Features of information processing by the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Right-brained person Features of left-brained and right-brained people

It has long been known that the right and left hemispheres of the brain differ significantly from each other and perform different functions in the integrity of human thinking. Right hemispheric thinking is characterized by sensuality, abstract and spatial perception of the surrounding world. Also similar type of thinking called artistic or creative.

However, this increase in writing, according to scientists, may be due to an obsessive trend that causes artistic overexposure. However, not all Parkinson's patients, as a result of the drug-induced increase in drug substance, show a push towards artistic production, so the effects of dopamine on creativity are still unclear.

The thalamus plays an important role in the brain because it functions as a kind of brain filter that blurs information from the cortex, which is responsible for cognition and reasoning, among other things. Since then, psychologists have developed educational programs designed to promote creativity and ingenuity in many disciplines and in every student population.

The theory that right-brain thinking predominates in left-handed people is fully supported by the fact that the brain is characterized by a decussation and the brain is responsible for coordinating the left side of the body.

The creative type of thinking is developed in every person, however, in the modern world, due to the high level of socialization, certain norms of behavior and upbringing, the right hemisphere is ultimately suppressed. The most optimal way is for the right hemisphere thinking to be in harmony with the left hemisphere, then the work of the brain becomes 5 times more efficient.

Creative thinking methods today are based on the ability to change the direction of thinking, create new ideas, change old patterns through processes that focus attention, transcend the limits of the present situation, and create new and different connections that keep the mind always active.

Very often solving a problem requires effort, it is tedious, because the confusion it creates in us can be strong and difficult to handle, one of those methods that is most often useful in this case and breaks down the problem is to focus on one aspect at a time separating emotion from logic, creativity from the information we have. Learning to dwell on a problem and pause to let free creative thinking is another possibility, very often the best ideas come the same way you deviate from the problem.

People who have a pronounced dominance of the right hemisphere are characterized by a number of features:

  • It is difficult to organize, have no order in actions, do not know how to live according to the plan;
  • Emotionally open people with whom it is easy to find a common language, but very unpredictable;
  • They like to think, philosophize;
  • In life, spontaneity prevails, which may cause problems with the distribution of time and the completion of tasks on time;
  • Any picture, task or idea is evaluated as a whole, without delving into or analyzing the details;
  • Their decisions and actions are based on emotions, feelings;
  • Often there is a talent for some creative direction or for several at once;
  • Rely on intuitive sensations, and not on a logical assessment of the situation;
  • They work well in teams, love a creative approach to work;
  • Prefer modern trends in music;
  • Work can be done in any conditions (TV, music, conversations), but they are easily distracted and jump from one activity to another;
  • Of the animals, cats are the most loved.

In people with these characteristics, left hemisphere suppression is noted, and for more efficient brain function, attention should be paid to the development of logical thinking.

In the same way, learning to focus voluntarily is very useful in developing divergent thinking, learning to stop at a particular subject that has never been, to observe the details of a scene, landscape, window display or image, develops our creativity, makes us create new ideas or innovate in something what already exists. Also, by making thinking impossible, contradictory and illogical things can serve as a shock to divergent thought and suggestion of ideas for new ideas. Going beyond the logical, rational, known, can lead to something innovative, go in new directions that have never been explored before.

Why develop a right-brained mindset?

The famous professor Khrizman noted that right-hemisphere people are subject to extinction, which is a threat to the nation, since they are the generators of ideas.

Development right brain thinking is of great importance in the modern business market, since it is it that is responsible for creativity. People who have achieved harmony in the work of both hemispheres come up with successful ideas that are unlike anyone else's, can find an extraordinary way out of deplorable situations, and are able to find connections between concepts. We recommend reading more about creative thinking and its development on our blog.

As for the most useful exercises for developing and realizing creativity, those who do not foresee a single correct solution are by far the most useful, those exercises that leave the thought of being able to respond to a stimulus in several ways. The ability to come up with new ideas rather than giving up on the first opportunity to solve a problem is what is called openness, the ability to look at things with different eyes without letting go of the rigid thought patterns they used to have in mind.

Some of these exercises are, for example, those that require the ability to find new uses for common objects, or build projects from an abstract form representation, make up a story from some given words, make random associations to prove that two objects, two words, two randomly captured images are similar or still describe hypothetical situations, for example imagine what the world would be like if a person knew how to fly.

The development of the right hemisphere type of thinking allows:

  • Significantly improve working conditions;
  • Create and implement new successful development concepts;
  • Achieve higher results in the team due to the understanding of the individual characteristics of each of its members;
  • Making interesting but informed decisions;
  • Creation of operating schemes, allowing to organize the work of the team as much as possible.

Activating right-brain thinking will allow you to see the whole picture, and not individual details. It will be easier for a person to find a common language with the team, competitors, just surrounding people, which is undoubtedly important in the world of close contacts with each other.

Another useful exercise for facilitating creative thinking is the construction of "mind maps". Given a stimulus word, you will be asked to draw or write around it all the words that are related in some way to the given word. For each term you find, you can expand the exercise by looking for more associations. Thus, you get your mental map of the term. This method is an important tool for perceiving a problem and allows us to immediately find the connection between the central idea and another that revolves around it.

How to develop right-brain thinking?

The modern learning system actively suppresses the right hemisphere of the brain, activating the left. To achieve harmony in figurativeness and logic, the reverse action should be performed.

There are several effective special yoga techniques aimed at stopping the left hemisphere and starting the right. The effect is achieved by specially designed trainings based on knowledge about the functioning of the brain.

The perception of the problem, expressed through mental maps, allows better organization of thoughts and facilitates the creative process. The fact that each person can create different concepts associated with a given word tells us how many intersubjective differences can exist and how much communication is a complex process, in fact, the ability to understand from one's interlocutor is closely related to the ability to enter into his mental map. if this does not happen, there is a risk that what is understood differs from what needs to be expressed.

In order to achieve the development of the right hemisphere type of thinking without spending time and effort, it is enough to perform a few simple but effective exercises;

  • Activation of figurative thinking. To do this, you will need to take the most comfortable position, relax and close your eyes. The assistant will slowly read to you the words that you need to imagine in the most realistic way. They begin, as a rule, with visual images of objects, for example, a table, a carpet, a rainbow. Then they move on to hearing, trying to reproduce in their head the sound of rain, the growl of a tiger, and many other images. After that, they move on to tactile sensations, which include: stroking the cat's fur, touching ice, etc. Last of all, they proceed to smells and tastes, which also need to be presented as realistically as possible.
  • Guessing proverbs. Known expressions should be depicted without the help of words only with gestures and facial expressions. The development of right hemispheric thinking during this exercise is noted in both participants.
  • Drawing. It has been experimentally proven that drawing lessons (some of which are purposefully designed to activate the right hemisphere of the brain) have a positive effect on imaginative thinking and improve creativity skills.

Listening to harmonious and beautiful music has a positive effect on right-brain thinking. In addition, all famous composers undoubtedly had a dominant right-brain type of thinking.

There are many exercises useful for developing a function that is beneficial to a person as it allows him to overcome the limitations of his being, creative development is a journey that expands the knowledge and knowledge of all. Everything can be observed from different angles, everything is in the process of observing them.

Mass media and public communications. True knowledge of reading and reading begins with an understanding of the reading-brain relationship. My conclusion is that reading is not a declining cultural practice, nor is reading ever lower. Bulgaria suffers from an unpaid parental institution, from its passivity towards the formation of a basic culture of reading among children. And the solution to the problem is to increase the parent's literacy as a "reader maker".

You can develop right-brain thinking at any age, as well as train your mind. In addition, after graduation, when there are no factors that suppress this type of thinking, it is much easier to do this.

Surely everyone has heard that the right and left hemispheres of the brain share responsibilities - the left hemisphere solves logical problems, and the right - creative ones. But perhaps not everyone has heard the consequence of all this, which concerns one of the creative activities - drawing. The features of our education system contribute primarily to the development of the logical component. As a result, the left hemisphere clearly dominates the right and very often suppresses all its creative efforts.

The Reading Window One of the most fruitful theories of reading comprehension is the so-called "window of opportunity" in humans. According to research in neurophysiology, including the results of Professor Carl Staats, a dyslexic specialist at the University of Berkeley, California, at birth, the human brain has about 100 billion neurons, but relationships between them are formed and strengthened until about 18 years old, depending on the impact of information on the environment. . During the first 10 years, there are several critical periods called "windows" when the brain needs a certain type of information accumulation in order for temporary connections to be permanent. The "window" for language syntax development as well as second language adoption is most widely open until year 6.

And it is the right, creative hemisphere that is responsible for drawing skills. An important conclusion is that almost anyone can learn to draw if he first learns to drown out the dominant left hemisphere and give free rein to the right.

Why is the left brain so bad at drawing tasks? Because it is accustomed to thinking in stereotypes that have been instilled in us since childhood. It is these stamps that prevent us from seeing the true essence of things, seeing them as they really are, and not as they appear to the left hemisphere. And that is why many people see the same thing in completely different ways.

From the 6th to the 10th year, mental faculties are formed that offer and improve abstract thinking. The ability to "read minds" is formed in parallel with abstract thinking. The organization of brain structures under the influence of an external source of nutrition ceases at the age of 18, when the brain is unloaded from unused links, discards free "highways" and concentrates its energy only on worked out routes or habits. Obviously, if a child does not form the habit of reading at an age, he is lost to the reading community.

I read about all this in the wonderful book by Betty Edwards "Discover the artist in yourself", which I recommend for reading to both those who want to learn how to draw and those who already know how to do it. The book provides simple exercises through which the skills of activating the right hemisphere of the brain are developed. The meaning of the exercises is simple - you need to perform actions that the right hemisphere copes with very well and for which the left hemisphere is absolutely not suitable, and then sooner or later the left hemisphere will give up and give the reins of power to the right. After such exercises, a person learns to switch to "right-sided" thinking at will.

It's not that a person can't learn to read for 50 or 80 years. But it will get the "reader", not the reader. Prenatal Reading A question about reader genealogy that still awaits a definitive answer from science is when parents should start reading their child. The baby reader, although an "audio reader", is still in the mother's belly. The fetus receives information in the womb. While she is in her mother's belly, she is ready to learn the sounding story. Naturally, this is not about perception, but about understanding.

But still unborn, it becomes a habit of perceiving the specific rhythm of written sentences. That's why the mother-to-be should read aloud. It doesn't even have to be children's books, but read aloud what you read about yourself. However, to prove this, a study of the relationship between lovers and uneducated children can be done, respectively, between mothers who read and those who do not read during pregnancy. Any pregnant woman who read something aloud could listen for reactions of particular interest to her belly.

Here are some examples of such exercises. The meaning of the first exercise is to draw a mirror copy of the existing image, while at the same time “outlining the look” of the existing image (an example in the book is “a face-vase”, see the illustration for this post).

Another example is drawing an inverted image. Here we take any image we like, turn it over and try to draw, paying attention to individual details, without the appearance of the picture as a whole. That is, we try to simply copy each dash, without thinking about what exactly it is in the figure. The results are amazing - even people who seem to be completely unable to draw achieve an almost perfect result. That's what it means to get rid of stamps.

And then trace its development to understand that the child is really a reader. There is no native reader. It's full of swear words to read. It was blocked from overbooking. There is a cult of the book. Of course, it is my personal belief that a pregnant student who learns through high-profile examination programs is a reliable and stable adult reader in her child. The person is synonymous with the reader. Obviously, the main responsibility for the future adherent or opponents of the practice of reading lies with the parents or teachers of the future great person.

The third example is the so-called "pure contour drawing". It consists in the methodical drawing of chaotic patterns without control over what is the result. In practice, it is recommended to draw a wrinkle pattern on your own palm without looking at the paper. This method is considered one of the most effective.

When you start to think about the peculiarities of thinking of the left and right hemispheres, some things fall into place. For example, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for time control, so when immersed in creative activities (including drawing), a person loses control over time. Waking up from his occupation, a person may not believe that three hours have passed since the start. Another example is speech, which is again the responsibility of the left hemisphere. A person busy with something creative may not hear what they are saying, but answer questions with indistinct lowing.

And if today we hear complaints about a decrease in the number of readers, this may mean that the quality of people is decreasing. A person is synonymous with a reader, because reading has the highest demands on mental activity. First of all, it stimulates language culture as it processes the word and enriches the multiplicity of words. Secondly, it activates the imagination and improves abstract thinking. And thirdly, reading develops emotions, since the written word is indispensable in large-scale descriptions of the inner life, mental pictures, mental representations and concepts.

Both cerebral hemispheres perform important functions. The right hemisphere perceives the world as it is, in all its diversity, the left hemisphere simplifies the world so that it can be studied and somehow changed. Without the right hemisphere, we would turn into robots, without the left, we would not be able to analyze and act, the world would turn into chaos.

The left hemisphere chooses simple, non-contradictory ones out of the whole variety of connections and relationships and, on their basis, creates an unambiguously understood meaning, thanks to which complete mutual understanding between people is achieved. For example, 2+2=4. Such uniqueness and certainty allows you to analyze, draw logical conclusions. At the same time, the context that makes it difficult to understand the meaning, concreteness, clarity of the picture, introducing a contradiction, is mercilessly excluded. For example, logical thinking is inaccessible to how a person can be both loved and hated at the same time.

predominance left brain thinking impoverishes a person, deprives him of the richness of perception, understanding of the fullness of the inexhaustibly rich world and the joy of being involved in it. In each case of solving internal or interpersonal contradictions, there are various nuances that cannot be reduced to a common denominator of logic. Therefore, the dominance of logical, formal thinking can lead to dead-end and intractable conclusions.

The inferiority of figurative (“right hemispheric”) thinking creates constant conflicts with the environment and with oneself. Because logical thinking is inherently alternative, it does not recognize halftones, compromises between "yes" and "no". Figurative thinking, on the other hand, finds unpredictable, uncommon and original solutions in the most hopeless conditions.

The right hemisphere has the exact opposite of the left hemisphere. It instantly perceives reality in all the richness of contradictory, indefinite and ambiguous connections and forms a many-sided meaning.

The right hemisphere unites everything, creating a unique alloy. It is the right hemisphere that is capable of creating multi-valued connections and identifying new ones, and connecting them with existing experience (which is the basis of insights).

Thanks to figurative thinking, it is possible to resolve internal conflicts on an irrational level, which from a logical position look like a dead end.

Inferiority or underdevelopment of right hemisphere thinking (figurative) is a manifestation of not only mental and somatic (bodily) disorders, but also an important link in the mechanism of development of these disorders.

In addition to our conscious (left hemisphere) part of the psyche, there is a significant part (right hemisphere) - this is our unconscious. She is not controlled by consciousness. The unconscious stores a huge layer of information, experience, which has no "past" and "future". The unconscious is always present. This means that any events and impressions of our life are perceived as real. They affect us all the time. For example, some unpleasant impressions of childhood or distant youth live in the unconscious and are perceived by us as happening now. The unconscious influences our behavior and all processes in the body, and this influence is rarely realized by us.

Already in the first year of life, we receive experience in a symbolic form. This experience is remembered by the psyche, and on its basis ideas about oneself, about the world around, about relationships with it are formed. These beliefs significantly affect our behavior, relationships and health. And the saddest thing is that these ideas may not be realized by us, and therefore it is difficult to change what we do not know. If these ideas are negative, then we will strive to match the internal and external - we will refuse success, health, a prosperous family, etc.

Internal images affect us no less actively than any external object. From psychophysiological studies: images of vital events and objects can cause the same behavioral reactions as the perception of these same events and objects in reality.

Kustodiev B.M. "Balagan"

The symbolic world, the world of culture, is capable of exerting a more significant influence on our development than the most serious real events.

Information entering the right hemisphere (if for some reason it was not realized in time) is stored in an encoded form and is not available to the left hemisphere (consciousness).

The inner world is secret, you can’t get into it with a microscope, this world is revealed only through images.

The right hemisphere is the source of unconscious motivation (desire to act), it is automatic. If everything is in order there, we successfully achieve our goals, as if on autopilot. But if there are beliefs that are opposite to our conscious goals, then it is impossible to correct our unconscious attitudes by any persuasion, suggestion, change in behavior.

The roots of our problems are hidden in the unconscious layers of the psyche and the use of the language of logic does not change anything, but leads to a dead end. Our smart "left-brain" thoughts do not affect the solution of "stagnant" problems. If you could easily switch from one mindset to another, everyone would be rich, confident and loved, repeating in front of the mirror: I am rich, confident and loved.

The problem that we run around in our mental maze is not solved. If we, in the course of long efforts and analysis, understand that our parents raised us incorrectly, our mother swaddled us in a wrong way, this will not change anything.

What causes changes in psychotherapy? In psychotherapy, the function of the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, which was blocked due to the activity of the left (mental analysis). And we are moving away from narrow-gauge logic and expanding our understanding of the problem. The right hemispheric ability to establish various connections, to ambiguous thinking allows resolving personal issues.

To activate the functions of the right hemisphere (unconscious), you need to be in dialogue with yourself. Our unconscious prepares events, actions, ideas for us, but we don’t know about it yet, we don’t see this whole process of preparation until it gives us a ready, mature fruit of its work.

Loss of contact with one's own inner world leads to the accumulation of problems and "pushing" them away from consciousness.

In our racing age, the age of the information boom, endless schools of personal growth, it is so important to stop, be alone with yourself, be and listen to yourself. And after regular such “talks”, we will have no other way but to personally grow up, and this will happen naturally.

Unjustified demands of the environment lead to excessive psycho-emotional stress, causing negative reactions and conditions leading to disruptions in normal mental activity.

In order to avoid mass suffocation by personal growth, I propose a simple human development.

The nervous system requires rest, endless stimuli exhaust it. The brain must be protected, constant tension leads to failure and disturbances. It is impossible to live in constant acceleration and stress. We need to find time for ourselves, to be in dialogue with ourselves, and then everything that we were chasing will catch up with us by itself.

In a dialogue with oneself, the same thing happens as in the office of a psychologist. We enter into a dialogue, and thanks to the function of the large hemispheres, we find answers to our questions in ourselves. And there are a lot of questions and tasks that can and should be solved independently.

© Kirillova L.S. , 2016
© Published with the kind permission of the author

There are several types of functional organization of the two hemispheres of the brain:

dominance of the left hemisphere - the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes, a tendency to abstract and generalize (left-hemispheric people);

dominance of the right hemisphere - concrete-figurative thinking, developed imagination (right hemisphere people);

the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres (equal hemisphere people).



Characteristics of the left hemisphere, right hemisphere and equal hemisphere types of brain organization

There are several types of functional organization of the two hemispheres of the brain:

dominance of the left hemisphere - the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes, a tendency to abstract and generalize (left-hemispheric people);

dominance of the right hemisphere - concrete-figurative thinking, developed imagination (right hemisphere people);

the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres (equal hemisphere people).

Left hemispheric type- the dominance of the left hemisphere determines the tendency to abstract and generalize, the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes. The left hemisphere operates with words, conventional signs and symbols; responsible for writing, counting, ability to analyze, abstract, conceptual thinking. At the same time, the information received in the left hemisphere is processed sequentially, linearly and slowly. The perception of left-hemispheric people is discrete, auditory, the intellect is verbal, theoretical, memory is arbitrary. Introverts. For successful activity, the following conditions must be observed: analysis of details, repeated repetition of material, silence, work alone, timeless tasks. They are characterized by a high need for mental activity.

For the formation of motivation for learning activities of left-hemispheric children, it is necessary to focus on cognitive motives. They are attracted by the process of assimilation of knowledge. They are characterized by a high need for constant mental activity. The social motive is the motive of continuing education. Classes in school sciences are considered as a means for the development of one's thinking.

Left-brained people find it easier to write than to dictate. Among the left hemispheric - engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, linguists. Left hemispheres are often emphatically rational and rational. They write a lot and willingly, they easily remember long texts, their speech is grammatically correct. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, responsibility, adherence to principles, and the internal nature of the processing of emotions. They often occupy administrative positions, but they lack flexibility, spontaneity and spontaneity in expressing feelings. They prefer to act according to pre-drawn schemes, stencils, they hardly rebuild their relationships.

Right hemispheric type- the dominance of the right hemisphere determines the propensity for creativity, the concrete-figurative nature of cognitive processes. The right hemisphere of the brain operates with images of real objects, is responsible for orientation in space and easily perceives spatial relationships. It is believed that it is responsible for the synthetic activity of the brain. Right-brain people are distinguished by visual perception, non-verbal, practical intelligence; fast processing of information; involuntary memory. Extroverts. In addition, the ability to draw and perceive the harmony of shapes and colors, ear for music, artistry, and success in sports are associated with the functioning of the right hemisphere. "Right hemispheres" are prone to negative emotions, including anxiety and fear. They are better oriented in the environment, more holistic in the perception of the world around them.

Formation of motivation for learning.For right-brain students, it is necessary to emphasize the prestige of the position in the team, the authority, the social significance of this type of activity, since they have a highly expressed need for self-realization. The motives that encourage them to study school subjects are connected with the formation of their personality, with the desire for self-knowledge, with the desire to understand the relationships between people, to realize their position in the world. They are characterized by an orientation towards high appraisal and praise: "A five at any cost." Of great interest to right-brained schoolchildren is the aesthetic side of objects.

Children with right hemisphere dominance do not control the correctness of their speech. Activities that require constant self-control will be performed poorly. In oral speech, there may be problems in grammar and word selection. Semantic omissions are possible, especially if the right hemisphere student is also impulsive.

It should be noted that right hemispheric people have excellent spatial orientation, body sense, and high coordination of movements. They are successful in team sports. The speech of right-brain people is emotional, expressive, rich in intonations, gestures. There is no special alignment in it, hesitations, inconsistency, extra words and sounds are possible. It is easier for them to dictate text than to write. Among the right-brained people, writers, journalists, artists, and organizers are more common. As a rule, right hemisphere people are holistic natures, open and direct in expressing feelings, naive, trusting, suggestible, able to feel and experience subtly, easily upset and cry, come into a state of anger and rage, sociable and contact. They often act according to their mood.

Equal hemispheric type- the absence of pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres suggests their synchronous activity in the choice of thinking strategies. In addition, there is a hypothesis of effective interaction between the right and left hemispheres as the physiological basis of general giftedness.
The most literate are
isohemisphericstudents. Their left hemisphere takes on the main job of organizing the processing of visual and auditory information, the motor act of writing. Having written a dictation, the children of this group notice and correct almost all the mistakes made. Left hemispheric students make 2.5 times more mistakes when writing: for unstressed vowels in the root, miss a soft sign, 12 times more likely to confuse case endings, write extra letters, replace one consonant with another. Many verbs are used in speech.right hemisphericchildren make mistakes in dictionary words, as well as in stressed vowels, proper names are written with a lowercase letter, for themcharacterized by omissions and omissions.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for consciousness and concrete thinking. This also includes logic and mathematical calculations. But that's not all. The left hemisphere is also responsible for speech, reading and writing, and also for our motor sphere.

Left-brained people can easily memorize an entire poem, not like a long poem. They have good language abilities, as they memorize words perfectly and easily master the logic of constructing sentences. Difficulties can arise with languages ​​such as Japanese, Chinese, or any other language that does not use letters in writing, but hieroglyphs denoting syllables or whole words. If the left hemisphere suffers from a traumatic brain injury, speech disorders may appear: blurring, errors in the names of objects, repeated repetition of the same thing, stuttering and stammering.

"Right-handers" perceive rhythmic music better. Their associations are quite specific, since generalization of concepts is generally not easy for them. A developed left hemisphere facilitates the performance of stereotyped movements. Thanks to this, "right-handers" are easy to work on the conveyor, in general, perform the same type of tasks and operations.

The left hemisphere can be compared to a personal computer that controls and analyzes all the changes taking place both in the body and in its environment. But not all changes are recognized, but only those that can be distinguished with the help of logic. Our “inner speech”, the ability to “think in words” belongs to the left hemisphere.

Optimists are left-brained. They love logical reasoning, they know how to discard everything that “does not fit in the line”, and they look confidently into the future.

Philosophers and researchers of the phenomena of the exact sciences are left-brain people. It is more interesting for them not to observe the world around them, but to draw conclusions from these observations, analyze what is happening, logically comprehend and make decisions.

And, finally, the left hemisphere is also responsible for what is commonly called willpower.

Right-brained people, or left-handers

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the subconscious and abstract thinking, orientation in space and the sphere of feelings. It is responsible for figurative memory, perception of music, intonation and rhythm, expressiveness of sound. It has been experimentally established that if you listen to music with your left ear, through an earpiece, the melody is recognized faster. Right-brained people have a better understanding of classical music with its subtleties and nuances. They give out a high level of associations. It is not difficult for them to abstract from specifics and generalize. Those who have more activated right hemisphere, longer retain in memory a variety of impressions of what they saw and heard.

The left hemisphere is responsible for speech, it "thinks" with the help of words. The right hemisphere "thinks" in images, it reads information contained not in words, but in intonations, facial expressions and gestures. For a right-brained person, it is not so much important what said how much how said.

Marina came to the appointment with a child psychologist with anxiety about the behavior of her four-year-old son: in her opinion, the boy does not adequately respond to communication. At the reception, there was a demonstration of such an “inadequate” reaction. Marina called Artyom to her several times, since we asked her about it, but he became interested in the designer and could not tear himself away from him, and therefore, in response to the first two requests, he asked for “another minute” to play. For the third time, Marina, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes, muttered, without raising her tone, but in a “metallic” voice: “Artyom, leave the designer immediately and come to me.” Artyom immediately became bored with resentment and resolutely declared: “Don’t yell at me!” Of course, the mother spoke in an even voice, but her facial expressions and gestures just “shouted”, and the child heard it. As Marina admitted later, she left us both reassured and worried at the same time. She realized that everything was in order with her boy, it was just that he was clearly right-brained (by the way, Artyom has been taking both a spoon-fork and a pencil with his left hand since childhood), and her confidence in her son’s “normality” could not but please her. But now she is worried about something else: how to communicate with a child who is sensitive to intonation, how to learn to control herself.

The left brain helps us read the book and understand it. The right hemisphere, being sufficiently developed and trained, makes it possible to "read between the lines" and "hear between the words." It makes us re-read again and again long-familiar works, because each time we come across some kind of discovery, something that went unnoticed during the previous reading or viewing.

Let's arrange another test for right and left hemisphere. Read the ballad of A. M. Gorky "About the little fairy and the young shepherd." While reading, try to find and briefly formulate the main meaning of the work in the form of a summary.

A fairy lived in the forest above the river,
She swam in the river at night
And once, forgetting caution,
Caught in fishing nets.
The fishermen watched, marveled ...
Their beloved comrade, Marco,
Picked up a gentle fairy
And began to kiss her passionately.
A fairy, like a flexible branch,
Writhed in mighty hands
Yes, I looked into Markov's eyes
And quietly laughed at something.
They kissed all day
And as soon as the night came,
Missing beautiful fairy
And with it, the Markov force.
Days Marco all prowled through the forest,
And the nights sat over the Danube
And he asked the waves: "Where is the fairy?"
And the waves laugh: “We don’t know!”
Marco hanged himself on a bitter,
Cowardly trembling aspen...
And others buried him
Above the blue Danube in the gorge.
At night to his grave
That fairy came to sit ...
Sitting and laughing at something...
After all, that's how much fun I loved!
A fairy bathes in the Danube
As before, before Marco, I swam ...
And Marco is gone! From Marco
Only this song remains!

Now check yourself.

1. “People remember only those who somehow stood out, did something unusual” - you activated the left hemisphere.

2. “There are forces in the world that are incomprehensible and beyond human control,” you “read” with your right hemisphere and paid attention to the subtext.

3. “Often we imagine ourselves to be the masters of the situation, not actually being such,” - this option is obtained if, having agreed with summary No. 1, you did not calm down and re-read the legend. While reading, you "slowed down" on the line where the fairy "quietly laughed at something." All this means that you are of a mixed type, that is, you are able to turn on both hemispheres at will.

If the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, then thanks to the right hemisphere, intuitive insights and discoveries become possible. The periodic table was “dreamed” by the scientist in a dream, when the left hemisphere, responsible for the work of consciousness, was temporarily “turned off”. Intuition and insight are the methods of work of the right hemisphere. Therefore, many creative people are right-brained - artists, poets, painters and musicians. Right-brained people just love to look at everything and admire the most insignificant things.

My daughter at the age of three just drove us all crazy. We were in a hurry somewhere, and she froze at every step: “Mom, look, a leaf”, “Oh, mom, what a dog!” etc. Everything delighted her, she had to consider everything. To tear her away from contemplation was about the same as “dragging a hippo out of a swamp”, in general, the work is not easy, especially since the girl was terribly offended and threw a tantrum. So we preferred to leave at least half an hour earlier, so that our “eye eye,” as we called her, could view the world at her pleasure.

If your child can stare at a blade of grass for half an hour, do not interrupt this process of contemplation. This is not increased harmfulness and not a whim, but an impulse of the soul. Who knows, perhaps the future Leonardo is growing up with you. If you don't know how to help your child, just don't interfere.

The right hemisphere has one hundred eyes instead of two, it is able to see many things at the same time, to catch connections between objects and events. It is they, the “right hemispheres”, who say that there is nothing accidental in the world. Right-brained people easily accept new things, they are not conservative by nature. And this is a great paradox, since, accepting the new, they constantly look back, look at the lost and gone, and therefore most often look at the world with pessimism. It would seem that the higher the intellect, the more talents and abilities, the more objective a person's self-esteem should be. But no, self-esteem strongly depends on the emotional world of the individual, and therefore it is people who are gifted by nature more often than mediocre people who doubt their talents and experience periods of deep depression.

Since the right hemisphere is responsible for the sphere of feelings, it should not be surprising that right-brained people, among whom there are many left-handed people, have those abilities that are commonly called phenomenal today. The subconscious mind, for which the right hemisphere is responsible, is in charge of all those mental functions that we are not able to control. This includes primarily intuition and dreams. Telepathy and hypnosis, as well as the phenomena of automatic counting and absolute memory, also refer to the work of the subconscious and, accordingly, the right hemisphere.

It is quite natural that many left-handers are related to art and science. We can recall scientists - I. P. Pavlov and J. K. Maxwell, artists - Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, connoisseurs of the word, feeling it by taste and touch - I. Dahl and L. Carroll. Left-handed geniuses include such personalities as Paul McCartney and Charlie Chaplin. If you believe the legends of antiquity, then Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great and Napoleon were also left-handed.

Sections: School psychological service

Right hemispheric people do not see individual trees behind the forest, and left hemisphere people do not see the forest behind individual trees.
B. White

The theory of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres has been actively developed over the past decades, and significant theoretical and practical material has been accumulated. However, in the practical work of preschool institutions and schools, data on the individual profile of the functional asymmetry of the child's brain are rarely taken into account. The foundations of functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres are innate. As the child develops, the mechanisms of interhemispheric asymmetry become more complex.

There are several types of functional organization of the two hemispheres of the brain:

  • dominance of the left hemisphere - the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes, a tendency to abstract and generalize (left-hemispheric people);
  • dominance of the right hemisphere - concrete-figurative thinking, developed imagination (right hemisphere people);
  • the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres (equal hemisphere people).

Left hemispheric type - the dominance of the left hemisphere determines the tendency to abstract and generalize, the verbal-logical nature of cognitive processes. The left hemisphere operates with words, conventional signs and symbols; responsible for writing, counting, ability to analyze, abstract, conceptual thinking. At the same time, the information received in the left hemisphere is processed sequentially, linearly and slowly. The perception of left-hemispheric people is discrete, auditory, the intellect is verbal, theoretical, memory is arbitrary. Introverts. For successful activity, the following conditions must be observed: analysis of details, repeated repetition of material, silence, work alone, timeless tasks. They are characterized by a high need for mental activity.

For the formation of motivation for learning activities of left-hemispheric children, it is necessary to focus on cognitive motives. They are attracted by the process of assimilation of knowledge. They are characterized by a high need for constant mental activity. The social motive is the motive of continuing education. Classes in school sciences are considered as a means for the development of one's thinking.

Left-brained people find it easier to write than to dictate. Among the left hemispheric - engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, linguists. Left hemispheres are often emphatically rational and rational. They write a lot and willingly, they easily remember long texts, their speech is grammatically correct. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty, responsibility, adherence to principles, and the internal nature of the processing of emotions. They often occupy administrative positions, but they lack flexibility, spontaneity and spontaneity in expressing feelings. They prefer to act according to pre-drawn schemes, stencils, they hardly rebuild their relationships.

The right hemispheric type - the dominance of the right hemisphere determines the propensity for creativity, the concrete-figurative nature of cognitive processes. The right hemisphere of the brain operates with images of real objects, is responsible for orientation in space and easily perceives spatial relationships. It is believed that it is responsible for the synthetic activity of the brain. Right-brain people are distinguished by visual perception, non-verbal, practical intelligence; fast processing of information; involuntary memory. Extroverts. In addition, the ability to draw and perceive the harmony of shapes and colors, ear for music, artistry, and success in sports are associated with the functioning of the right hemisphere. "Right hemispheres" are prone to negative emotions, including anxiety and fear. They are better oriented in the environment, more holistic in the perception of the world around them.

Formation of motivation for learning. For right-brain students, it is necessary to emphasize the prestige of the position in the team, the authority, the social significance of this type of activity, since they have a highly expressed need for self-realization. The motives for studying school subjects are connected with the formation of their personality, with the desire for self-knowledge, with the desire to understand the relationships between people, to realize their position in the world. They are characterized by an orientation towards high appraisal and praise: "A five at any cost." Of great interest to right-brained schoolchildren is the aesthetic side of objects.

Children with right hemisphere dominance do not control the correctness of their speech. Activities that require constant self-control will be performed poorly. In oral speech, there may be problems in grammar and word selection. Semantic omissions are possible, especially if the right hemisphere student is also impulsive.

It should be noted that right hemispheric people have excellent spatial orientation, body sense, and high coordination of movements. They are successful in team sports. The speech of right-brain people is emotional, expressive, rich in intonations, gestures. There is no special alignment in it, hesitations, inconsistency, extra words and sounds are possible. It is easier for them to dictate text than to write. Among the right-brained people, writers, journalists, artists, and organizers are more common. As a rule, right hemisphere people are holistic natures, open and direct in expressing feelings, naive, trusting, suggestible, able to feel and experience subtly, easily upset and cry, come into a state of anger and rage, sociable and contact. They often act according to their mood.

Equal hemispheric type - the absence of a pronounced dominance of one of the hemispheres suggests their synchronous activity in the choice of thinking strategies. In addition, there is a hypothesis of effective interaction between the right and left hemispheres as the physiological basis of general giftedness.
The most literate are isohemispheric students. Their left hemisphere takes on the main job of organizing the processing of visual and auditory information, the motor act of writing. Having written a dictation, the children of this group notice and correct almost all the mistakes made. Left hemispheric students make 2.5 times more mistakes when writing: for unstressed vowels in the root, miss a soft sign, 12 times more likely to confuse case endings, write extra letters, replace one consonant with another. Many verbs are used in speech. right hemispheric children make mistakes in dictionary words, as well as in stressed vowels, proper names are written with a lowercase letter, they are characterized by omissions and misspellings.

Causes of school neurosis in primary school age.

It can be said that in childhood, boys are more right hemisphere than girls, but with age in men, the left hemisphere begins to lead in terms of its level of functional development. Men become more left-brained than women.

However, innate prerequisites are only the initial conditions, and the asymmetry itself is formed in the process of individual development, under the influence of social contacts, primarily family ones.

Parents, raising a child, often want to get a certain result, expect one reaction from him, but sometimes they get the complete opposite.

In primary school age, children may have obsessive fears of doing something wrong. Following doubts about the correctness of their actions comes uncertainty and, along with this, a painfully sharpened sense of duty, duty, and responsibility. Excessive demands on oneself are often combined with the pressure of parents who have a hypersocial orientation of the personality.

What happens with the child? Spontaneity, immediacy of feelings, the ability to quickly grasp the situation disappear, and instead of emotions, we see their surrogate - constant anxiety and doubt, anxious suspiciousness. Thus, a transcendent mode of operation of the left hemisphere is created. Constant overstrain of neuropsychic forces leads to chronic stress. This manifests itself in a gradually increasing feeling of fatigue, attention disorder, headaches.

Parents and teachers often regard neurotic disorders as a lack of volitional (conscious) regulation of behavior and increase moral requirements. In this case, the child ceases to assimilate not only the requirements, but also all the symbolic information: "does not hear", "does not see", "digs", constantly feels tired. This comes into action the protective function of the right hemisphere, which does not allow awareness of experiences that are unacceptable to it.

Thus, in all neuroses there are violations of interhemispheric interaction. It is known that the emergence of neuroses contributes to the left hemisphere accent in learning. There is an excessive stimulation of the functions of the left hemisphere, which are not yet characteristic of children, while the functions of the right hemisphere are inhibited.

Along with the specialization of the hemispheres, the brain works as a whole. When communicating with a child, it is useful for parents to remember more often that there is a place for everyone under the sun: left-, right- and equally hemispheric children.

Help should be expressed in psychological relief. Children need vivid impressions and hobbies, positive emotions and a return to a sense of the joy of life.

Do not forget that before you is not a sexless child, but a boy or girl with certain features of thinking, perception, emotions.

2. Never compare children with each other, praise them for their successes and achievements.

3. When teaching boys, rely on their high search activity, ingenuity.

4. When teaching girls, not only understand the principle of completing the task with them, but also teach them to act independently, and not according to pre-designed schemes.

5. When scolding a boy, be aware of his emotional sensitivity and anxiety. State your dissatisfaction briefly and precisely. The boy is not able to hold emotional tension for a long time, very soon he stops listening and hearing you.

6. When scolding a girl, be aware of her emotional violent reaction, which prevents her from understanding why she is being scolded. Take it easy on her mistakes.

7. Girls can act up due to fatigue (exhaustion of the right "emotional" hemisphere). Boys in this case are depleted of information (decrease in the activity of the left "rational-logical" hemisphere). Scolding them for this is useless and immoral.

8. Focus programs and teaching methods on a specific child with a certain type of functional asymmetry of the hemispheres, give him the opportunity to reveal his abilities, create a situation for him to succeed.

9. When teaching a child to write well, do not destroy the foundations of "innate" literacy. Look for the reasons for the child's illiteracy, analyze his mistakes.

10. Do not forget that your assessment given to a child is always subjective and depends on your type of asymmetry of the hemispheres. Perhaps you belong to different types of brain organization and think differently.

11. You should not so much teach the child as develop in him a desire to learn.

12. Remember that any child may not know something, not be able to, make mistakes in something.

13. A child's laziness is a signal that your activities are not going well.

14. For the harmonious development of the child, it is necessary to teach him to comprehend the educational material in different ways (logically, figuratively, intuitively).

15. For successful learning, we must turn our requirements into the desires of the child.