Presentation for literary reading lessons in elementary school about E.A. Blaginina

(1903-1989) Russian poet,
Over the rye, crushed by the rain,
It costs almost a day through.
Oryol wind smells like mint,
Wormwood, honey, silence...
The author of these lines, a native of Oryol
village Elena Blaginina, did not immediately understand
who was born a poet.

The baggage clerk's daughter at the Kursk-I station,
was going to
teacher. Every day, in any weather,
in homemade shoes on a rope
sole (the time was difficult: the twenties
years) she walked seven kilometers from home in
the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time
in the almanac of the Kursk poets appeared the first
lyrical poems by Elena Alexandrovna.

Elena Alexandrovna came to children's literature in the early 30s
years. It was then on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where
such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, appeared
new name - E. Blaginina.
“The guys loved both her and her poems - wonderful poems about what
close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about
birch trees, about apples, about the garden and, of course, about the children themselves,
about their joys and sorrows,” recalls the literary critic E. Taratuta,
who then worked in the library, where the authors of Murzilka performed
to younger readers.

E.A. Blaginina lived a long life and worked constantly. She is
wrote poems sparkling with humor, teasers, counting rhymes,
tongue twisters, songs, fairy tales.

She also worked on translations, introduced the children to the poetry of Taras
Shevchenko, Maria Konopnitskaya, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko.
The best of everything created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections
"Crane", "Fly away - flew away", "Burn, burn clearly!".

Let's sit in silence
Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
I also want to move.
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball.
I would sing a song
I could laugh.
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam shot across the wall.
And then slithered towards me.
- Nothing, - he whispered as if, Let's sit in silence! ..

Mom is the main word in the life of any person. And Elena Blaginina in her
poems taught children to love, appreciate, respect, carefully and caringly treat
to a native person.
What a mom!
Mom sang a song
Dressed my daughter
White shirt.
White shirt -
Thin line.
Mom sang a song
Shoe my daughter
Fastened with an elastic band
For every stocking.
Light stockings
On my daughter's feet.
Mom sang a song
Mom dressed the girl
Red dress with polka dots
New shoes on legs...
That's how mom did it.
Dressed up my daughter for May.
That's what mom -
Golden right!

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Elena Blaginina Born May 27, 1903 Place of birth: s. Yakovlevo (Oryol province, now Sverdlovsk district of the Oryol region) Oryol region Date of death: April 24, 1989 (age 85) Place of death: Moscow

Information about the author Love for fairy tales and poetry was instilled in her grandmother, Yulia Gerasimovna, who often told them to her numerous grandchildren. The family of the Kursk railroad worker Alexander Alexandrovich Blaginin had 9 children. Songs often sounded in the house, as a rule there were home performances, all kinds of little surprises for children. It was for the home theater that she began to write her first poems, fairy tales and plays.

Biography Born in the family of a railway worker. In 1913-1922. She studied at the Kursk Mariinsky Gymnasium and the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. In 1921 she left for Moscow. She published poetry from 1921, in 1925 she graduated from the Higher Literary and Art Institute. V. Ya. Bryusov in Moscow. For several years she worked in the expedition of the Izvestia newspaper. She was married to the Russian poet Georgy Obolduev. She was buried in a cemetery in Golitsyn near Moscow - there was a writer's house of creativity.

Creativity Since 1933, a permanent author, later editor of the children's magazines "Murzilka" and "Zateynik". In 1936, her first books for children, Autumn and Sadko, were published. Blaginina's books (more than 40) have always enjoyed recognition. Blaginina also translated children's poetry (in particular, Lev Kvitko), Taras Shevchenko, Y. Tuvim, M. Konopnitskaya's fairy tales - since 1938 more than 30 books.

Books by E. Blaginina

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Which is closely connected with the world of childhood, is a well-known Russian poetess and translator. On the kind and sincere poems of the author, more than one theme of her works has grown, which is understandable to an adult.

Elena Blaginina's work is based on Russian folklore. Her poems, songs, fairy tales, jokes, teasers, counting rhymes, tongue twisters sparkle with good humor, and the themes: the world around, mother's care for a child, communication with peers, rural nature are close to both children and adults.

Blaginina Elena: short biography

Blaginina Elena did not forget, whose biography is a vivid example of determination and love for poetry, and about an adult audience, for which two collections of poems were released: in 1960 - “Window to the Garden”, in 1973 - “Folder”.

Creative contributions to children's literature

In her personal life, Elena Blaginina was married to the Russian poet Georgy Obolduev, whose original work was hidden from the reader by Soviet censorship for many years. The poetess subsequently wrote a book of memoirs about her original and bright wife.

Many of Elena Blaginina's works have been translated into other languages, and the best ones have been included in the Russian children's book fund, becoming on a par with the poems of Samuil Marshak and Korney Chukovsky.

A talented poetess, a favorite author of many children, lived a long life, which put an end to April 24, 1989. Blaginina Elena, whose biography entered the history of Russian literature, was buried in Moscow at the Kobyakovsky cemetery next to her husband.

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Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989) - Russian poet, translator. Over the rye, crushed by the rain, There is a day almost through. The Oryol wind smells of mint, Polynya, honey, silence... The author of these lines, a native of the Oryol village, Elena Blaginina, did not immediately realize that she was born a poet.

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The daughter of a luggage clerk at the Kursk-I station, the granddaughter of a priest was going to become a teacher. Every day, in any weather, in home-made shoes with rope soles (it was a difficult time: the twenties), she walked seven kilometers from home to the Kursk Pedagogical Institute. But the desire to write turned out to be stronger, and at the same time, the first lyrical poems of Elena Alexandrovna appeared in the almanac of Kursk poets.

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Elena Aleksandrovna came to children's literature in the early 1930s. It was then that on the pages of the Murzilka magazine, where such poets as Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov were published, a new name appeared - E. Blaginina. “The guys loved both her and her poems - wonderful poems about what is close and dear to children: about the wind, about the rain, about the rainbow, about birches, about apples, about the garden and the garden and, of course, about the children themselves, about their joys and sorrows,” recalls the literary critic E. Taratuta, who then worked in the library, where the authors of “Murzilka” spoke to young readers.

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DEAD OUT The sun with a yellow jamb Has subsided on a bench. Today I ran barefoot on the grass. I have seen Sharp blades of grass grow, I have seen Blue periwinkles bloom. I heard the frog croaking in the pond, I heard the cuckoo crying in the garden. I saw a gander By the flower bed. He pecked a big worm at the tub. I heard a nightingale - Here is a good songbird! I saw an ant under a heavy burden. I marveled at such a strong man for two hours ... And now I want to sleep, Well, you, I'm tired ...

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Enjoy, toys! I, as a mother, do not like clutter in the house. I will spread the blanket evenly and smoothly. On down pillows I will throw muslin. Admire, toys, To work for me! Come take a look! She took a broom and swept the yard. Everywhere the broom stuck its nose, But I did not lag behind - From the barn to the porch I swept endlessly. Come, have a look, At least find a speck!

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E.A. Blaginina lived a long life and worked constantly. She wrote poems sparkling with humor, teasers, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, songs, fairy tales.

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She also worked on translations, introduced the children to the poetry of Taras Shevchenko, Maria Konopnitskaya, Julian Tuvim, Lev Kvitko. The best of everything created by Elena Blaginina was included in the collections "Crane", "Fly away - flew away", "Burn, burn clearly!".

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Let's sit in silence Mom is sleeping, she's tired... Well, I didn't play either! I don’t start a top, but I sit down and sit. My toys do not make noise, It is quiet in the empty room, And on my mother's pillow, a beam of gold creeps. And I said to the beam: - I also want to move. I would like a lot: Read aloud and roll the ball. I would sing a song, I could laugh. Whatever I want! But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent. The beam shot across the wall. And then slithered towards me. “Nothing,” he whispered, as if, “Let’s sit in silence!”

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What a mom! Mom sang a song, Dressed her daughter, Dressed, put on a white shirt. White shirt - Thin line. Mom pulled a song, Shoe her daughter, Fastened with an elastic band To each stocking. Light stockings On my daughter's legs. Mom finished the song, Mom dressed the girl: Red dress with polka dots, New shoes with legs ... That's how mom pleased. Dressed up my daughter for May. That's what mom is - Golden right! Mom is the main word in the life of any person. And Elena Blaginina in her poems taught children to love, appreciate, respect, treat their loved one with care and concern.