There is a vector. Vectors

Many readers who want to know what systems vector psychology is ask me: “How can you define your vectors? How not to get confused in the Vector Psychology system? Maybe there is some test for 8 vectors? However, it is not so easy to define your vectors.

There are no tests here and cannot be, and if they tell you the opposite and offer testing to determine vectors, do not believe it: they “determine” you there what you do not have and cannot have. And what's more, it won't tell you anything.

The names of vectors are just names if you do not put meaning into them. training in system-vector psychology .

Another example. “I am very sensitive to smells! I have an olfactory vector!” someone will say. But, nevertheless, a person whose vector is visual can also be sensitive to smells. If a guy changes girls like gloves, you can mistakenly call him a urethral chief. But a person with a skin vector often changes partners.

Do you feel like you're starting to get confused? Confusion exists in the minds of many beginners, and as a result, at some point there is a feeling that the system does not work: there are too many contradictions. I want to spit and say: I was fooled again.

System-vector psychology: how not to get confused?

Why is there confusion? Systemic vector psychology answers: because we are looking in the wrong direction . "Look at the root!" says an old proverb. When analyzing a particular person, you need to look, first of all, at the causes of behavior, at his lacks and desires, and not at how he behaves.

Of course, behavior and even appearance can also tell us a lot, but we cannot be guided by superficial signs alone. Only in the case when you see a person in volume, you can accurately determine who is in front of you.

The same behavior in different vectors has different causes . For example, says system-vector psychology, a person with an oral vector lies in order to be listened to. He needs other people's ears, and if you ignore his chatter, he begins to lie and lie so that you finally begin to listen to him! The spectator does not lie, but embellishes the events in order to impress you, to evoke certain emotions in you. Owners of the skin vector also lie, but only for the sake of profit.

That is why system-vector psychology can never be mastered through tests: those questions that involve tests are guided only by the external manifestations of a person or by self-deception.

Mistake #2. Stereotypes and anchors

The most difficult thing is to determine our own vectors and the vectors of close people, because in our entire life we ​​have already developed a certain stereotype about ourselves and our environment. When we listen to lectures on system-vector psychology, we unconsciously brush aside the bad, what we don’t like, and tear out the moments we like. It begins to seem to us that one vector is better, the other is worse. And, of course, we do not want to attribute ourselves to a “bad vector”.

System-vector psychology: who am I?

For example, it seems to many that people with a skin vector are hucksters, liars and cunning people. And of course we are not! Therefore, we firmly say: "No, I'm definitely not a skinner". Or, conversely, we say: “Well, what kind of an anal brake am I?” But we are in a hurry to try on the “liked” vectors for ourselves. It turns out that we are, at a minimum, urethral olfactory people: no more, no less. And anyway, the urethral-olfactory ligament is a passionary complex and such people are rarely born. For example, people from sound vector , who feel their exclusivity, may well admit that it is they who are the very passionaries.

Many of those who are interested in systems-vector psychology generally see all eight vectors in themselves and are very proud of it. And when you tell them that there is none of this, they are offended, they say that the system simply does not work, and in general everyone around is fools and deceivers.

Why are we wrong? Because we misperceive the system and its purpose. Answer the question: why do you need system-vector psychology? Why do you need to define vectors for yourself and others? To proudly call yourself a urethral leader, and sit on the throne of your conceit? To decompose everyone around you into vectors, give them a name, so to speak, replace one anchor with another and calm down?

After all, this system is not needed for this, but for serious work on yourself and your cockroaches. So that you can understand yourself and your problems, get to the bottom, look at the world differently, establish relationships with the people around us, realize your place in this world, in the end.

Today, with all the development in various fields of science and human activity, academic psychology, despite the huge number of psychologists, does not satisfy the demand for solving problems of a personal and social nature. A huge number of divorces, problems in the intimate sphere, the tragedy of teenage suicide ...

Understanding Systemic Vector Psychology does not come immediately. We constantly make mistakes, run into stakes, but this is normal: Mistakes are a natural process in the development of a particular knowledge. . A lot of time must pass, you need to work for a long time, and then one day everything will fall into place. You will stop clinging to some side issues, there will be no need to sort out each counter-transverse one on the shelves. In the end, vectors are just symbols, conventions behind which large layers of knowledge about a person are hidden.

Freud's personality structure

Everyone knows that Z. Freud studied psychology, the human psyche and personality development. He was founder of the psychoanalytic school. He formulated the psychological concept (the most famous), according to which the psyche, the personality of a person consists of three components, levels: "IT", "I", "SUPER-I". I will not write about this, because. there are many tutorials and information.

"IT" - the unconscious - is given to a person from birth, because includes instinctive, primitive forms of behavior.

"I" or consciousness. It is thanks to this level that we perceive, feel, remember, imagine, reason. Consciousness uses willpower, reason and ensures the safety and security of life.

"SUPER-I" - Superconsciousness is morality, a system of norms and values, ethical principles that were instilled in the process of education and self-education, in the course of socialization and adaptation in society. The super-ego is acquired, formed, and begins to manifest from the age of three, when the child learns to understand what the “I” is, as well as what is “good” and “bad”.

According to Freud's theory, the process of personality formation begins at birth and goes through four stages. Each of these stages is associated with a certain part of the body - one or another erogenous zone (mouth, nose, ear, eye, anus, urethra, skin, navel).

On the basis of this idea, academicians V. Ganzen and V. Tolkachev developed vector psychology. This is the doctrine of eight vectors in a person's character, called "applied system-vector psychoanalysis", the essence of which is that a person cannot exist alone.

In system-vector psychology, a vector is a set of human qualities that form its system of values, morality, character, and behavioral patterns. All vectors are innate and do not change during life. In this regard, each of these vectors sets a special scenario for a person's life, and by studying them, you can understand what kind of person and how to behave with him.

System-vector psychology (8 personality vectors)

There are 8 vectors, that is, 8 types of "orientation" of a person.The vector says what exactly a person likes, what kind of self-realization he is instinctively drawn to, what gives him pleasure. In order to realize his vector in society, a person performs a certain role in it. The name of the vector is identical to the human sensitive area. So, let's begin:

1. Muscular vector.

general characteristics
a) the color of the greatest comfort is black

b) the geometry of the greatest comfort - a rectangle, a brick;

c) place in the quartel - the inside of the quartel SPACE,introvert - even double introvert

d) type of thinking - practical, involuntary-autistic, visual-effective.

Key task:monotonous physical work for forward movement towards the goal. Species role: ordinary hunter or gatherer. Possible disadvantages: lack of motivation to improve work.

External signs

  • Large physique. Mountain Man.
  • Steady (they say about this: "Stands firmly on the ground").
  • Strong. Body with pronounced muscular relief.
  • Broad, thick neck.

A person likes to work with muscles: a sport that allows you to build muscle mass; physical labor, namely carrying weights, working in the field, with heavy equipment - are necessary for them. A person with a muscular vector in the absence of other vectors is a modest person with a minimum of needs and aspirations. Eat, a roof over your head, work, sleep - the rest: science, art, entrepreneurship - is not for him.In combination with other lower vectors, it strengthens them, as if integrating into their desires and properties.

Does not know how to make decisions, but is a good performer -is driven.Muscular people are almost incapable of acting on their own, they will do as they are told.They are not able to clearly express their own opinion, they simply follow the crowd. In their speech, instead of “I”, “we” appears. Who a muscle person becomes depends on who is next to him.

The muscleman perfectly adapts the stable, unchanging rural landscape.Lives by the principle: as taught. This principle works in muscle in absolutely everything! Psychology of masses, crowds.

Physical labor is what it is necessary to teach a muscular child from an early age. He must help his parents, it is very important for him to learn to enjoy it from work.You need to understand that it is through the effort of the muscles that the thinking of a muscular person is activated.He gets joy when he is engaged in physical labor, which in itself directs him to a peaceful course. However, withthe port is strictly forbidden for such children, because they do not like to compete and win, they do not have such properties and data. Sport will only take them from the state of "peace" to the state of "war".

Death is good for the muscle man, everything connected with life is suspicious for the muscle man, so the muscle man is suspicious of sex.A muscular woman creates a foundation, a foundation, giving birth to new offspring. It is she who gives birth for real: she mowed the grass, went, gave birth under a haystack and went on to mow. Gives birth to 10 children, so that there is a greater chance of survival.A muscular man has a contradiction - between life and death, which, however, is easily resolved through a monotonous tradition and ritual: everything is so that it was like with people, humanly. When everything is not human, then suspicion, because the program breaks .... not human, this is sex before marriage, sex in passion, destroying monotony. A muscular man does not go to other people's women.

Unrealized muscle vector- often pulls into fights, to the manifestation of physical cruelty.

Realized muscle vector- physically strong and hardy people, manual laborers, boxers, people performing monotonous physical work. Among people with a muscular vector, there are often fans of sports games.

A muscular child, like no other, is very good in the womb. It is connected with it through the umbilical cord as one whole - special meanings for the muscle vector. A muscular child in the womb resists birth with all its being. A newborn muscular child is fixed on the fact that the mother’s stomach was good, all basic needs were met on the spot and immediately, and life after birth is one suffering, since now you have to do everything yourself, on your own. These are "post-term" children, tk. they don't want to be born.

Muscular children are very flexible, they do not need to be brought up especially. The most important thing is not to leave the muscular child hanging around and keep track of who he communicates with, otherwise it is likely that he will fall into the wrong company.

Without it, the existence of modern civilization would be impossible. One of the biggest and most important things that a person with a muscular vector does is construction.

Desired internal state: feeling like a part of a mass of people.

Role in society: part of the "people", worker, performer.

2. Skin vector.

general characteristics

  • color of the greatest comfort - khaki
  • geometry of the greatest comfort - cross
  • place in the quarter - outer part of the SPACE quadrel, extrovert
  • type of thinking - logical, building chains of cause and effect.

Key task: separating one's space from the outside world, preserving and accumulating resources. Species role: commander of a group of hunters.In peacetime: creator and custodian of food stocks.Possible disadvantages: excessive control over the situation, stinginess.

External signs

Growth is low. Ideal, athletic physique: slender, flexible, toned. The lips of the kozhnik are thin, tightly compressed - the upper lip is practically not visible.

Skin woman thin, lean, beautiful, swift, dexterous, flexible like a cat. Only a skin woman gracefully holds the space on stilettos - she moves beautifully and quickly in high heels. Skin gait - fast, dancing. The skinner has an excellent sense of rhythm.

The skinner needs to think about diets less than others, but he only does what he changes from one diet to another. Having gained a couple of extra pounds, the skin specialist begins to invent more and more restrictive diets for himself.

Kozhnik prefers a strict, business-like style of clothing at work and sporty outside of work. For men, an obligatory part of the wardrobe is a tie, a skin woman also often uses this piece of clothing in her wardrobe. Favorite skin hairstyle - hair collected in a tight ponytail.

Skin gesture - index finger, whichyou can point, threaten, edify.

The skin of the dermatologist is tender, sensitive, perfect, velvety.
In a certain state of the vector, it is the dermatologists who apply tattoos to their bodies, make themselves pierced.

The skinner is very dexterous and flexible: he always accurately calculates movements in space: he rounded, ran around, did not hit anyone.

In addition to a flexible body, the skinner also has a flexible psyche. Its distinctive feature is the possibility of a 180-degree turn: today I will assert and prove one thing, and the next day, with the same conviction, the opposite; the only question is what is more profitable for me to speak at the moment. This is allows them to easily and quickly adapt to any changing conditions, be it a job change, moving to another city or even to another country. And thanks good analytical mind quicklyprocess information.The skin type of people will always be able to find their niche in a new environment.They know how to evaluate the benefits, strive to increase efficiency, know how to save time and money, and get great pleasure from it.Their favorite word is "no".However, this does not prevent them from agreeing after a while, having come up with a reasonable excuse for themselves.Skinners are mostly secretive, rarely answer questions, do not express emotions.

An internal sense of time and space allows them to successfully do several things at once. Leather workers are aimed at success, including material success. Career, solvency, social status make up the system of value orientations of a skin person. Only he knows the ambition and desire to be a leader, because. is heloves competition. It can be sports, competition in business or love.

Logic, logical thinking is also a hallmark of skinners. In their speech, you can often hear the phrase: “This is not logical! Where is the logic here? It would be logical to assume, etc.

A child with a skin vector is very active, often naughty. Caught in some prank, he will

For thousands of years, man has searched for the meaning of his life. For the last hundred years, he began to actively engage in psychoanalysis. A lot of developments, conjectures (including scientific evidence) have appeared in various areas of psychoanalysis and psychiatry. But none of them gave an accurate, comprehensive answer to all questions about the human psyche.

Today there is such a technique. Reliable, unique, practical, repeatedly re-tested. Working for thousands of people, giving an individual positive result. 21,559 testimonials from a wide variety of people with different psychological problems who have been defeated can be read if you follow this link.

And most importantly - This technique is now available to anyone. To understand it, there is no need to know medical terms, to study science in depth. Our psyche is revealed to us in the simplest way: through the description of 8 vectors in "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

What are 8 vectors in the psychology of Yuri Burlan?

A vector is not a personality type, as one might mistakenly think. This is a set of human desires. All desires are aimed at one thing - to get happiness, pleasure, satisfaction from life. The vector manifests itself outwardly and is realized through innate properties. When a person experiences an inability to fulfill his desire, he feels bad states and / or hostility, as a result of which he either makes efforts and develops, or is inactive and suffers.

There are eight vectors in total. An exact description of each of them in Systemic Vector Psychology can be read if you click on its name:

The name of each vector is due to the increased sensitivity of a particular area of ​​a person: sound, visual, skin, and so on.

So, a person with a skin vector has more sensitive skin, and such a person, depending on the conditions, always feels touch in a special way, different from people without a skin vector: from bliss from a light breath of a breeze sliding down the cheek, to a shudder from one touch to the shoulder.

Another example is a person with a visual vector, like everyone else, has eyes. But he sees them much more than all the others. He is also very emotional. That's what they say about him: he makes an elephant out of a fly. He doesn't - he sees it that way. For real. The same property, with a certain development, allows him to realize himself as an artist who can depict on the canvas the play of snow that seems monotonous to everyone else. This is given, but not always implemented. It all depends on the development from childhood and the ability to realize their desires, which develop in the process of life.

The vector determines EVERYTHING in a person's life!

The vectors that a person is endowed with subconsciously guide our entire life. . Under their influence, we choose what to eat and what movies to watch, decide on a profession, choose a couple, behave in a certain way in sex, even feel time and space. Vectors determine the behavior of a person, his thoughts and values.

People with different vectors and in different states are absolutely different from each other. Each person is a separate universe with their own desires and ideas about life. Therefore, any modern trend in psychology that offers advice to every person, highlighting the features and inclinations of individuals to the maximum, is behind the times. What is good for one person may be directly contraindicated for another and will cause nothing but hostility and rejection.

Today, the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" takes place online and is available to everyone around the world. To listen, you only need the Internet and any means of viewing it: computer, tablet, phone. The author of the training, Yuri Burlan, has been giving lectures for 15 years, each of which contains a huge amount of information, interesting stories, illustrative examples, and answers to listeners' questions. The duration of the lecture is from 4 to 12 hours.

Let yourself know yourself: find out your vectors and your true desires! You can listen to the introductory part of the training absolutely free of charge - after pre-registration, which you can go through. After that, you will definitely receive an invitation to the next lecture dates.

ATTENTION! By definition, the vector itself does not have any tests and cannot exist. You can determine your vector set, as well as learn to recognize the vectors of people, only in the process of listening to online training and then consolidating knowledge through reading additional literature.

System-vector psychology is a continuation of Freud's theory about the stages of personality development associated with two centers of pleasure - oral and anal. The authors of this system, Y. Burlan and V. Tolkachev, continued to study this direction, suggesting that there are 6 other pleasure centers. In their opinion, all human aspirations associated with these centers operate independently of each other in all periods of life. System-vector psychology includes 8 vectors for determining the type of personality, including: sound, visual, skin, olfactory, oral, muscular, urethral and anal.

Systemic vector psychology: 8 vectors and their descriptions

Sound vector represents a closed type of personality, focused on himself and his feelings. He is arrogant and arrogant. In speech of the sound type, the pronoun "I" is most often heard. This type of personality, unlike all the others, does not have material desires, his main desire is the knowledge of his Self.

visual vector symbolizes a sensual type of person who constantly experiences strong emotional upheavals. It is about such people that they say "makes an elephant out of a fly." This type of person likes to scare himself. He is afraid of death and everything connected with it. If in childhood the state of "fear" was too strong, then this attitude can be preserved in adulthood.

skin vector represents the type of person who prefers to save. And often he does it thoughtlessly, because of which he can lose a lot. Strives for a leadership role in order to fully control the situation. The main feature is stinginess.

Olfactory vector expresses a type of personality that divides everything in the world around into “pleasant” and “unpleasant”. Listens to his intuition, does not trust people. He tries to think through all possible options in order to avoid dangerous life currents.

oral vector represents a human speaker who knows how to speak and convince, inspires confidence. He may say stupid things, distort words or make mistakes, but thanks to his special presentation, there will always be listeners around him. This type has a bright minus - he does not know how to keep secrets.

muscle vector characterizes the type of person who loves monotonous physical work to achieve their goals. He can be content with little, if everything goes without change. One of the obvious disadvantages is the lack of motivation to improve life positions.

urethral vector- This is a type of personality that does not require anything for itself. The representative of this vector does not need any form of possession, because he does not feel anything attractive in this. He sees himself only as a leader. The ideological desire is to lead and give, improve, give. Among the shortcomings: unwillingness to look back at their own mistakes and change their minds.

anal vector represents a type of personality that is characterized by excessive conservatism. He is sure: everything that was earlier is better than all innovations. The greatest pleasure is delivered by old memories. Engaged in accumulation, transmission and preservation of information from the past. It gets cruel.

Such a concept as a vector is considered in almost all natural sciences, and it can have completely different meanings, therefore it is impossible to give an unambiguous definition of a vector for all areas. But let's try to figure it out. So, vector - what is it?

The concept of a vector in classical geometry

A vector in geometry is a segment for which it is indicated which of its points is the beginning and which is the end. That is, to put it simply, a directed segment is called a vector.

Accordingly, a vector is indicated (what it is - discussed above), as well as a segment, that is, two capital letters of the Latin alphabet with the addition of a line or an arrow pointing to the right on top. It can also be signed with a lowercase (small) letter of the Latin alphabet with a dash or an arrow. The arrow always points to the right and does not change depending on the location of the vector.

So a vector has a direction and a length.

The designation of a vector also contains its direction. This is expressed as shown in the figure below.

Changing direction reverses the value of the vector.

The length of a vector is the length of the segment from which it is formed. It is designated as a module from a vector. This is shown in the figure below.

Accordingly, zero is a vector whose length is equal to zero. It follows from this that the zero vector is a point, moreover, the start and end points coincide in it.

The length of a vector is always a non-negative value. In other words, if there is a segment, then it necessarily has a certain length or is a point, then its length is zero.

The very concept of a point is basic and has no definition.

Vector addition

There are special formulas and rules for vectors that can be used to perform addition.

Triangle rule. To add vectors according to this rule, it is enough to combine the end of the first vector and the beginning of the second, using parallel translation, and connect them. The resulting third vector will be equal to the addition of the other two.

parallelogram rule. To add according to this rule, you need to draw both vectors from one point, and then draw another vector from the end of each of them. That is, the second one will be drawn from the first one, and the first one from the second one. As a result, a new intersection point will be obtained and a parallelogram will be formed. If we combine the intersection point of the beginnings and ends of the vectors, then the resulting vector will be the result of addition.

Similarly, it is possible to perform subtraction.

Vector difference

Similarly to the addition of vectors, it is possible to perform their subtraction. It is based on the principle shown in the figure below.

That is, it is enough to represent the vector to be subtracted as a vector opposite to it, and to calculate according to the principles of addition.

Also, absolutely any non-zero vector can be multiplied by any number k, this will change its length by k times.

In addition to these, there are other vector formulas (for example, to express the length of a vector in terms of its coordinates).

Location of vectors

Surely many have come across such a concept as a collinear vector. What is collinearity?

Collinearity of vectors is the equivalent of parallelism of straight lines. If two vectors lie on lines that are parallel to each other, or on the same line, then such vectors are called collinear.

Direction. Relative to each other, collinear vectors can be co-directed or oppositely directed, this is determined by the direction of the vectors. Accordingly, if a vector is co-directed with another, then the vector opposite to it is directed oppositely.

The first figure shows two oppositely directed vectors and a third one that is not collinear with them.

After introducing the above properties, it is also possible to define equal vectors - these are vectors that are directed in the same direction and have the same length of the segments from which they are formed.

In many sciences, the concept of a radius vector is also used. Such a vector describes the position of one point of the plane relative to another fixed point (often this is the origin).

Vectors in physics

Let's assume that when solving the problem, a condition arose: the body moves at a speed of 3 m/s. This means that the body moves with a specific direction in one straight line, so this variable will be a vector quantity. To solve it, it is important to know both the value and the direction, since depending on the consideration, the speed can be either 3 m/s or -3 m/s.

In general, the vector in physics is used to indicate the direction of the force acting on the body, and to determine the resultant.

When these forces are indicated in the figure, they are indicated by arrows with a vector label above it. Classically, the length of the arrow is just as important, with the help of it they indicate which force is stronger, but this property is secondary, you should not rely on it.

Vector in linear algebra and calculus

The elements of linear spaces are also called vectors, but in this case they are an ordered system of numbers that describe some of the elements. Therefore, the direction in this case is no longer important. The definition of a vector in classical geometry and in mathematical analysis are very different.

Vector projection

Projected vector - what is it?

Quite often, for a correct and convenient calculation, it is necessary to decompose a vector located in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space along the coordinate axes. This operation is necessary, for example, in mechanics when calculating the forces acting on the body. The vector in physics is used quite often.

To perform the projection, it is enough to lower the perpendiculars from the beginning and end of the vector to each of the coordinate axes, the segments obtained on them will be called the projection of the vector onto the axis.

To calculate the projection length, it is enough to multiply its initial length by a certain trigonometric function, which is obtained by solving a mini-problem. In fact, there is a right triangle in which the hypotenuse is the original vector, one of the legs is the projection, and the other leg is the dropped perpendicular.