometer of wisdom, as a sophianic consciousness that orients a person in the space of actions. The ability to evaluate actions in terms of good and evil is the main feature of a person, which, although changeable, is nevertheless, without a doubt, characteristic of people. However, in reality, it can become dull or extremely weakened. Christian ethics compares the conscience to a window through which the divine will enters. Conscience can be expressed in a sense of shame, repentance, regret for what has been done, in a feeling of discord with oneself, which indicates the presence of self-criticism in a person. evil, moral ideal. Conscience requires a person to self-esteem, self-condemnation in terms of the interests, hopes, aspirations of others. Sensitivity, openness to the world, its problems and prospects lead to a change in the view of oneself, allow one to rise above one's own convictions and passions, to become their master, not a slave. The feeling of conscience reflects not only the dissatisfaction of a person with himself, but also the conflict between what exists and what, in his opinion, should be (between what is and what should be). The inconsistency of the surrounding reality, its imperfection create an impulse to change oneself and the world, make a person live according to his conscience. Thus, conscience is the ability of the human spirit to recognize ethical values ​​in their reality and to act in accordance with the requirements put forward by them, the way in which a sense of value becomes significant for a person. In a narrower sense, moral consciousness, a feeling or knowledge of what is good and what is bad, just or unjust, what is wise and what is stupid; subjective consciousness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral values. Conscience as the original ontological moral impulse is innate, but due to external influence it can develop or die out. Christian ethics regards the conscience as a window through which the divine will enters. In Heidegger's fundamental ontology, conscience is a call for care. She calls a person and returns him from being lost, lost in the world, to freedom on the basis of nothingness. The views of the Kazakh thinker Shakarim, a student of Abai, on the problem of conscience are very interesting and relevant. He believes that conscience has an ontological status of existence. In order to correct the nature of man and save him from vices, it is necessary to create a science of conscience and teach this science to everyone “from an early age”. For a mature cultured person, there is not only a moral, but also a logical and aesthetic conscience, he knows the obligations both for his will and behavior, and for his thinking and feelings, and at the same time knows, feels with pain and shame how often a naturally necessary move his life violates these duties.

The ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, to independently form moral duties for himself, to demand from himself their fulfillment and to make a self-assessment of the actions performed. S. can manifest itself not only in the form of a reasonable awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, but also in the form of emotional experiences, for example, in S.'s feeling of remorse or in positive emotions of "calm S."

The concept of moral consciousness, inner conviction of what is good and evil, consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior; an expression of the individual's ability to exercise moral self-control on the basis of the norms and rules of behavior formulated in a given society, independently formulate high moral duties for himself, demand their fulfillment from himself and make a self-assessment of the actions performed from the heights of morality and morality.

– “The call of conscience has the character of calling presence to its most own ability to be itself, moreover, in the mode of appealing to its most own being-guilty. The call of conscience, appealing to the ability to be, does not put forward an empty ideal, but calls into the situation.

The category of ethics that characterizes the ability of a person to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral obligations for himself, demand from himself their fulfillment and make a self-assessment of the actions performed; one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of a person (in many European languages, the word "S." etymologically means " joint knowledge"; in Russian, the language it comes from the word "know" - "know"), S. can manifest itself not only in the form of reasonable awareness of the moral significance of the actions performed, but also in the form of emotional experiences, for example. in S.'s remorse or in positive emotions of "calm S.". T. arr., S. is a subjective awareness by the individual of his duty and responsibility to the society. But the form of this awareness is such that they act as a duty and responsibility of a person to himself. Guided by personal S., a person judges his actions as if on his own behalf. This subjective form of manifestation of S. served as a source of many idealistic mystifications of this concept in the history of ethical thought. S. was interpreted as the voice of the “inner self”, a manifestation of a feeling innate in a person (the moral sense of the theory), as the only basis of moral duty (Kant, Fichte). It was often opposed not only to obedience to external authorities, but also to the requirements imposed on a person by society (Existentialism). Marxist ethics proves that S. has a social origin, is determined by the conditions of a person's social existence and upbringing, and depends on his class and social affiliation. “A republican has a different conscience than a royalist, a possessor has a different conscience than a have-not, a thinking person has a different conscience than one who is incapable of thinking,” wrote K. Marx (vol. 6, p. 140). And if the S. of a person, his inner convictions come into conflict with commands coming from outside, then this happens because objective reality is reflected in different ways in the minds of various social groups, in the official settings of state and public institutions and the beliefs of individuals. The source of these clashes is social contradictions and social injustice, conflicts of class interests. In a socialist society, S.'s requirements for a moral person cannot mean anything other than serving the interests of other people, the collective. Therefore, the conflicts that sometimes arise between personal S. and the demands made from outside are only the result of a misunderstanding by this person or others. people of a person's duty to the Society. The principle of collectivism in communist morality in no way detracts from the importance of the individual S. of each. On the contrary, in the course of construction of communist about-va the role of consciousness of each person more and more increases. S. increasingly manifests itself in irreconcilability with one's own shortcomings, in moral self-criticism, which in the conditions of developed socialism acts as a moral requirement (see also Self-activity and creativity, Moral freedom).

The ability of the human spirit to know ethical values ​​in their reality and together with the demands put forward by them; the way in which a sense of value becomes meaningful to a person; in a narrower sense, moral consciousness, the feeling or knowledge of what is good and what is bad, just or unjust; subjective consciousness of the conformity or inconsistency of one's own behavior with moral values. Conscience as the original moral impulse is innate, but due to external influence it can develop or die out. Christ. ethics considers conscience as a window through which the divine will penetrates (Wunsch). For Kant, the authoritarian judge of conscience is an ideal person who creates his own mind. In Heidegger's fundamental ontology, conscience is a call for care. She calls a man and returns him from being lost, lost in Man to freedom based on nothingness. This call makes possible the movement of one's own self-becoming. The desire to have a conscience constitutes the true existential possibility of existence (Brecht). For a mature cultured person, there is not only a moral, but also a logical and aesthetic conscience, he knows the obligations both for his will and behavior, and for his thinking and feelings, and at the same time knows, feels with pain and shame, how often it is natural the necessary course of his life violates these duties (Windelband).

An ethical category that expresses the highest form of a person's ability to moral self-control, the side of his self-consciousness. Unlike motive (sense of duty), S. also includes a self-assessment of already committed actions on the basis of a person's understanding of his responsibility to the community. S. obliges a person by his actions not only to earn respect for himself (not to humiliate himself), as, say, a sense of honor and personal dignity, but to fully devote himself to the service of the society, the advanced class, humanity. S., in addition, implies the ability of an individual to be critical of their own and other people's opinions equally in accordance with the objective needs of society, as well as the responsibility of a person not only for his own actions, but also for everything that happens around him. S. is a socially educated ability of a person. It is determined by the measure of his historical development, as well as his social position in those objective conditions in which he is placed. As an active response of a person to the requirements of society and its progressive development, S. is not only an internal engine of moral self-improvement of the individual, but also a stimulus for her active and practical attitude to reality. S. can manifest itself both in a rational form of awareness of the moral significance of one’s actions, and in a complex of emotional experiences (“remorse of S.”). S.'s upbringing in each person is one of the most important aspects of personality formation.

Most people have some kind of internal censor that helps them distinguish between the positive and negative aspects of life. It is important to learn to listen to the voice within yourself and follow its advice, and then it will serve as a guide to a happy future.

What does conscience mean?

There are several definitions of this concept: for example, conscience is considered the ability to independently identify their own duties of self-control and evaluate committed actions. Psychologists, explaining what conscience is in their own words, give the following definition: it is an internal quality that gives a chance to understand how well a person is aware of his own responsibility for a committed act.

To define what conscience is, it is necessary to note the fact that it is divided into two kinds. The first includes actions that a person performs, having a certain moral background. The second type implies the emotions that an individual experiences as a result of certain actions, for example,. There are people who, even after doing bad things, do not worry at all and in such a situation they say that the inner voice is sleeping.

What is conscience according to Freud?

A well-known psychologist believes that every person has a superego, which consists of conscience and an ego-ideal. The first develops as a result of parental education and the use of various punishments. According to Freud, conscience includes the ability to self-criticism, the presence of certain moral prohibitions and the appearance of guilt. As for the second leaving - the ego-ideal, it arises as a result of the approval and positive evaluation of actions. Freud believes that the superego was fully developed when parental control gave way to self-control.

Types of conscience

This fact may surprise many, but there are several types of this inner quality. The first type is personal conscience, which is narrowly focused. With its help, a person determines what is good and what is bad. The next concept of collective conscience covers the interests and actions of those who are not affected by the personal type. It has limitations because it concerns only people belonging to a particular group. The third type - spiritual conscience does not take into account the limitations of the above types.

What is conscience for?

Many at least once in their lives asked this question, and so, if there were no inner voice, then a person would not distinguish which actions are good and which are bad. Without internal control, for a correct life, one would have to have an assistant who would guide, give advice and help to draw the right conclusions. Another important point regarding why conscience is needed is that it helps a person to understand life, get the right guideline and realize himself. It is worth saying that it cannot be separated from morality and morality.

What does it mean to live according to conscience?

Unfortunately, not all people can boast that they live by the rules, forgetting about this quality and thereby betraying themselves. Thanks to this inner quality, a person performs certain actions, understanding what is good and what is bad, and also knows such concepts as justice and morality. A person who lives according to the convictions of conscience is able to live in truth and in love. For him, qualities such as deceit, betrayal, insincerity, and so on are unacceptable.

If you live by the rules, then you need to listen to your own soul, which will allow you to choose the right direction in life. In this case, a person will not commit actions for which he will later feel shame and guilt. To understand what a clear conscience is, it is worth noting that in the modern world it is not easy to find people with such a trait, because in life there are many situations and temptations when you just cross the line. The formation of this quality is directly influenced by the upbringing of parents and the close environment from which the child can take an example.

Why do people act out of conscience?

It is impossible to call modern life simple, because almost every day a person encounters various temptations and problems. Although many people know how to act according to their conscience, sometimes people cross the line. The reason why the conscience disappeared is of a cause-and-effect nature. In most cases, a person transcends his own beliefs in order to satisfy his ambitions. Selfish goals, the desire not to stand out from the crowd, to protect themselves from the attacks of others, and so on, can also push for this.

What is a calm conscience?

When a person lives according to the rules, realizes the righteousness of fulfilling his own duties and does not harm anyone with his actions, then they talk about such a thing as a “calm” or “clean” conscience. In this case, the individual does not feel or does not know for himself any bad deeds. If a person chooses to live according to conscience, then he must always take into account not only his own situation, but also the opinion and condition of others. Psychologists believe that confidence in the purity of one's conscience is hypocrisy or indicates blindness in relation to one's own mistakes.

What is a bad conscience?

The exact opposite of the previous definition, since an unclean conscience is an unpleasant feeling that arose as a result of committing a bad deed, which causes a bad mood and feelings. An unclean conscience is very close to such a concept as guilt, and a person feels it at the level of emotions, for example, in the form of fear, anxiety and other discomfort. As a result, a person worries and suffers from various issues within himself, and by listening to the inner voice, the negative consequences are compensated.

What is pangs of conscience?

By doing bad deeds, a person begins to worry about the fact that he has harmed others. Pangs of conscience - a feeling of discomfort that appears due to the fact that people often make excessive demands on themselves that do not correspond to their essence. The right inner qualities are brought up in childhood, when parents praise for the good, and scold for the bad. As a result, a certain fear of being punished for committed unclean deeds remains in a person for life, and in such a situation they say that the conscience is tormented.

There is another version, according to which conscience is a kind of tool that measures the true measure of things. For the right decisions, a person receives satisfaction, and for bad ones he is tormented by guilt. It is believed that if people do not experience such discomfort at all, then this. Scientists have not yet been able to determine why there may be no sense of shame and guilt, so there is an opinion that the wrong upbringing or biological factors are to blame.

What to do if your conscience hurts?

It is difficult to meet a person who could confirm that he never did bad deeds contrary to his beliefs. Guilt can spoil the mood, prevent you from enjoying life, developing, and so on. There are cases when an adult has become more principled in the case of morality, and then the mistakes of the past begin to emerge in memory and then problems with one's own soul cannot be avoided. There are some tips on what to do if your conscience is tormented.

How to develop conscience in a person?

Parents should certainly think about how to raise a good person who will know what conscience is and how to use it correctly. There are many styles of parenting, and if we talk about extremes, then this is rigidity and complete permissiveness. The process of forming important internal qualities is based on complete trust in parents. Of great importance is the stage of explanation, when adults convey to the child why something can be done, but something cannot.

If adults are interested in how to develop conscience, then here the principle of action is slightly different. First you need to think and analyze which decisions are good and which are bad. It is worth determining their cause and effect. To understand what conscience is and how to develop this quality in yourself, psychologists recommend doing at least one positive act every day, for which it is important to praise yourself.

Make a rule for yourself - before making a promise, think carefully about whether it will be possible to fulfill it. In order not to be tormented by guilt, it is important to keep this word. Experts advise learning to refuse people who offer to do something contrary to existing beliefs. Acting according to conscience does not mean doing everything only for others, forgetting about your own life principles and priorities. By acting in truth, one can count on obtaining a result that will satisfy all participants.

In our constantly changing world there are fundamental concepts, to lose which means to lose yourself ... One of these eternal and unchanging concepts is our conscience.

What kind of quality of the soul is this, deep, pure, eternal, called conscience? Wikipedia says that this concept denotes a person's ability to moral self-control; an inner voice that dictates to a person how to and what not to do. This spiritual quality helps to connect the mind and emotions together, and is expressed in the form of emotional experience.

What is conscience? The definition found in the official literature is somewhat dry for such a deep moral phenomenon, isn't it?

From the point of view of psychology

Many well-known psychologists in their works have repeatedly addressed the topic of morality. So, Eric Berne believed that there are three ego-states of a person:

  • Adult.
  • Parent.
  • Child.

The adult is responsible for logical thinking and reason; The child is for interest, research and entertainment, but the Parent ... The Parent is the voice of conscience, the moral principle of a person.

The psychologist believed that each of us has a superego, which contains conscientiousness and an ego-ideal. The first quality is developed through parenting and includes the capacity for guilt and self-criticism.

Some psychologists call the feeling of guilt innate in a person, some believe that morality is part of the mind, and someone considers it a derivative of the development of civilization.

So this is a fundamental concept, interesting and complex. This is a sense of moral responsibility for one's own behavior and everything that happens in the human world.

The meaning of the word "conscience", which various official sources offer us, is a boring thing. And how to clarify the definition of this abstract psychological term in simple terms?

It can be said that conscience is an inner voice that does not allow us to commit evil deeds, and if it happened, it cruelly reproaches us for this and prompts the thought of redemption. What is this voice? I think each of us has his own. For some people, this is the voice of their parents, "imprinted" in their consciousness in early childhood; for someone - the words of an idol who had a huge influence on them; for believers, it can be God ...

The version of a cheerful ten-year-old girl who recently read Pinocchio is very interesting. In her opinion, conscience is Jimmy's cricket, which you accidentally swallowed, so it got stuck in your head ... As you can see, there are many versions, there are even quite funny ones, but only the person himself can answer what morality and morality mean specifically for him. ..

Related concepts and phrases

Do not confuse remorse and shame. They have the following important differences:

  • Shame is a public phenomenon, while guilt is deeply personal.
  • Remorse of conscience appears as a result of developed moral responsibility, and shame is the result of the influence of society.
  • Guilt is a condemnation of one's act, and shame is a condemnation of one's personality.

The concept of remorse was considered in their works by Freud, Melanie Klein, and domestic psychologists Stefanenko and Enikolopov.

And what then is called "clear conscience"? According to psychologists, a feeling of a clear conscience arises when a person is confident in his complete and unconditional sinlessness. It is here that such a problem as the relativity of moral concepts appears. What is normal for one person may not let another sleep well at night. Indeed, morality is a more than complicated thing ...

And how is it - to live according to conscience, so that the soul is always pure? The answer is simple. You should try to follow the moral code recognized in the place where you live. Sounds cynical? Alas. As already mentioned, morality is a very relative thing ...

To live according to conscience means to observe the internal laws of honor, a code that is terrible to break, otherwise the moral support under your feet will disappear and you will fall into lawlessness and emptiness ...

Honor, conscience and faith each have their own. There is no universal recipe for how to live in good conscience or get rid of the pangs of guilt. Of course, for the most part, moral laws are enshrined in the current legislation, but, as a rule, the Constitution is too narrow and limited. And, unfortunately, it does not give an exhaustive answer on how to behave in one of those many morally difficult situations that life presents to each of us in abundance.

In this case, there is only one advice: listen to your heart and hope that it will help you make the right choice. Author: Irina Shumilova

To live in conscience, in harmony with nature - you can often hear such a recommendation, and in general, everything seems to be very clear here. But if you try to figure out what exactly this means, then many questions arise. Let's assume that everything is more or less clear with the recommendations "to live in harmony with nature", although here, too, there are sometimes various misunderstandings that sometimes do not fit in the head.

For example, a person may claim that he does not eat meat, but in fact it turns out that, in his understanding, fish, seafood, and sometimes even chicken, do not belong to meat. They seem to grow on a tree. Therefore, in the matter of life "in harmony with nature" - there are also many misunderstandings. However, in general, everything is clear here - do not harm living beings. The concept of "harm" is also a relative concept, and everyone puts something of their own into it, but we will not delve into it.

Much more interesting is the question of what is conscience? And what does it mean to “live according to conscience”? Remember how in childhood? You would commit some impartial act, and your parents would immediately ask a rhetorical question in such a stern voice: “Do you have a conscience?” And you stand and do not know what to answer. You intuitively feel that you can’t answer “No”, but it’s also stupid to say “Yes”, because at that age you don’t really know whether you have this conscience or not. And in general, what kind of animal is this - conscience? Here you stand, silent, bored ... And the angry parent continues to pour rhetorical questions, tells you something like: “Am I talking to the wall?” This is where you don't feel right at all. And it’s not up to the question whether you have a conscience - it would be to get out of such a mess and get off with a couple of hours in one of the corners of your home.

However, the years go by. The understanding of good and evil is changing. And sooner or later we begin to understand at some deep level what conscience is. No, we, perhaps, will read it in the dictionary, and the teacher at school will tell us something about conscience, but it's not that, it's all, as they say, from the mind. And the understanding of conscience must come from the soul, from the heart. And it is at some deep level that we begin to distinguish between what it means to "live according to conscience" and what it means - on the contrary. This true feeling, this true knowledge is in each of us. You will not read about it in books, this understanding either exists or is hidden under a layer of our obscurations and delusions.

The first time conscience manifests itself in deep childhood, we certainly do not know that this is what it is - conscience. But we are starting to feel it. This is the feeling when, for example, after kicking a harmless and defenseless kitten, we then feel bad in our souls all day long. And at night we can't sleep. We do not yet understand what is happening to us, but it is important that this is happening.

Years go by... And each of us goes our own way. Someone in himself crushes this conscience. He kicks her like a stray dog ​​every time she tries to bark or bite us at the moment when we commit an unworthy act. And someone, on the contrary, cultivates this conscience in himself, begins to listen to it, begins to synchronize his whole life with her voice. And such a conscience becomes the natural state of a person, his natural understanding of what is good and what is bad.

This is not the understanding that is sometimes gleaned from some smart books. A “bookish” understanding of conscience often becomes just a dogma, and such a person is, as they say, “one size fits all” ... Such a person instead of conscience has some bookish-religious formula that divides this world into black and white. And everything that does not look like black is white, and everything that does not look like white is black. But this world is diverse, and there are many shades in it. Therefore, such a position in relation to him is fundamentally wrong. This is what is important to understand.

The meaning of the word "conscience"

You can talk for a long time about what conscience is not. But what does this word - conscience mean? What is conscience? What is its definition? What is the origin of the word "conscience"? In the word itself - the key to unraveling this mysterious phenomenon, which can neither be seen, nor touched, nor studied from the point of view of science.

The word "conscience" consists of two words: "with" and "news". It means "common message". And the question arises: joint with whom? There can be many versions, but as one of the options - joint with the Universe, with all living beings in it. And the word "message" can be interpreted as "knowledge". Thus, the word "conscience" means "sharing knowledge with the universe."

Knowledge about what? Yes, everything is about the same - about good and evil, about moral behavior, about the world order - the list can be continued endlessly, but all these are just verbal formulas, mental concepts, philosophy. And conscience, as has already been said, is not a bookish formula, but a true unchanging quality of the human soul.

Sometimes they say about a person: "No shame, no conscience." And you can meet an even more interesting option, when a person is even proud of it. At one time there were very fashionable T-shirts with the inscription “No shame, no conscience. Nothing extra". One would like to add - "no brains." In fact, in modern society, conscience has long become a ballast for the majority. Because it contradicts those generally accepted concepts that are actively implanted in modern society. For example, will conscience be an assistant on the way to a person who has adopted the life paradigm “take everything from life” or was inspired by the slogan “go over their heads”? The question is rhetorical.

To follow such ideas, the conscience must be crushed in early childhood. And, unfortunately, this is the way most people go today. What result will they get? It's easy to guess. As a rule, approaching old age, such people either "see the light", but often it is too late, or even worse - even in old age they do not accumulate any life wisdom. Such people become grumpy old people who hate everyone and everything and blame the world around them for their problems. And the problem is that initially a dead-end path of development was chosen - "no shame, no conscience."

Proverbs about conscience

Our ancestors knew how important conscience is in our life and reflected this knowledge in very eloquent proverbs:

  • Conscience without teeth, but will bite.
  • For conscience and honor - at least take your head off.
  • In whom there is shame, in that there is conscience.
  • Conscience is the eye of the people.
  • He has shame - like a hair on a stone.
  • If you lose money, you can earn. And if you lose your conscience, you will know trouble.
  • The dress is black, but the conscience is white.
  • You hide it from a person, but you cannot hide it from conscience.
  • Conscience is not a story: you can’t hand it over to the archive.
  • Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person.
  • If you lose your conscience, you won't buy another one.
  • Conscience does not let me sleep.
  • Shame under the heel, and conscience under the sole.
  • A good conscience is hateful to an evil one.
  • When the conscience was handed out, he was not at home.
  • An evil conscience is worth an executioner

Is conscience necessary in the modern world?

As mentioned above, in modern society, people are imposed with such tendencies and motivations that are simply vitally incompatible with conscience. Therefore, a person’s choice, frankly, is not great - either discard such a “ballast” as conscience and “take everything from life”, as he is advised from all possible screens, or choose the path of the “white crow” and, preserving his conscience, donate reputation as an “adequate” and “normal” person. What choice to make - everyone decides for himself. Everyone sets their own priorities and, which is equally important to understand, everyone gets exactly the result that they deserve in the end.

If a person lives according to his conscience, he creates reasons for doing the same with him. This is what the golden rule of morality says: "Do to others as you would like to be treated to you." Because this is how everything works in this world - everything that we broadcast to the world - exactly the same amount we receive in return.

Therefore, to cultivate a conscience in oneself or to crush it in oneself is the choice of each person. But it is important to understand the consequences of this choice. Nobody wants suffering. Nobody wants to be miserable, sick, despised. But people by their behavior create causes for their own suffering. How to avoid it?

There is only one way - from early childhood to cultivate a conscience. But this does not mean that if this is not done from childhood, then nothing can be corrected. It's never too late to do good deeds. Therefore, at any time you can change the vector of your development. The main thing is to have a sincere desire. And if this desire exists, it is important to awaken this very conscience in the depths of your soul.

Try to remember those first childhood experiences when you did something bad. Remember how you were afraid to upset your mother with bad deeds or how you were ashamed when you rudely answered someone or treated someone unfairly.

Conscience is the natural state of every person, and in childhood it manifests itself in everyone without exception. And only then society begins to polish us, and if we show weakness and adapt to the generally accepted destructive tendencies, our conscience begins to speak out less and less. But we ourselves crushed it in ourselves. And the task of each person is to awaken this conscience in himself again.

Why does conscience preserve and protect universal human values? In fact, conscience is a guarantee of a harmonious life in this world. All good deeds and all worthy deeds are performed by those people who have cultivated a conscience in themselves. And all immoral deeds, all evil is committed on earth by those who have suppressed this conscience, the natural state of a person.

Conscience is, in fact, the only thing that leads a person to perfection. This is the only thing that allows him to retain his human nature. The only thing that distinguishes him from an animal. Therefore, cultivating conscience in oneself is the only way worthy of the title of Human. And the lack of conscience inevitably leads to degradation. Because if a person does not have a deep understanding of what is good and what is bad, then he will inevitably indulge his animal instincts, which, in fact, are very strong in us, and only conscience allows us to control them. And if there is no conscience, then there are no “brakes”. What happens to a car without brakes? Think for yourself.

Often, when committing not quite worthy deeds, a person feels negative emotions inside. There is a certain discomfort, sometimes quite strong, which does not allow you to continue to calmly exist. This feeling is called conscience. This internal controller gnaws after negative actions, words or thoughts and brings satisfaction with the opposite behavior. Although almost everyone knows about its existence, few people can tell with certainty what conscience is, where it comes from and why it evokes certain emotions and sensations. This should be dealt with in order.

What is conscience: a popular definition

There are many interpretations of the nature of this phenomenon, explanations of what it is. A significant number of them are associated with various religious movements, where usually the specified term is understood as a certain feeling of guilt before higher powers (God) for violating the commandments given by them. Often an explanation is given about the "light of truth" that prevents doing bad things. The popular definition that such a sense of conscience, not associated with religion, implies in this case certain personality traits. Every mentally healthy and fully developed person develops an internal self-regulatory mechanism that helps to formulate standards of morality for the subsequent measurement of everything said and done, evaluation of words and deeds according to their own scale of worthy / unworthy.

What is shame and conscience: inborn or acquired

Those who are trying to define this inner “cop” break spears mainly as to whether such a feeling is given a priori from birth or develops already in the course of growing up, based on social influences experienced by a person, moral attitudes inspired by him, accepted in a particular family, or society as such. While such a question remains open, due to the lack of evidence from both sides. They agree on one thing: conscience is an internal framework formed by the person himself based on the moral principles adopted by him. Violation of such boundaries causes discomfort of varying intensity, and preservation, especially in a situation of difficult moral choice, improves self-esteem. The personality realizes that it has retained its identity, has not allowed circumstances to trample it.

How to explain to a child what conscience is

Parents of a growing baby and teachers who have to deal with him in educational institutions face a similar need. Explanations should be given taking into account the degree of understanding of a particular crumb, its age characteristics. When communicating with preschoolers, it is worth using specifics, giving examples available to them. One of the options: conscience is when parents forbid taking off their hats in the cold, and the child realizes that disobeying elders is bad. Therefore, when he takes off his hat, thereby violating his mother's and father's ban, he knows very well that he is doing bad things, which is why his soul hurts. It is necessary to let the baby understand: this feeling is a helper, because it prevents you from misbehaving, and you need to listen to it.

What is "conscience gnaws"

Under this expression lies the very gamut of feelings that is provoked by an act that does not correspond to the moral principles of the person himself. Its manifestations are associated with a sharp decrease in self-esteem. This appears due to the realization of the betrayal of oneself, one's own inner convictions. Usually the strength of such mental anguish is proportional to the severity of the offense. The scatter is great - from light "tingling" to real fire, which brings pain, prevents you from fully living on, especially if there is no possibility of correcting what you have done. Many people who turned into traitors or committed other heinous acts, often because of the inability to endure internal torment, dared to commit suicide.

What is remorse: a turn in a constructive direction

It should not be assumed that the understanding of what a person's conscience is, and its very action, are destructive. Here much depends on the angle from which such moral problems are considered. Attempts to fight the manifestations of conscience, to drown it out by influencing the body with psychotropic compounds, alcoholic libations, give only a temporary illusion of calm. Misdemeanors do not go away - a person only briefly runs away from them, so that later, as he sobers up, he will feel a range of even more intensified negative emotions. It is undesirable to perceive this feeling as an enemy. A wise person will turn its manifestations to the benefit of self-development. It makes sense to use the tips of your spiritual moral regulator to prevent unwanted actions, to avoid behavior that can destroy life. Such an approach will bring personal happiness, career growth, due to the respect of others around.