Basic research. Scientific and pedagogical practice Changes during practice


I, Poznyak Elena Nikolaevna, had a pedagogical practice in secondary school No. 8 in Mozyr in the period from 09/05/2010 to 10/24/2010.

Pedagogical practice began with an orientation conference at the university. We were explained the goals and objectives of the practice. On the same day, a conversation took place with the group leader, at which we were told the main direction of the pedagogical activity of student interns: mastering the methods of conducting lessons, the ability to intensify the activity of students at school hours.

9 "A" class was attached to me, in which there were 27 students. In this class, I had an internship as a subject teacher.

The class teacher of this class is Daineko Elena Vladimirovna. She introduced me to the plan of educational work in the 9th "A" class.

The main goal that was set at the beginning of the practice is to develop professional and pedagogical skills and abilities.

In the first week, I attended physical education lessons with a subject teacher Senko I.G. in order to study the methods of conducting lessons, get acquainted with the types, goals and objectives of lessons, the structure of the lesson, monitor the organization of discipline and maintain the attention of students, study methods and techniques for explaining new material, organizing students' independent work. Attending classes helped me in preparing and conducting my lessons, writing notes.

I also visited the lessons of history, mathematics, history, the Belarusian language, etc. in the 9th "A" class in order to get acquainted with the students of this class and the student on whom the psychological characteristic was written.

In accordance with the individual plan, I conducted 13 lessons, 11 of which were credits.

In the process of conducting training sessions, I acquired professional pedagogical skills and abilities, including the ability, based on the curriculum and textbook, to specify the content of upcoming training sessions and determine the learning, developmental and educational goals of the lesson, the ability to determine the type and structure of the lesson, the ability to prepare for classes, the necessary visual aids and technical teaching aids, the ability to draw up a plan-outline of the lesson and other types of training sessions, the ability and skills to use various methods of establishing order and discipline of students at the beginning of the lesson, the ability to give work on the material covered a repetitive-educational character, the ability use oral, written and practical exercises to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and many others.

I also visited the lessons conducted by student interns in order to monitor the organization of discipline and maintain the attention of students in the process of presenting new material, the organization of students' comprehension and memorization of new knowledge in the lesson, the organization of students' work with a textbook when consolidating new material, the ability of interns to raise problematic questions in the learning process, for the ability to use additional material as a method of activating the cognitive activity of students, etc. This allowed me to compare the methodology of conducting my lessons with the lessons of my comrades.

I have a very good relationship with my students.

Throughout my internship, I taught the class how to write a psychological profile.

Thus, during the teaching practice at school, I did all the necessary educational work. Pedagogical practice had a positive impact on the development of my professional personal properties and qualities. I learned how to meaningfully apply psychological and pedagogical theory in the real conditions of school education and upbringing. Experience was gained in the preparation and phased development of training sessions, skills in determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, as well as in the correct selection of the necessary teaching and visual aids.

I consider my main achievement and success in the course of practice to be the acquisition of pedagogical confidence and meaningfulness of my actions during the lesson, which I definitely lacked at the initial and trial-training stages of practice. I believe that pedagogical practice of this kind is quite effective, it helps to master pedagogical skill in general; such pedagogical practice should continue to be used to train future subject teachers in the future.

After passing the pedagogical practice, I noticed a lot of interesting things for myself. The first is that my attitude towards the teaching profession has changed in a positive direction. Second, despite the fact that I did not imagine myself as a teacher, now I understand that I have a lot of inclinations for this.

Federal Agency for Education





Report on teaching practice

5th year student gr. 522

Faculty of Geography

Gusev Alexander Mikhailovich,

passed pedagogical practice in secondary school No. 1 in Saratov

Practice leader

from faculty ________________ T.D. Krysanova

Practice teacher ________________ G.G. Medvedev

Team leader

students ________________ L.Yu. Gorshkov

Saratov 2010


A student majoring in Geography, when mastering an educational and professional program of a pedagogical profile, must undergo pedagogical practice. The practice was completed from August 29 to November 3, 2010 in one of the schools in Saratov - MOU secondary school No. 1.

The objectives of the practice were:

    consolidation of the acquired knowledge in already completed disciplines related to teaching;

    Gaining experience working with children under the guidance of a teacher in a school.

In the process of practice, the following tasks are solved:

Consolidation and deepening of methodological knowledge, their application;

Formation and development of professional skills and abilities;

Development of professional personal properties and qualities (the ability to show restraint; tact; humane attitude; culture of communication, etc.);

Raising a sustainable interest, love for the profession and the need for self-education;

Development of a creative and research approach to professional activities;

Acquaintance with modern professional experience.

The scientific supervisor of the practice from the educational institution was the teacher of geography G.G. Medvedev.

  1. Academic work

During the course of teaching practice, I conducted 10 lessons, 2 of which were in the extra-basic 10 "B" class.

The training was conducted according to the textbook by V.A. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev. Geography of continents and oceans. 7 cells - M., Bustard, 2005. - 318.

Lessons were held in grade 7 "B" on the following topics:


    Generalization on the topic "Lithosphere" The role of the atmosphere in the life of the Earth. Climate maps

    climate-forming factors

    Climates of the Earth

    Generalization on the topic "Atmosphere"

    Waters of the World Ocean

    Scheme of surface currents

Lessons were held in 10 "B" class on the following topics:

    State system of countries

    Political geography

During the lessons, I prepared two tests on the topics covered. At the first control, the students were given the material of the control work, printed on separate sheets. The students had to answer the questions and sign the drawing. On the second control, students wrote on separate sheets according to the options. Works are designed for the whole lesson. For students who finished earlier, an additional task was provided.

Difficulties arose during the preparation of the abstracts, in particular, the topics in the text of the textbook were not fully disclosed. In order to minimize this shortcoming, it was necessary to resort to the use of other sources of information. The most valuable source in terms of obtaining new data on a particular topic was the Internet and the children's encyclopedia of the Avanta + series.

The teacher of geography, Medvedeva Galina Gennadievna, was of great help in planning and organizing the lessons. A few words about the geography classroom. The office is generally bright and clean. There is an old wooden board in the classroom, there is also a computer and a projector. In general, the class is adapted to teaching geography lessons.

The style of communication with students was based on an active method of interaction with students and was very democratic. All lessons were fairly calm.

When studying new material, I asked the students leading questions, as if getting them interested in the topic of the lesson. In addition, for a better perception of information by students, I used a wide range of teaching methods: explanations, conversation, illustrative presentations and encyclopedias.

I think the students showed interest in my lessons. This was achieved through the use of various teaching aids, including presentations.

  1. Educational work

The implementation of educational tasks is impossible without educational work. The purpose of this work at school is to create conditions conducive to the development of intellectual, creative, personal qualities of students, their socialization and adaptation in society. During the internship, I studied the experience of various teachers of the base class in educating students in the learning process.

Particular attention was paid to the ongoing educational work of teachers of the Russian language, algebra and, of course, geography. Based on their experience, the basics of organizing the learning process in the classroom, the implementation of a student-centered approach to students, the problems of education in the younger generation, as well as the assimilation of moral norms in society (such as respect for a person, problems of communication in a team, etc.) ).

A lot of useful information about the students was given by the class teacher, Galina Gennadievna Medvedeva. Thanks to this information, a certain idea about the entrusted class was made. This subsequently made it possible to quickly “find a common language” with the class, to try to more deeply apply a student-centered approach to each student.

The problems that arose during the practice were mainly related to the unruly behavior of the students during the lessons. In my opinion, this was due to my lack of experience in team management, as well as my poor ability to manage in general. However, cases of student misbehavior in my classes were quite rare, since most of the class showed interest in the subject.

Based on the results of the practice, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of an individual student and the class as a whole were compiled. The class teacher was of great help in compiling the characteristics.

As part of the educational work, assistance was provided in organizing the planned evacuation of students from the school building. A conversation was held with students about their awareness of fire safety.


After completing an internship at secondary school No. 1, I gained experience in teaching in a general education institution. This was facilitated by the choice of an educational institution and the knowledge gained at the University.

To date, secondary school No. 1 is 34 teachers, among them: 78% have the first and highest qualification category; 6 teachers were awarded the badge "Excellent worker of public education", "Honorary worker of education"; 1 - Honored teacher of the Russian Federation, 1 - the teacher was awarded the badge of the Governor of the region "Hope of the Gubernia", 1 - was placed on the regional Gallery of Honor. 3 - the winner of the Best Teachers competition for financial incentives within the framework of the national project "Education".

The school holds a regional scientific and practical conference "Step to Success" for students in grades 5-8 and a school conference for grades 1-11. Museum room "Falcon Mountain" has repeatedly become the winner of city competitions. The school has a children's public organization "Commonwealth" (grades 5-11) and "Bee" (grades 2-4).

A network of additional education has been developed: children's musical theater "Rainbow"; VIA "Helios"; children's music and art studio "Smile"; dance group "Edelweiss"; art studio "Harmony"; the literary club "Test of the pen", which publishes the children's literary newspaper "Sokolova Gora". At the beginning of the 2009/2010 academic year - 400 students, 18 class sets.

In secondary school No. 1, along with new young specialists, highly qualified teachers with many years of experience teach. This helps young teachers improve their skills, at the same time, experienced teachers are pleased to see their graduates, who have now become their colleagues, within the walls of the school. They provided invaluable assistance in the internship.

It cannot be said that the school is equipped with all innovative technologies, but this is not an obstacle to learning .. In addition, the school has an access control, while it is impossible for unauthorized people to enter the building, as well as to release children without the permission of teachers or parents. There is video surveillance at the entrance to the school.

The necessary conditions were organized for the passage of pedagogical practice. A slight inconvenience was caused by the periodic change of the schedule in September.

There were no particular problems during the internship. The main reason for the difficulties was the lack of proper experience in the areas of teaching geography, as well as psychology and pedagogy. Achieving great results should be facilitated by further improvement of knowledge and skills in major areas.

List of sources used

    Geography of continents and oceans. 7 cells V.A. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev. - M., Bustard, 2005. - 318

    Pourochnye developments in geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries. 7th grade ON THE. Nikitin. - M., Wako, 2006. - 288

    Economic and social geography of the world. 10 cells V.P. Maksakovskiy. - M., Enlightenment, 2005. - 350

    Encyclopedia for children. Geology. M.D. Aksenova. - M., Avanta +, 2002. - 688

    Encyclopedia for children. Countries, peoples, civilizations. M.D. Aksenova. - M., Avanta +, 2000. - 704

    Geographic encyclopedic dictionary. M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1988. - 241


Application No. 1. Self-analysis of a lesson in physical geography

Subject: Geography of continents and oceans

Lesson topic: climate-forming factors

FULL NAME. teachers: Gusev Alexander Mikhailovich

Number of students on the list: 25 people

Class: 7 "B"

Present: 24 people

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

    To continue the formation of ideas and knowledge about the atmosphere and climate of the Earth.

    To introduce students to the main types of air masses and constant winds.

    To form an idea of ​​the relationship between the directions of the prevailing winds and atmospheric pressure belts.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson analysis:

The material of the lesson meets the requirements of the program, and the explanation of the material is aimed at achieving the goal. The material for this lesson was taken from a geography textbook: Geography of Continents and Oceans. 7 cells V.A. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev. - M., Bustard, 2005. And from the brochure “Lesson developments in geography. Continents, oceans, peoples and countries”, author N.A. Nikitina 7th grade. - M., VAKO, 2006. (To help the school teacher). Lesson type - combined. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher greeted the students and set goals and objectives for the upcoming lesson, which took about 3 minutes. The subject and number were written on the blackboard. Thus, the students were aware of what they would do in the lesson. Checking homework was in the form of an oral individual survey and took 8 minutes. A total of 4 students were interviewed, the answers were not complete for everyone and some required the help of a teacher. The choice of students was due to their lack of grades, as well as some indifference to the subject being studied. The time spent, in my opinion, turned out to be optimal: there was enough time left to explain the new material. Then came the explanation of the new material - 25 minutes. The remaining 5-8 minutes were devoted to consolidating the acquired knowledge, summing up the lesson and grading.

    Methodological component of the lesson:

The following teaching methods were used in the lesson: storytelling, elements of conversation, work with cartographic and schematic material.

    The activity of the teacher.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher set the goals and objectives of the upcoming lesson. Thus, the students were aware of what they would do in the lesson. Then a survey of students was conducted on the topic “The role of the atmosphere in the life of the Earth. Climate maps”, followed by an explanation of the new material. The teacher's story was combined with communication with the class. The teacher directed the students' thoughts in the right direction, continuing the explanation of the new topic.

    Student activities.

Almost all students in the lesson were attentive (with only a few exceptions), showed interest in the topic being studied, and actively participated in the conversation. The quality of the answers was at a fairly high level (but sometimes the teacher's help was required), the preparation of homework by the students was visible, in general, the students showed good residual knowledge from the 6th grade course and the topic covered earlier.


The set goals and objectives of the lesson were implemented, the students were given the necessary information on the topic "Climate-forming factors".

Application number 2. Analysis of the lesson in physical geography

Subject: Geography of continents and oceans

Lesson topic: How did people discover the world

FULL NAME. teachers: Medvedeva Galina Gennadievna

Number of students on the list: 25 people

Class: 7 "B"

Present: 25 people

Goals and objectives of the lesson: to acquaint students with the history of geographical discoveries.

Lesson type: Lecture

The teacher clearly formulated the topic of the lesson. The date and topic are written on the board. The preparation of the class took 5 minutes.

The study of new material was based on a lecture prepared by the teacher on the chosen topic. The lecture was 30 minutes. In the process of lecturing, there were no special problems both with the discipline and with the material being studied.

The teacher accurately formulated in advance those aspects of the material that students should master. Before the lesson, emphasis was placed on the fact that after the lesson, notebooks would be selectively collected and grades for the work in the lesson given.

Due to the correct details, the students' attention to the new topic was not lost. At the end of the lesson, homework was given orally, which took 5 minutes.


  • Social and cultural activities (2)

    Textbook >> Sociology

    ... on formula "the consumer received a leisure service, and my ... schools and studios schools arts, sports schools ... on scale of gaming activity. As evidenced by pedagogical practice... , Kemerovo, Saratov, Stavropol, Perm... personal reports. ...


    On the passage of production (pedagogical) practice

    Master of the 1st course in the direction

    "44.04.01 - Pedagogical education"

    Master Program

    "Education in the field of life safety"

    Full name of the undergraduate

    Ibaeva Tatyana Gubatullinovna

    Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gafner Vasily Viktorovich

    Yekaterinburg, 2018


    Production (pedagogical) practice

    undergraduate __1__ course in the direction of OPOP 44.04.01 - Pedagogical education. Education in the field of life safety.

    (Full Name)

    Place of internship: Ural State Pedagogical University. Faculty of life safety.

    Practice dates: 15.01.2018 – 25.03.2018;

    21.05.2018 – 03.06.2018

    Practice leader: Head of the Department of Life Safety, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety

    Gafner Vasily Viktorovich

    (position, academic degree, academic title, last name, first name, patronymic)

    Master's individual work plan

    ________Ibaeva Tatyana Gubatullinovna ____

    (Full Name)

    the date Activity content Reporting Form Completion mark Manager's signature
    15.01 Kick-off conference: familiarization with the tasks and content of the practice, organizational issues Participation in the conference
    17.01-17.02 The presence of teachers in the classroom essay
    18.02-25.03 Conducting classes Lesson notes
    18.02-25.03 Carrying out control and diagnostic measures Analytical report
    18.02-25.03 Analysis of the environment of an educational institution Analytical report
    21.05-03.06 Preparing of report Compiling a practice report

    Master's student ______________________ Full name Ibaeva T.G.

    Report on the passage of industrial (pedagogical) practice

    ________________Ibaeva Tatyana Gubatullinovna ______________

    (Full Name)

    Dates and place of internship:from 15.01-25.03. 2018 _and from 21.05-03.06.2018 Ural State Pedagogical University Faculty of Life Safety.

    Types of work performed during the internship: during the period of industrial (pedagogical) practice, she got acquainted with the organizational structure and main areas of activity of the university, attended classes of teachers, developed notes of classes and carried out in practice, where modern methods and technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process were used (case technologies, training technologies); in addition, a training and technological map, an individual educational route, etc. were developed.

    Personal and professional changes that have occurred during the practice (personal and professional growth, expansion of life experience, increased motivation for educational activities, formation of an idea of ​​a future profession, etc.): there was a development of professional competence as a teacher, personal-humanistic orientation, a systematic vision of pedagogical reality, mastery of pedagogical technologies and the ability to integrate with pedagogical experience, and the expansion of life experience.

    Professional knowledge and skills gained during the practice: repeated and consolidated theoretical knowledge, expanded and improved the basic professional and pedagogical skills and abilities; remembered the basics of mastering pedagogical technologies and pedagogical equipment; learned modern methods of monitoring in the process of pedagogical activity; showed creative thinking, individual style of professional activity, research approach to it; there was a need for pedagogical self-education, self-improvement.

    Difficulties encountered during the practice:

    organizational:practice at the university takes a lot of time from a permanent place of work, the employer is reluctant to meet

    meaningful: there were difficulties in teaching in a student environment, since before that it was focused on schoolchildren. Schoolchildren have a lesson of 40 minutes, students have 1.5 hours, this is significant in terms of the load on the teacher, in addition, the manner of presentation for a schoolchild and for a student is different, students “grasp” the material faster, quickly write down and it takes them less time than student, it was difficult to correctly allocate the time of the lesson.



    Assessment of own prospects for professional development: thanks to my purposefulness, unwillingness to stop there, active life position, communication skills, I strive to put into practice my ideas and plans, constantly improve my own educational level, my pedagogical skills, and implement a student-oriented approach to each student. Mastering new educational technologies, forms and methods of teaching, gives me a good prospect of applying them in my professional activities and further professional growth.