National Geographic: the best photos of August. Best Photos of August Once Upon a Time in Tanzania

Roger Milln / Caters News / Legion Media


A photograph illustrating the effects of plastic pollution in the seas and oceans was taken by a diving instructor in Costa Brava, Spain.

Salvatore Allegra / AP / East News


Eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily. A column of fire over 150 meters high rises from the crater.

Carina Johansen / NTB Scanpix / AFP / East News


Screening of Mission: Impossible: Fallout at Preikestolen, Norway. One of the most spectacular scenes in the film was filmed on this rock.

Ben Birchall/PA Wire/PA Images/TASS


A hot air balloon pilot checks equipment before flying at the Bristol International Balloon Festival.

Melissa Delport/Getty Images


Tourists and residents of the Indonesian island of Gili Trawangan, located near the epicenter of the shocks, are storming incoming boats to quickly evacuate. Earthquake in Indonesia claimed the lives of 347 people.

Dan Bourne / Magnus News


Fog on the coast near Land's End in the far west of Cornwall, UK.

VCG/Getty Images


Cars collapsed under asphalt after heavy rains in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, China.

Brendan McDermid / REUTERS


On August 29, a swarm of bees, estimated to be in the thousands, clung to one of the hot dog carts in Times Square. The authorities of New York had to block the area.

Vladimir Smirnov / TASS


Demolition of the building of the former flour mill JSC "Zernoprodukt" in Ivanovo industrial explosion. In the future, it is planned to build a residential complex on the territory.

Yuri Smityuk / TASS


Bowhead (Polar) whale in Wrangel Bay, which is located on the mainland coast Sea of ​​Okhotsk at a distance of 50 km from the southern border of the Shantar Islands National Park. The bowhead whale is the second largest animal in the world, second only to the blue whale. The current population of bowhead whales, estimated at 10,000 individuals, is mainly concentrated in the Chukchi, Bering and Beaufort seas. The endangered species is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

This bug-eyed handsome man is a gecko. Belongs to an extensive family of small, but very peculiar lizards. The paws of the gecko are covered with many microscopic tenacious hairs, which helps it to move along the ceiling or glass. (Photo by Robert McLean):

On the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia have the Drina river, in the middle of which stands a wooden house. Perhaps the perfect place for a Sunday holiday. (Photo by Irene Becker):

The wildlife photographer, who has been shooting for more than 20 years, said that it is possible to capture such a shot once in a lifetime. (Photo by Daniel Dolpire):

Another beautiful group shot. (Photo by Marco Carmassi):

A large young male (white) challenged the leader of the pack to gain control over her. The leader fought back and held out... for now. (Photo by Aristeiguieta):

This running comrade is a chameleon. It is adapted to an arboreal lifestyle and can change the color of the body, from where the name itself came from - by the name of a mythical creature that can change its appearance. (Photo by Mark W. Moffett):

Small satin bower

The dirt on the beak of the small satin bower is the remains of plants that he mixed to paint the walls of his "sanctuary". (Photo by Tim Laman):

Great Barrier Reef. In Challenger Bay, the current rhythmically tosses a flock of striped sweetlips back and forth. (Photo by David Dubile):


Male Australian sea lions reach a length of 2.5 meters and weigh almost 300 kg. (Photo by Alessandro Kaitner):

From the air, it looks like an incomprehensible brown speck against the green background of the endless forests of northern Cambodia. Here, giant trees contribute no less to the destruction of the ancient monastery of Ta-Prom than time. (Photo by Robert Clark):

Tim Samaras dreams of being the first person to photograph the birth of lightning. (Photo by Carsten Peter):

The fluffy tail protects the snow leopard from the cold and helps to maintain balance on dangerous ledges. (Photo by Steve Winter):

To set the bugs on the Colorado beetles, it took the joint efforts of scientists from many countries. (Photo by Vladimir Neymorovets):

According to experts, several hundred bear cubs are orphaned every year. (Photo by Sergey Pazhetnov, Mikhail Samokhin):

Fireflies transform the forest fabulously when they light their lanterns at dusk. This is an interesting family of beetles, a characteristic feature of which is the presence of luminous organs. By the way, there are about 2,000 species of fireflies. (Photo by Teruo Araya):

Another interesting shot rushing at full speed. In fact, the photographer caught the moment of takeoff. (Photo by Jim Ridley):

Fingal's Cave, Staffa

Severe and impregnable Hebrides - the realm of wind and waves. Row after row of basalt pillars fill the sea cave; its eternal darkness is illuminated only by the camera. (Photo by Jim Richardson):

Even with ordinary wild flowers, you can make an interesting, memorable shot. (Photo by Balazs Kovacs):

Features of plumage allow the owl to fly completely silently. (Photo by Sven Zachek):

mysterious worlds

The high-altitude Lower Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the most poorly studied deep-water lakes in the world. According to ancient legends, the lake was formed when a dragon, killed by a hero, fell to the ground. According to other legends, the monster continues to live in the lake, occasionally coming to the surface and taking another victim: sheep constantly disappear on the banks, and sometimes people. (Photo by Viktor Lyagushkin):

Once upon a time in Tanzania

It is difficult to imagine something wider than the mouth of a hippopotamus. (Photo by Ari Goldstein):

By the way, quite recently we already had. (Photo by Amir Ali Sharifi):

Looking for something to eat

In winter, foxes mouse, but in the hollow of a tree, it is likely that there is something edible. By the way, you know? if not, read an interesting article. (Photo by Sergey Gorshkov):

Successful minimalist landscape with a rock in the sea. (Photo by Akira Takaue):

In the heart of Yosemite Valley at bird's eye view. Jumping from the top of the Half Dome slope is extremely dangerous and forbidden, but despite the ban, skydiving is gaining more and more popularity in Yosemite Park. (Photo by Lynsey Dyer):

Green turtle, Philippines

A green turtle soars over a reef off the coast of Apo Island (Philippines), choosing what to eat. (Photo by Mikhail Semenov):

Bears love to bask in the foam at the rapids of the rapid Kamchatka rivers. (Photo by Sergey Gorshkov):

To take such a shot, you need to thoroughly prepare: take steel wool, set it on fire and shoot from a tripod at a slow shutter speed. But the effect is great! (Photo by Alexa Keefe):

September 2, 2018, 10:32

01. 08. 2018. Tamworth, Australia. Rainbow at sunset.

02. 08. 2018. British couple who won £57.9 million in the EuroMillions lottery.

02. 08. 2018. Menidorm, Spain. Vacationers on the beach.

02. 08. 2018. Los Barrios, Spain. Migrants rescued in the Strait of Gibraltar are housed in a sports center.

02. 08. 2018. The action of ultra-Orthodox activists against conscription into the army ended with mass arrests in Jerusalem.

02. 08. 2018. St. Petersburg. Russian cities celebrate Airborne Forces Day.

03. 08. 2018. "Golden Bridge", which opened in early June in the Vietnamese city of Da Nang, was visited by thousands of tourists from different countries peace. An unusual building with a height of 1400 meters has become part of the state program to increase the tourist flow.

03. 08. 2018. Heat in St. Petersburg.

04. 08. 2018. During a military parade in Caracas (Venezuela), President Nicolas Maduro was assassinated. According to authorities, the attackers used drones with explosives. The head of state and high-ranking officials were not injured, but seven soldiers were injured.

06. 08. 2018. Sisikon, Switzerland. Local residents have a rest on the Firwaldstet lake.

08/06/2018. A powerful explosion occurred near the airport of the Italian city of Bologna. As a result of the incident, one person died and 65 were injured. The explosion occurred after an accident involving a truck, which was likely transporting flammable substances.

06. 08. 2018. Harbin, China. Onlookers gathered to look at the cars that had sunk into the ground.

06. 08. 2018. A powerful earthquake occurred in the area of ​​the Indonesian Gili Islands. According to seismologists, its magnitude was 7. The epicenter was at a depth of 10.5 km in the northern part of Lombok. The victims of the disaster were 387 people, more than 13 thousand were injured, about 400 thousand local residents had to leave their homes. The most affected resort island of Lombok, tremors were felt in Bali.

06. 08. 2018. The Indonesian authorities also evacuated 3 thousand tourists from the islands of the Gili archipelagos.

06. 08. 2018. More than 20 fires were recorded in Portugal due to abnormal heat. Temperatures rose to 44 degrees Celsius in Lisbon.

07. 08. 2018. Dusseldorf, Germany. A family walks along the partly dry bed of the Rhine. Europe was covered by abnormal heat. The air temperature in some countries rises to +40 degrees. Due to such weather, the channels of some rivers in Germany have already become shallow, and in Spain and Portugal, several thousand hectares of forest have been destroyed by fire.

07. 08. 2018. Forty-degree heat in France.

08. 08. 2018. Powerful typhoon Shanshan approaching the eastern Pacific coast of Japan.

09. 08. 2018. The most populous state of Australia - New South Wales is experiencing the worst drought in half a century.

09. 08. 2018. Gaza Strip. A boy peeks out from behind a house that was hit by an Israeli airstrike.

10. 08. 2018. The largest fire in the history of California has already destroyed more than 115 thousand hectares of land and 1 thousand houses, becoming one of the most destructive in the history of the state. The fires began in California on July 23 and have only continued to spread ever since, despite the efforts of firefighters. In recent days, 283,000 acres (approximately 115,000 hectares) have already burned out - almost the area of ​​​​Los Angeles. At least ten people have died as a result of wildfires engulfing California. Another 19 people are listed as missing.

The flames threaten thousands of homes. California authorities ordered the evacuation of more than 20 thousand residents of Riverside and Orange counties, where the fire is raging.

10. 08. 2018. During an anti-government protest in Bucharest.

13. 08. 2018. In the British Buntingford, the builder destroyed five houses he built, for the construction of which he was not paid. Damage amounted to around £2.5 million.

13. 08. 2018. The annual Pikachu parade in the Japanese city of Yokohama.

13. 08. 2018. Sanaa, Yemen. Demonstration of children at the UN office against an airstrike that killed dozens of people.

13. 08. 2018. Newcastle, Australia. Surfer on the beach.

14. 08. 2018. The collapse of a 200-meter span of a road bridge in Genoa, Italy. There were many vehicles on the bridge at the time of the incident. At least 41 people became victims of the disaster, up to 20 people are missing. Local authorities suggest that the cause of the collapse could be the weakening of the supporting structures. The bridge was built in the 1960s.

14. 08. 2018. Typhoon Yagi approaches the coast of East China.

14. 08. 2018. In Turkey, due to the collapse of the national currency, foreign tourists are massively buying luxury brand clothes.

15. 08. 2018. Action in support of migrants at Westminster Cathedral in London. Charitable Catholic organizations call on world leaders at the UN General Assembly to support agreements aimed at helping refugees.

16. 08. 2018. In Genoa, residents of houses under the Morandi bridge were evacuated due to the threat of its further destruction.

16. 08. 2018. South Africa remembers the shooting of miners at the Marikana mine, where police killed 34 workers during a rally demanding decent wages in 2012.

16. 08. 2018. Carpet of natural flowers on the Grand Place in Brussels.

17. 08. 2018. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. A boy swims in a polluted canal on the outskirts of the city.

17. 08. 2018. Residents of the Indian state of Kerala are experiencing the worst flooding in a century, which has led to hundreds of deaths, the evacuation of nearly a million people and the destruction of homes. On August 8, 2018, heavy rains began in the region, there is also an assumption that the flooding was aggravated due to discharges from dams. As a result of the incessant rains in the Indian state of Kerala, more than 44 rivers overflowed their banks, several bridges collapsed, floods were reported at 33 dams. A statewide alert has been declared. 10 thousand kilometers of roads were destroyed, tens of thousands of houses were destroyed or damaged. Aircraft and helicopters of the country's Air Force were involved in the rescue operation. The number of flood victims exceeded 300 people.

17. 08. 2018. Lviv. As a result of a powerful downpour, 28% of the monthly rainfall fell on Lviv on August 17. A lot of cars were in "water captivity". Rescuers had to evacuate drivers and passengers from flooded vehicles and carry them literally on their hands. In total, rescuers provided assistance to 142 citizens, including 15 children. Including 22 people were saved, who during the "flood" were in the basement of the cafe.

18. 08. 2018. Hyperinflation in Venezuela. A chicken and its cash equivalent of 14,600,000 bolivars in a mini market in Caracas.

18. 08. 2018. Vladimir Putin dances with Karin Kneissl at her wedding. On August 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the wedding of Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl. According to the Austrian media, the celebration took place at the Tscheppe restaurant near the commune of Gamlitz in South Styria (about 240 kilometers from Vienna and 50 kilometers from the city of Graz). Putin brought a folk ensemble of Cossacks as a gift.

20. 08. 2018. Reunion of relatives separated by the Korean War of 1950-1953. There are about 57,000 people in South Korea who were separated from their loved ones on the north side during the Korean War. According to the South Korean Unification Ministry, a total of about 250 people from both sides will take part in the meetings, most of them over 80 years old, many of whom have not seen relatives since 1953.

20. 08. 2018. 10th anniversary of the crash of Spanair flight JK 5022 en route from Madrid to the Canary Islands. Of the 172 people on board, 18 survived.

20. 08. 2018. Kerala, India. Flood consequences.

20. 08. 2018. At least 324 people died in the southern Indian state of Kerala, where powerful monsoon rains have not stopped since August 8. This year, more than 860 people have died in India from floods, downpours and landslides caused by the monsoons.

20. 08. 2018. Kenya, Amboseli National Park. Elephants and zebras walk in the park against the backdrop of a tornado.

21. 08. 2018. St. Petersburg. Consequences of the night hurricane.

21. 08. 2018. Eid al-Adha celebration in Moscow.

22. 08. 2018. Pilgrims in Mecca. Saudi Arabia.

22. 08. 2018. About 200 illegal migrants from African countries crossed the border in Spanish Ceuta.

22. 08. 2018. In London, on the roof of a skyscraper, at a height of 140 meters, they recreated the famous photograph of 1932, taken in New York during the construction of the Rockefeller Center "Lunch on top of a skyscraper".

23. 08. 2018. In Malta, the crew of the Lifeline vessel, which rescued 234 migrants off the coast of Libya in June this year, held an impromptu funeral for European human rights.

23. 08. 2018. Annual inventory of animals at the London Zoo.

23. 08. 2018. As part of the Festival of Body and Freedom in Zurich, artists showed various performances on the streets of the city.

23. 08. 2018. Dublin. The wax figure of the Pope is carried to the National Wax Museum.

23. 08. 2018. The Canadian province of British Columbia plunged into smog from wildfires raging around.

23. 08. 2018. California. border wall extending into Pacific Ocean, separates the US, on the left, and Mexico on the right.

24. 08. 2018. Saalbach, Austria. A mountain of rubble after mudflows and landslides in the Salzburg County

24. 08. 2018. Kyiv. Children watch the military parade in honor of Ukraine's Independence Day.

26. 08. 2018. An accident involving the cars of Fernando Alonso and Charles Leclerc in the race of the 13th stage of the Formula 1 championship - the Belgian Grand Prix.

28. 08. 2018. Yoga classes in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva.

28. 08. 2018. Aerial photography of the consequences of forest fires in Brandenburg, Germany.

28. 08. 2018. New York. Domino Park, Brooklyn. People rest against the backdrop of the former sugar refinery plant. This park opened in June this year and has already become one of the city's tourist attractions.

28. 08. 2018. New York police were forced to block the central area of ​​Manhattan's Times Square due to the invasion of a swarm of thousands of bees. 30 thousand bees "occupied" the center of New York. The roof of one of the buildings in Times Square has become a haven for a huge swarm of bees.

29. 08. 2018. Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Rohingya refugee camp flooded by monsoon rains.

29. 08. 2018. In the Spanish city of Bunyol near Valencia, the annual La Tomatina festival took place, during which a real battle of tomatoes unfolded on the streets. More than 20 thousand people take part in the event every year. For the "battle" it took six trucks with 160 tons of ripe tomatoes.

30. 08. 2018. Fires rage in the Spanish province of Valencia.

30. 08. 2018. Washington. The funeral of Senator John McCain, who died on August 25 at the age of 82. Last July, McCain announced that he had been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer.

30. 08. 2018. Residents of Donetsk lay flowers at the monument to Joseph Kobzon at the Youth Palace. The monument was erected in 2003 for the 66th anniversary of the singer, who was born in the Donetsk region. People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon died at the age of 80.

31. 08. 2018. In the center of Donetsk, Alexander Zakharchenko, who has been head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) since 2014, died as a result of an explosion. Several other people were injured, including the Minister for Taxes and Duties of the DPR. The crime was recognized as a terrorist attack.