Molecular level 9 cell test. "molecular level of organization"


Option I

1. Which of the named chemical compounds is not a biopolymer?

a) Protein;

b) glucose;

c) deoxyribonucleic acid;

d) cellulose.

2. Changeable parts of an amino acid are:

a) an amino group and a carboxyl group;

b) a radical;

c) carboxyl group;

d) a radical and a carboxyl group.

3. In the process of biochemical reactions, enzymes:

a) they speed up reactions, while they themselves do not change;

b) accelerate reactions and change as a result of the reaction;

c) slow down reactions without changing;

d) slow down reactions by changing.

4. Monomers of DNA and RNA are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) deoxyribose and ribose;

c) nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. The secondary structure of the protein is maintained:

a) peptide bonds;

b) hydrogen bonds;

c) disulfide bonds;

d) bonds between acid radicals;

d) all the listed types of communication.

6. Polymers include:

a) starch, protein, cellulose;

b) protein, glycogen, fat;

c) cellulose, sucrose, starch;

d) ribose, protein, fat.

7. Molecules are built from amino acid residues:

a) carbohydrates;

b) proteins;

c) lipids;

d) fat.

8. Monosaccharides include:

a) lactose, glucose;

b) deoxyribose, sucrose;

c) glucose, fructose;

d) glycogen, maltose.

9. What is the function of ribosomal RNA?

a) Forms ribosomes;

c) amino acid transfer to ribosomes;

10. The connection of two strands of DNA into a helix is ​​carried out by bonds:

a) ionic;

b) hydrogen;

c) hydrophobic;

d) electrostatic.

11. The protein coat in which the virus genome is enclosed is called

A) virion

B) capsule

B) viroid

D) capsid

12. Viruses multiply

a) only in the host cell

b) independently, outside the host cells

c) both options are correct

Task : a fragment of one of the DNA chains has the following structure: AAG-HCT-ACG-TSH. Build i-RNA on it.

Option II

1. Which of the substances dissolves well in water?

a) fiber;

b) protein;

c) glucose;

d) lipids.

2. Protein molecules differ from each other:

a) the sequence of alternation of amino acids;

b) the number of amino acids in the molecule;

c) the form of the tertiary structure;

d) all of the above features.

3. In which case is the composition of the DNA nucleotide correctly indicated:

a) ribose, phosphoric acid residue, thymine;

b) phosphoric acid, uracil, deoxyribose;

c) phosphoric acid residue, deoxyribose, adenine;

d) phosphoric acid, ribose, guanine.

4. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

a) nitrogenous bases;

b) ribose or deoxyribose;

c) deoxyribose and phosphate groups;

d) nucleotides.

5. Amino acids in a protein molecule are connected by:

a) ionic bond;

b) peptide bond;

c) hydrogen bond;

d) bonds between acid radicals.

6. What is the function of transfer RNA?

a) Transfer of amino acids to ribosomes;

b) removal and transfer of information from DNA;

c) forms ribosomes;

d) all of the above functions.

7. Enzymes are biocatalysts consisting of:

a) from proteins;

b) lipids;

c) nucleotides;

d) fat.

8. Polysaccharides include:

a) starch, ribose;

b) glycogen, glucose;

c) cellulose, starch;

d) starch, sucrose.

9. Carbon as an element is included in:

a) proteins and carbohydrates;

b) carbohydrates and lipids;

c) carbohydrates and nucleic acids;

d) all organic compounds of the cell.

10. The cell contains DNA:

a) in the nucleus and mitochondria:

b) nucleus, cytoplasm and various organelles;

c) nucleus, mitochondria and cytoplasm;

d) nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.

11. Viruses are ...

a) non-cellular form of life

b) the oldest eukaryotes

c) primitive bacteria

12. Viruses are made up of

a) proteins and nucleic acids

b) cellulose and proteins

c) DNA and RNA

d) nuclei and cytoplasm

Task : i-RNA fragment has the following structure: GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. Identify tRNA anticodons. Also write down the fragment of the DNA molecule on which this mRNA was synthesized.


Option I: 1 – b, 2 – b, 3 – a, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – b, 8 – c, 9 – a, 10 – b, 11-d, 12-a.

Decision: according to the rule of complementarity, we determine the mRNA fragment and break it into triplets: UUC-CGA-UHC-AAC.

Option II: 1 – c, 2 – d, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – b, 6 – a, 7 – a, 8 – c, 9 – d, 10 – d, 11-a, 12-c.

Decision : we break the i-RNA into triplets GAU-GAG-UAC-UUC-AAA. This fragment contains 5 triplets, so 5 t-RNA will participate in the synthesis. Their anticodons are determined according to the rule of complementarity: CUA-CUC-AUG-AAG-UUU. Also, according to the rule of complementarity, we determine the DNA fragment (by i-RNA !!!): TSTATSTSATGAAGTTT.

Molecular level 1 option

1. What is the name of an organic substance whose molecules contain C, O, H atoms, which perform an energy and building function?

A- nucleic acid B-protein B- carbohydrate G-ATP

2. What carbohydrates are polymers?

A-monosaccharides B-disaccharides C-polysaccharides

3. The group of monosaccharides includes:

A-glucose B-sucrose C-cellulose

4. nucleic acid monomers are:

A-amino acids B-fats C-nucleotides D-glucose

5. a substance necessary for all chemical reactions in a cell, playing the role of a solvent for most substances, is ...

A- polynucleotide B- polypeptide C- water D-polysaccharide

6. Fats perform a function in the cell:

A - transport B - energy

B - catalytic G- informational

7. What compounds in relation to water are lipids?

A- hydrophilic B- hydrophobic

8. What is the importance of animal fats?

A-structure of membranes B-thermoregulation

B- source of energy D- source of water E- all of the above

9. Protein monomers are:

A-nucleotides B-amino acids C-glucose G-fats

10. what is the name of the reversible process of disruption of the structure of one of the most important organic compounds of the cell, which occurs under the influence of physical and chemical factors?

A-polymerization of glucose B-protein denaturation

B- DNA duplication D- fat oxidation

11. The amount of adenine in DNA is always equal to the amount of ...

A - thymine B -guanine C -cytosine D-uracil

12. What order will the nucleotides be in?second strand of DNA and in i-RNA , if the DNA chain has the following composition: TAC - GGT-ATA-GCG-CTT-AAG-CCT-CAT-ATC

chain of amino acids the primary structure of the encoded protein. write down anticodons

tRNA, encoding these amino acids.

Molecular level 2 option

Choose one correct answer

1. How many of the known amino acids are involved in protein synthesis?

A-20 B-100 V-23 G-150

2. The highest energy value (in terms of the amount of energy released from 1 g) has:

A) fat B) starch; B) protein; D) cellulose

3. What compounds are included in DNA?

A - nitrogenous base, deoxyribose, phosphoric acid residue

B-guanine, ribose, phosphoric acid residue.

B-ribose, glycerol and any amino acid

4. Monomers of nucleic acids are:

A-amino acids B-fats B-nucleotides D-glucose

5. What class of chemicals does ribose belong to?

A-protein B - carbohydrate C-lipid

6. What nucleotide is not part of the DNA molecule?

A- adenyl B-uridyl B-guanyl D-thymidyl

7. Which of the nucleic acids has the greatest length?


8. The nucleotide is complementary to the guanyl nucleotide:

A-thymidyl B-cytidyl B-adenyl G-uridyl

9. The process of doubling DNA molecules is called:

A-replication B-transcription

B-complementarity G-translation.

10. tRNA:

BUTHave an anticodonB.Carries nucleotides

C. Located in the cytoplasm D. The molecule consists of two chains

11. The amount of guanine in DNA is always equal to the amount of ...

A - thymine B -adenine C -cytosine G-uracil

12. According to the section of codogenic DNA


    Build complementary chain


    Using the genetic code table, make up chain of amino acids the primary structure of the encoded protein.

    write down tRNA anticodons, encoding these amino acids.

Test on the topic "Molecular level: proteins, fats, carbohydrates"

Option 1

A1. What class of chemicals does ribose belong to?

A-protein B-carbohydrate


A2. Through what chemical bond are amino acids connected to each other in a protein molecule of the primary structure?

A-disulfide B-hydrogen

B-peptide G-ion

A3. What part of the amino acid molecules distinguishes them from each other?

A-radical B-carboxyl group

B-amino group

A4. Protein monomers are:

A-nucleotides B-amino acids

B-glucose G-fats

A5. The most important organic substance, which is part of the cells of all kingdoms of wildlife, with a primary linear configuration, is:

A-to polysaccharides B-to lipids

B-to ATP G-to polypeptides

A6. How many of the known amino acids are involved in protein synthesis?

A-20 B-100


A7. What function do proteins not perform in a cell?

A-information B-catalytic

B-solvent G-storage

A8. Protein molecules that bind and neutralize substances foreign to a given cell perform a function ...

A-protective B-energy

B-catalytic G-transport

A9. What is the name of an organic substance whose molecules contain C, O, H atoms, which perform an energy and building function?

A-nucleic acid B-protein

B-carbohydrate G-ATP

A10. What carbohydrates are polymers?




A11. Necessary for all chemical reactions, the substance in the cell, which plays the role of a solvent for most substances, is ...





Option 2

Part A. Choose one correct answer

A1. The group of monosaccharides includes:




A2. Which carbohydrates are insoluble in water?

A-glucose, fructose B-starch

B-ribose, deoxyribose

A3. What polysaccharides are characteristic of a living cell?

A-cellulose B-glycogen, chitin


A4. Fat molecules are formed:

A-from glycerol, higher carboxylic acids B-from glucose

B-from amino acids, water

G-from ethyl alcohol, higher carboxylic acids

A5. Fats perform a function in the cell:

A-transport B-energy

B-catalytic G-information

A6. What compounds in relation to water are lipids?

A-hydrophilic B-hydrophobic

A7. What is the importance of animal fats?

A-structure of membranes B-thermoregulation

B-source of energy D-source of water E-all of the above

A8. Which vital compound contains iron?

A-chlorophyll B-DNA

B-hemoglobin G-RNA

A9. What is the average proportion of water in a cell?

A-80% B-1%


A10. Substances that are highly soluble in water are called:

A-hydrophilic B-amphiphilic


A11. At what level of life organization is there a similarity between the organic world and inanimate nature?

A-on fabric

B-on the molecular

B-on cellular

In-on atomic

Test work on the topic "Molecular level of life".

Option 1

Task 1 (only one correct answer).

1. The minimum level of life organization at which the ability to exchange substances, energy, information is manifested:

A. biospheric

B. cellular

B. molecular


2. What is the most common for all known levels of life organization?

A. elements that make up the system

B. the complexity of the structure of the system

B. patterns operating at each level

D. qualities possessed by this system

3. Which of the chemical elements is contained in cells in the smallest amount?

B. oxygen



4. The ability of a camel to tolerate thirst well is explained by the fact that fats:

A. retain water in the body

B. emit water during oxidation

B. create a heat-insulating layer that reduces evaporation

5. In what part of the digestive system does the breakdown of carbohydrates begin?

A. in the small intestine

B. in the stomach

B. in the duodenum

G. in the oral cavity

6. Changeable parts of an amino acid are:

A. carboxyl group

B. amino group and carboxyl group

B. radical

G. radical and carboxyl group

7. DNA and RNA monomers are:

A. nitrogenous bases

B. deoxyribose and ribose

B. nitrogenous bases and phosphate groups

D. nucleotides

8. Which of the RNA molecules is the longest?

9. The enzymatic function in the body is performed by:

A. carbohydrates

B. nucleic acids

B. amino acids

10. Which of the chemical elements is simultaneously part of the bone tissue and nucleic acids?

B. calcium

Task 2.

There are ____ types of nucleic acids in the cell - ____ and _____. These biopolymers are made up of ___________ called ____________. Each nucleotide is made up of ___ components.

The composition of DNA includes the following nitrogenous bases __________, __________, ___________,

The composition of RNA - __________, _________, ___________, __________.

2. Eliminate the superfluous concept.

A. glycine, valine, isoleucine, thymine, arginine.

B. starch, fructose, glycogen, cellulose, chitin.

3. If the DNA chain contains 18% of G nucleotides, then what should the amount of T nucleotide approximately equal?

Option 2.

Task 1 (only 1 correct answer).

1. Which of the levels is the highest level of life organization?

A. cellular

B. biogeocenotic


G. biospheric

2. Interspecies relations begin to appear:

A. at the organismal level

B. at the population-species level

B. at the biogeocenotic level

G. at the biospheric level

3. Which of the properties of water is due to its polarity?

A. thermal conductivity

B. ability to dissolve polar compounds

B. Ability to dissolve non-polar compounds

D. heat capacity

4. Food proteins are digested:

A. in an alkaline environment

B. in an acidic environment

B. in a slightly alkaline environment

G. in a neutral environment

5. Which of the chemical compounds is not a biopolymer?

A. cellulose


6. In which of the named substances do lipids dissolve?

D. hydrochloric acid

7. The primary structure of the protein is retained:

A. hydrophobic bonds

B. peptide bonds

B. hydrogen bonds

D. disulfide bonds

8. Enzymes are biological catalysts consisting of:

A. lipids

B. nucleotides

9. What function does t-RNA perform?

A. amino acid transfer to ribosomes

B. forms ribosomes

B. removal and transfer of information from DNA

D.All the features listed

10. The secondary structure of the protein is maintained:

A. peptide bonds

B. hydrogen bonds

B. disulfide bonds

G. bonds between acid radicals.

Task 2.

1. Fill in the gaps in the text:

Chemical compounds made up of ____________ are called polymers. Biopolymers include ___________, ____________ ____________, __________, ___________. The monomers of proteins are ____________, most carbohydrates __________, DNA and RNA ____________.

2. Eliminate the extra concept:

A.cytosine, thymine, glycine, adenine, guanine

B. glycine, chitin, valine, cysteine, alanine

3. If the DNA chain contains 31% of nucleotide A, then what should the amount of nucleotide C be approximately equal to?

Right answers:

Option 1 Option 2

Task 1. Task 1.

10 - b 10 - b

Task 2

1.Two. DNA and RNA. Monomers, nucleotides. 1. Monomers. proteins, nucleic acids,

3. Adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine. Adenine, fats, carbohydrates. amino acids, glucose,

uracil, guanine, cytosine. nucleotides.

2. A. thymine 2. A. glycine

B. fructose B. chitin