Reality management. Event Chains

16.06.2002 (23:54)

Pay attention to the cyclicity of all these things - coils, spirals and histones. For me, DNA is the matrix of the entire tonal. I believe - and in time I will try to prove it to you - that our world (description of the world) depends on a combination of open and closed histones. That is, our whole world, all our behavior in everyday life and in dreams is determined by a combination of several variables, which can be either active or passive. All the places where the dreamer regains his luminosity, encounters teachers or teaching forces is histone activation. All the places where we have contact in dreams with oppressive forces are deactivated histones. And if you take my words on faith (at least for now), then we can assume that the world description is closely connected with certain cycles.

Of course, you knew this even without me: there are many cycles, they are diverse and there is no end to them. Dudki! There are not so many of them. But we must take into account that we never use many cycles in our life - for example, the set that DH and CC called the second ring of power. The histone is closed, it does not let you into a beautiful life - so we are spinning: who is in poverty, who is in bad luck. Suddenly - bam! - the histon opens, a stream of events goes on, carries us somewhere. Then - bang! - closed histone. And everything is the same or different, but the same. I have painted this wonderful picture of change for life situations. But interestingly, any histone switch opens up new places for us in the world, in knowledge, everywhere. It would be great to control these small pieces of proteins - turn them on and off at will. And this desire was not visited by us alone. If we look back into the past, then behind us are crowds of magicians, sorcerers, witches, occultists and other respected people. They also tried to explore the cyclicity of being and use it for their modest needs. Of course, they did not know about DNA, the tonal and the nagual, but they guessed about a certain general matrix of secrets. These people brought different frames of reference into the world that helped them manipulate different cycles. Some systems were so effective that the ancient sages provided them with a game component and thus provided them with an “eternal” existence. For example, let's take chess, cards, dominoes and other products of brilliant minds. With the help of cards, you can play the "fool" or manipulate the chains of events (do almost magic). With the help of dominoes, you can score a "goat" or make a chain of transits for various situations. It all depends on the point of view - on the application of these wonderful systems.

Why do we use stalking cards. Because this system - the system of certain solitaire games - fits well with life situations. It takes into account four spheres of being (or more, if necessary) and nine key moments of these spheres. Back in the old days, John Dee and his predecessors noted a marvelous thing: they discovered that events tend to play out like solitaire. Let's say a man decides to score a joint. He takes out a box of matches, strikes a match on the teal, phosphorus and sulfur light up, followed by a match, then the man brings the light to the cigarette, inhales, the dope begins to smolder, inhale, the smoke of hemp tickles his chest, and so on. This is a whole chain of events, but since the sequence "has developed", the man can say: I "lit a cigarette." The remaining elements of the chain "formed" - they ceased to matter to a person. And if the chain had not worked out, he would have broken the last match, dropped a cigarette into a puddle, burned his finger, etc.

Unfortunately, many chains of events in our lives did not work out. Worse, many of these chains carried a large energy and emotional charge. Roughly speaking, each of us is trailed by many kilometers of unfinished business, unfulfilled promises and other rubbish, on which our personal strength has remained. The revision of events offers us two benefits: the restoration of lost strength and the creation of a dummy for the Eagle (so that he ate the left Hawk, not us). DH created the dummy in the same way that we use in dream mapping. That is, we fill some artificial (virtual) space with memories of the events experienced. "Dream hackers" brought an innovation to stalking: the solitaire method allows us, among other things, to control and direct the course of future events in the direction we need - so that with their help to solve past unresolved situations.

How do life events relate to "card tricks"? It is noted that events correlate with each other by suit and by face value. Namely: large crayfish are bought for five rubles, and small ones - for a three-ruble note. You can buy very large crayfish for five rubles. Or for a three-ruble note, but only very small crayfish. You can draw a masterpiece, and it will be placed in a museum - your name will be heard, and your career will be at its peak. And you can draw a face on the fence, from which glory will not increase for you. These are examples of event correlation at face value. If you want to see how events are correlated by suit, then think about such wonderful proverbs as: “The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar”, “The hand washes his hand”, “The raven does not peck out the eye of the crow” or (for such a Latin connoisseur as Canis) “ Asinus asino pulcherrimus.

Now let's see how the events "add up". Let's say we're making a magazine. We started a compilation of articles (creation process), then we argued about something (argument), then we finished the work and put the finished product on public display (creation process). Do you think that after our friends praise us, we will remember the dispute? No, it won't matter, because the phases of the creation process have swallowed up the controversy. The chain has formed. The dispute has lost relevance. It has no energy and emotional charge. He, as an element of the chain, has developed into nothing!!! It would be another matter if we got into terrible insults and quit working on the magazine. Then the chain would have remained unfolded, and the dispute would have hung on us like a weight of emotional charge.

From this we conclude: we can energetically reset any past event, and thus return the emotional and energy charge back to the work process (restore our personal strength). But at the moment, your task is to complete the initial stage of this process. It is necessary to invent a description system - a language for encoding events. I argue that if we compose this language, and several people describe the events of two or three days in it, then when comparing these descriptions, we will find common features - minors. Moreover, we will see that these minors will be based on the elements of the routine. And then you will understand why DH forced CC to get rid of the routine of life. But understand it from a different point of view. From a completely different point of view!

Sergei Izrigi

With chains. As a practical application, a relatively simple task was chosen - forecasting the movement of the exchange rate.

When constructing chains, the methodology described in the article “Automatic text analysis without moderators” and in the comments to it was used. After describing the algorithm, a strategy with a positive mathematical expectation of profit will be proposed.


When processing events, you have to look for the meaning of what is happening. If the sun is shining from the sky and the southwest wind is blowing, then what does this mean? And if it suddenly got dark and deaf rumbles are heard, then what threatens it?

The answer to these questions lies in the future. If the weather is good now, then you can go for a walk. And if the clouds suddenly thickened, then you need to prepare for the rain. Thus, events from the present become prerequisites for shaping the future.

But the future doesn't exist. Even if it is predetermined, a factor can always appear that will change the result to one degree or another. We can only talk about a certain probability with which the forecast is fulfilled.

When forecasting, one has to operate with a limited set of information. The larger it is, the more time it takes to process. The need for processing deliberately makes an instant response impossible. Even if it takes seconds to process, a lot can happen in seconds. And the more complex the methods involved, the greater the gap between the appearance of the initial data and the final result.

Another factor is that the behavior of the environment is not always defined and determined. This forces us to resort to empirical research methods: first, we fix the prerequisites, and then we associate them with the consequences that have occurred. The time between cause and effect gives additional delay.

If the behavior of the environment does not depend on its past states, then its prediction is impossible - you never know what will happen in the next moment. But in practice, stable causal relationships still occur and exist, sometimes, from time immemorial.

Thus, the task is reduced to collecting the necessary information, empirical search for stable cause-and-effect relationships, and using the results in forecasting.

Formulation of the problem

Let's try to predict the direction of movement of the EURUSD rate in the FOREX market. We take history in the form of one-minute bars and try to predict: will the price go up or will the price go down? If there is no certainty in either, then we give an indefinite answer. The received answers are then compared with the real result and we find out whether the forecast was correct or not.

As a platform for implementation, the MetaTrader 4 or 5 strategy tester is suitable. The fifth version is more preferable, as it supports Object-Oriented Programming, but the fourth one can also be dispensed with.

Those who are familiar with the FOREX market and have dealt with Mechanical Trading Systems - Expert Advisors, know well what is at stake. The tester sequentially goes through the history, creating trading conditions close to reality and evaluates the effectiveness of the adviser.

When solving the problem, I implemented my tester in Java, which turned out to be justified for me.

As a result, it is necessary to draw a conclusion: is forecasting possible in the FOREX market and is the method of building chains justified on it.

Testing strategies

When testing, we determine the number of pips of minimum income (MinProfit), maximum loss (MaxLoss) and set the amount of time for which we want to see the result (FeedbackHours). The last parameter sets the delay between the appearance of the initial data and their use in forecasting. To approximate real conditions, we also take into account the spread (Spread).

The parameters can be varied in a wide range, MinProfit and MaxLoss can be taken different from each other. When solving the problem, the following parameter values ​​were chosen:

MinProfit - 200 pips
MaxLoss - 200 pips
FeedbackHours - 24*7 hours
Spread - 30 pips

The MinProfit and MaxLoss parameters are taken not too large so that the testing time is not too long. With these parameters, the strategy will resemble pipsing. Getting a stable income from pipsing is the dream of almost all traders. Let's try to help them.

The FeedbackHours parameter is chosen not too small, since with a smaller value, the result does not always have time to form. If we take into account that the goal is to look for long-term trends, then it is possible to safely take large values. However, by reducing the waiting time for the result, you can get an advantage in time.

Spread sets the commission for each operation. The traditional value was chosen, which is quite acceptable for solving the problem. If desired, it can even be taken as zero.

During testing, one-minute history for 2010-2011 was taken from InstaTrader and MetaQuotes servers. It turned out to be technically difficult for me to do testing in a wider range (more than two years).

Interpretation of results

The accepted values ​​set the probability of winning in case of a random price movement at the level of 17/43 (approximately 0.3953).

If the profitability of the Expert Advisor is close to this value, then we can say that the effectiveness of the method is zero. Such a result will indirectly indicate that, within the accepted parameters, the behavior of the EURUSD price in the FOREX market is absolutely random. To change the situation, you need to change the settings.

If the result obtained is less than this value, then the method should be guided exactly the other way around. That is, if the result is "Buy", then it is necessary to sell, if the result is "Sell", then it is necessary to buy.

If the result is more than 17/43, then we can say that the method is effective and its development can bring results.

But even if the probability of winning is more than 0.5, it would be a mistake to assume that the so-called “grail” has been found. A profitable method will spread very quickly and its advantages will be exhausted very quickly ( , ).

This, in fact, is the ultimate goal of this work. If statistical methods cease to justify themselves, then any possibility for speculation will disappear.

rough estimation

First, a rough estimate is made. That is, at each step, the expert says “Buy” and “Sell” at the same time. The resulting payoff provides information about trends in price behavior. If the payoff is close to 0.3953, then we can talk about the lack of certainty. If it is more than 0.3953, then the price movement is subject to trends, if it is less, the movement is horizontal.

Moreover, if the deviation in one direction or another is large enough, then strategies will be justified in which MinProfit is not equal to MaxLoss.

A practical study showed that for 2010-2011 the winnings were at the level of 0.4250, which is better than the winnings at a random price by 0.0297. The increase in winnings is quite noticeable, and it was observed throughout the entire testing period.

A rough estimate was also made for the period from 2000 to 2011 inclusive, and a payoff of 0.4212 was obtained. That is, the price of EURUSD as a whole is subject to trends, sometimes to a greater extent, sometimes to a lesser extent.

Price analysis

We will conduct technical analysis, so we will study the form of price movement: bends, inclinations in one direction or another, at one angle or another. You can use many different indicators, but in this case we use the Open price change chain.

For example, let's assume that the current date is January 4, 2010 and the time is 23:58. At this time, the opening price was 1.44163. And in the previous minute the price was 1.44165, that is, the price changed by -2 points. A minute earlier, the price was 1.44161, that is, the price changed by +4 points. As a result, we get a chain: -2, +4, +3, +5, -6, +6, -2, +0, +3 ... Chains, if necessary, can be made long.

Similarly, you can perform fundamental analysis. To do this, we build chains from information coming from the news feed. Obviously, fundamental analysis requires significant computing resources and more complex methods for building chains, so we are not doing fundamental analysis yet.

The resulting chains are taken as qualitative characteristics of the price. Next, we count them. In memory, we search for the longest chain that is observed at a given time. If nothing is found in memory, we consider a chain of length 1 (in this case: -1).

According to the found chain, we remember the final result (the price goes up, the price goes down, not defined). If a certain result is obtained for this chain, that is, the price always goes up or the price always goes down or is always undefined, then we leave it like that. Otherwise, we lengthen the chain by one and store the current result for it.

As a result, we get a database in which its behavior is known from the price configuration.

To evaluate the effectiveness, we will use the obtained database when trading. If there is a certain result in memory for the current chain, then we bet on it. As a result, for 2010-2011, the payoff was 0.4281, which is better than the result of a rough analysis by 0.0031 and better than the win at a random price by 0.0328.

The improvement is not very noticeable compared to the result of a rough analysis. This can be explained by the fact that a relatively small range of price movement is chosen - 200 pips, and the strategy resembles “pipsing”. On the other hand, this suggests that the chaining method may not be efficient enough and needs to be changed. In the meantime, we will be satisfied with the fact that throughout the entire testing period, the improvement in the result is observed steadily.

When tested on wider price movements, the EA shows more interesting results. Often even positive profitability is demonstrated.

However, at the stage of constructing chains, the effectiveness is not ensured; only a study of the price behavior is carried out.

Signal conditioning

It is possible that in one minute we have a signal to buy, and the next - to sell. Provided that the price has not changed much - what to believe?

Problem from the field of game theory. We try to understand which of the signals are correct and which are distracting or even false. As a result, it is necessary to outplay opponents, in this case, other FOREX market participants.

We coordinate according to the same principle: we build chains of the latest signals, take into account price changes, and collect winning statistics.

When testing for 2010-2011, a gain of 0.4293 was obtained, which is better than with a simple price analysis by 0.0012.

The gain increase is almost negligible. At times, there was a very poor result, much worse than not only the result of a rough estimate, but also the result at a completely random price, that is, less than 0.3953. Sometimes even a result of about 0.3 was noted. But sometimes there were very successful periods when the result, with such a high commission, was even at the level of 0.5. Hence the conclusion - sometimes the expert beats the market, and sometimes the market beats the expert.

When testing on wider price movements, the final result may turn out to be even worse. It is obvious that in this case more complex combinations come into play, which take away speculative money. But the picture is the same - at times there is a significant gain, and at times - a significant loss.

Obviously, the algorithm chosen to solve the problem is not perfect, but sometimes it can improve the result.

Signal selection

The selection of signals has not yet been implemented, but there is an idea of ​​​​in which direction it is necessary to move. It is necessary to calculate the mathematical expectation of winning and choose those chains, the expectation of winning which gives hope for the maximum result. To do this, we collect information on all encountered chains, and weed out those of them, the winnings of which are below a certain threshold.

An attempt was made to make a simple screening. A certain parameter is calculated, and if it is less (or more) than the average value, then the signal is filtered out. In some cases, it was possible to obtain a consistently winning strategy. But not enough has been done so far to talk about the maximum result.

Observations have shown that the identification of deliberately unfavorable conditions is quite possible. Quite often, the strategy forced the EA to be passive when there was a big unprofitability.

Crisis management

Sometimes it happens that the wrong decision was made earlier and this became known later. If there is still time to correct the situation, then this should be used, for example, to close the position before the losses become too great.

Doing prevention

At this stage, we collect statistics on emerging crisis situations and avoid them in advance.

An example of a profitable strategy

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the method, I will try to propose a strategy with a positive mathematical expectation of winning. Let's take the following parameter values:

MinProfit - 300 pips
MaxLoss - 2700 pips
FeedbackHours - 24*7*4 hours
Spread - 30 pips

Due to the fact that in 2007 the result was not formed too often for 4 weeks (the price fluctuated for a long time in the corridor of less than 600 pips), 2007 was calculated based on FeedbackHours - 24*7*8 hours.

rough estimation

With this strategy, you can win only when the price moves horizontally and moves with a swing of mostly more than 600 pips, but less than 5400 pips. The results show that predominantly horizontal price movement was observed only in the post-crisis year of 2009.

Price analysis

Price analysis provides insight into behavior. If the behavior does not change over time, then the strategy will be winning. It can be seen from the results that until 2008 inclusive, price behavior changes almost constantly, which means that strategies based on the repetition of movement led to a loss.

Perhaps this was the cause of the 2008 crisis, when financial institutions suffered huge losses and when several of the largest banks went bankrupt. Since 2009, there has been a predictability in the price movement, which tends to increase over time. This may be due to the fact that the scale of economic stimulus is also growing at this time.

Signal conditioning

By making signal matching, we are trying to outplay other market participants. The attempt turns out to be successful and manages to reach a positive profitability based on results for 12 years. In the post-crisis years, consistently positive profitability is also observed.

Signal selection

As mentioned above, the signal selection algorithm was not implemented, but a simple screening was implemented, in which those situations that were less common than usual were screened out. This made it possible to improve the result, but according to the results of several years, nevertheless, losses were observed. Especially high unprofitability was observed in the pre-crisis year of 2007.

You can show even better results. To do this, you can try to take, for example, the size of the minimum profit of 200 pips, and the maximum loss of 1800 pips, but more research is required to find the optimal strategy. If crisis management is carried out, then one can try to reduce losses by increasing total income.

It should also be taken into account that in this evaluation work, the calculation of many important characteristics for a trader, for example, drawdown, has not been broken through. However, there is a noticeable positive mathematical expectation of profit.


The movement of the EURUSD price in the FOREX market is not accidental and its behavior, in most cases, tends. This speaks to its predictability.

The method of constructing chains makes it possible to improve the result, but in the described form it is imperfect. But, despite the imperfection, chains allow you to create strategies with a positive mathematical expectation of profit.

Obviously, the search for causal relationships by statistical methods is justified, but its widespread use will lead to far-reaching consequences. It will be possible not only to identify and level trends in a timely manner, but also to shape them.

My fear of something usually means I have to do it.

Recently I got to the webinar of Oleg Goryacho, in which he shared interesting observations about successful people. If anyone does not know, Oleg is a businessman, a coach in the field of business and personal growth, over the past year his activities have brought him about 50 million rubles. With all that, the other day, on August 2, he turned 27 years old. In general, such people should be listened to. He said that he talked with many businessmen, there were about a hundred of them, and he noticed one feature. If in the life of an ordinary person there are not so many events that knock him out of the usual rhythm of life, then the life of successful businessmen resembles a roller coaster. Why is it good?

For an ordinary person, everything is known in advance, safe, familiar. And his life is predictable, and the results can be predicted in advance. This is called the comfort zone. This state is habitual and everyone tends to stay in this zone. But at the same time, I want to achieve something much more than I have now, not only in material terms, but also in terms of personal life, success. This usually happens when we leave our comfort zone. And since a person does not want to leave it himself, leaving the comfort zone is often an external influence. For example: a person has lost his job. Then he has to move, look for a new one, make efforts, create a reputation in a new place. If he continued to work at the same job, it is unlikely that he would look for a new one. The new always brings some discomfort and an element of uncertainty, unpredictability, which is always frightening. The paradox is that all our successes and achievements are usually associated with our exit from the comfort zone. And the more often we get out of it, the more chances we have for success.

It turns out the best strategy is not to wait for changes, but to create them, to get ahead of events. Change doesn't have to be work related. It can be meeting new people, new hobbies, new places where you have not been yet. How many new things do you try during the week?

Oleg also introduced an interesting concept - creating a chain of events. It is a conscious step out of your comfort zone that sets off a chain of events that increases your chances of success. Sometimes even in completely unexpected ways. A good way is to go to training, learn something new. Perhaps your best gain from training will be a new skill, new knowledge. Or maybe it will introduce you to new interesting people, push you to new ideas, maybe start a process that will later bring you wealth or the love of your life.
I have my own example of this chain. In 2007, I bought a bike, became interested in traveling, a year later I went to my first mountain marathon in Altai. The need to order parts online helped me gain experience in online shopping, negotiations with sellers, and I also improved my English skills. Trips to competitions in other cities helped me gain travel experience, later, my fiancée and I were able to go to one of the cycling days in Almaty on our own. All this gave me an experience that later helped me organize our independent trip to Thailand, to the island of Koh Samui. If interested, you can read about it on my travel blog Despite the fact that both of us have never been abroad before, except for Kazakhstan. Although at first glance there is no connection between the bicycle and Thailand. I made a bunch of wonderful friends, you can write a separate article about this. This is how the circuit works. You may not even know where it will lead you, but it will expand your possibilities and horizons, that's for sure.

Yesterday my friends and I discussed these ideas and decided to try to find an opportunity to get out of the comfort zone, try something new and then meet and discuss the results during the week.
I would be glad if you write in the comments about your experience of leaving the comfort zone and the success that you have achieved thanks to this.

♦ Heading: .

There is a matrix Tonal, according to which the world of everyday reality and the space of dreams is created. Imagine printing. First you print it on paper and then on corrugated cardboard. So you will have - the world of everyday reality and the world of dreams. This is a rough analogy. In fact, the tonal consists of glosses. Gloss is the building block or unit of the descriptive process. And according to Uncle Castaneda, we bros describe the world. More precisely, not we, but a special program of consciousness. She stores this description with a .bak extension and makes constant checks. If an element appears in your environment that does not fit the description (for example, a ghost or a talking dog), the program turns on "Doctor Web", which either erases this meeting from your memory or sells you the installation that these are all glitches, "it seemed" "dreamed". But I digress. Now we are talking about tone. On the one hand, this is all that we can describe in words. On the other hand, it is a matrix that helps us describe the world (which leaves its imprint in the form of our world). So stalking is tracking down the elements of the tonal.

Many people have tried to identify the tonal matrix. Take, for example, the Kabbalistic Tetragrammaton. Perhaps someday we will touch on this topic, but for now, to begin with, we will work with the lower position of this scheme - with two elements of the tonal, (with two emanations of the human strip, as Pope Carlos said), which are called valency and sympathy. Valency expresses itself in numbers, measures and proportions - a lot, a little, a little, a huge amount, above, below, in seniority, in size, in quality. Sympathy is not exactly what we are used to, although it includes a generally accepted concept. Sympathy is the unconscious, automatic, natural attraction of something to something. Basically, sympathy is described by spheres of human activity. Take, for example, the sphere of power. Every person rotates in this area from time to time - he commands someone, obeys someone, fights with someone for power, authority, pumps a "bump". Each family has its own hierarchy of power. It's the same for every job. Power is the sphere of sympathy. As soon as you start your swarming in this area, someone immediately responds to your actions - obeys you or forces you into submission. That is, as soon as a person enters one of the spheres of sympathy, he enters into interaction with other people.

Let's take "love" as an example. I interpret this concept broadly - here you have sex, and friendships, and mother's kisses and all sorts of shoo-shoo. This is another area of ​​sympathy. Here, too, you interact with people. Naturally, the two spheres are actively combined with each other. "Power" and "love" - ​​sado-maso, sexual violence, career growth through fucking. But here we can clearly distinguish the predominance of one sphere over another. This is what you mean.

The third sphere of sympathy is bubbles, money and everything connected with them.

The fourth sphere is craft, that is, work, study, profession and everything connected with them.

Probably, it was possible to use some other spheres of sympathy. But we will use these four. Why? Because such is the tradition of sorcery and magic. Take at least the suits of the cards - there are also four of them. Stalker is a modest and practical person. Why would he invent something new? Not! He takes the old and uses it in a new way. And that makes him different from other people.

In order not to confuse your brains, I will summarize what has been said:

We will begin our study of stalking with two elements of the tonal - sympathy and valence. Then, using these two elements, we will create a new description of the world - small, compact, efficient. This will be the "master key" with which we will begin to open the secret rooms of our reality. It will be a kind of programming language that will allow us to take control over many programs of reality and human consciousness.

Stalking is a practical activity. After I introduce you to the "program language" (Medici solitaire), you will begin to practically use it for such modest purposes as personal enrichment (and a stalker in any situation must ensure normal living conditions for himself), as an influence on natural forces and as a transformation of various everyday situations.

Don't take my words as bullshit. I am a dream hacker. We cracked reality, and now I can show you the way to the real wonders of our world. And one more addition. I don't need anything from you - no energy, no love, nothing. I am posting this information for the reason that it is required by the rules of the tonal. Type: take-give-get a new one. In short, let us have equality - I do you a favor and supply you with information, and you do me a favor and accept it.

In the world everything happens according to the laws. Someone considers these laws to be divine, someone calls them the laws of the Eagle. We will focus on the second term, because we decided to engage in stalking (and "stalking", like "Eagle's law" - these are Kastanedov's terms). So, everything happens according to the laws of the Eagle. There are a bunch of them! Newton described a couple. One is displayed by Mendeleev, the other by Planck. And for a stalker, all this crap is the laws of the Eagle.

All laws have a relatively clear system. If an apple falls on Isaac's head, then it does so radially to the center of the Earth - and no deviations for you! That is, the law is also a small matrix of events.

The stalker does not care what the law says, what wording it has, and what exactly it concerns. Stalker does not use specific manifestations of the law, but their matrices. The Stalker knows that as soon as the law of the Eagle begins to operate, it will act until the very end according to a certain pattern, and nothing will stop it (except for another law of the Eagle). And the stalker also knows that the law of the Eagle operates automatically. That is, if we create conditions for the implementation of the law, then it begins to act and acts automatically until its final moment. If we threw a brick from the roof, then nothing depends on us. The brick will fly down and fall until it hits the ground or someone's skull. Knowing this celestial mechanics, the stalker makes the Eagle's rule his rule.

For example, I know that any human activity, any act consists of several events. You can paint any action and any situation into events. That is, everything that happens in the world is a chain of events. This means that the laws of the Eagle also manifest themselves in the world through chains of events (CAs). So, if you want to make the law of the Eagle your law, you need to insert your elements into the Eagle CA. How it's done? We will devote a few practical exercises to this. Now you need to catch the main idea. THERE ARE MANY LAWS IN THE WORLD. INSTEAD OF STEAMING AND DEALING WITH EACH OF THEM, THE STALKER USES THEIR MAIN PROPERTIES. What are these properties? Automatism of execution and immutability of the execution process. For example, when you strike a match on a teal, the sulfur head either ignites or does not ignite. ALWAYS!!!. It does not melt, does not disappear, does not turn into an elephant. The Law of the Eagle makes it only ignite or not ignite.

Now we have one more thing to be clear. The situations of human life are governed by many laws, so the chains of events are not always carried out purely according to the Law of the Eagle. Let's say you're jumping down from a bridge. According to the law of the Eagle, you would be left with a wet place and a splash of brains on the bones. But if you tie rubber bands to your feet, another Law of the Eagle comes into play. And your eggs will stay intact! In real life, our plans, which we build according to the special laws of the Eagle, collide with the plans of other people and organizations. As a result, they are not always implemented. And the stalker cannot allow this. If he starts a business, he carries it out to the end according to one law. And then his plan is carried out. In this case, the stalker says that the CA has developed - that is, it went as it should.

Consequently, the stalker works with chains of events according to the matrices of laws. It chooses a matrix where the events add up "the way it wants", then inserts the target elements into the chain and starts it. It is automatically executed and implements the target elements. And what is it - target elements? And this, brothers, is your desire, your goal, your intention. In one of the practical sessions, we will explore the power of Fortune - that is, we will implement the matrices of laws that would suit this power and make us "open" to it. And there the freebie will begin - winning lotteries, receiving prizes and left money.

But free cheese only happens in a mousetrap. Those who read the first two volumes of Castaneda know how he got acquainted with the power of Datura. The same is true in the case of the power of Fortune. This is a capricious woman. To hang out with her you have to fulfill three conditions: First, she needs to like it. Second, go to her every whim. Third, become a slave. Stalker does not agree to such conditions. He explores the force, opens to it, and then closes again. Otherwise, a person becomes obsessed with this power, and then he is kirdyk. So those of you who in the course of practice slow down on Fortune will lose a lot. This is kind of my advice to you.

Tomorrow we will talk about how we will interact with natural and universal forces. To do this, we need some kind of environment for interaction. Modern systems and methods do not give us such an environment. Therefore, we will make it ourselves. We will develop: a) a mechanism for fixing the matrices of various laws (a trifling matter for peppers like us) and b) an event-programming language for describing our actions.

The last thing is very important. If you are studying to be a magician, mentors teach you sigils - magical formulas, without which there is nothing to do in magic. That is, they also have their own programming language. Physicians have their own language, physicists, even plumbers. The programming language brings people into a special layer of reality. The language of plumbing brings a person into the world of toilets. The language of a stalker leads people into a world of inexplicable forces. This is also important to understand. Those of you who don't get the hang of the event-programming language won't succeed in hacker stalking. So, when we talk about it, do not miss the moment, push yourself and master it by all means.

In order not to torment you until Monday, I will give you a little practical task. The seventh volume of Castaneda, called "The Fire from Within," tells how don Juan was hired and ended up in the estate, where the cruel manager commanded. He later wounded don Juan. Read this story because it is an example of an "unfinished" chain of events.

Then the benefactor forced don Juan to return to that estate again - to the same manager - and "add" the chain of events to the end. Read how don Juan did it while he was learning the basics of stalking.

Try to describe two chains of events - break them into separate elements. And then compare what makes them different. Put all philosophy aside for now. Consider only specific events.

Then I would like you to have a discussion about this little assignment. I give you two days for this - Friday and Saturday.

Found one letter from Izriga. Very punchy. Read.

Analysis of flights in chains.

GOOD FELLOWS!!! So, we have understood that the events of life can be roughly divided into three categories: major, medium and small. Major events include situations that change the course of your lives: the death of loved ones and friends, marriages, divorces, employment, etc. The middle events include most of the situations of everyday life - a kind of party from which events of the first category arise. And one of you rightly noted that the more we begin to describe the situation, the more versatile (as many as four suits) it seems to us. That is, there is a category of small events that at every moment of being offer hundreds of triggers for the emergence of the next chain of events. You can say so, each of us has a bunch of building material, nails and fittings, from which you can build the house of your life (a conglomerate of small events). We sculpt this house as best we can - from what comes to hand. As a result, a structure (a set of average events) is formed, which collapses all the time. And what remains is what remains (main events).

It is interesting to note that even the smallest event can "collapse" the average situation and lead to the formation of the main event - for example, to the fact of death. And it was not for nothing that the main adviser of the warriors was death - like, like the thought of a builder: will it not fill me up under this garbage if I lay another brick.

Since the three categories have different "valency", "importance" or "mass", then the methods of working with it are different. An unfinished main event can be completed by forming its cliché. For example, on our planet there is a "law of blood feud." Someone is killing your relative. It's stressing you out a lot. Experiences take a lot of energy. Then you kill that "someone" and end the situation. A person intuitively feels that revenge will bring him relief. He is served with a sense of revenge, regardless of the possible consequences, disagreements with the law and a long term in prison. Why is he doing this? This dictate of the energy body. But is it necessary to take such radical actions? No, not necessarily. For this purpose, a dummy will do. It was on this principle that the "seers" avoided death. They were replacing their lives with an informational cliché. And judging by the words of KK, this was quite enough. Conclusion: people intuitively use this method - and I would say very cool. If they don't like a job, they change it to another one. If you don't like marriage, create a new one. They cannot survive the death of a loved one, they bring other close people or themselves to death. Unlike them, magicians use this method consciously - and now "hackeros" can do it. Knowing the mechanism of building chains, they act efficiently and economically. Let's say a witch doesn't have to chase you with a gun. With one spit, she can curse your entire family up to the seventh generation. And it is enough for a magician to turn a sombrero for a revolution to start in the country. We will not set such radical goals. Take crows as an example - they are neither big nor small; not beautiful and not ugly (in short, you yourself understand what DH words I'm hinting at). And keep in mind that with this method it is good to solve the problems of the past and simulate the events of the future.

When working with average events, people change suit (their functionality). That is why bosses turn secretaries into mistresses, people give bribes to officials, guardians of the law fulfill their duties with the help of illegal actions. The change of suit is mainly used to solve past situations and to create future events. Magicians apply this method consciously, which allows them to maintain perfection along with efficiency. Otherwise, they may run into "people's anger" - which may result in "burning a sorcerer" or "scuffle out of envy."

You have considered an example from the life of DH. I think those who dug into this example, along with the pleasure, received a certain glimpse of truth and knowledge. And it must be said right away that there is no exact formula for success. However, there is a set of rules that helps the magician increase the likelihood of an event occurring. However, without practice in the art of intention, your game of luck (at any stage of stalking) will be competitive. And I also note that you correctly noticed an important fact in your examples. The event you want should close the working chain: the death of the manager of the hacienda in the case of DH - Tp; unexpected promotion at work - Tk; stunning love - Tch; stunning win - Tb. Accordingly, it is possible to program the reality given to us for other events - for example, for a meeting with the right person.

When working with small events, we can notice an interesting fact: the womb of the chains (their generating beginning) always becomes the ROUTINE. Chains of small events are called minors (and, in contrast, the chain of major life events is a major. A dummy major will give you immortality!) Minors are the Klondike of a stalker. If you become a master of minors, you will come into contact with the secrets of reality, which are not spoken aloud. Estimate for yourself: at any time you can bind the situation to some element and make it a "fixer" of the event. Remember how DH stopped KK's car by turning spark plugs into a key element of the situation?

Having grasped the essence of minors, you will understand how to become accessible and inaccessible to the real world. The routine (or rather, the rejection of it) becomes the most important element of practice. And accordingly, recreating the routine leads you to practice controlled stupidity.


When contacting Fortune, we will try to get some kind of win.

1. Evaluate what type of fast lottery is available to you. Slot machine? Lottery rub? Buying a bottle of beer with a winning cork? Bingo? Casino? Walking through the woods or park with the hope of finding someone's lost thing? Each of you must determine for yourself what kind of fast lottery he will play.

2. After that, start collecting information.

a) Decide where you will play the lottery

b) Define two different routes - TO and FROM the selected location

c) Determine the place where you will directly get acquainted with the result of the lottery (very important point)

d) Determine the circle of people with whom you will have to deal with while playing the lottery

e) Determine the start time of your actions (from the zero point of the first route) and the time that you allot yourself to complete the entire task.

*As you can see, all this assumes a "rough" passage of the future situation. It is best if you work out the task points and play a rough version of the lottery game (without using Medici solitaire yet).

** I advise people of good reason to provide two options for routes and types of lottery.

***Haljava no pasaran!!!

Deadline for the first task: Wednesday and Thursday


Purpose: Using our program-event language, we must describe the CA we invented using the established Medici solitaire.

What we do:

1. Skye and I threw you a hacker material on Medici solitaire. Write out on a separate sheet the entire program-event language - all values.

2. The hackers had a computer program written by a guy named AL. If you did not manage to get it, then either come up with such a program yourself, or make solitaire manually. For those who use the latter option, I give a few tips:

a) Start compiling solitaire with separate blocks. Let's say Konste bought a rubbing lottery and went to the park to see the result on the bench (place of power) he liked. Thus, he outlines a series of blocks - (strength greeting) => (route 1) => (buying a lottery) => (route 2) => (familiarization with the result) => (bringing the chain to its end).

b) The first card of your spread is a start, a start or a sign that will tell you that it is time to start a chain of actions. Since we are starting to explore the power of Fortune, some kind of tambourine should become such a starting card. After compiling the CA for the PM, you will warn the forum about your readiness. And when the third task starts, you will wait for a sign - any hint from your environment about money, finance, lottery, etc. - and start implementing the CA. So, write - "start": hB (i.e. some kind of diamond card).

c) the force greeting block is optional. You can do without it. But! I advise you to enter it into the CA. Remember the actions of the magicians described by Castaneda. Some of them would turn the sombrero before the start of the magical action, DH bowed his head and mowed like a crow, Genaro straightened his belt. All of them performed a ritual action that marked the beginning of the CA. In our case, it can be either something of hearts, if you are in a happy mood for Fortune, or something of the cross, if you are in a businesslike mood. On this card you put an action - "ritual greeting of strength": xK or xH

Then you indicate the power that you welcome. In this case, it is TB (ace of diamonds). You will have the first addition - the second card will cover the first. This concludes the power greeting block.

d) make route blocks in such a way as to include any possible meetings and events in them. Type: road and road events. In each block, insert a special "flag" - the action with which you mark the passage of this block. The flags are also optional, but if you can, enter them into the CA. In the greeting block, the "flag" was a ritual action to greet the force.

e) in the "purchase a lottery" block, also enter a "flag" action between the transfer of money and the receipt of the lottery (it's best to use something strong-willed and spades, but not an Ace). Use the Ace of Spades in "safe places" - at home before entering route 1 or when the CA is closed, when the effect of this force will no longer affect the result.

f) the block "familiarization with the result" should contain from three to five cards. Don't forget to set the "flag" action before the actual review. If you play in a casino, bingo or a slot machine, then the blocks "buying a lottery" and "familiarizing yourself with the result" are combined.

MAIN RULE: place the "familiarization with the result" block at about 2/3 of the CA, so that after this block there will be another 8-12 cards. Do not put this block at the end of the CA!!! And be sure to complete the CA to the end when completing the third task - regardless of the result. Remember that you are participating in a stalking workshop, not in the TV show Money Doesn't Smell. The CA must always be completed. If you do not bring it yourself, then it will drag you along with it.

Well, he said everything. Each of you should get your own Medici solitaire. It is difficult to fold it by hand - I warn you right away. Aunt Medici did not have time to lay down her solitaire before her death. So let's do it this way. You will report on your readiness (or on the problems that we will try to solve together). When it becomes clear to us that the main participants of the training have completed the task and are ready for the third final action, then I will give you the third task and the last setting.

THIRD TASK (the sweetest)

1. We start implementing the CA. First we wait for the sign. This is your first card. And proceed further according to the developed CA.

2. Important points:

a) Warrior Attitude: You're learning stalking, not making money. Notice everything that happens in your environment - all this you then have to subject to analysis.

c) Courage: When the CA starts stacking automatically, it can scare you. Don't give in to these feelings. Any encounter with a nagual squeezes diarrhea and snot out of a person. Treat this with a certain amount of indifference. Someday get used to it.

d) Expecting a Miracle: Your CA may not work out. There are a whole bunch of reasons that will need to be tracked later. Consider your approach a rehearsal. God knows how you'll play your part. Will it hook the viewer - the Spirit? We develop intention, which means that both positive and negative results are possible. So do not fall into pessimism in case of failure. Although I think that everyone will succeed.

e) Flow: If the CA goes into automatic mode, don't resist. Let the stream take you where it wants. Perhaps the force has come up with its own super interesting test for you.

3. After completing the CA, spend some time analyzing all the moments that happened to you in real life while doing the CA. You must find points of convergence and divergence with the flow of the rule.

4. Three days are given for the exercise. Do not rush and do not limit yourself in time. Wait for a sign.

5. We all look forward to your progress reports. I need an interactive one, in which case I can help you with advice. Others are just curious. Still others are waiting for your failure, then to declare our workshop bullshit. This is the usual environment in which a warrior lives.



So we move on to a very easy exercise called "Search for Strength".

1. Using the Ala program, make some simple chains. The main thing is that the Ace (the force you want to get acquainted with) is 8-10 events before the end of the CA. Thus, you choose for yourself the strength of one of the four types (according to suits) and start searching for it.

2. Once chained, start the CA (i.e. execute 6-7 events), then move to passively following the flow of events and just wait and record how your CA events execute on their own.

3. For convenience, take a notepad, write your CA vertically on the left and write down through the dash how the real wins back the values ​​of the cards. After meeting with the power, be sure to complete the CA to the end (already intentionally)

It turns out, as it were, three blocks: the first and last are intentional, the second is a drift along the stream.

4. Don't forget to set the time for each event. Thus, you will track the time dependence of the formulas.

What can confuse plans?

At first, you may be thrown off by a misinterpretation of the event. Just keep that in mind. Quite a common thing. With experience, its likelihood decreases. You can also skip the event of YOUR chain and hook onto a similar event in another thread. In this case, it will lead you not along the calculated chain.

If errors occur, then you must intentionally intervene to return the chain to its previous course and complete it.

What should be feared?

At this stage, try not to make your behavior look strange to an outside observer. Get comfortable with these exercises. In the ideal case, when performing a CA, you will generally be invisible to the attention of people. But the initial attempts, on the contrary, attract general attention to you. Always keep this aspect in mind.

5. So, complete four chains in search of strength.

6. Then perform several CAs with a pair of Aces standing together.

7. Then - CA with three or four Aces standing together

8. Then take a break for 10-15 days and do not engage in CA (otherwise, addiction to this type of stalking will begin to arise).

Benefits of this cycle of exercises:

Skills in performing CA. The development of attention (and as a result, OSes, controlled dreams, etc.). Development of patience and timeliness (tuning for time).

Having given you such a big task, I am going on vacation and will return to the forum around July 28th. You have five more days to clarify your questions. Because on the 4th of July I am going on a long journey.

We have come to an important crossroads. The course of our workshop involves a phase of an applied nature. Based on the PM, we will create items of power, combat forms and work out some other tasks related to hacker stalking. Those interested can apply in the notes window. I will give you a personal task, which, accordingly, only we should know about. Such privacy is due not to some kind of secrecy and other quirks of human psychology, but to the banal ethics of communication. For example, those who are fond of PM are often called gamblers. Why produce baseless accusations on your heads? This stage of the open workshop will be held behind closed doors. That is, we can openly discuss any issues, except for your personal tasks.

Create an object of power.

The subject must consist of (or contain) four elements or general categories. Each of the components must be involved in nine nominal incarnations. Items can be magical staves, wands, amulets, and hundreds of other useful items. While doing this task, I made a woolen headband to improve dream control. It consisted of four colors. The denominations were embodied in the number of knitting rows. It was difficult for me to knit it, the help of various women was repeatedly offered, but I made it myself. The dressing corresponded to a certain PM formula. Perhaps you can do something similar to generate love for the surrounding women or to inspire a tendency to adore you. This is how you like it.

Imba, performing this task, turned her apartment into a vortex of forces. She did something reminiscent of Feng Shui, but in her own way. This girl divided the objects of the apartment into four types: wooden, metal, plastic (for some reason she added equipment to them ... anyway, Imbecilla :) and others (glass, paper ...). Then she divided all this into nine denominations and placed it around the house according to the PM formula. The first result was the flight of ants and the strange growth of houseplants. Now in her house it is very easy to enter into a state called being-in-a-dream.

Creation of "Dance of the Warrior"

It can be a karate kata, a kungfi form, a yogic combination of asanas, just a dance, some kind of ritual movement, a form of tenso, a certain type of massage, and so on and so forth. Shaolin monks, for example, use a set of animals (suits) and a clear number of their movements (valencies). It turns out "The dragon dives into the water", "The snake crawls into the grass" or "The snake dives into the water." All secret wisdom is in their combination, which corresponds to the law of the Eagle (in the Chinese tradition, this is Tao, chi or the flow of power). Pa-kua uses the I-ching system (64 elements). Yoga uses four elements (chakra, asana, kumbhaka and mudra) and seven valences. An interesting form of "dance"-massage is given by Taisha Abelar (acupuncture of the eye arches - to tune into the state of "eternal youth"). Well, tenso is tenso. You can do your Sufi dance or limit yourself to a certain sequence of gestures, exclamations, facial expressions and movements, using them to create powerful spells or invisible small rituals. It all depends on your inclination to different types of activity. The main thing is that the "suits" and "valences" are preserved, and that they match according to the laws of the PM.

Tree PM.

It is assumed that the reader knows about Kabbalah and has seen at least once a picture depicting the Tree. Let's consider a practical application.

Ten Spheres - stationary states of something

Twenty-two lines connecting them, Paths - transients.

The tree describes in general terms the entire universe. Whatever action we perform, it can always be reflected in the tree diagram as a transition from one state to another. The transition is accordingly carried out along the Path. At the same time, we cannot directly get from Sphere No. 7 directly to Sphere No. 5. To do this, it is necessary to go through several paths and intermediate Spheres in succession.

The practical conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that managing your own life or the course of events is a very funny thing. The tree makes us understand that the events in our lives are arranged in chains. And these chains of events can lead us to the desired results in the most fantastic way. But also to complete collapse, too: "life does not add up", "things do not go", "no luck". How to make events add up?

It's very simple - you need to move along the Tree, from Sphere to Sphere (or, in other words, from one state to another) only along the paths! Thus, we can snatch the events we need from the surrounding "probabilistic soup" and add a chain from them that will lead us to the desired result. By the way, the "probabilistic soup" is not as chaotic as it might seem. First of all, events can be divided into:

1. Likely

2. Unlikely

3. Impossible

Probable - rain, dinner, illness, gift, etc.

Unlikely - the end of the world, the German landing, Angelina Jolie in your bed.

Impossible - for example, a tape recorder, when turned on, cannot turn into an elephant! It may light up, not turn on, etc. but he will turn into an elephant, he can’t.

Hence the additional classification: events are targeted and not. This is determined by the result you want to achieve.

Consider the example of a tape recorder. Let our PURPOSE be to listen to music.

So, we can assume a chain of probable events:

1. Plug in the plug

2. Insert the cassette

3. Press PLAY


Whatever happens between points 1-4 (fire, flood, tape recorder turning into an elephant, hair growing out of teeth) is....inconsequential! The result will be only in two versions: either we will hear music, or not! So it can be argued once again that everything does not happen too randomly, especially if we discard the unlikely and impossible events.

As we have already said, each Sphere is a kind of stationary state of energy, matter, psyche, your health, whatever.

For the practical implementation of chains of events based on the Tree of Sephiroth, it is necessary to assign some states to the spheres, which they will designate. Of course, adhering to the Kabbalistic tradition. The Sephiroth Tree consists of 10 Sefirot. In the world around us, there are also various things that can be tied to 10 spheres / cards. You can try to give them the following functions:

1-Keter Result/Achievement/Expectation

2-Chokma Universal force/Law of the universe

3-Binah Creation (of something)

4-Chesed Social Forces/Laws (CC for example)

5-Geburah Destruction

6-Tipheret, (think for yourself)

7-Netzach Change/Transformation

8-Stroke Contact

9-Yesod, (think for yourself)

10-Malkuth Object

Numerical denominations from 1 to 10 Minor Arcana correspond to the Spheres of the Tree. Each sphere has 4 levels (methods) of manifestation. These levels correspond to the 4 suits. The correspondences look like:

Atzilut / Wands of the world of ideas / power of thought, etc. / Baptize

Bria/ Cups Emotional/ Worms

Yetzir / Swords world of creation / force of action / Spades

Asia/ Pentacles/ Material/ Bubi

The Sephira on the Tree are arranged in a certain order and have interconnections called "Ways of Life". There are 22 of them. Each Major Arcana corresponds to one of the Paths.

Some Sephira do not have a direct connection with each other, but only indirectly, through others. From here, a rule is derived for compiling a chain of "Tree PM": Only those denominations for which connections-Paths or single-valued cards are provided on the Tree can be adjacent in the layout:

nearby spheres

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Thus, cards with numbers 1-10 indicate some states, and suits - in which area they occur.

"Resistance in the AC circuit" - Inductive resistance in the AC circuit. Are the shapes the same color? Capacitance in an alternating current circuit. Conductor resistivity Conductor length in meters Conductor cross-sectional area in mm2. Capacitance - a value that characterizes the resistance provided to alternating current by electrical capacitance.

"Chains of food grade 3" - FROG 3rd link - insectivorous. Violation of the supply chain. What threatens the supply chain? Harm. Grasshopper 2 link - herbivorous. Nature. The assumption of the consequences of a violation of the food chain. Definition of a food chain. Death. Animals eat plants or other animals. Food chains. NETTLE 1 link - plant.

"Current in a circuit" - What is an electric current in metals? How to show by experience that the strength of the current in the circuit depends on the properties of the conductor? What is tension? What is the graph of current versus voltage? Ohm's law for a circuit section. What is the name of a device for measuring current? By what actions of the current can we judge the presence of it in the circuit?

"Parallel and serial circuit connection" - Application of serial and parallel connections. 3. How is a voltmeter included in the circuit? Solving problems for a mixed connection. Determine the readings of the voltmeter V and ammeters A2 and A3. Solving problems for parallel connection. Advantages and disadvantages of parallel connection. Algorithm for solving problems.

“Short circuit in the circuit” - There is such an expression “plugs burned out”. In the event of a short circuit, the current flowing in the circuit increases sharply, which leads to significant heat generation, and, as a result, thermal damage to the device or electrical wires, up to a fire or electrical injury.

"Conductor in an electrical circuit" - The current in the circuit is 0.4A. Determine the voltage at the ends of the circuit. Parallel connection I \u003d I1 + I2 U \u003d U1 \u003d U2 1 / R \u003d 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 For identical conductors R \u003d R1 / n p. The laws of connecting conductors. 1. Two conductors with a resistance of 4 ohms and 2 ohms are connected in series. The wires can be connected like this...